[15:00] hello [15:16] * ashams coalwater: Hello [15:17] :P [15:17] coalwater: do u like UBT? [15:18] yea i do [15:18] i started there [15:18] they are helpful [15:24] ashams: :P [15:24] * ashams brb, hold on ;) [17:46] hi seif [17:51] yo [17:51] :) [17:51] coalwater, sup? [17:57] seif: you,work on,gies w/e right ? lol [17:57] sry for the commas, on phone lol [17:58] zietgest oe something [17:59] or do I have the wrong person [18:03] yeah [18:03] that is me [18:03] coalwater, whats up [18:03] ? [18:17] seif: sry dc'd, i'm home now, i was wondering if i could be useful and participate in that project [18:21] it's purely python right ? [18:26] coalwater, not anymore [18:26] coalwater, out new release is C and Vala [18:26] we rewrote it completely [18:27] coalwater, come o #zeitgeist [18:54] seif: heh, I was about to criticize why it's all python :P [19:04] ashams, we moved [19:06] seif: the project on lp says it's in python.... [19:11] ashams, yeah the port is not released yet [19:12] when we release the new version we will change it [19:17] ashams, again the new zeitgeist is not official yet [19:17] but the code is finished [19:18] seif: great, will it be released with OO [19:18] ? [19:18] OO? [19:19] ashams, ^ [19:19] ouch, I meant Precise [19:20] Precise Pangolin :) ? [19:22] OO = Proud Puma it's 12.10 AFAIK, but can't find any thing about it :( [19:22] seif: ^ [19:25] seif: oh!, they picked Pangolin instead of proud puma for 12.04, I'm a little outdated :P [19:27] lets' see what will happen why they run out of letters :)