
RAOFI plan to.00:08
RAOFBut possibly on a hard drive with a lower rate of bad sector growth.00:08
SarvattRAOF: e6420? :)00:09
brycehheya Sarvatt - ideas on the brightness failing to reset after resume bugs?  I checked gnome-power-manager but not finding obvious signs that it was a regression.  You got any ideas?  Kernel?00:11
Sarvatti have no idea, was bugging kamal about those last week. its either kernel or userspace and definitely not x-x-v-intel at any rate00:13
brycehyeah trying to figure out a more sensible home for them00:13
brycehprobably some ACPI wonkiness00:14
achiangbryceh: sorry for sticking my nose in here, but might that be related to also not saving the brightness level between reboots?00:15
brycehachiang, it could well be (which might implicate gnome-settings-daemon)00:17
brycehachiang, however something like that I'd expect we'd see a LOT more bug reports than this even00:17
achiangbryceh: i've had such a bug on my back burner for several months (although it was for ARM, not x86)00:17
achiangbryceh: i don't think that's been working since lucid (in the reboot case)00:18
achiangin fact, on my x86 laptop, it's not working in oneiric afaict00:18
brycehinteresting.  I know I've seen similar things on my laptops in the past, but don't think they're affected currently00:22
brycehalthough, a few of those laptops are still on natty so maybe the bug still lies in wait for me?  ;-)00:23
achiangi could try and reboot now00:23
achianggive me a sec00:23
achiangon AC power, intel gfx, just used my keyboard hotkeys to set to dimmest setting00:24
achiangtime to reboot00:24
achiang... and i'm back00:25
achiangand brightness is back to max00:25
achiangcome to think of it, my cursory investigation was that after a reboot, we go back to whatever the default setting is, via g-s-d00:26
brycehso yeah, seems something in userspace (g-s-d probably?) is not remembering things properly00:27
brycehachiang, thanks; I'll bump these bugs there and hopefully someone more knowledgeable can take them where they need to go00:27
achiangdoes userspace know if a hotkey has been pressed?00:27
brycehyes, it gets bubbled up via acpi00:27
achiangi was thinking if it gets eaten by firmware then userspace would never know about it00:27
brycehhmm, that's possible00:28
achiangbryceh: what are the bug #? i'd like to subscribe00:28
RAOFSarvatt: No; x200s :(00:39
brycehachiang, bugs 876711 850749 872932 87319100:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 876711 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "Screen brightness resets to minimized when screen turns off" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87671100:39
achiangbryceh: thanks00:40
cyphermoxRAOF: I already have a fair amount of the korean IME and stuff installed, so I can test the font for you as well (though my understanding of korean is *very* limited)00:58
RAOFcyphermox: Thanks.00:58
RAOFThat'll drop one of the longer-standing sponsorship items off the queue.00:59
cyphermoxwon't some changes to fontconfig or whatever be needed to have it select that font by default00:59
RAOFNext, to prod until plymouth upstream is happy with the logging patch :)01:00
RAOFcyphermox: Yes, there will be; those changes are all waiting to be sponsored.01:00
cyphermoxe.g. normally my font is Ubuntu, but the korean character should be falling through to another font or something01:00
cyphermoxoh ok01:00
RAOFThere's fontconfig, language-selector, and ubuntu-seeds changes ready and waiting.01:01
cyphermoxRAOF: ok, I manually patched font-config, it should mostly take care of it01:06
* cyphermox reboots01:10
cyphermoxRAOF: well, my IME fails in quassel, but I can otherwise not immediately notice issues01:29
RAOFAnd the fonts look good/better?01:30
* RAOF heads off to an appointment.01:31
cyphermoxlooks okay, I don't use it enough day to day to say it looks better, just no glaring issues01:32
pittiGood morning04:06
TheMusoMorning pitti.04:07
RAOFHey pitti04:07
* pitti waves Australiawards, hey guys!04:10
micahgRAOF: can you join #ubuntu-bugs for a minute?04:57
RAOFBuild starts in 19 hours?  My, we're hammering the build farm :)05:48
micahgRAOF: what type of build?06:05
RAOFPPA build.06:05
micahgah, yeah, some of the builders are off doing other things06:06
pittihey rodrigo_07:45
rodrigo_hi pitti07:45
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Sweetsharkpitti: Have a minute for discussing SRUing for Libreoffice?09:23
pittiSweetshark: sure09:24
Sweetsharkpitti: i thought #842566 is just a dupe of #732412, but we still/again have the workaround for that in the latest package so this is not the issue (and I assume it to be NOTOURBUG for LO because bamf has to take care of that).09:26
pittibug 84256609:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 842566 in unity "Libreoffice and unity integration broken." [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84256609:26
pittibug 73241209:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 732412 in unity-2d "LibreOffice Writer has no icon in Unity and is labeled "LibreOffice Small Device Format Importer"" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73241209:26
pittiunderstood so far09:27
pittiSweetshark: I thought seb128 asked you to remove the workaround for precise, for a proper fix09:28
pittibut that's not "SRU"09:28
Sweetsharkbug 873702 disappeared after rebuilding LO-l10n with all the changes in LO (yay for split l10n), so that is an easy fix. However, 3.4.4 has been freezed as first rc today, so maybe it would be better to release 3.4.4 as an SRU.09:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 873702 in libreoffice "some function names in Calc appear in english others in local language (mixed up) " [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87370209:28
Sweetsharka lot of the changes in 3.4.4 are by me and thus patched in our packages already anyway.09:29
pittiSweetshark: so the question is whether or not to SRU 3.4.4?09:30
Sweetsharkright. And 843566 is not an Libreoffice issue but jasoncwarner_ found it important so I will make a comment wrt to that on the bug, I guess.09:32
ogra_hmm, do we have any mail check app that doesnt require to run a full mail proggy but still works with the indicator (indicator-biff or some such) ?09:33
pittiSweetshark: the previous SRU went quite fine, so if 3.4.4 is again just a couple of fixes, sounds fine09:33
pittiogra_: not in main AFAIK09:33
ogra_pitti, well, my netbook doesnt care for main :)09:33
pittiogra_: OOI, why do you need a mail check app? I think "always" should be 99% correct for you?09:34
* ogra_ sees gm-notify but that seems to be gmail only09:34
pittisave yourself some work interruptions, don't use mail notifications09:34
pitti(that's for everyone, not just ogra)09:34
ogra_pitti, sylpheed is the only usable mail app on my arm netbook, all others force it to its knees, sylpheed doesnt a) have any indicator integration and b) i would like to not have it permanently running09:35
pittiogra_: all others except mutt, of course :) (SCNR)09:35
ogra_so something like a mailbox check applet that hooks into the indicator would be needed here09:36
pittiogra_: but anyway, perhaps you can include biff status into your $PS1?09:36
ogra_pitti, well, i have considered mutt, but somehow i like the GUI :)09:36
pittiogra_: yeah, I was mostly j/k there09:36
pittibut I'm actually quite serious about not using mail notification in the first place09:36
ogra_well, i would like to use mutt, but dont want to learn it right before traveling :)09:36
Sweetsharkogra_: but mutt is the _Canonical_ mail client!09:37
ogra_pitti, well, if i dont use the notification it means i need to run the app all the time09:37
pittiogra_: why?09:37
ogra_pitti, to see if there is new mail ?09:37
ogra_since i have no notification :)09:38
pittiogra_: so if you open it once every three hours or so (morning, lunch, afternoon), that shoudl be fine?09:38
pittiemail != chat09:38
ogra_sure ... but that means i have to actively care :)09:38
ogra_i want my system to take care and tell me if its needed to open the app09:38
pittitry not to check mail every 5 seconds, and be surprised about the productivity gain09:38
ogra_more efficient :)09:38
Sweetsharkogra_: I dont need a notification (and actually I am not polling imap anymore). If two minutes have passed since the last mailcheck, I _know_ I have new mail anyway.09:39
pittiogra_: heh, so far I was violently arguing against providing email notifications by default09:39
ogra_pitti, my app chacks every 5 mins and pops up a notify-send if i actually have relevant mail09:39
pittiogra_: but anyway, e-d-s should provide this, no?09:39
pittiogra_: or is that only evolution itself?09:39
ogra_hmm, i didnt think about using e-d-s with sylpheed09:39
ogra_might work, but will likely require to at least set up evo once09:40
ogra_for the account09:40
* ogra_ only has 512M ram here i have to be very selective what i pick to run permanently09:41
* pitti puts up another "email is not a synchronous medium" banner09:41
pittiogra_: yes, even e-d-s shoudl be quite heavy there, so that's probably not appropriate09:41
ogra_well, i only want to know if its worth to waste the time/resources for starting the app09:41
pittiogra_: you could use offlineimap and integrate biff into $PS1 ?09:41
ogra_and given i cant get rid of the indicator easily, i can as well use it09:42
* ogra_ wishes there was just a script api for it 09:42
ogra_i.e. notify-send  -to indicator-message "you have blah new mails"09:43
Sweetsharkogra_: like zenity --notification -text="foo" ?09:44
ogra_Sweetshark, yeah, but hooked into the indicator we force the user to use09:44
ogra_Sweetshark, i use already a notify-send in sypleed if new mail arrives09:45
ogra_i just would like to not have the mail app in the bg all the time09:45
pittiogra_: perhaps d-bus send to com.canonical.indicator.messages? com.canonical.dbusmenu.Event() sounds promising09:46
ogra_hmm, i will look into that09:46
ogra_a wrapper around offlineimap or some such would probably do09:47
ogra_still i think having a script api for indicator stuff would be a good idea09:48
ogra_8a zenity extension, or notify-send addon)09:48
pittiif the dbus interface works, then it's rather easy to script it09:49
ogra_for me, yes :)09:49
ogra_or for you09:49
ogra_i just think offering it in the known tools might be more comfortable09:49
chrisccoulsonwtf @ bug 881813???09:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 881813 in thunderbird "Mozilla Thunderbird Crashes suddenly on opening" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88181309:58
chrisccoulsondesrt, any idea how we can get in to that situation? ("GLib-GObject-WARNING **: cannot register existing type `GCancellable'")?09:58
Laneywe ♥ bugs10:01
chrisccoulsongot it10:06
chrisccoulsonhaving a local glib install in /usr/local does it10:06
chrisccoulsoni bet that's because ctypes doesn't honour the ld search paths10:07
chrisccoulsonso we end up with 2 copies of glib mapped10:07
chrisccoulsonthat's always going to end in tears10:08
chrisccoulsonm_conley_away, ^^^ ;)10:09
chrisccoulsonhmmmm, it just uses dlopen, so i'm not sure why it loads the wrong one10:20
chrisccoulsonand it doesn't specify an absolute path :/10:26
GunnarHjpitti: Hi Martin, are you there?10:26
didrocksgood morning10:29
rodrigo_hi didrocks10:30
smspillaz(it's early ....)10:38
didrockssmspillaz: less then yesterday and less than the day before :)10:44
pittihey didrocks10:45
didrockshey pitti, how are you?10:45
pittididrocks: not bad, not bad; doing 5 times at once right now, trying to unwind the stack a bit10:48
pitti(correct spelling is not amongst these 5 things apparently)10:49
didrocksgood luck, hoping that you can still find some quiet time and don't have to rush too much10:49
pittihey GunnarHj10:49
GunnarHjHello pitti10:50
GunnarHjpitti: Did you see my attempt to ping you yesterday?10:50
pittiprobably got lost, sorry10:50
GunnarHjpitti: No problem, here it goes again. :)10:51
GunnarHjpitti: Thanks for the upload of the a-s branch at bug 868346 to oneiric-proposed. Seems like the powerpc binaries won't be built until tonight.10:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 868346 in lightdm "Language selector broken in Ubuntu" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86834610:51
GunnarHjRobert has commented on the lightdm MP, and he asks for your second opinion. I have responded with a branch update and a comment.10:51
pittiah, I did see that; the MP comment is in my mail, need to get to that10:51
GunnarHjpitti: Ok, just wanted to make sure it's on your todo list. ;-)10:52
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glatzorpitti, servus, you are already in the US?11:14
pittiglatzor: no, not yet; flying on Saturday11:16
* pitti lunch, bbl11:17
glatzorpitti, enjoy yourself11:18
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* rodrigo_ lunch12:37
seifrodrigo_, lunch ?12:54
seifrnt u at uds?12:55
dobeyseif: uds is next week12:58
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desrtchrisccoulson: never seen that before.13:47
desrtchrisccoulson: i assume it's because two people are trying to use the same name for an object13:47
chrisccoulsondesrt, it's because gio is being loaded from 2 different locations somehow13:47
chrisccoulsoni managed to recreate it here by installing a local copy in /usr/local/lib13:48
chrisccoulsonbut i didn't figure out why it happened yet, and now it stopped happening :(13:48
chrisccoulsonbut we do dlopen a bunch of libs using ctypes13:48
rodrigo_seif, yeah, not in orlando yet14:03
jincreatorpitti: Thanks for lots of merging. And I have a question about language-selector's fontconfig hack. Is it temporarily way and planning to remove?14:21
pittijincreator: I'm not so sure about that one; fontconfig is still a mystery to me, and I didn't write that stuff14:42
pittijincreator: I surely hoped that we wouldn't need to make that mess even worse with the new font, especially if the package already comes with its own fontconfig14:42
jincreatorpitti: Well, I think font package with fontconfig is wrong way. And for now, it can override some fontconfig by itself.14:53
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jincreatorpitti: Anyway I write new comment few minutes ago.15:00
cyphermoxjbicha: might be interested in this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/88166015:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 881660 in network-manager "wired cannot be disconnected using Shell network applet" [Medium,In progress]15:29
rodrigo_hey seb12815:44
mdeslaurseb128: any update on bug 848198? It's a PITA that my desktop breaks when update-manager installs updates...15:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 848198 in gconf "Sporadic gconf error messages" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84819815:46
seb128hey rodrigo_ mdeslaur15:46
mdeslaurseb128: good morning btw :)15:46
Laneythat is fixed in 3.2.115:46
Laneywhich does not appear to be released yet15:47
mdeslaurwe'll push 3.2.1 to oneiric once it comes out?15:49
Laneyhope so15:49
mdeslaurok, I'll be patient a little while longer :)15:50
seb128mdeslaur, what Laney said15:59
pittijincreator: so what can the fontconfig snippet in language-selector do what the fontconfig snippet in the font package can't do?15:59
mdeslaurseb128: thanks15:59
pittineed to run out, time for sport15:59
seb128hey pitti15:59
seb128pitti, thanks for the guest session fix15:59
seb128pitti, enjoy sport!15:59
Laneyit's a killer for banshee too16:02
Laneyone of the killers ;-)16:02
desrtronoc: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=66277916:03
desrtseb128: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=66277916:03
ubot2Gnome bug 662779 in gvariant "systemtap probes for gvariant" [Enhancement,New]16:03
ronocdesrt, perfect, good work !16:03
seb128desrt, thanks16:04
desrtseb128: tia.16:04
seb128Laney, do you know what is the status of the gtk3 bindings and the gtk3 banshee version?16:05
Laneyi heard that it runs but some widgets aren't right yet16:07
dobeyseb128: time to switch back to rhythmbox ;)16:19
seb128time to try to find a good media player?16:19
dobeyi'd write one, but alas16:20
Laneyoh look, banshee was mentioned, someone summon the trolls16:21
dobeyLaney: if you think that's trolling, you ain't seen nothin' yet16:22
seb128Laney, troll aside seems like quite some users have stability issues with the Oneiric version16:22
seb128not that rhythmbox is any better16:22
Laneypossibly, but a lot of the problems have been external factors that manifest themselves in banshee16:23
* dobey has a proposed upload that fixes some of them16:23
dobeyi haven't really used rbox 3.x yet; my workstation is still on 11.0416:24
Laneyye beauty16:24
seb128Laney, gstreamer?16:24
seb128Laney, i.e where should we put efforts if we want to improve things?16:25
Laneygconf & libu1 are the main two that I am aware of16:25
Laneyporting is probably the main work that they could do with help on16:26
seb128is there any gsettings mono binding?16:27
seb128do you know what's the status of getting GTK3 mono bindings in debian or ubuntu?16:27
Laneyi am not aware of one16:27
seb128which I guess would help on testing the gtk3 version16:27
Laneywhen bindings are done there will be no problem in packaging them16:28
Laneya gir parser for mono would help a lot. some people started working on that but i didn't see anything ready yet16:29
dobeymterry: hrmm. seems like the files rest api is redirecting when the oauth signed request doesn't validate. probably the cause for that one bug about the 30216:30
dobeyi think there is some basic working GI support for mono now, but it's not well tested16:30
jincreatorpitti: Sorry, I can't understand what you are asking about. These 2 snippet can do anything what fontconfig file can do because they are fontconfig snippet. But if there's 2 snippet with different setting value, one will override another and it will be problem. Anyway enjoy your sports first!16:33
seb128seems like that will not land for the LTS16:33
seb128seems risky to land untested bindings and get banshee ported to it in one cycle16:33
dobeyseif: indeed.16:37
seifdobey, r u flirting with me16:37
achiangchrisccoulson: ping, have you ever heard of a bug in firefox 7 where text in the google search bar is invisible if instant search is turned on?16:37
dobeyseif: bah, seb quit right as i hit tab it seems16:39
ubot2Gnome bug 648121 in general "Port to gtk3" [Enhancement,New]16:41
Laney"help is welcome" :-)16:41
mterrydobey, hmm..  do you have any ideas why the oauth signed request would stop validating?  (like in the middle of a backup)16:46
dobeymterry: the token wasn't valid. no idea why. maybe user removed it from the u1 web site or something. and i'm not sure that is logged, if so. :-/16:49
mterrydobey, hrm16:49
dobeymterry: btw, i fixed up the libubuntuone branch for oneiric-proposed. :)17:44
mterrydobey, ok, I'll look again.  Is there a way to test that fix in isolation?  i.e. without the banshee fix?17:45
dobeymterry: not exactly. you can test it with current banshee, and it should happen faster, but it won't be as fast as it will with both pieces17:47
mterrydobey, ok, well, I'll test and at least make sure I don't see regressions in time17:48
dobeyyeah, it's hard to test, because banshee can sometimes also be slow to start up, itself. and if you've already got banshee running, it should be pretty much instant anyway17:49
m4n1shjbicha: I hope this one is fine https://code.launchpad.net/~manishsinha/totem/enable-zg-dp-building/+merge/8049218:14
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jbicham4n1sh: you need to make the same changes to debian/control.in that you do to debian/control18:48
dobeymterry: also fixed up https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntu/precise/avahi/bring-back-gir/+merge/8010319:10
dobeymterry: i'm not sure what to do about the crazy banshee race condition though19:10
mterrydobey, looking at avahi19:10
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m4n1shjbicha: done20:29
cyphermoxtkamppeter: I wonder if we really need a blueprint for printer modeswitching? AFAIK it's already in progress upstream20:33
tkamppetercyphermox, OK. Can you please give me links to upstream, to bug reports on LP, ...20:55
cyphermoxtkamppeter: upstream is there: www.draisberghof.de/usb_modeswitch/20:56
cyphermoxbugs are afaik usually reported either in LP or on their forum20:56
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mayaseb128: coucou21:13
seb128maya, :-P21:13
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broderman, it would be nice if i could xtrace a process that's already running23:09
RAOFYeah, no dice there.23:09
broderseems like you'd only need some minor modifications to xlib to support it23:10
Sarvattbroder: what protocols are you trying to trace?23:10
broderSarvatt: core, at this particular moment23:10
RAOFAssuming, of course, that the application uses xlib :)23:10
broderRAOF: i'm willing to require that23:10
Sarvattbroder: git clone git://sarvatt.com/xtruss23:10
Sarvattcheckout working branch if you want a little dri223:10
RAOFYou could also, without terrible trouble, do some gdb scripting to attach to the X server and print out the protocol requests/replies for an arbitrary client.23:11
Sarvatt  usage: xtruss [options] command [command arguments]       trace a new program23:11
Sarvatt     or: xtruss [options] -p <resource id>     trace an X client by resource id23:11
Sarvatt     or: xtruss [options] -p -         trace an X client selected interactively23:11
Sarvatt     or: xtruss [options] -P           just run a logging proxy server23:11
broderSarvatt wins :-D23:12
Sarvattoutput is a lot more readable than xtrace too, but its missing lots of protocol23:12
RAOFSarvatt: Funky!  How does that do its thing?23:12
broderlooks like xrecord?23:14
broderyeah, comment at the top of uxxtruss.c says xrecord for attaching to running processes23:16
Sarvattargh, yeah xrecord23:16
broderi think i need to put xrecord on my list of cool x things to learn more about23:17
Sarvatthttp://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/xtruss/ is the page for it, i just have it mirrored in git because i was adding dri2 to it at one point23:17
brodermaybe i'll try to package that up this weekend23:18
Sarvattand cgit rocks, http://sarvatt.com/git/cgit.cgi/xtruss/ http://sarvatt.com/git/cgit.cgi/xtruss-old/23:18
Sarvattbroder: its a dead though23:19
Sarvatthasn't been any updates to it since 200923:19
RAOFNot if you're adding DRI2 to it.23:19
broderkind of disturbed/impressed that it doesn't use xlib23:21
RAOFOr xcb, presumably?L23:22
Sarvattits a hacked up putty :)23:23
Sarvattawwh shoot23:23
* Sarvatt disappears again23:24
Sarvatthttp://sarvatt.com/git/cgit.cgi/xtruss-old/commit/?id=c033766fb553a3182e51d09fb7d0922cdecfde02 btw23:24
Sarvattahh its very unreadable with current X, lots of unknownrequest spam. i haven't used it in about 1.5 years23:26
broderand this is why we have grep23:30
broderi find xtrace's formatting a bit more legible, but that might just be stockholm syndrome23:30
RAOFA GUI for an xtrace/xtruss-alike would actually be pretty compelling.23:31
Sarvattoh I know why,  thats a limitation of using -p - and picking it with the mouse instead of launching the app with xtruss, it doesn't know what the extensions are23:31
broderhmph. it'd be nice if it looked up atoms from ChangeProperty and such23:33
broderi wonder how hard it would be to use XRECORD as an input source for wireshark...23:36
=== eeejay is now known as eeejay_is_afk

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