
kteatimeHi everybody! I set up my very first PPA, that's a cool infrastructure! My first two uploads were experiments with a snapshot of the software I would like to package. I deleted the packages yesterday, but nevertheless they still seem to be saved on launchpad's server. Does any of you know how long it takes until the final deletion?06:57
wgrantkteatime: They should be gone from ppa.launchpad.net within an hour or so, and from the web UI in about a week. But you can never upload different files with the same name again.06:58
nigelbI just typed a long reply and wgrant beat me to it.06:58
tumbleweedwgrant: I get the feeling this needs to be stated as a warning early on in all beginning ppa documentation06:59
wgranttumbleweed: PPAs were initially designed for people who knew how to use Debian-style archives :/06:59
kteatimewgrant  OK, thanks06:59
tumbleweedwgrant: yeah, I know, but it seems to catch everyone else07:00
nigelbIt cathes everyone :)07:00
wgrantWell, it doesn't catch people who treat version numbers with the respect they deserve :)07:00
tumbleweedwith a personal archive on ones' own machine, you can always just force a replacement of an existing file :P07:01
nigelbBut delete on launchpad doesn't mean delete and blast from the face of the earth.07:01
nigelbAnyway, this is soyuz. Its always special.07:02
kteatimeI think tumbleweed is right: There is some documentation about versioning in the help, but it's not enough for beginners.07:05
wgrantThe PPA documentation really needs to be rewritten to target beginners.07:06
nigelbwhere's Dan ;)07:06
wgrantI can hear his screams already.07:06
kteatimeI could even imagine me doing this, once I've understood this process.07:06
nigelbwgrant: Heh, I see he's getting good training.07:07
pooliehi mrevell07:32
mrevellHey there poolie07:33
danhgMorning all07:58
kteatimewgrant One more question: Is the package name case sensitive? Could I create a new PPA with different cases? e.g. deleted package bla-1.0.4 versus new package Bla-1.0.4 in a different PPA?08:18
wgrantkteatime: Ah, the uniqueness constraint I mentioned only affects a single people.08:20
wgrantSo you could upload the same version to a different PPA.08:20
wgrantBut package names should always be lowercase.08:20
wgrantWe probably enforce that.08:20
wenchienif i send a mail to <someone>, CC <mailing list> and <LP bug>, will LP send a copy of this mail to <mailing list> ?08:21
kteatimebut i suppose the new PPA could not have the same name even if the old one was deleted?08:21
wgrantkteatime: Correct.08:23
kteatimeThank you wgrant!08:23
wgrantwenchien: Only if the mailing list is already subscribed to the bug.08:23
wenchienwgrant: humm... how can i tell if it is subscribed or not?08:25
wgrantwenchien: Check the list on the right.08:25
wenchienwgrant: section "Other bug subscribers"?08:26
wgrantwenchien: Right.08:27
wenchienwgrant: humm.. i think it is not the the list  @@08:28
wenchienwgrant: but everytime i send a mail, i'll see two on the list, one is from me, and the other has a subject started by "[Bug xxxx]"08:31
wgrantwenchien: It must be subscribed to the bug, then.08:31
wgrantWhat's the mailing list, and which bug?08:31
wenchienwgrant: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/linux/+bug/85439908:31
ubot5Error: Could not gather data from Ubuntu for bug #854399 (https://launchpad.net/bugs/854399). The error has been logged08:31
wenchienwgrant: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.bluez.kernel/1657008:32
wgrantwenchien: Interesting, gmane seems to be doing cross-list threading.08:34
wgrantIf you look at the links, those two messages are actually on the ubuntu-bugs mailing list.08:35
wgrantWhich gets all Ubuntu bugmail.08:35
wenchienwgrant: ah... didn't noticed that @@08:35
wenchienwgrant: thank you! :)08:36
wgrantI did not know that gmane did that.08:36
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kteatimeHi again! I'm still having a problem with debuild -S and the upload to launchpad. The thing is that I cannot change the version number of my orig.tar.gz because it's the actual version of the original software that I packaged. But debuild -S doesn't work any more because in the binary there were important changes. How would you solve this?12:51
kteatime(So, yes, I packaged a binary.)12:52
tumbleweeddon't change the orig.tar.gz, you can't12:53
tumbleweedrather, include the changes inside the debian directory, with quilt12:53
kteatimeQuilt. Ok. I'll come back after some reading time. ;-) Thanks tumbleweed!12:55
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sinzuibac ping14:30
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cyphermoxhow can I change team membership for a team I'm administrator of (e.g. I want team X (for which I am an admin) to leave team Y)17:23
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Laneycan it ever be the case that an SPPH record is created with a date in the past?19:59
Laneye.g. embargoed builds?19:59
hyper_chwhy isn't launchpad showing all bugs I reported?20:04
dobeyhyper_ch: they were marked duplicate, invalid, won't fix, or fix released perhaps?20:18
odin_I have not used launchpad before, I have installed some version of Ubuntu in vmware to test integration, is there a default set of package I should install ?  like meta packages "development tools" or something ?21:52
odin_is there a list of meta-package I should install to get started?  like gcc compiler and bzr, i.e. all the basic stuff a launchpad buildbot will have ?21:52
odin_OpenSuSE has: zypper in -t pattern 'development-tools' and Red Hat has: yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'21:56
maxbodin_: First things first... I think you're a little confused about the relationship between Launchpad and Ubuntu22:17
maxbWhilst it's true that Launchpad hosts a large amount of infrastructure specific to Ubuntu development, it's not really clear from your question why you're asking this here, rather than on an Ubuntu channel22:19
odin_Launchpad is Ubuntu's version of OBS and/or Koji ?22:19
odin_one way to get started on those systems is to install the OS (like RHEL or OpenSuSE) and install the base packages the builder has, then install the Build-Requires and issue and auto-build on your local system22:20
odin_once you have it build and working locally, you can then submit/commit the package info change to the packagers robotic system for an official published build that is compatible22:21
odin_please correct me on the details that are completely wrong22:21
lifelessodin_: so you want to contribute build fixes to Ubuntu ?22:22
odin_well packages that may not be in official release, infact there is already a package and maintainer for it, I am just trying to assist them in their work22:23
odin_since my main goal is looking after the cross platform open source project itself22:23
odin_but I have worked with OBS and rpmbuild before just never launchpad22:24
odin_is bzr-buildeb useful ?  bzr-builder ?22:27
tumbleweedodin_: sounds like the questions you are asking are more about the basic packaging workflows and tools than anything launchpad-related. (Launchpad is a lot more than just buildds)22:27
tumbleweedodin_: the launchpad buildds use sbuild, many developers use it or pbuilder for testing. The meta-package for development tools is build-essential, but each package also has other build dependencies. sbuild / pbuilder handle all of that.22:29
odin_yes, I guess, my workflow is that I have isnstalled Ubuntu 11.10 desktop and now wish to locally build a recipie from launchpad, what commands might be good one to issue to install/setup things22:29
tumbleweedfor recipes, bzr-builder22:30
tumbleweedbut then you'll want a pbuilder or sbuild to build the source package that the recipe produces22:30
asac_hmm. odd thing. searching for https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/+bugs?field.tag=lt-snowball+primary-video-out+linaro-ubuntu&field.tags_combinator=ALL gioves more results than searching for just one tag22:37
asac_seems the ALL combinator is broken?22:37
asac_e.g compare to https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/+bugs?field.tag=primary-video-out&field.tags_combinator=ALL22:37
asac_known issue?22:37
asac_yeah its broken imo :) ALL delivers same results as ANY22:39
lifelessnot known, looks like a regression22:39
lifelessplease file a bug :(22:39
asac_lifeless: ... we wanted to use bugs to associate bugs with aa board support matrix ... now i dont know what to do :/22:40
lifelessasac_: file a bug22:40
asac_will do22:41
asac_just whining ;)22:41
asac_lifeless: bug 88114422:43
ubot5Launchpad bug 881144 in Launchpad itself "field.tags_combinator=ALL regressed (same results as with ANY)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88114422:43
asac_thanks for sending the bug the right direction :)22:44
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odin_what is "sbuilder" ?  its not in Oneiric package management search23:12
odin_is there ssh access to bzr ?  how might a branch be renamed?23:51

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