
BotenAnnafor the evening krew, your wtf site link for the day. audiophiles O_O http://www.royaldevice.com/custom.htm01:49
jyoHuh. I suppose they're still working on Google Calendar integration before rolling out events in Google+.05:25
BotenAnna~*good morning*~16:34
bkerensaGood Morning16:34
* bkerensa will be in California for Christmas16:34
* nhaines is dreaing of a brown Christmas.16:35
bkerensanhaines: Brown?16:36
nhainesbkerensa: we only have four seasons down here: heatwave, earthquake, mudslide, and riot.16:37
bkerensanhaines: Oh I know... I'm a true Californian ;)16:37
bkerensaBorn in Sacramento16:37
nhainesalso s/heatwave/wildfire/ is good too.  :)16:37
bkerensaMy entire family is pretty much in California16:37
bkerensa;) Family owns a city or two16:38
bkerensaWell mostly just Martinez, CA these days16:38
pleia2I like SF, we just have "nice" and "foggy"16:42
bkerensapleia2: I think you some how have missed the rain16:43
pleia2it hardly ever rains here16:43
pleia2light mist at most (I'd say that's fog)16:44
bkerensapleia2: How long have you been there now?16:44
Faqtotumno, rain is here in Sacramento, just not atm16:44
pleia2bkerensa: almost 2 years16:44
bkerensayou must be having a dry spell16:44
bkerensaIt rained every October when I lived in SF16:44
pleia2we had a couple days of drizzle before I went to philly, but otherwise it's been beautiful and warm this month16:45
bkerensaone week it rained so bad in the Mission I swear a homeless person on Valencia Street got submerged16:45
bkerensaHmm :D16:45
bkerensaNo doubt it is mostly sunny but it seemed every October rain came but magically on all holidays it was dry16:45
=== negronjl_mobile is now known as negronjl
pleia2we do our carpets in this building in the spring because they say the rainy season is january or feburary16:46
pleia2but even then it doesn't rain a ton, just a few rainy days here and there16:46
akkWe have had relatively dry winters these last couple years, at least down here in the south bay.16:46
akkNo El NiƱo.16:46
bkerensaakk: Yeah I figured16:46
pleia2and nothing like back east16:46
pleia2I think a rainy year in california is very different than a rainy year back east ;)16:46
nhainespleia2: has it been two years already?16:47
bkerensaMy family has a house in San Bruno and a block of houses in Martinez, CA16:47
* bkerensa needs to go visit soon :)16:47
pleia2nhaines: well, in february :)16:47
akkWe don't get the heavy torrential rains or thunderstorms much ... we just get insistent overcast and rain for 3 months straight, in bad years.16:47
bkerensaakk: My grandmothers house in South San Francisco is worth so much $$$ now.... She has owned it for like 30 years and inherited it16:47
pleia2back in philly you can set your watch to the 5PM tree-destroying thunderstorms in the spring :)16:48
pleia2I do miss the thunderstorms16:48
akkI love thunderstorms ... wish we had them.16:48
bkerensapleia2: Colorado has epic thunderstorms16:48
BotenAnnathunder hit a tree in CA?16:48
akkNew Mexico had some wonderful storms, and you barely even have to get wet (everything's dry again an hour after the storm passes).16:48
BotenAnnawelp, whole state is gonna burn down16:49
* bkerensa wants to avoid thunderstorms at all costs... I was in a thunderstorm in Colorado and was like "Uhhh we dont have thunderstorms like this in California"16:49
BotenAnnai never truly experienced a thunderstorm until i lived in korea, CA doesn't have thunderstorms like other places16:49
akkBotenAnna: I had some friends in South SJ who had a backyard tree explode when lightning hit it, a few years ago. So it does happen occasionally.16:49
bkerensapleia2: Do you like Mexican Food?16:50
BotenAnnalike normally a little thunder, rain, it's calming. but a serious thunderstorm? holy shit you feel like suddenly you will be hit with lightning and die16:50
pleia2bkerensa: from time to time16:50
bkerensapleia2: Allow me to suggest http://www.yelp.com/biz/taqueria-cancun-san-francisco-4 (Taqueria Cancun) they have two locations in SF and it is the best I have ever had :)16:50
pleia2bkerensa: yep, been there :)16:50
bkerensaI used to eat their nearly everyday16:50
bkerensaAnd Sushi... Go to Todai in SV16:51
BotenAnna"are there lightning rods in this city? on our house? it's installed right? there's no way the lightning will hit the metal rod and poor construction will ignite the house or somethingohgodohgodohgodohgod"16:51
bkerensaI cant remember if it is in Milpitas or Sunnyvale16:51
pleia2we go to a small sushi place where my fiance has known the chef for several years16:51
bkerensapleia2: Nice... Thats the best way I imagine then :) I like going places where I know the cooks or owners16:52
akkIs Todai still around? I thought they all closed.16:52
bkerensaakk: WHAT?16:52
bkerensathey closed the one in Portland16:52
bkerensabut I thought it was just this one16:52
akkI know the couple I used to go to are gone.16:52
* bkerensa shakes fist at Sushi gods16:53
akkBut mostly in SoCal (Todai is a big group celebratory thing for me -- too expensive and excessive for just a casual dinner)16:53
akkBut I think the Vellco one was gone last time I was by there.16:53
bkerensawell if Todai is gone then I guess the best Sushi in California for me atleast is Osaka on Castro in SF16:53
bkerensaakk: Well I used to go there for my birthday and whenever I visited my mom when she lived in Sunnyvale.... I liked the eat till you x.x and die16:54
Faqtotumi went to the Todai in daly city shortly after they first opened, and i wasn't impressed16:57
akkI think it's been tough for Japanese places lately ... Miyake closed this past year, and that was a Cupertino institution for 20+ years.16:57
bkerensaakk: Hmm do you know if Sushi Lovers still exists?16:58
akkThat sounds familiar but I can't remember why.16:59
akkWhere was it?16:59
bkerensaMilpitas and Santa Clara16:59
bkerensaMy mom favored them :D16:59
bkerensaBut then again my mom was born in Japan so ;)17:00
akkOh, I think I may have been to the Milpitas one. But googling on it gives the first two hits saying CLOSED.17:00
BotenAnnamaybe its all the doctor who ive been watching but im really starting to see the appeal of tea and some kind of crackers17:23
nhainesBotenAnna: what about biscuits?17:41
BotenAnnaalso, a lil' morning lols: http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ltmobeRRqC1qa6xn7o1_500.jpg17:42
nhainesI think I'm out of English tea cookies, but I also don't think I need to have a huge bag of cookies at my desk.17:42
BotenAnnayeah i want the crackers but17:42
BotenAnnai don't have any17:42
BotenAnnaand i think this is a good thing17:42
jtatumfish fingers and custard17:51
jyopleia2: So the Nexus One finally rides off into the Ice Cream Sandwich-less sunset, eh?19:30
pleia2jyo: I don't know that it's been confirmed19:30
pleia2I wouldn't be surprised though19:30
pleia2it's ashame, the only real problem with the nexus one is the internal storage, otherwise it's still one of the higher power androids out there19:31
nhainesjyo: citation needed!20:22
nhainespleia2: My Nexus One and my G2 are getting ICS.  :)20:22
pleia2I assumed he meant OTA :)20:26
nhainespleia2: boo http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/google/8848669/Android-upgrade-for-Google-Nexus-S-in-weeks.html20:28
nhainesBut yeah, I'm getting it anyway.  :)20:29
pleia2my fiance should be getting the galaxy/prime for holiday work gift, at which point I might make a play for his S ;)20:36
pleia2but I really do love the One20:37
pleia2the S is all plasticy and meh20:37
nhainesYeah, metal and glass is where it's at.20:39
nhainesI love my G2 but I'm pretty sure it won't get an update.20:39
bkerensaG2 a phone?21:03
nhainesbkerensa: yes, the T-Mobile G2, by HTC.21:03
bkerensaoh :D21:03
* bkerensa has a iphone.... HTC offered me a inspire but it was for I think t-mobile and I use ATT21:04
bkerensaseems like T-Mobile gets cool phones21:04
nhainesI will take the inspire!  :P21:04
nhainesyeah, T-Mobile's doing pretty good as far as Android goes.21:04
BotenAnnamy nexus one is awesome but I'm excite to get something new around marchish. the nexus prime looks p cool, if i'm thinking of the right one. the one that was just announced21:19
nhainesBotenAnna: Galaxy Nexus :P21:19
BotenAnnayeah probs that one21:20
BotenAnnai'm suspicious of samsung but the main line Nexus phones tend to have less BS so I guess I'll see how it's received21:20
BotenAnnaand hey something shinier may happen by then!21:20
BotenAnnai'd love an xperia play kind of thing but I think the new hardware revision is only available on verizon or something dumb :(21:21
nhainesI'll wait for HTC.21:26
BotenAnnahow long is the wait though :(21:48
BotenAnnahow long21:48
nhainesI will wait... FOREVER21:48
jtatumwho wants to live forevahhhhh22:23
jtatumooo wants to live forevahhhh!! aaaaaaaaahhhhh!22:24
pleia2who needs forever anyway22:24
BotenAnnai will wait...until I get tired of my otherwise awesome N1 having about 2k of internal memory for apps22:39
BotenAnnawhich is until about several months ago :V22:40
pleia2I don't even bother exaggerating, 200M is pathetic :)22:44
pleia2particularly when google thinks it's a good idea to release their 25M G+ app that you can't move to external22:45
nhainespleia2: I thought they fixed that?  :)22:45
* pleia2 checks again22:45
pleia2ooh yay!22:46
BotenAnnaI was so excited to be a consumer whore and buy everything on tap tap22:47
BotenAnnabut the dang thing takes like 25MB of memory and i think stores all the songs in app memory >=(22:47
BotenAnnaand you can't move to SD22:47
BotenAnnaoh well that probably saved me like $50 of poorly thought out impulse purchases22:47
BotenAnnaalso why is locking screen just causing gnome-screensaver to take up 99% cpu and otherwise do nothing and I have to manually kill the process to be able to use my computer again :(22:48
BotenAnnalock the desktop, in deed22:48
BotenAnna<nhains> well you told it to lock the desktop didn't you?22:51
BotenAnnahad to get that response out of the way :V22:51
nhainesTruth in advertising!  :V22:58

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