
mandelmorning all!!!07:58
karniGood morning!08:29
JamesTaitHappy morning, everyone! :D08:37
mandelgatox, buenas!11:33
gatoxmandel, how are you?11:33
mandelgatox, find, you had to do a huge review: https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-client/u1sdtool-multiplatform/+merge/8008811:33
mandelgatox, so, I'm of to walk the dog and let the brain rest a little :P11:34
gatoxmandel, ok11:34
gatoxralsina, morniing11:47
ralsinagood morning gatox11:48
=== adorilson_ is now known as adorilson
mvohi, I'm hit by bug #875999 - can anyone suggest me a workaround?12:22
ubot4Launchpad bug 875999 in tomboy (Ubuntu) "cannot synchronise with ubuntuone in spite of success... (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87599912:22
ryemvo, looking12:36
dobeyralsina: morning, sinner!12:46
ralsinadobey: haha12:46
mvothanks rye - let me know if I can be of any help, tomboy --debug did not not much that looked useful to me, but I'm happy to pastebin it to you (once I edited out the token info in  there ;)12:47
ryemvo, was it a fresh install?12:50
mvorye: a upgrade from natty, but probably even older than that (can't remember what version this machine started out with)12:51
ralsinadobey, mandel, gatox, alecu: standup in 9'12:51
gatoxralsina, ack12:51
mvorye: I added tomboy --debug output to the bug now https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tomboy/+bug/875999/comments/312:51
ubot4Launchpad bug 875999 in tomboy (Ubuntu) "cannot synchronise with ubuntuone in spite of success... (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]12:51
ralsinanessita is probably checking in at design sprint or something like that12:51
ryemvo, ok12:52
rye[DEBUG 14:17:05.161] GetConfiguredSyncService is null12:52
ryeok, testing tomboy then12:52
mvothanks, let me know if I can do more, fwiw, this debug line "GetConfiguredSyncService is null" is not always there, I just ran it again and this time it won't work but the line is missing, the last is: "[DEBUG 14:50:45.449] Successfully authorized web sync12:53
mvorye: mterry from #ubuntu-desktop just helped me with the solution, its using http instead of https, that makes it work (also that of course is not really ideal)12:55
ryemvo ooh, that is interesting12:57
ryemvo, could you please tell me where did you change the https to http ?13:03
ryei don't think we even support accessing u1 over non-https connection for api13:04
beunowe don't13:04
mvorye: I go to preference/synchronisation, select tomboy web and edit the server tab there. maybe its doing automatic http->https redirects?13:05
dobeymvo: was the change to http to make the [Save] button clickable?13:06
dobeyand yes, i'm pretty sure http will just redirect to https13:06
gatoxralsina, mandel standup?13:07
ralsinaoh, right13:07
dobeywas hoping he wouldn't notice13:07
ryemvo, hmm, i think i saw that, was that first time you tried to use tomboy on that installation, or previously it was configured too (e.g. on natty) and it broke sync now?13:08
ralsinalet's skip it today13:09
ralsinaJust TODAY, ok?13:09
dobeytoday, tomorrow, and the next 2 weeks?13:10
ralsinanext week I may not be around at standup time because of UDS, I don't know13:10
gatoxralsina, ahhhhhh didn't we mention to do the standup at 10.30?13:10
ralsinagatox: oh, THAT, too13:10
ralsinaanyone changed the calendar?13:10
gatoxralsina, maybe that's way mandel and alecu are not here13:10
dobeyralsina: you are not going to be doing standup from thursday until after UDS13:10
mvorye: I think that used to work on this box, but its my main laptop so it got a lot of churn during the natty->oneiric dev cycle13:11
ralsinadobey: right13:11
mvodobey: aha, that would explain it I think, just typing in the field13:11
ralsinadobey: but not everyone is at UDS this year, so I expect *some* work to get done ;-)13:11
dobeyralsina: sure13:11
gatoxralsina, do you prefer standup or status e-mails?? (i mean... if you are busy to be connected always for standup)13:12
ralsinaI am trying to take my remaining vacation after UDS, so maybe even a little later than that for me13:12
ralsinagatox: I think easiest is just do the standup and mail it to me?13:12
gatoxralsina, ack13:12
ralsinagatox: I will try to have the weekly 1-1s anyway13:12
dobeyspeaking of post-UDS holidays13:13
dobey"Awaiting Sign Off" :)13:13
ralsinadobey: on it13:13
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
dobeyman, half of millbank is already there13:15
alecuhello all!13:23
gatoxalecu, hi13:23
alecuhi gatox. Did we already have the standup, or have we moved it like mandel suggested?13:24
gatoxalecu, it was canceled for today13:24
alecugatox, ok, thanks!13:24
gatoxalecu, but i think that is at 10:30 now... we agreed on that..13:25
alecugatox, but why was it canceled? I don't remember hearing about that.13:26
dobeyyes, i think we reached quorum on that :)13:26
dobey09:09 < ralsina> let's skip it today13:26
ralsinaI changed it to 10:30 a few minutes ago, but let''s skip it just for today.13:28
* ralsina is selfish and busy doing something else13:28
ralsinadobey, alecu: congrats on having your stuff approved at canonicaladmin, you're welcome yadda yadad13:30
dobeyralsina: sinner!13:30
* ralsina unapproves dobey's13:30
dobeyralsina: cthulhu's grace be upon you13:30
ralsinamay he lay his mouthtacles on you13:31
dobeyugh. i hateses this weather that hates on my sinuses13:34
dobeyman, some companies need to get their act in order, when buying stuff from them13:35
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mandelralsina, gatox yeah, we changed the time, righ?13:37
* mandel is 5 min late :(13:37
ralsinamandel: the time is changed, yes13:37
ralsinamandel: but it's ok, we are skipping it today (among other thigns because noone changed the time)13:38
dobeyi bought something on thursday, came home saturday to a slip in my mailbox saying i need to pick it up at post office today since i wasn't home, and i *just* got a "your order has shipped" notification13:38
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* ralsina knows it's *his* fault, yes13:38
mandelralsina, ouch! well not a big deal, how is UDS?13:38
ralsinamandel: next weekish!13:38
dobeyyeah, wrong week13:38
alecuralsina, how is the design sprint?13:38
ralsinaalecu: not here! ;-)13:39
mandelralsina, is it next week, he I'm in  a diff day :P13:39
ralsinaalecu: I am not going to design sprint13:39
dobeymandel: you can judge how good it is, by how much i will be on irc :)13:39
mandeldobey, hahahaha13:39
alecuralsina, oh, ok. nessita is going, right_13:39
mandeldobey, I have already sme feelings about uds :P13:39
ralsinaalecu: yes, she's probably getting there13:39
dobeymandel: i probably won't be on irc much if any :)13:39
mandelalecu, I have some work to do regarding pykeyring-delete-key landing on their trunk and some work with auto update, can we catch up later regarding proxies13:40
mandelalecu, also, did a partial review on nessitas MEGA branch, I like the new IPC design, but i think ipc_client could be made even smarter (but not in that MP)13:40
alecumandel, nice! Please make sure to open a bug with a description of your idea, so we don't forget to work on that later.13:41
dobeymandel: yo se con las damas ;)13:41
ralsinadobey: you know checkers?13:42
mandeldobey, oh.. dont get me started, since I'm in madrid I've been getting into trouble :)13:42
dobeyralsina: i *am* the king.13:43
ralsinadobey: damas == checkers in spanish too (just in case ;-)13:43
mandeldobey, we should open our own channel where being pc is not allowed :)13:44
mandel#ifyoudontswearyouareapussy or something13:45
ralsinamandel: slow down a bit there, ok?13:47
mandelralsina, in the channel, or here :)13:48
ralsinain the channel, what happens in madrid stays in madrid or whatever13:48
* ralsina looks for his boss hat. Probably it's under the table.13:49
mandelralsina, hahaha I'm not saying anything that happens in madrid :)13:49
mandelralsina, dont worry too much hehehe13:49
mandelI'm not THAT bad!13:49
dobeyralsina: drink you under the table, like a bawse?13:49
ralsinadobey: no comments13:50
mandelralsina, oh, you mean this channel, right?13:50
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dobeymandel: obviously :)13:50
mandelralsina, ut I've been behaving very well lately, no sweare words no nothing13:51
mandeltwitter might be a diff story :P13:51
ralsinaok, let's keep it that way and let's go back to coding ;-)13:52
dobeyvoltaire isn't in that song though13:52
gatoxalecu, i have in my power the blu-rays of Battlestar Galactica! my purchase has arrived! :D14:37
alecugatox, coool!14:37
alecugatox, now you need the bluray player, right? :-)14:37
gatoxalecu, i already have it :D14:37
alecugatox, is it a stand-alone or one for the computer?14:38
gatoxalecu, stand alone14:38
alecugatox, mandel wants to play BSG during the sprint...14:44
alecugatox, are you staying any more days after the sprint?14:45
alecugatox, if not, then let's schedule a game for wed or thu aftersprint in my house.14:46
gatoxalecu, i'm leaving at saturday night..... i want to play too!! or i need to stay more? :P14:46
alecugatox, :-)14:46
gatoxalecu, i'm leaving one day after the sprint just to play bsg!14:46
alecugatox, \o/14:47
alecumandel, then buy your tickets accordingly!14:47
mandelalecu, I will!14:47
mandelgatox, where are you staying?14:47
gatoxalecu, i did! :P14:47
gatoxmandel, at the hotel?? i'll pay the extra day14:48
mandelgatox, seems reasonable.. I'll do the same :)14:49
alecugatox, mandel: then make sure to share the room, so you can split the difference!14:51
mandelgatox, true!14:52
gatoxalecu, good idea14:52
alecugatox, mandel: and probably the company should cover the friday night, so you don't really need to pay the extra day.14:52
dobeylunch and errands. bbiab14:59
ralsinaerrands and lunch, will be back!15:16
mandeldobey,  sudo apt-get build-dep ubuntuone-control-panel should install PyQt4, right?15:19
mandeldobey, as well as ubutuone-dev-tools?15:26
dobeymandel: yes15:33
mandeldobey, so where do I file a bug?15:37
dobeymandel: depends. what's the problem?15:39
mandeldobey, I have a new machine, used that apt-get command for the ubuntuone-control-panel package and did not get the PyQt4 libs15:40
dobeymandel: did you add the nightlies PPA deb/deb-src?15:40
dobeymandel: the ubuntu proper packages won't pull those in15:41
mandeldobey, oh.. I did not, sorry15:41
mandeldobey, I forgot waht pacakage was needed to install so that the gtk gui tests did not show the actual windows, which one is it?15:50
dobeymandel: xvfb15:52
mandeldobey, thx15:55
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
mandelalecu, gatox can I have reviews for https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-control-panel/auto-update-functions/+merge/8023716:43
mandeland with that EOD for me, catch you all tom!16:43
gatoxmandel, ok!116:44
gatoxmandel, just a little fix it's needed in your branch17:07
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gatoxeod.... i'll stay connectedd if someoone needs anything18:07
ralsinabye gatox!18:08
ralsinahappy ninja-izing! (yes, we all know what you do!)18:08
gatoxralsina, jejeje i have tto rest for a while first :P18:09
=== gatox is now known as gatox_nap_brb
nessitahello crowd!18:18
dobeyhola nessita18:18
nessitahow's it going dobey?18:19
ralsinahi nessita18:19
nessitahi ralsina18:20
ralsinahow was the trip?18:20
dobeynessita: meh. git is annoying, and amazon won't let me give them money :P18:21
nessitaok, is official, internet at the hotel sucks ;-)18:21
nessitaralsina: how are things going?18:22
ralsinanessita: boring18:22
ralsinanessita: I am doing paperwork, mostly18:22
nessitaralsina: ok, I'm about to drop dead from the tiredness and sleepiness... I will catch up with emails and then probably sleep18:23
ralsinanessita: trip preparations, trying to get construction workers out of my house before I leave, not a single enjoyable thing done in like 3 days18:23
ralsinanessita: go rest and be readhy to catch the evil stuff in design sprint before it hits us :-)18:23
dobeyralsina: don't lie! you trolled the christians! that was enjoyable! you twitted about how enjoyable it was even!18:25
ralsinadobey: not on working hours!18:26
ralsinadobey: but yes, that was the highlight of my week so far. So... not a good week ;-)18:26
dobeyi am trying to get a saxophone18:27
dobeybut amazon won't let me checkout18:27
ralsinadobey: best saxophones are old, used saxophones. Go to a pawn shop18:28
dobeyralsina: but then i have to get up, and go find one18:31
ralsinadobey: but you can go in one of your cars18:32
dobeyralsina: yes. but i can use amazon *and* work at the same time :)18:32
ralsinadobey: ha18:32
ralsinadobey: we need to schedule our weekly 1-118:32
ralsinadobey: what day is your favourite to talk on the phone18:32
dobeybut if my boss wants me to go scour pawn shops for a saxophone, i can take a break ;)18:33
ralsinadobey: belay that18:33
dobeyralsina: any day is fine as long it's after i'm actually awake, i think18:34
ralsinacool, I'll schedule it then18:34
mandelralsina, ping18:37
ralsinamandel: pong18:38
mandelralsina, we might want to move or 1-1 a little later since it will overlap with the new stadup time a little, right?18:38
mandelralsina, by the one, you can know edit the event :)18:38
ralsinamandel: ok, I'll do it myself ;-)18:39
mandelralsina, cool, then I'll get back to my books :)18:39
nessitaralsina: is alecu working today?18:44
ralsinanessita: he's supposed to, IIRC18:44
nessitamandel: ping18:44
ralsinanessita: he was here this morning18:44
mandelnessita, pong18:45
mandelnessita, tell me :)18:46
nessitamandel: I read most of the review comments, I will try to fix as much as I can... though some of the changes you requested are sort of functionality change that I would recommend filing a bug for that and doing in another branch. This branch, though huge, tries to stick to refactor only18:46
nessitamandel: would you be ok if I file some bugs for specific things instead of fixing in this branch?18:46
mandelnessita, ok, fix the ones you consider to be in this MP and leave the bugs for either of us :)18:46
mandelnessita, as long as we have the bug reports I'm fine with it :)18:47
mandelwe SHOULD not forget, that is all hehe18:47
nessitamandel: makes sense, thanks! I'll reply the MP later or tomorrow, after I get some rest18:47
mandelnessita, sure, take you as much time as you need, I'll make sure I do a re-review once you push the changes :)18:48
mandelnessita, see you laters, and you where missed today ;)18:48
mandeleveryone, I'm not here :P18:48
mandelgatox_nap_brb, ping?18:53
=== gatox_nap_brb is now known as gatox
duanedesignmandel: do you know what this might be? http://ubuntuone.com/6y8hyU0hRosRMW0LqEoC6O20:32
dobeyduanedesign: i think he's out getting into trouble in madrid :)20:47
duanedesignaha, sounds fun :)20:52
nessitaduanedesign: I think I know, syncdaemon is not answering to the control panel requests21:02
nessitaduanedesign: one possible situation: syncdaemon was killed because it was using too much memory21:02
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dobeyhave a good evening all!21:17
nessitabye dobey21:17
duanedesignnessita: interesting. thanks21:23
duanedesignnessita: goiong to be in Orlando next week?21:24
nessitaduanedesign: I'm in orlando already! landed a couple of hours ago21:24
duanedesignnessita: ahh! Are you guys having a sprint before UDS?21:25
nessitaduanedesign: there's the sprint design going on21:25
joshuahooverduanedesign: nessita just didn't want to be late for uds ;)21:25
duanedesignhaha, sounds like my dad. He is always an hour early for everything :)21:26
* beuno is the same21:26
duanedesignhe gets impatient waiting, so he just goes21:26
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manlymatt83Anyone around?21:50
duanedesignhello mandel21:57
duanedesignhello manlymatt8321:57
manlymatt83Where are the credentials for ubuntu one located?22:09
beunomanlymatt83, they are in the gnome keyring22:11
nessitaalecu: hey there!22:29
manlymatt83beuno: OK, thanks22:31
duanedesignthanks beuno I got distracted with tickets :)22:46

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