
Gentoo64leftist: what about clonezilla on another drive, or does it need to be online00:00
pooky1leftist, you can00:00
Dogget_done that again and it is still not working...00:00
Diamondciteleftist: Probably can.. but that's alot to transfer?00:00
Dogget_looks like I will have to reinstall everything damn damn00:00
pooky1damit, i can't still find samothing about settings ubuntu unity lens...can you give me some suggestion?00:00
histoDogget_: no you shouldn't have to reinstall00:00
leftisti was looking at clonezilla00:00
Gentoo64leftist: well its fast00:01
histoDogget_: try dpkg --force-remove-reinstreq package name     leave out the first --remove00:01
DiamondciteIs there a way to start a DIFFERENT gnome-keyring inside the chroot? (I want the chroot's keyring, not the host)00:01
Gentoo64use parallel compression00:01
en1gmai just had a brain fart....i just did a 'sudo chown -R en1gma:users /usr' thinking i only had /usr/src in there....i guess i had alot more...is there a site or a command to put it back to default for ubuntu 11.11 i386 desktop00:01
ShirakawasunaI manually installed the nvidia driver (per the wiki directions), then uninstalled it, and now I can't get a unity or unity-2d session to start00:01
leftistok guys let me look at clonezilla. i did so much work on that server and it has been in production for a month and i just cant take the chance. it works well and i was lucky.00:02
Shirakawasunaafter enabling my user to use startx and making startx launch unity, when I try to launch it attempts to find nvidia, nv, fbdev, and vesa, all of which I uninstalled. Then it fails.00:02
histoDogget_: take a look a this link http://www.ihaveapc.com/2011/10/fix-annoying-the-package-needs-to-be-reinstalled-but-i-cant-find-an-archive-for-it-error-in-linux-mint-ubuntu/00:02
ShirakawasunaI get the sense that nvidia installed a setting *somewhere* to prevent nouveau from working, but I can't find it00:02
Shirakawasunaany ideas?00:02
Gentoo64leftist: ive been using it for years (on my desktop though) and its been reliable00:02
Akiyama-sanHello, Im trying to generate a xorg.conf on my laptop running sudo Xorg -configure and I get this message "number of created screens does not match number of detected devices. Configuration failed". Can someone help me solve this?00:02
mehmetaliwhen using mdadm, 2 devices are same %util but other one low than others. should all of them %util be same?00:02
leftistgentoo64 let me look at it. brb.. i was thinking of getting one of those baracuddas just out of pure laziness00:02
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leftistgentoo64 your using gentoo?00:03
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leftistthis particular server is a centos asterisk server. i think it should work. brb00:04
celltechGraphics help please00:04
xutigo to #gentoo to talk gentoo discussion.00:05
en1gmacan anyone run a command that will print out the file permissions of /usr so i can see what i need to make mine to?00:05
xutils -l00:06
en1gmaand put it on pastebin.ca00:06
en1gmai already know my command00:06
xutijust copy and paste it.00:06
leftistit's not gentoo discussion it is linux discussion00:06
en1gmaand your command would be 'ls -la > ~/test'00:06
Dogget_histo: not sure which file I have to look for if I type that : sudo gedit /var/lib/dpkg/status00:06
en1gmacan someone do that for me00:06
xutijust told you.00:06
en1gmai told ytou00:07
xutibash can't upload it to PB for you.00:07
en1gmai need YOUR permissions not mine00:07
en1gmado you get it00:07
Crazed_does anyone know how to run a simple script on gui logout?00:07
celltechIntel 845G chipset graphics. Need proprietary drivers for a more custom viewing. My eyes can't handle this ubuntu stock driver00:07
xutils -l /usr will do it. then just copy/paste the output.00:07
en1gmai need it00:07
en1gmaare you not understanding00:07
xutils -l /usr will do it. then just copy/paste the output. or use ls -l /usr > ~/foo.txt00:07
FloodBot1en1gma: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:08
en1gmaim about to add you to ignore00:08
Gentoo64leftist: download partedmagic, clonezilla is on it. theres also a standalone clonezilla livecd00:08
leftistohh ok00:09
mehmetalien1gma: http://pastebin.com/skzxdn5u00:09
leftistthanks gentoo6400:09
leftistbrb let me check this out :D00:09
Gentoo64leftist: ok. its easy to use. just go into it and press enter couple times, choose the destination drive, then choose the source drive00:09
christopherwhat up ubuntu users00:09
en1gmamehmetali that looks pretty good for a general idea but is it the same when you go deeper into it00:09
Gentoo64keep it on "beginner mode" you dont need expert00:09
leftistahh ok00:10
leftistok gentoo64 brb00:10
en1gmals -la -R /usr00:11
celltechI think all the help is on vacation00:11
at-mate2khello, on my ubuntu 11.04 i removed ubuntuone from software center but still i see the ubuntuone-syncdaemon running as a process. how do i completely remove ubuntuone from my system?00:14
at-mate2ku@l:~$ ps ax | grep ubuntuone00:14
at-mate2k 1906 ?        Sl     0:03 /usr/bin/python /usr/lib/ubuntuone-client/ubuntuone-syncdaemon00:14
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Gentoo64celltech: sorry im googling for you00:15
Gentoo64celltech: you might need to edit (or make) an xorg.conf00:15
celltechAh ok. Thank you kind person00:15
Gentoo64is the res too low or something?00:15
celltechGentoo64 I wouldn't even know how to do that00:15
Gentoo64celltech: is everything too big?00:16
celltechNo it's little but there's a mad glare. I kind of like a larger res00:17
Gentoo64celltech: have you tried in the monitor options in system settings?00:17
celltechGentoo64 Yes. I'm gonna get you my current res00:17
celltechGentoo64 1440 x 900. That's way too small for my eyes00:18
leftistgentoo64 so i boot with this and then look for clonezilla and then use another drive to clone the server to correct? is that the logic?00:18
Gentoo64so thats the only res available in the monitor properties thing?00:18
celltechGentoo64 and it says monitor unknown so I can't change it around00:18
Gentoo64leftist: yes. you can boot into X or choose clonezilla from the boot menu00:18
Gentoo64celltech: ah ok sorry im not experienced with the onboards00:19
leftistok let me shut that server down and get going bbiab thanks a bunch gentoo6400:19
celltechGentoo64 it's ok. i'm confused too00:19
celltechGentoo64 could it be a monitor driver maybe?00:19
Gentoo64celltech: i think its just the gpu. 1440x900 sounds like your native res so it should be ok. you could try changing the dpi in font settings if its just fonts00:20
celltechGentoo64 where would I do that at?00:20
maheanuuCan anyone tell me how to restore the write permission on USB external hard disks?  I have 3 that are not letting me write to them and I have not changed a thing00:21
Gentoo64maheanuu: are they ext400:21
Akiyama-sanHello, Im trying to generate a xorg.conf on my laptop running sudo Xorg -configure and I get this message "number of created screens does not match number of detected devices. Configuration failed". Can someone help me solve this?00:21
maheanuuGentooNo lhey are either dos or ntsf00:21
cowlickshow can I change the system wide keyboard layout?00:22
Gentoo64celltech: in the system settings under fonts, details i think. try raising the dpi00:22
maheanuuI use them to transport files to Windoze users as I am the only linux person on the island00:22
hellyeahubuntu has a program like dreamweaver00:22
Gentoo64celltech: its prob easier than making and editing an xorg.conf00:22
Gentoo64cowlicks: you mean for console as well?00:23
celltechGentoo64 no such option. I'm on 11.04 btw00:23
Gentoo64celltech: hmm someone else will probably know00:24
hammersendhellyeah: bluefish00:24
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cowlicksGentoo64: yes, and for the luks full disk encryption prompt too if possible00:24
celltechGentoo64 thank you for trying at least00:24
maheanuugentoo, I am running Ubuntu 10.10 and all the drives were formatted and partitioned in Ubuntu, they are used to help the people here on our island as computers are very new here and virii are very prevelant00:26
jdjbmedinawhat would happen if I installed kde on 11.1000:26
xanguajdjbmedina: you would get a kde desktop00:26
jdjbmedinaEverything that I had done to my system before 11.10 is now gone, all of my settings and now I have to start over00:27
maheanuujdjbmedina, dont they call the kde version kubuntu?00:27
jdjbmedinayes it is kubuntu but isnt there a way i could install it on 11.1000:27
jdjbmedinais there also a lubuntu00:27
maheanuuI don't know, I am a noob and am fighting tooth and nail to hammer out the understanding of this before I go any further00:28
jdjbmedinaoh ok.00:28
FusionXwhat was that channel name where they taught something about ubuntu periodically?00:28
Gentoo64jdjbmedina: i think its just installing kde desktop00:28
Gentoo64or whatever you want00:28
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hammersendjdjbmedina apt-get install kubuntu-desktop00:29
Gentoo64jdjbmedina: but if your on a clean install you may as well install kbuuntu00:29
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jdjbmedinaok I know how to do it but with the gnome3 shell will it interfere with KDE00:30
jdjbmedinathanks Gentoo6400:30
templetmaheanuu, how can anyone help you ?00:30
erpoI was a 10.10 user up until a few days ago when I upgraded to 11.10. Now my script that uses DBUS to restart the networkmanager-configured VPN when it fails doesn't work anymore. Any ideas about how to make VPN connections a little more failure resistant?00:30
Gentoo64but youll still have all the gnome stuff installed (that you might not ever use)00:30
maheanuuGentoo64, do you have any ideas on what I should do under 10.10 to get my drives writable?00:30
jdjbmedinathats fine no worries Gentoo6400:30
Gentoo64maheanuu: you could chmod 77700:30
templeterpo, you could try vpn from command line instead of gui00:30
Gentoo64maheanuu: if you dont care for security00:31
maheanuutemplet, I need to make 3 dexternal drives writable00:31
tntcmaheanuu: is it owned by your user?00:31
Gentoo64maheanuu: or add them to fstab and add users to the line00:31
Jordan_UGentoo64: What error message do you get when you try to write to these drives?00:31
maheanuuYes i am the owner and the user00:31
tntcmaheanuu: what are the permissions?00:32
belimaheanuu: type mount and show result for that partitions00:32
leftistgentoo64 what a nice package :D00:32
maheanuuThese drives are used to store various windoze stuff and diags etc so that I can work on the various windoze machines on the island they are totally portable00:32
leftisti booted up and have selected a usb drive as my repository for the image is that correct?00:32
belimaheanuu: take a look at /etc/mtab and adjust ownership and permissions00:33
Gentoo64leftist: if its the one you want the backup to be on yes00:33
leftistgentoo64 it is formatte fat32 that shouldnt matter should it?00:33
gerihi...how can i disable the screensaver in ubuntu with gnome?00:33
Jordan_Umaheanuu: What error message do you get when you try to write to these drives?00:33
Gentoo64leftist: you can use any format, partedmagic has support for them all00:33
leftistit was formatted with osx earlier00:34
leftistok thanks gentoo6400:34
templetmaheanuu, i can help you with that.  you need to make sure the drive is mounted.  sudo fdisk -l.  if its mounted then you simply give privelleges to the external drives as being owned by you used sudo chown such as sudo fdisk -l.  sudo chown mahe:mahe /media/writeable_a/  that would give you ownership of the root mountpoint of the drive which is usually all it takes to move data in and out of it easily.00:34
Gentoo64leftist: actually fat32 has a file limit of 4gb00:34
Gentoo64leftist: id use ntfs if you need it windows compatable00:34
gerihi...how can i disable the screensaver in ubuntu with gnome?00:35
maheanuutemplet, give me a minute, I have one of the drives on at present and will try that00:35
Gentoo64leftist: actually you might be ok clonezilla splits the files in 2gb bits on mine00:35
belitemplet:: it worked before...so why change ownership/permissions...just adjust mountoptions in /etc/mtab00:35
SetiAmonanyone having wifi problems since latest kernel upgrade in 11.10?00:35
leftistgentoo64 i have 2  drives in the server so i have to do 2 images, 1 per drive correct?00:36
leftistnot a contiguous image00:36
kora-chanhey guys, i have a minor issue with gnome3 and was wondering if someone else stumbled upon it. i use the basic gnome terminal in g3 and i disabled "show menu bar in new windows" in my preferences, however after i open a new terminal, the menu bar pops up. any way to fix this?00:36
templetbeli usually a external drive is plug and play.  maheanuu can also assign a fixed mount point using a filesystem labeller if anyone wishes to help him out in that regard.00:36
Gentoo64leftist: if the drives big enough you can put them both on. i have a folder called Backup you can just put both drives to there and call them drive1 drive2 etc00:36
leftistok thanks00:37
templetbeli, you can also be right about /etc/mtab i've never had to mess with that file in the history of my life00:37
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belitemplet: your solution will work, but something on the system changed....so the perms are not working anymore....nothing on the disk changed...so my suggestion is to fix what changed on the system....and that you can do in /etc/mtab00:39
FusionXwhat was that channel name where they taught something about ubuntu periodically?00:39
maheanuutemplet can I pm you?00:39
Gentoo64FusionX: you mean a youtube channel?00:39
jribFusionX: #ubuntu-classroom00:39
templetsure maheanuu00:39
Gentoo64my bad00:39
FusionXGentoo64: nope00:40
FusionXthanks jrib00:40
leftistwow gentoo64 that partedmagic is incredible. i used gparted in the past but this thing is rediculous :D00:41
Gentoo64leftist: yeah its a good all rounder00:42
robin0800Shirakawasuna, think they might blacklist it look in /etc/modprobe.d00:42
hammersendanyone know any good tutorials for managing wi-fi connections from the cli?00:43
Guest81579Toastman has a great tut on Tomato, hammersend00:43
Guest81579wait one00:43
th0rhammersend: there are several good howtos on the web. It only involves two commands, ifconfig and iwconfig...and isn't hard to do. All the configs for permanent configs are stored in /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/00:44
th0rhammersend: oops....went to look for that second file and slipped <smile>.00:44
th0rhammersend: can't find that second file right off...it is for the wpa configs. Once you read one or two of the web pages you will see it isn't hard to configure wifi at all.00:47
Tigerboyunplugged a mouse during install and now it won't work. But if I plug in a wired mouse it works. What can I do to reset the mouse.00:48
Tigerboythis is for 11.1000:49
NetRunnerBlackHello. I used the terminal to get Tor the other day, but can't find it. dash search only turns up Transmission BitTorrent Client00:50
Guest81579You're trying to find the file that you downloaded with wget?00:50
NetRunnerBlackor apget, whatever it was00:51
soreau!info tor | NetRunnerBlack00:51
ubottuNetRunnerBlack: tor (source: tor): anonymizing overlay network for TCP. In component universe, is optional. Version (oneiric), package size 1064 kB, installed size 2216 kB00:51
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Guest81579It's in the folder you were in when you ran terminal - that would probably be /home/username00:51
rnigamHi I have Ubuntu 11.10 and I recently isntalled intel compilers on it and tried to run a simple hello world program using icc hello.c and I ended up getting the following error: /usr/include/features.h(323): catastrophic error: could not open source file "bits/predefs.h"    #include <bits/predefs.h>       Can any one tell me how I can fix this error? Thanks.00:51
soreauNetRunnerBlack: Make sure you have universe repo enabled and run apt-get update00:51
SetiAmonanyone know why my wifi-n adapter and router are only acheiving wireless-G standard in linux (11.10?)00:51
Jordan_U!tor | NetRunnerBlack00:51
ubottuNetRunnerBlack: Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl00:51
Jordan_USetiAmon: Do you know what chipset it uses?00:52
NetRunnerBlackI know what tor is, I just want to find where it is located. It's not in my home folder, and I did a root search on Ubuntu 11.0400:52
SetiAmonits a netgear 150n usb adapter and a netgear wrn2000 router00:53
SetiAmontor is in00:53
eVisetaxWhat is a good dvd ripping software for 11.10?00:53
Jordan_USetiAmon: That doesn't tell us the chipset. Though Internal wireless cards are usually much better supported than USB adaptors.00:54
happymonkeyCan someone help me with Unity.  The window switcher appears to not switch to Evince - pdf viewer - even though the window is highlighted?00:54
SetiAmonhmm it gets around 130 mb/s its just G and not n00:54
NetRunnerBlack!tor - sasl00:54
ubottuNetRunnerBlack: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:54
happymonkeythis doesn't happen with any other application00:54
ubottufreenode blocks connections from Tor users on its regular servers. Users registered with nickserv can connect to freenode's Tor hidden service instead; see http://freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml#tor for instructions. For help, ask in #freenode.00:54
The_JagHi everyone. Is it possible to "put" two or more iso images of distros in the same usb stick so to have them ready to install?00:54
happymonkeyubottu: ah, so sweet, and what modesty, lol00:55
ubottuhappymonkey: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:55
gerihi...how can i disable the screensaver in ubuntu with gnome?00:55
schnuffleThe_Jag: on windows you can use yumi or xboot00:55
=== Tedd is now known as NTedd
NetRunnerBlackAny ideas?00:55
schnuffleThe_Jag: check  http://www.pendrivelinux.com/00:56
happymonkeygeri: what version of Ubuntu are you using?00:56
lazarus_my 3d effects are busted00:56
The_Jagschnuffle: thanks00:56
happymonkeygeri: waiting dude00:57
`NTeddHello, I was wondering what type of partition I need to create to install Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS on to my system?00:57
celltech:D Found the monitor/graphics issue00:57
Jordan_U`NTedd: Why not just let the installer do that?00:57
happymonkey`NTedd: in general ext400:57
soreauNetRunnerBlack: So you already have tor installed and just want to find where the binary is located?00:57
celltechFresh instal. forgot the "restricted extras"00:57
happymonkey`NTedd: that is what it will make by default00:57
`NTeddJordan_U: I was not sure that I could do that00:57
happymonkey`NTedd: it will do everything for you00:58
pac1update-grub sees my 11.04 on sda3 and an 11.10 on sda7  it doesnt mention the 11.10 install on sda6,  but when the .cfg is built, only sda3 and sda6 are present.00:58
`NTeddhappymonkey: I will try this.00:58
Jordan_U`NTedd: It can, and that is the normal way that installs are done.00:58
happymonkey`NTedd: it should at least00:58
pac1why didn't sda7 get included?00:58
leftistgentoo64 i cannot believe the size of the images lol. what kind of compression are they using?00:58
happymonkeyCan someone help me with Unity?  The window switcher appears to not switch to Evince - pdf viewer - even though the window is highlighted?  Unity works fine with all other applications/windows that I've tested.00:59
Jordan_U`NTedd: It can also resize other partitions to make room for the new one. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download has step by step instructions which include setting up a dual boot with Windows.00:59
soreaurnigam: Are you running amd 64bit?00:59
gerihappymonkey, ubuntu 10.1001:00
happymonkeygeri: System >> Preferences >> Screensaver01:01
happymonkeygeri: adjust to your liking01:01
soreaurnigam: Or 32bit?01:01
gerii cant find the panel to open system01:02
gericould i start from the terminal?01:02
en1gmai am following some guide from almost 2 years ago and if we go by dates they were using ubuntu 9.10 (which im grabbing now)  yayyy i get gnome desktop by default :)01:02
happymonkeygeri: yes, gnome-screensaver01:02
soreaurnigam: Basically you need to install libc6-dev01:02
geriscreensaver already running this session...hm01:03
gerihappymonkey, it doesn pop up...01:04
kthomas2after upgrading to 11.10,  ssh publickey authentication to a 11.10 server fails.  Same key works fine from 11.04.01:04
=== TheDreamer is now known as Youri
schnufflekthomas2:  what does it tell you when failing?01:07
happymonkeygeri: I'm sorry I'm not sure anymore I'm using 11.10 and it's very different01:07
kthomas2debug1: read PEM private key done: type RSA01:07
kthomas2debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey01:07
kthomas2debug1: No more authentication methods to try.01:07
kthomas2Permission denied (publickey).01:07
kthomas2^^ schnuffle01:07
gerihow can i get back the panel of open system settings? right now i only can open a terminal :D01:08
happymonkeygeri: you don't have a menu bar?01:08
happymonkeygeri: killall gnome-panel01:08
geriit disappeard01:08
happymonkeygeri: try that01:08
happymonkeygeri: it should regenerate correctly01:08
happymonkeygeri: if that fails, then "gnome-panel"01:09
geriit doesnt show again :D01:09
happymonkeygeri: did you do both of those commands?01:09
gerithe last one worked01:09
happymonkeygeri: good01:09
geribut when i kick left on the panel it should show programs...01:10
happymonkeygeri: gnome-screensaver-preferences <- that's the command you should use to open the screensaver settings01:10
gerii only can show hide desktop by clicking on the bar01:11
happymonkeyCan someone help me with Unity?  The window switcher appears to not switch to Evince - pdf viewer - even though the window is highlighted?  Unity works fine with all other applications/windows that I've tested.01:11
happymonkeygeri: can you make a screenshot and let us see your issue?01:11
schnufflekthomas2:  the pc you upgraded is the server side or the client side? If server side, paste your sshd config ( use pastebin)01:13
happymonkeyso it appears that as evince was spawned by chromium Unity had issues with it?01:13
kthomas2schnuffle,  *both*01:13
gerihappymonkey, ok here: http://img717.imageshack.us/img717/26/screenshotok.png01:13
happymonkeyschnuffle: oh yes that makes sense the new sshd config was installed01:13
* R3db3ard greets everyone with popcord01:14
happymonkeygeri: what's the issue?01:14
schnufflekthomas2: it could be that 11.10 doesn't accept RSa key as default anaymore01:14
phunyguy_netbookI am trying to get banshee working in Kubuntu 11.10, and it isn't working.  Can anyone help me?  The banshee program crashes with The error was 'BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied)'.  (Details: serial 545 error_code 10 request_code 151 minor_code 1)01:14
happymonkeygeri: if you want a panel for each window you will have to create a new one for each window01:14
happymonkeygeri: excuse me each monitor01:15
kthomas2schnuffle,  hmm.  it would have to depend on both sides-- works from 11.04 (client) to 11.10 (server).  /me goes to google01:15
aeon-ltdTigerboy: errr i hope that wasn't your pw01:16
happymonkeywell if it was it probably isn't any more01:16
gerihappymonkey, in the panel is only a button to show hide the desktop...there should be more!!!01:17
gerito open system settings/programs...?01:17
gerii only need 1 panel01:17
happymonkeygeri: it appears you will have to add the applet to the bar01:17
happymonkeygeri: right click on the bar and ask to add a new applet01:18
happymonkeygeri: there should be a couple of options for adding a menu01:18
gerii only see add to panel01:18
gerifind an item to add to the panel...01:19
geriah i see :D01:20
karstensragewhats the ubuntu equivalent of /etc/inetd.conf01:20
kthomas2schnuffle,  I seem to have an unregistered authentication agent :)01:20
JayroHello, could someone help me get my mic working?01:20
JayroSound recorder see's no sound, and everything is turned up in alsamixrt01:20
ivanBliminseAnyone running office 2007 in ubuntu have time for a quick question???01:22
josh99is there a way to paste with the keys instead of the middle mouse?01:22
josh99middle mouse button01:22
Jayrocould someone help me with my mic? I have a pretty girl waiting for me to go on skype.01:22
Jayroi am serious01:23
phunyguy_netbookpics or it didnt happen01:23
bindiJayro: so what's wrong with it?01:24
wunnlehey all01:24
ubottuAs our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.01:24
Jayrobindi, there is just not sound. I have everytihng in alsamixer up all the way.01:24
phunyguy_netbookoh give me a break.01:24
bindiJayro: any switch on the mic?01:24
bindiJayro: and is it plugged in the right slot? :D01:24
wunnlei just installed burg, and tried to update it, but i got a syntax error. /etc/default/burg: 8: Syntax error: "(" unexpected01:24
Jayrobindi, no, I have tried with the internal mic and an external (yes plugged into the right spot) nothing with either..01:25
dumbo88Jayro What's her Skype? :-)01:25
Jayrodumbo88, .... wouldnt you like to know.01:25
dhgfwunnle: write the line here01:25
wunnle/etc/default/burg: 8: Syntax error: "(" unexpected01:25
bindiJayro: you don't seme to be the only one according to my quick googling01:25
tacoJayro What's her Skype?   -- --- this is what i care about too01:26
dhgfwunnle: the wrong line in the file01:26
Jayrobindi, which is why i am here.01:26
bindiJayro: if you do aplay -l in terminal, does it say Intel [HDA Intel]?01:26
Tigerboyno it wasn't a bug got on my keyboard for a second and freaked me out01:27
dhgfwunnle: the 8th line has a wrong ' ( '01:27
=== pinkwaffles_ is now known as q0_0p
wunnledhgf, GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=" sudo burg-install "(hd0)""01:27
phunyguy_netbookTigerboy: likely story... ;)01:27
Jayrobindi, card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC269 Analog [ALC269 Analog]01:27
q0_0pcan anyone help me with this wireless on ubuntu LTS 02:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation Device 435901:28
tacoI can't login desktop anymore after i removed python01:28
xangua!broadcom | q0_0p01:28
ubottuq0_0p: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx01:28
xanguataco: did you remove any more things¿ tried to install it again¿01:29
bindiJayro: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10635017&postcount=601:29
dhgfwunnle: change the line to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=""01:29
tacoso stupid designed01:29
Jayrobindi, reading now01:29
dhgfwunnle: is this line default?01:29
Jayrobindi, do you know where that file is?01:30
bindiJayro: oh forgot that01:30
wunnledhgf, no, above line is default. GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"01:30
wunnleGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=" sudo burg-install "(hd0)""01:30
bindiJayro: gksu gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf01:30
Jayrobindi, thanks01:30
taco xangua, it is no use to reinstall it01:30
maheanuutemplet, are you still here?01:31
tacoafter i entered sudo apt-get remove python ..01:31
tacoI can see lots of removing string print on screen01:32
dhgfwunnle: okay, modify the 8th line to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="" and save the file01:32
chalcedonyi have a compaq armada 1700 (ancient laptop) that we put ubuntu on ages ago, and i can't find my note with the password, it's not wanting to boot to CDs of 8.04 or 8.10 .. ideas?01:32
chalcedonyit insists on booting to the existing ubuntu01:32
klyncchalcedony: set the boot device priority in the bios; try a different cd, eg knoppix or grml01:33
wunnledhgf, thanks, it updated now. what was that burg emu command again?01:33
chalcedonyklaas, i didn't see a pause for bios ..01:33
chalcedonyyou're right though01:34
unityayayahi all my system now read onaly  an all partions  like that  how to fix it01:34
chalcedonyit might be boot order01:34
unityayayahi all my system now read onaly  an all partions  like that  how to fix it01:34
klyncchalcedony: sometimes that's a pain - keep rebooting while mashing del-f1-f2-f10-f11 ... that's my strategy01:34
tacounityayaya: try to reboot ..01:34
chalcedonyklaas, i'll give that a shot01:35
unityayayataco  ya reboot serval times01:35
bindiJayro: how goes it? :-)01:35
=== firelord42|away is now known as firelord42
klynci've been called many things, but never "klaas" before :P01:36
tacounityayaya: all partitions become read only?01:36
unityayayataco  yes sir01:37
tacounityayaya: include rootfs?01:37
unityayayataco that only on ubuntu01:37
klyncunityayaya: any guess as to why? was there a disk error? probably best to reboot from cd and fsck01:37
unityayayataco yes and when i root01:37
tacounityayaya: include dir / ?01:37
unityayayataco every where01:38
Jayrobindi, still trying the options01:38
justsighdudesAny particular reason apache is outdated in the repos? Or can I just package it and submit it?01:38
tacounityayaya: try to remount ok?01:38
unityayayataco when i reboot and login on recovery mod i found  somthing  lik fbs  and remount all01:38
R3db3ardjustsighdudes, submit it01:39
unityayayataco i mount all partions  but  its read only01:39
maheanuuOk, I am seeing the usb drive I have plugged in as /dev/sdb but in gparted it is showin up as /dev/sdb1 and I don't know how to change this, I tried unmount and then remount it and still the same???01:39
klyncunityayaya: `shutdown -Fr now` <- force fsck and reboot01:40
usalabswhat can cause Ubuntu Lucid LYS Xorg to use as much as 95-99% cpu every 15s and lasting for 30s01:40
justsighdudesR3db3ard: Literally just package and submit? No special requirements? I feel like someone else would have already done that if that were the case. Cuz 2.2.21 is out and we're still on .1701:40
unityayayataco  that is coomand or tow command01:40
justsighdudes6 vulnerabilities have been patched on the way.01:41
unityayayataco  after reboot serval times  home dir  has red and w01:42
Ghost1227how do i change the mouse wheel scroll speed in gnome?01:42
unityayayataco  that problem  habend  when i format another  ubuntu on another hard disk  using gpart01:43
Jayrobindi, no go :(01:43
bindiJayro: was there some other line like options snd-hda-intel already?01:44
unityayayakylnc ido that serval times sir01:44
Jayrobindi, no01:44
ivanBliminseDoes ubuntu 11.10 come preinstalled with wine?01:44
dsnydersDoes anyone know of a progressive alarm clock software for linux?01:45
xanguaivanBliminse: no01:45
KatsumeBliskno ivanBliminse01:45
klyncunityayaya: how about this: `grep -A 2 -B 2 remounting /var/log/kern.log`01:45
unityayayahelp   my system now read onaly  an all partions  like that  how to fix it01:45
klyncunityayaya: no pm, plz01:46
unityayayakylnc  sorry01:46
klyncunityayaya: you need to figure out why it's doing that before you can find a solution01:46
bindiJayro: i dunno :/01:46
keith_linux123anyone else having problems with Unity 3D01:46
Jayrobindi, thanks anyway01:47
KatsumeBliskkeith_linux123, Like what?01:47
keith_linux123like its just acting crazy01:47
ivanBliminsecool thanks01:47
keith_linux123im on Unity 2d right now01:47
keith_linux123and I rly like it, but 3d isn't quite their01:47
KatsumeBliskkeith_linux123: Give an example of what's going wrong?01:47
keith_linux123like the launcher wont come back01:47
KatsumeBliskkeith_linux123: Do you have the right drivers?01:48
keith_linux123i think some, im runing a AMD radeon card01:48
keith_linux123and games work01:48
=== win97 is now known as Rave1
keith_linux123Gnome3 is broken though01:48
chaospsychexi had ubuntu with gnome and installed kde and now i want to remove it because it boots to it by default, how do i do this?01:48
en1gmadoes anyone here use vmware? im telling ya....this stuff rocks....runs great right along with windows 7...i can reboot ubuntu as much as i want and i can type in here at same....compiles stuff great01:48
en1gmai dont know but its cool01:48
chaospsychexvmware sux01:49
KatsumeBliskchaospsychex: sudo apt-get purge kubuntu-desktop01:49
R3db3ardvmware does not suck,01:49
chaospsychexvirtual box is where it is at01:49
en1gmafor the first time i feel like i can really game in windows and do my fun stuff in linux01:49
en1gmanah it used to suck...it has came along ways now01:49
en1gmadefiantely a big difference01:49
klyncen1gma: which version of vmware are you using? i had a licence for vmware workstation 6, but can't get it to run on oneric01:49
KatsumeBliskkeith_linux123: Did you use the Additional Drivers tool?01:49
usalabs what can cause Ubuntu Lucid LTS Xorg to use as much as 95-99% cpu every 15s and lasting for 30s, it's actually doing right now, typing has slowed down, and mouse movement is erratic01:49
keith_linux123its always best to dual boot when you need to game01:49
en1gmaim just using vmware player 4.0.0 its free01:50
unityayayaklync  when i format another ext4 (ubuntu 10.10 ) on another hdd by new 11.10 installed on 1st hdd  by gpart    that problem hapend01:50
klyncen1gma: currently trying to get virtualbox to run my old setup01:50
bynwi've ran into a problem upgrading to 11.10 ... i get 3 message on the purple ubuntu startup screen (before i even get to a login prompt)01:50
en1gmai can only use 4 cores it says but it looks like 6 are working01:50
R3db3ardusalabs, do you have any daemons running?01:50
KatsumeBliskkeith_linux123: What card do you have?01:50
usalabssuch as?01:50
KatsumeBlisken1gma: Do you have an Intel CPU with hyperthreading?01:50
keith_linux123Radeon 4850HD01:50
keith_linux123i think01:50
klyncunityayaya: ok, so did you unplug the 2nd hard drive? i.e only have the original plugged in right now?01:50
chaospsychexKatsumeBlisk: that didn't work, only removed mesa-utils01:50
R3db3ardusalabs, such as a wallpaper cycler01:50
en1gmavmplayer im pretty impressed with...like on these ubuntu installs it has an easy install thing...all you do is select the iso file and then enter your name and password and its installed01:50
GleasonGrailshey what is the deal here...01:50
klyncunityayaya: stop pm-ing plz01:50
q0_0pstill having trouble with wifi 02:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation Device 435901:50
en1gmalike in 15mins01:50
GleasonGrailscan I not do that in Ubuntu01:51
en1gmathat easy install stuff is sweet01:51
q0_0pb43-fwcutter didn't do the trick01:51
GleasonGrailsdo I really have to use straight debian?01:51
keith_linux123my bad its a Radeon HD 465001:51
jribGleasonGrails: you have no idea why you have that error?01:51
q0_0pi did see that if i go to restricted drivers for ubuntu 11.04 broadcom-sta did show up01:51
en1gmaKatsumeBlisk i have a 1090T 6 core01:51
mancohi guys01:51
R3db3ardwhat's wrong with straight debian?01:51
unityayayakylnc  no its plug01:51
usalabsR3db3ard yes I have the slideshow wallpaper cycler running01:51
keithclarkubuntuone-syncdaemon is sucking up all my cpu time.  Is there a way to lower its priority freeing up my system a bit?01:51
q0_0pbut i'm using ubuntu 10.04 LTS01:51
KatsumeBliskchaospsychex: How'd you install KDE?01:51
bynwthe 3 messages are:  "waiting for network configuration..."  then "waiting up to 60 more seconds for network configuration ..." and then finally "booting system without full network configuration ..."  but it never goes to the login screen after that ... just hangs there 20 minutes and more01:51
KatsumeBliskchaospsychex: You could also just change which one you boot into. Logout and change which one.01:51
chaospsychexKatsumeBlisk: i think using apt-get, no i want to remove it completely01:52
R3db3ardusalabs, i had that same problem and just decided to stop using that daemon. it eats a lot of the cpu01:52
en1gmavmware player is pretty nice for free....i was just reading when you get your VM to work correct there is something called V2P virtual 2 physical01:52
KatsumeBliskchaospsychex: Which package did you install I mean.01:52
jribGleasonGrails: pastebin the output of « apt-cache policy lib32readline5-dev lib32readline5 » and the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list*01:52
en1gmait well extract or install it to a real ssd or hdd01:52
usalabsR3db3ard ahhh ok,, I'll shut it down and see what happens01:52
unityayayakylnc to hdd its plug in  right now01:52
en1gmai dont know im pretty impressed01:52
R3db3ardusalabs, i could be off base but it's worth a try01:52
klyncen1gma: might try that, since i already have the image i want to run from my previous install of ws01:52
KatsumeBliskkeith_linux123: I couldn't find a fix for your problem, sorry.01:53
en1gmayea its pretty nice...like hassle free01:53
en1gmareally easy to use01:53
keith_linux123don't worry about it01:53
jribGleasonGrails: also, what did you type to receive the output you pastebinned?01:53
chaospsychexKatsumeBlisk: i think using apt-get, no i want to remove it completely maybe kubuntu01:53
keith_linux123im actually disapointed Gnome3 is broke01:53
en1gmai just installed 9.10 as we were talking01:53
unityayayaklync tow  hdd its plug in  right now01:53
en1gmayou can have multiple OS`s and dont have to worry about your mbr01:53
klyncunityayaya: i dont' understand exactly what you did with the 2nd drive, but this sounds like what's causing the problem. how about you unplug it and reboot with the system as it was?01:53
KatsumeBliskchaospsychex: Did you do "apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" or "apt-get install kde" is what I'm asking01:53
usalabsR3db3ard right now Xorg is only using between 9.6 and 11% cpu, but in the next 15s, Xorg will suddenly shoot up to 95-99%, and stay like that for 15s, then drop back down01:53
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chaospsychexKatsumeBlisk: kubuntu desktop i think01:54
KatsumeBliskchaospsychex: sudo apt-get remove akonadi-backend-mysql akonadi-server akregator amarok amarok-common amarok-utils apport-kde apturl-kde ark bluedevil cdparanoia cdrdao docbook-xsl dolphin dragonplayer freespacenotifier gnupg-agent gnupg2 gpgsm gstreamer0.10-qapt gtk2-engines-oxygen gwenview ibus-qt4 icoutils jockey-kde k3b k3b-data kaccessible kaddressbook kamera kate kate-data katepart kcalc kde-baseapps-bin kde-baseapps-data kde-config-gtk kde-co01:54
KatsumeBlisknfig-touchpad kde-runtime kde-runtime-data kde-wallpapers-default kde-window-manager kde-workspace kde-workspace-bin kde-workspace-data kde-workspace-kgreet-plugins kde-zeroconf kdebase-runtime kdegames-card-data kdegraphics-strigi-analyzer kdelibs-bin kdelibs5-data kdelibs5-plugins kdemultimedia-kio-plugins kdenetwork-filesharing kdepasswd kdepim-groupware kdepim-kresources kdepim-runtime kdepim-strigi-plugins kdepim-wizards kdepimlibs-kio-plugins01:54
FloodBot1KatsumeBlisk: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:54
en1gmalogging in and i hear the ubuntu music :)01:54
q0_0pi would use ubuntu 11.04 but mouse lags01:54
en1gmaeasy peasy01:54
Jordan_Uen1gma: Ubuntu 9.10 is no longer supported.01:54
mancoguys, im needing some help moving my home folder to its own partition01:54
GleasonGrailshttp://pastebin.com/rLi3qpPM here is the pastebin01:54
Jordan_U!pastebin | KatsumeBlisk01:55
ubottuKatsumeBlisk: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:55
xangua!puregnome | KatsumeBlisk chaospsychex01:55
ubottuKatsumeBlisk chaospsychex: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome01:55
R3db3ardusalabs, what video card/drivers are you running?01:55
en1gmayea i know but i am following a guide that i was having problems with so i figure i will just install 9.10 along side my 11.1001:55
klynci don't care what esr says, i like the way the unity app bar works :D01:55
en1gmaits awesome01:55
KatsumeBliskI honestly didn't know it was that long. I'm sorry.01:55
CoreyKatsumeBlisk: Pastebin.01:55
en1gmawin7 and i have 9.10 and 11.1001:55
jribGleasonGrails: you have debian repositories.  That's neither recommended nor supported and will likely break your install01:55
KatsumeBliskI know that now01:55
KatsumeBliskI didn't realize it was that long01:55
R3db3ardunity app bar is for n00bs :P01:55
machaira9good evening all01:55
PhoenixSTFhello can anyone tell me why ubuntu 11.10 does not have acpi installed by default?01:56
klyncR3db3ard: uh oh. don't tell my boss then; i'd hate for him to think i'm a n00b01:56
* R3db3ard offers machaira9 some popcorn01:56
KatsumeBliskchaospsychex: http://pastebin.com/3nsCPv0801:56
usalabsR3db3ard nVidia GeForce 7600 GS 512Mb Video RAM, and the Linux Driver 256.5201:56
R3db3ardklync, lucky sob to be using linux at work01:56
unityayayaklync  you can not  understand me   ok  easly   i  have 2 hdd on my pc  1st hdd installed on   win + ubuntu 10.10     and   second  hdd installed  11.10     and when i login  on  11.10 and formated 10.10 by  gpart  on 11.10  that problem hapend01:56
keithclarkIs the 'Nice' setting a way to control a programs resource usage?01:56
GleasonGrailsjrib I can remove them01:56
jribGleasonGrails: ok01:56
* KatsumeBlisk feels dumb because he didn't check how long that command was...01:56
* machaira9 eats the popcorn01:57
R3db3ardusalabs, what system are you on? i'm on a mac/buntu 11.0401:57
machaira9i'm stuck at the grub prompt when trying to boot, and nothing from google has helped thus far. would anyone be willing to give me a hand? i'm about to lose my mind01:57
SetiAmonAnyone know anything about wine01:57
xangua!appdb | SetiAmon01:58
ubottuSetiAmon: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help01:58
SetiAmonDoes anyone know how to mount a iso in wine? like i would if i used daemon tools01:58
PhoenixSTFSetiAmon, a bit....01:58
Jordan_Umachaira9: Can you boot a LiveCD?01:58
usalabsR3db3ard AMD Athlon X2 X64, 4Gb ram, 1TB h/d, Ubuntu Lucid LTS 32 bit01:58
SetiAmonyeah winehq wasn't a big help01:58
en1gmai can go between 9.10 and 11.10 like 5 seconds01:58
Jordan_U!ot | en1gma01:58
ubottuen1gma: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:58
R3db3ardsetiamon, map the drive in wine config to the iso01:58
SetiAmonSo basically i have a game,in windows i would mount the iso and then use the exe.so in wine i have to do both that,mount a iso and then run the exe01:58
en1gma9.10 and 11.10 are ubuntu01:58
keithclarkubuntuone-syncdaemon is now using 80-90% of my CPU making other programs very, very slow.  Is there a way to adjust this?01:59
en1gma!ot | Jordan_U01:59
ubottuJordan_U: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:59
SetiAmonR3db3ard: ok i will,then run the .exe?01:59
Jordan_Uen1gma: This channel is for Ubuntu support questions. Your repeated statements about how great vmware is are not support questions.01:59
R3db3ardusalabs, nice machine, this ones just a macbook 5-1. sorry i couldn't help more, gl01:59
KatsumeBliskchaospsychex: That work?01:59
en1gmaim talking about the ubuntu easy install script01:59
unityayayaklync  you can not  understand me   ok  easly   i  have 2 hdd on my pc  1st hdd installed on   win + ubuntu 10.10     and   second  hdd installed  11.10     and when i login  on  11.10 and formated 10.10 by  gpart  on 11.10  that problem hapend01:59
machaira9Jordan_U: i was able to boot to the ubuntu repair disk off of my usb drive (in order to fix grub after reinstalling winXP), then i booted into ubuntu just fine, ran package updates, experienced a failure and bizarre OS behavior (gedit interface being blanked out), so i rebooted, and bam, grub prompt01:59
en1gmaits still related buddy01:59
machaira9Jordan_U: and i get the grub prompt when trying to boot back to the usb stick too01:59
SetiAmoni haven't used vmware in ages,since 2.0 at that point i couldn't use my dvd or graphics card02:00
en1gmayou better read up (and it is supported) because of the easy install script ubuntu people are making02:00
Jordan_Uen1gma: It is offtopic. Please stop if you do not wish to be removed from the channel.02:00
chaospsychexi'll do it later02:00
usalabsR3db3ard that's ok, I've changed to a static wallpaper so see if it happens again02:00
klyncR3db3ard: yeah, on about 200 machines, but not my desktop (by my own choice)02:00
Jordan_U!bootinfo | machaira902:00
ubottumachaira9: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).02:00
GleasonGrailsjrib same deal02:00
en1gmaif you think im off topic and im talking about how great it is to go back and fourth with ubuntu 9.10 and 11.10 then i think im going to go jump out a window02:00
GleasonGrailsseems right considering this...02:00
jribGleasonGrails: no idea what "same deal" means02:01
GleasonGrailsjrib one sec02:01
R3db3arden1gma, technically this is a help server moreso than a chat/discussion room02:01
usalabsR3db3ard I'm watching the system monitor and top to see if anything happens02:01
klyncunityayaya: i see. ... so you should be able to unplug the 1st drive with win + 10.10 and boot from the 2nd drive, assuming grub is installed ok, ya?02:01
=== Aang is now known as Zutara
en1gmai was helping a guy02:01
machaira9Jordan_U: how do i run the script if i can't boot into ubuntu?02:02
en1gmaim just gonna shut up...this is rediculous02:02
SetiAmonwhat was it called again02:02
Jordan_Uen1gma: This is your last warning. If you wish to discuss our channel guidelines you may do so in #ubuntu-ops.02:02
robert__i need help02:02
Jordan_Umachaira9: From a LiveCD.02:02
KatsumeBliskrobert__: Yes?02:02
xangua!ask | robert__02:02
ubotturobert__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:02
R3db3ardhow do i register to this channel?02:02
xangua!register | R3db3ard02:02
ubottuR3db3ard: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode02:02
robert__How to i make a UNIX Shell scripts using the Korn and Bash shells?02:02
keithclarkMaybe this ubuntuone-syncdaemon high cpu usage is a bug?02:03
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode02:03
en1gmaJordan_U i just went in there02:04
en1gmaif you want to see what im going to say you better come in02:04
klyncrobert__: open a file in your text editor of choice; start it with "#!/bin/bash" or "#!" followed by the output of `which ksh` and then followed by shell commands02:04
klyncrobert__: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO.html02:04
benny_puppyIs there an easy way to switch from the unity desktop to the gnome desktop?02:04
robert__klunc you are a amazing thanx :P02:04
machaira9Jordan_U: i had a live boot on my usb drive, and it was working, and now it's not02:04
GleasonGrailsjrib check out this...02:04
R3db3ardwhat's the mactel channel?02:04
xanguabenny_puppy: unity runs on top of gnome02:05
GleasonGrailssorry didn't paste right02:05
machaira9Jordan_U: i'm downloading the ISO again to try with a CD02:05
urlin2ubenny_puppy, you have gnome 3 and have it installed?02:05
jribGleasonGrails: what is your question?02:05
machaira9Jordan_U: but if i'm getting stuck at the grub prompt on a USB boot that was working 20 minutes ago (before running package updates in ubuntu), then i suspect i'll encounter a similar issue trying to boot from the cd02:05
klyncrobert__: i always keep a copy of `abs guide` on my desktop too, but read the intro howto first ;D02:05
robin0800NetRunnerBlack, check in /usr/share/applications02:05
GleasonGrailsjrib so what is the deal now? is it saying something differant02:06
GleasonGrailsdo I have to manually install something02:06
robert__klync i sure will thanx again.02:06
jribGleasonGrails: did you read what it says?02:06
GleasonGrailsjrib yeah it says that some project is refering but it is kind of unclear which one02:06
GleasonGrailsis it lib32z1-dev02:07
jribGleasonGrails: keep reading what you pasted02:07
machaira9Jordan_U: i tried following steps here (scroll down): http://old.nabble.com/Grub-prompt..what-do-I-do--td26250084.html02:07
GleasonGrailsjrib so does that mean it is impossible02:08
machaira9Jordan_U: but no matter what kernel version i used or /dev/sdX i used, i kept getting a boot error about no init specified or something.02:08
jribGleasonGrails: no.  The error tells you the package is named something else.02:08
GleasonGrailsare you refering to02:08
GleasonGrailsE: Package 'lib32readline5-dev' has no installation candidate02:08
benny_puppyxangua ok but I want m old look and feel back.02:08
GleasonGrailsgrrrrr copy paste02:08
xangua!nounity | benny_puppy02:08
ubottubenny_puppy: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic02:08
GleasonGrailsright but I already installed that one02:08
benny_puppyurlin2u I have just upgraded to the latest ubuntu with the unity dektop and I want to get rid of it02:09
jribGleasonGrails: yes, so stop trying to install the old package name02:09
benny_puppythanks xangua02:09
GleasonGrailsahhhhh face-palm02:09
urlin2ubenny_puppy, you don't need to get rid of it just install the gnome shell for gnome 3 or gnome-panel for gnome 2.02:10
GleasonGrailssorry it is late02:10
fuhoHi, where can I edit commands to be run after I log in and home is initialized?02:10
jribfuho: can you be more specific?02:10
fuhojrib: I would like to mount my Amaton s3 partition every time I log in to Ubuntu. It is a simple terminal command I want to run every time i login.02:11
benny_puppyurlin2u thanks02:11
fuhojrib: automatically02:11
urlin2ubenny_puppy, no problem.02:11
BassoPT-Desktop2sod off you British pricks02:12
fuhoBasically...is there sort of a aautoexec.bat? Where is it?02:12
Stanley00fuho: How many users are there on your system? If there's only you, you could edit /etc/fstab instead02:12
jribfuho: what command?  Why don't you use /etc/fstab?02:13
fuhoStanley00: Just one human, me, users plenty. Say I want to do this jsut for my username.02:13
keithclarkI assume that nobody on here is familiar with ubuntuone and its high cpu usage?02:13
histofuho: in yoru .bashrc02:13
BassoPT-Desktop2I'm gay and i like to suck dick02:13
xanguakeithclark: tried the #ubuntuone channel¿02:13
fuhohisto: Thats what I thought, but is that the RIGHT way?02:14
keithclarkxangua, yup trying that.  Ghost town02:14
histofuho: actually .bash_profile would be more correct02:14
en1gma!ot | BassoPT-Desktop202:14
ubottuBassoPT-Desktop2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:14
fuhohisto: But that is for Bash, if bash doesnt start it won't get processed right?02:15
histofuho: .bash_profile when you login. .bashrc is run each time you open a bash shell after you've logged in02:15
pangolin!language | BassoPT-Desktop202:15
ubottuBassoPT-Desktop2: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.02:15
histofuho: your .bash_profile should get called when you login to gdm if that's what you're using02:15
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=== Guest23463 is now known as Sool
osmosisanyone able to get compiz negative plugin to work in 11.10 ?02:16
Stanley00fuho: hơ about startup application?02:16
jribfuho: you probably want to use ~/.profile.  If you share exactly what you do, it is easier to give more specialized advice.  I'm off to bed now02:16
fuhowhat if I only login remotely through ssh using xterm, does it still load .bash_profile?02:16
fuhoStanley00: That's what I would like to do.02:17
histofuho: your ssh'ng into a remote system and you want the script to run on that system?02:17
rez`is there a command for apt-get to upgrade to 11.10?02:17
histo!upgrade > rez`02:17
ubotturez`, please see my private message02:17
fuhohisto: Yeah, imagine a VPS on which I want to mount remote Amzon S3 filesystem everytime a user logs in02:18
fuhohisto: or everytime the server boots up. Actually knowing both possibilities would be great.02:18
robert__Which is more secure SSL or TLS?02:19
pookyWhenever I try to launch Thunderbird, I get a "failed to create drawable" error. I've deleted teh local config and tried to start using safe-mode but still get the same issue.02:19
histofuho: well to mount it on boot you would add it to your /etc/fstab02:19
pookyFirefox however, runs fine.02:19
histofuho: to mount it on login you would add it to ~/.bash_profile02:19
histo!fstab > fuho02:19
ubottufuho, please see my private message02:19
histofuho: I would just mount it on boot02:20
histofuho: since there's no reason not to have it mounted when you're not logged in02:20
robin0800geri, you on 11.10 ?02:20
fuhohisto: I probably will, I was just thinking about the possibilities of new users using their own buckets => their own login details02:21
fuhohisto: So to add it to .bash_profile I just type it in? No extra syntax around it?02:22
histofuho: well they would have to be in the disk or whatever group to have access to mount volumes as well.02:22
histofuho: kind of dangerous02:22
klyncfuho: you can have it managed by the automounter and just set the fs options to user=fuho,group=fuho,umask=??? (where i think ??? is 007)02:22
Soolis there a possibiloty to install a firewall which by default blocks all traffic but prompts you if the system tries to engage a remote connection; so that youll be able to fully control network-traffic?02:22
IbisSo Unity is a plugin for Compiz, that runs on top of gnome 3.02:23
IbisWithout actually just "replacing it". As in modifying code, and renaming it?02:23
fuhoklync: Thanks, I will stick with .bash_profile for now :) (must not solve problem that don't exist yet)02:24
linuxrocks13hows all my fellow linux gurus?02:24
histofuho: there are many ways to do one thing in linux and with open source software. You have to choose and decide which is best for you.02:24
=== Aang is now known as Zutara
histo!hi | linuxrocks1302:25
linuxrocks13preach it histo02:25
linuxrocks13hi :)02:25
fuhohisto: Ofcourse, I chose the simpel one for now. I tend to overengineer stuff.02:25
histofuho: The trick would be unmountign when the user logs out if you want. I'd have to think about that one02:26
AlecTaylorHow do I fix this unmet dependency error? - http://pastebin.com/jURubKkU02:26
linuxrocks13install suselinux it will fix it instant02:26
linuxrocks13take care all02:27
fuhohisto: Hmm, didn't even think about that. But probably not needed right now.02:27
Soolis there a possibiloty to install a firewall which by default blocks all traffic but prompts you if the system tries to engage a remote connection; so that youll be able to fully control to which hosts the box connects to?!02:29
=== Aang is now known as Zutara
histofuho: like I say the other issue will be the permission problems created by doing it through bash_profile in my mind. Personally I would add them to /etc/fstab and have them mounted on boot. Or if you need to mount new ones you could sudo mount -a without rebooting02:29
histo!firewall | Sool02:30
ubottuSool: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE Lucid and Maverick) also exist.02:30
fuhohisto: Oh, I didnt realize you need root provioliges to mount a file, so it would have to ask for password...02:30
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kestenI am having problems using software-center.  Errors when i try to install any package.  In think the problem is related to my python configuration http://paste.ubuntu.com/716551/02:30
fuhohisto: Hmmm, you are right it should mount it at boot.02:31
asifhi all02:31
kestenIs it bad to have two entries for /usr/bin/python2.7  one that says manual and the other auto?  If so, how do i safely remove the second entry?02:31
fuhohisto: What baout /etc/rc.local, is that run as user or root?02:31
asifcan anyone suggest a decent divx player?02:31
histofuho: mount on boot is done in /etc/fstab not rc.local02:32
lyraeHow do i check to see if i have gtk3 running?02:32
kestenasif: vlc is really good02:32
osmosisanyone able to get compiz negative plugin to work in 11.10 ?02:32
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qmanjr5How do I get information about my hardware, like my GPU and such?02:34
klyncqmanjr5: lspci02:34
machaira9Jordan_U: ok, got the live cd and burned it. going to give it a try now. brb02:34
klyncqmanjr5: dmidecode02:34
marcavisI'm one of the developers of the game Frogatto - how would I able to provide ubuntu-software-center with a better looking icon?02:34
fuhohisto: The command actually mounts the filesystem on its own, I just have to run the command. Fstab seems to be only for mounting.02:34
osmosisqmanjr5, cat /proc/cpuinfo02:34
osmosisqmanjr5, lspci -v02:34
klyncqmanjr5: for what's happening w your hardware, yeah, /proc and the `dmesg` command02:34
marcavis(Well in fact I'd gladly help with providing icons for other games, if I'm able)02:34
fuhohisto: The program might actually even take care of unmounting after user logs out.02:35
osmosisqmanjr5, or run  system info  app02:35
neonflxwhich 5 year old developed this abomination called "unity", WTF it is the beginig of the end for ubuntu what senseless piect of crap02:35
qmanjr5Alright, so how do I figure out which DirectX version it uses?02:36
Jordan_U!ot | neonflx02:36
ubottuneonflx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:36
klyncqmanjr5: from an x window, run `glxinfo`02:36
qmanjr5klync, what do you mena?02:36
neonflxand unity is no part of ubuntu , you brainless bot02:37
klyncqmanjr5: in your desktop, launch a "terminal" type app, and type "glxinfo" and hit enter02:37
Jordan_Uneonflx: This channel is for respectful support discussion only. This is your last warning.02:37
neonflxunity will be the demise of ubuntu if they insist on including it on their releases02:37
qmanjr5That command is not found, klync02:38
qmanjr5Heh heh02:38
klyncqmanjr5: `sudo apt-get install mesa-utils`02:39
Jordan_Uneonflx: The next time will be a ban. Please stay on topic and respectful.02:39
neonflxnon intuitive, non user friendly, impossible to configure, and im getting banned for stating the obvious02:39
s1!nounity > neonflx02:39
ubottuneonflx, please see my private message02:39
machaira9Jordan_U: you still there?02:39
Jordan_Umachaira9: Yes.02:40
qmanjr5Um, I didn't need any help getting to know Unity, nor did my 8 year old brother.02:40
nflavais there anyone that is familiar with allowing other pcs on my network to access my external hard drive?02:40
neonflxif we are to gain ground, we have to remain relevant02:40
machaira9Jodan_U: so the live cd restored the grub boot gui, but now ubuntu isn't even in the list02:40
* dhgf is away: scripting02:41
Jordan_U!bootinfo | machaira902:41
ubottumachaira9: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).02:41
qmanjr5klync, this output is very um...informative?02:41
fuhohisto: So if i just need to run one script (that doesn't have to have anything to do with fs) do I still use  Fstab?02:42
* dhgf is away: off02:42
* dhgf is back (gone 00:00:03)02:42
Jordan_Udhgf: Please turn that off.02:42
qmanjr5klync, help?02:43
marcavis!nounity > marcavis02:43
ubottumarcavis, please see my private message02:43
dhgfJordan_U: okay02:43
hux_I want to add #linuxmint to xchat along with #ubuntu but it's not freenode. Does anyone know their server name?02:43
Jordan_Umachaira9: It's "!notunity", and please investigate ubottu only in PMs.02:43
qmanjr5hux_, are you looking for the linux mint help channel?02:43
klyncqmanjr5: what specifically is the problem?02:43
hux_yes plz qmanjr502:43
machaira9Jordan_U: what?02:43
qmanjr5hux_, , it's #linuxmint-help on irc.freenode.net02:44
King_Ozzy*should say02:44
qmanjr5also, klync, it's a bunch of output I do not understand.02:44
machaira9Jordan_U: what's !notunity? and what are you talking about investigating ubottu?02:44
Jordan_Umarcavis: It's "!notunity", and please investigate ubottu only in PMs.02:44
machaira9Jordan_U: ah02:44
Jordan_Umachaira9: Sorry, wrong nick.02:44
hux_qmanjr5,  thanks I didn't think it was on freenode02:44
marcavisoh, okay02:45
blognewbhi guys can you suggest or recommend a laptop for ubuntu either mac or pc? preferrably i5 processor or above and need HDD suggestions02:46
hux_qmanjr5, that's not it It's on mint Servers or Spotchat I think02:46
AlecTaylorHow do I fix this unmet dependency error? - http://pastebin.com/jURubKkU02:46
qmanjr5Right, it IS on spotchat02:46
Jordan_Ublognewb: There are many companies which sell Ubuntu pre-installed.02:46
qmanjr5My mistake :P02:46
hux_qman thaNKS02:47
blognewbJordan_U im looking for unbiased recommendations because like you said there are a lot of companies, i just can't narrow them down02:47
qmanjr5How do I figure out which DirectX I'm using?02:47
s1you can investiate  ubottu in /query ubottu .. then /msg ubottu !ask  , thats what Jordan_U meant :-)02:48
fuhoAlecTaylor: sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev libtiff4-dev02:48
Jordan_Uqmanjr5: Ubuntu doesn't use DirectX, it uses OpenGL.02:48
qmanjr5So if I were looking at the system requirements for a game, and it says " DirectX® 8.1 level Graphics Card (Requires support for SSE), " what do I do?02:49
hux_thanks qmanjr5 that was it and Mint Servers was in there02:49
qmanjr5No problem hux_02:49
soreauqmanjr5: You probably should look at the OS requirement02:49
robert__Banshee says i have a codec missing called "text/html decoder" but the music file i'm trying to play is an mp3. i have tried the mp3 file with other music player but the same error is occurring.02:50
qmanjr5soreau, WINE02:50
qmanjr5Can't I run it in WINE?02:50
King_Ozzyqmanjr5 how old is your computer?02:50
Jordan_U!appdb | qmanjr502:50
ubottuqmanjr5: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help02:50
qmanjr5A couple years02:50
xanguarobert__: installed codecs already¿02:50
King_Ozzyit can run it.02:50
qmanjr5Alright :P02:50
soreauqmanjr5: Native linux games use opengl. For stuff in wine, try #winehq or the link ubottu gave02:50
robert__yes i have all the codecs installed02:51
qmanjr5Thanks soreau02:51
robert__all my other mp3 file work just not this one02:51
marcavisrobert__, looks like a broken download; instead of getting a mp3 you actually must have gotten a plaintext file instead02:52
marcavisor perhaps a html file saying "file not found" or something of the sort02:53
appi_uppiIs there any voice cancellation software available for ubuntu?02:53
soreaurobert__: Then it might be the file that is problematic02:53
soreauYou can run 'file' on it to see what type it appears to the system02:53
appi_uppisorry, it's noise conacellation02:53
robert__but i just bought it from itunes :(02:53
Jordan_Uappi_uppi: Real time?02:53
appi_uppiJordan_U, I'm recording my own voice for the documentary, but not sure if I can use Real Time for removal of noise.02:54
machaira9Jordan_U: ok, i have the results.02:54
machaira9Jordan_U: copy/paste in here, right?02:55
* machaira9 is jk02:55
Jordan_Uappi_uppi: Audacity can do noise cancelation (make sure you begin and end the recording with no other sounds so that you have good samples of what to remove).02:55
appi_uppiSure, i will give a try02:56
bonez2046My sound works at boot up, that drum roll, but then nothing after gnome comes up02:56
Jordan_Uappi_uppi: And I'm sure there are other Audio apps which can do it as well.02:56
appi_uppiJordan_U, hmm, i will try Audacity02:57
bonez2046I run vbox.. and sound worked fine, I loaded win xp guest machine, and windows sound came up and then it died in vm windows and in linux as well02:57
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hux_appi_uppi,  also try deadbeeef if ur looking for a music player02:58
hux_not sure if it's in the repo02:58
hux_but I luv it02:58
appi_uppii will search for it02:58
hux_I like Ocelot a lot03:00
Jordan_Umarcavis: I think Ubuntu Software Center just uses the icon provided for the menu.03:00
machaira9Jordan_U: pastebin.com/bnf685ky03:01
qmanjr5Does Natty Narwhal use Compiz?03:01
=== rocket16 is now known as Guest53952
qmanjr5Hi! ^_^03:01
marcavisJordan_U, so... I guess that changing the icon is up to the package maintainers, then?03:01
Guest53952Hello gentlemen. I can't yet upgrade to Ubuntu 11.04 to 11.10 via the live cd.03:02
Jordan_Umarcavis: Yes, but I'm sure they'd be willing. File a bug report against the package in launchpad.03:02
King_OzzyGuest53952 I might recommend Arch03:02
Guest53952Is there any way to do that? The upgrade option is not selectable. :(03:02
lwizardlin 10.4.3 how do i get firefox7 installed ?03:02
xangua!fx6 | lwizardl03:03
ubottulwizardl: Firefox 6 has been released as a security update for 11.04. For 10.04 and 10.10, you can use the unofficial and unsupported PPA at https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable03:03
machaira9Jordan_U: i noticed grub is on two partitions? maybe i'm misunderstanding03:03
xanguathe ppa has fx 7 ;) but there is no fx7 factoid :P03:03
marcavisJordan_U, oh, yeah, certainly they will ;) - and I'll do that, thanks!03:03
Jordan_Umarcavis: You're welcome.03:03
bazhangKing_Ozzy, thats not helpful03:04
=== pinkwaffles_ is now known as q0_0p
Karl___Hey so can someone help me... I tried to instal java jdk and java jre and then i quit it stupidly and now i cant open my update manager or install shit or rly anything that i want to do.  when i type in "sudo apt-get install -f" i get this E: The package sun-java6-bin needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.03:04
=== Aang is now known as Zutara
bazhangKarl___, no cursing here please03:05
q0_0phow do i enable broadcom sta driver in the settings for additional drivers?03:05
Jordan_Umachaira9: I'm guessing you use a separate /boot/ partition?03:05
q0_0pi try to activate it but it refers to me a log file /var/log/jockey.log03:05
Karl___Yeah I am03:05
machaira9Jordan_U: as far as i know, i have 3 partitions for ubuntu stuff: /, /swap, and /data03:06
machaira9Jordan_U: (,msdos3) is root, and (,msdos5) is /data03:06
machaira9Jordan_U: i don't know why grub would be in /data (if i'm interpreting it correctly)03:07
Karl___is there anyone who can help?03:07
Jordan_Umachaira9: Do you have any kernels in the /boot/ directory of sda3 ?03:07
fuhoHow can I access my mount if I have to mount it with sudo?03:08
bonez2046n e 1, how to restore sound, or troubleshoot it on ubuntu system?03:08
aeon-ltdbonez2046: check speakers connections and source03:09
s1!sound > bonez204603:10
ubottubonez2046, please see my private message03:10
machaira9Jordan_U: yeah, sda3\boot has kernels. sda5 just has a grub folder and lost+found folder03:10
CaptWhoi'm trying to get rid of unity <it sux>, i just ran apt-get install gnome-session-fallback and it went fine.  when i log in, i select gnome classic, but it always goes back to ubuntu and unity...  anyone have any idea what's happening here?03:11
lwizardlxangua thanks03:11
s1q0_0p: what does it say in the log file , and which card is i .. Run/ sudo lshw -C Network  and for more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#Installing_STA_drivers03:12
* Jilly waves03:12
hux_\O jilly03:13
klyncCaptWho: i don't feel like logging out to check how this exactly looks in gdm / lightdm , but surely there's a way to say "... and make this my default session" while selecting it??03:13
machaira9Jordan_U: btw, ignore stuff about /sdb. it's just the usb drive03:13
CaptWhoklync, not that i'm seeing03:13
CaptWhoit allows me to select it, but it just rolls back to default03:14
JillyMine always logs me in to the last wm I chose.03:14
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q0_0p/var/log/jockey.log error03:18
Ir0nmanHi im looking for help with screen size on my netbook03:19
CaptWhowhat happens if i just remove unity from 11.10?03:19
klyncCaptWho: well, going to "switch user" instead of logging out, i can see that lightdm doesn't seem to give you that, so not sure what their "vision" of how to fix that would be .... however, if you switch to gdm you'll have a not nearly as pretty interface but, i'm pretty sure, the ability to set that03:19
bazhang!notunity | CaptWho03:20
ubottuCaptWho: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic03:20
fuhoCaptWho: Just install Gnome first03:20
Ir0nmani cant confirm but I do believe the screen size is incorrect and I cant see some options at the bottom of the screen and the new side dock when program "pops" out it barely shows on the screen03:20
meltingwaxdoes anyone know the best way to put ubuntu on an ipod touch?03:20
machaira9Jordan_U: any idea why grub would exist on two different partitions?03:20
aeon-ltdmeltingwax: hehheheheh03:21
JillyThere are display settings on the system settings panel03:21
dassoukiare there any online alternatives to quickbooks ?03:21
aeon-ltdmeltingwax: are you serious?03:21
meltingwaxaeon-ltd: yes03:21
meltingwaxi want to completely erase the iOS03:21
Ir0nmanthe display settings are incorrect and I only have 103:21
aeon-ltdit's not possible yet03:21
Jordan_Umachaira9: Because you mounted your data partition to /boot/ and ran grub-install or used grub-instal --boot-directory=/mountpoint where your data directory was mounted at mountpoint.03:21
meltingwaxi see03:21
FreezingColdI'm trying to make a LiveCD type thing for myself, it'll run on a external USB HDD, run a few scripts and then shutdown.  How can I copy over a Ubuntu LiveCD image over to it?03:22
aeon-ltdmeltingwax: it takes an insane amount of time to even get android working on the iphone 3g03:22
machaira9Jordan_U: i never did that. i just ran software updates, which errored out, and when i rebooted, this is how things existed03:22
aeon-ltdmeltingwax: why? iOS isn't that bad and if it were you brought the wrong product03:22
bazhang!remaster | FreezingCold03:23
ubottuFreezingCold: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility03:23
okeeStrange, I thought I uninstalled deluge, rebootted, and Deluge is back.  I am wondering if that is why I can't download the bit torrent version of Ubuntu?03:23
Jordan_Umachaira9: Someone did it.03:23
meltingwaxaeon-ltd: it was given to me because my friend bought a larger one. as a statement about how i think apple is stupid, i want to turn it into a server and give my friends SSH accounts03:23
FreezingColdbazhang, I have remastered Ubuntu LiveCD's before, but I'm not sure how storage would work with them...03:23
q0_0pcan anyone help me with my wifi card? http://pastebin.com/tyd3msR103:24
aeon-ltdmeltingwax: wut? how is that in anyway useful? you can sell the ipod and buy a arduino and sd card setup for a powerfully server, or raspberry pi03:24
Jillymw: Apple is not without their problems, but I don03:24
JillyI don03:24
aeon-ltdmeltingwax: which generation ipod?03:25
chrnodis there a reason why my command line doesnt work properly ?? when i push ctrl alt f1 it goes blue03:25
machaira9Jordan_U: everything was working fine, then i reinstalled windows, which usurped grub, then i booted to live cd via usb and ran the recommended fixes, rebooted and got grub gui with ubuntu just fine, booted into ubuntu (which resumed a hibernated state), ran software update (which errored out), experienced buggy ubuntu gui behavior, rebooted, landed at grub prompt, made live cd on an actual cd and booted to it, ran recommended03:25
q0_0pi have bcm4322803:25
Jordan_Umachaira9: You made a mistake while running whatever "recommended fixes" then.03:26
machaira9Jordan_U: lol i clicked a single button. there were no optoins or customizations for me to make.03:27
Jordan_Umachaira9: What guide did you follow?03:27
klyncwho ever it was who brought up vmware player, thank you x100 ... i wish vbox had its 3d code worked out, but doesn't sound like the team's too concerned about that :(03:27
meltingwaxaeon-ltd: 3rd03:28
Jillyvmware player is the best.  I don03:28
aeon-ltdmeltingwax: disregard my private message03:28
JillyI don03:28
machaira9Jordan_U: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows03:28
Jordan_Umachaira9: This guide should fix things, however the situation started: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#ChRoot03:29
Ir0nmanthis is the issue im having pretty much http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=173859003:29
Ir0nmanthe resolution size does not fit ubuntu properly03:29
JillyI just always boot linux and run windows in vmware player...almost never need it anymore.  Windows that is.03:29
Jillyis it one of the 1366 x 768 netbooks?03:30
q0_0pcan anyone help me with my wifi card? http://pastebin.com/tyd3msR103:30
Jordan_Umachaira9: It might be some bug in boot-repair, I've never used this software.03:30
Ir0nmanme Jilly?03:31
Ir0nmanim not sure :( i just know it doesnt fit properly03:31
JillyIr0nman...hrm...maybe you don't have a proper display driver.03:32
machaira9Jordan_U: so the chroot stuff should fix it up?03:32
osmosisanyone able to get compiz negative plugin to work in 11.10 ?03:32
Jordan_Umachaira9: Yes.03:32
Ir0nmani will do some research on the driver03:32
Ir0nmanbut im pretty sure the driver is good03:33
machaira9Jordan_U: cool, thanks. i'll let you know how it turns out03:33
Ir0nmanwell the one from mfr03:33
Jordan_Umachaira9: You're welcome.03:33
q0_0pcan anyone help me with my wifi card? http://pastebin.com/tyd3msR103:34
viddcan you lan-insatll ubuntu serer 64 bit from a sewrver running 32 bit?03:34
machaira9Jordan_U: i just noticed an item under 'advanced options' of the repair disk utility that said "separate boot partition" and was pointing to sda5. i unchecked that box and hit fix again. let's see if that does the trick.03:34
Perndog_question, I have a laptop with windows 7 and I created a partition in windows 7 for like 50gb so i can install ubuntu in it03:34
Perndog_its on NTFS dynamic03:34
machaira9has anyone ever had ubuntu udpates cause a grub problem?03:34
Perndog_and the installer wont see the partition03:35
machaira9Jordan_U: looks like it's fixed! booting into ubuntu now. hopefully updates will work this time.03:35
Jordan_UPerndog_: Ubuntu doesn't support Windows Dynamic Disks.03:35
machaira9Jordan_U: hey, thanks for all your help. i really appreciate it. i'm still a linux novice, so it's crippling to be stuck at a boot loader prompt with only a vague clue of how to get past it.03:35
Perndog_so how do I fix that?03:35
Jordan_Umachaira9: Can you file a bug report about that (assuming the separate boot partition" option was selected by default)?03:35
array2I've been unable to boot the computer several times after a dist upgrade....03:36
viddPerndog_, you would be better off having the installer push windows over and and make room for itself03:36
q0_0panyone can help?03:36
machaira9Jordan_U: it was either selected by default, or something existed on my system that made it think it was supposed to be boot. (maybe one of the sys updates that errored out screwed it up?)03:36
Perndog_but will it delete my windowze install?03:36
Jordan_UPerndog_: Can you install Ubuntu on a different drive, or turn off Windows Dynamic Disks?03:36
viddPerndog_, linux is aware ther's other ppl in the room....windows always think they are the only ones around03:36
planedriverHello, I recent;y upgraded to 11.10 and I can't seem to get my headphones to work properly. When I go to the sound menu, there's no option to switch to my headphones so sound always plays out of both the main laptop speakers and the headphones at the same time.03:36
Perndog_how do I turn off windows dynamic disks?03:36
Jordan_UPerndog_: I don't know, try asking in ##windows (with an explanation that you're trying to install Ubuntu alongside your Windows install).03:37
viddPerndog_, to answerer your question...no, linux will not delete your windows\03:37
RudyValenciaIs it possible to set Ubuntu without a GUI to autologin?03:38
RudyValencia(for a specific application running under a given user in .bash_profile)03:38
viddRudyValencia, yes...its POSSIBLE...but IDK of any reason you would want to03:39
RudyValenciavidd: I'm porting an old DOS point-of-sale app over and we don't want to use standard login03:39
viddoh...you want to autostart a program? or autologin RudyValencia03:39
RudyValenciaautomatically log on as a given user then automatically load the POS app03:39
AlecTaylorDoes anyone have a log for the reply I was given an hour or so ago?03:40
RudyValencialemme see03:40
viddyeah...its possible03:40
NetRunnerBlackWhat's better then Transmission?03:40
RudyValenciaAlecTaylor: I see no reply03:40
AlecTaylorRudyValencia: Someone told me to apt-get install two librareis03:40
AlecTaylorRudyValencia: Someone told me to apt-get install two libraries03:40
Ir0nmanwhere is DPI settings in GUI?03:41
viddRudyValencia, you want to add it to your grub bootload script and set the auto-login to a user WITHOUT sudo rights....and no password03:41
bazhangNetRunnerBlack, thats entirely subjective03:41
viddits tricky but CAN be done03:41
* AlecTaylor uninstalled a library in a troubleshooting step, and now has no GUI (connecting to irssi via tty4)03:41
bazhang!torrent | NetRunnerBlack take a look03:41
ubottuNetRunnerBlack take a look: Some torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P03:41
RudyValenciavidd: yeah, that would be an idea, and have single-user mode be available for technicians to select03:41
Jillyironman, applications, system tools, system settings, display03:41
RudyValencia<fuho> AlecTaylor: sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev libtiff4-dev03:42
RudyValenciaThe technicians can log into single-user mode from PXElinux03:42
viddthe techy can always "su user-with-sudo-rights03:42
JillyHave to go, good luck ir0nman.03:42
viddor they can ssh in03:43
RudyValenciavidd: this is gonna be PXE via PXElinux03:43
RudyValenciait should be able to do the same, right?03:43
NetRunnerBlackTransmission has no peers03:43
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vidddunno anything about pxe03:43
AlecTaylorHow do I reinstall everything that was removed when I removed libjpeg?03:43
RudyValenciait should install all dependencies03:44
viddbut if your making an appiance then i dont see why not...should easier that way03:44
AlecTaylorno no, I mean, it uninstalled the gnome GUI, brasero &etc03:44
jcollierdavishow do I copy files from sub-folders all into a single folder?03:44
RudyValenciaah, try installing ubuntu-desktop03:44
AlecTaylorRudyValencia: no no, I mean, it uninstalled the gnome GUI, brasero &etc03:44
RudyValenciaI know03:44
RudyValenciaubuntu-desktop is a 'meta-package' that refers to all desktop packages.03:45
AlecTaylorThanks RudyValencia, downloading it now03:45
RudyValenciavidd: should be easiest to auto-login the POS app user itself, set it to not sudo and to auto-load the application using .bash_profile03:47
qmanjr5Every time I install the current nVidia driver, and reboot, I can't click on anything. The menu and taskbar and all that loads03:47
qmanjr5but I can't click on them.03:47
qmanjr5I have to remove the driver :/03:47
viddRudyValencia, if the POS is going to boot off the lan, then you set up the lan boot thing to only push the appliance03:48
bazhangvisionvi1us, wrong place for that03:48
viddand the server runs linux for you03:48
qmanjr5Could someone help me out with this?03:48
RudyValenciaoh, well, the app needs an OS beneath it03:48
planedriveris there a way to get global menu support in gnome 3?03:48
viddno...it doesnt03:49
RudyValenciait doesn't use hardware directly03:49
RudyValenciait had DOS beneath it03:49
RudyValenciaI'm replacing DOS with Ubuntu no-GUI03:49
viddso all you put on the hardware is enough stuff to tell it"your stuff is "there"03:50
Karl___Hey so I did a duel boot install, so I have Windows and Ubuntu on my comp and well I want to reinstall Ubuntu cuz i cant solve an error that I keep getting and I honestly have given up.  So how can I do that?  Will it delete my windows files if I try to reinstall it the normal way?03:50
c4pti am having a problem installing ati catalyst or fglrx03:50
c4ptwhen i try to install fglrx dpgk is broken03:50
viddand "there" has the OS and the appliance running...and only sends the appliance over...not the os03:50
qmanjr5Karl___, No. You select how to install Ubuntu when you go through the install process.03:50
qmanjr5Click Overwrite03:50
RudyValenciaare you thinking running it on a server and using SSH to control it from the terminal?03:50
RudyValenciadoing that would be slow03:51
viddRudyValencia, same consept...but no...you run an appliance layer on the device03:51
Karl___qmanjr5, ohh ok so just reinstall it the normal way with the normal thing.  how do you reinstall?  do you just uhm idk click on "install ubuntu"?03:51
RudyValenciaI really don't understand03:51
qmanjr5On the liveCD03:52
viddall it does is boot up and get the application from the network03:52
viddthere is no login screen or anything03:52
RudyValenciaoh, like have a small boot disk in each terminal with just Linux configured to pull the application from an NFS share, say?03:52
Karl___sorry last time i ask... i just go on the ubuntu website and hit download ubuntu 11.10 or whatever and install it haha ?03:52
qmanjr5Karl___, You burn it to a disc and reboot with the disc in the tray.03:52
RudyValenciaMaybe I could use PXE to boot Linux in the same way03:53
machaira9Jordan_U: gotta run. thanks again for the help. peace03:53
RudyValenciagranted the application would be on an NFS share, and Linux would be pushed to the terminal at boot time03:53
qmanjr5Every time I attempt to install the latest nVidia driver and reboot, I cannot click on anything. I see my icons, the side panel, the taskbar and everything, but I can't click on anything. Help?03:53
antonio__i need help please!03:53
Karl___oh ok thx.  OH can i use the windows client to do that instead of burnging it onto a disk?  will i still be able to overwrite the ubuntu that i have currently?03:53
bazhangantonio__, with what03:53
q0_0pcan anyone help me with wifi? pastebin.com/tyd3msR103:53
RudyValenciaantonio__: just ask :)03:53
qmanjr5Karl___, I believe so.03:53
viddlook into the LVSP project03:54
qmanjr5Karl___, I've never used WUBI before though03:54
antonio__ok, mmm sorry i don't speak english, so i hope you stand me03:54
ejvKarl___: you download the iso, you verify the iso against the MD5sum, you burn it to the disc, you run the disc verification tool after booting, THEN you install...03:54
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qmanjr5ejv, that's not really necessary.03:54
antonio__i have xubuntu 11.10 i wanna install unity 2d03:54
RudyValenciavidd: I know about LTSP03:54
qmanjr5Every time I attempt to install the latest nVidia driver and reboot, I cannot click on anything. I see my icons, the side panel, the taskbar and everything, but I can't click on anything. Help?03:54
RudyValenciaLinux Terminal Server Project03:54
ejvyes it is, encourage the proper procedure, good habits are important, especially for the newbies03:54
Karl___wait uhm what does it mean to varify the iso against the MD5sum?03:55
viddRudyValencia, thats what your talking about03:55
qmanjr5ejv, still. Checking the md5sum?03:55
bazhangqmanjr5, yes03:55
ejvyou haven't been in the linux world long if you don't periodically do md5 checks03:55
qmanjr5You're right, I haven't.03:55
ejvit's vital for integrity03:55
antonio__mmm you have not seen my ask?03:55
viddthats what you need03:55
qmanjr5and if I can't fix this, I won't at all.03:55
bazhang!info unity-2d | antonio__03:56
ubottuantonio__: unity-2d (source: unity-2d): Unity interface for non-accelerated graphics cards. In component main, is optional. Version 4.12.0-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 4 kB, installed size 140 kB03:56
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bazhangantonio__, install that package03:56
RudyValenciaSet up the terminals to boot from the local "controller" system, and receive a minimal Linux system plus the POS app03:56
ejvKarl___: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM03:56
antonio__yeah, i have installed unity 2d on xubuntu 11.1003:56
antonio__but the theme is not complete03:56
qmanjr5Every time I attempt to install the latest nVidia driver and reboot, I cannot click on anything. I see my icons, the side panel, the taskbar and everything, but I can't click on anything. Help?03:56
bazhangantonio__, select it in login window03:56
RudyValenciaWhat doesn't matter is what backend OS is running, just the frontend has to look the same as the old DOS app03:56
RudyValenciaWe can recompile it to use ncurses and keep the appearance03:57
ejvmd5 or sha1 is the *only* reliable way to guarantee the integrity and more importantly the "authenticity" of a download03:57
antonio__mm i set you in other window?03:57
viddyep and yule be all set03:58
RudyValenciavidd: thanks03:58
viddno problem03:58
bazhangqmanjr5, install from where03:59
qmanjr5Additional Drivers03:59
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bazhangqmanjr5, what about starting in recovery mode03:59
ejvfor example, what if the ubuntu website were hacked, and the .iso's were replaced by the attacker with a tainted version that included a backdoor; the users verifying their checksums would notice the inconsistency immediately and *know* something was wrong. the people who blindly install would have backdoors. make sense? good. :p03:59
qmanjr5ejv, if it were hacked and, like you said, people noticed, then the administrators of the site would promptly fix the issue.04:00
qmanjr5And probably issue a warning both on the site and on here.04:00
antonio__mmmm i'm sorry but i think you have not stand me, i ready have installed unity 2d on my xubuntu 11.10 but ehwn i star it, unity2d no looks like on ubuntu, it looks like no theme!04:00
ejvabsolutely, but security doesn't always move that quickly, or as quickly as it should04:00
qmanjr5bazhang, what do you mean?04:00
qmanjr5ejv, Granted. But the chances of it being hacked are minimal04:01
viddnow if oly someone could answer my question04:01
bazhangantonio__, and you want the full ubuntu desktop? or just unity-2d? could you please paste a screenshot04:01
ejvif a few users reported inconsistencies, they might consider it stastically insignificant, if many reported then they'd take a closer look.04:01
bazhangthis is getting offtopic04:01
qmanjr5If someone reported the md5 being inconsistent, I'm sure they'd check it out.04:01
antonio__yeah i wany it looks like ubuntu desktop04:01
viddcan you pxe-install 64bit ubuntu from a server running 32bit?04:01
antonio__wait me please...04:01
ejvnot really, people who aren't familiar with the process who are lurking, will read it and be enlightened ;)04:02
qmanjr5Meh. Fair enough.04:02
bazhangejv, lets move on please04:02
qmanjr5Yes, lets04:02
ejvrelax bazhang, im done already lol04:02
qmanjr5bazhang, halp?04:02
bazhangqmanjr5, hold shift at boot get into recovery mode04:02
pavan_hello guys04:02
qmanjr5okay, then what04:02
bazhangqmanjr5, are you there now?04:03
qmanjr5Uh, no. Brb04:03
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pavan_I wanna install gnome 3 on 11.10, is this command sufficient for the same "sudo apt-get install gnome-shell"04:03
RandomRogerThat will do it pavan_04:04
qmanjr5bazhang, did you mean safe mode, or recovery console?04:05
RandomRogerI had no luck with it though, gnome was all messed up.04:05
qmanjr5'cause i'm in safe mode right now04:05
ejvanyone else surprised lxde has fewer dependencies than xfce, over a 100 less... i was shocked04:09
antonio__bazhang, this is my screenshot <!--copy and paste--><a href="http://my.opera.com/punkantonito/albums/showpic.dml?album=9449382&picture=129745332"><img src="http://files.myopera.com/punkantonito/albums/9449382/thumbs/Captura%20de%20pantalla%20-%20221011%20-%2023%3A02%3A42.png_thumb.jpg" alt="" /></a>04:09
caesarThis is the issue I'm having with wine in ubuntu 11.10: http://i51.tinypic.com/sgtzls.png04:09
pavan_thanks RandomRoger04:09
antonio__no this not, xD this http://my.opera.com/punkantonito/albums/showpic.dml?album=9449382&picture=12974533204:09
caesarhas anyone seen this error before and can tell me what the cause of it is?04:10
RandomRogernp pavan_, Good  luck04:11
antonio__mmmmm please i need help!04:12
visionvi1usfor what?04:12
antonio__hello, thank04:12
antonio__i have installled unity 2d on my xubuntu 11.10 but it no loooks like on ubuntu04:12
visionvi1uswhy u need some help?04:12
antonio__it not looks like the ubuntu desktop04:13
pavan_I have an another issue, I have installed ram of 4 gb, in windows it shows properly as 4 gb, but in ubuntu it shows as 2.9 gb, any idea?04:13
antonio__this is my screenshot http://my.opera.com/punkantonito/albums/showpic.dml?album=9449382&picture=12974533204:13
ejv!enter | visionvi1us04:14
ubottuvisionvi1us: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:14
qmanjr5Your theme is different antonio__04:14
antonio__yeah, but i want the theme like the ubuntu desktop04:14
antonio__i can't chabge it04:14
antonio__i can't change it04:14
qmanjr5bazhang, , you there?04:14
visionvi1ussomebody red the book otherland?04:15
qmanjr5antonio__, why can't you?04:15
antonio__doy you know if i have forget install other thing?04:15
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antonio__i don't know why04:16
visionvi1ustux_: lol, dont we know us?=04:16
antonio__sorry i don't speak english04:16
antonio__ i hope you can stand me04:16
tux_i speak just a little04:16
tux_hola antonio04:16
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antonio__hola, hablas español?04:16
antonio__asi mejor04:17
antonio__entediste mi pregunta?04:17
tux_no la vi xD04:17
tux_cual era04:17
visionvi1ustux_: ? no la vista ;-))04:17
tux_me acabo de conectar jejeje04:17
antonio__xD, osea yo tengo xubuntu 11.10 pero instale unity2d04:17
tux_:P i didn't see it04:17
ejv!es | antonio__04:18
antonio__pero no se muesta como el unity2d de ubnuut desktoip04:18
ubottuantonio__: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:18
antonio__creo q falta algo04:18
antonio__ohhh lo sietno, yo no sabia del canal de ubuntu en español04:18
tux_si hay uno04:18
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antonio__gracias intentaré entrar. thanks i'll try to into!04:19
tux_talvez alguna dependecia04:20
martiandonde es el queso?04:20
tux_de suiza04:20
antonio__tux, me hanlas a mi?04:20
tux_lo de suiza no jejeje04:20
antonio__ah ya xD04:20
antonio__yo recuerod haber instalado el unity 2d en mint y si se instalo todo04:20
antonio__pero aqui no puedo04:20
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Stanley00tux_ , antonio__, martian please use English here, or /join #ubuntu-es. thanks.04:22
antonio__oh i'm sorry, i can't into to ubuntu.es04:22
tux_ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:unity-2d-team/unity-2d-daily sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install unity-2d04:23
ejv#ubuntu-es , not #ubuntu.es04:23
GinoMan2440hay porque esta #ubuntu-es no #ubuntu.es04:23
antonio__yeah, but unity 2d is in synaptic04:24
tux_mmm, its weird xD04:25
tux_i never try it with xubuntu04:26
q0_0pcan anyone help me with wifi? pastebin.com/tyd3msR104:26
tux_its tor conection allowed at this channel?04:26
antonio__mm ok, i wll try again in ubuntu-es04:27
tux_no problem ;)04:27
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esqHello does anyone know how to fix the software Center? It opens OK however if you choose a category if freezes.04:29
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q0_0pcan anyone help me with wifi? pastebin.com/tyd3msR104:31
qmanjr5how do I run the .run driver file that I just downloaded from nVidia?04:32
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q0_0panyone know how to get BCM43228  working?04:33
somethingintereshi all, my almost fresh install of 11.10 is locking up. I can't work out a cause. What can I do to submit a bug report on the issue?04:33
Donquijotehow do i stop a process from restarting after killing?04:34
qmanjr5how do I run the .run driver file that I just downloaded from nVidia?04:34
andrewh192hey, was wondering.. I was looking for D.A.R. Disk Archive program, and on their own site, it said that it would be in the repositories04:34
andrewh192and i haven't been able to find it through the Ubuntu Software center04:35
dsnydersDoes anyone know of a progressive alarm clock software for linux?04:35
tux_be sure that the file have execution permission, sorry about english04:35
esqHello does anyone know how to fix the software Center? It opens OK however if you choose a category it freezes.04:35
bhaveshWe got Ubutnu, Linux Mint and Joly cloud review for the first time in The Times of India :D         http://epaper.timesofindia.com/Default/Scripting/ArticleWin.asp?From=Archive&Source=Page&Skin=TOINEW&BaseHref=TOIM/2011/10/23&PageLabel=23&EntityId=Ar02300&ViewMode=HTML04:35
andrewh192was wondering if anyone could help me with that figure out where it is04:35
qmanjr5Mkay, so, running the driver downlaoded from nVidia says I need to stop the X server04:35
qmanjr5how do I do this?04:35
andrewh192main reason i want to use that, is because i am backing up my music folder and it will span over more than just 1 dvd04:36
tux_try sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop04:36
tux_to stop xserver04:36
qmanjr5I'm not TRYING anything04:36
Stanley00andrewh192: what is your ubuntu version?04:36
qmanjr5Will that work?04:36
tux_maybe :D04:36
qmanjr5I'm not too optimistic about this...but hell, I may as well try04:37
qmanjr5command not found04:37
tux_damn xD04:38
qmanjr5Mkay, so, running the driver downlaoded from nVidia says I need to stop the X server04:38
qmanjr5How do I do this?04:38
Donquijotehow do it kill a process and prevent from reloading itseft again?04:38
excedereI just noticed a weird bug, my who/uptime commands say there are 0 users logged in.  Even though there are at least 2...  Any suggestions?04:38
esqInstalling NVIDIA DRIVER: http://mygeekopinions.blogspot.com/2011/06/how-to-install-nvidia-2750907-driver-in.html04:38
tux_If you are using GNOME:sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop    Again to start GNOME desktop: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start04:38
visionvi1usDonquijote: dont fight the mühle fight the atomkraftwerk, but with ur hoesepeople, and friend, they realy love u!04:39
visionvi1usive seen it in the future04:39
esqThat is truu Gnome is gdm if unity it is lightdm the sit i just put up is pretty good04:40
Donquijotequit smoking that shit dude04:40
jiltdilAny one Faced issue with cheese>04:40
icedteawhat is the package name for the kernel source?04:40
qmanjr5That whole ending the x server thing didn't go so well04:41
excedere 00:39:24 up  2:46,  0 users,  load average: 0.04, 0.08, 0.06  Im really scratching my head here04:41
icedteajiltdil: maybe fumanda cheese04:41
qmanjr5it ends it COMPLETELY. um....I dunno how nVidia excepts me to end the X server to install the driver04:41
YankDownUndericedtea, linux-image & build essentials04:41
andrewh192well thanx guys04:41
andrewh192chat with ya all laterz04:41
esqI take it everyons software center is running great no freezes?04:42
YankDownUnderesq, I run 10.10, ergo, I have no problems. ;)04:42
excedereesq, mine has been slower than normal, but no crashes04:42
dsnydersA progressive alarm is one that chimes at intervals that start off long, and get shorter and shorter.  It is supposed to wake you gently.04:42
qmanjr5Mkay, so the nVidia driver installation says to end the X server for installation. How do they expect this to go about?04:43
YankDownUnderqmanjr5, Reboot is easiest.04:43
qmanjr5YankDownUnder, what do you mean?04:43
Jordan_Uqmanjr5: Don't install the nvidia driver that way.04:44
esqThanks the other issues is rebooting or logging off  takes forever does any one know what could be the issue?04:44
qmanjr5Jordan_U, well, if I try via the Additional Drivers thing, I cannot click on anything when I reboot...04:44
mkultra__alt + f2 gksu jockey-gtk?04:44
mkultra__jockey like left 4 dead?04:45
qmanjr5mkultra__, you talkin' to me?04:45
mkultra__alt + f204:46
qmanjr5what's that do?04:46
mkultra__gksu jockey-gtk04:46
bkerensaUhh... My audio just magically stopped working on Ubuntu 11.10 and worked just fine hours ago... Brand new laptop so its not the card04:46
mkultra__= aditional driver dialog04:46
bkerensaany help?04:46
qmanjr5...Did you read what I said?04:46
icedteaYankDownUnder: I don't see the kernel source code in either package, linux-image-2.6.38-11-generic, build-essential04:48
=== knoppix is now known as BullShark
dhasenan_I'm experiencing a lot of slowdowns with vim in oneiric -- writing to disk and quitting tend to take 3-5 seconds, even for tiny files.04:52
dhasenan_Any idea what's going on?04:52
qmanjr5Okay, here goes again....When I try and install the latest nVidia driver via the Additional Drivers thing, I can't click on anything when I reboot.04:52
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
dr-willisqmanjr5: do windows have titlebars and controls?04:54
bodohhallo all .. any acer laptop user who also experiences random freeze/hang??04:55
bodohit just hangs, freezes ... randomly .. and really, dont know why04:55
bodohany of you experience that too?04:55
qmanjr5Yeah, dr-willis Everything appears, but I can't click on anything04:55
qmanjr5The taskbar, icons on desktop, sidebar04:55
dr-willisqmanjr5:  interesting .. as a test i would try installing a light window manager like icewm. and see if it wirks. and try with a newly made user.04:57
qmanjr5So much work...04:57
dr-willisyou need to figure out if its a compiz issue. or sonrhibg else04:58
esq_Hello does anyone know how to fix the software Center? It opens OK however if you choose a category it freezes.04:58
qmanjr5how do I install that window manager?04:58
dr-willisyou could test with unity2D also04:58
excederesudo apt-get install icewm Im assuming04:58
dr-willisapt-get install icewm unity-2d04:59
dr-willisfor them,both04:59
qmanjr5so now install the driver and reboot into that WM?04:59
dsnydersA progressive  (or zen) alarm is one that chimes at intervals that start off long, and get shorter and shorter.  It is supposed to wake you gently.  Is there a software for linux that does this?04:59
dr-willisinstall the wms. install driver. reboot05:00
qmanjr5Alright, I'll try.05:00
qmanjr5if I can't fix this, I may switch back to Windows05:00
qmanjr5and I don't want to do that :(05:00
dr-willisrun nvidia-settings under icewm to check settings perhaps05:00
qindsnyders: gentle bash with mighty mplayer ;)05:00
dr-willisny nvidia system has no issues05:01
qmanjr5What WM?05:01
hansg01PPA's aren't able to download05:01
dr-willisthis isent some dual video laptop is it05:01
bodohI run ubuntu on my WATCH ... it's so awesome ;)05:01
qmanjr5dr-willis, no05:01
esq_Does anyone know how to reinstall the software center in 11.1005:02
dr-willisunity. gnome3. kde work fine05:02
qmanjr5Alright, rebooting.05:02
bodohapparently ubuntu can install on those gears05:02
bodohI wish to soon try to run ubuntu on my soup ;)05:02
bodohI think it should work too ;)05:02
dsnydersqin, well, I have both on my machine, but my bash-fu is well nigh non-existant.05:03
qindsnyders: What sounds would you use, means same repeatedly or stronger (louder. longer sequance) every time?05:03
qmanjr5Wow, this icewm is so weird...05:03
dr-willisits old school.05:03
LucidGuyCan you not mkfs.ext4 quickly?05:04
dr-willisgood for testing and vnc05:04
LucidGuyCan you not mkfs.ext4 quickly? .. when I man it cant see a quick or fast option05:04
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX05:04
qmanjr5alright, gunna try Steam now05:05
qmanjr5That's why I needed the driver.05:05
dr-willisrun nvidia-settings05:05
qmanjr5What's Unity 2D?05:05
dr-willisbe sure its in use05:05
qmanjr5what do you mean in use?05:06
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity05:06
dr-willislight versiin of unity05:06
dr-willisis it being used.......05:06
qmanjr5I'm not sure? XD05:06
dr-williswhich is why i said.. run nvidia-settings05:07
qmanjr5It's open.05:07
dr-willisyou may want to tell it to save the xorg.cinf  that may help the unity issue.05:08
qmanjr5CS 1.6 runs MUCH smoother.05:08
dsnydersqin, The way I've read about the zen alarm clock is that over a period of ten minutes, they go from chiming every 3 minutes to every 8 seconds.  After the ten minutes, it chimes every 5 secs.05:08
qmanjr5Now to get it to work with Unity...05:08
qmanjr5That zen alarm clocks seems really cool05:08
qmanjr5I should get one.05:08
* Debolaz loves Unity 2D05:09
DebolazNo more buggy compiz. :)05:09
dsnydersqin, http://www.now-zen.com/Zen_Alarm_Clock.html05:09
dsnydersqmanjr5, http://www.now-zen.com/Zen_Alarm_Clock.html05:09
dr-willisin next release i think the 2d will be compiz also05:09
ravn1hi guys, what do you say about the disaster 11.10?05:09
qmanjr5dr-willis, it says Failed to parse existing X config file05:09
Debolazdr-willis: Is there any actual reason for thinking that, or just paranoia?05:10
dr-willisravn1:  i say stop using vague terms like disaster...05:10
excedereFor 119.95 I'll keep waking up to the local classic rock station05:10
Debolazravn1: Loving it.05:10
DebolazUnity is getting better every release.05:10
dr-willisDebolaz: compiz is suposed to somehow supporn non3d hardware i hear05:11
ravn1well, the reason for using "vague" terms is that there are so many problems I would be baned if I posted them all...05:11
qmanjr5ravn1, then leave.05:11
Debolazdr-willis: Compiz is just fundamentally buggy. This of course isn't Ubuntu's fault, it was in fact quite a bit worse before Canonical started fixing it up. But it's essentially like Windows 95 in terms of stability and memory usage.05:11
=== Aang is now known as Zutara
qindsnyders: Will cook up something, since drinking tripple esspresso is out of question, but now time off.05:11
DebolazAnd fixing the existing code can only go so so far.05:12
dr-willisoff to work.  bbl.05:12
qmanjr5dr-willis, it says Failed to parse existing X config file05:12
DebolazBut Unity is a huge step forwards in terms of usability on my netbook compared to just about any alternative, so I can tolerate it if I have to; I'd just rather not. :)05:12
dsnydersexcedere, I'm not going to spend $119 either.  I would have thought there'd be something a little cheaper a quick apt-get install away.05:12
ravn1yes, I'm thinking of that, going back to debian, but I really liked ubuntu in the past, so I was thinking maybe it is only me experiencing this... based on the response here it seems that's the case...05:13
RudyValenciaCan Ubuntu Server be an Active Directory server?05:14
hansg01no installation of unrestricted software possible05:14
mkultra__im pretty sure it can RudyValencia05:14
hansg01is neone experiencing this problem?05:14
hansg01after adding the ppa05:15
mkultra__https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ActiveDirectoryHowto RudyValencia05:15
dsnydersRudyValencia, Yes, but it will not have the capabilities of a windows based Active Directory server (It is weak in the group policy area, from what I understand).  Check out ldap and Samba405:16
RudyValenciaI probably should set up a Windows Server box as a DC and then use Ubuntu in a VM for whichever tasks need it05:17
dsnydersRudyValencia, I'm guessing you want to have a linux box hosting the Directory, and a LANfull of windows boxes authenticating against it?05:19
RudyValenciaI want a Windows domain but not IIS05:20
RudyValenciarather, a Windows domain *and* a LAMP server05:20
mkultra__windows blows ass05:20
oratedWhy there isn't a directory - /proc/acpi/processor/ ? How can I enable ACPI processor support in kernel?05:20
mkultra__so run apache?05:21
mkultra__you can run a windows version of a lamp server05:21
RudyValenciaRun Apache directly on Windows? Ugh.05:21
mkultra__or build a vm....05:21
RudyValenciaThat's what I might do is build a LAMP VM on the same hardware as the DC05:21
mkultra__id build a ubuntu server vm, no X, just lamp + ftp05:21
mkultra__use ssh to manage / build it up05:22
_Pete_so ftp is not needed as ssh includes sftp/scp05:22
mkultra__id use a LFS manual and setup wget as a curl alias to nab shit05:22
mkultra__RudyValencia, id do it the other way around, id run linux as the VM host, and vm windows as the domain controller05:24
dsnydersRudyValencia, there is a similar setup called WAMP if AD is critical.  However, this isn't the chat room for it.  As far as AD on linux, look up LDAP server related stuff.05:24
=== Zutara is now known as TyLukko
RudyValenciaHm, maybe both could be run inside ESX perhaps05:25
=== TyLukko is now known as Kataang
hansg01why can't the packages be installeed from ppa's?05:25
dsnydersRudyValencia, Check http://www.turnkeylinux.org/domain-controller and http://www.steve-lacey.com/2006/11/linux_as_a_wind05:29
sskniranjanmy gwibber doesn't show the posts and updates. moreover i am unable to send messages/. plzz help me out05:30
JavidHow much drive space does 11.10 need for an install?05:31
_Pete_Javid: which version?05:31
Javidx64 desktop.05:32
sskniranjanplease help me05:32
_Pete_Javid: just a sec, will check05:32
JakeyChanhi ?05:32
Hemebondsskniranjan: Have you configured the accounts?05:33
sskniranjanbazang:my gwibber doesn't show the posts and updates. moreover i am unable to send messages/. plzz help me out05:33
mrlHi, I have just upgraded by Xubuntu 11.04 to 11.10, and now I cannot get gdm/lightdm started. tty7 just hangs at 'mountall: Disconnected from Plymouth'. If I use another tty to try and start gdm, I the error message I get is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/716636/05:34
sskniranjanbazhang:my gwibber doesn't show the posts and updates. moreover i am unable to send messages/. plzz help me out05:34
dsnydersG'night all!05:36
JakeyChanhi ? do you have document for setup svn on ubuntu ??05:36
turboneatJakeyChan: sudo apt-get install subversion05:37
JakeyChanyeah, this command is install05:37
JakeyChanbut how to config ?05:37
JakeyChansetup ?05:37
_Pete_read svn manual, its all there05:37
turboneatYou mean create a repository?05:37
JakeyChanwhen I installed svn on ubuntu server, I want to create respo and then checkout from remote client05:38
JakeyChanwhere is the svn manual ?05:39
MrDudlethere anyway to give a specific file a custom icon?05:40
JakeyChannice !05:40
JRandolphGit > svn05:40
* conntrack chuckles05:40
turboneatyeah if you're learning a new version control system, you should really learn git05:40
turboneati wouldnt learn svn unless it's already in use05:41
JRandolphLinus said anyone that uses svn is an idiot05:41
Vortexwhats the deal with svn anyways05:41
_Pete_I think he also said that just everyone else than he is an idiot :)05:41
turboneatthat's probably a little more judgemental than I'm willing to be about it05:41
JRandolphJust difficult to work with others05:42
turboneatyeah, there's no arguing about it. git is dramatically better than svn05:42
turboneati have to use tfs at work05:43
_Pete_Javid: the installer says there need to be 4.5G free space, but lets see how much it actually takes (installing in VM right now)05:43
JRandolphmercuial is the same a git pretty much05:43
JRandolphGit a little faster05:43
turboneati think mercurial is a little easier to get into from svn05:43
turboneatbut it's redundant05:44
_Pete_you guys happen to be Trac with git experts?05:44
JRandolphI chose it because of bitbucket05:44
JRandolphI don't have to pay for private repos05:44
turboneatsame. now they have git too05:44
jokarHello all.05:44
jokarI install Ubuntu 11.10 for my G4 PowerPC but after install my PPC not booted05:44
jokarI remove all partition and use auto install for install ubuntu and ubuntu use default configuration for create partition05:44
JRandolph_Pete_: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/open-source-project-management-software.html05:45
turboneat_Pete_: sorry nope05:45
_Pete_JRandolph: ok thx05:45
JRandolphTrac is just ugly..05:45
_Pete_maybe I am too used to that05:45
jokarhello all05:46
jokarplease see05:46
JRandolphIt's like seeing a baby born05:46
jokarHello all. I install Ubuntu 11.10 for my G4 PowerPC but after install my PPC not booted I remove all partition and use auto install for install ubuntu and ubuntu use default configuration for create partition05:46
_Pete_JRandolph: what would you recommend to move from trac+svn to git+something?05:46
jokarplease see it05:46
jokari need help05:47
_Pete_ok I already use that in one project05:47
JRandolphI use bitbucket.com and it uses mercurial05:47
turboneatbitbucket supports git too05:47
GirlyGirlJRandolph: Try asking on #ubuntu-powerpc05:48
turboneatand has unlimited free private repositories05:48
JRandolphturboneat: reakky?05:48
turboneatyeah as of a week or two ago05:48
_Pete_2.8G after install05:49
_Pete_with third party & updates selected from installer05:49
JRandolphjokar: Try asking on #ubuntu-powerpc05:50
jokarpowerpc channel is offline05:50
GirlyGirlJRandolph: Sorry05:50
JRandolphnp, sweetheart :P05:51
jokarJRandolph: they are silent05:51
jokarJRandolph: they can't answer05:51
JRandolphForums then05:51
JRandolphI doubt many people here have a mac05:51
jokarJRandolph: which forum05:51
jokarJRandolph: i send my question in forum but not answwer05:51
ejvunfortunately, this channel can't pick up the slack for other channels heheh05:52
GirlyGirljokar: Problem is most people who have macs have the Intel ones05:52
Vortexdid you install using the right bit mode?05:52
JRandolphTyping is slow in screen05:52
jokarGirlyGirl:nah,i have a power pc05:53
_Pete_jokar: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=32805:53
pp7__in 11.10 how do u stop the gnome-terminal giving that annoying warning upon exit?05:53
_Pete_have you check that one?05:53
yagoojokar, more like a powerlessPC :p05:55
sskniranjanmy gwibber doesn't show the posts and updates. moreover i am unable to send messages/. plzz help me out05:55
* JRandolph blinks05:56
GirlyGirlsskniranjan: Just reset it the "sudo apt-get purge gwibber" then "sudo apt-get install gwibber"05:56
yagoojokar, you asking about ubuntu on powerpc?05:57
jokaryagoo: yes05:57
jokaryagoo: i install it but not booted05:57
bnmorganquick question. how do i install a program downloaded as a .deb05:57
jokaryagoo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/716641/05:58
Abhijitbnmorgan, double click on it05:58
GirlyGirlbnmorgan: 1) double click on it 2) "sudo dpkg -i /path/to/.deb"05:58
JRandolphdpkg I believe05:58
sskniranjangirly girl : it is showing E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)05:58
sskniranjanE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?05:59
bnmorganabhijit and girlygirl: thank you. duh. sorry. it's 0100 here and i should be in bed05:59
JRandolph0100 and I just woke up from a two hour nap05:59
GirlyGirlsskniranjan: Logout and login then should work, or open system monitor and make sure there are no package management programs running06:00
bnmorgani've been driving all day, just got home from watching my nephew's 2nd professionall mma fight.06:00
GirlyGirlsskniranjan: Like synaptic, softcenter etc06:00
sskniranjangirly girl thanx06:00
JRandolphtar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors06:01
yagoojokar, what bootloader is it?06:01
JRandolphUseless error message06:01
yagoojokar, YABOOT?06:01
jokaryagoo: please see http://paste.ubuntu.com/716641/06:01
dayaAny one know about the opensource voice chat server in linux06:02
philipballewHow would I change the default brightness in 11.10?06:02
sskniranjangirlygirl my flashplayer is downloading from software centre. will it'll also effect06:03
GirlyGirlsskniranjan: Yes06:03
Abhijitdaya, asterix06:03
Abhijitskype, ekiga06:03
sskniranjanokay after its download i'll try once again06:05
yagoojokar, http://rb.doesntexist.org/blog/posts/running_grub2_on_powerpc_macs/06:05
dayaAbhijit, yes, asterisk, Its for ip telephony, I am interested on voice chat implementation in python06:06
AlecTaylorRunning `sudo apt-get remove libjpeg` also removed a bunch of other apps. I've now `sudo apt-get install libjpeg ubuntu-desktop`, but X still isn't starting. What should I try next?06:06
qmanjr5I just downloaded the latest version of the nVidia driver. It doesn't work in Unity, but it works in IceWM :/06:06
Abhijitdaya, no idea what u need try empathy pidgin06:06
pp7__sskniranjan: sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock06:06
dayaAbhijit, I am trying to develop on my own,06:07
Abhijitdaya, try searching in launchpad or sourforge etc i cant help further06:07
bsmith0931how do i find out whose logged in06:07
shafiq_Good evening everyone.  Would anyone be able to tell me how to fix my Flash in Ubuntu 11.04.  Games do not load properly, parts are blocked out, etc.  I can't seem to find a solution to this.  It happens in all browsers (firefox, chrome), but does not happen in a win7 virtualbox within Ubu.  Any ideas?06:08
dayaAbhijit, ok06:08
sskniranjanpp7_ it is showing rm: cannot remove `/var/lib/dpkg/lock': No such file or directory06:08
Abhijitbsmith0931, who06:08
qmanjr5I just downloaded the latest version of the nVidia driver. It doesn't work in Unity, but it works in IceWM, but I'm trying to use Unity.06:08
jokar yagoo: thanks but i think ubuntu should install it automatically06:08
CaptWhowhat's a good VoIP softphone?06:09
AbhijitCaptWho, skype06:09
JusticeZeroHow long does it usually take for them to quit spazzing out with bug fixes that are worse than the bugs after a new release?06:09
CaptWhostandard VoIP, not skype06:09
bsmith0931ok i get this as output for who "ben      tty7         2011-10-21 14:12 (:0)06:09
bsmith0931ben      pts/0        2011-10-23 02:07 (:0.0)" shouldnt there just be one of me logged in?06:09
=== Gslack is now known as ^NiNjA
avernosi have a vhost with apache in my home folder, but some services cant write, setting the folder writable by anyone its probably not wise. best approach should be to let apache write in that folder? how can i do that?06:10
Abhijitbsmith0931, you logged in from ctrl alt f1 session06:10
CaptWhothanks Abhijit06:10
JusticeZeroNow my screen saver is broke. (It might have been the other day, I don't make a habit of staring at screen savers.)06:10
avernosadd apache group to the folder? something like that?06:10
qmanjr5I just downloaded the latest version of the nVidia driver. It doesn't work in Unity, but it works in IceWM, but I'm trying to use Unity.06:10
monkey89how do i join java channel?06:11
qmanjr5type /join #java06:11
monkey89says channel is invite only06:12
Abhijitmonkey89, you need to register a nick06:12
qmanjr5Are you registered with nickserv?06:12
qmanjr5Well then....06:12
qmanjr5Did you identify?06:12
Abhijitmonkey89, you are not identified06:12
monkey89so how do i do it?06:12
qmanjr5type /msg nickserv identify <password>06:13
Abhijitmonkey89, ask in #freenode06:13
merkinmakeris anyone in here familiar with wineasio?06:13
bhaveshIf I want to change Unity to default I should change the gnome-shell to 'unity' or "ubuntu" in sudo /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-set-defaults -s gnome-shell  ?06:14
qmanjr5I just downloaded the latest version of the nVidia driver. It doesn't work in Unity, but it works in IceWM, but I'm trying to use Unity.06:14
sskniranjanwhenever i start my computer the message come that choose any one among windows 7 or ubuntu other wise the highlightened will be selected automatically.[windows 7]. what to do to change the default os from windows to ubuntu06:16
bhaveshqmanjr5, Always use the one with [recommended] tag06:16
qmanjr5I did.06:16
merkinmakeredit the bootloader...but how?06:17
shafiq_Can anyone tell me how to fix my Flash in Ubuntu 11.04.  Games do not load properly, parts are blocked out (see http://bit.ly/qklwPg).  I can't seem to find a solution to this.  It happens in all browsers (firefox, chrome), but does not happen in a win7 virtualbox within Ubu, so it makes me think it is native flash in Ubu.  Reinstalled Ubu completely to find the same problem.  Any ideas please anyone?06:17
qmanjr5I just downloaded the latest version of the nVidia driver. It doesn't work in Unity, but it works in IceWM, but I'm trying to use Unity.06:19
sskniranjanwhenever i start my computer the message come that choose any one among windows 7 or ubuntu other wise the highlightened will be selected automatically.[windows 7]. what to do to change the default os from windows to ubuntu06:20
soreauWhen I go to Places>Network and click on the windows network icon, it says 'unable to retrieve file list'. Does something need to be installed for this to work?06:20
=== p1l0t is now known as Guest22422
bhaveshsskniranjan, Download grub-customizer, you can edit the default OS u want to select through it06:20
bc81hey there folks, i have a question..when i play certain games fullscreen (eg. mednafen NES emulator) i loose the ability to adjust the sound volume with the keyboard shortcuts.  this is a laptop running ubuntu 10.10 and the shortcut keys are Function+Numberpad + etc.  any ideas how to regain control over these shortcuts?06:20
merkinmakersskniranjan, you need to edit your MBR06:20
sskniranjanwhenever i start my computer the message come that choose any one among windows 7 or ubuntu other wise the highlightened will be selected automatically.[windows 7]. what to do to change the default os from windows to ubuntu06:21
Vortexssk: you can also change that within windows06:21
sskniranjanhow to do that merkinmaster06:21
sskniranjanvortex how?06:21
Vortexgo to run, type in msconfig, then go to the boot tab06:21
merkinmakerboth my links should get you going06:22
bhaveshsskniranjan, That would remove the GRUB screen from appearing..06:22
sskniranjanvortex: is there any way within ubuntu06:22
merkinmakerim, gonna let bhavesh take this one06:22
sskniranjanbhavesh waht is grub06:23
Vortexim not a ubuntu pro so i wouldnt know06:23
Halitus87Hi all. Any one know why mdadm might be using only 250G of my 2000G drives?06:23
bhaveshsskniranjan, GRUB is the orangle/black list of operating systems you see before you select windows or Ubutnu06:23
qmanjr5I just downloaded the latest version of the nVidia driver. It doesn't work in Unity, but it works in IceWM, but I'm trying to use Unity.06:23
bhaveshsskniranjan, this one : http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-jR0AhQ1Heu4/TlMt_Gg6VBI/AAAAAAAAANU/hifhVf5pOrE/s1600/1288715432.grub.png06:24
bhaveshsskniranjan, You want to select Ubuntu as default OS?06:24
sskniranjanbhavesh : i want the same thing happening now but what i want is that . instead of window the highlight shows ubuntu. how to do that06:25
AlecTaylorI have now gotten X started. Unfortunately there is no unity in the left and no menu bar on the top. The windows are not resizable, and don't have a border (or close buttons). What can I try to get it working?06:25
zorobabelhe doesn't want to remove grub, just edit it, which I think the answer has already been provided for06:25
bhaveshsskniranjan, Download grub customizer (search in software center) and run it by sudo grub-customizer06:25
sskniranjanwhat it will do06:25
qmanjr5It will do what you want.06:26
qmanjr5Now go do it.06:26
merkinmakerlet you customize the boot order etc06:26
bhaveshsskniranjan, In grub-customizer click "Preferences" which would open a new window and select predefined to Ubuntu06:26
* bhavesh lols06:26
qmanjr5I just downloaded the latest version of the nVidia driver. It doesn't work in Unity, but it works in IceWM, but I'm trying to use Unity.06:26
merkinmakerbhavesh, do you know anything about wineasio?06:26
sskniranjanhey bhavesh here is no such grub customiser in mine06:27
merkinmakeredit your software sources?06:27
qmanjr5sskniranjan, are you dual-booting with Windows?06:28
mrlnvm I sorted it by purging lightdm/gdm and then reinstalling gdm. Thanks for the help.06:28
sskniranjanqmanjr5: ya06:28
sskniranjanbhavesh: what is erm06:29
qmanjr5sskniranjan, then go into that, then hit CTRL+R and type in msconfig06:29
bhaveshsskniranjan, This would answer all your questions: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/11/grub-customizer-20-can-change-default.html06:29
bhaveshqmanjr5, He wants to change the default GRUB entry which cannot be changed with msconfig in windows..06:29
sskniranjanbhavesh thanx. are u indian. name sounds like indian06:29
qmanjr5My bad.06:29
sskniranjanwhich state06:29
bhaveshsskniranjan, The page has instructions to Install grub-customizer and change default grub entry06:30
sskniranjani am too indian06:30
Abhijit!in | sskniranjan bhavesh06:30
ubottusskniranjan bhavesh: #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India06:30
qmanjr5I just downloaded the latest version of the nVidia driver. It doesn't work in Unity, but it works in IceWM, but I'm trying to use Unity.06:30
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bhaveshThats what I was gonna tell him06:30
sskniranjansorry ubottu\06:31
qmanjr5DId he just talk to a bot?06:31
merkinmakeri wish my government would supplement a $35 android tablet :(06:31
bhaveshyea he did06:31
* qmanjr5 sighs06:31
qmanjr5dr-willis!!! :D06:31
qmanjr5I missed you06:31
bhaveshHey dr06:32
dr-willislunch time06:32
qmanjr5Gotta love some lunch06:32
qmanjr5:You at work?06:32
Jordan_Ubhavesh: I'm pretty sure that the menu sskniranjan is talking about is from ntldr / BCD (wubi) rather than grub.06:32
dr-willisim at work. on my android06:32
qmanjr5dr-willis, interesting.06:32
qmanjr5So that'd make me feel bad to ask you for more assitance :306:32
Evanescencehow to find out which package a command belongs to ? for example: command nm-applet belongs to package network-manager-applet. I want to find out that package. I'm using ubuntu. Is there some command and option can do this ?06:32
sskniranjanjordan_u what's that06:32
Jordan_Usskniranjan: Did you install Ubuntu from within Windows using wubi?06:33
AbhijitEvanescence, if that package is not installed then apt automatically tells you about the package.06:33
dr-willisEvanescence:  the apt-file command is hqndy for that06:33
bhaveshJordan_U : I read his question about 4 times.. again here it is: whenever i start my computer the message come that choose any one among windows 7 or ubuntu other wise the highlightened will be selected automatically.[windows 7]. what to do to change the default os from windows to ubuntu06:33
sskniranjanjorda_u ya06:33
VortexJordan_U in that case how would it even be a boot option?06:33
bhaveshofcourse not06:33
qmanjr5bhavesh, msconfig DOES have a boot order selector06:33
EvanescenceAbhijit: I know, but I need to find out  one already install package which a command belongs to06:34
sskniranjani also thought about it vortex. but i didn't have much  knowledge06:34
Vortexqman - we know it does, but if its not the one that is active from the bootstrap loader then its useless06:34
dr-willis!info apt-file06:34
ubottuapt-file (source: apt-file): search for files within Debian packages (command-line interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 24 kB, installed size 188 kB06:34
Evanescencedr-willis: can not tell me which options can do this ?06:34
qmanjr5dr-willis, could you try and help me make this driver work with unity?06:34
bhaveshqmanjr5, But GRUB is a different one which cannot be edited with msconfig.. can it?06:34
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qmanjr5My mistake. I haven't used Windows in a while06:35
Jordan_Ubhavesh: Vortex: Wubi is a way of installing Ubuntu within a file in your windows partition and without replacing Windows' bootloader.06:35
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pp7__in 11.10 how do u stop the gnome-terminal giving that annoying warning upon exit?06:35
VortexJordan_U i understand, but i did not think it would be accessible as a boot option until after windows loads06:35
Jordan_Ubhavesh: Vortex: So it's not grub that he is seeing (at first at least), it's the Windows bootloader which then loads grub.06:35
dr-willisqmanjr5:  ive not had any unity and nvudia issues really.06:35
sskniranjanjordan_u exactly06:35
qmanjr5So what should I do?06:36
dr-willisthetes always the forums and askubuntu.com06:36
Jordan_UVortex: Windows has an optional boot menu as well, it's just not normally shown unless you have more than one Windows install (which is fairly rare).06:36
qmanjr5I may have to uninstall for the night.06:36
qmanjr5'cause my  grandpa and brother need the computer for tomorrow06:36
VortexJordan_U: i know this, but i assumed it would not display a boot option for Ubuntu if ubunutu was installed inside of windows06:37
VortexJordan_U but perhaps im wrong06:37
Jordan_UVortex: It's not a virtual machine.06:37
Vortexah.... ok06:37
Vortexif its windows boot loader then the msconfig method should work06:38
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Vortexill dig for a wubi link06:38
sx_arHello, can anyone tell me how to move the unity ribbon from one monitor to another (i'm currently running 3 monitors on ati hd 5770 with the free drivers)06:38
dr-williswubi is like aninstall ti a file. that boots06:38
bhaveshWe just dont know which boot loader he sees..06:39
dr-willis? ms terms taking over again.06:39
dr-willisunity panel.:)06:39
Vortexso the msconfig way will work06:40
dr-willisi find its often best to avoid wubi.06:40
Jordan_U!who | Vortex06:40
ubottuVortex: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)06:40
shaibnHello :) I've got 4 ubuntu servers that I've setup with ntpd and I've given them all 6 servers to update from. I did this about 3 days ago and still, they are not in sync with one another and one of them has a 15min lag behind ...06:42
shaibnSome have several min. difference between them...06:42
dr-willisqmanjr5:  did unity2d work? with or without the 3d drivets06:42
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bhaveshVortex, Yea u were right.. he has a windows boot loader..06:44
qmanjr5dr-willis, I didn't try unity2d06:46
qmanjr5I will now06:46
arkiverhello can anyone tell me which is a good PDF reader besides the default one for natty ?06:46
ubottuThe Portable Document Format is created by Adobe; PDF files are viewable in Ubuntu with Xpdf, Okular, Evince and also Adobe Reader (free download, but closed source)06:46
soreauWhen I go to Places>Network and click on the windows network icon, it says 'unable to retrieve file list'. Does something need to be installed to be able to view windows machines on the network?06:46
qmanjr5what's the package name for unity2d, dr-willis ?06:46
Vortexbhavesh: at least that makes things easy06:47
dr-willissoreau:  to view windiws shares. i dont think so06:47
qmanjr5Alright, gunna try that WM06:47
arkiverokay thanks alot all !06:48
dr-willissoreau:  you can also ener the share path. ie...  smb://servernameorip/share06:48
qmanjr5dr-willis, it works.06:48
meta-coderHow to enable desktop icons in gnome-session-fallback in Oneiric? I enabled the appropriate checkmark in dconf-editor yet the desktop icons won't appear.06:48
soreaudr_wso I need to install samba?06:48
soreaudr-willis: ^^06:49
dr-willisqmanjr5:  sounds like compiz us crashing ir somthing06:49
dr-willissoreau:  to make a share.. yes06:49
dr-willisto vuew a share no06:49
dr-willisinstall samba and smbfs if you want06:50
bhaveshmeta-coder, Through "advanced settings" ?06:50
soreaudr-willis: huh06:50
meta-coderbhavesh, advanced settings in dconf-editor?06:50
dr-willismake a share onlinux... you install samba06:50
bhavesherm.. 1 sec06:50
Ansikt1Well, he can use NFS if it's between two Unix boxes...06:50
bhaveshmeta-coder, gnome-tweak-tool06:51
dr-willisnfs will be faster06:51
denysonique__After an upgrade to 11.04 the fonts in Chromium are different, differently aliased I guess. How can I revert to the old behaviour?06:51
Ansikt1And you don't need SAMBA to view windows shares?  I did not know that.06:51
denysonique__as these new fonts are ugly06:51
dr-willissshfs will be more flexiable then nfs ir samba06:51
denysonique__only chromium is affected by this and firefox06:51
meta-coderbhavesh, That worked! Thanks!06:51
bhaveshmeta-coder, http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-MepUrW_CjpA/TpcmB4agbwI/AAAAAAAAGSM/v28wmOBBu5k/s400/tweak-tool-handle-desktop.png06:52
Ansikt1dr-willis:  Well, to be fair, NFS is native, and implimented in the kernel.  It'd be hard to beat htat.06:52
bhaveshmeta-coder, np06:52
dr-willissshfs is mire flexiable. but slower06:52
dr-willisspeed is nit everything   :-)06:53
denysonique__you can use RSync for the speed if you need to sync files06:53
Vortexmust go faster06:53
denysonique__otherwise NFS (assuming it is a local connection)06:53
Vortexif im not maxing out my harddrive write ability something has gone wrong :D06:53
dr-willissshfs is too handy to not learn about. ;-)06:54
bhaveshdr-willis, Well How do I set Unity back to default?  should I replace gnome-shell with Unity or with Ubuntu? in06:54
bhaveshsudo /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-set-defaults -s gnome-shell06:54
Ansikt1dr-willis:  But in a network filesystem, speed is still a pretty big deal.06:55
dr-willisbhavesh:  no idea. never changed sruff that way06:55
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dr-willisi just let the users oick06:56
Vortexon any network fileshare server, transfer rates, and catalog parsing times are critical, i dont want workstations sitting around waiting on file to be found.06:56
SetiAmonhey i installed a game with wine and loaded it and i hear the sound but the screen/window just becomes a distortion.can anyone help me out here?it says the game needs native quartz so i selected the quarts(windows) to run the application06:57
dr-willismy workstation s often my android phone B-)06:57
VortexSetiAmon: I would recheck your graphic card manufacturer for linux drivers06:57
SetiAmonthats nvidia vortex06:58
SetiAmoni'm updating wine anyhow06:58
VortexSetiAmon: well they support linux very well, so make sure you have latest drivers06:58
Syd23how do i install graphic drivers for my laptop06:58
SetiAmonI don't think its related to graphics at all.its a wine configuration issue because at first it wouldn't load at all.06:59
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help06:59
Vortexthat bot is damn handy sometimes06:59
SetiAmondam seems winehq is vacant07:01
bhaveshdr-willis, Oh it should be change to "ubuntu" and not "unity"07:02
Syd23hey everybody07:06
meta-codernautilus-actions crashes on starting. How do I add customized actions to nautilus' context menu?07:06
dr-willisnautilus had a scripts directory you can use07:08
dr-willisan iften overlooked feature07:09
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ravn1j /#unity07:11
meta-coderdpkg -L nautilus | grep script  doesn't return anything. Where is the scripts dir and how can I use it?07:11
SetiAmonah you have to download/install the native dll's in winetricks first even if you select them in wine Config?07:12
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seliteCan anyone on this earth please help me get unlimited bandwidth from my router?07:15
netkingI installed ubuntu in a VM and it wouldnt go fullscreen. So I installed the virtual box guest additions. Do I need a restart to make it work or what?07:16
_Tristan11.10, want gnome 3, gnome-shell doesn't do it, neither does gnome-session-fallback. How?07:16
Stanley00meta-coder: they're in ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts07:17
Jordan_U!notunity | _Tristan07:17
ubottu_Tristan: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic07:17
seliteStop treating me like a nood and help me07:17
_Tristanevery guide says to install gnome-shell, but that gives me something identical to gnome-session-fallback, and it installs gnome-session-fallback as well07:17
Jordan_U_Tristan: The important part of that being the entry you need to select in the Sessions dropdown.07:17
_TristanJordan_U: Tried all of them07:18
Jordan_U!patience | selite07:18
ubottuselite: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/07:18
Jordan_U_Tristan: What happens when you select the "GNOME" session?07:18
seliteubottu: But I know that they know the answer.07:19
ubottuselite: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:19
_TristanJordan_U: I get the gnome-session-fallback with super-ugly-ui and non-gnome3-ness07:19
Jordan_Uselite: How do you know that someone knows the answer?07:19
Jordan_U_Tristan: Do you have 3D drivers installed that provide the needed 3D acceleration?07:19
seliteJordan_U: There are a lot of smart guys.07:20
_Tristanno, I don't, I have optimus so that's a no-no07:20
_TristanI did, however, get gnome3 to work on this box before... I just don't remember how07:20
SetiAmoni have a single old geforce 7900 Gs07:21
bhaveshI type ./configure and it makes the makefile.am and makefile.in in my directory but when I type "make" it says no makefile found.. (im trying to install unico gtk3 engine)07:21
bhaveshim sure the terminal is currently at the right dir07:21
Jordan_Uselite: That doesn't mean that someone knows the answer to your specific question. It might also help if you described your problem in more detail. What bandwidth are you getting now? What bandwidth do you expect?07:21
seliteJordan_U: I have 30GB bandwidth I am paying around 40$ in other words my ISP is robbing me. I was just curious to know if there is a way to bypass their shitty bandwidth limit. Sorry for language.07:22
bhavesh_Tristan, installing gnome-shell installs gnome-session-fallback too07:22
_Tristanselite: compressed proxy07:23
Jordan_Uselite: An apology in the same line as the offense you are apologising for is not sincere.07:23
Vortexselite: sneak into thier facility and change the limit07:23
seliteJordan_U: Okay sorry.07:24
_Tristanor just build a large wifi dish and point it at a library within a few miles07:24
nbubuntuhi I need help on java .When I run an application on terminal it shows error on it07:24
seliteVortex: Very funny.07:24
Vortexnbubuntu: wrong channel?07:24
lotuspsychjeim looking to install nntpgrab for ocelot, any ideas?07:24
Vortexnetwork restart07:25
deusrsomeone having a problem with wireless card "BCM4312"?07:26
nbubuntuVortex : wait a min let me paste at pastebin , I am running ubuntu 10.1007:26
deusrin ubuntu 11.1007:27
A_JOk My Internet is kinda unstable, it Disconnects and Reconnects Randomly. Is there anyway i can get some sort of log when it disconnects and how many hours it goes ?07:27
lotuspsychjeA_J: wep or wpa security?07:27
netkingits called a bouncer07:27
nbubuntuhere's the error http://pastebin.com/BRsmAN5K07:28
Jordan_UA_J: ping -D google.com > ping.log07:28
nbubuntuVortex : here's the error http://pastebin.com/BRsmAN5K07:28
A_Jokie will try those07:30
A_JJordan_U: i get an error if it pings out07:30
A_Jthen how would it log07:31
seliteCan anyone on this earth please help me get unlimited bandwidth from my router?07:32
sx_arHello, can anyone tell me how to move the unity ribbon from one monitor to another (i'm currently running 3 monitors on ati hd 5770 with the free drivers)07:32
lotuspsychjeselite: like in isp bandwith limits?07:33
selitelotuspsychje: Exactly07:33
lotuspsychjeselite: if isp controls bandwith there isnt a way around, if its router setting and you can access router you can change07:33
selitelotuspsychje: How do I know whether the ISP or the router limits it?07:34
lotuspsychjeselite: you can try portforward.com and search for your router brand, check settings first07:35
selitelotuspsychje: Can't find it on the list. My router is Speedport W 503V.07:36
EgyParadox!offtopic | selite07:36
ubottuselite: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:36
Ibisselite: Unlimited? I love how that's possible.....07:36
Vortex00ah fresh ubuntu VM *pets*07:37
IbisVortex00: Using nvidia or ATI or some other brand?07:38
lotuspsychjehowto reload software centre after adding deb source?07:38
Ibislotuspsychje: What's going on? Why? Error message?07:39
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* Ibis giggles @ Guest84204.07:39
seliteIbis: As far as I know , the bandwidth can also be limited from the router. xD07:39
lotuspsychjeIbis: i want to install nntbgrab, but need to add deb source first, but after adding package dont show..07:39
Vortex00Ibis: Nvidia GeForce 46007:40
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sunanybody here?07:43
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Vortexnoone here, sorry07:43
Ibislotuspsychje: Close software center, then open again.             The software should had refreshed after installing/changing something.07:44
nbubuntuAnyone know what's the error about ? running on java ,  http://pastebin.com/BRsmAN5K , thanks :)07:44
Ibislotuspsychje: Or use: sudo apt-get update                  in terminal07:44
uns0b1lli need to somehow make one script with 2 separate commands that should open in each independent screen window07:47
AlecTaylorX-server doesn't start properly: No window boundaries, close buttons, or unity sidebar - http://askubuntu.com/questions/7092607:48
lotuspsychjeIbis: doenst work for that package, it showed up in synaptic on natty, but doesnt now07:48
Ibislotuspsychje: You maye need to modify your source list then.07:51
lotuspsychjeIbis: like in wrong url?07:51
Ibislotuspsychje: Or at least adding.07:52
zuswot is the ubuntu one channel name?07:56
Vortexanyone ever toyed with the OpenIndiana distro?07:56
Jordan_U!ot | Vortex07:57
ubottuVortex: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:57
srihariHi all, my computer does not wake up from hibernate..It has been same for past few releases, i am trying to fix it today.. where do i get started ?07:57
lotuspsychjeIbis: i tryed all on this url, cant make it work http://www.nntpgrab.nl/projects/nntpgrab/wiki/Ubuntu07:57
King_OzzyVortex come with me07:57
King_Ozzyif you want to live!07:57
King_Ozzyto the desert of kings07:58
Jordan_U!ot | King_Ozzy07:58
ubottuKing_Ozzy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:58
King_Ozzyyou win!07:58
VortexJordan_U: topic nazi all a sudden?07:58
srihari:O i thought this was the support channel07:59
Jordan_UVortex: Comparisons to nazi's are never appropriate.07:59
King_OzzyWelcome to freenode, love.07:59
zusubuntu one!07:59
dc5alasrihari, have you checked that your swap partition is at least as big as your memory?07:59
Ibislotuspsychje: You need to import key too.08:00
lotuspsychjeIbis: i did too08:00
sriharidc5ala: yes it is , swap = 3GB ram 2GB08:01
dc5alasrihari, okay, was just an idea08:01
sriharidc5ala: I had to use acpi=off and such things in older versions to boot..not sure if it is there now..would that have something to do ?08:02
IbisDid you tried sudo apt-get install nntpgrab08:02
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pikaciuhi there !08:03
skiddyfiskHow would one recalibrate a touchscreen in 11.10?08:04
pikaciui can automount my floppy in nautilus as root , but i cannot as simple user. why ?08:05
pikaciumy fstab seems ok08:06
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dc5alapikaciu, there is a group "floppy" that may have something to do with it, is your user in that group?08:07
lotuspsychjeIbis: tnx mate it worked, ive should have thinked of that :p08:07
pikaciuit's oddy because after the root-mount i can umount as user !!!08:08
lotuspsychjeIbis: so why would software centre not find the package and apt-get find?08:08
dc5alapikaciu, can you show the output of "id username"?08:10
pikaciuid: username: No such user08:11
dc5alapikaciu, replace username with your user, sorry08:11
pikaciuuid=1000(sabayon) gid=119(admin) groups=119(admin),0(root),4(adm),6(disk),20(dialout),24(cdrom),25(floppy),26(tape),44(video),46(plugdev),100(users),104(fuse),111(lpadmin),122(sambashare)08:11
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dc5alapikaciu, looks okay, except the root group, but is not the cause of that problem08:13
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celltechI read it's good to recompress mp3's to save space and help optimize their playback08:16
dc5alapikaciu, can you show the line of fstab for your floppy?08:17
MrMindanybody here that likes unity? or is unity as crappy that people say?08:17
pikaciu/dev/fd0u1440         /home/sabayon/ooo     auto    users,rw,noauto,exec    0     008:18
pikaciu(fd0 doesn't work)08:18
DebolazMrMind: I like Unity. I use it primarily on my netbook though, where the interface is far superior to anything else I've encountered.08:19
dc5alapikaciu, your mount point looks bit odd too, why not /media/floppy? And then if you need that add a symlink from that ooo to /media/floppy08:20
ghabitMrMind, unity is nice, but I'm for example using gnome-shell.08:20
pikaciu it was like you said before08:20
ghabitMrMind, depends of that what you want.08:20
dc5alapikaciu, and i think it's "user" and not "users" in that line08:20
pikaciui tried both08:20
pikaciuthe line was like you said befor08:21
pikaciu media/floppy008:22
MrMindokey, I think I try 11.10 in virtualbox first and see how I like it or not =)08:22
_TristanI encrypted my ~/Private folder, my home folder was backed up, and I just restored that backup. How do I get into my private folder? It used to be mounted when I logged in.08:22
_Tristan(had to reinstall the os)08:22
pikaciuwith a symlink to floppy08:23
dc5alapikaciu, what error do you get when trying to mount it as your user?08:23
pikaciuno error ... it just doesn't show08:23
the-m0bsteri installed gnome 3 in 11.10 but had some issues with it so i uninstalled it. but when i removed the gnome shell, it also removed the recovery console option that i used to get at the lightdm login screen. how do i get it back?08:24
pikaciuwhen i start nautilus as root the floppy automount and that's it08:24
SetiAmonthis is so strange08:24
SetiAmonI really  need some help here08:24
pikaciuas user ... no :-/08:24
SetiAmonI'm running wine,a game i installed it and everything.i load it up and hear it and can effect it with joystick but there is no graphical display,just a black screen08:25
dc5alapikaciu, that's strange, could at least imagine you get something like a operation not permitted or at least a hint =/08:25
SetiAmoni have never used wine before,can anyone help me out08:25
nicofsmy laptop is connected to the internet via wlan hotspot from my smartphone. i can ping google (about 250ms) - but i can't open google (or any website) in a browser, pidgin and xchat fail to login. what's wrong?08:25
pikaciuno, sorry08:25
dc5alapikaciu, oh, i mean not mount it in nautilus but on command line, but brb, need more coffee supplies, afk a bit :)08:25
zusis there an ubuntuone channel?08:26
pikaciuin command line is all ok08:26
the-m0bsteri installed gnome 3 in 11.10 but had some issues with it so i uninstalled it. but when i removed the gnome shell, it also removed the recovery console option that i used to get at the lightdm login screen. how do i get it back?08:26
pikaciui can mount as user08:26
icerootnicofs: nmap -p 80 google.com08:26
nicofsiceroot nmap not installed08:27
jokar1HEY ALL08:28
jokar1why ubuntu-powerpc room is silent08:28
michael_imachi all08:28
zusoh well if one had an existing ubuntu one account does the new 5 gig for free get grandfathered in?08:29
michael_imacI'm getting connection refused errors for mail sent through sendmail08:29
michael_imacany suggestions?08:29
dc5alapikaciu, oh? Now that surprises me but also make me get out of ideas at the moment :)08:29
icerooteverythink lsmod is listening is NOT build into the kernel directly? are these always extra packages which are bringing the modules? or can the kernel-package also contain extra modules?08:34
RudyValenciaOK does cp -a *-20110603 /destination only copy directories ending "-20110603" ?08:34
qmanjr5How do I remove the default WM, and set Unity-2D as the default?08:35
LongRenderHi All, I have a Unity issue I would love some help with. The Launcher opens fine, but behind any onscreen window. It work (mouse intersction) as if it is onto, but it is not. Any sugestions?08:35
RudyValencianvm my question is answered - it only copied those directories08:35
LongRenderI guess every one is a bit sleepy this morning08:38
applesouceI have a question08:39
LongRenderHi applesouce08:39
applesouceI've got Ubuntu 11.04 x64 on my notebook08:39
applesouceNow I want to upgrade to 11.1008:40
applesouceIs that possible without loosing much data?08:40
iceroot!upgrade | applesouce08:40
ubottuapplesouce: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade08:40
LongRenderapplesouce: you should not loose any. I didn't08:40
icerootapplesouce: remeber, gnome2 is not in 11.10. also making a backup first is always a good idea08:40
applesouceSame thing with Backtrack 5 to Backtrack 5 R1?08:41
georgedocan anyone help me with setting optimum video resolution on Ubuntu. I have Ubuntu installed as a VM in VirtualBox on a macbook pro08:41
icerootapplesouce: not supported here08:41
applesouceWell at least I tried xD08:41
georgedowhat if everything else was the same except that it was installed on a windows08:42
LongRenderAny one got any thoughts as to why my Unity launcher open behind all one screen windows?08:42
cvamIs Dual Core E5400 an i386 architecture or i686 ?08:43
lotuspsychjeshould unity 2d work for every computer?08:43
icerootcvam: both08:43
LongRendercvam: should be i68608:43
Jordan_Ugeorgedo: Do you have the VirtualBox tools installed in Ubuntu?08:43
icerootcvam: ah sorry,08:43
icerootcvam: i68608:43
georgedoi'm not sure08:43
dc5alaLongRender, seems to be a bug, had that a few times too08:44
LongRenderdc5ala: any cure?08:44
michael_imacanyone about ?08:44
Bragex9I still have problems configuring samba properly. I have finally managed my ubuntu home folder with it's subfolders appear on my windows machine, but I get refused when I try to access any folder. The error message in windows says wrong password. I want passwords to be disabled. Can anyone check the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/PJtvAUZd08:45
cvamIn Ubuntu site there is no download link to oneiric  for i686 arch ?08:45
michael_imacguys I'm still having sendmail issues08:45
michael_imacfor my outgoing mail to work must the servers hostname (with subdomain) be present in my DNS Zone?08:46
dc5alaLongRender, haven't heard of one yet. Maybe can search for bug report if someone posted a work around yet08:46
michael_imacDeferred: Connection refused  <<--- I'm getting these by google etc.08:46
michael_imactrying to locally sendmail from the server08:46
LongRendercvam: just choost 64 bit08:46
LongRenderdc5ala: I will keep looking (for the right search term)!08:46
g0thhow do I forget the new packages in aptitude?08:47
The_BROSHow to install ClamTk from PPA repository?08:47
llutzmichael_imac: you have a static-ip/own domain, not from any dial-up-ip-range?08:48
michael_imacthe server has an ip belonging to our server pool08:48
georgedothere isn't a default terminal command for video resolution in ubuntu 11.04 - 11.10 ?08:49
michael_imacI've got an A record on our domain for the subdomain pointing to the server's public address08:49
michael_imac*WAN IP.08:49
michael_imacand I've set ubuntu's hostname as webapp.mydomain.org08:49
sskniranjansir whenever open the empathy it automatically logins my both registered account i.e facebook and irc. its not my problemy. what my problem was that fb gets connected but for irc each time chanserv says that ur password is invalid and says to enter /msg identify <password> and each time i mention the same password given previously in the empathy it then identifies . why it is happening08:49
sskniranjanwhat to do it get it resolved08:49
michael_imachosts is only listed for localhost08:49
michael_imacllutz: any ideas?08:50
llutzmichael_imac: so it won't resolve in reverse?08:50
michael_imacreverse which way :)08:50
michael_imacfrom the WAN side?08:50
auronandacesskniranjan: it is a feature, your nick is registered and you have to identify08:50
sskniranjanplzz help me08:50
michael_imacwell I only just added the subdomain to our DNS so it might be a while...08:50
michael_imaci.e. webapps.outdomain.org ----> WAN IP that is.08:51
g0thwhy are there two versions of libreoffice?08:51
llutzmichael_imac: should work...08:51
michael_imacllutz should I create an MX Record?08:52
llutzmichael_imac: yes08:52
michael_imacI've got one for the TLD though.08:52
michael_imaconly for the tld08:52
michael_imacso I don't want this clashing with that MX.08:52
llutzmichael_imac: maybe you should send your mails from webapps to your tlds mailserver for delivering then08:53
asian14hello gentlemen.can anyone help me because my hp deskjet d1560 printer is not working?08:53
cvamfor uname -m, it says i686. For uname  -i, it says 1386. diff between machine hardware name(m) and hardware platform name(i) ?08:53
llutzmichael_imac: use it as smarthost08:53
cvamfor uname -m, it says i686. For uname  -i, it says i386. diff between machine hardware name(m) and hardware platform name(i) ?08:53
michael_imactld is a MS exchange...don't really want to have to do that if I can help it.08:53
llutzmichael_imac: just use a simple nullmailer ssmtp/msmtp for that.08:53
sskniranjanplz help me any one.08:53
sskniranjansir whenever open the empathy it automatically logins my both registered account i.e facebook and irc. its not my problemy. what my problem was that fb gets connected but for irc each time chanserv says that ur password is invalid and says to enter /msg identify <password> and each time i mention the same password given previously in the empathy it then identifies . why it is happening08:54
auronandacecvam: what are you trying to do?08:54
sskniranjanwhat to do it get it resolved08:54
FloodBot1sskniranjan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:54
michael_imacpretty new to this, any guides or direction you can point me would be great08:54
michael_imac(setting up a nullmailer that is)08:54
=== Guest84204 is now known as GirlyGirl
asian14can anyone help08:54
llutzmichael_imac: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78050908:55
auronandacesskniranjan: i've never used empathy but when you connect to irc you have to identify (that has always been that way for a registered nick)08:55
cvamauronandace:Is Dual core  i686?08:55
auronandacecvam: yes08:55
llutzmichael_imac:or http://benosullivan.co.uk/internet/how-to-configure-msmtp-to-use-gmail-from-linux-and-php/08:55
sskniranjanthanx auronandance08:55
cvamauronandace:Is i686 mean 64 bit ?08:55
auronandacecvam: you still haven't answered my question08:55
auronandacecvam: no, 32bit08:55
cvamauronandace: I want to download oneiric08:56
icerootcvam: no08:56
auronandace!download | cvam08:56
ubottucvam: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Oneiric, and help keeping the servers' load low!08:56
icerootcvam: amd64 means 64bit, i686 means 32bit08:56
michael_imacllutz I'm using sendmail though?08:56
icerootcvam: and amd64 is also used on intel-cpus08:56
llutzmichael_imac: sendmail is overkill for this task08:57
cvamauronandace: only i386 version available08:57
icerootcvam: i686 can run i38608:57
auronandacecvam: that is 32bit, i686 supports i38608:57
icerootcvam: use the amd64 version08:58
auronandaceiceroot: not all dualcore processors are 64bit08:58
cvamaurorandace:one person suggest to download 64bit08:58
michael_imacllutz: I've setup the MX08:58
michael_imacand it's resolving08:58
dc5alaLongRender, found an older bug report here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/81028508:59
michael_imacas is the A record08:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 810285 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unity launcher displays in background" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:59
michael_imacstill getting connection refused08:59
icerootauronandace: core2duo is amd64, core duo os sometimes only i68608:59
auronandaceiceroot: does he have a core2duo or a core duo?08:59
llutzmichael_imac: literally "connection refused"? that usually means "wrong port" or "no services listening here"...08:59
michael_imacI've not opened sendmail to receive btw09:00
michael_imaconly want to send out09:00
auronandacecvam: check with wikipedia to see if your cpu supports 64bit09:00
llutzmichael_imac: if the mailserver denies your mails, it should give a "5xx" error (or at leat 4xx for temporary things)09:01
LongRenderdc5ala: unity& disown - type that into a terminal and it fixes it. that way you don't need to log out and back in again09:01
icerootauronandace: e5400 is amd6409:01
michael_imac050 <to_address@gmail.com>... Deferred: Connection refused by alt4.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com.09:01
zushow can i change  which user logs into ubuntu one?09:01
icerootcvam: your cpu is supporting 64bit so use amd6409:01
auronandaceiceroot: good stuff, i remember having a dualcore t60 but it was only 32bit (that is why i mentioned it)09:02
dc5alaLongRender, using gnome-shell :P But if you want you can add your informations to that bug report.09:03
icerootauronandace: yes, must be a core duo instead of core2duo09:03
Vortex<- i5 2500k, runs fine09:03
auronandaceiceroot: yes09:03
llutzmichael_imac: does this help? http://objectmix.com/sendmail/207531-deferred-connection-refused-%5Bany-host%5D.html09:03
michael_imacllutz do I need to masquerade hosts?09:04
llutzmichael_imac: sry cannot help you with sendmail, i haven't used that monster since 199x, i prefer postfix (as full mta) or mstmp for delivery only.09:05
michael_imacyeah it's pretty much like that09:05
zusso no one uses ubuntu one  or has a clue?09:05
michael_imactried to connect several times to gmail09:05
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michael_imacjust like that09:05
zushow can i change  which user logs into ubuntu one?09:06
Vortexzus: 1 sec ill check09:06
zusthanks  Vortex09:06
Vortexzus: i dont have it installed, but from the looks of it its just a app, unless its completely attached to the ubuntu user logged in, i see no reason why there wouldnt be a logout/login somewhere on the menu09:09
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Guest77431I have a question regarding Power Management, there is a maximum wait time of 1 hour before my desktop screen turns off, I don't want it to turn off, at all. How can I do this?09:10
Guest77431I'm using Ubuntu 11.1009:10
=== Guest77431 is now known as Jarhead
zusright, Vortex   but when open and closing it  it auto opens to my old account not my new one.. and i cant change the fields to switch.09:10
=== Jarhead is now known as Jarhead``
folivoraJarhead: Edit power profiles, theere u can setup everything regarding power settings....09:11
auronandaceJarhead: put the slider at the biginning09:11
zusand there isnt an irc channel for ubuntu one?09:11
icerootJarhead``: at the left there is "never" at the right there is "1 hour"09:11
Jarhead``Settings -> Screen -> Turn off after: 1 hour. 1 hour is the maximum available, there is no Never option09:11
Vortexzus: after it loads up, can you get into the settings, and disable auto-login?09:11
Jarhead``I have a drop down selection, not a slider?09:12
zuslemme check Vortex09:12
Jarhead``maybe I should downgrade to the LTS09:12
auronandaceJarhead``: would it be at the top of the list?09:13
zusnope Vortex09:13
Vortexzus: and theres nothing in there about users either? hmm09:14
Jarhead``No, my choices are: 1 minute, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20 minutes & 1 hour09:14
Jarhead``that's all09:14
zuspersonal details, and a edit account details option which takes you to the web page, but nothing on what i am asking about09:14
auronandaceJarhead``: can you take a screenshot?09:15
dc5alaJarhead``, on the bottom of the list i have a "Never"09:16
venice__hi i'm experiencing unreasonably long boot times after a fresh install of 11.1009:16
venice__dmesg output of a typical boot is09:16
Vortexzus: sorry i cant find anything directly answering your issue, i would send their support an email to get a real answer. https://one.ubuntu.com/help/faq/09:17
venice__corresponding boot chat ;)09:18
venice__chart ^^09:18
zusthanks Vortex ,.... any one else that  came in to the channel recently  know  if  ubuntu one has a irc channel?!?!?!?!?09:18
venice__any ideas? certainly 120 seconds on a 2 year old machine is a joke ...09:19
bazhang#ubuntuone zus09:19
zusthanks you baz09:19
zusbazhang,  *09:19
hhlpbefore i Edit the file gdm and add this line of code account required pam_time.so how can i do now with lightgdm...?09:20
hhlpbefore i Edit the file gdm and add this line of code 'account required pam_time.so' how can i do now with lightgdm...?09:20
naftilos76hi i am in 11.10 under gnome shell. Once i shut down wireless network and re-enable it i can not see any networks being detected. In order for me to get connected to my gateway i must restart. The loaded module is is iwl3945. Can anyone help?09:21
basslinerwhat can i use to put music on my ipod nano with ubuntu?09:21
auronandace!ipod | bassliner09:22
ubottubassliner: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod09:22
edge555Hello I have a problem to install wifi driver not someone help me09:28
auronandaceedge555: which wifi?09:28
edge555broadcom 802.11n09:29
edge555i have the driver .tar09:29
auronandace!broadcom | edge55509:29
ubottuedge555: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx09:29
edge555but i m in backtrack 509:30
auronandaceedge555: backtrack isn't supported here09:30
edge555i have the command with the driver09:30
auronandace!backtrack | edge55509:30
ubottuedge555: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition09:30
bazhangedge555, #backtrack-linux for that09:30
edge555ok have a good sunday09:30
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org09:31
KatsumeBliskzus: That was weird... I was thinking about running that command at the EXACT time you did. XD09:32
zusKateon,  :)09:32
zusKatsumeBlisk,  :)09:32
KatsumeBliskedge555: "/join #backtrack-linux"09:32
KatsumeBliskzus: I was curious what it did because the others didn't have a command for their channels. XD09:33
zusKatsumeBlisk,  same here, but i saw their irc server and just addded it to my  client09:33
auronandaceKatsumeBlisk: because those channels are all on freenode, mint's isn't09:34
zusno one is  awake in the  ubuntu one channel,  does any one have an idea on how i can get to my account? it keeps opening up with my other account09:35
zeeHi, for a Pentium3  1Ghz  512mb RAM  laptop, which should I install?  Ubuntu 10.04LTS, Xubuntu, Lubuntu or Puppy Linux?09:36
KatsumeBliskzee: I recommend Lubuntu09:36
bazhangzee, lubuntu probably would be the best09:36
Jarhead``Who was it that was after the screen shot? http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/3894/workspace1002.png09:36
KatsumeBliskzee: Ubuntu would run fine, but I think it'd be a bit slow.09:36
Jarhead``auronandace, ^^09:36
auronandaceJarhead``: saw it, thanks, that is odd: no never option09:37
zeeKatsumeBlisk: Lubuntu 10.04LTS  or 11.10?09:37
Jarhead``yea, that's what I thought :P09:37
KatsumeBliskzee: Doesn't really matter. Do you want something super stable until 2013 or something uptodate?09:38
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KatsumeBliskzee: Something uptodate that is still pretty stable?09:38
bazhangzee, there is not an LTS for lubuntu afaik09:38
KatsumeBliskbazhang: Yes there is09:38
bazhangzee, go for 11.1009:38
KatsumeBliskbazhang: It just wasn't an official derivative back then.09:38
Jarhead``auronandace, can I configure this via terminal or something?09:38
auronandaceKatsumeBlisk: not for lubuntu09:38
bazhangKatsumeBlisk, link? it's not official so hardly likely to be LTS09:39
Jarhead``maybe make the timeout a very large number09:39
auronandaceJarhead``: sorry, not sure, i use xfce09:39
zeebazhang : Is 11.10 stable?09:39
bazhangzee, sure.09:39
KatsumeBliskzee: Yes09:39
venice__hi i'm experiencing unreasonably long boot times on a fresh install of 11.10, corresponding dmesg is http://pastebin.com/g0kdi5kB and a typical  boot chart is http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/52/unicornoneiric201110231.png/ , any ideas would be helpful. 120 seconds or more certainly  seem out of place since the system used to boot in about 45 seconds with 11.04 or the versions before it. :)09:40
KatsumeBliskApparently it isn't. I thought it was because it was 10.04 and that was LTS. I don't see how it isn't LTS since those repos are updated, but they say it isn't...09:41
KatsumeBliskI don't really care either because I use 11.10. XD09:41
zeeKatsumeBlisk : would libreOffice work fine on Lubuntu 11.10?09:42
michael_imacanyone familiar with sendmail?09:42
KatsumeBliskzee: Yes. You just have to install it.09:42
dr-williszee any apps should work fine09:42
auronandacezee: remember to install from the repos09:42
auronandace!packages | zee09:43
ubottuzee: You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !KPackageKit, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 30000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!09:43
ekakelaI have a small problem with ubuntu server 10.11 installer. The Partitioning tool shows only the scsi volumes, but I have one sata volume hanging around too and it allways tries to put mbr there during installation. I'd like to have the whole installation on those SCSI volumes, any neat trick to make it happen? :D09:43
zeeubottu: thanks for the tip.09:44
ubottuzee: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:44
KatsumeBliskekakela: It should ask you where you want to install GRUB at the end.09:44
KatsumeBliskDoes anyone know if you have to keep Thunderbird running to get the notifications?09:45
KatsumeBliskNotifications in the panel^^09:46
Guest54999 Can someone help me with apache2, I tried lamp from TASKSEL and apt-get install lamp-server^ and both times I get apache2: Syntax error on line 230 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Could not open configuration file /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default: No such file or directory Action 'start' failed. --------------------- this is on a fresh 11.10 install09:46
basslineri sometimes encounter this bug with unity: http://nerdhost.de/bug.png - anyone else having this?09:47
ekakelaKatsumeBlisk: Atleast with normal installation mode it doesn't, trying with the expert mode now09:48
ekakelaCould it be that it won't work with hardware RAID0?09:48
KatsumeBliskekakela: I've never tried the 11.10 one, I use the LTS for servers, but at the end it asks if those were the detected OSes and do you want to install GRUB. If you hit no, I think you'll choose what partition or disk to install it to. It's been a while, so i don't remember fully.09:49
sskniranjani use gwibber but it doesn't either show my status also it doesn't send my messages for my authorised facebook account.plz any help me09:49
ekakelaKatsumeBlisk: Thank you, will try :)09:50
KatsumeBliskekakela: No problem. Hopefully, that fixes it.09:50
=== Proclus is now known as Ogla
sskniranjanplz any one help me09:50
g0thwhy are there two versions of libreoffice?09:51
g0thhow do I let aptitude forget new packages?09:51
g0thbecoming root and pressing f also just works temporarly09:51
bazhang!pinning | g0th09:51
ubottug0th: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto09:51
sskniranjani use gwibber but it doesn't either show my status also it doesn't send my messages for my face book account.plz any one help me out09:51
bazhang!helpme | sskniranjan09:52
ubottusskniranjan: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude09:52
g0ththe current libreoffice I have is buggy09:52
g0this it normal that there  are two versions of it?09:52
MrMindwhich drivers should I use for my nvidia gt240? the post realese or not?09:52
g0thin standard oneiric ubuntu09:52
ubottubazhang: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude09:53
bazhangsskniranjan, dont do that09:53
sskniranjansorry. but plz sort my prob out09:54
saymoog0th: could be: a development version (likely with a -dev in the name) and a normal version09:54
saymoonot sure though09:54
bazhangsskniranjan, stop repeating every five seconds. if someone knows they will help09:54
sskniranjanbut i wonder how they would find my q in this long list09:55
Beta____Hi! Someone that can help me with an Optimus laptop? Seen someone editing his DSDT to get the nvidia vga off... but I can't find it anymore :(09:55
saymooGood morning, midnight, or afternoon ;)09:57
CodeOmegaPrimeI am running 11.10 with GNOME3 Desktop installed and the menu bar at the top is really really think like its repeated with nothing in it. I have googled for hours and cannot fix. Does anyone have any ideas?09:57
KatsumeBlisksaymoo: Does "good some-time-of-day" work? ;)09:58
SetiAmonanyone here familiar with dual monitors?09:58
auronandaceCodeOmegaPrime: screenshot?09:58
SetiAmondual monitor users here?09:58
CodeOmegaPrimeauronandace getting you one now09:58
auronandace!anyone | SetiAmon09:58
ubottuSetiAmon: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.09:58
BBgamerHey. Does anyone know if it's possible to get Banshee 2.2 on Ubuntu 10.4 (Lucid)? The PPA only seems to have 2.01.09:59
saymooKatsumeBlisk: sure ;) as long as it´s good09:59
auronandaceBBgamer: i hope you know that ppas are not supported09:59
SetiAmonTwinview seems to mess with the detection of games,it combines my to displays to say i have 3050x whatever anyhow I tried the 'seperate x-windows' but it seems it just doesn't work in gnome/unity.the right window is just dead09:59
ubottuBBgamer: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.09:59
SetiAmonso is gnome-3/unity completly unable to use Seperate X-Windows configuration10:00
auronandacesskniranjan: stop that, he asked his question10:00
KatsumeBlisksskniranjan: There wasn't really any other way to ask that question.10:00
sskniranjanok reply my question10:00
CodeOmegaPrimedauronandace http://tinypic.com/r/etv508/710:01
auronandacesskniranjan: be patient10:01
bazhangsskniranjan, thats not the way to get help here. please stop it.10:01
KatsumeBlisksskniranjan: Apparently, no one knows the answer to your Gwibber question.10:01
cutiyarhow to recovery my files?10:01
auronandaceCodeOmegaPrime: wow, looks like the panel has been resized10:02
sskniranjanand sorry for the mischief10:02
CodeOmegaPrimeauronandace : how do I reset?10:02
auronandaceCodeOmegaPrime: no idea sorry, i use xfce (can't stand unity or gnome)10:02
BBgamerSo, I'll rephrase my question. Is there any possible means of getting banshee 2.2 on 10.04?10:03
auronandaceBBgamer: i fail to see the point of using an lts if you are going to install unsupported software10:03
auronandace!ppa | BBgamer10:05
ubottuBBgamer: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa10:05
auronandaceBBgamer: the point of an lts is for long term support, if you install unsupported software you won't get support thus invalidating the point of using an lts10:06
auronandaceBBgamer: also please ask permission before pm-ing people10:06
auronandacesskniranjan: don't pm me10:06
BBgamerThanks for the help anyway.10:06
sskniranjansorry auronandace10:07
auronandacesskniranjan: i don't use gwibber so i can't help you10:07
sskniranjanif u can solve the gwibber prob10:07
CodeOmegaPrimedoes anyone know how to resize the panel in gdm?10:08
* saymoo looks up what gwibber is10:08
auronandaceCodeOmegaPrime: that screenshot looked like the desktop not gdm10:08
KatsumeBlisksaymoo: Social media client10:08
CodeOmegaPrimewell yes I ment the desktop sorry10:08
saymooKatsumeBlisk: yep, indeed.. hmmm10:09
crushi everyone, i'm having a problem with dns resolution on ubuntu 11.10.. I have a name server set in my /etc/network/interfaces file.. but it doesn't seem to be using it.10:09
auronandaceCodeOmegaPrime: can you rightclick and resize?10:09
crusif i do nslookup and set the server to what i have in my interfaces file, i can do nslookups :O10:09
SetiAmon3520x1200 it says is my resolution.I have dual monitors. how can i dedicate the operations of a application to a specific monitor and not let it detect the other monitor?10:10
saymoocrus: eh yes?10:10
CodeOmegaPrimeauronandace nope it wont let me10:10
crussaymoo: is that a question?10:11
saymoocrus: more an answer10:11
murmurscould anyone tell me if it's possible for someone to maliciously wipe an entire directory over the internet?10:11
auronandaceCodeOmegaPrime: is there some sort of settings manager for the panel?10:11
Jerrak0shi dudes10:11
crussaymoo: do you speak english?10:11
saymoocrus: yes10:11
murmursand how would you find out if that has happened?10:11
auronandaceCodeOmegaPrime: i'm guessing here because i don't use gnome10:11
CodeOmegaPrimenp I appreciate the help though I really do10:12
KatsumeBliskmurmurs: I guess it's /possible/, but REALLY unlikely.10:12
crusperhaps this illistrates the problem better: http://paste.pound-python.org/show/14120/10:12
murmursKatsumeBlisk, would it be some sort of script with the "rm -r " command inside?10:12
bhaveshInternet on my Netbook is still not working. To fix It I need to download a few packages(autoconf, kernel-devel...etc) : http://rhythmcloud.blogspot.com/2010/07/how-to-install-ar8151-v10-gigabit.html   : But how am I supposed to do that without a internet connection?10:13
KatsumeBliskmurmurs: I guess, but you'd probably have to run it. I'm not too versed in malware on Linux because it's so rare.10:13
KatsumeBliskmurmurs: That'd be the command to delete a directory via the command line though.10:13
murmursKatsumeBlisk, ah, yeah same here so I'm trying to find out more.10:13
sskniranjani connec my nokia mobile x press music through data cable bu i couldn't locate. so that i coul access its foile and other thing. where to see that10:14
murmursKatsumeBlisk, I'm not sure whether this was malicious or whether the hd is failing and randomly wiped a directory clean.10:14
KatsumeBliskbhavesh: We don't support Fedora, but you'd probably have an ethernet cable plugged in to do it.10:14
bhaveshKatsumeBlisk, was that for fedora?10:14
KatsumeBliskmurmurs: I think you have a better chance of the HDD failing than you coming across a virus for Linux10:14
murmursI guess there's a record of all commands executed on the system? do you know where I would find that?10:15
bhaveshoh yea10:15
KatsumeBliskbhavesh: "yum install" is Fedora and it says Fedora 13 on that page.10:15
dr-willishd failure common. ;)10:15
bhaveshmy bad10:15
saymoocrus: as i understand from this paste, you want to do a lookup using itś own ip (eth0) and that fails, but using the gateway, it works. correct?10:15
crussaymoo: i have my name server set as my gateway address.. i can even do nslookups using that address.. but the ping command and other commands dont seem to resolve addresses10:16
dr-willismurmurs:  for a specific user? or from sudo ussage?10:16
murmurssudo usage10:16
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KatsumeBliskmurmurs: Where was this directory?10:16
dr-williswell the user has a .history file. and i think sudo has some extra logging feature. but im not sure if its enabled by default10:17
KatsumeBliskmurmurs: That doesn't require root to delete, so it's possible...10:17
bhaveshIs it really impossible to get build-essential package without a internet connection?10:17
KatsumeBliskbhavesh: Have you tried using the Additional Drivers tool?10:17
saivnobahi anybody having problem with ubuntu cds.10:17
dr-willisbhavesh:   that package pulls in a dozen+ other packages10:18
saivnobai downloaded 64bit ubuntu-11.10 cd10:18
KatsumeBlisksaivnoba: What's wrong?10:18
zusubuntu one wont let me change which account i can log in with.... anyone  know  how to change this?!!!10:18
SetiAmonlast two distro's display wrong.and there is this irritating "no graphic mode selected" boot that still remains10:18
crussaymoo: seems the upgrade to 11.10 blew away my resolv.conf file.. all working again now.10:18
sskniranjanin my gwibber i had a authorised facebook account . it doesn't show the status update and even it doesn't send my messages10:18
saivnobabut i'm not able to boot whether i burn it to a cd or use unetbootin and create a liveusb10:18
bhaveshKatsumeBlisk, Additional drivers is only for video drivers I guess10:18
KatsumeBliskbhavesh: I've had wireless come up on my netbook there.10:19
saivnobai do check md5sums. I tried downloading after a day and same issue.10:19
KatsumeBlisksaivnoba: What's wrong?10:19
saymoocrus: i was just thinking of resolv.conf, but was not sure if it was needed in case of static setup (where the dns is given in the config).10:19
murmursdr-willis, where would I find the user's ".history" file?10:19
saymoocrus: but ok, it works again.. :)10:19
saivnobai even downloaded 11.10-alternate cd. none of the images are booting (either with cd or usb)10:19
dr-willismurmurs:  use history command. ior look at the file in the users home dir10:19
KatsumeBlisksaivnoba: Have you configured BIOS correctly?10:19
saivnobayes. all my other cd/dvds boot up properly.10:20
murmursk, I'll give it a go now10:20
ekakelaKatsumeBlisk: Funny, thanks to you I got it finally to boot but now it halts on "Stopping read required files in advance"10:20
dr-willissaivnoba:  what does it do instead of booting?10:20
KatsumeBlisksaivnoba: Did you burn with the same utility as the other discs that boot properly?10:20
KatsumeBliskekakela: This is after the install?10:20
saivnobadr-willis: it boots from my harddrive instead.10:21
ekakelaYes, this is after install and first time booting atm10:21
saivnobaKatsumeBlisk: yes. i use brasero. or unetbootin for usb10:21
KatsumeBliskekakela: I don't know. Sorry.10:21
ekakelaOkay, well thanks anyways :)10:21
sskniranjanbhavesh mada karo na yaar10:21
ekakelagot alot further than any time before10:21
bhaveshsskniranjan, in PM <10:21
KatsumeBlisksaivnoba: Are these the same disks too?10:22
dr-willissaivnoba:  you can 'dd' the 11.10 iso to flash. see if it boots that way. also you could test your iso in virtulabox.10:22
murmursdr-willis, thanks for the help, I didn't find anything suspect using the history command10:22
murmursI think the hd must be going10:22
KatsumeBliskmurmurs: Poor thing. :'( It's always said when they leave us.10:22
saivnobawell. no previous ones were some 'geha'. currently, sony.10:22
dr-willismurmurs:  dmesg commqnd may show info on hd failure10:22
murmursindeed :(10:22
ekakelaKatsumeBlisk: Actually the system works :D Just had to switch to another tty to see anything usefull :D10:22
KatsumeBliskekakela: Awesome! :D10:23
saivnobadr-willis: will try 'dd' command. but why does unetbootin method not working?10:23
dr-willissaivnoba:  i find unetbootin flakey of late. rarely works for m e10:23
KatsumeBliskdr-willis: I guess it depends on the person. Unetbootin has been flawless for me.10:24
murmursthanks again10:24
dr-willisyou could make your own grub2 pendrive to boot yhe iso files also10:24
saivnobaKatsumeBlisk: indeed it was, till this time.10:24
dr-willisKatsumeBlisk:  more likely depenbds on the hardware10:25
KatsumeBlisksaivnoba: Just realized that my question with the CD-Rs was kind of dumb if it's not working with USB drives either.10:25
tastytoiletseatthis is not a troll... i know ubuntu is some sort of nix system, right? this is the most popular chan on the server, and i want one of you to tell me why it's so good :-)10:25
FreeWillyhi all, i have an ubuntu server box, installed a couple of services on there, however things are not going too well with it10:25
KatsumeBliskFreeWilly: What's wrong?10:26
bhaveshwhat if I copy my build-essential files .. if they are installed somewhere.. from 64bit machine to 32bit one?10:26
bazhangtastytoiletseat, this is not the place for that10:26
ekakelaKatsumeBlisk: Now I'm just wondering why my user doesn't have sudo privs :D Next time remember to allow root login10:26
tastytoiletseatwhere to?10:26
dr-willis!ubuntu | tastytoiletseat10:26
ubottutastytoiletseat: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com10:26
auronandacetastytoiletseat: try it and see10:26
bazhang#ubuntu-offtopic tastytoiletseat10:26
KatsumeBliskekakela: Can't you log in as root?10:26
saivnobaKatsumeBlisk: that's ok. But it is also true that media and the speed at which we burn also matter.10:26
tastytoiletseatkk thanks, surry and thanks ubottu10:26
FreeWillyat boot up, well it freezess nd the error i can see is that: iniy enreadeahead other main process (6790 TERMINATED WITH STATUS 410:26
ekakelaKatsumeBlisk: Nope because did installation in expert mode and when it asked "allow root login" I answered no, since with standard installation you don't have to use root account for anything10:27
FreeWillyeish sory bout caps10:27
KatsumeBliskekakela: Ouch. You need it to install stuff. XX10:27
ekakelaBut reinstall isnt big problem, now that I know how to get this toy to work :D10:27
KatsumeBliskekakela: Especially since you just reinstalled it, you don't lose anything10:27
saivnobafor 'dd' what bs should I use? I'm always confused with this value.10:27
FreeWillymy feeling is that when the box was moved the ups was unplogged, coz thats the only usb device connected to the box, however it is conneted now10:28
ekakelaKatsumeBlisk: sudo privs will do as well but it seems that the installer didn't give them to the default user it makes in expert mode :D10:28
FreeWillyam i gona have to boot up into the box with live cd?10:28
KatsumeBliskekakela: I've never used expert, so I don't know what it does.10:28
dr-willissaivnoba:  2048  or sim iler. not too big10:28
sskniranjandoes any one know more about gwibber/10:28
ekakelaWell anyways, thanks. Got this thing figured out :)10:28
dr-willissskniranjan:  theres always the gwibber homepage10:29
GinoMan2440ok.... so there's two versions of fglrx in the repo10:29
bazhangsskniranjan, #gwibber10:29
KatsumeBlisksskniranjan: "/join #gwibbber" and ask there.10:29
sskniranjanbut no one answers there. all sleeps there10:29
GinoMan2440when I try to install it, it wants to remove a whole bunch of packages10:29
saivnobadr-willis: ok. I'll use that value. Btw, do you have any reference for bs= value for different media types.10:29
bazhangsskniranjan, then be patient10:29
KatsumeBlisksskniranjan: It's kind of late to ask questions, mind you.10:29
KatsumeBlisksskniranjan: It's 4 am in the US.10:30
KatsumeBlisksskniranjan: about 410:30
GinoMan2440KatsumeBlisk: well, 6:30 on the East Coast10:30
dr-willissaivnoba: =its not c4itical. just dont go silly and try huge amounts like 2gb...10:30
KatsumeBliskGinoMan2440: That's why I changed it. XD Point is, it's freaking early. XD10:30
sskniranjanokk. . does no one uses else any  where in the globe10:31
dr-willissaivnoba:  2048 is what i akways use10:31
KatsumeBlisksskniranjan: Patience.10:31
sskniranjankkk :(10:31
bhaveshdr-willis, I got a build-essential package deb from here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/i386/build-essential/download10:31
dr-willisgwibber forums perhaps10:31
dr-willisbhavesh:  so?   ;)10:32
dr-willisits a meta package10:32
* KatsumeBlisk should probably join the Ubuntu forums to help there too...10:32
tieinv 10:32
saivnobadr-willis: thanks. am 'dd'ing now. :-) see you later if I still have problem. Thank you KatsumeBlisk.10:32
GinoMan2440ok, if I go into aptitude and select fglrx, it trys to remove like 100+ packages10:32
dr-willisdont forget  askubuntu.com10:32
KatsumeBlisksaivnoba: Didn't do much to help, but you're welcome anyway. XD10:32
GinoMan2440but if I type "aptitude install fglrx" it only wants to install two packages, and remove none10:32
KatsumeBliskdr-willis: Good point. Must. Help. People. With. Ubuntu.10:33
dr-willisthere is an askubuntu.com lense and indicator applet also.10:34
FreeWillyis it possible to remove an installed service/app from a linux box's primary hd when booting up from the live cd?10:34
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dr-willisFreeWilly:  chroot in and do what you need10:35
tenXFreeWilly: chroot10:35
dr-willisor just boot to single user mode. ;)10:35
GinoMan2440sudo mount -o bind /dev/ /media/linux/dev/10:36
GinoMan2440sudo mount -o bind /sys/ /media/linux/sys/10:36
saymooGinoMan2440: that´s twice10:36
GinoMan2440sudo mount -o bind /proc/ /media/linux/proc/10:36
GinoMan2440sudo chroot /media/linux/10:36
FloodBot1syzenggao: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:36
FreeWillyforgive me, but im a noob to linux, what is chroot? how do i got about it?10:37
GinoMan2440press <win> and type Terminal10:37
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saymoochroot is a method to change (ch) the root to a different location10:37
dr-willisFreeWilly:  perhaps you should be telling us the original problem10:37
saymoo(root as in /)10:37
GinoMan2440and click on the terminal icon,10:38
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw10:38
maosyzenggao: ??10:38
SlyHey, i was wondering why after doing a fresh install of 11.10 when i try to install certain things (xbacklight, samsung-backlight, ndisgtk) it asks for the 11.10 media to be inserted to /cdrom/. This is on a n130 netbook........ its very weird and no other version asked for the cd10:38
Atharva!cn > syzenggao10:38
ubottusyzenggao, please see my private message10:38
SlyKind of reminds me of xp asking for the disk to be inserted for certian things.10:39
dr-willisSly:  your sources.list has the cd entry still.10:39
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories10:39
maosyzenggao: ??10:39
bhaveshNow I get "dependency is not satisfiable g++ (>=4:4.43) when I install that .deb :(10:39
Atharvasyzenggao : Stop it .......10:40
syzenggaof k y10:40
saymoobhavesh: do an update of the respo´s10:40
Slydr-willis: Thankyou :)10:40
corecodei'm trying to use nm-applet with xmonad10:40
saymoosudo apt-cache update10:40
FloodBot1syzenggao: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:40
bhaveshsaymoo, I cannot.. without an Internet connection10:40
dr-willisbhavesh:  you do realize the  the build-essentials install will want to download other packges10:40
KatsumeBliskbhavesh: You'll need an internet connection for that.10:40
corecodebut it's having problems with permissions10:40
KatsumeBliskbhavesh: Do you have an ethernet cable10:40
dr-willisbhavesh:  its a meta package10:41
AtharvaMyrtti : Well done :)10:41
corecodeanybody know what i need to run/set to get nm-applet be allowed to talk to networkmanager?10:41
dr-willisbhavesh:  all it doews is make it easier to install a set of other packages10:41
bhaveshBut there is a bug with the ASUS eepc erthnet on ubutnu10:41
KatsumeBliskbhavesh: That's the only way to get drivers10:41
KatsumeBliskbhavesh: You have to have internet to download things.10:42
FreeWillydr-willis: when my box powers up, i could putty in anylonger, nor see my samba network share form other pc's10:42
bhaveshKatsumeBlisk, Yea I do have a cable.. now the only way is through wifi10:42
dr-willisor download all thr needed packages by hand then copy them over10:42
auronandace!offline | bhavesh10:42
ubottubhavesh: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD10:42
saymoobhavesh: apt-get install checks your sources, and tries to fetch the packages from those repositories. And if those are on the internet, you NEED and internet connection on your machine, to be able to fetch the packages (and check those repo´s). :)10:42
FreeWillyso now looking at the linux box, connecting a monitor i see the first line at the top (dont boot properly) reading mount: mount point /proc/bus/usb does not exist10:43
FreeWillythen fsck tries to mountall but mount all cant take place10:43
dr-willisif theres other linux boxs on the lan. they can cache the pavkages. ;)10:43
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FreeWillythen my promary hd mounts fine10:43
FreeWillybut the other two hd's has this message: /dev/sxx has been mounted 22 times without being checked, check forced.10:44
FreeWillyand it stays there10:44
dr-willisa fsck can take some time. you may want to fsck them by hand from a live cd10:45
LK-Is it possible to make Ubuntu keep the hardware clock in UTC?10:45
FreeWillywhen i hit a key on the keyboard, an ubuntu loading screen appears, when i hit key again, i go back to the booting messages which havent changed10:45
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FreeWillyits been like that for 2days10:45
FreeWillyi tried the waiting game10:45
Stanley00LK-: yes, you can do it via hwclock command10:46
FreeWillybut will it fsck both drives same time?10:46
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:47
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GinoMan2440why can't it update alternatives correctly10:51
KatsumeBliskGinoMan2440: What are you talking about?10:52
GinoMan2440update-alternatives: warning: forcing reinstallation of alternative /usr/lib/fglrx/ld.so.conf because link group i386-linux-gnu_gl_conf is broken.10:52
GinoMan2440update-alternatives: error: unable to install /usr/lib32/libaticalcl.so.dpkg-tmp as /usr/lib32/libaticalcl.so: No such file or directory10:52
GinoMan2440that's the failure point10:52
YerushalmiHow do I get into brightness/gamma/etc. settings for a video overlay in 11.10?10:53
bhaveshwow.. now I cannot find autoconf.h.. anywhere10:54
dr-willis!find autoconf.h10:55
ubottuFile autoconf.h found in autoconf-doc, autoconf2.13, doc-linux-ja-html, ghc, jade, libfreeradius-dev, libwvstreams-dev, libzzip-dev, linux-headers-3.0.0-12-generic, linux-headers-3.0.0-12-server (and 6 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=autoconf.h&mode=&suite=oneiric&arch=any10:55
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:57
aleale     Code of Conduct10:59
alealeAbout Ubuntu Code of Conduct10:59
alealeAbout Ubuntu10:59
alealeThe Ubuntu storyOur philosophyLicensingGovernanceCode of ConductLeadershipDiversityUbuntu and DebianDerivatives.10:59
alealeUbuntu is an African concept of 'humanity towards others'.10:59
alealeIt is the 'belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity'. The same ideas are central to the way the Ubuntu community collaborates. Members of the Ubuntu community need to work together effectively, and this code of conduct lays down the ground rules for our cooperation.10:59
FloodBot1aleale: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:59
zeeHi, around 1 month ago i remember visiting lubuntu website "lubuntu.net"  which has a good collection of lubuntu related educational videos. Can't find it now. What is  Lubuntu new web address now?10:59
KatsumeBliskzee: Seems like since they became a derivative, their main site is now an entry in the Ubuntu Wiki11:00
ouyesbesides comand ping to test if a ip is active, what command can be use to test if an ip in the lan was occupied?11:01
ouyesof course i am in ubuntu11:01
MonkeyDustlsof -i11:01
saymoozee: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation11:02
saymoothere are some screencasts there (videos)11:02
ouyesMonkeyDust, are you talking to me?11:02
zeeKatsumeBlisk : Thanks for the info11:03
llutzouyes: from outside? theres basically ping, traceroute, nmap but at least it all uses ping  (icmp)11:03
llutzouyes: and if he talked to you, "lsof -i" wouldn't help here in any way11:04
ouyesMonkeyDust, I tried but that is wrong, because I have 3 pcs in the lan there are connected via a switch, ip 192.168.100, 101, and 102, mine is 101 but I ping 102, nothing come out11:04
MonkeyDustouyes: try mtr (my trace route)11:04
zeesaymoo : found  the screencast there. Thanks11:04
llutzouyes: do you filter ICMP?11:04
ouyesllutz, I dont know11:05
saymoozee: no problem11:05
ouyesllutz, how can I know if I filter icmp?11:06
ouyesllutz, I can ping myself11:06
llutzouyes: check iptables rules11:06
ouyesllutz, how to check that?11:06
llutz"man iptables"  (iptables -vL)11:07
bhavesh_U do sudo apt-cdrom add but what if u have a USB? still same?11:07
ouyesllutz, I can ping www.google.com11:07
llutzouyes: check in ....10211:07
ouyesit is on11:07
ouyesI try PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. but nothing come out11:09
ouyesI am 102 by the way11:09
llutzouyes: check network connection, using "ethtool"11:10
llutzouyes: " ethtool eth0|grep detect"11:10
ouyesllutz, is this possible if the pc I am try to ping, disabled icmp?11:11
llutzouyes: yes11:11
jottbeI have a problem since I upgraded to ubuntu 11.10 my recorded mpeg viedeos (recorded using mencoder to record from a dvbc-card) are not played correctly anymore11:11
jottbeI mean the sound and the viedeo get out of sync11:11
llutzouyes: stupid thing but used commonly today11:11
ouyesllutz, Link detected: yes11:12
ouyesllutz, if they disabled icmp, then How can I know they are active ?11:12
ouyesllutz, is there other command11:13
llutzouyes: so at least your machine has physical network-connection.11:13
ouyesllutz, oh man, of course I am talking to you11:13
RudyValenciaHow do I stop the joe text editor from creating backup files (e.g. for filename.txt it creates filename.txt~) ?11:13
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llutzouyes: you have to check that on the machine NOT ANSWERING11:14
llutzouyes: i'll drop it here11:14
ouyesllutz, thanks,11:14
Houssemcan't login  using ubuntu after an upgrade to 11.10 : saned disabled edit /etc/default/saned ... and checking battery statut !  I tried to reinstall ati driver from the recovery but always I'm getting the same problem11:15
wunnlehey all11:16
wunnledo you use a app to quick share files which have drag and drop upload feature?11:16
dc5alaHoussem, do you get a graphical login at least?11:16
YerushalmiDoes anyone know how to change a video overlay's brightness, gamma, etc. settings in 11.10?11:17
tenXwunnle: dropbox?11:17
sasaanybody can say to me how to capture audio straming from rhytmnbox?11:17
MonkeyDustwunnle: there's dropbox and minus http://minus.com/pages/help11:17
bhavesh_Yerushalmi, Doesn't you monitor have buttons for it?11:18
MonkeyDustsasa: it's a plugin you have to download, i used it11:18
wunnleMonkeyDust, dropbox is not what i wanted, i want a link of file. minus is what i wanted but it seems not working with 11.1011:18
sasarhytmnbox plugin?11:18
csenger41hy everyone :)11:19
sasamonkeyDust rhytmnbox plugin?11:20
sasawhat's it0s name?11:20
Yerushalmibhavesh: I can change my monitor's brightness up and down, yes - but I'm trying to watch a TV show that was apparently filmed in the middle of a windowless concrete bunker twenty miles underground during a new moon sometime after the heat death of the universe. My monitor can't brighten it up enough, and even if it had been able to, everything BUT the video would activate solar panels for...11:20
Yerushalmi...miles around.11:20
JonathanEllisCan someone suggest a minimum spec for a laptop and desktop to run the latest version of ubuntu and to run normal office programs plus play online vide fullscreen from bbc iplayer and how much I should expect to pay second hand for them? I would like the desktop to be able to take a twin graphics card as I've got used to double screens on my existing desktop running Gutsy11:20
csenger41pls someone help me in colour correcting, because they look very paly11:20
GinoMan2440ok.... I have an alternatives question11:20
YerushalmiMost video card drivers on Windows machines allow you to select separate settings for gamma and alpha for video overlays. Is there anything like that in Ubuntu?11:21
De|taHi. I'm having issues with a BCM4311 wifi card in my laptop. What chipset card should I replace it with to ensure better compatibiliy, intel one?11:21
sasaanybody can say to me how to capture audio straming from rhytmnbox?11:22
csenger41Yerushalmi: I have ATI VGA, but last time when I installed ATI Catalyst, it killed my XORG and i had to reinstall my whole system11:22
snarkI have chrome installed at /usr/bin/chromium-browser.  How come the command 'find / *chrom*' couldn't locate it?  Obviously its no problem since I found out where it's at by poking around, but I want to know why that didn't work in case I need to find some other executable I don't know the exact name of11:22
Yerushalmicsenger41: Hmm. Sounds like less than an ideal solution in my case :) Any suggestions?11:23
Yerushalmi*a less11:23
dc5alasnark, that's because you need to "escape" *, else your shell is interpreting that, use \*11:23
MonkeyDustsasa: http://scrawl.bplaced.net/projects/record-station/11:23
muellisnark: wrong syntax. check man find. Correcty syntax would be smth ilke find / -name '*chrome*'11:23
randomguy123folder structure: /a/a/b/c, how can i move the second 'a' folder instead of the first one?11:23
sasathanks monkeyDust11:24
muellirandomguy123: mv /a/a /tmp/somwhere.11:24
randomguy123thanks muelli, i will try now :]11:24
MonkeyDustsasa: after install, you need to restart rhythmbox11:24
snarkYou all are my heroes.  Much thanks =)11:24
csenger41I'd need some way to adjust lower gamma and higher contrast level11:25
sasado i need stremripper?11:25
GinoMan2440if you create a link group, and then you make a slave which is available by "/usr/lib/file.so" to "/usr/lib/name/file.so" and another slave that's "/usr/lib32/file.so" to "/usr/lib32/name/file.so" and "/usr/lib32" is a symlink to "/usr/lib/" but the two slaves have slightly different names in /etc/alternatives/, does that conflict?11:25
Yerushalmicsenger41: Exactly.  Any ideas?11:25
sasai've been trying to use stremRipper11:25
sasabut was not working11:25
MonkeyDustsasa: it orks, i used it11:25
JonathanEllisI will rephrase my question. Can someone suggest a minimum spec for a cheap secondhand laptop and desktop to run the latest version of ubuntu, please? I want to run normal office programs plus play online video fullscreen from BBC iplayer and 4od. How much I should expect to pay second hand for them? I would like the desktop to be able to take a twin graphics card as I've got used to double screens on my existing desktop running Gutsy11:25
sasaok i'll try it again now11:26
sasan let you know11:26
MonkeyDustJonathanEllis: wrong channel, ask in #ubuntu-offtopic11:26
Houssemdc5ala : no I don't ! it's blocked before the graphical login11:26
dc5alaJonathanEllis, try Ubuntu forums, this is the support channel :)11:26
JonathanEllisMonkeyDust and dc5ala: Thanks. Just hoped someone in here might have a suggestion11:27
dc5alaHoussem, have a look at /var/run, and /var/lock, they are now symlinks to /run and /run/lock11:28
Gentoo64JonathanEllis: id say 2gb ram for plain ubuntu. cant say about prices youll have to look11:28
JonathanEllisGentoo64: Thanks. Can you suggest what sort of processor I should go for? Oh by the way, my girlfriend will want it to run windows as well11:29
Gentoo64JonathanEllis: join #ubuntu-offtopic im in there11:29
sasai downloaded it11:33
sasaand installed11:33
sasai launched rhytmnbox...now where i find commands for register?11:33
sasaany button has been added to control pad11:33
sasai want to use it for last.fm srtems11:34
srcdshey guys, i just updated to the latest ubuntu version. How do i get rid of this horrible horrible new interface?11:34
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic11:35
srcdswhats the difference between gnome hsell and gnome fallback?11:36
MulozaHi guys. I have a question. I am creating a Launchpad account, and I am setting up the PGP keys. But I need Enigmail for Thunderbird to decrypt the mail, but Enigmail 1.3.2 is not compatible with Thunderbird
dc5alasrcds, Gnome-Shell is Gnome 3 and fallback is version 211:37
Gentoo64people are always going to try avoiding gnome 3. just use a different de11:37
jattxfce is a good alternative11:38
srcdsi just want the old UI back D:11:38
srcdsthis horrible new thing is horrible, it reminds me of windows phone 711:39
jattyou need to downgrade the whole os to get the old ui back11:39
Gentoo64srcds: do the nounity thing then and install gnome panel11:39
GinoMan2440consider the following: http://paste.ubuntu.com/716823/11:40
srcdshm id like to try gnome-shell but i cant find such a package in my synaptic11:40
Gentoo64youll find gnome shell horrible too11:40
tiresiashello all11:41
Gentoo64its the same style11:41
YerushalmiDoes anyone know how to change a video overlay's brightness, gamma, etc. settings in 11.10?11:41
srcdsoh so it is not the same as old gnome with improvements?11:41
jattno it isn't11:41
jattthey removed completely the old gnome functionality11:41
jattis just a mock-up of a panel11:41
Gentoo64gnome shell is big and phone style too11:41
jattbut is not the same panel as in gnome 2.x11:41
Gentoo64he wont like it i doubt11:41
tiresiasproblem with internet: the servers takes a very long time when i try to connect to an internet page11:41
srcdswell i have gnome panel already, now how do i get rid of unity?11:42
tiresiasi disabled ipv 6 but it doesn't help11:42
YerushalmiDoes anybody know how to, in either Unity or Gnome for Ubuntu 11.10, change the alt-tab functionality to the way it used to work, i.e., cycle through windows located on the current workspace only rather than windows on all workspaces?11:42
MulozaIs there a good alternative for Enigmail for Thunderbird? I need to decrypt some mail.11:42
mbanawhere is ulimit -c set?11:44
mbanait seems to be defaulting to zero11:44
dc5alasrcds, both Unity and Gnome-Shell use other concepts than you are used to. The closest and still maintained desktop-environment to gnome2 is probably XFCE, a more classical desktop.11:44
llutzMuloza: why don't you upgrade thunderbird?11:45
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srcdsthank you, what the hell is wrong with all the messed up new UI concepts?11:45
Mulozallutz, I downloaded it from the Software Center.11:45
Gentoo64srcds: theyre all going the same way. look at windows 811:45
kurisuubuntuone is rediculous.... quad core 4gb ram laptop slowed to a halt when it syncs11:46
srcdsyeah and that is horrible11:46
Travis-42where does Ubuntu mount the iPhone? I can see it in Nautilus, but not in /media11:46
Gentoo64srcds: xfce is prob the best bet for people who like plain gnome 2. has 2 panels by default etc its very similar11:46
kurisuhas annyone else had issues with ubuntuone?11:47
lyraewhere is synaptic?11:47
srcdsmy windows will always have to look like win2k and my ubuntu will always have to work the way it worked 6 years ago11:47
llutzMuloza: get enigmail-1.1.2 from http://enigmail.mozdev.org/download/index.php.html   or better try to use a more actual thunderbird from the mozilla-ppa11:47
srcdsbrb trying to switch to gnome. thanks guys11:47
Mulozallutz, Thank you. I enabled the checkbox for Enigmail in the Software Center, I didn't know I could install addons there. Seems to work. :-)11:47
dc5alaTravis-42, have a look what "gvfs-mount -l" says11:48
lyraeHow do i update my system? I usually did it from synaptic but i cant find syanptic11:48
kurisuapt-get update; apt-get upgrade11:48
poidon                   ,,_,,,,,,,_11:49
poidon             _,-\``  / |     /-,11:49
poidon          .-`   |   |  |    |   `.,11:49
FloodBot1poidon: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:49
Travis-42dc5ala, hmm it shouls afc://hexcode/ maybe I Can't access it from bash11:50
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic11:52
TorbenBetaAre here any 11.10 users?11:52
lyraemost of us still on 06.1011:53
Travis-4206.10? I'm on 98.04..11:53
TorbenBetaWell, do you know where I can find some 11.10 users?11:53
popeyTorbenBeta: whats the actual question you want to ask?11:54
YerushalmiDoes anyone know how to change a video overlay's brightness, gamma, etc. settings in 11.10?11:54
TorbenBetaIs there really no classic session support on 11.10, like on 11.04. popey11:54
popeyTorbenBeta: correct, yes11:54
TorbenBetaWill the support come back? Sir11:55
popeyTorbenBeta: there is unity, unity2d, gnome-shell and gnome fallback, and lxde, and xfce and and and...11:55
popeyTorbenBeta: if gnome make something that looks like gnome 2, then yes, maybe, if they don't then no.11:55
popeyTorbenBeta: I would put money on 'no'11:55
TorbenBetaSo, if I want classic I should stick to 11.04.11:56
Sentynelhi guys, been having hangs on shutdown and random system freezes since upgrading to 11.10. there's nothing useful in /var/log/{dmesg,Xorg.0.log}; does anyone have any ideas for tracking down the cause?11:56
popeyTorbenBeta: yes, or switch to another desktop environment11:56
lyraeis there a reason gnome-classic is so buggy? I can't even move the panels on top and bottom of screen11:56
poidon                   ‰11:57
poidon Š                 ‰11:57
popeypoidon: stop11:57
FloodBot1poidon: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:57
poidon  ŠŠ               ‰11:57
=== JMCG is now known as jMCg
cutiyarhow to recover my jpeg after reinstalliong ubuntu?11:58
Myrttipoidon: on the next one you're out11:58
popeycutiyar: recover your photos?11:58
TorbenBetaBtw. is there an official forum for Ubuntu.11:58
cutiyarpopey, yes11:58
popeyTorbenBeta: yes, ubuntuforums.org11:58
popeycutiyar: what did you do? reinstall over the top?11:58
Kprawnhave 11.04, have heard should not update to 11.10, truth?11:58
TorbenBetaYou are helpful Sir @popey.11:58
popeyTorbenBeta: thanks!, enjoy11:59
MionKprawn: fresh install might work better11:59
cutiyarpopey, i have removed my last ubuntu and installiong new so i lost my photos11:59
popeycutiyar: you formatted the partition?11:59
MionKprawn: distupgrade is flaky as always in ubuntu11:59
cutiyarpopey, yeas11:59
popeyKprawn: I had no issues upgrading11:59
popeycutiyar: then you may have lost your photos, do you have backups12:00
MulozaWhen I try to decrypt 'Conform your OpenPHP Key' from Launchpad, I need to enter a passphrase, but which one? And where can I find it?12:00
YerushalmiDoes anybody know how to, in either Unity or Gnome for Ubuntu 11.10, change the alt-tab functionality to the way it used to work, i.e., cycle through windows located on the current workspace only rather than windows on all workspaces?12:00
Mioncutiyar: keep /home on a seperate partion, then yoo won't lose your user data at a reinstall, also, use backups12:00
ActionParsnipcutiyar: scalpel or foremost may work, using your backups will be by far the most reliable method12:00
cutiyarpopey, no , i asked to recover because i losted them12:00
popeycutiyar: you may have lost your photos then.12:00
KprawnThe folks i heard from are casual users, one had an old laptop as well12:00
sagaciMuloza: you would have set a password/passphrase when you made your key12:01
llutzcutiyar: try photorec to recover. but if you have written a lot to the same partition, chances are minimal to recover successful12:01
cutiyarActionParsnip, i had used them but it seems not recover anything because itss just waiting12:01
cutiyarpopey, yes i did12:01
cutiyarllutz, its work?12:01
Mulozasagaci: Yes, but my passphrase nor the password it not working.12:01
ActionParsnipcutiyar: use a liveCD and you can attempt recovery. Do you have a backup??12:01
MrMindIs there any idea to try ironhide on a laptop with optimus? or is the performance really bad?12:02
dc5alaYerushalmi, for Gnome-Shell there is a extension called alternate tab12:02
cutiyarActionParsnip, i had delleted all last ubuntu and installing new one no backup exist .12:02
cutiyarllutz, how it work?12:02
ActionParsnipcutiyar: why is there no backup? What if the drive motor failed. Where is your data then?12:03
Yerushalmidc5ala: Where do I get it?12:03
llutzcutiyar: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery12:03
cutiyarActionParsnip, i think u dont understand me12:03
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Kprawnis there a way to make these two blue texts bars mesh better with my background12:03
ActionParsnipMrMind: I've not seen a success story with optimus12:03
ActionParsnipMrMind: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics12:04
KprawnI like to leave irc up, but these bars are quite asthetically displeasing on top of my background12:04
cutiyarActionParsnip, i had problem when i upgraded to 11.10 which was network configuration on booting so i edited some files so the ubuntu was damaged so iam installing new one.12:04
ActionParsnipKprawn: which client?12:04
ActionParsnipKprawn: there are lots of themes for irssi dude12:05
wavezhow do I turn off the feature in gnome that causes a the window manager to move the active window when I hold alt and LMB?12:05
ActionParsnipKprawn: http://www.irssi.org/themes12:05
ActionParsnipKprawn: go crazy on it :)12:05
KprawnActionParsnip: Thank you friend12:05
cutiyarAny hope to recover?12:06
dalton2345hello, anyone using a usb tuner, i cant make it to work12:06
ActionParsnipKprawn: just copy the theme file into ~/.irssi    you can then run:  /set theme name   and set the theme to name12:07
HemeiPhoneJust did a clean install of 11.10 and I just get black and white display. Appears to be a console but the colours are inverted and corrupted. Anyone seen this before?12:07
cutiyarllutz, i have installed ubuntu not running live cd12:07
ActionParsnipdalton2345: run:   lsusb    use the 8 character hex ID to find guides12:07
DuelistiUsing 11.10, how can I access VLC menu? It doesn't show up in the panel.12:07
Dan_E11.10 seems to much slower than previous version?????12:08
ActionParsnipDan_E: thats a statement, not a question12:09
Dan_Ethat is Both12:09
poisonHi!!!   I have a folder on my desktop with 170 pdf files.  I want to print the entire folder in one go. Printer is HP Laser jet 1022. Thanks in advance12:09
rtyuiohello there12:09
MonkeyDust!ask| Dan_E12:09
ubottuDan_E: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:09
rtyuiocan we install ubuntu 10.10 on ARM processor ?12:10
ActionParsnippoison: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=162950612:10
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:10
ActionParsnip!arn | rtyuio12:10
ubottuARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.12:10
sniperjortyuio: google!12:10
ActionParsnip!google | sniperjo12:11
ubottusniperjo: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.12:11
rtyuiothanks ActionParsnip12:11
sniperjo!ok | ActionParsnip12:11
ubottuActionParsnip: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)12:11
wavezhow do I stop the window manager from capturing the input when I do Alt+LMB? That is a command in my program but instead the window is being moved around.12:12
KprawnActionParsnip: awesome, this will be nice, thank you12:13
ActionParsnipKprawn: simple times man, irssi is pretty badass and VERY flexible12:13
TorbenBetahttp://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/08/05/linus_slams_gnome_three/ intresting or not?12:13
YerushalmiDoes anybody know how to, in either Unity or Gnome for Ubuntu 11.10, change the alt-tab functionality to the way it used to work, i.e., cycle through windows located on the current workspace only rather than windows on all workspaces?12:13
ActionParsnipYerushalmi: Unity uses Gnome....12:13
ActionParsnipYerushalmi: you can set the ALT-TAB behaviour in ccsm12:14
YerushalmiActionParsnip: Where's that?12:15
YerushalmiActionParsnip: Also, what is that? :)12:15
ActionParsnipYerushalmi: search for it in dash12:16
BluesKajHi folks12:16
YerushalmiActionParsnip: What's dash? (newbie here)12:16
wavezI found the window for keyboard shortcuts, but the feature to move a window by holding Alt and click dragging is not listed.12:17
reisiowavez: wanting to disable it?12:17
th__hello all12:17
reisiohi th12:18
wavezreisio, yes, very much so.12:18
wavezplease help12:18
ActionParsnipYerushalmi: press SuperL (or windows key as it'sknown) and dash will show12:18
th__what is the best theme for irssi?12:18
YerushalmiActionParsnip: Ah, the upper-right-corner thing. I thought that's what you meant but typing in 'ccsm' came up with nothing.12:18
reisiowavez: 'movement key'?12:18
ActionParsnipth__: there is no best theme for ANYTHING12:18
reisioth__: elho12:18
YerushalmiActionParsnip: Er, upper-left-corner.12:18
ActionParsnipYerushalmi: then install compizconfig-settings-manager12:19
reisioActionParsnip: what's the best theme in star wars12:19
MulozaI have a very hard time with decrypting a mail in Thunderbird with Enigmail. I entered my KeyID, but I the mail is still encrypted.12:19
ActionParsnipth__: what one person loves, another will hate12:19
ActionParsnipreisio: I don't like star wars12:19
reisioActionParsnip: immaterial12:19
YerushalmiActionParsnip: Thanks12:19
wavezreisio, I guess so? I don't understand what you are asking. I don't want the window manager to do anything when I hold Alt and click-drag.12:19
conntrack"The guns, they've stopped"12:19
ActionParsnipreisio: how can I comment on something I've seen once, hated and forgotten about....12:20
reisiowavez: that's what it's referred to as, 'movement key'12:20
reisioActionParsnip: you already have twice, just not with an answer to my question :p12:20
ActionParsnipreisio: Can you reword the qestion then please :)12:20
reisioActionParsnip: quack :p12:21
ActionParsnipreisio: welcome to ignore12:21
cutiyarhow to create launcher?12:21
wavezreisio, looks like I can change it to the windows key, but other than that, I don't have a choice to disable it, which is really lame IMO.12:22
wavezreisio, but this should work. Thank you.12:22
reisiowavez: I'm sure you can disable it, but it might not be worth the effort to find out how :p12:23
th__reisio so how is this a good theme?12:23
reisioth__: makes you rich12:23
PessimistAny useful programs/panel applets you guys use?12:23
PessimistBesides the default ones12:23
th__reisio aha12:23
reisioPessimist: a shortcut to xeyes is pretty good to have12:24
ActionParsnipcutiyar: if you right click on the desktop, you should be able to make one there (if memory serves)12:25
th__okay how do i add myself to a hilights in irssi?12:26
PessimistHow fix ubuntu 10.04 boot screen on newest fglrx?12:27
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PessimistIs there a hotkey on totem to turn on repeat?12:28
ActionParsnipPessimist: http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/lucidubuntu-10-04-high-resolution-plymouth-virtual-terminal-for-atinvidia-cards-with-proprietaryrestricted-driver/12:28
ActionParsnipth__: how do you mean?12:28
poisonActionParsnip: Thank you Thank you Thank you alot12:29
ActionParsnippoison: np man12:30
ActionParsnippoison: cli rocks :)12:30
reisioth__: should be by default12:30
th__ActionParsnip  my /hilight list is empty12:31
YerushalmiActionParsnip: Okay, I've downloaded CCSM and it looks like it has what I'm looking for, and I think I found the instructions on how to change it on a website. It says though that I might have to restart to see the effects. Thanks! :)12:31
th__reisio its not me12:31
=== spacebug is now known as spacebug-
ActionParsnipYerushalmi: no worries dude :)12:31
ActionParsnipth__: I don't even think I have one, not sure dude. Sorry. Maybe others can advise12:32
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sagaciMuloza: did you get it fixed12:33
PessimistIs there any way to fix this: Totem loads flv -> plays -> then it deletes it from the cache and if you play it again it has to download it?12:33
Mulozasagaci: Yes, thanks :).12:33
th__is there a line wich indicates always my nick? i mean if i put my current nick to /hilight its not going to hilight if my nick changes :S12:34
=== TheDreamer is now known as Youri
mang0Any ideas for a good screen recorder that will encode after I've finished recording, as I've got a low end pc12:35
wolfricanyone else have ubuntu completely screw the pc over after you upgrade?12:35
MulozaYes, me.12:36
wolfricwhen i login now i get a "file edit view go bookmarks help" at the top left of my screen... NOTHING ELSE12:36
lyrae_how does one install themes now? do we really have to put them int he .themes folder?12:36
YerushalmiActionParsnip: Does CCSM only work perhaps in Unity? Because I downloaded Gnome separately and have been using that instead. You said Unity uses Gnome, so I'm genuinely not sure what the difference is - I just know that in Unity, you have that bar down the left side of the screen, while in Gnome, you touch the mouse to the upper left corner12:36
wolfricif ubuntu wasn't finished then don't ******* release it12:36
MulozaI got my videocard screw up because of the upgrade. Don't know why. Using my onboard chip now.12:36
popschhow come that I cannot switch between applications when using drag&drop? For example, I want to drag something from a nautilus window (Window A) to another nautilus window (Window B) that is hidden under Window A.12:36
wolfricmaybe better to stick with long term stable ....12:38
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popschwolfric, I had the same problem after the upgrade12:39
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popschwolfric, you need to delete all gnome configuration files and then it'll work fine12:39
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ActionParsnipYerushalmi: Unity is just a shell, the deskto pis still Gnome and the window manager is Compiz to provide the effects12:40
PeDorhi, I'm using ubuntu 64 and it's eating all ram memory, is this expected? I have 3gb of ram12:40
popschwolfric, so backup .gnome .compiz .local ... while you're logged out and then log in again12:40
reisioPeDor: http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ ?12:40
ActionParsnipPeDor: http://www.linuxatemyram.com/12:40
denysonique__I added the gnome-team/gnome3 ppa12:40
denysonique__installed gnome-shell12:40
reisioActionParsnip: if you'd watched star wars, you would type faster :P12:40
denysonique__and this messed up my unity 11.04 installation12:41
denysonique__changed default theme etc12:41
denysonique__how do I restore to previous state?12:41
reisiodenysonique__: you can install gnome 3's ordinary gnome-shell in 11.10 without a PPA12:41
wolfricpopsch: so do i delete those files?12:41
denysonique__but how I get default theme now?12:41
denysonique__I want my system to look like default 11.0412:41
wolfricpopsch: the ones you told me to backup12:41
popschwolfric, first make a backup of them, so in case you need something you can restor it.12:41
reisiodenysonique__: why'd you install it at all if you wanted to use Unity12:41
denysonique__to try it out12:42
PeDorreisio, ok....i heard about it... the problem is that it's using a lot of swap as well12:42
ActionParsnipreisio: I told you, I watched it and didn't like it.12:42
PessimistWhere can I find xchat config file?12:42
reisioActionParsnip: :p12:42
voldymanhey.. i accidentally copied the contents of my old (11.04) ~/ to ~/ (11.10) now both the unity launcher and panel dont show.... is there a way to reset it??12:42
reisioPeDor: what're you doing?12:42
denysonique__Pessimist: .config/xchat .xchat, have you tried?12:42
wolfricoh ************************************************* my remote control driver is gone... this was my bloody media computer!!12:43
popschwolfric, backup and then trash .config as well12:43
wolfricor rather, it just doesn't work any more.12:43
reisioPessimist: find ~/ -iname '*x*chat*'12:43
wolfricthis is bs12:43
reisiowolfric: yup12:43
=== UrinalStumpSex is now known as UrinalStump
ActionParsnipvoldyman: http://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/how-to-reset-unity-to-default-settings-in-ubuntu/12:43
PeDorI have firefox (it uses almost 1gb if I let it open for few hours), thunderbird and pidgin, if I open something else it start to get ugly, lol12:43
testHello. Do I have to redirect any ports on my router to use "voice call" in Psi?12:44
denysonique__ubuntu doesn't seem to be the best distro for experimenting with12:44
denysonique__seems to be aimed at n00bs12:44
denysonique__which will never touch anything12:44
ActionParsnip!ot  | denysonique__12:44
ubottudenysonique__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:44
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meta-coderActionParsnip, congratulations!! You are ranked second on the Top Ubuntu Contributors List (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+topcontributors ). You do a great job! Keep it up!12:44
Dingdong566how come entries I make in resolv.conf arent persistent over reboots?12:45
ActionParsnipmeta-coder: been there a while dude ;) Thanks though :D12:45
denysonique__Dingdong566: because n00buntos nm overrides them12:45
denysonique__there is a way to fix this though12:45
FlightZeithello! I don't understand why my themes only changes my textcolor in irssi. Shouldn't it change the background color as well?12:45
ActionParsnipmeta-coder: martin says he is contributinig automatically as he submits something like folding at home style to a project and gets karma that way, mine is all question answering12:46
lyraeHow do i install themes?12:46
ActionParsnipDingdong566: http://code.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/using.html12:46
PessimistHow to extract .r**-.rar files?12:46
reisioPessimist: what?12:46
ActionParsnipDingdong566: add them in network manager's config and it will last between reboots12:46
denysonique__Pessimist: using proprietary unrar12:46
voldymanThankx actionparsnip12:46
PessimistI have .r01, .r02 until .r21 then .rar. It is splitted12:47
llutzDingdong566: /etc/resolv.conf isn't to be edited manually. if you need static entries, configure dhclient.conf, networkmanager , /etc/network/interfaces or /etc/resolvconf/resolvconf.d/[head|base|tail]12:47
ActionParsnipPessimist: install rar unrar p7zip-full p7zip-rar and unp  and you can extract rar files12:47
UrinalStumpis there a good free cafe internet software for linux?12:47
reisioPessimist: ah, unrar e the first one12:47
meta-coderActionParsnip, your Answer Tracker Karma (190467) is mind-blowing!12:47
UrinalStumpall the ones I find are not open source12:47
UrinalStumpand charge12:47
reisioUrinalStump: for doing what?12:47
UrinalStumpcontroling an internet cafe12:47
Cguy79is the Wifi bug still a hot topic?12:47
ActionParsnipmeta-coder: I kinda have zero issues with Linux, all my hardware is bought to be 100%compatible, so the only way I can learn the OS is by helping others with their issues12:48
PessimistThanks for the help12:48
=== UrinalStump is now known as UrinalStumpSex
nexusz99Unity, Used in Ubuntu Desktop,  is  http://unity3d.com/ ??12:48
PessimistActionParsnip, what graphics card do you have?12:48
FlightZeithello! I don't understand why my themes only changes my textcolor in irssi. Shouldn't it change the background color as well?12:48
reisionexusz99: nope12:49
xangua!unity | nexusz9912:49
ubottunexusz99: Unity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity12:49
reisionexusz99: just another poorly named non-unique thing12:49
nexusz99ah~ Thanks . It is not same Unity3D right?12:49
ActionParsnipPessimist: in this laptop Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, on my media system a GeForce 6150 512Mb12:49
reisionexusz99: again, no12:50
ActionParsnipFlightZeit: if the theme has a background, then yes12:50
PessimistActionParsnip, do you get accelerated flash on linux with you card? :12:50
nexusz99reisio: thanks12:50
Soolwhere do i put scripts in, that ought to be executed at shutdown?12:50
ActionParsnipPessimist: not sure, butflash works fine using the adobe thing. It struggles with full screen HD flash video but both are rubbish systems. Works ok though12:51
jgelirunning oneric with Gnome shell, Image viewer does not open my photos. I see it trying to open but the window will not pop at all12:51
ActionParsnipSool: http://en.kioskea.net/faq/3348-ubuntu-executing-a-script-at-startup-and-shutdown12:51
NickV136Hey all...having a problem updating in 11.10,  update manager says I haven't updated for a week, and terminal says some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead12:52
th__jgeli, try to open them through ocmmand line12:52
meta-coderok, I was looking for a file-archiver which can compress at different levels (high compression ratio/fastest, low ratio/slowest). It takes too long to compress large files. Sometimes all I want from the archiver is convert many files into one contiguous file in the fastest possible way.12:52
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jgelith__: would you tell me how?12:52
meta-coderWhy don't we incorporate this feature in file-roller?12:52
reisiometa-coder: that's what a TAR Is12:53
Cguy79NickV136: have you tried using synaptic to try to update?12:53
SoolActionParsnip, Huh? but what about /etc/init.d/ ?12:53
th__jgeli, ?. just open your shell?12:54
NickV136Cguy79: will try now, completely spaced on htat tahnks12:54
th__jgeli, app "path to pic"12:54
SoolActionParsnip, "Edit /etc/rc.local and add your commands." sounds weird.. i want my scripts to be their own entities..12:54
Cguy79no prob.. synaptic is my go to for stuff like that when uptdate manager gets cranky12:54
jgelith__: what command do I use? Sorry but I havent managed my media with command line before12:54
ActionParsnipSool: the files in rc.Xd  are just symlinks to scripts, so you can just have a real script in the folder if you want12:54
meta-coderreisio, got it. TAR=0% compression ?12:54
soccermitchyCan I replace the bootloader Ubuntu 10.10 uses without ruining the system?12:54
ActionParsnipSool: rc.local is used for commands to run at boot, not shutdown12:55
reisiometa-coder: indeed, archive only12:55
reisiometa-coder: that's why you see .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, .tar.7z, .tar.xz, etc.12:55
ActionParsnipsoccermitchy: sure, LILO is an alternative to Grub12:55
SoolActionParsnip, i know, but im looking for the shutdown-equivalent12:55
reisioone tool for each job12:55
NickV136Cguy79: Im running, 11.10 doesnt look like I have synaptic manager, should I install it, or is it just hidden away somewhere?12:55
ScamperDoes anyone know the opengl programming help irc channel?12:55
reisioScamper: /msg alis list *opengl*12:55
ActionParsnipSool: how do you mean?12:55
soccermitchyImma look it up.12:55
soccermitchyBut will I still be able to boot into ubuntu? (My brother tried this on 9.[something] and it made it so he couldn't boot)12:56
meta-coderreisio, why don't we directly .GZ the files instead of .tar.gz?12:56
ActionParsnipSool: I thought you wanted a script to run at shutdown...?12:56
reisiometa-coder: because .gz is only for compression, not archiving; again one tool per job12:57
reisiothat said, the _command_ "tar" can make you a .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, etc. all on its own12:57
th__jgeli, i dont know what your image viewer software is called12:57
th__jgeli, try apropos12:57
soccermitchyActionParsnip: But will I still be able to boot into ubuntu? (My brother tried this on 9.[something] and it made it so he couldn't boot)12:58
denysonique__http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/633/screenshotcd.png this is what my desktop looks like now... When I launch a guest session I get the same look. How can I fix this? This happened after installing gnome-shell from gnome-team/gnome3 ppa12:58
jgelith__: its the default in Ubuntu. Not sure what the name is12:58
SoolActionParsnip, uhm... yes... i do... damn got to leave for work... thanks!!12:58
th_stop hilighting me!12:58
asdjaputraeye of gnome12:58
icothi guys i am using ubuntu 11.10. am not able to search a specific file name in the file browser when there is more files in the folder. After typing the first character the search box disappears12:58
xanguadenysonique__: next time you wanna use gnome3/gnome shell upgrade to oneiric ;)12:58
icotcan anypne help12:58
th_th__: faker :P12:58
ActionParsnipsoccermitchy: you can always boot to liveCD and reinstate grub12:58
th__th_, give my nick back12:58
soccermitchyActionParsnip-And keep files?12:59
asdjaputraany ops here?12:59
Cguy79sorry. nick.. yeah install it.. its not standard with a fresh install12:59
jgeli2 th__?? which one is legit? lol12:59
meta-coderIn archiving there is a risk of losing all the data even if a small fraction of that archive gets corrupted. Do we have any technology to help this?12:59
th__jgeli, me12:59
ActionParsnipsoccermitchy: changing the boot loader won't modify stuff. You should have a backup if your data is important12:59
Cguy79i also got gdebi for package handling12:59
reisioasdjaputra: /msg chanserv access #ubuntu list12:59
g0thhow do I let aptitude forget new packages?12:59
soccermitchy(Well, Imma get rid of my Mint LiveUSB)13:00
g0thbecoming root and pressing "f" doesn't help13:00
reisiometa-coder: redundant backups13:00
Cguy79oh.. i wanted to try mint... any good?13:00
asdjaputrareisio: no, what i meant is to priv msg one of the op13:00
ilaria no13:00
denysonique__is there a way to install all default packages that 11.04 should have13:00
ActionParsnipCguy79: mint is offtopic here13:00
g0th(just temporarly, when I restart it is unchanged again)13:00
arcskywhy is there no proper gui ftp client for linux ?13:00
soccermitchyNot on live USB13:00
reisiometa-coder: there are also methods for fault tolerance, but nothing competes with backups13:00
reisioasdjaputra: take your pick13:00
denysonique__arcsky: there is13:00
reisioarcsky: proper?13:00
denysonique__arcsky: dolphin or nautilus13:00
ActionParsniparcsky: nautilus can connect to ftp and mount it as a local folder13:00
Cguy79my bad.. saw it in the chat earlier..13:00
reisioCguy79: it's an Ubuntu deriv13:00
ActionParsniparcsky: there is also filezilla too....so where you got that idea is anyone's guess13:01
Cguy79i have severe add when it comes to linux.. lots of different distros out there13:01
ActionParsnipCguy79: no bad thing, the distro is based on Ubuntu so is not hugely different13:01
reisio'/msg nickserv help' to recover registered nicks13:01
reisioCguy79: there are few distros that are actually non-derivative13:02
th__jgeli, once you have done that just post the print here or pastebin13:02
reisioCguy79: the vast majority are based off Debian or Ubuntu (which is based off Debian)13:02
reisioivan-de-felice: pardon?13:03
ActionParsnipCguy79: try Mandriva or SuSE for something new13:03
xangua!it | ivan-de-felice13:03
soccermitchyActually, how do I partition a USB using Disk Utility on 10.10?13:03
asdjaputra!it | ivan-de-felice13:03
ubottuivan-de-felice: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:03
reisioarcsky: just with the venting, then?13:03
th__ivan-de-felice, shut the fuck up please13:03
Cguy79i see.. well i've stuck with ubuntu since 9.10, seems the most newb friendly13:03
th_ivan-de-felice: irc is not subsdiary of telecom of italia13:03
xanguath__: drop that attitutde13:03
asdjaputrath__: use a nicer language please13:03
reisioCguy79: a lot of people confuse GNOME and Ubuntu13:03
reisiosomething GNOME 3 probably has Ubuntu devs not happy about :p13:04
asdjaputrapeople confuse GNOME with Ubuntu.13:04
ActionParsnipreisio: just as many are redhat based, http://httwww.kde-look.org/CONTENT/content-files/46315-linux_timeline_poster_v1.1.png13:04
xangualittle offtopic reisio Cguy79¿ ;)13:04
Cguy79Gnome is just the shell, or so i though.. i use Unity most of the time now13:04
reisioActionParsnip: I doubt it13:04
Dingdong566if resolve.conf gets rewritten all the time by other stuff, where do I make my nameserver settings  persistent? Should point to my local gateway13:04
arcskyfilezilla is zilly13:04
ActionParsnipUrinalStumpSex: it still uses gnome, unity is just a shell for gnome13:04
reisioarcsky: how's it zilly?13:05
quick-Hey , can anybody tel me how to uninstall the desktop environment in ubuntu server . i have installed and i am not able to uninstall it13:05
ActionParsnipDingdong566: the link I gave you explained it13:05
arcskyreisio: i want something like ftprush or flashfxp13:05
UrinalStumpSexGNOME IS A FAG13:05
FloodBot1UrinalStumpSex: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:05
reisioarcsky: and how is filezilla not like them?13:05
ActionParsnipUrinalStumpSex: Why all the caps?13:05
Stanley00UrinalStumpSex: dont use ALL CAP please13:05
MulozaUrinalStumpSex: Please don't use your caps all the time.13:05
reisiorofl, you guys are lecturing a troll about his caps13:06
Dingdong566ActionParsni: I dont have any entries in my NetworkManager13:06
reisioFlightZeit: hi13:06
reisioarcsky: looks about the same to me13:06
ActionParsniparcsky: look at screenshots of ftprush then filzilla, what is the difference exactly?13:06
Stanley00quick-: it's much more difficult than reinstall the system with CLI...13:06
reisioActionParsnip: for real :)13:06
quick-Stanley00:  thats the server , it ll be a mess if i have ti re install13:07
ActionParsniparcsky: http://www.filetransit.com/images/screen/372c6ae263e8ae32cd9df22e4c28882b_FTPRush.png   and http://filezilla-project.org/images/screenshots/fz3_linux_main.png    What is the difference????13:07
UrinalStumpSexw3 k90w th@t y0> 10v3 th1313:07
popschhow can I tell nautilus to not create previews for PDF files?13:08
Stanley00popsch: in its preference menu, I think13:08
arcskyActionParsnip: wierd design, not so many features13:08
quick-Stanley00:  is there any way to do it i.e make it as CLI , if you know13:09
ActionParsniparcsky: if you use at as a straight ftp client it will be as simple as you need, as I said, nautilus can connet to ftp servers so copying stuff is as easy as managing your local data13:09
Dingdong566ActionParsnip: the link you sent me expects you to have a network connection showing up in the network manager, I dont have that, it s entirely empty13:09
popschStanley00, I cannot set it per file type. I would like to have preview icons, but none for PDF files13:10
ActionParsnipDingdong566: then you won't get connected, there will be an entry in network manager for your link. Usually it's 'Auto wlan' or 'auto eth0'  etc13:10
Dingdong566I installed ubuntu-server and the manually via console installed lubuntu desktop13:10
ActionParsnipDingdong566: why install server then?13:11
ActionParsnipDingdong566: why not just install Lubuntu13:11
quick-how to connect securely on irc ??13:11
cutiyarwhats wrong with my 11.10? after some times my ubuntu will freeze completely just the mouse work13:12
th__quick-, what? :D13:12
AlexisM_hi, how to add a separator in unity dock ?13:12
imran-ukhi, how do i disable touchpad tap-to-click in oneric 11.1013:12
quick-quick-:  i asked how to connect securely in irc as i am using qwebirc now13:12
ActionParsnipimran-uk: mouse properties probably13:13
cutiyarwhats wrong with my 11.10? after some times my ubuntu will freeze completely just the mouse work13:13
sskniranjani want to learn about softwares. where to begin with?13:14
Dingdong566I was trying to use server with a virtual desktop using VNC but the tutiral didnt work out for me and left me stranded ^^13:14
reisiosskniranjan: what about them?13:14
imran-ukActionParsnip, i looked there already. nothing jumps out13:14
quick-\quit see u later :D :D13:15
quick-\ quit see u later :D :D13:15
reisioyes mon ami?13:15
sskniranjanjust to know from its basic too advanced13:15
imran-ukActionParsnip, does not seem to be exposed in gui, was looking for cli soln. google-fu didn't turn up some and thought i'd try here13:15
NeoCicakhi all... i'm having trouble with accessing my windows shared directory....... the windows box is not listed when i try to browse the network (i'm running 11.10)13:15
reisioNeoCicak: sure it's on?13:15
NeoCicakreisio: yes.. i can access the shared dir if i try to access it from windows inside vbox13:16
reisioNeoCicak: neat13:16
corecodehow do i  get a dbus at_console state?13:16
corecodei don't use gnome, and things are breaking13:16
reisioNeoCicak: doesn't show up in the output of 'mount'?13:16
corecodenetworkmanager can't be contacted because i don't seem to be at_console, according to dbus13:16
Pessimist Why my screen goes black for a second while I load a video (on any player) and after minimizing/maximizing a couple of times the video is black?13:17
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reisioPessimist: what graphics driver are you using?13:17
PessimistNewest fglrx13:17
NeoCicakmmm i havent mounted it yet... but in the past i can see the windows shared directory if try to browse machines on the network (through that windows-explorer like thing)13:17
reisioPessimist: has it ever not done this?13:18
dr_willisNeoCicak:  ive noticed with nautilus i often have to just tell it the exact url to the windows share. ctrl-l, then  the address similer to... smb://theip.of.the.windowsbox/sharename13:18
dr_willisNeoCicak:  the hostname of the windows box may or may not work.13:18
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Dingdong566anyone know how to setup a headless ubuntu server 11.10 to make it possible to administer using VNC and gnome-core, or anything else that would be better than gnome if that doesnt cut it?13:19
imran-uktrying gpointing-device-settings package13:19
Pessimistreisio, on this 10.04 install I think it did that everytime. As for past times I don't remember13:19
imran-ukthat looks like what i need13:19
junghow to move gulim.ttf file for wine13:19
NeoCicakhmmmm... trying to access using your smb:/// way....13:19
ActionParsnipimran-uk: synclient TapButton1=0    maybe13:19
sniperjois anyone good at wheres wally ???13:19
jungsteam text is broken;13:19
hikenboot1anyone have  pointers to a doc on a net snmp configuration that works for cacti13:19
PessimistIt also says on vlc: number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one13:19
dr_willisDingdong566:  just install the vncserver, then whatever desktop/window mnager you want to use.  for vnc - you most likely want to stick to  as minimal a desktop as you can for speed.13:19
NeoCicakdr_willis: seems to take forever. the shared drive is password protected btw13:19
conntrackTime to do a write up13:19
ActionParsnipDingdong566: vnc has a webUI, you can even control it from Android phones :)13:19
dr_willisNeoCicak:  it should pop up a dialog asking for the pass.13:20
NeoCicakdr_willis: hmmm it does not13:20
dr_willisandroid phones even have native vnc clients.. and ssh clients.13:20
reisiojung: ~/.wine/drive_c/Windows/fonts/ or something, I'd imagine13:20
NeoCicakdr_willis: seems like something is wrong13:20
reisiojung: or dpkg -L wine and see where the other fonts are13:20
NeoCicakdr_willis: yep... came back with error just now13:20
dr_willisNeoCicak:  theres also the 'smbtree' and 'findsmb' commands that can scan the  network for shares.. see if you can ping the windows box also.13:20
no_gravityHey! How do I start the "Startup Disk Creator"?13:20
ActionParsnipjung: put it in the fonts folder in wine's windows folder...13:20
ActionParsnipno_gravity: gksudo usb-creator-gtk13:20
jgelith__: is the default image viewer for gnome ego (Eye of GNome)?13:21
corecodenobody know about dbus?13:21
no_gravityActionParsnip: thanks!13:21
dr_willisDingdong566:  for admining a server, you should brush up on your ssh/cli skills. :)13:21
NeoCicakok... tried to do smbtree.... it seems to know the windows box... but it says "session request to XXXX failed (called name not present)"13:21
jgelith__: tried opening via command line and I get this error "GRIP-WARNING **: failed to determine device types"13:21
imran-ukActionParsnip, thanks but i don't think it uses synaptics driver. dell e641013:21
AlexisM_is there a way to add a separator in unity dock, there used to be one but i have removed it  by mistake13:21
asdjaputracorecode: maybe13:21
no_gravityShould I install the 32bit or the 64bit version of Ubunut?13:21
imran-uk$ synclient13:21
imran-ukCouldn't find synaptics properties. No synaptics driver loaded?13:21
jungActionParsnip: i can't it's not move in winefont forder13:21
dr_willisno_gravity:  if you have 64bit hardware.. use 64bit13:21
th__jgeli, hmm dont recall that... you should google that up!13:22
no_gravitydr_willis: how do i know?13:22
popschI can't set previews per file type in nautilus anymore. This solution doesn't seem to work for me: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=123855813:22
dr_willisno_gravity:  if you dont know..  why did you ask. :)  whats your cpu?13:22
th__anybody familiar with the virtualbox? how to move .vdi to another hdd?13:22
dr_willisno_gravity:  you could boot up a 64bit live cd and see if it works..13:22
reisioth__: cp13:22
imran-ukno_gravity, if you're not going to use more than 4gb then 32-bit ok. a 64bit cpu will work with 32-bit so safer if not sure.13:23
dr_willisth__:  you coulc copy it then link it back to the original location.13:23
Polahno_gravity: If you know your processor model I could tell you. Are you on a version of linux just now?13:23
CodeOmegaPrimeanyone on that uses gnome on ubuntu 11.1013:23
no_gravitydr_willis: i asked because ubuntu.com asks me to download the 32 or 64 bit version. how do i know what my cpu is?13:23
Mulozano_gravity: Try uname -m13:24
reisiono_gravity: grep 'lm ' /proc/cpuinfo13:24
athena_Will most of the ubuntu-users  upgrade to editon 12.04  LTS when it released?13:24
no_gravityPolah: yes, im on ubuntu right now.13:24
dr_willisno_gravity:  thats the reason they 'reccomend' 32bit. :)  If you have a mondern machine.. it should be 64bit..13:24
no_gravityMuloza: i68613:24
reisioathena_: most as in greater than 50%... I'd wager yes13:24
th__athena_, possibly. how come?13:24
Mulozano_gravity: So you have an Intel 32 bit.13:24
reisioMuloza: no_gravity: wrong13:25
no_gravityreisio: that gives me a ton of stuff13:25
dr_willisno_gravity:  so you have an older machine?13:25
reisiouname -m reports what arch the kernel was built for, not what the hardware supports13:25
jgeliathena_: yes, LTS13:25
reisiono_gravity: then you have a 64-bit processor, congrats, use 64-bit Ubuntu13:25
th__i upgrade always :)13:25
no_gravitydr_willis: lenovo x30113:25
Mulozareisio: Thanks :).13:25
reisioworth knowing :p13:25
jgeliathena_: LTS are major releases and tend to be more polished13:25
dr_willisno_gravity:  those #'s mean nothing to me... when was it bought 'new' ?13:25
athena_I wonder how much differences between LTS and half-annual distributuins.13:25
th__not much13:26
no_gravitydr_willis: i think i bought it 3 years ago or so.13:26
ubottuDebian bug 601003 in consolekit "slim does not set at_console permission" [Important,Open]13:26
NeoCicakdoes anyone know anything about 'called name not present' from samba?13:26
reisionot sure you need a difference bigger than a longer support cycle13:26
arcskydoes anyone know where i cand ownloadit ?13:26
dr_willisathena_:  the move to unity was huge. :)13:26
no_gravityreisio: how do youknow i have 64 bit?13:26
PessimistWell If you have less then 4gb of ram then 64bit version or 32bit  -doesn't matter13:26
Polahno_gravity, run this: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep lm13:26
corecodeseems i can't use slim on ubuntu?13:26
hikenboot1noone in here does snmp with ubutu13:26
no_gravityPolah: that gives me a ton of stuff13:26
Polahno_gravity, if you get a result with "lm" highlighted in red, then your processor is 64-bit capable.13:26
reisiono_gravity: the 'lm' flag is peculiar to 64-bit13:26
athena_I am chinese and many of chinese have been wishing that the edition can be named as 'Protected Panda'...13:27
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no_gravitylooks like i get one line of output for each cpu:13:27
no_gravityflags: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe nx lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts aperfmperf pni dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx smx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm sse4_1 xsave lahf_lm ida tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority13:27
StonedSlackerHey guys, Im having trouble getting the ra5390 driver to work for me. Im running Ubuntu 10.10 and I have had this driver working fine in the past. After a reinstall of ubuntu I cannot get it to work. Here is a paste bin of the relevant line from lspci -k The kernel driver appears to be wrong, is it? http://pastebin.com/VvP5RuCj13:28
no_gravitySo you guys would install the 64 bit version in this case?13:28
reisiono_gravity: vmx :) congrats you can use kvm for virtualization13:28
reisiono_gravity: yup13:28
dr_willisno_gravity:  thats correct. :)13:28
dr_willisI get one line per core/cpu13:28
no_gravitydr_willis: ok, then this machine probably has one cpu with 2 cores.13:28
reisioor hyperthreading13:29
th__athena_, lol china13:29
dr_willisfor a 3  year old machien.. that makes sence.13:29
dr_willisno_gravity:  you can go either way.. how much ramyou got>?13:29
no_gravitydr_willis: top says "Mem:   1956832k total"13:30
StonedSlackerHey guys, Im having trouble getting the ra5390 driver to work for me. Im running Ubuntu 10.10 and I have had this driver working fine in the past. After a reinstall of ubuntu I cannot get it to work. Here is a paste bin of the relevant line from lspci -k The kernel driver appears to be wrong, is it? http://pastebin.com/VvP5RuCj13:30
no_gravitydr_willis: free says the same13:30
junghow can i move ttf File for wine folder? it's Access refusal.13:30
dr_willisno_gravity:  if you had 4gb+ you would defianatly want to go 64bit.. as it stands.. it dosent reallymatter a lot.13:30
no_gravitydr_willis: is that the right way to find out how much ram the machine has?13:30
StonedSlackerIt appears that the kernel module is correct, just not the driver13:31
no_gravitydr_willis: ok, then i go with 32 bit13:31
dr_willisfree -g   shows it in gb. :)13:31
reisiono_gravity: no, go with 6413:31
reisioyou have a 64-bit processor13:31
no_gravityreisio: what difference will it make?13:31
Polahno_gravity, go with 64. Better future proofing at the very least.13:31
dr_willisi alwyas use 64bit.. because most all my boxs on thelan are 64bit.13:31
reisiono_gravity: you won't look silly to people13:31
no_gravityPolah: "proofing" ?13:32
no_gravityreisio: i dont care how i look13:32
=== crush is now known as gliss
reisiono_gravity: yes but given the choice between looking silly and not?13:32
Polahno_gravity: Everything is moving towards 64-bit systems now. Thus, if you have a 32-bit system you will have to upgrade to 64-bit at some point to support various programs that require more memory and suchlike.13:32
dr_willisI always go 64bit on any hardware that can do 64bit.13:32
reisioit's virtually the only sensible choice13:32
dr_willisif nothign else.. it means i dont need 32bit cd's for anything.13:33
no_gravityPolah: i have only 2g anyhow...13:33
Polahno_gravity, also there are some small improved processing efficiencies, and a higher virtual memory limit.13:33
DILhey all, so i upgraded  to 11.10 last night when i rebooted i see a list of usernames that related to samba, however when i input my passowrd for my username it flashes to a terminal like screen and then back to the login screen.  i can login at terminal ok.  the one thing i noticed is that the account has/displays my proper name is having the issues.  I dont ssee my user name in the login13:33
DILscreen ??.  at Alt- ctrl-f1 i can login using my user name.  any help is greatly appreciated.13:33
Polahno_gravity, yes and? I only have 2GB and I run 64bit. You have a 64-bit capable processor and everything these days is moving away from 32-bit. Thus, it makes sense to use 64-bit.13:33
reisioit's like deciding whether to put a steam engine or an internal combustion engine into your new car13:34
no_gravityPolah: you keep saying the same, but give no reasons for it.13:34
Polahno_gravity, I just gave you the reasons why...13:34
dr_willis64bit  video encoding is faster then 32bit ive noticed..  :)13:34
reisiono_gravity: the biggest reason for using 64-bit is that there aren't any good reasons to not13:34
no_gravityreisio: 64 bit will run noticeable faster?13:34
turboneatthe cool thing about 64-bit operating systems is that they can address more than 4gb of memory13:34
reisiobut it will make your system measurably more efficient, too13:34
reisiono_gravity: noticeable to a human, possibly not13:34
reisioto a scientific instrument, yes13:35
dr_willisYou wont need to worry about a mixed network/lan/setup of 32 and 64bit machiens.. if everything is 64bit,,13:35
Polahno_gravity: Everything is moving towards 64-bit, 32-bit systems will be obsolete in a few years or thereabouts. 64-bit processing is a bit more efficient. You will have a much higher memory limit should you wish to improve later. You will have a much higher virtual memory limit for programs. There's a lot of other reasons as well.13:35
no_gravityreisio: ok, so i think the conclusion is that thereis no upside of 64 bit.13:35
dr_willisa 2 hr video encode - is noticeable differance in 64 vs 32..13:35
ActionParsnipno_gravity: in cpu intensive stuff it helps, with normal web browsing and stuff the difference is negligable13:35
reisiono_gravity: no you've got it backwards, there's no upside to 3213:35
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no_gravityPolah: i dont use a lot of virtual memory13:35
Polahno_gravity: No. There are lots of benefits, you just seem to be ignoring what we're saying for some foolish reason...13:35
dr_willisso for 5% of the jobs.. you gain 10% bonus....13:36
reisiobecause someone told him to use 32 :P13:36
ActionParsnipsome 3rd parties only support 32bit, so you may be held back by that (Brother drivers etc)13:36
dr_willisflip a coin i guess.. :)13:36
no_gravityreisio: no upside to 64 bit and no upside to 32 bit. i understood that.13:36
Polahno_gravity: You probably don't think you do, or indeed you might not, but some day you might and then you're in a hole if you're using a 32-bit system...13:36
reisiono_gravity: no, there's no upside to 32-bit13:36
reisiono_gravity: the upside to 64-bit is there but you probably won't notice it13:36
monovHi. Can anyone help me find a Qt Jambi 4.6.3 package for Oneiric? All I see in apt is 4.7. Or in general, how do I find older versions of packages that are in apt?13:36
reisiohowever they both cost the same, you may as well use the one with the upside, even if you won't notice it13:36
Polahno_gravity: Please stop being ignorant. We have told you why 64-bit processing is superior to 32-bit. If you don't want to use 64-bit, then you're going to be worse off. It's your choice in the end.13:37
no_gravityPolah: some day? some day there will be ubuntu v17. and i will install that.13:37
turboneatI still use an 808813:37
reisiomonov: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=jambi&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all13:37
turboneatit's hard to run pidgin on it13:37
dr_willisturboneat:  i got my TimexSinclare 1000 here...13:37
Polahno_gravity: Some day in this case is in a year or two, judging by how quickly technology advances and the current moves to 64-bit.13:38
reisiomonov: looks like something has changed keeping it from being added to recent releases13:38
no_gravitywell, i download the 64 bit version now. but i still think there is no upside.13:38
Polahdr_willis: Are there really issues with different architecture systems networking?13:38
reisiono_gravity: there is, trust :)13:38
MulozaLol turboneat :-).13:38
dr_willis10% gain in math intensive tasks.. is an upside...13:38
turboneatno_gravity: do you have, or do you intend on having more than 4gb of ram?13:38
Polahno_gravity, that's because you've decided not to read what we've said.13:38
reisioturboneat: really isn't relevant13:38
Mulozano_gravity: There are many upsides when you have 64bit hardware.13:38
icerootturboneat: amd64 is worth using when you have more then 1gb ram13:38
ActionParsnipno_gravity: also helps if you want to upgrade past 3gb RAM13:38
no_gravityturboneat: one day. probably. but inbetween i will probable reinstall ubuntu another 10 times.13:39
turboneatreisio: I don't understand.13:39
icerootturboneat: because of the virtual memory-pages13:39
MulozaJust writes the application memory directly to your RAM instead to the harddisk. Much faster.13:39
reisio64-bit is going to be a better choice regardless of how much RAM he has13:39
icerootreisio: correct13:39
reisioyes, if you're going to use ridiculous amounts, 64-bit becomes the _only_ choice13:39
no_gravityive been using ubuntu since ubuntu 5. i never ugraded it. always installed from scratch.13:39
reisiobut still, regardless13:39
Pessimistreisio, why it is faster to use 64 bit version while you have less than 4gb ram?13:39
turboneatoh i see13:39
reisiono_gravity: how tedious13:40
dr_willisbut you  did not even know how to tell a 32bit from 64bit cpu... weird....13:40
no_gravitydr_willis: always used 32 bit so far13:40
Polahno_gravity: As I said, "one day" will actually be quite soon.13:40
ActionParsnipno_gravity: i always clean install too13:40
dr_williswell whatever... time to get back On topic i think...13:40
reisioPessimist: it's 18 years of hardware improvement13:40
no_gravityreisio: and before that i used debian.13:41
asdjaputraisn't it quite obvious?13:41
ActionParsnipx86_64 = 64bit13:41
dr_willisC64 = 8 bit..13:41
ActionParsnipJaguar = 64bit13:41
dr_willisShave and a Hair Cut = 2 bits....13:41
dr_willisand im off to the store..13:42
monovreisio: thanks!13:42
reisioand I'm off to make cheese grits13:42
MulozaWhy are we discussing 32 vs 64 bit exactly? :P13:42
icerootMuloza: nothing else to do13:42
epistemecause of a very successful troll >.>13:42
Mulozaiceroot: Seems legit.13:42
turboneatBack in my day we had IPv4 and we liked it13:44
MulozaIs there any chance 11.10 physically blew up my extern videocard? :P13:44
dr_willisMuloza:  what kind of external video card?  i would doubt it could blow it up13:45
Mulozadr_willis: Nvidia 9600GT. Only thing working on it is its fan.13:45
dr_willisi saw some review  of a external usb video monitor the other day.. :)  havent seen one yet..13:45
epistemeMuloza: you check drivers?13:46
dr_willisMuloza:   I doubt if ubuntu could drive it till it breaks.. but  it could break for other reasons..13:46
PessimistSo should I consider switching to 64bit if I have less than 4gb of ram?13:46
dr_willisPessimist:  i say yes.13:46
Polahturboneat: Yeah, the best bit was assigning some companies 16 million IPs and then having them only use a small fraction of that (:13:46
dr_willisi always use 64bit os on any thing that can do 64bit..13:46
Mulozaepisteme: Yes. All fine. Same drivers as before.13:46
PessimistI don't get whats the difference if I have 2gb of ram between 64bit and 32bit13:47
dr_willis10% gain in math intensive tasks.. is an upside...13:47
dr_willisif i rember the benchmark/summary i read ages ago on 64 vs 32 bit...13:47
dr_willisand im not sure theres much if any flash/java/driver issues with them these days...13:48
ActionParsnipPessimist: encode an audio file under 64bit and 32bit on the same hardware and you'll see it ;)13:48
_graham_Hiya. Not sure if this is the right place to ask? But I have a weird problem with Gnome Shell and Netbeans, and I can't find much on the web about it...13:48
dr_willisIf a company is only supplying 32bit drivers.. well.. its time to move to a differnt brand/company13:48
ActionParsnip64bit flash and 64bit Java exists ;)13:48
=== ynalok64 is now known as drak
PolahPessimist, the benefits go beyond just physical RAM limits.13:48
_graham_Essentially, Netbeans sometimes thinks my mouse pointer position is off by about the size of the top panel, which makes it tricky to use...13:49
_graham_And it seems that - as far as the mouse goes - the context menus aren't there at all...13:50
Muloza_graham_: Only in Netbeans?13:51
_graham_Muloza: Only in Netbeans, and only in Gnome Shell. Other applications in Gnome Shell work fine, and Netbeans in Unity works fine13:51
dr_willisnetbeans is a java app right?13:52
MionPessimist: so old13:52
Mionalso so flawed13:52
dr_willistest out otehr java apps and see  if they show the same issue..13:52
_graham_Oxygen XML is also a Java application though, and that works fine13:53
PessimistMion, then post a newer benchmark between 64bit and 32bit13:53
no_gravityWill 32bit applications run on a 64 Ubuntu with the same speed as on a 32bit Ubuntu?13:53
dr_willisI recall java apps having issues in the past with dual monitor setuops and other things..13:53
Mionno_gravity: same speed or really unoticably slower13:53
dr_willisbut other systems may be a bit faster.. so its hard to tell :)13:53
dr_willisI was thinking  that andtech site had 64/32 benchmarks ages ago.. but these days..  its not really on the radar.13:54
Miondr_willis: java apps still often behaves badly in dualscreen setups, also they usually have trouble with non-reparenting window managers13:55
_graham_I have just tested, and Netbeans when it's not maximised works fine too, but when maximised it has the issues...13:55
kamidisopcast-player and oneiric 64bit? it segfaults when trying to execute13:55
dr_willisMion:  sounds right to me. :)13:55
zivesterdo sandy bridge cpu/mobo combos work with the GPU (intel 3000) or do I need to buy a separate GPU13:55
dr_willisits missreading the actual screen size would be my guess _graham_13:55
_graham_And yes - this is a dual screen setup...13:55
no_gravityMion: ok, thanks13:55
Mionzivester: they work mostly fine13:57
Mionzivester: standalone gfx card has some advantages though, like much better performance, and in the case of nvidia, vdpau, CUDA and good openCL performance13:57
zivesterI have a "meh" nvidia graphics card... I think it's better then the onboard video.. and all I want is a new stable system.  So wondering if I should keep the nvidia GPU or go for a board with the onboard graphics13:59
Mionzivester: what card?14:00
Gentoo64nvidia should be better14:00
Mionif it's 9xxx or newer, imo it is worth it14:00
zivestergeforce GT22014:00
Mionyou lose kms, but you gain vdpau14:01
Gentoo64why would you want onboard over a gt22014:01
Mion(and cuda)14:01
ActionParsnipshould be finw14:01
ActionParsnipI have an onboard GeForce 6150 Gentoo64 ;)14:01
zivesteri have a very unstable system right now.. im assuming its my old cpu/mobo.. .but if it happens to be the gpu I would be SOL14:01
Gentoo64anythings better tahn onboard14:01
Calinoufix yer audio control14:01
Gentoo64zivester: nouveau is more stable than nvidia drivers14:02
ActionParsnipdon't assume onboard video is always intel based14:02
MionGentoo64: not really14:02
Gentoo64Mion: its much moire stable14:02
MionGentoo64: and with nouveau you lose all the advantages of having a nvidia card in the first place14:02
[4lpr4zol4m]im 21 female14:02
Gentoo64but its still better than onboard14:02
Verrugahi [4lpr4zol4m]14:02
[4lpr4zol4m]anybody want to chat14:03
zivesterok so I'm thinking of this board with a 2500k : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157265  should be good to go paired with my Gt220?14:03
ikoniaGentoo64: you are talking nonsense again14:03
Mionnouveau is much less stable than nvidia on many newer cards too14:03
ikonia[4lpr4zol4m]: try #ubuntu-offtopic for "chat"14:03
[4lpr4zol4m]and im new to ubuntoo14:03
Mionzivester: if you can wait, wait untill early next year for the new chipsets and ivy bridge14:03
VerrugaI like to have sex with cows14:03
[4lpr4zol4m]how can i install this program14:03
ikoniaVerruga: please stop such silly comments14:03
zivesterI can't wait, but thanks for the tip14:03
Mionzivester: 20% less power usage, 20% better performance, and chipset with much better features14:04
ikoniaVerruga: this channel is for ubuntu support discussion only. Please keep to that14:04
ActionParsnip[4lpr4zol4m]: which program?14:04
[4lpr4zol4m]i want to install macromedia flash and dreamweaver14:04
[4lpr4zol4m]im webdeveloper14:04
ActionParsnip!wine | [4lpr4zol4m]14:04
ubottu[4lpr4zol4m]: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu14:04
[4lpr4zol4m]just started using ubuntu14:04
ikonia[4lpr4zol4m]: you're in for dissapointment14:04
Mionzivester: eg a full set of 6gbs sata ports and more than just 2 usb3 ports14:04
ActionParsnip[4lpr4zol4m]: there are native web development tools like bluefish14:04
ikonia[4lpr4zol4m]: dream weaver does not have a native port for Linux14:04
[4lpr4zol4m]wghat is wine14:04
[4lpr4zol4m]whats bluefish14:04
Mion[4lpr4zol4m]: python and html5 :)14:04
ActionParsnip[4lpr4zol4m]: read what ubottu said14:04
ActionParsnip!info bluefish14:05
[4lpr4zol4m]i dont read bots14:05
ubottubluefish (source: bluefish): advanced Gtk+ HTML editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.3-1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 242 kB, installed size 672 kB14:05
ikonia[4lpr4zol4m]: why is an abstratction layer which will allow you to use windows applications (to some extent) in Linux14:05
VerrugaI don't know why you all have to act like this is some public housing project full of negroids!14:05
[4lpr4zol4m]they dumb14:05
ikonia[4lpr4zol4m]: if you don't read bots, there is very little discussing anything more14:05
Gentoo64blatant  troll14:05
ActionParsnip[4lpr4zol4m]: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu14:05
VerrugaI got yelled out after saying one thing14:05
ikoniaVerruga: get with the topic - or leave. You're choice.14:05
UABC-LNIcan somebody poop in my mouth?14:05
asdjaputraYour, isn't it?14:05
ikoniaasdjaputra: yes14:05
ActionParsnip[4lpr4zol4m]: i just copied and pasted it, same words, just me pasting it14:06
[4lpr4zol4m]tell me how to do it instead of pasting random google shit14:06
[4lpr4zol4m]i can do tht on my own14:06
PessimistStop trolling or ignoring what we say14:06
ActionParsnip[4lpr4zol4m]: there is an appdb, it tells you how and if the apps will work14:06
Verrugais there a way to patch dreamweaver for ubuntu?14:07
ikoniaVerruga: no14:07
VerrugaI mean can I add something to it14:07
th__okay when i press "super" the launcher open under the browser window :S how do i make the launcher go on top?14:07
Verrugano plugins?14:07
ikoniaVerruga: no14:07
bindilol calling himself webdeveloper using dreamweaver and flash14:07
ikonialets move on now please.14:07
asdjaputrafiredream: and i don't care14:07
Pessimist!chinese | firedream14:07
ubottufiredream: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw14:07
VerrugaI just kind of throw my feces at the screen and then base my design on that....   great for government contracts14:07
th__firedream, wtf? this is an english channel14:07
asdjaputrath__: wtf? this is a polite channel14:08
turboneatVerruga: What do you do about all the hepatitis?14:08
th__asdjaputra, im polite14:08
ikoniaasdjaputra: tone it down please - it's delt with14:08
th__okay when i press "super" the launcher open under the browser window :S how do i make the launcher go on top?14:08
th__i am dealt with?14:08
ActionParsnipth__: what if you press ALT+F214:08
Pessimist!chinese | firedream14:09
th__ActionParsnip, it goes "under" too14:09
firedreamI'm back^14:09
asdjaputrafiredream: yes, and?14:09
ActionParsnipth__: does it happen as all users?14:09
th__ActionParsnip, i have only one14:09
ActionParsnipth__: Thought to make a new one to test....?14:09
ActionParsnipth__: your system can hold thousands of local users14:10
th__ActionParsnip, are you suggesting like --reset=14:10
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firedreamI don't how to 'ubuntu cn' room14:10
djwassabiHello all, I need to create a software raid span of 5 x 200gb drives via the command line, any tips on how to do this?14:11
ActionParsnipth__: no, make a new user and log in as it, then try the same thing. If it happens as the new user with default settings then its a bug, if it doesn't then your settings are at fault14:11
firedreamActionParsnip:I don't how to 'ubuntu cn' room14:11
firedreamI don't how to 'ubuntu cn' room14:11
ActionParsnipfiredream: type:   /join #ubuntu-cn14:11
yeatsfiredream: /join #ubuntu-cn14:11
firedreamThink's a lot ActionParsnip14:12
th__okay when i press "super" the launcher open under the browser window :S how do i make the launcher go on top?14:12
diverdudeHello. how is the enhance function implemented when editing an image in nautilus?14:12
ion_how shall install office...14:13
gdfgdfgwenn ich ubuntu innerhalb von windows installiert habe14:13
ion_I mean the open office...14:13
turboneatlibre office?14:13
Pessimist!de | gdfgdfg14:13
ubottugdfgdfg: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!14:13
ion_I'm running xfce and didn't come with it ...14:14
yeats!libreoffice | ion_14:14
ubottuion_: LibreOffice is a Free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install libreoffice". User help available in #libreoffice.14:14
cwesterfieldI'm having a issue booting from a flashdrive with 11.10 that i created with unetbootin (OSX), it booted a few times but now freezes on load up14:16
djwassabiHello all, I need to create a software raid span of 5 x 200gb drives via the command line, any tips on how to do this?14:18
CimarronTijHi  I work in the cyberdildonic field and am looking to develop software that will be compatible with both Ubuntu and Windows 714:19
ActionParsnipcwesterfield: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?14:19
tony_2Hi - im a newb with ubuntu - just installed 11.10. I have a question - How do you easily change between different open windows without use of a keyboard when there is no taskbar?14:19
CimarronTijwhere is a good place to contract programmers that can do this?14:19
CimarronTijthese are special vibrators and suction/penetration devices14:19
CimarronTijthat plug in via usb14:19
ikoniaCimarronTij: recruitment agencies, or similar projects, use the web.14:20
cwesterfieldActionParsnip, yes it booted perfect 4 or 5 times on a dell desktop14:20
CimarronTijand partners can sexually stimulate each other across the world14:20
ActionParsniptony_2: you can enable a plugin in ccsm and use the bottom right corner to show all windows like in Mac14:20
ActionParsnipcwesterfield: what GPU does the system use?14:20
tony_2ActionParsnip:  what is ccsm?14:20
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz14:20
cwesterfieldwell the hope was that it could be used across multiple machines, but the one it worked on was likely integrated intel14:21
Gorilla_No_Bakahello everyone ..tehcnical question here... I am trying to install a ubuntu ocelot on my macbook pro 8.1 but i keep getting messages that initramfs could not find a live image.. However i tried with an older image of crunchbang (I386) and that one can boot to live desktop.. however whenever i try with an oneiric-desktop-amd64+mac.iso no luck.. Any ideas? on the website is says it is mac compatible .. I have an intel p14:21
luca65there are some italians here ?14:21
ravenrakarrack: zombified - calling shutdown handler rakarrack: ../../src/xcb_io.c:249: process_responses: Assertion `(((long) (dpy->last_request_read) - (long) (dpy->request)) <= 0)' failed.14:22
yeats!it | luca6514:22
ubottuluca65: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:22
Gorilla_No_Bakatranslation : va fan culo :)P:14:22
yeatsGorilla_No_Baka: actually that was not what I meant at all14:22
diverdudeHello. how is the enhance function implemented when editing an14:22
diverdude    image in nautilus?14:22
Gorilla_No_Bakaubottu:  meant it :)14:23
ubottuGorilla_No_Baka: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:23
Gorilla_No_Bakayou see what i mean :) he knows the storry :)14:23
VarazirHow do I ´make a deb pgk of a installed pkg or from source files ?14:23
Gorilla_No_Bakahello everyone ..tehcnical question here... I am trying to install a ubuntu ocelot on my macbook pro 8.1 but i keep getting messages that initramfs could not find a live image.. However i tried with an older image of crunchbang (I386) and that one can boot to live desktop.. however whenever i try with an oneiric-desktop-amd64+mac.iso no luck.. Any ideas? on the website is says it is mac compatible .. I have an intel p14:24
yeats!packaging | Varazir14:24
ubottuVarazir: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports14:24
pangolinGorilla_No_Baka: Please mind your language.14:24
Gorilla_No_Bakacippolino you're slow..14:24
Gorilla_No_Bakathat was some time ago14:25
pangolinGorilla_No_Baka: doesn't change the fact that you need to keep it clean14:25
Gorilla_No_Bakapangolinetti..got it caro mio :)14:25
ActionParsnipGorilla_No_Baka: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?14:26
Gorilla_No_BakaActionParsnip:  YES  i did!14:26
ActionParsnipGorilla_No_Baka: if your CPU is 64bit, it will work with the 64bit ISO14:26
Gorilla_No_Bakaverified the burn as well14:26
ActionParsnipGorilla_No_Baka: are you using a CD or USB?14:26
ActionParsnipGorilla_No_Baka: did you burn as slowly as possible?14:26
Gorilla_No_Bakaoh ActionParsnip  .. of course that's why i downloaded that image..14:26
Gorilla_No_Bakai tired every trick in the friggin book14:27
Varaziryeats: thanks14:27
Gorilla_No_Bakai am running out of ideas..14:27
ActionParsnipGorilla_No_Baka: could use a wired connection and use minimal ISO14:27
cwesterfieldis there a boot arg for disabling automounts?14:27
Gorilla_No_Baka the 32 bits images seem to be allright however out of 8 GB ram only 1.27 are cecognized14:27
ActionParsnipGorilla_No_Baka: you can use the PAE kernel and access up to 64Gb in 32bit, its not very sleek but can exist14:28
Gorilla_No_Bakai know.. :( i was hoping to try to new image..14:28
ActionParsnipGorilla_No_Baka: try the minimal ISO, it installs using the repos online14:29
Gorilla_No_Bakai can't remember.. does the minimal image comes with some kind of parted/gparted included?14:29
yeatsGorilla_No_Baka: it uses partman, which comes with the debian installer14:30
Gorilla_No_Bakanice one..14:30
Gorilla_No_Baka i will try14:30
arooni-mobilei have ubuntu 11.04 running on my t420.  i would like ubuntu 11.11 but when i go to upgrade manager; and click distribution upgrade; it downloads the tool and then nothing happens.  the topic on the #ubuntu channel on efnet is "do not upgrade; do a fresh install"... must i fresh install?14:31
=== spacebug is now known as spacebug-
ActionParsniparooni-mobile: try: sudo do-release-upgrade14:33
jokar1hello all\14:34
arooni-mobileUpdating repository information; WARNING: Failed to read mirror file14:34
jokar1i install ubuntu with mac but my ubuntu not booted?14:34
arooni-mobileActionParsnip, am i going to mess things up doing it via the command line instead of fresh install?14:34
jokar1when i turn on ppc only mac booted14:34
ActionParsniparooni-mobile: its the same difference14:34
arooni-mobileActionParsnip, but am i going to mess things up doing an upgrade versus fresh install?14:35
yeatsarooni-mobile: try changing mirrors14:35
arooni-mobileyeats, how can i do that?14:35
Gorilla_No_Bakajokar1:  have you got refi?14:35
ActionParsniparooni-mobile: I always clean install personally, a lot of people have successes with upgrades14:35
=== sysCrash_ is now known as repr
arooni-mobileActionParsnip, yeats http://pastebin.com/n2iJ1ZUA  was output; i have yet to press continue14:35
jokar1Gorilla_No_Baka:  i use ppc14:35
cutiyarafter some times my ubuntu freezes , whats wrong?14:35
arooni-mobileActionParsnip, what are the risks of not doing a fresh install?14:35
Gorilla_No_Bakajokar1:  all rright14:35
Gorilla_No_Baka not rEFIt than14:35
arooni-mobileyeats, how might i be able to change mirrors?14:36
yeatsarooni-mobile: open Synaptic Package Manager and goto Settings -> Repositories, then change the entry in Download From:14:36
jokar1Gorilla_No_Baka: waht is refi?14:36
ActionParsniparooni-mobile: go for it dude14:36
djwassabiHello all, I need to create a software raid span of 5 x 200gb drives via the command line, any tips on how to do this?14:36
ActionParsniparooni-mobile: hit enter then go for a shower :)14:36
jokar1Gorilla_No_Baka: what is refi?14:36
xanguaarooni-mobile: looks like you need to press enter to continue14:36
cutiyarafter some times my ubuntu freezes , whats wrong?14:36
xangua!details | cutiyar14:36
ubottucutiyar: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:36
arooni-mobileActionParsnip, once i start upgrade process; i probably shouldnt use my computer right?14:36
ActionParsniparooni-mobile: just keep itpowered, i wouldn't use it myself either14:37
yeatsarooni-mobile: have you backed up?14:37
_jfbbeen using "Back In Time" for backups, will Deja Dup recognize my old backup, or will I need to start fresh?14:37
arooni-mobileyeats, yes nightly with jungledisk14:37
cutiyarafter every booting my computer will freez after some times just the mouse all thing will stop working , whats wrong?14:37
yeatsarooni-mobile: okay - then be brave14:37
jokar1Gorilla_No_Baka: can you help me?14:38
PessimistActionParsnip, sudo do-do-release upgrade drops "No new release found"14:38
arooni-mobileis there an alterative to jungledisk?  i.e. a client that will auto upload nighly changed directories to amazon aws?  id like to use carbonite etc but they dont work on linux14:38
Pessimistmy version is 10.0414:38
arooni-mobileyeats, ill do that right beofre i leave the house today14:38
Gorilla_No_Bakajoker.. i am still trying to install the damn ocelot on the macbook pro i got rEFIt installed as i have a intel processor but for some reason the iso is not working..14:38
xanguaPessimist: go to software center-edit-sources-upgrade and enable normal upgrades14:39
yeatsarooni-mobile: keep in mind that the upgrade is not entirely automatic... there are some things you have to answer here and there14:39
xanguaPessimist: lts by default only upgrade to lts14:39
wolfriccan anyone explain that?14:39
djwassabiIs anyone seeimg my messages?14:39
Pessimistxangua, thanks14:39
djwassabiI don't intyend to be rude, but I am being ignored.14:39
cutiyarafter every booting my computer will freez after some times just the mouse all thing will stop working , whats wrong?14:39
arooni-mobileyeats, oh maybe i should start it; all i plan on doing is web browsing14:40
Pessimistdjwassabi, maybe nobody knows answer to your question?14:40
GlowballI have my network configured with my router and a repeater. How can I force my laptop to always connect to the router and never to the repeater instead of switching (which makes me disconnect)14:40
yeatswolfric: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=122132314:40
djwassabiThat's all someone had to say.14:40
lyraeUsing Gnome Shell...i opened fusion-icon. it doesnt show on the top right. where would the icon be?14:40
Pessimistwill my 10.04 upgrade to 10.10 or 11.04 ?14:40
lyraeok nvm found it14:40
robert__djwassabi: what was your question?14:40
xanguaPessimist: 10.1014:40
cutiyarafter every booting my computer will freez after some times just the mouse all thing will stop working , whats wrong?14:41
quidnuncAfter upgrading to oneirc my X doesn't seem to start. What should I verify?14:41
BluesKajquidnunc, could be the nomodeset problem14:42
quidnuncBluesKaj: How do I confirm?14:43
BluesKaj!nomodeset | quidnunc14:43
ubottuquidnunc: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter14:43
crimscxanyonw know a good site to get free diapers on?14:43
* arooni-mobile has started the upgrade process. here's to hoping!14:43
yeatswow - what's with the trolls today?14:43
quidnunccrimscx: Do they need to be unused?14:43
=== bnmorgan_ is now known as bnmorgan
arooni-mobileis there an alterative to jungledisk?  i.e. a client that will auto upload nighly changed directories to amazon aws?  id like to use carbonite etc but they dont work on linux.  i have to pay $24/year + AWS storage with jungledisk14:43
crimscxyes unused new diapers14:43
quidnunccrimscx: Can't help you then14:44
Pessimist!offtopic | crimscx14:44
ubottucrimscx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:44
arooni-mobileit doesnt have to upload to aws ; just an online system14:44
quidnuncBluesKaj: Doubtful, my X was working fine before upgrade14:44
HelloWorld321I fuond that Ocelot "broke" my synergy.  I let it over-write my session scripts, and now I'm following http://synergy2.sourceforge.net/autostart.html to get it going again, but gdm doesn't see it.14:44
oratedI'm not able to find cpu fan rpm with the help of acpi, acpitools, sensors-detect.. How can I find processor fan rpm?14:45
BluesKajquidnunc, so was mine , but I still needed nomodest after upgrading , but do as you wish14:45
jribHelloWorld321: you know lightdm, not gdm is default now?14:45
HelloWorld321n00b Q: how do I know if I'm running xdm, kdm or gmd?14:45
BluesKajerr nomodeset14:45
HelloWorld321no, I did not14:45
ActionParsnipHelloWorld321: ps -ef | grep dm14:45
oratedI get message like - could not read directory /proc/acpi/processor/ -   Make sure your kernel has ACPI processor support enabled.14:45
quidnuncBluesKaj: What graphics card do you have?14:46
HelloWorld321would you recommend that I chang my setup to run gdm?    *or* How do I change lightdm to use synergy?14:46
yeatsHelloWorld321: have you used/do you use quicksynergy?14:46
BluesKajquidnunc, I was about to ask you the same question , mine's a nvidia 8400gs , what's yours?14:47
quidnuncBluesKaj: Intel HD300014:47
ouyeshi I have to ask this question again, is there a way to find out if an host with a ip connected to the same switch as my pc is active?14:48
quidnuncBluesKaj: I do not have the symptoms described in that post14:48
ouyesthe ping ip command print out nothing14:48
HelloWorld321yes, I like QuickSynergy.  But it doesn't seem to handle auto-start14:48
yeatsHelloWorld321: ah - I see14:48
BluesKajquidnunc, ok then describe your symptoms in more detail , maybe someone can help14:48
quidnuncBluesKaj: I have the normal startup text output in vtty 7 but no GUI14:48
yeatsouyes: ping should print *something*, even if it's an error14:49
ouyesyeats, nope man I ping an ip, it print nothing but just wait14:49
yeatsouyes: when you do Ctrl-C to stop ping, it should give you a report14:50
BluesKajso quidnunc at the prompt , what happens with , sudo service gdm start14:50
ouyesyeats, [1]+  Stopped                 ping
yeatsouyes: looks like you did Ctrl-Z14:50
ActionParsnipouyes: could use nmap to find all hosts on the LAN14:50
yeatsouyes: do 'fg' then Ctrl-C14:51
ouyesyeats, 3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2015ms14:51
mc_teoI am in a live usb environment atm, since i have graphics drivers problems on main install14:51
yeatsouyes: so you can't reach the machine14:51
mc_teohow can i either fix packages from here14:51
ouyesyeats, what is the difference between ctrl-z and ctrl-c?14:51
mc_teoor make it boot to the default graphical interface, and then proceed to fix it?14:52
mc_teoouyes, one is kill, the other suspend14:52
ouyesyeats, 7 packets transmitted, 0 received, +6 errors, 100% packet loss, time 6031ms14:52
ouyes, pipe 3 this is the result of ping 10114:52
=== valder is now known as valdergallo
yeatsouyes: Ctrl-Z stops a job and lets you background it 'bg' or foreground it 'fg' as you need it; Ctrl-C stops whatever's currently running on the command line14:53
* yeats realizes that is not the full story14:53
ouyesyeats, mc_teo is is possible that the host I am trying to reach refuse the ping package?14:53
yeatsouyes: no - it would tell you that14:53
mc_teoouyes, yeah? a lot of servers do that14:54
edbianouyes: yes, many routers along the way block ping14:54
edbianyeats: yes it is possible14:54
yeatsouyes: wait - maybe not -14:54
yeatsedbian: yeah - I thought about what I said14:54
ouyesedbian, then how can I determine if one ip is occupied14:54
edbianouyes: Over the internet, there is no good way14:54
ouyesedbian, I have 3 pcs connected to the same switch14:54
quidnuncBluesKaj: That works14:55
yeatsouyes: your router/switch will know - otherwise try nmap on your network as ActionParsnip suggested14:55
edbianouyes: What are you trying to do exactly? (if this isn't over the internet nothing will block ping and ping is a reliable means)14:55
Sidewinder1The "Blue", does it again!14:55
ouyesyeats, what is nmap?14:55
ouyesyeats, No manual entry for nmap14:56
yeatsouyes: you may have to install it14:56
jMCgaptitude show nmap14:56
yeats!info nmap14:56
ubottunmap (source: nmap): The Network Mapper. In component main, is extra. Version 5.21-1.1 (oneiric), package size 1584 kB, installed size 7064 kB14:56
Sidewinder1ouyes, There is a GUI for nmap, if you're interested; I believe it's called 'zenmap'.14:57
valdergallohi, sometimes when i touch on my touchpad raise action of my right click ... anybody can help me ?14:57
quidnuncWhere does dpkg extract package configuration files?14:57
quidnunc(I want to merge current with maintainer's proposed)14:57
quidnuncs/current/my local/14:57
ouyesSidewinder1, thanks14:57
ouyesand what is this nmap for14:57
Sidewinder1ouyes, NP.14:57
Sidewinder1!info nmap | ouyes14:58
ubottuouyes: nmap (source: nmap): The Network Mapper. In component main, is extra. Version 5.21-1.1 (oneiric), package size 1584 kB, installed size 7064 kB14:58
gladhey boys, why does software center never load on 11.10? any help appreciated14:58
yeatsglad: try running 'software-center-gtk3' on the command line and look for errors14:59
gladyeats thanx sugar15:00
viciciao a tutti15:00
Sidewinder1ouyes, For a more complete explanation, please see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nmap15:00
Sidewinder1Think I'll reread it again, myself. :-)15:01
vicipotrei avere la lista dei canali?15:02
BluesKaj!it | vici15:02
ubottuvici: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:02
gregoireHI :) Does anyone here know about Traceroute15:02
Polah!alis | vici15:02
ubottuvici: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*15:02
snarkAny negative reprocussions to getting rid of all read/write/execute priveledges for 'other' on my home directory?15:03
BluesKajgregoire, yeah , some traceroute experience here15:03
sywisyWhat does it mean when people say ubuntu is debian-based?15:03
gregoireBluesKaj, Coool. I am programming a traceroute like15:04
ouyesSidewinder1, it works15:04
yeats!debian | sywisy15:04
ubottusywisy: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!15:04
jribsywisy: ubuntu is built on top of debian15:04
gregoireBluesKaj, and I have some troubles sometimes15:04
Sidewinder1ouyes, I love it when a plan comes together!15:04
mc_teoI am in a live usb environment atm, since i have graphics drivers problems on main install15:04
mc_teohow can i either fix packages from here15:04
mc_teoor make it boot to the default graphical interface, and then proceed to fix it?15:05
snarkI'd switch to Debian if it installed and configured X by default.   I don't wanna have to mess with configuring al that lol15:05
ouyesSidewinder1, 4000/tcp open  remoteanything here is one of my own when run nmap to my ip15:05
jribsnark: debian does do that..15:05
yeatssnark: it does that15:05
BluesKajgregoire, sorry i don't understand , are youasking about how to use traceroute ?15:05
snarkReally?  The installation guide I read said you had to do it yourself and it wouldn't be covered in the guide15:05
gregoireBluesKaj, No15:05
ouyesSidewinder1, remoteanything what does it mean? I am been hacked by someone?15:06
yeatssnark: you should install it in a VM15:06
Sidewinder1ouyes, Just be careful what servers to which you direct it, as certain configurations can be rather 'intrusive'. :-)15:06
HelloWorld321The good news is that my synergy now allows me to login to my ubuntu box using the remote keyboard.  But LightDM gets stuck after that.  Prolly cuz I've been messing with login scripts.  How do I get into it to fix those login scripts?  will ssh work?  is ssh the only way?  Is there a "safe mode"?15:06
gregoireBluesKaj, In fact I am coding a new traceroute (just for fun)15:06
snarkyeats That's what I was thinking man.  Whats a good one for Linux?15:06
yeatssnark: VirtualBox15:06
BluesKajgregoire, no idea about coding , i just use it15:06
WaltherFIAny dumb-proof easily installable remote desktops for ubuntu - xp?15:06
cutiyarafter every booting my computer will freez after some times just the mouse all thing will stop working , whats wrong?15:06
snarkyeats Installing now duder.15:07
gregoireBluesKaj, and the main issue I have is that sometimes the servers on the path doesn't respond an ICMP ttl exceeded15:07
gregoireBluesKaj, and the main issue I have is that sometimes the servers on the path doesn't respond an ICMP ttl exceeded15:07
WaltherFIno wait, ubuntu - 7 actually15:07
gregoireBluesKaj, ok np15:07
Sidewinder1ouyes, I'm not familiar with "remoteanything", perhaps BluesKaj would like to chime in..15:07
gregoireBluesKaj, well my problem has nothing to do with code I think...15:07
BluesKajSidewinder1, ouyes , nmap isn't one of my strong-suits , but I've never seen that output before with nmap15:09
Sidewinder1ouyes, As an aside, if you're running ubuntu, there is very little worry about "being hacked", you may wish to look at: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51081215:09
Sidewinder1Hey Blue!15:09
quidnuncWhere are maintainer conf files extracted to when installing a package?15:10
edbianquidnunc: usually /etc somewhere15:10
=== spacebug is now known as spacebug-
ouyesyes I am in ubuntu15:10
cutiyarafter every booting my computer will freez after some times just the mouse all thing will stop working , whats wrong?15:10
joshuap_Everyone in here should b in ubuntu.. lol15:11
Sidewinder1ouyes, Please see the ubuntuforums link I gave you. :-)15:11
Sidewinder1ouyes, If you have no objection, I'll throw my nmap at your ip and see what I can see..15:12
=== The_Phoenix1 is now known as The_Phoenix
ouyesSidewinder1, ok whatever15:12
MakoMickLost my Epson printer after upgrade, any ideas?15:13
PavillioxHey everyone, I'm having a problem with PHP on Ubuntu15:13
Sidewinder1ouyes, Please stand by..15:13
jon5000Is there a way to control the volume on my laptop with just one control, as it is done in other popular OSs?  changing the volume for various purposes is an ordeal in that i have to open alsa mixer and change different things depending on the application and source (headphones vs speakers, Mono, stereo, internal speaker, etc.)  There  has to be a simple solution.  One control to rule them all.15:13
itbcn8hi, is there a way to make software center not freeze your system so much in 11.10?15:13
PavillioxHey everyone, I'm having a problem with PHP on Ubuntu15:13
Pavillioxinstead of displaying errors its throwing 500 errors15:13
BluesKajhey Sidewinder115:13
snarkWhat program would I install to mount an iso file?15:13
mc_teoi think a chroot is the solution to my problem15:14
BluesKajjon5000, do you have pulseaudio installed , if so, install pavucontrol15:15
ActionParsnipjon5000: the volume icon in the tray controls all volumes15:17
IbisHow can I change the color scheme in Unity? Like this? http://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-mT2AoDiq0XA/Tldc5O95VrI/AAAAAAAAF5M/S9nKoNkeaI4/s400/unity-ubuntu11.10oneiric-ocelot.png15:17
jon5000BluesKaj, thanks.  I will check.15:17
MakoMickANyone know how to troubleshoot a missing printer?15:17
ActionParsnipIbis: just get the wallpaper15:17
xanguaIbis: use a green background15:18
ActionParsnipIbis: unity copies the colour of the wallpaper15:18
IbisAh, coolies!15:18
IbisI would've never guessed. Thanks.15:18
jon5000BluesKaj, I dont know if i have pulseaudio.  how can i check?15:19
ActionParsnipIbis: http://tinyurl.com/5w6ll3n ;)15:19
IbisThis applies to unity-2d as well?15:19
bbbbbbbbhow do i mount the card in my usb card reader?15:19
seemawni have a little problem. I want to set up a scanner. Brother mfc 732015:19
HelloWorld321What's a good SSH client for Win7?  (I messed up my LightDM configuration)15:20
seemawnI have met all dependencies described at brother homepage, set up the proper driver, but xsane won't find it15:20
ActionParsnipseemawn: brother make drivers for Linux15:20
ouyesSidewinder1, you did it?15:20
seemawnActionParsnip: yes I know. Already installed, but no scanner found.15:20
seemawnprinter is working well.15:20
BluesKajjon5000, type pulseaudio in the terminal , it will shao the daemon if it's installed15:20
ActionParsnipseemawn: tried rebooted since installing the driver?15:20
seemawnyes. Twice.15:20
seemawndmesg says nothing unusal, and sane-scan-whatever detects something15:21
bbbbbbbb how do i mount the card in my usb card reader?15:21
seemawnroot@ncc1701:/home/seemawn# sane-find-scanner15:21
ActionParsnipseemawn: http://www.panticz.de/Install-Brother-MFC-7320-on-Ubuntu   may help15:22
Sidewinder1ouyes, Looks like the only ports that are open are 554 (rtsp?) and 7070 (realserver?). That's probably a good thing... It tried to guess your OS, 2.6.18 (92%), probably wrong..15:22
jon5000ActionParsnip, thank you.  please read my question carefully.  my problem is that the volume control is too disintegrated.15:22
ActionParsnipseemawn: seems you need to add to /lib/udev/rules.d/40-libsane.rules15:22
marHello. I'm using ubuntu 11.10 with nvidia graphics card. I'm trying to run opengl app that uses doublebuffer and it fails, fall backs to singlebuffer mode and shows partially drawn frames. How do I avoid that?15:22
mari'm using proprietary nvidia drivers15:22
ActionParsnipseemawn: add:15:22
ActionParsnipATTRS{idVendor}=="04f9", ENV{libsane_matched}="yes"15:22
=== SomeoneWeird is now known as SomeoneWeirdzzzz
ActionParsnip!away > SomeoneWeirdzzzz15:23
ubottuSomeoneWeirdzzzz, please see my private message15:23
ActionParsnipseemawn: http://blog.molinier.info/install-brother-mfc-7320-on-ubuntu15:23
ouyesSidewinder1, how do you have my IP?15:23
TheEvilPhoenixouyes:  your IP is visible here.15:23
ouyesSidewinder1, yes it is wrong15:23
TheEvilPhoenixat least right now15:24
lyraeolder version of ubuntu had a keyboard shortcuts app. what was it called?15:24
ouyesTheEvilPhoenix, where?15:24
TheEvilPhoenix* [ouyes] (~ouyes@ ouyes15:24
ActionParsnipouyes: my client has you at
TheEvilPhoenixyour /whois15:24
ekakelaWhat's the easiest way to change keyboard layout? (not using x or any other graphical enviroment)15:24
ouyeshow to hide the ip?15:24
TheEvilPhoenix!cloak > ouyes15:25
ubottuouyes, please see my private message15:25
srcdswhat the hell is wrong with ubuntu 11.10? My keyboard layout is messed up, there is no restart option anywhere and doing sudo restart shuts the computer down. Someone help me please15:25
jribekakela: in X?15:25
=== dingurt_ is now known as dingurt
u19809HI all, I need to install a 386 package on my 64 bit ubuntu.  I noticed that there are foo:386 packages installed already ... how can I add ?15:25
Sidewinder1ouyes, "how do you have my IP?" Such questions will be answered in due time, Grasshopper. :-)15:25
bbbbbbbbhow do i mount my cf card in my cardreader? it shows up in dmesg as "[13727.716187] sd 11:0:0:0: [sdc] 125184 512-byte logical blocks: (64.0 MB/61.1 MiB)" but isnt automounted15:26
ouyesSidewinder1, ok how to hide ip, here I am using xchat15:26
Sidewinder1ouyes, See your PM about Cloak.15:26
dr_willisbbbbbbbb: see what sudo fdisk -l   shows it at. then use the mount command15:27
ouyesSidewinder1, he said about name15:27
dr_willis!mount | bbbbbbbb15:27
ubottubbbbbbbb: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount15:27
Sidewinder1ouyes, I don't really worry about it; if you'll notice, I'm not cloaked.15:27
snarkHow come tab completion doesn't work if you have an asterisk somewhere in the filepath?15:27
ActionParsnipouyes: it does very little, i wouldn't sweat it15:28
Sidewinder1ouyes, I use X-Chat, as well.15:28
snarkReal men use telnet =P15:28
ActionParsniphaha old skool15:29
dr_willisusing a * in a oart is a little odd.15:29
ouyessnark, telnet the channel?15:29
lyraethe protocol15:29
snarkNo, where you said you use xchat.  I was just being silly15:29
lyraeI can't believe gnome butchered themes in gnome315:29
dr_willishe shel expands wildcards.  * is just another caracter15:29
seemawnok, it still won't work.15:29
ActionParsniplyrae: itll get better with time15:29
lyraei hope15:30
seemawnI mean, I did run the script as describedd15:30
seemawn(this is not the first time I install the drivers)15:30
dr_willisgiven how oior gnome2 theming was....15:30
Sidewinder1ouyes, Interesting, according to my info. your last boot was "Wed. Oct 12, 2011 at 11:19:14.   :-)15:30
zipperI am on 10.04 , how do i start dist upgrade? System -> update manager does not give me the option to upgrade, claims all packages are up to date15:30
IbisActionParsnip: I can't seem to get that tp appear brighter in color though. (The unity color scheme).15:30
Ir0nmanhow do i remove the unity launcher and add this launcher in the video?15:31
ouyesSidewinder1, I am now worried15:31
Lubomirdon't you have a bot here, spamming a lottery url all 30 seconds and saying "BUY A MAC"?15:31
Sidewinder1ouyes, Not to worry; we're all good guys/gals, here.. :D15:31
lyraeActionParsnip, how does on change window borders style? I can change icons and the GTK theme via teak tool..but borders just won't change15:32
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dr_willisbiggest danger to a linux bix us the yser doing somthing sillyt15:32
ActionParsnipIr0nman: maybe this https://launchpad.net/~elementary-os/+archive/daily?field.series_filter=oneiric15:32
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ActionParsniplyrae: not sure man, I don't use Gnome desktop15:33
lyraedr_willis, with spelling like that, i fear for you :315:33
Ibisdr_willis: Say what? o_O15:33
lyraeActionParsnip, oh. what do you use?15:33
ActionParsnipIr0nman: its currently building15:33
ActionParsniplyrae: kde and lxde15:33
dr_willisandroid phone and a buggy irc client15:33
Ibislyrae: I know right!? Shoot.15:33
Lubomir^5 lyrae15:33
dr_willisi cant see what i type half rhe time15:33
Ir0nmani really like the launcher on the bottom15:33
Ir0nmanif i could use the unity launcher on the bottom it would be great15:33
jribdr_willis: how convenient...15:33
Ir0nmanbut it looks like that optionw as removed?15:34
ActionParsnipIr0nman: its probably docky or avant window navigator15:34
Lubomiravant window manager looks neat15:34
seemawnisn't there a german channel anymore?15:34
Lubomirbloß keine deutschen! hölle!15:34
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!15:34
Lubomirsorry, back on Ingris15:34
lyraeis it possible to use gnome elementary with gnome shell?15:34
MrClawHey. :) How to change default applications (link handlers, defualt terminal emulator...) in the most recent release?15:35
Soxithow can i use an older kernel?15:35
jrib!defaultapp | MrClaw15:35
ubottuMrClaw: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting.15:35
lyraeSoxit, you should have the option in GRUB15:35
Soxitlyrae: GRUB i have only 2 entires15:36
ScramblerI can't figure out how to add MPLAYER as the default video player for my avi/mpg/etc files.  I used to go into FILE, PROPERTIES, and add a custom command, but that is gone in 11.10.15:36
MrClawjrib: What about default terminal emulator? (Which is also the one started when you press CTRL+ALT+T)15:36
Soxitive only ever had one kernel on this install15:36
Soxithow can i install the latest version in kernel2 ?15:37
abhijainI am on ubuntu 10.10 and when I am accessing internet with any browser again anda agan it giving errror "kill page or wait" all browsers sucking desparately including chromium,chrome, ff, seamonkey,doodle whats the problem can any one tell me how to resolve it. Its happening from past 3 days15:37
auronandaceSoxit: you do realise that kernel 3 is just kernel 2.6.40 with a different name15:38
Soxitwell, ubuntu 11.10 has broken something15:38
Soxitand i want to check if its the kernel15:38
Soxitbefore i go back to 11.0415:38
Soxitmayb ill try 2.6.3815:38
Soxithow can i do this15:38
MakoMickHas anyhone had printer problems after upgrading?15:39
jribMrClaw: don't know and those instructions I gave don't seem to work in 11.10 so that's a good question Scrambler15:39
MrClawjrib: Thanks. :)15:39
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abhijainabhijain: strange no one replied on my query15:39
Lubomiron ubuntu 11.10, how can i add xscreensaver to autostart on Gnome?15:40
* abhijain not happy with ubuntu 10.10 15:40
abhijainI am on ubuntu 10.10 and when I am accessing internet with any browser again anda agan it giving errror "kill page or wait" all browsers sucking desparately including chromium,chrome, ff, seamonkey,doodle whats the problem can any one tell me how to resolve it. Its happening from past 3 days15:40
yagooabhijain, you suck. Latest version is not 10.1015:40
ActionParsnipLubomir: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2011/10/enable-screensavers-in-ubuntu-11-10-oneiric-ocelot/15:40
ScramblerI can't figure out how to add MPLAYER as the default video player for my avi/mpg/etc files.  I used to go into FILE, PROPERTIES, and add a custom command, but that is gone in 11.10.15:40
Lubomirthankyou ActionParsnip :D15:40
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ActionParsnipyagoo: maverick is equally as supported as Oneiric15:41
auronandaceyagoo: please don't insult people15:41
dabukalammanutd.com gives me error code 6-1 when trying to access from ubuntu.15:41
ActionParsnipabhijain: run one of the browsers from terminal, what is output when it crashes?15:42
cutiyarmy ubuntu will freeze after nearly ten minutes nothing work15:43
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Soxitcan i install this kernel on ubuntu 11.10 ?                2.6.38-12.51       from natty ?15:44
bbbbbbbbmy card reader shows up in dmesg as "[14721.527842] scsi 13:0:0:0: Direct-Access     6-in-1   CF/MD            0202 PQ: 0 ANSI: 0 CCS" but not in fdisk15:44
ScramblerDoes anyone know how to add MPLAYER to the list of OPEN WITH so that I can click on a video and have MPLAYER play it by default?15:44
bbbbbbbbhow do i mount the card?15:44
ActionParsnipSoxit: I don't recommend it. I doubt its supported either15:44
yagoobbbbbbbb, bs15:44
ActionParsnip!default | Scrambler15:44
ubottuScrambler: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting.15:44
wh1zz0Scrambler: Go to your system preferences15:44
yagoobbbbbbbb, your card is not a scsi15:44
SoxitActionParsnip: whats your reason for not recommending?15:45
ActionParsnipmplayer is the daddy15:45
ScramblerMPLAYER isn't in that list, and there is no way to add a command like there used to be.15:45
yagoobbbbbbbb, dmesg |grep -i scsi15:45
jordan4ibanez_hey people i have a question15:45
wh1zz0Scrambler: Go to your system preferences and look for "Preferred Applications" icon, click and follow the prompts15:45
yagoobbbbbbbb, it's probably using the scsi driver.. see what the output of the command i gave u15:45
ScramblerCan't add mplayer there either.15:45
ActionParsnipSoxit: there are features in the new kernel which will no doubt be needed, you can try it and test as you can simply remove the kernel as easily as it is to install15:45
ActionParsnipScrambler: do you use gnome desktop?15:46
Soxithow do i do it ActionParsnip? i thought there was .debs15:46
Scrambler11.10, Unity?15:46
Soxitbut i cant see one this link https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/15:46
bbbbbbbbyagoo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/717033/15:46
ActionParsnipScrambler: then its Gnome, unity is just a shell15:46
ActionParsnipScrambler: install gnome-mplayer   and use thatas the player15:46
Travis-42I want to install memcached, but only run it from the command line on demand. How do I disable all of the autostart stuff for memcached?15:46
jordan4ibanez_when im partitioning and i split a hard disk into 2 equal "/" partitions..will it access the disk 2 times like raid? or if i use the same partition on 2 harddisks will it work like raid?15:47
ScramblerI don't like gnome-mplayer, I want to use the old fashioned mplayer15:47
cutiyarmy ubuntu will freeze after nearly ten minutes nothing work15:47
ScramblerI used to be able to add it as a command line15:47
yagoobbbbbbbb, from that output the device is sdd (/dev/sdd)15:47
cutiyarmy ubuntu will freeze after nearly ten minutes nothing work,whats wrong?15:47
ActionParsnipScrambler: I see, try defining the command manually rather than using the menu options15:47
yagoobbbbbbbb, it says "sdd" literally15:47
Scrambleryou can't15:47
bbbbbbbbyagoo: i thought so15:48
Scramblerthere isn't an option to add a custom command.15:48
yagoobbbbbbbb, another factor is --> fdisk -l .. and u can see the devicename here too15:48
anon__hey guys, do u know any webmaster irc/channels?15:49
yagooanon__, w3c.org ?15:49
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bbbbbbbbyagoo: alright, done. thanks15:50
aj00200I can check mail using the mail command, but how can I have other computers send mail to that mail program on this computer (This only needs to work within my own network).15:50
LubomirOn 11.10 how can I set it to store the last desktop session for next session?15:50
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yagoobbbbbbbb, btw it auto-mounts under gnome once u have a filesystem on /dev/sdd# ?15:50
Soxitsomeone tell me where .deb builds of kernels can be found?15:51
Soxitcan i use this?  http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/15:51
yagoobbbbbbbb, tanks.15:51
yagooSoxit, how do u know the kernel is the problem? you getting OOPS with the current?15:52
ScramblerI don't like it, but I 'fixed' it by copying the mplayer binary over to gnome-mplayer, then selecting gnome-mplayer as the open with application.  It works, but a crappy way to do it.  I hope Ubuntu doesn't continue down this path of forcing things on its users like MS does.15:52
xannaxHello, if I want to make a fresh install but still keep my settings intact, is backuping /home/$user sufficient?15:52
yagooScrambler, that's stupid. DON'T OVERWRITE BINARIES TO FIX THINGS.15:52
Soxityagoo:  i dont know but its do to with ATI drivers 11.415:52
Soxitwont install15:52
Soxitbut they installed on 11.04 ubuntu15:52
Soxitso its either the kernel, or something else, and nobody will help so i gotta test myself, and this is only thing i can try really15:53
ScramblerI agree yagoo, but can't figure out how to do it any other way.15:53
* yagoo says overwriting binaries to fix things is worse than anything15:53
Lubomiryagoo has never listened to Lady Gaga15:53
Scramblerthey took out the 'add custom command' to the OPEN WITH diaglog box.15:53
* King_Ozzy overwrites yagoo15:53
LubomirLady Gaga actually is worse than anything!15:53
King_Ozzyyes, that15:53
anon__ubuntu > lady gaga15:54
Lubomirthe fan room here, right15:54
cutiyarmy ubuntu will freeze after nearly ten minutes nothing work,whats wrong?15:54
yagooScrambler, u using unity or gnome-classic?15:54
Scramblerout of the box15:54
Scramblerso Unity?15:54
Scramblerthe stupid bouncy bar thing on the left15:54
Scramblerin 2d though.15:54
TheEvilPhoenixScrambler:  yes that's unity15:54
yagooScrambler, so install gnome-session-fallback (or gnome-fallback-session) and gnome-shell15:54
Scramblerbut then what?  Use Gnome?15:55
devishi kept a wallpaper and then i removed it now on lock screen it shows up every time15:55
ScramblerI am trying to adapt and move the way that the Ubuntu developers want and go with Unity.15:55
devishhow to remove it15:55
ScramblerI am trying to keep it all 'factory' hehehe15:55
Soxityagoo: do i install all these packags?15:56
schmehello #ubuntu. I burnt me a ubuntu CD and put in the laptop right now. It loads for some time and I get a nice looking background.. then nothing happens. What do I do to get to login or install or whatever?15:56
yagooSoxit, why not fix ur video problem?15:56
xannaxWhere can I find a guy about backuping my system? I don't want to use an application for it, I want to choose what to keep and what to throw away15:57
yagooschme, what is "loading" . Your newly install OS? did u try the recovery option?15:57
Lubomirright :)15:57
auronandace!backup | xannax15:57
ubottuxannax: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning15:57
ScramblerJust checked, my printer doesn't print anymore either.15:57
Scramblerstopping job because the scheduler could not execute15:58
xannaxauronandace, thanks15:58
Soxityagoo: how exactly15:58
schmeyagoo: there is nothing to recover. and nothing to install. I just put in the ubuntu CD and it loads ubuntu. after a while I get a nice looking background and a pointer to move around.15:58
Soxitits something that ubuntu 11.10 has broken15:58
tucemiux_anyone knows how to change a windows password from within ubuntu?15:58
YeahRighthi there i need some help..i've been upgrading to 11.10 and during the upgrade i experienced a samba error15:58
TheEvilPhoenixis there any easy way to burn an ISO to a CD or USB if we do not need it to be a bootable disk?15:58
TheEvilPhoenixmaybe with dd or something?15:58
Lubomirif i run "outdated" hardware which hardly gets supported, terratec soundcard and typhoon webcam, i suppose i'll end up with some "Compile your own shit" site, right?15:58
Lubomiror is there a way for dumbos like me?15:59
YeahRightCould not install 'samba'15:59
YeahRightThe upgrade will continue but the 'samba' package may not be in a working state. Please consider submitting a bug report about it.15:59
YeahRightpackage samba is not ready for configuration  cannot configure (current status `half-installed')15:59
th__Oct 23 14:32:18 KONE1-th kernel: [11964.034748] WARNING! power/level is deprecated; use power/control instead15:59
YeahRightafter the error the upgrade continued15:59
YeahRightand it wanted to report this bug15:59
TheEvilPhoenix!language | First, lubomir15:59
ubottuFirst, lubomir: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.15:59
yagooschme, you sure u downloaded the right cd? because you should have an install option on boot15:59
tucemiux_TheEvilPhoenix, you wantto burn an ISO to CD?  That's easy!  I use brasero15:59
aj00200The_Phoenix: if you put it on a USB you can probably un-set the bootable bit with gparted (just a thought)15:59
TheEvilPhoenixLubomir:  secondly, you may actually need to upgrade your hardware or indeed build your own stuff.15:59
YeahRightduring the bug report procedure i pressed cancel..assuming it would cancel the reporting15:59
schmeyagoo: Well I picked "Try ubuntu without installing" which is really what I want to do at this moment.15:59
aj00200err, TheEvilPhoenix ^15:59
TheEvilPhoenixtucemiux_:  no, to USB15:59
LubomirLOL took me some to find out, the feces part? sorry for that15:59
YeahRightbut it seems i cancelled the whole ugrade now and i get this:16:00
TheEvilPhoenixaj00200:  what would i use to write the image to the USB :P16:00
YeahRightCould not install the upgrades16:00
YeahRightThe upgrade has aborted. Your system could be in an unusable state. A recovery will run now (dpkg --configure -a).16:00
Crazed_hi, does anyone know how to run a script when you log out graphically?16:00
aj00200TheEvilPhoenix: um, maybe the startup disk creator thing16:00
Lubomirand thanks TheEvilPhoenix tho16:00
yagooschme, so why the f do you ask how to install it if you choose "Try" and you have the option "Install". Makes alot of sense doesn't it to reboot it and choose "Install" .. no?16:00
schmeyagoo: I use this http://mirrors.se.eu.kernel.org/ubuntu-releases//oneiric/ubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso16:00
YeahRightthats not what i wanted...the upgrade went fine except for the samba thing16:00
aj00200I don't see why you want to write a bootable ISO to a CD/USB but then make it non-bootable.16:00
ubottusbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe16:00
YeahRighti just wanted to cancel the reproting16:00
YeahRightso what i can do now?16:00
cutiyarmy ubuntu will freeze after nearly ten minutes nothing work,whats wrong?16:01
schmeyagoo: ok lemme rephrase. I pick try and it loads for a bit. then gives me a nice background and a pointer. What do I do to login or actually do anything at all other than move the pointer around?16:01
TheEvilPhoenixaj00200:  its not a bootable iso16:01
PessimistI made my 11.10 usb with "Startup disk creator", but it doesn't boot16:01
tucemiux_TheEvilPhoenix, what  do you mean you want to "burn" an ISO to a USB and not make it bootable?  You mean you want to be able to access the files in an ISO?16:01
TheEvilPhoenixaj00200:  hence me asking16:01
aj00200TheEvilPhoenix: then Brasero16:01
yagooschme, how old are you?16:01
xannaxauronandace, all the resources provided link to programs; I want a description of the directories so I know what to *manually* backup. I need to backup, but most importantly, I need to learn16:01
PessimistI made my 11.10 usb with "Startup disk creator", but it doesn't boot. It is fat32 file system, the process finished correctly (no errors reported)16:01
TheEvilPhoenixtucemiux_:  its not an ISO of a bootable CD - its the ISO for the installation medium for a Microsoft product that I need to install on a system that does not have internet access at this time.16:01
yagooschme, "try" is for trying.. it's not the whole ubuntu experience.16:01
zykotick9TheEvilPhoenix, why not mount the ISO (see "/msg ubottu iso") then just copy the files over?  dd or cat MIGHT work also.16:01
Lubomiranother thing- for Alien Arena not running (did it on previous release) i might visit alien arena's site for support, right ;)16:01
tucemiux_cutiyar, freezing is normally related to hardware failure, the first thing I would check is the fans - make sure your computer is not overheating16:02
schmeyagoo: I am 31. I have no idea why it even matters. I wish to try ubuntu. But all I can do is watch a pretty background and move a pointer around.16:02
xannaxthat's why I want to know where files worth backing up might be located16:02
* yagoo thinks schme is trolling16:02
aj00200TheEvilPhoenix: worse case you can burn to a CD and then dd to a USB (i'm not sure about the format of an ISO)16:02
yagooschme, try it in vmware/virtualbox..16:02
schmeyagoo: ... there is no trolling.16:02
cutiyartucemiux_, overheating? its working two days till now16:02
tucemiux_TheEvilPhoenix, it doesnt matter what type of ISO it is - im trying to figure out what is it you want to do with the ISO ?16:02
schmeyagoo: I have no OS on the laptop so that is not really an option. thanks anyway.16:03
lucas-argPessimist, install gparted, clear all the disk, create an fat32 partition make it booteable, after that use the usb disk creator... or open a terminal and type sudo dd if=/pathtoiso of=/pathtousb/sdb16:03
yagooschme, what model is your laptopn?16:03
schmeyagoo: What I have is pretty much this  https://help.ubuntu.com/11.10/ubuntu-help/figures/unity-overview.png  but without all the icons and taskbar etc. just the background and a pointer.16:03
yagooschme, is it old?16:03
tucemiux_cutiyar, the problem with physical parts is that they tend to age and with time they fail16:03
ScramblerGreat, so its a kernel problem that is keeping from printing now?16:03
YeahRightif anyone could help me i would really appreciate it..16:03
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schmeyagoo: it is a compaq presario cq60. No it is not old. 2 years or so.16:04
yagooschme, did u do an md5?16:04
schmeon the iso, sure.16:04
cutiyartucemiux_, if i turn off , will be fixed next timse?16:04
auronandacexannax: /etc/ has a lot of systemwide settings, your home directory (/home/username) contains your installed applications settings16:04
yagooschme, dunno.. u tried a boot option?16:05
Pessimistlucas-arg, I did that. When I boot it stays at the screen where you can see the hardware16:05
Lubomirgeneral question: how long does it take an average lame xp user to get used to ubuntu?16:05
yagooschme, if no boot option helps.. why not try to install it.. since there's no OS anyways?16:05
tucemiux_cutiyar, you have to troubleshoot, it could be either hardware or ubuntu but you have to start somewhere, I would first check the fans, if it's a desktop I would open it up to see if an electric surge didnt damage the electronics, clean the machine with compressed to air to make sure there's no short in the machine16:05
xannaxauronandace, thanks a lot16:05
yagooschme, boot option is a special thing u pass to the bootline..16:05
yagooschme, it's not important most of the time to know about.. but probably in ur case just for the cd boot 'try'..16:06
Pessimistlucas-arg, It stays at the screen where it shows you the hardware list + I choose my usb device on the boot screen16:06
schmeyagoo: I am well aware what a boot option is. Do you have anyone you recommend?  and I might install it later if I get around to buying a harddrive.16:06
cutiyartucemiux_, its laptop16:06
tucemiux_anyone knows how to check your hard drive for errors? It looks like my encrypted home directory has a lot of errors16:06
Pessimistlucas-arg, It stays at the screen where it shows you the hardware list + I choose my usb device on the boot screen + I did my Ubuntu installation before from the same usb, but it stopped working16:06
tucemiux_cutiyar, check the fans, have you done anything to your machine in the last two days? Upgraded software maybe?16:07
theadmintucemiux_: fsck16:07
Sidewinder1schme, Out of curiosity, did you burn the CD at the slowest speed possible? If not, maybe the disk has errors.16:07
yagooschme, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions  -- try acpi=off16:07
theadmintucemiux_: Actually, wait, that's not that16:07
tucemiux_theadmin, but what's the command?  When I open up a browser my system hangs16:07
sysRPLcan i get some help please? i had some power loss problems last night and now my htpc wont boot properly. i get a grub menu, but when i select an option to boot to it sticks on a busybox console. i tried following the steps here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1561735 but when i typw "boot" it's still hung ...16:07
schmeSidewinder1: yup. speed 1. good thinking. I'll do the check for defects one.16:07
theadmintucemiux_: sudo fsck /dev/sda1 or something like this16:07
yagooschme, maybe try to install it?16:07
ushills#nickserv identify ushills stanley16:07
theadmintucemiux_: Make sure the drive is unmounted, though16:07
schmeyagoo: as I said I will consider installing it once I have a harddrive to install it on.16:08
theadminushills: Change your password16:08
Lubomirthis channel is fun, great work OPs,  toodles (^^)v16:08
tucemiux_theadmin, that sounds painful16:08
sysRPLbasically i believe grub can't the information it needs to boot correctly, and i don't know how to fix it16:08
auronandaceushills: you forgot /msg also you need to change your password (try doing that before you join a channel)16:08
popschhow come the skype icon doesn't show up in the panel in 11.10. Does anyone know how to debug this?16:09
Sidewinder1schme, Do you intend to dual boot? And if so, will you be shrinking any NTFS partitions?16:09
sysRPLany help would be appreciated16:09
ushillsbugger again16:09
schmeSidewinder1: no I do not inted to dual boot. and I've never had an NTFS partition anywhere in my entire life, thank you very much :P16:09
theadminpopsch: There's some setting in dconf for this stuff16:09
tucemiux_sysRPL, I would just reinstall, most likely the power loss damaged your machine pretty good, just reimage and if it works then great, if not then your machine is fubar - get power protection because it can and it will happen again16:09
theadminpopsch: I can't recall what it is16:09
popschtheadmin, thanks. will look for it16:09
* Sidewinder1 Bows to schme for never having an NTFS/fat32 partition!16:10
Crazed_hi, does anyone know how to run a script when you log out graphically?16:10
schmeSidewinder1: le cool. the check said errors found in one file. I'll reburn or something.16:10
yagooCrazed_, ?16:10
yagooCrazed_, do you want to run a script when you shutdown?16:11
schmeSidewinder1: well I have had fat32. I had a dual boot with windows / linux for a month back in 1994. :)16:11
Crazed_yagoo: i would prefer to run it when i log out since it is specific to the user, but i could do it on shutdown if i have to16:11
theadminCrazed_: I know LXDM has post-logout scripts. I have no idea whether GDM/lightdm does, though.16:11
Sidewinder1schme, In case you haven't seen it, this is a really great link: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/index16:11
yagooschme, SURE. 1994 you dual booting Windows and Linux. SURE big guy.16:11
m3z9! perl ubun.pl16:11
sickperlBareword found where operator expected at ubun.pl line 13, near "John (in an accent that is so thick you can hardly make out the words): Hello, this is John, "How"16:12
sickperl  (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 2)16:12
sickperl(Do you need to predeclare John?)16:12
sickperlsyntax error at ubun.pl line 13, near "John (in an accent that is so thick you can hardly make out the words): Hello, this is John, "How may "16:12
sickperlExecution of ubun.pl aborted due to compilation errors.16:12
FloodBot1sickperl: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:12
Crazed_yagoo, theadmin: basically,i want to run kdestroy and delete a file from my home16:12
m3z9! perl ubun.pl16:12
fsckpurlBareword found where operator expected at ubun.pl line 13, near "John (in an accent that is so thick you can hardly make out the words): Hello, this is John, "How"16:12
fsckpurl|917508Bareword found where operator expected at ubun.pl line 13, near "John (in an accent that is so thick you can hardly make out the words): Hello, this is John, "How"16:12
fsckpurl  (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 2)16:12
fsckpurl(Do you need to predeclare John?)16:12
fsckpurlsyntax error at ubun.pl line 13, near "John (in an accent that is so thick you can hardly make out the words): Hello, this is John, "How may "16:12
fsckpurlExecution of ubun.pl aborted due to compilation errors.16:12
FloodBot1fsckpurl: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:12
fsckpurl|917508  (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 2)16:12
fsckpurl|917508(Do you need to predeclare John?)16:12
fsckpurl|917508syntax error at ubun.pl line 13, near "John (in an accent that is so thick you can hardly make out the words): Hello, this is John, "How may "16:12
fsckpurl|917508Execution of ubun.pl aborted due to compilation errors.16:12
FloodBot1fsckpurl|917508: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:12
schmeyagoo: yes. windows 3.11 and slackware. on a nice ol' 486.16:12
m3z9! @join #ubuntu16:12
m3z9! @join #ubuntu16:12
Sidewinder1schme, Oops, if you've been using linux since '94, I'm sure that you've seen it; humblest apologies. :D16:12
FloodBot1m3z9: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:12
HelloWorld321should lightdm take longer to login than gdm?  I'm guessing "no" from the name (it's light, right?)16:12
m4vm3z9: what are you trying to do?16:12
TheEvilPhoenixm3z9:  you can stop now.  you're already in #ubuntu16:12
schmeSidewinder1: nope. Never seen it. I haven't ever touched ubuntu before today.16:12
yagooHelloWorld321, lightdm loads very fast..16:12
m3z9! perl ubun.pl16:12
sickperlBareword found where operator expected at ubun.pl line 13, near "John (in an accent that is so thick you can hardly make out the words): Hello, this is John, "How"16:12
fsckpurlBareword found where operator expected at ubun.pl line 13, near "John (in an accent that is so thick you can hardly make out the words): Hello, this is John, "How"16:12
fsckpurl|917508Bareword found where operator expected at ubun.pl line 13, near "John (in an accent that is so thick you can hardly make out the words): Hello, this is John, "How"16:12
sickperl  (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 2)16:12
sickperl(Do you need to predeclare John?)16:12
sickperlsyntax error at ubun.pl line 13, near "John (in an accent that is so thick you can hardly make out the words): Hello, this is John, "How may "16:12
sickperlExecution of ubun.pl aborted due to compilation errors.16:12
FloodBot1sickperl: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:12
fsckpurl  (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 2)16:12
fsckpurl(Do you need to predeclare John?)16:12
fsckpurlsyntax error at ubun.pl line 13, near "John (in an accent that is so thick you can hardly make out the words): Hello, this is John, "How may "16:12
fsckpurlExecution of ubun.pl aborted due to compilation errors.16:12
fsckpurl|917508  (Might be a runaway multi-line "" string starting on line 2)16:12
fsckpurl|917508(Do you need to predeclare John?)16:12
fsckpurl|917508syntax error at ubun.pl line 13, near "John (in an accent that is so thick you can hardly make out the words): Hello, this is John, "How may "16:12
fsckpurl|917508Execution of ubun.pl aborted due to compilation errors.16:12
yagooomg.. whos' this spammer..16:13
* yagoo says lightdm runs fast16:13
dr_willissomeone learning perl. :-)16:13
yagoo(logically it says "light" intending to mean load fast times)16:13
schmeSidewinder1: a friend ran into some issues with her laptop (broken harddrive controller) and needs to actually use it so I figured I'd hook her up with some ubuntu liveCD for now.  Just it blew up in my face.16:13
Crazed_yagoo, theadmin: basically,i want to run kdestroy and delete a file from my home16:14
Fred0how can I install this OS through W716:14
schmeSidewinder1: thanks for the checking though! gonna give it a new try here (:16:14
yagooschme, probably there's more problems than that.. u should use some diagnostic tools-- like memtest from the boot menu16:14
Sidewinder1schme, Best of luck!16:14
HelloWorld321k.  I definitely messed up my login scripts for lightdm.  It loads super-slow, and I'm pretty sure I'm not actually in lightdm ... the menu bar looks like Nautilus (File, Edit, View,  Go, Bookmarks, Help)16:14
auronandace!wubi | Fred016:14
ubottuFred0: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe16:14
Fred0i know that16:15
auronandaceFred0: but i advise against wubi16:15
HelloWorld321I was trying to get synergy to auto-start16:15
Fred0i was trying to do as it was told to be done16:15
schmeyagoo: no. only the harddrive controller that is broken. I have checked it thoroughly. thanks anyway :)16:15
Xnewbiehelp please,. I'am installing ubuntu 11.10 in my laptop but I am getting an error [Errno 5] Input/output error16:15
Fred0but surprise surprise16:15
XnewbieThis is often due to a faulty CD/DVD disk or drive, or a faulty hard disk. It may help to clean the CD/DVD, to burn the CD/DVD at a lower speed, to clean the CD/DVD drive lens (cleaning kits are often available from electronics suppliers), to check whether the hard disk is old and in need of replacement, or to move the system to a cooler environment.16:15
Fred0everythig is falling apart16:15
Fred0i am desperate16:15
yagooschme, it's possible that may be a reason why you're seeing a lockup..16:15
Fred0the main thing which makes me sick16:15
Crazed_yagoo: basically, i want to run kdestroy and delete a file from my home16:15
HelloWorld321I tried Wubi.  Wubi is fine until the update comes.  It's meant as a "free trial", but they don't support version updates (so Ocelot probably broke your Wubi, and that's probably why you're here)16:16
Fred0is partition16:16
dr_willisFred0:  clarify the exact problem.16:16
Fred0i still have very iportant files16:16
Fred0in W716:16
=== spacebug is now known as spacebug-
HelloWorld321I tried Wubi in Natty, and once Maverick came around I totally had to dump Wubi.16:16
auronandaceFred0: everything falling apart? yeah, thats specific and helps us to help you...16:16
mneptokFred0: don't use Wubi. either install Linux onto its own disk partitions or use something like VirtualBox OSE.16:16
yagooCrazed_, delete a file on shutdown? lol.. how practical is that?16:16
MonkeyDustFred0: you're flooding16:16
riaddenoei'm a newbie, i installed 11.10 yesterday, but the proprietary driver for my ati hd3200 are failing to get enabled, so it's now run laggy, can anyone help me?16:16
schmeyagoo: I do hope a faulty harddrive controller won't mess up ubuntu's dvd-reading skillz!16:16
Fred0i want it as a separate os16:16
regexhi... how can i install a nvidia driver .run on ubuntu 11.10?16:17
Fred0and in the boot menu16:17
yagooschme, you think u can fix a built-in hd controller in the laptop? go ahead..16:17
mneptok!enter > Fred016:17
ubottuFred0, please see my private message16:17
auronandace!enter | Fred016:17
Fred0i would be able to choose among w716:17
ubottuFred0: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:17
Fred0and linux16:17
Crazed_yagoo: i create a link to a remote location during the session and i want to remove it as it shuts down and kdestroy terminates the connection16:17
dr_willisregex: best to use the drivers in the repos16:17
Fred0i was trying this 5 or 6 years ago16:17
Fred0in the virtual box16:17
Xnewbiehai all when I tried to install ubuntu 11.10 I am getting this error [Errno 5] Input/output error !! need help !! :(16:17
Crazed_yagoo: i just want to know how to do it16:17
Fred0and in vmware16:17
schmeyagoo: When did I ever say I was going to fix that?16:17
Fred0and that was successful16:17
MonkeyDustFred0: you're flooding16:17
AetherixWhen I close Skype, the process still keeps running. Anyone else with the same issue?16:17
mneptokFred0: STOP using incomplete sentences and your <enter> key16:17
regexdr_willis and how can i install from repo? apt-get nvidia-current?16:17
Fred0oh yeah?16:17
auronandaceFred0: stop using enter as puncuation!16:18
riaddenoei'm a newbie, i installed 11.10 yesterday, but the proprietary driver for my ati hd3200 are failing to get enabled, so it's now run laggy, can anyone help me?16:18
Fred0give me 10 minutes and i am gonna explain in detail16:18
Fred0what are the problems16:18
Fred0will you, guys, be here16:18
mneptokaaaand you just did it again.16:18
dr_willisregex:  use the 'jockey-gtk' program16:18
MonkeyDustkeep it short16:18
Fred0what I did it?16:18
oCeanFred0: in single line please, stop using enter16:18
yagooCrazed_, i thought kde takes care of all that.. this isn't really ubuntu related.. perhaps #kde or #linux more fans can help out with this.. cuse the only thing i can think of is checking out what kde can unmount stuff that it mounts16:18
Fred0i am not a fan of chats16:18
regexdr_willis tks, will try soon.. i'm under windows right now16:19
mneptok"give me 10 minutes and will describe the problems in detail. will someone be around?"  <--- one line.16:19
Crazed_yagoo: it's not kde, kdestroy is related to kerberos16:19
Crazed_yagoo: i'm running ubuntu with unity16:19
Fred0well, i see what you mean, once again i am not a fan, nevertheless i will try to comply)16:19
riaddenoecan i have a private help via pm?16:20
mneptokFred0: fan or no, these are channel rules. and if you cannot abide by them, you will be removed. which no one wants.16:20
riaddenoei'm a newbie, i installed 11.10 yesterday, but the proprietary driver for my ati hd3200 are failing to get enabled, so it's now run laggy, can anyone help me?16:20
Crazed_yagoo: i just want to know how to run scripts on shutdown/logout on ubuntu when you log out from unity16:20
llutzFred0: no need to be a fan, if you want help, respect the rules. simple as that16:20
yagooCrazed_, look into /etc/init/ -- there's a new style of using .confs or something..16:20
Neosanoto write to a file I use "some text">>filename.txt , but what if only sudo has the permissions to write to this file? How can I do it in one line?16:21
Crazed_yagoo: ok... do you have any idea what it's called? i've been googling extensively but i couldn't find much16:21
dr_willisNeosano: you use the   tee  command  as needed.16:21
llutzNeosano: echo your text | tee -a foo.txt16:21
Xnewbieriaddenoe: try aditional drivers16:21
theadminNeosano: echo "lol!" | sudo tee -a filename.txt16:21
llutzNeosano: echo your text | sudo tee -a foo.txt16:21
=== darek is now known as Guest59945
mneptokCrazed_: you need the root user to run something when a user session ends, or do you need the user to run something?16:21
yagooCrazed_, did u look at find /etc/|grep -i xsession ?16:22
Crazed_mneptok: just the user16:22
theadminNeosano: Remove the -a if you want to overwrite rather than append16:23
Neosanothanks everybody16:23
=== [sanyi] is now known as [Sanyi]
riaddenoewell, i think i'd better try to get help in another place. thanks... :|16:23
Crazed_mneptok: ok, i ran that... what would i do to run something new then?16:23
devishthere was some application to save from battery drainage can anyone name it16:23
yagooCrazed_, try adding your own input after any of the Xsession scripts parses the home <~/.xsession ?>16:23
Xnewbieriaddenoe: what is u r issue?16:24
devishthere was some application to save from battery drainage can anyone name it16:24
Fred0so the problem is the following: i am downloading an iso image from the off site, then i am using ultraiso to burn it on cdrw (as a substiture usbflash drive is used just in case), but here and there the same thing occurs: i am offered to manipulate with hdds ( i have 2 of them) and i am withdrawing from the installing process because some very important to me files are located on those hdds. How to manage those hdds partitions. thx in advance.16:25
devishthe working temperature is too high in ubuntu16:25
NeosanoFred0 try to use gparted from livecd16:25
devishit ranges 50-60 C16:25
devishis it normal as i dont see in windows so much16:26
auronandaceFred0: resize partitions with gparted16:26
k013hi can anyone answer the question available at this link? -- https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+question/17473716:26
devishi guess its a driver problem16:26
dr_willisFred0:  backup anything important first. and inormally use gparted to setup my partions how i like befor i install16:26
Neosanodevish it's not! maybe you should try cpufreq-set -g powersave? this will decrease performance but will save some battery life16:26
=== spacebug is now known as spacebug-
auronandace!partitions | Fred016:26
ubottuFred0: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap16:26
Neosanodevish maybe it is working in performance mode instead of on-demand?16:27
Neosanodevish.. so anyway.. try cpufreq!16:27
Crazed_yagoo, mneptok: thanks for the help, i'll try that16:27
mneptokFred0: i would not use Wubi, personally. make free space on those disks to allow a Linux installation (min 10GB). use whatever Windows tool you feel comfortable with to resize partitions preserving data. the unused space in an existing Windows partition can then be made into unallocated free space for Linux to partition and install onto.16:27
MonkeyDustFred0: rule one: backup backup backup16:27
MonkeyDust(in that order)16:28
devishNeosano: where to switch modes16:28
dr_willisand backup the backups16:28
yagooFred0, the gparted live cd-- can checkdisk your filesystem (fat32 or ntfs) before resizing it-- you should make a backup beforehand16:28
* yagoo has been using gparted live cd for like the last 3 years16:28
Neosanodevish not sure about the gui way, but in terminal 'cpufreq-set -g powersave' should switch you to the powersave mode16:28
Fred0well i have 2 hdds one is half occupied and another is suddivided in 2 parts: those parts are logical complements one is free of any files (formatting was used) and another is the one where w7 files are located16:29
Neosanodevish but search for the gui way :) gonna be easier16:29
=== [Sanyi] is now known as [sanyi]
yagooFred0, u still have to backup.. you have 50% chance u may have to type commands to fix the w7 or whatever windows bootloader..16:29
dr_willisFred0:  you can delete and split up the empty logical then16:29
tucemiux_anyone upgraded yet? are there any changes that Im missing out and should upgrade?16:30
k013hi can anyone answer the question available at this link? -- https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+question/17473716:30
dr_willisk013: at least summarize the issue16:30
HelloWorld321for a backup, you can use Ubuntu1, SpiderOak, or some other free co-location ("cloud") service.16:30
k013one sec dr_willis16:30
devishNeosano: did that but don't think anything gonna happen. how could i check for any conflicting/needed driver16:30
Fred0is it possible that i can use terminal such as teamviewer in windows to install ubuntu16:31
k013@dr_willis - 1. the brightness setting16:31
k013available under - system settings - screen16:31
yagooHelloWorld321, clouds are for noobs.. any corporation knows this.. nothing of free-online backup service is secured from online spies16:31
k013the keeps getting set to the maximum level16:31
m_fulderhello could someone please help me with my network configuration on ubuntu 11.10 :( I really can't get it working now..I have 2 network cars in my computer and both are connected to the internet. I would like to get internet from only one of thoes cards ..though I would also want to have a static LAN ip. So I've made a static IP configuration for eth0 like: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/change-ubuntu-system-from-dhcp-to-a-static-ip-ad16:31
k013everytime i boot into ubuntu i reset it to an acceptable lower level, this did not happen in 11.0416:31
FloodBot1k013: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:31
HelloWorld321dr_willis: I followed the link, it sounds like a fubar gui.  stuff like "some of the buttons in the sidebar have no images, the image is of a white window."16:31
k0132. the volume setting16:31
k013available under the speaker icon on the top right hand corner of the desktop16:31
auronandaceFred0: why do you want to do it from windows, that is really limiting your options16:32
Neosanodevish I don't think there's any problem with the drivers. there's must be a power manager or some kind of thing. look for it :)16:32
* yagoo refuses to help people who come in and paste all their questions in many lines like K013 !!!!!!!16:32
devishNeosano: k :)16:32
* King_Ozzy goes to prepares several lines to paste16:33
devish*here you go16:33
soccermitchyHow do I partition a USB drive using Disk Utility on Ubuntu 10.1016:33
k013@helloworld321 - that's the problem, the detailed info inside is different from the summary16:33
firedream“MLT's SDL module not found”,What’s mean?16:33
Neosanosoccermitchy, same way you partition hdd16:33
BrosephI want to setup a raid 10 on 5 drives in ubuntu 11.10. As far as I can tell, this can't be done at the install screen and my only other options are: booting to a shell and preparing the raid beforehand, or doing it after having installed the system. Have I got the right idea?16:33
soccermitchyWhich is?16:34
soccermitchyThrough the Live USB for Ubuntu?16:34
firedreamIt‘s kdenlive16:34
Neosanosoccermitchy just slam your usb stick into the usb port and you're ready to partition it16:35
yagooBroseph, i thought raid10 is 4 drives16:35
Neosanosoccermitchy, or you don't have ubuntu installed?16:35
Neosanosoccermitchy, if you don't, then just run livecd16:35
firedream“MLT's SDL module not found”,What’s mean?16:35
Brosephyagoo, isn't 4 drives just the minimum?16:35
varikonniemihello, i saw some time ago a proposed oneiric aero snap, that did not make it in16:35
soccermitchyCan I just use Wine and run it?16:36
varikonniemican it be found already separately?16:36
auronandacesoccermitchy: do you know what wine is?16:36
Abhijitvarikonniemi, try asking in #omg!ubuntu!16:36
soccermitchyAuro-Windows Compatibility Layer.16:37
soccermitchyActually, WINE stands for Wine Is Not an Emulator16:37
auronandacesoccermitchy: and how do you plan to use wine to partition a usb stick?16:37
HelloWorld321I'm pretty sure I fubar'ed my LightDm.  Is there a way to re-initialize it?16:37
firedreamHello,Who konow  kdenlive’s “MLT's SDL module not found”16:37
alpicolafiredream: MLT made some changes in a recent upgrade that broke kdenlive 0.8; the current MLT is in the repos, but you need the development version of kdenlive  to use it.16:37
soccermitchyLive USB creator...16:37
HelloWorld321I know this one: WiNE stands for Windows Native Emulator.  :P16:38
auronandacesoccermitchy: why can't you use gparted?16:38
* yagoo thinks auronandace likes to whine too much16:38
soccermitchyNever thought of that16:38
MonkeyDustHelloWorld321: MCSE stands for Most Common System Errors16:38
alpicolafiredream: There's a PPA for the development version of kdenlive here  https://launchpad.net/~sunab/+archive/kdenlive-svn16:39
konayaPPA: Probably Packaged by Amateur. :)16:39
james13433Can anybody help me out installing newrelic ?16:39
MonkeyDustMS: MainStream16:39
yagoojames13433, click. click and click. done.16:39
alpicolakonaya: *shrugs* Worked for me.16:40
Brosephyagoo, you're right to some extent as an odd number won't work (can't have more than 2 in raid 1), but having one disk as a hot spare is still possible16:40
james13433yagoo, yer - not quite.16:40
Calinou<konaya> PPA: Probably Packaged by Amateur. :)16:40
yagoojames13433, right-mouse, click, click and click. done.16:40
firedreamalpicola,Think‘s,I will try it16:40
yagoojames13433, ctl-alt-delete16:40
konayaalpicola, yeah, just kidding. But I have had PPAs messing up my apt many times.16:40
sterwillAnyone here playing with Wayland?16:40
james13433Cheers yagoo - life saver....16:40
james13433....not ha16:40
=== spacebug is now known as spacebug-
konayaCalinou, joke. But I've had PPAs killing my apt a few times.16:41
Abhijitsterwill, maybe in #wayland16:41
sterwill(fun, xchat-gnome died)16:41
Calinouthen ubuntu team needs to update their official repo16:41
sterwillAbhijit, quiet over there now.16:41
MonkeyDust!anyone| sterwill16:41
ubottusterwill: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.16:41
Calinouor... manuall install LEADS THE WAY16:41
=== joshuap is now known as Guest4200
Abhijitsterwill, try their mailing list then16:42
nikos_hello, ubuntu 11.10 + gnome 3 shell, I'm currently copying some files but the file transfers window has dissapeared! there's nothing in the tray either...16:42
sterwillAbhijit, already on it.  :)  Just looking for people tracking master/head16:42
=== Alex`aw is now known as BaNz
konayanikos_, doesn't the file transfer window usually disappear when the transfer is completed?16:43
HelloWorld321k13, does this look like your solution?  http://itbubbles.wordpress.com/2011/10/19/ubuntu-11-10-onericocelot-ubuntu-does-not-start-after-upgrade-new-kernel-not-installed-lightdm-not-installed/16:43
PessimistI made my 11.10 usb with "Startup disk creator", but it doesn't boot. It is fat32 file system, the process finished correctly (no errors reported). It freezes on the screen where it shows the hardware list.16:43
nikos_konaya, yes, but I can see folders being added..16:43
maria_5259someone, here??16:44
konayanikos_, oh. Odd.16:44
Abhijitmaria_5259, yes16:44
maria_5259so we can chat16:44
Abhijitmaria_5259, if its offtopic then join #ubuntu-offtopic16:44
konayanikos_, might be a bug you've discovered. Have you tried asking in the forums?16:45
scarleoPessimist: did you verify your download?16:46
Pessimistscarleo, how to calculate md5?16:46
scarleo!md5 | Pessimist16:46
ubottuPessimist: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows16:46
k013hi, help! when unplugged, the battery consumption is unbelievable the entire battery is drained out in 9 minutes. this was not the case with all previous versions, including 11.04 and 10.1016:47
konayaPessimist, use the command md5sum in Linux. In Windows, you need to download some third party app16:47
konayak013, that's odd. Is it the same if you boot from the CD?16:48
konayak013, what graphics card do you have?16:48
Pessimistc396dd0f97bd122691bdb92d7e68fde5  ubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso16:48
NickV136please someone..tell me you know how to install Tor on 11.1016:49
k013@konaya - i've actually upgraded via internet from 11.04 to 11.10, nvidia graphics card16:49
PessimistWhere I can get the hashes of 11.10?16:49
AbhijitNickV136, https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-unix.html.en16:49
oCean!hashes | Pessimist16:49
ubottuPessimist: See http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs/11.10/MD5SUMS for the md5sums of the latest Ubuntu release16:49
dr_willis!info tor16:50
ubottutor (source: tor): anonymizing overlay network for TCP. In component universe, is optional. Version (oneiric), package size 1064 kB, installed size 2216 kB16:50
arthuranyone know what to do, i have intel graphics card on 11.10, and all of a sudden it not tells me i dont have a graphics card?!16:50
konayak013, could you check whether the graphics drivers for your nVidia card have been loaded properly?16:50
jllhi all, does anybody use lubuntu 11.10 ??16:50
scarleoPessimist: Try downloading via torrent instead of http16:50
konayaarthur, where does it say that?16:50
Abhijitjll, #lubuntu16:50
konayajll, my mother does.16:50
Kprawnwhy do my letters become improperly spaced in my terminal when i change the font size?16:50
NickV136Abhijit: I've been there..Ive even installed it thru terminal, I just cant get it to workl16:50
scarleoPessimist: oh, sorry, maybe your hash was correct16:50
jllI'm downloading it and hoping it's as good as ubuntu 1016:50
arthurkonaya, System Settings > System Info16:51
jimi_I am getting read only file system errors in my home directory16:51
Pessimistscarleo, yes my hash is correct16:51
k013@konaya - yes through the additional drivers, its working fine!16:51
PessimistIt must be a problem with my partitions or the usb drive itself16:51
konayaarthur, does it affect your graphic experience in any way?16:51
NickV136jll: Im using it, its a bit rough at times, but worth it16:51
=== francisco is now known as Guest10765
caesarWHAT's the best app to convert video for android phone16:51
konayak013, hm. Install the program powertop. It measures battery drain and some other stuff.16:51
arthurkonaya, i think im on Unity 2D, it doesnt affect everyday use but I wanted to use PlayOnLinux which told me I didnt have 3D16:52
shafiq_Good morning.  Can anyone offer any suggestion as to why my flash images appear broken as such http://bit.ly/qklwPg ?16:52
konayaarthur, ah. Hm.16:52
jllwhat do you mean rough? I tried mint 11 and other newer distros and the problem I have is it freezing on me or x just stops responding.16:52
randomguy123hello guys :)16:52
k013@helloworld321 - sorry, the link goes to a blog where they are dealing with startup issues, my laptop starts up fine!16:52
scarleo!poll | ceasar16:52
ubottuceasar: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:52
konayaarthur, run "glxinfo | grep Yes" in a terminal16:52
HelloWorld321k13: does that link talk about nVidia drivers?  Do you have an nVidia?16:52
randomguy123how can i move directory a/a into /a  using the mv command ?16:52
PessimistIt must be a problem with my partitions or the usb drive itself. Any ideas? There is one fat32 partition, it is set as main and has the boot flag and it has ubuntu files in it16:53
caesarubottu: ok how bout a few recommendation16:53
ubottucaesar: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:53
arthurkonaya, a load of "extension 'GLX' missing on display" messages16:53
konayarandomguy123, isn't the directory a/a already in the directory a?16:53
Abhijitrandomguy123, mv a/a /a16:53
sterwillcaesar, I haven't done video conversion specifically for Android, but Handbrake does a good job compressing to H26416:53
k013@konaya - thank you, one more, why does the brightness and volume keep getting reset to maximum values after reboot, i manually set them back to acceptable levels16:53
scarleocaesar: Try handbrake16:53
popschubuntu is seriously missing this feature: http://askubuntu.com/questions/63356/desktop-environments-that-allow-dragndrop-across-applications-via-alt-tab16:53
jllwe have bots in here?? :016:53
NickV136jll:well, I've been having problems updating, but I think it may just be my server, and its heavy on ram, but I run a notebook. but the new features make more than up for it16:53
caesark handbrake thanks16:53
randomguy123it says it is the same directory, but it isn't16:53
Kprawnwhy do my letters become improperly spaced in my terminal when i change the font size?16:54
jllhow much ram you have?16:54
KprawnRather...how i can i fix this16:54
konayaarthur, sounds like a driver issue then. Hold on16:54
arthurkonaya, thanks16:54
NickV136its a tiny little laptop16:54
dr_williswinff and arista have android presets16:54
NickV136the main problem is firefox16:54
NickV136but that got nothing to do with ubuntu16:54
k013@helloworld321 - yes i have nvidia but, the battery drain issue is not addressed16:55
jllah ok, that's what I'm running, gateway desktop16:55
konayak013, yeah, mine did that as well. I'm not sure why. But you can set the levels via the command line, so I just put some commands in my ~/.xinitrc16:55
NickV136I started running the beta, had a couple of snags, but havnt had any real probs16:55
konayaarthur, run lspci | grep VGA in a terminal and give me the output16:56
NickV136jus one. cant get Tor to work!16:56
NickV136but even thts hjust their site thts out of date16:56
MonkeyDust!enter| NickV13616:56
ubottuNickV136: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:56
jll<NickV136> Have you tried xubuntu? it's a lot lighter on ram I thought about trying it for a change.16:56
yagooKprawn, there's a space"16:56
skiddyfiskHow would one recalibrate a touchscreen in 11.10?16:56
dr_willis!info tor16:56
ubottutor (source: tor): anonymizing overlay network for TCP. In component universe, is optional. Version (oneiric), package size 1064 kB, installed size 2216 kB16:56
arthurkonaya, Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller16:56
randomguy123Türk var mı lan ?16:56
yagooKprawn, there's a "spacing" option somewhere.. i believe i only seen it with gnome-tweak-tool16:56
dr_willissudo apt-get install tor16:56
konayaarthur, just that? Not any model numbers or anything?16:57
Kprawnthank you yagoo!16:57
HelloWorld321k13: I'm trying to solve my own issues, which are similar but different from yours.16:57
yagooKprawn, not sure if it can apply to unity16:57
arthurkonaya, nope...just that (rev 18)16:57
NickV136jll:I'm a bit sketchy about installing an ubuntu someone else I dont personally know hasnt tried out16:57
wildc4rdgood afternoon all16:57
k013@konaya - ok! i'm a rookie in ubuntu, the main attraction to me is the gui, lot of fear with the command line interface, how can i tell this to some person who will not let this happen in 12.04, also this is only my second time on an irc sorry about the slow responses!16:57
KprawnI don't use Unity, but yeah i've been perusing the config file fruitlessly for a while.16:58
HelloWorld321ps -ef16:58
HelloWorld321sry: mt!16:58
caesarHANDBRAKE does not look like it has a version for ubuntu 11.10.. will an earlier version work?16:58
jllyou can go to symantic package and install it that way, then when you log out, you can select your name and at the bottom click the desktop type.16:58
konayak013, well, the best way would be filing a bug in Launchpad, I guess.16:58
yagooKprawn, also your fontdpi can be a factor-- xdpyinfo |grep -i dots16:58
JavidHow would one recalibrate a touchscreen in 11.10? Mine is off by an inch or so.16:58
k013@helloworld321 - thank you so much for trying! its just that this did not happen in the earlier version, i just wanted to let the experts know!16:59
scarleocaesar: Yes, I'm running it on 11.1016:59
yagooKprawn, sometimes the X driver can't communicate with the monitor and sets a bad font dpi16:59
k013@konaya - thank you16:59
konayaarthur, I haven't forgotten you, by the way; I'm looking for another way of identifying your card16:59
konayak013, no problem16:59
arthurkonaya, dont worry lol16:59
NickV136jll: that foe xubutnu or tor?16:59
PessimistI have problems booting my usb. It freezes on the phase where it shows the hardware list16:59
yagooJavid, what touchscreen model?16:59
GinoMan2440ok.... why does fglrx conflict with packages that everyone else needs to stay installed16:59
arthurkonaya, All I know is that my intel is i5...more i dont know, its a new laptop (relatively new)16:59
scarleoPessimist: is your hardware ok?16:59
caesarscarleo: it's not in software center or synaptics.. which package from the site did you download?17:00
shafiq_Can anyone offer any suggestion as to why my flash images appear broken as such http://bit.ly/qklwPg ?17:00
yagooPessimist, did u try another port/different length usb cable?17:00
Javidyagoo: it's the screen on an hp tx2500 laptop.17:00
yagooJavid, oh a laplet17:00
Javidyep :p17:00
konayaarthur, ah, all right. Mine is an i3, so I would presume an i5 should work without much problems.17:00
yagooJavid, gimme17:01
konayaarthur, by the way, if you run glxgears, does the demo run smoothly?17:01
scarleocaesar: Don't remember, had it forever, try this PPA: https://edge.launchpad.net/~stebbins/+archive/handbrake-releases17:01
Pessimistscarleo, it seems so. yagoo, it is a usb card reader which has sd card in it. By the way, it worked before with the same hw17:01
arthurkonaya, when i first installed Ubuntu on here i had no probs at all, I installed KDE, no probs, but kept getting vertical lines issues and ran the grub restore17:01
jllubuntu, you can install the different desktop everaments (you know what I mean) and log in to it, if you don't like it, just switch back to what you are using.17:01
sterwillcaesar, That PPA is the one I use17:01
arthurkonaya, wont run glxgears...coz GLX is missing17:01
sterwillcaesar, I use handbrake to encode video for my Roku TV streamer17:02
yagooPessimist, it could be a poor fontdpi by X.. see if e-did is picked up in the log17:02
yagooPessimist, apt-get install pastebinit; cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log|pastebinit -t myxlog17:02
GinoMan2440especially since I don't see anywhere that this package conflicts with mesa17:02
konayaarthur, oh. Right. Sorry :)17:02
NickV136that might be something to try thanks.17:03
arthurkonaya, thats ok, its part of the process17:03
Adyswhats http://extras.ubuntu.com/ ?17:03
NickV136but for now, my ram only really gets nailed by firefox, and I dnt trust chromium, and opera doesnt work17:03
Javidyagoo: give you what? D:17:03
=== djerfy is now known as Djerfy
yagooJavid, the outputted url of pastebinit17:04
Javidwhat am I pastebinning? thought you were talking to the other fella17:04
yagooNickV136, what about chrome? isn't chrome!= chromium :o)17:04
MonkeyDustNickV136: chromium works fine, faster than FF17:05
konayaarthur, could you check whether the package xserver-xorg-video-intel is installed or not?17:05
yagoo"<Javid> How would one recalibrate a touchscreen in 11.10? Mine is off by an inch or so."17:05
arthurkonaya, let me check17:06
himhello buddies17:06
arthurkonaya, its installed17:06
NickV136yagoo: Chromium is the open source version of chrome an I dnt trust it, it its got to much spyware17:06
arthurkonaya, it also recognises that i915 is in use17:07
himcan any one tell me what is message bus security policy?17:07
NickV136MonkeyDust: yea its much faster, but I really dont trust it, I like my cloud as small as possible17:07
yagooNickV136, firefox too has a spyware--17:07
dr_willisdont trust chromium?  yea  right..17:07
yagooNickV136, *e100.net << sort of named dns it queries market data or something.. I filter this through my forwarding dns server17:08
konayaarthur, all right. Let's check your X logs.17:08
MionNickV136: chromium is not spyware17:08
NickV136yagoo: yea but you can get add ons that block alot, an its still got less than chrome, and Im trying to get Tor, though very slow, Id rather have my info safee17:08
yagooNickV136, i also turn off "safe-browsing" in firefox too.. I don't trust that free service..17:08
konayaarthur, could you put the contents of the file /var/log/Xorg.0.log on Pastebin and post the URL here?17:08
* theadmin uses Opera and doesn't care17:08
yagooNickV136, u know aboutg the safe-browsing feature in firefox? unnecessary..17:09
NickV136MockeyDust: it's not spyware, but it has spyware17:09
arthurkonaya, will do17:09
himdr_willis: can u tell me what is message bus security?17:09
HelloWorld321I messed up my lightdm and I'm trying to re-install it.  I think I switch to gdm using [sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm] and the login screen looks like gdm, but [ps e] shows lightdm running and the menu bar acts like lightdm.  Can I uninstall lightdm and re-install it?17:09
dr_willishim no idea17:09
caesarsterwill: I followed how to add the repositories but how do you actually download the app from ppa17:09
scarleohim: You can read here if you're interested: http://linux.die.net/man/1/dbus-daemon17:09
NickV136yagoo: think Ive heard about it, but I havnt dug that much into firefox yet...17:09
dr_willisHelloWorld321:  you can17:09
yagooNickV136, about:config -- type "safe" ..17:10
Pessimistyagoo, http://pastebin.com/KM0rjg0Q17:10
himdr_willis: its blocking me to send file to my cell phone from  computer...!!!17:10
PolahNickV136, Chromium does not "have" spyware...17:10
jribHelloWorld321: if you want to, sure.  But what exactly did you do to "mess it up"?17:10
scarleocaesar: when you have added the ppa handbrake will be in synaptic17:10
yagooNickV136, u can easily disable it-- Everytime you go to a website-- firefox checks an online database to see if that site is safe.. This to me is like a market tracking..17:10
caesaroh ok17:10
arthurkonaya, http://pastebin.com/cBG5Rhjr17:10
RickKnightI have Kubuntu 11.10. I need to load module snd-pcm-oss from oss-compat but the new kernel does not include oss support. How do I recompile the new 3.0 kernel to add this support. Can someone point me to a current howto?17:11
NickV136yagoo: true, Im looking at it now, but if your on fb then your already a target, hence I wana get tor, you know it?17:11
yagooPessimist, looks like it picked up the edid cleanly..17:11
dr_willishim send how?17:11
yagooNickV136, Tor I never use..17:11
himdr_willis: via bluetooth.17:11
NickV136yagoo: why? you sound like you've tried it17:12
HelloWorld321jrib: glad you asked ... I tried to setup synergyc to auto-start, like I had it under gdm.  my gdm installation followed http://synergy2.sourceforge.net/autostart.html17:12
nikokokohow many?????17:12
yagooNickV136, I don't trust it..17:12
dr_willishim i dont bither with bluet. any more. sorry17:12
konayaarthur, [    16.649] (II) NVIDIA GLX Module  285.05.09  Fri Sep 23 19:13:43 PDT 201117:12
konayaarthur, NVIDIA?17:12
arthurkonaya, erm...i dont have Nvidia17:13
srcdsHi, after switching to LXDE mz kezboard lazout is messed up and in the settings there is no german kezboard lazout listed, how do i fix this_17:13
nikokokoit s big a problem men17:13
* yagoo only trusts the old POTS17:13
nikokokoho shit17:13
NickV136yagoo:I got a friend who swears by it, and you run a risk by disabling you safe browsing, so its a catch 22, hackers, or corporations, someone is gna get ur info,17:13
konayaarthur, it might be that it's supposed to be like that. I don't know. That line doesn't appear on my laptop, though.17:13
viciciao a tutti17:13
nikokokoçunj,kpio hgbnlm*17:13
FloodBot1nikokoko: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:13
gsrHi all.  I'm doing an image for a website I'm making, and I'm looking for a tool that will let me click or hover over anything on my screen and tell me the color.  Anyone know of a program that can do this?17:13
yagooNickV136, I already am using something else..17:13
arthurkonaya, well it shouldnt even try and look at nvidia though17:14
NickV136yagoo:mind if I enquire?17:14
konayaarthur, it might be probing for available hardware17:14
* wh1zz0 ... After installing lamp-server, can someone please explain to me the REASON for editing the /etc/apache2/sites-available/default file and changing it from AllowOverride None to AllowOveride All. Is it some sort of htaccess setting or what? Thanks 17:14
GinoMan2440Hey, does the changelog really determine what version a package is?17:14
arthurkonaya, perhaps because near the bottom it keeps using intel17:14
yagooGinoMan2440, -v --version from the commandline is better17:14
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:14
frankhardysince 'main menu' has been removed in 11.10, does anyone know how to add a program, in say /opt, to dash?17:15
GinoMan2440yagoo: I'm talking about a .deb package17:15
Shdwdrgnanyone here familiar with ldirectord?  Since upgrading to natty on Friday, my syslog and console windows are getting filled with the message "IPVS: WLC: no destination available".  I can't do anything in the console because the messages are so constant.17:15
GinoMan2440for the sake of dependancy resolution17:15
arthurkonaya, its strange though because I have Nvidia manager thing randomly but it doesnt work17:15
yagooPessimist, did u try looking at -> xdpyinfo |grep -i dots ?17:15
GinoMan2440when built17:15
HelloWorld321What are "Recovery Console", "Ubuntu", "Ubuntu 2D" and "User Defined Session" ?17:15
konayaarthur, I've read about half of the log now. Dull read :P but I haven't found anything interesting yet.17:16
tieinv /msg ubottu !alis17:16
Pessimistyagoo, what my graphics has to do with ubuntu not booting from usb (freezes on hardware list screen)?17:16
ActionParsnipShdwdrgn: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc17:16
scarleoHelloWorld321: Try them :) They don't bite17:16
konayaOh, hullo!17:16
konayaarthur, [    16.898] (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)17:16
arthurHelloWorld321, Recovery console logs you into a terminal to fix problems, Ubuntu is Unity 3D, Ubunty 2D is the same for hardware that doesnt support 3D17:16
ShdwdrgnActionParsnip, "natty"17:16
arooni-mobilehi folks; tried to install the 11.10 (upgrade from 11.04); but ended up with these error messages: http://pastebin.com/siwN8mJn  ... what now?17:16
GinoMan2440HelloWorld321: Recovery Console is a root bash shell, Ubuntu, is the default session with all the pretty 3D compositing, Ubuntu 2D is 2D graphics only, and User Defined seems like a vestage configuration to ignore17:17
yagooPessimist, or Javid, which one of you is asking about the tablet issue?17:17
arthurkonaya, ok, so how do i get it to load just Intel and tell it i dont have Nvidia? lmao17:17
ActionParsnipShdwdrgn: is the system in a cluster?17:17
konayaarthur, currently googling :)17:17
dr_willisuser defined can be handy17:17
yagooPessimist, u getting "resets" ? (dmesg |tail)17:17
ShdwdrgnActionParsnip, its my firewall, which directs all the traffic to the internal servers via ldirectord17:18
ShdwdrgnActionParsnip, and the servers are receiving their traffic17:18
yagookonaya, googling is boogley stuff..17:19
almoxarifearthur: intel onboard and nvidia vpu?17:19
arthuralmoxarife, erm, vpu? whats that?17:19
ActionParsnipShdwdrgn: http://archive.linuxvirtualserver.org/html/lvs-devel/2011-02/msg00060.html   seems there has been a patch, are there any bugs reported?17:19
konayayagoo, indeed17:19
arthuralmoxarife, as far as im aware from the moment I bought this, this is 100% intel...no Ati, no Nvidia17:20
scarleoarthur: it's you graphics card, vpu17:20
yagooarthur, nothing is 100%...17:20
konayaarthur, is it a laptop?17:20
scarleoarthur: or gpu17:20
konayaarthur, if so, which one?17:20
caesarscarleo: i'm getting a 404 error for the ppa17:21
arthuryagoo, you know what i mean as in integrated...i have a laptop17:21
yagooarthur, but intel is good choice.. imho (I'm pissed with amd)17:21
ShdwdrgnActionParsnip, yeah when I googled, a ton of pages came up about that patch, but nothing really explains why that message is coming up or how to suppress it.17:21
arthuryagoo, it wasnt as much as a choice as a nice pricetag XD17:22
scarleocaesar: you added only: ppa:stebbins/handbrake-releases ?17:22
scarleocaesar: no http or anything else?17:22
konayaarthur, I might be on to something; I have found someone with similar symptoms on a forum; I'm currently checking if he found a solution.17:22
arthurkonaya, i owe you a beer17:23
yagooarthur, dunno what it is.. but i have 2 amd machines-- their powersaving feature sux.. does not matter what i do.. they're f noisiest machines i ever had.. I would prefer intel on my next machine17:23
almoxarifecaesar: usually that means the ppa does not support your release, unless the ppa's server is just down17:23
* xangua notices the ppa scarleo and caesar mention doesn't has packages for oneiric17:23
konayaarthur, a tumbler of nice single malt if it's all the same to you. :P17:23
arthurkonaya, deal17:23
scarleoxangua: ah, thanks17:23
scarleocaesar: edit the ppa entry and type in natty where it says oneiric17:23
arthuryagoo, well thanks for the heads up lol, tell ya what though, had nothing but trouble with this thing, brightness settings dont work, now this, those ugly vertical lines every other boot17:24
yagooarthur, this for the onboard intel?17:24
arthuryagoo, yeah17:25
yagooarthur, what model laptop is it?17:25
caesarscarleo: i don't see where it says natty17:25
arthuryagoo, Gateway MS229017:25
beejeebushi all, trying to find the right way to start apache2 such that it's part of a cgroup17:25
caesar"sudo add-apt-repository ppa:stebbins/handbrake-releases"17:26
caesaris what im putting in terminal17:26
jeggarzaalguien puede ayudarme con una web cam en ubuntu 10.1017:26
beejeebusright now, i'm hacking /etc/init.d/apache2 but that is clearly not The Right Way17:26
maiklscan someone help me with wireless installation? :/ lubuntu 11.1017:26
scarleocaesar: in synaptic, go to repositories->Other software, click once on the ppa you added and then Edit at the bottom17:26
scarleocaesar: Then it says Distribution: Oneiric, change that to natty17:27
beejeebusin Redhat land, i've seen examples that point to setting CGROUP_DAEMON in an /etc/sysconfig/httpd.conf file, looking for an equivalent17:27
scarleocaesar: the reload17:27
konayaarthur, behold! https://github.com/MrMEEE/bumblebee/issues/80#issuecomment-121321917:28
konayaarthur, (ignore the part about bumblebee)17:28
GinoMan2440YEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!117:28
konayaGinoMan2440, what is?17:29
skatepunkcatfail on caps17:29
arthurkonaya, you are a legend17:29
arthurkonaya, thank you17:29
konayaarthur, only if it works :P17:29
konayaarthur, no problem. Here's hoping that it will work!17:29
GinoMan2440I finally got fglrx to package and install correctly17:29
=== [sanyi] is now known as [Sanyi]
BarkingFishCongratulations, GinoMan2440 - your enthusiasm is wonderful. Now if you could just find the caps lock key and push it, we'd be set :)17:29
GinoMan2440now to send these fixed packages off to the debian maintainers and we'll be set17:29
BarkingFishoh. you did :)17:30
GinoMan2440ubuntu in this case17:30
arthurkonaya, will try it and let you know how i get on, thanks so much17:30
konayaGinoMan2440, ah. My condolences for having to use fglrx, but congratulations nonetheless!17:30
Mionkonaya: issue 123 is more fun17:30
konayaarthur, do. :) And you are welcome.17:30
=== patrick is now known as Guest26566
konayaMion, care to throw me a link? :P17:30
scarleocaesar: you got it? Working?17:30
arooni-mobileim about to do a fresh install of 11.11 on my t420.  i have 11.04 on there currently with a separate partition for /home/ and /.  is there a way to easily reinstall all the software i've downloaded over time?  i dont want to have to remember what i downloaded & installed before17:30
caesarscarleo: negative17:31
caesarswitched to natty and reloaded17:31
zteamHi I'm trying to configure the Unity launcher so it only shows up in the left-up corner, but then I won't show up at all most of the times17:31
scarleocaesar: so?17:31
caesarstill no packaged named handbrake17:31
scarleocaesar: now install17:31
Mionkonaya: epic typo + fail to quote path17:31
konayaMion, oh, that one :P17:31
zteamI did tried following this http://linux-software-news-tutorials.blogspot.com/2011/04/configuring-unity-on-ubuntu-1104_26.html17:31
konayaMion, i *hate* that one. Still get notifications about new comments, lol17:31
caesarscarleo: still cant find handbrake in synaptics17:31
zteamthis worked perfectly in 11.0417:32
YerushalmiI'm trying to search for ways to customize the list of icons that appears down the left side of the screen in 11.10. Can anyone tell me what it's technically called?17:32
HelloWorld321arooni-mobile: I think so ... something with dpkg ... hang on ....17:32
Mionkonaya: woudln't be a issue if everyone had used their package system instead though >_>17:32
scarleocaesar: hold on, I'll try it17:32
HelloWorld321arooni-mobile: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/linux/show-the-list-of-installed-packages-on-ubuntu-or-debian/17:33
Unodehi everyone17:33
Pessimistyagoo, I was asking about usb booting issues17:33
konayaMion, or just abstained from using non-tried-and-proven revisions. ;)17:33
scarleocaesar: ye it works, if you click on Origin on the left side of Synaptic you can/should see the ppa in the list at the top, click it and see what it has to offer17:33
UnodeI'm trying to build a package from source but it's failing to find glib-2.0 with pkg-config17:33
caesarscarleo: should it be labeled binary or sources17:33
UnodeI think I have all the dev packages in place but it still gives the error:  checking for gtk+-2.0 >= 2.10.0 gtk+-unix-print-2.0 glib-2.0 gobject-2.0 gdk-x11-2.0... Package glib-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `glib-2.0.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'glib-2.0' found Package gobject-2.0 was not found in the17:34
scarleocaesar: it's a binary17:34
Unodepkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the17:34
jribUnode: what are you doing?17:34
DJredstarhi i was wondering what apps i can use google account with on this computer17:34
skatepunkcathello ubuntu irc channel, i have a problem were every time i open the software center it automatically close's, here is a   terminal out put when i run sudo software-center  http://paste.ubuntu.com/717008/ any help would be awesome. oh im running xubuntu17:34
yagooPessimist, i asked (dunno if u tried).. but sometimes different port/cable lenghts makes a difference (from my experience it can have an effect)17:35
Unodejrib, running configure, building firefox 7 from source17:35
scarleocaesar: you see the ppa in the left hand menu?17:35
jribUnode: why?  Firefox is in the repositories17:35
Unodejrib, I need to build it to prepare an extension17:35
Unodethat requires compiling17:35
frankhardyceasar sudo add-apt-repository ppa:stebbins/handbrake-releases17:35
yagooUnode, and patience ;)17:35
jribUnode: that seems strange, but run « sudo apt-get build-dep firefox »17:35
DJredstaris there a way i can use google docs without having to open up firefox?17:36
Unodeyagoo, yeah I know I'm up for 2 hours compiling on this machine17:36
scarleocaesar: it should say: LP-PPA-stebbins/handbrake-releasees/natty17:36
yagooDJredstar, google docs suck.. I just use cat > tofile17:36
Unodejrib, I'm doing it by hand if that info is relevant17:36
jribUnode: I don't understand what "by hand" means17:36
DJredstarwhats that yagoo?17:36
caesarscarleo: i just added again and im reloading now17:36
jribUnode: I will return shortly17:37
yagoojrib, it means the "manual" way-- without using any "wizards".17:37
Unodejrib, I'm not using ubuntu's tools to build a deb, I'm simply running configure ; make manually17:37
yagooDJredstar, that's not really a question about #ubuntu.. google-docs sucks..17:37
dr_willisbuild-deps is soo usefull17:37
Unodebuild deps installed some libraries but it still fails with the same error17:38
dr_willisbuild-deps will install needed dev packages.17:38
DJredstarbut what is the online accounts setting in system settings for yagoo?17:38
en1gmaok i have an RT3572L chipset (linksys usb wifi adapter) how do you get it to use an RT2800 driver with RT3071 firmware......i know the device ID has to be added to the build files of the RT2800 right? but how do you get it to load the RT3071 firmware?17:38
yagooDJredstar, i use my own LAN.17:38
YerushalmiIn 11.10, is there any way to ensure that the icons representing open programs down the left side of the screen ONLY include those on the current workspace, and not programs currently open in other workspaces?17:38
yagooDJredstar, dns-321 for securing any docs i have on my local systems..17:38
yagooor dns-323..17:39
DJredstari see17:39
kingahey there, i've been looking all over the internetz :), i have a quick question what do yout in your terminal when u execute this command: "sudo rm -rf /" ?17:39
IbisHeya, is there by any chance a way to disconnect clients from your VNC server (Vino in Ubuntu 11.10)?  Without having to kill processes of course.17:39
dr_willisYerushalmi: not that i am aware of17:39
kingawhat do you get*17:39
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!17:39
yagooDJredstar, online net backups are slow and insecure imho..17:39
Unodehttp://paste.pocoo.org/show/496943/ this is the error17:39
* yagoo says kinga mentioned a dangerous command nobody should use17:39
DJredstaroh well i was just wondering what i could do with it yagoo17:40
en1gmadid anyone understand my Q or do i need to make it more clear17:40
Sidewinder1oCean, Thanks!17:40
jack_^am i still silenced in here?17:40
Pessimistyagoo, it doesn't have a cable. It connects directly ;)17:40
jack_^nope. cool.17:40
caesarscarleo: it's not in the left column17:40
ActionParsnipjack_^: i can see you17:40
Yerushalmidr_willis: Nothing in CCSM will do it? Or if you aren't using Unity?17:40
IbisROFL @ the dangerous rm command.17:40
jack_^Thank you sir.17:40
en1gmaok i have an RT3572L chipset (linksys usb wifi adapter) how do you get it to use an RT2800 driver with RT3071 firmware......i know the device ID has to be added to the build files of the RT2800 right? but how do you get it to load the RT3071 firmware?17:40
oCeanSidewinder1: no problem17:40
scarleocaesar: did you reload after adding it? (top left blue arrow)17:40
stefanSwissNewbiI am trying to get the AirPort utility to run on Ubuntu. I installed Wine, downloaded the AirPort Utility for Windows, it installed nicely. But it doesn't find my little AirPort Express when scanning. Why doesn't it find it? What do I have to reconfigure?17:40
almoxarifecaesar: what version of ubuntu you running?17:41
theadminstefanSwissNewbi: Wine does not have access to hardware.17:41
dr_willisYerushalmi:  never seen that metioned for unity. its jyst nit how its desughen17:41
caesaralmoxarife: 11.1017:41
yagooen1gma, if you know what a chipset is.. you should know how to rtfm to the very least.. tell us what docs you're referring to.17:41
theadminstefanSwissNewbi: So, well, you're unlikely to be capable to do this17:41
en1gmaim refering to a guide to get it working17:41
devishNeosano: what powersaver command u told me17:41
caesarscarleo: yes i reload but got the 404 errors17:41
almoxarifecaesar: you specifically need handbrake from natty ?17:41
yagooen1gma, have u tried the ubuntu wiki?17:42
fuhoHi, if I upgrade to 11.10, is there a easy way to roll back to 11.04?17:42
Yerushalmidr_willis: That really sucks :( I much preferred the old GNOME taskbar in which programs didn't clutter up each other's workspaces.17:42
devishNeosano: can you tell once more17:42
oCeanfuho: only a reinstall would accomplish that17:42
caesaralmoxarife: i'm just trying to find an app that with convery video for my android17:42
scarleocaesar: :) Ok, you do something wrong, did you cahnge both lines of the PPa you added to "natty" instead of oneiric?17:42
fuhooCean: Thanks, also why does it uninstall so many packages? Why gnome for example?17:42
stefanSwissNewbitheadmin: thank you17:42
caesarscarleo: yes i changed both files17:42
fuhooCean: Can I mark packages to not be unistalled?17:42
scarleocaesar: files?17:43
scarleocaesar: you changed both entries?17:43
en1gmai asked how you get a chipset (RT3572L) to work with RT2800 driver with RT3071 firmware...i dont want to anyone to explain every tiny detail i just want to know the process.....the driver has to have the chipset device ID added correct? how does the firmware get loaded17:43
ActionParsnipcaesar: http://thomer.com/howtos/ipod_video.html17:43
skatepunkcathello ubuntu irc channel, i have a problem were every time i open the software center it automatically close's, here is a   terminal out put when i run sudo software-center  http://paste.ubuntu.com/717008/ any help would be awesome. oh im running xubuntu17:43
en1gmai know the DRIVER calls the firmware too correcT?17:43
oCean!notunity | fuho17:43
ubottufuho: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic17:43
Unodejrib, hum anyway nevermind, for some reason pkg-config was giving me errors on default paths. Forcing the PKG_CONFIG path worked17:43
caesarscarleo: the changes didnt stick lemme try again17:43
almoxarifecaesar: what format does android expect to see?17:43
frankhardydoes anyone know how to add an app installed in /opt to dash? in 11.04 , i did this in 'main menu'.'17:43
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Ibisfuho: Dependencies. Like if you were to uninstall one package, it would also try to remove a package that heavily relies on it.17:44
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scarleocaesar: ok17:44
oCeanfuho: so, you would first have to sit out the upgrade, then adjust whatever you want17:44
caesaralmoxarife: mp417:44
ActionParsnipfrankhardy: make a .desktop file in /usr/share/applications    and it will appear17:44
fuhooCean: Alright, is there a real reason to upgrade then?17:44
Ibisfuho: Example... Removing a unity plugin (or something similar that heavily relies on "unity-2d" for it to work) will also try to remove a package named "unity".17:44
frankhardyty ActionParsnip17:45
ActionParsnipcaesar: http://pastebin.com/WZKJCfTJ17:45
almoxarifecaesar: and you are starting with what format?17:45
oCeanfuho: not for me, I like to stick with LTS releases (which is up next 12.04 in the ubuntu cycle)17:45
pikaciuhi there17:45
oCeanfuho: you can always download the cd and try the "live cd"17:45
caesaralmoxarife: most times mp417:45
caesarjust changing the resolution17:45
zeldahello everyone.17:46
hagusHow do I find System->Administration->Printing?17:46
HelloWorld321I've fixed my lightdm isntall; but I get the same hangup on login everytime I put [greeter-setup-script=/usr/bin/synergyc HOSTNAME] into my [/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf] as per http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1862067.  How can I login with synergy and still boot lightdm?17:46
fuhooCean: Wasn't last LTS 10.0417:46
Ibishagus: Version of Ubuntu?17:46
ActionParsniphagus: run:  system-config-printing17:46
zeldawhat is the command to check cpu usage?17:46
stefanSwissNewbiso since Wine does not have access to hardware, is it sufficient when I run Windows in virtual box to run AirPort Utility?17:46
scarleohagus: Cog on top right, System settings->Printing17:46
ActionParsniphagus: use TAB to complete the command17:46
happyaronzelda: top may help17:46
caesarActionParsnip: what is that17:47
hagusThanks, folks.17:47
IbisClick on the circular button on the top right corner of your screen. Then select "System Settings".        After that, click on Printer.17:47
oCeanfuho: true. With LTS releases being supported for 3 years (and 5 years for servers) it's a sensible choice I think17:47
caesarscarleo: it won't let me change distro in synaptics17:47
ActionParsnipcaesar: its a command to convert the files17:47
admiralahmedDelink the sacred server17:47
admiralahmedSodomize the holy channel17:47
admiralahmedDrink the red blood of the wife of lilo17:47
admiralahmedMasturbation on the dead body of freenode17:47
admiralahmedThe king of PDPC is dead17:47
FloodBot1admiralahmed: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:47
caesari change and click ok and it goes right back17:47
auronandacestefanSwissNewbi: it won't work in a vm17:47
IbisLol wut.17:47
fuhooCean: I think you are right. No update for me then.17:48
luist_hey guys… what command can i use to get specific information about the monitor?17:48
scarleocaesar: try close synaptic and open it again, otherwise you can edit the file manually with: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list17:48
auronandaceluist: a manual17:49
pikaciuit's possible for nautilus to automount a floppy disk ? thx17:49
luist_auronandace: that doesnt answer my question but thanks17:49
ActionParsnippikaciu: is the floppy module loaded?17:49
pikaciumodprobe floppy17:49
ActionParsnippikaciu: you may need an entry in /etc/fstab17:50
pikaciuit is present17:50
IbisHi profileskip.17:50
skatepunkcatevery time i open the software center it close's right away17:50
ActionParsnippikaciu: what line do you have for it?17:50
profileskipI just installed jolicloud and love it17:51
ActionParsnipskatepunkcat: run it in a termnal, what is output?17:51
ActionParsnipprofileskip: its not supported here17:51
pikaciu/dev/fd0u1440       /home/floppy       auto     rw,noauto,user        0   017:51
rymhow do i configure my 11.10 build for ssh access17:51
profileskipubuntu is though17:51
atifhello there17:51
atifhave a prob17:51
profileskipand this is an ubuntu problem17:51
ActionParsniprym: sudo apt-get install openssh-server17:51
auronandace!ssh | rym17:52
ubotturym: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)17:52
atifam getting msg while updating system17:52
ActionParsnipprofileskip: yes, but jolicloud isn't17:52
atifW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/am-monkeyd/nautilus-elementary-ppa/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found17:52
rymty auronandace  / ActionParsnip17:52
profileskipskipping profile in etc apparmor.d disable17:52
atifwhat do i d?17:52
skatepunkcati run sudo software-center and this is what i get  http://paste.ubuntu.com/717008/17:52
Ibisskatepunkcat: You might want to have a look at this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/56141/programs-shut-down-immediately-after-opening                  (Did you get any error message by any chance?)17:52
xanguaatif: means there are no packages for oneiric17:52
profileskiphavnt actually loaded jolicloud yet17:52
profileskipits still ubuntu's loader17:52
span89I downloaded drivers for my video card, and then extracted it. Now there's a folder with files and more folders in it, with an "install.sh" file included. How do I get this thing properly installed?17:52
atifbut i am not able to connect to update site17:53
ActionParsnippikaciu: and does /home/floppy exist? (weird mount point but is fine)17:53
profileskipiv researched the net and everyone just says its bug17:53
profileskipyet I find no fix17:53
profileskipany ideas?17:53
Ibisxangua: I wasn't able to change Unity's color scheme through background colors, including gradients and such.  *Is using unity-2d btw).17:53
xanguaIbis: try unity 3d ;)17:53
Ibisspan89: What's the video card brand name? nvidia?17:53
caesarscarleo: closing and reopening doesnt enable me to edit and that code doesnt produce the handbrake source17:53
ActionParsnipprofileskip: if you are installing jolicloud then you are not supported here17:54
scarleocaesar: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/stebbins-handbrake-releases-oneiric.list , change oneiric to natty17:54
span89Ibis: Nope. It's a cheap integrated Intel card. (Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller, to be exact). I found drivers on Intel's official site.17:54
profileskipActionParsnip: it is a ubuntu problem17:54
pikaciui can automount only with "sudo nautilus"17:54
dr_willisspan89: you did use the repo packages furst?17:54
Ibisxangua: I can't unless I want a buggy experience of Ubuntu. I'm waiting for a fix to be applied for where SOME users of nvidia video cards can not see Unity's launcher Icons.17:54
xanguapikaciu: sounds like a bad idea17:54
hagusAnyone here gotten an ipad to print?17:54
ActionParsnipprofileskip: what is the output of:   cat /etc/lsb-release    please17:54
span89dr_willis: repo packages? Not quite sure I understand.17:54
dr_willisintel drivers should be built in allready17:55
profileskipActionParsnip: how would I get to that I turn on pc and it goes to load screen and hangs17:55
xanguascarleo: caesar or just download the deb package directly from the ppa17:55
skatepunkcatIbis oh man. now i try to open that think you sent me to and firefox isnt opening as well17:55
Ibispikaciu: Okay. But do you even see an "unmounted floppy drive" in Ubuntu? Or that's not even there?17:55
ActionParsnipprofileskip: on the liveCD?17:55
profileskipoh wait17:55
atifam unable to update softwares17:55
atifam getting msg17:55
caesarscarleo: what do i type to save17:55
atifW:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/am-monkeyd/nautilus-elementary-ppa/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found17:55
atif, W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/am-monkeyd/nautilus-elementary-ppa/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found17:55
atif, W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/elegant-gnome/ppa/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found17:55
atif, W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/elegant-gnome/ppa/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found17:55
FloodBot1atif: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:55
atif, E:Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.17:56
xanguainstead of wasting your time, like you have been doing :/ scarleo caesar17:56
happyaronatif: please do not flood here.17:56
pikaciuthere is a zombie icon "floppy drive"17:56
IbisPastebin atif -.-17:56
xanguaatif: remove that ppa and done17:56
span89dr_willis: I understand that they're built-in, but I'm wondering if installing a possibly updated driver would help performance.17:56
caesarxangua: 11.10 isn't supported yet17:56
atifm new to this thing17:56
scarleocaesar: ctrl+x then Y then enter17:56
Ibispikaciu: Zombie being "unclickable" or what?17:56
profileskipit just says my distro name and version17:56
Ibisatif: It happens.17:56
happyaronatif: the maintainer of that PPA hasn't prepared that package for oneiric yet17:56
pikaciuno media in drive17:56
ActionParsnipprofileskip: what does it say please17:56
xanguacaesar: go to the ppa site, clic on show detaild and Directly download the .deb package17:56
happyaronatif: you should either as them to build it, or remove that ppa.17:56
dr_willisspan89: look for a ppa fir them17:56
profileskipActionParsnip: jolicloud17:57
atifhow to remove that ppa17:57
profileskipor joli os rather17:57
ActionParsnipprofileskip: and that isn't ubuntu17:57
profileskipthis is beside the point17:57
atifcan i restore the default pps setting of u buntu?17:57
ActionParsnipprofileskip: so its not supported here17:57
span89dr_willis: ppa fir? is this a file that should be included in the driver download?17:57
profileskipim aware its labled joli os17:57
ActionParsnipprofileskip: none of te spinoff OSes "Based" on ubuntu are suported here17:58
dr_willis!ppa| span8917:58
ubottuspan89: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa17:58
profileskiphowever why is it if i type my error in google first few links are ubuntu forms17:58
ActionParsnip!jolicloud | profileskip17:58
auronandace!derivatives | profileskip17:58
ubottuprofileskip: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition17:58
profileskipbecause joli is based on ubuntu17:58
happyaronprofileskip: ask developers of that distro.17:58
ActionParsnipprofileskip: yes maybe, but its not ubuntu, as I said, none of the dumb spinoff OSes are supported here.Only canonical releases are supported here17:58
caesarscarleo: that worked17:59
caesarxangua: why didnt you say that 10min ago lol17:59
profileskipso if I'd lied and said im running hardy17:59
profileskipno problem17:59
ActionParsnipprofileskip: what does that have to do with this channel?17:59
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, or rww!17:59
xanguacaesar: sorry for not being omnipresent ;)17:59
pikaciui ask this because someone said to me that is not the ubuntu  policy to automount the floppy17:59
oCeanprofileskip: yes, ActionParsnip is quite right. Please stop the discussion now. And don't start lying about using other os'es then you actually are17:59
scarleocaesar: xangua I didn't expect it to be a lot of trouble, normally it would have been done in a minute18:00
profileskipwhat does an ubuntu problem have to do with the ubuntu channle18:00
span89dr_willis: wait, why would I need to look for a PPA when I've found official drivers from Intel support? It came compressed in a .tar.gz file. I just want to know how to install that.18:00
caesarat least i learned how to add a repo and edit one18:00
oCeanprofileskip: last warning, drop the discsussion now18:00
scarleocaesar: great philosophy :)18:00
profileskipok i dualboot hardy and i get this funny error message18:00
profileskipanyone be able to help18:00
auronandace!hardy | profileskip18:01
ubottuprofileskip: Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on May 12 2011, Server support continues until 2013. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.18:01
maiklsis it possible to install b4legacy by console?18:01
dr_willisspan89:  .run stuff can break things worse18:01
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dr_willisspan89:  sh foo.run or chmid +x foo.run  then. /foo.run18:02
konayaActually, joli OS is sufficiently based on Ubuntu for this channel methinks... :P18:02
luist_hey guys… im using ubuntu 11.10 in a live usb (just going to run 1 simple qt app) and i'd like to make it lighter… what can i unninstall to make it boot faster and use less space in the disk??18:02
dr_williskonaya:  no its not.18:02
konayaluist_, didn't I just see you in ##linux? :P18:02
span89dr_willis: Is that a command that I'm typing into the Terminal, or what? English, please.18:02
sevenhow is SSD support on ubuntu 11?18:03
pikaciuthe floppy drive says "no media in drive" but i can mount anyway18:03
luist_konaya: well im there too… asking linux questions. why :)18:03
konayadr_willis, really? My grandmother uses it, and it looks like a gutted old version of Ubuntu :P18:03
dr_willisspan89:  yes. you may want to see th theres a readme file in the archive18:03
Ibisseven: Solid State Drives? o_O18:03
skatepunkcatIbis thank you for that link, but the command didnt change anything. heres what i get when i open it in the terminal   http://paste.ubuntu.com/717008/18:03
rymI have installed the correct nvidia drivers and just about everything works. But sometimes i get massive performance issues when doing something as simple as dragging windows18:03
rymanyone have an idea?18:04
Javidseven: well I installed it to one last night just fine.18:04
span89dr_willis: no readme file, only a pkginfo that doesn't offer much other than the name of my chipset.18:04
skatepunkcatsoftware center still closing as soon as i open it18:04
xanguaskatepunkcat: why would yoy use sudo with a graphical app¿ :/18:04
rymxangua: sometimes sudo gedit makes me happy :p18:05
skatepunkcati thought sudo would help if it needed it18:05
sevenJavid: any advice on what tweaks I would make?18:05
HelloWorld321I often use sudo with gedit if I'm working on a system file18:05
arandkonaya: I'ts not a matter of likeness, it's a matter of restricting the scope of the channel, joli will have to take care of their own support.18:05
skatepunkcati still new to the terminal18:05
auronandace!gksudo | skatepunkcat18:05
ubottuskatepunkcat: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)18:05
konayaarand, we're all GNU/Linux. We should tend to our own. Our own meaning GNU/Linux.18:06
xangua!gksu | HelloWorld321 rym skatepunkcat18:06
ubottuHelloWorld321 rym please see above18:06
konayaarand, banning just seemed a bit harsh, is all18:06
span89dr_willis: I entered "foo.run" and "chmod +x foo.run" into Terminal and neither did anything.18:06
rymi was already wondering why i saw those error messages in the terminal :d18:06
span89dr_willis: "sh foo.run"*, I meant18:07
dr_willisspan89:  you use Your filename18:07
HelloWorld321I've fixed my lightdm isntall; but I get the same hangup on login everytime I put [greeter-setup-script=/usr/bin/synergyc <ip addr>] into my [/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf] as per http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1862067.  How can I login with synergy and still boot lightdm?18:07
dr_willisfoo is an example18:07
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happyaronHelloWorld321: if nobody answers for some time, you'd better post your question to ubuntu-users mailing list or the ubuntuforums.org18:07
pikaciusomeone said to me that is not the ubuntu  policy to automount floppies... this is true ?18:08
shantorn1can anyone recomend a 15+ band spectrum analyzer?18:08
dr_willisor askubuntu.com18:08
span89dr_willis: It says it can't locate the pkginfo file, but that file's in the same folder! Haha. ah..18:08
rymI have installed the correct nvidia drivers and just about everything works. But sometimes i get massive performance issues when doing something as simple as dragging windows18:08
happyarondr_willis: yeah, ;-)18:08
erpoEvery minute or so my desktop appears to lock up for a few seconds. When it comes back, Xorg CPU usage is very high (50%+). This is on a Thinkpad T61p running Ubuntu 11.10 AMD64 with a nVidia graphics chip.18:08
auronandacepikaciu: that is what your fstab entry indicates18:08
erporym: We are in the same boat!18:08
rymhuzzah erpo ;D18:09
rshi have downloaded jdk 7 , how do i make it work under ubuntu hardy?18:09
ubottuUbuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on May 12 2011, Server support continues until 2013. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.18:09
* happyaron hardy... hides.18:09
Ibispikaciu: It's not just Ubuntu, it's a common Linux set up. This isn't windows where everything is done automatically.  Example, floppy disk mounting only happens if you INTEND for it to happen WHEN you want it to happen.   (Or if you purposely set up a script/hack that will automagically automount for you).18:09
erporym: My guess is that it's the desktop environment. Unity is a disaster, GNOME 3 is a disaster, and as far as I can tell KDE 4.x is still a disaster.18:09
rymhaha hmm18:10
maiklshow can i understand where i messed up wireless drivers or firmware? :/18:10
rymthats a shame cause its something quite small18:10
rymbut very annoying18:10
auronandaceerpo: good thing i use xfce18:10
Ibiserpo: Then go with using xubuntu              sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop18:10
erpoauronandace: I might just try that.18:10
rymi was also thinking it might be compiz18:10
* happyaron still uses ubuntu 10.10, the last release with full gnome2.18:10
pikaciuso... what is the issue if i run "sudo nautilus" and the floppy automount ?18:10
erporym: FWIW, I had no trouble with gnome 2 + compiz in Ubuntu 10.10 on the same hardware.18:10
auronandacerym: compiz has usually been rather buggy for me too18:11
skatepunkcatthank you for the !gksudo but it's still closing18:11
erpoThis is too horrible. I'm going to pull a Windows 98 and reboot. BRB18:11
rymauronandace: agreed, i still have random issues where my windows behave strangely (not aquiring focus or not responding when im switching them)18:11
auronandace!fixapt | skatepunkcat18:11
ubottuskatepunkcat: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »18:11
Ibispikaciu: Like in the Windows os, you can open yourself to an autorun exploit.  (Hidden autorun files that runs in the root of window's partition or harddrives where bad executables run).18:12
skatepunkcatok i'll give it a try18:12
Ibispikaciu: Thank good ness exploits like this doesn't run well in Linux.18:12
pikaciuthen i got a problem in my sys ?18:13
dr_willispikaciu:  or your fstab entry for the floppy18:14
shantorn1does anyone know of a spectrum analyzer?18:14
dr_willisfloppy disks.. how cute18:14
skatepunkcatubottu thank you thank you thank you, that fixed it18:15
ubottuskatepunkcat: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:15
ravn1hi guys: I have these questions about unity et al. (?): How do I display the stuff that I used to have in the gnome bar? How do I change the font size in the new top bar? How do I configure the list to the left, is it possible?18:15
skatepunkcatthank you bot18:15
auronandace!yay | skatepunkcat18:15
ubottuskatepunkcat: Glad you made it! :-)18:15
dAnjouhi, natty+gnome2 here and i'm using a cherry g230 with play/pause/next/previous keys. they work for clementine (a qt program!) but not for banshee and rhythmbox. what's wrong there? on my thinkpad the special keys work. on both machines the keys are recognised as XF86AudioFoobar in the shortkey settings.18:15
dr_willisravn1:  webupd8 blog site has a tweaking guide18:16
erpoUgh. that's a bit better.18:16
ravn1 shantorn1: what do you mean? something that can do fft?18:16
sevenwhat is the 0    0 at the end of fstab for?18:16
dr_willisseven:  fsck order i think18:16
happyaronskatepunkcat: should thank auronandace instead, :)18:17
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zach_anybody here using a ThinkPad X220?18:17
dAnjouzach_: o/18:17
zach_dAnjou, not sure what that means :-)18:18
dAnjouzach_: o <- head, / <- arm18:18
Scala-AnfaengerHi Guys, how can i save or bind Windows on Workspace eg. 2 ?18:18
Ibispikaciu: root isn't a good idea, when you can just do things under your regular user account.18:18
skatepunkcatpasses thank you down the bar to auronandace18:18
Ibispikaciu: Try this: http://helpforlinux.blogspot.com/2008/09/auto-mount-hard-drives-on-ubuntu.html18:18
zach_hahaha gotcha. do you find that this shitty trackpad works properly in 11.04?18:18
rshi have downloaded jdk 7 , how do i make it work under ubuntu hardy?18:19
erposeven: The first 0 controls how often the volume is backed up by 'dump'. The second field controls fsck order. man fstab for more information.18:19
sevenhow much ram should I have before mounting /tmp and /var/log into ram?18:19
auronandaceskatepunkcat: no worries :)18:19
Scala-AnfaengerHi Guys, how can i save or bind Windows on ehg. Workspace  2 on Unity ?18:19
rshill use Hardy till 2013 ,18:19
erposeven: Those are usually mounted by tmpfs. It's backed up by swap, so you should be good no matter how much ram you have.18:19
cousin_luigiDoes anyone know how to edit an existing Plymouth theme?18:20
dAnjouzach_: i don't use it. but not because it doesn't work but because i like the trackpoint much better18:20
rshand may be ill upgrade it to some later newest version available at that time18:20
erposeven: (They're not true ram disks anymore.)18:20
rshbut for now i need to know how to go about making jdk7 work in it18:20
dAnjouzach_: but when i use it, it seems to work properly18:20
zach_yeah the trackpoint is definitely better18:20
skatepunkcati'll be out of here, thanks for the help18:21
dr_willisrsh you havent given any details as to whats broken with it.18:21
zach_do most people here like Unity?18:21
zach_i find it to be way too buggy and stripped down to use18:22
dAnjouzach_: btw.: as far as i remember, you have to enable 2-finger-scrolling manually18:22
dr_williszach_:  its fine. people need to deal with gnome 2 being dead18:22
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zach_yeah 2 fingers are working fine for me. by the way, how do i send you direct messages like youre sending me18:22
theluckymikeWhat should I do, if I install Xubuntu 11.10 and now wireless is not working?18:22
rshdr_willis, it was tar file , i have uncompressed it, now i see whole folder structure that i can use  ./javac file.java        but i want to put it where it should really reside, and make it globally available .18:23
dAnjouzach_: they are not private. just highlights. type my name and it will highlight me.18:23
dAnjouzach_: you can use tab completion like in the shell18:23
zach_dAnjou, oh wow18:23
dr_willisrsh so you mean to ask how to install java 7 on hardy18:24
graemelionSo Unity is standard now18:24
dr_willisgraemelion:  yes18:25
dAnjousecond try :P, natty+gnome2 here and i'm using a cherry g230 with play/pause/next/previous keys. they work for clementine (a qt program!) but not for banshee and rhythmbox. what's wrong there? on my thinkpad the special keys work. on both machines the keys are recognised as XF86AudioFoobar in the shortkey settings.18:25
auronandace!unity | graemelion18:25
ubottugraemelion: Unity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity18:25
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic18:25
daschelI'm not sure what's going on.  No one seems to be having the problems I'm having, but 11.10 is being very buggy for me.  Browsers crash randomly.  Sometimes they just don't load.  Sometimes programs load.  Sometimes nothing happens.  Video is unreliable(sometimes video w/o audio, audio is usually out of sync) in web browsers and external players.  There's a bunch of stuff.  The only thing that i can think of that I did wrong was install the 32bit version o18:26
dascheln a 64 bit machine.  Would that cause all these problems?18:26
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caesarscarleo: xangua: FYI I tried installing handbrake via deb package and also synaptics.. getting dependency errors on both18:26
rshthe instructions i found on  akubuntu and some other forums dont apply to hardy , unfortunately.18:27
Neosanobut why unity is there by default? all these fancy crazy things must be just an option.18:27
caesari'm starting to like unity18:28
rshwhat i want is to do "set path for JAVA_HOME" equivalent on ubuntu18:28
xanguarsh: update to a supported version then ;)18:28
k3nwhere do i get the md5sum code for 64bit 11.10?18:28
cousin_luigidaschel: I concur, oneiric is a half-baked release, but that's what we have.18:29
xanguak3n: ubuntu.com18:29
k3nwell give me the exact link18:29
rshi thought i could run any software version  on linux,18:29
oCean!hashes | k3n18:29
ubottuk3n: See http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs/11.10/MD5SUMS for the md5sums of the latest Ubuntu release18:29
daschelcousin_luigi:i was starting to think i was the only one.  it makes me feel a little bit better knowing someone agrees18:30
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://goo.gl/zwOip -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.18:31
caesarscarleo: xangua http://pastebin.com/yYkhKZpK18:32
jen_anyone know why my sound is working on my moms account on my computer but not mine?18:32
jen_it isnt on mute either...18:32
rshhow to set environment variables ?18:33
xanguajen_: tried to delete .pulse setting/directory on your home ¿18:33
rshwithout disturbing previous settings18:33
jen_xangua, wouldnt that ruin my sound?18:34
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kkb110Q: what channel should I go to ask encryption method?18:34
xanguajen_: doesn't it already¿ :P18:34
xangua!sound | or try jen_18:35
ubottuor try jen_: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.18:35
jen_no my sound isnt ruined, i have alsa it randomly came on the other night18:35
xanguajen_: you mean you uninstalled pulseaudio¿18:36
luist_how do i change the loading/splash screen/logo in oneiric??18:36
jen_this is poop18:38
caesaris there not a good video converter for 11.10?18:38
brede_berthello there :D18:38
brede_bertcould i please get some hints how to add E-mail adresses to user accounts within ubuntu?18:39
MulozaIn which client?18:39
MulozaOw, wait. Wrong.18:39
tucemiux_brede_bert,  install evolution18:39
powergiantWhen running xubuntu instead of ubuntu. How much do I need to focus on what programs I install ? As in some programs are made for gnome, and some for xfce or am I completely wrong ?18:39
logicparadisema come faccio ad andare nel server azzura?????18:40
tonyyarussopowergiant: It doesn't matter.  It is true that some programs are made for Gnome, but they'll run in XFCE anyway.18:40
tucemiux_powergiant,  when you run xubuntu just use whatever they have for installing appz, read the description too, ubuntu appz(gnome) stuff can still work on xubuntu but it will be slower18:40
tonyyarussokkb110: "encryption method" isn't a question - what's the question you want to ask?18:40
brede_bertno its about giving users an address from my domain like example@picwebs.nl18:41
kkb110tonyyarusso, I'm looing for an encryption algorithm which has to satisfy certian conditions18:41
tonyyarussokkb110: what conditions?18:41
brede_bertso how to add users to that domain? ^^18:41
powergiantSo it's more like programs being optimized for the one or the other ?18:41
tonyyarussobrede_bert: in what?  LDAP?  NIS?18:41
tonyyarussopowergiant: yeah18:42
tucemiux_brede_bert, what does that have to do with ubuntu ?18:42
brede_bertcause the mailserver is running on ubuntu18:42
powergianttonyyarusso, Makes sense. Thanks! :)18:42
AlecTaylorWhen I startx I get an error "no protocol found". How to fix?18:42
tucemiux_brede_bert,  OK and the question is?  what's wrong with your ubuntu?  The mailserver is not ubuntu18:42
tonyyarussobrede_bert: If your system is picwebs.nl, you don't have to do anything special.  If you want to serve multiple domains for mail, you'd create a virtual address table.  The Postfix docs have details.18:43
kkb110tonyyarusso, 'block invariant against byte shift'  ,  for example, if there is a text file      "aABCDEFG..." and "bbABCDEFG.."       then encryption of ABCDEFG... part should be the same18:43
m477do you know how to turn off compiz or change window manager, cuz gnome doesnt work well18:43
sroeckerm477: you can try to use unity2d18:43
kkb110tonyyarusso, doesn't have to strictly satisfy this, but should satisfy for major part18:44
m477sroecker: im on lucid18:44
tonyyarussokkb110: huh - what's the purpose of that requirement?18:44
AlecTaylorWhen I startx I get an error "no protocol found". How to fix?c18:44
luist_how do i change the loading/splash screen/logo in oneiric?? theres no /usr/share/images here18:44
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NewUbuntuUserim new to ubuntu and i installed wine and tried to get World of Warcraft running and it does but its super choppy anyone else having this issue?18:45
scarleocaesar: hmm, that's strangee, I installed it without problems, have you searched for libnotify in synaptic?18:45
xangua!appdb | NewUbuntuUser18:46
ubottuNewUbuntuUser: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help18:46
kkb110tonyyarusso, when I commit a new version of a file to 'git' , of course. it will save as delta. but if major block looks different just because of a byte shift, delta will get unreasonably big18:46
graemelionNewUbuntuUser: Ultimately wine is not windows, and you will suffer performance loss on many applications18:46
fuhoHi, is there a way to import something.pem file so it is automatically used when needed?18:46
xanguam477: metacity --replace or just go to apearence settings18:46
NewUbuntuUserim runnin a quad core processor with 4 gb of ram and a GB of ddr5 on the video card a lil preformance loss shouldnt make me lag at all WoW isnt that graphical to start with18:48
graemelionAgain, Wine is NOT windows.18:48
Jordan_Ukkb110: You're using git to track encrypted data?18:48
NewUbuntuUserbut ive seen it run smoothly on lesser systems is there some setting i need to change in wine or something?18:48
xanguagraemelion: NewUbuntuUser WIne is Not an Emulator, WINE ;) , already checked the appdb ¿18:49
icerootNewUbuntuUser: read the appdb article, there are often settings for a better performance documentated18:49
cutiyarmy ubuntu will freeze after nearly 10 minutes? wtf ubuntu 11.10?18:49
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icerootcutiyar: with an error-message?18:49
cutiyariceroot, no just will freeze , the mouse on;ly move nothing else work18:50
icerootcutiyar: any hints in /var/log/syslog?18:50
cutiyariceroot, no18:50
JaymacHas the method to change default application changed in 11.10?18:50
Jaymacmy jpgs all open with wine internet explorer18:50
Jaymacand i've done right click, open with18:50
icerootcutiyar: can you switch to tty1 with ctrl+alt+del when it happens?18:50
Jaymacand have checked usr/share/applications/defaults.list and it says eog.desktop18:51
Jaymacso i'm a bit stuck18:51
cutiyariceroot, nothing work18:51
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zach_is 11.10 pretty stable?18:51
icerootcutiyar: doesnt make it easy to debug18:51
cutiyariceroot, what?18:52
TheEvilPhoenixzach_:  i've seen several bugs issued after its "stable" release18:52
TheEvilPhoenixzach_:  but here's the gist of things:18:52
daschelzach_:im here because im having a bunch of problems18:52
icerootcutiyar: its hard to help with no usefull error-messages/infps18:52
TheEvilPhoenixzach_:  (1) 10.04.3 LTS is the most stable18:52
TheEvilPhoenixzach_:  but it sacrifices newer package versions and new programs for stability18:52
TheEvilPhoenixzach_:  (2) 11.10 is the most recent, with newest packages and their versions, but isnt always going to be as stable as 10.04.3 LTS18:53
cutiyariceroot, this 11.10 will kill me , i dellted the upgraded 11.10 was full of bugs , now i had install it again laso its not work18:53
kkb110Jordan_U, I'm gonna use git to backup my /etc/ and /home/ on third party drive18:53
DJTachyonquick one, in a vmware copy of Kubuntu, I am connecting two physical network interfaces by NAT.  Now they both seem to be working correctly, except I can't reach the internet now.  Do I have to specify which network interface to use for the internet uplink, and if so, how?18:53
cutiyariceroot, what i have to do??? just one tell me, how to downgrade?18:53
icerootcutiyar: downgrade is not possible18:54
arooni-mobilei have a usb stick and ubuntu 11.11 as an iso;  how do i set it up so i can do a clean install from the usb stick?18:54
Jordan_Ukkb110: And will either of these be encrypted?18:54
cutiyariceroot, what i have to do?? please18:54
iceroot!usb | arooni-mobile18:54
ubottuarooni-mobile: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:54
icerootcutiyar: reinstall 11.04 or debug the problem on 11.1018:54
luist_how do i change the loading/splash screen/logo in oneiric?? theres no /usr/share/images here18:54
kkb110Jordan_U, all of them will be transparently encrypted via git smudge/clean data filter set. I'm looking for an algorithm for that18:55
cutiyariceroot, install all these app agian??? ,how to debug? nothing work18:55
icerootcutiyar: nothing found in the logs?18:55
icerootcutiyar: is there a high cpu load before?18:55
cutiyariceroot, where is this file?18:55
The_BROSAre there any editing plugins for Shotwell?\18:55
icerootcutiyar: not enough ram?18:55
icerootcutiyar: /var/log/syslog18:55
herbmonkhas anyone tried installing halo: combat evolved through play-on-linux18:56
cutiyariceroot, i dont these things doesnt happened when i had 11.418:56
herbmonkI can't seem to get the sound to work18:56
kkb110Jordan_U, bitbucket.org provides free unlimited private git repository, I think backing up could be a nice usage18:56
xangua!appdb | herbmonk18:56
ubottuherbmonk: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help18:56
icerootcutiyar: have a look at /var/log/syslog for the time when it was happening18:56
cutiyariceroot, nothing work this will happen , iwill paste this it to u now18:57
Jordan_Ukkb110: If git is doing the encryption then the deltas should be calculated against unencrypted data. The encryption algorithm should have nothing to do with deltas.18:57
iceroot!paste | cutiyar18:57
ubottucutiyar: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:57
kkb110Jordan_U, so for generated deltas to be efficient, encrypted data should not change much against slight modification18:58
kkb110Jordan_U, oh ok, I confirmed that they generate delta against encyrpted data if I use smudge/clean filter set18:59
LeaoHey im new to C/CPP, why does eclipse say that std::cout   std Couldnt be resolved, is there smth wrong with my library ?18:59
TheEvilPhoenixhow can i tell what packages are dependent on a package being installed?19:00
kkb110Jordan_U, if git can generate delta before encryption, it will be the best scenario but they don't (yet)19:00
jribTheEvilPhoenix: apt-cache rdepends19:01
kurisuok so I'm getting really fed up with ubuntuone... my pc (quad core, 4gb ram) bedomes useless when its syncing19:01
TheEvilPhoenixjrib:  thanks19:01
cutiyariceroot, cant paste it19:02
cutiyariceroot, http://paste.ubuntu.com/717234/19:02
icerootcutiyar: Oct 23 07:57:29 cutiyar kernel: [43846.975633] Out of memory: Kill process 25197 (emulator-arm) score 222 or sacrifice child19:04
icerootcutiyar: you dont have a swpa-partition and you are out of ram19:04
icerootcutiyar: swap-partition19:04
cutiyariceroot, i remember it asked me to create swap but i didnt ,clearly i didnt know how to create it19:04
newcomerlinuxhow i can the software center in xubuntu make faster19:05
cutiyariceroot, cant be create it now?19:05
icerootcutiyar: sure it can19:05
cutiyariceroot, how?19:05
newcomerlinuxi ont can remoe wine19:05
icerootcutiyar: you can create a new partiton with gparted or use a file on an existing partiton for swap19:06
cutiyariceroot, gparted will kill my system because i dont know to use it , but how i can use file ?19:06
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icerootcutiyar: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq19:07
icerootcutiyar: never used it myself, i am always using a partiton19:07
luist_how do i change the loading/splash screen/logo in oneiric?? theres no /usr/share/images here19:08
cutiyariceroot, what i do?19:08
icerootcutiyar: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-add-a-swap-file-howto/19:08
dr_willisnewcomerlinux:  synaptic would be faster then the software center i imagine. its not as fancy19:08
dr_willis!plymouth | luist_19:08
ubottuluist_: Plymouth manages the Ubuntu boot process (before the root filesystem is mounted) and also provides a graphical boot animation.  To change your Plymouth theme use « sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u »19:08
icerootcutiyar: there you will find all needed steps19:08
cutiyariceroot, thank u19:09
icerootcutiyar: you are welcome19:09
newcomerlinuxhow i can remoe wine. on my desktop write no such and file directory19:09
icerootnewcomerlinux: sudo apt-get remove --purge wine19:10
dr_willisnewcomerlinux:  if you mean 'uninstall' wine..  then see what iceroot  said...19:10
dr_willisnewcomerlinux:  that will NOT touch windows apps you installed with wine.19:10
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eiriksvincan someone tell me why Empathy is screwy? I put my info in, and nothing every time19:11
eiriksvinI can't get Empathy to connect to facebook19:12
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xanguaeiriksvin: do you have a facebook username¿ i believe you need one19:13
DJTachyonnobody? dealing with dual network interfaces?19:13
eiriksvinyeah I do, I looked at facebook and even tried the jabber way, but nope19:13
dr_willisDJTachyon:  clarify what you mean by 'dealing with' :)19:14
DJTachyondr_willis: I have a VM of Kubuntu 10.04 in a Win 7 VMWare host, I am passing two physical network connections to it.  One uplinks to the web, one doesn't.  I can see both routers on both connections, but I can't get to the internet.  I am assuming that I need to route the internet connection to the correct interface.  thoughts?19:15
unabongeranyone know what the "desktop usb" package group in ubuntu server 11.10 is??19:16
dr_willisNo idea. :) i dont see the point in what you are doing really.. heh..19:16
eiriksvinwtf why would Empathy even have a friggin facebook ability if it can't be used because its all screwy19:16
dr_willisYour question was just vague.. :)19:16
DJTachyonwell i have one router giving me internet .. and I have another router giving me access to a local wifi network...19:16
DJTachyonthe bottom line is, i cant get to the internet19:16
DJTachyonso i am assuming it is trying to find the internet through the wrong ethernet interface19:16
newcomerlinuxhow i can make the software center faster in xubuntu 10.0419:16
ignarpsnewcomerlinux, why do you think it is slow ?19:17
dr_williseiriksvin:  gwibber facebook feature is working fine here it seems...19:17
cutiyariceroot, i followed these steps that u gaved to me19:18
eggblokeim running ubuntu 11.04. /var/log/messages seems to be missing. has it be moved/renamed in ubuntu 11.04/Linux 3?19:18
newcomerlinuxwhen i type an programm name in the textbox it loa an loa everything19:18
eiriksvingwibber yes, but Empathy no19:18
newcomerlinuxsry load19:18
pendergastquestion: what do I need the package nvidia-96-modaliases for when I have an Intel-only chipset?19:18
newcomerlinuxwhen i type an programm name in the textbox it load an load everything19:18
guntbertunabonger: where do you see that?19:18
eiriksvinI want to use Empathy for facebook19:18
cutiyariceroot, but can tell me if its activated? http://paste.ubuntu.com/717254/19:18
dr_willisOh well. :)19:18
dr_willisnewcomerlinux:  thats vague... clarify the  problem...19:19
dr_willisall on one line. would be a good idea also..19:19
cutiyarcan any one tell if my swap is active? http://paste.ubuntu.com/717254/19:19
unabongerwhen you install server , and under tasksel after19:19
ikoniacutiyar: in a terminal do "swapon -s" and pastebin the output19:20
unabonger"Desktop USB"19:20
cutiyarikonia, see this paste please19:20
ikoniacutiyar: no, do what I asked19:20
ignarpscutiyar, from that output you do not have any swap defined19:20
cutiyarikonia, http://paste.ubuntu.com/717255/19:21
Handlxuna consulta donde puedo ver el master de sonido para aumentar todo los volumenes ?19:21
ikoniacutiyar: there is no swap space defined/in use19:21
eggblokehas ./var/log/syslog replaced /var/log/messages? it seems suspiciously lacking in messages19:21
cutiyarikonia, why? i have followed these steps http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-add-a-swap-file-howto/19:22
ikoniacutiyar: did you "swapon" the partition/file ?19:22
guntbertunabonger: see http://askubuntu.com/questions/66137/what-is-ubuntu-desktop-usb-in-tasksel please19:22
cutiyarikonia, i didnt have swap so iceroot gave me this tutorial to create swap file19:22
ikoniacutiyar: that's not what I asked19:23
ikoniacutiyar: did you swap on the swap partition/swap file19:23
cutiyarikonia, sorry but i don understand19:23
ikoniacutiyar: "swapon"19:23
ikoniacutiyar: did you use the command "swapon"19:23
unabongerhaha wow , not sure how you found it all I got back was 1000's saying how to install ubuntu onto usb drive. thanks ..19:23
paul__hi everyone19:24
cutiyarikonia, yes this steps( swapon /swapfile1)19:24
ikoniacutiyar: ls -la /swapfile119:24
cutiyarikonia, http://paste.ubuntu.com/717262/19:24
ikoniacutiyar: put the command "sudo" infront of the swapon command19:25
ikoniacutiyar: eg: sudo swapon /swapfile119:25
eiriksvinhow do I set up XMPP with Empathy, its not showing it on the list19:25
wooyHi, is it possible to configure sshd to require certificate and also everything in pam.d/sshd file?19:25
ikoniawooy: what ?19:25
cutiyarikonia, ok and repeating steps?19:25
ikoniacutiyar: just that one step19:25
cutiyarikonia, sorry i did it19:26
DJTachyonoh this has to do with routing the default gateway19:26
wooyikonia, well if I ssh in my ubuntu I can provide cert to authenticate or use password. I want sshd to require both.19:26
cutiyarikonia, itas not work if u dont sudo19:26
ppcblasternoob. I would like to know how to un install any crossover app I tried to install or installed and have no Idea where they are and start over19:26
newcomerlinuxiGod is dead19:26
bisanthehi everyone, i have a problem; i can't send a file to my any usb devices. i only can send a file when i'm root. what can i do for this?19:26
ikoniawooy: look up ssh keypair or key based auth19:26
cutiyarikonia, can i folow these steps? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq19:27
ikoniacutiyar: sure19:27
wooyikonia, Ok i will, but I got the ssh keypair working... thx19:27
cutiyarikonia, ok iwill notife u again19:28
ikoniawooy: if you got it working - what's the problem ?19:28
wooythe problem is I want sshd to require both -> ssh key and user password19:29
cutiyarikonia, what thad mean ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/717266/19:29
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cutiyariceroot, are u there?19:29
ppcblasterhow do uninstall crossoveroffice from terminal19:29
scarleobisanthe: it could be how you mount it, but if you can format it with Disk Utility, make sure to check that it should be accessible by user19:31
ZolIs is safe to remove files in /usr/src?19:31
DJones!mn James A Moore - Subject Seven (epub).rar19:32
ubottuDJones: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:32
ctsHi!  When I create a file (echo 123 > abc) and look up its character encoding (file -i abc), I get us-ascii.  But locale tells me en_US.utf-8.  How do I find out my default character encoding?19:32
DJonesWrong channel19:32
yashyCan someone help me debug a sound issue? It only started since upgrading to 11.10. I have two audio devices (SB and HDMI) and pavucontrol only sees the HDMI one? http://pastebin.com/EHY9VwVr19:33
bisanthescarleo: there is no problem about user settings. i allowed to my default user.19:33
scarleobisanthe: good then :)19:34
CodeOmegaPrimeI am running Ubuntu 11.10 and gnome panels are messed up the look like this ->19:34
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bisanthescarleo: i allowed to default user but problem didn't fixed.19:36
sattu94Hi all!!19:36
scarleobisanthe: ok19:36
alaingHi I installed coldfusion on my ubuntu server edition machine but it doesn't seem to start when the server gets booted up can someone help me?19:37
CodeOmegaPrimeI am running Ubuntu 11.10 and gnome panels are messed up the look like this -> http://tinypic.com/r/r057qc/7   I have removed and reinstalled gnome-shell and it still looks like this any ideas would be great!19:37
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BabyGirl-TUXE: tex-common: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 119:37
BabyGirl-TUXE: texlive-binaries: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured19:37
BabyGirl-TUXE: winefish: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured19:37
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BabyGirl-TUXi just got appcrash19:38
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caesarscarleo: http://i55.tinypic.com/xlwj6c.png19:39
caesari had libnotify installed the whole time19:39
cutiyarikonia, its active now swap file ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/717272/19:40
BabyGirl-TUXwhen i reboot i got an apprcrash,i look on synatpic and tried resintalling winefish,tex-common,tex-live and got an error19:40
jon8How can i stop regular user accounts from getting a directory listing within /home -- so as not to see other user accounts19:41
cleung24Hey everyone, this might be a weird question, but is it possible to get the TZ variable to go more than 20 hours back?19:42
alaingHi I installed coldfusion on my ubuntu server edition machine but it doesn't seem to start when the server gets booted up can someone help me? I'm having to manually go into my coldfusion bin directory and run ./coldfusion start19:42
cleung24There's a weird problem with my system time right now, but I don't have root access to change the date.19:42
ikoniaalaing: you need to make an upstart config for it,19:43
qin jon8 other for /home have to have removed permissions.19:43
scarleocaesar: If you click the Dependencies tab when on handbrake you can see it wants libnotify1, you have that one too?19:43
cutiyarhow do i know i swap file created or activated?19:43
ikoniacutiyar: swapon -s19:43
alaingikonia how do I do that....sorry I'm from a MS background and learning linux as a hobby19:43
jon8qin how?19:44
ikoniaalaing: it's quite a complex process, check out some of the basic upstart docs as an introduction, but it's a combination of a shell script and a config file19:44
cutiyarikonia, http://paste.ubuntu.com/717279/19:44
ikoniacutiyar: ok - that has a swap file that's active19:45
lucas6534anybodi can help me?19:45
lucas6534alguien me ayuda=?¿19:45
lucas6534alguien me ayuda?19:45
SeperandWhen I Turn My computer on the grub menu doents show up.  Anyone know how to fix this problem19:45
esmirlinHi guys, how can i know the <width> <height> of my netbook??? (just to install a splash theme)19:45
user__flood !19:45
FloodBot1user__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:45
cutiyarikonia, but why its not shown yet here? http://paste.ubuntu.com/717280/19:46
PolahSeperand, it won't be default. Hold shit during boot to get it.19:46
esmirlinHi guys, how can i know the <width> <height> of my netbook??? (just to install a splash theme)19:46
ikoniacutiyar: because that is a disk partition tool19:46
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:46
scarleo!es | lucas653419:46
ubottulucas6534: please see above19:46
cutiyarikonia, so there is no difference if i creAted swap file not partition?19:46
caesarscarleo: libnotify1 isnt in 11.10 synaptics19:46
ikoniacutiyar: from an end user point of view, no19:47
CodeOmegaPrimeAnyone had any similar problems with gnome-panels19:47
cutiyarikonia, thankkk u19:47
SeperandPolah.   Its still there.  Ubuntu boots by default but if i hit down four times windows will boot.   It just isnt visable19:47
jon8qin can you tell me how please? :(19:48
Dingdongbeen trying to make a VNC session persistent on Lynx Server by adding the startup string to rc.local but it seem it doesnt work. any ideas?19:48
yashyCan someone help me debug a sound issue? It only started since upgrading to 11.10. I have two audio devices (SB and HDMI) and pavucontrol only sees the HDMI one? http://pastebin.com/EHY9VwVr19:49
scarleocaesar: well, it's not in any of your repos, that much may be true :) I have it but I'm unsure of how to check where it came from. it says: Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers19:49
Dingdongvia putty it s no problem to get it up and running properly so everything is working except getting it to sruvive a reboot19:49
saju_mHi#virtualenv --no-site-packages env1,   working well,  but it using python2.7.   I need python 2.6,  so i ran #virtualenv -p python2.6 --no-site-packages env1,   but not working .19:50
jhaddadi have a kickstart file on my network and install CD in the drive.  i'm presented with the GUI to install when booting off CD.  how do I get the prompt to type ks=http://whatever.com/ks.cfg?19:51
scarleocaesar: seems to me like it should be in any of the standard repositories, which one of the standard repos have you ticked in Synaptic?19:51
MrKeunerhello, using Lucid and want to install sparkleshare which does not have binary packages for Lucid... I do not intent to upload it anywhere, just want to make sure that it is upgraded if it somehow appears on the Lucid repository sometime... So, what can I do after .configure, make, make install to make the compiled binaries an ubuntu package?19:51
scarleo!info libnotify119:52
ubottuPackage libnotify1 does not exist in oneiric19:52
ikoniajhaddad: you pass it at boot time19:52
jhaddadhow do i do that19:52
TheEvilPhoenixMrKeuner:  it won't be updated if you build from source. Do you know if it has any binaries in later versions of Ubuntu?19:52
scarleocaesar: I guess not ^^19:52
MrKeunerTheEvilPhoenix, it does yes19:52
ikoniajhaddad: what are you booting from ?19:52
TheEvilPhoenixMrKeuner:  and you can't upgrade?19:52
MrKeunerTheEvilPhoenix, I'll stick with 10.04 until 12.0419:53
jhaddadikonia: from the ubuntu installer CD.19:53
ikoniajhaddad: so the boot option you need to pass is ks=http:/blah/file.ks19:53
TheEvilPhoenixMrKeuner:  then you'd have to build from source, but you will not get updates/upgrades to the built program - you'd have to manually remove and rebuild the newer versions.19:53
zykotick9!checkinstall | MrKeuner19:53
ubottuMrKeuner: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!19:53
TheEvilPhoenixor not ;P19:54
jhaddadikonia: how do I pass the boot option?19:54
* TheEvilPhoenix didnt know about that19:54
MrKeunerTheEvilPhoenix, you got me wrong I believe19:54
jon8How can i stop regular user accounts from getting a directory listing within /home -- so as not to see other user accounts19:54
ikoniajhaddad: read the boot script - when you boot off the cd and you're presented with the menu, actually read the options on the screen19:54
MrKeunerTheEvilPhoenix, I'd like to create ubuntu package, so synaptic will update if a newer version appears19:54
ikoniajon8: take execute permissions off /home19:54
TheEvilPhoenixMrKeuner:  oh.  take a look at what zykotick9 and ubottu just sent you.19:54
zykotick9jon8, not possible they need permission to /home - but NOT the folders inside19:54
TheEvilPhoenixMrKeuner:  otherwise, look up "How to create a package in Ubuntu"19:55
TheEvilPhoenix!packaging | MrKeuner19:55
ubottuMrKeuner: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports19:55
MrKeunerzykotick9, thanks I had used checkinstall in slackware did not know it still exited19:55
scarleocaesar: :) -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libnotify/+bug/85922319:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 859223 in libnotify (Ubuntu) "libnotify1 missing from oneiric" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:55
Moggahas anyone installed firmware for netxen_nic 10G interfaces? not part of the repo … have only found an rpm online19:56
M11XI'm trying to install a fresh ubuntu into a seperate partition and have it mount from my old /home - could I do this by deleting everything from the ubuntu partition except /home/ and installing ubuntu into a separate partition?19:56
zen__hey how do I force apt-get to clear the files it downloaded for the 11.1 upgrade?19:58
zykotick9zen__, "sudo apt-get clean" i believe19:59
zen__doesnt do anything19:59
zen__just returns...19:59
M11XI'm trying to install a fresh ubuntu into a seperate partition and have it mount from my old /home - could I do this by deleting everything from the ubuntu partition except /home/ and installing ubuntu into a separate partition?19:59
zelrikis synaptic package manager in 11.04?19:59
zykotick9zen__, /var/cache/apt/archives should now be empty20:00
zen__i think they got rid of synaptic in 11.0420:00
devishhow to see the partition table ?20:00
zykotick9devish, "sudo fdisk -l"20:00
Pessimistcan anybody help me? I have ubuntu usb connected. The md5 is correct, it has all of the files (done by unetbootin, tried Startup disk creator too). But it freezes on the second stage of post? Any ideas?20:00
devishcfdisk is not by default20:00
zelrikzen__: oh, and no replacement?20:00
zen__yeah /var/cache/apt/archives is clean but sudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:01
zen__doesnt do anything20:01
M11Xerm, well i'm hoping to delete everything off my previous ubuntu partition except home, then install a fresh ubuntu into a new partition, using the old home as the mount point.20:01
andrewh192ok, i am wondering how i go about creating a backup of my music folder20:01
devishzykotick9: ohh yes20:01
zen__and downloading through software update doesnt do anything either20:01
andrewh192onto multiple dvd's20:01
andrewh192i downloaded a program called DAR20:01
yashyM11X: You'll want the UUID stuff in /etc/fstab as well I think, for your new /etc/fstab20:01
andrewh192and its a command line thing20:01
zen__@zelrik: they want you to use software center or apt-get20:02
probleyhow i can install the minitube  version 1.5 in ubuntu 10.0420:02
M11Xyashy: does that hold true when I'm working backwards from the usual web tutorials?20:02
yashyCan someone help me debug a sound issue? It only started since upgrading to 11.10. I have two audio devices (SB and HDMI) and pavucontrol only sees the HDMI one? http://pastebin.com/EHY9VwVr20:02
M11Xand yashy would i have to deal with fstab or do you think i can do it via GUI through a live disk?20:02
probleyerror: Connection reset by peer)20:03
probley<probley> how i can install the minitube  version 1.5 in ubuntu 10.0420:03
yashyM11X: I'm not sure what that means, but once you have your new install on a different partition, you can mount your old /home or any directory...20:03
Pessimistcan anybody help me? I have ubuntu usb connected. The md5 is correct, it has all of the files (done by unetbootin, tried Startup disk creator too). But it freezes on the second stage of post? Any ideas? USB is mounted and it works20:03
yashyM11X: just have the right line added to /etc/fstab that is in your current setup20:03
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scarleoandrewh192: try 'man yourpackagename'20:03
probleyerror: Connection reset by peer)20:04
probley<probley> how i can install the minitube  version 1.5 in ubuntu 10.0420:04
zen__anyone have any idea why software update just downloads the two release update tool files and quits?20:04
andrewh192thanx scarleo20:04
Moggafirmware question - if a firmware is available in debian non-free what are the chances it will work on ubuntu?20:04
M11Xyashy: so if i just installed a fresh ubuntu onto a new partition I can set it to mount from the old home?20:04
Pessimistprobley, sudo apt-get install minitube20:04
Pessimistcan anybody help me? I have ubuntu usb connected. The md5 is correct, it has all of the files (done by unetbootin, tried Startup disk creator too). But it freezes on the second stage of post? Any ideas? USB is mounted and it works20:04
yashyM11X: yup.20:05
M11Xalright will give a shot.  thanks yashy! :)20:05
yashyno worries, have fun!20:05
zen__anyone know how to clean the software update cache?20:05
probleyPessimist>i made sudo apt-get install minitube then cames the ersion 0.920:05
zen__can I upgrade to 11.10 using apt-get20:06
probleywhere is that error: Connection reset by peer)20:07
Pessimistprobley, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8 && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install minitube20:07
scarleozen__: update-manager -d is much easier :)20:08
suicidesheepsomeone here?20:08
scarleosuicidesheep: yes, 1674 persons right now20:08
zen__scarleo: it doesnt work20:08
suicidesheepohh good20:08
zen__scarleo: it just downloads the files and quits20:08
suicidesheepi installed ubuntu with win720:09
ikoniascarleo: why have you just told someone to do update-manager -d20:09
suicidesheepand now i cant boot windows20:09
suicidesheepsomeone know if i can change MBR to old one or?20:09
Dingdonghow can I make a VNC session persistent? I tried adding it to rc.local but it didnt initialize after reboot so have to keep doing i tmanually :(20:09
scarleoikonia: Oh, sorry, I understood that he wanted to upgrade to 11.10, was it wrong?20:10
craigbass1976I'm stuck at initramfs.  This is after I disconnected the battery and power supply to see if it would fix the "ubuntu atkb.c: Use 'setkeycodes e00d <keycode>' to make it known" error that I was getting, preventing a boot.  I've been into grub and picked older kernels, but still land at the initramfs prompt20:10
acusuicidesheep, how did you install ubuntu ? on different partition ?20:10
ikoniascarleo: -d is "development" - 11.10 is not development20:10
scarleoikonia: Ah, oops, my bad20:10
ikoniascarleo: you've just broke his machine by updating to the totally unusable 12.04 build20:10
acudid you install grub ? grub2 has a command update-grub2 or grub2-update and will scan again for existing OSes in your computer20:10
zen__scarleo: i am updating to 11.1020:10
suicidesheepacu, yes, i installed it on 100gb free space20:11
Polahacu: update-grub is the command20:11
Moggawhere is the log for do-release-upgrade stored?20:11
zen__ikonia: its upgrading to 11.1020:11
zen__ikongia: not 12.0420:11
acusuicidesheep, then as root run update-grub20:11
Moggais there even  a log for do-release-upgrade?20:11
acuand see what happens20:11
suicidesheepok tnx20:11
suicidesheepacu, how i run as root??20:13
Jordan_Usuicidesheep: sudo update-grub20:13
suicidesheepacu, i am noob sry20:13
scarleozen__: sorry for giving you wrong info, didn't mean to20:13
scarleozen__: guess I'm used to doing that myself20:13
zen__scarleo: its working fine20:13
zen__its not upgrading to 12.04 its going to 11.10 :)20:14
acusuicidesheep, you open a CLI (command prompt) and type su and press enter20:14
acuyou need password20:14
acufor root20:14
Polahacu: No. Don't use su.20:14
scarleozen__: good to hear :)20:14
Polahacu, suicidesheep: You prepend commands with sudo and use your own password (provided the account you're on has sudo privileges) to run commands as root.20:14
zen__scarleo: yeah, i freaked out when he said i would be on 12.0420:14
Jordan_Uacu: Ubuntu uses sudo, there is no root password.20:15
acusuicidesheep, Polah is saying that you can type :     sudo update-grub20:15
suicidesheepi update it20:16
Polahacu: Should type. The root account on Ubuntu is locked by default for security reasons. Thus su is impossible to use. Sudo allows authorised users to run commands as root temporarily, or if they need an extended root shell they can use sudo -i20:17
suicidesheepacu, now i need to try if win works or?20:17
cutiyarhow to recover tar.gz files after format??20:18
acuPolah: thanks - suicidesheep  did it show during update that it found windows ? - if you reboot - GRUB should show you some windows as option20:18
Jordan_Usuicidesheep: Can you pastebin the output produced by "sudo update-grub"?20:18
Tigerboyafter upgrading to 11.10 from 11.04 the internet is no longer accessible-- set up the network connection and still no internet.  Seems to be a problem with many others but no solution20:18
suicidesheepacu, yes he found20:19
Seperandi Cant view my grub menu at startup.  Its there just not viewable.  Help apprecated20:19
Polahcutiyar: Depends on how you formatted. If the drive was zeroed then it's impossible, it was just conventional deletion then you may be able to retrieve the data through drive scanning software.20:19
acusuicidesheep, good job - you are the man20:19
suicidesheepacu, i found windows when i boot, this is not the problem, the problem is that i get blue screen when i try get in windows20:19
acuwell, you did not say that20:20
universalzlsof -i -n -p20:20
suicidesheepacu, yeah sry20:20
acusuicidesheep,  you need to learn to describe properly the problem you need to resolve20:20
Polahsuicidesheep, did you resize partitions to install Ubuntu? That might be why. You'd be better asking for solutions to do with Windows in #windows.20:20
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leexhi I have "i   ia32-libs - ia32 shared libraries for use on amd64 and ia64 systems" installed, nevertheless I get "no such file or directory: ./adb" and adb is a "adb: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.8, stripped" application, what else do i need except for ia32-libs?20:20
acusuicidesheep: what choice of windows did you choose ?- you can choose repair or something like this - I forgot about it20:21
leexwell of course I am running a 64bit system, ubuntu 11.10, and I am trying to get the android sdk to work with eclipse20:22
suicidesheepacu, when i choose repair he say that he cant becouse of some erro20:22
suicidesheepacu, when i choose install he cant becouse i dont have cd/dvd drive driver -.-20:22
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acuthen choose normal boot20:23
acuand see20:23
acubut there are two options for windows - recovery and normal - sometimes the normal is the second option20:23
suicidesheepi tryed both20:23
suicidesheephe cant boot them20:23
suicidesheepmbr is fu**ed up20:24
guntbert!language | suicidesheep20:24
ubottusuicidesheep: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:24
lindenleHi guys have an realteck card that is using snd-hda-intel, but I have no sound after upgrade to 11.10...:(20:24
guntbertsuicidesheep: and please stop discussing windows boot problems20:24
suicidesheepi get windows boot problems coz of ubuntu20:25
Tigerboy after upgrading to 11.10 from 11.04 the internet is no longer accessible-- set up the network connection and still no internet.  Seems to be a problem with many others but no solution20:25
acuif you have any way you could boot and type mbr refresh you may get a chance - but I can't help you more - and why do you need windows ?20:25
acusuicidesheep, ^^^^ ?20:25
icalhey all i am new on ubuntu can you help me....?20:26
scarleoTigerboy: Can you see the networks when you click network icon?20:26
princej88ical, what are you trying to do?20:26
acuical: there are 2000 people on this chat - just describe your problem as clear as posible - hardware, OS version and what is the problem - and what exactly you want people to help you with20:26
Tigerboyscarleo: The wireless can but I need to connect to the wired connection20:27
suicidesheepacu, first of all, on ubuntu my headset dont work, my touchpad dont work, ma20:27
icalmy bluetooh wizard crash when i add new device with DUN profil....20:27
Tigerboyscarleo: I had to set the ip address and I did just as I normally do but no internet20:27
suicidesheepacu, my kayboard dont work, and linux dont have autocad20:27
suicidesheepacu, is this enought?20:27
robin0800suicidesheep, you need windows as a boot cd then choose the r option log in and the commands you need are fixmbr and fixboot20:28
acusuicide: lol, you make me laugh hard - there is autocad for linux20:28
scarleoTigerboy: you have static ip on your LAN or is there a dhcp server in the router? If you don't have static you shouldn't set an ip20:28
Tigerboyscarleo: yes I have to use a static ip and it is available such20:28
acuI have never heard keyboard not to work - what exactly ubuntu are you trying to install ?20:28
suicidesheeprobin0800, tnx20:28
acusuicidesheep,  what Hardware do you have - what Ubuntu did you try to install ?20:29
BrandonBoltonHello, I upgraded to 11.10 and the games on my mother's account stopped working (it is the only thing she does on there). I tried reinstalling it, but it said it can't locate it in the software center.20:29
icalacu....help me20:29
barberdtBrandonBolton: what games?20:29
scarleoTigerboy: ok, have you tried a reboot? or just restart network-manager with sudo service network-manager restart20:29
suicidesheepacu, i have hp envy, ubuntu 11 1020:29
suicidesheepacu, my numeric kayboard dont work in linux20:30
BrandonBoltonbarberdt: I know one is Swell Foop (package name swell-foop).20:30
suicidesheepacu, and my touch pad20:30
Tigerboyscarleo: yes I have rebooted several times, this happened last night sometime after running the upgrade from 11.04 to 11.1020:30
suicidesheepacu, can you sand me link for autocad in linux, never heard20:30
barberdtBrandonBolton: that package doesn't show up in apt for me, perhaps it has been deprecated?20:30
scarleoTigerboy: maybe try reinstall you wireless driver, just right click in synaptic and choose reinstall20:31
Neosanoscarleo, wasn't it about wired connection?20:31
BrandonBoltonbarberdt: Grrr, that is the only game my mom like playing. I guess I will have to look for it on Google. Alright, thank you for double checking.20:31
Tigerboyscarleo: this is my wired card not the wireless should I do some sort of reinstall for that?20:32
icalmy bluetooh wizard crash when i add new device with DUN profil....help me20:32
Tigerboyscarleo: it is a fairly new toshiba laptop20:32
scarleoTigerboy: Maybe I read it wrong, I thought you had to connect the wireless to get internet, sorry20:32
acusuicidesheep: you can install windows programs in linux using wine or crossweaver (is wine professionally touched :)20:32
scarleoTigerboy: Maybe I read it wrong, I thought you had to connect the wired, this is hard today :)20:32
barberdtBrandonBolton: check the gnome-games package20:33
barberdtBrandonBolton: it looks like it may be found in there20:33
suicidesheepacu,ofc you can do that, but not for autocad belive me20:33
Tigerboyscarleo: no i need to connect wired-- but i did check the wireless for the heck of it and it works-- i can see the wireless nearby.20:33
suicidesheepacu, maybe you can if you have a supercomputer20:33
guykndHello! some know if ubuntu works finre with a AMD C-50 Processor Dual Core?20:34
BrandonBoltonbarberdt: Okay, I will try intstalling that right now. :)20:34
acusuicidesheep, http://www.codeweavers.com/compatibility/search/?name=autocad&company=&medal=&date_start=2000-01-01+00%3A00&date_end=2011-10-24+15%3A34&search=app20:34
ikoniaguyknd: yes, it's fine20:34
scarleoTigerboy: hmm, never had any problems with wired connections in Ubuntu, it's usually just plugging in, did you try reboot with the cable connected?20:34
Tigerboyscarleo: this problem of wired connection failing after update to 11.10 is fairly common but I don't see any solution on thenet20:34
guykndikonia, really? it's fast?20:34
Tigerboyscarleo: yes I did20:34
scarleoTigerboy: but yes, there is a driver also for your wired of course20:34
suicidesheepacu, ok download it and try, you will see20:35
scarleoTigerboy: guess it wouldn't hurt to just try and reinstall that one20:35
Tigerboyscarleo: yes i have to find it somehow-- the name begins with an a20:35
BrandonBoltonbarberdt: That didn't install Swell Foop. :(20:36
acusuicidesheep, I did not use Autocad since 11 years - but wine and crossower are native applications which runs application with no much penalty - anyhow, it  is up to you to try it before you judge20:36
guykndikonia, maybe i'll buy this Netbook 1215B, with C-50 dual core processor and AMD Radeon HD 6250, do you know if works fine and fast?20:36
ikoniaguyknd: it works fine, its just an x86 processor, it's fine20:36
RobbsiFuck all niggers who hate me.20:37
suicidesheepacu, ok i will try, but i am 99% sure that it cant work like on windows20:38
acusuicidesheep: other alternatives worth trying as workstations - are Fedora and OpenSuse20:38
guykndikonia, and this video card? AMD Radeon HD 6250? ubuntu have driver for it? i want just have ubuntu and play OpenArena :D20:38
ikoniaguyknd: the graphics card can be problematic20:38
barberdtBrandonBolton: one sec, let me check something else20:38
guykndikonia, why?20:38
scythefwdI did a dist upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10... now anytime I enter my password at the login screen, the screen blinks and takes me back to the login screen... If I enter a bad password... it says so20:38
suicidesheepbut i cant use linux becouse my touchpad dont work and my headset20:39
scythefwdDo I need to pull my xorg off the box and do a re-install or ist here a config that I've gotten hosed?20:39
BrandonBoltonbarberdt, Okay, thank you for your help.20:39
ikoniaguyknd: because it's not got amazing linux support20:39
lindenleCan anyone help me with my snd-had-intell issue? This really sucks...I had sound before upgrade...20:39
barberdtBrandonBolton: do you know how to install a .dep package?20:39
BrandonBoltonbarberdt, Yes I do, just dpkg it.20:40
acusuicidesheep,  can you give me a link to your touchpad and headset ? - I use mostly debian and in squeeze I run almost anything - of course sometimes you need to download the firmware from the company of the device20:40
scythefwdI also had a huge issue with no screen found... got that sorted20:40
guykndikonia, for amazing support i need use a nvidia driver? sure?20:40
ikoniaguyknd: no, they can have issues20:40
barberdtBrandonBolton: ok, check the .deb package suggested in this forum > http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146830220:40
scythefwdguyknd... they nvidia driver I had killed my x system for a bit20:41
barberdtBrandonBolton: as far as I can tell without installing it myself, I believe that is what they are talking about.20:41
scythefwdI used the one in the repository, and then had to fight a "no screen detected" or some such thing to get it working20:41
Jordan_USeperand: Hold shift during boot.20:41
BluesKajlindenle, in the terminal , sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel20:41
BrandonBoltonbarberdt, It seems to be the one. :) Thank you. :)20:41
barberdtBrandonBolton: no proble, happy to help20:42
BluesKajlindenle, then sudo alsa force-reload20:42
guykndikonia && scythefwd, so... but can i install without problems? c-50 processor + AMD Radeon HD 6250 , but maybe i'll can't run openarena and enable visual effects for example.. sure?20:42
ikoniaguyknd: "no"20:42
ikoniaguyknd: as I've said, the graphics card, can be a problem20:43
scythefwdguy, why would you want the nvidia drivers with an ati card?20:43
guykndscythefwd, i'm sorry! i said it wrong!20:43
KBentley57Hey guys, any ATI users around?20:44
vademecumready to install lubuntu over ubuntu. Have the iso on a memory stick. According to help.ubuntu.com I'm supposed to run sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends lubuntu-desktop. How do I tell it where to look for the iso?20:44
Tigerboyhow do you reinstall a network driver if your network isn't connected I can't believe ubuntu messed up the network on the  11.10 upgrade for ubuntu-studio20:44
guykndikonia, so maybe this graphics card can work or no!20:44
ikoniaKBentley57: what's your question20:44
KBentley57ikonia: have you installed 11.9?20:44
scythefwdi've got my x up and running with the nvidia drivers... it wont let me log in thoigh20:44
ikoniaguyknd: I've said 3 times - it CAN be a problem20:44
ikoniaKBentley57: 11.9 what ?20:45
auronandaceguyknd: try it and see20:45
KBentley57ikonia:  the 11.9 drivers from ATI20:45
ikoniaKBentley57: no, but what is your question20:45
KBentley57ikonia:  I've installed 11.9, and everything is working, or so I believe.  However, the version in CCC shows 11.8, was wondering if it were a bug20:46
scythefwdhow do i enable auto login via cli? my x refuses to let me in20:46
KBentley57ikonia:  can you see which driver packaging version you have?20:46
ikoniaKBentley57: sorry, no20:46
vademecumready to install lubuntu over ubuntu(oneiric is too big for my eee). Have the iso on a memory stick. According to help.ubuntu.com I'm supposed to run sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends lubuntu-desktop. How do I tell it where to look for the iso?20:49
* vademecum sorry if you've already seen this ;)20:50
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Tigerboyvademecum: You can add it to your sources20:51
vademecumTigerboy: may not have enough room on /20:51
guykndauronandace, so, before test this, i need buy this netbook... but if this graphics card don't works, what can i do? just cry i guess! hm?20:52
andykrisshello all, i using linux mint 10 and whenever i unmount my external drive it remounts itself. what u think could be the problem20:52
Myrttivademecum: I have no idea why you've downloaded the cd, but if you want to use it as a software source, you can do so from the settings of your software centre20:52
Tigerboyvademecum: sources.list20:52
auronandaceguyknd: i didn't know you were talking about buying a netbook20:52
Myrtti!mint | andykriss20:52
ubottuandykriss: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org20:52
Jordan_Uvademecum: If you want to install lubuntu from scratch then install from an lubuntu iso. If you want to install lubuntu packages on an existing Ubuntu install then an iso won't help anything.20:52
andykrissthank u20:53
auronandaceguyknd: if you have a choice pick an nvidia based one and make sure it isn't optimus20:53
guykndauronandace, yeah, is this, but this netbook have a AMD Radeon HD 6250 video card.20:53
vademecumJordan_U: ok, please remind me how to make the iso bootable from a usb stick.20:54
Dingdongcan anyone help me to make a persistent VNC connection - tried using rc.local but after reboot I still have to initiate vnc session manually via terminal20:54
Myrttivademecum: you should have a tool in your installation called "Startup Disk creator" - you can use that20:54
haosdent_what is vnc?20:54
Jordan_Uvademecum: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download20:54
auronandace!vnc | haosdent_20:55
ubottuhaosdent_: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX20:55
vademecumthanks guys!20:55
haosdent_oh,thank you . i have never use vnc.20:55
Jordan_Uvademecum: You're welcome.20:55
* vademecum outtahere!20:55
HoussemI want to install fglrx and I'm getting always an error !  /var/cache/apt/archives/fglrx-updates_2%3a8.881-0ubuntu6_i386.deb20:56
pendergastquestion: what do I need the package nvidia-96-modaliases for when I have an Intel-only chipset?20:56
rjd2hey, im trying to burn a ISO on 11.10  but when i use a BRANDNEW cd-r it only 128 mb avali  anyideas?20:57
nunakincrispmanuhi can anyone tell me the exact package to download to get my nvidia 8200m g to be properly installed on my computer20:58
craigbass1976I'm stuck at initramfs.  This is after I disconnected the battery and power supply to see if it would fix the "ubuntu atkb.c: Use 'setkeycodes e00d <keycode>' to make it known" error that I was getting, preventing a boot.  I've been into grub and picked older kernels, but still land at the initramfs prompt  I'm now using a livecd, but not sure how to proceed20:58
Jordan_U 20:59
FloodBot1Jordan_U: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:59
nunakincrispmanui have all updates etc but nothing deals with nvidia driver recognition and integration into natty20:59
Dingdongneeds help to make vnc session persistent on ubuntu server - everything works fine initiating manualy via terminal but session doesnt sruvive reboot - also, tried to add start string to rc.local but makes no difference20:59
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nunakincrispmanu173? already active tried other option but wont make it active for some reason21:01
nunakincrispmanuare there any terminal commands to install nvidia 8200m graphics driver21:02
guykndikonia, so.. a Intel GMA 3150 + Intel Atom N550 1.5GHz - Dual Core , better?21:02
Demon|Ubuntuis there a way to modify apps in the unity launcher bar, such us what command is used to launch them? have google chrome in my launcher and need to have it launch with some additional flags21:02
beingjohnmhas anybody got video calling to work through empathy in 11.10?21:03
cesuraseanhey guys. im having trouble connecting to my WPA2 encrypted router, but on my netbook running 11.04 of ubuntu it connects just fine!!! im also able to connect fine if i disable the encryption!21:03
cesuraseanhow can i get connected?21:03
guykndikonia, so.. a Intel GMA 3150 + Intel Atom N550 1.5GHz - Dual Core , better?21:03
guykndIntel GMA 3150 Graphics card + Intel Atom N550 1.5GHz - Dual Core Processor , works fine with ubuntu? Netbook ASUS 1015PEM21:06
robin0800Demon|Ubuntu, yes as root modify the icons properties in /usr/share/applications then drag modified icon to launcher21:06
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nunakincrispmanui have a compaq presario cq60 but wont recognize the nvidia driver this is an issue not addressed yet21:07
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SinnerNyxsetting up openssh server in ubuntu. i keep getting "Server refused our key". How can I diagnose this21:08
AnsiktWhat steps have you done to set up the SSH daemon?  SinnerNyx21:08
robin0800nunakincrispmanu, I think its a bug but good luck getting someone to believe you run glxinfo to see if driver is actually installed21:09
OtendI am having some severe mounting troubles.  In any torrent client I have used, the file(s) I am trying to download come up as 0.00% downloaded and then initiate downloading.  My external drive is now listed as My Book and My Book_.  Any ideas as to what is going on?21:09
nunakincrispmanuok thanks21:09
en1gmaaim trying to build a driver and am having to edit the ralink driver config file....here is the "ReadmeSTA" http://pastebin.com/GTF7FwVi (line 67 is where im having problems)21:10
en1gmaasomeone help maybe?21:10
connor_does anyone have experience with Squid and could help me?21:10
GraemeLionHmm.  So no Java in OO yet?21:10
GraemeLionOr rather, no Sun Java?21:11
en1gmaai dont understand line 73 74 77 and 7821:12
itaylor57GraemeLion, there is a ppa21:12
seekwillHello. I'm trying to block dictionary attacks to ssh. Is fail2ban the preferred way for Ubuntu 10.04 lts servers?21:12
en1gmaai see where i change the other lines but what is that stuff21:12
SinnerNyxAnsikt I installed it with the ubuntu-server installer. I've changed the default config in the following ways: I changed the listen address and port. PermitRoot no. RSAAuthentication yes, PubKeyAuth yes, X11forwarding no.21:12
connor_does anyone have experience with squid?21:13
GraemeLionttaylor57: Okay, thanks!21:13
ikoniaconnor_: sure21:13
gsneddersWhen I plug my Android phone in to USB, it doesn't mount as a disk drive despite being set to do so. dmesg doesn't even show the kernel noticing it being plugged in, though it gets power.21:13
connor_ikonia: do you know how to use squid and sasl?21:14
ActionParsnipgsnedders: do you tell the Android OS on the phone to mount the SD card for access?21:14
conntrackI know it is nice fried with a little butter21:14
ikoniaconnor_: never done it with sasl before21:14
auronandaceen1gmaa: http://www.zimbio.com/Ubuntu+Linux/articles/UqGd-pytfJV/Ubuntu+Linux+Install+RT2870+Chipset+Based21:15
gsneddersActionParsnip: It's set to by default, but it doesn't notice it's even connected to a computer. Some sort of USB protocol issue for neither the kernel nor the phone to recognise each other, methinks.21:15
en1gmaaauronandace that is nice article you think it will help me? i have a 3572 chipset21:15
en1gmaai just wanted to know what those lines were21:15
robin0800gsnedders, faulty cable maybe21:15
vladi3bgi need some help about new ubuntu21:16
ActionParsnipgsnedders: I see, how do you do that, mine always asks21:16
ActionParsnipgsnedders: tried a different USB port too?21:16
GraemeLionSo why did they delete SUN Java entirely?21:16
gsneddersrobin0800: Plausible, and hard to disprove seeming I have no other cable. :)21:16
ActionParsnipvladi3bg: just ask21:16
gsneddersActionParsnip: somewhere in settings. But yes, and this USB port works fine anyway.21:16
gridbagWhere is the 'set screen saver' tool? The problem with the new system is the abandonment of editorial. It makes no sense to embrace freedom by listing all 1000 tools in simple screens.21:16
Polah GraemeLion it was removed from the repositories due to a change in the licence for Sun Java. It can be added via PPA.21:16
connor_ikonia: i could connect to the database but I can't get perl to work with my SHA algorithm21:17
robin0800gsnedders, wifi?21:17
auronandaceen1gmaa: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=169040221:17
z3ro3xI'm having an issue with squares in place of the group labels in Empathy.  I took a screenshot here.  https://plus.google.com/113729277367184919773/posts/gGNn8XXkCdL21:17
SinnerNyxAlso I put the key I've generated on my computer into /home/username/.ssh/authorized_keys, but I'm not sure if I did it in the correct format.21:17
ikoniaconnor_: I've never used sasl with it, so can't comment without research21:17
connor_ikonia: so now im trying SASL since I know my SASL works, but its another pain21:17
gsneddersrobin0800: Can't transfer files over wifi, no?21:17
vladi3bgi was in 10.04 and make the upgrade and now i can't see my old desktop, can't access any folder21:17
auronandaceen1gmaa: a simple google search will reveal much21:17
robin0800gsnedders, bluetooth21:17
ActionParsnipgsnedders: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc21:17
gsneddersrobin0800: No bluetooth in this computer21:18
gridbagFreedom does not equal presenting all stupid tools created by everyone as ones people should be hunt-and-pecking through.21:18
gsneddersActionParsnip: It's 11.1021:18
connor_ikonia: hmm are you good with perl and/or php?21:18
gsneddersKinda major mistake :)21:18
gsneddersActionParsnip: 11.04.21:18
vladi3bgi was in 11.04 and make the upgrade and now i can't see my old desktop, can't access any folder21:19
ActionParsnipgsnedders: tried in an oneiric liveCD to test?21:19
gsneddersActionParsnip: nope21:19
gridbagFreedom is now "here are a million tools - good luck finding the one that does what you want".21:19
gsneddersActionParsnip: Certainly it worked on my laptop with 10.10, though21:19
vladi3bgi ask and what?21:20
gsneddersActionParsnip: (though assuming there's no regressions is probably naïve)21:20
vladi3bgno one take interest21:20
gridbagcomplete losers. where's my win8 dvd.21:20
Ansiktvladi3b:  It's IRC.  Settle the hell down.  People take time.  Don't whine, don't beg.21:20
GraemeLionUgh.  Frustrating move, Ubuntu.  Knocking out Oracle Java = Harder to get Android dev going21:21
Myrttigridbag: if you'd actually restate your problem, someone may help you21:21
vladi3bgyeah but you know i'm nerves now because of my problem, sorry21:21
Ansiktvladi3b:  have you tried to view them as root?21:21
MyrttiGraemeLion: it's not "knocked out" - it has never been part of official release and has always needed to be separately installed due to licence restrictions21:21
vladi3bgi see them under terminal21:21
gridbagMyrtti, Why are Ubuntu developers so retartded/freedom oriented? I want to set my screen saver timeout.21:21
computer_Hi all say Libre Office's launcher wont come up in the unity launcher and it's spell checker is broken (on 11.10). Should I just uninstall and reinstall?21:21
AnsiktGraemeLion:  To be fair, it's Oracle who changed the license.  It's still in the non-free repos, right?21:22
GraemeLionMyrtti: Yes, but now it's completely out of partner and not ever going to be installed21:22
GraemeLionAnsikt: Nope.21:22
GraemeLionIt's gone.21:22
SinnerNyxsetting up openssh server in ubuntu. i keep getting "Server refused our key". How can I diagnose this?21:22
GraemeLionAll Canonicals suggestions are is "use IcedTea or OpenJDK"21:22
gridbagFreedom is all great and all, but how does one set the screen saver timeout?21:22
Myrttigridbag: hostile attitude will not make helping you any more likely to be helped btw21:22
vladi3bg<Ansikt>i see them anywhere but when i try to open folder i do nothing, just have in menu starting {name of folder} and then nothing21:22
AnsiktGraemeLion:  Try this: http://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/java21:23
auronandacegridbag: thats quite an attitude problem you have there, i'm sure volunteers apreciate that21:23
AnsiktI only scanned it, but it looks like you need to download it from the Java website.21:23
GraemeLionAnsikt: Oh, I'm just going to install java from Oracle's instructions.21:23
GraemeLionAnd hack the hell out of the Ubuntu stuff to make it so I can use it21:23
ActionParsnipgsnedders: possibly a regression, never had an issue personally. Is the cable ok?21:23
GraemeLionCause if I don't install java via a package, I don't get to "update-alternatives" for it21:23
Ansiktvladi3bg:  Can you open a terminal?21:24
computer_Wowzers, I just went to the software center to maybe uninstall Libra Office and to mu surprise it is not installed!21:24
ActionParsnipGraemeLion: installing java from java.com isn't hard21:24
josh99 what does iU means in the output of dpkg? iU  rxvt-unicode-256color21:24
vladi3bg<Ansikt> yes i see them there too21:24
MyrttiGraemeLion: the bot just sent you a link about how to install java, is that not helpful at all?21:24
PolahGraemeLion, add the Sun Java PPA. Install Sun Java from the PPA.21:24
Otendsolution found21:24
GraemeLionActionParsnip: Yeah, I know, but there are issues as OO installed a java by default21:24
GraemeLionPolah: There is no sun-java-ppa anymore for OO21:24
vladi3bg<Ansikt> only i can't open folders and see anything from desktop21:24
conntrackOh right, google just changed their address block21:24
GraemeLionI tried that.  The lffl one?  Doesn't work.21:24
PolahGraemeLion, OO?21:24
ActionParsnipGraemeLion: you can disable java in openoffice21:24
GraemeLionMyrtti: Nope.21:24
AnsiktVladi3bg: type "nautilus" in the shell.  What happens?21:25
ActionParsnipjosh99: unpacked but not installed21:25
computer_The individual components are installed but but Libre Office isn't, don't know how the heck that happened21:25
gsneddersActionParsnip: it looks it…21:25
gridbagSteve Jobs is the best technologist ever. He would never put up with this "incompetence is okay because we are fanboys" attitude.21:25
GraemeLionIt's no biggie.  Just lose the advantage of package management21:25
josh99ActionParsnip: interesting. thanks21:25
PolahGraemeLion, stop complaining in here. Use it or don't use it, your choice.21:25
auronandacegridbag: i suggest you stop trolling21:25
ActionParsnipjosh99: sorry, unpacked but not configured21:25
GraemeLionPolah: It doesn't work.21:25
vladi3bgAnsikt " Use it or don't use it, your choice.21:25
vladi3bg<auronandace> gridbag: i suggest you stop trolling"21:25
Myrttigridbag: your attitude is getting tiresome, stop it or move on21:26
GraemeLionIt worked on the earlier versions, but now it doesn't.  :P21:26
gsneddersActionParsnip: Don't have another cable to test with21:26
ActionParsnipgsnedders: i see21:26
gridbagHow do you set the screen saver timeout?21:26
ActionParsnipgridbag: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc    pleas21:26
vladi3bg<Ansikt> it says Gtk-ERROR21:26
koppeAny programs/plug-ins (e.g. for vlc) to take a *series of* snapshots from a movie (e.g. avi-file)?   E.g. taking a snapshot every second for minute, or every 1/2 second for 20 seconds.21:26
GraemeLionPolah: PPA's, as you may know, are not guranteed to work all the time.  The last update on the PPA for SunJava was for Natty, and the last one on the lffl was 2 months ago21:26
Ansiktgridbag:  It's a free system.  It's made for hobbiests, by hobbiests.  If you don't want to tool around, just buy a proprietary system.21:27
gridbagAnsikt, Exactly!21:27
GraemeLionRight now it's likely in a "not working" state.21:27
ActionParsnipAnsikt: ubuntu is made for humans, not hobbiests21:27
PolahGraemeLion, so don't use it then.21:27
GraemeLionI'm not :D21:27
Ansiktvlad3bg:  Is that all?  Does nautilus not open?21:27
Myrttiit may just be the cases that people's nickcompletes are missing the correct target :-P21:28
AnsiktDo you mean, "no, it does open," or "no it does not open"21:28
monXHow do I make area selections when taking a screenshot? (ala pre-11.10 gnome-screenshot)21:28
AnsiktKoppe:  I think you can use scrot to schedule screenshots.21:29
ActionParsnipmonX: I use:  sleep 10; import ~/screenshot.png       the 10 is a time to get the screen setup21:29
auronandace!info scrot | koppe21:30
ubottukoppe: scrot (source: scrot): command line screen capture utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8-13 (oneiric), package size 15 kB, installed size 72 kB21:30
ActionParsnipmonX: you will first need to install imagemagick if you don't have it installed21:30
monXActionParsnip: Thanks, I actually do have it installed. Is there any way I could visually crop the screenshop when I take it?21:31
koppeNeed to clarify... Not a screencapture of the desktop, but a snapshot of video from a movie-file (may be on the screen or not) .21:31
AnsiktIt's a commandline screenshot program, koppe.  Use the command "watch" to capture it.21:31
jwtiyarwhen i move mouse to left the sidebar of app of launcher does not shown21:31
vladi3bg<Ansikt> i type it in private21:31
Ansiktkoppe:  I think you can specify just one window with scrot.  I'll check the man pages :D21:31
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
ActionParsnipmonX: I believe EOG can crop, or you can use gimp etc21:32
gridbagActionParsnip, I'm not going to post that random screen of chars, because I don't know what it means. It could be my master password, for all I know.21:34
jwtiyarwhen i move mouse to left the sidebar of app of launcher does not shown21:34
gridbagActionParsnip, I updated to the latest Ubuntu revision, for what that's worth.21:34
tzhuangis there a special channel for specifically for unity (2d)21:35
Ansiktgridbag, stop trolling.  If you are curious what a command does, use man, info, or --help21:35
monXActionParsnip: Thanks, I guess I'll have to deal with manual cropping. The gnome-screenshot that came packaged with 10.04 allowed me to just scroll over an area to capture.21:35
RickKnightCan someone point me to a kernel build howto for kubuntu/ubuntu 11.10? I need to add support for snd-pcm-oss module.21:35
YerushalmiCan somebody help me figure out how to get Ring Switcher working in 11.10's GNOME? It works fine in Unity, but I can't use Unity because some of my programs don't work right there.21:35
gridbagAnsikt, Stop trolling. That message was not for you, it was a direct answer to a specific question.21:36
jwtiyarwhen i move mouse to left the sidebar of app of launcher does not shown، Any solution?21:36
gridbagIn the latest Ubuntu update, how does one change the screen saver timeout? It seems to be about 5 minutes. I need it to be 2 hours.21:37
ActionParsnipgridbag: can you pastebin the /etc/lsb-release   file please21:37
=== jason is now known as Guest39656
Guest39656so I have a lenovo laptop with an ATI HD 6250 and Im using HDMI to my TV but I'm getting NO signal whatsoever. I can't seem to figure it out. Any ideas?21:37
monXAh, nevermind. I was looking for the -i option. The prnt-scrn key was mapped to a optionless execution of gnome-screenshot.21:38
frhodesubuntu 11.10. my desktop is displaying the contents of my home folder. How can I disable this?21:38
gridbagActionParsnip, of course.   https://gist.github.com/1307920  Sorry for being such a douchebag.21:39
ActionParsnipgridbag: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2011/10/enable-screensavers-in-ubuntu-11-10-oneiric-ocelot/  no probs dude21:40
GuiriIs anyone interested in cleaning up my bash script for $20?  Creating a script for the new ubuntu server but my bash skills need help.21:42
sheroroxhi I just installed 11.10 and my internal wireless card is not working it says (firmware missing). how do I make it work?21:42
en1gmaawith my wifi usb adapter i "created a wireless network" i put it in adhoc mode and i connected my phone to it (i dont think encryption is working eventhough i have it setup) anyhow...how do you see who is connected to the adhoc?21:45
seekwillGuiri: Did you ask in #bash?21:45
en1gmaadont it show a client list somehow21:45
GuiriYes, low traffic today21:45
=== Dave2 is now known as Dave
gridbagI paid $40 for an enchilada and tequila a couple days ago. $20 for bash script fixing sounds like a good deal.21:46
Jeff91Anyone know if the broadcom BCM4322 card works on Ubuntu? I've installed the STA drivers and it is still listing the wireless as "disabled" under the nm-applet. I've already double checked the hardware switch so that is not the issue21:47
mobodoI have my ubuntu system set to static ip, but after a while (hours) it revers to dhcp.  When I look in the Network GUI app, it shows that it still thinks it's on the static ip, but ifconfig says otherwise, any idea?21:48
smwJeff91, run the cmd rfkill list21:48
=== jason is now known as Guest25667
Guest25667So I have an Ubuntu laptop hooked up to an HD TV and I have black bars on the side. However, the laptop says I have the proper resolution. This has happened on 2 Ubuntu systems as well as one Macbook Pro. How can I remedy this?21:49
solexiousWhats the key kombo to stop grub from auto booting and to show me the kernal list?21:50
conntrackGuess google didn't21:50
BluesKajmobodo, still have network manager installed? There's a method of runnining stsic IP without needing NM on ethernet21:50
Polahsolexious, hold down left shift during boot21:50
smwJeff91, also pastebin /etc/network/interfaces21:50
YerushalmiCan somebody help me figure out how to get Ring Switcher working in 11.10's GNOME? It works fine in Unity, but I can't use Unity because some of my programs don't work right there.21:50
ActionParsnipsolexious: hold shift at boot21:51
solexiousthannks both21:51
mobodoBluesKaj: should I uninstall network manager? I discovered it after upgrading to 11.10 and I thought it was the new way to go21:51
pooky1hi guys, i have problem again. I make clear install ubuntu and now i had fatal error, which i must reboot computer. I'm not shure what where is problem bat i think it's might be my sound card - this error comes when i lisen music from rhytmbox21:51
shawnboyI just did 'aptitude install fglrx fglrx-amdcccle' in Lucid 10.04 on old laptop with ATI Radeon Xpress 200M. It installed, but when I run Control Center I get error that it's not functioning.21:52
cesuraseanguys, i can't get Network controller: Intersil Corporation ISL3874 [Prism 2.5]/ISL3872 [Prism 3] (rev 01)  to work with WPA2 under ubuntu 11.04. any help? it works fine with encryption off!!!21:52
Jeff91smw rfkill list lists "dell wifi" and "brcmwl-0" both as wireless. The "brcmwl-0" lists soft blocked: no and hard blocked: yes21:53
Guest25667shawnboy, off topic to what your issue is, but note that the 200M was dropped from official support in 11.10. I say this because I just ran into this last night and I cannot run Gnome Shell or Unity 3d on it.21:53
shawnboyAnybody have an idea why the tested & "approved" fglrx for Lucid isn't working?21:53
Guest25667shawnboy, its only officiall supported in older kernsl (such as the kernel 10.04 uses) but 11.10 is "too new"21:53
smwJeff91, well, then it is blocked :-P21:53
Jeff91Any idea why?21:53
BluesKajmobodo, you don't need NM  if you setup your /etc/network/interfaces file for static IP on ethernet like so : http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-ubuntu-linux-convert-dhcp-network-configuration-to-static-ip-configuration.html21:53
shawnboyGuest25667, that's a bummer21:53
smwJeff91, click the wifi button on your computer and then check?21:53
Guest25667shawnboy, I agree. it's an older card, and I get it they have to "trim the fat" as time goes, but ehh. still sucks.21:54
tzhuangis there a special channel for specifically for unity (2d)21:54
mobodoBluesKaj: alright, thanks for the info21:54
Guest25667shawnboy, especially since gnome shell ran fine in 11.04, but due to it being dropped from the driver in 11.10, no dice, even though its actually CAPABLE of doing so21:54
Guest25667shawnboy, doing so meaning run gnome shell21:54
BluesKajmobodo, hope it works for you ...works well here21:54
EbonwumonI've installed php5, and apache and mysql-server, but phpinfo() is saying that I have no PDO driver. What am I doing wrong?21:55
Jeff91OK smw21:55
Guest25667So I have an Ubuntu laptop hooked up to an HD TV and I have black bars on the side. However, the laptop says I have the proper resolution. This has happened on 2 Ubuntu systems as well as one Macbook Pro. How can I remedy this?21:55
Jeff91So flipping the switch and rebooting still gets "hard blocked" under "brcmwl-0"21:55
shawnboyI wouldn't really need ATI prop drivers if the open source ones would do more than simply rudimentary functions, Guest2566721:55
Jeff91but it now says it is no longer blocked under "dell-wiki"21:55
ActionParsnipGuest25667: is there an option on the screen to stretch the display?21:55
smwJeff91, ok21:55
Guest25667ActionParsnip, would this be an option on the TV or within the computer?21:56
shawnboyGuest25667, I need to use TV-out and open source simply won't recognize it.21:56
smwJeff91, does it work in windows?21:56
smwJeff91, is it a dual boot?21:56
Jeff91Single boot.21:56
Jeff91But yes, the hardware works21:56
Guest25667shawnboy, that sucks :(21:56
smwJeff91, hard blocked normally means that there is a switch outside the OS's control.21:57
pooky1Ebonwumnon: did you install php5-mysql?21:57
smwJeff91, perhaps bios?21:57
Jeff91this looks like my issue here - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174568121:57
Jeff91reading the thread now21:57
hilarie11.10 messed up my /home, ruining my 11.04 classic gui, any ideas on how to fix this?21:57
KabuthunkWOOH!  Ok, I've got Ubuntu 11.10 installed, without errors, and could install the various things needed with one last problem21:58
shawnboyUbuntu really doesn't like my AMD64 laptop with ATI Xpress 200M and Broadcom wireless. B43-fwcutter is installed, but is disconnected more than it is connected.21:58
Guest25667ActionParsnip, seems as if I got it. sort of. I had to select in the catalyst settings to use the graphics processor to control it, then select span image across screen. it worked, but it looks of poorer quality.21:58
hilarieKabuthunk, is it the horrible thing called unity, your last problem?21:58
smwJeff91, "i have been having the same problem with wireless, and so have followed this discussion. I can confirm that the last proposal (removing dell_laptop) *did* fix the issue"21:58
Kabuthunkas annoying as Unity is, I can live with it I suppose.  I don't want to rock the waters on this OS too hard... it's been giving me problems :P21:59
Jeff91just tried that smw - no dice21:59
KabuthunkI use Kolourpaint to make a sprite-based webcomic.  However, I need to disable anti-aliasing in the text.  Gnome Tweak Tools does not adjust it in Kolourpaint.21:59
shawnboyNow I can't get TV-out to work... and it's old enough now that nobody seems to care about such dinosaurs.21:59
ActionParsnipGuest25667: well now you gotta make a choice ;)21:59
Jeff91it removed the "dell-wifi" entry, but the hard blocked is still set to yes on the brcmwl-0"21:59
hilariekabuthunk, I went back to 11.04, and 11.10 ate my ubuntu classic somehow from the /home folder21:59
KabuthunkIs there any way to universally stop anti-aliasing?  In an older version I used, it involved editing a .font file or something21:59
cesuraseanwhat is the correct package name for this? - apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter21:59
smwJeff91, try it again when dell-wifi was unblocked22:00
ActionParsniphilarie: classic isn't in oneiric, unity2d replaces it22:00
smwJeff91, you said flicking the switch unblocked it.22:00
Kabuthunkif I could recall what file was edited before, I'd just go back and install version 9 or whatever I was using.22:00
KabuthunkUnless said file exists here too22:01
macbookpro5-3hello, can anyone please help me install ubuntu on my macbook pro 5,3 ? I get a black screen after the purple screen (keyboard = human icons), any ideas ?22:01
hilarieActionparsnip: I installed kde, and gnome and a bunch of other nonsense trying to get the 11.04 classic feel back, and couldn't... so I reinstalled 11.04 to get classic back, but it messed up the defaults, so I renamed my home folder .old hoping to get defaults back22:01
hilarieand all that does is really make things mad at me22:01
Neosanomacbookpro5-3, when installing or when trying to boot?22:01
macbookpro5-3Neosano, when booting. I don't get to see the text-based menu.22:02
Neosanohilarie, mmhmm, maybe you should try lubuntu? :)22:02
hilarielubuntu makes me sad too22:02
hilarie10.10, or 11.04 classic22:03
Neosanomacbookpro5-3, so you installed it? :O22:03
Neosanomacbookpro5-3, and now it doesn't work?22:03
KabuthunkAlso wouldn't mind stopping things from auto-maximizing after you minimize them, but I'll cross that bridge later22:03
Jordan_Umacbookpro5-3: Neosano: When booting the Ubuntu LiveCD you mean. (that screen isn't seen on an installed system).22:03
Napoleonedam spammers22:03
KabuthunkJust re-open in the same size you were closed.  How is it difficult for an OS to do that22:03
hilarieplasma netbook or something like that wasn't to bad, but it ran just so slowly22:03
MeQuerSatCan an admin ban "rebecca_" ?22:03
Andy80please ban rebecca_ it's a spamming bot...22:03
shawnboyI guess I'll have to return to old, reliable Windows XP that runs wifi and TV-out just fine. It's kinda sad to see such hit-and-miss hardware support in Ubuntu.22:04
hilarieshawnboy don't be so whiny22:04
hilarietry restricted drivers22:04
mobodoBluesKaj: awesome, now booting hangs on "waiting for network configuration" :(22:04
shawnboyyou'd be whiny too if you'd spent as many hours on this.22:04
MeQuerSatIs there a way to open docx documents in Ubuntu?22:04
Jordan_UAndy80: Napoleone: MeQuerSat: In the future please report things like this in #ubuntu-ops.22:04
shawnboyhilarie, which restricted drivers?22:05
Jeff91smw thanks for the help22:05
Jeff91was a bios issue22:05
Jeff91dumb dell22:05
MeQuerSatJordan_U, ok22:05
Jordan_UMeQuerSat: Yes, LibreOffice can open .docx.22:05
hilarieany of them ubuntu offers you, google your videocard name, and ubuntu22:05
Andy80Jordan_U: ok, thank you22:05
hilariesee what happens22:05
Jordan_UAndy80: You're welcome.22:05
smwJeff91, told you :-P22:05
MeQuerSatYeah, I tried LibreOffice. All my equations were gone and the lay-out was kinda screwed.22:05
shawnboyhilarie, do you mean proprietary drivers from ATi?22:05
Neosanomacbookpro5-3, check out step five http://dave1022.wordpress.com/2010/05/26/installing-ubuntu-on-a-macbook-2/22:06
macbookpro5-3nope, I didn't reach the install menu. I did the following: I updated my osx to the latest software packages, then I made a 20gb fat32 partition for ubuntu, then I installed rEFIt. When I try to boot from the installation cd, I see a purple screen with two icons at the bottom (keyboard = human) then: black screen with a blinking white cursor, and it stays there forever.22:06
hilarieif ATI makes your card22:06
Neosanomacbookpro5-3, I think there's your problem described22:06
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MeQuerSatJordan_U, my only alternative is MS Word + wine?22:06
hilarieMequerSat OpenOffice isn't dead, you can just install it, its just not default with ubuntu anymore22:07
shawnboyhilarie, well see I've tried that every which way. I tried the latest ATI prop drivers that support this old card, they won't install because apparantly the kernel & Xserver are too new.22:07
MeQuerSathilarie, OpenOffice has better docx support than LibreOffice?22:07
shawnboyhilarie, so then I tried going with fglrx (ATI prop drivers tested by Ubuntu) from Lucid repos... it installed, but tells me no devices fount.22:08
Jordan_Uhilarie: MeQuerSat: I seriously doubt that OpenOffice would be able to handle something libreOffice can't.22:08
MeQuerSatJordan_U, ok, wine it is22:08
hilarieMeQuerSat I thought you were referring to openoffice>libre problems, I have had luck using google docks to fix some random formatting errors though that openoffice didn't22:08
BluesKajmobodo, run,  sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart22:08
shawnboyhilarie, I've even tried it on same PC in jaunty. no dice.22:08
macbookpro5-3Neosano, what is acpi ?22:08
Jordan_UMeQuerSat: Office can also export to .odt if there is an option of the person you recieved the file from resending it.22:09
shawnboyhilarie, do I have a little whining credits now?22:09
Jordan_UMeQuerSat: Either way, please file a bug report about it against LibreOffice.22:09
Red_Railso ive just upgraded to 1010 and its defaulting me to the ntbook edition..how to i swtich to a regular desktop22:09
MeQuerSatJordan_U, can LibreOffice do equations in a decent way?22:09
Red_Raildo  have to install gnome desktop from the repositories?22:09
mobodoBluesKaj: I'm kind of stuck now… it decided to launch unity 3d which doesn't work for me (no menu/sidebar), I have no network, no way to log out… this is just getting better and better.  I must have spent over 20 hours "fixing" the upgrade to 11.10 at this point :P22:10
hilarieshawnboy I still blame the user not the OS :P22:10
mobodoBluesKaj: but thanks, I'll figure it out22:10
Jordan_UMeQuerSat: I would assume so but I have no experience with it myself.22:10
Neosanomacbookpro5-3, dunno :D22:10
rasustowhen I mount an external volume I have to open nautilus for it to be recognized and the icon to appear on the desktop. How can I force nautilus to update (from terminal)?22:10
MeQuerSatJordan_U, I will look myself then22:10
shawnboyhilarie, convenient. spoken like a true fan-person22:10
robin0800Red_Rail, do you mean 11.1022:10
Red_Railyeah sory 11.1022:10
D_Russwhy do i keep getting an error when i try to install google chrome from a .deb package?22:10
Neosanomacbookpro5-3, Advanced Configuration and Power Interface22:11
_dangputerzAlt-Print-Screen-K forces xserver to restart, that will log you out and not save whatever insanity you did :D22:11
rasustoD_Russ what command are you using?22:11
robin0800!nounity | Red_Rail22:11
ubottuRed_Rail: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic22:11
D_Russjust double clicking the package and trying to use the software center22:11
hilarieshawnboy your talking to someone who has spent the last week, trying to fix my netbook ubuntu, I have no doubt in my mind, people smarter then us, could fix both of our problems, in under 5 min22:11
Jordan_UNeosano: MeQuerSat: Step 6.7 in the guide linked to is completely incorrect. Grub's boot sector should never be installed to a partiton.22:11
D_Russrasusto, just double clicking the package and trying to use the software center22:11
hilarieits simply our inability to articulate the problem, to those smarter then us22:11
MeQuerSatJordan_U, I think you didn't mean me?22:11
KabuthunkSo, no ideas on the anti-aliasing anyone?22:12
rasustoD_Russ open a terminal, and type "dpkg -i chromewhatever.deb"22:12
macbookpro5-3Thanks Neosano, I'll try that.22:12
Red_Railis al gnome 3 this way.. where the tool bar is on the left side of the screen.. i though that was just the netbook ersion22:12
Jordan_Umacbookpro5-3: Step 6.7 in the guide linked to is completely incorrect. Grub's boot sector should never be installed to a partiton.22:12
BluesKajmobodo, just follow that tutorial ..it really does work22:12
jason_Red_Rail, that's just for unity. other desktop environments, such as gnome shell, xfce, lxde, kde, etc do not have that.22:12
Jordan_UMeQuerSat: Indeed, mistab.22:12
Red_Raili just want the norml bottom and top toollbar that im used to22:13
YerushalmiDoes anybody know what customization options are available for Mutter outside of the gnome-tweak-tool? Specifically I'm looking for an alternative application switcher, one that maintains strict separation between workspaces like gnome used to have when alt-tabbing.22:13
jason_Red_Rail, unity is the default interface. gnome shell is similar that you can install (its what I prefer). but xfce is available too.22:13
Red_Railso the side panel is considered a  unity feature22:13
edbianRed_Rail: that's gnome2 and it's going bye-bye (not just in Ubuntu)22:13
jason_Red_Rail, then XFCE is likely going to be the one you prefer, as it can be customized like gnome 2.x that you used to use with panels.22:13
edbianRed_Rail: yes, the side panel pretty much is unity22:13
qinRed_Rail: If you really 10.10then there is no gnome322:13
NeosanoJordan_U, macbookpro5-3 yeah, don't look at step 6 722:13
jason_Red_Rail, yes, gnome 2 is dying, its based on 2001 libraries, whereas gnome 3 (what unity and gnome shell is based on) is the new age environment. This is not just for Ubuntu. This is for all linux distros.22:14
hilarieif you really like 10.1022:14
hilarieyou can do 11.04 classic22:14
sheroroxHi my ubuntu doesn't have a bootloader. I can load it from the windows bootloader but I want it to also have its own. Help?22:14
jason_Red_Rail, however, other linux distros may use gnome shell over unity, etc.22:14
hilarieWhich will get you another year of support22:14
rasustosherorox you only need one bootloader per machine22:14
edbiansherorox: boot it and run sudo grub-install22:14
bcardarellaHow do I run a process and detach it, leave it running in the background after I close the shell?22:14
edbiansherorox: indeed, you do not need Ubuntu's bootloader if you already have one that's working22:14
jason_Red_Rail, if you prefer the panel mode, I think your best bet is to install xfce (xubuntu-desktop) and select it at the login screen. XFCE is a very nice desktop environment. We actually use it on our ubuntu systems at work for our students.22:14
qinbcardarella: disown (may be useless for some gtk stuff)22:15
edbianbcardarella: nohup <command>22:15
Red_Raili remember installling gnome-desktop suite in  11.04 and it gave me the login screen where i coudl switch desktops22:15
rasustobcardarella & after the command. Like "ping google.com &"22:15
sheroroxedbian: before my windows boots, the keyboard isn't recognized so..22:15
bcardarellaedbian: yeah, nohup. That's it. Thankjs22:15
hilarieRed_Rail disable autologin, and every GUI thingy, gives you that option22:15
Polahjason_, Red_Rail: There's other environments with panels too, i.e. LXDE and KDE. There's Enlightenment and others too but I don't know about panel set ups for those22:15
edbiansherorox: ok?  boot ubuntu and run that command22:15
edbianbcardarella: sure22:15
qinrasusto: ping whatever & looks useless.22:16
sheroroxedbian: I don't know if it worked. Its giving me alot more options22:16
edbiansherorox: such as?22:16
rasustoqin just an example of how to use &22:16
D_Russrasusto, i get dependency error during install22:16
sheroroxedbian: sudo grub-install install_device not specified. Usage: grub-install.real [OPTION] install_device Install GRUB on your drive.    -h, --help              print this message and exit   -v, --version           print the version information and exit22:16
Red_Railim not sure what you ean by panels..b ut i ike the task bar at the bottom and top like im used to.. when i hear panel im thiining of this left side bar that usually comes with the netbook editions im guessing22:17
Neosanosherorox, there's a tool called boot-repair , maybe you should try it22:17
Red_Raili am running a netbook22:17
hilarieanyone have any theories on why this command, isn't working? find . -depth -print0 | cpio --null --sparse -pvd /mnt/newhome/22:17
rasustoD_Russ it a ubuntu package right?22:17
edbiansherorox: how many harddrives do you have?  (or pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l)22:17
qinrasusto: Using ping in example seems to be faulty, but nevermind22:17
D_Russi dled it from google22:17
Red_Raili think ill check out xfce though.. ive never used it22:17
D_Russthere was an option for ubuntu/deb22:17
D_Russmight not be updated for 11.1022:17
sheroroxedbian: 1 Harddrive22:17
edbianRed_Rail: it's the new gnome 222:18
Red_Raildo i need a repository for it in the normal ubuntu repos or do i have to add new entries22:18
edbiansherorox: the sudo grub-install /dev/sda    (be weary this may make windows unboot-able for a bit)22:18
D_Russrasusto, i got it from google's site. might not be updated for 11.1022:18
edbianRed_Rail: It's in the repos (xfce4)22:18
Red_Railedbian: so even desktops have to eal with this side panel that deals with al your appications and such22:18
qinrasusto: Also "&" sends to background, but process is still attached to shell.22:18
Red_Railto deal*22:19
sheroroxedbain: for a bit?22:19
Red_Railsorry for y spelling... netbook remember :P22:19
edbianRed_Rail: no, unity uses the side bar.  It is the only DE that uses that side bar.  xfce replaces unity and does not have a side bar22:19
Jordan_Usherorox: Did you install Ubuntu within Windows using Wubi?22:19
sheroroxJordan_U: ya22:19
edbianRed_Rail: There are lots of DE's (gnome3, kde, xfce, awesome, unity) unity is the only one with that side bar22:19
rasustoD_Russ you can try sudo apt-get -f install to resolve dependancies but it might just try to get rid of the chrome package22:19
edbiansherorox: For a short time22:19
robin0800qin, yes so killing the shell still kills the app?22:19
edbiansherorox: bit = short time22:19
qinrobin0800: Yes22:20
Polahedbian, Red_Rail: You can configure other DEs to have side panels with various launchers on them if you want.22:20
edbianrobin0800: qin nohup <command> to avoid that22:20
rasustoqin hmmm well idk then. you can always use screen22:20
Red_Railbut there used to be a slection for your desktop to use at the login screen22:20
edbianPolah: indeed :)22:20
YerushalmiDoes anybody know what customization options are available for Mutter outside of the gnome-tweak-tool? Extensions, replacements, options, whatever. Specifically I'm looking for an alternative application switcher, one that maintains strict separation between workspaces like gnome used to have when alt-tabbing, but if you don't know where I can find one specifically like that, I'll appreciate...22:20
Jordan_Usherorox: Then you're stuck with the Windows bootloader (unless you do unreasonable things). If it matters enough to you I would recommend you remove the Wubi install and install Ubuntu in a normal dual boot configuration.22:20
Yerushalmi...even if you give me other options that might provide a good jumping-off point.22:20
D_Russrasusto, thank you. Any real difference between chrome and chromium?22:20
appocalypsehey you22:20
Jordan_Usherorox: Do not use any boot-repair scripts or run grub-install in any way from a Wubi install.22:21
mobodoI think I screwed up.  I removed network-manager and now I can't get my network working at all… ifconfig eth1 up does nothing… should I burn a new DVD and reinstall network-manager offline?22:21
hilarieD_Russ Chrome has the better logo22:21
edbianRed_Rail: That's part of the display manger (dm) gdm, kdm both let you switch which DE you will use (I'm not sure if the ubuntu DM but I bet it does let you)22:21
hilarieD_Russ and probably has some evil secret google stuff22:21
D_Russhilarie, yes thats why i want it lol22:21
robin0800edbian, do you still need & with nohup?22:21
Jordan_Umobodo: sudo dhclient eth022:21
Red_Railif i install say xfce will that option at the login screen22:21
sheroroxjordan_U: uhh how do I undo it22:21
TorbenBetaWhy does the command sudo cd not work?22:21
rasustochromium doesnt have closed source google-code. If you're one of the tin foil hat people that think google is tracking everything you do, go with chromium. I use it. sudo apt-get install chromium-browser22:21
sheroroxjordan_U: I didn't reboot yet22:21
edbianrobin0800: no, & makes that shell usable for other commands.  nohup lets you close that shell entirely and the commands running won't end22:22
Red_Raili dont know if i like this whole upgrade very much22:22
Jordan_Usherorox: Most likely the grub-install command did nothing.22:22
qinrobin0800: If you start something in backgroung with "&", then you can disown it with: jobs, to get job number and: disown %number22:22
D_Russrasusto, i just wanted the nice looking chrome icon instead of the bland chromium icon22:22
hilarieD_Russ just use Chrome, configure your DNS settings to use googles open DNS, switch to gmail, gvoice, G+, give into them :)22:22
Red_Railok wil  think ill give xfce a shot and downoad it from the repos22:22
PolahD_Russ: Use Chrome, or maybe you could change the Chromium icon...22:23
rasustoD_Russ im sure you could find the icon files and replace them if it means that much to you22:23
edbianRed_Rail: sure :)22:23
Red_Railand hopefully it will give me an option to switch DE22:23
edbianRed_Rail: I would be surprised if it didn't22:23
D_Russi cant get chrome to install22:23
Red_Railyou said it was called xfce4?22:23
edbianRed_Rail: it is! :D22:23
TorbenBetaWhy does the command 'sudo cd  /opt/test' not work?22:23
D_Russi downloaded the package but i get errors during install22:23
hilarieD_Russ from googles website you can't find the .deb, or its not working?22:23
Jordan_Usherorox: Make sure you have a LiveCD on hand in case something did go wrong, but most likely everything is still fine and you'll still be able to boot Ubuntu and Windows as before.22:23
edbianTorbenBeta: I don't know.  Does cd /opt/test work?22:23
Red_Railthanks for your kind hep edbian22:23
rasustoTorbenBeta what does it say?22:23
edbianRed_Rail: sure22:23
hilarieD_Russ x64 vs x32?22:23
Polahhilarie: We're already helping Google to take over that way, a lot of people here recommend Google's DNS servers (;22:23
D_Russhilarie, yes from googles website22:23
D_Russi have an x64 system22:24
Jordan_UTorbenBeta: cd is a builtin command.22:24
PolahD_Russ: Have you loked for a PPA for it?22:24
TorbenBeta@rasusto sudo: cd: command not found.22:24
Paer76Wow i just installed ubuntu 11.10 and all i can say about this is Its so coool22:24
TorbenBeta@edbian no permission denied.22:24
PolahYeah, cd doesn't work with sudo. cd to the directory and then run what you want...22:25
Red_Railive never use xfce before.. i heard ts pretty lightweight22:25
rasustoTorbenBeta sudo su, then cd into the folder22:25
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Jordan_UTorbenBeta: What is your end goal?22:25
Red_Railwhat do you consider for a netbook?22:25
mobodoJordan_U: that worked, thanks! you saved a DVD :)22:25
Polahrasusto, TorbenBeta sudo su is a hack. Use sudo -i22:25
TorbenBetaTo get to know what is in the folder test.22:25
edbianRed_Rail: xfce, try it out, it's great22:25
edbianRed_Rail: If you don't like it, remove it22:25
Jordan_Umobodo: You're welcome :)22:25
TorbenBetaThank you.22:26
Red_Raillol yeah i always have been using ubuntu classic, and gnome 2 with deb22:26
PolahRed_Rail, you could try running with Xfce in a VM, so you that if you don't like it you don't have to deal with any clutter leftover after removing22:26
qinTorbenBeta: sudo ls -l /opt/test22:26
rasustoPolah sudo -i moves you to root's home foler22:26
mobodoanyone else has had the issue of unity not showing the title/side bar or contextual menus?22:26
Red_RailPolah: yeah the problem with that is i dont have power to run vm's on netbooks22:27
Red_Railor at least this one22:27
rasustohey moo22:27
Polahrasusto, Yes and then you cd to the directory you want. sudo -i is the proper way or using sudo to get a extended root shell, rather than a single command. sudo su only works due to su without arguments running it as that user and thus it being run as root through sudo gives the root shell, it's hacky and shouldn't really be done.22:27
moo-im running 64-bit 11.10, and it want install 32-bit flash?? why!! i want 64-bit flash, but its not in repo, but i find 64-bit flash in adobe.com22:27
D_Russpolah, where do i find the repository for chrome22:27
Red_Railmy only laptop was stepped on and is suffering a cracked screen right now and i doubt ill be replacing it22:27
PolahRed_Rail, oh, in that case you may have to put up with clutter then. Perhaps have a look at some screenshots for an idea of what you can set up Xfce to look like then?22:28
Red_Raild_russ i was dealing with that yesterday.. its in the ubuntu repositories if your using it22:28
Demon|Ubuntuwhere are the settings set under compiz for unity stored? trying to figure out why when i have the unity launcher set to not hide, it still does and when i have it not show mounted drives, it still does22:28
Red_Railits called google-crom-((((( something rather22:28
jason_I'm having some trouble here. I installed 11.10 on my laptop, whcih is a lenovo with an ATI 6250 HD graphics card. I can't seem to get gnome shell to work without having the driver installed, however when I install the driver, it looks horrible. My top panel is white nad has random characters and square boxes in it. I've never had this issue before (then again I've never ran ATI before) Any ideas?22:28
Red_Railis what it was called22:28
PolahD_Russ: Don't know if there is a PPA for it, have a look on the launchpad ppa site if you want.22:29
sherook guys I need serious help. I want to choose windows as my default os to be highlighted in the windows bootloader. Im in ubuntu right now22:29
TorbenBetaPolah, how can I become a normal user (not root) again?22:29
MeQuerSatjason_, Did you try selecting "Ubuntu 2D" at the login-screen?22:29
Red_RailPolah: great idea man... ill take a look at a quick videos of it22:29
PolahTorbenBeta, after running sudo -i? Ctrl+D will drop you out the root shell and back into your own.22:29
D_Russred_rail, where is the ubuntu repository? sorry im a bit of a noob22:29
edbianshero: Well then you should ask in #windows where they know how to configure the windows bootloader22:29
jason_MeQuerSat, no, because Im using gnome shell. I don't use unity.22:29
hilariecan someone help me copy my home folder to a new partition?22:30
Red_Raild_buss are you using ubuntu22:30
MeQuerSatjason_, ah, missed that22:30
qinshero: windows bootloader have little to do with Ubuntu, have you ment grub?22:30
rasustoDemon|Ubuntu its something called the unity plugin for compiz22:30
cesuraseanguys! i can't get this card to work with WPA2 on ubtunu 11.04!!! it works fine when i turn off wifi encryption, so i know the card works!!! wtf?   - Network controller: Intersil Corporation ISL3874 [Prism 2.5]/ISL3872 [Prism 3] (rev 01)22:30
cesuraseanSubsystem: Linksys WMP11 v1 802.11b Wireless-B PCI Adapter [ISL3874]22:30
edbianhilarie: sure22:30
edbianhilarie: PM me?22:30
PolahShero: Did you install via WUBI or do you mean GRUB?22:30
Demon|Ubunturasusto, i know what it is under compiz, and i've set those and they aren't setting22:30
sheroqin: im using wubi and I tried getting grub but it didn't work. not im stuck in ubuntu22:30
YerushalmiDoes anybody know what customization options are available for Mutter outside of the gnome-tweak-tool? Specifically I'm looking for an alternative application switcher, one that maintains strict separation between workspaces like gnome used to have when alt-tabbing, but if you don't know where I can find one specifically, I'll appreciate even other options that might provide a good jumping-off poi22:30
hilarieedbian how do I do that in xchat?22:30
PeterPthis is busier than I expected...22:30
MeQuerSatjason_, Does compiz run as the window manager?22:31
Polahshero: If you plan to actually use Ubuntu as opposed to just seeing what it's like, then it would be far better to do a proper standalone install.22:31
sheropolah: I installed via WUBI and tried getting grub but now I am stuck in ubuntu. Can I edit the windows bootloader in grub?22:31
edbianPeterP: THis is the busiest channel on irc.freenode.net22:31
D_RussREd_rail, yes i am22:31
PeterPedbian: best go back to forums then?22:31
overclocker1anyone seen airmon stop working, sees no packets, everything else up fivers22:31
cesurasean(05:38:23 PM) cesurasean: guys! i can't get this card to work with WPA2 on ubtunu 11.04!!! it works fine when i turn off wifi encryption, so i know the card works!!! wtf?   - Network controller: Intersil Corporation ISL3874 [Prism 2.5]/ISL3872 [Prism 3] (rev 01)22:31
cesurasean(05:38:23 PM) cesurasean: Subsystem: Linksys WMP11 v1 802.11b Wireless-B PCI Adapter [ISL3874]22:31
cesurasean(05:38:23 PM) cesurasean: guys! i can't get this card to work with WPA2 on ubtunu 11.04!!! it works fine when i turn off wifi encryption, so i know the card works!!! wtf?   - Network controller: Intersil Corporation ISL3874 [Prism 2.5]/ISL3872 [Prism 3] (rev 01)22:31
Red_RailD_Russ: if your using ubuntu and havnt messed with the sources.list file than you can open up a terminal and type "sudo apt-get install google-chrome-stable22:31
FloodBot1cesurasean: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:31
sheropolah: is there a way to uninstall ubuntu while being booted into ubuntu?22:32
Polahshero: No. If you installed GRUB then the Windows bootloader is gone. I don't know about setting up GRUB to pick up WUBI installs, how it would be configured in that case or if it was even possible.22:32
edbianPeterP: No of course not! Ask your question in here :)22:32
Polahshero: No. If your Windows bootloader is gone you'll need to get a Windows disc, repair the bootloader, boot into Windows and then remove WUBI before resizing partitions to install Ubuntu standalone on its own partition.22:32
PeterPedbian:  :P   thx...22:32
sheropolah: I still have the windows bootloader22:32
moo-how can i check what graphics driver is running?22:32
D_Russred_rail, ok this is what i get Unable to locate package google-chrome-stable22:33
jason_MeQuerSat, Im not sure. I think its mutter?22:33
overclocker1negative just reload ubuntu, let it finish, grub will auto assign windows to it for dual boot22:33
jason_I'm having some trouble here. I installed 11.10 on my laptop, whcih is a lenovo with an ATI 6250 HD graphics card. I can't seem to get gnome shell to work without having the driver installed, however when I install the driver, it looks horrible. My top panel is white nad has random characters and square boxes in it. I've never had this issue before (then again I've never ran ATI before) Any ideas?22:33
sheropolah: I want windows to stop recognizing that ubuntu exists. Is that possible?22:33
Red_Railhrmm.. hang on a sec let me check my sources.list22:33
MeQuerSatjason_, try "compiz --replace"22:33
cesuraseanCAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME?!!!22:33
qinoverclocker1: airmon-ng do not see anything, it only does set your nic into monitor mode (by creating virtual interface)22:33
MeQuerSator mutter, or metacity22:33
MeQuerSattry them all :)22:33
sheroPolah: I want ubuntu to disappear from the windows bootloader even if it means uninstalling22:34
overclocker1yea its in monitor22:34
jason_MeQuerSat, that seems to have borked it22:34
qinoverclocker1: sudo airodump-ng mon022:34
overclocker1took out second adapter usb belkin to see it that was issue22:34
MeQuerSatthen try another one22:34
jason_MeQuerSat, well, I'd have to reboot, as I just lost EVERYTHING except xchat22:34
Demon|Ubuntushero, to remove ubuntu from the windows bootloader, try using EasyBCD22:34
jason_MeQuerSat, sec, its doing something all of the sudden22:34
MeQuerSatjason_, can't you do Alt+F3 ?22:35
jason_so far I'm really not happy with ATI at the moment22:35
Red_Raild_bus ping me22:35
jason_this is the only system I ever had video trouble with on ubuntu22:35
sheroDemon|Ubuntu: can I do that while being in ubuntu?22:35
jason_ironically, its the only one I ever used with ati22:35
overclocker1what is the best place to get all security patches for debian/ubuntu22:35
cesuraseanguys! i can't get this card to work with WPA2 it works fine when i turn off wifi encryption, so i know the card works!!! wtf?   - Network controller: Intersil Corporation ISL3874 [Prism 2.5]/ISL3872 [Prism 3] (rev 01)   - Subsystem: Linksys WMP11 v1 802.11b Wireless-B PCI Adapter [ISL3874]   , do i need to be using special drivers, or something to allow WPA2 to work? I've tried using wpa_supplicant, but not sure if im using that right, or if 22:35
=== bar__ is now known as Bartzy
cesuraseanguys! i can't get this card to work with WPA2 it works fine when i turn off wifi encryption, so i know the card works!!! wtf?   - Network controller: Intersil Corporation ISL3874 [Prism 2.5]/ISL3872 [Prism 3] (rev 01)   - Subsystem: Linksys WMP11 v1 802.11b Wireless-B PCI Adapter [ISL3874]   , do i need to be using special drivers, or something to allow WPA2 to work? I've tried using wpa_supplicant, but not sure if im using that right, or if 22:35
FloodBot1cesurasean: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:35
Demon|Ubuntushero, no, you have to do that from your windows install22:35
jason_MeQuerSat, alt f3 seems to do nothing22:35
D_RussRed_rail, im a noob to irc aswell22:35
moo-how can i check what graphics driver is running?22:35
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D_Russis ping like privat message22:36
MeQuerSatI meant Control+Alt+F3 actually22:36
moo-repostirory dont have 64-bit flash?22:36
sheroDemon|Ubuntu: is there a way to delete my ubuntu partition while in ubuntu?22:36
jason_MeQuerSat, yeah I can. then what?22:36
Red_RailD_Russ: percisely just instant message me22:36
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning22:36
MeQuerSatthen you can execute commands there22:36
MeQuerSatif you dont want to reboot22:36
Demon|Ubuntushero, if u do something like that, you risk not being able to boot at all22:36
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jason_MeQuerSat, I just want ATI to work worth a damn.22:36
MeQuerSatIm working with HD5450 here22:37
jason_I have an HD 6250.22:37
MeQuerSaton a laptop22:37
jason_I fail to see why this is a problem22:37
MeQuerSatno problems22:37
jason_laptop here too22:37
jason_lots of problems22:37
FloodBot1jason_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:37
jason_which driver are you using22:37
Demon|Ubuntushero, if ur going to do something like that, boot using a livecd is what i would think about doing22:37
jason_two came up in the additional drivers menu. I think I chose FGLRX or something but I Wasnt sure if that was the one to use.22:37
sheroDemon|Ubuntu: my only bootloader is the windows bootloader and I can't control it because it doesn't recognize my keyboard. It is highlighted on ubuntu and I can't chose windows so im stuck in ubuntu22:37
jason_MeQuerSat, then again I tried both (rebooting in between) and neither one worked worth a hoot.22:37
MeQuerSatso youre running mutter, ok22:38
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jason_unity is acting up too22:38
jason_its not just gnome shell22:38
jason_gnome shell is just where it started since thats what I prefer22:38
MeQuerSatDid you install the fglrx drivers?22:38
jason_that's what I'm on now22:38
jason_MeQuerSat, have you ever had that laptop hooked up to a tv via hdmi?>22:40
Demon|Ubuntushero, boot from a livecd and use gparted22:40
Polahshero: Are you going to reinstall Ubuntu in its own partition afterwards?22:41
MeQuerSatjason_, I've hooked up my laptop all the time to my pc monitor via hdmi22:41
Demon|Ubuntuok, now back to figure out why unity settings i've set in compiz aren't taking22:41
MeQuerSatDon't have a "tv" though22:41
Jordan_UTorbenBeta: What is your end goal?22:41
jason_MeQuerSat, then what the flip is wrong with mine..22:41
jason_I gotta get my other laptop out here so I can be on IRC in between reboots... sec...22:41
TorbenBetaJordan_U, I wanted to run a script in the folder /opt/test and to know what is in this folder.22:42
philipballewDoes anyone know about how many gig's a full ubuntu offline repo would take?22:42
hilarieroot owns my /home/hilarie folder now... how can I take it back22:42
MeQuerSatphilipballew, why the interest?22:42
Polahphilipballew, a mirror of the entire Ubuntu repository?22:42
Jordan_UTorbenBeta: "sudo ls /opt/test/" and you should not run scripts that you are not familiar with, especially not as root.22:43
roastedMeQuerSat, jason_ here22:43
roastedother laptop22:43
philipballewPolah, MeQuerSat I want to sometimes be offline and not have to rely on their servers22:43
hilarieactionparsnip: how can I get my home folder back from root22:43
roastedMeQuerSat, I really cant place where things went wrong if youre on a 4250 with good results and Im on 6250 with a major headache22:43
hilarieactionparsnip isn't here :(22:44
Polahphilipballew, you could make a repository of packages you want to save downloading them, which depending on how many things you put in there could be a few dozen megabytes to a few dozen gigabytes. The entire Ubuntu repository I imagine is at the very least several hundred gigabytes, probably more.22:44
mobodoanyone knows a good place to understand how network-manager works?22:44
TorbenBetaJordan_U, it was a safe script. But I would like to know: Is there any way, to execute a script in this folder without everytime becoming root?22:44
philipballewyeah, I have 600 gb free right now22:44
_svs_hilarie: sudo chown -R hilarie:hilarie /home/hilarie22:44
PolahTorbenBeta, why does the script need to be executed as root?22:45
hilarie_svs_ I am migrating /home back to where it should be, so /mnt/newhome would work the same?22:45
MeQuerSatroasted, HD5450 I'm on22:46
TorbenBetaPolah, Because it is in a folder where only the root has access to.22:46
MeQuerSatroasted, fresh install of Ubuntu 11.10 ?22:46
Polahphilipballew, probably not really enough. I don't know why you want to duplicate the entire Ubuntu repository, it'd take you a long time as well since I doubt your ISP will take too kindly to you downloading around 1TB or more in any short period of time22:46
PolahTorbenBeta, you could change the folder permissions to allow publically read privileges22:46
PeterPhey hey. I want to try this powersave script from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1802755&page=2, but I'm not sure what all the commands do. How can I check what things like 'echo 0' and 'echo Y' mean, ad the Disable Hardware Modules line?22:46
daviddoriadid nepomuk replace dejadup?22:46
philipballewPolah, I go to a university. we have a lot of bandwith22:47
moo-dejadup is backup, nepomuk is semantic desktop22:47
TorbenBetaand if I want only that one script is publical executable, but the folder still root only?22:47
philipballewbut thanks Polah for the info22:47
TorbenBetaPolah, Sir?22:47
roastedMeQuerSat, yes22:47
Polahphilipballew, then I'm sure your university will be quite miffed that you're consuming so much. I don't see a need to duplicate absolutely everything in the repos.22:47
PolahTorbenBeta, hm?22:47
hilariephilipballew, not to mention doing that to the repo servers22:48
daviddoriamoo- i see - its just that my deja dup icons disappeared from my Applications menu when i upgraded from 11.04 to 11.1022:48
philipballewPolah, I guess because i can22:48
_svs_hilarie: I did not understand fully. but if you are copying your home directory's content to /mnt/newhome and then copy everything back, it would be owned by root. above command should restore ownership.22:48
MeQuerSatroasted, when you get to the log-in screen, can you select Ubuntu 2D?22:48
roastedMeQuerSat, I just logged into unity 3d without issue. (I assume I was in 3d)22:48
Polahhilarie: Back up your home folder somewhere outside /home/, then mount a drive at /home/ and move your home directory back there. Obviously add a line to your fstab to mount the partition at /home/ on boot.22:48
hilarie_svs_ it did, thank you, wish me luck on the reboot, I hear fstab isn't something thats good to have errors in22:48
roastedMeQuerSat, I just logged back in to gnome shell but it looks horrible again. white/black panel, square icons all over the place, its completely unreadable.22:48
hilariebrb (I hope)22:49
moo-david1, i reinstalled 11.10 fresh, cuz upgrade was strange, somethings were weird, and lots of residue from gnome2 were left22:49
MeQuerSatroasted, what about 2D ?22:49
Polahphilipballew, yeah I wouldn't. No university or ISP is going to be pleased with you attempting to download ~+1TB of data in anything less than several months at the least.22:49
roastedMeQuerSat, unity 2d works fine22:49
roastedMeQuerSat, just logged in22:49
chemaesto es nuevo para mi22:49
MeQuerSatand gnome shell 2D?22:50
TorbenBetaPolah, Sir: My problem is that I have a folder which only root can open, which is not the problem. But there is a script which I would like to execute without every time being root.22:50
chemay no se muy bien de lo que se trata22:50
roastedMeQuerSat, there is no gnome shell 2d, only gnome classic as a fallback if gnome shell doesnt work22:50
PolahTorbenBeta, what does the script do, exactly?22:50
roastedMeQuerSat, but it doesnt push me to gnome classic. it lets me in gnome shell. it jus tlooks horrible in the process.22:50
MeQuerSatroasted, I currently work in Unity 2D, no gnome shell22:51
graingertI can't seem to change the icon set on Ubuntu 2D22:51
MeQuerSatits great22:51
roastedMeQuerSat, I really don't like unity and don't ever intend to use it until a lot more changes come about. That said, gnome shell has been flawless for me, so I'll be using that if at all possible.22:51
daviddoriaWhen I run deja-dup from a terminal, I just get a segfault22:51
roasteddaviddoria, why are you running deja dup in terminal?22:51
roastedMeQuerSat, I just don't get why my video feed is abslutely horrible22:52
TorbenBetaPolah, Sir: It runs Planescape (which I wanted to test).22:52
hilariewell, a little over a GB disapeared during the move, hopefully it wasn't important22:52
daviddoriaroasted, because I don't have an icon for it in the applications menu. I just uninstalled and reinstalled using the software center but there is still no icon22:52
PeterPCan anyone tell me if the powersave script here is safe? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1802755&page=2 - Particularly # Disable hardware modules to save power22:52
PeterP        for mod in $modlist; do22:52
PeterP            grep $mod /proc/modules >/dev/null || continue22:52
PeterP            modprobe -r $mod 2>/dev/null22:52
PeterP        done22:52
FloodBot1PeterP: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:52
Polahhilarie, did you get hidden folders in your home as well?22:52
roasteddaviddoria, its in system settings in 11.10.22:52
PeterPoops, apologies22:53
roasteddaviddoria, are you on 11.10?22:53
daviddoriaroasted, yes22:53
qinPeterP: What is $modlist?22:53
roasteddaviddoria, click in the upper right, then go to system settings22:53
MeQuerSatroasted, can't do much else if youre already on latest version/drivers/updates22:53
hilariePolah: I think so, control H in the new home shows alot of files22:53
daviddoriaahh, got it, thanks roasted22:53
roasteddaviddoria, a control panel will come up and you'll see "Backup". thats deja dup. deja dup is built in to 11.1022:53
roasteddaviddoria, no problem. it's a great backup utility. :)22:53
MeQuerSatroasted, youre one of the few who actually like gnome shell haha22:53
roastedMeQuerSat, except install fedora.22:53
roastedMeQuerSat, actually, no22:53
Polahhilarie, perhaps set up an rsync to do it, or run a diff on the two directories.22:53
robin0800daviddoria, I do its called backup22:53
roastedMeQuerSat, from what I've read gnome shell has a stronger following than unity.22:53
hilarieI'll save the old directory, if something I need turns up missing... thank you for your help though22:54
PeterPqin: I don't know...   I pasted it here too for ease   http://paste.ubuntu.com/717432/22:54
roastedMeQuerSat, based on what I read, yeah.22:54
MeQuerSatyou could always try to install the open drivers and try to get that working22:54
roastedMeQuerSat, most people I talk to on ubuntu either install something else or just tolerate unity because it works for them out of the box.22:54
MeQuerSatbut I dont recommend it22:54
roastedMeQuerSat, how would I do that?22:54
roastedMeQuerSat, are they the other driver in the driver menu?22:54
MeQuerSatroasted, do you have Synaptic installed?22:55
roastedMeQuerSat, yes22:55
MeQuerSatopen it22:55
vadi2Unity is consistently crashing on me and leaving the computer in an usable state when playing a game. Would it be worth my time to debug this issue in Oneiric or would it be dismissed?22:55
PeterPqin: but it was that term and a couple others that stopped me just creating it and making it executable22:55
qinPeterP: This script is for self-edit and modlist="uvcvideo"22:55
PolahTorbenBeta, no idea what Planescape is, you'll have to go into a bit more detail.22:55
MeQuerSatroasted, I believe "xserver-xorg-video-radeon" is the open source driver22:56
moo-planescape is a mmorpg game22:56
MeQuerSatit's probably installed already22:56
* TorbenBeta is embarrassed 22:56
hilariestupid question: what is linux-image-2.6.38-11generic, and why should I upgrade it?22:56
qinPeterP: powertop is more universal and deliver tips too ;)22:56
doggysim new on Ubuntu im using version 11.04 the natty narwhal22:57
doggysit wont open files!22:57
drfrenzywhat do u mean?22:57
qindoggys: What files?22:57
PeterPqin: thanks, what does for self-edit mean? is powertop a place I can go to get useful scripts?22:57
doggysany filess22:57
Majorastroubutnu 11.10 very sluggish on netbook22:57
doggyshow to run files??22:57
moo-repostirory dont have 64-bit flash?22:57
hilariedoggys are you talking about windows programs?22:57
doggysthough the software center or what22:57
drfrenzyhm if u new to linux u should use LinuxMint22:58
Majorastrohow can I get classic desktop back22:58
doggysi went to download google chrome and it wont run22:58
Polahhilarie: That's your kernel image22:58
drfrenzychromium package.... not crhome22:58
drfrenzyin linux it's called chromium22:58
robin0800moo-, adobe do and it install through the software centre22:58
hilariePolah: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_%28computing%29 that sounds important lol22:59
drfrenzysome one playing League of Legends on linux?22:59
qinPeterP: powertop, is like top, ntop, iotop, htop, very usefull suff you can install with sido apt-get install powertop, self edit means yuo need to know what you want to disable.22:59
Polahhilarie: The kernel is what Ubuntu runs on. Linux itself is just the kernel, Ubuntu is the system on top of a version of the kernel.22:59
moo-robin0800, i cant find it in synaptic22:59
roastedMeQuerSat, uh, its installed..?22:59
roastedMeQuerSat, is FGLRX the open source driver?22:59
hilariePolah: probably worth updating then :)23:00
drfrenzyno it's prop23:00
robin0800moo-, adobe site and it installs through the software centre23:00
Demon|Ubuntubah, so irritating, can't get unity launcher to stay visible and remove the mounted drives23:00
goltoofhi room23:01
drfrenzyshould remove my kubuntu and install LinuxMint or LMDE23:01
drfrenzymaybe WINDOWS:D:D23:01
neroninIs there any way i can see if someone else is logged on to my machine? The thing is that my harddrive has been quite active in the last few days without me using the computer at all and im worried someone else is. the only ports i have open is 80 and vnc. And vnc warns me if someone starts using it23:01
drfrenzyi cant play League of Legends on linux(((23:01
qinneronin: w23:01
goltoofis there a cmd or a script to open a browser window every so often, or keep a browser open?23:02
_svs_TorbenBeta: I'm not sure but you can change 'group' of that directory to something like 'users' if you have that group and then add yourself to it. Give execute permission to group. You should be able to execute the file.23:02
PeterPqin: thanks, i noticed references to powertop but thought it was a username. I have searched powertop and know more already...23:02
Kubburcan i tell ubuntu to allow a specific program only to a certain nic ?23:02
robin0800Demon|Ubuntu, you have it set to auto hide?23:02
hilarie@demon|ubuntu if you go back to 11.04, and switch to classic mode, you can avoid unity for another year23:02
neroninqin:  w?23:02
MeQuerSatroasted, No, fglrx is the closed driver23:02
moo-whats the difference between gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad and gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse?23:02
markowhat's the program called that let's you search packages and what not. I accidentily removed it23:03
TorbenBetaThank you _svs_ Sir.23:03
roastedMeQuerSat, is it possible you were mistaken on the name of the open source driver? I have FGLRX installed but the package you said you thought was the open source driver is installed too...23:03
markoi need to install it again through apt-get23:03
markothe GUI one23:03
qinneronin: also who, last, lastlog, less /var/log/auth.log, ps aux, sudo netstat -tuep, top or htop23:03
neroninmarko:  synaptic23:03
markonot the update manager but the add/remove thingy23:03
Demon|Ubuntui just spent the past week getting ubuntu reinstalled to work nicely with 11.10, as it is my gfx card on 11.04 after installing the restricted driver doesn't allow for unity on 11.0423:03
MeQuerSatroasted, Im not mistaken. As I thought already, you have the open driver installed too23:03
shawnboyI know that old versions of Ubuntu no longer have updates, but does that mean their repos are disabled and the last supported packages aren't even available anymore? (1 of mine is on Jaunty 9.04)23:03
MeQuerSatall you need to do to activate the open driver is to edit a line in /etc/xorg.conf23:04
roastedMeQuerSat, I have BOTH installed? Could that be conflicting??23:04
MeQuerSatNo, not conflicting at all23:04
hilariemarko is talking about the ubuntu software center23:04
Demon|Ubuntufglrx and my radeon 6470m don't play together at all23:04
hilarieI think23:04
roastedMeQuerSat, damn. I was hoping that was an easy fix.23:04
neroninqin: thanks, in auth.log i didnt see anything, i will check the other23:04
markoneronin, aren't there 2 GUI programs that are pre-installed on ubuntu to handle packages? One is synaptic, the more advanced one and then you have the ubuntu software one23:04
markohilarie, i am23:04
MeQuerSatroasted, open /etc/X11/xorg.conf as root23:04
zykotick9!eol | shawnboy23:04
ubottushawnboy: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades23:04
Polahmarko: synaptic isn't installed by default since 11.10 I believe. The same with aptitude by default.23:04
neroninmarko:  yes, those are the two, but i think in the new version of ubuntu you dont get synaptic at install23:05
qinneronin: To feel better you may want to look into: man ufw; man netstat;23:05
neroninmarko:  just the software center23:05
_svs_TorbenBeta: No Sirs/Madams please. We are all friends here helping each other. If your problem is solved I'd be happy. If not sorry.23:05
roastedMeQuerSat, I'll try this, but I almost hope it doesnt work. I shouldnt have to edit these things these days in linux just to get my video not to completely suck :( anywya what do I edit?23:05
markoneronin, thanks23:05
hilariemarko try sudo apt-get install software-center23:05
markohilarie, yeah i found it, thanks23:06
markoi mean, i installed it23:06
hilariemarko :)23:06
markoone question regarding the unity bar in 11.1023:06
neroninhilarie:  i think he is confused that he doesnt find synaptic, but as far as i know its not there anymore23:06
markoi wanna move the software center icon between some icons. It doesn't let me23:06
markoit puts it at the end23:06
hilarieneronin he talked about a pretty one23:06
hilarienot the ugly one :P23:06
roastedmarko, I think if you click and hold, drag out to the right, then reposition it in the bar23:07
Netham45I just got a new USB->Sata adaptor and I'm not getting anything on either my windows or ubuntu PCs. http://pastebin.com/PgeegLYC is the kernel output, anyone see anything I'm missing? Fairly sure it's just a failed unit.23:07
neroninhilarie:  ah :) didnt see it23:07
hilarie"accidentally got rid of" was my clue :)23:07
markoroasted, awesome, it is23:07
markoi love ubuntu again!23:07
markothanks everybody23:07
roastedfarewell marko23:07
hilarieI think I should hang out here more often, I have screwed ubuntu up in some pretty random ways, and remember how I fixed it :)23:08
hilarielike when I killed the software center on accident23:08
shawnboyso... are jaunty repos still available with the old jaunty packages or is it all taken offline?23:09
MeQuerSatroasted, sorry23:10
zmbmartinI am trying to install a ssl cert in nginx and it keeps asking for a PEM pass phrase?23:10
Polahshawnboy, gone, unless you find an unofficial mirror somewhere...23:10
zmbmartinNot sure how to get past that. I have entered pass phrases that I would use.23:11
Flannelshawnboy, Polah: old-releases.ubuntu.com23:11
shawnboyPolah, Flannel: thanks for the info.23:11
shawnboyFlannel: I'll go look at that.23:12
moo-help!1 bug!! when i use GUEST ACCOUNT it ALWAYS login to Unity, but i picked GNOME Classic23:12
MeQuerSatroasted, it seems the closed drivers do conflict with the open ones23:12
roastedMeQuerSat, oh really?23:12
roastedMeQuerSat, did you just google that quick? just curious on where you dug that up at for future reference.23:12
MeQuerSatIf you want to get to the bottom of this, read those23:13
MeQuerSatBut the best advice I can give is to just leave it for what it is and hope an update will fix it23:13
MeQuerSattill then just use unity23:14
roastedMeQuerSat, LOL23:14
neroninqin:  Ok so I seem to be the only one connected, I just restarted and the hdd starts working again.. Is there maybe a way I can see what it is doing?23:14
roastedMeQuerSat, I'll use Unity when it's good and ready to be used.23:14
roastedMeQuerSat, otherwise, thanks for the info. :)23:14
qinneronin: iotop23:14
[1]davidanyone have expiernce with JFS lost+found the entire OS?23:14
MeQuerSatroasted, Ive tried to get things to work with ati drivers in the past many times23:14
MeQuerSatIve learned: if it works, dont change it23:14
hilarieroasted unity is heading in the wrong direction :)23:14
roastedMeQuerSat, what things?23:14
MeQuerSatwindow managers/xorg/login screens/boot resolution23:15
[1]davidanyone? I perfer NOT to start with a fresh install and have to reinstall my structure23:15
MeQuerSatexternal displays etc23:15
MeQuerSatif it (almost) works, dont change it :P23:15
roastedMeQuerSat, well if that open source driver conflicts, and I can easily uninstall it.... seems easy to me23:15
hilarie[1]david what happened23:16
MeQuerSatroasted, yeah, you could give it a try23:16
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roastedMeQuerSat, fortunately this is a vanilla install, so I can nuke this and not flinch. problem is, I hate doing that, because its only a reminder of how "not ready" linux sometimes feels to me23:16
kaphecan anyone acces '#android' using empathy?23:16
MeQuerSatroasted, you could follow the 2nd link I posted23:17
roastedkaphe, I think you need to be registered to irc to get on android23:17
[1]davidwell, my ocfs2+drbd structure kernal panic which caused a hard reboot, the fs went read-only have, after three attempts of fsck.jfs, it did a repair, and move the entire dev, etc, var, and other directories into the lost+found23:17
hilarie[1]david what is the SMART status of the drive?23:17
kapheroasted: allright ill check that , thanks23:17
MeQuerSatroasted: if it doesnt work out-of-the-box and its driver related...23:18
killownHow to set a default browser? I have compiled the chromium but I am unable to set it as default browser23:18
shawnboyFlannel: old-releases.ubuntu.com appears to only have the installations for old releases. I need to be able to install pkgs from an old release's repos but the repos seem to be gone.23:18
MeQuerSatits a nightmare23:18
roastedMeQuerSat, it worked, but see heres what happened.23:18
neroninqin:  thanks23:18
Flannelshawnboy: the repos are there.  http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ instead of http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/23:19
hilarieshawnboy the repo's are just that, repos, not the only place stuff is stored23:19
hilarielook for .deb's elsewhere23:19
hilarielike on debians website23:19
roastedMeQuerSat, I had no issues with it originally, but I also didn't use it for weeks/months on end. Im building an Ubuntu HTPC coming in this week and thought, wait, this laptop has HDMI out, I can see what gnome shell looks like on the hdtv. So I hooked it up but couldnt get video. AFterwards I realize I didnt have any proprietary drivers installed, so I installed them and I was able to get the TV to work. Problem was the quality of the23:19
roasted video feed was TERRIBLE and I had no idea why. All I did was add the drivers.23:19
[1]davidhilarie, the smart status is OK.23:19
PeterPtesting text colour23:19
qinPeterP: +C23:20
[1]davidhilarie, it is a Virtual Machine23:20
HelloWorld321I'ma gunna need some serious help here.  I installed Ocelot, and it was fine until I tried to set up Synergy to autostart, which should have nothing to do with how terrible my install is currently.  I can SSH into the box (using PuTTY), but the Ubuntu box itself is frozen with a bunch of [fail] messages on the screen.  The first thing I see is "* check syslog for diagnostics [fail]" .... then about halfway down I see another fa23:20
hilarie[1]david backup image?23:20
MeQuerSatthe hdmi --> monitor works perfect for me23:20
[1]davida week old, take about 3 hours to create the snap shot, so only running it every 5 days. Can not have the server down for 3 hours a day23:21
roastedMeQuerSat, I dont think HDMI had anything to do with it. I think me installing the driver TO GET HDMI to work is where it tanked.23:21
kantxxGAH UNITY!!23:21
roastedkandinski, UNITY IS AMAZING23:21
MeQuerSatit was crap on Ubuntu 9.xx23:21
kantxxroasted: bite your tounge23:21
MeQuerSatbut 11 fixed it23:21
Demon|Ubuntui'd like unity if it would accept settings i've set23:21
roastedkantxx, sarcasm my dear friend. ;)23:21
kantxxwhat the heck can i do? gnome is crap now in 11.1023:22
[1]davidi know i know i knwo... I believe I'll implement a different kind of backup from now, like rsync or something daily23:22
Demon|Ubuntuanything i change in compiz doesn't take23:22
Aleohello ppl23:22
hilariekantxx 11.04 classic, has the last good UI23:22
hilariekantxx will be supported for another year23:22
kantxxhilarie: yeah sadly just upgraded.. didnt realize they whomped classis23:22
qinPeterP: Sorry, +c, http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml23:22
kantxxwhat the **** are they thinking!?23:22
Demon|Ubuntukantxx you can still install gnome classic on 11.1023:23
FlannelPeterP: This channel doesn't support color.  Sorry.23:23
qin!nounity | kantxx23:23
ubottukantxx: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic23:23
hilariedemon|ubuntu only kinda23:23
kantxxDemon|Ubuntu: some watered down crap classic shell23:23
hilarieqin, its not the same23:23
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". For 11.10, see !notunity23:23
blognewbhi guys i am on bash and the terminal says "-bash-3.2$" on the left of the cursor... how do i go to a specfic directory?23:23
roastedMeQuerSat, check this - from #gnome - roasted, those are bugs in the driver, they don't show up in unity because it uses different opengl stuff than gnome-shell does and so does not expose these bugs23:23
cixtorAO751H, GMA 500, Linux 2.6.35-22-generic, libav crashing, any have a solution to this, I'm trying to play a video H264 with mplayer, but I got this response: libva: va_getDriverName() returns 023:23
Demon|Ubuntuthink i'm gonna research some material to set up e17 and try and use that instead23:23
PeterPqin: thanks, again23:24
MeQuerSatroasted, thats probably the reason23:24
kantxxunity is such a PoS23:24
roastedMeQuerSat, he said a lot of people have had that same issue as me.23:24
qinblognewb: cd /some/where23:24
robin0800kantxx, its not watered down at all IMHO complete configuration and compiz23:24
PeterPFlannel: not a problem! lol. just changing my client text color23:24
gr33n7007hblognewb, exit23:24
[1]davidactually, all I'm looking for is HOW to recover the files from the lost+found directory, for 40000+ files23:25
kantxxrobin0800: its an illogical for anyone multitasking23:25
hilarierobin0800 if it doesn't look the same, it isn't the same23:25
[1]davidwithout doing it manually23:25
Demon|Ubuntucompiz would be alright if it took the settings i set in it23:25
MeQuerSatroasted, I could give gnome shell a chance and see if it happens to me too23:25
kantxxrobin0800: great for granny i suppose23:25
gr33n7007hblognewb, cd23:25
roastedkantxx, being honest, I like unity and I think it'll be good in time. I personally don't like it as my main interface, however I have to respect the devs for trying something new. Gnome 2.x is dead. It's gone. Its over. This is the future, GTK3, what Unity and GNome Shell are based on.23:25
roastedMeQuerSat, I hate to trouble you with something like that, especially considering it sounds like this is definitely my sisue.23:25
roastedMeQuerSat, however, are you using the OS driver or FGLRX?23:26
kantxxroasted: i agree to that.. but having it as a main shell is insane.23:26
robin0800kantxx, gnome classic can look like gnome2d if you want23:26
Demon|Ubuntusadly, i can't use the fglrx driver23:26
hilarieroasted  if I wanted bloatware, I'd install win723:26
roastedhilarie, I find unity to run better than win 7. at least on 11.10.23:26
MeQuerSatroasted, fglrx23:26
roastedhilarie, 11.04 was such a bad joke with unity23:26
hilariesomething that by default takes the processing cycles to record, everything you do?23:26
blognewbgr33n7007h Are you a troll23:26
qinhilarie: Yeah, me too thinks X is bad thing ;)23:27
hilarieas soon as my e-peen is big enough, I am going to take a swing at arch-linux, but that looks scary23:28
roastedMeQuerSat, theyre telling me if I uninstall all propreitary drivers then the system uses the open source driver by default. Ironically, that's when things ran GREAT, I just couldnt use HDMI (or at least I didnt figure it out)23:28
gr33n7007hblognewb, troll ya fucking face in23:28
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MeQuerSatroasted: sounds familiar23:29
moo-roasted, arch scary? you should see slackware or gentoo23:29
th_slackware is simple and nothing scary23:29
roastedmoo-, pardon?23:29
moo-archlinux is more scary than slackware?23:29
moo-roasted, oh sorry, i meant that for hilarie23:29
roastedmoo-, gotcha :D23:30
hilarieth_ ubuntu defeats me on a regular basis, how will I fare on something else?23:30
roastedconfused me there for a second!23:30
Napoleonehmm in ubuntu server mode, terminal only, when editing a text. where can i find the shortcuts used?23:30
th_hilarie: the difference is, in slackware stuff doesn't mysteriously break unless you break it ;D ubuntu dies on its own23:30
cixtorAO751H, GMA 500, Linux 2.6.35-22-generic, libav crashing, any have a solution to this, I'm trying to play a video H264 with mplayer, but I got this response: libva: va_getDriverName() returns 023:30
qinmoo-, hilarie: This is scary, for real: http://qntm.org/suicide23:30
th_anyway, this is going offtopic23:31
hilarie"rm -rf /" ?23:31
hilarieshould I sudo that and give it a shot?23:31
cixtorHilarie: dont do that23:31
qinhilarie: No, and do not mention command of this sort in public channels, please.23:32
qinNapoleone: What editor? man is useful23:33
Napoleonewell i got edit <filename>23:34
monXhilarie: thanX bro my comp is blazing fast now!123:34
roastedHow do I install the open source ATI drivers in 11.10?23:34
MeQuerSatroasted, installed it23:34
MeQuerSaton fglrx its crap23:34
Napoleoneall i did was vsftpd+sun java+ minecraft server but now i want a way for me to take easy backups. but i dont have permission for anything and a blank screen in Edit is not very usefull info ;P23:34
MeQuerSatblack/white corruption23:34
hilariemonX ?23:34
cixtorSomeone have an Aspire One 751H computer ?23:34
roastedMeQuerSat, ahhh that makes me feel better (even though it sucks)23:35
roastedMeQuerSat, my dear thanks for following through with that. You didn't have to, but it gave me greater piece of mind.23:35
MeQuerSatI have the fix though23:35
roastedwhats that?23:35
MeQuerSatI will try it myself first, if it works Ill tell you23:35
roastedMeQuerSat, thank you!23:35
qinNapoleone: echo $SHELL && which nano; which vim; What backup have to do with text editing?23:36
jeroen-can't add any account to gwibber in 11.10. There are no accounts to add in the account manager. How to fix?23:36
Napoleoneqin setting permissions to my ftp so i can transfer files both ways easy23:37
Napoleonesince putty have permissions problems aswell23:37
phrontistI'm trying to share my wifi net access (on a laptop) over ethernet (to a desktop)23:37
phrontistwifi connection works fine23:37
[1]davidanyone know of a JFS channel?23:39
SetiAmonanyone here use dual monitors23:40
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Tigerboyanyone know how to turn off airplane mode on the wired connection... it seems to be locked on after I upgraded to 11.10 -- I can ping the computer but the computer cannot get internet23:41
SetiAmonI'm having some issues with it,namely wine is seeing it as one huge combined resolution (Twinview) so it won't load games right23:41
SetiAmondisplays says something like 3504.1020 or some crazy resolution23:42
SetiAmonnvidia here btw23:42
Mokilokcan't you set the resolution for the Wine App when opening it?23:42
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SetiAmonmokilok:I set it a dozen different ways like emulate desktop of this monitor and the other but it doesn't work right23:43
SetiAmonbut you know what i just figured out the problem with firefox and some programs opening up and moving to the left secondary monitor(unchecked workspaces only use bolah blah gconf-editor thing)23:43
SetiAmonlet me see if that fixed winehq problem also23:43
brett_hi. It has a sense this type of dmesg : dmesg | grep -e phy0?23:44
qinNapoleone: I really have no clue how putty works, also choice ftp client may be issue, not sure.23:44
CantonNeed some help, external drive cant seem to mount, Im running Xubuntu 11.1023:44
SetiAmonyeah i can run configure wine Mokilok its just when using dual monitors it messes it up.i have to disable one of the monitors to load programs correctly23:47
SersiIve installed Ubuntu on my HP nc6400,everything works except touchpad, any advice?23:50
MeQuerSatroasted, still there?23:50
roastedwhats the verdict MeQuerSat ?23:50
MeQuerSatstill not great23:50
MeQuerSatbut its better23:50
MeQuerSatI can actually see stuff now23:50
maoSersi: lsmod | grep psmouse23:50
roastedMeQuerSat, using fglrx?23:50
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MeQuerSatyeah, fglrx23:50
roastedMeQuerSat, nice. I almost wonder if open soruce drivers would be better to use though? I was googling while you were gone and ati drivers are NOT highly thought of23:51
Sersimao psmouse        73673  023:51
MeQuerSatroasted, it still glitches a bit23:51
Sersimao: thats the result i´m getting23:51
MeQuerSatbut I think its workable now atleast23:52
roastedMeQuerSat, what did you change?23:52
Ir0nmanhow do i remove the unity launcher but keep the alt + f2 search23:52
MeQuerSatroasted, sec23:52
maoSersi: oh...sorry,then i don't know the reason23:52
Sersimao: ok thanks for trying :)23:53
maoSersi: ^0^23:53
MeQuerSatroasted, I assume youre on 64 bit23:53
roastedMeQuerSat, uh, actually Im not even sure what I put on this laptop23:53
kaushalwhats the syntax of route to be added permanently in /etc/network/interfaces file in 8.04 and 10.04 server ?23:54
MeQuerSatyou can see it with "uname -a"23:54
MeQuerSatexecuted in the terminal23:54
qinIr0nman: My adive would be to try dmenu or something similar23:54
roastedMeQuerSat, 32b23:55
MeQuerSatI really suggest the 64 bit :/23:55
roastedMeQuerSat, I'd almost just like to get back to where I was before I made the mistake of installing fglrx. Things ran better then, even if I didnt have my hdmi figured out23:55
usr13kaushal:  ^^^23:55
roastedMeQuerSat, Im not sure if this laptop has a 64 bit proc23:55
[1]davidno one... anyone know of a FS channel?23:55
MeQuerSatroasted, what cpu?23:55
AndroidLoverInSFhow to open a folder with baoba in ubuntu 11.10?  seems it wont let me locate and pick a custom app anymore? what??!! did they cripple that?23:55
brett_someone has rtl8187 driver with wifi disabled?23:56
roastedMeQuerSat, AMD E-24023:56
MeQuerSatit supports 64 bit :)23:56
roastedMeQuerSat, even still, I'd almost just like to get back to how it was :(23:56
MeQuerSatI have Gnome Shell actually working now :)23:57
Ir0nmandmenu? whats that23:57
roastedMeQuerSat, gnome shell worked before I installed the FGLRX monstrosity23:57
roastedMeQuerSat, I installed it on impulse thinking I needed FGLRX to use hdmi23:57
usr13kaushal:  up route add -net 192.168.*.*23:57
roastedMeQuerSat, now I'm regretting it and almost thinking about doing a fresh install.23:57
MeQuerSatI also needed fglrx for hdmi output23:57
MeQuerSatand I needed it for vsync23:58
MeQuerSatyoutube vids look horrible without it :/23:58
roastedMeQuerSat, I'm just glad I went with nvidia for my HTPC build I'm getting this week.23:58
roastedMeQuerSat, this thing I'm doing now is just to "test" how gnome shell would look on the TV when I build the HTPC later.23:58
roastedMeQuerSat, this isnt a permanent need to have the laptop hooked up via hdmi. In fact I'll probably never use it again.23:58
MeQuerSatmeh, I dunno23:59
roastedMeQuerSat, but it's pretty evident ATI drivers have a ton of bugs that need fixed. Then again, for the benefit of ATI's reputation I'd like to assume thse are new bugs as of 11.10's release.23:59
MeQuerSatopen drivers just perform too badly to be usable to me23:59
SersiIve installed Ubuntu on my HP nc6400,everything works except touchpad, any advice?23:59
roastedMeQuerSat, open drivers WORKED for me (without hdmi)23:59
roastedMeQuerSat, now that I've given up on the hdmi thing I'd like to have the laptop usable... something FGLRX just FUBAR'd.23:59

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