
tonyyarussoh00k: I was going to tell you to look for northern lights.00:59
h00ktonyyarusso: ah :(02:25
h00ktonyyarusso: they saw them all the way in Georgia02:25
tonyyarussogood grief02:25
tonyyarussoWe were full of clouds02:25
h00kYeah, it's snowing here now02:26
=== sparkle_history is now known as sparklehistory
h00knot nice :(03:45
tonyyarussoDon't be a lame winter-hater!  Be a lame-winter hater!03:46
sparklehistorytonyyarusso: Aren't you gramatically cute03:47
TakyojiDangit, I wanted to make OpenCola or similar in time for the installfest (this Saturday), but I don't have the resources and doubt that I could gather up the materials in that time04:23
TakyojiAnyone know the difference between AppSocket, IPP, and LPD?21:57

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