[00:01] sbuild. Through the web ui [00:06] ubuntu 11.10 doesn't have "sbuild" package [00:07] Package: sbuild [00:07] Priority: extra [00:07] Section: universe/devel [00:07] thanks I restarted software centre and it found it now [00:19] I got sbuild installed, are you saying there is a web UI with it ? or maybe sbuild-shell ? [00:21] there isn't. It isn't at all user friendly [00:23] so it is possible to rename a branch ? === medberry is now known as med_out [01:16] odin_: in the web ui [01:18] I am logged in and able to goto the group === med_out is now known as medberry === medberry is now known as med_out === jtv changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: jtv | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad === yofel_ is now known as yofel [07:03] Hi. [07:03] Is it normal that as a team admin I can't change my own expiration date and I have to bug someone else to take care of that? [07:07] is there a trick to creating a orig.tar.gz for source package from a dailydeb ? like can I edit debian/rules and make a target for orig.tar.gz to be "bzr export orig.tar.gz" ? [07:41] odin_: only native packages can be built from dailydeb [07:41] what is a native package ? [07:42] we have one tree from git => bzr, mirrored [07:42] maybe it's time to read some packaging documentation? [07:42] I have another tree with 'debian/**' sub-folder [07:42] recipe seems to pull both in together [07:43] yes, I know what recipes do :) [07:43] only issue is it just needs to make a source package from what it started with === james is now known as Guest95993 [07:43] can't seem to: run bzr export orig.tar.gz . [07:43] from receipe [07:43] use the 3.0 (native) source format [07:44] if you need quilt patches, you'll have to manually invoke quilt in rules [07:45] I have in the past few hours converted patches to quilt so that works [07:46] debian/source/format => "3.0 (quilt)" [07:46] as I said, only native packages can be built in dailydeb [07:47] native to what? ubuntu? debian packaging ? launchpad ? [07:51] native source packages don't have a .orig.tar.gz, only a .tar.gz [07:52] ok but I want to get away from the notion I have some kind of tarball to start with, my sources are never a tarball only a bzr branch [07:52] now the source system needs to make a tarball on the fly for the source package [07:54] yes, that's what dailydeb will do [07:55] I can't see anything significantlly different exception the debian/source/format file between the sample4_1.0.tar.gz and my package [07:55] is that a question? [07:55] exception my debian/rules does things manually since it is not a "make" app [07:56] no those lines are statements [08:01] does native format use recipie's ? [08:02] how do I "nest" twice, one for the "upstream" [08:02] and one for the "debian" folder === davidcalle_ is now known as davidcalle [08:16] bzr dailydeb gives me "ERROR: No such tag: upstream-4.7.4" [08:17] but I'm not asking it to pull a tag, I want HEAD of master for both bzr trees [08:19] Doh! didn't push the change to source/format [08:23] still get error, and debian/source/format is set "3.0 (native)" [08:25] hi, question about bzr branches and launchpad... i'm trying to create my own branches of compiz. i've created a branch of /ubuntu/oneiric/compiz at ~jamespharaoh/ubuntu/oneiric/compiz/branch-name but can't seem to create one of /ubuntu/compiz at ~jamespharaoh/ubuntu/compiz/branch-name. how am I supposed to create custom branches of the trunk like this? [08:26] afranke: expiration date for what, exactly? [08:27] my guess is, you use "bzr branch lp:/ubuntu/compiz" and make changes... the bzr add/commit... then "bzr push lp:~jamespharaoh/ubuntu/compiz/branch-name" ? [08:27] james@simba:~/projects/other/compiz/ubuntu$ bzr push lp:~jamespharaoh/ubuntu/compiz/focus-follows-mouse [08:27] bzr: ERROR: Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:~jamespharaoh/ubuntu/compiz/focus-follows-mouse": No such distribution series compiz. [08:28] and does "bzr push lp:~jamespharaoh/ubuntu__compiz__focus-follows-mouse" work ? [08:28] well yes but it doesn't link it properly [08:28] jtv, team membership? [08:29] and does "bzr push lp:~jamespharaoh/+ubuntu/+compiz/focus-follows-mouse" work ? [08:29] jtv, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-fr/+members#active [08:30] odin_: no but i think i just worked it out... the trunk is actually the precise distro [08:30] afranke: I don't know, to be honest. It's a good question. [08:30] odin_: so there's a disparity between the main branch urls and the public ones... lp:ubuntu/compiz becomes lp:~jamespharaoh/ubuntu/precise/compiz [08:30] afranke: It seems arbitrary, although in my experience any choice is arbitrary since it's almost always a guess about the future. [08:30] odin_: i've just pushed it there and it shows up in the right place on this page https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz ;-) [08:31] odin_: thanks anyway [08:31] jtv, I'm confused by that situation. What happens when teams have only one admin… can they lose their admin? [08:32] afranke: an admin is a special position; it's not a membership in the normal sense. So almost certainly not. [08:35] do I need to use this "bzt dailydeb" with --allow-fallback-to-native ? [08:35] I have changed the file debian/source/format surely now I am native ? [08:43] afranke: Teams have an owner, separate from their members and admins. [08:43] afranke: The owner doesn't have to be a member or an admin, but they have all powers that an admin has, plus more: they can create new admins, and change expiration details of existing ones. [08:43] The owner doesn't expire. [08:44] can anyone name a problem that is updated once a week (at some upstream/remote SCM system) and it automatically rebuild on launchpad without human intervention [08:44] So they can always recover the team if war breaks out between the admins and they demote each other, or if they all expire somehow. [08:44] s/problem/package/ [08:45] wgrant, what if the owner becomes inactive? [08:45] afranke: Then you're in trouble, and need to ask a Launchpad administrator to transfer the ownership. [08:45] Ok. [08:46] The owner can also be a team, but obviously eventually you have to have a root team which is a single person. [08:46] which is *owned* by a single person. [08:46] everything I look at "No recipes using this branch" are recipies bad or something ? [08:47] wgrant, ok, thanks for the info. [08:48] wgrant, so, just to check… it's by design that admins can change expiration date for other admins but not their own, right? [08:48] afranke: Well, depends what you mean by "design". [08:48] It is intentional :) [08:50] ROFL my karma is into the many 100s and I have not done anything useful yet, maybe I get 10k before end of the week at this rate [09:15] does my "nest packaging lp:~me/foo debian" have to use the name "packaging" does it have a special meaning, other than an arbitrary label ? [09:30] what is the correct debian/rule to write to run quilt, would it be correct to have: "export QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches" and then "quilt push -a" in the Makefile debian/rules ? === jtv is now known as jtv-afk === jtv-afk is now known as jtv === jtv is now known as jtv-afk [10:21] question about ppas and version numbers. i want to create a ppa with some modified packages from the core distro. firstly does that make sense? secondly how do i manage the version numbers. do i just keep mine one ahead of the ubuntu ones (-ubuntu1 becomes -ubuntu2) or should i append something (-ubunut1-james1), or what? [10:22] jamespharaoh: most people use +ppaN or ~ppaN [10:32] why does "uname -p" on the build system return "x86_64" but it installed the i386 packages ? [10:32] i.e. the default should surely be 64bit package versions for a 64bit host, and 32bit package versions for a 32bit host [10:38] maybe "uname -p" is more correct [10:39] uname -p is not safe. [10:39] dave@javelin:~$ uname -p [10:39] athlon [10:40] agreed crappy idea [10:40] odin_: i think you want, dpkg --print-architecture [10:41] what I really want is the GCC label [10:41] i686-linux-gnu or x86_64-linux-gnu [10:41] but first.... why does a 64bit CPU run a 64bit Kernel then install only 32bit packages, that is stupid [10:43] haha its x86_64 all the way [10:46] it this just an issue with the source package builders... they are 64bit but do not install any 64bit userspace ? [10:46] What's the problem with 32-bit userspace on a 64-bit kernel? [10:47] files are in the wrong place [10:47] We need to build some 32-bit packages. A 32-bit userspace is best for that. [10:47] Huh? [10:47] You shouldn't be looking at the kernel to determine architecture. [10:47] what should it be looking at? [10:47] and how does that work on dual archi systems [10:48] It's very rare that you want to do this yourself. [10:48] Are you not using standard build tools that automate this/ [10:48] ? [10:48] which thing? to configure my complex package ? [10:49] You could use output from dpkg-architecture, if you insist on doing this manually. [10:49] hint the package uses, Qt qmake, Java javac, GCC make [10:49] But it is a very rare package that needs such things. [10:50] its not an ./autoconfig && make affait [10:50] *affair [10:51] ok $DEB_BUILD_GNU_CPU looks good are these variable already set when debian/rules is run ? [10:52] or do I: eval $(dpkg-architecture) [10:53] `dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_GNU_CPU` should do. [10:53] but seriously reconsider your build system. [10:54] heh [10:55] project is 1,253,514 lines of code, feel free to send me patches to simplify that build system [10:58] odin_: "uname -m" is what you want. [10:58] odin_: It gives you the personality of the current kernel. [10:59] I tried, but source builder is 64bit OS but only installs 32bit DEBs, what I am after is what the userspace claims to be, so it can find libraries to auto-detect features [10:59] odin_: uname -m should give you a 32 bit answer on the i386 builders. [10:59] I think this $DEB_BUILD_GNU_CPU should do it, it if reports same as user-space [10:59] Even if the kernel is actually a 64 bit one. [11:00] (thanks to linux32) [11:00] no that I have just seen [11:00] uname -m = "x86_64" but the buildlog shows only i386 DEBs [11:00] Do you have logs that show this? [11:02] yup https://code.launchpad.net/~qtjambi-community/+archive/libqtjambi-snapshots/+recipebuild/106930/+files/buildlog.txt.gz [11:03] odin_: That's a source build. [11:03] scrolls to very end for UNAME outputs and then search back for another reference to x86_64 [11:03] yes indeed [11:03] Only binary builds are run under linux32. [11:04] Because source builds really shouldn't be arch-dependent... [11:04] why does it run a "make clean" anyhow ? [11:05] It calls debian/rules clean. [11:05] What debian/rules does is up to you. [11:05] In this case, possibly nothing at all. [11:06] in order to run the "clean" task of the package, it requires to know the arch [11:06] You probably need to detect that it's already clean and not call the upstream clean target. [11:09] yeah I think I can make it do that, is there a target called on debian/rules during a soruce build, like a "prepare" or a "init", I want to ensure it always runs "quilt push -a" [11:11] ah maybe "get-orig-source" would be a fair target [11:35] thanks for help past source package generation, should be ok now [12:47] hi jtv-afk (or any losa) could you arrange a full translations export for oneiric? We need to generate full language packs earlier than scheduled. The export has already been requested on the language packs page, it's just a matter of triggering the cron job. More details here: https://dev.launchpad.net/Translations/LanguagePackSchedule [12:47] dpm, I'll take a look [12:48] thanks a lot, gnuoy [12:57] dpm, its running now === yofel_ is now known as yofel [13:01] gnuoy, thanks a lot! === jtv-afk is now known as jtv [13:05] dpm, gnuoy: I'm back. Would be interested to know how long that language pack takes. [13:05] jtv, sure, hopefully the log will tell us (if I'm not about when it finishes) [13:06] jtv, gnuoy, they seem to take ~16h these days. Hopefully it will be ready before the database disconnect tomorrow morning, otherwise it will get interrupted and will need to be started anew [13:06] gnuoy: good point. [13:06] Just thinking it's something we may want to start worrying about again. === med_out is now known as medberry [13:30] Hi, is it possible to rename a project in launchpad? [13:34] johan: yes we can do that if you file a Question === Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan === rvba changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: jtv, rvba | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad === zyga is now known as zyga-afk === matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch === zyga-afk is now known as zyga === rvba changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: jtv | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad === beuno is now known as beuno-lunch === zz_joey is now known as joey [16:54] how do I make the target "patch" get run either during source generation of before "build" ? [17:10] how do you cancel a sheduled build in launchpad? === deryck is now known as deryck[lunch] === beuno-lunch is now known as beuno === deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck [18:26] I can't get the OpenID link to work properly. I'm trying to login to Disqus with the OpenID link from launchpad. Is "https://launchpad.net/~your-nickname" still the correct OpenID url to use? [18:41] christoffer: that should still work, yes. Though really login.ubuntu.com is the backing service, its probably better to use it directly [19:27] lifeless: Ok, thank you. === mpt_ is now known as mpt [22:38] is there a known mechanism to maintain a single debian/** tree for multiple versions of debian based distributions? i.e. how can I manage the "control" file better? [22:41] looks like "Build-Depends: foobar [!something]" might be useful but what are the valid "something" for Ubuntu/launchpad ? === joey is now known as zz_joey