
freakyclownok how can i stop jbd2/sda1-8 from writing to my disk every 10 seconds and waking it up from spindown?06:36
* daubers should stop using libreoffice to plot many thousand datapoint graphs07:50
* MartijnVdS hands daubers gnuploit07:50
daubersMartijnVdS: THats how I would've done it when I was at Uni.... really should sit down with gnuplot and relearn the syntax07:51
MartijnVdSdaubers: it's not hard, making pretty pictures using LO would take me longer ;)07:51
MooDoomorning all07:52
TheOpenSourcererAnother completely barking US Patent approval http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/10/25/apple_unlock_patent/07:54
TheOpenSourcererYou can't really blame the vendors for taking the p*ss but this only really ends up helping lawyers.07:54
BigRedSI've got to say, if I had a legal department, there would be a fairly large temptation to just see how amusing a patent I could file07:56
MartijnVdSBigRedS: it has been done07:56
MartijnVdSBigRedS: http://www.google.com/patents?id=OfwkAAAAEBAJ&zoom=4&pg=PA2#v=onepage&q&f=false07:57
BigRedSthat's a patent for teasing a cat with a laser pointer?07:58
MartijnVdSit seems to be07:58
TheOpenSourcererZOMG! I have infringed that patent!07:58
MartijnVdSdon't tell the inventors08:00
TheOpenSourcererDamn - can I remove that comment from the logs please?08:00
TheOpenSourcererAnd that one? And... Ah blast.08:00
daubersHmm... really should have used gnu plot08:19
TheOpenSourcererOh poo - There's a new DoS tool on the block http://www.h-online.com/security/news/item/New-denial-of-service-tool-knocks-out-encrypting-servers-1366564.html08:21
=== gord is now known as Guest3890
daubersWoot, gnuplot = better++08:30
AlanBellthat ssl attack looks pretty bad08:39
JamesTaitGoooooood morning all!08:40
dwatkinsyeah AlanBell08:40
awilkinsHmm, I find the "gnu" in gnuplot confusing since it has nothing to do with GNU project and isn't GPL code.09:05
dauberswhat licence is gnuplot? bsd?09:06
AlanBellI didn't realise that09:06
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)09:06
BigRedSin its defence, it is not a unix...09:06
AlanBelldaubers: http://gnuplot.cvs.sourceforge.net/gnuplot/gnuplot/Copyright?view=markup09:06
awilkinsdaubers, Just reading it now09:06
awilkinsIt's a little odd09:07
AlanBellone of those old "patch" licenses09:07
awilkinsIt's kind of "segregated GPL"09:07
awilkinsYou can't distribute modified versions but you can distribute the means to create them09:08
awilkinsAnd binaries are allowed09:08
awilkinsI wonder if it would be stretching the point to distribute modified versions as git clones with the original sources plus patches as branches, pre-merged together09:09
awilkinsUnpack, checkout the "patched" branch, sorted09:09
oimonhmm..open banshee to buy mp3 via amazon. click on a preview to listen to a song and banshee crashes...welcome back to banshee i guess09:11
awilkinsI do find that Banshee crashes dead a lot but I wonder if it's more to do with bugs in Unity / Compiz09:15
awilkins(by "a lot" I mean it probably crashes about once a day-ish, or at least often enough that I think "d'oh, Banshee crashed again)09:17
oimonawilkins: i've had problems forever since banshee. i'm not using unity.09:17
Laneyyou run under --debug and report bugs with the log, yes?09:18
oimonLaney: i use clementine normally but wanted to buy an mp3 album. on this occasion it wasn't a reproducible bug since i've tried again. more of a welcome back crash.09:20
Laneymoaning might be cathartic but it is usually not conducive to getting things fixed09:21
oimonmight still have a crash log, where are they kept09:21
oimonyep. , that's why i tried again to reproduce09:21
Laneypossibly ~/.config/banshee-1/log but maybe not if you ran it again09:21
clockwatchAny ideas on where I can find Xm.h in 11.10?  Previously I think it was in libxprintutils-dev09:22
dogmatic69i have created a user on a 10.10 server but unable to ssh in as this new user. keep getting permission denied (publickey)09:23
dogmatic69any ideas on what is wrong?09:23
daubersdogmatic69: Have you disabled password login?09:24
daubers(over ssh)09:24
oimon!info banshee09:24
dogmatic69daubers: i believe so09:24
lubotu3`banshee (source: banshee): Media Management and Playback application. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.0-2ubuntu2 (natty), package size 1799 kB, installed size 5480 kB09:24
daubersdogmatic69: Then you'll need to generate a key pair for the new user :)09:24
dogmatic69daubers: it should be using keys for login09:24
daubersdogmatic69: Have you generated a key for that new user?09:25
dauberskey's are per user09:25
dogmatic69can i use the key pair from them?09:25
daubersYes, you just need to put the keys in the right place (on server/client) with the correct permissions09:25
daubersdogmatic69: logging in with ssh -vv will give more info on why it's bombing out09:26
dogmatic69here is ssh -v http://bin.cakephp.org/view/177216009709:26
dogmatic69the key pair is from his mac that i put in ~/.ssh09:27
dogmatic69where ~/ is the new users home09:27
daubersadd another v and see if it still complains09:27
dogmatic69it does09:27
daubersshould give more info09:27
dogmatic69hold on09:27
Laneyshow us ls -la ~/.ssh from the new user account please09:28
dogmatic69here is -vv http://bin.cakephp.org/view/169078107109:28
dogmatic69stuck it in the link above, just reload09:29
Laneychmod -R go-rw ~/.ssh09:30
Laneywell, -r09:31
dogmatic69its like this now -rw-------09:31
Laneytry that?09:32
Laneyif not look in the ssh server's log09:32
dogmatic69still says permission denied09:32
dogmatic69where would that log be? done tail -f /var/log/* and tried to connect and nothing happened in the log09:33
dauberswould be in auth.log I'd imagine09:35
dogmatic69oh... Oct 26 09:29:09 ip-... sshd[26154]: reverse mapping checking getaddrinfo for <ip>dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk [<ip>] failed - POSSIBLE BREAK-IN ATTEMPT!09:35
awilkinsIs it just me or are a lot of default application associations broken in Oneiric09:36
dogmatic69does that mean anything... dont think so09:36
awilkinsLike I installed FreeMind but it doesn't open .mm files in Freemind, even though i) Nautilus knows they are now Freemind maps (and not troff or whatever it thinks without Freemind installed)09:36
awilkinsIt doesn't even list Freemind in the "Open with other application" list so you can't choose it as the default....09:37
oimonthere is indeed something very odd with the sound quality on the latest coldplay album09:39
oimonthought the amazon reviewers were just being petty audiogeeks09:40
oimonbut it is blatant09:40
popeyGood morning everyone.09:43
dogmatic69i got it09:49
dogmatic69thanks Laney / daubers09:49
dogmatic69seems it was permissions09:50
Laneysorry went to get coffee09:50
dogmatic69chmod go-w ~/09:50
dogmatic69chmod 700 ~/.ssh09:50
dogmatic69chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys09:50
Laneypermissions on what? $HOME?09:50
dogmatic69that done it09:50
daubersok :)09:50
Laneyusually the problem with keys09:50
dogmatic69must have been the home dir09:50
daubersdogmatic69: ssh-copy-id deals with most of that :)09:50
dogmatic69daubers: ill have to figure that one out09:50
daubersdogmatic69: Very useful for pushing keys around09:51
dogmatic69how do you check what terminal is being used?09:57
dauberswhich shell interpreter?10:01
daubersecho $TERM will give you the term type10:01
dogmatic69xterm :O10:01
dogmatic69how is that happening?10:01
dogmatic69for this new user i set up its now using xterm... :/10:02
daubersthe term type is just a set of environment details I think10:04
daubersMy terminator session on my local machine says xterm10:04
dogmatic69if i type bash it all goes back to normal10:04
daubersAh, you want to know what shell it's running rather than the term type?10:07
daubersps -p $$ gives you the running shell10:08
daubersOr that :)10:10
jpdsLaney: That gives: /usr/bin/zsh10:11
jpds$4 == PID.10:11
Laneyhe wanted to know what shell10:12
dogmatic69sudo chsh -s /bin/bash <user> is the one10:13
oimonbacula is killing me today :(10:26
MartijnVdSoimon: Captain Archer? Sam Beckett?10:27
oimonlol :P10:27
oimonnope, the backup software10:28
czajkowskiMyrtti: whats wrong10:50
czajkowskiworking fine here in FF and chrome10:50
MyrttiI'm just venting out my frustration for having to pay a lot of moneys to be in Finland on 1st of Nov10:51
BigRedSargh. why are there so many sorts of regex?10:55
MartijnVdSI've always wanted to do that on an expense account... just walk into the airport, slap a credit card onto a booking desk and shout "GET ME ON THE NEXT PLANE TO <x>"10:55
MartijnVdSBigRedS: what's the problem? (most tools understand several kinds of regexp, or can use Perl regexps if you need the mto)10:55
BigRedSAnyone know how to get diff's -I switch to ignore lines beginning with a semi-colon?10:55
BigRedSI've tried -I';' -I'[;]' -I'^[;]' -I'^;' and I'm sure several others10:56
MartijnVdSBigRedS: don't Diff lines always start with + or - or " "10:57
BigRedSnah, I'm trying to get diff to ignore those lines10:57
BigRedSI'm incredibly close to piping diff through grep10:57
MartijnVdSBigRedS: maybe the GNU Info page has more detailed docs10:58
MartijnVdSBigRedS: you could try --ignore-matching-lines='^\;'10:58
BigRedSyeah, tried that11:00
MartijnVdSBigRedS: is the ; part of diff's output, or is it part of the file?11:01
MartijnVdSit shuold be part of the file I think11:01
BigRedSpart of the file11:01
BigRedSit's a recursive diff into /etc/php5/ on two machines11:01
MartijnVdSBigRedS: http://www.manpagez.com/info/diff/diff_7.php#SEC711:01
MartijnVdSBigRedS: sorry for the eye-disease inducing website colours11:02
MartijnVdSbut that explains when it "fires"11:02
BigRedSdammit, user error :(11:03
oimon diff -I '^;' 1.txt 12.txt11:04
oimonworks for me11:04
BigRedSmy differences, though are 4-5 lines each beginning with a semi-colon, and then one in a 'variable = value' format11:07
BigRedSand, as per the doc MartijnVdS pointed me at, that doesn't get affected by -I because teh 'variable = value' bit doesn't match ^;11:07
BigRedSI think this calls for another daft perl oneliner11:08
BigRedShah. this is what I'm after11:11
BigRedSdiff <(find /etc/php5/ -type f -exec grep -v ^\; {} \; | sort) <(find etc/php5/ -type f -exec grep -v ^\; {} \; | sort) --side-by-side11:11
MartijnVdS<()? Nice trick!11:46
BigRedSyeah, that's one of my favourite bash things11:48
BigRedSI keep meanign to send that to the podcast as their command line love11:48
gordonjcpwhat does it do?11:48
BigRedSit means you can have more than one stdin stream11:49
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: see "Process Substitution" in man bash11:49
* popey is too scared to run it11:49
gordonjcpoh, I see11:49
BigRedSdiff <(some process) <(some other process)11:49
BigRedSwill diff the stdouts of those two processes11:49
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: yeah, I figured it out just as you said that11:49
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: it executes the command between () and provides its output as a /dev/fd/* named pipe11:49
gordonjcpit was the question mark you put at the end that threw me11:49
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: and it passes _the /dev/fd/* filename_ to the process11:49
MartijnVdSpopey: Command Line Luuurrrve11:50
oimonthe smiley face fork bomb is the most evil of things to trick a noob into...how could smiley faces crash your PC?11:50
* BigRedS googles12:09
BigRedSah. I'd never seen that as having a smiley face...12:10
MartijnVdSLaney: sup12:13
Laneysending emails to companies wot have done wrong feels good12:13
BigRedSdone wrong in the ethical sense of the term, or just common-or-garden bad service?12:16
BigRedSI'm in the midst of complaints with four different banks...12:16
Laneyjust having a rip off price12:17
daubersAh, striping the customer. It's the American way!12:22
MartijnVdSnot just American12:22
Laneyand no price on the shelf end so that I could have told so before getting to the till12:24
Guest3890:( not a guest12:26
=== Guest3890 is now known as gord
BigRedSah, gord's been undercover12:28
oimonhmm what to buy the wife for 6th anniversary?12:39
MooDoooimon: ironing board12:40
MonsterwizardNew oven?12:40
oimonMooDoo: nah, she doesn't use her existing one enough12:40
MooDoooimon: pah training then ;)12:41
oimon6th wedding anniversary gifts traditionally have a theme of Iron and Sugar.12:41
oimonwe already have 2 irons :-\12:41
MooDoooimon: cuppa tea, victorian style [with the home cooked meal thrown in]12:41
oimonmaybe an iron cast of alan sugar12:42
oimonor a sugar cast of jeremy irons12:43
Myrttinew set of fireplace pokers12:43
oimonor chocolate , flowers and a takeaway (more likely)12:43
Myrttishe can wave them at ya12:43
oimonwe have a fireplace but nothing to poke12:43
BigRedSwow. three minutes to go from suggesting a new iron to suggesting flowers :)12:43
popeyoimon: bacon press12:44
oimoni have it easy, she loves flowers12:44
Myrtticast iron weathervane12:44
popeyi want one12:45
popeyif she doesnt like it, give it to me12:45
popeyyes, flat, evenly cooked bacon ftw12:45
oimontalk about unitasking items12:45
Laneythe unix way12:45
Myrttioimon: it's not an unitasking item12:46
Myrttiif you grind small combing on the side, you can use it to spread tiling plaster ;-)12:46
Myrttierm, grout12:46
popeylove those hostmasks12:46
oimondeary me http://unclutterer.com/2011/10/12/unitasker-wednesday-pizza-scissorsspatula-cut-n-serve/12:47
oimoni would think that my company would be a sufficient present, but no12:49
oimonhow many kg's do you think amy winehouse weighed? 50?12:57
oimonshe had  416mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood when she died.12:57
MooDoooimon: does anyone really care?12:58
* MooDoo takes his horrible hat off :)12:59
KrimZon_2how many ml is 416mg of alcohol?12:59
BigRedSI'd imagine of the order of 400ml13:00
BigRedSassuming its density isn't so far from that of water, but I'm not really sure13:00
gordonjcpquick question for the audio inclined13:00
oimona quick back of the envelope calculation shows prob 16 glasses of wine13:00
gordonjcptonytiger: for example13:00
gordonjcphas anyone here ever heard the term "windsock" used to describe a popshield?13:01
gordonjcpone of our sales guys has been stomping about moaning that he can't find replacements for the foam covers on boom mikes13:01
gordonjcpand keeps finding information about airfields13:01
KrimZon_2400ml is bigger than the 100ml that it would have to fit into13:01
oimonKrimZon_2: i was using http://dogsbody.psych.mun.ca/Tools/BAL/tutorial.html and assuming 50kg female13:02
oimongordonjcp: i think the term is windscreen13:04
oimonif you are talking about mic covers?13:05
oimonA microphone windscreen is sometimes called a wind gag, or dead cat or yet [wikipedia]13:05
gordonjcpoimon: I've heard the term wind gag for the dead rabbit, yes13:16
tonytigerYeah, I've never referred to them as windsocks.13:16
gordonjcpoimon: but I've only ever seen the foam ones referred to as popshields13:16
gordonjcptonytiger: as far as I'm concerned a windsock is a thing you get at an airfield, usually in pairs13:17
gordonjcpthey took away one of the windsocks at Broadford because they kept pointing towards each other13:17
oimonwhat's the mic model?13:18
gordonjcpoimon: oh, some el-cheapo communications boom mike13:18
gordonjcpbut it's a fairly standard sort of size13:18
oimonhttp://www.amazon.com/Rode-Deadcat-Wind-Muff-Microphone/dp/B000BH437S also refers to them as wind muff13:18
gordonjcpwe actually have some theatre sound and lighting guys in the industrial unit opposite, but Dougie the sales director is too scared of them to go and ask if they know where to get them13:18
oimoni do sound engineering but my training is non-theoretical, more on-the-job13:19
oimondon't ask a sound guy for advice unless you're prepared for the answer. IMO they tend to be worse than computer nerds13:20
oimoncheck out the list of online shops at http://www.shure.co.uk/meta_en/where_to_buy/dealer_locator13:21
BigRedSoimon: gordonjcp's nerdy audio conversation at oggcamp made me feel _really_ good about how I wasn't so nerdy after all13:27
oimonBigRedS: which day?13:27
oimonofficial talk or casual chatter13:27
BigRedSnah, pub at the end of it.13:27
oimonah..had to return to base after the end of proceedings13:28
BigRedSyeah, I wasn't there long - had to get to the south coast for dinner13:29
gordonjcpBigRedS: thanks, that's the nicest thing anyone has said all day13:29
gordonjcpBigRedS: I'm strangely proud of how many people actually said that it was by far the geekiest thing they'd heard all weekend ;-)13:30
gordonjcphells yeah, I outgeeked a geek conference13:30
gordonjcp(tbh the GCode 3D printing guys outgeek me)13:30
BigRedSgordonjcp: ah yeah, i heard the legends of your talk13:31
BigRedSI think I saw the title and decided it'd outgeeked me13:31
oimonjust took a myers-briggs test to check i'm still the same :) http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/jtypes2.asp13:31
BigRedSwell, that and your explanation13:31
gordonjcpcomplex numbers are fun13:31
MartijnVdScomplex numbers annoy13:35
gordonjcpnah, they're easy13:35
BigRedSI still remember the moment at uni when they suddenly made sense to me13:35
gordonjcpcomplex vectors especially so13:35
BigRedSand the realisation about forty seconds later that it was probably a good time to stop looking into them13:35
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: you must work with AC power13:36
gordonjcpwhen you think in terms of a complex vector things like phase and frequency become really clear13:36
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: RF13:36
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: got a bike?13:36
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: yes13:37
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: turn it upside down like you were going to change a tyre, and look at the front wheel13:37
gordonjcpthe valve is the tip of your vector13:37
gordonjcpwith the valve at the top we are at z=0+j1, the real component is zero and the imaginary component is 113:38
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: http://blip.tv/dimensions/dimensions_5_english_ipod-178560413:39
gordonjcpas you turn the wheel clockwise the horizontal distance from the tyre valve to the spindle describes a sine wave, and the vertical distance describes a cosine wave13:39
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: best explanation I've seen :)13:39
daubersI always like complex numbers for making certain types of calculus easier13:39
daubersand removing the need for stupid trig ids13:39
* popey divides daubers by zero13:39
daubersNow there are an infinite number of me's!13:40
gordonjcpdaubers: yes13:40
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: the faster you spin the wheel, the higher the frequency.  Where the wheel is around its rotation is the phase13:40
gordonjcpfrom that you can see that if you spin both wheels at the same speed, they have the same frequency but different phase (maybe)13:41
daubersgordonjcp: I get to go through all this again soon for my OU degree13:41
gordonjcpdaubers: I'm not a mathematician and I don't even play one on TV13:42
daubersmaths is easy. Making it useful is hard13:43
gordonjcpdaubers: hence my rather rambling talk on SDR13:44
gordonjcpI was a bit M6-lagged13:44
daubersAh! That was you!13:44
* daubers twigs13:44
gordonjcpby that point I'd had about six hours sleep in two days ;-)13:44
gordonjcpfour of which were in a very warm tent being slowly intoxicated by paraffin fumes13:45
daubersI tried looking into SDR at Uni as we were building a small radio telescope. Ended making it hardware defined as we ran out of time13:45
daubersbutane fumes are better for you13:45
daubersIn a still not very good for you manner....13:46
gordonjcpdaubers: ah, oaky13:47
gordonjcpdaubers: with stuff like the funcube dongle now it would be dead easy13:47
gordonjcpI wanted to adapt a 30m band Softrock to 10.7MHz so I could use it as the IF of an otherwise conventional receiver, for radioastronomy and satellite observation13:48
daubersCool, first radio thing I built was a simple long wave reciever to try and listen to the sun :)13:49
* BigRedS has been outnerded again :)13:49
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: http://www.dimensions-math.org/Dim_CH5_E.htm13:51
MartijnVdSdaubers: I listened to Black Hole Sun on my first radio receiver 8-)13:51
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: nice13:53
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: interesting where he talks about multiplications13:55
gordonjcpin SDR, you shift the frequency of the incoming samples by multiplying them with a rotating vector, which is a mathematical model of a diode ring mixer where two voltages are multiplied13:55
gordonjcpyour rotating vector is of course really just numbers pretending to be two sine oscillators exactly 90 degrees out of phase13:56
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: I've tried to understand QAM and QPSK etc but it gave me headaches. Is this like that?14:00
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: not really, no14:02
gordonjcpMartijnVdS: I mean if you want to have a play then you can grab lysdr from github and build it14:02
gordonjcpif you felt inclined to make a PPA I would have no objections14:02
gordonjcpjack is a faff in Ubuntu though14:02
* MartijnVdS doesn't know anything about radios, apparently14:04
bigcalmAlanBell: tickle14:05
* AlanBell giggles14:05
MartijnVdSAlanBell: like a little girl?14:08
* oimon wonders why vmware server not working, fiddles with router config, realises someone has stuck wrong hostname label on switch and tricked oimon14:18
gordonjcpoimon: hurr14:25
MooDoooimon: you've broken mine have you, lost connectiong to my windows server ;)14:25
MartijnVdSno that's just Microsoft14:25
MartijnVdSgordonjcp: This is also quite readable, but not really about complex numbers (more about how transmitters/receivers work with digital signals :) http://cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5965-7160E.pdf14:43
selinuxiumhi all   o/14:58
bigcalmGood night15:06
oimonguys do you all know what your personality types are?15:06
bigcalm4pm, yikes!15:06
oimon(myers briggs)15:06
oimoninterested in what results geeks get15:06
selinuxiumlo BigRedS  :)15:06
oimonfound this quite useful for me: http://www.personalitypage.com/INTJ.html15:07
* gordonjcp got INTP, no idea what that means in reality15:11
iclebyteoimon, that's me.15:12
oimoniclebyte: try the test http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/jtypes2.asp15:13
oimonit's very useful in learning how to relate to people15:13
oimonand understanding team member15:13
bigcalmIs it normal for connections over a VPN to take a _long_ time to establish, or is it just this one client's set up?15:13
oimoni read one description of INTJ that basically said "quick to jump in and answer questions on irc"15:14
iclebytebigcalm, what kind of vpn? openvpn ?15:14
bigcalmiclebyte: F515:14
iclebytebigcalm, not used that but openvpn is up in a couple of seconds or there is an issue.15:14
oimondo you have forward & reverse DNS entries15:15
gordonjcpbigcalm: pptp vpn from Ubuntu lapdog to Arch desktop at home on cable, crap connection here at work, takes about ten seconds15:15
bigcalmI had to hunt down a pyton/C script to be able to make a connection15:15
bigcalmTo SSH in it takes in excess of 30 seconds for the password prompt to appear15:15
oimonit could be name resolution realted15:15
bigcalmConnecting to an IP address15:16
iclebytebigcalm, is the ssh connection slow once you've logged in after the 30 seconds?15:17
* awilkins usually comes out INTJ15:17
bigcalmiclebyte: no. And I was able to send a file over scp to the remote server at 1.3MB/s15:17
oimoninterestingly the number of people with aspergers with INTJ/P is v high15:18
iclebytebigcalm, then i would say it might be a reverse dns issue.15:19
bigcalmJust timed it. 53 seconds15:19
awilkinsoimon, It doesn't surprise me, all those questions about social scenarios15:19
oimonyeah lol15:19
iclebytebigcalm, when logging in the ssh server by default will try and lookup a reverse entry for your client, this can cause problems if its not running. try disabling reverse dns lookups on the SSH server in /etc/ssh/sshd.conf and try again15:20
oimoni get vertigo type feeling in crowds15:20
bigcalmhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/719754/ that is the part that took the longest15:20
awilkinsMy personal idea of hell is the Trafford Centre (big mall near Manchester) on a Saturday close to Ch*****as15:20
bigcalmiclebyte: sadly I don't have the permission to mess with the SSH server on the remote end.15:21
awilkinsJust about tolerable if I'm alone. If I'm with the wifelet, I'll want to kill someone within about 10 minutes.15:21
oimoni get it subconciously. as i walk through a narrow gap along with other people, i suddenly feel dizzy before i get a chance to process what's happening15:21
oimonsame with walking up steps in a crowd15:22
oimonthe weird thing is, it only happened in the last few years15:22
directhexINTJ. surprise surprise15:23
MartijnVdSNERD :P15:24
iclebytebigcalm, do you have the ability to ensure that there is a reverse dns entry for the host from which you are connecting?15:25
bigcalmiclebyte: not really :) I'll make do with the time delay15:26
awilkinsIt's interesting to revisit this stuff, I just got promoted to a role with more management responsibility15:26
awilkinsApparently us INTJs like to be the "man behind the curtain"15:27
oimontotally the techie personality type15:27
awilkins"Forced to conform to inefficient procedures, go through the often wasteful motions of unnecessary meetings or sacrifice authenticity for political correctness, the INTJ, in such an environment, may encounter great frustration."15:27
oimoni like to make things happen but only if not the centre of attention15:27
awilkinsOh damn, that's true.15:27
oimonextroverts annoy me15:28
awilkinsYeah, we have a couple here I would gleefully wrap in duct-tape and lock in one of our office phone booths.15:28
iclebyteoimon, you need them though, no no one would talk.15:29
awilkinsEsp. the one with a phone wallpaper that consists of a finger pointing out of screen with caption "Who's the most awsome today?"15:29
iclebyteon = or15:29
iclebyteplus you get to sit there and critize them in your head.15:29
oimoniclebyte: yeah, it's annoying :P15:29
iclebytethe guy who sits oposite me just talks all day15:29
oimonwe all have faults , extroverts show you theirs often15:29
iclebytei quite like it tho15:29
iclebyteoh wait hes talking to me again15:30
awilkinsI just have a pair of in-ear plug headphones15:30
awilkinsAnd a wide selection of electronic trance music15:30
iclebytehe just said "you know that big hoo harr google had about them driving round filming in cars, who cares - it's cool!"15:30
oimonthats just talking for no reason15:30
MartijnVdSwell it IS cool :)15:30
iclebytenow he's talking about putting a sign in his window saying "Hi - google car"15:30
iclebyteamazing =)15:30
oimoni would have murderous thoughts on a daily basis15:31
iclebytenah, he's cool15:31
iclebyteapparently placing the sign in his window would make him feel "big and strong, like im enfocing my will on google"15:31
iclebyteepic =)15:31
oimoni hate the red gmail icon in my taskbar showing unread mail..so i have to read it ASAP :-\15:32
MartijnVdSNow you make him sound like a case for the psych15:32
awilkinsSuggest that he photocopies his "equipment" at 150% and puts that on this poster too.15:32
iclebytethats the best online to realworld timing ive ever had.15:32
MartijnVdShe just did it?15:33
oimonINTJ shouldn't work in the public sector, because so much is done badly, it frustrates you intently15:33
awilkinsoimon, Yeah, I'm reading this piece and thinking "Damn, how can I assassinate all my superiors"15:34
iclebyteprobably the most annoying man i've ever met was sat next to me on my LPIC1 course.15:35
awilkinsI'm sooooo peed off with doing things (or not) for political rather than technical reasons15:35
oimoni've just noticed i have 13 days leave to take before 21dec15:35
MooDoooimon: lucky you15:35
gordonjcpoimon: I have 17 to take before the 31st of December15:36
oimoni like working though :(15:36
oimonwe get 21ish-1jan off anyway15:36
awilkinsLike the totally arbitrary 6 month deadline we had to do a whole bunch of software, based on the Worst Platform Ever (tm) for no reason other than "that is our strategy"15:36
awilkinsIn the end, the software we made i) works ii) Doesn't use the UI part of tWPE iii) Doesn't use the data storage backend of tWPE either iv) Just has a thin sliver of tWPE in the middle so we can pretend15:37
awilkinsAnd the 6 month deadline being based on the work the software was designed for taking another 6 months... hah15:37
awilkinsTook them 6 weeks (as predicted by us when trying to get deadline extensions)15:37
awilkinsSo we frazzled our development team for nothing apart from preserving some upper management tonkhead's dignity because we didn't overturn his "set in stone" deadlines based on reality rather than taking a 2 year project span and dividing it into 4 equal chunks because they didn't bother actually assessing how long things take.15:39
* awilkins is aware he's ranting15:39
MartijnVdSsounds familiar15:40
MooDooawilkins: you ranting ;)15:40
awilkinsSo I'm now down to 50% strength because the manager I replaced quit, and so did my UI guy.15:40
awilkinsHappy joy.15:41
MooDootypical, vmware guest down, can't do anything till i get home ....boooooo15:41
oimonforgot my tablet to read on the train, and uupc isn't out for download yet :( sad16:00
* oimon reckons popey has uupc on highlight16:00
jacobwoimon: radiolab.org16:11
popeyoimon: maybe :D16:12
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Ubuntu Community Survey Next Steps: Enhancing Recognition and Credit - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/10/26/ubuntu-community-survey-next-steps-enhancing-recognition-and-credit/16:28
awilkinsI wonder if zombie trainspotters say "traaains!"17:19
MartijnVdSawilkins: I know vegetarian zombies say "graaaains"17:19
brobostigonand beer lovers, :)17:20
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: zombies don't drink beer :)17:21
brobostigonMartijnVdS: ohwell, :(17:21
awilkinsI'm knackered, three days commuting on trains really takes it out of me17:21
MartijnVdSawilkins: Also, a zombie on electricity: "MAAAAINS"17:22
awilkins/join #git17:26
awilkinsArrgh. Stupid phone IRC telepathy plugin17:26
awilkinsMmmn, garbage train. Fragrant.17:52
ikonialong shot UK guys, but I don't suppose any of you want a MSI motherboard with an Intel Core2duo dual core CPU, with 2GB of ram - for free, before I throw it out17:54
ikoniaor two WinTV nova cards (dual digital tuners on each, work great with Linux)17:54
ikoniaooh and you can have a Silverstone 400watt silent PSU17:54
ikoniait's all free if anyone wants it, or I'll throw it out17:54
awilkinsLive near manchester?17:55
ikoniano, but I'll post it down if you want, my parents are reasonably close to Manchester (25 minutes away)17:55
ikoniait's my old mythTV server, worked great, record/watch 4 live feeds plus store on disk17:56
awilkinsSounded like one :)17:56
ikoniashock horror.....17:56
ikoniaserver + multiple TV cards.....wonder what that's for17:56
ikoniathe cpu is 2.4ghz I think17:57
awilkinsWill you be around later? I'm commuting ATM and signal will drop out a few time on this leg of journey17:57
ikoniaI won't bin it tonight if that's what you mean17:58
ikoniabut I'm getting ready to17:58
awilkinsIs it ATX or uATX form factor?17:58
ikoniathink it's ATX17:58
ikoniapretty sure, slightly bigger than uatx17:58
ikoniaI'll get the board model later if you're interested in it17:59
awilkinsThinking if I don't want it, nice present for madlab.org.uk17:59
ikoniaif $anyone has a use for it, they are welcome to it17:59
awilkinsBut may well want it anyway ... give them my old gear17:59
ikoniaI wondered if someone may want it for a myth box, or a development machine, or desktop for the child etc etc18:00
awilkinscore duo big step up from sempron 180018:00
ikoniaor just want the cards etc18:00
ikoniawell quite18:00
ikoniaI've got a crappy nvidia AGP card you can have with it18:00
ikoniajust be pleased for it to get use rather than my binning it18:00
awilkinsIn the words of Frank Abagnale, even better18:01
ikoniaI'll hang of binning it until you get home and confirm it's something you want then18:01
awilkinshappy to pay you to post it to me18:02
awilkinsThat's brightened up my trip home. My headphone cable has broken on left channel, will have to get soldering iron out18:04
czajkowskigord: you holding up ok18:06
brobostigonyay, get-iplayer yo the rescue, life of brian, :)18:06
ikoniaawilkins: no problem18:08
ikoniaawilkins: make a donation to an open source project18:09
awilkinsikonia: How gracious! Shall try to equal your generosity.18:11
ikoniaha ha, good for you18:12
gordonjcpikonia: where are you?18:12
ikoniagordonjcp: Southwest, near Bristol18:12
awilkinsAre you skipping country or something?18:12
ikoniawho me ?18:12
awilkinsYup. Just curious. Either that or you just ordered a new server and your flat is tiiiny.18:13
gordonjcpikonia: ah, okay18:13
gordonjcpikonia: for some odd reason I thought you were in Norway18:13
ikoniajust done a big consolidation thats all, put a new machine together to replace many others18:13
awilkinsFairy snuff18:13
ikoniagordonjcp: the nick perhaps ?18:14
ikoniaeveryone normally thinks it's finish18:14
gordonjcpikonia: sometimes people think I'm norwegian because of my accent18:14
gordonjcpor canadian18:14
ikoniaawilkins: just a big upgrade so it seems pointless to hang on to it, rather have someone get use out of it18:14
ikoniagordonjcp: aboot18:14
awilkinsI have an old case lying around with a thunderbird in it that may suit v.nicely18:14
ikoniacase is something I can't help with18:15
ikoniadon't have anything space on that front18:15
awilkinsNP with that18:15
awilkinsFor maximum WAF may need a new case anyhow18:15
awilkinsShe won't like the idea of a MythTV upgrade anyway.18:16
ikoniaI may...(not sure) have some more ram for this to take it up to 4GB, not %100 certain18:16
ikoniaI'll also have another machine spare at the end of the month when I've finished the consolidation18:16
ikoniaanother 2.4gz c2d with 4gb of ram on an asus board18:16
ikoniaso keep in mind if someone wants it, but that ones not available yet18:16
awilkinsThe new builds don't have the theme she's used to.. 2GB is more than adequate for Mythtv, I'm on 512MB ATM.18:17
awilkinsAnd thats a frontend18:17
awilkins(w. backend as well)18:17
ikoniawell, it's yours, I'll get a box for it later18:17
awilkinsWe should have a freecycle for geeks. GeekCycle18:18
awilkinsTake donations from exchange partners and use proceeds to ship spare hardware to worthies18:19
awilkinsMadLab are always up for spare hardware AFAIK18:19
ikoniawell, they may have a use for another machine when I take it to bits later18:20
* bigcalm prods gPodder19:43
bigcalmGive me a new UUPC damn it!19:43
* Dave2 pats his beyondpod19:43
Dave2It gave it to me last night19:43
* popey hands bigcalm http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/download/uupc_s04e18_high.ogg19:43
bigcalmAww, fanky19:44
stevepdpgood evening ubuntu-uk19:44
popeyHullo stevepdp19:44
MartijnVdSpopey: "Request sent, waiting for reply..."19:49
MartijnVdSpopey: is that server a bit busy atm?19:50
MartijnVdS(or cherokee, or lighttpd)19:53
popeyyeah, keep meaning to19:56
MartijnVdS$ make time20:01
MartijnVdSmake: *** No rule to make target `time'.  Stop.20:01
MartijnVdS\o DaveBug20:05
DaveBugHi MartijnVdS20:05
diploEvening all20:06
DaveBugAnyone going to the Nottingham Happy Hour?20:07
MartijnVdSAlanBell probably20:07
Andres-kainany of you use arduino? i am making my christmas wishlist20:07
tonytigerBit too far for me20:07
Andres-kainnever used before.20:07
MartijnVdSAndres-kain: I've heard it's cool. I think tonytiger knows more20:07
MartijnVdSAndres-kain: and popey20:07
* popey cuddles DaveBug 20:08
AlanBellMartijnVdS: DaveBug: I am not going, but Laney and MooDoo are I think20:08
popeyI might20:08
popeyfor a bit of a giggle20:08
DaveBugpopey: Well, it is Nottingham...20:08
popeywell indeed20:08
popeyI haven't been to nottingham for ages20:08
popeylaney and moodoo are very nice people20:09
DaveBugpopey: Sadly, I work there.20:09
MartijnVdSit's only a 2.5 hour drive..20:09
DaveBugAlanBell: Aren't you the event organiser? :o)20:09
AlanBellI am organising the overall series20:10
DaveBugAhh, gotcha... makes sense.20:10
AlanBellbut I am not going to every single one20:10
MartijnVdSpopey: I keep being amazed by the distances in the UK - I can't drive more than 2.5 hours (in one direction) and stay in the Netherlands :)20:10
AlanBelldo you know the place DaveBug?20:10
DaveBugAlanBell: I know where it is, but I've not been there before.20:10
popeysladen is in nottingham i believe20:12
popeymight get him along20:12
DaveBugIt's about a 15 minute walk from work.  I'm trying to persuade some colleagues to come along too.20:12
MartijnVdSThere are internet celebrities in Nottingham -- periodicvideos / sixtysymbols :)20:13
DaveBugOh aye?20:13
DaveBugHI mattt20:13
mattthowzit dave?20:13
DaveBugmattt: All good, ta.20:13
geekMePleaseAny takers: http://askubuntu.com/questions/71048/unable-to-have-internet-connection-with-huawei-e367-mobile-broadband20:14
geekMePlease* I do not know really anymore where to look at20:14
geekMePleaseAlanBell: popey: above the problem which we have discussed a few times now20:16
popeyI'll take a look in a bit, I'm a bit busy right at this moment.20:17
popeyhave bookmarked it20:17
AlanBellgeekMePlease: does it work with 11.04?20:17
geekMePleaseAlanBell: do not know, do not have 11.04 around anymore20:18
geekMePlease* I will google it20:18
AlanBellok, might be good to add to the askubuntu question if you can try from an 11.04 live CD or something20:18
geekMePleaseAlanBell: It worked in 11.10 beta, but not in release-version20:18
geekMePleaseAlanBell: Did it already20:19
geekMePleaseAlanBell: Where can you order CDs of 11.04?20:19
geekMePleasethey are shipping 11.10 only now20:20
* popey suspects AlanBell has a few20:20
AlanBellyou can download them20:20
AlanBellor I can send you one20:20
geekMePleaseAlanBell: I have only x60 at the moment20:20
geekMePleaseno cd drive20:20
geekMePleaseno other PCs around, only X60s20:20
AlanBellcan you prove that the modem is still working?20:20
geekMePleaseAlanBell: Yes definately20:20
geekMePleaseAlanBell: did it in the operator's shop20:21
geekMePleaseAlanBell: it works with Windows20:21
AlanBellI am shoving in an 11.04 CD with every 11.10 CD20:22
MartijnVdSThe UUPC music sounds extra tinny from my laptop speakers :)20:23
MartijnVdSsure.. open jpegs using IE in WINE20:24
ubuntuuk-planet[Ubuntu UK Podcast] S04E18  Age of Innocence - http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/2011/10/26/s04e18-age-of-innocence/20:31
* awilkins waves at ikonia20:33
Andres-kainnew podcast? updating gpodder!20:33
Laneyyeah! nottingham!20:35
=== webpigeon is now known as Guest39783
Laneydoes anyone remember the heinz exercises advert?20:38
Laneyi must find it for my sanity, please help20:38
popeyi do not20:39
gordnope, you must be crazy20:40
Laney"we must do our exercises, exercises, exercises / we must do our exercises, exercises we must do"20:40
Laneyi swear it existed20:40
Andres-kainnope i remember the heinz ketup i like to pour on my grup with bacon and eggs chicken and chips, with 5 different sizes it is the taste passing test get it oooon!20:41
Andres-kainyay! podcast downloaded! something to look forward to.20:46
* Laney enjoyed the last minute20:49
=== Guest39783 is now known as webpigeon_laptop
Laney♥ popey♥20:50
Laneythose hearts are huge on the ubuntu font20:50
DaveBugLaney o/20:52
MartijnVdSas are the smiley faces20:52
MartijnVdSand that look of disapproval :)20:52
popeyhehe Laney20:54
DaveBugThe Ubuntu Mono font reminds me of the display font of LocoScript 2.0 on the Amstrad PCW.20:55
DaveBugIs that wrong?20:55
MartijnVdSWing commander++21:00
Andres-kainany of you ever programed in lisp?21:00
MartijnVdSAndres-kain: about 3 lines21:00
DaveBugThadly not.21:00
popeyyou talking about the Amstrad PCW remind me of 25 years ago in your house DaveBug21:00
DaveBugpopey: Aye, can't fault your recall.21:01
* Laney just searched the previous shout out21:01
LaneyS03E18, this was S04E1821:02
popeyhaha, really?21:02
Laneyi think NOT21:02
bigcalmI am confused21:03
bigcalmWho am I?21:03
Andres-kainMartijnVds lisp creator dier recently.21:06
DaveBugLaney: I understand you're going to Happy Hour?21:46
DaveBugAwesome, I'll see you there then.21:47
DaveBugpopey: Did you really say 25 years?21:49
* popey thinks21:50
DaveBugYes, it would be.21:50
popeyi was 14 so yeah21:50
DaveBugRH merged with YB in '8621:50
DaveBugLOL - popey...21:50
DaveBugOh, I'm surprised... I thought you'd remember that.21:51
DaveBugPDP-11 login?21:51
popeythere was a PDP-11 there!?21:51
popeyI dont recall that21:51
DaveBugAt Brooklands, yes21:51
popeyno, that was a Prime21:52
popeyKeith was on that course wasnt he?21:52
popeyhe did the Max Headroom thing21:52
popeywhich spooled out pages and pages from the teletype21:53
DaveBugWhy did I think that was a PDP-11?21:54
DaveBugUnless the UoS had one?21:54
DaveBugYeah, I remember that bit!21:55
popeyhttp://wickensonline.co.uk/declegacy/node/47 want21:55
DaveBugOh nice!21:56
DaveBugHeh, do you remember that graphics terminal at FC?21:56
DaveBugEnormous green screen thing21:57
DaveBugThere's that recall again21:57
popeyI'd love a VT10021:58
popeyon my desk21:58
DaveBugI could only ever hope for a clone or emulator.21:59
mgdmgordonjcp has or had some PDP kit at once stage, IIRC?21:59
popeyyeah, I'd want a real one22:00
popeyyears ago they popped up on ebay22:00
popeynot any more22:00
gordonjcpmgdm: yeah22:01
gordonjcpthe guy who had it first after Aberdeen College of Agriculture had two ADM3A terminals with the Tek-compatible graphics board22:02
mgdmI gather that wasn't yesterday? :)22:03
gordonjcpnaw, about five or six years ago22:03
gordonjcpalthough I was wearing that jumper this evening22:03
* funkyHat wobbles22:04
mgdmI love it that the VT100 was introduced in 1978 and the thing I'm typing on just now is emulating it22:06
gordonjcpokay, nerdgasm alert22:07
gordonjcpit occurs to me that I can use the huge serial analyser I picked up on Sunday to watch the flow of data to my packet modem22:07
gordonjcpwhen it sees the start of a KISS frame, it could pulse its gate pin, triggering the digital storage adaptor to sample the audio out of the modem and show it on the 'scope22:08
mgdmI think you need to do Aphex Twin-style embedding of pictures in audio22:08
lubotu3`Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.22:20
DaveBugG'nite all.22:40
popeynn DaveBug22:49
popeyAlanBell: see someone posted rms's ryder22:49
popeyit's proper lolworthy22:49
popeyi too like chocolate and noodles22:56

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