
=== sillytones is now known as semitones
LinuxephusCan someone here explain how Ubottu works and what triggers it? Is it user controlled or scripted to "act" based upon keywords or situations?08:41
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-irc's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots08:48
Linuxephustopyli: Actually, I've been at several of those links for roughly five minutes or so after a private message was initiated. Thank you nonetheless though. By the way, the one question I have remaining that documentation doesn't answer; Does an "administrator" here have the ability to create a reply through Ubottu?08:52
topyliyes. and if a non-privileged user tries to, it triggers a notification in #ubuntu-ops so that an operator may add it08:53
LinuxephusRight, I thought as much after recieving a rather unique reply from Ubottu that I as of yet couldn't find in it's average "scripting". Suffice it to say it was "just too human".08:58
topyliyes we're all fearfully awaiting the day she becomes sentient09:01
Tm_Ttopyli: oh, so you don't know^W^W^W^W^W09:06
* Tm_T hides09:06
LinuxephusArtificial intelligence with an occasional "helping hand" from the one who administers to "here".09:06
* Linuxephus hides in the opposite direction.09:07
ubottuTm_T: *wink*09:17
* genii-around prepares a large pot of coffee 14:08
genii-aroundI might end up drinking the whole thing by the time I finish reading the entirety of "New roles in the Ubuntu IRC team" ....14:11
=== Fuchs is now known as evilfuchs
=== evilfuchs is now known as Fuchs

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