
bb_bat_seem to be having some bootup issues after upgrading to 11.10, when booting up, it repeatedly flashes the Nvidia slash05:02
=== hpeter_ is now known as hpeter
AnkhwatcherI'd like my myth-frontend to sleep or hibernate instead of shutting down when I choose close and shut down in mythtv.12:33
AnkhwatcherDoes anyone know how to do this?12:34
dekarlis that a dedicated frontend without backend?12:38
Ankhwatcherthe backend is running somewhere else12:42
Ankhwatcherthis computer only works as a frontend and does nothing else.12:42
dekarlThere's something similar on the wiki http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Putting_mythfrontend_to_sleep12:44
Zinn[www.mythtv.org] Putting mythfrontend to sleep - MythTV12:44
Ankhwatcherdekarl: cool13:04
Ankhwatchermy myth-backend seems to be badly out of sync with bbc broadcast times13:04
Ankhwatcherit keeps cutting of the end of all the recordings.13:05
dekarlso just use a higher default value for minutes to record over the endtime. (I take it you have the correct time set on your backend)13:08
dekarlI use 5 minutes hard plus 5 minutes soft padding for all recordings. usually using ~2 minutes pre would have been enough, but I need up to 45 minutes post (due to the program times being off by a lot at night)13:10
patdk-lapheh, I never had an issue with that13:13
patdk-lapnormally they all sync up exactly with ntp13:14
dekarlpatdk-lap: lucky you13:25
Ankhwatcherdekarl: where would I change those settings?14:02
dekarlhmm, I changed it via mythweb (RecordOverTime and RecordPreRoll) but that's only one way to do it and only half the settings14:08
dekarl(the value is the time in seconds, soo RecordPreRoll of 300 is start 5 minutes early)14:09
dekarland hard padding (defaults for your recording rules, existing rules must be manually adjusted) is at DefaultEndOffset and DefaultStartOffset, it's the time in minutes14:11
dekarlboth are global settings14:11
Ankhwatcherdekarl: ah mythweb would be convienent I'll do it there.14:18
AnkhwatcherMy DefaultEndOffset is set to 5 minutes14:29
AnkhwatcherMy TimeOffset is set to auto, would that affect this?14:30
dekarldon't think so. But I have no idea what all these TimeOffsets are good for. IMHO they shoudl die14:35
Ankhwatcherit's a shame the recorder can't pull the clock from the signal and record at it's pace14:36
dekarlwhy? Is that time any better?14:37
Ankhwatcherwell if it records at a time in-sync with what it is recording then it will record at the right time14:37
Ankhwatcherbut they probably don't have a time signal.14:37
dekarlIIRC every DVB mux must carry the time, but that doenst help with data that's just wrong14:38
dekarlif i remember correctly. Try dvbsnoop on PID 7014:39
Ankhwatcherin immediate remote control?14:39
dekarlwell, you are looking for the TDT and TOT tables, whatever PID they go ;)14:40
dekarland you should have a PTS clock, might be interesting to look at that and see if it's any good14:40
dekarlthe tables are per Multiplex/Transport, the PTS should be per program (IIRC :)14:41
Ankhwatchermy two linux boxes are showing about the same time, this windows computer is 30 seconds faster14:41
AnkhwatcherYes! I got that sleep function working14:45
AnkhwatcherI had to do it slightly differently then the guide14:45
AnkhwatcherNow I have yet-another new question:14:49
Ankhwatcherwhen I watch HD through this frontend the video works fine but the sound stutters14:49
Ankhwatcherit doesn't happen when I watch recorded hd, just streaming14:50
AnkhwatcherI've tried changing the playback profile to slim, but that didn't help14:51
Ankhwatcherany ideas?14:51
dekarlWhat mythtv version are you running? I vaguely remember something about bbc hd stutter lately... (need to look it up)14:58
dekarlhttp://code.mythtv.org/trac/ticket/10079 <- BBC HD audio when switching between 5.1 and 2.014:59
dekarlthat's with livetv? does pausing and unpausing change it? (quoting from a ticket) but it's best to avoid LiveTV anyway :)15:02
AnkhwatcherNot sure about pausing and unpausing15:11
Ankhwatcherwill try that15:11
Ankhwatcherand what kind of talk is "it's best to avoid LiveTV anyway", where is your can-do linux spirit?15:12
dekarlit's the "the developers don't use it, so it's likely to be less polished then recordings. patches appreciated" spirit15:14
dekarlI prefer to stay in "known working well" land :)15:15
tgm4883I'll agree with that, I can't remember the last time I watched Live TV at home15:36
Ankhwatcherwell pausing and playing the buffered stream instead didn't help unfortunately.15:37
dekarlAnkhwatcher: then it's likely not http://code.mythtv.org/trac/ticket/692215:44
AnkhwatcherDoesn't look like it, no. The video plays perfectly smoothly15:54

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