[00:14] internalkernel1: you really thought i didn't know what fsck was? heh. [00:15] hey... fsck you [00:15] :P [00:15] hahaha [00:15] I thought it was strange you were asking... [00:15] yo dawg, I heard you like to check your filesystems... [00:15] Im in San Fran... jet lagged and working 15 hour days... [00:15] I fsck my filesystems all up and down... [00:16] eff-suck [00:17] * BugeyeD was in seattle last week [00:17] never been before, loved it. [00:17] accidentally ended up micro$oft campus first night, though. gave me a real scare. [00:17] lol... [00:17] I went to seattle in june, first time for me too... [00:18] I dug it [00:18] and diarrhea [00:18] whoa... tmi [00:18] you hit the fish market didn't you? [00:18] not really, just a sudden urge to exit the car and take leave a gift somewhere on campus [00:18] pike market, yes. cool stuff. [00:19] awesome... your welcome Bill Gates [00:19] I <3 geek humor! [00:20] and now that I am learning python I really feel all geekish [00:20] I just wanna write scripts and not have to ask other people to do it for me [00:20] is that to much for a girl to want [00:20] but its easier when other people do it... [00:20] you just can't complain... [00:21] diamonds, pearls, gold and the knowledge to write my own scripts [00:21] whoa... huny... [00:21] internalkernel1, um you are talking to me - I can't not complain you know that [00:21] for a lady you're kinda stepping out of your comfort zone... [00:22] hahahaha lady and me in the same sentence - I <3 you! [00:22] sorry, like I said jet lagged and 15 hour days... [00:22] a bit slap happy... I had to restrain myself since we are in a logged channel... [00:22] hehe [00:24] * BugeyeD loves python [00:24] akgraner: why are you learning? [00:26] b/c I want to write scripts and I want to understand things like summit and stuff [00:26] I keep running into areas I need help with but I wouldn't if I knew python [00:26] and I am learning drupal too [00:27] my friend emma jane 's new book is called Drupal User's Guide and it's awesome [00:27] she also wrote Front End Drupal... [00:27] and after this I want to learn django [00:31] ewwww, php [00:31] * BugeyeD doesn't trust php. almost as many security bugs as windows [00:31] *gasp* - did i really just say that? [00:35] well, yeah you did say that... [00:36] I've found that a lot of the bugs are due to poorly written php and escalated privs on the server... not necessarily php itself. [00:37] but who wants to audit everyone's code... mine as well write it yourself. [00:44] might as well write in python instead [00:45] want to learn a new framework? might as well be twisted, if you want to be able to do some truly cool network-related stuff [02:34] akgraner: summit? the event or some kind of software? [02:35] and into what areas are you running, that python knowledge would help? [02:35] i asked awhile back how i could possibly contribute with a little bit of python knowledge, but never really got much of a straight answer [12:15] good morning NC [12:18] BugeyeD: akgraner tells me you're looking for ways to contribute to loco-directory? [12:42] morning mhall119 [12:45] mhall119: i was just fishing for ways i might be able to contribute with my weak python-fu [12:45] not that i have any spare time, but you never know [12:51] BugeyeD: well we're always looking for help on loco.ubuntu.com, it's a python/django webapp [12:57] mhall119: i don't know jack about django. i use python for sysadmin work and standalone non-web apps (eg backups, automated file transfer systems, etc.) ... [12:57] so i may not be much help up front [13:01] BugeyeD: django is easy, you'll be able to start contributing in no time === jack is now known as Guest33842 [14:12] well frap. browser check identifies Java version insecure, but partner repo hasn't released a fix yet