
wallyworld_huwshimi: do you have thoughts on how to display links that are not valid? hide or render as disabled?00:22
huwshimiwallyworld_: Oh is this from the same as that email I got? Sorry I've been away sick the last few days00:23
wallyworld_huwshimi: np. when you have some spare cycles, have a think and let me know00:24
huwshimiwallyworld_: Thanks, I should get to it today00:25
wallyworld_huwshimi: ok. you know the context etc i assume then? ie the bug task page and the "Also Affects" links. but i think we need a consistent policy for the product as a whole00:26
huwshimiwallyworld_: Yeah, I think Francis's email has some info00:27
pooliewgrant, i wonder what you would think of https://code.launchpad.net/~mbp/launchpad/show-timeline/+merge/8016600:38
pooliehuwshimi, :-(00:39
huwshimipoolie: Sorry :)00:39
poolieis this actually less readable?00:40
pooliesome text is not wrapped at all and people cope00:41
huwshimipoolie: Yes, and I don't want to make a regression and add to existing readability issues00:42
pooliei anticipate markdown getting bikeshedded to death :/00:46
huwshimipoolie: Why is that?00:46
poolieoh, just previous similar changes, but i should be optimistic00:50
poolieperhaps it can be done00:50
lifelesspoolie: in regards to the user commenting on a bug, or some other context?00:53
poolielifeless, what do you mean?00:53
lifelessthe markdown comment00:54
pooliei think it would eventually go everywhere00:54
lifelessthe only reference to markdown I've read recently was a random popping into an old bug saying 'use markdown'00:54
pooliehuwshimi, i do respect your right to decide about it00:54
poolieit is much better that someone is making the decisions00:54
poolielifeless, in the context of  https://code.launchpad.net/~mbp/launchpad/bug-width/+merge/8016100:55
pooliei guess i'm just disappointed because for me, it was a big improvement and pretty easy to do00:55
pooliei will try to be an adult00:55
wgrants/be an adult/use greasemonkey/?00:56
pooliei suppose i feel there is also a general bias that "whatever crap currently exists" >> "something new but not perfect"00:56
pooliebut, if 45em really is the ideal width for text on a bug conversation, or close enough to ideal, that's ok00:56
pooliewgrant, yeah, or in fact probably a local stylesheet is enough00:57
lifelesswe don't have a good regression test suite around appearance00:57
pooliebut that too is disappointing00:57
lifelessand huw is currently deep in an overhaul of appearance - the rebranding effort00:57
poolielifeless, i know00:57
lifelessso its kindof hard right now to assess whether something is a win or not, because its so complex :(00:58
pooliei think having humans assess regressions against a style guide would be nice00:58
poolieperhaps the canonical style guide does cover this00:58
lifelessI'm hoping one of the outcomes of the rebranding will be simpler presentation permitting easier understanding of changes like your proposed one00:58
lifelessthat said, I too am a little confused - I don't understand where we would lose usability with your change (but see under hard to asess because complex)00:59
poolieso, very wide text is hard to read00:59
pooliefor example, mp comments don't wrap at all before the screen width, so they are slightly hard to read on wide monitors01:00
poolie(unless, as fairly often happens, they are wrapped in the incoming email)01:00
pooliei agree this is a problem, i just don't think using 80em is enough for the problem to bite seriously01:00
poolieor at least it is a reasonable tradeoff01:01
poolielifeless, thanks for the review. what is ++profile++show01:03
lifelessadd this feature rule locally01:06
lifelessprofiling.enabled default 0 on01:07
lifelessthen visit /++profile++/01:07
lifelessthis generates an oops, then renders it in an overlay profile01:07
lifelessthere are two reasons we might not want to do that here: we don't want to send an oops on every developer request (but you can call create() and not publish() to achieve that)01:08
lifelessand secondly there may be enough overhead to want to avoid it for regular developer requests (but thats unknown)01:08
lifelessif you consolidated these code paths, it could be a pretty neat experience01:08
lifelessthe oops adds info like the pageid, which tells us the api or view invoked, host it ran on, execution time, and as we add things like thread rusage, that too01:13
poolieyes that would be neat01:15
pooliefor this i wanted to make it something that would always be cheap enoguh to have available, at least to developers01:15
lifelessI would be surprised if generating and not sending an oops were more than a few 10's of ms01:16
poolieseparately, i looked at https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/878140 too but i'm stumped01:16
_mup_Bug #878140: process-mail.py failed to resolve dns. Raised NXDOMAIN <dkim> <oops> <Launchpad itself:Triaged by mbp> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/878140 >01:16
poolieStevenK, thanks for working on updating twisted01:35
lifelessStevenK: wgrant: has sinzui set you loose on criticals or something ?02:53
wgrantStevenK was for a while.02:55
StevenKlifeless: I will tend to look at criticals when I'm booked -- sinzui has said that is okay.03:06
StevenKAnd that twisted critical has been annoying me for a while.03:06
wgrantWe're nearly unblocked, finally.03:07
StevenKI was pondering refactoring the switch team visibility to check for a PPA and private bug subscriptions03:08
StevenKs/visibility/subscription policy/03:09
wgrantVisibility, or membership policy?03:09
* StevenK de-prams his toys03:09
wgrantThere's several cards about extending the restrictions.03:09
wgrantWe need the restriction you are pondering, but it needs to be somewhat extensible.03:09
StevenKwgrant: Jump on mumble then?03:10
StevenKI can't have a few minute pre-impl? :-)03:11
wgrantCritical bug balance over the last week is -16.03:11
wgrantI need to file bugs :(03:11
lifelessI thought we showed a padlock for links to private things03:14
lifelesshave a look at bugs.l.n/python-oops-tools03:15
wgrantlifeless: That table is special.03:15
wgrantNot quite sure why +bugs isn't the Bugs index now.03:17
wgrant+bugs-index is pretty much a crippled, hideously useless version of +bugs.03:18
lifelessby heat03:18
wgrantLike Archive:+index vs Archive:+packages03:18
wgrantExcept that we have a vision for Archive:+index.03:18
wgrantelmo: What have I done now?03:25
wgrantIf you look down the bottom you can see the real error.03:26
elmoyeah, I saw it03:27
wgrantThis wonderful error handling has been in place since early 2009 :)03:27
elmohmm, I don't think so03:28
elmoor maybe I've been using refcontrol longer than I thought03:28
elmoin any event, when I first started using refcontrol, it failed in less spectacular ways03:28
wgrantIt's a bit less ugly for non-AJAX operations.03:28
elmois there a bug about it and/or should I file one?03:28
elmoah, that could be it03:28
wgrantIt still uses ALLCAPS for no reason at all.03:28
wgrantBut at least doesn't spew JS at you.03:29
wgrantI think there's a bug, but I can't find it.03:29
wgrantBug #52144703:29
_mup_Bug #521447: ajax errors show 'following errors occured' or a big dump of the html source for the oops page <error-handling> <errors> <javascript> <lp-bugs> <ui> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> <LAZR Javascript Library:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/521447 >03:30
pooliehuwshimi, lifeless, the text width thing would be a case where it would be interesting to have google labs style per-user feature flags03:30
wgrantbug #40849103:30
_mup_Bug #408491: Javascript actions error handling needs work <javascript> <lp-code> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/408491 >03:30
poolieto say "you can opt in to wide text", or markdown, or whatever03:30
poolieand see what happens03:30
poolieelmo, Note the consistent user interface and error reportage. Launchpad is generous enough to flag errors, yet prudent enough not to overwhelm the novice with verbosity.03:31
elmopoolie: haha03:31
nigelbHrm, no jtv yet.03:32
elmo(oh, sorry - I didn't mean to post that chinstrap link in here - non-canonical folks can infer the contents from the bug wgrant linked to)03:33
wgrantHah, I assumed this was -ops.03:33
wgrantYou don't often venture out here :)03:34
nigelbelmo: I'm guessing you had a whole bunch of red text as the outcome of a failed ajax operation03:34
nigelbwgrant: hehe03:34
lifelesspoolie: that was a little mean :(03:42
lifelessstill winning -03:45
lifeless    2029  OOPS-2122AX39   Product:+activereviews03:45
wgrantProduct:+download is a pretty easy one, hopefully.03:45
wgrantJust lots of LFADC queries.03:46
huwshimiwallyworld: I've just replied to that email about hiding/disabling. Let me know if that doesn't help04:36
wallyworldhuwshimi: thanks. will look04:36
wallyworldhuwshimi: i also want to ask you about something else when you have a moment04:36
huwshimiwallyworld: sure, anytime04:37
wallyworldhuwshimi: as an aside, there's a weird css glitch with the edit icons used for the yui activator - they are a few pixels higher than the text they go next to04:37
* StevenK melts from the heat.04:37
wallyworldwhich leads me to this screenshot04:38
wallyworldhuwshimi: i want to provide ui to delete bug tasks, so the screenshot puts the remove icons next to those tasks that are allowed to be deleted04:38
wallyworldbut it looks crap due to the css issue i just highlighted04:39
* StevenK kicks Unity.04:39
wallyworldnote that other edit icons in the same row are aligned04:39
wallyworldi've had a quick look at the css but nothing jumps out at me as being the obvious cause04:39
wallyworldhuwshimi: so, i need input on the placement if the remove icons plus whether we want to fix the edit icon alignment04:40
huwshimiwallyworld: the remove icons have the correct alignment. We need to fix the edit icons04:40
huwshimiwallyworld: Is there a way for me to run that code locally?04:40
wgrantEven better if you can remove that couple of em of padding between the expander and icon.04:41
wallyworldhuwshimi: to do that screenshot, i just run lp.dev and hacked the html with "<a class='sprite remove'></a>04:41
wgrantI tried, but lazr-js is ew.04:41
wallyworldwe no longer use lazr-js :-)04:42
huwshimiwallyworld: Ah great04:42
wallyworldbut we use its code04:42
wgrantWe use lazr-js, just it happens to have been merged into our tree.04:42
wallyworldhuwshimi: so use firebug i assume04:42
huwshimiwallyworld: yeah that's fine04:42
wallyworldwgrant: i know, i was trying to be 'funny'04:42
* wallyworld needs coffee04:43
huwshimiwallyworld: Oh was that a question?04:43
wallyworldhuwshimi: what was?04:43
huwshimiwallyworld: Did your correction mean you were asking if used firebug?04:44
wallyworldhuwshimi: yeah, just making sure you were able to hack in the html like i did04:44
huwshimiwallyworld: Ah yes that's fine04:45
huwshimiwallyworld: Just waiting for my launchpad to update04:45
wallyworldcool. i thought it would be, just making sure :-)04:45
wallyworldi'm waiting for your email to arrive04:46
wallyworldso i'll go grab a caffinated beverage04:46
huwshimiwallyworld: Oh strange04:46
huwshimiwallyworld: please post caffeinated beverages04:47
* wgrant renames PillarObserverPolicies to AccessPolicies.04:54
wgrantConsidered VisibilityPolicy, but that's almost Soyuz-long...04:55
wallyworldhuwshimi: i agree with your thoughts. my preference was to hide the link(s).04:55
huwshimiwallyworld: Right, I don't fully understand the situation, but it seems like they can never interact with those links if a bug is private so they should be hidden04:57
wallyworldhuwshimi: sort of. it's more that there are already bug tasks on the bug for other targets and so you can't go and associate the bug with something else as well04:58
wallyworldsince this will allow private info to leak04:58
huwshimiwallyworld: oh04:58
wallyworlddoes that change things?04:59
huwshimiwallyworld: I'm not sure, it might be a situation for some explanation04:59
wgrant(for now, but we are moving to removing those links for public bugs too eventually)05:00
wallyworldyes, and it's not like the user can readily "fix" the situation to make those unallowed links valid05:00
wgrantThey can make the bug public :)05:01
wallyworldbut that goes against the intent05:01
wgrantBut we probably need to somehow make it clear that the links aren't just randomly missing from some bugs.05:04
huwshimiugh I can't get make schema to work05:05
huwshimi"psycopg2.ProgrammingError: function ftiupdate() does not exist"05:05
wgrantHave you run launchpad-database-setup on this machine before?05:06
huwshimiwgrant: No05:06
huwshimiwgrant: unless it got run during the setup05:06
wgrantIt's not run automatically, no.05:07
wgrantIt's fairly destructive :)05:07
StevenKutilities/launchpad-database-setup $USER05:07
wallyworldwgrant: the hard bit is to make it cleat that "links aren't randomly missing" in a concise way on the gui. maybe they should be disabled rather than hidden then05:09
wgrantStevenK: Never recommend that directly.05:11
wgrantStevenK: The username is an unobvious argument for a reason.05:11
StevenKI just run it05:13
StevenKBut I'm pretty clear on what it does and why05:13
wgrantBut new people are not.05:14
huwshimiwallyworld: this is what I get: http://i.imgur.com/Nf7Bq.png05:16
wgrantWhich browser?05:16
wallyworldhuwshimi: hmmm. that looks different to mine05:16
wgrantIt's the opposite.05:17
wgrantThe status icon is too high.05:17
wgrantThe target one is just right.05:17
wallyworldi'm using ff 7.0105:17
huwshimiwallyworld: I'm using chromium of some non-descript version number05:17
huwshimiwallyworld: 14.0.835.202 (Developer Build 103287 Linux)05:18
wallyworldso do we hack in css corrections for browser differences? surely not :-(05:18
huwshimiwallyworld: Where in the html did you add the new <a>?05:24
poolielifeless, https://code.launchpad.net/~mbp/rabbitfixture/rabbit-startup/+merge/8017405:25
wallyworldhuwshimi: after the span i think. let me check05:25
huwshimiwallyworld: This is what mine looked like: http://paste.ubuntu.com/717578/05:25
wallyworldhuwshimi: mine went after the div but before the span05:26
wallyworldwhereas yours in inside the div05:26
wallyworldthe div pertains to the edit widget hence i put it outside that05:26
huwshimiwallyworld: oh right05:27
wallyworldnot sure if that will matter05:27
wallyworldin terms of affecting layout05:27
huwshimiwallyworld: wait, where?05:28
huwshimiwallyworld: Do you want to paste it?05:29
wallyworldhuwshimi: here's the tales, which i've dome now that i have it working for real https://pastebin.canonical.com/547805:29
huwshimiwallyworld: Was that meant to go to me?05:30
wallyworldyes, sorry, i can do html also05:31
wallyworldjust a sec05:31
huwshimiwallyworld: What should I be looking at from that query?05:31
wallyworldhuwshimi: it's template which is turned into html, here's the html https://pastebin.canonical.com/54783/05:32
huwshimiwallyworld: right, but that first paste was the results of a db query, I'm assuming that's not what you intended on pasting05:34
wallyworldhuwshimi: ah, right. cut and paste error. one digit missing https://pastebin.canonical.com/54782/05:35
huwshimiwallyworld: Ah :)05:36
huwshimiwallyworld: I was very confused05:36
huwshimiwallyworld: What happens if you apply "vertical-align: middle;" to both of the icons?05:39
* wallyworld tries that05:39
wallyworldhuwshimi: trouble it, the edit icon is a <button>05:41
wallyworldand addign that style makes it disappear05:41
wallyworldat least it disappeared for me05:42
wallyworldthe html is <button class="lazr-btn yui3-activator-act"> Edit </button>05:42
huwshimiwallyworld: that's strange, it worked for me05:43
wallyworldhmmm. could be a firebug thing05:44
wallyworldi'll add that to the lazr-js css and see05:44
wallyworldhuwshimi: seems to have helped a bit http://people.canonical.com/~ianb/bugtask-icons-1.png05:49
wallyworldhuwshimi: the css turns out as https://pastebin.canonical.com/54784/05:51
huwshimiwallyworld: how do they line up with other icons on the page?05:53
wallyworldhuwshimi: as per the screenshot, they look a little higher than the other similar icons in that row (which have no vertical alignment style) but at least they appear consistent to each other05:54
wallyworldperhaps we need to add that vertical alignment style to all such icons05:55
huwshimiwallyworld: I believe the vertical-align: middle is on all the others05:55
wallyworldhuwshimi: ah, so it is05:56
wallyworldso if i add that style to the lazr activator button css it seems to help at least05:56
wallyworldhuwshimi: thanks for the help. so you are happy for the delete icon to be rendered where it is (to the right of the change target icon)?05:58
huwshimiwallyworld: yeah I guess that makes sense05:59
wallyworldi can't think of a better place. the icon will only be there for those tasks which the user has permission to delete05:59
wallyworldso some will have it, others won't05:59
wgrantlifeless: Do we want an abstract product|distribution table as well?06:29
wgrant(in addition to the abstract bug/branch/someotherartifact table)06:29
wgrantI think you might have done some analysis around this.06:29
lifelesswgrant: IBugContextPillars ?06:40
micahgwow, Bug #878909 threw up a red flag, wallyworld, who can do this sort of thing?06:40
_mup_Bug #878909: allow users to delete bugtasks using the web UI <bugs> <disclosure> <privacy> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by wallyworld> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/878909 >06:40
wgrantmicahg: At present nobody. We plan to open it up to pillar owners, and possibly bug supervisors if my objections are defeated.06:41
wallyworldmicahg: lp admins, project owners. i'll have to double check who else06:41
micahgwallyworld: wgrant: excellent assuming wgrant isn't overruled, acceptable if he is, it might be good to clarify in the bug in case anyone else sees it though :)06:42
lifelessmicahg: why? whats the concern ?06:42
wallyworldmicahg: it's also behind a feature flag06:42
micahglifeless: regular users deleting bug tasks06:42
lifelessmicahg: how is that worse than regular users adding them ?06:42
* lifeless speculates06:43
wallyworldmicahg: permissions are: lp admins, pillar owners, pillar bug supervisors06:43
micahglifeless: irreversable?06:43
wallyworldand only if the ff is on06:43
lifelessmicahg: add a new task set the old status06:43
lifelessmicahg: thats pretty reversable06:43
wgrantHah, it seems I have been defeated :)06:43
wgrantUbuntu bug supervisors possibly shouldn't have this power, but I guess we'll see.06:43
lifelessperhaps we should let anyone delete invalid tasks06:44
wallyworldwgrant: that's what the ff is for - to allow us to get that bit sorted06:44
micahglifeless: it's harder to notice a missing bug task06:44
wgrantwallyworld: Yep, that's why I recommended it.06:44
lifelessmicahg: we'll send a notification out06:44
wgrantBut I didn't think we were doing bug supervisors in the initial pass.06:44
lifelesshowever, implementation wise this is real deletes, not a status-that-hides-the-bug06:44
wallyworldonly if the ff is on06:44
micahglifeless: indeed, but a wrong status/bug task is visible in the bug, a missing one would only be visible in the history/e-mail06:45
lifeless(because this is needed to let folk cleanup private bugs before the next stage, where we disable private bugs w/multiple pillars06:45
wallyworldthere are a lot of invalid bug tasks that have been assigned to the null project, no?06:45
wallyworldonly because we couldn't delete them06:45
lifelessyes, but if we had a 'deleted' state they wouldn't be there either06:46
lifelessand it would be more reversible06:46
lifelesssafer in a lot of ways06:46
wallyworldlifeless: branch deletion is also permanent06:46
lifelesswallyworld: the sky is blue06:46
micahglifeless: I don't have a problem if it's limited, we can warn Ubuntu bug control members more sternly about it, but open to anyone sounds like trouble, someone disagrees with won't fix, delete and create a new bug task06:46
wgrantOnly the branch owner can delete branches.06:46
wallyworldalthough in general i agree with soft deletes for model artifacts06:46
wallyworldso branch owners can still make mistakes06:47
lifelessmicahg: its not open to anyone, and if we did open to anyone I'm pretty sure we would status lock it (e.g. delete invalids only)06:47
wgrantI think hard deletes are almost always a mistake.06:47
wgrantExcept this time we're trying to fix a broken model design from 2004.06:47
lifelesswallyworld: anyhow, its moot: we need hard deletes for *some bugs* *now*06:47
wallyworldyeah, hence it was done as a hard delete and not a soft delete06:48
lifelesswallyworld: we may want soft deletes once the migration is over, note that soft deletes have further dev ramifications06:48
wallyworldwe can revisit later06:48
wgrantOnce we have bugs comfortably single-target in a couple of years, we no longer need deletes of any kind.06:48
wallyworldsoft deletes will have a *lot* impact on model queries etc06:48
lifelesswallyworld: not really06:48
wgrantIt's just the same as a status search.06:48
wgrantWhich we always do anyway.06:48
lifelesswallyworld: we already have sets for interesting-default status and custom-set-of-status06:49
wgrantIt is a rare query that doesn't exclude Invalid.06:49
wallyworldwhy? *every* query will need an extra "is not deleted" condition06:49
wgrantstatus NOT IN (invalid, fixreleased, deleted)06:49
nigelbHrm, is jtv not working today?06:49
lifelesswallyworld: only if you implement deleted as a separate bit06:49
lifelesswallyworld: which is an option, but not a requirement06:49
wallyworldwhich one would normally o, no?06:49
wallyworldstatus != deleted06:49
wallyworldsemantically sifferent06:50
lifelesswallyworld: I think many folk would argue that deleted is a lifecycle state for a bug task, rather than separate to status06:50
wgrantDeleted is a special case of Invalid.06:50
wgrantIsn't it?06:50
wallyworldthen they are wrong :-P06:50
wallyworldnot in my view, but anyways, it's moot for now06:50
wgrant"Deleted" == "So invalid that GTFO"06:50
wallyworldeven if it could be argued that way for bug tasks (which I'm not agreeing with), it doesn't generalise to other model objects06:51
wallyworldsince  not everything else necessarily has a lifecycle status attribute06:52
wgrantA "deleted" flag is just a lifecycle status attribute that happens to be a boolean.06:54
wallyworldperhaps. but i view it as subtlely different. it's just imo.06:55
poolieallenap, review on https://code.launchpad.net/~mbp/rabbitfixture/rabbit-startup/+merge/80174  please?06:55
wallyworldexistence vs state06:55
wallyworldwgrant: i can't quite see how "if len(bug.affected_pillars) > 1" is wrong. you say that it prevents adding *any* task but that's not true if the bug tasks are all for the same pillar07:00
wgrantwallyworld: Sure, but say I have a private security bug affecting Ubuntu and Debian, and I want to fix it in Ubuntu.07:01
wgrantUnless I have the new task deletion superpower, I can't fix it in Ubuntu, because I can't target it to the series.07:01
wgrantWe should forbid making the bug more broken.07:02
wgrantBut adding another task for an existing pillar is not making it more broken.07:02
wgrantBecause brokenness = number of pillars - 1.07:02
wallyworldwgrant: so you want to remove that check entirely i think07:03
wgrantI think of those three checks, on the third is useful.07:03
wallyworldok. so long as you are happy with just the third, i'll get rid of the others07:04
wgrantI believe the first two are excessive, and the bits that aren't excessive are redundant.07:04
wallyworldi'll redo and you can double check07:05
poolie>> A lot of the feedback was very complimentary to the infrastructure (Launchpad, Wiki, IS07:10
pooliefacilities etc) that Canonical provides to help Ubuntu contributors to do their work.07:10
pooliefrom the recent developer survey07:10
poolieway to go robot07:10
nigelbLaunchpad bug tracking is pretty awesome, despite all its faults.07:11
nigelbAnd the timeout work + less email work has everyone quite happy.07:11
wgrantIt's getting more awesome :)07:11
nigelbI'm waiting to see the end of deryck's squad's work.07:11
wgrantFirst major improvements in years, apart from the subscription work.07:11
nigelbif you guys can pull of what mrevell mentioned in his email..07:12
pooliefull survey http://t.co/sdyJKAnO07:14
poolie>> Here and elsewhere in the survey the patch pilot programme was specifically highlighted as07:14
pooliea successful initiative.07:14
pooliego me.07:14
poolieand all the people who did the work07:15
nigelbThe patch pilot idea was inspired by bzr right?07:15
poolieyep, after some lobbying07:16
nigelbIts a great idea!07:16
nigelbohai StevenK :)07:16
nigelb"do you feel you are able to influence the decision-making of Canonical"07:18
nigelbMorning mrevell!07:18
poolienigelb, yeah, that is07:19
poolienot surprising, perhaps a bit worrying07:19
nigelbWell, I wish people in the community could be part of the teams.07:20
nigelbLike, say kernel or design.07:20
poolieespecially design perhaps07:20
pooliei think a lot more of the kernel work is in the open07:20
nigelbLike launchpad is intresting, because I can participate in the development along with paid employees.07:21
nigelbSome teams are less open.07:21
nigelbEspcially design.07:21
nigelbIf there's a UX trained person in the community who wants to help..07:21
nigelb(I wish sladen wasn't working for Canonical :P)07:21
poolieme too :-P07:21
nigelbHe's the kind of person I mean, he knows what he's talking about and can give design feedback.07:22
nigelbIts still mertiocracy.07:22
nigelbAnyway, back to work :)07:24
nigelbMonday Mourning and all that.07:24
adeuringgood morning07:45
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
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=== benji changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Welcome danhg | On call reviewer: benji | Critical bugtasks: 266
Ursinhawgrant, hey, still there? :) do the daskeyboard beauties have backlight?12:57
Ursinhasince I lost control I'm pondering buying myself one12:58
* nigelb blinks and processes12:59
nigelbah, right. Lost control.12:59
wgrantUrsinha: No backlight, no.12:59
Ursinhanigelb, :D12:59
Ursinhanigelb, http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2360791707157&set=a.1738496950177.2097724.1471235315&type=113:00
Ursinhawgrant, ah. thanks anyway :)13:00
nigelbUrsinha: I remember :)13:00
nigelbI commented or Like'd it before.13:00
Ursinhanigelb, yeah, I just wanted to make it easy for you :)13:01
allenapjelmer: Hi, I have a question about stacking. Do you have a few minutes? Someone seems to have been able to get two of their branches to stack on one another, https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/175926.14:18
allenapabentley: Thank you for pursuing that storm fix. I haven't had time yet today - on maintenance - to do anything more, but I will as soon as I can.14:25
abentleyallenap: Thanks!14:25
allenapabentley: jelmer ^ doesn't seem to be here right now, would you have time to help me with https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/175926?14:26
abentleyallenap: I'm sorry, but I haven't had anything to do with the mirroring infrastructure since the bzr team rewrote it.14:29
allenapabentley: Okay, no worries. Anyone in the bzr team in particular I should talk to, or shall I just badger all of them?14:30
abentleyallenap: I don't know of anyone in particular.14:31
sinzuibac ping14:31
sinzuibenji, bac, gmb, allenap: Bug #879901 need immediate fixing. ISD sees no issues on their side14:36
_mup_Bug #879901: Purchased commercial vouchers do not arrive at Launchpad <projects> <regression> <salesforce> <Canonical Salesforce:New> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/879901 >14:36
benjisinzui: we will look at it now14:37
sinzuibenji, ISD sent me a list that confirm they have a record of my purchases on the 11, 12, 22 of this month.14:38
benjisinzui: ok, so the purchases are correctly recorded in salesforce therefore we should start by looking at the lp<->salesforce interconnect14:41
sinzuibenji, exactly. The gateway port could be blocked or the query/protocol changed14:42
sinzuimaybe Lp is not polling salesforce anymore14:43
benjisinzui: thanks for the verification, I'm reading voucher code to see where to get started14:43
sinzuibenji, bac diagnosed the last two outages. I think He had a losa switch a process to debug to log the underlying issue14:44
benjisinzui: good to know, I'll see if he can give me a hand14:44
benjibac: are you really not in #launchpad-yellow or is my IRC client acting up?14:45
sinzuimaybe bac is still travelling home14:45
cjwatsonThank goodness Launchpad isn't like this: http://thedailywtf.com/Articles/The-Query-of-Despair.aspx14:48
sinzuibenji, Bug #557392 and Bug #597754 might be informative14:49
_mup_Bug #597754: Launchpad voucher redemption fails with unactivated vouchers <lp-registry> <oops> <qa-ok> <Canonical Salesforce:Fix Released by jamesj> <Launchpad itself:Fix Released by bac> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/597754 >14:49
benjithanks sinzui, taking a look14:50
sinzuibenji, James confirmed my vouchers are active14:51
benjisinzui: that would seem to rule out a reoccurrance of bug 597754 then14:51
_mup_Bug #597754: Launchpad voucher redemption fails with unactivated vouchers <lp-registry> <oops> <qa-ok> <Canonical Salesforce:Fix Released by jamesj> <Launchpad itself:Fix Released by bac> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/597754 >14:51
sinzuiI agree. the other bug looks promising14:52
jelmerhi allenap14:55
allenapjelmer: I've just spoken to mgz in #bzr, thanks for getting back to me though.14:56
jelmerallenap: ah, cool14:57
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benjisinzui: do you have any hints as to where the proxy's logs are?  I gather from 557392 that the proxy runs on niobium, but I don't see that machine's logs in /srv/launchpad.net-logs/production/ on chinstrap15:10
allenapAre there any Soyuz Gods in here who can help with https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/175403?15:39
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nigelballenap: I thought all those gods were in australia? :)15:41
allenapnigelb: I think you're right. I'm hoping that one of them has insomnia and an urge to check IRC.15:42
nigelbThat does happen way too often.15:43
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
cjwatsonallenap: It's really a question about the platform, not a Soyuz question.  I've answered.16:18
allenapcjwatson: Thank you :)16:18
cjwatson(Although I suppose "no, we won't manually set up symlinks in /usr/bin for you" involves a degree of Soyuz knowledge, but. ;-) )16:18
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
mrevellNight all16:57
nigelbUrsinha: You might find this quote interesting "Chuck Norris's keyboard doesn't have a Ctrl key because nothing controls Chuck Norris." :)17:29
Ursinhanigelb, ha!17:31
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
mtaylorsinzui: I bugged you the last time someone merged their account and wound up with two open ids, didn't I?17:52
mtaylorwell, in any case, we just had someone else merge accounts and wind up with SSO not working properly for him: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/17603117:56
sinzuimtaylor, okay18:12
sinzuiI think we need to ensure a bug is reported and a maintenance is is working to fox the root cause.18:13
sinzuiI will do that no18:13
mtaylorsinzui: cool. thanks!18:15
mtaylorsinzui: I thought you might have had a thought on the root cause there18:15
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
lifelessbenji: can has review?18:41
benjilifeless: since you ask so nicely, sure18:42
lifelessbenji: :) thanks!18:42
lifelesssinzui: on merge do we intend to keep all the identities active indefinitely ?18:50
lifelesssinzui: what do we do with the alias that we used to offer ourselves (https://launchpad.net/~lifeless used to (still does?) work as an openid thingy)18:51
lifelesssinzui: I ask because there is another bug elsewhere talking about persistent identifiers for users, and merge will affect that too18:52
benjilifeless: I'm done with the review.  Only one small bikeshed.18:52
lifeless:) thanks18:53
sinzuilifeless, yes, we keep the ids forever to ensure no matter which identity SSO uses continues to work18:55
sinzuilifeless, i think is is largely because we do not have a mechanism to sync with Ubuntu's SSO18:55
lifelesssinzui: yah, thats in fact the other bug I'm thinking of :)18:56
lifelesssinzui: well, kinda18:56
lifelesssinzui: anyhow, can you check my logic here (not related to your bug):18:57
lifeless - we allow multiple openids to login to a single user18:57
lifeless - merging just unions them (in theory)18:57
lifeless - openids can not be deleted by the user?18:57
sinzuilifeless, yes, These are issue I brought up in my email 14 months ago to the list. The foundations team was working in an adhoc fashion to solve the defects in the SSO split18:58
lifeless -> openids could be used as a static persistent identifier in the SOA?18:58
lifelessstep 3 I'm not sure of18:58
sinzuistub was working with a lot of distractions and was asking for help to determine which bugs really needed to be addresses18:58
flacostebenji: do you know why wgrant put bug #828572 back in progress?19:47
_mup_Bug #828572: bugs are marked incomplete_with_response if users or scripts change the status / tags immediately after setting the status <escalated> <qa-ok> <ubuntu-qa> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by benji> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/828572 >19:47
benjiflacoste: I'm wondering the same thing; I figured that if I didn't see him by the time I EODed I'd email him to find out19:48
benjihe should be around in an hour or so19:49
lifelesshave we finished the migration and deleted the old query code entirely?20:07
benjilifeless: yep, the migration is done (there were 5 unmigrated records last week that have now been fixed) and my branch switches to query on the new with/without response flavors of incomplete20:28
lifelessbenji: so your branch can close that bug :)20:29
benjilifeless: I think so.  I'd like to know why wgrant reopened it though.  I don't want to get in a game of status tennis.20:30
lifelessof course :)20:30
lifelesswgrant: ^ :)20:30
flacostelifeless: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/31443220:38
_mup_Bug #314432: It's impossible to see all the bugs that affect a BugTarget if some bugs are targeted to one or more series and the Master task is closed <api> <dhrb> <lp-bugs> <platform-blocker> <rls-mgr-p-tracking> <ubuntu-qa> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/314432 >20:38
flacostelifeless: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/85710920:39
_mup_Bug #857109: Cannot have a bug targetted only to an old series <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/857109 >20:39
benjiwgrant: hi, you around?21:02
=== benji changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Welcome danhg | On call reviewer: - | Critical bugtasks: 266
lifelesssinzui: hey, if you have some time, I'd love to catch up21:56
sinzuilifeless, I may have time after my standup that always goes longer than 15 minutes22:01
wgrantbenji: I didn't realise it was actually finished. I thought just the initial schema work had been done.22:02
benjiwgrant: ok, cool; I'll update the bug (and add a comment so the stakeholders can verify that the behavior is what they want)22:03
lifelesssinzui: that would be cool22:03
wgrantlifeless: lol22:39
wgrantThat's data corruption?22:39
wgrantYou'd better not look at Soyuz...22:40
lifelesswgrant: binaries with no source records (and not deliberately mangled) yes22:40
lifelesswgrant: look on the bright side, we have to start somewhere22:40
sinzuiStevenK, bug 784596 is now in scope22:43
_mup_Bug #784596: UI implies open/delegated teams can have PPAs <confusing-ui> <disclosure> <ppa> <teams> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/784596 >22:43
StevenKsinzui: Just thinking about it, I don't think open teams have the create PPA link any more22:53
sinzuiThat would be excellect22:54
* wallyworld stabs unity and all the duplicate icons that have just appeared on the launcher22:54
StevenKsinzui: I will investigate, in either case.22:55
sinzuiStevenK, lp.registry.interfaces.person.team_subscription_policy_can_transition does all sanity checking. It is used by the field to guarantee sanity. It must learn about subscriptions to private artefacts22:57
lifelesswgrant: you asked yesterday about a new table23:00
lifelesswgrant: i think we failed to discuss23:00
wgrantlifeless: We did. I must have become distracted with something.23:00
wgrantPossibly the factory being pathetically slow.23:00
lifelesswhen you're off your call; and I've had a brief catchup with curtis, we can talk23:01
wgrantThe call is done. sinzui is setting dinner in motion, then talking to you.23:01
lifelessso until he arrives ..23:01
lifelessyou were asking about a denormed table the contents of which would be something like (product|distro) which I interpreted as ICanHasBugTaskAndArePillars23:02
lifelessflacoste and I were talking about seriesonlybugtasks23:02
wgrantI currently have an abstract artifact table, but not one for pillars.23:02
lifelessit may get scheduled23:02
lifelessvia maintenance23:02
lifelessone of the impacts is that the fields in bugtask would be reduced - drop product and distro23:03
wgrantI think it should be done as part of the larger IssueTracker rework.23:03
wgrantAt the same time as single-targeting bugs.23:03
lifelesswgrant: single targeting bugs isn't [currently] a desired end-state23:03
wgrant(one Product/Distribution/DistributionSourcePackage + its series)23:03
wgrantI think it is.23:03
wgrantYou just don't know it yet.23:03
lifelesswgrant: I know you hold a different opinion23:03
lifelesswgrant: I think there are significant issues clustered around that, around work items, and around conversations.23:04
lifelessI'm not willing to say you are wrong... but I'm also not willing to say you are right.23:04
wgrantAnd I think pushing for series-only tasks before while we have NFI what we're doing around tasks is a big mistake.23:04
lifelesswell, the idea is to have product do some user research23:05
lifelessvalidate or invalidate the idea as an incremental improvement23:05
wgrantAs long as they take the user input with roughly 10 megatonnes of salt, sure.23:05
lifelessmmm, so for a quick update this has turned into a lot of hyperbole23:06
lifelessLets talk later23:06
sinzuiHi lifeless. I am on skype23:27
lifelesswgrant: ok, want to talk about this now?23:59

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