
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
pittiGood morning04:18
pittiSpamapS: I answered to 876959 yesterday04:19
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micahghttp://packages.qa.debian.org/d/dpatch/news/20111024T000209Z.html \o/ dpatch  deprecated for new packages in Debian...05:19
StevenKThis is terrible news.05:20
micahgStevenK: that's is deprecated or only for new pacakges?05:21
StevenKNo, that it is deprecated at all.05:21
StevenKquilt can go DIALCF05:22
* micahg ♥ quilt05:23
* RAOF can get right behind StevenK's quilt hate.05:27
* micahg wonders why people hate quilt05:29
StevenKquilt push -a ; quilt new ; edit file ; OHDAMNITIFORGOTQUILTADD05:30
pittifor more extensive edits there is also quilt shell05:31
StevenKI just want a patch system, not a VCS wannabe05:31
StevenKAnd a buggy VCS wannabe, at that.05:32
micahgStevenK: src format 3 FTW, just make your changes debuild -S, you have a patch :)05:32
StevenKUgh, format 305:32
micahgI love it, no more forgetting quilt add...05:32
RAOFAlthough now you get to play the game of disentangle the multiple patches!05:41
* nigelb <3 quilt as well.05:53
nigelbStevenK: Its even more awesome when you use quilt with UDD.05:54
nigelb(that's the only quilt use case I absolutely hate)05:54
dholbachgood morning07:07
speakmanWhere can I find unity-2d-panel source? It's having problem adjusting it's width on multi monitor setups.07:17
speakman(on launchpad that is)07:17
htorque_hello everyone! i keep seeing problems reported with read-only file systems by users that followed some guides involving the recovery mode (as this seems to have changed in oneiric).07:18
htorque_wouldn't it be more convenient to offer a 'read-only' menu item rather than making users first use 'remount' and then 'root'?07:18
geserspeakman: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-2d-team/unity-2d/oneiric (project page is https://launchpad.net/unity-2d)07:31
speakmangeser: thx m8 :)07:34
speakman(I'm about to post a bug report for this, but are there any tools to print the current resolution of each monitor attached?)07:40
speakmanUsing Xinerama07:46
StevenKIs there any magic I need for apt-cache to show long descriptions again?07:54
pittiStevenK: it always did?07:56
cjwatsonno magic should be needed.  perhaps your mirror has failed to mirror the Translations-* files?07:56
* StevenK kicks apt-mirror07:56
cjwatsondebmirror works fine07:57
StevenKI suspect I'm back to a postmirror script to wget the en translations07:58
cjwatsonStevenK: do please file a bug against apt-mirror about this, though08:21
StevenKcjwatson: I got distracted by writing a suitable postmirror script, but will do08:23
StevenKcjwatson: Already filed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt-mirror/+bug/36841908:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 368419 in apt-mirror (Ubuntu) "apt-mirror i18n files" [Wishlist,Won't fix]08:25
StevenKcjwatson: Exactly what I thought08:28
* cjwatson comments08:28
RAOFspeakman: xrandr --verbose08:39
speakmanRAOF: I'm on Xinerama so xrandr doesn't work. I used nvidia-settings GUI instead.08:56
OdyXtkamppeter_ : any idea when openprinting.org will see life again ? (linuxfoundation.org/…/openprinting works though, so maybe just a matter of redirects)08:58
zygaI'd like to report a bug but I'm not sure which component is responsible for this09:03
zygaI cannot shut down my clean-install oneiric09:03
zygaselecting shut down simply logs me out, selecting shut down from lightdm does nothing09:03
zygais it a lightdm bug?09:03
pitticould be a lightdm or consolekit problem09:04
zygapitti, any clue on where to look, syslog has nothing while I try to shut down09:09
pittino idea, perhaps start with filing a bug against lightdm, to include /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log09:09
pittithat might have a clue09:09
pittialso ~/.xsession-errors when you try to shutdown from your session09:10
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zygapitti, thanks for the hint, I'll try to shut down now09:10
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SpamapSpitti: thanks09:26
* SpamapS should not be awake but stupid smoke alarms went off because their batteries had died09:27
SpamapShttp://people.canonical.com/~clint/bootchart.png .. anybody know what would cause check-new-relea to be run at boot time?09:31
SpamapSI think its update-motd09:32
cjwatson/etc/update-motd.d/91-release-upgrade -> /usr/lib/update-manager/release-upgrade-motd -> /usr/lib/update-manager/check-new-release09:32
OdyXcyphermox: fyi, usb-modeswitch linked against libjim uploaded to Ubuntu. Tests and comments appreciated…09:32
OdyXmeh. s/Ubuntu/Debian/09:33
SpamapScjwatson: ahh thats why greps didn't work09:33
SpamapSseems like we could delay a bit... its a rather busy command09:34
SpamapSor am I reading the rather non-decipherable colors wrong and its a zombie most of the time? :-P09:36
pittiSpamapS: certainly not; checking apt stuff during boot is ridiculously expensive09:36
pitti(or anytime during login, really -- it causes VT logins to hang for a long time)09:36
pittiat least they used to in the past, it took about 5 seconds for me09:37
SpamapSpitti: all of update-motd feels like something that can wait until the first login.. or 5 minutes after first boot even.09:57
pittiSpamapS: btw, red means "iowait", i. e. processes blocking on disk activity (usually waiting for data to read)09:58
SpamapSpitti: "red" ?09:58
pittion rotary disks, the heavy apt stuff can block quite a bit09:58
SpamapSI see only white09:58
pittiSpamapS: on the bootcharts09:58
SpamapSor blue09:58
pittiI see a fair amount of red on your charts09:58
pittiyou don't seem to have an ureadahead cache09:59
SpamapSdpkg-reconfigure ureadahead maybe?09:59
pittipresumably this is from a boot right after you changed something in the boot sequence (perhaps you installed bootchart and this is the first boot after it?)09:59
pittior that :)09:59
SpamapSno after 10 slow boots I got frustrated09:59
pittiusually, after you do this, you boot to a desktop, wait for a minute, remove all old charts, and reboot again09:59
SpamapSthis is the third boot-chart measured boot10:00
SpamapSbut, seriously, no red10:00
SpamapSits like we have a different pallete or something10:00
pittiyour CPU gets bored to death, the entire boot is one huge big red IOwait condition, and your HDD doesn't get to shovel more than some 5 MB/s into the RAM10:00
pittiSpamapS: I'm looking at http://people.canonical.com/~clint/bootchart.png10:01
pittiSpamapS: well, it's a relatively light red, more like pink10:01
SpamapSyeah, I see pink, blue, white, no red10:01
SpamapSthe colors are fairly hard to distinguish from one another10:01
SpamapSthey mostly just look like shades of gray10:01
pittireally? there are only four: white, black, blue (CPU), pink (IO wait)10:01
SpamapSexcept the green ;)10:02
pittiah, right10:02
pittiso your boot is entirely stuck on utterly slow data reading10:02
pittiin theory ureadahead ought to help there quite a bit10:02
pittiyou have one or two peaks with 40 MB/s, but most of the time only a tiny fraction of that10:02
SpamapSyeah I wonder why ureadahead hasn't been updated10:03
pittiSpamapS: try a comparison with disabling that apt script?10:03
SpamapSsince 9/20!10:03
pittiSpamapS: if it is, you should have /var/lib/ureadahead/*pack10:03
SpamapSoh I hav eno packs, just debugfs10:03
pittiSpamapS: do you have /etc/init/ureadahead.conf ?10:04
SpamapSyes indeed10:05
pittihm, so perhaps it fails for some reason to write the pack files10:05
SpamapSit was in fact running during bootchart10:05
pittiSpamapS: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/bootcharts/tick-lucid-20100622-standard.png10:06
SpamapSare we graphing bootchart somewhere btw?10:06
pittithat's from my utterly slow latitude d430, its disk really sucked (20 MB/s)10:06
pittibut even there ureadahead saved some 30 or 40 seconds10:06
SpamapSI swear we do *way* too much manual testing10:06
pittiSpamapS: yes10:06
pittithe beginnings of it, anyway10:06
SpamapSI'm going to reboot with console output in /etc/init/ureadahead.conf10:08
SpamapSI think you may be right that its not writing the pack files10:09
pittiSpamapS: oh, how do you get the console output of a job?10:09
pittiso far I kludged that with something like "exec 2>/tmp/log; set -x" in the pre/post-start scripts10:10
SpamapSpitti: ctrl-alt-f7 ;)10:10
pitti(to debug these particular parts)10:10
pittiah, ok; no magic cookie10:10
SpamapSmight end up in /var/log/boot.log too10:10
SpamapSbut thats hit or miss10:10
SpamapSpitti: I think jhunt is working on a dmesg-like thing for job output buffers10:11
* SpamapS reboots...10:11
ogra_hmm, is mom not working (or did we stop isung it) 8 merges for main doesnt look much10:12
Laneyogra_: Think you clicked on the manual link :-)10:13
Laneylook above10:13
pittihttps://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html looks fine10:13
ogra_Laney, lol, yeah, you are right10:14
ogra_thanks !10:14
Laneyi did the same the other day10:14
cjwatsonand no we have not stopped using MoM10:14
ogra_obviously ... as long as the user can read it even works as expected ;)10:15
SpamapSpitti: ok, so I just realized I uninstalled/reinstalled bootchart between runs... i wonder if something it does during its install removes the pack files. They're there now10:22
* SpamapS needs to go back to sleep. Stupid smoke alarms10:22
pittiSpamapS: yes, bootchart changes the boot sequence; the pack files are removed, triggered by changes to /etc/init10:23
SpamapSpitti: thats what I thought.. so my first 2 were probably more accurate ;)10:28
pitticjwatson: do you have an opinion about bug 873401? should live-build not write a header to the md5sum.txt file, or can we fix gfxboot's checksum thingy (I don't know which package that is) to ignore the header?10:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 873401 in live-build (Ubuntu) "Check disc for defects failed with a iso images built using ubuntu-defaults-image" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87340110:31
cjwatsonthe latter.  I'll deal with it10:34
cjwatsonand it has nothing to do with gfxboot :)10:34
pittiI thought so, but for the lack of a better name :)10:34
pittiwhat part does that, OOI?10:34
cjwatsonsee the bug10:35
cjwatson(reassigned and such)10:35
pittiah, casper, nice10:35
leexslangasek: I guess it was removed by upgrading to 11.1010:54
leexslangasek: there should be some docu that states that fact, would have helped me a lot10:54
leexslangasek: thanks for the info ;)10:58
cjwatsonit would have taken specialised gymnastics to have libc6:i386 installed before upgrading to 11.1010:59
cjwatsonthe only people for whom that should have been true would have been people working on multiarch implementation, really11:00
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oimontkamppeter: i wonder if you can help - i've been after a particular ppd file (pxl1010.ppd) since linuxprinting.org went offline - can you advise where i can get it?11:04
tkamppeteroimon, this is in the source of foomatic-db. Do "apt-get source foomatic-db" and you find the XML files for it in /deb/source/.11:21
oimontkamppeter: excellent, many thanks :)11:21
tkamppeteroimon, to build the Ubuntu package with it, edit db/source/driver/pxl1010.xml removing the "<obsolete ...>" line.11:22
oimoncheers - any news on when the website is coming back btw?11:22
tkamppeteroimon, every week they say "next week", on UDS I will look into getting another hoster ...11:24
* StevenK stares at apt.11:25
StevenKW: Failed to fetch copy:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/silver_ubuntu_dists_oneiric_main_i18n_Index  Encountered a section with no Package: header11:25
StevenKI thought the index wasn't supposed to have any Package: headers ...11:25
cjwatsonkees: I'm stealing your jasper merge, per your comments of a few days ago that you weren't going to have time for a while11:26
cjwatsonStevenK: I bet you have an out-of-date apt from oneiric beta-1.  upgrade it11:26
StevenKBy hand, I guess11:26
cjwatsonno need for that11:26
cjwatsonapt-get update has updated enough stuff that you can 'apt-get install apt' now11:26
StevenKAnd yeah, that chroot is a bit stale11:26
StevenKcjwatson: Sorted, thanks.11:27
cjwatsonthis is bug 871731 which we decided to accept11:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 871731 in Release Notes for Ubuntu "Direct upgrades from beta-1 will produce annoying error message" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87173111:27
cjwatsonyou may remember it from LP conversation just pre-release :)11:27
kirklandSpamapS: update-motd doesn't get run until login12:05
kirklandSpamapS: should not affect boot time12:05
kirklandSpads: something else must be running that apt-check12:06
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sorenkirkland: I'm not sure that's true.12:28
sorenkirkland: Hang on.12:28
kirklandsoren: oh, hmm, actually12:28
sorenkirkland: The mounted-run job runs update-motd.12:28
kirklandsoren: ah, you're right ...12:28
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speakmanMy pulseaudio session daemon seems to stop sometimes (I think it's Flash doing something). How do I best turn on debugging of the daemon?12:49
speakman(I've been running it in the foreground most of the day but of course nothing happens)12:49
tkamppeterpitti, hi12:56
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speakmanhm it just died. saying "Killed". wtf?13:14
cjwatsonthat sounds like the out-of-memory killer got it; I bet you'll find something in /var/log/syslog and/or /var/log/kern.log13:14
cjwatson(it's possible some other process was at fault)13:15
* cjwatson upgrades to precise13:17
ogra_ good luck :)13:17
nigelbI'm surprised by brain interpreted WCPGW /very/ fast.13:18
cjwatsonapt-get did tell me that there were some ocaml-related uninstallables (which I'm working on clearing), but otherwise it seems OK at least at that level13:18
speakmancjwatson: no debugging was enabled. Just changed that in /etc/pulse/daemon.conf. I'll watch syslog for error messages.13:19
cjwatsonOOM killer events will get logged by the kernel regardless of pulseaudio logging levels13:19
ogra_you should find it in dmesg13:20
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SpamapSkirkland: something was running check-new-release early in the boot.. update-motd was thought to possible be it.13:47
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SpamapSpossibly even :p13:51
cjwatsonSpamapS: do you think you could merge gdal?  it needs a rebuild for the libjpeg transition, and if it needs to be merged anyway ...13:52
SpamapScjwatson: sure, will merge it today.13:52
luisthey… if im installing a symbolic link when building a package, will it get the real file to build?13:53
cjwatsonnot quite sure what you mean, maybe an example would help13:54
speakmanare there any #ubuntu-pulseaudio sort of channel?13:54
luistwell in my debian/install i have:  myApp       usr/bin13:54
luistbut myApp is a sym link to where the executable really is13:55
cjwatsonwhere is that symlink created?13:55
cjwatsonand where is the real executable?13:56
stgrabergeser: ping14:01
dokohmm, who did score up the powerpc builds?14:01
luistcjwatson: its in the development folder… :P14:01
luistcjwatson: on the same level, but diff folder14:01
cjwatsonluist: sorry, I don't think that answers my question.  Perhaps you could put the whole source package somewhere?14:03
cjwatsondoko: me - trying to get some multi-level transitions done and it's easier if all architectures keep up14:03
cjwatsondoko: what's the problem?14:03
luistcjwatson: i dont see whats so hard to understand… im putting a symbolic link in the install list and i want to know if its gona pack a broken link or the real file14:04
cjwatsonluist: there are a couple of different things you might mean and I need specifics.  Please can I see the whole source package?14:04
cjwatsonI don't have time to guess14:04
dokocjwatson, hmm, I did rescore openjdk-6 for the security update14:05
cjwatson(answered doko in /msg)14:05
cjwatsonluist: you see, the answer depends on things like whether the symlink is absolute or relative, and whether it's statically present in the tarball, created in a Makefile or similar, or created with dh_link14:11
cjwatsonluist: and on whether the real path to the executable is installed in the package14:12
cjwatsonluist: this kind of thing is much easier to tell without lots of going back and forth by just looking at a source package, if that's at all possible14:12
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Davieydoko: Did you have any comments about the php5 debian package you merged?14:57
smoserslangasek, i'd be interested in your feedback on https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/ubuntu/oneiric/isc-dhcp/lp857524/+merge/76791 . cjwatson would also be nice as i know you've touched that package (i think for installer primarily).15:08
cjwatsonsmoser: I agree with Marc; there's no reason not to update this file atomically15:12
cjwatsonplease refactor the patch to do so (it sounds like that's what the code did originally)15:13
smosercjwatson, actually i dont think you can accomplish that15:13
smoserwith read-only /etc/15:13
cjwatsonI don't care how narrow a race condition is; it's either there or it isn't.  Actually a narrow one is worse than a wide one.15:13
cjwatsonif /etc is read-only then you can't write to /etc/resolv.conf either15:13
smoserah, yeah, i just have to find the  target of the link if its a link15:14
smoserand put the temp file on *that* filesystem15:14
cjwatsonif /etc/resolv.conf is a symlink to somewhere writable, then update it atomically there15:14
mdeslaursmoser: you could follow the symlink and create the tempfile wherever the real resolv.conf turns out to be located15:14
smoseranyone else want to repeat ?15:14
cjwatsonnarrow worse than wide> because it's harder to debug15:14
mdeslaursmoser: I'm not afraid of a write race, I'm more afraid of a read race while the address is being renewed15:15
smosermdeslaur, well that'd take a lockfile via some mechanism to address, right?15:15
cjwatsonyup, and that would be absolute hell to debug, so let's not doom our successors to that15:16
cjwatsonno, mv into place is enough15:16
cjwatsonprevents reading an incomplete resolv.conf15:16
smosercjwatson, i didn't understand "narrow worse than wide>"15:17
cjwatson16:13 <cjwatson> I don't care how narrow a race condition is; it's either there or it isn't.  Actually a narrow one is worse than a wide one.15:17
smoseroh. regarding the race.15:17
smosercjwatson, quick question.15:41
smoserin the case where there is no /etc/resolv.conf, the old chown / chmod would fail.15:41
smosershould i explicitly set root:root 644 on it then ?15:41
smoseror let the normal umask/uid/gid of this script be used.15:41
cjwatsonI'm not sure.  Does the normal umask/uid/gid produce the right answer?15:42
smoserwell this would be running as root, called through ifup15:43
smoserso i assume uid:gid is right15:43
cjwatsonsmoser: if it produces the right answer then I think I would be happy to just use the defaults15:44
smosercjwatson, test here shows root:root 644.15:51
smoserso we'll go with that.15:51
leexhi, since you guys have been helpful yesterday, I would like to be helped again ;) when I boot I am dropped a non functional root shell instead of starting slim,xdm,gdm or ... I can switch to a different tty and just startx as a workaround, but I would like to get slim working again ;) the only thing that went wrong, judging from the syslog is [   18.189682] EXT4-fs (dm-1): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro. Does anyone have an idea where to sta16:14
Davieyinfinity: *poke* bug 759545 .. if you have an idea of how to resolve this, i'd be most appreciative of a fix for alpha 1 :)16:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 759545 in grub2 (Ubuntu Precise) "user prompted to update unmodified grub configuration during Ubuntu server upgrade" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75954516:16
leexubottu: thanks, I will study it, brb16:17
ubottuleex: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:17
infinityDaviey: That gives me a month and a bit to ponder it?  I'm okay with that schedule. :P16:18
leexah, that wasn't related to me ;)16:19
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smoserinfinity, regarding the grub2 bug above, i'd really appreciate it if you could also address the general need for local modification to /etc/default/grub16:31
smoserright now, the cloud-images modify that file for good reason, and set:16:32
smoser  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=console=ttyS016:32
leexsome additional information: running 11.10, fsck done didnt help16:37
slangaseksmoser: I defer to cjwatson, he seems to have the bases covered16:40
leexhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/718018/ that's my dmesg output16:44
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* ogra_ glares at http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/ftbfs/ and wonders why it thinks evas and ecore are parts of ubuntu-desktop16:52
cjwatsonThey're in the ubuntu-desktop package set in precise.  I'm not sure why or who put them there (wasn't me).16:54
ogra_ah, i only checked for the task in the package description in oneiric16:55
* ogra_ isnt really up to speed with precise yet16:56
ogra_i just found it weird to have them in a supported set16:56
cjwatsonQuite.  I'll see what happens when I run the script to sync up with seeds.16:56
micahgcjwatson: would you mind if I did an audit of the various package sets at some point this cycle? some stuff does look out of place?17:04
cjwatsonmicahg: not at all although I don't promise to change anything ;-)17:05
micahgheh, ok17:05
cjwatsonautogeneration is what makes them manageable at all17:05
micahgcjwatson: so, core, and the CD related sets are only autogenerated?17:08
micahgok, that will make this interesting then :), maybe there's a bug somewhere17:09
cjwatsonthere's a small exception list for moving things out of "more privileged" sets when e.g. the desktop team actually functionally maintains things in core17:09
cjwatsonbut I don't want to take it further than that17:09
cjwatsonogra_: should be fixed next time it updates17:09
ogra_it seems to also generate unr and netbook atm17:09
ogra_cjwatson, great17:09
ogra_i assume the two above will vanish as well then17:10
micahgcjwatson: makes sense, but when I see universe stuff in core, I start to wonder, I will do some digging at some point17:10
cjwatsonmicahg: that was a bug and should be gone now.17:10
micahgcjwatson: excellent, thank you17:11
cjwatsonI'm not quite sure what happened, possibly a Launchpad bug on initialising the distroseries, but I can't quite tell at this point since there's little auditing.  I've made a mental note to check this out when Q opens to see if the same thing happens17:11
cjwatsonIt's not too big a deal since I always blat over it with an autogenerated list at some point anyway.17:11
cjwatsonogra_: unr and netbook - no idea17:12
cjwatsonI'll go and have a look17:12
ogra_both  should be officially gone17:12
ogra_though i'm not sure anyone ever deleted the seed branches from the respective seeds17:12
micahgcjwatson: the other puzzling thing was something like awstats in core which seems like it should be in the server packageset, any ideas about that? (no rdepends)?17:14
cjwatsonit seems to have copied some from much older series, which is odd17:15
cjwatsonmicahg: check germinate output17:15
micahgcjwatson: ok, thanks17:15
cjwatsonhttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/ubuntu.precise/rdepends/ALL/awstats - seeded17:15
cjwatsonmy guess as to what's happened here is that LP has made precise packagesets be the union of those in all previous series, rather than the immediately previous one17:18
micahgah, that seems bad17:18
cjwatsonbut I've run out of time to investigate this right now and it's not super-urgent17:18
Riddellogra_: could you renew my membership of canonical-arm-dev?17:20
ogra_sure, one sec17:20
micahgcjwatson: ok, if I get time, I"ll dig more and file bugs as appropriate (probably not until after UDS)17:20
ogra_Riddell, you got one more year :)17:21
Riddellthanks ogra, I shall savour every day of it17:28
leexCan anyone confirm that there is no /etc/inittab on ubuntu 11.10?17:28
Riddellleex: yes17:28
leexRiddell: thanks17:29
leexRiddell: still searching for my strange "dropped to root shell after boot"-bug17:30
slangasekdropped to a root shell, or dropped to a login prompt?17:30
leexslangasek: dropped to a login prompt would be ok ;)17:31
slangasekI'm asking which happens17:31
leexslim just stopped working, and I get a root shell instead17:31
leex[   14.546502] init: failsafe main process (796) killed by TERM signal ... [   14.588677] init: lightdm main process (1053) killed by TERM signal17:32
leexhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/718075 that's the whole dmesg17:33
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slangasekthe only cases in the 11.10 boot sequence that will give you a root shell are 1) booting in recovery mode (booting with 'recovery' on the kernel commandline), 2) booting with 'S' as the runlevel target, 3) a critical failure in mountall causing it to drop to a root shell for you to fix your filesystem17:34
slangasekdo you know if any of these apply to your case?17:35
leexslangasek: I did a shutdown -rF now, before comming here17:35
leexslangasek: I did not select recovery mode17:35
leexslangasek: how can I check for the runlevel target?17:35
slangasekthe runlevel target would also be on the kernel commandline (normally) - since your dmesg doesn't show that, it's probably not runlevel S either17:36
slangasekhowever, this dmesg shows processes being killed by SIGTEMR17:37
slangasekthat's not at all normal17:37
slangasekdid you use SysRq to kill the jobs?17:37
leexslangasek: y17:37
leexslangasek: no17:37
leexslangasek: I just enter my luks password, nothing else17:37
leexI justed upgraded from 11.04 recently, but that's a week ago. and I havent had the issue til today17:38
leexshould I file a bug report?17:38
slangasekyou might want to check if you have any modified files under /etc/init or /etc/init.d, or anything in either of those directories not belonging to a package; or if you have put anything unusual in /etc/rc.local.  This doesn't look like an Ubuntu bug, it looks like something has run amok in your startup sequence and is killing off processes17:39
leexhmm, I will check, have to leave office now though. I will have a look at and tell you lator17:40
* ogra_ sees gdm in the dmesg output17:40
leexbut I didn't touch any of these files by hand17:40
ogra_how did you do your upgrade from 11.04 exactly ?17:40
slangasekogra_: the upgrade from 11.04 is expected to leave gdm installed, and that's not the bug17:41
leexogra_: upgrade manager17:41
infinityI have a hard time seeing this as an upgrade bug anyway.  Worked fine for a bit, exploded today.  And, seriously, what runs amok and kills everything, including rc?17:42
leexinfinity: ack17:42
infinityMy kingdom for sane init logs.17:42
slangasekinfinity: define? :)17:43
slangasekinfinity: better yet, define in Orlando :)17:43
infinityslangasek: Can I just hand-wavingly say "something a lot more verbose than his dmesg output that would tell me WTF happened there"? :)17:44
slangasekinfinity: you can, but that's not actionable :)17:44
slangasekwe do have working /var/log/boot.log17:44
infinityWith nothing else to blame, I'd guess sendsigs is being run in runlevel 2.17:44
infinityWhich would be... Special.17:44
slangasekand you can boot with --verbose17:44
ogra_slangasek, ah, i wasnt aware it leaves gdm in place17:44
slangasekinfinity: right, also notice the gap in timing of the SIGTERMs... one batch at 17s after boot, another at 39s after boot17:45
slangasekthigns are getting killed *twice*17:45
slangasekmaybe sendsigs is in both /etc/rcS.d and /etc/rc2.d :P17:45
slangasekleex: ^^ make sure there are no symlinks to /etc/init.d/sendsigs in either of these directories, please17:45
leexhave to go home now, but if you have an idea on how to track this bug, please let me know. btw here is my boot.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/71808217:45
infinityslangasek: Though, that still wouldn't do anything bad.  sensigs start is a no-op.17:45
leexslangasek: I will do, back in about an hour17:46
slangasekin any event, sendsigs is *not* supposed to kill anything that's attached to an upstart job17:46
slangasekinfinity: it could be a K link?17:46
infinityThat would be even more special. ;)17:46
slangasekthis whole scenario is unambiguously special17:46
infinityIf this proves to be an upgrade bug, I think we're getting ever closer to discovering the long-sought-after secret to punching people in the face over the internet.17:47
slangasekleex: fwiw, your boot.log shows that your system *is* entering single-user mode, *after* having started runlevel 2: "* Starting System V single-user mode compatibility"17:48
slangasekinfinity: see? we have logs17:48
slangasekwe just need to line wrap them properly17:48
infinityslangasek: Oh, I may have missed the bit where a log was provided. :)17:49
slangasekinfinity: it was provided after you asked :)17:49
infinityAlso, I can't read.17:49
slangasekleex: this message comes from /etc/init.d/single, which is somehow being invoked.  Up to line 60 of your paste, everything appears to be correctly starting runlevel 2, then all of a sudden, with no indication of runlevel change, /etc/init.d/single has been called.  I suspect there's a wrong link to this script in /etc/rc2.d.17:52
* infinity wonders if one of the many "user-friendly" rc editors is to blame.17:54
infinityOr something.17:54
infinityleex: For the record, on a stock install you should see this:17:55
infinityadconrad@cthulhu:~$ ls /etc/rc?.d/???single17:55
infinity(And no other links)17:55
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superm1Daviey, if it's got my fixes, yeah that sounds good18:12
* Daviey tries to remember context18:18
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superm1Daviey, python mysqldb18:24
Davieysuperm1: Are you handling the sync?18:25
superm1Daviey, you can go ahead if you'd like18:25
* Daviey tries the whizzy webui18:26
superm1I don't have a precise schroot set up yet, and don't plan on getting to that until after UDS probably18:26
leexre ;) reading backlog18:26
Davieyseems the option has been disabled.18:27
leexinfinity: sysv-rc-config18:28
leexinfinity and slangasek how to figure out what's wrong?18:29
slangasekleex: covered in scrollback - having any links to 'single' outside of /etc/rc1.d is wrong18:29
leexlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 2011-10-20 14:16 S90single -> ../init.d/single*18:30
leexin rc2.d18:30
leexslangasek: can I just remove that?18:30
slangaseksysv-rc-config isn't a package in the archive.  Where did you get it... and why did you think to run it on your systeM?18:31
slangasekleex: yes, you can and *must* remove it18:31
slangasekoh, it's called sysv-rc-conf, maybe18:31
leexsry, sysv-rc-conf18:31
leexslangasek: will restart and check whether it is ok18:32
slangasekleex: in the future, when asking why your system doesn't boot, "I ran a runlevel editor recently" would be pertinent information to mention ;)18:32
smosercjwatson, please re-review https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/ubuntu/oneiric/isc-dhcp/lp857524/+merge/76791 . it uses tmpfile and move now.18:33
smosergenerally, what is the right way to do ask such a thing? am i supposed to hit 'requeest another review' ?18:34
leexslangasek: I am sorry :/ I forgot about it, I know that it would have been good to tell you.18:34
leexoh yeah it fixed it18:35
slangasekhallyn: fwiw, bug #880996 is a duplicate... yes, qemu-system-ppc doesn't work, we know18:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 773031 in qemu-linaro (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #880996 openbios for sparc and ppc still missing for 11.04" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77303118:35
leexI will note not to use sysv-rc-conf again :)18:35
hallynslangasek, sorry, i should've looked for a dup18:36
leexslangasek: any recommendations for a rc editor?18:36
slangasekhallyn: no worries18:36
hallynslangasek, i still was wondering if he was actually trying to boot a ppc .img with qemu-kvm18:36
slangasekleex: I'm afraid not.  The last I looked, none of them presented a very good interface18:36
leexslangasek: ok, then I will read some tut on how to edit them by hand ;)18:37
leexslangasek: fixed the slim rc config and anything is back to normal18:41
leexyeah, thanks everyone for helping me!18:41
slangasekYokoZar: so, ia32-libs is out of the picture now.  any thoughts on how to split the 32/64-bit parts of wine to be installable for 12.04 without use of biarch?18:43
infinityslangasek: wine1.x = metapackage that depends on wine1.x-32 on i386 and wine1.x-32 & wine1.x-64 on amd64, ship wine1.x-32 only on i386, done?18:50
infinity(And make wine1.x-64 depend on wine1.x-32, for people who blatantly avoid the metapackage, since I suspect 64 would actually need 32 to be fully useful, though I'm not sure)18:51
slangasekinfinity: does that mean you're volunteering to do the conversion? ;)19:06
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infinityslangasek: It really doesn't.19:10
infinityslangasek: I know somewhere between nothing and very little about wine, see the part where I'm not even sure if wine64 needs wine32 to function (though, I'd guess it does, based on what I know about win64 and win32).19:11
infinityWell, s/function/function usefully/19:11
jcastropitti: ok you should be seeing a schedule update now19:14
killownWhat does the unity developers thinks that the "show desktop icon"  isn't  usefull?19:20
killownVery annoying shortcut key ctrl+alt+d ...19:20
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Quintasantumbleweed: GZ19:30
tumbleweedQuintasan: eh?19:40
QuintasanAren't you on DMB tumbleweed?19:47
dobeyhrmm, no patch pilot?19:47
* dobey wonders who to bug for sponsoring, with some people already in/headedfor orlando19:49
tumbleweedQuintasan: as of very recently, yes :)19:50
tumbleweedQuintasan: thanks :)19:50
LaserJockcjwatson: awesome blog post! I love the +1 maintenance team idea19:51
QuintasanYou're welcome. :-)19:51
YokoZarslangasek: Yes, there's a whole procedure to go through on Wine's wiki.  I'll take care of it.19:59
YokoZarAlso what infinity said19:59
barrytumbleweed: how did i miss the fix for syncpackage? ;)  has it landed already and i missed it?  was there an open bug and i missed it?  in any event, glad you fixes those issues20:08
tumbleweedbarry: it's in unapproved since this morning20:09
tumbleweedwe were waiting for the previous SRU to be approved first20:09
barrytumbleweed: just curious, was it my bug report that triggered your fix, or was this another case of ships crossing in the night?20:10
tumbleweedI'd already fixed it in trunk a week or two ago20:10
tumbleweedthen slangasek ran into it again on the weekend and I prepared an SRU, but it was blocked until this morning20:11
barrytumbleweed: cool.  i must have looked at the wrong branch.  yay tho!20:11
barry(i did search the bug tracker but didn't find anything)20:11
tumbleweedthe bugs live in the ubuntu source package, and the code in the lp project20:12
tumbleweedIIRC the discussion about it happened on -release. But u-d-t discussion also often happens in -motu20:13
barrytumbleweed: cool.  i wasn't around much this weekend.  i did look in the source package bugs, but i looked in the source package branch too, which is how i missed it20:14
barrytumbleweed: no worries.  glad it'll be fixed.20:14
keescjwatson: cool, have at it20:28
barrytumbleweed: i see the debdiff attached to the dup'd bug.  note that my patch also fixed the printing of the url that 404'd, but i don't see that in the debdiff.  you might want to consider that too, as what's currently printed isn't much help in figuring out what went wrong (e.g. you're misled to think that packages.debian.org is offline)20:33
tumbleweedbarry: true, although this is a known issue if you are familiar with requestsync20:35
tumbleweedI'll apply that to trunk20:35
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slangasekYokoZar: hmm, where's wine's wiki and where is this page, OOI?21:01
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cjwatsonsmoser: done22:07
cjwatsonLaserJock: thanks :)22:07
YokoZarslangasek: http://wiki.winehq.org/Wine64ForPackagers23:23
RAOFYokoZar: Does that mean that we'll likely be having a WoW64 wine build on amd64 in Precise?  Cool!23:26
YokoZarRAOF: yeah, it's something I've been putting off until after multiarch23:26
slangasekah, do we currently not have any win64 support at all?23:26
slangasekperhaps I misunderstood the state of the art23:27
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broderWoW64 is 32-on-64, right?23:28
YokoZarslangasek: Right, we don't build Wine in 64 bit mode at the moment.  It's straight forward to make a 64 bit only Wine, but it's fairly useless.23:29
* slangasek nods23:29
YokoZarbroder: Yes, a bit confusingly named23:30
YokoZarbroder: even more confusingly is that the windows "system64" folder actually contains the 32 bit dlls I think23:30
broderYokoZar: yeah, that's how i remembered it working, too23:30
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SpamapSwoot, MBA has graphics .. but.. touchpad broken now. DOH23:54

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