
Sarvattbryceh: http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-settings-daemon/commit/?id=67785fa2b1043bd5397669f92abbd210dbf23f24 hmm00:38
Sarvattbah wrong channel :)00:38
Sarvattthat was added at the beginning of october, about the timeframe these bugs started pouring in00:42
* bryceh nods00:42
Sarvatt  * debian/patches/50_add_dell_backlight.patch:00:43
Sarvatt    - Add 'dell_backlight' module to gsd-backlight-helper (LP: #862474)00:43
Sarvattit is only affecting dells too..00:43
bryceh873191 is HP00:44
brycehanyway, thanks.  hopefully that's enough clue for the gnome guys to take it where it needs to go00:46
brycehI've registered a general X session - https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-p-xorg02:40
brycehshould have done that last week02:40
Sarvattsweet, thanks for that bryce!02:54
Sarvattmesa is my primary concern, really on the fence about it02:55
Sarvatt8.0 in january02:55
RAOFHow sure of that are we?04:07
Prf_JakobYou guys nervous about us not making the release?04:16
RAOFWell, of it being mesa 8.0 - isn't that predicated on Intel having GL 3.0 support?04:17
Prf_JakobAh, well couldn't you just say the mesa version that goes out on January, I think we rather do a release 7.12 release then have half backed features.04:18
RAOFBut also probably about timing; we want to ensure we've got enough time to test unity on the libGL that we'll be shipping.04:19
Prf_JakobSo you rather see early January?04:19
RAOFOr - branching reasonably early, so we can follow that branch for a while.04:20
Prf_JakobI guess we have to battle it out with the intel guys.04:20
RAOFWe can work out what we're comfortable with, and make it known to you and the intel guys :)04:21
Prf_JakobWe (vmware) are kinda hoping to get our new driver into 12.04 and it most cerntantly isn't up to snuff in 7.11 so we want another release.04:21
Prf_JakobOk thanks.04:22
RAOFPrf_Jakob: We can also tell you when that session is scheduled, if you'd like to participate remotely.04:25
tjaaltonSarvatt: https://launchpad.net/~focus-follows-mouse :)08:05
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Sarvattricotz: have you tried unity with that newer utouch-geis by any chance? :)14:40
Sarvattthen again doesn't look promising since you're crashing it just opening evince without gesture extension support14:41
bjsniderricotz, are you using hte 290 blob at the moment? if so, could you test flash? supposedly it doesn't work15:56
ricotzbjsnider, yes, i dont have any problems with flash16:00
ricotzi am using a manually installed flash 11.0 64bit16:01
bjsniderwell, i don't approve of that16:06
bjsniderbut i think it's ok on ubuntu because we've got a newer glibc than some distros16:06
bjsnideror some users anyway16:06
ricotzbjsnider, manually installed like copying libflashplayer.so to ~/.mozilla/plugins/16:09
ricotz(i havent seen a stacktrace of it)16:10
bjsniderthe adobe-flashplugin package will do it for you16:10
ricotzi dont like such installers ;)16:10
ricotzoh, i know16:11
ricotz... that it is up2date now16:11
bjsniderthe plugin is actually included now. it doesn't do a download+unrar+sha256 etc. anymore16:12
bjsnideranyway glibc 2.11 seems to be part of the flash problem and we have 2.1316:14
bjsniderso maybe it's broken on lucid16:15
ricotzSarvatt, hi, havent tried it, but i dont expect it to work while evince/eog already have problems with it16:28
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Sarvattodd, had linux versions on it, refreshed and they're gone20:22
Sarvattbah :)20:22
Sarvattthe desura linux client is quite nice, all my humble bundle linux versions in one place :)21:02
Sarvattricotz: mind if I upload a wayland-demos with bf8bd5aa3af224121490eada4a224c00d6a1951d and 27d38660459971a039fbbe9ec95a1cec7470634b reverted since we dont have libjpeg-turbo?21:10
ricotzSarvatt, actually i would prefer patching it like http://paste.debian.net/plain/14020721:16
ricotzand see how it goes21:17
ricotzi have no idea why he picked this colorspace21:17
Sarvattnothing is using the jpeg loader yet to even try it21:17
ricotzi think it is cleaner to replace the colorspace21:18
Sarvattwont possibly hurt until there's a consumer at any rate21:19
Sarvattsounds good21:19
ricotzright, and wouldnt interfere with future commits too much21:20
ricotzSarvatt, feel free to upload21:20
Sarvattyeah i see reverting breaking soon :)21:20
ricotzSarvatt, oh which reminds me: power-cord-reminder :)21:21
Sarvattdouble checking now, thanks :)21:23
Sarvattricotz: just to be sure, yours has 3 prongs on the brick side like this right? http://laptopsparesonline.com/uploads1/products/img3/208878_1181874120.jpg21:25
Sarvatti've got some with 221:25
ricotzyes, 3, one is a bit bigger21:26
ricotzyes, like this21:26
Sarvattalrighty, i've got it then :)21:27
ricotzthanks! :)21:28
Sarvattricotz: next time you do pixman mind doing natty too?21:29
Sarvattx-x-v-intel requires 0.23 now for SNA21:29
ricotzSarvatt, wanted to force you to look into precise :P21:30
ricotzi wasnt comfortable uploading the multiarched one to natty21:30
Sarvattis there anything in precise yet making the natty edgers not usable??21:30
SarvattI always just used the natty one in my sources for the first month or so21:31
ricotzjcristau, hi, thanks for uploading pixman :) (leaving my name would have been better :P)21:32
jcristauyour name is right there in the changelog21:32
ricotzSarvatt, the oneiric packages works fine so far21:32
ricotzjcristau, i know, i meant the bottom line21:32
jcristauyeah i don't do that.21:32
jcristaubecause i'm the one doing the upload21:33
jcristauwhy is it better the other way?21:33
ricotzok, because that way i would actually be listed in the stats21:34
jcristaufix the stats?21:34

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