
locodir-useri m new to ubuntu05:35
locodir-userany advice for me05:35
dholbachgood morning! :)07:07
czajkowskialoha 08:35
=== Guest27816 is now known as Mamarok
paultag\o\ |o| /o/12:24
cprofittquery popey14:24
cprofittI like that vs. ping14:25
cprofittcan I run something by you popey?14:25
popeyyou can14:25
cjohnstonczajkowski: https://rt.ubuntu.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=1823914:34
cjohnstonany chance of getting a little poke?14:34
paultagthe frack14:36
paultagdid the auth pair change?14:36
cjohnstonno fracking!14:37
paultaghttp://about.me/paultag <-- awww :)15:17
=== TheDaniel0108 is now known as Daniel0107
=== Daniel0107 is now known as Daniel0108
czajkowskicjohnston: is it a loco ticket 16:40
czajkowskicjohnston: we usually give IS two weeks 16:41
czajkowskibefore I start to poke 16:41
czajkowskithey're getting through the stuff from post release 16:41
rony_hello is any developer here for help me17:57
rony_i want to develope application for ubuntu but where to start can any one help me?17:59
h00krony_, oh you left. I was going to suggest http://developer.ubuntu.com/18:24
paultaghe must have been locodir-user from before18:37
jedijfthat's the smart bet, i was going to ping you18:41
paultagHe seems persistant (if not a bit impatient)18:41
paultagI'm sure he'll do fantastic-ly18:42
jedijflittle bit, but it's just excitement. given your conversation yesterday18:42
jedijfthe future of kernel4.0 rests on yours, and his shoulders18:42
paultagjedijf: :)18:43
paultagI wanted to give him my kernel I wrote, if he's really into kernelspace18:43
paultagbecause it's well documented and actually easy to grok18:43
paultagnot that MINIX isn't, it's just large18:43
jedijfall that info was good18:44
cjohnstonczajkowski: it will hopefully continue to imporve performance on the server, which is why its important.. thanks for the poke19:35
czajkowskicjohnston: i poked but as they said they are pretty busy19:35
cjohnstoni saw19:35
=== Ronnie1 is now known as ronnie
=== ronnie is now known as Ronnie

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