[00:22] ok, all the winner emails are out :) [00:23] pleia2, thank you! [00:23] already added the announcement link to UWN googledoc [00:23] so cross that off the list [00:23] thanks :) [01:22] pleia2, if you have a second can you update the Ubuntu Women portion of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Teams please - (if not I'll do it once I've contacted all the teams on the list) [01:22] sure [01:23] That page is so borked [01:26] akgraner: done [01:27] thank you - I'm emailing Rick now about the Canonical teams - those are sooooo wrong [03:01] Ubuntu Friendly isn't on that list [03:01] and it might become mighty useful Real Soon Now [03:02] http://benjaminkerensa.com/2011/10/23/uefi-headaches-begin-linux/ === Guest27816 is now known as Mamarok