
oSoMoNgood morning07:00
htorque_hey everyone! can you tell me if it's planned to make the unity launcher bar stylable via css like the top panel?09:06
apwhas anyone reported compiz/unity stopping updating one panel of two while showing the correct cursors ?12:28
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om26eralright so DXers are at the pre-UDS sprint? no wonder I cant find anyone :/16:55
om26ersmspillaz, where'd you go, I miss you seems it its been forever that you've been gone... there's bug 875557 which needs to be addressed soonish as it's causing people go nuts, its a SRU regression16:57
ubot5Launchpad bug 875557 in compiz-plugins-main (Ubuntu) "Compiz grid overlay appears after workspace switcher use" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87555716:57
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sbtekamstrup, hi, could you have a look at my unity launcher dbus class?20:30
sbtemainly the Query method20:31
sbteI wasn't sure what to do with that20:31
gordbschaefer, hey, when you say FocusChanged is missing, do you mean OnKeyNavFocusChanged is missing?20:57
bschaefergord, well the signal the we were using to set the focus for the IM context was using FocusChanged (looks it up really quick)21:00
ahhhunityanyone know how to disable the alt+click moving of windows? it used to be that you could switch alt to super key which would work for me...21:00
ahhhunityused to be in system->preferences->windows21:00
bschaefergord, this line was removed "FocusChanged.connect([&] (nux::Area*) { GetFocused() ? OnFocusIn() : OnFocusOut(); });" in IMTextEntry. Ill try using onKeyNavFocusChanged21:01
bschaefergord, but also I saw a lot of process event were removed so I wasn't sure if something was in the works that will resolve this.21:02
acornejoI am porting from StatusIcon to AppIndicator. Its an app that uses the RandR extension to let the user manage multiple screens, resolutions and layouts. Right now I generate the menu on the fly when I get the popup event, which works flawlessly. This doesn't seem to be possible with AppIndicator, could someone with experience with it could suggest me a good alternative?21:02
gordbschaefer, is this in current nux trunk or in nux 1.0?21:03
bschaeferThe IMTextEntry.cpp is in unity21:03
bschaeferthe revision I am looking at21:03
gordbschaefer, i summoned jaytaoko for you :)21:05
jaytaokobschaefer: hello, you have problems compiling Nux?21:06
bschaeferjaytaoko, no not compiling just some questions on the focus change in unity21:06
jaytaokobschaefer: go ahead21:06
bschaeferjaytaoko so in IMTextEntry you removed FocusChanged which now the IM context doesn't set the focus like it was before so the ibus window isn't poping up21:07
bschaeferjaytaoko so I was wondering what should be used instead to check for focus (was going to check KeyNav...)21:08
jaytaokobschaefer: let me check...21:08
jaytaokobschaefer: you can call HasKeyboardFocus() on a View. that will tell you if the view has the keyboard focus21:12
bschaeferjaytaoko: alright, thank you will try it out21:12
jaytaokobschaefer: you can also call nux::GetWindowCompositor().GetKeyFocusArea(). That will return the pointer of the View that has the keyboard focus21:13
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bschaeferjaytaoko: also do you know if  IMTextEntry is going to be getting merged to TextEntry anytime?21:13
bschaeferjaytaoko: as it seems like that would give Nux IM support21:13
jaytaokobschaefer: yes, TextEntry will be redone this cycle...21:14
bschaeferjaytaoko: nice! thank you again21:14
bschaeferjaytaoko: (should have just looked that up...)21:14
jaytaokobschaefer: no problem... we here to help21:15
Amaranthjaytaoko: what do you think about http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~linaro-graphics-wg/nux/nux-gles2/revision/393 ?21:18
jaytaokoAmaranth: hello21:21
jaytaokoAmaranth: let me ask sam, he did that code21:22
kamstrupsbte: both parameters in Query() should be out. There's a typo in the docs21:23
Amaranthjaytaoko: I ended up with some other diffs vs your opengles2 branch21:23
smspillazAmaranth: hi21:24
Amaranthsmspillaz: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~linaro-graphics-wg/nux/nux-gles2/revision/39321:24
jaytaokoAmaranth: I merged your opengl ES branch to Nux trunk, you can make your changes against that branch instead21:24
smspillazAmaranth: don't have any problems with that change, though, I don't know if there are any cases where Xinerama isn't available21:24
smspillazsince its a core extension21:25
Amaranthsmspillaz: on panda board21:25
smspillaz(noting here that xinerama that we're using is libxinerama)21:25
smspillazAmaranth: O.o ?21:25
smspillazAmaranth: uhhh, that would cause problems for compiz too21:25
smspillazAmaranth: since compiz uses the same logic21:25
Amaranthsmspillaz: Do we have a proper fallback path in compiz? That's what nux was missing21:25
smspillazAmaranth: well, we check for the presense of the extension at least21:26
kamstrupsbte: so switch in/out_signature and just return self.app_uri and self.properties21:26
Amaranthsmspillaz: Looks like a similar fix happened at some point in compiz too, shows up in the ChangeLog21:27
smspillazhmm ok21:27
Amaranthmaniac fixed this bug in compiz back in 2007 :P21:27
smspillazthat's very strange that hte panda does not support libxinerama ... it is a very basic extension21:27
Amaranthwell it only has one pipe21:28
ahhhunityanyone know how to disable the alt+click moving of windows? it used to be that you could switch alt to super key which would work for me...21:28
ahhhunityused to be in system->preferences->windows21:28
Amaranthguess they disabled it for performance21:28
smspillazahhhunity: ccsm - > move plugin21:28
ahhhunitysmspillaz: thanks!21:29
kamstrupsbte: i fixed the spec on the wiki21:29
acornejodoes anyone here know when/if "ted" usually hangs out herE?21:34

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