cyberanger | wow, didn't think I could do all that I did from a netbook today (I know how powerful they can be, setup tweaks, but I had vlc's ncurses player playing a song, ffmpeg converting it to mp3 & scaning an external drive with clamav, at the same time, no fail) | 02:14 |
cyberanger | plus ssh'd in here, for irc & email | 02:14 |
cyberanger | thanks to debuntu ;-) | 02:14 |
Unit193 | Mutt? | 02:16 |
wrst | cyberanger: is this a new distro? | 02:17 |
Unit193 | Debian/Ubuntu Tips & Tricks | 02:18 |
Unit193 | .deb packages, Unix/Linux Tutorials and Articles. | 02:18 |
wrst | ahh | 02:18 |
* wrst feels a little silly now :) | 02:18 | |
cyberanger | Unit193: yep, my mutt | 02:22 |
cyberanger | wrst: that blog is merely an inspiritation to the joke (when I said I was all debian testing, forgot about this machine aperently, fixing) | 02:23 |
wrst | cyberanger, Unit193 had good weekends? | 02:29 |
cyberanger | sorta good | 02:31 |
Unit193 | Don't think anything big Sat, but today there was much good grub :D | 02:31 |
wrst | Unit193: that's what i'm talking about! | 02:31 |
cyberanger | wrst: you know how I do cli installs, little diff with debian or ubuntu at that level, did this all in cli (trying to be a showoff, then vista got involved, fubar from there) | 02:32 |
wrst | cyberanger: really no difference best i can tell from ubuntu cli and debian, i think debian might have less things to get in the way making it easier actually | 02:33 |
wrst | and vista??? | 02:33 |
Unit193 | I use SSH and stuff to mess with the volume on Vista, it can be funny to get people :D | 02:33 |
wrst | Unit193: vista and ssh? | 02:33 |
Unit193 | Why not? Granted, it's not as good as Linux SSH, but it works nevertheless | 02:34 |
Unit193 | And it's the first OS I used SSH on | 02:34 |
wrst | i have seen that it is available just didn't know what the use would be | 02:34 |
cyberanger | wrst: yeah, church, not my call (virus too, made it a pain?) | 02:34 |
wrst | oh yeah cyberanger i know how that goes | 02:34 |
cyberanger | wrst: well, your problem is a assuming there is a use, sometimes there is no use, it was a coding challenge, and now an annoyance tool | 02:36 |
wrst | :) | 02:39 |
Unit193 | nircmd + ssh = :D | 02:41 |
cyberanger | Unit193: there's stunts you can do without nircmd too, just default stuff | 02:41 |
cyberanger | my favorite two are editing the hosts file & disabiling dns | 02:42 |
Unit193 | cyberanger: Oh yes, but nircmd can also be used to mess with people :D | 02:42 |
cyberanger | followed by the rare but cruel triggering a BSoD (doesn't take much, sadly, no bragging rights) | 02:42 |
cyberanger | Unit193: indeed | 02:46 |
cyberanger | just like a screw driver & a phunematic(sp) door closer, slow it down and make people think their being followed | 02:47 |
binarymutant | idk if /tmp is considered a chroot enviroment... | 02:57 |
binarymutant | ... not sure about | 02:59 |
cyberanger | binarymutant: say what? | 03:22 |
binarymutant | first page article | 03:23 |
binarymutant | I think I read it wrong though | 03:24 |
cyberanger | binarymutant: "How-To: Mounting /dev in a chroot environment" | 03:27 |
cyberanger | that article? | 03:27 |
binarymutant | yes | 03:27 |
cyberanger | doesn't sound wrong to me, based on my use of chroot for remastering live discs | 03:30 |
cyberanger | they're just messing with files in a chroot jail, the files happen to be in tmp instead of $HOME/livedisc/chroot (when I do it) | 03:31 |
binarymutant | yeah I always do it in a dir in $HOME | 03:31 |
binarymutant | $project/debian/ :D | 03:32 |
cyberanger | but I don't think one has to, don't think anything is wrong with tmp, depends on if the data is temporary or not | 03:32 |
cyberanger | if not, well, expect data loss | 03:33 |
binarymutant | like I said, I probably just read it wrong. I thought they were saying /tmp was a chroot env | 03:33 |
cyberanger | no (it might be, but that's not what they're saying, they're using it as a chroot "mountpoint" same as we use $HOME) | 03:58 |
electricus | uggh. why use selinux? | 15:02 |
cyberanger | electricus: good question, will AppArmor not work enough for you? | 16:15 |
cyberanger | "Let me assure you that this action by the NSA was the crypto-equivalent of the Pope coming down off the balcony in Rome, working the crowd with a few loaves of bread and some fish, and then inviting everyone to come over to his place to watch the soccer game and have a few beers. There are some things that one just never expects to see, and the NSA handing out source code along with details of | 16:15 |
cyberanger | the security mechanism behind it was right up there on that list." — Larry Loeb | 16:15 |
electricus | i always disable it, but it's on by default in centos | 16:16 |
electricus | i figure linux is plenty secure without having selinux | 16:16 |
electricus | i've never been hacked | 16:16 |
* cyberanger sees that challenge, ponders a bit | 16:18 | |
cyberanger | electricus: selinux is a good thing, but with LIDS, Bastille Unix & AppArmour, idk if it's a necessary thing | 16:20 |
electricus | i don't know if i'm using any of those .. how can i tell? | 16:21 |
cyberanger | I mean, everybody ships with defaults, I tweak them with iptables, throw in arpalert & have the alert script isolate them from the network | 16:23 |
cyberanger | others really lock it down further, what are you needing to lock down, from whom | 16:23 |
cyberanger | you'd have to know for Bastille Unix & LIDS, nature of their setup | 16:26 |
cyberanger | apparmour.....lemme see here... | 16:27 |
cyberanger | electricus: did you build your own package, pretty good bet you only had selinux | 16:29 |
electricus | default install of centos6 | 16:30 |
electricus | sorry ubuntu guys :-) | 16:30 |
cyberanger | electricus: like I said, pretty good bet you only had selinux | 16:31 |
electricus | regarding another machine.. my kvm host: I am using an additional 1tb disk as an additional volume group named vm_stor | 16:31 |
electricus | i have put all my kvm guests raw disk images there on lvm | 16:32 |
electricus | strangely enough though.. even though the vms are all running away.. the volume is not even mounted as far as i can tell | 16:33 |
electricus | here's my mounts; | 16:33 |
cyberanger | electricus: ~# lvs | 16:35 |
cyberanger | electricus: ^ see if the volume is listed | 16:40 |
cyberanger | electricus: and I'd be looking at "df -h" output, looking at what doesn't fit | 16:40 |
electricus | here you go | 16:41 |
electricus | | 16:41 |
electricus | actually check this one out.. shows /dev/mapper too | 16:42 |
electricus | | 16:42 |
electricus | i'm also in the middle of a snapshot | 16:42 |
electricus | i think the nuances are related to the way proxmox-ve distro has set things up | 16:43 |
electricus | you manage it mostly with a web gui and i think that's why it might be a little different than the way it normally may be | 16:43 |
cyberanger | electricus: no signs vm_stor in use, clearly see two out of three from pve (and reasonable to surmise the third (swap) is in use too | 16:47 |
electricus | what about /dev/mapper ? | 16:48 |
electricus | it's showing the disks for 102 and 103 and the snapshot in progress | 16:49 |
electricus | i'm just new to all this lvm stuff. | 16:49 |
electricus | i like it..but i don't know enough about it. just keep reading ..just keep reading .. I know :-) | 16:50 |
cyberanger | /dev/mapper/vm_stor-vm-102-disk-1 | 16:50 |
cyberanger | for example ^ | 16:50 |
electricus | yes | 16:51 |
electricus | that is a live running vm.. | 16:51 |
cyberanger | electricus: lvm is one I'm still working out at times too (rsync I've got down ;-)) | 16:51 |
electricus | that is actually my new mail server i worked so hard on | 16:51 |
electricus | haha.. | 16:51 |
electricus | i understand | 16:51 |
cyberanger | /dev/mapper/vm_stor-vm-103-disk-1 ? | 16:51 |
electricus | well what is most awesome about it is that i'm taking a full snapshot of the machine right now (while it's running) and dumping it onto external storage :-) | 16:52 |
electricus | how cool is that! | 16:52 |
electricus | and you can also move volumes around from machine to machine with no downtime | 16:52 |
electricus | what's weird is looking at the ls -l output and it shows "brw-rw---- 1 root disk 253, 3 " | 16:53 |
cyberanger | LV VG Attr LSize Origin Snap% Move Log Copy% Convert | 16:54 |
electricus | i'm assuming the 'b' is block device and then you have the blocks and sectors instead of size and so forth | 16:54 |
cyberanger | vzsnap-proxmox-0 vm_stor swi-ao 1.00G vm-102-disk-1 11.52 | 16:54 |
electricus | ya..isn't that cool | 16:55 |
electricus | i guess you don't mount lvm raw in the traditional sense necessarily | 16:55 |
electricus | well..anyway, i'm heading to lunch | 16:56 |
electricus | later | 16:56 |
cyberanger | that suggests your backup is going well, it's making it's own logical volume for snapshots, I'm aware of snapshots, but I just rsync one partition (/var/www/mirror) and some files in /etc (mostly pertaining to bind9 squid & apache) | 16:56 |
cyberanger | electricus: seems lvm has something else in mind, yes | 16:57 |
cyberanger | and uh, good luck at a 4pm lunch | 16:57 |
wrst | howdy everyone | 19:00 |
cyberanger | Bonjour wrst | 19:15 |
wrst | cyberanger: how you doing? | 19:23 |
cyberanger | wrst: not much atm | 19:45 |
cyberanger | bonjour cosmicpizza | 19:45 |
cyberanger | hola average_guy | 19:45 |
cosmicpizza | hey cyberanger | 19:45 |
average_guy | hello cyberanger | 19:45 |
wrst | cyberanger: that's a good thing i hope | 19:46 |
wrst | howdy, average_guy cosmicpizza | 19:46 |
cyberanger | How's everybody doing | 19:46 |
average_guy | Hi wrst | 19:46 |
* wrst is doing well for a monday | 19:47 | |
cyberanger | wrst: old chinese curse "May you live in intresting times" followed by new american curse (Great Recession inspired) "May you endlessly look for work" | 19:47 |
average_guy | I'm doing pretty good today, how are you guys? | 19:47 |
cyberanger | tossed with the lack of renewal on another computer project (this one is not a suprise, company wanting the work is in a rocky spott too) | 19:48 |
cyberanger | average_guy: reasonably well | 19:51 |
average_guy | I have talked in here much lately because I been using win7 fairly exclusively | 19:55 |
average_guy | this is the first I've really messed with it | 19:56 |
wrst | average_guy: don't let that keep you from commenting :) | 19:57 |
wrst | how do you like it? | 19:57 |
average_guy | I appreciate how well all of microsoft's applications integrate together | 19:57 |
average_guy | most linux ppl are windows bashers, no me so much | 20:00 |
average_guy | I prefer linux tho | 20:01 |
wrst | average_guy: i'm no windows fan but to so its total crap is a little bit not exactly true | 20:01 |
wrst | well vista was :) | 20:01 |
average_guy | I've never actually seen vista wrst. I've heard a lotta negative comments about it though. Seems like it was pretty much just a test platform for a lot of the features now available in 7 | 20:04 |
wrst | average_guy: it was awful | 20:05 |
average_guy | I am a big fan of XP. It is the first OS I really learned inside and out | 20:06 |
wrst | thing that bothers me about MS is how they do a awful release followed with a fairly solid release seems to be hwo they do it | 20:06 |
average_guy | Well wrst, most linux distros are the same | 20:06 |
average_guy | they do lots of small releases testing new things (like unity) and then they do a major release | 20:07 |
average_guy | the diffrence is that with Microsoft, if you spent the money on an in-between release (like vista or ME) yer boned | 20:09 |
average_guy | Microsoft is not too bad as long as you have a zillion dollars to spend | 20:10 |
wrst | yeah average_guy and ubuntu well tell you to use the LTS on large deployments | 20:10 |
wrst | *will tell | 20:11 |
average_guy | Yeah wrst, Microsoft won't TELL you | 20:11 |
wrst | plus you aren't out money just aggervation | 20:12 |
wrst | if you stay with somthing like RHEL, Debian stable, Ubuntu LTS you are going to have a solid solid system | 20:13 |
wrst | oh cyberanger I am liking debian more and more the more I use it | 20:13 |
average_guy | tru, and don't get me wrong, I still believe linux is far superior | 20:14 |
wrst | oh average_guy but the thing is use what works best for you :) | 20:15 |
wrst | there are applications where windows may be the best choice | 20:15 |
average_guy | I believe open-source is really the only way for good stable code to evolve | 20:16 |
binarymutant | +1M | 21:44 |
cyberanger | average_guy: I have been using debian fairly exclusively, hasn't kept me from commenting on my opinions of ubuntu & win7 (it's Microsuck, and ubuntu's going down a dead alley blind, in reguards to unity) | 22:24 |
cyberanger | granted, I'm also a loudmouth, so take my comments with a grain of salt | 22:25 |
cyberanger | wrst: testing or stable? | 22:25 |
average_guy | I like debian cyberanger, and I take everything with a grain of salt | 22:27 |
cyberanger | average_guy: lol, cool (and maybe take two grains for me then, lol) testing or stable? | 22:28 |
average_guy | I have debian-stable on one of my machines cyberanger | 22:30 |
average_guy | I prefer arch though | 22:31 |
average_guy | this week.. | 22:31 |
cyberanger | average_guy: I like the similarities to arch & debian testing, seems I've got a debian leaning (after years of that, plus projects that meddle with key debian components, like apt) | 22:34 |
johnhaitas | distro flamewar? | 22:35 |
cyberanger | johnhaitas: so far I don't think so, but different opinions on the distros we use, perhaps | 22:38 |
cyberanger | now, if I had time to get started on unity & centos, I think we could have a flamewar | 22:38 |
cyberanger | why do I keep presuming I'm gonna leave a work site on time :-/ | 22:41 |
average_guy | I flame no distro, to each his own.. | 22:42 |
johnhaitas | average_guy: good policy | 22:42 |
johnhaitas | average_guy: +! | 22:42 |
johnhaitas | *+1 | 22:42 |
cyberanger | I flame every distro, equal oppurnity hater | 22:42 |
cyberanger | but I like average_guy's idea better, less rage involved | 22:43 |
average_guy | I'm far to apathetic to HATE anything | 22:44 |
binarymutant | how can debian and ubuntu be a flame war...? | 22:46 |
binarymutant | it's the same | 22:46 |
average_guy | rut row | 22:46 |
average_guy | wrong thing to say | 22:46 |
binarymutant | oh noes | 22:47 |
cyberanger | yep, he just loaded my gun | 22:47 |
binarymutant | what's the diff. cyberanger ? | 22:47 |
binarymutant | :D | 22:47 |
cyberanger | binarymutant: for time sake on my end, I'll merely point at unity, if you can install it on debian, I'll drop that statement when I get back | 22:48 |
binarymutant | cyberanger: you can install on debian :D | 22:48 |
cyberanger | or manage to install iceweasel on ubuntu | 22:48 |
cyberanger | within apt | 22:48 |
binarymutant | you can :D | 22:49 |
binarymutant | with iceweasel enable the debian sid repo and apt-get it | 22:49 |
binarymutant | with unity, bzr pull it, compile, and run :D | 22:50 |
cyberanger | binarymutant: I'll be more in depth when I get back on the reasons I use debian instead | 22:50 |
cyberanger | (and a stunt like that is why debuntu exists wrst ^^) | 22:50 |
cyberanger | bbl | 22:50 |
cyberanger | meeting time, and I'm late again :-/ | 22:50 |
* cyberanger detaches screen, crawls out window | 22:50 | |
binarymutant | heh or really you could just add ubuntu's repos and apt-get it, vice-versa | 22:53 |
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