
akgranerpleia2, everything is in except the security and updates section00:25
pleia2akgraner: great, I'll work on those now :)01:05
akgranerok I think actually got the scrips to run here - had to reinstall beautiful soup01:06
akgranerbeautifulsoup even01:07
pleia2oh, looks like you got them then01:09
akgranerjust the security and updates I'll post those :-)01:09
pleia2cool :)01:09
pleia2when you run the script you just need to look at the past week to see where the last ones left off01:10
pleia2then post the following ones in01:10
akgranerahh ok I was going to ask that - let me do that part01:12
akgranerI'm just excited I figured it out :-)01:12
akgranerpleia2, ok I cleaned up what I added to the securities and updates01:19
akgranerthey are numbers how cool01:20
akgranerlet me try one of the releases unless you've already pulled them01:20
* akgraner is giddy :-)01:20
pleia2nope, go for it01:22
akgranerpleia2, I think I got them all :-)01:34
akgranerI looked at the last issue to see what the last update was and copied the ones below that one01:34
akgranerbut since this is my first time running those can you just glance over them :-)01:35
akgranerso I had to re-install beautiful soup and add 'python' to the front of what to run and bam they just worked :-)01:36
akgranerwoo hoo01:36
pleia2akgraner: yep, looks good!01:36
akgranerso all we need to add now is In this Issue :-)01:36
pleia2do we want to put in September team reports?01:37
akgranerpleia2, thanks - I am sooooooooo sooooooo soooooo happy - I feel all geeky now01:37
pleia2we haven't included them in any UWN yet01:37
akgranersure do you have them01:37
akgranerI was going to email the reminder to the teams for October tomorrow01:37
pleia2yeah, we just link to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TeamReports/September201101:37
pleia2very simple :)01:37
akgranerso we can include them next week01:37
akgranersure go for it :-)01:38
akgranerI'd like to get back in the habit of including those so teams feel like they aren't just doing them for the sake of re-approval but so that other teams can learn from each other etc01:38
akgranerI think it's sorta important to share that - but that could just be me01:39
pleia2we've been including the link each month01:39
akgranerat first I didn't but when I thought about it - I can really see it's more than just linking to what a team did or didn't do for a month01:39
pleia2more than the link was too much work :\01:40
akgraneroh cool - I don't know how I missed that :-)01:40
akgraneryeah I know - but I want to remind teams to look at it01:40
pleia2Issue232 is the last one we included it in, for August's report01:41
pleia2we did September late because I was slacking on writing reports for my teams ;)01:41
pleia2anyway, September added01:41
akgranercool :-) NC is slacking big time - I can say that b/c I'm supposed to be doing them :-(01:42
pleia2I have a list of all the ones I do every month01:42
pleia2cc, americas, california, classroom, women01:43
pleia2usually sit down for an hour all at once and do them all01:43
akgranerpleia2, hat tip to you  :-)  you make me feel like I'm such a slacker ;-)01:46
akgranerjust teasing you01:46
akgranerpleia2, you still in the wiki?01:46
pleia2nope I'm out01:51
akgranerahh ok  - Was going to say if you were in just sang the In This Issue topics01:53
akgranerbut I'll knock it and we can update in the morning as necessary01:53
akgranerpleia2, we are back on schedule - how cool is that!01:53
akgranerThank you, Thank you, Thank you!01:54
akgranerpleia2, I'll add that tomorrow - I need to find my pillow :-) thanks for letting me figure out those scripts02:08
pleia2of course :) thanks for adding them02:09
pleia2have a good night!02:09
akgranerpleia2, talked to dholach who said to just post the announcement on the Fridge and include in UWN today15:16
akgranerso I am working on that now15:16
akgranerso we have a link include15:17
akgranerok news team does anyone have time to re through UWN one more time before I publish?15:54
pleia2akgraner: thanks :)16:10
akgranerso everything is done we just need to publish - was just hoping for someone to do a quick read over before I did16:11
pleia2stuck with a work thing at the moment, I'll try if no one else gets to it in a bit16:12
akgranerpleia2, no worries...nigeb do you have 10 mins or so to read through the newsletter16:24
akgraneror holstein16:24
* holstein looking16:24
akgranerhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue238  <------- holstein16:25
holsteinlooks solid through loconews16:29
* holstein glances through the planet and runs off16:29
akgranerI'll publish in an hour  - to give anyone else who wants to read through it the opportunity to spot check it for me17:04
nlsthznakgraner, all summaries completed?!17:05
pleia2looking now, and pushed this to fridge https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2011-October/000906.html17:20
pleia2nlsthzn: we try to get summaries done on the weekend, we've been late these past few weeks :) we're back on track17:20
akgranerpleia2, thanks17:24
nlsthznpleia2, sucks when I work day shift over the week-ends... no time... oh well, let us see next one :)17:27
pleia2noooo, I made a bunch of edits and then the wiki tanked on me :(17:30
pleia2ok, reloading and grabbing the draft got most of them back...17:31
akgranerok - I'll wait17:32
pleia2akgraner: btw, I've been making the "in this issue" section shorter so it's not so tedious to link everything on ubuntu-news, just picking out highlights rather than everything17:32
akgranerI used all the GCN and Planet and In other news the rest I left as sections17:33
akgranerthe ones after release are always longer...17:33
pleia2I was only picking out select planet ones that seemed important17:33
akgranerbut you can shorten while you're in there17:33
akgranerthat's cool with me17:34
pleia2already done17:34
pleia2was just making a suggestion :)17:34
akgraneryeah it used to be a lot longer17:35
akgranerand we removed the names when we put them on the Fridge17:36
akgranerit was crazy formating my hand17:36
akgranerI am so glad it's not like that anymore17:36
akgranerpleia2, thank you17:55
akgranerI had looked at everything so much I totally missed those errors17:55
pleia2thanks for getting this out the door :)17:55
pleia2that's why we have multiple editors!17:55
akgranerso are we good to go now - if so I'm publishing17:55
pleia2I think so17:55
akgranerpleia2, you got that right17:55
akgranerthe more publishers the better17:55
akgranerit only took a year to break the "that's the way we've always done" syndrome17:56
akgranerand that pretty quick all things considered17:56
pleia2ok, back to work for me, else I'm going to end up working late every day I'm here this week (which would be unfun!)17:57
pleia2my poor boss is freaking out over losing me for over a week17:57
pleia2(I think this is the longest I've been away the whole time I've worked here)17:58
akgranerLeadership meeting  - in -meeting now18:00
akgranerpleia2, forgot I have a leadership team meeting  - taking a break to get something to drink *then* I'll publish18:46
akgranerI have 2 meetings on Monday's so ahhhhh :-) in a good way!18:47
akgranerThe new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here:19:43
akgranerThanks Everyone for another great week!19:43
pleia2thanks akgraner :)19:51
akgraneryou're welcome :-)19:52
akgranerI'll fix the wiki pages and stuff in just a sec- finishing the fridge post now19:52
akgranerok it's published everywhere, wiki updated, goggledoc ready and new Issue 239 wiki created and 238 added to archives....20:24
akgranerpleia2, I've published UWN from UDS before but that's going to mean we get it all done by Sunday again22:44
akgranerI'll try to summarize links as I add them or they are added and see who can be standing by to proof - on sunday22:44
pleia2akgraner: I'm on hard core vacation thursday-sunday this week22:45
akgranerok no worries then :-)22:45
pleia2calm before the UDS storm in pleia2-land :)22:45
akgranertotally understand22:45
pleia2I might pitch in if I find myself bored, but I wouldn't count on it22:46
pleia2much disney and family visiting in orlando!22:46
akgranerI'll ping people at the end of each day next week b/c we'll need to stay on top of this22:46
* pleia2 nods22:46
akgranerI'll use your volunteer email22:46
pleia2sounds good, just make sure to Bcc: everyone so their email addresses aren't shared22:46
pleia2(I know you know this, it's just important so I like to repeat it a lot :))22:47
akgranerno worries22:47
pleia2we actually had a customer email all their clients w/o bcc the other day, one of their more annoying clients decided to reply-to-all to complain, for several emails22:47
akgranerI don't mind reminders at all22:47
pleia2it's been a nightmare22:47
akgranerI bet :-(23:18
akgranersorry to hear that23:19
Myrttipleia2: could be worse23:23
akgraneroh yuck!23:24
pleia2Myrtti: indeed!23:24
Myrttitrust a Finn to help a friend feel good about their situation by pointing that others have it worse, or smth23:26
MyrttiYOU'RE WELCOME! ;-)23:26
akgraneryou crack me up - I miss talking to you Myrtti!23:26

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