
paultaggod, I love the Google'ers01:03
paultagI should have tried harder in my interview with them last year01:03
mhall119I thought you interviewed with Facebook01:06
paultagmhall119: I did :)01:17
paultagmhall119: I'm not one to limit myself to one awesome company ;)01:17
paultagI just went 9 with Facebook, and only 4 with Google (interviews)01:17
mhall1199 and 4 what?01:19
mhall119holy crap, 9 interviews? that's crazy01:20
paultagmhall119: yeah, it was nuts01:21
paultagat least google was nice enough to say no after only 4 :)01:21
mhall119I guess that's what "Don't be evil" means01:27
paultagmhall119: I feel good, really good vibe to hack01:28
mhall119whatcha hackin?01:29
paultagmhall119: I'm calling it boothby - it's a mini-ncurses version of a window manager for terminals01:30
mhall119so like byobu or something?01:30
paultagmhall119: mostly so I can make a little lib that will let me nest VTEs in ncurses for an evil plan I have01:30
paultagmhall119: yeah, but it lets you split screens and stuff01:30
paultagso like terminator, but on the CLI01:30
mhall119gnu screen does that, doesn't i?01:30
paultagmhall119: no clue. It might. This is also part of a bigger project idea I have01:31
mhall119ah, cool01:31
paultagmhall119: eventually it's going to do some things that will let me drop some X stuff for some things01:31
paultag(vim nested inside an email client in ncurses, etc)01:31
mhall119wait, you're re-inventing emacs?01:31
paultagmhall119: how dare you :)01:32
paultagit's mostly for fun. Someone pointed out `tmux(1)', which does most of this01:32
paultagthey're all just fatter then I want them, and don't split out this terminal crap01:32
paultagand it's all object-ized in C++01:33
mhall119I should probably learn some of this fancy terminal stuff, I have so many gnome-terminal windows open at any given time01:33
paultagyar :)01:33
paultagmhall119: one of these days, I'm going to re-implement stuff so I can get network-manager working in a ncurses "dock", along with other little things01:33
paultagso I can drop X11 until I need it (framebuffer for web :) )01:34
mhall119just wait for Wayland, then you can drop all of X01:35
paultagok, bl :)01:35
paultagbbl *01:35
paultaglove y'all01:35
mhall119you should invent some awesome webapp01:36
mhall119then Google can buy you01:36
bkerensamhall119: Any idea why people who use Launchpad to RSVP for events on loco.ubuntu.com are being listed as openidusers still?04:32
bkerensaI talked to two Canonical people and they seem to think its a bug and that Launchpad should pass a Real Name04:32
ubot4Launchpad bug 642132 in summit (and 2 other projects) "openid nickname changes aren't handled (affects: 11) (dups: 6) (heat: 76)" [Undecided,In progress]04:36
pleia2there are a few bugs about it04:36
ubot4Launchpad bug 574049 in loco-directory "User referred to as "openiduser44" in event RSVP (affects: 3) (dups: 1) (heat: 17)" [Medium,Triaged]04:36
pleia2^^ actual one04:36
nigelbbkerensa: Fixed in the latest code push, people need to logout and login back.06:24
bkerensanigelb: Will event RSVP's update?06:37
nigelbbkerensa: if eeach of those users logout and login back in06:38
paultagholy crap we all went hardcore last night14:22
nigelbwhat did you do?14:30
paultagnigelb: yes14:31
paultagjust, yes.14:31
paultag -> PM :)14:34
keffie_jayxKOSHrf: cuando podais revisa lo de la chaqueta y me dejas saber14:41

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