
fitushello everyone04:32
fitusanyone here at this time?04:33
bioterrorjust leaving04:36
bioterroroff to train station ;)04:36
fitusanyone else?04:38
fitusI am having trouble with the volume04:38
donniezazenHow do i get numerical temperature, cpu and memory in panel? I have used https://launchpad.net/indicator-sensors and https://launchpad.net/indicator-sysmonitor on Ubuntu, Thanks05:26
ikr11I installed an updated version of the nvidia drives through offered by the "aditional drivers" menu and now I can't boot... how can I go back to the previous drivers?07:52
teamahmaDunno why but my display goes always to 80% and I have to manually set it to 100% with xbacklight. How to set display permanently to 100% (brightness)12:12
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negthornWhere can I see which video driver I'm currently using ?12:57
Kalidarnhi, does anyone know why im getting horrible window refreshes when i move a window13:22
Kalidarnbasically if i move a window quickly13:22
Kalidarnnothing refreshes and i get massive ghosting13:22
Kalidarnuntil i minimize the app13:23
Kalidarnor load something over the top of it13:23
negthornI have "ghosts" too... but for a while13:25
negthornI think it's Videocard problem13:25
Kalidarni've got a nvidia gtx 57013:26
negthornI have Radeon 9200 SE ... and it is not well supported13:26
negthornhm ...13:26
negthornyou mean 5700  ?13:26
Kalidarnthis could be the issue13:27
Kalidarndirect rendering: Yes13:27
Kalidarnserver glx vendor string: SGI13:27
Kalidarnits not using nvidia proprietary drivers maybe13:27
negthornit may be ...13:27
Kalidarni used to use LXDE for all my VMs13:27
Kalidarnand basically ive had it with GNOME and Unity13:27
Kalidarnand if im going to fall back and use the old GNOME2 shell i might as well use LXDE13:27
Kalidarnie yes unity is a good step, but it's pretty unstable.13:28
Kalidarndunno what they were thinking releasing oneric so early13:28
negthorn(previously I though it is GForce 5700 - my mistake (blush) )13:28
Kalidarnnah thats an old old card13:28
KalidarnGTX 570 580 590 are newish cards13:28
negthornI saw ...13:29
negthornIt might be about driver selection ... but  - Oh sHell .. I don't know where is the "conf" file13:30
negthornI've mentioned "/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d"13:30
negthornis entire folder about xorg13:30
negthornbut in my case there is no file related with monitor/vc13:31
Kalidarnoyeah i just realised neither proprietary driver were activated13:31
Kalidarnleast from memory LXDE is pretty solid13:31
Kalidarni have a lot of stuff open when i work and nothing worse is having the window manager crash13:32
Kalidarnive not had good experiences with KDE either actually13:32
Kalidarnplasma is still kinda crashy too13:32
negthornme too13:32
Kalidarnbeen completely turned off both desktops for quite a while13:32
negthornI've stopped liking KDE since 3.4.313:32
Kalidarnyeah i used 4.0-4.2 and then came back in 4.5-4.713:32
Kalidarnit was a bit better13:33
Kalidarnbut there's still rough edges13:33
Kalidarnthen i figured i'd give gnome 3 a shot cos i hadn't used gnome in a while but im not sure what canonical was thinking by doing gnome+unity13:33
Kalidarnunity is no where near production ready13:33
Kalidarnain't ever going to clear bug 1 if it's less stable than it's competition13:33
ubot5Launchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/113:33
negthornI think you can still use metacity/compiz ... bla-bla13:34
negthornI mean ... still in repos13:35
negthornbut I preffer Gnome 3 than Unity13:35
negthornI 've tried both13:36
Kalidarnand that seems to have fixed my issues13:36
Kalidarninstalling the driver ;) i must have accidentally removed it when removing gnome13:36
negthorn(thumb_up) ... Great13:36
Kalidarnabout the only thing i do miss in lxde is expose type feature13:37
Kalidarnthats about the only thing i used13:37
Kalidarni guess i have alt tab that's good enough i suppose13:37
Kalidarnthe workspace view wasn't bad either maybe i can bind my workspaces to key combinations13:38
negthornI've heared about tools ... one in Xfce, one in Gnome ... for key-combos13:39
negthornbut I don't remember names13:39
Kalidarnmm and a lauchy type bar would be good too13:40
Kalidarnsomething with low dependencies13:41
negthornin Ubuntu repos is stil older version13:43
negthorn1.3 sucks13:43
negthornbut you can download 2.2 from their site13:43
negthornmuch pretier13:44
Kalidarnlol yer except it's i386 :P13:45
negthornhm ?13:45
Kalidarnim on an amd64 machine13:46
Kalidarnso ill have to compile from source i guess13:46
negthornit's about the driver13:46
negthornor the bar ?13:46
Kalidarnthe bar13:47
negthorntry the debs ..13:47
negthornI don't think it matters13:48
negthornit's very light13:48
negthorn(most probably reason for tagging  as i386 )13:49
Kalidarni guess ill ahve to use dpkg and force it13:50
brother-Kalidarn: if you just want some view of all applications running and sorting them by workspace is ok you can middle click the desktop13:50
Kalidarnhaha cept my middle mousebutton is broken lol13:51
brother-Kalidarn: and you can bind that to a key combo if you want.13:51
brother-        <action name="ShowMenu">13:51
brother-  <menu>client-list-combined-menu</menu>13:51
brother-        </action>13:51
negthorn :*/13:51
brother-Kalidarn: left+right == middle generally13:51
brother-try that13:51
negthornI'm afk for a 20 mins13:51
brother-might not work indeed =)13:51
Kalidarnmm left right?13:53
Kalidarnhmm what module is reponsible for showing the volume onscreen when using volume keys14:03
Kalidarni might have removed that14:03
Kalidarni wonder if ill get notifications working anymore14:07
Kalidarnyeah some weird reason notify osd isn't working14:16
adamspghhow can i get the caps-lock key to be another control key in Lubuntu?15:36
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l33_wonder if any1 here is really using the rt preempt kernel16:52
wxlLinux 3.0.4-linode38 #1 SMP Thu Sep 22 14:59:08 EDT 201117:00
wxlso, yeah, no17:00
l33_i mean this rt patch17:03
wxlwell never bothered with it but figured such a patch would have an effect on your kernel version17:04
l33_running here a lowlatency kernel from a ubuntu repo17:04
l33_and tuned the irq threading17:06
negthornhow can I change the video driver, in case that Xorg do not use "xorg.conf" file anymore ?18:38
negthornI suggest that my system is using "ati", instead of "radeon"18:39
bioterrorsudo Xorg -configure18:41
bioterrorand change the driver18:41
negthornalso there is something I cannot undestand while read "lshw -C display" result18:41
bioterrorI've always used opensource driver, as my card is supported18:41
ubot5For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto18:42
BenPAhi all ... can someone tell me how to reinstall lubuntu 11.04 ... currently, I am having a shutdown/restart problem and it was suggested I reinstall19:16
emcehello guys19:17
emceI've gotquestion about strange situation with lubuntu-logout19:17
BenPAemce: I am having a problem like that too ... what is it?19:18
emcea use normal root account (su root) with changed root password, and after first login on root account after trying to reboot or halt system there is a prompt about password, which dissapear after few second19:19
emceyou have to be very quick to put the password :)19:20
BenPAI am having a problem whereby mine will not shutdown or reboot or logout unless I use a terminal19:21
brother-BenPA: how did you manage to install it in the first time?19:22
morrihi guys19:22
brother-BenPA: just do it the same way19:22
morriwhere do I get desktop setting in lubuntu 1110?19:23
leszekmorri: which desktop settings ?19:23
BenPAbrother: you are right ... I used a disk ... I did 2 and the other was upgrading to 11.1019:23
brother-BenPA: either you donwload a 11.10 image and use that (cd or usb doesn't matter) or you reuse the old disc and just go through the upgrade again19:24
morridesktop setting (thats what it is called) and you use it to change the desktop (colour and background19:24
BenPAbrother: sorry my dumbness ... forgot that I did it that way on this machine19:24
leszekmorri: ah ok you want to change the background19:24
brother-morri: lxappearance?19:24
leszekmorri: I guess right clicking on the desktop and going to preferences19:25
brother-morri: background is inside the pcmanfm settings. right click the background and select it there or execute pcmanfm --desktop-pref19:25
BenPAbrother: but do you know of a way to fix the shutdown reboot logout error without having to reinstall?19:25
morriit isnt in the right click, only the standard desktop reconfig etrc is there but if it is possible to get it via terminal its great19:26
brother-BenPA: I have no such issue so I have no idea19:26
leszekBenPA: whats the exact problem there ?19:26
brother-morri: untick the box at the advanced tab when you have launched via command line19:26
BenPAleszek:  I cannot shutdown or reboot or logout from the menu ... only from terminal with shutdown command19:28
morriokay cool :) thanks19:28
emceleszek: for me - the same19:29
brother-BenPA: earlier (vary vary long time ago) you had to have your user in a special group19:30
brother-BenPA: powerdev19:31
brother-BenPA: for reference. I am not in that group on my 11.10 install so that long shoot is not relevant =)19:31
BenPAbrother: ok do what do I do remove it from that group or what19:31
brother-brother ~$ groups19:31
brother-brother adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin sambashare admin19:31
brother-I think my system is fairly standard at this point19:31
BenPAbrother: no I see now powerdev group listed19:32
BenPAsee no19:32
BenPAbrother: adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin netdev admin sambashare19:33
leszekBenPA emce: So you don't have the menu entry or if you press logout it does nothing ?19:34
BenPAbrother: I have the entry but my laptop hangs and does nothing ... looks as tho it is going to do something but hangs19:35
emceleszek: a use normal root account (su root) with changed root password, and after first login on root account after trying to reboot or halt system there is a prompt about password, which dissapear after few second19:35
BenPAbrother: I have a netdev group is the only one I see that might be different from yours19:35
emceI click either menu or button on panel19:35
BenPAbrother: same here19:36
leszekhmm... you could try replacing lxdm with gdm and then reboot. Perhaps this will work. And its never wise to login as root in a graphical environment19:37
BenPAbrother/leszek: I went to launchpad first before coming here and the last entry on a post was to reinstall19:37
brother-BenPA: I am not sure if I was unclear or anything.19:38
BenPAleszek: I am using kdm ... using kde not gnome19:38
brother-BenPA: I have /NO/ idea how to solve this for you. my ideas was old and not applicable.19:39
brother-BenPA: my system works fine19:39
brother-BenPA: I installed 11.04 and have upgraded to 11.1019:39
leszekBenPA: maybe this is the problem19:40
BenPAbrother: I just installed 11.04 about 2 weeks ago19:40
leszekperhaps you need lxdm or gdm for it to work19:40
BenPAbrother: I installed on an unused unformatted partition19:40
emceleszek: it's not in graphical e., just in conole19:40
brother-BenPA: thanks. and I can not help you.19:41
leszekah ok19:41
BenPAbrother: thanks19:41
smwI am using empathy on lubuntu. How can I setup the proxy it uses?21:38
smwnormally I would use "system>preferences>Network proxy"21:38
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wxlanyone know about unencrypting $HOME?23:03
Ned1has anyone ever got the message from filesystem or hd "read only filesystem"23:13
Ned1I don't understand what might be wrong, but something is locking up the system23:14
Ned1if I do a read/write test from live lubuntu CD, would it detect any hard ware trouble I might be having?23:16
Ned1I booted in lubuntu live cd and could not delete and reformat hard drive, and it took me a while to understand the live cd somehow grabs swap23:17
Ned1when I found a work around it formatted fine23:17
Ned1but I still get this "read only filesystem" what ever I use on the hard drive23:17
Ned1disk utility shows everything as fine, healthy disk and green lights23:18
Ned1any idea how to trouble shoot for errors ?23:18
Ned1this laptop is on it's way into the garbage bin unless I find a way to target these issues23:19
Ned1it is not just lubuntu, as I made a frugal install with safefile on a newly formatted hard drive and still get the same messages23:20
wxlcontroller problem?23:21
wxlsee if you have the same issues with an external23:21
Ned1on yes, usb connected23:21
wxlif you have no such problem with a usb external drive, then it's either the drive (unlikely given the green lights) or the controller23:23
wxlthere's an array of smaller related issues it could be:23:23
wxlbad cable23:23
wxlnot connected correctly23:23
Ned1I see23:23
wxljumpers being set wrong23:24
wxlhardware switches basically23:24
Ned1system has froze again here, so need a reboot to make it work again23:24
wxlif you never opened it up probably not23:24
wxland proabably not if it used to work23:24
wxli've heard of cables dying and/or coming unseated23:25
wxlthe latter especially so with laptops23:25
KM0201i had a hard drive that i thought was going bad one time, because it kept makng this clicking noise.23:25
Ned1I have disassebled it, for cleaning cpu fan and installing a better hard driver23:26
wxlwe call that jra in the bike industry, KM020123:26
wxlas in "i was just riding along when..."23:26
Ned1HD *23:26
wxlso you have a new hard drive.. might have been installed incorrectly or whatever23:26
KM0201well, the hard drive ended up being fine, but when i went to remove the molex connector, i discovered a single broken wire inside the molex connector....23:27
wxli'd say you likely have a hardware (read: not lubuntu) issue23:27
KM0201i toko the HD back, bought a power supply, and the problem never occurred again.23:27
KM0201only thing i can assume, is the irregular voltage was causing the platters to click and clack from starting/stopping23:27
Ned1wxl, yes I am having that feeling too23:28
Ned1not sure powersupply can be replaced in laptops23:28
Ned1maybe this old notebook has served it's time23:28
Ned1I should just focus on replacing it rather than keep it up23:29
KM0201Ned1: its not really the power supply that goes bad on a laptop (as that is n the outside) its the power connector that is inside the case, they can be replaced, but it's not for the novice23:30
KM0201usually requires to remove the motherboard (which can be a pain on some laptops)23:30
Ned1I shall have to replace the fan too, as it has become considerably more noisy than it used to be23:30
KM0201and soldering on a new connector23:30
wxlthat's a little beyond me23:30
wxli fear no mac, brave soul that i am, but i don't trust myself soldering23:30
wxli'd like to say i could but alas.23:31
Ned1I have had bad luck lately23:31
Ned1both my computers have failed me23:31
Ned1they are all old like 4 years or so23:32
Ned1the other one have some strange issues with power on/off button23:32
Ned1I cannot switch it on anylonger at all23:32
Ned1it used to be a good one, ran windows 7 and ubuntu fine23:32
Ned1lubuntu too23:33
Ned1desktop environment in Ubuntu is very nice, but I like the simple light mplayer setup23:33
Ned1not taxing to the system, and suits my purpose23:34
KM0201Ned1: are you talkin gabout "ubuntu" or "lubuntu".. cuz i'd call the DE of ubuntu, anything but "light"23:35
Ned1thanks for the tips, I shall have to check for bad connectors and wires23:35
Ned1Yes I was talking about the Ubuntu desktop, gnome with something?23:36
Ned1it looks very nice23:36
wxlyes, gnome with bloat23:36
wxlit's pretty and all but damn that's a lot of crap23:36
wxlwell, actually, i really hate unity23:37
Ned1yes, unity, that's it23:37
KM0201wxl: i agree23:37
KM0201Ned1: it might look nice but it's certainly not "light"23:37
Ned1I suppose if you have tons of cpu ram and 64 bit system you hardly know it is bloated ?23:37
wxlridiculous icons23:37
wxli guess23:37
wxlbut that's waste processing you could use for virtual machines and other fun stuff :D23:38
KM0201Ned1: did you ever use gnome 2.x?23:38
Ned1I have a regular 2GHz cpu and 1GB ram and I notice totem and flash player is very heavy on the system23:38
wxli got a 1.5ghz laptop23:38
Ned1no, not yet23:39
KM0201Ned1: if you had never used gnome 2.x (gnome 3 sucks as bad, if not worse than, unity).. then that explains why you like Unity..23:39
KM0201LXDE saved me... cuz i'd ahve had to go Xfce, and i didn't really want to do that23:39
Ned1yes, 1.5 can be all fine, even with the latest. It does depend upon other specs in the cpu. Not sure how it works23:39
Ned1in all the disassembling I might have ruined wires and connectors, darn I thought I was careful23:41
Ned1I my  mind a notebook should preferably run for 10 years without hard ware failure23:42
Ned1I am afraid sellers and makers wants us to update ever three years or so23:42
Ned1which is just a way to keep the money flowing23:43
Ned1back later ; )23:44

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