
Musashimaruevent for what?00:05
MusashimaruMontreal is full of event.00:08
MusashimaruThis week-end there was the Zombi parade. :)00:08
MarkDudeWell maybe Ubuntu related. She runs it. HAs for a while00:12
MarkDudeWe have a pretty active team her in Cali, we have picnics, as well as Ubuntu hours00:12
MarkDude+1 for zombies00:13
Ankmanheard on the radio there was a meeting to discuss zombie culture. called zombosium *g*00:13
MusashimaruI know some people here have meeting in a bar or restaurant in montreal during the week.00:14
MarkDudeSo I should just keep an ear out for Ubuntu events to tell her about?00:16
MusashimaruI'm checking if I can find any link for you.00:16
Musashimarugaspoucho, you just provide it before me... :(00:18
gaspouchohahaha but not everything in it is in Montreal00:18
MusashimaruMarkDude, gaspoucho link refer to event about free software. This is in french, but It may be a good start point for your friend00:19
Musashimarugaspoucho, not all, but 50%, so it's ok... :)00:19
MusashimaruMaybe on novembre 1 I will attend the linux meetup. it's close to my office.00:20
MarkDudety gaspoucho Musashimaru 00:22
MarkDudeHow techie is the Linux meetup?00:22
MarkDudeShe is very smart and savvy. Just not too technical00:22
MusashimaruI've no idea. I will go just to check. I think it's more usage meetup. Not that technical.00:23
gaspouchoit's more a social event than a technical one00:23
MarkDudeWell that sounds good00:24
* MarkDude appreciates the help00:24
MusashimaruMarkDude, the meetup is in a "super-Geek" bar... :)00:30
Musashimaruit will be funny.00:30
MarkDudeCool, I told her, she may go to one. She has a friend that also uses Linux at the school- so thats good00:33
pangolinhey cyphermox 01:19
pangolinWhen do you leave for UDS?01:21
pangolinI need to bring you some money :)01:21
pangolinif it is ok I will try to come by the office tomorrow.01:28
cyphermoxI leave on sunday VEM01:30
cyphermox(very early morning)01:30
cyphermoxMarkDude: to answer your question it's really not all that technical usually, the linux meetup01:31
Mobidoycyphermox: c'est quoi encore qu'il faut ajouter pour docker la sidebar sous unity ? 16:58
pangolinafter you install it you will see a Unity plugin in there and you can set the dock to stay visible17:16
pangolinif I remember it right17:16
pangolinsome applications will get over lapped by the dock/launcher17:17
pangolinthat is a bug17:17
Mobidoyyeah, found it while waiting finaly, the thing is, I set the autohide to never but the bummer still auto-hide LOL ! 17:22
Mobidoypangolin: a procedure that work: sudo apt-get install dconf-tools17:58
Mobidoythen disable autohide:17:58
Mobidoydconf write /com/canonical/unity-2d/launcher/use-strut true17:58
pangolinthat is the hard way but yeah that works also17:59
Mobidoyhard way but it does work, the other one on this computer wasn't18:00
cyphermoxMobidoy: makes some sense, use-strut works with slightly different code paths I think18:19
MobidoyOn my airplane the compizconfig worked but not on the Acer, had to use use-strut18:24
Chexim trying to decide when I want to upgrade my work machine to Ocelot18:57
pangolinwhat you running now?18:58
pangolinwhich version?18:58
pangolindoesn't really matter, if the version you are running now is stable and works, keep it.19:00
Mobidoyok 2 things, I have a partition that is in NTFS, it is for Data that I use in W7 and Ubuntu. Why is it that when I mount it on the fly in Ubuntu it is read-only !! ??? 19:15
Mobidoysecond, I do i take back my OpenPGP keys that I have created long time ago (that are in my launchpad) and bring them back in this installation (so i can use it with Thunderbird19:16
cyphermoxoh sweet, fastest time to commit eva!!!19:20
cyphermoxMobidoy: you will need to still have your private key, which you can export from your old system19:21
cyphermoxgpg --export-secret-keys > Mobidoy,key19:22
cyphermoxthen you can gpg --import Mobidoy.key or something on the new install19:22
cyphermoxas for NTFS, I think that's still expected because NTFS writing in Linux is still kind of scary19:23
cyphermoxMobidoy: btw, http://cgit.freedesktop.org/NetworkManager/NetworkManager/commit/?id=3863c87f18bad803e6ce75d8c26f65b93db3368c19:23
cyphermoxje viens de finir de l'écrire et c'est déjà accepté et committé19:24
MobidoyGratzy :-) 19:24
cyphermoxjva shipper ca dans la prochaine release pour aider au déboguage19:24
Chexpangolin: 11.0419:44
Chexpangolin: im celebrating the 1st time in years I dont have to uprgade ahead of a release.. trying to relish it19:44
cyphermoxmaybe I just put my feet in a dangerous hole, but I sent an email to the list if people want to make *small* orders of little things they want me to 20:06
cyphermox... bring back from UDS20:06
Chexcyphermox: heh21:15
Chexcyphermox: I never went to UDS, or wanted to, or wanted Swag, but someone would inevitably dump something on my desk, from time to time21:15
MobidoyWhat the heck... where is the screen saver setting ? Cant find it in Oneiric, trying to disable it... my screen stay black when on it and I have to reboot ! 21:48
MagicFabMobidoy, GONE!21:59
MagicFab--> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/80851221:59
MagicFabIt's another "improvement" -> http://www.liberiangeek.net/2011/09/disable-screen-saver-lock-in-ubuntu-11-10-oneiric-ocelot/22:00
Mobidoyit is the black lighting that does not reappear after going to screensaving mode22:05
ChexMobidoy: wow, that is so annoying22:11
ChexMobidoy: who the hell makes the decsions on changes like this??22:11
mdeslauryay for gnome22:13
ChexI thought the sliderbar in the screensaver window was pretty damn cool and easy-to-use.. now this.. 22:13
* Chex makes one black mark against upgrading to 11.10.. 22:14
MobidoyChex: yup pretty annoying but finaly, one of the issue is that the back lighting slider goes all the way down to no back lighting (no minimum) so, this is what happened lol !! 22:38
cyphermoxMobidoy: back lighting has nothing to do with anybody's decision, that's clearly an X or kms bug23:38
Mobidoycyphermox: yup I know... will need to find the file that has the minimum and change it to something else than 0 lighting :-) 23:41
cyphermoxisn't it in gnome-control-center screensaver thing directly?23:45
cyphermoxI mean, if the backlight is lowered, by own much and all of that is not in a file anywhere, or at least i doubt it is23:48
MobidoyCeci est pour moi juste au cas ou la procedure plante, je vais pouvoir le retrouver sur mon autre portable :-) 23:52
cyphermoxurf... moi je roulais pas ca du tout23:58
cyphermoxmais bon c'est au choix ;)23:58
martin____petit question pour vous...23:59
cyphermoxmartin____: shoot! :)23:59
martin____depuis que je suis du 11.10, tou.tv ca marche pu! et-ce normal?23:59

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