[10:10] hi guys [18:08] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-p-accessibility-team-community-goals- [20:54] Pendulum: Thanks, subscribed. [21:12] how did that end up with a - at the end of the URL? [21:22] so Mr. Shuttleworth mentioned the team: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/810 [21:22] perhaps there will be some Canonical attention paid? [21:23] yes :) [21:24] I need to re-record those videos [21:24] wonder what happened to the onboard in -proposed [21:26] AlanBell: Has it been verified as ok? [21:26] no, I verified it as not quite OK [21:26] the scanning keyboard has return mapped to 'e' [21:27] right [21:27] that has been fixed in trunk [21:27] I think Francisco proposed a neer upstream version with more bugfixes. I guess I'd better link those two bugs together... I wish he just updated the existing bug. [21:55] the version in -proposed has not been updated yet [21:58] RIght, I haven't uploaded it, because I need to get the approval from the sru team. [21:59] ok