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micahgsiretart: is there any reason for me to not sync lame from Debian testing?09:35
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ari-tczewis following traceback ok? http://paste.debian.net/139051/10:11
ari-tczewtumbleweed:  ^^10:16
siretartmicahg: I didnt' check yet, but I don't know of a reason for divergence either10:17
micahgsiretart: well, it builds on both i386 and amd64 w/no soname change...10:19
nigelbohai Laney11:51
nigelbYeah, lazy sunday evening :)11:56
Laneydigesting me lunch before swimming11:57
Laneyajmitch is up late!11:57
ajmitchLaney: yeah there are noisy people out in the street11:58
ajmitchsomething about the rugby world cup :P11:58
Laneywonder why?11:59
nigelbwho won?12:05
ajmitchnigelb: NZ12:06
nigelbajmitch: Neat.12:10
Laneypython-launchpadlib is installed on samosa (udd.debian.org)12:14
Laneyno dpkg-dev12:34
nigelbLaney: "samosa" makes me laugh :)12:37
Laneyyeah i do like a samosa12:38
nigelbI should go out and grab a few.12:40
* Laney proposes dosa.debian.org12:41
Laneyyum yum12:41
Laneytumbleweed: ^ :-)12:42
Laney& so to swim, bye bye12:43
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tumbleweedLaney: :) any chance of slipping the component in there?12:58
jtaylordo we really want to enable format-security without doing it in debian? :/13:08
jtaylorthere will be hundreds of failures13:08
jtaylorthere already are, and those are only the new packages13:08
jtaylorit will be worse than as-needed :/13:09
tumbleweedjtaylor: there was some discussion on #ubuntu-release the other day http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/10/19/%23ubuntu-release.html#t11:2513:11
Ceno3xHello everyone. I've just finished writing a Qt application in Qt Creator and would like to publish  a deb package, maybe even set up a ppa. Could anyone give me a pointer to the right place to start?13:21
tumbleweedCeno3x: http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/tools/packaging/13:22
tumbleweedalthogh, if you want a beginner guide to packaging, I really like this one http://wiki.debian.org/IntroDebianPackaging13:23
Ceno3xtumbleweed: thx, I am totally in need to a "complete idiot's guide" to debian packaging13:24
keesjtaylor: it is already enabled in debian13:40
jtaylorat least not yesterday13:41
jtaylorthe exporting of hardened flags must be enabled by the maintainer13:42
jtaylorI submitted bugs until N for the existing failures13:43
jtaylorbut there will probably hundreds more on the next archive rebuild :/13:43
keesjtaylor: hrm? we must be misunderstanding eachother13:43
keesthe -Werror=format-security comes from dpkg-buildflags in Debian.13:44
keesany ftbfses will mirror those in debian13:44
jtayloryes but almost no packages uses that13:44
jtaylorwith the new dpkg13:44
jtaylorit must be enabled by the maintainer13:44
jtaylorsee http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2011/09/msg00001.html13:44
jtaylorin precise is it enabled for all packages13:45
keesright but those that do are the same between debian and ubuntu. it's just that ubuntu is rebuilding stuff now with the new dpk, so things like cdbs, dh(1) packages are seeing the flag now in ubuntu when they haven't been rebuilt yet in debian13:45
jtaylorno they don't fail in debian13:45
keeshow is it wnabled for all packages in precise?13:45
jtaylorunless you enable it13:45
jtaylorno idea13:45
tumbleweedwe are still exporting flags in dpkg-buildpackage in precise13:46
keestumbleweed: ah, so ubuntu's change is that dpkg-builpackage is doing an addition export of the dpkg-buildflags output?13:47
tumbleweedyes, like debian used to, before debian had hardening flags in there13:48
keesthat's the piece I was missing. interesting. that really will be a lot of packages with busted builds.13:48
jtayloryes just look at the list of ftbs13:48
keesthough it is interesting, a lot of those breakages are real problems. not all, but enough.13:48
jtaylordisabling werror=format-security will fix pretty much all failures13:49
jtaylorbut the issues can be fixed easily too, its just a lot of bug filing ._.13:49
keeswell, if there's a delta on how dpkg-buldflags is used, that's going to be a problem. filtering it out of the export (what cjwatson suggested) might be a good idea.13:50
keesthe point was to make this change incrementally in debian. :P13:50
tumbleweedyeah, that sounsd like the way of least breakage13:50
keesyeah, several hundred bugs are in the debian bts too.13:50
* kees must run13:51
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jtaylortumbleweed: can you attach the patch in debian bug 646369 to http://bugs.bitlbee.org/bitlbee/ticket/786? I'm to lazy to make an account ;)16:07
ubottuDebian bug 646369 in bitlbee "bitlbee: incorrectly linked when built with --as-needed" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/64636916:07
jtaylorconcerns bug 879730 and bug 75700816:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 879730 in bitlbee (Ubuntu) "/usr/lib/bitlbee/otr.so: undefined symbol: otrl_init" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87973016:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 757008 in BitlBee "/usr/lib/bitlbee/otr.so: undefined symbol: otrl_init" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75700816:07
jtaylorafk 15 min16:08
tumbleweedsure, guess I can16:08
tumbleweedjtaylor: no account needed16:09
Ceno3xhey guys, how can I generate a source package for a custom kernel? I'm using make-kpkg kernel_image for the image .deb, but I need a source package to upload it to launchpad16:19
jtayloroh nice16:20
tumbleweedCeno3x: ubuntu kernels aren't build with make-kpkg. Read all about it at wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam (they also have an IRC channel)16:24
Ceno3xtumbleweed: oh. ok, thanx, I'll look into it. Thanks for the links you gave earlier today, already got a couple of packages on launchpad : -)16:25
jtaylorSubmission rejected as potential spam (Akismet says content is spam)16:29
jtayloryey ._.16:29
Laneythis launchpad-supplied data is worse17:20
Laneyyou don't get the email they uploaded with17:20
Laneyyou aren't even guaranteed to be able to get an email address at all17:20
LaneyChanged-By: Debian Tryton Maintainers <N/A>17:21
geserfrom the LP API?17:21
tumbleweedpeople can hide their e-mail addresses17:21
tumbleweedyou can search by e-mail address, but not see all addresses17:22
tumbleweedLaney: if you read the changes file, you can get addresses17:22
Laneyi can get ~changed-by from the parsed changelog17:23
Laneydpkg-parsechangelog calls it Maintainer for some reason17:23
tumbleweedyou download the changelog?17:23
Laneyto get the closed bugs17:24
tumbleweedyeah, I remember now17:24
tumbleweedalthough with the changelog method on LP that wgrant just added, that wouldn't be necessary for bugs17:25
tumbleweed(err is adding)17:25
Laneywhat's that then?17:25
tumbleweedbut probably wouldn't give you uploaders17:25
tumbleweedbug 83338417:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 833384 in Launchpad itself "API access to debian changelog" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83338417:26
Laneythat will give text or a librarian url?17:28
LaneyI would probably be lazy and give it to parsechangelog anyway :-)17:30
Laneyunless there is a nice function that can take a string and give me a list of closed bugs17:30
tumbleweedLP internally uses a couple of regexes for that17:31
jtaylorwouldn't it make sense to set -Werror=implicit-function-declaration? the builds fail due to that anyway17:53
jtayloronly latter17:53
tumbleweedsounds like it, but I'm no expert there17:55
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Laneyok there we go18:32
Laneyit uses changesfiles now18:32
Laneyif it can18:32
cjwatsonkees,jtaylor: I'm definitely thinking of filtering out -Werror=format-security, but doko wants to get test rebuild results first18:34
cjwatsonjtaylor: you can stop complaining about it, I've got the message :-)18:34
cjwatsonthe thing I noticed today that may tip the balance is that exporting CFLAGS=-Werror=format-security causes some configure tests to fail; so far I've only noticed this when it causes builds to fail as a knock-on effect, but I'm concerned that we might be silently disabling features in a few cases18:35
cjwatsonthat's the sort of thing a real maintainer is more likely to notice18:35
tumbleweedcjwatson: when are we expecting the first rebuild?18:36
cjwatsontumbleweed: it's not on the release schedule, so I'm not sure.  ask doko when he's around?18:38
tumbleweedwill do, thanks18:38
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Laneyanyone remember how to get the syncer of a copyPackage synced SPPH?18:44
Laneyah, creator18:44
tumbleweedin devel only18:44
* Laney gets something with 1.018:45
tumbleweedcan't argue with that :P18:45
tumbleweedit'd make life a lot easier if we required everyone who did uploads to have a public e-mail addresses...18:45
Laneyso I'll just set Signed-By as creator if it is set, otherwise you get N/A18:46
Laneymight make it difficult to do analysis, having to look at Signed-By for syncs but Changed-By for other stuff18:47
tumbleweedthat's how things are already, though18:47
Laneyalso you don't get it for autosyncs18:47
tumbleweedcan you identify autosyncs?18:48
LaneyUbuntu Archive Auto whateveritis18:48
tumbleweedI don't think there is any way to tell a sponsored sync (Changed-By is the sponsoree) from a non-sponsored sync (Change-By is debian uploader)18:50
Laneywhat is Signed-By for those syncs?18:50
* tumbleweed better find an example18:50
cjwatsonautosyncs shouldn't have Signed-By18:54
cjwatsondon't recall offhand about syncpackage ones18:54
Laneywhat about non-auto AA syncs?18:54
cjwatsonnor should they - sync-source.py syncs go through a special queue with a policy that doesn't require signatures18:55
Laneysame, just with Changed-By set to the user IIRC18:55
cjwatson(I think)18:55
Laneywondering how best to represent syncpackaged syncs18:56
Laneyoverriding Changed-By with the syncer would be more in line with this then18:56
tumbleweedLaney: currently syncpackaged syncs have signed-by = syncer, and changed-by = debian uploader in -changes. That's probably wrong, and doesn't match previous AA syncs18:59
tumbleweedAA manual syncs had changed_by = syncer, signed_by = N/A18:59
Laneyright, I just added this18:59
Laney    if spph.creator is not None:18:59
Laney        changedby = person_to_name_email(spph.creator)18:59
Laneyif sponsored syncs get done then we can put that into Signed-By19:00
Laneyproviding it is exposed …19:00
tumbleweedyeah, that'd match the old world19:00
tumbleweedquestion is, do we want the current -changes mail for mat for native syncs to be changed?19:01
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Laneysoz, got to go to the cinema. My initial feelings are that Signed-By is a more correct representation of what we're doing, but it's not so much better that it makes breaking backwards compat worthwhile19:10
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stevecrozzI'm getting this lintian warning: "debian-watch-file-in-native-package", but I'm not intending to build a native package19:39
stevecrozzhow do I tell debuild that my package is non-native?19:40
ajmitchcheck the version in debian/changelog, and check that you have a matching .orig.tar.gz19:42
tumbleweedtwo ways. Either put '3.0 (quilt)' to have a 3.0 format non-native package, or have a .orig.tar.gz in ..19:42
ajmitchwhat tumbleweed said ^19:42
tumbleweedcheck the version, too. And you need the .orig.tar.whatever no matter which source format you want to use19:42
stevecrozzthe original ubuntu changelog entry says: "inspircd (1.1.22+dfsg-4ubuntu1)", and now I've added a new entry: "inspircd (2.0.5~stevecrozz2)"19:46
stevecrozzwhat name will it look for under .orig.tar.gz?19:46
tumbleweedthat's a native version number. you probably want to use something more like 2.0.5-0~stevecrozz+219:47
stevecrozzcool! i think that's done it... now I have even more lintian warnings :)19:49
tumbleweedaccording to debian bug 620960, there is already some progress in packaging the 2.x series, but they haven't finished it yet19:50
ubottuDebian bug 620960 in inspircd "inspircd: 1.1 no longer supported, package not maintained actively" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/62096019:50
tumbleweedbut there is a link to the current packaging progress19:50
tumbleweedI'm sure patches are welcome19:51
stevecrozzi'll check that out20:00
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stevecrozzthe ppa build machines seem to be taking a lot longer than they used to20:19
stevecrozzi haven't built anything for over a year, but i used to get builds within the hour pretty easily20:19
micahgstevecrozz: all depends on how many machines available vs how large the queue is, some builders were MIA for a bit, but have come back now20:20
tumbleweedif you are doing any significant amount of work, you'll probably want to test build locally, rather than in PPAs20:22
Sp4rKyW/ 1420:27
wgranttumbleweed, Laney: There'll be a new SPPH.changelogUrl(), which returns a path like https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+sourcepub/1234/changelog, that redirects to the librarian file.22:21
wgranttumbleweed, Laney: (that redirect is necessary to handle private changelog)22:21
Laneywgrant: do you keep track of lp bugs closed with a particular publication?22:23
wgrantLaney: No.;22:24
wgrantIt's not exactly clear what that would mean.22:24
LaneyReally? When an upload causes bugs to be closed ...22:24
wgrantRight, but what about copies, overrides, etc?22:25
wgrantDoes only the initial publication close the bugs? Or is it any publication of that version in that suite?22:25
LaneyLP knows when it closes bugs22:25
wgrantSure, but how do we report them?22:25
wgrantWe could reasonably simply provide a list on the first publication, but is that useful?22:26
LaneyI don't know how that's different to "what is in Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed" (besides filtering out bugs on different source packages / nominated bugs?)22:29
Laneyanyway, I can work it out another time, got to go to bed22:29
tumbleweedalso filtering already closed bugs22:29
wgrantIt's not clear how announcements work either :)22:29
wgrantCurrently we only announce some things.22:30
wgrantUsually the initial introduction of a version into an archive.22:30
wgrantSo that doesn't answer which SPPHs should be blamed for bug closures.22:30
wgrantLaunchpad-Bugs-Fixed doesn't help, since we don't have changes file for copies.22:31
wgrantAnd changes file don't make sense for copies.22:31
tumbleweedI think they make sense for copies. Certainly the sync-sources changes files made sense22:32
wgrantTo a limited extent.22:33
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