
jedijfcrick ets00:21
jthanGuys.. who knows what the wop is?00:57
jthannot /a/ wop01:07
jthanTHE wop01:07
mikedep333rmg51, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/08/gnome-2-forked/?utm_source=pulsenews&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+d0od+%28OMG%21+Ubuntu%21%29&utm_content=Google+Feedfetcher01:11
mikedep333although personally I like both Gnome-Shell & Unity01:12
mikedep333because I can launch an app by pressing the windows key, and then start typing the name01:12
rmg51mikedep333: I read about the fork earlier01:14
rmg51what I liked about Cnome2 was the ability to add things to the panels01:15
rmg51that is lost in Unity and Gnome301:16
rmg51I even tried Gnome Classic01:16
rmg51can't add to the panel01:16
rmg51Gnome3 doesn't run very well on my 2 older laptops01:17
rmg51about all I could do is wait to be able to click on something01:17
rmg51the wait was way too long so I just logged out :P01:18
rmg51never got around to installing Gnome on Teddy's Systm76 laptop01:19
rmg51I didn't upgrade this laptop yet01:19
rmg51it's still running 11.04 in Ubuntu Classic mode01:19
jedijftry lxde01:27
rmg51for the moment I'm staying with xfce01:29
rmg51if I get around to boot one of the older laptops I might try a few others01:30
pleia2we elected a new xubuntu project lead today01:30
rmg51I tried some of the light weight ones but didn't like the right click thing01:30
jthanI want to install gentoo guys01:46
jthanI would try arch01:49
jthanMaybe not :-p01:49
jthanI wish foresight made it further01:49
jthanI developed for them for a bit01:49
rmg51you should just pick something and stay with it01:50
jthanThat isn't any fun01:51
jthanAnd you don't learn as much :-p01:51
jthanthere's nothing to tinker with and fix when you use ubuntu01:51
rmg51I'm picking sleep and staying with it till the alarm goes off in the morning :-D01:52
rmg51there is now if you don't like Unity :P01:52
jthanBut I use xfce01:53
jthanand xubuntu01:53
rmg51I'll be using xfce as well01:53
MutantTurkeydid anyone read that article posted to /r/linux about "unity will be the end of ubuntu", read the article and call BS?01:54
rmg51shower and sleep time01:55
MutantTurkeyIdleOne: where are thou?01:57
jthanWho's still around and pumpin?02:43
InHisNameme neither03:04
InHisName a round pumpkin ?03:04
jthanHow are you, sir?03:12
jthanerstazi: Shoutout to erie03:21
pangolinMutantTurkey: wearing my Halloween costume.04:15
rmg51morning JonathanD09:22
JonathanDhey rmg5109:23
JonathanDWhats happening?09:31
rmg51nothing yet10:00
* InHisName yawns, "oh its morning already?"12:27
ChinnoDogWhat does it take to run a bot here? Are there rules? Do I have to fill out forms?12:45
jedijfChinnoDog: you can host the bot12:54
jedijfour resources on our free vps don't make it practical12:55
InHisNamedefine vps12:55
jedijfInHisName: google it12:55
ChinnoDogI haz resources12:58
InHisNameSo a bot hogs too much resources to be in a virtual world ?12:59
jedijfChinnoDog: install it13:06
jedijfChinnoDog: i run one from my office13:06
MutantTurkeyjedijf: my keyboard is now bugging the hell out of me. the A key is sticking13:27
MobileTurkeyjedijf: scratch that. a toothpick got stuck13:38
jedijfMobileTurkey: i get that with my netbook, the keys seem soft...food and other gunk under13:49
jedijfMobileTurkey: was a toothpick the tool to remove gunk, or the gunk?13:50
MobileTurkeythe gunk13:50
jedijfMobileTurkey: and i can't remove and replace individual keys, i just don't have the skills nor patience13:50
MobileTurkeyused another pick to fix it13:50
ChinnoDoggobble gobble18:12
ChinnoDogsomeone remind me how to prevent joins/parts from triggering the irssi activity notifier18:12
ChinnoDogThat will make them go away completely18:17
ChinnoDogI want to see them, I just don't need to be notified18:17
MutantTurkey :|18:17
MutantTurkeygoogle my friend.18:17
jedijfChinnoDog: ignore18:28
jedijf14:28 Ignorance List:18:28
jedijf14:28    1 &bitlbee: MSGS18:28
jedijf14:28    2 #archlinux: JOINS PARTS18:28
jedijf14:28    3 #ubuntu-classroom*: JOINS PARTS18:28
jedijfso /ignore #channel joins parts  or see /help ignore   like you need help18:29
ChinnoDogoh, ic18:31
ChinnoDogThat is going to remove those levels entirely18:32
ChinnoDogI only want to stop it from notifying18:32
ChinnoDogI think it is one of the levels variables, though I don't remember how to do it per-channel18:33
=== MutantTurkey is now known as MobileTurkey
jthanIs there an intuitive way to "fan out" all your windows (mac expose style) with xfce?18:55
jedijfunity can19:32
jedijf*unity* *can*19:32
JonathanDdroid does.19:36
InHisNamefor an "A" record in nameserver:  what is destination?  an IP address or ???19:43
InHisNamebut when I am trying to setup for dynamicDNS then what goes there ?  the current IP ?19:45
jthanInHisName: Yes19:55
jthanInHisName: are you using no-ip or dyndns?19:56
jthandyndns I have never actually used..19:56
jthanno-ip has a program you run that updates its IP periodicially from your computer.19:56
jthanjedijf: xfce. no unity.19:56
InHisNamethey all seem to offer that.19:56
jthanIf you aren't using it, its your current IP, and if that IP changes, you have to go on the site and update the record19:57
InHisNamethere is supposed to be some software (win?) downloadable from the nameserver agency to do it automatically19:58
InHisNameI got a free registration of xyz.co.cc and zoneedit, dyndns, others black out that TLD.  Afraid does not.19:59
jthanNever used it, so I can't offer much else19:59
InHisNameI'm supposed to list nameservers I use to the domain provider.  I got 2 days before it kicks out.   I suppose I need to wait for afraid to finish setting up the A records at midnight.20:01
SamuraiAlbaGood bacon that I gave up, to all22:58
ChinnoDogYou gave up bacon?23:00
andurilthe heresy23:00
ChinnoDogWe will have to have an intervention23:01
SamuraiAlbaTwo failing heart valves AND a thickened left ventricle wall >.<23:04
rmg51turkey bacon :-D23:05
ChinnoDogSamuraiAlba: Do you have any evidence that shows that bacon will make that condition worse?23:05
rmg51ChinnoDog: do you have any evidence that shows that bacon will make that condition better?23:07
andurilbacon makes everything better23:08
andurilit even cures plague23:08
SamuraiAlbaI also gave up beef23:22
SamuraiAlbachicken, fish, fruits, and veggies!23:22
andurilmmm fish23:23
ChinnoDogSo, all sources of protein and essential nutrients?23:30
SamuraiAlbaHiya, Calvin23:48
MutantTurkeyhey doode23:49
MutantTurkeyhe hates me :[23:49

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