
chrisccoulsonasac_, i still don't have access to https://mozilla-pfs.ubuntu.com/ btw. who can i ping about that?08:33
asac_chrisccoulson: thats annoying. did you file an RT ticket yet?08:39
chrisccoulsonah, not yet. i should probably do that first :)08:40
asac_chrisccoulson: i am filing one08:40
asac_chrisccoulson: done. seems i cannot log in either anymore :/08:41
asac_ssh mozilla-pfs.ubuntu.com08:42
asac_Permission denied (publickey).08:42
asac_chrisccoulson: got the mail>08:42
asac_chrisccoulson: so now you know whow to poke for PPA builders .... remember that you are the one standing in for the whole PPA community now08:43
asac_nobody else has this knowledge :)08:43
chrisccoulsonheh :)08:43
asac_and having ppa builders gone for half week hurts community08:43
chrisccoulsonyeah, it's a pain. it's one of the things that fta was unhappy with too08:44
chrisccoulsoni just thought it was normal that they disappeared for 3 days every couple of weeks ;)08:44
asac_it took me more than a year to find out that its WRONG if the ppa builders are gone for longer than 1h08:44
asac_everybody else thinks its RIGHT08:44
asac_and it was by accident. i approached marc and friends asking if they could maybe announce extended downtimes08:45
asac_when they told me that the builders should never be gone for longer than 1h08:45
asac_and we had sooo much pain before08:45
asac_its annoying still. i cant underswtand why they cant buy their own machines08:45
chrisccoulsonyeah, i didn't realize that at all. i thought it was normal until this weekend :)08:46
asac_or buy dedicated ppa builders08:46
chrisccoulsoni'm glad you mentioned it ;)08:46
asac_its 2+ year later and their script is still buggy08:46
chrisccoulsoni'd never have thought of actually questioning it08:46
asac_and they cause unneeded pain on community still08:46
asac_i mean ... weekend is the most productive time for hobbyist08:47
asac_for example i couldnt get much done during weekend08:47
chrisccoulsonyeah, i think i'm partly to blame there having got chromium builds going again ;)08:48
chrisccoulsonbad timing :)08:48
asac_not really08:48
asac_if they pull out all but 8 i386 builders things will pile up massively08:49
asac_chromium and firefox take a while08:49
asac_but still08:49
asac_chrisccoulson: sure you want to move away from pfs approach?09:08
asac_chrisccoulson: or is it because you cannot access it?09:08
asac_chrisccoulson: if you want to do something on that front talk to wolfir from suse09:08
asac_he is using ubufox in suse too for the pfs service09:08
asac_maybe there can be an aligned effort for something better that allows distros to officially redirect the search db somewhere09:09
asac_but still i personally believe that online DB is the way to go. archive is just so old school and confined :)09:09
Fudgechrisccoulson  about?09:58
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ciaobellohello, i use thunderbird under windows ... and i just found this topic about thunderbird ... my i get some help here too ?16:57
knomethis isn't really a windows support channel17:04
ciaobellook ... thanks17:04
m_conleychrisccoulson: ping19:03
chrisccoulsonhi m_conley19:03
m_conleychrisccoulson: hello, how are you?19:03
chrisccoulsonm_conley, bad ;)19:03
chrisccoulsonhow are you?19:03
m_conleychrisccoulson: oh no! I'm doing alright.  Sorry to bug you - I was just wondering if that fix to my EDS Contacts Integration add-on has gone out yet.  I'm seeing more comments on bug 87263919:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 872639 in desktopcouch ""Cannot open book: Could not create DesktopcouchSession object"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87263919:04
chrisccoulsonm_conley, not yet. i asked pitti to remove it from the queue, as there was another fix i wanted to get in19:04
chrisccoulsonbut i'm struggling today with a very limited internet connection (ie, my phone) :(19:04
m_conleychrisccoulson: ack, sorry to hear that19:05
m_conleychrisccoulson: I'm a little wary of leaving all of these users with alert dialogs flying up in their faces... is there an ETA on that other fix you're referring to?19:05
chrisccoulsonm_conley, hopefully tomorrow19:06
m_conleychrisccoulson: alright, cool19:06
m_conleythanks, that's all.  Best of luck getting a better connection!19:06
chrisccoulsonthanks :)19:06
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
micahgchrisccoulson: why is publishing off for the CHromium PPAs?20:46
micahgdev/beta that is20:47
chrisccoulsonmicahg, beta didn't build, and i haven't tested dev yet20:48
chrisccoulsoni just wanted to test it quickly before turning on publishing20:48
chrisccoulsonand i'm screwed today, as i've been without an internet connection all day :(20:48
chrisccoulson(relying on 3G)20:48
micahgchrisccoulson: ok, I'll take a look at beta later and see if dev starts up, then will turn dev back on, when do the cron jobs run?20:49
chrisccoulsonmicahg, around 6am UTC20:49
micahgchrisccoulson: ok, that works, as long as I commit before midnight I should be good then20:50
micahgchrisccoulson: thanks for setting that up20:54
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away

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