=== medberry is now known as med_out === med_out is now known as medberry === medberry is now known as med_out === yofel_ is now known as yofel [06:14] does anyone know if there is a way to remove a change from a quilt patch, rather than removing the 'popping' the whole patch? [06:16] cdunlap: if you have the original diff, apply it with patch -R and do a quilt refresh [06:16] or you an always modify the file manually if the change is not too big [06:16] can* [06:18] (and quilt refresh afterwards of course) [06:19] thanks. I have the .deb that has the original patch but I don't think I have the original diff [06:19] you cant do a lot of things with a .deb [06:20] you would at least need the source package it was built from [06:20] I think I will see what I can do with the .deb. At worst I have to start over. [06:21] Thanks for the help and direction Bachstelze [06:21] (source package is .orig.tar.gz, .diff.gz (or .debian.tar.gz) and .dsc) [06:21] depending on where you got the .deb from, the source package should not be far [07:08] good morning! :) [07:12] morning dholbach [07:13] hi ajmitch [07:36] hello ./* === almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan [08:46] howdy ho [08:47] Morning [08:47] disturbingly there have been no additions to the udd table since i switched to the new method :P [08:48] Did you b0rk it? [08:48] evidently [08:55] Laney: shouldn't your change apply to Debian as well? [08:55] it would be better to keep the same table struct as much as possible [08:57] yeah, if you can supply that data for Debian too [08:57] lucas: do you know why the updates fail for ubuntu-upload-history now? [08:57] update but no run in timestamps [08:58] Laney: I don't know [08:58] Laney: sorry, my UDD time is very limited [08:58] Laney: are you a DD? I could ask you to be added to the uddadm group [08:58] yes [08:58] if you like, that would be fine [08:58] ok, let's do that [08:59] Laney: debian login? [08:59] laney [09:01] I created the RT ticket, I'll let you know when the request is dealt with [09:01] ty [10:00] Laney: done [10:01] nice [10:13] lucas: err, how do I run things as udd? and login to postgres to alter the table? [10:13] soz [10:14] Laney: you need a sudo passwd, and then sudo -u udd -s [10:15] thought that, doesn't seem to be my d.o password though [10:15] sudo passwords are different [10:15] ok [10:15] docs? [10:15] developers reference, IIRC [10:16] or db.debian.org [10:16] yeah, that's where you set it [10:17] ah, that [10:18] cheers [12:00] Hi guys. I want to upload a kernel package I've built to launchpad, but seems I need to make a source package in other to do that. I built my packages using make-kpkg so I shouldn't be too far off, can someone point me in the right direction? [12:07] Ceno3x: didn't I point you at the kernel teams documentation a few days ago? [12:10] tumbleweed: indeed you did, but I still haven't figured it out, so I thought I'd try my luck again. sorry man, I'm under a bit of pressure to have this done quickly === yofel_ is now known as yofel === med_out is now known as medberry === Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan === al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away [16:45] Laney: another qa script (to move to ubuntuwire when we have udd there) http://ubuntu-dev.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/neglected-packages.cgi [16:45] nice [16:46] * Laney is trying to write a "who has made uploads to orphaned packages" query [16:47] Hi, I'm fixing a small bug (missing dependency in debian/control) and have a few questions: 1) should I generate the patch against the debian/ directory only (as explained in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing) or a debdiff? 2) Since I need to get a sponsor for my patch and I'm working on the fix, is it right to subscribe ubuntu-sponsors and add the "patch" tag to the LP bug, but to set the bug status to "In Progress" and assign it to myself? T [16:47] hanks. [16:47] 1) debdiff is fine, 2) subscribe sponsors, status to confirmed, no assignee [16:48] OK, thanks [19:10] gilir: I'm assuming we don't want a dev version of abiword for the LTS, right? [19:11] micahg, only if a stable release is planned during this cycle :) [19:11] ok, so I'll merge the last fix from testing this weekend before the dev version migrates (not sure that a stable version will land this cycle) [19:13] sounds good, thanks :) [19:14] and Abiword 3.0 is GTK 3 only [19:14] or most likely will be [19:23] micahg: a sync request has been filed I think already [19:24] (for abiword 2.9, I mean) [19:24] mr_pouit: do you think we should take it? [19:24] I'm happy to comment on it and request it not be brought in [19:25] since the official website says explicitly that it's a development release, I think it's better not to sync it [19:25] ok, so, we're all on the same page [19:25] :) [19:26] Bug #881386 [19:26] Launchpad bug 881386 in abiword (Ubuntu) "Sync abiword 2.9.1-0.1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/881386 [19:27] oh, you already replied ;-) [19:27] yep :) [19:27] and \sh isn't around to discuss... [19:28] mr_pouit: sorry, I should've highlighted you originally as well :) [19:30] no worry, I saw the sync request this morning and I was thinking about it as well [20:08] hm what to do when a package has no patchsystem [20:08] but uses patch in debian rules to patch something in debian/package-name [20:08] now I need to add a patch that changes the source itself [20:08] add patch < patch, patch -R < to debian rules? [20:08] if it's currently applying patches by hand, it wouldn't hurt to add another one [20:09] otherwise just patch directly [20:09] the problem with using aptch in rules is how does one recognize that it was already applied [20:09] or does nto need to be reversed [20:10] clearly that's a problem it either already has to deal with, or simply ignores [20:10] no it onlypatches debian/package-name/... [20:10] one does not need to reverse there [20:10] oh I misunderstood [20:10] change the source directly [20:11] yes probably simplest [20:11] its an pretty bad package, 3.9.1 standard but many pretty bad looking lintian errors ._. [20:12] bitlbee btw [20:12] the lovely thing about being a debian derivative is that we don't have to care about bad packages too much :) we just fix the bug we are there for and move on [20:25] jtaylor: Seems the bitlbee packaging for debian is actually done upstream.. [20:26] is that why it's so bad? :) [20:27] would explain why its not up to date to current packaging practices [20:32] Comment at the head of the rules file is interesting :)