
ChinnoDogsetting up irssi from scratch sucks00:41
ChinnoDogI can't remember the trick that lets me append a value to a string configured with /set00:52
ChinnoDoge.g. appending masks to dcc_autochat_masks00:52
MutantTurkeyChinnoDog: here is a trick: put all your rc files in a git repository, upload to github. profit01:51
ChinnoDogrc files?01:53
MutantTurkeyconfig files?01:54
MutantTurkeylike .xinitrc etc01:54
MutantTurkeyrc meaning resource I think..01:55
ChinnoDogHow does this help me right now?02:04
MutantTurkey in future :)02:16
jthanDooooooooooopa dooo04:15
InHisNamemorning everyone11:34
jedijfChinnoDog: i copy my irssi config and save it in various locations; redoing is a pain12:54
jedijfnad thanks, i just recopied my current config12:56
rmg51I need someone to come over and force me to upgrade this laptop :P13:26
rmg51I'm not happy with the direction Ubuntu has gone13:27
rmg51I am going to miss the "old" Gnome13:28
jedijfs/Ubuntu/Gnome Project13:43

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