
hux_my intel card not picked up. Worked with mint00:05
hux_can someone help with intel drivers please?00:12
hux_Does anyone respond in this channel? I've asked questions since installing Ocelot w/o anyone answering.00:17
hux_Easy enough questions. So someone should know00:18
ali1234it's 1AM. everyone is sleeping00:19
hux_I'm on night shift. Give 'em a nudge for me00:20
ali1234try #ubuntu00:20
ali1234it's global00:20
hux_lol It's a quagmire00:20
ali1234what card is it?00:20
hux_intel mobile 845 I think00:21
ali1234i845 is a motherboard chipset00:21
hux_mobile atm or wifi usually00:22
ali1234it's some weird combo card?00:22
hux_It worked fine with mint. I'm just not sure of my way round unity yet. Used to synaptic to check00:23
ali1234what makes you think it is not "picked up"00:23
hux_Even tho under mint it didn't show up unser additional drivers00:24
hux_ No wobbly windows lol00:24
ali1234i'm still not clear on what it is00:24
ali1234so it's graphics driver?00:24
hux_Can I install synaptic?00:24
ali1234ubuntu doesn't have wobbly windows any more00:25
hux_I've added CSSM00:25
hux_I was going to fix the launcher bar to not autohide but it won't let me00:26
ali1234echo $DESKTOP_SESSION00:27
ali1234what does it say?00:27
hux_in terminal?00:28
hux_ 'echo $DESKTOP_SESSION' = no response00:30
ali1234try again00:30
hux_is that the command 'echo $DESKTOP_SESSION' ?00:31
hux_is that the 3D desktop00:33
hux_hm wonder why I can't get autohide to stay off then or turn on wobbly windows00:34
ali1234probably it switched to fallback mode00:34
hux_how can I tell?00:34
ali1234i don't know00:34
ali1234is the lancher transparent?00:34
hux_np thanks al1123400:35
hux_I'll get a que ticket for #ubuntu lol00:35
ali1234if it says ubuntu, that means you are running unity 3d00:36
ali1234that means your graphics driver works correctly00:36
ali1234and there's no reason why it wouldn't, since it is intel00:37
hux_ali1234,  Got wobbly windows on and autohide off :)01:00
hux_thanx 4 ur help :)01:00
hux_I just had to go back into cssm settings again01:00
=== GirlyGirl is now known as Guest36053
AlanBellmorning all06:58
DJonesMorning all07:22
DJonesAlanBell: They were talking about this on the news this morning, I wondered if there was anything that could be used/linked into an ubuntu hour somewhere http://raceonline2012.org/giveanhour (With it being raceonline, you may have already picked up on it)07:24
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Ubuntu Community Survey Results - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/10/24/ubuntu-community-survey-results/07:27
freakyclownis there a nice simple gui way to set the hdd in a lappy running 11.10 to spin down?07:28
* daubers has just flicked through Jonos survey results07:28
daubersThe graph on page 7 is a bit worrying07:29
=== GirlyGirl is now known as Guest93881
DJonesdaubers: Have you got a link for the graph, I missed the link on twitter07:40
DJonessorry, link for the survey07:40
AlanBellfreakyclown: tinker with the hdparm options -S and -B07:41
AlanBellI love the hdparm man page07:42
freakyclownyeah i saw that as an option - wondered if there was a funky built in option yet07:42
freakyclownyeah ;)07:43
AlanBell"This is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS  and will  very  likely  cause massive loss of data.  DO NOT USE THIS COMMAND.07:43
AlanBellstuff you really want to see in a man page :)07:43
MartijnVdSAlanBell: at least it's honest07:43
AlanBellfreakyclown: there probably should be a simple GUI for it that doesn't expose the really scary options07:45
freakyclownAlanBell: i can wait while you make one kthnx07:51
MooDoohello all07:53
AlanBellsudo hdparm -S1 -B1 /dev/sda07:57
freakyclownwhat about noflushd?07:57
AlanBellthat should basically shut it down every 5 seconds of doing nothing, you can change the numbers to be less agressive07:57
AlanBellfreakyclown: noflushd doesn't like ext307:59
AlanBellor other journaling filesystems08:00
AlanBellnot sure how much it really helps on your boot drive anyway08:00
freakyclownme either08:00
AlanBellI use the hdparm spindown on a disk mounted on a server that does backups08:00
freakyclownso why S1 and B1?08:01
freakyclownas in why those numbers?08:01
AlanBellthe server (little home server) boots from an SD card and is no moving parts most of the day, but at night the HDD spins up08:01
AlanBellS1 means 5 seconds S2 is 10 seconds and bigger numbers mean longer time but it isn't in constant increments08:02
AlanBellI found S did nothing at all unless B was activated which is the general power management setting08:02
AlanBellB sets the APM_level08:03
AlanBellS1 is probably too agressive, the thing will be constantly spinning up and down08:04
AlanBellbut it means you don't have long to wait to hear it working08:04
MartijnVdSIsn't there a "put my disk to sleep" option in the power management menu?08:05
MartijnVdSbecause there used to be08:05
AlanBellcan't see one08:06
MartijnVdSanother "feature" removed for Gnome 308:06
freakyclownwell it powered down - then almost immediatly back up08:06
MartijnVdSfreakyclown: it spins back up every time you access the disk, of course08:06
MartijnVdSfreakyclown: that's why the 5-second delay is too short -- it'll damage the disk a lot by constantly spinning up/down08:07
freakyclownyeah im thinking 5seconds is too short too ;)08:07
MartijnVdSJust keeping it on the default setting should be fine -- afaik the laptop-scripts put the disk in sleep-after-a-while mode if you unplug08:07
freakyclownah i see what keeps waking it up - logging on pidgin bugger :(08:08
AlanBellyeah, that kind of thing goes on all the time08:09
freakyclownutterly wank as i cant disable logging on work rooms08:09
AlanBellthere is always something that wants to write somewhere08:09
freakyclownthats what i thought the noflushd thing solved08:09
AlanBelllog to something solid state08:09
AlanBellsd card or USB08:10
freakyclowni cant it has to be a hardware encrypted drive08:10
AlanBellah, ok08:10
AlanBellmaybe a non-journalled partition08:11
MartijnVdSfreakyclown: replace the disk with an SSD - those do hardware crypto08:11
MartijnVdSthey also don't spin up/down ever ;)08:11
freakyclowndoes anyone know that guy? ^tmb?08:14
freakyclowni work with a tmb!08:14
DJonesfreakyclown: whois says "Timothy Miles-Board"08:15
freakyclownAlanBell: rofl NO hate those guys08:16
vauxhallHas anyone had any trouble booting ubuntu 11.10 lately?08:16
freakyclownvauxhall: yes since i installed it ;)08:16
vauxhallfreakyclown: ^^ ...I've installed it as well, but sometimes it freezes during boot..08:17
vauxhallhere's how i've set it up...i've installed ubuntu in an 80Gig partition on my second hard-drive...08:18
vauxhalland grub is installed on my first(primary) harddrive..08:19
freakyclownsee if it falls into any of those issues08:19
vauxhallfreakyclown: nope08:20
vauxhallfreakyclown: its just that it gets to grub..and i get a purple screen after that.08:20
=== Guest93881 is now known as GirlyGirl
bigcalmMorning awake things :)08:31
DJonesIts monday, we're not awake08:32
bigcalmWell, I was hoping08:37
JamesTaitHappy morning, everyone! :D08:37
daubersDJones: Sorry, had a meeting http://t.co/sdyJKAnO :)08:45
DJonesdaubers: No worries, mr google found it for08:45
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:09
DJonesFred0: /join #defocus09:10
* bigcalm blurs DJones09:13
popeyGood morning.09:14
bigcalmHo popey09:14
DJonesbigcalm: I'm blurred enough today09:16
MartijnVdSDJones: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIEsmGzo2UE09:21
DJonesUgh, Never liked them09:21
MartijnVdSDJones: ah, you're from the Oasis camp? :)09:22
DJonesMartijnVdS: Nope, don't like them either :)09:22
DJonesMartijnVdS: I have a wierd & varied musical taste, ranges from Old Lady Driver, Slayer, Nick Cave up to opera & classical :) But just quite picking about what gets my attention09:24
MartijnVdSDJones: I like lots of different kinds of music too, but somehow my CD shelves fill up with singer/songwriters (both male and female) :)09:26
MartijnVdSThough I've decided this is a Turin Brakes morning :)09:29
gordonjcpwhat's the Unity equivalent of the Gnome "Places" menu?09:38
gordonjcpor rather, how do I mount a remote SMB share without resorting to the command-line?09:38
brobostigongordonjcp: connect to, in nautillus's file menu.09:39
gordonjcpthe what?09:40
brobostigongordonjcp: nautilus is your gui file manager, if you go into its file menu, you will see a connect to function.09:40
gordonjcpI ran nautilus but it just gave me a window with some squares09:41
gordonjcpah, hang on, Mac menu09:41
brobostigongordonjcp: you will see uits function menu below its windows controls.09:42
brobostigonah, sorry, global menu, yes.09:42
gordonjcpI'm giving Ubuntu a shot for a week *without* fixing the problems09:43
gordonjcpso far I've found the window buttons being on the wrong side to be merely annoying in a "wash the windows at every junction" way09:43
gordonjcpand the Mac menu to be at best horribly confusing and at worst totally unusable09:44
gordonjcpand the mac dock thing on the left with all the squares isn't exactly fun either09:44
brobostigonthe global menu, yes, i have heard several such issues.09:44
* MartijnVdS grabs a bunch of torches and pitchforks, throws a few to gordonjcp and brobostigon 09:44
gordonjcpif I wanted to use OSX I'd use OSX09:44
brobostigonMartijnVdS: :(09:44
gordonjcpI don't want to use OSX because it's a badly-designed pile of weirdness09:45
gordonjcpturning it through 90 degrees doesn't help09:45
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: Well, you need those before marching to the Canonical HQ right?09:45
shaunoI wouldn't mind the global menu, if the autohide thing was an option.  pretending it's not there is aweful for muscle-memory09:45
brobostigonMartijnVdS: need what?09:45
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: torches and pitchforks09:45
nymwarI don't like the hidden global menu.  Too much mouse dragging and confusion when there are multiple windows.  Currently I'm using Gnome shell.09:45
oimonthinking of getting a front porch and my neighbours porch encroaches onto my property by about 6 inches where i would like to place my porch...what to do i wonder09:45
brobostigonMartijnVdS: no, not needed. to uncivilised.09:46
MartijnVdSI've just uninstalled all the global menu bits09:46
MartijnVdSUnity works fine without09:46
nymwarDidn't know you could uninstall it.09:46
oimonyou can disable it without uninstalling anything09:46
MartijnVdSdpkg --purge appmenu-{gtk{,3},qt} firefox-globalmenu thunderbird-globalmenu09:46
MartijnVdSoimon: that doesn't work for me though. Uninstalling does.09:47
oimonMartijnVdS: what did you try? echo "export UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=" > /etc/X11/Xsession.d/81ubuntumenuproxy ?09:47
MartijnVdSoimon: same, but to 99local09:47
gordonjcpI wish in the app menu windows key thing the squares were smaller and the text was bigger09:47
=== pancro is now known as pancro_call
davmor2morning all09:57
MartijnVdS\o davmor209:58
MooDoohi davmor209:58
davmor2Ah finally tickets for the train got for Wednesday getting ready to rumble10:00
davmor2morning MartijnVdS MooDoo how are you both10:01
MooDoodavmor2: yeah not bad thanks10:02
davmor2czajkowski: prod, wake up, prod, Oi, prod, Wakey Wakey!10:02
=== GirlyGirl is now known as Guest41754
oimonwho looks after http://ubuntu-uk.org/ircstats/ ? i don't think it is active10:03
MooDoooimon: last generated this morning10:03
popeyStatistics generated on Monday 24 October 2011 - 9:55:0310:03
MooDoowhat he said10:03
oimoni don't know if it's accurately gettin gth elogs thogh10:04
Laneyseems like a rather small number of lines10:04
Laneywas it reset?10:04
* popey checks it10:04
oimoni pressed refresh from an older time, and none of the lines changed except for the update time10:05
popeySession Close: Wed Sep 14 05:03:36 201110:07
popeythat'll be why10:07
oimonthe logbot?10:08
popeythe statbot10:09
dwatkinsStatistics generated on Monday 24 October 2011 - 9:55:0310:09
dwatkinsah right, the log it's working on ends earlier10:09
popeyshould come back soon10:10
popeythere we are10:10
popeyits not logging, which is odd10:12
bigcalmDisc space?10:12
bigcalmSun spots?10:12
oimonmax file size?10:12
bigcalmThe cause of the problem is:10:13
bigcalmstatic from nylon underwear10:13
oimonsaw popey's brother on QI the other day10:14
bigcalmI like this one "disks spinning backwards - toggle the hemisphere jumper"10:16
oimonross noble10:16
popeyhow odd, just wont log10:16
oimonNetflix is to launch a streaming service in the UK and the Irish Republic next year.10:20
popeynot sure I care enough oimon :D10:20
oimonjust in time for the linux client \o/10:20
oimonpopey: don't blame you10:20
oimoni had a power cut @ weekend..all servers went down after UPS drained10:21
bigcalmGrrr. There's a DD on my account that just shows up as a DD. The company it is for will show up tomorrow, but that's a whole day of wondering I have to endure10:25
=== Guest41754 is now known as Girly-Girl
bigcalmOh. PayPal10:26
=== pancro_call is now known as pancro
davmor2bigcalm: Ummm D'oh!10:30
bigcalmI'm used to PayPal using my creditcard, but recently I reverted to using my main account10:31
davmor2bigcalm: I meant more the fact that they named it DD10:32
davmor2bigcalm: Not the most helpful thing in the world :)10:33
bigcalmdavmor2: the transaction is showing as being done today, the full statement version will be visible tomorrow10:34
davmor2bigcalm: Ah okay10:34
hooverhi all10:36
davmor2hoover: morning10:36
bigcalmHowdy hoovie10:36
hooverHi Biggie, davmor210:36
KrisDouglasHello, I know this is a rather petty question, but is there a way to stop the window controls from "auto-hiding" on Ubuntu, it's really quite counter-intuitive.10:37
KrisDouglaspopey, even with highly creative Googling i couldn't find that helpful, albeit depressing article.10:42
KrisDouglasI am getting slowly closer to losing the unity shell :(10:42
popeyyou suck at google :D10:44
KrisDouglasI was actually searching more along the lines of showing permanently rather than removing the feature entirely, which is where I went wrong.10:44
bigcalmI'd love to remove the drop shadow from windows in xfce10:46
bigcalmSomebody google that for me please?10:46
popeyswitch that off?10:47
KrisDouglaslol, was that a dig bigcalm? :)10:47
bigcalmKrisDouglas: not really, but it could be if you want ;)10:47
KrisDouglasbigcalm, I will let that one slip10:48
bigcalmIt's actually something that looks silly, so I'd rather do without10:48
gordonjcpI must admit, I don't like drop shadows10:49
gordonjcpthe Gnome ones are really headache-inducing10:49
gordonjcpwhy would you want to add a visual element that makes your eyes think they're not focused properly, or that makes your monitor look broken?10:50
bigcalmYay, done it10:50
bigcalmpopey: ta :)10:50
bigcalmFound the one setting to disable rather than removing all fancy features10:50
popeyKrisDouglas: what's the problem with the close buttons in the top left?10:55
KrisDouglasTo be honest it's not an urgent thing, but when the window is not focused they are not visible, and you cannot focus the window by clicking on the panel (I have 2 monitors) so you can't close it until you re-focus the window, hover over the button and click.10:56
KrisDouglasBit of a pain.10:56
KrisDouglasIf that makes sense?10:57
popeyit does10:58
davmor2bigcalm: Twitter Residential Care homes no shock there then11:21
KrisDouglasI just noticed another interesting annoyance11:38
KrisDouglasif I want to restore a window which is maximised to a windowed state, i double click the panel and it unmaximises a window that has focus on the other screen11:39
KrisDouglasthat's actually slightly more infuriating :)11:39
=== pancro is now known as pancro_away
davmor2popey: what happens if you ask siri, how much a walrus weighs?11:47
popeyno idea11:49
davmor2popey: try it absolute 80's have it giving out a hilarious reply11:51
daubersWonder which search engine siri uses underneath it all11:56
popeyit can use multiple11:57
popeywolfram-alpha is used heavily AIUI11:57
KrisDouglasI like Iris on Android, she has a good sense of humour.12:06
freakyclowndaubers: maybe the new search engine from mc hammer?12:07
popeyyeah, i played with siri a bit12:07
popeywas amusing to dictate a text message to her whilst driving12:07
popeyand get a reply which was dictated by the other guy using siri, and then read out by siri at my end12:07
freakyclownpopey: i played with siri a fair bit the other week12:08
freakyclownfar far too much fun just on its own!12:08
popeyshame it's restricted in many ways in the UK12:08
freakyclowni might buy the misses an iphone just so i can play with siri12:08
MartijnVdSfreakyclown: http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2011-10/24/iris-siri-android12:09
freakyclowni shall install that on my tablet later tonight :D12:10
KrisDouglasiris is becoming a genuine competitor12:13
freakyclowni think if google got behind it properly it would be much better12:14
=== MichealH is now known as MH0
gordonjcpin Arch Linux, the standard way to make packages is to build them in a clean chroot so you can tell you've got the deps right - what's the Ubuntu equivalent?12:27
piffer111Hello!  My packaging system has become corrupted after an unclean shutdown.  :(12:27
ali1234gordonjcp: fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage12:28
piffer111Whenever I try to do anything at all using apt or dpkg, I get: "dpkg: warning: files list file for package `tzdata-java' missing, assuming package has no files currently installed.12:28
piffer111(Reading database ... 55%dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting:12:28
piffer111 files list file for package 'libk5crypto3' is missing final newline12:28
ali1234that won't warn you about deps though12:28
piffer111Can anyone offer any suggestions?12:28
piffer111Yes, I tried Googling12:28
gordonjcpali1234: and fakeroot assumes a completely clean environment, no additional packages?12:29
ali1234it's fake12:29
gordonjcpali1234: okay, I suspect that's not going to be the same thing then12:30
* czajkowski stabs davmor2 and runs away12:30
oimon:( my phone refuses to mount on my box even after switching usb ports now :(12:30
ali1234gordonjcp: launchpad assumes a clean state12:31
popeygordonjcp: pbuilder is a good way to simulate that12:32
* davmor2 tickles czajkowski just cause12:32
gordonjcppbuilder seems to be the thing I want to google for, thanks12:32
gordonjcpali1234: I don't want to use launchpad if I can avoid it12:32
ali1234you can't use it for building without signing the CoC anyway12:33
gordonjcpyeah, I have no intentions of signing the CoC12:34
gordonjcpI did sign it previously, then revoked it because of Unity12:34
gordonjcpit's a bit of a one-way street12:34
ali1234that's a stupid reason12:35
ali1234there are plenty of better ones12:35
gordonjcp"here you go, sign this, you've got to play by our rules but if you want anything you can get stuffed"12:35
ali1234well yeah12:35
gordonjcp"oh you actually want a usable desktop? get stuffed"12:35
gordonjcp"accessibility? get stuffed, what do you think this is?"12:35
ali1234it's been that way since a while before unity though12:35
gordonjcpali1234: yes, but Unity was the point where I could no longer use Ubuntu12:36
ali1234the CoC isn't the same as the copyright assignment if you want to contribute anything to canonical projects12:36
oimonso long as other DEs are available we just have to accept it12:36
ali1234that's far worse12:36
gordonjcpoimon: <shrug>12:36
ali1234the CoC is basically just common sense12:36
gordonjcpali1234: that too12:36
oimonubuntu is > unity12:36
ali1234in fact that's why i refuse to sign it12:36
gordonjcpI still find Unity extremely hard to use, but the fact that the little squares now have tooltips helps12:37
ali1234they always had tooltips12:37
clockwatchI wouldn't say that Unity made Ubuntu unusable12:37
ali1234they just didn't work due to a bug12:37
gordonjcpclockwatch: well, at least in the early versions it was impossible to tell what was going on12:37
clockwatchIn the past I've used operating systems with far less usability12:38
oimonunity does remind me of an IT project that is a failure but the boss doesn't admit it12:38
gordonjcpclockwatch: the thing that screwed me up was that the conventional taskbar had been replaced by a strip of identical little squares with no indication of function12:38
ali1234clockwatch: beos?12:38
gordonjcpbeos was quite good12:38
gordonjcpHaiku is quite good12:38
ali1234are we talking about the same beos?12:39
ali1234the one where they replaced the conventional taskbar with a strip of button, except they don't have icons and everything has silly names?12:39
brobostigonhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beos is what gordonjcp is refferring to. :)12:40
oimonremember solaris CDE?12:42
oimonhttp://www.guidebookgallery.org/screenshots/cde15solaris9 it was the colours and the sluggishness ugh12:42
ali1234i do12:43
brobostigonoimon: if memory serves, xfce was originally inspired by, that.12:43
ali1234nice screensaver though12:43
oimonbrobostigon: which is probably why i remove xfce-panel before i do anything on it12:44
oimonsimilarly on gnome2 the bottom panel goes12:44
oimonsolaris openwindows was sweet thoguh12:44
brobostigonoimon: i havent actually used CDE, only seem pictures of.12:45
oimonin my previous life i was solaris admin12:45
brobostigonbut i think the best, lightest, simplest gui, i have used upto now, is haiku's.12:46
oimonwhen solaris switched from openwindows -> CDE, you didn't have a choice that what the way it was. c'est la vie12:47
brobostigonah, i see.12:47
oimoni stopped using solaris boxes as desktop PCs after that12:47
oimonunity might suck but we have choice :)12:48
oimoni tried beos on a VM a little while ago12:48
brobostigonexactly, :)12:48
oimonstill going, isn't it?12:49
brobostigonoimon: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haiku_(operating_system)12:49
oimonwhen i ran windows, i used to used the blackbox shell replacement for a while :)12:50
brobostigonnot fam,ilier with, sorry.12:50
davmor2oimon: you need to use minuetos :)  you can do what you like with it as long as you're binary is up to scratch ;)12:50
oimonblackbox shell replacement was a fluxbox DE for windows12:51
brobostigonoimon: ah, interesting.12:51
oimondavmor2: never seen that one before12:52
davmor2oimon: tis pretty12:52
oimonwill have to choose an OS to run on my eee pc 701 when my son gets it12:53
oimonin a year or os12:53
MartijnVdSoimon: how old will he be then?12:54
oimonbetween 2 1/2 - 312:54
oimonhe is pretty good on my tablet pc right now12:54
=== pancro_away is now known as pancro
KrisDouglasMy boss' three year old can install iPhone apps.12:59
KrisDouglasand of course, play them...13:00
oimonmy sprog with touchpad  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJdoB0k3DOw13:01
KrisDouglasoimon, that's incredible.13:02
MartijnVdSoimon: Does he always shake his index finger when he's thinking? :)13:03
oimonhe's pointing..he likes doing that. when he reads a paper book he taps the pages until you tell him what the thing is13:04
oimonbut he knows not to tap the touchscreen or it will start zooming everywhere13:04
oimonso he "air-points"13:04
oimoni feel for the kids that are subjected to loose women and eastenders during the daytime. kids soak up *everything*13:05
brobostigonagreed, they shouldnt have to deal with populerist drivel.13:07
clockwatchpopularist drivel has always existed13:07
* brobostigon doesnt like, nor watches populerist drivel.13:08
MartijnVdSclockwatch: as have parents that either expose or shield their kids from it13:08
popeybrobostigon: you watch top gear13:08
* brobostigon would rather watch, QI, to any soap.13:09
clockwatchI was never much of a TV watcher anyway13:09
brobostigonpopey: good point, but not a populerist, as other things, which have far higher viewing figures.13:09
oimonthere are some programmes we might watch while he's in the room, but usually neutral stuff such as grand deisgns13:09
MartijnVdSDoctor Who13:10
oimonno way - not for kids13:10
oimoni couldn't believe that merlin is showing on cbbc13:10
clockwatchDr Who was created as a TV show for kids with a vaguely science related theme13:10
popeyHIGNFY brobostigon ?13:11
ali1234and it still is13:11
ali1234except without the science13:11
oimonit's certainly not for kids anymore13:11
ali1234yes it is13:11
ali1234it's certainly not for adults13:11
clockwatchyou mean there's kissing?13:11
brobostigonpopey: that is quite specialist, with unfortunate, lack of popular interest.13:12
clockwatchI havn't seen any recent Dr Whos, but I remember there was minimal violence and certainly no sex13:12
ali1234ian hislop destroying that awful tory woman last week was quite amusing13:13
popeyit was :D13:13
oimonthere are episodes that are scary in a disturbing way , and plenty more reasons why i wouldn't let an under-10 watch it13:13
popeyI do like Alexander Armstrong13:13
clockwatchOh they were always scary for kids, but that was part of the fun13:13
brobostigoni still laugh my head of, of the last ep, that deayton was in HIGNFY.13:13
oimon"new" dr who (since RTD/eccleston return) preaches a world-view to kids that they shouldn't be expsoed to since adults handle things differently - they can dismiss it if they don't agree etc.13:14
clockwatchwhat is the new world view?13:15
clockwatchsurely the Doctor's view is relative13:15
ali1234it has got a lot more politically correct13:15
ali1234but everything on TV has13:15
clockwatchoh, that's a shame13:16
brobostigonoimon: ah, you mean like the gay bedroom scenes, in the most recent torchwood?13:16
oimondon't watch torchwood but there were blatant themes in RTD's stuff. plus god complex stuff. dr who was never a messiah figure13:17
MartijnVdSGood thing Moffat took over then13:17
oimoni don't like the perversion of the religious imagery.13:18
oimonmoffat hasn't been perfect. he's certainly made more discturbing ones13:18
ali1234such as?13:18
oimonthe lift one13:18
MartijnVdSoimon: don't blink :)13:18
ali1234i tend not to notice religious imagery so i must have missed it13:18
oimonyeah -that was scary for adults!13:18
popeythere was a big one when the master came back13:18
popeygetting everyone to chant doctors name13:18
oimoni see it in every episode13:18
ali1234i think i missed those episodes13:18
brobostigoni would rather it be entirly religeonless, if that can be imagined, than having the silly discussions, that come, when religeon is mentioned. really.13:19
popeyhe came back to life, surrounded by a halo13:19
popeyand then floated across the room, arms outstreched like he was on a cross13:19
ali1234didn't he also shoot force lightning in that one?13:19
popeyi think so13:19
ali1234i lol'd at that13:19
popeyand hugged master, forgiving him13:19
MartijnVdSali1234: I think you're confusing The Doctor with the pope now13:19
ali1234was that the episode where he had to eat people to stay alive?13:19
clockwatchThe timelords will disapprove13:19
ali1234by shooting them with lighting out of his eyes or something13:20
popeythe master, yes13:20
ali1234i didn't know timelords could do that13:20
brobostigonhowever. as a representation of the master, john simm, did very well.13:20
oimonanyway i think these things can send a confusing message to young kids13:20
oimonand is as damaging as scary stories13:20
popeyno more confusing than the sky-fairy stories they get at school13:20
oimonremember "are you my mummy"? i was freaked out by that one!13:20
MartijnVdSoimon: Another Moffat episode :)13:21
ali1234oh come on, it wasn't that scary13:21
clockwatchanything which makes you think outside of the box a bit is good.13:21
gordonjcpI've always found statues a bit sinister anyway13:21
oimonclockwatch: as an adult yeah, but kids get a confused jumble of everything13:21
ali1234that recent episode in the spooky hotel was the only scary episode i can remember. and that's only scary if you;ve seen the shining13:21
brobostigoni would favour, leaving detail, and letting people make their own judgement, on how they interpret it, than shielding people, because of the way they could possibly interpret the scenes.13:22
gordonjcpI had this weird dream the other night with strange white-robed figures that were sort of half-standing half-floating13:22
gordonjcpnot quite aliens and not quite humans13:22
ali1234i quite enjoyed that episode due to it not being about saving the entire universe for once.13:22
oimonali1234: i'm not that subsceptible but the shining is the scariest film i've seen, wish i'd never seen it13:22
gordonjcpand when they spoke their voices sounded like MPT1327 trunking bursts13:22
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: what the rhinos?13:23
gordonjcpexcept they had a sort of an accent and couldn't pronounce the framing bits, so I couldn't work out what they were saying13:23
oimoni think star wars ep4,5,6 is better for kids13:25
oimonand it's a true story too :D13:25
livingdaylightconvert *.jpg foo.pdf13:27
livingdaylightcan somone tell me what is 'foo' please?13:28
MartijnVdSlivingdaylight: the name you want your output PDF file toe get13:28
MartijnVdSto get*13:28
livingdaylightgotcha, thanks MartijnVdS13:28
oimonor are you asking the origins of the words foo and bar?13:28
livingdaylightno, I was just seeking the practical side to it13:29
* daubers will resist another cup of coffee until 3pm13:33
davmor2daubers: drink drink drink drink drink drink drink drink drink drink drink drink drink drink drink drink drink drink drink drink drink drink drink drink13:35
clockwatchI should set up a rule for repeated words13:35
* daubers gaffa tapes davmor2 to the ceiling13:36
MartijnVdSwatch out for Lionel13:37
MartijnVdShe's dancing up there13:38
* davmor2 nail guns daubers below him so he has something soft to land on when the gaffa tape gives way13:38
MartijnVdSoimon: ^ Doctor Who vs Star Wars13:39
davmor2MartijnVdS: nice :)13:41
oimonwhat's the maximum latency you would accept on a LAN? i'm thinking for NFS purposes13:42
gordonjcphm, adblock removed from apt?13:42
daubersoimon: What are you serving up across NFS?13:42
oimondaubers: home directories for 150 users via automount13:43
daubersoimon: In that case, as long as you have a nice chunky raid and a nice fat pipe to the NFS server, I wouldn't worry about latency. I'd be more worried about the network bandwidth and disk speed13:44
oimondaubers: the reason i'm asking is due to a proposal to move my NFS server offsite to a central location13:44
oimonthe difference would be bandwidth and latency13:45
daubersoimon: Connected to that central location via what? (Please don't say single gigabit)13:45
oimonthis is what i'm trying to establish. there's some fibre connections but i don't know if they are 10gb or 1gb13:45
popeyiperf to test them?13:46
daubersif it was single gige, I'd go mental. Is this an office or education type setting?13:46
oimondaubers: currently unsure because i house all servers here, and i only care about getting my 1gb internet13:47
oimonbut certainly nothing is happening until i get assurances..but it's hard to stop the steamroller of IT upper mgt sometimes13:47
daubersoimon: Ooof.... so quite likely that all 150 of those students will log on simultaniously, so over single gig-e with a max throughput on an nfs server of maybe 110MB/s they'll get 0.73MB/s, that'll be some speedy loading times (I hope these are linux homes, and not windows desktops?)13:49
oimonnot to mention the many TB of scratch space that is regularly copied around13:50
daubersoimon: Scratch space? These for video editing users?13:51
oimonfinding new planets13:51
oimonthat kind of stuff13:51
daubersAh, ok. In that case, you want 10GbE :)13:51
MartijnVdSor better ;)13:51
daubersMartijnVdS: RAID will probably be slower than 10GbE can give13:52
oimonmy network is pretty healthy right now though13:52
oimoni don't want that to break :(13:52
MartijnVdSdaubers: unless you expand to some huge fc san13:52
daubersThough I am fitting a customer with infiniband to a raid in a few months13:52
oimonnearly all my servers are on my SAN now. wish i had a second SAN :S13:53
daubersMartijnVdS: Pah, don't need fc to be fast, most fc sans wig out at a gig and a bit per second anyway because of the metadata servers13:53
daubersI've got 2 boxes downstairs that can easily outrun 99% of the sans on the planet at the moment13:53
oimoni'm running on 1G internally right now13:53
daubersoimon: What kind of san? Metasan/lan?13:54
oimonEQL SAN on iscsi13:54
daubersick, iscsi13:54
daubersAre they now owned by dell?13:55
oimonpleased with it13:57
daubers16 bay chassis with sata/sas 3 disks.... probably peak at around 600-700MB/s in RAID 6 if their raid card is any good13:57
gordonjcpwhat the..?13:57
gordonjcpjackd1 depends on qjackctl?13:57
gordonjcpwhat on earth?13:57
daubersoimon: Seriously though, you do want a 10GbE link to the storage network across the buildings13:58
daubersWent into a uni that had a single gige link to their windows home folder store thing. Took the students 15 minutes to log on (think 400 students logging in simultaniously)13:58
oimonyes, i have asked the question , i would attempt to block any move without decent redundancy too13:58
oimonour network is good, their network flaky13:59
daubersooooh coffee time14:00
* daubers won't be happy until he's managed to build a NAS that can provide 1/2TB/s14:02
MartijnVdSbut can you process it that fast?14:03
daubersMartijnVdS: With about 10 clients, in one case I can14:03
MartijnVdSscary hardwarez14:03
daubersMaybe 20 clients14:03
daubersMartijnVdS: I love dealing with people working in Uncompressed 10bit dpx in 3D :)14:04
* MartijnVdS saw the fibre digging people again today14:04
MartijnVdSI'll get it "sometime in November"14:04
MartijnVdS\o/ 500/500mbit _at home_14:04
brobostigonMartijnVdS: i have seen bt doing that here. we will be due, sometime next year.14:05
MartijnVdSoimon: eindelijkglasvezel.nl :)14:05
oimonsorry your postcode is not ready :D14:06
MartijnVdScome to .nl ;) they want to get 100% coverage eventually (before 2020), and they're starting in smaller towns first14:08
MonsterwizardWould employees accept a CS grad for a systems programming job14:27
MonsterwizardI'm more intested in low level development14:27
MooDooMonsterwizard: if they can do the job why now14:27
oimonfrom which university14:28
MonsterwizardUniversity of the West of England?14:29
MonsterwizardHow important is the degree?14:30
MonsterwizardI mean, my skills will never be limited to university14:30
daubersMonsterwizard: Depends on the employer14:30
daubersMonsterwizard: With larger companies it's almost a requirement unless you have lots of previous experience in a commercial environment14:31
MonsterwizardWell I am doing computer science but I realise that there's little opportunity to study low level development14:32
Monsterwizardand that's my goal :P14:32
oimonMonsterwizard: how far into degree are you?14:37
Monsterwizard1 Month14:38
MonsterwizardToo late to change though sadly14:40
MonsterwizardI guess I will just practice and study low development in my free time14:41
oimonchange to what?14:41
MonsterwizardComputer Systems Integration? Or Electronic Engineering?14:41
oimoni did maths+CS..served me well14:41
MonsterwizardSadly there isn't  huge deal of maths in my degree14:43
oimonCS is a decent degree IMO and some coursemates are coders while others are sysadmins..none of us really knew what we wanted to do after graduation14:43
oimonjust something with 'puters14:43
Monsterwizardonly strongly related to Computer Science....it's almost a Software Engineering Degree :P14:43
oimoni was hired into a sysadmin role without ever using root14:43
oimonlinux didn't exist in those days14:43
MonsterwizardWill I be at a disadvantage because I didn't study calculus or Algebra?14:44
Monsterwizardat university level?14:44
oimondoing CS? no14:46
MonsterwizardAre you sure?14:47
MonsterwizardBecause many foreign CS courses seem to do lots of Algebra and Calculus14:48
oimoni did my degree in the 90s so best ask others in here :P14:48
MonsterwizardStill your contribution would be vaild14:49
oimonthere was a tiny amount IMO. i remember writing a C program to perform integration as part of a lab exercise. i don't think maths was a necessary or significant  component of the CS course.14:52
oimona bigger issue IMO is maths undergrads who haven't taken further maths alevel14:52
MonsterwizardGood. That makes me feel better. Although for the sake of valuable knowledge, I'll eventually learn high level maths14:52
Monsterwizardahh hI see14:53
MonsterwizardI want to study the equalient of A-levell maths without buying A-level mathhs books14:53
Monsterwizardlol I'm fed up with seeing 'A-Level' D:14:53
oimonmaybe spend your time learning C :)14:54
oimonwhat prog language is on the syllabus?14:54
MonsterwizardJava D:14:54
MonsterwizardBut in my speare time I learn C using a Programming gate aray14:55
MonsterwizardMainly Java14:55
MonsterwizardA little bit of C++,14:55
oimonsome guys i studied with got crappy degrees but were great programmers ( they couldn't be bothered to do the exams properly)14:57
oimoni did the opposite. crappy coder but great looking degree14:58
Monsterwizardgtg lecture14:58
Monsterwizardthank you for your help14:58
oimondon't ask which is better though14:58
* Myrtti waves fist at Parcelforce15:10
BigRedSIs there a sane way to have tomboy data synced & available offline to a trio of machines, one Ubuntu, one Arch and one Debian?15:21
BigRedSor a sane alternative?15:21
davmor2Myrtti: any particular reason?15:22
BigRedSwebdav looks promising, but it appears to be an alternative to storing it locally :/15:22
davmor2BigRedS: dropbox?15:23
davmor2BigRedS: You could use U1 web interface to grab it all15:23
BigRedSdavmor2: Ah yeah, that'd make sense. I forgot I could stick it on someone else's servers...15:23
=== morg is now known as RichTUK
=== Girly-Girl is now known as GirlyGirl
bigcalmCleaning out some dead wood from twitter and facebook is invigorating15:29
oimoni clear old posts from fb regularly15:29
bigcalmI was talking about people15:29
oimonalthough fb keep them15:29
oimonah lol15:30
oimonbug 81883015:30
lubotu3`Launchpad bug 818830 in linux (Ubuntu Precise) "[Sandy Bridge] serious power regression from kernel 3.0.0-6 to 3.0.0-7 (rc6 disabled)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81883015:30
RichTUKhi all, im having some issues with my 8200m g nivida gfx card on 11.10, i have 4 drivers to choose from in the additional drivers however when i try them in system info it still tells me my gfx card is unknown and unity remains choppy15:30
Myrttidavmor2: ordered 4 hot water bottles and the tracking system leaves a bit to hope for15:31
davmor2Myrtti: haha you weren't expecting the tracker to be accurate were you?15:32
bigcalmAnybody know how to make skype messages more obvious in xfce?15:33
bigcalmOh, bugger15:34
bigcalmThe "Display pop-up notification" tickbox is greyed out :(15:34
davmor2bigcalm: how about an electric shock from a cattle prod wired into the ear phone jack?15:35
bigcalmMight work15:35
oimonbigcalm: use a dock with xfce?15:35
bigcalmoimon: such as?15:35
davmor2ask on #xubuntu they use it so will likely know15:35
oimondocky has optional skype integration i believe15:36
oimonbut davmor2 has wisest answer :P15:36
bigcalmAh, ta15:36
davmor2oimon: I know it's shocking but sometimes even I have moments of inspiration :)15:37
oimonuntil he finds only one bot sitting in#xubuntu15:37
MooDoooimon: davmor2 and wise don't go together, you should know that ;)15:38
davmor2oimon: in that case #xubuntu-devel15:38
oimoni'm sure it has plenty of unity refugees in #xubuntu anyway15:39
MartijnVdSas long as I can disable global menu and enable focus-follows-mouse, I don't care ;)15:39
nymwarSo it's not only me that doesn't like the global menu15:40
MartijnVdSnymwar: not by a long shot :)15:40
oimonit's sooo wrong15:40
nymwarInitially I thought it was a good idea, until I started using it15:40
oimonthe mouse gets worn out travelling so much15:41
davmor2MartijnVdS: it made me realise how little I use the menu to be honest :)  I think I only really use it to change setting initially and then that's about it15:41
oimondoesn't seem touch friendly when they hide it too15:41
oimoni use libreoffice and firefox/chrome menus a lot15:41
oimonand email15:41
MyrttiI personally use Cairo-dock in my Xfce15:42
oimonnone are maximised except maybe email inbox window15:42
davmor2oimon: I do from time to time, but then I have all those maximised so the menu is where I expect it to be anyway15:42
ali1234it's so annoying that you have to click in a window before you can unmaximize it15:43
davmor2ali1234: why do you?15:44
ali1234because if you don't the window controls aren't shown15:44
davmor2ali1234: yes they are you move the cursor to the top no clicking and then click on minimise/unmaximise15:45
ali1234nope, doesn't work15:45
davmor2ali1234: yes it does I've just done it15:46
bigcalmRestarting skype has brough back osn15:49
bigcalmMaybe having skype start automatically is not working correctly15:49
bigcalmLoading it before the notifier or something15:50
ali1234davmor2: nope http://imagebin.org/18057115:50
davmor2ali1234: That's already unmaximised15:51
ali1234no it isn't15:51
ali1234the window is filling the whole screen15:51
ali1234how do i unmaximize it without clicking in it?15:51
davmor2ali1234: yes that is because it is the application that has focus that has it's menu on the top15:52
ali1234i don't want to unmaximize the window that has focus15:53
ali1234it is already unmaximized15:53
ali1234i want to unmaximize the maximized window without clicking in it15:53
davmor2ali1234: out of interest what would you of done previously if the focus terminal was on top of the unmaximise button of the fullscreen terminal which was often the case?15:55
ali1234i would have moved the focused terminal, and then clicked unmaximize15:56
ali1234look, the point is, i have to deal with a lot of really touchy software where one wrong click can destroy hours of work15:57
ali1234so i don't like randomly clicking in windows to focus them, before i can minimize them or move them around15:57
davmor2ali1234: Yeap I get it but at the same time I don't, I've not yet closed anything I shouldn't of but then I have most windows fullscreen15:57
ali1234i'm not talking about closing the wrong window15:58
ali1234i'm talking about you click in a window and trigger a button that deletes all your work or crashes the program15:58
ali1234or both15:58
ali1234or you click in the window and it also sends a small drag event that moves something out of position (gimp)15:59
* AlanBell agrees with ali1234 15:59
ali1234then you have to click "undo" and *then* you can minimize it15:59
ali1234it's totally lame15:59
AlanBellnon-focused maximised windows on the other screen don't have controls16:00
davmor2ali1234: that's what I do that is different then I use the launcher to switch apps/windows and then click on whatever16:00
ali1234i expected someone by now would have told me to unmaximize it by dragging the title bar16:00
ali1234of course, this does not work when the global menu fills the whole width of the screen16:00
ali1234when ever i click on the launcher it unminimizes all my windows and then i have to spend 10 minutes minimizing all but the one i wanted16:01
ali1234which is also totally lame16:01
ali1234i spend a lot of time minimizing things now16:02
ali1234which is why this problem is all the more annoying16:02
davmor2ali1234: yes it does, just tried it you grab the top left and pull down or in the middle on a menu and pull down16:02
ali1234i just tried it and accidentally activated private browsing mode in firefox16:02
ali1234it did unminimize as well, but then i had to clear an annoying modal dialog box16:03
davmor2ali1234: actually your right it acts a bit hit and miss I'll write a bug for that16:03
ali1234also unity in oneiric is a lot slower than it was in natty :(16:04
ali1234when i drag a window it doesn't even move until about 3 seconds after i release the mouse button16:05
oliali1234: yeah I'm getting that too at the moment :(16:06
oliDepends on the window, mind you. Firefox takes about a week to start moving but a terminal window is fairly fluid16:06
ali1234it happens when running a 3d game or something on a different workspace16:07
ali1234under natty, this worked fine16:07
ali1234although it is still really choppy even after quitting it16:08
ali1234not quite as bad though16:08
ali1234basically desktop latency under load is now as bad as it was when i only had 4GB16:08
ali1234maybe it is because i am using the light-themes and i haven't disabled those killer dropshadows16:09
ali1234in natty i was using human theme, that was always much faster than the new ones16:09
ali1234one good thing about unity is - no more crashing, randomly rearranging gnome-panel16:10
ali1234i think that's my favourite thing about it16:10
MunkyJunkyEvening! How do I go about removing partition icons in the unity panel?16:10
ali1234you can't really16:11
MunkyJunkyEven if it's a constantly mounted drive? :/16:11
MunkyJunkyIt's not a USB drive, it's an internal ,media drive which is always mounted.16:12
ali1234if it's constantly mounted and it;s *not* USB it should not show up16:12
ali1234if you can tell me how you managed to get it to show up i'd like to know16:12
ali1234because i have that exact use case and i want to see them and they are not there16:12
MunkyJunkyIt's a drive I manually added to fstab. Before that I manually mounted it.16:12
ali1234well, remove it from fstab and manually mount it, and it won;t show i guess16:13
ali1234there might be some hidden registery - um, i mean dconf - setting for it but who knows16:13
MunkyJunkyBut then it won't mount at boot16:13
ali1234i mean it;s not like you can just look at the text files :(16:14
DJonesali1234: I've been setting a machine up with 3 partitions mounted via /media (eg /media/music) etc, all on physical disks in the machine, those partitions appear in the unity panel16:15
ali1234if it's in fstab or it is removable, it shows up16:16
ali1234if you mount it by hand with mount, it doesn't16:16
ali1234and that's the way it goes16:16
MunkyJunkyis there a way to make it mount on boot using mount then? Everything I've seen so far says you've got to use fstab16:16
ali1234you can mount it from rc.local but i don't recommend it16:17
ali1234it won't be unmounted properly and blah blah blah16:17
ali1234just get used to that icon or write a patch16:17
MunkyJunkyget used to the icon it is!16:17
ali1234or read the source to see if there's a hidden setting16:17
MunkyJunkyI'm not willing to go to that much effort to be fair. If there was a simple answer of "untick this tickbox" id be happy, else I'll just live with it.16:18
ali1234i just put a faulty NAS unit back together and i have 13 screws and a metal panel left over :(16:20
oli13?! That's impressive16:20
ali1234the good news is it should cost slightly less to send it back to the customer :)16:21
ali1234the bad news is one of the drives is dead and it is now degraded16:21
ali1234and they are pata so no chance of a replacement16:21
ali1234so they probably won't want the damn thing back16:22
gordczajkowski, forgot tea =\16:46
gordplease come here and give me tea16:46
Pendulumgord: in Orlando already?16:47
gordyeah, always a week early16:47
MartijnVdSgord: you love the USA that much?16:47
Pendulumgord: what sort of tea would you like and I can see what I can find to bring down on Sunday :)16:48
Pendulum(there are a couple shops near me that actually have a decent selection of British teas16:49
gordPendulum, pg tips! or yorkshire16:49
PendulumI will see what I can do16:49
Pendulumdefinitely can bring yorkshire16:49
Pendulumbut I think I can find pg tips as well16:49
bigcalmI've just managed to break the mysql client without trying :) http://paste.ubuntu.com/718078/17:35
bigcalmNo idea if that is of use to anybody. I haven't tried to recreate the issue yet17:36
MartijnVdSbigcalm: you Ctrl+Ced it twice in a row?17:36
bigcalmMartijnVdS: yes17:36
MartijnVdSso you interrupted its interrupt handling code17:36
bigcalmIt didn't seem to be responding to me17:36
MartijnVdSIt should just block the signal until it's done :)17:37
* bigcalm tries to let things finish in the future17:37
* MartijnVdS wonders what to do17:39
bigcalmPlay Minecraft17:39
KrimZonhow do I select the gtk3 theme used in xubuntu?18:25
KrimZonchange between gtk3 themes in xubuntu, I mean18:27
popeypip pip18:50
tonytigerI have my sound effects ready for tomorrow's show18:53
scoundrel50aJust for an fyi, I went out roaming yesterday, took the Galaxy Tab and mifi from 3 out, went to Covent Garden, connected and things worked, then went across to St James park and in two different places there connected again with no problems.18:53
scoundrel50aQuite impressed with this little thing18:54
daubersscoundrel50a: Which tab is it?18:56
scoundrel50ait didnt loose connection at all, and was quite fast18:56
Andres-kainis there any way to change the greeting sound?18:58
Andres-kainKrimZon you still there?19:01
Andres-kainwhy can't you change it in the xubuntu aperience menu?19:01
Andres-kaini have hear that not all gtk3 are still avaible. and might look wierd.19:03
KrimZonI am now19:04
KrimZonI didn't know you could19:04
Andres-kaindid it work?19:04
KrimZonI'll try it, just got to install a theme19:05
Andres-kaindo not like any of the defaults?19:05
Andres-kainwhere do you get them from?19:05
KrimZonyay, that worked19:06
Andres-kaingnome-look for xubuntu?19:06
KrimZonfor xubuntu there's also xfce-look.org19:06
Andres-kainsince you are around, you wouldn't nknow how to change the greeting sound?19:07
KrimZonand a kde-look.org among other stuff19:07
Andres-kainbut you asked for xubuntu?19:08
KrimZonoh, I see what you meant19:08
gordonjcp*remove* the greeting sound would be good19:08
gordonjcpalong with all the others19:09
KrimZonI thought you wondered if there was a gnome-look for ubuntu, not surprised that I was looking there19:09
KrimZonsomehow I've disabled sound effects because I like it quiet19:09
KrimZonso I'll try to figure out how I did that19:09
Andres-kaini use xubuntu.19:11
KrimZonI have absolutely no idea how to change the sounds19:18
Andres-kainyep. that seems like a tiny one up that windows has, krimzon19:22
KrimZonI could change them in gnome too19:22
Andres-kainreally? how?19:23
KrimZongnome had a sounds section in system -> preferences19:23
Andres-kainoh. had missed that in the day thanks!19:24
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Ubuntu Community Survey Next Steps: Leadership - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/10/24/ubuntu-community-survey-next-steps-leadership/19:27
daubersI've just changed my osx desktop to match my unity layout :s19:35
=== Dave is now known as Dave2
jacobwtrying to make a mac like ubuntu?19:35
daubersjacobw: More that I always mouse to the left now to get to the dock, kept having to go back to the bottom afterwards on the mouse19:36
zleapdaubers, cool19:36
zleapi get confused with windows,  the bar thing to minimise andclose apps is in the wrong place19:37
dauberszleap: Heh, I just find the applications are in the wrong place on Windows :)19:37
zleapyeah that too19:37
zleapno upper menu bar19:37
zleapcome to think of it,  if windows is installed its in the wrong place19:38
zleapshould be on a cd and installed in rubbish bin19:38
jacobwi've made my XP laptop from work like that now daubers19:38
zleapmind you saying tjhat i am now playing games more now i have my old pc dual booting19:38
jacobwunfortunately, XP taskbar is about as responsive as the dead parrot :(19:39
zleapi just find windows annoying19:39
zleapout of interest now I can see my ubunty share folder i should be able to share my printer via windows19:39
zleapand actually print from ubuntu,  temproary measure till i figure out how to get it printing directly from ubuntu19:40
zleapah so i just type ipp:// ip addy of windows box19:42
jacobwi'm sure if its that simple19:43
jacobwwhich version of window is it?19:45
czajkowskievening folks20:12
popeyGood evening20:13
* czajkowski hugs popey HELLO my PRECIOUS 20:15
czajkowskiI can haz job again20:16
czajkowskithis is good20:16
czajkowskino deportation for me20:16
DJonesCongratulation czajkowski20:17
czajkowskiwhy thank you20:18
czajkowskinow on my next hit list is the horrible HMR&C20:18
czajkowskiI seemingly have a 180 quid underpayment of tax for 2010/1120:20
czajkowskigiven I only worked 6 months of that year seems a bit hard20:21
daubersczajkowski: Underpayed by £30 a month… tsk tsk20:23
* daubers is a good boy and launders his money through the Seychelles so he doesn't have to pay tax20:23
czajkowskidaubers: also I seemingly got a magical BIK of 89020:23
daubersI mean… ummm…20:23
* daubers run20:23
czajkowskibenefit in Kind20:23
daubersI seem to be regressing to my childhood20:25
dauberswriting some test code in python, realised what I'd just typed was Spectrum BASIC20:25
mgdm :D20:28
Andres-kainjust about to update my xubuntu.20:36
Andres-kaindeactivated 3rd party! 21:3920:39
Andres-kainstart update window does not fit my netbook: used alt+leftmouse to accept!20:42
Andres-kain21:44 271 out of 1458 files downloaded20:44
gordonjcpright, suspend just plain doesn't work in 11.1020:54
bigcalmDoes for me20:55
gordonjcpunless the Ubuntu definition of "suspend" is "blank the screen and stop responding to key events"20:55
jacobwi think that is the ubuntu definition of 'suspend' :P20:56
gordonjcpwhat does 11.10 use for suspend anyway?20:56
gordonjcppm-suspend works just fine in Arch20:57
bigcalmWorks on my laptop: I close the lid, it goes into suspend. I open the lid, it wakes up and asks for my password20:58
bigcalmShould it be working differently20:58
gordsuspend works fine here21:00
gordthough this is linux, so results may vary21:00
DJonesJust tested "Suspend" on this laptop, never tried it before, and it works perfectly as bigcalm described it21:00
Dave2My experience was closing the laptop, it suspending, me swearing at it and waking it back up again, then changing the config to make it stop doing that21:01
Andres-kainonly 150 files to go!21:01
KrimZonin my experience everything is annoying by default and I have to change the settings21:02
KrimZonone time they'll make default be how I like it... just to annoy me21:02
gordonjcpbigcalm: I've tried it on four different laptops, with the same result on each21:04
gordonjcpoh well, yet another thing obviously not tested before release21:04
gordonjcpthere's just so many annoying wee things that work properly in other distros21:05
bigcalmOr tested to a limited extent. I think it would be difficult to test against _every_ machine in the world21:05
gordonjcpyou'd think that testing against a variety of laptops with Intel chipsets would be easy enough21:06
AlanBellthere is certified hardware21:06
Andres-kainhumm. debconf looks wierd asks me to choose gdm or lightdm21:06
Andres-kaini'll go for light but i do not know what any of it is.21:07
AlanBellwhich doesn't mean that the certified hardware will work, but you can jump up and down a bit more loudly if it doesn't21:07
bigcalmgdm = old and busted. lightdm = new hotness21:07
bigcalmOr something21:07
AlanBellor, if you have a suspend bug, see if you can get someone to reproduce it on certified hardware21:07
gordonjcpAlanBell: while I see the value in doing that, at the moment I need a laptop that *works*21:07
Andres-kainok, thanks! and i hoover mouse on it and it tells me what gdm means!21:08
Andres-kaindebconf still looks messed up on xubuntu update. with empty banner.21:08
bigcalmI wonder if you can copy a whole panel (launchers and all) to other sessions21:08
gordonjcpAlanBell: having the power management stuff decide that after ten minutes I no longer need the backlight on isn't by even the most generous definition what you could call "working"21:08
AlanBellyeah, I have a worse issue with the backlight21:09
AlanBellit flickers like mad when I am on battery21:10
gordonjcpAlanBell: I have that sometimes21:10
gordonjcpat least when it's flickering it doesn't turn off after ten minutes21:10
AlanBelllike it is attempting to cause the user to have a seisure21:10
gordonjcpbeing able to turn the CPU frequency up from 800MHz would be nice, too21:10
bigcalmShouldn't that be a bios feature?21:11
gordonjcpbigcalm: I don't see why21:11
Andres-kainunpacking libgtk3 \o/21:11
gordonjcpCPU scaling works in Arch, but does not work in Ubuntu21:11
gordonjcpit's a shame, because bits of it all work really well21:12
Andres-kainis it wierd that i'm more excited wit ubuntu update than rugby results?21:12
gordonjcpleaving aside the more annoying visual misfeatures like the Mac menu and weird sideways Mac dock21:12
gordonjcpand the coloured squares in the applications menu being so huge with tiny barely-readable labels - granted, they are much bigger compared to 11.0421:13
Andres-kaini like it in the side, gives me more space on screen21:13
gordonjcpAndres-kain: I prefer a taskbar at the bottom21:13
gordonjcpAndres-kain: the thing at the side is harder to read because you have to mouse over each of the little squares to see what it is21:13
gordonjcpif you made them wide enough to take a text label they'd look silly21:14
bigcalmCPU scaling worked for me. Was at 1600, started playing Minecraft and it jumped up to 240021:14
Andres-kainno need for mouse, just press the super (or is it meta) and type what you need?21:17
bigcalmWould be nice if super would replace ctrl+alt in xubuntu21:18
bigcalmIf only for super+d21:19
Andres-kainhumm seems like i thought i was logged off another user but i am not.21:19
Andres-kainsays i need to restart xscreen saver and xlockmore before contiuming?21:20
bigcalmGoogle isn't getting me very far. Can you copy a panel and its contents?21:20
Andres-kainbut i do not care if other users cannot coninue their sesions..21:21
Andres-kainhum..clicked next and it continued away. wierd.21:22
Andres-kainwhat panel bigcalm?21:22
bigcalmAndres-kain: xfce panels21:23
Andres-kainnever tried... maybe doing copy paste?21:24
Andres-kainare your pannels so full?21:24
bigcalmNo, but I have 3 desktops running (one for each monitor) and I'd like to have the feature rich panel I've set up on monitor1 to be on the other 221:25
Andres-kainooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh sounds cool but not a clue. only one monitor21:26
bigcalmI'm using xubuntu because Unity doesn't work on more than one monitor21:27
Andres-kaindidn't know that...21:27
Andres-kaini thought all the pannels would be copied to the other desktops by default.. that seems to be the case with one screen.21:28
bigcalmMy set up: https://plus.google.com/113834766641843352499/posts/dzvQPhA1vXi21:29
bigcalmI have to say that it's looking amazingly tidy on that day21:29
Andres-kainlooks cool, did you spend the pennies?21:34
bigcalmA mixture of work and my own21:34
Andres-kainyou a developer, work in stockexchage, or energy sector?21:36
bigcalmI'm a web developer21:36
Andres-kainout of curiosity, do you findhyourself saying... if only i had an extra screen...21:37
dutchiei'm pretty sure you could always use an extra screen21:37
bigcalmAndres-kain: The trouble is that I've maxed out my desk space. I have 6 virtual desktops on each monitor :S21:38
bigcalmJust a little21:38
bigcalmThe central monitor is the only one I tend not to switch desktops on21:38
Andres-kainquestion: can you have your window manager open a new desktop with a maximized windows of each aplication you open?21:40
Andres-kaindon't know if that was english...21:40
Andres-kaini mean i start up with one desktop but it will add more depending on number of windows open21:41
Andres-kainbigcalm do you have ubuntu set so it remembers previous setting?21:43
bigcalmNot really21:45
bigcalmI find that it doesn't always work as I want it to. So I just load programs as and when I need them21:45
Andres-kainso you manually open all programs after reboot?21:45
bigcalmWhich is each morning21:46
bigcalmI work from home and don't like having my workstation being noisy while I'm trying to sleep21:47
Andres-kainmakes sense.21:48
Andres-kainonly 2 hours and 16 minutes left on update. i think i'm going to leave it over night...21:50
Andres-kainuh-oh terminal shows loads of gtk-warning and gtk-Critical... no show stoppers it seems.21:58
Azelphurwhen I use my keyboards volume control, it changes the volume for card 1 Master, which does nothing as I use a USB headset21:59
Azelphurany idea how to fix that?21:59
Andres-kainunpaking replacement popularity-contest?21:59
Andres-kainum sorry!22:00
Andres-kainout of context.22:00
Andres-kainno idea azelphur maybe in the keyboard shrtcut config?22:01
Azelphurnope it's not there22:01
Andres-kaini realize now i had the same issue and i think i did not solve it or solved its self after an update.22:05
Andres-kainso no help sorry.22:06
Andres-kaini am begining to fear the outcome of this update... more gtk critical something to do with the icons..22:07
bigcalmSleep time, night peeps22:08
Andres-kainnight. same heere22:11
bigcalmLaptop in bed \o/22:22
StevenRbigcalm: I have a tray for that :)22:23
bigcalmStevenR: as do I22:23
bigcalmIt has cats on it22:23
bigcalmSorry, a cat22:24
StevenR(I hope you mean a picture of a cat :) )22:24
gordonjcpthe fur would clog the air intakes22:26
bigcalmI sadly have no real cats here :'(22:27
bigcalmOne day in the future...22:27
ubuntuuk-planet[Andy Loughran] My thoughts on Unity. - http://zrmt.com/2011/10/24/my-thoughts-on-unity/22:27
nucc1folks, what is the program behind the erstwhile ability to right-click a usb disk on the desktop and select "format"?23:41

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