
lifelessjbicha: what button ?00:41
stgraberlifeless: my guess would be that jbicha was talking about the entry that most software have in their Help menu and that opens LP's answer tracker in firefox.00:42
lifelessjbicha: the target page would look different, I don't see why the button would go away00:44
jbichaI was thinking the lpi button could point to askubuntu, seeing as how we advertise that in the installer slideshow anyway...00:46
cprofittnot to speak out of turn, but I notice most people are not posting expected and actual behaviors or steps to reproduce in the bugs01:17
cprofittI put in a blueprint about this for UDS-P so we can work to educated folks01:17
sillytoneshello, is there a streamlined way of testing ubuntu with the lastest kernel03:54
sillytonesto see if problems still exist03:54
bil21alwhat is the name of pakage in which the keyboard bugs are filed?10:32
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bdmurraychrisccoulson: you might want to update the bug reporting guidelines for firefox and thunderbird too15:37
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SwitchDKwhat should I file a bug against that "resets" the theme in 11.1017:30
SwitchDKgnome-panel maybe?17:31
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SwitchDKHello, any BugControl staff on18:02
SwitchDKHi Yofel18:03
SwitchDKsorry yofel18:03
SwitchDKI am struggling with a bug report which is a question and for some reason it has been filed against Canonical SSO Provider and Ubuntu. I can't remove the SSO one18:04
SwitchDKbug 87620918:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 876209 in ubuntu (and 1 other project) "Desktop Icons and Wallpaper Lost/ Disabled with Maverick Meerkat Upgrade in Xubuntu (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87620918:04
SwitchDKyofel: is that something you can change please?18:05
yofelSwitchDK: yeah, you can't remove Projects. The only thing you can do there is to change it to the 'null' project18:05
SwitchDKyofel: I wanted to change it to a question but I'm not allowed to due to the different packages that are assigned18:05
yofelwhich exists for that reason18:05
SwitchDKyofel: ok, thanks I will try that18:05
yofelSwitchDK: after that set the null project task to invalid. then you might be able to convert it18:06
SwitchDKyofel: actually, do you think I should turn it into a question as I have directed the submitter to the forums and askubuntu.com18:06
yofelyou also mentioned answers.launchpad.net - so why not18:08
SwitchDKyofel: ok, thanks yofel. much appreciated18:08
SwitchDKyofel: still can't convert it to a question :( not sure what is wrong18:09
yofelSwitchDK: invalid - not incomplete18:10
SwitchDKyofel: ok, sorry, missed that one. The launchpad pages say that I have to use New, Incomplete, Confirmed or Won't Fix (might be a doc bug) https://help.launchpad.net/TurningABugIntoAQuestion18:11
yofelSwitchDK: that is true for bugs with ONE task. To be able to convert a bug only one bug task is allowed to be 'open' - all others need to be closed18:12
yofeland Incomplete counts as open18:13
SwitchDKyoufel: aha, it all makes sense now, thanks18:13
SwitchDKyofel: aha, it all makes sense now, thanks18:13
SwitchDKsorry yofel I need some more help18:17
SwitchDKyofel with a different bug18:17
SwitchDKyofel: I assigned a problem with the sound indicator to unity-2d which apparently is not the correct package, bug 87644418:18
ubot4Launchpad bug 876444 in ubuntu "[intel-hda] sound works but sound-indicator claims there is no soundcard (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87644418:18
yofelcan't help there I fear. I'm familiar with neither the sound indicator nor unity18:21
SwitchDKyofel: ok, thanks, somebody just bounced it so I have no idea what to assign it to18:22
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sroeckerdo i have to set the patch tag for bug 814911?20:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 814911 in arista (Ubuntu) "arista-gtk crashed with GError in setup_source(): Icon 'camera-video' not present in theme (affects: 16) (dups: 13) (heat: 138)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81491120:02
arandhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tasksel/+bug/574287 unknown user benjamin assigned himself, should one 1) unassign immediately 2) ask first 3) allow for more time ..?20:15
ubot4Launchpad bug 574287 in tasksel (Debian) (and 2 other projects) "tasksel: forcefully removes packages when tasks overlap (affects: 9) (dups: 1) (heat: 41)" [Unknown,New]20:15
ubot4Launchpad bug 878571 in boinc (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "boinc-client bad signature for URL (affects: 1) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,Incomplete]20:15
hggdharand: the user assigned himself with no comments; he does not have a history on this; so unassign & ask to please do not assign self to bugs unless working on resolveing them21:30
hggdharand: I already unassigned, will add the comment now21:31
arandhggdh: Ok, I guessed that but was unsure.21:35
hggdharand: thank you for asking -- better to always ask if in doubt21:36
* hggdh adds one more +1 to arand's score21:36

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