
RAOFHm.  ?Disc has a few bad sectors?.  That could, perhaps, trigger some sort of warning, rather than waiting around until I check why everything's going mental.01:37
bjsniderRAOF, the hdd can have a few bad sectors without it being an immediate crisis. it can continue to perform fine for years afterwards01:52
RAOFbjsnider: It would, however, be polite for our tools to pop up a little ?oh, by the way, we've detected errors on your harddrive? message the first time it happens.01:53
bjsniderthe system could also show the user everything that's in .xsession-errors and dmesg01:55
RAOFIt could, but that happens *enormously* more often than my disc increasing its bad sector count by 16.01:56
bjsniderby the way...01:56
bjsnideryou need to replace that drive right now01:57
bjsnideri'm sure you already knew that01:57
RAOFWhich is why it'd be polite for our desktop environment to give me a heads up.01:59
bjsniderdoes osx do that?02:00
jbichaRAOF: palimpsest doesn't do a popup like that any more?02:00
RAOFjbicha: Apparently not.02:00
bjsniderin some cases windows will ask the user to do a chkdsk when it detects disk errors02:00
jbichaI have 7 bad sectors, hope it's not too big of a deal02:01
bjsniderpalimpsest is to difficult for average users to understand02:01
bjsniderjbicha, as long as it isn't increasing02:01
bjsniderthe sectors will be marked and the system will not try to use them anymore02:02
TheMusoI thought one got a pop-up with drives that had bad sectors. I remember connecting a drive externally a while back, and discvoered through a pop-up that it had bad sectors...03:03
bjsniderduring the karmic cycle there were bugs reported where people complained about a lot of false positives, and then a new release quieted the warnings down to the point where you're only warned "if the disk is really failing", so perhaps a few bad sectors isn't bad enough to produce the warning04:03
bjsniderthat was bug 41215204:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 412152 in gnome-disk-utility "gnome-disk-utility nags me too much that my disk is failing" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41215204:04
TheMusoInteresting, because I ran a scan on the disk and it did have bad sectors.04:17
pittiGood morning04:19
bjsnideri don't think bad sectors alone is enough to generate the warning message anymore, but it was in karmic04:22
jbichapitti: good morning! could we get bug 878672 looked at?04:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 878672 in gnome-shell "[SRU] Please upgrade gnome-shell and mutter to 3.2.1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87867204:30
bjsnideryeah, that would be cool04:31
pittijbicha: ah, there they are; I wanted to sponsor branches on Friday, but the LP search for branches timed out, and they weren't on the pad04:32
pittijbicha: yes, can do04:32
jbichapitti: oh ok :)04:33
pittierr, what?04:34
pitti$ bzr branch lp:ubuntu/oneiric/mutter04:34
pittibzr: ERROR: Revision {martin.pitt@canonical.com-20110928045929-gjsb9pcy1rq0l1i2} not present in "Graph(StackedParentsProvider(bzrlib.repository._LazyListJoin(([CachingParentsProvider(None)], []))))".04:34
pittiubuntu:oneiric/gnome-shell works fine04:34
pittiand lp:ubuntu/mutter is out of date04:35
pittiah, but seems you do carry 3.2.0-0ubuntu2 in your branch04:36
pittijbicha: why does g-shell bump the dh compat?04:38
jbichapitti: just because, we could drop that change if you like04:39
pittijbicha: better for an SRU to not change the build system04:40
pittijbicha: ok, I'll revert it in the merge04:42
jbichapitti: ok, thank you04:42
pittijbicha: ok, both sponsored, thanks!04:43
bjsnideri'd like to see the user-menu status bug fixed if there's a patch available04:59
jbichabjsnider: which bug?05:00
bjsniderthe status-menu will not change to online unless the user manually sets it. it's a missing feature05:01
bjsnideri've been bugging them about it05:01
bjsniderthat's how empathy gets its status, so it has implications outside gnome-shell too05:02
bjsnideri'm not 100% sure what the eta is, or how trivial a change it would be05:03
jbichabjsnider: well the first time should be manual, right?05:03
bjsniderno, it should be based on mouse/keyboard use, just like the screensaver and whatnot05:04
bjsniderright now, mine says away, even though i'm obviously using the system05:05
jbichathis fix in 3.2.1 helps some, right? http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-shell/commit/?id=2947b921489937e6fb8ea8d9634510585b78bcc005:06
bjsniderprobably not, since the session is always at away or unavailable unless the user directly intervenes05:07
bjsniderthey told me this week that it's a feature not yet implemented. at least i think that's what they were saying05:08
bjsnideri wanted to know about 3.2.1, because i thought maybe it was fixed there, but it isn't05:08
jbichathat sounds more appropriate for 3.305:08
bjsniderwell, i have no idea how trivial a change it is05:09
bjsnidermaybe it's a few lines, maybe it's a lot more than that05:09
bjsnideri mean we're only talking about changing the status to online. the status area works otherwise. the other status options are implemented05:10
bjsniderjbicha, there's a sushi 2.1 now. a few small changes. nothing that would affect the packaging scripts in any way05:12
jbichabjsnider: would you like to open an SRU bug for it? the text file preview toolbar fix would be good to have05:19
bjsnideryeah, that's fine. i already built local packages and installed them. no problems arise, so it's safe05:20
bjsniderdon't know what's holding up 848198 either. those patches fix two bugs.05:21
jbichabjsnider: why don't you propose an update with a bzr branch or at least a debdiff?05:24
bjsniderwhat do i do with the debdiff?05:26
bjsniderdo i post it on the bug page?05:27
RAOFDear lord gnome-desktop is a big fan of grabbing the server, querying the current mode, and then setting *exactly the same mode* over and over again.05:51
RAOFWe're lucky the driver doesn't blindly modeset each time it's asked.05:52
TeTeTRAOF: hi Chris, with respect to bug 820327 I wanted to let you know that in LVM's Ubuntu deployment I removed 10_fn-F7.patch from gsd as it made fn-f7 jump to the wrong display setting and caused the virtual desktops (bottom right) to show wrong areas, maybe it needs to be dropped here as well07:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 820327 in gnome-settings-daemon "Fn+F7 cycling gives external monitor incorrect resolution on Thinkpad x220" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82032707:19
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone07:27
pittihey chrisccoulson07:28
chrisccoulsonhi pitti, how are you?07:28
pittichrisccoulson: quite fine, thanks! how about you?07:28
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, good thanks. although, i feel a bit sleepy this morning07:29
SweetsharkG'Morning Desktoppers!08:20
pittihey Sweetshark08:22
chrisccoulsoni'm rewriting ubufox atm to drop the apturl dependency, and also stop using http://mozilla-pfs.ubuntu.com/. is there actually a way to search for packages providing a particular mimetype?08:22
chrisccoulsoni had a look at sessioninstaller, but i'm not sure it does what i want08:23
rickspencer3hi huats08:31
chrisccoulsonmvo, you there?08:32
mvochrisccoulson: yes08:34
huatshey rickspencer3 !08:34
chrisccoulsonhi mvo. did you see my earlier comments there?08:34
mvochrisccoulson: no, sorry, could you please paste it again?08:34
huatsrickspencer3, I am not at the office today (giving a course to students) but be there tomorrow, so you are welcome to join us !08:35
chrisccoulsonmvo - i'm trying to figure out the best way of searching for packages providing a particular mimetype08:35
chrisccoulsonthis is in the context of ubufox, which i'm currently rewriting to stop using https://mozilla-pfs.ubuntu.com/ and no longer depend on apturl08:35
rickspencer3huats, sounds good, but I'm leaving today!08:35
chrisccoulson(for the plugin finder)08:35
rickspencer3Munich for Qt Dev Days tomorrow, then Orlando!08:35
huatsrickspencer3, oh I forgot about the Qt thing :(08:36
chrisccoulsonand i took a look at sessioninstaller, thinking it might do what i want, but then i realized it probably won't08:36
rickspencer3huats, I plan to come way more after FL, so we can speak more French :)08:36
mvochrisccoulson: the xapian db we use has this info, software-center search:mime:text/html should work for example08:36
mvochrisccoulson: currently the startup speed is not ideal, but we are working to improve that08:36
huatsrickspencer3, hum we will speak french i Florida !08:36
rickspencer3I hope so!08:37
rickspencer3huats, I go for days here without speaking any French :(08:37
rickspencer3I'll probably have more chance in FL than in France :)08:37
chrisccoulsonmvo - one thing i'm trying to avoid is depending on an external UI like software-center for this. the reason being that if we don't have a plugin to handle a specific mimetype in our archive, i want to fall back to using https://pfs.mozilla.org to query upstreams db08:38
chrisccoulsonand i want to do that transparently really, with a single UI08:38
huatsrickspencer3, indeed !08:38
mvochrisccoulson: aha, ok, so you need a commandline helper or dbus helper that just provides you the info?08:38
huatsrickspencer3, and we'll work on your french ! you have a talk to give at the end of november !08:39
chrisccoulsonmvo - possibly, if that's the best way to go :)08:39
chrisccoulsonmvo - i was thinking of using the information shipped with app-install-data, but i probably need an extra field in the desktop files08:39
mvochrisccoulson: if you let me know what exactly you need, we (software-center guys) can provide it. well, instead of spawning a helper you could talk to the xapian db directly, depends really on what you need/want :) does your requirements include e.g. rating info?08:39
chrisccoulsonmvo - i'm not too concerned about ratings info08:39
mvochrisccoulson: extra field should be fine, what is it used for?08:39
chrisccoulsonmvo - we want to associate mimetypes to plugin packages, but the existing MimeType field isn't really appropriate for that as we don't want, eg, the adobe flashplugin to appear as a handler for local flash files08:42
chrisccoulsonthat wouldn't work, as there's not really an executable to handle that08:43
chrisccoulsonso i was thinking of having an extra mimetype field just for browser plugin mimetypes08:43
chrisccoulsonmvo, does that make sense? :)08:45
chrisccoulsoni just want to make sure that i'm not completely crazy ;)08:45
mvochrisccoulson: yeah, that sounds fine, we just need to make sure that the mime-type can be extracted sanely for the plugins. how many plugins are we actually talking about?08:48
mvochrisccoulson: didn't you guys pushed most of the plugins out of the archive previously?08:48
chrisccoulsonmvo - i'm not too sure, it's not many though. i think it's in the order of ~10 packages08:48
chrisccoulsonmvo - we pushed extensions out, but we still have browser plugins (eg, totem, flash, vlc etc)08:49
mvochrisccoulson: aha. ok. would be nice if we could integrate the plugin info query into the lp:app-archive code08:50
mvochrisccoulson: is there going to be a uds session about it?08:50
chrisccoulsonmvo - i wasn't planning one. do you think we should have one?08:50
mvochrisccoulson: not really, just wanted to double check :)08:51
seifrickspencer3, yo09:26
seifrickspencer3, before u do  more work on stealth maybe we can merge it with bzr branch lp:activity-log-manager09:27
seifplease try it out09:27
chrisccoulsongah, stupid ISP10:32
chrisccoulsonand that's probably the worst time to discover that my 3G dongle doesn't work on oneiric10:33
pittichrisccoulson: tether from your phone, and use the usb-ethernet?10:33
chrisccoulsonpitti - that's what i've resorted to ;)10:33
chrisccoulsonafter trying to get my 3G dongle to work, but it's totally broken in oneiric :(10:33
pittichrisccoulson: your new machine doesn't have a builtin 3G and sim card?10:34
pittisim card holder, anyway10:34
chrisccoulsonpitti - i think i saw a sim card holder when i took the whole thing apart last week10:34
chrisccoulsoni didn't actually think about sticking my sim card in it though10:34
chrisccoulsonperhaps i should try10:34
pittichrisccoulson: the builtin antenna of my laptop is some ten times better than an usb stick (and takes much less power, too)10:35
asac_hola gents! didrocks on the road?10:37
asac_chrisccoulson: often laptops have an option for an internal 3g modem and have a null-op sim card slot. what does lsusb show you?10:38
ogra_get an ac100 ! :)10:38
pittiasac_: he's in Orlando already10:38
asac_pitti: hi. thats what i thought. will try to catch him later then. thanks10:38
chrisccoulsonasac_, yeah, mine doesn't actually have any 3g hardware. i need to buy one of these - http://search.dell.co.uk/1/2/128267-mobile-broadband-internal-dell-wireless-5540-card-3g-hsdpa-sim-not-included-kit.html10:39
chrisccoulsonwhich i'm tempted to10:39
chrisccoulsonit can't be any more difficult to install than the bluetooth module i fitted last week10:39
asac_chrisccoulson: http://www.amazon.co.uk/WIRELESS-5540-Broadband-MiniPCI-Mini-Card/dp/B0047TG56810:40
asac_that one is cheaper10:40
asac_not sure if it fits, but i would think :)10:40
asac_might even be the same. anyway. that thing will work great from what i can tell10:40
asac_and you would have strong signal with your laptop antenna10:40
ogra_4x that price and you have an ac100 :P10:40
asac_ogra_: but the horse power is really bad in an ac100. i doubt our mozilla man can use one of these to do anything :)10:41
chrisccoulsoni wonder why the one on amazon is so much cheaper10:41
chrisccoulsonyeah, i've had to upgrade to 8GB of RAM now ;)10:42
ogra_asac_, well, he would have to use chromium :P10:42
ogra_chromium flies here :)10:42
chrisccoulsondoes the ac100 have that much?10:42
ogra_it has 512M plus 256M zram plus the swap you grant it :)10:42
asac_ogra_: i dont think chromium can build on that machine without loads of swap10:42
ogra_asac_, yeah, building is another issue indeed :)10:42
chrisccoulsonyou really need 8GB to build chromium if you want to be able to do something else at the same time ;)10:42
* ogra_ just got a second ac100 :)10:43
ogra_so i can do other stuff at *full speed* on one while the other compiles ;)10:44
ogra_(full speed being 1GHz indeed ;) )10:44
chrisccoulsoni really need to get some arm hardware, so i can try and figure out why firefox sucks so much on it ;)10:47
chrisccoulsonbut jo would really kill me if i spent any more money10:47
chrisccoulsoni've spent way too much recently10:47
ogra_expense it :)10:47
ogra_its for your work10:47
chrisccoulsoni'll ask jason at UDS ;)10:48
ogra_everyone in canonical should have any arm HW in the long term10:48
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* rodrigo_ lunch11:46
chrisccoulsonhmmm, internet is still down12:19
chrisccoulsoni think i'm going to have to call my ISP in a minute12:19
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mvois it just me or can tomboy no longer sync with ubuntuone ? I hit bug #875999 it seems12:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 875999 in tomboy "cannot synchronise with ubuntuone in spite of success..." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87599912:21
chrisccoulsonah, "There is currently an outage affecting the Midlands"12:47
chrisccoulsonfrom the nice support guy from my ISP12:48
Laneymvo: I think there is a bug around the sensitivity of that button... if you type something in the box to make Save active and then authorize with U1, does it work?12:49
* Laney thought someone was going to look at that12:49
mvoLaney: aha, nice, let me try that12:52
mvoLaney: I found a helpful soul in #ubuntuone, lets hope he will come up with a good solution, but indeed, it looks like its just the button not being sensitive12:52
mterrymvo, yeah, try http: instead of https:12:52
Laneyit should be made sensitive on a successful authentication12:52
mvomterry: ha! thanks, that did the trick12:54
Laneydoes it all work if you just change that?12:55
Laneysensitivity and eeverything?12:55
mterryLaney, for me, yeah12:55
Laneyi mean, the button becoming active isn't just a side effect of you changing something in the textarea?12:55
Laney(if correct, sruing that change would be a good idea)12:57
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mvoLaney: it seems like its enough to just change the field, indeed13:24
Laneythen authentication needs to be fixed to make the button sensitive correctly13:24
Laneywhen it returns successfully13:24
mvosync does still not work for me, but its a different problem now13:25
mvo10/24/2011 15:26:00 [ERROR]: Synchronization failed with the following exception: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.13:26
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jbichaLaney: where can I find existing packageset descriptions?13:39
Laneywe don't exactly have them yet13:39
Laneyit is a new change we are trying to introduce13:40
Laneyto make things more equitable13:40
Laneyso how do you define what is a part of GNOME? write that down13:41
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jbichaLaney: the simple idea I had in mind was the GNOME packages that weren't already in main13:41
Laneywhat is a GNOME package?13:41
jbichaand GNOME packages generally are hosted on git.gnome.org13:42
Laneypart of the gnome release moduleset?13:42
jbichaBugzilla splits packages into Core, Applications, and Other13:42
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Laneysomething that can be extracted from http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/teams/releng/3.2.1/ ?13:44
Laneywith reference to the ubuntu-desktop set13:44
jbichaCore & Applications definitely are part of GNOME, Other is a very big category with some stuff that is only loosely associated with GNOME & some stuff that maybe should be bumped to Applicatiosn13:45
jbichagnome-tweak-tool & tracker in particular aren't in the release modules13:48
jbichawell, tracker is in as a dependency of gnome-documents13:49
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dobeyjbicha: there are "external dependencies" that aren't necessarily part of the gnome release, but are things which gnome does need14:06
dobeyjbicha: and if you mean "other" as it is on bugzilla, i wouldn't bother with that as a special thing. "other" there just means "all the other random stuff in bugzilla and hosted on gnome.org, but which isn't necessarily anything in gnome or used by gnome"14:11
jbichaI think the question is how narrow do we want the desktop-extra set to be defined14:13
dobeyjbicha: getting gnome release team to actually define modulests in https://live.gnome.org/ThreePointThree is probably the way to get a proper list14:14
dobeyjbicha: it still says "(To do)" on the 3.2 page as well :-/14:14
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jbichahmm, I wonder how well this works: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ubuntu-gs-remix/14:30
jbichadescription: http://linux.softpedia.com/get/System/Operating-Systems/Linux-Distributions/Ubuntu-GNOME-Shell-Remix-74925.shtml14:30
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bjsnideranybody can do that after they install14:33
jjardondobey, jbicha: you can use this list for now: https://live.gnome.org/GnomeGoals/Template14:56
jjardonkenvandine: if you have some spare time: https://launchpad.net/indicator-power/trunk/0.1014:59
* kenvandine looks15:00
hallynhm, indicator-multiload is taking 22% cpu.  that seems like a lot to watch my cpu load sit at 6.6 :)15:01
kenvandinejjardon, 0.10 meant for a oneiric SRU or for upload to precise?15:03
jjardonkenvandine: It would be good to have the update in Oneiric15:04
jjardondobey, jbicha: indeed, this is the canonical list of core modules http://ftp.acc.umu.se/pub/GNOME/teams/releng/3.2.1/versions15:42
pittigood night everyone!16:03
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chrisccoulsoncyphermox, you around?19:01
cyphermoxchrisccoulson: yep19:05
chrisccoulsonhi cyphermox19:06
chrisccoulsonso, my ADSL decided to die today, which isn't normally a problem, as i can just plug in my 3G dongle19:06
cyphermoxdoesn't work?19:06
chrisccoulsoni plugged that in today (for the first time on oneiric), and it doesn't work :(19:06
cyphermoxdoes it get seen by NM at all?19:06
chrisccoulsoncyphermox, yeah. i even get a notification from notify-osd to say it's connected, but it isn't actually connected really19:07
chrisccoulsoncyphermox, this is what i see in my syslog when i plug it in -19:07
cyphermoxwhat model is that?19:07
chrisccoulsoncyphermox, according to lsusb:19:08
chrisccoulsonBus 002 Device 014: ID 12d1:1001 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. E620 USB Modem19:08
cyphermoxso far it's normal19:08
cyphermoxdo you have logs for when you click the connection to activate it?19:08
chrisccoulsoncyphermox, i'm not sure what to click to activate it. i've got mobile broadband enabled in nm-applet, and in the "Mobile Broadband" section of the menu, i have an inactive entry "O2 - UK UMTS", which is the connection i want :)19:09
chrisccoulsonbut i can't activate it ;)19:10
cyphermoxchrisccoulson: can't activate because it's insensitive or because that's what fails?19:16
chrisccoulsoncyphermox, it's insensitive19:16
chrisccoulsonalthough, there is an entry to create a new connection, where i have to enter all my provider information19:16
chrisccoulsonbut that doesn't work anyway, and i've never needed to do that before19:16
cyphermoxedit the connection, in case it's somehow pointing to a different device?19:17
cyphermoxI mean, any further logs for NM or MM would help, but what you already pasted is basically normal behavior when a device has just been connected19:18
chrisccoulsonhmm, there currently isn't a connection listed for it19:18
cyphermoxthen it's probably fine as "any device"19:18
chrisccoulsonhmmm, it's connected now, which it didn't do when i created a connection earlier :/19:19
chrisccoulsoncyphermox, how come i need to manually create the connection now? i don't remember having to do that in the past19:19
chrisccoulsonor perhaps i did, but just forgot about it ;)19:20
cyphermoxthen one that got connected is the new one you created?19:20
chrisccoulsonyeah, i've just created a connection, and that seems to have connected19:20
chrisccoulson1 second, will just remove my cell phone to make sure it works19:20
cyphermoxmy guess is that the old one was converted from 11.04/ NM0.8 and that conversion failed for that connection19:20
cyphermoxthe thing is now they're probably called the same, but if not and you can ship me the file from /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections then I can probably have one more hint as to what fails with these conversions19:22
chrisccoulson_ok, seems to work19:22
chrisccoulson_you want the connection from /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections?19:23
chrisccoulson_i don't think there's anything private in there - http://paste.ubuntu.com/718174/19:23
chrisccoulson_i hope not ;)19:23
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cyphermoxchrisccoulson: no, most isps just use such stupid passwords ;)19:27
cyphermoxchrisccoulson: the other is also O2 or "O2 1"?19:27
chrisccoulsoncyphermox, oh, i deleted the other connection (the one which failed)19:28
chrisccoulsoni guess that's no use ;)19:28
cyphermoxoh, that's the one I wanted to see ;)19:29
cyphermoxoh well19:29
chrisccoulsonsorry ;)19:29
cyphermoxbut you're right, you shouldn't have had to create a new one19:29
cyphermoxbut the NM0.8 to NM0.9 was kind of rough, although I tested a few different connection types and it worked for me19:30
cyphermoxI can't remember if I had a 3G connection though :/19:30
cyphermoxthat said, it's so simple it should have just worked... but I think it largely borked because of gconf more than anything else19:31
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TheMusoWow, not many desktop sessions on the schedule so far, but I am only up to Tuesday.21:18
RAOFTime for me to subscribe to all the interesting ones!21:30
RAOFThat's *totally awesome*!21:45
seb128RAOF, hey21:46
seb128that being?21:46
RAOFHow gnome-shell handles GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE.21:46
RAOFHey seb128!21:47
seb128RAOF, how is it going?21:47
RAOFI'm going to try a mad crazy hack for that fn-f7 bug.  It'll be awesome.21:48
broderRAOF: i don't know if you noticed, but i found a few odd things about the fn-f7 stuff21:49
RAOFAlmost as awesome as gnome-shell refusing to start when a dual-head display is set up with > MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, but it's quite happy to set that up while running :)21:49
broderfirst is that i see a keypress event coming in on both the ACPI "Video Bus" and the keyboard device21:49
RAOFbroder: That sounds like chrisccoulson's bug?21:50
broderoh, you're working on a different fn-f7 bug?21:50
RAOFYeah, one which turns out to (proabably) be our old friend, Mr Disabling Outputs With Gnome-RR Sometimes Makes Things Weird.21:52
broderoh, ok. i hadn't associated that with being a fn-f7 bug, but sure. anyway, i'm looking forward to the solution21:53
RAOFWell, hitting fn-f7 will take you through the codepaths that do the disable everything, now re-enable everything dance.21:54
TheMusoRight, first run through of schedule complete. There are many empty slots atm, so will have to do another run through on Friday I suspect.22:16
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