
Patrickdkwhy would someone be able to help you?00:00
Patrickdkyou haven't even stated your issue00:01
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:01
root_Alright, I'm sorry about that guys, I'm new to this. I just installed linux last night and I finnaly got it running good with no errors, but I cannot download anything from the software centre, I see install but when I click it nothing happens.00:02
Patrickdkyou JUST installed ubuntu? and you installed 12.04?00:03
root_11.10 i believe00:03
Patrickdkyou do know that 12.04 is not stable00:03
Patrickdkthis channel is only for 12.04 help00:03
Patrickdkvisit #ubuntu for other versions00:03
root_im using irrisi how do i navigate to there?00:04
PatrickdkI wouldn't know00:04
tomodachiroot_:  there are several ways00:04
tomodachiroot_:  type /join #ubuntu00:04
tomodachito join that room , godspeed00:05
Patrickdkhmm, I really need to submit a patch for mytop00:05
Patrickdkthis bug has annoyed me for the last 10 years00:05
sillytonesso if I understand the planning right, pangolin will be mostly like 11.10 with more polish and attention to detail?03:22
sillytonesor will it be more like 8.04 with a bunch of new features03:22
jbichasillytones: we're shooting for similar to 11.10 but with less bugs & more consistency :)03:26
sillytonesjbicha: ok cool! Also I wonder if touchpads will enjoy better support03:26
jbichasillytones: what do you mean re: touchpad support ?03:27
sillytonesI see a lot of people looking for support on forums and google03:27
sillytonesalso as a personal anecdote, edge scrolling stopped working for me in 11.04, and still hadn't been addressed in 11.1003:28
sillytonesso i'm wondering if 12.04 will be any different03:28
sillytonesjbicha: this seems like it might be the main beef: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/747092/comments/4303:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 747092 in linux (Ubuntu) "[FUJITSU FMVNP2PL] edge scrolling does not work" [Undecided,Incomplete]03:44
jbichasillytones: ah ok, I don't do much with kernel stuff03:47
sillytonesjbicha: it would be cool if ubuntu could detect known issues like that and say, "hey, looks like your trackpad's not working! that's because..." but that would be in a perfect alternate dimention03:49
jbichamaybe as Ubuntu Friendly gets going that will be possible03:55
jbichaI'd love to see Ubuntu get smart enough to warn users if their hardware won't work well with an upgrade03:56
sillytonesjbicha: I did the hardware survey for ubuntu friendly, but I noticed something I'm not sure is intentional04:33
sillytonesjbicha: the whole survey is really long, and the last thing you test is standby -- my computer wouldn't wake from standby, so I had to hard reset -- was all the time I put into the survey lost then?04:34
jbichasillytones: good question, you could file a bug report or ask ubuntu-friendly-squad@lists.launchpad.net04:37
sillytonesemail sent :)04:41
=== th_ is now known as crizzy
jasefAnyone know where I can find dailies for Pangolin desktop? Or am I jumping the gun a bit?10:05
Ian_Corneyou're jumping the gun10:07
FernandoMigueljasef: toooo soon10:07
FernandoMigueljust upgrade from 11.1010:07
* FernandoMiguel misses running 12.04.... is loosing the boat :\10:07
FernandoMiguelwhen I said I wasn't sure I would be running 12.x while at 11.10, I sure didn't meaning not having the HW for it....... *ML10:08
Ian_Cornethe hw?10:10
jasefWhen do you think I'll be able to get some dailies for it? I like running bleeding edge software and scaring my friends :P10:11
Ian_Cornejasef: alpha1 I think10:12
Ian_Cornebut you can just upgrade your 11.1010:12
jasefI can? How? Just doing s/oneiric/precice/ on /etc/apt/sources.list?10:13
jasefOh, sexy. Should I expect a lot of random weird things?10:13
FernandoMiguelnever did10:15
FernandoMiguelas long as you have the main meta packages10:16
FernandoMigueland if you do, than you found a bug :)10:16
kyofelnothing weird broken here yet after the upgrade at least10:16
* FernandoMiguel looks at kyofel nick and scratches head......10:17
FernandoMiguelkyofel: I resamble that nick from some place ....10:17
kyofelI'm at school - only web client avaliable :(10:18
kyofelthat's why I'm twice in there now. web + quassel10:18
FernandoMiguelyou addicted10:18
jasefI know when I was running natty dailies, I had bugs with stuff because some packages depended on and old version of gcc10:19
Ian_Cornejasef: for me nothing broken that wasn't broken before :D10:19
jasefKay. Updating now :D10:19
jasefHow do I use sed to do this again?10:19
FernandoMigueljasef: did you have both repo versions?10:19
FernandoMigueljasef: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list10:19
jasefFernandoMiguel, for natty dailies? I don't remember.10:19
jasefGrrr, ruining my CLI fun.10:20
FernandoMiguelnano FTW10:21
FernandoMiguelor $ man sed10:22
FernandoMiguelyou gonna need to take a couple of hours to read *and* understand all the regexp syntax. and do backup your sources :p10:22
jasefroot@dionysus:~# mv /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.oneiric10:24
jasefroot@dionysus:~# sed 's/oneiric/precise/' </etc/apt/sources.oneirc >/etc/apt/sources.list10:25
jasef<- so proud of myself xD10:25
jasefer... ignore the typo in that second one, I fixed it in my CLI command but did it before I copied it >.>10:25
* FernandoMiguel pats jasef in the back10:25
FernandoMiguelAFAIR sed can backup the file too10:26
FernandoMiguelso you could do that inline10:26
jasefMust know how...10:27
jasefI got 404 errors on two of my sources, is that okay?10:31
Ian_Corneit shouldn't10:31
Ian_Corneunless it's partner10:31
kyofelor PPA's10:31
jasefBoth are from extras.ubuntu.com10:31
FernandoMiguelstrip those.. and also comment all PPAs till you make sure they are available10:32
Ian_Cornethat's the same as partner I think10:32
Ian_Cornejust put oneiric there10:32
FernandoMiguelalthough you can use older ones, many times10:32
Ian_CorneFernandoMiguel: the ppa's are in sources.list.d10:32
Ian_Corneand should not be changed with the sed command10:32
FernandoMiguelnot mine10:32
Ian_Corneyou don't add them with add-apt-repository?10:32
FernandoMiguelI still have ppas back ijn maverick....10:32
FernandoMiguelIan_Corne: I'm an old dog10:33
Ian_CorneMe too, but I clear out sources.list and ppa's eveyr now and then :)10:33
jasefSo I shouldn't get any problems using the oneiric versions of those?10:33
FernandoMiguelwho knows10:33
FernandoMiguelYMMV.... it may just work.... or eat kittens10:34
jasefLol thanks :P I'll try and see what happens... I should find out what software I have from those repositories first10:34
jasefUhm. Any way to do that without installing Synaptic?10:35
FernandoMigueldo what?10:37
FernandoMiguelapt-cache policy is your best friend10:37
Ian_CorneI don't think it's can go wrong, dependencies versions are set10:37
Ian_Corneand stuff10:37
Ian_Corneat most, updating will be annoying10:38
jasefFernandoMiguel, I mean finding what packages I've installed from a particular source10:38
FernandoMiguelyeah, synaptic has one of the best views for it10:38
jasefo: It's installing synaptic without any problems... I thought it'd have to update a tonne of packages since I made it all go to precise lol10:39
FernandoMigueloh rite, now synpacit is not part of -desktop...10:40
FernandoMiguelit's like aptitude LOL10:40
jasefI still don't understand why they removed Synaptic.10:40
kyofelit's too intelligent for common people10:44
FernandoMigueljasef: I also agree it's uncessary for most common users10:45
FernandoMiguelespecially with the all pretty software center10:45
jasefSoftware Centre is kinda annoying and slow for me.10:46
FernandoMiguelme too10:46
FernandoMiguelbut I use aptitude for most of my installs10:46
jasefEh... I'm just commenting out the repositories for now, I don't figure any harm will come.10:46
jasefI don't like aptitude... I just use apt-get10:47
FernandoMigueltoo late... you should do that *before* you upgrade10:47
jasefI haven't upgraded yet.10:47
FernandoMigueldon't forget to --update first , so you get the new sources10:47
jasefAll I did was changed the sources.list10:47
FernandoMiguelprotip: apt-get clean10:47
jasefWhat does clean do?10:47
FernandoMiguelcleans out all the packages you have in /car/cache/apt10:47
FernandoMigueland all the .lists, that will be outdated for 12.x10:48
jasefSo if I just do apt-get clean, then apt-get update, I should be fine?10:48
jasefWhat's better, apt-get upgrade, or apt-get dist-upgrade?10:48
FernandoMiguel$ du -csh /var/cache/apt/archives/10:48
FernandoMigueljasef: I dunno.  I just use aptitude10:49
FernandoMiguelhave been using it since the times I did the kde 3.5 > 4.1 migration10:49
jasefAptitude has both options too, doesn't it?10:49
FernandoMiguelsafe-upgrade and full-upgrade10:49
FernandoMiguelwhich certanly SOUND nicer and more clear than those from apt-get10:49
jasefFreaking touchpad.10:50
FernandoMiguel*which certanly SOUND nicer and more clear than those from apt-get10:50
jasefAnyway, using aptitude, which command would you recommend I run?10:50
FernandoMiguelTHAN full10:50
FernandoMiguelI even have an alias for it lOL10:50
FernandoMiguel$ sudo apt-get update ; sudo aptitude safe-upgrade ; sudo aptitude full-upgrade10:50
FernandoMiguel$ sudo apt-get update ; sudo aptitude safe-upgrade ; sudo aptitude full-upgrade10:51
FernandoMiguel!language | jasef10:51
ubottujasef: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.10:51
jasef>.> Sorry10:51
FernandoMiguelI know10:51
jasefI'll be good now.10:51
jasefArgh. Google repositories so slow for running update10:52
jasefYay, lol. 496 packages upgraded, 10 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.10:53
jasefWell, I'm gonna go for dinner and leave my little netbook upgrading. Thanks for all the help :)10:54
jasefAnd I'll try to remember about the language from now on.10:54
Ian_Corneaptitude safe-upgrade is broken on my 64 bit machine10:57
Ian_Cornealways need to use --full-resolve or something10:57
Ian_Corneand that's just dependency hell10:57
FernandoMiguelcan't test *right now* but was fine last week10:58
jasefDelayed by my emails D:. Going to dinner now, but safe-upgrade is working fine for me atm, I'll report how it goes when I get back home :)11:05
jasefYay. It finished downloading the safe-update... it was waiting for my confirmation on gnome's default applications file >.>13:31
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
jasef:( so sad14:00
jasefMy login screen still says 11.1014:00
drusselljasef: tip-ex?14:21
FernandoMiguelsomeone has logs of a chat from 2 weeks ago we were having about passwords? I'm not in my laptop and seems chrome didn't sync my bookmarks :(14:44
Pici!1984 | FernandoMiguel14:44
ubottuFernandoMiguel: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/14:44
FernandoMiguelthanks Pici14:44
bjsniderit syncs but you have to sign into gmail14:44
FernandoMiguelno luck going over those logs .... oh well14:50
FernandoMiguelfound it : http://passwordmaker.org14:52
bjsniderFernandoMiguel, oh, that's what you were looking for15:12
FernandoMiguelbjsnider: it was15:23
FernandoMiguelso I keep generating the passwords with the same scheme15:23
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* Ian_Corne removes all 32bit cruft17:50
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=== wake is now known as Senix
=== AaronMT is now known as AaronMT|away

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