
akgranernigelb, you around?00:43
duanedesigncongrats akgraner on Community Council00:44
akgranerduanedesign, hey! thanks!00:45
akgranerhow are you - I haven't had a change to talk to you very often these days - hope all is well with you00:46
duanedesignakgraner: hard to think of someone better suited. I know you eill do awesome00:46
duanedesignakgraner: been very busy getting settled in at Canonical00:46
akgranerhow'd I miss this announcement00:47
akgranercongrats - what are you doing?00:47
duanedesignakgraner: helping users with Ubuntu One00:47
akgraneroh cool!  Help me :-)00:48
akgranerI'm still not the most effective Ubuntu One user00:48
duanedesignwhen you contact Ubuntun ONe for support, thats me :)00:48
akgranerand have no clue how to be a power Ubuntu One user00:48
duanedesignakgraner: the service has been a little overwhelmed the last week. Looks like things are improving00:48
akgranerthat's great!  I'm super excited for you!00:48
duanedesignakgraner: The number of new users always exceeds the estimates00:50
duanedesignwhich i guess is good00:50
akgranerWhen did you start...sorry I missed the announcement?00:50
duanedesignbeen about 3 months00:50
duanedesignbut I have been helping with Ubuntu One as a community member for a couple years00:50
duanedesignthanks akgraner00:51
akgraneroh cool00:51
akgranerhey will you be at UDS?00:51
akgranerb/c I will so bug you to help me with a few questions I have :-)00:51
duanedesignyes i will. Excited to get back to Florida it was a nice venue00:51
akgranertotally - ok I will have my list of "why can't I figure this out" ready to go so I won't waste your time00:52
duanedesigndefinitely anytime00:52
akgranerCongrats! and Thank you for being willing to help my Ubuntu One challenged self...00:53
duanedesigni look forward to it :)00:54
cprofittI am always willing to help as well01:39
akgranercprofitt, awesome I'll add you too :-)01:40
cprofittI am starting to migrate my mind to UDS now...01:47
cprofittso much stuff filled my October so far that I had not really thought much about it01:47
akgranercprofitt, I am not sure I have a mind left to migrate anything too :-)01:49
* akgraner is going to relax for a day then work on 1) finding my mind 2) shifting into UDS mode 01:49
akgranernah I'm pretty excited01:50
cprofittwe just go through first den meeting, 6th grade play and popcorn selling01:50
cprofittMy son fell short on the military donations, but did well01:50
akgranergotta luv Boy Scout popcorn01:51
cprofittI have been excited about UDS since getting the notice about sponsorship01:51
akgranerI can't show my excitement around my house  - I'll get locked out of the house - so I gotta be cool about it01:51
cprofittI am oft criticized for not showing excitement01:52
akgranermaybe Pete and I should do a talk - "So you think you want your family member to be involved in Ubuntu?"01:52
cprofittthat would be an interesting talk01:53
cprofittI think my wife, as I am, hopes that this will result in my being able to do something other than what I do now01:53
cprofittI am good at what I do, it is easy, the job is decent... but it is boring01:53
cprofittI just feel my IT skills rusting... except doing extra stuff outside01:54
akgranercprofitt, we would have to have a not safe for work warning if Pete and I ever gave a talk together01:54
cprofittI can imagine01:54
cprofittI need to get to know Pete a bit better this UDS01:54
cprofittto be honest I also feel like giving back to Ubuntu makes a difference in the world... work doesn't rally provide that01:55
cprofittwhich is odd considering I work for a school01:55
akgranergood look - he's a hard bird to pin down :-) (but contrary to popular belief he is a nice guy - just straight and to the point and doesn't do small talk well)01:55
cprofittsounds a bit like me when I am focused01:56
cprofittI have often been blamed for being all work focused and no focus on social stuff01:57
akgranertotally agree  - with the giving back part :-)  I think that's why I like working on Ubuntu - the doctor who did my compensation and pension exam at VA asks what I write about - and said Linux and she said you mean like Ubuntu01:57
cprofittHe was busy, busy at UDS-N01:57
akgranerI said yes - she said - I know that01:57
* cprofitt nods01:57
cprofittThat is why I go to educational conferences and talk about or teach open source too... I want it to make a difference01:58
akgranerso I reached in my bag - and gave her a CD, a pen, some stickers and an extra copy of an Ubuntu User Magazine I had in there for some reason01:58
cprofittif teachers know about the options they may not be so tied to Apple and Microsoft and other software vendors that are far worse01:58
cprofittthat is cool.01:58
akgranercprofitt, I think everyone who uses and contributes (in anyway) to Ubuntu makes a difference01:59
cprofittI have converted 10 folks since 11-4-201001:59
akgranersome more than others but we all make a difference - and if we add all our efforts up together then we really see the world begin to change01:59
cprofittI agree... and it is great to feel you are making a difference01:59
cprofittat my job I feel like I am too often ignored or not allowed to have an impact02:00
cprofittthey just want us to follow their orders02:00
cprofittand at times they do not understand that technical details02:00
cprofittI know they mean well... they want the best02:00
cprofittbut they often make decisions based on less than full facts02:00
akgranersomeone told me, "Amber, I don't think what I do matters or makes a difference. I don't see it."  I said , "Have you ever seen a glacier move? No?  but guess what they move miles and make a big difference"02:01
cprofittI also know I do not have some bits that they have... but I wish I could at least given them the ones I have02:01
cprofittgood point... I hope my work at school is at least glacial in nature02:01
akgranercprofitt, you have some great ideas and I have yet to talk to you or interact with you where I don't walk away from it feeling a little more energized about something02:02
* cprofitt blushes02:02
cprofittwow... thanks for telling me that02:02
cprofittI would have to say the same about you...02:03
akgranerI mean it - I'm not good at blowing rainbows and roses up someone's 4th point of contact02:03
cprofittyou always give me a different angle to think about things from02:03
cprofittme as well...02:03
cprofittand I would never think you would blow smoke02:03
cprofittI view you as rather direct as well02:03
cprofittand doubt you suffer fools02:03
cprofittthat is another thing I like about the Ubuntu community... I feel surrounded by really dedicated intelligent people02:04
akgranerI try - but I speak in metaphors when I should just say things outright sometimes02:04
akgranerb/c I like metaphors :-)02:05
akgranercprofitt, yep - I don't know many people who are in this who aren't dedicated02:05
cprofittI like them as well... and often use them02:05
cprofittI think metaphors can be direct...02:05
akgraneroften we get tired, or confused, or unsure of our next step - but that's where other team members come in, and help each other out02:06
akgranerand that is awesome!02:06
* cprofitt nods02:06
akgranerwe get angry, we vent, we work it, or not, but in the end it all works out and move out, draw fire, get it done!02:07
cprofittI am lucky I have not see too much of the angry parts02:07
akgranerwell I gotta run- cprofitt thanks for the chat - catch you soon!  Have a great night!02:07
cprofittsounds good... have a great one02:08
nigelbakgraner: heya03:28
jonohey folks06:27
jonojust a quick note, the survey is now released: http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/10/24/ubuntu-community-survey-results/06:27
jussijono: ooh, thanks06:31
jonobed for me06:33
jononight all!06:33
dholbachgood morning07:07
nigelbGood weekend?07:08
dholbachhi nigelb07:12
dholbachyeah, how was yours? what did you do?07:12
nigelbMine was mostly boring :)07:12
nigelbBut the week should be interesting.07:12
nigelbIts a holiday/festival week.07:13
dholbachoh yeah? which one?07:13
dholbachit's time I get back to India again :)07:14
nigelbhehe, definitely :)07:14
popeyGood morning.09:16
popeybkerensa: i suspect your friend may have an EFI laptop and there's nothing wrong with that. I doubt they have secure boot given it has windows 7 on it09:18
dholbachdpm, I'm just summarising the report I did about ubuntu-dev docs/outreach - there are quite a few answers about app dev as well - I'll give you the suggestions later on11:33
dpmdholbach, ah, cool, thanks!11:38
jcastrodholbach: hey did you look through the survey results13:00
nigelbMornin jcastro13:05
nigelbdpm: Hows Orlando?13:05
nigelb(are you already there?)13:05
jcastrohi nigel13:06
nigelbOne week to go! :)13:06
dpmnigelb, not yet, I'll start preparing the red carpet on Wednesday :)13:06
nigelbdpm: hehe13:06
nigelbdpm: Don't bother, I won't be there this time :P13:06
jcastro"the "talkers", that are people that keep talking and talking and13:06
jcastrocausing trouble just to gain some exposure, but they do nothing besides wasting13:06
jcastrotime of the people that are actually doing something"13:06
jcastroI love this survey13:06
dpmnigelb, oh, in that case I won't book the limo, either ;)13:07
nigelbjcastro: I love what they talk about infrastructure13:07
nigelbDespite all of launchpad and bzr's faults, people love it.13:07
jcastro" things can move frustratingly slowly. I've been trying to get Sugar integraed intoUbuntu for over 2 years now... no one gives me a reason why not, and no one gives a13:08
jcastrogo ahead"13:08
jcastrothings like this we need more JFDI13:08
nigelbjcastro: Hey, do you I talk to about the UDS feedback?13:08
nigelbI want to get the summit stuff in this time as well.13:08
jcastroI saw a summit session on the schedule13:08
nigelbjcastro: I meant, the UDS survey.13:09
jcastrothat's michelle13:09
nigelbaha, I'll email her.13:09
jcastrosomeone's response13:10
jcastroto what's broken in ubuntu, is13:10
jcastro"some people"13:10
jcastrothat's awesome13:10
nigelbIt is true :D13:11
jcastro• Calling free software people "gnutards"13:13
jcastrodholbach: was that you? :)13:14
popeyi have never heard that phrase13:14
jcastroyes, the proper word is Freetard I believe13:14
nigelbWell, its not linux, its GNU/Linux.13:15
nigelbSo, its not Freetard, its gnutard :P13:15
jcastroSome people of the Desktop Team, who only care about what they're paid for(i.e.gnome, and main). Their idea of handling a transition is somehow interesting13:15
jcastro(update main packages, and let universe rot because ""they don't have enough13:15
nigelbHey, barry did a python transition day.13:16
nigelbAnd alison and colin had something for perl.13:16
dholbachjcastro, yep, I had a look this morning, but didn't review everything, I skimmed through pages 1-28 only :)13:19
jcastro"Does not appear that the community at large is on board with the goal/vision ofgetting Ubuntu into the mainstream"13:21
jcastroWeekends when IRC is dead, because all the Canonical employees are at home, andthere's not that many community members filling the gap."13:23
jcastroI am guilty there13:23
jcastroprobably because I don't like IRC though13:23
jcastrooh this one is interesting13:24
jcastro"As a Canonical employee, I tend to often agree a lot with community members and13:25
jcastrohow they feel about things.  But I don't feel like I can say anything in support of their13:25
jcastroconcerns, because it would be a career limiting move to be in dissent with what the13:25
jcastrodesign/dx teams want to do.  So I end up saying nothing and just focusing on my13:25
jcastrowork.  (That's kind of a downer too.)  I imagine others I work with are in a similar13:25
jcastroboat.  The net effect is that important feedback never makes it up the chain, and"13:25
jcastro"decisions get firmed up on insufficient data, and management ends up getting13:25
jcastroblindsided by widespread complaints when the thing becomes public; they stick to13:25
jcastrotheir guns (since it's hard to change at that point), resulting in more community13:25
jcastrostrife, which further lessens internal feedback, and the problem just snowballs."13:25
nigelbNice find.13:28
jcastroheh nice13:31
jcastro"Within the forum community, there is an overabundance of negativity. The forumneeds to be injected with a lot of positive energy. Good projects for the forum13:31
jcastrocommunity to sink their teeth into, positive energy that will help members think and13:31
jcastrotalk about Ubuntu in positive ways. The current nvironment favors negativity due to13:31
jcastroa largely laissez faire attitude by the forum council, the community council, and Canonical."13:31
jcastroyeah the forums have become pretty much not very fun to participate in13:31
jcastroI'm in the survey!13:39
jcastro"It was awesome when Jono, Daniel, and Jorge were really connected to thecommunity aspect back in the day and not just a group of people pushing for Unity this and Unity that."13:40
jcastrodholbach: hah!13:40
nigelbjcastro: heh13:40
popeyfair point13:41
jcastro:( I've been doing more community user support the past 6 months than my whole 4 years combined.13:41
nigelbjcastro: They are not talking about user support there.13:42
dholbachdid I push unity somewhere? :)13:43
nigelbI'm pretty you 3 aren't "that group" :)13:43
jcastroheh there appears to be one employee who thinks everyone hates him or something13:44
* popey comforts Daviey13:50
* AlanBell adds to the list at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricOcelot/LocalizedImagesRollout13:54
jcastro"• Unsubscribe trolls from ubuntu-users faster."13:55
jcastrothere you go popey13:55
jcastroI have found your calling13:55
jcastropopey: It would be awesome to do a joke about this14:05
jcastrolike a blog post14:05
jcastro"due to the amount of beurocracy the project has to deal with, the CC has assigned popey discretionary shut down powers."14:05
Pendulumjcastro: that's not a calling for popey, that's a fulltime job14:05
popeyI hate you all.14:08
jcastrodon't hate, that would be so awesome!14:09
nigelbpopey: We love you too :)14:09
jcastrodholbach: dpm: when do you guys get to Florida?14:12
sensejcastro: I have to say, it is good that there is someone like you to push the new technologies. They are cool, they need a chance, but without someone pushing for Unity this and Unity that, no one would look at it at all!14:15
jcastroI think people think that we have huge resources for this sort of thing14:16
jcastrolike this guy on jono's blog14:16
jcastro"No offense, but Ubuntu is the single most widely used distro, and with a development base as wide as Canonical's, they have the man power to both see these changes happening in Gnome, and then fix the ones they don't agree with."14:17
jcastrowhich is of course, the total opposite14:17
senseIf you want to have people on top of everything, you will need quite to cancel quite a few ISS trips to pay for it.14:17
jcastroeven if we had double the budget14:18
jcastrodouble the people14:18
jcastrowe would still be overwhelmed with work14:18
jcastrothat's just the nature of the beast14:18
senseYes, you can't do everything. Frankly, I'm amazed with how much everyone gets done with the complexity that the many communities provide.14:18
senseI mean, it's a mess!14:18
senseLike EU politics.14:19
jcastrolet's not get crazy14:23
dpmjcastro, I get there on Wednesday evening14:24
jcastrodpm: cool, I'll be there tomorrow14:27
dholbachjcastro, Sunday evening14:30
jcastrooh nice!14:30
cprofitthey jcastro14:32
cprofittthat was some survey... the free form answers take some reading14:36
akgranerholy crap14:37
akgranerI never finished the survey or submitted the results yet my answers are in there14:37
cprofitta great many pokes at community leaders...14:37
cprofitta lot of 'bitter' in some of the responses14:38
cprofittthere are some 'kernels' of ideas in there that may have some value though14:38
cprofitthey akgraner14:38
akgranercprofitt, hey14:39
mhall119cprofitt: that'll be the trick, separating the wheat from the chaff14:39
akgraneryeah but how'd that happen - I mean I *never* submitted them and I never finished the survey, but those are my free form answers...grrrr14:40
dpmjcastro, in summit, is it possible to make a session appear in two tracks? I.e. I've got a blueprint that's "app developer community growth", which I'll put in the community track, but I'm wondering if it would make sense for it to be in the "consumer" track as well14:40
mhall119dpm: it is "possible"14:40
mhall119but I don't think you'd really get any benefit14:40
dpmas in "possible but break summit at your own risk"?14:41
mhall119dpm: yeah, pretty much14:42
cprofittthat is a good description14:42
cprofittmhall119: I want to try to spend some time with you if possible understanding both loco-directory and summit14:43
cprofittso perhaps I can help in the future14:43
cprofittI hope we can clear a bit of time for it at UDS14:43
mhall119cprofitt: sure, on IRC or in-person?14:43
dpmmhall119, no worries. It's good to know :) In any case, I've just been told that the "consumer" track should be ignored. But thanks anyway14:43
cprofittin person -- I will be down there14:43
mhall119dpm: I wouldn't say that too loudly14:43
mhall119cprofitt: cool14:43
dpmmhall119, I didn't mean it in a negative sense :), I've just been told that the "consumer" track is not associated with Ubuntu or Linaro rooms, so I should ignore it for now14:45
jcastroI don't even know what the consumer track is for14:49
dpmI thought it was for "consumer software", but apparently it isn't14:49
mhall119jcastro: did you see my email about selecting rooms for the summit schedule?14:50
mhall119dpm: that's just the way rumors get started ;)14:50
jcastromhall119: yeah, looks awesome14:51
jcastromhall119: I talked to sean about it in Boston, so I explained how you were going to do it already to him14:51
jcastroeven though you hadn't done it yet14:51
jcastrothis way he can customize each screen for that section of the venue14:51
jcastrodoes anyone have the guidebook handy?14:55
jcastroI've published an update14:55
jcastroand need someone to make sure it gets pushed out14:55
jcastro(doesn't have to be now, sometime today would be great though)14:55
akgranerjcastro, I can snag my phone if someone else hasn't14:57
jcastroYeah, just whenevs14:58
jcastroit works on mine but I am hearing reports of it not syncing for some people, etc.14:58
jcastroso I want to just double check14:58
akgranerok phone is rebooting one sec14:59
akgranerwhat am I looking for15:01
jcastrodo you have guidebook?15:01
akgraneri'm looking at the schedule15:02
jcastroyeah so basically just spot check it15:02
cprofittI got an update for it... but looks good jcastro15:02
akgranermine updated as well when I clicked on it15:03
jcastroawesome, perfect15:03
jcastrothis guidebook stuff is pretty awesome, I am glad we have it15:03
akgranerare there supposed to be Ubuntu Community sessions showing up after the opening keynotes15:03
jcastroare they on the normal schedule?15:04
* akgraner looks15:04
jcastrolooks missing to me15:05
jcastroa bunch look missing to me15:05
akgranerwell that answers my question :-) - there are still a lot of open slots15:05
* jcastro will mail guidebook now15:07
jcastromhall119: hey before I mail these guys15:11
jcastrohow can I check that the ical is working on summit?15:11
nigelbheh, nice post by Jeff Atwood.15:13
mhall119jcastro: load it in a calendar program, or download it and view it yourself15:15
mhall119jcastro: I have it in thunderbird, it's showing more sessions there than in Guidebook last time I checked15:15
jcastromhall119: ok let me start over15:16
jcastromhall119: hey, I'm a moron, where's the ical feed?15:16
mhall119did you give them a personal ical feed or something?15:17
jcastroI don't think so15:18
mhall119maybe a track feed?15:18
jcastroour ical feed isn't validating15:23
jcastro(I also sent them a mail)15:23
cprofittmorning jono15:26
cprofittmorning ara15:26
cprofittoops... quit message... not join15:26
dholbachhey jono15:26
jonohey cprofitt15:26
* cprofitt slaps head15:26
jonohey dholbach15:26
akgranerjono - thanks for getting the survey results out - that was *a lot* of information to compile!15:27
jonoakgraner, thanks! yeah, it basically sucked up my entire weekend15:27
jonobut I feel it was worth it15:27
cprofittyes, thanks jono. I am still parsing the raw comments15:27
jonoprovides some good content for the leadership mini-conf15:27
jonoI am registering other sessions to discuss those topics today15:28
jonodpm, about set?15:28
mhall119jcastro: isn't validating? what does that mean?15:31
jcastroI put it in an ical validator and I get an error15:31
jcastrothough that can't be it, otherwise it wouldn't work in other tools15:31
mhall119other tools may be more forgiving15:31
mhall119what was the error?15:31
nigelbWe break the spec slightly.15:32
nigelbBUt its allowed breakage.15:32
jcastrowell I asked them to look into it15:32
jcastroI am just pointing it out15:32
nigelbIt should be X-Etherpad15:32
mhall119oh, looks like multi-line description is the problem?15:32
jcastrotheir thing worked before, I suspect someone zigged instead of zagged15:32
jcastrowho added the multi line description?15:33
jcastroplease say popey15:33
mhall119description importing is something new this cycle15:33
nigelbmhall119: wait, what are you talking about newline?15:33
nigelbCause: Caused by: Illegal property [ETHERPAD @ HTTP]15:33
mhall119nigelb: nigelb Etherpad isn't one of our properties, that line is part of the Description15:36
nigelbmhall119: Ah. Ew.15:36
mhall119but, because it's on it's own line and doesn't start with a space, it's not following the ical spec15:36
nigelbSo, we need to do a replace.15:36
mhall119jcastro: please file a bug and I'll work up a fix15:37
nigelblet me see if I can spare some time.15:37
nigelbI need to be up late to restart some services anyway.15:37
mhall119nigelb: I have a fix already15:42
nigelbmhall119: Damn, you're fast :)15:42
nigelbI can review at least :)15:42
jcastrook guidebook guys are checking it now15:47
jcastro<--- lunchin' bbl15:47
jonomhall119, loved your blog post btw :-)15:58
jonomhall119, cjohnston did you register a BP does loco.ubuntu.com topics for UDS?15:59
nigelbjono: He did16:01
nigelbjono: its called LTP I think16:01
nigelbjono: do you want a link to it?16:01
jononigelb, awesome16:01
mhall119nigelb: https://code.launchpad.net/~mhall119/summit/ical-safe-description/+merge/8023216:02
mhall119james_w: ^^16:02
akgranerjono - have you seen all the work being done by a handful of people on BuildingCommunity - it's pretty cool - also the list for Leadership Summit Topics is growing woot woot!16:05
jonoakgraner, indeed :-)16:05
senseLOL Someone in the survey is demotivated by "The vibrant community'. :D16:06
jonosense, :-)16:06
jonoI hate vibrant communities16:06
akgraneryeah they hurt my eyes - maybe we should all wear sunglasses while participating16:06
akgranerthere are some really interesting answers in there16:07
macoim amused by the "Kubuntu" answer to the best bit of canonical interaction with the community16:08
macoparticularly since kubuntu's kind off in its own little corner16:08
macoriddell likes the answer a page down that names him :P16:08
jonojcastro, can you do me a favor?16:09
jonoand register our community track roundtables16:09
jonofirst session of each day16:09
akgranernigelb, guess what - you know those python scripts I was having troubles with and had to have you run for me - guess who figured them out :-)16:09
nigelbakgraner: You did.16:10
* akgraner was giddy with excitement about them.....16:10
akgranernow if I can just learn to write my own....16:10
dholbachok, I'm done with my own survey now16:11
dholbachall answers reviewed and codified16:12
dholbachtomorrow I'll write up the summaries and get it out16:12
dholbachlots of great suggestions16:12
dholbachsome were a bit less practical though16:13
dholbachas an answer how we could make Ubuntu development easier, more understandable and more exciting, somebody suggested "more sex" - I hope everybody will excuse my lack of accuracy since I listed it under N/A16:13
jonodholbach, awesome :-)16:15
dholbachjono, I was sure you'd agree with "more sex"16:15
jonodholbach, with dholbach, of course16:16
jonook...that was creepy :-)16:16
dholbachmaybe I'll list it under "out of scope" instead16:16
dholbachjust to see how many take the time to read the whole report ;-)16:16
jonodholbach, I am going to publish the accomplishments work this week too16:17
jonoI registered a UDS session so we can discuss it16:17
jonoI think it fits neatly into the recognizing contributions category of discussion16:18
dholbachlet's talk about it in our call in 12m?16:18
mhall119jcastro: please let Guidebook know that a fix is in the works16:22
mhall119nigelb: would you mind forcing tarmac to do it's magic on summit?16:25
jonodholbach, all set?16:30
dholbachare we going to hang out?16:30
jonofiring up the hangout16:30
akgranerjcastro - how's this for a lightning talk "So you think you want your family member involved in Ubuntu?" - Joint talk with Pete and I  - hahahaha16:32
akgranerI laugh b/c you should here pete's comments at the moment to that suggestion16:32
Pendulumakgraner: isn't the answer "Don't"? :P (at least from his perspective ;-) )16:33
cprofittPendulum: my wife is happy I am involved with Ubuntu16:36
cprofittthen again she is a wonderful and supportive women16:36
akgranerPendulum, yep :-)16:39
akgranerPete is supportive until I am Ubuntu 24/716:39
akgranerwithout ceasing16:39
cprofittmy wife does Civil War Geneology and I support her... and she is very supportive of my involvement in Ubuntu16:40
cprofittI am not sure, with three kids, if she would allow 24/7... but I get a lot of time16:40
akgranercprofitt, I've talked about Ubuntu so much since 2009 that my family leaves the room now when I talk about it after 6pm16:41
akgranerdid you see the signs my daughter did at SELF?16:41
senseMaybe the lightning talk is something for her!16:42
akgranerum no - that would be a comedy routine of epic proportion16:42
macoakgraner: if you see my mommy on irc, tell her i'm hungry?16:42
akgranerI would die of embarrassment16:42
akgranermaco, sadly that is based in truth16:43
macoi know, she said it to pete, right?16:43
jcastrojono: yeah doing those today at some point16:44
mhall119jcastro: summit ical has been fixed16:44
mhall119IS just pushed the update, http://severinghaus.org/projects/icv/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fsummit.ubuntu.com%2Fuds-p.ical confirms16:44
akgranerno another person - but the message got to pete  - he was out of town when she first said it16:44
jcastroI needed to sort the thing with making it use the same blueprint16:44
jcastromhall119: oh awesome!16:44
jcastromhall119: I'm not sure if that's what breaks guidebook but making it validate can't hurt16:44
mhall119true, but it's probably what did it16:45
jonojcastro, thanks16:46
jcastromhall119: ok so, I've got the main roundtable blueprint16:46
jcastroand it's scheduled16:46
jcastrobut I need to make multiple sessions but use the same blueprint16:48
jcastroso do I create the other 4 in the admin UI by hand and then just put the same BP field?16:48
nigelbmhall119: ping16:52
nigelbI thought you wre supposed to replace \n with \r\n16:52
nigelbNot \r with \r\n16:52
mhall119nigelb: we're supposed to replace \n *or* \r\n with \N17:05
cprofittwhat are you looking for new line?17:05
mhall119jcastro: that would work, yes17:06
jcastrook so that won't break anything right?17:06
jcastromultiple sessions pointing to one blueprint?17:06
nigelbmhall119: ok.17:06
mhall119jcastro: uh.........no....17:06
jcastronigelb: ok, if I break this ....17:06
jcastroI want witnesses. :)17:06
nigelbIf it breaks... "jcastro broke summit"17:06
mhall119I'm 83% sure it won't break17:06
jcastroI know it17:06
mhall119until lpupdate runs17:07
nigelbIt *may* break for autoschedule.17:07
nigelbSo, make sure everything is manually sceduled.17:07
mhall119yeah, that's where I'm concerned17:07
jcastroit's ok I will manually schedule each one17:09
jcastroit's for the community roundtables17:09
mhall119jcastro: it looks like it'll stop updating from LP is more than one meeting has the same blueprint17:09
mhall119jcastro: I think this should be one meeting, with multiple agenda items17:09
jcastrowhat will, the session? Or the entire thing?17:09
mhall119I think james_w was doing this for something else17:10
jcastrook how do I do that?17:10
mhall119jcastro: manage.py lpupdate will skip updating any meetings for that blueprint17:10
jcastrooh ok17:10
mhall119jcastro: manually create agenda items, I think17:10
mhall119in the admin  UI17:10
jcastromhall119: I don't see "agenda" anywhere in the record17:19
dholbachalright my friends - end of the day over here17:19
dholbachsee you tomorrow!17:20
cprofittsee ya dholbach17:20
dholbachbye :)17:20
mhall119jcastro: it's not part of the Meeting reocrd17:22
jcastrodonde is it?17:23
jcastroI mean "where is it" of course. :)17:23
mhall119jcastro: I know that much spanish17:24
jcastrook so where can I find these mythical agenda things you guys keep talking about?17:27
macojcastro: did you just get off the phone with tu mamá or has florida caught up with you?17:41
jcastroI've just been practicing17:41
czajkowskiI can haz new job as a writer for an open source magazne and online site17:49
czajkowskiaka writing about open source for a living17:49
cprofittcongrats czajkowski17:50
cprofitthas to be nice to be able to make a living from working in something related to Open Source17:51
akgranerczajkowski, congrats!17:51
akgranerwhich magazine?  curious minds want to know :-)17:52
czajkowskiwont be writing about ubuntu17:52
jussiczajkowski: congrats... Im sure youll be evil... err great :P (no, really, awesome news to hear, hope things go really well there)17:52
czajkowskiconflict of interest so will write about anything else17:52
czajkowskiwe did agree that at the offer unless there is something i realy really really wanna write about17:53
czajkowskiso tday was iron pyton chrome 17 http and last week was blender17:53
czajkowskiso tis something new17:53
cprofittyes, which magazine? Linux Journal?17:53
czajkowskithe english version of the german magazine17:54
czajkowskiwe also translate their articles and vice versa17:54
cprofittnice... you have exposed me to a new source of information17:54
pleia2czajkowski: congrats!17:55
jussiczajkowski: awesome, in you they both get a good writer plus lots of readers who will read just to see your article.17:55
pleia2we pull from h-online for UWN often17:55
cprofittyeah, let them know I just bookmarked their site so I could follow your articles17:55
jussiI didnt even know it existed.17:55
jonojcastro, can we punt our meeting back a bit17:57
jonoI am wrapping up a few things here17:57
jonoczajkowski, congrats!17:57
popeycongrats czajkowski !17:59
akgranerhi all leadership team meeting in -meeting about to take place18:03
czajkowskiniow for pizza and beer wth the bf18:04
dpmjcastro, do you know if we need to set the "Series goal" for blueprints to appear on the schedule, or it doesn't matter as long as a track lead approves it?18:10
jcastroseries doesn't matter afaict18:10
dpmcool, thanks jcastro18:10
jonohi folks18:51
jonofirst blog post on post-survey next steps: http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/10/24/ubuntu-community-survey-next-steps-leadership/18:51
jonothoughts and suggestions welcome!18:51
cprofittwill read soon jono18:51
jonothanks cprofitt18:53
cprofittit looks good jono, do you want to throw up a link to the blueprint for UDS?18:54
jonowhich blueprint?18:54
jonothere is no BP for the leadership summit18:55
jonook lunch time for me18:56
jonoback soon!18:56
cprofittjono: alright... I thought there was a blueprint.18:56
cprofittenjoy lunch18:56
akgranerjono jcastro I added teaching mediums  to the leadership summit :-)19:01
akgraneroh and I put y'alls name on it19:01
cprofittteaching mediums?19:03
cprofittcrystal balls :-)19:03
cprofitttarrot cards :-)19:03
jcastromhall119: it must have been the feed, the update works now19:14
jcastroakgraner: can you check the schedule on your phone again?19:14
jcastromhall119: can you add a test to validate the field?19:14
mhall119jcastro: older ical feeds are broken now though19:14
jcastroer, the feed I mean19:14
jcastrowhich ones?19:15
mhall119jcastro: I added a test case to make sure the description field is having newlines converted, as per the ical spec19:15
mhall119jcastro: I got an email about a karmic ical19:15
cprofittI am seeing community stuff now jcastro19:15
mhall119specifically, any older summit's ical, since their meetings didn't have description fields19:15
jcastroI don't care about that, that event is over. :)19:16
mhall119yeah, still good to fix, but that can wait until after UDS-P19:16
jcastrocprofitt: he's saying it breaks older UDS calendars19:17
mhall119hey jcastro, can you see if they can update their mobile app to accept a secondary ical feed to fill the "My Schedule" data?19:17
jcastrobut those are finished19:17
jcastroyeah let me see19:17
cprofittjcastro: so for uds-p I see community sessions now, which I believe were missing earlier19:18
jcastrolike half the schedule was missing actually19:18
jcastromhall119: it seems tied into their app when you select a session to have to your feed19:19
jcastroit doesn't do what you'd think it would do19:21
jcastroalso, they have tracks in the app19:21
jcastrowe just don't use them19:21
* jcastro messes with it19:22
mhall119jcastro: yeah, they have it built-in, but if we have that in LP subscriptions already, and we're exposing it in personal icals already, it's a pain to have to re-subscribe on their mobile app19:22
jcastroI didn't know there was so mucb bickering going on19:24
jcastroI guess we need a session for it? o_O19:24
macoreferring to the "community bickering" part of the survey?19:26
cprofittgoing to head home; then cub scout meeting tonight19:30
cprofitttalk with you all later tonight19:30
jcastromaco: yeah19:30
* maco suspects she contributed to that19:30
* popey hugs jcastro 19:36
jcastropopey: is that like, for an official capacity? that project I mean19:36
popeyits a private project19:36
popeywill be made public at some poiunnt19:36
popeyonce its tested19:36
popeythe client is open source19:37
popeythe idea is that it can scale up using the cloud :D19:38
popeyso if lots of people use it at once, it spins up EC2 instances and farms new users out to that19:38
nigelbI know what project popey's talking about :D19:39
nigelbheh, I was thinking of asking popey abuot it earlier today ;)19:39
jcastropopey: is this for canonical or standalone?19:39
popeyit wasn't developed for or by canonical :D19:40
nigelbpopey -- "He can create things too, not just shutdown"19:40
* nigelb ducks19:40
jcastro"Tell me Dr. Freeman, what is it you've created, all you do is destroy."19:40
popeyit's yin and yang though, for new stuff to be created, you just _have_ to destroy something else19:40
* jcastro wonders who will get that reference19:41
popeylove that game19:41
jcastrothough you know empathy has built in desktop sharing with NAT busting ootb right?19:41
popeyempathy schmempathy ;)19:41
jcastro"right, but who can get THAT to work."19:42
pleia2note to self: don't read all of the "what do you find demotivating" stuff all at once20:01
pleia2I need a drink :)20:01
cprofittthat was a great deal to read20:01
cprofittand it is difficult to know what has weight vs. what was just bitter20:02
nigelbpleia2: :)20:04
jonojcastro, quick call?20:21
jcastrojono: yep20:22
jcastroG+ ME!20:22
czajkowskipizza and willy wonka and the chocolate factory is an awesome way to spend an evening20:22
jonobtw, I added a bickering session at UDS20:22
jonojcastro, one sec20:22
jcastroI saw20:22
jonojcastro, invite sent20:26
akgranerjcastro, now you are quoting half-life 2 jeez....20:26
akgranerI worry about the stuff you watch and listen too....you need some easy listening20:26
akgranerand rainbows and sunshine in your life20:27
akgranerIf you start quoting Quake, Doom, Grand theft auto, or black ops - I'm putting you in a room with my son20:29
akgranerjcastro - my son just said, "mom leave the guy alone and can I have my controllers back"  :-/20:30
nigelbakgraner: I'm worried that you recognized the Half-Life 2 quote.20:36
nigelbjcastro, mhall119 ^20:36
mhall119nigelb: I always knew she was more geek than me20:37
nigelbmhall119: No doubts there. I knew as well.20:38
nigelbmhall119: She writes python now. Shall we hand over summit?20:38
mhall119sssshh, you're not supposed to let them know it's coming20:38
mhall119otherwise they run20:38
nigelbDrat, sorry!20:38
jcastrodid someone say amber is taking over summit?20:40
akgranerjcastro, don't listen to them....20:43
jcastrotoo late20:43
jcastroi've handed over the launchpad creds to your account20:43
nigelbmhall119: Success! ^20:43
mhall119yay, new project lead!20:43
mhall119hopefully she'll write more summit code this cycle than our last one :P20:44
mhall119by "last one" I meant last project lead, not last cycle20:45
mhall119but I love you both20:45
akgranerI wanted to become more technical when someone told my frustration comes from my lack of technical ability...so all that did was fuel the fire :-)20:45
mhall119akgraner: cool, then your frustration can come from your technical abilities, just like the rest of us ;)20:45
akgranermhall119, you just wait til I ask you all my python questions at UDS20:46
akgranerI am saving them20:46
akgranerand all my juju and charms questions I am saving for jcastro20:47
czajkowskioh started to learn python a few weeks back20:47
czajkowskifinaly starting to make sense20:47
mhall119akgraner: there's a juju charm school session20:47
akgranermhall119, hahaha20:47
czajkowskibeats the days I had to do object oriented C++ and java programming and I HATED IT20:47
mhall119actually "charm school" really should be the name of that session20:47
akgranermy name and charm school in the same sentence - now that is freakin funny20:48
mhall119"Amber's Charm School: Now y'all shut up and listen"20:48
akgranermhall119, yep that's about the way it would work20:49
akgranerand emma janes book for Drupal users is awesome20:49
akgranerjcastro, woo hoo - signing more people up for the trello leadership board :-)21:28
* jcastro trellos21:32
akgranerjcastro, is that a verb now?21:46
* mhall119 proposes making "jcastro" a verb21:47
mhall119as in, "I just totally jcastroed that wiki page"21:47
mhall119or "Stand back, I'm about to jcastro the summit server!"21:48
mhall119or "Hey man, I was totally plastered last night and accidentally jcastroed, now I need a place to hide a body"21:49
akgranermhall119, +121:50
mhall119jcastro: v, any vaguely ominous action21:50
akgranerjcastro, is not a robot and a verb21:51
akgranerdang it21:51
mhall119you totally jcastroed that joke21:51
mhall119on a side note, "Vaguely Ominous" could be the name of the next Severed Fifth album21:55
AlanBell11.10 should have been Ominous Ocelot22:09
jcastroI am become ocelot, bringer of ominousness22:09
AlanBellthe precursor to Portentious Pangolin22:11
jonomhall119, lol22:21
jonoalbum cover: http://i.imgur.com/xoO2l.jpg22:22
mhall119czajkowski: lol22:26
mhall119jono I mean22:27
* mhall119 will attempt to blame that on tab-complete somehow22:28
* pleia2 peers down at keyboard and doesn't buy it22:29
mhall119they're both on the same side of the keyboard22:29
mhall119the top22:29
pleia2just tell people you're using dvorak and they're next to each other (they aren't but who knows dvorak?)22:30
mhall119heh, good point22:30
akgranerhey jono how many of the leadership posts based on the survey are you going to post this week23:19
akgranerI'm trying to figure out if it needs it's own header in the newsletter23:19
akgraneralso I'm going to need someone with a critical eye to proof UWN on Sunday - so if anyone wants to be a drive by proofer please let me know b/c I'll need to publish UWN before UDS kicks off Monday morning23:24
akgranerAlanBell, I told jcastro I was writing down all the advice he gives - and we were going to create the Gospel according to jcastro23:25
akgranerat the top of the list - Just do sh&t :-)23:26
* bkerensa is waiting for Jono to blog about his Costco trips23:33
bkerensaOMG! Costco!23:34
jonoakgraner, just one on leadership23:36
akgranerok - this week is going to be crazy in terms of getting UWN in out  - so I'm just prepping as much as possible23:41
akgranerthanks jono!23:41
jonoakgraner, no, thank you!23:55
jonobkerensa, lol23:55
akgranerjono I saw your tweet about pwgraner and sil - should I be worried ;-P23:56
bkerensajono: I was able to smoke some Canonical employees out of the woods for the release party23:56
bkerensaSteve Langasek and Adam Gandelman showed23:56

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