
* greg-g wvaes04:07
* greg-g waves, too04:07
dholbachgood morning06:46
Barzoghmorning :)07:17
czajkowskialoha 09:10
head_victimEvening all, any loco council people around? Want to fire off a quick question about distributing the CDs approved locos are sent10:46
czajkowskihead_victim: sure 10:46
czajkowskihead_victim: what's up ?10:46
head_victimczajkowski: I've been approached by an online VPS who have thought of an idea to help spread the word of Ubuntu and the Loco. They want to post out a CD and a Loco advertising flyer to the first X number of customers who sign up for a Ubuntu VPS on their services.10:47
head_victimIs that too commercialised? I'm only contemplating it because there are LOTS of Ubuntu users in the country who don't know about the LoCo and it might be a good in.10:47
head_victimI was going to send them 50 or so.10:48
czajkowskiit's a way of getting 50 more cds to new people10:48
czajkowskiI don't see too much wrong with it 10:48
czajkowskias long as maybe you could get some of the loco info on the flyer sent out as well 10:48
head_victimCool, just making sure that going through a third party like that wasn't against any rules I didn't know about.10:48
czajkowskiso they know who to follow up with 10:48
czajkowskihead_victim: each team handles giving cds out differently, it's entirely up to ye 10:49
head_victimOh yeah basically we have team business cards so I was going to get them to put one of each of them in it (or do it for them) with the website and other loco details.10:49
czajkowskinods 10:50
head_victimCool so basically as long as we're not selling them and they'll help promote Ubuntu in some way, whatever happens, happens.10:52
czajkowskisoome teams sell them for a small price10:57
czajkowskito raise funds 10:57
czajkowskiagain up to ye10:57
czajkowskibut then you deal with who minds the money 10:57
czajkowskibank acs10:57
czajkowskigets messy imo10:57
head_victimNo worries, sounds like I was being overcautious, but still better than doing something that'll upset.10:58
head_victimAs always, thanks heaps for your help11:01
cjohnstonNew loco.ubuntu.com released!11:14
head_victimcjohnston: nice work, it's really taking shape11:22
czajkowskicjohnston: nice http://loco.ubuntu.com/about-loco/setup/11:31
czajkowskistill takes a bit of navigation to get to it but great that it's there now 11:31
czajkowskithanks 11:31
cjohnstonya.. im really glad its there.. i think we could put text in the about loco page (its parent) that links to it11:32
cjohnstonI would also liek to make like /setup point to it.. easier to type when providing the link11:32
czajkowskicjohnston: aye in the parent page and in the loco council page so they go there might be an idea 11:35
czajkowskijust more ways to find the page I know but I'd rather it be blunt in a persons face then get told they cant find the info11:36
czajkowskias I think it's a reall clear page and very simple to understand 11:37
czajkowskido this and this and done 11:37
mhall119czajkowski: cjohnston: make a bug to write down all the places we'd like to put it12:45
czajkowskiaye I will do 12:45
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kingelg_where can i load up screenshots?19:47
* AlanBell likes being able to easily get back to the team from an event20:25

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