
nigelbGood morning00:09
nigelbUgh firecrackers.00:10
cprofittmorning nigelb00:17
nigelbHey there cprofitt00:19
duanedesignmorning nigelb00:43
nigelbhey duanedesign00:44
cprofittnigelb: are you attending UDS?00:45
duanedesignnigelb: do not suppose you have any experience with GoDaddy?00:45
duanedesignI am asking people at random hoping i will find someone. :) Having trouble setting up my domain name00:46
cprofittI do not use GoDaddy, but similar service00:46
duanedesigncprofitt: i am giving it one more try. I am having trouble figuring out the interface and pointing the domain name to my ip00:51
nigelbcprofitt: Remotely :)00:52
nigelbduanedesign: Yes, don't use them.00:52
nigelbduanedesign: I mean, yes I have experience, but don't use them if you can help it :)00:53
greg-gduanedesign: I second the do not use godaddy statement. Horrible UI and service. Use gandi.net01:19
ahathawayHello Community Team!03:06
ahathawayI am looking for some assistance in regaining official LoCo status for the US-MA-LoCo team and I wanted to speak with someone to develop a plan.03:07
pleia2ahathaway: the folks you want to talk to are the loco council, they hang out in #ubuntu-locoteams and have a mailing list at loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com03:43
pleia2plenty of us are in loco teams, but they can help you with a strategy too :)03:44
pleia2mostly it's "have events" and "document what you do"03:44
ScottLack, jcastro i screwed up trying to register a blueprint for uds-p, i wouldn't blame you if you yelled at me03:57
nigelbScottL: Can I help fix it?03:59
ahathawayGreat thanks pleia2 and sorry I did not respond earlier04:20
pleia2ahathaway: no worries, it's common (most of us never log off, so lag between responses can be hours :))04:22
ahathawayHaha, thanks.  With that I will be logging off.04:25
dholbachgood morning06:46
alouriegood morning06:50
dholbachjcastro, do you have blueprint-accepting powers?08:39
nigelbdholbach: he's a "driver", he has all-powers (I think)08:52
alouriedholbach: hi09:41
alourieI've added some accomplishments09:41
popeyGood morning $community!10:02
dholbachhey popey10:04
Pendulummorning popey10:05
alouriedholbach: I'm checking the Harvest now...how does it work?10:37
alourieseems to find a lot of old bugs :-)10:37
dholbachalourie, Harvest itself is pretty stupid, it merely aggregates data from other places and displays it in a way, so contributors can find stuff that interests them easily10:38
alouriedholbach: that's what I figured. But too many old bugs would not help to solve it I think...10:39
dholbachif it's a problem in the data sources, it'd be great if you could file a bug on harvest-data and give an example10:39
dholbachHarvest is only as good as its data sources are10:39
alouriedholbach: ok, how would I know? Is there a way to figure what the source is?10:43
dholbachalourie, just file it on harvest-data if you don't know, but on Harvest you should see the "category" of the opportunity - that's basically the data source10:44
alouriedholbach: ah, ok10:44
dholbachhttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~harvest-dev/harvest-data/trunk/view/head:/opportunities has the URLs, but for filing a bug on harvest-data you don't exactly need them10:44
alouriedholbach: filed :-)10:48
alouriemaybe the point here is to limit matches in time?10:49
dholbachI'll reassign the bug to harvest-data10:52
ScottLnigelb, i don't know, you might....11:03
ScottLi made a blueprint original before i even considered suggesting it for uds-p11:03
ScottLthen i decided i would suggest it for uds-p11:03
ScottLafter doing so i realized that the name i used didn't follow the $track-p-$name convenction11:04
ScottLthis blueprint was under 'ubuntustudio' project11:04
ScottLso i made a new one under 'ubuntu' as 'kernel-p-lowlatency-kernel'11:05
ScottLand i wanted to supersede my original but can't now11:05
ScottLand i can't find the 'kernel-p-lowlatency-kernel' blueprint currently (or i couldn't last night)11:06
cjohnstonyou wont see the new one until the kernel lead approves it11:07
ScottLah, that is what i kinda figured, cjohnston11:08
ScottLunfortunately, i still have two blueprints suggested for uds-p at this point though11:08
* ScottL is heading to work, i'll be on as scott-work in around 35 minutes11:10
cjohnstonScottL: set the definition to superseaded11:10
czajkowskijussi: hows you ?11:32
scott-workcjohnston: i saw your comment in the logs, but a question....12:07
cjohnstoni will try12:07
scott-workif my second blueprint, the one submitted for uds-p proper, is not approved i would still wish to use the first blueprint as a focus point for the ubuntu studio team's development12:08
cjohnstoni believe you could unsuperseed it12:08
scott-workif a mark the first blueprint as 'superseded' will i be able to change this back to something else ?12:08
cjohnstonI believe so12:08
cjohnstondon't quote me12:08
scott-workah, you answered my question....outstanding12:08
cjohnston(in other words, don't yell at me if it happens to not work :-P)12:09
scott-workhehe, actually i just tried it and it seems to work properly, thank you cjohnston :)12:09
cjohnstonakgraner: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-p-news-team-goals could you please define in the title who's goals for the P cycle13:21
cjohnstonakgraner: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-p-leadership-team too please13:22
cjohnstonakgraner: also, are there supposed to be two UWN/news team sessions13:31
nigelbpopey: You missed /fail or was it /win :D13:40
popeyi have aliases13:42
popey /1 goes to first window, /20 to 20th etc13:42
nigelbpopey: There was some irony there that you missed :P13:42
nigelbpopey: More jelabis today?13:44
nigelbOr was everyone way?13:44
popeyheh, not today13:44
popeyquiet office13:44
nigelbI can't hear anything. So. Many. Firecrackers.13:44
popeybut some celebration in the canteen13:44
nigelbNow I remember I want to get some jelabis.13:45
* nigelb goes foraging for it.13:45
dholbachnigelb, enjoy13:50
* snap-l loved it when it was Dewali. So much good food. :)14:06
dholbachhey jono14:24
cprofitthello all14:30
jonohey dholbach14:31
nigelbdholbach: :)14:47
nigelbIts amazing fun out in the streets around me.14:47
nigelbSo much lights and sounds. Jumped a couple of times when an eunexpected cracker burst :)14:47
cprofittnigelb: what are they celebrating?14:58
nigelbcprofitt: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diwali14:58
cprofittvery interesting14:59
cprofittthanks for the link14:59
cprofittदीपावली की शुभकामनाएं15:00
cprofittthat is a beautiful script alphabet and language15:01
nigelbMy mother tongue --> ദീപാവലി ആശംസകള്‍15:11
popeycprofitt: best part is the sweets :D15:11
cprofittsweets are always good....15:15
cprofittnigelb: tamil?15:15
nigelbcprofitt: Malayalam15:28
bkerensa=/ UPS is failwhale and keeps reusing their old tracking numbers that or they are delivering my package somewhere in LA today :P15:36
czajkowskiwhoo cover for from vega has been dispatched as has new laptop battery and now am all packed :D16:16
popeywe sending you home to Eire? :D16:21
czajkowskieven the mothership has fully accepted I'm not going home any more16:22
czajkowskithough we have to wangle xmas yet16:22
czajkowskiI need to get a disc removeed my back so trying to get it done then so I can take few days off and get back on my feet in 2 weeks16:22
cprofittow, sorry to hear that czajkowski16:23
cprofittmy mon had issues with a disk in her back... those are not fun16:23
czajkowskiah tis grand used to it16:23
cprofittI hope all goes well16:23
* bkerensa is going to California for Xmas16:34
* bkerensa will likely bring a Ubuntu Travel Kit :D16:34
dholbachalright my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow16:40
jononight dholbach16:46
dholbachbye jono16:48
nigelbjcastro: The logo is complicated.17:13
nigelbIts white on transparent.17:13
nigelbAnd you get to see it only when you look at it with an organge background.17:13
nigelbhrm, jorge seems to be away.17:14
cjohnstonjono: did you see the updates to loco.u.c?20:02
jonocjohnston, checking20:15
jonocjohnston, what is new?20:16
jonothe theme?20:16
cjohnstonthe rename....20:16
czajkowskijono: http://loco.ubuntu.com/about-loco/setup/20:16
czajkowskithat ^^^^20:16
cjohnstonand the openid issues should be fixed... yay for that one20:17
czajkowskioh I hope so20:17
czajkowskiso many times that bug gets raised20:17
jonooh cool :-)20:20
czajkowskiall on one page rather than trailing through the wiki pages20:21
czajkowskisimples :)20:21
czajkowskistupir meerkat add stuck in my head20:21
czajkowskirght sleep20:22

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