
binarymutanthe's baack *dumdumduummm*00:14
binarymutant^ with lightning effects00:14
binarymutantwow a day after I said I didn't like lisp the creator died. Halloween spooky00:27
Unit193wrst: You know an autorejoin on kick for quassel?02:14
wrstuhh i think there is an option but not for sure?02:21
wrstwell not finding it Unit19302:22
Unit193Thanks for checking02:22
wrstUnit193: there has to be something i'm missing02:26
Unit193wrst: Haven't used it enough02:29
Unit193average_guy: Welcome back02:29
binarymutantit's so early my eyeballs hurt.11:12
wrstha ha binarymutant11:43
wrstwake up!11:43
vychunegood morning\13:27
wrstmorning vychune13:37
vychunewhats up?13:39
wrstvery littel you?13:40
vychunewaiting on my friend to text me back\13:43
vychunenot much13:43
wrsthopefully you want be waiting for long13:44
xpistosmorning all13:49
wrstmorning xpistos13:49
vychunexpistos: o/13:55
vychuneas usual BSID14:59
wrstnice vychune :\15:02
vychunea nice Bull S**T Over Dose to start the day15:03
=== Xpistos1 is now known as Xpistos
xpistos_I really need to figure out what is going on with that16:04
wrstyes you do xpistos_ it really annoys me :P16:18
xpistos_I could always kill quassel, that might fix the problem16:28
wrstlooks like a network issu?16:28
wrsti rarely get those16:28
chris4585I really hate it when hardware ceases to work correctly in linux :|18:24
cyberangerchris4585: compared to windows, I like it, I hate failing hardware reguardless the software18:32
chris4585it just makes me want to bang my head and ask the question why does a outdated kernel support something but yet a updated kernel decides to stop supporting something?18:33
cyberangeran AGP graphics card or something a few era's back?18:37
chris4585no, ps3 eyetoy18:37
chris4585yeah, in earlier releases of ubuntu it works just fine, mic and video, not just video works18:40
johnhaitasso wrst cyberanger xpistos_ ... i forgot my bitlbee password20:16
johnhaitasany suggestions?20:16
wrstcyberanger: any suggestions ^^^ :)20:16
wrstjohnhaitas: cyberanger got me into it so he has to provide support for life, i think that is correct?20:17
xpistos_I agree20:25
xpistos_alright peeps time to go home20:46
=== xpistos_ is now known as xpistos_afk
xpistos_afkNight everyone20:46
Unit193Good night (already?)20:46
cyberangerjohnhaitas: your server?20:48
xpistos_afkyep when you start work at 720:49
cyberangerxpistos_afk: still afternoon, your just a lucky .... umhm20:49
xpistos_afkwell that too20:49
* cyberanger would like to know who he has to kill for a stable job around here :-/20:50
* cyberanger also wonders if buttering up somebody here would help20:52
xpistos_afkI could get you ajob where I work no problem20:54
xpistos_afkit is in Nashville20:54
cyberangerjohnhaitas: lemme know when your back online, hopefully we both will be by then20:55
binarymutantgah work :(21:27
cyberangerwhat the mutant said ;-)21:32
cyberangerbinarymutant: bad day?22:02
binarymutantno just exhausted22:07
cyberangernow that I understand22:07
binarymutantutterly & totally22:07
* cyberanger hands binarymutant a cup of "rest" brand coffee22:08
binarymutantI've got my energy drink-but it isn't working22:09
cyberangerlol, my last energy drink worked too well22:10
Unit193Heh, yep ;)22:11
cyberanger1.5 to 2 grams of caffine, so many issuees from that high a dose in a 15 minute window22:11
binarymutantlol, my caffine tolerance is too high22:13
cyberangerbinarymutant: sounds like rest is what you really need (yes coming from the guy who's often up 40 hours at a time, I know I know)22:13
binarymutantthought about it, but if I go to sleep now I won't be able to sleep tonight22:14
binarymutantso must stay up22:14
cyberangerbinarymutant: well, my tolerance is high to a point, doesn't handle getting firebombed into the system22:14
cyberangerarythmic & high heart beat22:15
cyberangercaffine jitters that are mistaken for a seizure22:15
cyberangeror nothing at all22:15
binarymutant^ I'd like to have some of that22:19
Unit193I have too much blood in my caffine system!!22:19
cyberangerUnit193: hahahah, thats good22:20
Unit193And maybe too true for some :P22:20
binarymutantI was just trying to use the '+' symbol in a google search, then opened my rss readers and BoingBoing just posted an article about how it no longer works22:26
chris4585binarymutant, lol thats how it goes22:52

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