
Noldorinhey jelmer01:03
pooliehi Noldorin01:16
Noldorinhi poolie01:16
Noldorinpoolie, good job on 2.5 so far. working nicely so far, and liking the co-located branches support01:19
Noldorinis it going to be part of core in the RTM?01:19
poolieyes it should be01:20
Noldorinah good01:20
Noldorinwhen jelmer gets round to fixing up the last few nags with bzr-git, mirroring should be a breeze01:21
Noldorinpoolie, oh, and is the url format for colocated brnaches being improved?01:30
poolieimproved meaning shorter?01:35
pooliei'm not completely sure01:35
Noldorinpoolie, indeed. just replacing ",branch=" with "," i mean01:35
poolienot sure01:35
Noldorini think i submitted the bug for it a while ago. not sure though01:36
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vilahi all !06:18
pooliehi vila06:18
vilapoolie: 1 on 1 ? mumble ?06:19
poolieoh hi06:38
pooliebah, vila, sorry, sure, mumble would be good06:38
vilahmm, if mumble can start...06:41
poolievila, so something like07:18
pooliejudge 'bzr2.4 st' 'bzr2.5 st'07:18
MerwinHi, I got a very strange problem :07:38
Merwinthibaut@thibaut-VirtualBox:~/OpenERP 6/Logica/addons$ bzr resolve --all --take-other07:38
Merwinbzr: ERROR: Tree transform is malformed [('versioning no contents', 'new-3')]07:38
MerwinWhat does it means ? :-/07:38
poolieMerwin, hi, it's a bug, perhaps due to you trying to resolve some unusual merge state07:39
pooliei don't recall seeing that before07:39
poolievila, do you?07:40
* vila fighting silly bt mouse07:40
vilaMerwin: it's a bug07:40
MerwinI'm using bzr 2.4.1 on Ubuntu07:40
vila'Tree transform is malformed' is *always* a bug07:40
MerwinSo, how can I do ? Should I upgrade bzr ?07:41
vilaMerwin: file a bug specifying which branches you were merging and the precise revids involved so we can reproduce it07:41
MerwinUnfortunatly, I can't. My company don't want us to release the sources right now :/07:42
vilaMerwin: resolving the conflicts one by one may work around the issue07:42
vilaha, well, that makes it harder to fix the bug then :-/07:42
AuroraBorealisi'm sure they won't do anything with it07:43
MerwinAuroraBorealis: I'm sure too, but I want to keep my job :p07:43
AuroraBorealisask maybe?07:43
MerwinThey have been clear about this07:43
AuroraBorealisITS LIFE OR DEATH MAN07:44
Merwinvila: May the bug have already been fixed ?07:45
MerwinI mean, in a moire recent bzr version07:45
AuroraBorealisdoesn't hurt to try07:45
vilaMerwin: let me check07:45
vilaMerwin: but yeah, if you can test with a more bzr version that would also help07:45
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MerwinHo I'm stupid the branch is not one of ours07:47
MerwinI will update it, but it's a hudge branch07:47
AuroraBorealiswell its still causing a bug o.o07:47
MerwinHow can I send it to you? Should I zip the folder ?07:48
vilaMerwin: a quick inspection of the bugs fixed since 2.4.1 reveals nothing obviously related07:48
Merwinvila: Ok. I can send you this branch, just tell me how :)07:49
vilaMerwin: no need to zip  and send huge amount of public data ;) Just file a bug, mention the branches involved and the revids07:49
MerwinThe branch is not on lp07:49
MerwinHow could you test it ?07:49
vilaare the branches public (I can access them) or not ?07:50
MerwinAnd the dir have a 633MB size xD07:50
vilaunpractical then :)07:51
MerwinI will push it on lp07:51
poolieMerwin, just the traceback would be a reasonable place to start07:51
poolieyou don't need to attach the whole thin07:51
Merwinpoolie: I've no traceback, just the message I showed you, unless I have somthing to run in "debug" mode ?07:52
pooliethere will be a traceback in ~/.bzr.log07:52
MerwinOk, I'll post it07:54
Merwinpoolie, vila: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/88070107:57
ubot5Ubuntu bug 880701 in Bazaar "ERROR: Tree transform is malformed [('versioning no contents', 'new-3')]" [Undecided,New]07:57
mgzmorning all08:01
Riddellhi mgz08:01
vilamgz, Riddell : hi !08:06
vilaMerwin: please also mention the output of 'bzr st'08:06
Merwinok vila08:06
Merwinvila: Done08:09
MerwinHum, I just saw in bzr st that there were some .OTHER file 'added', wtf08:12
vilayeah, wtf indeed ;) I think it's due to a 'parallel import' where the same files have been added in the two branches,08:13
vilaare seen as different (even if their content is the same) due to a known glitch in the way bzr tracks renames08:14
MerwinI never did a bzr add of this files, I'll revert and do the merge again08:14
vilaMerwin: try resolving the conflicts one by one08:14
Merwinvila: How can I see a list of the versionned files ?08:15
vilabzr ls --versioned -R08:15
vilaMerwin: in general, *never* use 'bzr resolve --all' it's not meant to be used to resolve "regular" conflicts but to just *delete* them relying on the user to have resolved them08:16
vilas/to have resolved/having resolved/08:17
Merwinvila: But here I have 51 conflicts without any conflicts to resolve, just a BASE and an OTHER files, I don't know why because I never modified these files08:17
Merwinbzr ls --versioned -R | grep OTHER returns nothing after a revert08:18
MerwinSo files are added during the merge -_-08:18
vilaMerwin: they are so-called 'Content conflicts' where the same path is used for files which are seen different by bzr08:18
vilabzr help conflict-types08:19
vilaMerwin: or also when files are deleted in one branch but modified in the other08:19
MerwinNo shortcut to reolve the 51 conflicts in one command without using --all ? :D08:20
Merwinvila: I already got some "Content conflicts" from the same files last time I merge, will this happen every time ? How could I fix it ?08:22
vilaMerwin: ECONTEXT, I can't say for sure without knowing more about why these conflicts occur08:22
vilaMerwin: just using 'bzr resolve --take-other' should work (but they were bugs in the past about that, I'm not sure we fixed them all)08:23
vilaMerwin: so resolving them one by one is the safe path08:24
Merwinvila: I got the same eeror  for each file08:30
MerwinResolving one by one doesn't solve the problem :/08:30
vilao.0 highly unexpected08:30
vilaMerwin: can you post the traceback for one of these single file attempt ?08:31
Merwinlol lp down :p08:32
vilait's back08:33
MerwinIt's ok vila, posted08:34
mgzvila: new unhappy test, don't think I've seen this one fail before <http://babune.ladeuil.net:24842/view/Windows/job/selftest-windows/569/testReport/junit/bzrlib.tests.test_config/TestConcurrentStoreUpdates/test_writes_are_serialized_bazaar_/history/>08:42
mgzand, I'm patch pilot this week? :)08:42
vilamgz: yup you are \o/08:43
vilamgz: failing test: permissiondenied, so, known symptom, cause unknown08:43
mgzwell, the word 'concurrent' makes me suspicious08:43
vilamgz: never failed anywhere else for that matter08:44
mgzpossibly a factor outside the test suite? we can hope.08:45
Merwinvila: How can I resolve these conflicts ? Does overwrite the with the .other and bzr resolve --all could work ?08:45
mgzanother process having the file open at the wrong time could do something like that.08:45
mgzMerwin: did you try --take-other?08:45
mgzif that works for you, it's the right solution08:46
Merwinmgz: Yes, nothing work, I have the TreeMalformed bug08:46
vilamgz: concurrent here is with threads, strongly sync'ed08:46
vilaMerwin: to clarify, Mlaformed transform  is not *one* bug but a catch-all08:47
MerwinBut, does this means that my branch is broken and won't be able to any merge ?08:48
MerwinThis might be a problem :x08:48
vilawell, I don't think your branch is broken08:50
vilamost of the malformed tranform bugs in the past had to do with bugs in the code itself08:50
vilabut not being able to reproduce the issue locally is a blocker to do the diagnosis :-/08:51
vilaMerwin: 'bzr st --show-ids' may shed some light08:52
Merwinvila: Whith the pending merge ?08:52
vilahaving no .THIS hints at a deleted/modified case though08:53
vilawhich confusingly translate into .OTHER being added08:54
Merwinvila: Posted on LP Bug08:54
Merwinvila: Curiously, it's not clearer to me :D08:56
vilasay file F is deleted in trunk, modified in feature and you merge 'feature' into 'trunk',08:57
vilathere is a conflict because 'trunk' said: I don't want F anymore, but 'feature' says: I've modified F08:58
Merwinvila: Here, we work on a branch that is never merged back to the original one08:58
vilawhen creating the conflict helpers, F.OTHER contains the 'feature' version but the is no F.THIS since trunk deleted it08:59
vilaMerwin: so what ? if you deleted locally, the version you deleted has been modified, there are cases where you know want this file back *because* the reason you deleted it doesn't exist anymore09:00
vilathat's why it's a conflict, there is no way to automate such decisions09:00
vilaon the other hand, there is a need to express that the deletion is permanent and that you're not interested in the modifications and won't be in the future09:02
vilathis need is known and will be implemented when time permits09:02
vilaMerwin: it09:02
vilait's kind of being able to say: for this file, if a conflict occur, just resolve it with --take-other09:03
vilaor --take-this09:03
vilaMerwin: do you have the same error for 'bzr resolve --take-other crm/crm.py'09:04
Merwinvila: Yes09:05
vilaMerwin: and by the way, if you use '--take-other' for a delete/modified case, you are indeed saying: hey, if the other side changed, I want the file back09:05
vilaMerwin: ok09:05
Merwinthibaut@thibaut-VirtualBox:~/OpenERP 6/Logica/addons$ bzr resolve --take-other crm/crm.py09:05
Merwinbzr: ERROR: Tree transform is malformed [('duplicate', 'new-2', 'new-204', u'crm.py')]09:05
Merwinvila: I didn't understand all you explained, but I'm glad if you understood the problem :D09:06
vilaMerwin: what if you do 'bzr mv crm/crm.py.OTHER crm/crm.py' ; 'bzr resolve crm/crm.py'09:06
MerwinERROR: Could not move crm.py.OTHER => crm.py: crm/crm.py is already versioned.09:07
mgzjust `mv`09:07
mgzvila is too used to typing 'bzr'09:07
Merwin1 conflict(s) resolved, 49 remaining09:07
Merwinvila: <309:07
vilano, I really meant 'bzr mv', what is this already versioned 'crm/crm.py' ??09:08
vilahold on09:08
vilajust 'mv' worked ??09:08
mgzI thought mv name.OTHER name; bzr resolve name was ~same as --take-other?09:09
* vila blinks09:09
vilamgz: bzr mv x.OTHER X ; bzr resolve X should be ~same09:09
vilahence my surprise09:09
Merwinhum. I tried to create a new repo from the remote one we use (the on I push after merge). I then merged from the original trunk, and in this case I onlyt have the text conflict09:11
MerwinNot all the content conflicts I got09:11
vilahaaaa, can you explain that in the bug report ?09:11
vilaMerwin: at least you're out of trouble right ?09:12
MerwinI still have ONE content conflicts09:12
MerwinI'll try to resolve it using --take-other09:12
vilawhich one ?09:12
MerwinI've got the same problem on this file :D09:14
MerwinAnd same error with 'bzr mv'09:15
vilawith --take-other ? Or with a bare 'mv' + resolve ?09:15
Merwinbzr mv doesn't work (already versionend error), --take-other raise the Malformed error09:15
Merwinmv worked09:16
MerwinOk, I did my merge ! finally worked !09:16
MerwinI pushed the "copy" repo, and pulled from the other repo (which was bugged) after I reverted it, it's ok09:18
MerwinI let the bug opened vila?09:18
vilaMerwin: yup09:20
vilaMerwin: We won't be able to fix your issue but we can at least output a traceback to make it clearer that it's an internal bug and not a user error ;)09:20
Merwinvila: Why you won't fix it ?09:21
vilaMerwin: if your branches become public though, we will be able to reproduce it so please specify the revids involved09:21
vilaMerwin: because I have no way to diagnose it properly so I can't fix it09:21
Merwinok, I will push it on lp09:21
vilaMerwin: you can ?09:22
MerwinYes, it's not a branch where we push our things09:22
vilaMerwin: in this case commit after your merge and mention this branch in the bug report and I will be able to diagnose \o/09:22
MerwinOk, it will take time, I'll keep you informed :)09:23
vilain other news, the importer made tea this morning during lp downtime and 4 more signatures have been added09:24
Merwinsignatures for ?09:25
vilaMerwin: no relation with your bug :)09:26
vilasignature here refers to a traceback encountered when lp is down in the package importer http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/09:27
Merwinvila: https://code.launchpad.net/~thibaut-dirlik/+junk/bzr-bug-88070109:54
vilaMerwin: thanks, please mention it in the bug report explaining how you proceeded in the ned09:56
Merwinvila: To reproduce the bug, revert to the previous rev, and merge with lp:openobject-addons09:56
vilaMerwin: right, the tip should give me all the needed revisions :)09:56
vilaMerwin: huh ? got your branch (revno 4921), created 'work' revno 4920 and 'from' revno 4899.14.12010:38
vilaMerwin: in 'work' doing 'bzr merge ../from' gives: Nothing to do.10:38
Merwinvila: hum try to merge from lp:openobject-addons from revno 492010:39
vilaha, indeed, diferent result10:40
Merwindo you get the errors ?10:40
vilayup when merging from lp:open..-addons10:41
vilagood enough10:41
MerwinOk, happy you can reproduce it10:42
MerwinThanks for your support ;)10:42
vilaMerwin: I'll take a closer look after lunch but I already suspect some weirdness in revno 490810:44
Merwinvila: Hum it seems my boss removed the crm module and replaced it right ?10:45
MerwinI see that crm/* have been added in rev 4908 whereas it already existed in the original trunk (lp:open...-addons)10:46
vilaMerwin: something like that yes, *this* could lead to files being seen with different file-ids10:46
vilaMerwin: aka the so-called 'parallel import'10:46
vilaMerwin: but I'll look closer later10:46
MerwinOk, thank you again ^^10:46
vilaMerwin: I'll let you know if you stay connected here ;)10:46
MerwinI'll be there :)10:46
mgzvila: can you confirm that import-package does actually run with a valid locale?11:25
mgzthe init.d script for mass-import tries to set one, but given certain failures I have doubts that it's actually getting all the way down11:25
mgzokay, I think I understand this,11:39
mgzfor some reason the import-dsc is on a slightly different path an unpacks the tarball11:43
ChrisCauserHi everyone, has anyone managed to install loggerhead on Lucid which has bzr 2.5 installed?11:43
ChrisCauseror am I doing something silly?11:43
mgzChrisCauser: that looks like the latest bzr daily, which loggerhead is saying is too new11:58
mgzwhat loggerhead package are you trying to install? the daily as well?12:00
vilamgz: care to clarify this path issue ? Afaics mass-import should indeed set it correctly and I know no code path that could reset/change it12:01
vilamgz: now, the importer is a bzrlib client not a bzr one so there may be some holes...12:02
mgzvila: minor confusion, from the import-dsc command and the import-package script doing something slightly different12:04
mgzthe basic issue is in bzr-builddeb, just in a couple of forms12:05
vilamgz: you know we run old versions of them on jubany right ?12:05
vilathem == bzr and bzr-builddeb12:05
mgzyeah, which won't help matters in fixing this.12:05
mgzbecause it can't be done from lp:udd12:05
vilamgz, Riddell, jelmer : Do you know a reason why we shouldn't run bzr.dev on jubany ?12:06
vilai.e. : install and use our own branch12:07
mgzwell, I don't need the latest bzr, but we need to be able to fix things in bzr-builddeb12:08
vilamgz: we use revno 613 and we can deploy more recent versions if needed12:08
vilaas long as it doesn't break horribly :)12:08
vilaoh, jelmer is away this week right ?12:09
vilaor at least in some unreachable TZ ;)12:09
mgzI want to break things with better error messages :)12:09
mgzvila: yeah, he's off being a git12:09
lamontjelmer: around?12:34
mgzlamont: he's mostly away this week12:35
lamontwell then. fine.12:35
ChrisCausermgz: Doh, thought it was in the same PPA. Thanks. :). Right, now, next stupid question, where is the loggerhead PPA? Typing in loggerhead PPA takes you to the source code, but I cannot seem to find the ppa url. Is there one?12:45
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mgzChrisCauser: it's the same ppa, I just wanted to know the full name of the loggerhead packaged you're trying to install13:59
mgzas according to <http://people.canonical.com/~jelmer/recipe-status/bzr.html> the loggerhead-daily is green on lucid14:00
ChrisCausermgz: Thanks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/717851/14:01
mgzhm yup, that is what it should be14:02
ChrisCausermgz: Cool, well, at least you guys know that something fishy is afoot. I haven't done anything unusual with my system other than add the bzr daily ppa.14:27
allenapCan anyone help with a weird mutual stacking issue on Launchpad? https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/17592614:34
allenapIt looks like lp:~afcowie/java-gnome/mainline is stacked on lp:~java-gnome/java-gnome/4.1 ... which is stacked on lp:~afcowie/java-gnome/mainline.14:35
mgzallenap: yup, that's a nice infinite recursion traceback14:43
mgzthings like this have been fixed manually in the past, right?14:44
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allenapmgz: Indeed. I don't know about that, but I can probably figure out how to do it. I wanted to check this wasn't something that requires a big response, or if it's just a curiosity.14:45
mgzI've got a little list of things like this I was planning on asking you about on thursday14:47
mgzlooking through mailing list archives to see if that gives any clues14:48
mgzbug 726976 and dupes look like this14:49
ubot5Launchpad bug 726976 in Bazaar "Stacking loop causes unhelpful "unable to obtain lock" errors during "bzr up"" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72697614:49
mgz"Edit the .bzr/branch/branch.conf files for those branches via SFTP"14:50
mgzappears to be the suggested solution.14:50
jelmerlamont: hi14:54
allenapmgz: Ta, I'll do that.14:56
vilatada ! Here comes jelmer :-)14:57
Noldorinhi jelmer14:57
mgzit's not clear whether the step 2 from the earlier bug of touching the branch to purge a launchpad cache is still needed14:58
jelmerhi vila, Noldorin14:59
mgzjelmer, while you're here to bug,15:00
mgzany idea why loggerhead is uninstallable from the dailies on lucid?15:00
mgzit says it wants < 2.5 and the bzr-daily-lucid is newer, so unhappiness15:02
mgzit's green on your status page though.15:02
jelmermgz: it probably built fine, but has anm invalid dependency for the binary package15:02
mgz...that seems like it'd be a problem for every plugin than declares a bzr version though15:04
mgzbecause 2.5 isn't released yet15:04
mgzor are the rules just written inconsistently?15:04
jelmermgz: Plugins usually declare they support version X or pre-releases of version Y15:06
jelmermgz: as far as I can tell loggerhead claims support for bzr >= 1.17 && bzr < 2.5.0~15:07
vilaMerwin_: just so you know, I'm working on a fix but it's tricky. This is indeed caused by one case of 'parallel import' though15:07
mgzokay, so it is just that dep that's borked, and the builders don't catch it because they don't install. thanks!15:08
Merwin_vila: Ok !15:09
lamontjelmer: also, I'd love to have a bzrtools/hardy15:44
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mgzthis is the stupidest fix16:25
mgzbut it's the sanest choice short of ripping out the whole of bzrtools_import and starting again16:25
jelmerlamont: I'll have a look16:51
jelmerlamont: (I'm in CA this week)16:51
jelmermgz: which fix?17:10
mgzbug 508258, proposing now.17:15
ubot5Launchpad bug 508258 in bzr-builddeb "Failure to import non-ascii filenames" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50825817:15
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pooliehi all22:14
jelmerhi poolie22:17
pooliehi, how's it going?22:17
jelmerhaving fun :) How are you?22:17
pooliegood thanks, camping was good22:18
pooliethanks for the notes22:23
* jelmer runs off to some sessions, back later22:34

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