
Fudgechrisccoulson  about?02:10
Fudgeim on step 2 of 3 reporting a crash report,  it says please summarise your issue request. what do i put there. how the bug hapenned?02:22
micahgFudge: yes (note the information is public)02:39
Fudgemicahg  then click change?02:40
micahgFudge: wait, which program? Mozilla crash report or launchpad?02:41
Fudgethe crash reporter02:41
micahgsorry, this is a bug about a crash upstream?  I'm still not sure what's going on02:48
Fudgemicahg  < chrisccoulson> Fudge, sorry, would you mind opening a new bug for that? From https://crash-stats.mozilla.com/report/index/96d672f3-def2-420b-9b74-129872111019, you can click on the "Report this Crash" link02:52
Fudge< chrisccoulson> against Core -> Disability Access API's02:52
micahgah, ok, yes, so the info can be private if need be, I don't think I've ever gone that route (reporting a bug from crash stats), so yes, any information about how to reproduce would be useful02:52
Fudgebasically you just start deleting maisl and tb will crash02:53
Fudgeah im on it now, i did not notice the my bug is ont listed02:55
=== eric is now known as Guest69740
=== Guest69740 is now known as LLStarks
LLStarkshi. when running running firefox in gnome-shell with transparent theme, the globalmenu will appear and interfere with the top bar.05:32
LLStarksi think globalmenu addon should be disabled when using gnome-shell05:32
LLStarkswhat you think, chrisccoulson?05:33
Fudgemicahg  still on?05:48
micahgFudge: yep05:49
Fudgethink I need help lol05:49
Fudgeis it ok to mention full names here05:49
micahgFudge: PM please05:49
Fudgethe bug I tried to report on I missed stuff on, got a reply from Wayne, ...05:49
micahgnot sure about context, rather be safe than sorry05:49
micahgso, when reporting a crash bug, you want to include the link to the crash so that the devs can see the stacktrace05:54
Fudgemy bad, i thought since i tried to report it from the crash page that it would have linked in05:54
Fudgethe crash ID is the UUID??05:54
Fudgeah yes i was just reading the tips on where to find it also, thanks for your help. Can I add the crash ID as a comment to the bug or do I need to use anothe rmethod?05:57
Fudgemicahg  is it also referred to as a crash signature?06:00
micahgI think the signature is the top of the stack trace06:00
FudgeI mean to add it to the bug06:01
Fudgejust looking where to add the id, sorry mate lol06:01
Fudgeyay got it three cheers for me06:03
chrisccoulsonLLStarks, it's already disabled if there is nothing in the session drawing a menu08:00
LLStarkslemme get you a pic08:01
LLStarkscan't reproduce anymore, whatever08:03
Fudgechrisccoulson  may I pm08:36
micahgchrisccoulson: does your bot handle the stable channel as well for chromium?09:15
chrisccoulsonmicahg, yeah, but i realized last night that it was uploading to the wrong target09:16
chrisccoulsonFudge, sure09:16
micahgchrisccoulson: ah, ok, I just pushed up the stable branch fixes for the latest chromium can you trigger a respin (or is there some way for me to do it)09:16
chrisccoulsonmicahg, i'm just doing that now09:17
micahgthanks, I think that PPA should just be lucid-oneiric if you have the option09:17
micahgnah, nevermind the last comment, I might switch Chromium to do the beta channel in the dev release like Firefox09:23
Fudgetks chrisccoulson09:38
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chrisccoulsonmicahg, ah, uploading to the archive first kills the bot :(13:23
chrisccoulsonas it creates it's own tarball, which then gets rejected13:23
chrisccoulsong'ah, this is so fragile13:28
asacchrisccoulson: the awesome bar doesnt like me anymore since a few days14:39
asacafter using firefox for like 2 hours it stops doing anything awesome14:39
asacno matches displayed etc.14:39
asachave adblock plus, adblock plus popup blocker, dom inspector, global menubar, tab mix plus and ubufox installed14:40
micahgchrisccoulson: no problem, I'll do this round, next time, I'll let the bot create the tarball :)16:05
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away

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