
bkerensaany idea why ubuntulog is not staying in our channel? :) Was in there for weeks then timed out and never returned05:41
jussibkerensa: please email to rt@ubuntu.com and ask for it to be put back. :)05:48
bkerensajussi: Yeah just opened a ticket05:49
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Unit193jussi: Quick PM?08:26
jussiUnit193: Im here now, go for it.09:29
ubot2In #ubuntu-se, arand said: !inteunity is <reply> Ubuntu 11.10 använder normalt sett GNOME 3 med skalet !unity. För att använda GNOME Shell istället, installera paketet "gnome-shell" och möjligtvis även "gnome-tweak-tool". För GNOME Fallback mode, som liknar GNOME 2, installera "gnome-panel". Båda paketen placerar alternativ i sessionsmenyn vid login.12:23
arandOh, sorry, didn't mean to forward it :(12:24
k1l_i think this is what german looks like for not germans :)12:25
jussik1l_: Im pretty sure thats swedish12:27
k1l_im sure its swedish.12:29
k1l_i just ment the way the language looks like.12:29

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