
w30AkiRa_, their system works the way they can make the most money on it, they are long past getting market they are into keeping it be it mafia tactics or cash00:00
AkiRa_of course my ubuntu has failed for 60days00:00
AkiRa_and noone has an answer00:00
sgfltuhzkm, i see. well, then you can skip the install ruby step. link me the docs?00:00
uhzkmsgflt, i just wonder why my terminal told me 1.8 and 1.9.1 were my only options00:00
AkiRa_just rebooting and turning on my system creates new erros00:00
AkiRa_erros let alone the problems i have just making things run00:00
sgfltuhzkm, no idea, really00:00
soreauAlperen: Have you tried mount /dev/sdb /some/mount/point ?00:00
ikoniaAkiRa_: ok - that's something we can try to fix with you if you explain the problem00:00
uhzkmsgflt, the documentation for the installation?00:00
sgfltuhzkm, yeah00:01
AkiRa_anytime i run wine i can run no other software or entire comp lags wine says its not their problem its ubuntu00:01
Alperensoreau, yes it says device doesnt exists00:01
uhzkmsgflt, all i've found is right here. http://code.google.com/p/bigbluebutton/wiki/08InstallationUbuntu#Overview00:01
AkiRa_ubuntu says its not ubuntu00:01
AkiRa_but from a OS stantpoint- i believe its ubuntu00:01
soreauAlperen: Does /dev/sdb1 exist?00:01
ikoniaAkiRa_: I'm sorry I don't support wine as I don't believe it's a product people should be using00:01
robozmanAkiRa_:Lagging is to be suspected while running a whole opeating system emulator00:01
MokilokI'm having an issue when pressing control + alt + F1 to access a Shell prompt, the screen goes black and the prompt doesn't show.00:02
sgfltuhzkm, they seem to do everything right, except that they are installing ruby (and just ruby) from source00:02
AkiRa_if i run wine w/o any other software i get no lag00:02
Alperensoreau, it mounts in other linux distros and also windows00:02
AkiRa_if i run wine with any functional software of linux i lag00:02
robozmanMokilok: try ctrl+alt+f2-f6 and see if that works00:02
AkiRa_its not a problem of wine00:02
soreauikonia: Pici: Is ubuntu planning to start charging for their OS?00:02
ikoniaAkiRa_: you're probably just running out of resources00:02
sgfltuhzkm, i *think* they might need a newer ruby version than 10.04 provides (1.9.0). you seem to be on a newer version00:03
ikoniasoreau: you can rest easy....no00:03
AkiRa_your funny00:03
soreauAlperen: Does /dev/sdb1 exist?00:03
ikoniaAkiRa_: I'm not being funny, I'm being realistic00:03
sgfltuhzkm, so in that case, that problem might have solved itself and you're fine doing it the way you just did00:03
Mokilokrobozman: all are just black screens00:03
AkiRa_duel core 4gig ram prob not00:03
robozmanAkira_: thats to be suspected.  Running Wine Is A super serious hog on you comptuers power00:03
ikoniaAkiRa_: you can still run out of resources00:03
ikoniaAkiRa_: wine is quite heavy loading certain applications.00:03
sgfltuhzkm, "You might be wondering why not use the default Ruby packages for Ubumtu 10.04? Unfortunately, they are out of date. "00:03
sgfltuhzkm, even says so on the page =)00:03
ubidoobihi all .. is there any channel i can go in to get help with ubuntu installation .. I have been trying to install it for a week now with no success .. ubuntu doesn't seem to want to recognize my HDD ... have tried many many things ... need help ... msg me if you can help ... thanks!00:03
Alperensoreau, no as i see. sudo fdisk -l wont give anything00:03
ikoniaAkiRa_: it can also lock out parts of the video card, showing "lag" as you call it00:03
uhzkmsgflt, I hope you're right, i have a feeling this is not going to work perfectly on my firstt attempt, but it is a learning process...00:03
ikoniaAkiRa_: which sounds similar to what you're describing00:04
sam555sgflt: i went with LTS.  Thanks1!!00:04
sgfltuhzkm, http://threebrothers.org/brendan/blog/ruby-1-9-2-on-ubuntu-11-04/00:04
soreauAlperen: Well if it mounts fine in another linux distro, you should probably file a bug00:04
uhzkmsgflt, wish i could afford to take a course in this.00:04
sgfltsam555, you're welcome. if it doesn't work (some hardware issues), before you pull out any hairs, boot a live cd with the latest version and see ifthat works better00:04
AkiRa_using pokerstars i cannot use a single other utility in ubuntu00:05
Alperensoreau, it suddenly happened i dont know why :S00:05
sgfltuhzkm, learning by doing is a nice approach. i wouldn't trust any course, i think, as there's way too much to cover =)00:05
robozmanMikilok: odd. From what I have heard you might be able to fix this by updating xorg-x11 but IDK if you should trust that.  Do it at your own risk.00:05
soreauAlperen: It used to work?00:05
ikoniaAkiRa_: I've just explained a possability00:05
Alperensoreau, yes still working in other distros00:06
sgfltuhzkm, now, 11.04 seems to have problems. you're on 11.10 though?00:06
soreauAlperen: I mean in ubuntu00:06
Alperensoreau, yes00:06
fellayaboywhere can i read about linux and everything...theirs things like inode, the kernel, and a bunch of other things...is their an excellent book or website?00:06
uhzkm10.04 i think...00:06
uhzkmsgflt, ^00:06
robozmanMokilok: odd. From what I have heard you might be able to fix this by updating xorg-x11 but IDK if you should trust that.  Do it at your own risk.00:06
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10 To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.00:07
ubidoobiwhy is it ubuntu will install to a flash drive but not to my hdd ... i do not get options to mount drives during the live cd install ... sda does not show partitions00:07
sgfltuhzkm, that makes no sense, at least i don't know why you're not getting 1.9.0, unless you already use the checkinstall method from the website00:07
uhzkmsgflt, been at this for about 4 hours past bedtime00:07
soreauAlperen: Then you should file a bug report with all of this information00:07
sgfltuhzkm, it's 2 past mine. and that's normal =)00:07
Alperensoreau, ok thank you00:07
AkiRa_im telling you the real problem is ubuntu not wine00:07
octobrainwhy oh why has gnome been more or less removed from ubuntu... it's such a shame.00:07
AkiRa_like just now00:07
ikoniaoctobrain: it's not been removed00:07
Mokilokrobozman: strange, seems that it was a resolution issue. I upped the res and now I can see it.  Thanks for your help.00:08
escott!manual | fellayaboy start here, from there it depends on how technical you want. lwn.net is good. kernelnewbies (do they still exist?)00:08
ubottufellayaboy start here, from there it depends on how technical you want. lwn.net is good. kernelnewbies (do they still exist?): The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/00:08
uhzkmsgflt, I think what may have happen is that i ran that script and then installed via apt -get and i may have confused my machine a bit, i'm just sort of hoping it works itself out...00:08
AkiRa_my cpu froze and its because ubuntu keeps trying to highlight the entire screen00:08
ikoniaAkiRa_: why is the problem ubuntu00:08
ikoniaAkiRa_: give me 1 reason why you think the issue is ubuntu00:08
sgfltuhzkm, that's exactly the problem the others rudely warned you about =)00:08
AkiRa_because ubuntu does this no matter what im doing wine or not00:08
soreauAlperen: I see in dmesg it shows sdb1 and sdb4. Have you tried mounting these? mount /dev/sdb4 /mount/point00:08
sgfltuhzkm, now you have a problem that is possibly *very* hard to resolve cleanly =)00:08
robozmanMokilok: lol np. Odd.  What kinda monitor/laptop are you using?  What was the red set to?00:08
ikoniaAkiRa_: right, so why are you moaning about wine then if the issue is nothig do with wine and happens even when you are not using wine00:08
Alperensoreau, it says doesnt exist00:09
robozmanMikilok: resolution*00:09
ikoniaAkiRa_: what video card do you have ?00:09
AkiRa_because everyone says its wine and i know its ubuntu00:09
sgfltuhzkm, it makes for great teaching though! =)00:09
octobrainwell, I just ran a dist-upgrade... and had to fiddle around until I found gnome again... but all my 'appearance' settings have now been reset and I can't apparently modify the panels so that stuff is where I want it.00:09
ikoniaAkiRa_ no-one is saying it's wine00:09
josh-Nhello, is there any convenient way to edit a bootable ISO file in UDF format? iso master doesn't seem to handle UDF.00:09
ikoniaAkiRa_: you are saying you are not even using wine and your machine has a problem....how can that be wine00:09
fellayaboyyeah i just need to learn how linux in general works.   a good solid foundation. im intermediate linux user...music and scanning i dont need to know i already know how to do that..00:09
uhzkmsgflt, it certainly does... their next step doesn't work at all... hah00:09
soreauAlperen: Can you pastebin the output of 'ls /dev/sdb*'? (assuming you haven't unplugged it since pasting that dmesg output)00:10
sgfltuhzkm, i'm off to bed though. i could tell you more, but i think you're at the point where you need to learn more about what's going on and figure things out for yourself, because it *will* take a while00:10
octobrainyay, <Alt> lets me kinda re-arrange where stuff is on the panels00:10
urlin2uubidoobi, if you boot to a live cd or thumb deive to install and open gparted what do you see00:10
Mokilokrobozman: I'm using a new HP dv6 i7. Using the Integrated intel adapter not the dedicated ATI Adapter. The res was set to 1024x768 (it seems to prefer that res when using multiple monitors) disconnected the montior and changed the res to 1366x768 and now it shows00:10
texasanyone here have any experiance with broadcom drivers00:10
sgfltuhzkm, after a while, you'll find out what kind of person you are. many get things working somehow and never touch. some learn a bit more and develop an understanding. i recommend the latter, but it's up to you :P00:11
gekken@texas - what's up?00:11
sgfltuhzkm, g'night!00:11
AkiRa_ubuntu constantly tries to highlight the entire screen and whole system locks up since ive installed00:11
urlin2u!broadcom | texas00:11
ubottutexas: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx00:11
ikoniaAkiRa_: what video card are you using00:11
JaymesKellerHi, I'm trying to locate a package with glibc or similar compatibility. Any advice?00:11
ubidoobiurlin2u - in gparted i see the partitions for win7 and the ones i make for ubuntu00:11
AkiRa_intel onboard00:11
octobrainnow I just need to figure out how to fix the menu so that the old "pref's" and "system" menus are available00:11
gekken@JaymesKeller - sudo apt-cache search00:11
Alperensoreau, http://pastebin.com/G3ckinqL00:11
uhzkmsgflt, night00:12
ikoniaAkiRa_: is your machine physically hanging/locking or just running slow00:12
robozmanMokilok: That Had to have been a error with the multiple monitors.  I, along with many people I have seen on fourms seem to have that problem when using multiple monitors.  I guess you'll just have to use termial for now.  lol :)00:12
AkiRa_it runs fine then hangs and i have to shut the laptop screen00:12
urlin2uubidoobi, good is it a standard mbr or a gpt partitioning? and if you open home can you mount a partition then? Last of all why do you need to mount a partition, 3 questions here.00:12
ikoniaAkiRa_: so it's hanging/locking the machine totally00:12
urlin2uubidoobi, I don't do private .00:13
AkiRa_since first install00:13
AkiRa_even locks here00:13
AkiRa_when im doing nothing00:13
ikoniaAkiRa_: ok - so there are a few possabilities here,00:13
AkiRa_i try to click where to type and it tries to highlight entire screen00:13
AkiRa_i was listening to q101.com00:13
soreauAlperen: That's strange if dmesg shows sdb1 and sdb4, they should exist in /dev/00:13
AkiRa_it it kept stopping the station00:13
josh-Nhello, is there any convenient way to edit a bootable ISO file in UDF format? iso master doesn't seem to handle UDF.00:13
ubidoobii'm doing a dual boot win7 and ubuntu is why i need the partitions00:13
AkiRa_i goto youtube.com it locks00:13
ikoniaAkiRa_: the first one and easy one to remove is ram - it's a common issue and one that's easy to discount, but it does take a little time00:13
ikoniaAkiRa_: from the grub boot menu, you should have a memtest option,00:14
ikoniaAkiRa_: if you run that process for 12 hours or so, and see if it reports any errors, that will give you a good basis to discount any ram issues and move us on to the next step00:14
soreauAlperen: Make sure the usb is firmly plugged and there's no short. Try a different usb port. Note that unplugging/replugging may cause it to show up on a different node such as sdc or sdd00:14
AkiRa_let me tell you its not my ram00:14
AkiRa_im not just a kid or a average guy00:14
ikoniaAkiRa_: let me tell you - it could be00:14
ikoniaAkiRa_: tell you what then, help yourself00:15
AkiRa_look if my ram had issues id have issues running any OS00:15
ikoniaAkiRa_: if you wher not a kid or an average guy, you wouldn't be sat in an irc channel complaining that wine makes your machine hang, when it's nothing to do with wine00:15
ikoniaAkiRa_: no you wouldn't00:15
urlin2uubidoobi, have you resized W7 with its partitioner, leaving a unallocated space for Ubuntu, and are yoiu aware of the limitations on types of partitions on a single HD?00:15
AkiRa_see this is the problem00:15
ikoniaAkiRa_: no, it's not00:15
Alperensoreau, tried nothing changed. :S also when i cat /proc/scsi/scsi it gives this http://pastebin.com/g1jSbwZJ00:15
AkiRa_don't sound like a iraqi microsoft helpdesk gal00:15
AkiRa_that asks me if my computer is plugged in00:16
ikoniaAkiRa_: don't make derogatory comments00:16
soreauAkiRa_: Faulty RAM can cause a variety of strange issues. You'll never know for sure unless you test it00:16
ikoniaAkiRa_: you need guidence, I am guiding you00:16
ikoniaAkiRa_: hence why I'm telling you the easy way to discount something that is a very common problem,00:16
AkiRa_I don't need to test my ram - because i know what faulty ram does on a multitude of platforms and i have several programs00:16
ikoniaAkiRa_: you're in here asking for help - use the help been given to you00:16
soreauAlperen: Weird. Make sure it works in the other distro or try a live session and file a bug report00:16
AkiRa_that diagnose such on a floppy drive to this day00:16
Alperensoreau, ok i will try it thank you00:17
AkiRa_so if ram isn't the issue what is your next step00:17
ikoniaAkiRa_: you clearly have no idea what you're saying, so I'm going to leave you to waste your time00:17
nemoSo, this probably gets asked a lot, so I'm hoping you guys have an easy answer.  I need to figure out what to do with my mom once 11.04 gets end of lifed00:17
nemoshe hated unity and gnome-shell00:17
nemowill there by any chance be a PPA to maintain gnome2?00:17
AkiRa_this is exactly what im talking about00:17
ikoniaAkiRa_: you've not discounted ram - you refuse to do so, so good luck resolving your problems00:17
ikonianemo: no, it's dead00:17
AkiRa_you say come back in 12hours00:17
ikoniaAkiRa_: yes, to discount something00:17
AkiRa_because you don't have an answer00:17
AkiRa_im a MCP00:17
ikoniaAkiRa_: I need to discount the common things00:17
soreauAkiRa_: This is the ubuntu support channel. If you don't need help or don't want to use the information provided to help you, then you shouldn't have anything to say00:17
AkiRa_there is no common ground here00:17
AkiRa_if it was a ram problem i would have fixed it00:17
AkiRa_long ago00:17
nemoShe disliked gnome-panel because it was missing her applets and was a lot less customisable (can't even move the clock out of the centre of the screen)00:17
ikoniaAkiRa_: you don't know if there is a ram problem00:18
AkiRa_i have 30 sticks in my room00:18
nemoshe liked xfce4.8 better, but found it a bit unintuitive, which is fair. still has rough edges.00:18
AkiRa_then why can i run other ubuntu versions?00:18
soreaunemo: Why not have her use 10.10 or 11.04?00:18
nemoI'm guessing my only option is to migrate her to kde00:18
ikoniaAkiRa_: good luck fixing it then - I'm done. I'm going back to using my totally stable Linux system which I've used for many years and built up many years of experience with.00:18
nemosoreau: she *is* using 11.04 - I was just trying to plan for when 11.04 is ended00:18
fellayaboyusing ffmpeg how can i just convert a section of the video..for instant from 45:01 to 47:1200:18
nemosoreau: I told her not to update, and was showing her these options on my laptop when I came to visit00:18
Robert2011Hey guys, i'm playing with 11.10 on a liveusb but when I try to boot up it asks for a user name and password.  This has never happened before with other distros.  Any ideas?00:18
octobrainnemo: alt-right-click, move.... unfurtunately the app will snap to either a side or the center of the panel00:19
ikoniaRobert2011: shouldn't ask you, try ubuntu/ubuntu00:19
nemooctobrain: side is better - what about the missing applets? :)00:19
ubidoobiurlin2u - win7 has been resized .. reformatted .. reinstalled .. many times ... 700gb hdd .. 500 for win7 200 for ubuntu .. I can make the partitions fine with gparted.  gparted does not give me the option to mount / ... when i get to the install screen it tells me to select drive for boot loader ... then it hangs .. if sda is selected then there is nothing in the box where the partitions should00:19
ubidoobibe .. if i change to a stick the partitions for that stick are there00:19
Robert2011tried that but it didn't work00:19
nemooctobrain: she has hers setup to one panel on top, autohiding, no bottom panel.00:19
soreauRobert2011: Try ubuntu as user and blank pass00:19
Robert2011okay.  i'll try that00:20
octobrainshe'll have to add them all again I think... I'm doing that now... upgraded from 11.04 to 10 last night and I'm a little peeved with the modified set-up00:20
ikoniaRobert2011: it really shouldn't ask you for a username/password though, it should just log you in to the desktop00:20
nemooctobrain: oh. you are using gnome-panel successfully?00:20
AkiRa_i have no problem running other destros- or windows- so why would your first question be come back in 12hours to check my ram00:20
AkiRa_this is simply the problem with 11.100:20
nemooctobrain: can it be customised to something roughly approaching gnome2?00:20
wolfmitchellIs it possible to install Ubuntu from the USB our installing from?00:20
AkiRa_i just had to shut my box three times because entire screen was highlighted and i could not text00:21
nemooctobrain: oh. she's also using a single button for her menu instead of the separate applications/places.00:21
ikoniaAkiRa_: follow the advice or stop complaining00:21
soreaunemo: Another option may be to migrate to something less wild like debian00:21
octobrainnope... it's all gnome / gtk 3 now I think. which means a lot has changed (no system or pref's menu)00:21
nemosoreau: hmmmm.00:21
nemosoreau: that would require another visit in person, but not a bad idea I 'spose00:21
AkiRa_your advice is as worthless as every other piece of advice here - side step the problem blame someone else00:21
soreaunemo: I'm considering it myself as opposed to 11.1000:21
josh-Nhello, is there any convenient way to edit a bootable ISO file in UDF format? iso master doesn't seem to handle UDF.00:22
nemosoreau: of course, if debian can maintain gnome2 for longer, surely an ubuntu PPA could. oh. wait. n/m. it is the whole ecosystem isn't it00:22
AkiRa_i can run redhat with 0 errors win 7 no errors xbuntu no errors00:22
nemosoreau: they maintain patches and backports and whatnot00:22
nemofor all their packages.00:22
AkiRa_i install 11.1 errors galore00:22
ikonianemo: debian are not maintaining gnome00:22
AkiRa_and you tell me to check my ram00:22
AkiRa_your a fucking retard00:22
ikoniaAkiRa_: you've said - stop moaning00:22
FloodBot1AkiRa_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:22
soreauAkiRa_: You're just spinning your wheels by trolling. You should take the time to run a memtest anyway, as regularly scheduled maintenance00:22
octobrainfunny / annoying part is I just switched from debian... had a perfect system for a week and then it upgraded to 11.1000:23
octobrainI really don't like unity00:23
nemosoreau: ok. welp. at least I have a few more ideas now.  Start fiddling w/ how close I can make KDE get to what she is familiar w/ in gnome2... switch to debian...00:23
nemoaaand octobrain seems to thing that gnome-panel can be made close-ish to what she expects00:24
nemoI guess I should play w/ that more and see how close00:24
urlin2uubidoobi, you don't need to mount any partition, are you in the install to a preformatted partition in the something other option, choosing / for mount and the correct partition. It sounds like you know what your doing basically, except I don't undersdtand why you want gparted to mount a partition, the disl manager usually will if needed. You might take a screen shot of the the something other gui and when you open it to choose a partion to install00:24
urlin2u to and imagebin them.00:24
robozmanoctobrain: If you don't like it don't use it.  You can always switch back to gnome.00:24
wolfmitchellIs there a way to install ubuntu 10.10 to the Live USB it's installing from?00:24
octobrainyeah, but it's not the old gnome... it's the new one, and lots has changed00:24
ikoniawolfmitchell: if it's pre-partitioned, yes00:24
* octobrain makes do00:25
=== jdoom01 is now known as slaughterhound
urlin2uubidoobi, sorry for any misspelling.00:26
nemohm. another option I guess is setting up 11.10 in a VM and giving her like a year to get used to it there :)00:26
nemomaybe she'll adapt to gnome-shell eventually00:27
ubidoobiurlin2u - ... i have screen shots posted here ... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1868082&highlight=dameion00:27
* octobrain just discovered that the latest gedit doesn't run the R-plugin anymore.. that sux00:27
ubidoobiurlin2u ... spelling is not an issue! :)00:27
octobrainnow to see if blander 2.6 workx00:28
craigbass1976when I log into a server, I'm presented with the current state of the box.  It's kind of like top output, only in a way nicer looking format.  What's producing that?00:28
ubidoobiurlin2u - if i could make it to the part on the install disk where i am to set the mount points i would .. however i don't make it that far during the install .. and the only time that i do make it that far is if i try and install to a usb stick00:29
octobrainseems like rendering has slowed down since my upgrade00:30
urlin2uubidoobi, I'm not a member there anymore I resigned my help for personal reasons I can't read the images without being a member.00:30
* octobrain is considering going back to debian00:30
ubidoobiurlin2u ... i can send you the images ..00:30
urlin2uubidoobi, cool00:30
ubidoobiurlin2u ... where shall i send them? :)00:31
urlin2uubidoobi, post tyem in a image bin for all to see.00:31
ubidoobiurlin2u .. no idea how to do that sorry00:31
craigbass1976Oh, I see.  It's in /etc/motd.  That looks like it's only updated every so often00:31
urlin2uubidoobi, http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add00:31
ubidoobiurlin2u ... okay .. will give that go ... will let you know when done00:32
soreauurlin2u: I find picpaste.com to be less spammy00:32
urlin2uubidoobi, cool I will be here. :D00:32
KubikiriHi, sorry to interrupt, but I'm new to Linux and was wondering if I might be able to ask a question in regards to network setup?00:32
urlin2uKubikiri, if about ubuntu hyes.00:33
soreau! ask | Kubikiri00:33
ubottuKubikiri: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:33
Guest10688whenever i try and boot from a flash drive my screen freezes on some console screen00:33
Guest10688ans i cant do anything about it00:33
KubikiriI am running ubuntu server, I have my  server hooked up to a cisco switch and can't get it to gain internet access. My windows machine does without an issue.00:33
KubikiriI configured the interfaces file as staticly00:34
Kubikiribut no go00:34
urlin2uGuest10688, try tapping the shift key at booting the flash and choose f6 then nomodeset .00:34
Guest10688what will that fo?00:34
millenniaKubikiri, switch .ne. router00:34
soreauKubikiri: You might try ##networking for more advanced help00:34
Guest10688im booting up atm00:35
KubikiriHooked up to a cisco catalyst 290000:35
urlin2uGuest10688, it is a low graphic boot it may be the video card does not run in the regualr boot.00:35
soreauKubikiri: But in the meantime, can you pastebin the output of 'ifconfig', 'route' and your /etc/network/interfaces file to pastebin.com?00:35
KubikiriOk I'll give that channel a try. Thank you.00:35
urlin2u!nomodeset | Guest1068800:36
ubottuGuest10688: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter00:36
millenniaKubikiri, while a cisco router can definitely use dhcp and nat to connect you to the net, usually a switch can't00:36
Guest10688it loads some casper files then a ton of other random things rhen freeZes00:36
ubidoobiurlin2u - okay .. sent them ... are you able to find them under same name i use here ... ubidoobi00:36
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:36
Guest10688im now at some unresponsive screen with a bunch of text on it00:37
urlin2uubidoobi, you have to post the http link to the imagebin00:37
soreauGuest10688: keyboard led's blinking?00:37
Guest10688my keyboard is not lit00:37
Guest10688or responsive and i dont hear any fans or anything00:38
ubidoobiurlin2u ... 5 pictures .. 5 urls .. only can upload one at a time then? ... http://imagebin.org/18075900:38
Guest10688i used some automatic setup engine to write the flash drie00:39
soreauubidoobi: You can load multiples at a time with speedyshare.com00:39
soreauGuest10688: Did you check the md5sum of the image you used to install the usb drive?00:40
Guest10688no. this is my first time trying to boot into ubuntu00:40
CandyTigerThunderbird keeps launching 2 instances :( running Oneiric00:40
soreau! md5sum | Guest1068800:41
ubottuGuest10688: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows00:41
CandyTigerhave any one of you seen that before ?00:41
Guest10688im booting into windows now00:41
ods86hi, vga switchersoo should work out of the box?00:43
urlin2uubidoobi, so you have the root bigger then home way to big really for your dual partitioning, most choose 10 to 15 gigs for root. Really the dual partitioning is not really needed anymore, if it was me I would just put a ext 4 in that extended partition and just install to it. YOU also have a large ext3 that windows wont read I am curious why.00:43
Kubikirisorry connection dropped00:44
soreauods86: yes but you need to stop X first00:44
KubikiriI forgot my route.. looks like i might be missing genmask form it00:44
ods86soreau: can't find the switcheroo folder...00:44
soreauods86: Shouldn't it be somewhere in /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/ ?00:45
ubidoobiurlin2u ... i'm merely amateur ... not aware of limitations and such .. why isn't dual parting not needed? ... if i want win 7 and ubuntu on the same hdd ? .. sorry ... i should know more after 7 days of trying to install ...00:46
ods86soreau: not there, that's the problem00:46
soreauods86: Can you show the output of 'lspci|grep VGA'?00:46
ubidoobiurlin2u - if there is another option that i can install both of these without having to go through all the partitioning schemes .. i'm open to them ... i won't give up until i have both running on this drive lol00:47
ods86soreau: moment have to find my laptop00:48
urlin2uubidoobi, it is a personal preference dual partitions a root and home were basically so you could install the next release and keep home, never used it personally. I would just delete the ext3 both the root and home then the extended., and just choose the install to empty space and let ubuntu do the rest.00:48
CandyTigerproblem solved with Thunder. somehow a theme managed to install a launcher for Unity. hmm.. I think. so launching from Unity would fire up 2 instances.00:48
slaughterhoundwhats the txt command for uninstalling00:49
wolfmitchellsudo apt-get remove00:50
ubidoobiurlin2u ... i will try that .. so i will delete those parts ... leaving the windows part of course .. then i'm left with unallocated space of 200 gb ... should i make a smaller partition if there are limitations or leave it at 200 gb and let the installer handle it ?00:50
ods86soreau: ati technologies inc madison [amd tadeon hd 5000m series]00:51
soreauods86: That's the only output?00:51
Harry_SlaughterHarryS - I thought I was somehow logged in twice :) I often use harrys as a nick00:52
ods86soreau: apparently, but if i blacklist the "radeon" module my notebook is still working00:52
soreauods86: Then it's not detecting dual gpu's, thus you have no need for vgaswitcheroo00:53
soreauods86: blacklisting radeon will only prevent the radeon kernel module from loading in which case it will still work and X will fallback to the vesa driver00:53
soreauods86: not sure why you'd want to do that though.. care to explain the real problem you're having?00:53
ods86soreau: i have an i5 with a gpu00:54
ods86soreau: the radeon's power consumption is a little bit high00:55
wolfmitchellWho plays Powder Toy"00:55
Guest10688i just rewrote my boot flash drive and am stuck on a different screen00:55
wolfmitchellGuest-Which is?00:55
Guest10688it has a ton of tandom text on ot00:55
Guest10688im trying to boot off a flash drive00:56
wolfmitchellWhat is some of the test?00:56
soreauods86: vgaswitcheroo is for machines with dual gpu's using the same crtc (output). It has nothing to do with power consumption for radeons00:56
=== tdubellz is now known as tdubz
Guest10688drm nouveau 0.0.16 20090410 for 0000:04:00.000:57
=== tdubz is now known as tdubellz
Guest10688that is the most of the last text like00:57
soreauods86: There is some preliminary dynamic power management code in the radeon driver but it is certainly not very extensive. You can change the dynpm settings if you wish though00:57
soreauods86: More info in #radeon00:57
soreauhave to run00:57
ods86soreau: ok thanks00:58
Guest10688usb 4-4 new full spees usb device number 2 using uhci_hcd00:58
Guest10688 that is the last line of text00:58
Guest10688i am restarted and at the ubuntu load screen00:59
Guest10688the installer boot menu00:59
Guest10688what do i do to get it to work?00:59
=== Mud is now known as Guest64729
meomichey, i have some server ssh and there screens are running - some tools are runningthere - i was able to see text normally however aftersome time i cant read that text anymore - its like encoding of that script changed? but how? - how can i make this back - i dont want to kill / rerun that screen also how to prevent it in the future?01:00
millenniameomic, sounds like it might be hardware data corruption?01:02
lnxfreakI'd like to allow users to cat files in /web/*/logs/* with sudo, but putting that entry in with globbing is opening up holes so people can then cat /web/myapp/logs/../../../var/log/messages01:02
meomicno cuz its only one screen - the rest i can read without any problem01:02
lnxfreakhow can i stop the madness01:02
millenniameomic, when you say "screen", do you mean a physically sperate monitor, or just a window?01:04
meomic"window" on a ubuntu server 10.04 lts01:05
Pen16I am having simple terminal navigation problems01:06
millenniaok. does that window only get corrupted from one particular app, or from any/all apps?01:06
Pen16can someone help01:06
meomicive saw it happens ocassionally - doesnt matter what app01:06
BoontooPen16: perhaps01:06
JokesOnYou77Pen16: sure, what's up?01:06
ubidoobiurlin2u ... i'm in win7 disk management ... will shrink win7 and leave 15 gb for ubuntu01:07
Pen16I try to navigate with: cd /home/basti/Roms/#01:07
ods86tawtaw: did you only configured postfix through dpkg?01:07
Guest11838Hey everyone, I'm having trouble with upgrading my old Ubuntu to the newest version. My ubuntu can't connect to the internet; the OS doesn't recognize my network device. I'm stuck because, i can't find a file which will allow me to upgrade01:07
Pen16all those files exist but its telling me they dont01:07
millenniameomic, what distinguishes that corrupted window from the other windows which don't get corrupted?01:07
urlin2uubidoobi, you can just let the installer do the work, just choose the install to free space, after having the 200 gig unallocated.01:08
BoontooPen16: ls -l should show them all01:08
graingertGuest11838: you might want to re-install from scratch01:08
Pen16i'll even move one directory at time and list them01:08
meomicyou cant read any text its like only ||| <--- like that chars there01:08
Harry_SlaughterQuestion: Back in the day, I used to switch between virtual desktops (using Xwindows) by simply moving the mouse to the left or right edge of the screen. I'm trying to do the same thing in Ubuntu(10.04), but there only seem to be keyboard shortcuts. Am I only able to configure keyboard shortcuts it seems; Am I wrong?01:08
graingertGuest11838: backing up any important files to an external drive01:08
Pen16but it still says directory doesn't exizt01:08
millenniameomic, I mean other than the fact that it becomes corrupted, what else distinguishes it from the others? position on the screen?01:09
meomicwhere it should be "abcdee" it is "|\\|\" <<- and other crazy chars which i even dont have on keyboard01:09
Guest11838Can I re-install ubuntu using the new version?01:09
Harry_Slaughterooops, nm01:09
ubidoobiurlin2u ... i will post a picture of it ... when i get the space allocated01:09
meomicnothing - its a server based distro - dont have x-org01:09
Harry_Slaughteri guess they're called 'workspaces' now so i googled that: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2725101:09
Pen16i even copying the exact output of the listing for the directory and put it in the code and still doesn't recognize01:10
JokesOnYou77Harry_Slaughter: I think that's it's an option in Compiz01:10
meomicthe tool still runs there correctly - just cant read its output to the shell (im connected to it using ssh)01:10
JokesOnYou77meomic: I'm coming in a bit late on this issue, but it sounds suspiciously like a character encoding problem to me01:11
Pen16when im changing directories does it always need a backslash01:11
Harry_SlaughterJokesOnYou77, my laptop is 6 years old and doesn't always like compiz :)01:11
Guest11838Can I re-install ubuntu using the new version? I have the 10.04 on my other laptop01:12
JokesOnYou77Harry_Slaughter: Understood.  Are you on Gnome?01:12
Harry_SlaughterJokesOnYou77, yes01:12
millenniait sounds like ssh is intermiddently sending control/escape sequences to the console01:12
Pen16because in order for me to reach my roms directory it would only accept it if i left out the backslash01:12
lee__anyone use ubuntu01:12
Harry_SlaughterJokesOnYou77, compiz mostly runs fine, but this is my work laptop and want to keep it running fast.01:12
Boontoolee__: yeah01:12
Harry_Slaughterlee__ you need to go to #osx01:13
graingertGuest11838: you can re-install any version01:13
BoontooPen16: backslash denotes separate directories01:14
KubikiriOk I tried networking room but it's quiet in there... My issue is I have ubuntu server hooked up to a Cisco catalyst 2900. I cannot see the network or gain internet access. My interface config, routes and ifconfig output can be seen at http://pastebin.com/zKLM8vYW If anyone can offer some help it would be greatly appreciated. If my connection drops I will be back (working on the lines outside).01:14
lee__is linux more secure then mac01:14
JokesOnYou77Harry_Slaughter: I'm not certain that there's an option in Gnome for what Compiz calls "switch on mouse" It's possible, though I'm really not sure, that you may be able to set it so that it will switch desktops with the mouse apprching if you hold down a particular key01:14
lee__and windows01:14
Guest11838cool, thanks graingert01:14
graingertGuest11838: it's just a reformat and fresh install01:14
graingertGuest11838: you must remember to backup your shiz01:14
Guest11838alright. XD01:14
Boontoorann: howdy01:14
Pen16yeah thats what i figured01:14
ranncan i video chat on here01:14
Harry_SlaughterJokesOnYou77: i'm trying this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2725101:15
escottHarry_Slaughter, focus follows mouse was removed in gnome3 (you can google to see some complaints/comments about it)01:15
Pen16but it wouldn't understand if i put it in there sometimes01:15
genii-aroundrann: No. IRC is text based.01:15
millenniaKubikiri, cisco switches are nice, but they aren't routers, so you can't usually use them for the average internet access. lacking nat and dhcp among other things01:15
hagisbasherukhi guys is anyone having a problem with xchat chatwindow scroll bars not showing ?01:15
lnxfreakcan i bounce a sudoers question off of someone?01:15
nocilisanyone have any ideas on what package to install to get the Intel 845G chipset working in Ubuntu?01:15
Harry_Slaughterescott, hmmm, brightside is already available on my machine..01:15
rannyes lnxfreak01:16
graingert!question | lnxfreak01:16
ubottulnxfreak: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:16
KubikiriMy switch is connected to my router01:16
meomicmillennia: i have no idea how can it be sending these things there but its a bit troublesome - i have like 30-40 ssh sessions - to a different pcs (i need to manage them) and not being able to read what a tool is saying to me is crazy01:16
KubikiriMy windows machine (that I'm on right now) is connected to the same switch01:16
wmoxamAnyone got any recommendations for a twitter client?01:16
emmanuelalguien me puede ayudar01:16
wmoxamI'm finding that Gwitter just isn't cutting it01:16
escott!es | emmanuel01:16
ubottuemmanuel: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:16
escottHarry_Slaughter, sorry misread the questoin01:16
JokesOnYou77lee__: Ubuntu is often touted as being more secure than most other operating systems, but that depends very strongly on how things are set up and what you want to use your system for.01:17
KubikiriI have a feeling I'm missing something really stupid.01:17
millenniaKubikiri, your switch isn't much more than a fancy hub. what happens if you bypass it an connect directly to your router01:17
rannhey genii-around thanks me and my girl wana play how do or where do we do video01:17
KubikiriI can connect fine01:17
Harry_Slaughterescott JokesOnYou77 : yes, it does work, you can set it up using: /usr/bin/brightside-properties (if you have brightside installed)01:17
KubikiriI just have to restart the connections01:17
JokesOnYou77Harry_Slaughter: I'm not really familear with that program, but it would be cool if you can get it to work01:17
JokesOnYou77Harry_Slaughter: Nice!01:18
lnxfreakI am permitting people to cat /web/*/logs/* ... however, this allows snarky users to cat /web/myapp/logs/../../../var/log/messages01:18
lnxfreakhow can i stop that from happening01:18
genii-around!skype | rann01:18
ubotturann: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga01:18
millenniaKubikiri, if you can connect fine w/o the switch, do you have it set for mac-address filtering?01:18
Harry_SlaughterJokesOnYou77, it was actually already enabled but the switch delay was set too high, so i never saw it work01:18
KubikiriNo mac filtering at all01:18
rannwe just got a new web cam and its making my girl horney but we are new and don't know where to video chat using linux01:18
graingertwmoxam: TweetDeck for chrome01:18
=== paulie is now known as gizmo
JokesOnYou77Harry_Slaughter: rofl, how do you like that?  Another satisfied customer I suppose ;)01:19
hayloxthats really gross01:19
wmoxamgraingert:   :/01:19
graingertwmoxam: it's what I use01:19
graingertit's really good01:19
rannwe did download amsn01:19
wmoxamI'd prefer a native client01:19
KubikiriI have working equipment on the switch it's just the server I can't get to work.01:19
wmoxamI used to use tweetdeck on Mac01:19
nocilisanyone know what packages contain the intel drivers?01:19
millenniaKubikiri, then the problem might be media-autonegotiation, if either your computer or the switch is set to auto while the other side isn't then you might not get a connection01:19
graingertwmoxam: well gwibber works with webkit and a veneer of gtk01:19
wmoxambut found it's overkill for my needs01:20
rannhello people talk to me01:20
graingertwmoxam: the tweetdeck for chrome is basically "native"01:20
KubikiriThat could dp it01:20
Harry_SlaughterJokesOnYou77, very. i used redhat crap for over ten years. finally was sick of having to deal with all their F*ups and switched to Ubuntu. Love it, I'm sold.01:20
wmoxamgraingert: gwibber is super slow01:20
graingertwmoxam: as it only downloads stuff from twitter01:20
nocilisspecs: Dell Optiplex Gx260 with a Intel 845G integrated graphics device01:20
wmoxamand it's got kitchen sink type features01:20
graingertwmoxam: it has all it's resources stored locally01:20
millenniaKubikiri, that's the only thing I can think of01:20
wmoxamit really blows01:20
graingertwmoxam: if you manly use chrome, the tweetdeck app is the best way to go01:20
Harry_SlaughterJokesOnYou77, and the wine project has come a long way since i last tried it, so i can run those few winblows apps that i need to01:21
graingertif you're a firefox user not sure what you should gofer01:21
rannok well we are going to try the skype thing01:21
nocilisrann umwhat is your problem?01:21
wmoxamgraingert: I'd just use twitter's web interface :p01:21
wmoxamgraingert: and I do use FF01:21
graingertwmoxam: desktop notifications are super usefull01:21
nocilisrann not sure I understand the question01:21
gizmoWill Libreoffice open a powerpoint presentation01:21
rannnocillis we are new and i have ubuntu we got a new web cam and we want to video chat01:22
lnxfreakfrom what i understand sudo's * operator isn't a regex01:22
Harry_SlaughterJokesOnYou77, i actually purchased crossover after i learned that they employ core wine developers. and i like the way crossover sandboxes your applications so all  you need to do is delete a single directory to cleanly remove an application01:22
wmoxamugh, I'm surprised that there is not more options in the app store (or whatever it's called)01:22
nocilisgizmo yes01:22
JokesOnYou77Harry_Slaughter: Oh yeah, Wine has been excellent, really great documentation too.  Actually, the documentation and community are what have kept me with linux01:22
nocilisgizmo if you have LibreOffice Impress installed, which comes by default I believe01:22
nocilisrann yes?01:22
wmoxamI suppose that might be a first good app to write01:23
Harry_Slaughteryeah, i don't suppose #windows is as useful as this channel :)01:23
lnxfreakthere's tons of files under /web/*/logs, so i can't be very exacting ... the sudoers file will be huge01:23
ranndi you see my answer nocillis?01:23
gizmonocilis ta01:23
KubikiriI'll check that out thank you.01:23
nocilisrann oh, sorry, didn't see01:23
rannok we want to video chat with somebody to see how our cam works01:24
nocilisrann have you tried Skype?01:24
nocilisrann more importantly, you do have two people with video skype?01:24
rannand i don't know how using linux01:24
ubidoobiurlin2u ... i'm in win7 disk management ... will shrink win7 and leave 15 gb for ubuntu01:24
rannno not yet01:24
rannis that the way01:24
nocilisrann are you just looking to test the webcam?01:24
wmoxamhrmm, Turpial looks like it might fit the bill01:25
rannwe were looking for a video chat room01:25
urlin2uubidoobi, not sure why your resizing w7.01:25
rannyes we want to test the cam nocillis01:25
nocilisrann hmm not sure about the chat room but you could try a webcam program in the ubuntu software center01:25
rannlike which01:25
soreaurann: cheese01:25
rannwhat do u use?01:26
ubidoobii got 4 partitions now ... i'll show you ... in a picture ... 2 unallocated spaces with win7 in the middle .. grrr .. can't merge the 2 unallocated spaces ...01:26
nocilisi like cheese01:26
nocilisand the program01:26
ranni have cheese already downloaded01:26
escottrann, if you just want to test the camera use cheeze01:26
soreaurann: You can test the video camera locally first before venturing into video chat programs like skype01:26
nocilisrann start cheese01:26
nocilisrann you should see yourself01:26
ranndid that01:26
graingertubidoobi: well no because it's in the middle01:27
nocilisrann and?01:27
escottubidoobi, you can use gparted on the livecd to move partitions around01:27
wmoxamgraingert: Turpial is actually half decent01:27
rannok who ever helps me test this thing get to see her boobs01:27
urlin2uubidoobi, you had 200 gigs available after removing the ext type partitions, and you can install to that unallocated space with ubuntu by choosing install to the free area without making partitions for ubuntu, is why I'm confused.01:27
graingertrann: go fer it01:27
nocilisrann cheese worked?01:27
ranni see us just fine01:27
wmoxamfonts could be a bit better01:27
nocilisrann so you want to skype someone?01:27
rannbut how do i broadcast01:27
graingertrann: you might want to try google+ hang outs01:28
soreau! skype | rann01:28
ubotturann: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga01:28
nocilisrann online adult chat room or something?01:28
rannyesa i want top skype someone01:28
nocilisrann just a random person?01:28
graingertrann: as I find it works a lot better than skype01:28
ranni don't care who01:28
ranni just want to know it works01:28
JokesOnYou77rann: I believe you're looking for chatroulette01:29
nocilisrann you're going to need someone on the other end01:29
ranni know that who and how????01:29
wmoxamthere's a bit too much right clicking too :/01:29
nocilisrann you have to come up with those01:29
ubidoobiokay ... the pics you saw were pre another attempt to install ubuntu .. after that i resized them down because i figured they were to big for ubuntu (someone said just use a small 15 gb space) ... so i did .. so i resized windows just now to make the space 200 gb .. when i did that it gave me 4 partitions ... in this order ... 7 gb unallocated : system resv - mb : 495 gb ntsf : 193 gb unallocated01:29
rannok plain and simple01:30
nocilisrann try http://chatroulette.com/ (PS not responsible for what you see)01:30
nocilisrann as suggested by JokesOnYou7701:30
nocilisrann ow01:31
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode01:31
nocilisrann that site is dangerous01:31
nocilisrann use with caution, preferably not at all01:31
rannlol nocillis01:31
NisstyreI would tend to disagree with that viewpoint01:31
rannwhy do u say not at all01:31
nocilisrann um, because it is random people01:32
soreauJokesOnYou77: This one guy found a way to use video loops as a webcam and went on chatroulette with some interesting footage like shower room etc. People would watch the loops for some time. it was hilarious01:32
JokesOnYou77rofl, cause there's a lot of nudity and randos01:32
AtharvaHi//I have connected 2 computers using wifi..The data copying speed between them is 90 Kb/s..Any ideas to increase the speed ?01:32
nocilisrann yeah, keep all children 40 miles away01:32
rannthanks for the links01:33
graingertAtharva: ethernet01:33
JokesOnYou77soreau: the best by FAR is Ben Folds, have you seen the chatroulette concerts he did?01:33
genii-aroundAtharva: How are they copying data? Samba, nfs, ftp, netcat?01:33
Atharva<genii-around> : Samba01:33
rannIF YOU LOSE US EMAIL ME AT randywp@live.com so we can show r appreation01:33
wmoxamoh man, why does Software Center accounts have terrible password policies?01:34
haylo-bot_it needs root privelige01:34
millenniajust about any ethernet card can do better than 90kb/sec01:34
wmoxam"Passwords must be at least 8 characters, have one uppercase letter and one number"01:34
rannwe will hey i guess i owe you a webcam viewing of my girls boobs , aw shes excited01:34
nocilisrann um01:34
nocilisrann no thx01:34
graingertwmoxam: what's wrong with that01:35
rannsoory want something else01:35
nocilisrann no01:35
Atharva!ot | rann01:35
ubotturann: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:35
graingertrann: got any bitcoin?01:35
rannthanks anyway01:35
graingertthey'll do01:35
urlin2uubidoobi, okay I see at least 15 gigs I would say the key though is no preformatted partitions for ubuntu is my suggestions it will be easiest this way, just leave a unallocated, with no more than the two windows partions on the hd then choose the install to free space, after your installed you can mess with learning how to build and install to partitions, not difficult but easier to understand when you have a install to look at and maybe a thumb o01:35
urlin2ur external to try with.01:35
nocilisrann good luck with whatever it is you are wanting to do with random strangers on the webcams01:35
ranngraingert what is bitcoin01:36
aeon-ltdaww hell no01:36
wmoxamgraingert: bad policy. Now I'll enter a password that I'll definately forget.01:36
graingertwmoxam: lastpass01:36
nocilisrann the currency of the internet01:36
wmoxamprevent dictionary attacks == good01:36
aeon-ltdrann: don't get into it01:36
graingertrann: #bitcoin01:36
millenniarann, remember big brother will be watching what you do in front of your camera01:36
ranndon't getinto what?01:36
wmoxamimpose arbitrary rules on password creation == bad01:36
aeon-ltdrann: bitcoin01:36
graingertrann: it's like marmite01:36
Atharvamillennia : I agree ethernet gives nice speed..but what abt wifi ? Is this a problem with my laptop or it is oraginally slow ?01:37
ubidoobiurlin2u ... so if i reboot now and put in my ubuntu live cd ... it should install to sba in the empty partition right ... do i need to format the empty space or will it do it for me?01:37
rannand big brother will like it01:37
aeon-ltdrann: at first you'll bee like "i can make monies" then you'll be like "ohh"01:37
jeeves_mosshow can I move all the files in one directory to another and preserve the directory structure?01:37
JokesOnYou77Can anyone help me with some account administration?  I have a user that wants his account name changed and I'm wondering if I can just use "usermod -l newname" to change it and be done, or if there's more I need to do01:37
millenniaAtharva, yes wifi is naturally slow01:37
urlin2uwmoxam, the software center can use the same password you have for yourself that you login with.01:37
rannno its not about that01:37
haylo-bot_i think that it is really easy to crack the shorter paswds now but i agree i like to make them whatever length i want01:37
wmoxamurlin2u: oh?01:37
rannits about adults having fun01:37
graingertway off topic now01:37
rannsee ya01:38
nocilisrann bye01:38
rannTHANKS GUYS01:38
haylo-bot_i am having fun with my linux- i dont want to see your web cam rann no offense01:38
wmoxamurlin2u: I don't see how01:38
bobustinso. once i have windows and my ubuntu installed can i actually run both of them at the same time? i have 2 monitors.01:38
haylo-bot_yeah i think i was using ubuntu like ten hours ago with a4 digit passwd01:39
nocilisbobustin not unless you are using a virtual box01:39
millenniajeeves_moss, use "cp -R"01:39
dn4bobustin: When you boot up off a MBR or a Master Boot Record; a certain operating system will launch; nothing else will01:39
nocilisbobustin the computer can only boot into one os at a time01:39
jeeves_mossmillennia, will that MOVE the files though?01:39
Jargs1hello there, i'm having a little trouble compiling libtorrent, i was wondering if anyone could help?01:39
nocilisbobustin what dn4 said, you can run one OS inside the other with a virtual box01:39
dn4bobustin: if you have a computer who has 4 CPUS and each cPU designated to a certain HDD(Harddrive) then you could boot multiple OS's01:39
urlin2uubidoobi, sda is the master boot record and only considered on a custom install which you havb had trouble with. At that same gui that for where you want the install is a option for install to free space that will do all the work, have the unallocated and no more than the 2 windows partitions if you still have 4 you can't install 4 primaruies or 3 primamru=ies and a extended is the max.01:40
millenniaoh, I thought you wantedto copy them. if you just want to move them "mv <directory name>" will work fine01:40
dn4so technically we should be able to boot up 4 operating systems with a quad CPU; but the RAM is an issue01:40
nocilisdn4 ow, that sounds complicated01:41
dn4also the motherboard memory built in is an issue01:41
JokesOnYou77bobustin: You can if you run one or the other as a VMDK using VirtualBox01:41
dn4nocilis: it probably has never been done01:41
urlin2uwmoxam, under what circumstances are you needing a password with the software center?01:41
dn4nocilis: but it is possible01:41
dn4wait nocilis if I can think of it; it has been done01:41
qindn4: Linky? it sounds like magic.01:41
urist_I have a problem I was hoping to get one of you guys to help me with... basically I want a live USB with Ubuntu, but I would like to install and uninstall certain programs in it that aren't default. is this something I can do relatively easy? without having a persistent live USB?01:41
dn4but requires high end stuff lol01:41
JokesOnYou77bobustin: I've also heard that the VMWare (maybe not the free one tho) can run from a raw partition without needing to create a VMDK01:41
ubidoobiurlin2u ... okay ... so i will put in the disk and boot up ... if this works it'll be a miracle01:41
millenniajeeves_moss, "mv <the directory holding all the files>"01:41
dn4it is call allocation of computer resources!01:42
R3db3ardmv 'filename' ~/path/to/destination01:42
dn44 cpus = 4 OS's if allocated correctly; someone will do this eventually if not already01:42
urlin2uubidoobi, it will just have the 2 windows partitions on te hd and a unalloctaed space and choose the install to free space, ubuntu will make the partitions automatically.01:42
urlin2uubidoobi, don't mount anything just hiot the install button.01:43
escotturist_, usb-creator-gtk01:43
jeeves_mossmillennia, but that means I have to go into each directory.  I'm looking to run it on the root of a directory01:43
dn4not all motherboards will handle such a creation01:43
ubidoobiurlin2u ... okay i will do that .. setting up my laptop so i can stay on irc01:43
dn4qin: I am just creating up ideas01:44
venluckeyhello, im back after an update, pretty smooth from 10.04 to 10.1001:44
bobustini installed ubuntu and now i cant acess either my ubuntu boot partition or my ubuntu partition01:44
millenniajeeves_moss, you can run it on the root of the files and sub-directories01:44
urist_escott, thanks... i will look that up01:44
dn4qin: I grew up using a Pentium Pro 200 Mhz; windows 95; linux01:44
qindn4: Well, kvm, xen, vmvare, vbox to keep it real01:44
JokesOnYou77dn4: I'm fairly certain that you would have to write custom drivers for each component as the video card(s) would have to be able to distinguish between the instructions it received from each core and I'm really not sure how the SATA (or IDE) controllers would handle those kind of concurrent instructions01:44
urlin2uubidoobi, cool01:44
millenniaas long that these files aren't directly under the root directory "/" itself01:44
dn4JokesOnYou77: nothing stopped people back in the day to write drivers to do such a TASK!01:45
texashey can anyone help me with my wireless01:45
scythefwdI cannot log into my system while X is running01:45
jeeves_mossmillennia, ok, so if I run "mv /<some directory>/ /<target>", it will move all the files, subdirectories, and maintain the structure?01:45
wmoxamurlin2u: to leave a review01:45
graingert!question | texas01:45
ubottutexas: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:45
R3db3ardtexas, it's working01:45
wmoxamurlin2u: about how all the twitter clients suck in their own special way :p01:45
millenniajeeves_moss, yes, it will move the directory itself to the destination01:45
urlin2uwmoxam, that is a password for launchpad, not the software center.01:45
jeeves_mossmillennia, cool, thanks.01:45
dn4qin: I don't care who keeps it REAL, it is all about what you want; and making it happen; and you don't need to depend upon any of those01:46
urlin2uwmoxam, twitter is a bad habit anyway.01:46
wmoxamurlin2u: no, that's software center01:46
JokesOnYou77bobustin: you can't access you ubuntu partition from within Ubuntu??01:46
qindn4: /topic (to know why keep it real)01:46
heisenbergHow do you guys feel about Ubuntu donating a quarter of it's profits to Indonesian sweatshops?01:46
millenniathat's so wrong01:46
urist_escott, so to create this personalized live USB I would have to first create an image of my OS?01:47
scythefwdAnyone get a login prompt at boot up, enter the Correct password, only to have the screen blink and show a login prompt again?01:47
AtharvaHi...how to restart samba ??01:47
bobustinJokesOnYou77, i cant boot into either os01:47
venluckeyyeah, that means your password file is toast01:47
escotturist_, no you can point it at a normal ubuntu install iso. alternately you can use ubootnetin01:47
heisenbergIt is wrong.. unforutunately, thats the kind of world we have to live in01:47
scythefwdI CAN log in at cli or recovery console01:47
JokesOnYou77dn4: Very true, but, unfortuneately, not practical.  Also, you would have to run synergy or something across all of them unless you wanted multiple mice/keyboards.  But I do really like the idea01:47
dn4heisenberg: how do you feel about the lack of the human being's ability to stop nature?01:47
texask I have a compaq laptop with a broadcom wireless card that i had working in 11.04 and since the switch no mater what method i try i cant turn on the wifi reciver what should i do01:47
millenniaAtharva, were you able to fix the situation with the switch?01:47
JokesOnYou77bobustin: Yikes.  Do you get a particualr error?01:48
qinscythefwd: drop to tty and login and df -h to see if disks are not full01:48
dn4JokesOnYou77: just an idea; and we are in an age of technology that has the ability to compensate for such idealistic notions01:48
venluckeyTexas, i had to download the driver from broadcom01:48
texassame issue"?01:48
venluckeyit comes in deb01:48
wmoxamurlin2u: ie: http://imgur.com/ygI8G01:48
Atharvamillennia : genii-around gave me this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=938902 ..I am trying this01:49
venluckeyi have the dell mini 901:49
dn4texas: have you accessed the firmware of the router before?01:49
JokesOnYou77Can anyone help me with some account administration?  I have a user that wants his account name changed and I'm wondering if I can just use "usermod -l newname" to change it and be done, or if there's more I need to do01:49
bobustinjust some unknown disk device. i booted into uunto off a drive and all my files are there, im just goin to propabally reformat. i needed to get to that01:49
texasi seriously doubt i have or maybe its a lack of understanding on my part01:49
scythefwdqin - cant do that while on here... cant seem to launch anything via anything... can get it via guest.01:49
texasi downloaded the driver to get it working on 11.0401:49
dn4JokesOnYou77: can the user run usermod with out sudo?01:49
texastried to re use it and nothing01:50
venluckeyyeah the driver changed for 10.1001:50
venluckeyi just updated01:50
qinJokesOnYou77: -d -l sould be enough, man usermod01:50
urlin2uwmoxam, okay a account associated with the software center a software center account, just make one and save it in a gedit, it is not as if somebody is going to hack your computer and use that account.01:50
scythefwdqin, the disks aren't full... My boot drive is 5gb and my main / part is 400+gb01:50
venluckeyfrom 10.04 to 10.10 and had the same problem01:50
enix316trying to copy a folder remotly using scp. the only error i get is a permission denied to the target folder. i am using 'sudo scp -r -P 0101 abc user@ip:/target folder' any ideas?01:50
escottJokesOnYou77, that would change the login name but the $HOME would not be changed which may confuse people down the road01:50
wmoxamurlin2u: Oh, I know I could01:50
qinscythefwd: Could you login to terminal01:51
heisenberg@dn4: are you implying sweatshops are part of nature?01:51
wmoxamurlin2u: that doesn't make it any less lame01:51
venluckeywhen it went from 11.04 to 11.10 it changed agin01:51
JokesOnYou77bobustin: If you don't have any crucial data on it I'd just reformat and reinstall.  But before you do, run a live disk or usb and use the hard drive utility to check the SMART status of your drive01:51
bobustinso. will i be able to run windows programs on my ubuntu install? this is my first time using it01:51
wmoxamso many services do password requirements incorrectly01:51
scythefwdqin - from guest?  sudo *username* says it's probibited01:51
urlin2uwmoxam, in your mind which can't even remember a password gosh I feel so empathetic (sarcasm) :D01:51
R3db3ardbobustin, you can use wine01:51
venluckeytexas, is it intel based01:52
millenniaJokesOnYou77, the closest thing I've been able to do is to "rmuser" without deleting the home directory, then "adduser" the new username specifying the same uid as the old username01:52
texaswhere would i look01:52
scythefwdqin sorry, su *username* says it's not permitted01:52
dn4Does ubuntu have an ability to access other Ubuntu machines to remotely solve problems?01:52
R3db3ardjust open terminal and type sudo apt-get install wine01:52
bobustinwhat does wine do?01:52
qinscythefwd: No! Alt-Ctrl-F1 (F7 to be back in gui) and login.01:52
venluckeywine allows you to run windows apps01:52
texasi mean the driver01:52
bobustinso ANY windows app wil run?01:52
dn4bobustin: wine is not a windows emulator01:52
scythefwdbob - not a chance...01:52
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu01:52
venluckeyyeah, i use the lpa version, you probley need the intel version01:52
urlin2ubobustin, no and some run just okay.01:52
JokesOnYou77qin: sO usermod -l -d -m /home/newname ?  And the permissions will all be preserved too?01:52
escottdn4, install openssh-server on the machine you want to connect to. thats the easiest way01:52
scythefwdqin.. bbl.. gotta reboot and check01:52
R3db3ardand some crash hard01:53
wmoxamurlin2u: I can remember all of my passwords provided they don't have stupid restrictions such as this one01:53
dn4escott: ssh is the security; what is the rest?01:53
wmoxamurlin2u: and they are all unique01:53
berefeira /leave01:53
wmoxamurlin2u: and strong01:53
qinJokesOnYou77: No, no -m, you will just change name of it.01:53
texasI on broadcoms website and i cant find the driver01:53
JokesOnYou77millennia: that seems way more complicated lol.  I was just going to usermod -l newname and then change the name of the home directory01:53
venluckeytexas, hold on i look up the site01:53
ubidoobiurlin2u - rebooting ... with usb - faster :)01:53
bobustindoes ubuntu support dual monitors?01:54
venluckeyyeah ill look it up, i got it bookmarked01:54
qinJokesOnYou77: Sorry. Wait.01:54
millenniaJokesOnYou77, see if it works?01:54
wmoxamurlin2u: anyway, even if I were 'stupid' say, that doesn't excuse bad design01:54
millenniaJokesOnYou77, try it with a dummy test account first, of course :)01:54
venluckeytexas, try this man   http://techie-buzz.com/foss/wifi-ubuntu-install-broadcom-drivers.html01:55
escottdn4, its just a secure shell (ie terminal) server. im not sure "what the rest" you are expecting. if you want to run gui applications use ssh -X username@remotehost01:55
CarlFKbobustin: yes01:55
JokesOnYou77millennia: rofl, ofc01:55
R3db3ardwmoxam, i have to carry a print out of my passwords in a notebook everywhere i go01:55
urlin2uwmoxam, I don't see the bad design you suggesting that is a personal opinion, not really valid outside3 of your personal bubble of reality.01:55
escottJokesOnYou77, you can't just mv the /home/foo you also have to modify /etc/passwd to match01:55
bobustinso will ubuntu be able to run League of Legends?01:56
R3db3ardbobustin, this is not google01:56
qinJokesOnYou77: man pages, love... usermod -l new_name and change name of user directory by hand01:56
dn4bobustin: yes01:56
TecnicoDPC Hello01:56
R3db3ardqin, nice01:56
urlin2uwmoxam, the bad design imo is leting people comment at all who cares really what others think is how I feel.01:56
dn4bobustin: what such a task requires is something I learned a long time ago; hacking01:56
wmoxamurlin2u: lol01:56
wmoxamok then01:57
bobustindn4, do you know how to run lol?01:57
JokesOnYou77escott: so usermod, won't do that for me?  That's why I asked before just doing it, he really just want's his login name changed to his nickname, but I want to make sure permissions are preserved and I don't break anything if I do this01:57
bobustinahh. maybe you could teach me theese ways dn401:57
dn4bobustin: people in here will tell you certain things but what it really requires is you understanding what your computer is made of and what it can really do and how to take advantage of that using open source01:57
R3db3arddn4, bobustin, or just reading01:57
wmoxamR3db3ard: :(01:57
escottJokesOnYou77, check the usermod man page. you need the -m -d switches but -l is very clear it only changes the login name01:58
JokesOnYou77bobustin: If it's a game, you may or may not, I would look at the Wine website before you decide anything.  They have great listings and reviews of tested applications01:58
dn4we should all be playing Nexuiz01:59
amin`Is there anyone that could help me with a system-tray In windowmaker WM01:59
=== tum is now known as Guest82113
texasthe comands that are on the screen are all smashed together02:00
venluckeyyeah, hold on i wrote it down02:00
R3db3ardwhat does this mean /me wonders [nexuiz: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.11) but 2.13-0ubuntu13 is to be installed02:00
R3db3ard        Depends: libcurl3 but it is not going to be installed]02:00
venluckeysudo b43-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware wl_apsta-
qinJokesOnYou77: agree with escott usermod -l new_user -d /home/new_home -m (test it first)02:00
texasrussianDid the Mac OS steal code from BSD?02:00
texasrussianHow is Mac OS bad?02:00
scythefwduin, I can log in via terminal, all drives have at least 500 Mb left (/boot) and over 400gb on the rest02:01
venluckeytar xfvj broadcom-wl-
qintexasrussian: mac is licenced with bsd and gpl (partly)02:01
millennia"Did the Mac OS steal code from BSD?", they "borrowed" from it, soosx is bsd inspired02:01
scythefwdtex, bsd is public domain, you can't steal the code02:01
liammy ubuntu 11.10 just doesn't want to boot the GUI. It keeps booting into a black screen with this at the top "^[[18~^@". Anyone know how to fix this?02:01
wmoxamtexasrussian: yes, and it's also bad because their devs drink babies blood at night02:01
qinscythefwd: startx (from terminal)02:01
JokesOnYou77I'll give it a try. Thank you both!02:02
venluckeysudo b43-fwcutter --unsupported -w /lib/firmware broadcom-wl-
venluckeythats the last command02:02
texasrussianqin: yes but I just got done arguing with some people and they turned me around so I was wondering why most linux users see the Mac OS as bad..02:02
qintexasrussian: it is02:02
millenniatexasrussian, it's bad because it isn't free like the bsd license they borrowed from02:03
texasrussianqin: what do you mean it is?02:03
dn4qin: substantiate the point though please02:03
wmoxamtexasrussian: because some people are zealots02:03
texasCannot open input file wl_apsta-
texas is the error i get02:03
aefon my 11.10 system, in aptitude there is a duplicate package for every ubuntu package that i have checked so far, with the only difference being that there is no package description. is anyone else experiencing such things?02:03
dn4what is cool about mac os X; is that the hardware is free to control02:03
venluckeydid you download it?02:03
dn4at least now due to intel chips02:03
scythefwduin "server is already active for display 0"02:03
wmoxamdb4 lol wut?02:04
scythefwduin lemme go kill it02:04
WACOMaltSo.. I know this is not technically a linux question.. but I have a drive that I DESPARATELY need help restoring any data I can from. It was a NTFS drive from windows, which got a corrupt partition table. I used Teskdisk to try to rewrite the old one back, which it found correctly, but it seemed to write an empty partition. Now their deep scan finds nothing.   Anyone good with data recovery? Or know where I can look for help if #ubuntu is not a go02:04
urlin2utexasrussian, saying most is ridiculous you have no proof of that statement nor could you prove that, it is a projection.02:04
qinscythefwd: ah, is it Oneiric?02:04
dn4wmoxam: can't ubuntu run on a mac book pro now days?02:04
millenniaapple basically is profiteering off of freely available software02:04
venluckeytexas, give me your ubuntu version02:04
dn4wmoxam: the hardware is controlled by other open source codes02:04
JokesOnYou77Ok, now how do I kill all processes associated with a username?02:04
dn4that is the freedom we have left02:04
wmoxamdn4: sure, but a lot of non-mac OS's can run on G4 processers as well02:05
texasyeah i clicked the download links02:05
texasrussianurlin2u: I was just making a assumption, most of the linux users I talk to dislike mac. I know a lot of linux users don't like mac...02:05
R3db3ardtexasrussian, because OSX babies the user. it takes the challenge away from computer users. what's going to happen if/when Apple goes away and all of their usergroup lacks the ability to actually 'work' a pc02:05
scythefwdqin - yeah... just tried to kill Xorg... kicked me to the Xorg login.. grrr02:05
venluckeywhat version you running?02:05
aefJokesOnYou77: killall -u username    but be careful with killall, sometimes you kill things you don't really wanted to kill02:05
qinscythefwd: sudo service lightdm stop02:06
R3db3ardi'm on a macbook02:06
WACOMaltcan anyone point me to a good channel for hard drive recovery questions?02:06
JokesOnYou77aef: thanks02:06
urlin2ucan we take the off topic to ubuntu-offtopic.02:06
R3db3ardurlin2u, bumpp!02:06
Roastedanybody ever see Samba do this before? failed negprot: NT_STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT02:06
dn4wmoxam: the OS is what makes the difference; and in this day and age to REACH BILLIONS; requires the ROOTS of what Linus and others gave us02:07
enix316trying to copy a folder remotly using scp. the only error i get is a permission denied to the target folder. i am using 'sudo scp -r -P 0101 abc user@ip:/target folder' any ideas?02:07
millenniait would be like if microsoft "borrowed" heavily from freely available ubuntu releases, then released their own "microsoft x-windows" for $200/copy and plenty on wpa protection02:07
texasrussianR3db3ard: so the main argument against is that it dumbs down the experience for the user?02:07
wmoxamdn4: I have a G4 Mac-mini that runs Linux & BSD just fine02:07
R3db3ardtexasrussian, /pm02:07
dn4wmoxam: exactly02:07
sysdocDoes the ubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386 iso file support booting from a USB flash drive? Also is there a reliable tool to create the USB image, I have been trying unetbootin-linux-563 and it isn't working with this file.02:07
texasin my package manager it says its installed02:07
qindn4: bsd have little incommon with linux02:07
venluckeytexas, what version of ubuntu you running02:08
dn4qin: I'm a fan of GNU more and more these days02:08
venluckeyok,hold on02:08
urlin2usysdoc, what is the file?02:08
rodhashHello guys.. When using xfce and I close the laptop lid my ubuntu crashes and I have to reboot it.. Does anyone in here know it?02:08
escottsysdoc, usb-creator-gtk02:09
wmoxamdn4: IE: that's not an x86 processor :p02:09
ubidoobi3urlin2u - at the screen installation type (selected install to hd) at the initial black screen .. it's showing me this in the installation type screen .. its showing me the partitions on the install usb ... there is a warning ... saying ... your installation medium is on /dev/sdb1. you will not be able to create, delete , or resize partitions on this disk, but you may be able to install to the02:09
sysdocurlin2u, ubuntu-11.10-desktop-i38.iso02:09
ubidoobi3existing partitions there ..02:09
scythefwdqin... ok, lightdm stopped.. did a sudo startx... it froze at checking battery state02:09
sysdocescott, Unfortunately I'm in Suse right now trying to recover the ubuntu install02:09
urlin2uubidoobi3, take a screen shot of gparted and imagebin it.02:09
venluckeytexas, have you tried this?  $ sudo apt-get update02:10
venluckey$ sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer02:10
venluckey$ sudo apt-get remove bcmwl-kernel-source02:10
venluckey$ sudo reboot02:10
texasyes sir02:10
escottrodhash, your system is trying to suspend or hibernate and some driver is causing that to fail. look into debugging ubuntu suspend02:10
s1liam: check the info on this link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/BlankScreen , Also you might wanna try a kernel boot option ..02:10
urlin2uubidoobi3, http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add02:10
s1!bootoption > liam02:10
ubottuliam, please see my private message02:10
qinscythefwd: ok, lets try to put plain x, also from terminal: xinit -- :1 vt802:10
rodhashthanks escott02:10
Roastedanybody ever see Samba do this before? failed negprot: NT_STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT02:10
urlin2usysdoc, what s the OS your trying to put the iso on the thumb with?02:11
urlin2urelease as well if ubuntu02:11
sysdocurlin2u, Suse02:11
sysdocUbuntu install from USB02:12
venluckeyim at a loss, last i would try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1803710, and as a last ditch effort02:12
venluckeyi would uninstall it, then reinstall it02:12
srnhttp://forums.adobe.com/thread/487814  i really hate this microsoft bitch chris02:13
urlin2usysdoc, hehe opensuse I have used it but never tried to load a thumb from it so what happens with unetbootin.02:13
gr33n7007hsysdoc, unetbootin02:13
sysdocBoot error > urlin2u , gr33n7007h02:14
dn4wmoxam: back in the day; x'x'86 was always infected; but made me happy02:14
wmoxamdn4: ???02:14
dn4wmoxam: x86; x386; x48602:14
ubidoobi3urlin2u - will have to take pictures of it because not to sure how to take screen shots in ubuntu ... :(02:14
wmoxamdn4: infected?02:14
urlin2usysdoc, try #suse they may be of more help.02:15
Roastedanybody ever see Samba do this before? failed negprot: NT_STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT02:15
dn4wmoxam: raped?02:15
=== rnewell is now known as RandomRoger
urlin2uubidoobi3, hit the prtsc key then load that image to the imagebin, otherwise there is a screenshot app on the live cd.02:15
texasis there a easy way to downgrade back to 11.0402:16
urlin2utexas, nope it is a freinstall.02:16
sysdocurlin2u, I trying to create a Ubuntu bootable usb to recover the OS02:16
wmoxamdn4 I have no idea what you are trying to say02:16
texasso how would i do it?02:17
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate02:17
urlin2usysdoc, which OS, I would try the suse channel if you can't get it to load the thumb, jsut a suggestion.02:17
R3db3ard!install | texas02:17
ubottutexas: please see above02:17
dn4wmoxam: most people don't; i'm saying that the x86 plateform helped promote Ubuntu and GNU and the likes there of02:17
ubidoobi3urlin2u ... okay i will try that and see what happens ..02:17
dn4x486 is imaginary like imaginary numbers02:18
wmoxamdn4: um, ok02:18
urlin2uubidoobi3, it sounds to me like you didn't remove all but the windows partitions.02:18
YusukeHow to do ctrl + alt + del, to go for task killer in Ubuntu? like Windows02:18
scythefwduin .. sorry, had to reboot.. system died on last command...02:18
urlin2uubidoobi3, seeing gparted will get us closer to a answer.02:18
escottsysdoc, you might just want to try rescuelinux. there is no special need to have the ubuntu install system to perform a rescue02:18
wmoxamx86 was just the cheapest platform when computer usage skyrocketed02:18
wmoxamdn4: most of GNU was not developed on x86 :p02:19
scythefwduin - getting a "using config file /etc/X11/xorg.conf"02:19
escottYusuke, the comparable application is called "system monitor02:19
ubidoobi3urlin2u ... is there anyway i can linnk you to my pc and you can look for yourself (just wondering )02:19
=== Skummel2 is now known as Skummel
scythefwduin - getting a "using system file /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d02:19
qinscythefwd: So xinit does give you xterm?02:19
dn4wmoxam: GNU still works on a x86 though02:19
urlin2uubidoobi3, nah I have never done that and am not inclined to really.02:20
scythefwdno, my screen went completely blank and became unresponsive02:20
venluckeyi use teamviewer to get help, allows remote connection secure02:20
dn4give users the freedom; long live freedome02:20
R3db3ardyusuke, you can go to your pannel (the bar at the top of the screen) right-click>add to pannel and select the 'Force Quit' icon02:20
YusukeI opened a website in firefox ( www.mudah.my ) , it hangs my laptop, and I can't go for task killer to kill the firefox, how to do that? like windows02:20
wmoxamdn4: oh, you're a zealot. I see02:20
YusukeNo, can't , its hang02:20
Yusukefreeze me02:20
FloodBot1Yusuke: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:20
qinscythefwd: Did you u/installed video drivers?02:20
fellayaboyi was on a live usb ubuntu flash drive and i updated the os..it said i ran out of space but i still had some freespace when i mounted from my installed OS02:20
R3db3ardyusuke, probably gonna have to reboot02:20
YusukeThat's not a good answer :(02:21
fellayaboyis their a way i coudl increase the section for ubuntu?02:21
R3db3ardfellayaboy, as in the partition?02:21
escottYusuke, if your gui is unresponsive and you know what the process name to kill is. ctrl-alt-f1, login, killall processname; ctrl-alt-f7. if you dont know the process name you can use top instead of killall02:21
fellayaboywell yes i suppose02:21
urlin2ufellayaboy, is it a wubi install?02:21
fellayaboyurlin2u no its a unet02:22
fellayaboya unetbootin installation02:22
mkquistlost my ability to set network shares, tried using the gui samba does not work anymore, and cant right click and get shares option... anyone have an idea? 10.04 64 bit02:22
fellayaboyexcuse me its not an installation but i used unetbootin to format the thumb drive02:22
thevenerablezI'm developing a MIDI device, and I'm attaching the device to my computer via a MIDI-USB cable. Does anyone know of any good USB port monitors so I can capture packets being sent from the device?02:22
urlin2ufellayaboy, so it is a thgumb and you have loaded it with unetbootin and want more space.02:22
fellayaboyso that it could be used as a live cd02:22
dn4wmoxam: I'd like to be an archon02:23
w30Yusuke, hit ctl alt F3 login and type ps auxw , find the firefox pid then type kill -9 pid02:23
fellayaboythats correct02:23
qinscythefwd: Hm? Can you boot next time holding shift? and choose recovery?02:23
fellayaboyurlin2u thats right02:23
urlin2ufellayaboy, how big is the thumb altogether?02:23
fellayaboyits about 8gb02:24
fellayaboyi installed blackbuntu which is about 4gb02:24
dn4wmoxam: as an archon i'd let everything run amok; like it already is; so I don't need to be; it already is; ad-hominems suck btw02:24
urlin2ufellayaboy, did you use the persistence install?02:24
fellayaboyyes their was an option for that..i set it to the maximum i could02:24
* R3db3ard is now downloading blackubuntu02:25
scythefwduin - get xterm on vty802:25
ubidoobi3urlin2u ... okay both images are there .. sorry about the quality ... quicker than figuring out screenshot :)02:25
fellayaboyurlin2u i did i remember seeing that option and i set it to the maxium i could02:26
qinscythefwd: Do you, run gedit then ;)02:26
scythefwdqin - what am I editing?02:26
w30Yusuke, maybe you can hit alt F2 and type xkill in the box then click on firefox window (assuming you have xkill installed)02:27
urlin2ufellayaboy, if you have maxed it out and filled it making the partition bigger will not fix that, the persistence is in a casper-rw file in home, you would have to make a ext2 partition and name it casper-rw as big as you want,  but if you do this you have to remove the original and will loose all the updates and other data.02:27
qinscythefwd: just checking if there are a lot of error messages..02:27
fellayaboyurlin2u and now when i plug my usb it says i ahve 3.8 freespace so why is blackbuntu usblive telling me i dont have space02:27
venluckeyhi zelda02:27
qin!info xkill02:27
ubottuPackage xkill does not exist in oneiric02:27
fellayaboyurlin2u in capser i see a filesystem.squashfs thats about 3.8 gb which i believe is bneing used as freespace02:28
fellayaboyexcuse me its about 3.6 to be precise02:28
urlin2ufellayaboy, not sure, to be honest I don't feel like explaing what s alraedy on the web in 1000's of web sites to be honest.02:28
escottfellayaboy, that is the root fs of the livecd02:28
scythefwdqin popped right up... error bout an icon and a margin property and 0 being out of range for that type of value02:29
zeldahow do I change the theme?02:29
urlin2uubidoobi3, so you can't post a screenshot then, I can't help without one.02:29
fellayaboyescott i see. so would that make it have enuff freespace..i updated ubuntu from the live cd and it said i had no more freespace02:29
zeldaI have 4 options. I want more02:29
ubidoobi3urlin2u .. the shots are posted02:29
ubidoobi3image bin02:29
venluckeytheme for what02:30
w30xkill is in x11-utils02:30
escottfellayaboy, if it said there wasnt enough free space it probably means not enough free space on your hard drive02:30
fellayaboyu2lin2u u know what i think i found a solution by typing in casper rw in linux thanks i think this should work02:31
urlin2uubidoobi3, you have to post the http address for me to see.02:31
fellayaboyi mean by typig in casper rw in google urlin2u02:31
qinscythefwd: You could exit term. just in case: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade, and reboot into recovery (hold shift), and pick from menu reconfigure xserver.02:31
qinscythefwd: before it02:32
fellayaboyescott no its on a liveusb thumb drive02:32
urlin2ufellayaboy, lots of ways to go about it you will figure it out.:D02:32
otldoci'm trying to mount an ntfs drive and i'm getting "mount: unknown filesystem type 'ntfs'"02:32
ubidoobi3urlin2u - http://imagebin.org/18077202:32
amin`how could I have transparency? in Wmaker02:32
qinscythefwd: you could stop/start lightdm, and try to login02:32
venluckeyi never had luck with live usb02:32
otldocanyone know what to do?02:33
scythefwdthanks qin, know if that will work with burg running?02:34
urlin2uubidoobi3, if your choosing the something other which sounds like what your doing choose install in freespace.02:34
qinscythefwd: oh, no clue.02:34
ubidoobi3urlin2u ... rebooting now ... the screen doens't stay long enough to see all 4 options .. will look close this time though ...02:34
qinscythefwd: maybe esc?02:35
Stanley00otldoc: you should try without the "-f" switch, I think mount will know the fs automatically...02:35
escottotldoc, usually you mount them with the ntfs-3g userspace fs driver so its actually a fuseblk filesystem not sure exactly what the mount command would look like02:35
urlin2uubidoobi2, you have two unallocated now which may be causing a problem, put a ntfs in the first one, and you should be able to stay on the choose your install option indefinitely. This will go much faster and smother if you just figure out the screenshot stuff, otherwise it gets convoluted, live shorts of where your at is the best way of just getting this done.02:37
Stanley00otldoc: ooop, wrong switch, I mean "-t " switch02:38
ubidoobi3urlin2u .. i posted some pictures on image bin and posted the url here .. taken with a camera though ... tried the screen shot thing in ubuntu .. but didnt[ work .. please bare with me02:39
ubidoobi3urlin2u .. i think the problem is my brain cant figure out such a minute problem lol02:39
Roastedanybody know how I can make gnome shell my default desktop environment?02:40
Roastedanybody ever see Samba do this before? failed negprot: NT_STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT02:40
urlin2uubidoobi2, only one picture has shown in any single http address which is okay, but  am hesistant to go further if we can't get the regular screenshot option, I have other things to do, maybe another user would be more helpful,  have a midterm tomorrow I don't need the extra stress.02:41
Boontooanyone familiar with this erroe: No init found. Try passig init=bootarg.02:41
BoontooI tried fsck /dev/sdb102:41
Boontoobut to no avail, everytime I try and boot I cannot get a GUI02:42
Boontooor even boot to a login = (02:42
=== sillytones is now known as semitones
Boontooevery forum and blog I check says that sudo fsck /dev/sdb1 will fix my problem on reboot02:45
Boontoohowever, when I run it my disk checks out as fine02:46
Boontooand my comp freezes after sudo reboot command02:46
scythefwduin - just ripping off light dm, gdm, and going to try kdm with light dm on top of it.. see what type of bastard child I can create :)02:50
The_Tickugh, does ubuntu seriously have the latest mercurial at 1.4.3?02:51
scythefwdqin it'll probably finish DL sometime around christmas... I'm tethering over cellphone... and not getting good rates02:51
s1Boontoo: are you sure "sdb1" is the right device ! you could check Running/ sudo fdisk -l02:51
ubidoobi3hey ... can someone help with this .. at the black install screen - i chose the option to install on a hd (option 2 ) .. in the installation type screen it's trying to install it back onto the usb that i'm trying to install it from ...02:51
s1ubidoobi3: try on of the kernel boot options.02:52
Boontoos1: I have boot partition on sda1 and sdb1, but I never boot sda02:52
webPragmatisttypically if something asks to write to the path var should i symlink it ?02:53
ubottuI have no seen command02:53
webPragmatisti'm isntalling gitolite02:53
ubidoobi3s1 how to i try kernel boot option ( sorry linux noob :( )02:53
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:53
Boontoos1: I manually select a hard drive from my BIOS each time I boot02:53
qinscythefwd: Nah, what session are you using, unity? you could try to use any other.02:53
Kuri[1]!how do i know where vyacheslav is02:53
ubottuKuri[1]: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:53
Kuri[1]WHAT THE HECK02:53
s1!bootoption > ubidoobi302:53
ubottuubidoobi3, please see my private message02:53
Kuri[1]this is so frustrating02:54
scythefwdqin - too late... already done an sudo apt-get remove (and purge) lightdm and gdm as well as the sudo apt-get install kdm02:54
Kuri[1]dont you mean02:54
Kuri[1]-a- sudo apt-get remove02:54
scythefwdqin - yeah I was trying to use unity.. but 2d didn't work any better02:54
Kuri[1]an is not the proper article02:54
Kuri[1]in that context02:54
Boontoos1: right now I am troubleshooting via terminal from my original installation disk under the "try ubuntu" option02:54
scythefwdKuri - this be the net.. let the grammar go for school02:54
Kuri[1]i like your style02:55
Kuri[1]has anyone seen a vyacheslav02:55
KaosMcRageInstalled 11.10 fresh on a VirtualBox VM and /lib/modules/3.0.0-12-generic/modules.alias appears to be hosed. Doesn't even look like it's formatted correctly when I compare it to another 11.10 box (which upgraded from 11.04). Can I regenerate that somehow?02:56
scythefwdkuri - l35t 1m n0t t1png l13k th15! :)02:56
Kuri[1]i like that02:56
s1ubidoobi3: you see some F-keys on the liveCD screen .. one of them have them option , nomodeset .etc02:56
Kuri[1]it looks cool02:56
Kuri[1]my eyes have been opened02:56
scythefwdlol kuri - makes me want to stab my eyes out02:56
KaosMcRagewell, just ran depmod -a and that seemed to have rebuilt it actually02:57
=== otldoc is now known as pensfan
scythefwdkaos - what does that do exactly02:57
s1Boontoo: so you've installed Ubuntu but it failed to boot!02:57
Boontoos1: oh yeah, I was running it for months02:57
KaosMcRagescythefwd: probes all the modules, whatever that means :)02:58
hexacodeanyone know how to use ls to list only files and not directories ?02:58
hilariecould someone tell me how to take my downloads folder and its content back from root?02:58
Boontoos1: a bunch of programs were crashing so I rebooted, and now I get "no init found trypassing init-bar"02:58
scythefwdwhelp, I'm out.. only 40 minutes left on the DL.. sounds like a goo time to crash..02:58
scythefwdhil - sudo chown?02:59
hilariescythefwd sudo chown /Downloads ?02:59
s1Boontoo: see which partition ubuntu is on in fdisk -l , thene run fsck to it.03:01
Boontooit's on sdb103:01
leo2007hello folks, I have just installed ubuntu 11.10. Can someone tell me the best/easiest way to install emacs 24?03:01
BoontooI ran sudo fdisk /dev/sdb103:01
KaosMcRagewow I think Ubuntu (ext4) on a thin provisioned vbox disk is not a good idea or something03:02
KaosMcRagething is freaking out03:02
rhizmoeleo2007: either synaptic or apt-get install emacs03:02
rhizmoe(i'm assuming 24 is ~current)03:02
* rhizmoe <- viuser03:02
aHardyXHi there! I installed Kernel 3.1 on 10.10 and then tried installing nvidia 173.14.30. But the run file from nvidia isn't able to detect the kernel. I even tried specifying the kernel source but it doesn't work. Am I missing out something?03:03
enavhello i updated did a routine update yesterday and now my Ubuntu 10.10 wont boot and hangs with this message --Checking Battery State--03:05
jpulgarinI have a Mac thunderbolt display hooked up to my t500 lenovo running ubuntu 11.10. Today the display isnt as bright as it usually is. Is there a way of controlling the display's brightness? The brightness controls in "Screen" only affects my laptop screen and not the secondary display03:06
enavmy bad03:06
rhizmoeaHardyX: that seems like an advanced operation03:07
braxtonHow do I uninstall sun java on my ubuntu system?03:07
s1Boontoo: so , what does sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda .. shows03:07
enavMy Ubuntu 11.10 wont boot after i did a routine update yesterday.. the systems hangs on a message -hello i updated did a routine update yesterday and now my Ubuntu 10.10 wont boot and hangs with this message "Checking Battery State"03:07
aHardyXrhizmoe: I had to upgrade to kernel 3.1 to get my wifi dongle working03:07
braxtonI've tried sudo apt-get --purge remove sun-java6-jre but it says virtual packages can't be removed.03:07
s1enav: what happen if you press Alt+F5 ..03:08
enavit gets me cli access03:08
TexasRussianAnyone using Gnome 3.2?03:08
rhizmoeaHardyX: just sayin'03:08
enavs1 what soppouse to happen pressing ctrl+F503:09
enavi mean alt+f503:09
s1enav: from there , Run/ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade03:09
Boontoos1: the superblock could not be read or does not describe the correct KaosMcRag@unaffiliated/kaosmcrage] has left #ubuntu [21:04:40] shro0ms [~shro0ms@ool-44c49f0d.dyn.optonline.net] has quit IRC: Client Quit [21:04:53] jhesketh_ [~josh@CPE-124-179-253-s1: superblock invalid bad magic number super-block while trying to open /dev/sda103:09
daneshello, I am a noob and I would like to know if it is possible to putt a part of a path in html. For example, I need to reference something to a path "http://nameofwebsite.ext/directory/subfolder/etc/filename.xyz" and save the first part "http... /etc/" in a variable so I can use something like var/filename.xyz03:09
enavs1 let me try that brb03:10
Boontoos1: basically says it is not actually ext203:10
s1enav: that should pass that state ..03:10
leo2007rhizmoe: no, 23.3 is the current release. 24 is still in development.03:10
leo2007I was hoping someone already has done the hard work of building one for ubuntu.03:11
Linuxerboa noite pessoal03:11
rhizmoeleo2007: you can compile, probably take a day :P03:11
rhizmoedanes: do what now?03:12
Boontoos1: http://pastebin.com/7JMkKqea03:13
danesrhizmoe:  I want to add an mp3 player to a website but the path of each file is very long, so I was wondering if I can replace part of the path with a variable03:13
rhizmoedanes: don't worry about that. maximum url length is like 2K03:17
Boontoos1: I cannot get gparted to run either,03:17
danesrhizmoe: the problem is that I am using a flash player that displays the name of the song along with the path and I need to remove the lengthy path so that the name of the song is visible03:18
rhizmoedanes: use a player that reads ID3 tags03:20
rhizmoebut, other than that, it depends on what, y'know, language you're using.03:20
rhizmoemeh, what soviet hell is the android marketplace?03:22
mad2whats up guys03:26
Boontoos1: alright, I am too frustrated for tonight03:26
BoontooI will give it another shot tomorow03:26
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mad2does anybody have any experience with ubuntu on a macbook pro?03:27
s1Boontoo: seems like a messed up fstab ! .. compare the grub menu, fstab, and fdisk -l03:29
=== SomeoneWeird is now known as SomeoneWeirdAFK
matt7879hey guys i'm having some trouble with my resolution03:32
matt7879I'm running ubuntu 10.04 LTS on my Macbook Pro 8,103:32
TexasRussianwhat kind of trouble? want me to beat him up?03:32
maahesdoes this method work for turning the ubuntu iso into a live usb? dd if=/path/to/ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sd[x] bs=4M ?03:32
matt7879lol I wish that would help texas03:33
xanguamaahes: i head with the nwe ubuntu 11.10 you only need to copy the iso to the usb03:33
matt7879I can only get 1024x768 resolution03:33
TexasRussianbut what's wrong with your resolution03:33
TexasRussianhave you updated your video card drivers?03:33
maahesxangua: hrrm, I shall get the new iso I guess.03:33
matt7879Where would I go for that?03:33
Polahxangua, really? Don't think that would work. How would it boot with no bootloader? Or do you mean copying the contents over? You can use dd to transfer the iso to USB or disc03:34
TexasRussianmatt7879: on the top of your screen there is a greenish icon that looks like a circuit board, click it and enable restricted drivers, also you may go into Applications>administration>graphics drivers or something like that03:34
maahesPolah: I tried using dd, it works for arch, I'm pointing it at an 11.04 iso, but it is not working what so ever for the 11.04 iso03:35
McQueAll:  My WiFi connects great to my Win Laptop, but my U-Box laptop will not put in the same WiFi (my local WRT54G-TM box) with same key # and security key.  What is wrong?  Seems to be a difference between 128 WEP on the Win box and the U box.  Can you explain that?03:35
matt7879Okay I found "Hardware Drivers" in System>Administration03:36
TexasRussianmatt7879: okay, enable the (recommended) drivers03:36
xanguaPolah: well i remember i read it somewhere and that it also works like an alternate disk allowing you to update from 11.04 to 11.10 without net, it'all lies¿03:37
TexasRussianmatt7879: then after that maybe a log out and log in might fix it,03:37
matt7879Well it said no proprietary drivers were in use on this system. Keep in mind I'm using a Mac03:37
TexasRussianmatt7879: none at all?03:37
TexasRussianmatt7879: Do you know what kind of Graphics unit you have?03:38
matt7879Yeah I can look it up03:38
matt7879The thing is my resolution was fine with 11.04, but I went back to 10.04 since I was getting alot of bugs.03:38
McQue1All:  Never mind I found it, was defaulting to key 1 and router is on key 2.03:38
dardevelinhi, can anyone suggest me a gtk2 and gtk3 book ? or just gtk3 :D03:39
dardevelinthanks in advance03:39
TexasRussianmatt7879: did you reinstall 10.04 completely or...?03:39
navneethHi. Will little bugs I find in the live CD (oneiric) get fixed. For example, I find an "Extract Here" in the context menu of a word document.03:40
=== surfsue is now known as surfdue
matt7879Yeah. Wiped the entire HDD and put 10.04 on there. By the way I've got a "Intel Graphics 3000" graphics processor.03:40
navneethmatt7879: It could also be a cable issue... I recently had my resolution go awry (10.10, not on a Mac though), but surprisingly it went away after a Kernel upgrade03:42
TexasRussianmatt7879: ok open a terminal and type "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa"03:42
xanguaTexasRussian: matt7879 do not03:42
theoshi all :)03:42
navneethoh, and that's assume you're using a Mac desktop03:42
theosis there a way to limit cpu usage for certain programs?03:42
TexasRussianwhy not?03:42
xanguaTexasRussian: if you are gonna suggest that king of ppa please link to it so matt7879 can read the description of it...03:43
TexasRussianI have a forum post that says it will fix his issue, perhaps he should try it? xangua?03:43
=== GodfatherofEir1 is now known as godfatherofeir1
RoastedAnybody recall the issues with the Intel 2200 B/G wireless card in the past where it drops its WPA authentication after being in use for a while? Has that been fixed in newer relases of Ubuntu/Linux kernels?03:44
matt7879Could you link to the forum post?03:44
xanguaTexasRussian: matt7879 have a read of the warning https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa03:46
xangua** Please do not publish instructions for how to install from this  archive without linking to this page! Anyone using packages from this archive is expected to read this page first and it is recommended to  check back occasionally for notice on problems that may arise. **03:46
TexasRussianxangua: it seems most of the issues with this PPA are to do with 11.04 and older releases, he is using 10.04, it should be completely safe.03:48
matt7879well whatever I might as well try it03:48
TexasRussianmatt7879: I hope it works ^_^03:49
matt7879me too haha. Thanks for the help man.03:49
xanguaTexasRussian: it seems you don't get what xorg-exgers fresh mean, in a moment you get functional drivers and on another you dont, goes for you too matt7879 ;)03:49
TexasRussianah I see.03:50
=== packet is now known as dosdawg
maestrojedI just ran a system upgrade and on restart it just hangs on the purple Ubuntu start up screen. This was a 11.something to 11.current upgrade. Where do I start? Any suggestions?03:56
RoastedAnybody recall the issues with the Intel 2200 B/G wireless card in the past where it drops its WPA authentication after being in use for a while? Has that been fixed in newer relases of Ubuntu/Linux kernels?03:56
jdjbmedinaI am using ubuntu 3D and I have two unity panels03:57
TexasRussianRoasted: what version are you currently using?03:59
RoastedTexasRussian, 11.10. I had issues in 10.04 where the wireless would just drop off after a bit.04:00
elz89I was trying to get something working the other day as per someones instruction, but now every time I install something I see this bad line: dpkg: warning: ignoring option --foreign-architecture=i386: this architecture cannot be foreign04:00
RoastedTexasRussian, so far I'm on 11.10 and looping a ping to a local news site in intervals of 3 seconds.04:00
meowsusJust ran into an interesting issue. I just installed Lubuntu and was trying to set up a home directory symlink to another hard drive. I keep my music elsewhere, so I ran the command "ln -s /media/the-drive/Music/ Music" and it works just fine... until i reboot, then the link is broken, any ideas?04:00
RoastedTexasRussian, 830 requests later, still going strnog04:00
alejandro__I can't find Google Chrome in Software Center, any ideas?04:00
TexasRussianlook for chromium04:00
xanguaalejandro__: search for chromium, is open source04:00
meowsusWhen i double click the link, it brings up the "Choose an Application" dialog04:00
Roasted830 x 3 = 2490 seconds / 60 = 41.5 minutes without a hitch04:00
Roastedmake sme hopeful its fixed...04:01
TexasRussianRoasted: so your wireless just drops the WPA encryption after a while04:01
RoastedTexasRussian, in 10.04 it did using the Intel 2200 BG card04:01
RoastedTexasRussian, I had been using a broadcom since then (yuck)04:01
RoastedTexasRussian, but when I installed 11.10 I also had to replace the internal speakers so I had it gutted. I figured I'd swap wifi cards and see and so far its working, to my surprise...04:01
alejandro__Thanks, but as a matter of fact, I just want to uninstall Google Chrome but I can't find it in software center in order to uninstall it...}04:01
millenniameowsusm do you have the drive setup to be automounted at boot time?04:01
RoastedTexasRussian, I'm just curious if anybody had similar success as I'm currently having, as the Intel 2200 was a problematic card for some people04:02
RoastedTexasRussian, it was the ONE Intel card to avoid using, it seemed.04:02
TexasRussianRoasted: soo, you don't have a problem?04:02
meowsusmillennia, yes, i believe so04:02
meowsusIt's mounted without me doing anything after boot04:02
millenniadid you make a hard link or a symlink?04:03
tomoyuki28jpIs it okay to keep running a production server in the recovery mode?04:03
meowsusln -s /media/the-drive/Music/ Music04:03
TexasRussianalejandro__, "sudo apt-get purge remove chrome" in terminal :)04:03
meowsusWhich worked when I was using Ubuntu before, now Lubuntu seems to not like it04:04
choeltomoyuki28jp, no!04:04
RoastedTexasRussian, so far, no. I'm just curious if anybody else has had such luck with this card.04:04
alejandro__Thanks TexasRussian, I like the look of that command04:04
meowsusWait a sec04:04
TexasRussianRoasted, lol, ok and no I didn't have that problem04:04
meowsusThe drive isn't even in my /etc/fstab04:04
TexasRussianalejandro__, no problem dude04:04
tomoyuki28jpchoel: How the recovery mode different from the normal one?04:04
RoastedTexasRussian, I guess considering it's an older card I didn't expect it to work. So I'm a little shocked at the moment04:04
alejandro__It can't find chrome...04:05
TexasRussianRoasted, yeah a lot of network cards that didn't work in earlier releases now work in 11.1004:05
choeltomoyuki28jp, if you have to run it in recovery mode there's something wrong, and that should be fixed on a production server. I wouldn't do it.04:05
TexasRussianit can't?04:05
RoastedTexasRussian, I wonder if it worked in 11.04 even... I  never tried 11.04 on here.04:05
millenniameowsus, what I'm seeing for "man ln" implies that it can't be used to link directories across different volumes. but I can't be sure04:06
tomoyuki28jpchoel: thanks a lot for your advice.04:06
TexasRussianalejandro__, try "sudo apt-get purge remove chrome*"04:06
meowsusSo I should use a hard link, you're saying04:06
alejandro__No luck.04:06
choeltomoyuki28jp, the differences is graphic and network mostly. could be other things that maybe some one else her could answer on.04:07
TexasRussianhold up04:07
millenniameowsus, a hard link might work, but it doesn't even sound certain for that04:07
TexasRussianalejandro__, you may want to try http://linuxconfig.org/ubuntu-linux-google-chrome-browser-download-install-and-usage#12-how-to-uninstall-google-chrome-from-ubuntu-linux   look on the right for how to uninstall04:07
choelalejandro__, using chromium maybe?04:08
alejandro__choel, chromium is not installed04:08
amin`Is there a way to set some startup- applications in Wmaker04:08
alejandro__Thanks TexasRussian, I'll try that04:08
TexasRussianalejandro__, no problems04:09
choelalejandro__, ok.04:09
xangua(23:08:59) alejandro__: choel, chromium is not installed - already tried to¿04:09
TexasRussianalekandro__, you may also try "sudo dpkg -r google-chromium" or "sudo dpkg -r google-chrome"04:09
xanguaalejandro__: TexasRussian or you could just go to google chrome's download page04:10
TexasRussianxangua, lol, didn't even think of that ^_^04:11
johan97problems installing mysql it will not start up http://pastebin.com/chuezG8q04:11
millenniaI had so many troubles with mysql, in the end I ditched it and used pgsql04:11
berner5hi guys, i am having some trouble with wubi.exe04:12
johan97i never had problems this is the first time installing 11.1004:12
jdjbmedinaI am using ubuntu 3D and I have two unity panels04:12
berner5this would be the second time i used it to install 11.1004:12
jdjbmedinaor dash panels04:12
alejandro__Do you guys have Google Chrome in Software Center?04:13
xanguajdjbmedina: already run¿: unity --replace04:13
berner5there's the open source version, chromium04:13
jdjbmedinawhy would I run unity --replace04:13
meowsusmillennia, yeah, this thing isn't automounting04:13
meowsusmillennia, thanks for pointing me in the right dir04:13
xanguajdjbmedina: i mean unit --reset04:13
TexasRussianalejandro__, go to the software center and download synaptic package manager04:14
jdjbmedinaunity --reset04:14
jdjbmedinais that what I need to do04:14
millennianot automounting would do it04:14
xanguajdjbmedina: to reset unity settings04:14
jdjbmedinawill it mess with my settings that I have done in ccsm04:14
TexasRussianalejandro__, then use the synaptic package manager to remove chrome, "http://www.google.com/support/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=95319"04:15
TexasRussianalejandro__, then use the synaptic package manager to remove chrome, http://www.google.com/support/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=9531904:15
xanguaalejandro__: TexasRussian you guys like to do the easy... harder¿¿04:15
alejandro__TexasRussian: I will do that, but see this: dpkg -l | grep chrome did not find any google chrome package.04:15
RudyValenciaHow do I transfer the filenames of a list of files generated by find into a command?04:16
yamahaalexi am not used to linux, i just want to set up GIT on my VPS as easy as possible. Will Ubuntu be easier or better than CentOS for this case?04:16
RudyValenciaOK I'll try that04:16
millenniaalso "|"04:17
alejandro__I still have some tricks under my sleeve...04:17
jdjbmedinai did the unity --reset and now my panel is all messed up04:17
alejandro__I think I messed things up when I installed the google chrome PPA w/o uninstalling Chrome first.04:18
xanguaalejandro__: there is no google chrome ppa04:18
jdjbmedinaok panel looks good but I still have two dash panels04:18
RudyValenciaI'm trying to have a program executed for each file find returns04:18
RudyValencia(given a path and filespec to work with)04:18
xanguajdjbmedina: an image says more than a thousand worrs¿ ;)04:19
yamahaalex is there any reason i should pick centos VS ubuntu for simplicity04:19
balazshi. Does anyone know how to make the current tab in gnome terminal stand out more ?04:19
jdjbmedinai have a snapshot but how do i send it04:19
xanguayamahaalex: looks like an offtopic theme ;)04:19
yamahaalexxangua, Ubuntu vs CentOS is off topic?04:19
balazsnow it's a tiny bit more bright in the title, but it's hard to see04:20
meowsuswhile editing /etc/fstab what should the options be for root? i know that /home should be "nodev,nosuid: and my external should be "defaults" but what should / be?04:20
meowsusright now its "errors=remount-ro"04:20
k1llaByteI was using kazam screencatcher on ubuntu 11.04,but it don't seem to work on 11.10?Is there any other screencatcher i can use?04:22
TexasRussianjust for screen shots or video?04:23
millennia"/" should at least be rw04:23
TexasRussiank1llaByte, you may want to try Instabul Desktop Session Recorder, it's in the software center04:24
TexasRussiank1llaByte, nvm the comments say it sucks04:25
millennialots of people here talk about their dual monitor setups. anyone know where I could get a scart vga to video adapter?04:25
balazsanybody using gnome-terminal ?04:26
alejandro__xangua: PPA if I understand correct http://www.howopensource.com/2011/10/install-google-chrome-in-ubuntu-11-10-11-04-10-10-10-04/04:26
TexasRussiank1llaByte, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VYaAn8UI-8&feature=youtube_gdata04:27
xanguaalejandro__: no04:27
k1llaBytethanks brb04:27
alejandro__xangua: What it is then? The article says PPA...04:27
TexasRussiank1llaByte, hope that helps :)04:28
xanguaalejandro__: i have already told you three times you can either install chromium-browser from repository wich is free/libre or you can download google chrome from it download page04:28
TexasRussianxangua, I think he is trying to uninstall chrome.04:28
alejandro__xangua: okay I get it.04:28
TexasRussianalejandro__ what are you trying to do, did you already uninstall chrome?04:29
alejandro__TexasRussian: I could remove it but installing a .deb that overwrote it and the installed the version I wanted.04:29
TexasRussianalejandro__ wait what? you just wanted to update it?04:30
alejandro__TexasRussian: Yes.04:31
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit04:31
TexasRussianalejandro__, all you had to do is go to the wrench icon on the right of chrome, scroll down and click about chrome, and it would update..04:31
jdjbmedinaok i posted it to http://my.imageshack.us/v_images.php04:31
alejandro__TexasRussian: That feature is disabled in Linux...04:32
TexasRussianalejandro__, I use it all the time, it works for me.04:32
kk_Cn any one help me to start ubuntu server 11.10 in gui installed in vmware workstation 8 on windows 7 host os04:33
_Pete_kk_: server install doesnt have gui at all04:33
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jdjbmedinastill have two dash panels how do I fix this.04:34
kk_Sorry iam new to linux and i don't have good idea....04:35
ph4nt0m_hi im having an issue with my mic and teamspeak3 its just plain refusing to work04:35
hexacodeis there a wy to pipe data into the clipboard?04:35
enavhello... i want to clean up the log folder it have about 4GB on crappy log... any recommendation?04:35
qinkk_: Why do you need linux server?04:36
bobweaverenav: bleachbit ??04:36
kk_i have tested redhat and thought ubuntu server will have gui too...04:36
bobweaverkk_: you have to install the desktop gui04:36
qinkk_: Well you can install ubuntu-desktop or something04:36
bobweaverIf you want gui that is04:36
ph4nt0m_anyone else had the same issue teamspeak?04:37
enavbobweaver: gonna try that one04:37
bobweaverenav: I like it04:37
kk_i do have windows 2003 server for my soho and i want to migrate to linux server so iam testing in vmware workstation04:37
jdjbmedinaanyone have any idea how to get rid of the two panels that I have on my screen?04:38
bobweaverjdjbmedina: what ubuntu version ?04:38
qinjdjbmedina: What session?04:39
bobweaverjdjbmedina: could we see a screen shot ?04:39
kk_Can any one help me in this regard?04:39
bobweaver!pastebin | jdjbmedina04:39
ubottujdjbmedina: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:39
bobweaverkk_:  to install gui on server sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop04:40
qinkk_: Here it is all about right question. Help with what?04:40
jdjbmedina!pastebin http://profile.imageshack.us/user/jdjbmedina/04:40
bobweaverkk_:  but why is the real question04:40
qin!nounity | jdjbmedina04:40
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ubottujdjbmedina: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic04:40
worstadminWhats a good program to monitor server load from the command line - top isnt really cutting it04:41
bobweaverworstadmin: have you tryed htop ?04:41
jdjbmedinaok thanks04:41
qinjdjbmedina: gnome-fallback may be it. Sisnce gnome-panel was always replacable.04:41
jdjbmedinayeah I tried gnome fallback and it does not work well either04:42
os__how do i install kde 3.5 ?04:42
kk_ya i used those those commads after restarting, my machine is again booting into cli in any of tty connection04:42
NlessKnightYeah, I'd go with htop - it gives a lot more information than top.  My usual Screen setup for monitoring my server has it in the upper right-hand pane.04:42
jdjbmedinathe only one that works is classic and I am tired of classic gnome04:42
bobweaverkk_:  try startx04:42
jdjbmedinalooks lke I might have to move to another desktop environment04:42
kk_yes i did that one too...04:43
jdjbmedinaanyone have one they like04:43
jdjbmedinahow is kde?04:43
qinjdjbmedina: Plastic, still04:43
kk_do u people suggest me to testaon a physical machine rather than a vm?04:43
bobweaverkk_:  sudo /ect/init.d/gdm start04:43
ph4nt0m_can anyone help me with this mic issue i have with teamspeak 3 pls?04:43
bobweaverwho you calling you people :>?)04:43
qinkk_: or xinit -- :1 vt804:44
jdjbmedinawhat is plastic04:44
ph4nt0m_lol you people04:44
kk_Oh i'm sorry Bob weaver04:44
jdjbmedinaany others besides kde04:44
TexasRussianjdjbmedina, kde 4.7 is pretty good, sleek, and polished. BUT, it uses a bit more resources than I would personally like, I prefer Gnome 3.204:44
elz89jdjbmedina: LXDE04:44
bobweaverI love kde lxde ad zfce04:44
bobweaverxfce and *04:45
bobweaverflux is also fun04:45
jdjbmedinawhat is flux?04:45
ubottufluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox04:45
elz89jdjbmedina: Google is your friend.04:45
jdjbmedinaok fluxbox, got it04:45
jdjbmedinai have googled everything04:46
webPragmatistis there an easy way to apply 700 to dirs and 600 to files?04:46
os__how can i install kde 3 in ubuntu?04:46
kk_qin: when i use that command i got a blank screen !!04:46
TexasRussianos__, google ^_^04:46
bobweaver!kde | os__04:47
ubottuos__: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information.04:47
qinkk_: With white box?04:47
TexasRussianubottu, he wants to install KDE 3.5...04:47
ubottuTexasRussian: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:47
kk_qin: no just a blank screen!04:47
bobweaver!thanks | TexasRussian04:47
ubottuTexasRussian: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)04:47
TexasRussianI feel dumb04:48
qinkk_: Alt-Ctrl-F204:48
kk_qin: loging prompt on tty204:48
qinkk_: login, check in top (or better htop) what is running, kill it.04:49
qinkk_: You xserver is not properly installed, maybe sudo apt-get -f install04:50
kk_qin: i will try to re install that04:50
okeeI attempted to install Ubuntu inside win 7 on an HP Elitebook 8560w, but the Linux installation wouldn't start on reboot.  Win 7 still works, and I am not able to get the laptop to detect a working DVD installation of Ubuntu. Laptop still goes to the menu giving you the option of selecting Ubuntu or Win 7.  How do I get the old edition of Ubuntu off of my computer?  I went into the bios and04:51
okeedidn't see many options.  HP has no support at all, and I just sent a letter to Meg Whitman requesting a refund.04:51
elz89Meg Whitman?04:52
qinkk_: Wait, sudo apt-get install xorg lightdm gnome-shell  should do.04:52
* bobweaver smiles 04:52
urlin2uokee, remove from the remove apps on the control center.04:52
qinkk_: Or get desktop version from ubuntu.com, for less shocking expirience04:53
okeeMeg Whitman is the CEO of HP.04:53
urlin2uokee, control panel hehe.04:53
okeeSo How do I remove the remove apps on the control center?  is this in Win 7?04:53
okeeI don't see ubuntu as an installed software.04:53
bobweavereff Meg Whitman :>)04:53
urlin2uokee, in the control panel on the admin of W7 is a reve apps go there and remove wubi.04:53
phalanx101DId you use Wubi to install I'm assuming, AM)?04:53
phalanx101That's it then...04:54
okeeAre you referring to windows Or Ubuntu?04:54
bobweaverphalanx101: whats it ?04:54
kk_qin: i think it is installing gnome applets..04:54
elz89okee: In control panel, add/remove programs, remove wubi?04:54
phalanx101From what I remember at least. Look at the install size. Also, ther is an Ubuntu folder in your C drive, correct? I'm referring to Wubi being your ubuntu install...04:54
kk_qin: using "sudo apt-get install xorg lightdm gnome-shell"  cmd04:55
qinkk_: It will install 200Mb+ of stuff04:55
okeeI don't think I saw it in there, but I will double check.04:55
urlin2uokee, be careful start with the control panel add/remove programs.04:55
okeeI am just booting into Win 7 now.04:56
bobweaverokee: that is not good news :D04:56
elz89okee: OK, speak to you in a few minutes....04:56
phalanx101Ok, you should be able to uninstall it by removing the wubi program from control panel. However, IDK if this will mess up your GRUB bootloader though... can't remember from the last time I messed around with Wubi...04:56
urlin2uphalanx101, no grub with a wubi.04:57
kk_qin: i do have one more doubt.. regarding user management, presently iam using ad services in 2003 winowds , is there any way that i can integrate ad with linux server  or do i have to manually create users in ubuntu server04:58
okeeI don't see wubi in the add/remove area of Win 704:58
urlin2uokee, did it actually install?04:59
elz89okee: How did you install ubuntu then?04:59
bcbc2okee: look for "Ubuntu", not "Wubi"04:59
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urlin2uokee, did you ever actually run t or has it not run from the first reboot which is actually the install.05:00
okeeI see it in the menu, but when I select the ubuntu, I just get a purple screen and nothing else..  I don't know what it did, but it isn't good.  And I can't get the laptop to boot off of the ubuntu disk.  I went into the bios and everything looks ok.  I was thinking of shutting off the fast boot to see if it helps.05:00
sharewhich one do you prefer: OpenJDK or Sun Java?05:00
okeeubuntu has never run since the install.05:00
elz89okee, when you get the purple screen, what does your HDD light do?05:00
okeeI don't recall.  STandby and I will retry it.05:01
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.05:01
urlin2uokee, the install is the first reboot when you click it before that reboot and put the user name passwros and size it just loads the ISO. Did id actually install in that first reboot?05:01
okeeI think it did install.05:02
urlin2uokee, it would had to reboot the first time to a install did that actualy happen?05:02
ibmx37{ ls -la | egrep '*DSC*' }05:03
zelozeloswhen removing old linux kernels i want to remove oldest linux-image, linux-headers and linux-headers-generic right?05:03
bcbc2bug 86473905:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 864739 in linux (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu doesn't work on HP Elitebook 8560w" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86473905:03
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okeeI am seeing a blinking yellow light next to the RJ47 capable, but it only blinked for about 5-10 seconds and now is out.05:03
urlin2uokee, the first reboot were you able to get ubuntu, or did the first reboot not get there,05:03
okeeDoesn't look like the hard drive is doing anything.05:04
okeeUbuntu has never booted up since the install.05:04
ibmx37 hey you guys why does this work { ls -la | egrep '*DSC*' } but this one wont { ls -la | egrep '*DSC*JPG' }     the directory im working on has many files named DSCN[0-9]{4}.JPG05:04
elz89okee: press and hold the spacebar, when you are on the purple screen, and KEEP IT HELD DOWN.05:04
urlin2uokee, the install is in that first reboot do you understand this not at the sizing and passwoed and name setting.05:04
genupulasi am in gnome-shell, if i am copying files to another place , i am unable to see that copy dialog .....where it gonna be actually ?05:05
okeeUbuntu has never booted up since the install.  I don't know what else to say.05:05
kk_qin: as u suggested i downloaded desktop version and installed in vmware and i got gui for that05:05
nhrHi there, how do I disable nautilus popping up everytime I mount.05:05
zelozelos when removing old linux versions i want to remove oldest linux-image, linux-headers and linux-headers-generic right?05:05
elz89genupulas: what are you using to copy, scp?05:05
elz89okee: Follow the instructions.05:05
PoeirMy 11.10 upgrade did not go smoothly, so I reinstalled from scratch.  Every time I try to log in via the GUI with my main user account, the screen switches to the init output, then bounces me back to the GUI login.  When I login with an alt account, I can, and my main account can login from the console.  How should I go about fixing this?  I am able to run 'startx -- :1' and get a cursor, so I think it's a05:05
Poeir problem either with lightdm or Gnome.05:05
bobweaver{ ls -la | grep '*DSC*|\JPG' }            ??  try on test05:06
urlin2uokee, I don't think you actually understand I don't think you installed, you only loaded the iso and the boot menu to the W7 boot.05:06
prashant_123456how to upgrade ubuntu 11.04 to 11.10 from iso image ??05:06
kk_qin: but not for server... i just want to know the reason05:06
okeeThe question is how do I get it off of here and get Ubuntu reinstalled?  Ubuntu should have been installed into its own partition at bootup, and not within windows.  The install was actually an accident.05:06
kk_qin: hey dude i got gui login in server too05:06
kk_qin: thanks a lot05:06
prashant_123456anyone here to answer my question ??05:07
bcbc2okee: according to bug 864739 you need to use the nomodeset boot option: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 To get rid of it look for "Ubuntu" in add/remove programs or run C:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe05:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 864739 in linux (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu doesn't work on HP Elitebook 8560w" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86473905:07
elz89prashant_123456: upgrade in the wizard..?05:07
bobweaver!ask prashant_12345605:07
kk_qin: i was working on this from past 2.... thanks a lot05:07
kk_bobweaver: thanks a lot for your help bob05:07
okeeCan I do the following from the command line within windows C:\ubuntu\uninstall-wubi.exe05:07
K-Richlater all05:08
bobweavernp kk_05:08
prashant_123456elz89, i mean i have ubuntu 11.04 right now and i also have ubuntu 11.10 iso image now want to convert my ubuntu 11.04 to ubuntu 11.10 so how to do it??05:08
bobweaverkk_:  if you are insto servers looked at ipcop yet >?05:08
genupulaselz89, just copying ...no commands05:08
prashant_123456elz89, i mean i have to upgrade offline05:09
prashant_123456bobweaver, i mean i have to upgrade offline05:09
paulus68prashant_123456: use the software manager/ why offline? if you need to do it offline I think the best solution is a fresh install05:10
bobweaverprashant_123456:  what ?? I have no clue about what you are talking about :>\05:10
zelozelosprashant_123456, if at all possible, i would suggest a full install of the new version because sometimes stuff dont upgrade correctly. But I think when you insert the disk it should ask something about upgrading, then try and upgrade off line..i dont think itll work though05:10
kk_bobweaver: hey bob, 1 more question , is there any mechanism i can integrate active directory users or ad with linux server?05:10
evmunro@prashant_123456 just run updates from ubuntu......no need for an iso05:11
bobweaverkk_:  firewall ?05:11
prashant_123456paulus68,  evmunro actually i dont have internet connectivity on ubuntu pc05:11
evmunromy bad05:11
bobweaverkk_:  I am not sure that I understand the question05:11
prashant_123456paulus68, evmunro so i need to do it offline05:12
evmunrowell then, put in the CD, and it should ask to upgrade/update'05:12
prashant_123456evmunro, ok i will do it05:12
ozzloyis there a way to compile an iphone app to run on a jailbroken iphone using ubuntu?05:12
prashant_123456evmunro, to which homegroup do i belong to ??05:13
bobweaver!conduct | ozzloy05:13
ubottuozzloy: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct05:13
evmunroIf the update doesn't work, back up your data and do a fresh install.......it usually works better than an update as some things don't update correctly05:13
evmunrohold on05:13
ozzloyi have the source to an iphone app https://github.com/ozzloy/frc-driver-station but no way of compiling it05:13
ozzloybobweaver, was that a mistake?05:13
prashant_123456evmunro, ok i see05:13
kk_bobweaver:  i have created users in winows server in Active Directory  (user management service  ) , if i migrate to linux server , do i need to create all users once agin in linux too? or can integrate windows AD service with linux?05:13
Thelmariakk_: If you want user authentication against an AD server, you can use kerberos, or winbind+samba. It's definatly possible to use AD with linux servers, but I'm not entirely sure how. Google might help :)05:14
bobweaverIwould say that it is not a ubuntu question but more of a off topic question or a apple  question05:14
bobweaverozzloy:  ^^^^^^^^^^^^05:14
nimbioticsHello evry1. I would like to print and or save the contents of my panels as a tree. Is this possible? TIA!05:14
evmunroI don't know what homegroup you belong to...u should have set it up05:14
evmunrowhy do u need this?05:14
kk_Thelmaria: sure i will google on it..05:14
ozzloybobweaver, yeah, you think they'd listen to the question at apple?05:14
ozzloyi figured of the two venues this one would be more open05:15
ozzloyapple's answer is "buy a mac ;)"05:15
bobweaverozzloy: this is main channel try ubuntu-offtopic05:15
prashant_123456evmunro, can u please tell me how to do it05:15
paulus68ozzloy: did you try the apple forums?05:16
ozzloyno, i admit that i did not.  i did just join #offtopic though, i'll ask there05:16
prashant_123456evmunro, actually i have to share some files between linux and windows pc05:17
ozzloypaulus68, do you know of one in particular?  if not i'll just google for one05:17
paulus68ozzloy: I only know a dutch forum not much help to you I am afraid05:17
evmunroprashant_123456,  first run "sudo apt-cdrom add" no quotes in terminal. After that run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" no quotes. That will add the cd to your sources list, then update05:17
ozzloyyeah not so much.  thanks though.  i guess i'll give the apple forum a shot05:18
evmunroprashant_123456, make sure u put the CD into the drive first!05:18
zelozelosevmunro, that really works?05:18
evmunrozelozelos, should. Why would it not?05:18
kk_bobweaver : hey , i think i have messed up with some thing, though i got gui login screen , iam unable to login (may be wrong password) can u help me in resetting password ? is is the same way that we do in rhel? login to init 1 and changing pasword?05:19
prashant_123456evmunro, ok i will do it05:19
evmunroprashant_123456, forgot something, a much easier way! You can also just boot from the new ubuntu cd, and when it boots up, where you get the initial select to "erase" or "install", there will be an upgrade option.05:20
bobweaverkk_:  command is passwd05:20
okeeWell I got Ubuntu off of here, but now need to figure out how to get the laptop to recognize the disk at bootup.  I am ok with a second partition.  I have lots of room.05:20
urlin2uokee, there is a key prompt at powering on that will get you the outside of the bios boot from menu try f12.05:21
kk_bobweaver: i got message "Authuntication token manipulation error, password unchanged"05:22
bobweaverkk_:  IDK pull the shadow or hash and crackit05:24
okeeI think I am going to install in the morning.  I need some sleep.  See you all later...........05:24
pratzhey guys now i am running 10.04 from 6-7 months and did not faced any problems, but now a days system is rebooting and shuting down slowly, can you suggest me some software like 'disk cleanup' or some thing similar, though i have not used such software in past05:24
kk_bobweaver :( ok05:24
nimbioticsIs it possible to save the contents of a panel to a text file? TIA!05:25
urlin2ukk_, you trying to get back into a windows or linux setup?05:25
bobweaverkk_:  http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword05:25
urlin2ukk_, if its linux bobweaver has the link for you.05:26
evmunropratz, u can use the autoclean terminal command to start off get :'"sudo apt-get autoclean"05:26
zelozelosevmunro, hmm if that works then would this work ?     sudo mount -o loop ~/Desktop/ubuntu-11.10-alternate-i386.iso /media/cdrom005:26
kk_bobweaver: its linux ,ya i'm trying that one05:26
vivanovoneiric server doesnt power off after halt: it outputs "system halted" to stdout but doesnt power off05:27
evmunrozelozelos, for upgrading from an .iso, first do "sudo mount -t iso9660 ubuntu-6.10-alternative-i386.iso /cdrom -o -loop"05:27
evmunrothen the same as for a cd05:28
evmunrothen to unmount do "sudo umount /cdrom"05:28
pratzevmunro: what does that program exactly do ?05:28
zelozelosevmunro, i cant wait to try it out. already have the disk was just waiting till i broke it again to upgrade because i didnt want to wait soo long for it to dl05:29
kk_bobweaver : i restared the vm and i did and it worked!!!! thanks a lot for you help,05:29
pratzevmunro: but dude i have not installed many softwares by compiling them05:29
bobweaverkk_:  C()()|_05:29
evmunropratz, it removes partial packages, and that kinda stuff. theres also a way to get rid of residual copnfig files05:29
zelozelosevmunro, ohh, so with those and the terminal command to do the upgrade i can make a script05:29
ozzloythanks bobweaver and paulus6805:29
kk_Thanks a million to all who helped me.05:30
evmunrozelozelos, i guess you could make a script for one-click updates in the future :)05:30
pratzevmunro: will that command even clean all the .deb packages in /var/cache/apt/archives ?05:31
zelozelosevmunro, oh wait, You can only upgrade using the CD if you have the basic installation. If you happened to have some packages which are not on the CD, you may need to download the DVD version.05:31
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evmunropratz, depends. I think it just cleans old and unneeded packages05:31
haylo-bot_turn off the machine and try agian05:31
zelozelosevmunro, in this case from the net05:32
evmunrozelozelos, you are correct05:32
zelozelosforget it05:32
pratzevmunro: because i have made that location my repo and for my other computers i install the softwares from there05:32
bobweaverand clean can also :clean : packages that you have not used in a while or packages that are not in repo ny more which is .....05:32
pratzevmunro: so can i run autoclean program safely ?05:32
bobweaverany not ny05:32
evmunropratz, You should be able to, although I would suggest doing a quick backup to a thumbdrive, just to be safe :D05:33
urlin2upratz, autoclean just cleans the cache I believe it is safe.05:33
pratzurlin2u: this is also a part of cache i guess then /var/cache/apt/archives05:34
jerknextdoorany fix for the speaker pop that happens ever few minutes on my Acer.  There is no power save in alsa-base.conf.05:34
philliphHi all, I'm having an issue with getting proper output from Putty on Ubuntu 11.10, I've tried every suggestion I could find specifically in relation to UTF-8 and NCURSES_NO_UTF8_ACS option but have not had any luck. Anyone else experiencing this issue ?05:35
urlin2upratz, here is a more detailed link. http://askubuntu.com/questions/3167/what-is-difference-between-the-options-autoclean-autoremove-and-clean05:35
evmunropratz, to remove old config files (can take up quite a bit of space), open synaptic package manager, then go to the bottom left and click status. then click the "not installed(residual config)" option above it. Tick all the packages you see on the right and press apply.05:36
pratzurlin2u: my ubuntu mahcine is gone slow these days, whats the best way to speed it up as it was earlier ?05:37
urlin2upratz, hard to say what release, was it a upgrade and what is the cpu and ram?05:37
evmunropratz, to remove unnecessary locale data, you could also run "sudo apt-get install localepurge" this will remove any unused language files from anything installed05:37
=== SomeoneWeird is now known as SomeoneWeirdAFK
pratzurlin2u: 10.04 , 2GB RAM, Core2Duo processor , 320GB Harddisk05:38
shaiangI have problem updating ubuntu 11.10, gnome shell, can someone help me?05:39
pratzurlin2u: and no upgrade , i did a clean install from the disk a few months ago05:39
urlin2upratz, when you say slow on which apps?05:39
evmunropratz, your computer shouldnt be that bad then, when did u get the computer, how full is the hdd, are you running compiz effects, do u have a graphics card?05:39
pratzurlin2u: on startup and shutdown  mainly and for some other apps, like browsers, dual split window in vim etc05:40
shaiangis there a chance05:41
pratzevmunro: no i do not run compiz effects and all the other graphics stuff, i just do not like them, most of the time i spend on terminal, that is the reason why i am worried05:41
osmosistrying to do   from jsonrpc import ServiceProxy ,  ubuntu 11.10 doesnt seem to have a python-jsonrpc package...only python-jsonrpc205:41
vivanov_oneiric server doesnt power off after halt: it outputs "system  halted" to stdout but doesnt power off05:41
urlin2upratz, the browser I run mine saving no cookies no history and a flash block noscript, the other apps not sure, you maybe might install a conky so you can see the amount of resources being used at any time and by what. Is it a 32 bit, or 64?05:41
evmunropratz, oh ok, then. that's quite strange....any background processes you forgot about?05:42
pratzurlin2u: as a web developer i use firefox and goole chrome to test my sites05:43
pratzall 32 bit05:43
alejandro__Is it posible to change order of icons in Unity launcher? How?05:43
evmunropratz, although admittedly, they would have to be massive to make any big problems05:43
peng__I need help05:43
peng__How to remote a machine  which is in a LAN .05:44
alejandro__NV, it is possible05:44
shaiang I have problem updating ubuntu 11.10, gnome shell, can someone help me?05:44
urlin2upratz, and that needs cookies kept and history, that will load when yo get there, but I'm not a developer, honestly with a title like that you should know whats up.05:44
shaiangFailed to fetch http://il.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/c/cups/Is libcups2_1.5.0-8ubuntu2_i386.deb 404  Not Found05:44
EvilkissHI, need help....05:44
pratzevmunro: background process would be apache , mysql ,ssh, smtp server and other general stuff05:45
shaiangWhen i try to update i get this msg:05:45
shaiangFailed to fetch http://il.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/c/cups/Is libcups2_1.5.0-8ubuntu2_i386.deb 404  Not Found05:45
susundbergshaiang: try another mirror05:45
ghabitHello. I'm looking for DC (Direct Connect) client for ubuntu. Under win I was using flylink. Advice me please!05:45
EvilkissI have ubuntu 10.04 and TV and monitor05:45
shaiang10x i try05:46
Evilkissto monitor i connect via DVI cabel and to TV via HDMI through receiver05:46
evmunropratz, shouldnt be that bad................interesting.  I really don't know. when was the last time you turned it off?05:46
shaiangIt's working now, but many of the updates from first mirror disapeared05:47
shaiangWhere can i get a list of available mirrors?05:48
susundbergshaiang: i guess either they are not well synced. Here is some list: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors05:48
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susundbergshaiang: as you can see there, there are some that are 'One week behind' for example05:48
shaiang10x man, i managed to update throw the main server05:48
Evilkissdoh, nobody listening me....05:49
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shaiangsusundberg: thank you very much for your help05:50
tonyyarussoshaiang: there's one on Launchpad05:50
shaiangWhich one05:50
jasefEvilkiss, if people don't answer your question here, it means they didnt know the solution O-o05:50
prashant_123456evmunro, ok so i need to insert the bootable cd in drive and just ugrade from there  right05:50
susundbergshaiang: glad i could help! Good luck finding server. Seems btw like the mirrors listed on that site are not 'country mirrors' as described here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors#Country_mirror_requirements05:50
shaiangOh yeah i saw05:50
Evilkissjasef, thank you05:50
tonyyarussoshaiang: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors05:50
jasefSometimes people came in late though, like me. And they don't have any idea what it is :P05:51
evmunroprashant_123456, yes, just boot off of it and choose update. enjoy! :D05:51
rishikantaI think ubuntu murdered my hdd.. can someone help05:51
atari2600aanyone else having trouble w/ Flash in chrome?05:51
LoRd_UnDeRwOrLdhi does anyone know a software to create interactive city maps?05:52
ghabitrishikanta, what actually happened?05:52
atari2600arishikanta, Ubuntu will never threaten to stab you, & in fact, cannot speak05:52
atari2600aLoRd_UnDeRwOrLd, google earth?05:52
rishikantaI have 3 hdds.. 80GB, 250GB and 1TB... I installed win 7 on the 80GB one... and today I installed ubuntu on 250GB hdd05:53
philliphHi all, I'm having an issue with getting proper output from Putty on Ubuntu 11.10, I've tried every suggestion I could find specifically in relation to UTF-8 and NCURSES_NO_UTF8_ACS option but have not had any luck. Anyone else experiencing this issue ?05:53
atari2600abut yeah, I'm running x64 chrome from google's apt servers05:53
atari2600aI've tried purging but that didn't help at all05:53
rishikantawhen I booted into ubuntu.. tried to mount the 1tb hdd.. and it gave an error msg "mount failed with exit code:2"05:53
ghabitrishikanta, do you remember mount options @ installing?05:53
rishikantathen I booted into win 7 and now the 1tb hdd shows blank05:53
rishikantaI disconnected the 80gb and 1tb while installing ubuntu05:54
prashant_123456evmunro, thank you so much tc05:54
rishikantathe 1tb hdd shows blank in both ubuntu and win 705:55
ghabitrishikanta, explain please, how do you booting windows now?05:55
evmunroprashant_123456, no problem, glad to help05:55
rishikantaI re-connected the 80gb after installing ubuntu and set the hdd priority to 80gb05:56
atari2600amy work profile gets a little further, it tells me to upgrade to flash player 10 on youtube05:56
ChymistChrisjoin #linux05:56
rishikantait boots windows.. and if I set hdd prioriy to 250 one.. it boots ubuntu05:56
ghabitrishikanta, I see. So under windows 1tb hdd is blank?05:56
rishikantayes.. and now it shows blank in ubuntu as well05:57
ghabitrishikanta, actually if that devices was disconnected while installing ubuntu, ubuntu is not the point.05:57
ghabitrishikanta, maybe you can remember other things with your hdd's?05:58
shaiangrishikanta: the 1TB is external?05:58
rishikantaall are internal05:58
rishikantaI'm not sure what happened.. but the mount failure on ubuntu looked bad05:58
ghabitrishikanta, how did you tryed to mount?05:59
rishikantajust clicked on the left side where it shows all the partitions05:59
shaiangrishikanta: Try rebooting only with the 1tb connected06:00
rishikantafrom nautilus, I mean06:00
shaiangand see what happens06:00
ghabitrishikanta, then highlight us ^)06:00
rishikantathe 1tb doesn't contain any OS... so shud I boot from ubuntu cd or something?06:01
shaiangno, maybe you installed by mistake ubuntu on the 1tb, just check don't do anything else06:01
shaiangI had similar problem with 500gb06:02
rishikantaI'm sure I installed it on 250gb only.. I created the logical paritions from 250 only06:02
ghabitshaiang, he said he disconnected all other hd's while installing ubuntu.06:03
ghabitSo it is not possible to have eraised hdd while installing.06:03
shaiangno way06:03
shaiangIt seems like the hdd changed his properties06:04
barna #cention pastebin06:04
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shaiangTry to reboot without the 1tb once, then with the 1tb (on ubuntu)06:05
silverskateris there a bug in oneiric that stops the VPN from connecting? I just can't get it to connect06:05
rishikantaalso, when I got the mount failed on ubuntu for 1tb.. the next time I booted into windows.. it ran a disk check on the 1tb hdd06:06
rishikantanothing seemed unusual in the console... but is it possible it got corrupted there?06:06
airlynxon a scale of 1 to 10 how difficult would it be to disable Unity altogether and switch back to Gnome on a brand new installation of 11.10?06:07
shaiangHave you tried safemode?(windows||ubuntu)06:07
ghabitrishikanta, r u on ubuntu now?06:08
ironhalikand one being?06:08
ghabitairlynx, 206:08
airlynxone being I open up the software center and install gnome06:08
commieAnyone have any issues with the desktop background becoming garbled?06:09
commiein 11.1006:09
ghabitairlynx, by default ubuntu 11.10 have gnome3 installed by default. Do you want gnome3 interface or 'like gnome 2'?06:09
rishikantaI haven't tried safe mode06:09
ghabitrishikanta, are you in ubuntu now?06:09
rishikantaand right now.. I am on ubuntu but on my laptop06:09
rishikantathe problem is on my desktop06:10
airlynxghabit, I guess it would be the older gnome, I've had 10.04 on my laptop for some time and a friend wanted it on her laptop, so I downloaded and installed 11.10 and she has no idea how to use it06:10
ghabitrishikanta, can you come here with ubuntu loaded on your desktop with all the hdd's connected?06:10
ghabitairlynx, you can get gnome 3 'looking as gnome2' but gnome 3 is better i think ^)06:10
jasefghabit, I agree, I like Gnome3 better, even though Mr Torvalds disagrees06:11
airlynxAs long as it behaves in the same manner (i.e. a main applications list where firefox and pidgin can be launched from and a standard taskbar) we'll be okay I think06:11
rishikantaok.. give me a few minutes and I'll log in from desktop06:11
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic06:12
swebi want a text editor like notepad++ in ubuntu. fully featured06:12
amundsHi, I have a server running 9.04 and I need to upgrade to 10.04LTS. Would it even be feasible to do a upgrade versus a complete reinstall?06:12
swebgedit is so simple06:12
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ghabitsweb, try emacs or vi, vim06:12
tripelbsweb agreed06:12
tripelbsweb try pico06:12
tripelb(they laff at me)06:13
airlynxokay, I think I got i need the gnome-shell package first06:13
tripelbsweb or joe06:13
jasefOkay, I'm getting really fed up with this O_o my touchpad sometimes randomly clicks while I'm typing. And it randomly drops other text in that's not even on my clipboard, stuff that I'd typed a bit earlier. Anyone have any ideas? Probably two different things causing the two issues.06:13
ghabit!nounity > airlynx06:13
ubottuairlynx, please see my private message06:13
Domen78945612332145656185655205kioloikoiliokoplkjuik,mkjhyukjhn mjhuyi06:13
tripelbbut none of what they or I suggested are gui. they are terminal.06:13
ActionParsnipamunds: very. You'll need to upgrade to Karmic first (9.10)06:13
swebis all GTK based. i need run in UI06:13
ghabitairlynx, that's all. It's easy.06:13
Domenim spam bot!06:13
jasefOh, that trigger doesnt work06:13
FloodBot1Domen: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:13
jasefLol, <3 floodbot06:14
ghabitsweb, what do you mean in UI?06:14
amundsActionParsnip, ok thanks :)06:14
swebghabit, like gedit running in GNOME not terminal like vi06:14
airlynxokay, thank you very much, I just didn't really know where to start with that, today was the first I heard of Unity and I thought it was a whole 'nother window manager06:14
yogaWhen I boot Ubuntu, the entries /etc/resolv.conf is gone,06:14
ghabitsweb, emacs have front-ends.06:14
ghabitvim afaik too06:15
ActionParsnipSweb: leafpad is small and punchy06:15
yogaI am connect using pppoe, I edit the file /etc/network/interface06:15
ubottuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE06:15
yogaI had to add the nameserver entries in /etc/resolv.conf to get connection.06:16
ActionParsnipYoga: are you using a desktop OS?06:16
yogaActionParsnip: I used to use Kbuntu, and just switch to Ubuntu desktop.06:17
olzhasWhen i run banshee my system get very slow, then pulseaudio starts to work incorrectly(sound disappears, then appears). When I kill banshee and pulseaudio the system gets normal, what should I do? how to make a proper bug report?06:17
zoskyhi yall06:17
yogaActionParsnip: It used to create the resov.conf for me06:17
rishikanta1hello.. i m on my desktop ubuntu now.. with all hdds connected06:18
yogaActionParsnip: I am using ubuntu-desktop06:18
olzhasAlso when I Try to watch youtube chrome starts getting slow as well, htop shows that google chrome consumes 100%06:18
ActionParsnipYoga: then network manager will overwrite resolv.conf if you have it installed06:18
olzhasof cpu time06:18
ghabitrishikanta, sudo fdisk -l06:18
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ghabit!pastebin > rishikanta106:18
ubotturishikanta1, please see my private message06:18
olzhasthe problem also is solving by killing pulse audio06:18
dnivraHello. Does anyone else have this issue -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/719441/?06:18
ghabitrishikanta1,  sudo fdisk -l06:18
ActionParsnipolzhas: what cpu do you have?06:19
olzhasi5 460m06:19
olzhasActionParsnip, Inter Core i5 46006:19
olzhasActionParsnip, Intel*, the laptop is HP 4520s btw06:19
zoskyfinally found a US robotics voice modem for my homeNAS. what is the best solution for a multi-user voice-mail system ?  i'm not having much luck with mgetty-voice (and hope there is something that involves less perl)06:20
ActionParsnipolzhas: does it happen as a new user?06:20
=== root is now known as Guest22368
Egbert9e9A funny occurance that happened while upgrading to 11.10: I was writing something and pressed the space key while a debconf window popped up and immediately disappeared after the space pressing06:20
rishikanta1i pasted here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/719443/06:20
ActionParsnip!rootirc | Guest2236806:21
ubottuGuest22368: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.06:21
ActionParsnipEgbert9e9: i don't suggest you use your OS during changing release06:24
olzhasActionParsnip, please wait I'll check it now06:24
purpleyuanHey all, is it alright to ask a question regarding scripting in here?06:24
ActionParsnippurpleyuan: sure06:24
Egbert9e9ActionParsnip: a better solution would be unsetting the default button of the debconf form06:25
shareNautilus' "Reset Views to Default" does nothing06:25
rishikanta1@ghabit.. did u see the terminal output?06:25
shareI am using Ubuntu 10.1006:26
ActionParsnipEgbert9e9: i guess06:26
purpleyuanCool. So I'm getting a command not found error on an if statement. It says [08=] command not found, and the code is if ["$1"=""]; then06:26
purpleyuanwhere $1 is 0806:26
Bear10for a cron job that you're running daily what i'm seeing is it runs at 6 25 AM, question is if you have the linux box off at that time will it still run, will it run when you start the box again or will it just have "missed" the task?06:27
purpleyuanI've looked on the interwebz, but I can't find why it's giving me this error. The if statement works fine and the whole script executes fine, but it still gives me this error.06:27
Bear10can't find info on google06:27
Egbert9e9ActionParsnip: I do agree that it's extremely weird how when gnome changed things' look changed06:27
sharenice bug06:27
rsvpBear10, cron will skip the job06:28
Bear10rsvp, i see alright thanks :)06:28
olzhasActionParsnip, no06:28
rsvpBear10, if you want post-mortem execution, use acron06:28
olzhasActionParsnip, actually it is hard to reproduce this =\06:28
ActionParsnippurpleyuan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/71945006:29
maestrojedI upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10. Now I lockup on restart. I tried recovery from the grub menu. It runs for a while but stalls on "eth0: no IPv6 routers present". I tried dropping to root and running "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" but they threw errors. Can anyone help me?06:29
nyc2gfHey! I'm an Ubuntu newbie - - can I ask a question about connecting a peripheral?06:29
rsvpBear10, s/acron/anacron/06:30
ActionParsnippurpleyuan: that's one of my scripts. It uses the same comparing you are using06:30
jasefActionParsnip, sorry, but can I ask what apt-fast is?06:30
mkquistnyc2gf: just ask please... the question, no need to ask to ask...06:30
olzhasActionParsnip, now htop shows that banshee eats 160% of CPU time06:31
ActionParsnipmaestrojed: you can disable ipv6 with the boot option: ipv6.disable=106:31
nyc2gfthanks!  Has anyone had success connecting a magicjack? (i'm using v10.04)06:31
ActionParsnipJasef: its apt-get which uses axel. There is a PPA for it06:32
rsvpdoes Xubuntu follow the same long-term release schedule as the generic Ubuntu?06:32
jasefActionParsnip, thanks :)06:32
maestrojedActionParsnip I am doing all this from stuff I have researched. where would I add that command?06:32
ubottuFor a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.06:33
purpleyuanActionParsnip: thanks, but I still get the same error. :\ I changed my script so that it uses double brackets and == instead of = but it still throws the exact same error: [[08==]]: command not found06:33
purpleyuanDoes it have to do with the fact that I'm using "" for null?06:33
ActionParsnippurpleyuan: did you put the spaces between the quotes and the brackets?06:34
rsvppurpleyuan, for comparison with empty string, try double-quoting the variable06:34
olzhasActionParsnip, under another user, banshee got stuck, and it does not respond, however it consumes 250% of CPU TIME06:34
mkquistnyc2gf: maybe... this would help, or not.. just a link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1046819&page=306:35
rsvpalso == is a bashism and should be avoided as much as possible.06:35
maestrojedActionParsnip so I would have to boot from a liveCD? Right nowI have been using the grub menu.06:35
ActionParsnippurpleyuan: there is actually a test for null values but I can't remember it. The guys in #bash got mad skills06:35
ActionParsnipmaestrojed: its the same bootloader. Hold shift and you'll see the grub menu06:36
rsvp[ -z string ] will test whether it is zero length06:36
purpleyuanActionParsnip: no, I didn't put a space between the quotes and the brackets. Should I?06:36
purpleyuanrsvp: all variables are double-quoted :)06:37
ActionParsnipRsvp: boom! Cheers man06:37
ghabitrishikanta1, ok. Both of them cannot be mounted?06:37
ghabitrishikanta1, or only 1tb?06:37
ActionParsnippurpleyuan: sounds like rsvp knows06:37
rsvpok, so avoid bashism and try the zero string length test I mentioned06:38
rishikanta1now.. all the hdds are mounted06:38
maestrojedActionParsnip Thx!06:38
rishikanta1but earlier only the 1tb failed to mount06:38
yogaActionParsnip: I have Network Manager install, how do I not overwrite the resolv.conf file?06:38
ghabitrishikanta1, so everything is ok now?06:39
lyrishow we liking 11.10?06:39
ghabitwe liking a lot!06:39
rsvpkill banshee by finding its process number, you are using htop -- right?06:40
lyrisawesome ghabit, i am back on 11.0406:40
batrickI apparently broke Unity in less than 5 hours of using, unintentionally.06:40
ghabitlyris, why?06:40
lyrisi broke unity num erous times06:40
rsvplyris, did you try xfce desktop by any chance?06:40
TexasRussianWhy not use Gnome 3.2?06:40
batrickNow I login into a black screen with a mouse cursor06:40
lyrisyes and that stuffed it06:40
ghabitlyris, I am using gnome3, not unity, don't like unity...06:41
lyrisi don't like gnome 3 hah06:41
TexasRussianit's smooooth ^_^06:41
rishikanta1now.. all the hdds are mounted.. just the 1tb hdd is blank06:41
ghabitlyris, so kde?06:41
lyristried that too and it broke unity06:41
lane_can anyone tell me why my terminal only autocompletes for certain file types?  for example, if i hit tab to autocomplete the name and the program is mplayer, it won't autocomplete unless it's a known media extension on the file.06:41
maestrojedbatrick you didn't just upgrade to 11.10 did you?06:41
batrickseems it's time to abandon ship06:41
batrickI did a clean 11.10 install06:42
lyrisprograms didn't work properly06:42
TexasRussianUnity is such a process hog..06:42
rsvpheard Torvalds upgraded to xfce from Gnome!06:42
TexasRussianwow really?06:42
ghabitrishikanta1, maybe you using dinamic win partitions on it?06:42
Jordan_Ulane_: bash_completion for specific commands.06:42
lyrisi just had big issues with flash freezing up ubuntu06:42
lyrisflash 11 64 bit must have a bug in it06:42
purpleyuanActionParsnip, rsvp: Okay, I got it! Turns out that I had to put spaces before and after the brackets AND the equal signs. I didn't realize that this was so picky... but thanks for all your helps!06:42
ktwohi im getting disconnected from wifi very often i noticed  that a diffrent firmware is loaded rtlwifi/rtl8192cufw.bin than my adapter : Realtek RTL8188CUS   - can this be the reason?06:42
rishikanta1ghabit, how do i change or get back my files? is there a chance to recover to what it was06:43
ktwoim using the default 3.0 kernel driver06:43
lane_thanks Jordan_U, I'll look into that06:43
ghabitrishikanta1, you cannot see them under windows too, yes?06:43
rishikanta1ghabit, yes it is blank under windows too06:43
rsvppurpleyuan, did you try the zero length test -- it's easier to type :-)06:43
FreeWillyhi all06:44
FreeWillyi have an issue when booting up my linux box after power was off for very long06:44
ghabitrishikanta1, what happens, if you just try chfsk under win?06:44
purpleyuanrsvp: haha no I'm just starting to learn to write scripts from linuxcommands.org, so I suppose I'll get there sooner or later? :P06:44
FreeWillyi have a ups connected and installed service/program called winpower which communicates with it06:44
batrickso which directories do i nuke in $HOME to reset everything so Unity can start over?06:45
FreeWillyhowever when the system boots up i get this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/719454/06:45
swebi type vi but opem vim it's different ?06:45
FreeWillywhich is eventually followed by the "init ureadahead-other main process terminated with status 4"06:45
btavakkoliHi, I use ubuntu 11.10 64bit edition and use offline repositories of this version (get with debmirror). When i do apt-get update this want also to scan i386 packages. How i can force to do scan packages only for amd64 packages?06:45
FreeWillyi wana remove the usb entry from fstab06:45
rsvpyou will learn only by usage06:45
FreeWillybut how do i do that if the box doesnt boot up?06:45
rishikanta1ghabit... windows check disk restarts my pc.. but i havent finished the check on restart06:46
rsvpFreeWilly, is the drive spinning or dead?06:46
dc5alabatrick, tried selecting other sessions at the login?06:46
FreeWillynone of the drives are faulty06:46
FreeWillyfsck completes06:47
FreeWillyjust doesnt end up in the console/terminal06:47
rsvpFreeWilly, use the live CD and do a diagnosis06:47
FreeWillylike the desktop live?06:47
FreeWillybut my installation is ubuntu server...can the live cd still help?06:48
rsvpjust to look at the system06:48
Math^hey guys, for some reason my display changed in something like 640x480 in the upper left corner, the rest of the screen is black06:48
Egbert9e9Why would someone's LAN connected computer be unavailable to someone else's computer that is connected as well to the same LAN?06:49
ghabitrishikanta1, well, i will try to google that problem. Try to check your disk under win, then comeback with your question.06:49
Egbert9e9Unavailable in an unpredictable way, because sometimes it IS available06:49
btavakkoliHi, I use ubuntu 11.10 64bit edition and use offline repositories of this version (get with debmirror). When i do apt-get update this want also to scan i386 packages. How i can force to do scan packages only for amd64 packages?06:49
Math^so I can only access like 640x480 of my desktop, how do I fix this?06:49
dc5alaMath^, that sounds like rescue console?06:50
rsvpimportant for diagnosis: "less +G /var/log/messages"06:50
jasefUhm... that's weird lol.06:50
Math^dc5ala: it's in full resolution 1920x something, but only 640x480 I think displays, rest of it is black06:50
Aztechi, i have a question. i would like to build some apps from source, but the configure didn't find the build environmment. even after i have reinstalled gcc, g++, build-essential etc. it didn't work. and i CAN build simple apps by hand with cc and g++ . even my test system in virtualbox works fine with the same apps installed as the produstion server.06:50
jasefMy ubuntu server isn't shutting down with sudo shutdown -k now06:50
rishikanta1ghabit, thanks.. i am also trying partition check on ubuntu with GNU parted.. keeping my fingers crossed06:50
dc5alaMath^, and you only see a small terminal?06:50
Math^dc5ala: no06:50
Math^dc5ala: I've installed ccsm, maybe that caused it06:51
dc5alaMath^, so it looks normal just using a small part of your resolution?06:51
Math^dc5ala: yes06:51
Math^it happend after I logged out, and in again06:52
Aztechttp://paste.ubuntu.com/719455/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/719457/06:53
rsvpif you stay in this room, you end up trying to solve problems all day and into the night.06:53
ldz420ok I just upgraded to ubuntu 11.10 and it appears that my touchpad is not as useful as it was before.  The area where is less useful is when trying to use the touchpad for mouse clicks any suggestion?06:53
Egbert9e9I could never figure that one up06:53
Math^dc5ala: only thing I did was installing ccsm + fusion-icon, and I unmarked "detect refresh rate" in ccsm06:53
Peddymy GRUB menu has a purple background, how can I change this to black?06:53
jndlsnlhi anyone can helpme about ssh in ubuntu 11.0406:53
rsvpis hardware Ubuntu-certified???06:53
dc5alaMath^, found some display settings in ccsm06:54
rsvpwhat about ssh?06:54
jndlsnlwhen i am issue the command06:54
TexasRussianIs there any way to get compiz in gnome 3?06:54
jndlsnlssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused06:54
jndlsnlthen i got this msg06:54
dc5alaMath^, there's a checkbox for automatically detecting output and a textbox with 640x480+0+0 in it, that checkbox is checked here06:55
jndlsnlcan you tell me whats the probelm is?06:55
Math^dc5ala: ah...06:55
dc5alaMath^, when it's not checked it's probably using what's in that textfield06:55
Math^I saw that below there yes06:55
ubidoobi3hi all .. i've been trying to install ubuntu for some time now (a week or so) and i keep coming to the screen "allocate drive space" .. there are no partitions listed in the window pane .. device for boot loader installation is /dev/sda  .. when i click install the mouse pointer spins .. it's been spinning 5 minutes now - am trying to install mint .. but having exact same problem as ubuntu ...06:55
ubidoobi3black box below says ... reverting to lockdown the desktop environment / switched to page partman / last message repeated 2 times06:55
Math^dc5ala: ok, I'll look there06:55
Jordan_UTexasRussian: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME3 with Unity and compiz by default. Compiz cannot be used with GNOME Shell as GNOME Shell has a hard dependency on Mutter.06:55
rsvpcurl: (28) connect() timed out!06:55
TexasRussianooh, damn06:55
mrdoctorwho_Hello. My Ubuntu can't start. I think my FS contains errors - write 0 bytes free06:56
jndlsnlits an ip adress of another system06:56
rsvpin other words, the server is not serving :-) jndlsnl06:56
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mrdoctorwho_What i should to do?06:56
jndlsnlthen how should i solve the problem?06:57
Math^dc5ala: stupid me... thought I unmarked "detect refresh rate", but I did "detect outputs" instead06:57
Math^dc5ala: thnx, it's fixed now :)\06:57
rsvptake an asprin , and try to connect tomorrow06:57
dc5alaMath^, no problem :)06:57
ubidoobi3grr .. got disconn.06:57
rsvpor loop ping, then let it ring an alarm to wake you up06:58
dc5alamrdoctorwho_, probably boot from a live-cd and check your fs, when it's full mount it and make some room06:59
btavakkoliHi, I use ubuntu 11.10 64bit edition and use offline repositories of this version (get with debmirror). When i do apt-get update this want also to scan i386 packages. How i can force to do scan packages only for amd64 packages?07:01
mrdoctorwho_dc5ala: can i check it from other system (Ubuntu from external HDD)07:01
jakesanyone see me?07:01
jasefjakes, no. Your webcam isn't on.07:02
rsvpjakes, you are invisible07:02
Math^dc5ala: seems like fusion-icon isn't working well with unity07:02
c0nv1ctany idea what causes http://i.imgur.com/1YbXp.jpg ? showed up after upgrade07:02
jakesi want install backtrack menu in ubuntu07:02
jakesi want install backtrack menu in ubuntu07:03
lyrisbtavakkoli have you tried ubuntu tweak?07:03
jakesplz tell me some hint07:03
lyriswhile I don't know an answer to your question it is a handy utility to help add PPAs07:03
mrdoctorwho_Check by "fsck /dev/sda1" Do nothing.07:04
jakeshey anyone see me07:04
jakesi want install backtrack menu in ubuntu07:04
jakeshey anyone see me07:04
pbti see u07:04
jakesi want install backtrack menu in ubuntu07:05
jakesplz tell me some hint07:05
ghabitjakes, what is backtrack?07:05
jasefBackTrack is an Ubuntu based distro for network penetration testing07:05
linxehjakes: I googled; I came up with this - http://www.ubuntubuzz.com/2011/09/install-backtrack-5-application-in.html. I've never done it though07:05
jakesbacktrack penetration tools07:05
Calinou> no illegal stuff, kthxbai07:05
jasefOr, mostly, for script kiddies to try to hack into people's networks.07:05
jasefIt's made for a legal reason though.07:05
jasefIt's for testing.07:06
jasefJust it's not used that way normally07:06
jakesno just learning purpose07:06
ubidoobi3if i am not seeing the "install alongside other operating system" screen ... what could be the issue ... anyone?07:06
linxehjakes: I work at a security company - it's how it is normally used where I am, although we use the proper backtrack distro rather than adding to an existing one07:06
linxehI appreciate the script kiddie issue though07:07
pipaloGood time everyone!07:07
dc5alaMath^, you probably mean the bar on top?07:07
jasefI have BackTrack installed on an SD card, I hardly get a chance to use it though.07:07
jasefIt's tempting to use it on the neighbor's wifi at my Grandma's but I'm trying to be good :P07:08
jakes<linxeh> its not work tell me another hint07:08
pipaloI have not quite ubuntu question, but what do you call for the terminal part thar t includes the username and the machine name with current direcotry ?07:08
FreeWillythe logged in users home directory?07:08
Math^dc5ala: the icon on top in the bar yes, so I can reload window managers07:08
dc5alapipalo, the prompt?07:09
jakes<linxeh> its not work tell me another hint07:09
Math^dc5ala: for example, I just marked Svg image loader, and it's not showing my window decorations anymore, so have to pkill X again07:09
jakeshow to install turbo c in ubuntu07:09
pipalodc5ala, Hi5 !07:10
btavakkolilyris, no, i don't try ubuntu tweak, my /etc/apt/sources.list is correct and it's only related to my amd64 offline repositories. but apt-get update wants to scan i386 packages list at dists/oneiric/main/ and then want to use this packages07:10
dc5alaMath^, sorry, no idea about that icon problem07:10
pipalodc5ala: been thinking of it for like 20 mins, my mind was going to blow ! cheers mate!07:10
jakeshow to install turbo c in ubuntu07:10
jakeshow to install turbo c in ubuntu07:10
jakesplz help07:10
btavakkolilyris, my amd64 packages are more than 40GB and if i want to use i386 packages inside this, my local repositories will be more than 80GB and it's not good07:10
Math^dc5ala: hmm, do you know how I can reload window decorations from out my terminal instead? then I don't really need the fusion-icon07:11
linxehlol turboc07:11
ubidoobi3if i am not seeing the "install alongside other operating system" screen ... what could be the issue ... anyone?07:12
starni need help with games that nativaly run on linux such as openarena. they always display in super high res stretching across both monitors while in full screen and open arena does so even in window mode and it won't let me change the res.. is there away to force the games to display full screen or even window mode onto one monitor and not stretch across both screens??07:12
dc5alaMath^, you probably mean restarting compiz? compiz --replace07:12
Math^dc5ala: ah ye, could try that :)07:13
Math^dc5ala: ye, it's just that, thnx :)07:14
* Math^ wonders what part of Gnome Ubuntu still uses, or just GTK now.07:15
Math^gdm has been removed, gnome2 desktop, so I guess it only uses gtk now?07:16
Flynsarmyi bought a 'usb2 to 5.1 channel speaker system' and when I plug it in, audio automatically switches to the 5.1, however i can't control the volume (or even mute) from ubuntu. if I go into system settings - sound - output I notice it's still set to 'internal audio analogue sstereo'. If i set it to the new 'CM106 like sound device analogue stereo' it properly switches over to teh 5.1 (i can control volume and mute etc) but the 07:17
starnso.. no one knows how to force a game to display on just on monitor? or force the game to allow you to set another res other than 2000 something by 1000 something...07:18
s0neeguys how do i kill gnome shell window manager?07:18
Math^s0nee: try sudo pkill X07:18
NetRunnerBlackI need some help!!!! GARHHH07:19
FlynsarmyI'm on 11.10 gnome classic and I used to be able to alt+right click to customise panels but can no longer do that. any ideas why?07:19
dc5alas0nee, you can restart it with ALT+F2, then type in r + return07:20
ktwois there a command for a quick print out of the hdd smart status (console based?)07:20
dc5alaFlynsarmy, hold ALT then click07:20
s0needc5ala, im trying to kill gnome shell window manager so i can run awesome instead.07:20
Flynsarmydc5ala: that's what i'm doing. I can still alt + drag (left click) fine but no right click context menu options...07:21
pnormanktwo: smartctl, but I wouldn't call it quick07:21
s0needc5ala, i tried export DISPLAY from tty1, then metacity --replace and terminate it07:21
the-m0bstercan anybody tell me which wine to install from the software center?? when i search wine, there is wine 1.2,1.3 and wine. i was wondering which one should i install for 11.10.07:21
chalcedonyhow can i list what i have running so i can kill a specific instance and not the rest?07:22
ktwowhy not quick pnorman?  can it cause damage?07:22
chalcedony(ubuntu 11.04)07:22
pnormanbecause it has a really long man page07:22
s0neeMath^: it logs me out instead of just killing the window manager07:22
dc5alaFlynsarmy, that's odd, used to work here, though i haven't used it for a while, sorry07:22
pnormanIt does what you want, but I have to look up the exact sommands anytime I want to do anything with it07:23
Flynsarmydc5ala: ok, the solution is metacity --replace, customize my menus then back to compiz --replace07:23
Math^s0nee: what you mean by "killing" then07:23
NetRunnerBlackI need someone to help me in PMs, who isn't afraid of the more risque side of using software, plz. This is a problem I've been working on since, oh, forever now07:23
s0neeMath^: im trying to stop or kill the default window manager so i can run awesome instead07:24
jasefNetRunnerBlack, how can people know if they can help if you wont say the question :(07:24
dc5alaFlynsarmy, oh, maybe have a look in ccsm if that is a hotkey for something07:24
Math^s0nee: when you login, you can change session?07:24
pnormananyways, the three commands I was running with smartctl today were smartctl -t short /dev/sda, smartctl --log=selftest /dev/sda and smartctl -a /dev/sda07:25
ktwookay thanks07:25
NetRunnerBlackjasef: I need help getting LOIC to run, which is why I asked for help in PMs ^^07:25
s0neeMath^: yeah. maybe i can run from there instead07:25
chalcedonyi need a command line command to list specific instances of whatever i have running, so i can kill one and not another, please?07:26
NetRunnerBlackI can't seem to get it working in Ubuntu07:26
chalcedonytop is too general07:26
s0neeMath^: thanks!07:26
librydersup b?07:26
Math^s0nee: hehe, that's what you where looking for? ;)07:26
jasefNetRunnerBlack, never used LOIC, but I might be able to see if I can get it working O-o07:26
s0neeMath^: not really :)07:27
NetRunnerBlackjasef I'm on Ubuntu 11.10, and I can't pull up the startup screen or get it to run at all.07:27
cheburequeHi there! could anybody tell how to change combination of keys for switching between desktops?07:27
NetRunnerBlackjasef: link incomign07:28
s0neeMath^: is it possible to "kill" the default window manager of gnome shell (clutter or mutter, idk) like "kill" metacity or compiz ?07:28
pnormanbut read the manpages on the smart stuff. they also help explain the results you get, which can be... complicated07:29
Nightwelfs0nee, if you use gnome-shell you cant use compiz07:30
Flynsarmyhow do I get compiz to be the default window manager? I believe it's currently metacity which doesn't have any 3d effects07:30
ubidoobi2this is a silly question i know . but i have been trying to install ubuntu alongside windows 7 ultimate for a dual boot for a week now .. always get to the screen where is says "allocate drive space" and there is nothing in the window pane .. nor are the buttons highlighted ie new partition table ... etc.. i just deleted my win7 partition to install ubuntu by itself .. however i'm back at the07:30
ubidoobi2same window and still the same issue even with win7 deleted ... do i have to format the drive before installing ?07:30
the-m0bstercan anybody tell me which wine to install from the software center?? when i search wine, there is wine 1.2,1.3 and wine compatibility layer. i was wondering which one should i install for 11.10.07:30
dc5alachebureque, tried system settings -> keyboard -> "shortcuts" -> navigation?07:30
s0neeNightwelf: im not using compiz. Im trying to replace the default running window manager with awesome07:30
Nightwelfs0nee, i tell about 3D07:30
pnormanktwo: You might also want to look at a monitoring and logging tool like munin that can track some smart values which can reveal other problems07:31
Flynsarmys0nee: i'm trying to replace the default window manager to compiz :)07:31
pnormanktwo: for example, munin has mademe no longer trust any hard drive manufacturer except samsung, which I have no experience with07:31
Nightwelfs0nee, default ubuntu WM is not bad07:32
Nightwelfs0nee, i think07:32
s0neeNightwelf: awesome is better to me07:32
cheburequedc5ala: i'm running xubuntu 11.10 & there's no such option, i can only add hotkeys, but i don't know the right command07:32
* Math^ has never heard of awesome07:34
Math^kinda hard to google it also, shows up "awesome desktops!" and stuff :p07:35
s0neegg "awesome tiling window manager"07:35
btavakkoliHi, i had install ubuntu 11.10 amd64 on my PC and want to use offline repositories (get with debmirror). when i want to do "apt-get update" it wants also to scan i386 packages list (in addition to amd64 packages list). how i can fix it?07:35
s0neeMath^: gg "awesome window manager"07:35
wabasheck. Just tried 11.10. Anyone here have the experieence of configuring to work like say, 10?07:36
Nightwelfs0nee, i nener use it, use only awesome without gnome-shell, awesome like xmonad?07:36
s0neeNightwelf: it is07:36
chaospsychexi used 10.10 for about a year07:36
chaospsychexit rocked my socks off07:36
chaospsychexdidn't like 11.X07:36
Math^s0nee: I see... it's tiling windows together or soemthing?07:36
s0neeMath^: it is07:37
Nightwelfs0nee, i see article about xmonad + gnome07:37
libryderi began to upgrade until it told me it would uninstall ~40 packages, upgrade ~500, download 500+mb of packages, etc07:37
Math^s0nee: that's nice07:37
wabashchaospsychex: Me too.07:37
dc5alabtavakkoli, why do you want to fix this at all? That is a fallback for packages that are not available as 64 bit07:37
ubidoobi2this is a silly question i know . but i have been trying to install ubuntu alongside windows 7 ultimate for a dual boot for a week now .. always get to the screen where is says "allocate drive space" and there is nothing in the window pane .. nor are the buttons highlighted ie new partition table ... etc.. i just deleted my win7 partition to install ubuntu by itself .. however i'm back at the07:38
ubidoobi2same window and still the same issue even with win7 deleted ... do i have to format the drive before installing ?07:38
s0neeNightwelf: i read that xmonad uses haskell and it is configured by modifying the source code and rebulding07:39
btavakkolidc5ala, because i get full repositories of oneiric 64bit (more than 40GB) and i want to use this. how i can do that? you say that if i want to use amd64 repositories i need to get i386 repositories? i do that in 11.04  release and there was not any problem07:39
s0neeNightwelf: so i tried awesome instead. and its awesome07:39
the-m0bstercan anybody tell me which wine to install from the software center?? when i search wine, there is wine 1.2,1.3 and wine compatibility layer. i was wondering which one should i install for 11.10.07:41
mrdoctorwho_the-m0bster: 1.3 is better07:41
s0neeubidoobi2: may be your disk can't be recognized. i suggested backing up everything then rebuilding a new partition table ?07:42
Nightwelfs0nee, i dont use it sorry :(07:42
mrdoctorwho_How i can check fs for errors? Which command? (fsck /dev/sda1 do nothing)07:45
s0neeNightwelf: the big question is how do i "kill" the default running window manager of gnome shell07:45
chaospsychexis unity a variant of gnome 3?07:45
ubidoobi2s0nee - ubuntu .. and mint cannot recognize a 2 year old hdd ? .. wow .. that seems odd07:45
Nightwelfs0nee, /usr/bin/OTHER_WM --replace does not works?07:46
mrdoctorwho_chaospsychex: Unity working under gnome07:46
s0neeNightwelf: awesome does not have a --replace option07:46
mrdoctorwho_chaospsychex: i think it is a panel only07:47
chaospsychexgnome 3?07:47
s0neeubidoobi2 : idk. you may want to check hdd options in bios ?07:47
mrdoctorwho_chaospsychex:  gnome 2+07:47
ghabitrishikanta1, have you found something?07:47
Nightwelfs0nee, no ideas07:47
ubidoobi2s0nee .. checked in bios .. have tried many different configurations .. always same result ..07:47
s0neeNightwelf: so i replaced with metacity then terminate it. now no window manager is running. and i run awesome :)07:48
Math^is it possible to make unity dock show on the bottom of my screen?07:48
Math^I tried reveal mode, but it didn't change07:48
s0neeubidoobi2: borrow another hdd and try it ?07:49
TexasRussianMath^, sadly... no :(07:49
ubidoobi2s0nee ... tried another hdd .. same result :(07:49
Nightwelfs0nee, :)07:49
the-m0bsterbut dock on the left is not bad07:49
silverskaterhi there ubuntu experts, can you help me set up a VPN ? it was working in natty, but it won't connect in oneiric07:50
=== tum is now known as Guest81388
ERESspanish spanish xD07:50
Math^in Xfce I got my dock on the bottom, bit used to that :)07:50
s0neeubidoobi2: hmm... then another distribution ?07:50
falstafThe point is not good or bad ... it is a matter of control --07:50
Math^think it's just a matter of time, unity is very new still07:51
ubidoobi2s0nee tried mint and ubuntu 11.04 and 11.1007:51
s0neeNightwelf: because that method requires me to terminate metacity manually, i can't write a script to do that. that's why i try to kill gnome shell window manager instead07:51
nlkmI run in classic mode with a panel on the bottom and a dock on the top07:51
the-m0bsterhow does it affect the control? it may be subjective07:51
ERESyou are speak spanish?07:52
Math^nlkm: I think that's because it's not using compiz07:52
Jacek1any polish?07:52
FloodBot1mehdi_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:52
s0neeubidoobi2: then plug your hdd into another computer and install ?07:52
Jacek1anyone speak polish?07:53
falstafI want to have the control to put panels where I think they should be ... Left, right, top or Bottom ... it should be my preference.07:53
Math^Jacek1: #ubuntu-pl I don't know? :p07:54
FlynsarmyAnyone know how to set nautilus to be the default ftp manager in 11.10?07:54
maulanaam need make some brosure for my product on ubuntu what application can support it07:54
ubidoobi2s0nee .. would formatting the drive help at all ... i deleted the partitions .. will the installer format once it picks up the drive .. or should i do it beforehand07:54
maulanai'am need make some BROSURE for my product on ubuntu, what application / software you recomend for i used it..!!!07:55
s0neeubidoobi2: if the installer does not recognize the disk then you can not format it using the installer obviously07:55
falstafmaulana: Scribus is recomended for that kind of work.07:55
s0neeubidoobi2: formatting the whole disk and make a new partition table beforehand may work, idk07:56
nardulMorning. We're migrating servers from OpenVZ to KVM. When we boot ubuntu servers, we get the error that mountall has failed with the status 123. Does anyone have any idea about where to start looking for the error?07:56
mappumIs it possible to make a bootable Ubuntu hard drive from Windows? (the HDD is for a different computer)07:56
ERESai madre mia07:56
ubidoobi2s0nee : would a prior installation of grub for dual boot have any effect on any of this ?07:57
mistergibsonPulse Audio Question: I'm running 11.10 on two machines, and have both set to share and discover-shared PA servers.  How do I browse the devices ... they don't auto-appear (padevchooser mia).07:57
s0neeubidoobi2: i doubt it. the installer does not recognize it AT ALL or just the partitions ?07:57
floegehello, does someone know a program which allows to browse through local .sql mysql dumps. like navicat for example. i tried tora and the mysql admin tools, but they can't07:59
ubidoobi2s0nee .. at one point the dual boot did come up .. this was early on when i tried installing ubuntu ... not sure why it didn' boot up but anyway .. i tried deleting the boot loader .. went online and the best i could come up with was to reduce the 30 second timer to 0 for a faster boot ... i've reinstalled win7ultimate since then ... would this have removed the grub loader?07:59
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nlkmi haz an 07:59
ERESI fuck your mothers!!08:00
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.08:00
nlkmi agree with ERES08:00
s0neeubidoobi2 : so you installed ubuntu before and it recognized the disk ?08:00
ubidoobi2this was first when i installed .. yes it did ..08:00
ubidoobi2but i've tried installing 30 times since then08:01
nlkmDo you want to be friends ERES08:01
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ubidoobi2and it never takes me to the partitions for the hdd08:01
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nlkmI'll give you an 08:01
imgreyhello #ubuntu08:01
s0neeubidoobi2: try pressing "ctrl alt f1", then run "ls -a /dev" to see if sda or hda is visible08:01
imgreywhat is the latest branch of ubuntu, lucid ?08:02
nlkmhello imgrey08:02
ubidoobi2s0nee which leads me to believe that ubuntu will recognize the hdd ...just i have something screwed up08:02
jasefimgrey, oneiric08:02
ERESok nlkm08:02
imgreyjasef, do you have testing, unstable, stable branches in ubuntu, as in debian ?08:02
EREScan you speak spanish? nlkm08:02
s0neeubidoobi2: so you are trying to reinstall using the same disk, boot cd, version, etc ?08:02
nlkmWould you like an  imgrey?08:02
nlkmno ERES08:03
imgreywhat ?08:03
falstafImgrey: We are up to O ... Ocelot08:03
jasefimgrey, in Ubuntu, we just use codenames.08:03
nlkmwould you like an 08:03
imgreyso what is the current testing ?08:03
jasefmaverick is the current LTS release, which I guess would be considered the most stable.08:03
jasefOneiric is the current normal release08:03
ubidoobi2s0nee : .. i don't see any hd or sda info from that ls -a command08:03
ERESwhat your name nklm?08:04
jasefAnd Precise is the one that isn't stable yet :P08:04
nlkmy name is Nolo ERES08:04
genupulassudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh -a what is meant by this08:04
FlynsarmyAnyone know how to set nautilus to be the default ftp manager in 11.10?08:05
nardulMorning. We're migrating servers from OpenVZ to KVM. When we boot ubuntu servers, we get the error that mountall has failed with the status 123. Does anyone have any idea about where to start looking for the error?08:05
ERESwhere are you libe Nolo?08:05
ubidoobi2s0nee : . .. .bash_logout .bashrc .cache .config .dbus desktop .esd_auth .fontconfig . gconf .gconfd .profile .pulse .pulse-cookie08:05
nlkmwouldn't you like to know08:05
ERESWhere are you from nlkm?08:06
s0neeubidoobi2: no it was not the right output. boot the cd then switch to "ctrl alt f1", run "ls /dev"08:06
ushillsHi, can anyone help with my freenode password i.e. Nickserv08:06
Singham!ot | ushills08:06
ubottuushills: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:06
infiniiIs there no convenient way of switching between window managers? I'm using 11.1008:07
sasha21what other channels available for this server?08:07
ERESWhere are you from?!!08:07
SunTsuinfinii: what would be convenient to you?08:07
ubidoobi2s0nee .. no sda or hd from that command08:07
infiniiSunTsu: wanting to try out gnome3. convenient would be being able to choose between unity or gnome3 at the login screen08:08
s0neeubidoobi2: can you give me a part of the output ?08:08
ubidoobi2s0nee can i prv msg you ? that way i don't miss what you're saying .. if you don' mind08:08
s0neeubidoobi2: its okay.08:09
SunTsuinfinii: that should work, no? With lightdm that worked and with kdm it works, too, gdm should be able to do that08:09
Peddyhow can I change the default purple background in the boot menu?08:09
GreekFreakHi. I have recently upgraded to 11.10. My graphics card was unsupported before so I hadn't installed the ATI drivers. Now I have installed them and all works, except that Unity was unchecked in compiz (which I checked again) and I can't get graphics features like Wobbly Windows (they're checked but do nothing). Any ideas?08:11
PastulioLivePeddy, what version of ubuntu?08:11
PeddyPastulioLive, 11.1008:11
infiniiSunTsu: hrmm..I just realized that display managers, window managers and desktops are all different. I just want to be able to freely switch between08:11
infinii..desktops at login08:11
PastulioLivePeddy, hrm, ubuntutweak is only at alfastage for that release08:12
PastulioLiveone moment08:12
mithranhi all can someone please tell me how i can see the list of channels, in specific i want to connect to a macintosh channel, my irc client does not work :(08:13
falstafinfinii;  Before you log in their is a little Gear glyph by your name ... if you click on that there are optiions for what system to use.08:13
PastulioLivePeddy, by boot menu do you mean Grub boot menu or the ubuntu splash screeN?08:13
PeddyPastulioLive, the Grub boot menu08:14
infiniimithran: /help08:14
mithransomeone ^ please08:14
PastulioLivePeddy, http://ubuntuguide.net/an-easy-way-to-addchange-grub2-background-image-in-ubuntu-11-04 (this seems to work for 11.04, I think 11.10 will be no different)08:15
GreekFreakmithran: channel ##mac seems to have some movement08:15
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infiniifalstaf: oh so if I apt-get install xubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop, etc. I'll have all of those choices when I click the Gear glyph?08:15
falstafinfate: Yes that is what I tried to do ... It sort of works that way.08:16
infiniifalstaf: i'll check that out. thanks08:17
PeddyPastulioLive, thanks, I will try that! :D08:17
PastulioLivePeddy, no problem, let me know how it works out ;)08:17
GreekFreakIs it a good idea to reset unity?08:18
NotLarrynot a problem with ubuntu per say, but when I try to mount an ntfs partition in my new ubuntu 11.04 desktop install I get a segfault08:19
NotLarryget an error 4 in libblkid.so08:21
PeddyPastulioLive, that worked perfectly, thanks!08:22
btavakkoliHi, i had install ubuntu 11.10 amd64 on my PC and want to use offline repositories (get with debmirror). when i want to do "apt-get update" it wants also to scan i386 packages list (in addition to amd64 packages list). how i can fix it?08:22
nardulDoes anyone know anything about how mountall works?08:23
jasef!anyone | nardul08:25
ubottunardul: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.08:25
infiniibtavakkoli: http://www.howtoforge.com/local_debian_ubuntu_mirror08:25
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:25
NotLarrymy attempts to mount an ntfs drive with ubuntu 11.04 result in a segfault with an "error 4" in syslog08:25
NotLarryI guess that was not a question08:25
jasefLol. Not really XD but it works. No idea why that would happen08:26
jasefWhat was the command line you used to mount it?08:26
NotLarrymount /dev/sda3 /media/win08:26
prudente1vep que aqui hay mucha jente alguna que hable español08:27
NotLarryit shows in gparted08:27
osmosis_paulGood morning08:27
GreekFreakIs it a good idea to reset Unity?08:27
jasefLemme test if that line works for me08:27
NotLarryI am sure it is an ntfs problem, just kind of hoped someone wake had seen it.08:27
NotLarrythat mounts /dev/sda1 fine (onother ntfs partition)08:27
jasefUhm... sorry :/ it works for me08:27
osmosis_paulsomebody know a good program that can install in Ubuntu 11.10 to make copies of my system every time that i touch a critical part and then can come back to previous states as in Windows with the recovery mode08:28
jasefI dont know why it doesnt on sda308:28
jasefAre you sure sda3 is the right one?08:28
NotLarryyeah, soemthing wrong with that partition.  I'm going to end up wiping it.08:28
NotLarryby mistake:)08:28
NotLarryyeah, it's the right one, I can see it with gparted08:28
NotLarrylet me dtry fdisk08:28
osmosis_paulFor example if i'm touching Compiz and break the unity can come back an old state before touch all that things08:28
jasefWhat happenns if you click it in the sidebar in Nautilus08:28
osmosis_paulit is possible in Ubuntu? i think is pretty important08:28
kilonhow can i make grep search all subfolders and hidden files ?08:29
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NotLarryok, it does not show there instead I see the entire disk (which ubuntu also resides on) as the first partition.08:30
NotLarrythanks, I'll look further at that08:30
benccwhen dragging a window in 11.10 it is getting smeared08:31
jasefO.o. Wait, are you running Wubi, out of curiosity, NotLarry?08:31
benccdo I'm missing a video card driver?08:31
NotLarrywait, wha08:32
jasefNotLarry, Wubi as in, the Install Ubuntu Inside Windows thing.08:32
NotLarryoh, that, no08:33
sskniranjanin my computer i nave dual boot one with windows and another is ubuntu. actually the hard disk capacity is 250 GB but in my ubuntu home directory whenever i open it it notify me about the disk only have 750 mb of memory althogh more than 120 Gb is free.08:33
NotLarrywiped my backtrack partition and installed ubuntu next to 708:33
jasefAh, just wondering cause mounting the drive Ubuntu is installed on doesn't work in that, because it's already in /host08:33
narduljasef: I did, Twice. No one bothered replying.08:33
NotLarrysory, I ment ok:)08:33
mithranhi all, im trying to use xchat but it keeps timing out, the webchat works fine on firefox, but any other irc client says "connection timed out", can someone please help, i suck at this stuff08:33
SetiAmonanyone here use Yarbause?08:34
jasefnardul,  I didn't see it O-o08:34
nardulMorning. We're migrating servers from OpenVZ to KVM. When we boot ubuntu servers, we get the error that mountall has failed with the status 123. Does anyone have any idea about where to start looking for the error?08:34
jasefBy mountall, you mean like sudo mount -a08:34
lee__is linux an very secure os compare to mac and windows08:34
narduleh, no.08:34
narduljasef: The mountall program that mounts during boot08:34
nardul`man mountall`08:34
mithrancan someone please help me08:35
nardulIt exits with 123, which means media not found.08:35
thedoctarhey, is there anyway to uninstall/remove ironhide?08:35
jasefmithran, lol just a little busy right now, I'll try to help as soon as I can08:36
jasefnardul, is it possible the device name changed due to a different virtualisation engine presenting the disk differently08:36
jasefLike /hda becoming /sda08:36
archayli have ldap and unix user in duplicate. how to delete user by userid, not by name using terminal, i intend to keep the ldap user.?08:37
narduljasef: The UUID of the partition is correctly entered into fstab. Udev starts (and should) populate(s) /dev. So i don't see why it fails :/08:38
yogawhat do we call that bar at the left of the screen, when the mouse is move over it?08:38
nardulAnd for that matter, the disk is still called /dev/sda108:38
nlkma dock08:38
yogacan we move the dock to the bottom of the screen?08:39
jasefyoga, the dash. And I'm not sure08:39
nlkmmaybe if your a wizard08:39
jasefnardul, what happens if you use /dev/sda1 instead of the UUID in fstab?08:39
sskniranjanin my computer i nave dual boot one with windows and another is ubuntu. actually the hard disk capacity is 250 GB but in my ubuntu home directory whenever i open it it notify me about the disk only have 750 mb of memory althogh more than 120 Gb is free.08:40
diverdudeWhy the f.... does ubuntu not keep focus on the images which is opened in nautilus? Instead it keepts focus on the open dir window08:40
narduljasef: Same problem.08:40
mithranjasef: can you help now?08:40
jasefO.o can you mount by using the normal mount command?08:40
thedoctaris there anyway to remove ironhide08:41
narduljasef: Yes, we currently have it booted/chrooted from a live cd.08:41
hiallWondering what mgc stands for, for 11.04 ?08:41
diverdudeWhy the f.... does ubuntu not keep focus on the images which is opened in nautilus? Instead it keepts focus on the open dir window08:42
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usr13sskniranjan: df | pastebinit #Let's have a look.08:42
swebcan i rm with delay ?08:42
ActionParsnipusr13: df -h   is easier to read ;)08:42
thedoctaris there any way to remove ironhide?08:43
usr13sskniranjan: df -h | pastebinit #Let's have a look.08:43
alecatI need some help for dual screen setup08:43
jasefnardul, sounds like fstab is really broken then. I don't know what to suggest now :/08:43
ActionParsnipsweb: sleep 60; rm file    will wait 60 seconds first08:43
narduljasef: I don't think it's fstab. Since the server was running fstab some  changes must've been made to it. I just don't know enough about the ubuntu boot-process to speficy what. Thank you for trying :)08:44
alecati'm in oneiric and i can't "unclone" my two displays to make a big virtual one :(08:44
geek07Hi.... i'm trying to get a graphic card to work in Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric....it's a Gigabyte Radeon HD4650 1GB memo AGPx8. It works perfectly in Ubuntu 10.04 LTS with compiz fusion and simple ccm, but in Oneric the screen freezes both when the fglrx with ATI Catalyst is activated and also without the driver. Anyone?08:44
alecathere is my xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/r0Yuzxh508:45
soreaugeek07: At what point does the screen freeze?08:45
jasefnardul, Sorry I couldn't help further, maybe someone with more experience with the boot process will come on after, or you could use the forums08:45
Error404NotFoundIf i run a script as part of preseed which installs some packages, where would these be installed? the installation media or target installation? do i need t chroot into /target/ ?08:45
ActionParsnipalecat: what GPU?08:45
alecatAMD Ati08:46
geek07it freezes when I'm  moving a window starting a program etc08:46
soreaugeek07: Does it work in a live session?08:46
diverdudeWhy the f.... does ubuntu not keep focus on the images which is opened in nautilus? Instead it keepts focus on the open dir window08:46
usr13jasef: nardul What seems to be the problem?08:46
alecatActionParsnip, with proprietary drivers08:46
ActionParsnipalecat: details are good :)08:46
icerootdiverdude: watch your language please08:47
diverdudeiceroot, i was08:47
dddbmtDoes anybody know if it's possible to get multiple Skype chats to run in the same window, with tabs? Instead of seperate windows.08:47
icerootdiverdude: no08:47
diverdudeiceroot, What bad words did i say?08:47
icerootdiverdude: just stop that please08:47
soreaudiverdude: If you have to censor a word, just don't use it08:48
alecatActionParsnip, when i'm trying to dissociate screens in xrandr it tells me that the max size is 1680x1680 !?08:48
geek07no not live.....I a l w a y s use the net-install option.....but yes i have tried to boot live....same thing08:48
diverdudesoreau, depends on the annoyment of the error....08:48
icerootdiverdude: no08:48
soreaudiverdude: No, it depends on what channel you're in08:48
icerootdiverdude: and now stop it08:48
soreaudiverdude: This is a family channel08:48
Error404NotFoundOr more specifically how i can execute a script in preseed that modifies the /target such as install packages, remove packages, download specific configs08:49
iodstihei everyone08:49
scribus12X forwarding via SSH. So - I can connect and can launch new session like xfce4-session, but me and the person on that desktop won't see the same screen - right?08:49
icerootscribus12: correct08:49
ActionParsnipalecat: I don't have any experience of ATI. I always always buy Nvidia08:49
icerootscribus12: but a complete session is an overkill for ssh -X08:49
geek07yes Nvidia is the best....I know08:50
icerootscribus12: normally you are just calling a program like firefox08:50
ActionParsnipscribus12: right, its a different session. I suggest you just run the app you need rather than the full desktop08:50
ActionParsnipscribus12: also add the switch   -C  for compression08:50
soreaualecat: You probably need to set a virtual size in xorg.conf08:50
icerootscribus12: if you want a complete session have a look at freenx08:50
iodstiI just installed python 2.7 on lucid x64. now when I run jsonrpclib/tests.py with this new python ver, it fails08:50
ActionParsnipgeek07: not really best08:50
scribus12iceroot: i personally don't need X , main thing was to share the screen with someone so I can run quick howto.08:51
alecatsoreau, it's done. Check out my pastebin08:51
icerootscribus12: teamviewer08:51
geek07But I bought this card 3 months ago and was running (still do) 10.04 lts08:51
soreaualecat: Then fglrx sucks :)08:51
ActionParsnipscribus12: then VNC will be necessary08:51
soreaualecat: Try the open radeon driver08:51
scribus12iceroot: vnc would perhaps be better for remote support?08:51
icerootscribus12: vnc or teamviewer, yes08:51
iodstican anyone help on this08:51
icerootscribus12: ssh -X is the badest idea for something like that08:51
scribus12iceroot: teamviewer is wine is it not?08:51
icerootscribus12: yes08:52
ActionParsnipiceroot: could export DISPLAY as :0 ;)08:52
icerootActionParsnip: have fun with that :)08:52
scribus12ActionParsnip: what do u mean - how would that work?08:52
icerootscribus12: just look for vnc or teamviewer08:53
geek07thank u all.....I have to leave now08:53
icerootscribus12: or maybe freenx if you want a new session08:53
ActionParsnipscribus12: i'd just use VNC dude, its easy and probably the better idea as you can see what's going on and they can demonstrate the issue. It's the only real thing I personally think VNC should be used for08:53
scribus12ActionParsnip, iceroot: kewl. thanks for help guys.08:54
btavakkoliinfinii, thanks, but this like was not useful, apt wants to scan and use i386 packages and my problem is this! in older version (11.04 and ...) there was not any problem08:56
satoniohi, i have two routers with internet access on the same network, i was wondering if i can make the a ubuntu pc to use one for one kind of traffic: ie to port 25 or to a specific ip and the other for the rest08:56
NotLarryjasef: I had named the drive "device formerly known as drive c:" I renamed it "c:" and it mounts in ubuntu just fine:)08:57
SunTsusatonio: You could consult lartc on this08:57
SunTsusatonio: that's not ububtu specific, though, but your problem isn't either08:57
jasefNotLarry, LOL! I guess the name was too long.08:57
NotLarryyeah, I noticed in disk manager it wasn't showing the whole name.08:58
jasefLol, I'll remember that next time someone has that problem O-o08:58
ActionParsnipsatonio: you can make a route to the host you are connecting to on port 25 be pushed through the desired router, you may be able to use the route command to shape the connection08:58
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btavakkoliHi, i had install ubuntu 11.10 amd64 on my PC and want to use offline repositories (get with debmirror). when i want to do "apt-get update" it wants also to scan i386 packages list (in addition to amd64 packages list). how i can fix it?09:03
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Math^btavakkoli: I think you can change in software centre, then repos or something09:07
Math^or manually editing /etc/apt/sources.list by commenting i386 line09:07
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic09:08
ActionParsnipMath^: didn't know that was possible, nice09:09
p1z0nI just booted into 11.10 on my newly built PC with the Asus Sabertooth 990FX mo-bo and I can't seem to get the USB mouse and keyboard to work even if I plug in the PS/2 mouse, Help!09:10
btavakkoliMath^, what i must change? i edit software sources09:10
ActionParsnipp1z0n: is usb legacy enabled in BIOS?09:10
p1z0noh, let me check09:11
p1z0nyes it's enabled09:12
Math^btavakkoli: I'm not running Ubuntu right now, but maybe you can pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list - see if I can do something for you09:12
ActionParsnipp1z0n: have you tried different USB ports too?09:12
p1z0nyes, all of them09:12
nlkmslap your dick on the keyboard p1z0n, that usually works for me09:12
p1z0nit did the same thing with Backtrack when I was trying to install it just now too09:13
p1z0nand Parted Magic09:13
jasefnlkm -.- stop being rude, please.09:13
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ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.09:14
btavakkoliMath^, thanks my sources.list file : http://pastebin.com/V8ZnWQkR and my "apt-get update" run result : http://pastebin.com/279DVv2A09:14
ActionParsnipp1z0n: try with bios defaults, may help09:14
p1z0nI've Googled this and there is nothing I can find so thats why I'm here:-)09:14
ActionParsnipp1z0n: also make sure the BIOS is up to date09:14
p1z0nwill do09:15
mithranhi all09:17
mithrancan smeone please tell me what port number the webchat client uses to connect, beacuse the webchat works but not any of the irc clients, someone please help09:18
mithranActionParsnip: can you please help?09:19
ActionParsnipmithran: 6667 is the standard IRC port09:19
mithranActionParsnip: but that times out....does the webchat use 6667?09:20
Math^btavakkoli: Hmm, I've never tried to install Ubuntu repos from a local drive, but you got internet on it? I would just use repos from ubuntu.com?09:20
ActionParsnipmithran: what clients have you tried?09:21
btavakkoliMath^, i get offline repositories with debmirror, because i have a slow internet connection09:21
mithranxchat, irssi, mchat09:21
mithranand colloquy09:21
mithranActionParsnip: ^09:21
Math^btavakkoli: are you using a 64bit kernel?09:22
btavakkoliMath^, i didn't have any problem with 11.04 and my solution work fine! but 11.10 confused me!09:22
btavakkoliMath^, Linux behnam-EP43-S3L 3.0.0-12-generic #20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:56:25 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux09:22
ActionParsnipmithran: and it just times out? Do you use a proxy?09:22
btavakkoliMath^, yes, of cource09:22
mithrani dont have a proxy, as in my firefox does not need one09:23
p1z0nI loaded "optimized" defaults and its fine now, Thanks! I <3 Ubuntu!09:23
mithranActionParsnip: im pretty sure there is no proxy09:23
mithranActionParsnip: and my firewall is off...09:23
kikeGhi¡ I have a big problem09:25
kikeG i'm starting to think that my ubuntu is infected by a ¿virus?09:25
jpdskikeG: Yeah, right.09:26
Math^btavakkoli: I'm not sure I can help you, maybe if you remove "oneiric" from main multiverse universe restricted etc.? I'm not really sure why it's looking for i386 packages09:26
jpds!virus | kikeG09:26
ubottukikeG: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus09:26
morfeuHello, anyone there can give me a hint cono install and the audio out of an encore tv card09:27
kikeGsome of my files delete with no reason09:27
p1z0nIs there a limit to how many OSs you can multi-boot on a X64 system?09:27
jpdskikeG: Have you done a filesystem check recentl?09:27
Math^btavakkoli: nvm, don't think that will actually help, it needs to know what version09:27
morfeuHello, anyone there can give me a hint cono install and the audio out of an encore tv card09:28
Math^btavakkoli: maybe it still needs some i386 packages09:28
MehranCan help me how can i connect l2tp on ubuntu ?09:28
MehranL2tp over ipsec ?09:29
kikeGi think the new ubuntu do that ocasionnally09:29
morfeusomeone read me?09:29
btavakkoliMath^, in 11.04 i just had full repositories of amd64 and it works fine.09:29
kikeGwhen you start09:29
p1z0ndoes grub have a limit?09:29
btavakkoliMath^, i think "apt-get update" must no request for i386 packages and there is a problem with apt on 11.10 amd6409:30
MehranNovody can help ?09:30
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btavakkoliMehran, google kardi?09:31
Math^btavakkoli: you said you installed with your cd ?09:31
kikeGjpds: i dont do any filesystem check but i think ubuntu does it ocasionally when starts09:31
Math^btavakkoli: # deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 11.10 _Oneiric Ocelot_ - Release amd64 (20111012)]/ dists/oneiric/restricted/binary-i386/ <-- says i38609:32
btavakkoliMath^, yes, i burn ubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64.iso09:32
ActionParsnipmithran: can you telnet to the socket?09:32
jasefbtavakkoli, are you trying to install an i386 package on a 64-bit system? I'm not quite sure what your problem is?09:32
mithranActionParsnip: how can i do thata?09:32
Math^btavakkoli: not sure if you commented that line?09:33
LemonAidX chrashed, then it restarted but in a way that made only my mouse visible. I couldn`t figure out how to kill X, so i switched to a different tty and rebooted. My question is: in the event that this will happen again, how do i kill and restart X, without having to reboot ?09:33
phper_Hello there. What applications would you recommend for programmers?09:33
ActionParsnipmithran: telnet irc.freenode.net 666709:34
ActionParsnipp1l0t: any good?09:34
jasefphper_, geany is a nice simple editor that works with multiple languages, or you can use Eclipse which is a bit more heavy, but has some nice features09:34
binnidoes there exist a library or program that can detect/identify the language(or just if it's English) of words? (other then google api or python: nltk, oice)09:34
MasterOfDisasterbinni: ngramj for java09:35
morfeuHello, anyone there can give me a hint cono install and the audio out of an encore tv card09:35
mithranActionParsnip: says no route to host, i can ping irc.freenode.net though09:35
Badmanphper_ I would suggest NetBeans09:35
btavakkoliMath^, i'm commented that line, and this line my Disk was 64bit : deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 11.10 _Oneiric Ocelot_ - Release amd6409:35
Badmanphper_ I use notepad++ and NetBeans09:35
jasefBadman, Notepad++ doesn't have a linux version, and not sure about NetBeans09:36
morfeumithran,  BadLarry  master_of_master  Hello, anyone there can give me a hint cono install and the audio out of an encore tv card09:36
Math^btavakkoli: after you installed it?09:36
Badmanjasef , use it with wine09:36
jasefAlso, isn't NetBeans only Java?09:36
binniMasterOfDisaster: thanks, I'll check it out.09:36
scribus12NEtbeans is Java and IMHO sucks asss so slow09:36
Math^btavakkoli: maybe it installed i386 packages, not sure09:36
btavakkolijasef, Hi, no, i'm trying to use ubuntu 11.10 amd64 offline repositories (get with debmirror) on my ubuntu 11.10 amd64 desktop installed system, but "apt-get update" wants to scan and use i386 packages in addition to amd6409:37
morfeubtavakkoli,  scribus12  Math^   Hello, anyone there can give me a hint cono install and the audio out of an encore tv card09:37
Badmanjasef, pretty convenient to use notepad++ with NetBeans, and no it has php,   the only feature i use is the auto upload feature :P09:37
scribus12Badman: notepad++ is the only program I miss from Windows.09:38
phper_Badman: thanks09:38
btavakkoliMath^, so i can try re-install system with new CD ;)09:39
jasefbtavakkoli, I don't think it's possible to only do amd64, as the repositories store i386 and amd64 in the same dist folder, and they're installed by saying packagename:arch, like geany:i386 or xchat:amd6409:39
Badmanscribus12: wine runs is pretty nicely (not that I like using wine, but well...)09:39
Math^btavakkoli: hmm, you could try... I never installed packages from a local drive, not sure what went wrong09:39
Math^btavakkoli: but for some reason it wants to update i386 packages09:40
scribus12Badman: i went for Komodo editor which is similar to npp. no wine needed.09:40
jasefscribus12, yeah, I missed Notepad++ too, geany is a pretty good replacement though09:40
btavakkolijasef, but i did this in 11.04 and everything was fine09:40
scribus12Badman: Komodo IDE even has PHP debuggerlike notepd ++09:40
btavakkolijasef, and "apt-get update" didn't wants to scan i386 packages09:40
jasefbtavakkoli, Oh... guess I was wrong. Sorry, I don't know an awful lot about debmirror09:40
btavakkolijasef, ;)09:41
Badmanscribus12: Thanks for that, will surely have a look.09:41
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Math^btavakkoli: dpkg -s <package> see if it's i38609:42
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scribus12Badman: IDE version is shareware though:( editor is free and op[en source.09:42
Badmanscribus12: Yea, saw that :(09:42
scribus12Badman: but that's single non-java Linux IDE that has php debugger built in.09:43
btavakkoliMath^, result = amd64    -->   http://pastebin.com/FJG0PkPz09:44
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venomcodehello everyone09:47
LemonAidHello. X crashed, then it partially restarted but i could only see my mouse, and could not do anything else (no key comination of any sort worked). I couldn`t figure out how to kill it (X) so i switched to a different tty, and rebooted. If that were to happen again, how can i kill X and restart it ? If i do "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart", from the currently working X, i can stop it (allthough it hangs after the battery check - i`m on an laptop), and sta09:47
LemonAidrt it from a different tty. What i am looking for is a way to kill X from a different tty, and restart it in the one i just killed it in. :)09:47
Math^btavakkoli: dpkg-query -W -f='${Package}\t${Architecture}\n'09:47
venomcodeworkspaces on the right side stacked how do ou do it09:48
Math^btavakkoli: all amd64?09:48
ActionParsnipLemonAid: ALT+K+PrintScreen  or you can re-enable CTRL+ALT+BackSpace09:48
* meta-coder is away: Away09:48
Math^btavakkoli: when I do this command on my computer with Ubuntu installed, it also shows me some i386 packages, so I guess that's normal... maybe you're just missing some i386 packages?09:49
LemonAidActionParsnip: Problem is CTRL+ALT+BackSpace wasn`t working in that situation, i tried.09:49
dakotaHey. Possibly a silly question, but is there any ubuntu/linux software to connect to and manage a MS SQL Server?09:51
mithranhi all can someone please tell me how i can find the ports that are opened on my computer, with the application names that are holding them open?09:51
llutzmithran: netstat -tulpen09:52
Flecksudo netstat -tulpen09:52
mithranllutz: im using a macintosh, can you please tell me the right channel?09:54
llutz!alis | mithran09:54
ubottumithran: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*09:54
scribus12Badman: /exit09:55
Badmanscribus12: ?09:56
chris215i hate ubottu09:56
chris215just kidding09:57
Math^Badman: think he just wanted to quit :P09:57
dakotanobody know of a tool to manage a sql server from ubuntu?09:57
BadmanMath^: aah :p09:57
Fleckdakota phpmyadmin?09:57
Badmandakota phpmyadmin?09:57
iuytfrwell, i can't read in best condition using adobe reader is there any other solution to read docs in better condition ?09:58
Math^iuytfr: evince?09:58
iuytfrevince ?09:58
Math^with evince you can read pdfs09:59
dakotaFleck: can phpmyadmin connect to mssql?09:59
Badmandakota: yes09:59
Fleckno clue about mssql09:59
iuytfrwhy evince is it better than Adobe reader ? Math^09:59
Badmaniuytfr: http://projects.gnome.org/evince/?guid=on10:00
Math^iuytfr: not saying it's better, but you can't read a pdf with adobe reader?10:00
iuytfrwell let me explain you in correct way10:01
chris215can someone tell me what the feature is called in ccsm and how to enable it where you can move the mouse into any edge of the screen and the windows all scale down and you can select them, like in fedora?  i used to have it but forgot how to do it now.   i am pretty sure it is under scale but i cant figure it out right now10:01
iuytfri find there is a big difference between reading from paper10:01
iuytfrthan reading from screen10:01
iuytfrbut using adobe reader, foxit etc ....10:02
iuytfri have done lots of changes contrast etc ...., change the font etc ...10:02
iuytfri can't read in best condition10:02
Math^iuytfr: low ress preview?10:03
iuytfrwhat is this ?10:04
dakotaBadman: anything specific I need to have for it to connect to a mssql server?10:04
Math^iuytfr: maybe it's showing a preview in low ress, so it loads in faster10:04
sskniranjan in my computer i nave dual boot one with windows and another is ubuntu. actually the hard disk capacity is 250 GB but in my ubuntu home directory whenever i open it it notify me about the disk only have 750 mb of memory althogh more than 120 Gb is free.10:05
sskniranjanplzz helpme10:05
iuytfrusing with software ?10:05
Fleckdakota use phpmsadmin :D10:05
Badmandakota: http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpmsadmin/10:05
Math^iuytfr: when you open a pdf in adobe reader, you say the quality looks poor, right?10:05
Badmandakota: It's in beta10:05
iuytfrit looks flou10:06
dakotaBadman: never scared me away :) Last update was 2009, let's see how it works10:06
iuytfrbad resolution10:06
dakotajust want something better than rdp for managing the stupid sql server10:06
Math^iuytfr: yes, see if there's an option in adobe reader to show in high ress10:07
Math^something like preview->high ress I think10:07
Badmandakota: Try RazorSQL10:08
iuytfrok find it thanks Math^10:10
Math^iuytfr: cool, glad you found it :)10:10
btavakkoliMath^, the result of your query are : "amd64" & "all"10:11
btavakkoliMath^, i find something10:11
btavakkoliMath^, maybe ubuntu team make some changes at this release10:12
btavakkoliMath^, i look at to amd64 DVD of ubuntu 11.04 and there was only amd64 package list, but 11.10 amd64 DVD contains is both i386 and amd64 package list10:13
Math^btavakkoli: I think it's kinda weird too... if you did the same way with 11.0410:13
meta-coderIs there any official Ubuntu DVD install ISO with lots of packages by default?10:14
btavakkolimeta-coder,  as official your answer is : NOT , but non-official (made by other team base on ubuntu) your answer is : YES10:16
meta-coderbtavakkoli, give me its link please10:16
btavakkolimeta-coder, for 11.10 or older?10:17
infiniibtavakkoli: maybe burn dvd to usb, then go into usb and delete all the i386 packages manually10:17
Bear10does it make sense that i can access data and do all sorts of things on a mounted drive but when i do fdisk -l it says doesn't contain a valid partition table10:18
Bear10 ?10:18
btavakkoliinfinii, thanks, i try it10:18
infiniibtavakkoli: if you are really this anal about having only amd64, maybe you should use a distribution that self compiles like gentoo10:19
btavakkolimeta-coder, your answer is again : NO - because 11.10 is a fresh release and those team are working to making distros. but there is some distros for 11.0410:19
El_SavioreIs this the wrong place to be asking general questions about 10.10 fstab issues?10:20
meta-coderok give the 11.04 DVD link..10:20
chris215can someone help me with what is probably a stupid question?  in compiz in the scale option, i used to be able to have for the binding just moving the mouse to a specific edge, but i cant figure out how to do that again now10:20
infiniiEl_Saviore: it might not be 10.10 issue and just related to fstab...just ask10:20
btavakkolimeta-coder, you can find dl link at the official site of this distros : linux mint - SuperOS - AriOS10:20
btavakkolimeta-coder, http://www.distrowatch.com/mint10:21
btavakkolimeta-coder, http://www.distrowatch.com/superos10:21
El_Saviorewell, i have ghost drives hanging around after doing some clean up related to PSYDM10:21
btavakkolimeta-coder, http://www.distrowatch.com/arios10:21
El_SavioreThey are listed in the "places" menu, and nautilus side menu, but not in fstab.10:21
El_SavioreI would like to know how to delete them.10:22
infiniiEl_Saviore: dunno but as last resort you could do a recursive grep to find which file it's in10:23
btavakkoliinfinii, no, i'm admin of a linux store at Iran and at this country there is not internet with more than 128 kbps for peoples and most of iranians have to use dial-up connection! so they need to offline repositories (they can't download with this shit speed!) so i want to make offline repositories for this peoples :)10:23
El_SavioreSo there isn't anything I can do to "reset" the HDD list in nautilus?10:24
ActionParsnipbtavakkoli: you can make a local repo and update many systems using that over LAN, Kinda like a WSUS server10:25
NewbeeansWhat type of files will sync save to cloud?10:26
btavakkoliActionParsnip, i just want to make DVD's to anyone can use itself repositories :)10:27
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dakotaBadman: btw, RazorSQL is working perfectly. Thanks!10:28
ActionParsnip!aptoncd | btavakkoli10:28
ubottubtavakkoli: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline10:29
Badmandakota: No Problem :)10:29
btavakkoliActionParsnip, i know this program, this is only usable if you have alots of .deb files on a directory or some directory, but you can't make DVD's from a local repository!10:30
icerootbtavakkoli: sure you can10:30
icerootbtavakkoli: but you need more then just the packages10:31
btavakkoliiceroot, how?10:31
sudiptai am trying to run the "ns2" network simulator.....it gives error message that it requires tcl version 8.4.I  have tcl8.5 installed by default.So i manually installed tcl8.4 and now i dont know how to link this version of tcl with ns...any idea?10:32
ActionParsnipbtavakkoli: then use the apt-get command but only tell it to download the files, you can then use these10:32
ActionParsnipbtavakkoli: you could even grab the daily ISO and use that as  repo10:32
ActionParsnipsudipta: you could probably just symlink the library file10:33
sudiptaActionParsnip:how to do that? can u pls point out what should i do?10:33
btavakkoliActionParsnip, how to apt-get -d all packages with one command?10:33
sudiptaActionParsnip:r u there?10:37
kyktommyhi all, i want to ask: why in my terminal, when i type more than one line, the second line will be overlap the first line? thanks10:38
jribkyktommy: what terminal and shell are you using?10:38
kyktommyubuntu 11.10 default bash shell10:39
jribkyktommy: what terminal are you using?10:39
chroothi, i want buy a newest computer with inter xen e3 1200 cpu, will ubuntu 10.04 suport it ?10:39
chrootor 11.10 server10:39
jribkyktommy: after you open the terminal what do you type exactly?  Do you run anything before this issue starts happening?10:39
kyktommywhen i start terminal, it happen10:40
jribkyktommy: after you open the terminal what do you type exactly?10:41
dddbmtI got unity with dual monitors. Is it possible to get the "top bar" on both screens? The bar that holds program bar, clock, user session etc.10:41
vega-that sometimes happen when the terminal is very wide, also had the same problem with unity (some kind of graphics corruption)10:41
dddbmtMy problem is that if I maximize a window on my secondary monitor, the menu bar still is on my primary monitor.10:42
meta-coderbtavakkoli, how about mirroring the entire repository using wget --mirror ?10:42
kyktommyi solved, it is because the $PS1 is wrong setting10:43
jribkyktommy: so it's not default?10:43
leo2007Is there an article teach users to setup a Ubuntu box for software development in C/C++ etc?10:44
kyktommydefault s/w ... ha, sorry for that10:44
NewbeeansShould ubuntu be slow? I'm finding it dragging along to open apps and net10:44
chris215didnt mean to type that10:44
jribkyktommy: glad you figured it out :)10:44
btavakkolimeta-coder, i just use debmirror for mirroring10:49
meta-coderDid you try apt-mirror ?10:50
kkcmpathihi all,I am using ubuntu 10.10,my apt-get install not successfully work,because dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of emacs: any one can help to me?10:50
gonzo_kann mir einer helfen10:50
Badmankkcmpathi : What were you installing?10:51
Newbeeans What should my SWAP be set to? (I'm using a gui)10:52
TexasRussianthe amount of your ram10:52
NewbeeansI'm not sure..10:53
kkcmpathiI try to install mysql_server(before i try to remove my emacs editor but unfortunatly i remove another emacs in my ubuntu src),10:53
NewbeeansWhen I did the cmd in terminal it gave me a long list10:55
Badmankkcmpathi: Sorry, no idea what the problem could be10:55
ActionParsnipNewbeeans: 1xRAM (for 2Gb or more RAM) or 2xRAM (for less than 2Gb RAM)10:56
NewbeeansActionParsnip: is memtotal my ram?10:56
ActionParsnipNewbeeans: yes, system RAM10:56
dc5alagonzo_, /join #ubuntu-de10:56
kkcmpathiBadman:can i send the whole error message(it's have about 20 line)?10:57
NewbeeansMemTotal:        1796340 kB10:57
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NewbeeansI don't know exactly what that means...i think 1 gb is 1024kb or is it mb?10:57
ActionParsnipNewbeeans: rtotalram="$($_CMD free -mto | grep Mem: | awk '{ print $2 " MB" }')"; echo $rtotalram10:58
ActionParsnipNewbeeans: If you have 1Gb RAM then you want 2048Mb of swap10:59
NewbeeansMine is set on 60swap10:59
stephniguys i can't install jre or jdk11:00
Newbeeans....i'm reading if you have any more tips11:00
stephniafter running the commands i still can't11:00
ActionParsnipNewbeeans: 10Gb for /, 2Gb swap, rest for /home   nice and easy11:01
elfranneis there a way to move a file without copy it ? I got a big file copied in my encrypted home that i need to move but i don t have the same size of free space11:01
ActionParsnipstephni: what is the output of:  uname -m11:01
stephniReading package lists... Done11:01
stephniBuilding dependency tree11:02
stephniReading state information... Done11:02
stephniPackage sun-java6-jdk is not available, but is referred to by another package.11:02
stephniThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or11:02
FloodBot1stephni: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:02
stephniis only available from another source11:02
kkcmpathiSetting up emacs-snapshot (1:20090909-1) ... Byte-compiling add-on packages, please wait... failed.  !! Byte-compilation for emacs-snapshot failed! !! This indicates a bug in one of the add-on packages !! installed on your system, or a bug in Emacs itself. !! Please file a bug report against emacs-snapshot !! and attach the file /tmp/emacs-snapshot.88BvTi11:02
NewbeeansActionParsnip: I'm having a slow issue (other than my brain) with OS. :))11:02
theadminOneric, no sound in flash. wtf?11:02
dc5alastephni, try openjdk11:03
ActionParsnipstephni: its not packaged anymore11:03
kkcmpathidpkg: error processing emacs-snapshot (--configure):  subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 Setting up emacs23 (23.1+1-4ubuntu7.2+maverick1) ... /var/lib/dpkg/info/emacs23.postinst: 35: /usr/lib/emacsen-common/emacs-install: not found11:03
jorgesomeone helpme my mircophone of my netbook dont work, i use ubuntu maverich11:03
libnotify    /msg nickserv set hidemail on11:03
ActionParsnipstephni: if you can give the output of the command, I can avise11:04
libnotifyoutta my pvt now11:04
stephnisee http://paste.ubuntu.com/719595/ url11:04
ActionParsnipstephni: like I said, it's not packaged anymore, the license has changed11:05
stephnihow do i do it11:05
ActionParsnipstephni: stephni: what is the output of:  uname -m11:05
BluesKajHey all11:06
Newbeeanshi BluesKaj11:06
diverdudeHow do i set evince to be default pdf reader instead of adobe?11:06
jorgeanybody helpme?11:06
BluesKajhi Newbeeans11:06
ActionParsnipdiverdude: right click the file to open -> open with then select evince and then set the association to be remembered11:06
stephnii686 thats the output11:07
MonsieurBonI'm using 11.10 after a fresh install (kept old /home). When I select shutdown from the menu I'm only being logged off, where I can select the shutdown again. How can I make my computer shut down?11:08
ActionParsnipstephni: cool, gimme a sec11:08
diverdudeActionParsnip, thx.adobe really sux compared to evince :)11:08
ActionParsnipdiverdude: adobe reader, you mean11:09
jndlsnlhi anyone know how to install .bin files?11:09
diverdudeActionParsnip, yes, what else?11:10
diverdudeActionParsnip, adobe pdf reader to be precise actually11:10
ActionParsnipstephni: go to http://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp   and download the .bin file at the link: Linux (self-extracting file)11:10
dc5alajorge, what does audio settings -> input say? any device listed there?11:10
ActionParsnipjndlsnl: what is the file name?11:10
jndlsnlthe file is wls1034_oepe111161_linux32.bin11:11
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ActionParsnipstephni: then run: cd ~/Downloads; chmod +x ./jre-6u29-linux-i586.bin; sudo mv ./jre-6u29-linux-i586.bin /opt; cd /opt; sudo ./jre-6u29-linux-i586.bin; rm ./jre-6u29-linux-i586.bin11:11
ActionParsnipjndlsnl: mark it as executable and run it11:11
jndlsnlbut how?11:12
stephniis it for jre and jdk11:12
ActionParsnipjndlsnl: you can do it in nautilus under the right click menu or run:  chmod +x wls1034_oepe111161_linux32.bin; ./ wls1034_oepe111161_linux32.bin11:12
jndlsnli did the same but it gives some error11:13
ActionParsnipjndlsnl: obviously if it needs running as root use: sudo ./ wls1034_oepe111161_linux32.bin11:14
vega-jndlsnl: ah.. the famous "some error", it is solved easily with "some solution"11:14
ActionParsnipstephni: do you want the browser plugin?11:14
ActionParsnipjndlsnl: what is the error????11:14
jndlsnlActionParsnip: thanks11:14
jndlsnlits working now11:14
stephnii want jdk and java runtime11:15
* jrib is amazed that vega-'s solution worked -_-11:15
* ActionParsnip is laughing hard11:15
stephnii have 4 options in Linux which should i chose11:15
ActionParsnipstephni: I told you the link...11:16
shobhaHello, my webcam was working fine wit ubuntu 10.10. It is now not working with 11.04. How to treble shoot this?11:16
stephniis it linux rpm, linux(self extracting) and 2 more ehich should i chose11:17
ActionParsnipshobha: have you tested it in cheese?11:17
ActionParsnipstephni: Linux (self-extracting file)11:18
ActionParsnipstephni: i never mentioned rpm, did I?11:18
shobhaActionParsnip: yes, in camorama also... it does not work with either one11:18
stephnihow do i download jdk if jre is done11:20
Rods_Tigeris it possible to pair a Magic Trackpad and Apple Wireless Keyboard to Ubuntu on a machine that already uses those devices when in OS X?11:20
shobhaActionParsnip: I am using my phone as webcam, it is working fine on windows, but not being detected in ubuntu11:21
ActionParsnipstephni: if I didn't even mention RPM, why would it be the RPM file?11:21
OerHeksRods_Tiger, it can, when not in use by that machine.11:21
shobhahow to check video for linux devices conected to ubuntu?11:22
ActionParsnipstephni: you need to do a bit more than just download the file to get JRE running11:22
ActionParsnipstephni: scroll up and you will see a big command to run11:22
stephniis it the onwe with chmod +11:23
ActionParsnipstephni: yes11:23
Dice-Manhi here11:24
Dice-Manwhere could i check if my external hard drive box is compatible with ubuntu ?11:24
vega-Dice-Man: if it's a usb device it's pretty certain it is compatible..11:25
Dice-Manyes it is11:25
ActionParsnipstephni: all you need to then do is link /opt/jdk1.6.whatever0/lib/i386/libnpjp2.so   to your browser's plugins folder11:26
vega-Dice-Man: then you can assume it will work11:26
ActionParsnipstephni: you can get the exact filename with: find /opt | grep libnpjp2.so11:26
Rods_TigerThat's interesting. I was just typing that on the Apple Wireless Keyboard. I said something like: "So far I've managed to set up the Apple Wireless Keyboard, but the Magic Trackpad keeps failing". But obviously not the keyboard either, as when I type that it comes out as numbers in Ubuntu.11:26
Dice-Manvega-: hum please stand by i'm looking for something11:26
vega-Dice-Man: can i sit?11:27
stephniok so after all this i can now install java programs11:27
newstandardshello could someone help me with Squid?11:28
Dice-Manvega-: check out this thread http://www.groupsrv.com/linux/about163562.html11:29
Dice-Manvega-: will i have the same problem now with lucid ??11:29
vega-Dice-Man: uh so it's a bit more complicated device, no idea really.. don't have time to read through all of that11:30
Dice-Manvega-: yeah in fact i just ask before i buy11:30
Error404NotFoundWhen issuing an apt-get [install or remove or autoremove] how can i force it to ignore any package name issues in which cases it usually ends if 'Unable to locate package: abc'11:31
Steristshould i use sudo or gksudo to edit /etc/fstab?11:31
Dice-Manvega-: the first post is quiet short11:31
vega-Dice-Man: well, grepping CONFIG_SCSI_MULTI_LUN  in /boot/config-3.0.0-12-generic tells me that setting is by default enabled in ubuntu oneiric11:31
ActionParsnipstephni: if you run: cd /usr/lib/jvm/; sudo ln -s /opt/java-whatever; sudo update-alternatives --config java    you can switch it to the sun java11:32
OerHeksSterist, use gksudo gedit /etc/fstab11:32
Dice-Manvega-: haha let's see for lucid ! :)11:32
vega-Dice-Man: well you could check by downloading the lucid kernel package, extracting it and checking the corresponding config-xxx file yourself11:33
ahhughezI need an alternative to K3B? It won't detect my optical drive11:33
SteristOerheks are you sure thats the right one? lol11:33
plotinohello to everybody11:33
vega-Dice-Man: just download the right package manually from packages.ubuntu.com for instance11:33
jorgesomeone for helpme?11:34
jorgeabout my microphone?11:34
OerHeksSterist, yes, gksudo for root access in an application outside terminal11:34
vega-Dice-Man: my educated guess would be it is enabled.. but never know11:34
OnkeltemHi. How to open a file with an assiciated application from console?11:34
SteristOerheks so sudo would be appropriate for blkid?11:35
OerHeksSterist, correct, as long as it is an service or the output happens inside terminal11:35
asdfasdcan i ask for he,p here?11:35
ActionParsnipasdfasd: sure11:36
asdfasdWhen I plug in a USB memory stick, VLC starts... does anyone know how to go back to the old dialogue box? people keep saying to go to remove able media settings but there is no option for USB. and the other alternative is to disable all action on media insert, which is an improvement but not what I want, and still, when i click on a memory stick in the unity bar, it opens VLF instead of nautilus. Anyone worked it out?11:36
ActionParsnipOnkeltem: i believe there is gnome-open11:36
asdfasdon 11.10 and not on 11.0411:36
SteristOerHeks: understood :) tyvm11:36
OnkeltemActionParsnip: thanks, works!11:36
ActionParsnipasdfasd: open nautilus, right click a folder and select open with. select nautilus as the app and remember the association. click ok  should be ok11:37
ActionParsnipOnkeltem: nice11:37
OnkeltemActionParsnip: btw, does Ubuntu use mailcap? I mean, there probably should be some way to get this via mailcap11:37
asdfasdGreat! why did it default to VLC? Also, when i plug it in now it opens nautilus, can i get it to offer other options?11:38
ActionParsnipasdfasd: if you do some silly association, it will be used. You probably plugged something in and told the OS to use vlc11:39
OnkeltemActionParsnip:  you see gnome-open is limited to Gnome, while KDE is using soemthing else. I believe there must be something some unified way to run apps11:39
asdfasdahh thats anoying.11:39
ActionParsnipOnkeltem: kde has it's own thing, you could write a script to abstract between the two11:40
asdfasdThanks alot11:40
Snowiei dont know what i have done wrong. just installed ubuntu 11.10 side by side with win 7, get the grub rescue prompt. currently on the live cd. suggestions?11:41
ActionParsnipOnkeltem: could try xdg-open in both, may just be ok11:41
Steristomg windows is trash!!! k sorry had to blow some steam..11:41
OnkeltemActionParsnip: Ah, ok thanks11:41
asdfasdalso, is the ctrl alt 9 thing a bug? or is there a setting that i have to change?11:42
OnkeltemActionParsnip: i've just created alias 'go' = gnome-open.11:42
ActionParsnipasdfasd: Ive seen it a lot on launchpad, simple to fix11:42
OnkeltemActionParsnip: less typing )11:42
ActionParsnipOnkeltem: nice, does xdg-open not run in both?11:42
p1l0tActionParsnip: What's any good?11:42
NetRunnerBlackCan I set an alias that extends to my whole computer?11:43
ActionParsnipp1l0t: how do you mean?11:43
ActionParsnipNetRunnerBlack: /etc/environment  may do it11:43
OnkeltemActionParsnip: haven't tried, using only Gnome ) I was asked about KDE in educational purposes )11:43
ActionParsnipOnkeltem: gotcha11:43
p1l0tActionParsnip: You sent me a message at 5:19 saying is it any good.. maybe it was a mistake I wasn't even at work yet.11:44
asdfasdone more thing, when i adjust the volume on my keyboard it makes a rediculouse "Boop boop boop" sound that wasnt there in 11.04 and i cant find where to disable it, do you know where?11:45
ActionParsnipp1l0t: ah, can't remember dude, sorry.11:45
Snowieif i dont get booted, this is the result of df -h11:45
p1l0tActionParsnip: I just saw the purple [Act: 2] on irssi it's cool11:45
ActionParsnipasdfasd: is the module pcspkr loaded?11:45
SnowieFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on11:45
Snowie/cow                 1007M   47M  960M   5% /11:45
Snowieudev                 1000M   12K 1000M   1% /dev11:45
ubuntu-userCan someone help me with ubuntu 11.10 and mouse/keyboard freezing?11:45
Snowietmpfs                 403M  816K  402M   1% /run11:45
Snowie/dev/sr0              696M  696M     0 100% /cdrom11:45
FloodBot1Snowie: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:45
Snowie/dev/loop0            668M  668M     0 100% /rofs11:45
vega-hmm, is there a way to format an usb stick with graphical tools? for instance to fat3211:46
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:46
asdfasdi dont know how to check11:46
ActionParsnipp1l0t: purple?11:46
p1l0tp1l0t: indications someone mentioned you by name11:46
asdfasdi did lsmod| grep pcspkr and nothing shows up11:47
Snowieplease help. brand new 11.10, straight to grub rescue, what have i f'd up http://paste.ubuntu.com/719605/11:47
asdfasdvega-: yeah install gparted11:48
ubuntu-useris that normal for ubuntu 11.10 to randomly freeze PS2 ports ?11:48
vega-asdfasd: yeah i know.. but not doable with oneiric default installed tools?11:48
asdfasdvega: yeah sorry disk utility11:49
vega-asdfasd: that looks promising, thanks11:50
compdoc11.10 doesnt work at all with the PS/2 port on one motherboard I have11:50
=== ludo is now known as Guest42232
SnowieI'll ask a different question. If i just installed 11.10, and on restart on GRUB rescue, what is the first thing you would look for???11:50
Snowie*on restart GET11:51
auronandace!grub2 | Snowie11:51
ubottuSnowie: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)11:51
ubuntu-userI have updated mb bios, tried to change bios options, but still mouse and keyboard freeze :(11:51
asdfasdActionParsnip: i did lsmod| grep pcspkr and nothing shows up11:52
ActionParsnipasdfasd: gotcha, maybe its in sound alerts11:52
jndlsnlhi i have some problem in ubuntu 11.04...in my system it show some type of string rather than showing the ip address in number11:53
asdfasdActionParsnip: not that i can find.11:54
kasztan85anybody knows how i can disable shortcut ALT + LMB in XFCE ?11:54
asdfasdkasztan85: whats lmb?11:54
kasztan85left mouse button11:54
asdfasdkasztan85: lol, sec11:54
phper_Hello. What happens if I  input mount? I get to see the mounted devices and just that?11:56
Piciphper_: yes.  see man mount for more information11:56
gentoofanIs there a quick way to install Python 2.7 on Ubuntu 10.04?11:56
asdfasdkasztan85: windows manager -> accesability  and change alt to nothing11:56
dr_willisjndlsnl:  where  are you seeing thiss a11:57
dr_willismy keybboard is all flakeey.. wondeer why11:57
dr_willisthere we go, Much better...11:57
dr_willisOddness. my wireless keyboard just went berzerk. now its working fine..11:58
ActionParsnipgentoofan: may be in the backports repo11:59
sgillethey guys, do you know why ubuntu 10.04 (LTS) is taking so long to include the latest version of firefox? (so far, we're stuck at v. 3.6.23)12:00
dr_willissgillet:  theres ppa's and other ways to get it i imagine12:00
ubottufirefox is the default web browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion | To install plugins: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxPlugins12:00
gentoofanActionParsnip: How do I access the backports repository?12:01
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging12:01
ofogI've started off with a mini package, how can i get GDM and XORG to start ins tread of the console on boot ?12:01
gentoofansgillet: It isn't taking any time at all. Canonical's policy is to not provide us with updates from upstream. -_-12:02
dr_willisofog:  normally if you install gdm, it should setitself to auto run at boot time. Unless you are using the 'text' boot option12:02
sgilletdr_willis: yep.. ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable12:02
dr_willissgillet:  ther ya go.. use the ppa.12:02
ofogdr_willis: I've installed GDM and it doesn't start auto12:02
gentoofansgillet: If I can figure out how to upgrade python, it would be trivial to install the latest version of firefox using Gentoo Prefix.12:02
SnowieSo i am trying boot-repair, and get the error http://paste.ubuntu.com/719600/12:02
dr_willisofog:  does 'sudo service gdm start' work?12:02
ofogdr_willis: "job is already running"12:03
dr_willisofog:  perhaps its on one of the alt-ctrl-F# displays.12:03
sgilletit's not an issue of installing it (already did it through ppa).. just wondering why it's taking that long for the default aptitude packages12:03
dr_willisofog:  how about a  'sudo service gdm restart'12:04
dr_willissgillet:  its not going to ever be released that way.12:04
gentoofanTime to wget; ./configure; make; make install -_-12:04
sgilletdr_willis: and the reason is...12:04
dr_willissee what gentoofan  said above...12:04
ofogdr_willis: i have no keyboard for the computer, I'm connected via serial, the commuter has a display though12:05
dr_willisits not how Ubuntu works with LTS/Security releases.12:05
gentoofansgillet: That is canonical's policy. If you don't like it, use a rolling distribution.12:05
dr_willisofog:  you could ssh in i guess.12:05
gentoofansgillet: People in #gentoo can help you with that if you are interested in trying one.12:05
ofogdr_willis: I'm connected to it on serial, restarting does nothing12:05
ActionParsnipgentoofan: enable them in software centre...12:05
dr_willisofog:  no idea then. No mesages at all eh?12:05
dr_willisofog:  how about 'startx' does that work?12:06
gentoofanActionParsnip: How? I don't even know if software center is installed.12:06
ofogdr_willis: no its not even on the system.. but i would have though it would get installed with either flux box or GDM ?!?!12:06
dr_willisofog:  sudo apt-get install gdm, should setup gdm to start at boot..12:06
dr_willisofog:  you could see what 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm' says.12:07
gentoofanActionParsnip: I am doing this over SSH.12:07
dr_willis!find startx12:07
ubottuFile startx found in gambas2-doc, ltsp-client-core, manpages-it, manpages-pl, xfce4-utils, xinit, xmanpages-ja12:07
dr_willisi seem to recall startx being some part of some other package.. xinit perhaps?12:07
ActionParsnipgentoofan: you may be able to uncomment the repos in /etc/apt/sources.list12:08
gentoofanActionParsnip: Will this provide python 2.7? I don't see it on the website: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid-backports/python/12:09
gentoofanIn fact, very little was backported at all.12:09
ActionParsnipgentoofan: it may do, not sure12:10
ofogdr_willis: ill install xinit then, but do i need to change any init scripts or anything ?12:10
ActionParsnipgentoofan: there may be a ppa for it12:10
gentoofanActionParsnip: What is a ppa?12:11
auronandace!ppa | gentoofan12:11
ubottugentoofan: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa12:11
phper_Pici: thanks12:11
NewbeeansI wish !breakfast would work :))12:12
wolfmitchellsudo apt-get instal chrominium12:12
wolfmitchellWrong tab12:12
FloodBot1wolfmitchell: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:12
gentoofanauronandace: Thanks.12:12
ActionParsnip!info chromium-browser | wolfmitchell12:13
ubottuwolfmitchell: chromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 14.0.835.202~r103287-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 19059 kB, installed size 70224 kB12:13
gentoofanwolfmitchell: You probably should use the official google repository for chrome.12:13
auronandacewolfmitchell: you may want chromium-browser (or are you after the game chromium?)12:13
gentoofan!info chrome12:13
ubottuPackage chrome does not exist in oneiric12:13
gentoofan!info chrome-browser12:13
ubottuPackage chrome-browser does not exist in oneiric12:13
wolfmitchellMeh, both12:13
wolfmitchellAnd I typed into the wrong tab12:13
wolfmitchellIrssi is awesome12:15
ofog!find xset12:17
ubottuFound: libghc-happstack-ixset-dev, libghc-happstack-ixset-doc, libghc-happstack-ixset-prof, libghc6-happstack-ixset-dev, libghc6-happstack-ixset-doc, libghc6-happstack-ixset-prof, libxsettings-client-dev, libxsettings-client-doc, libxsettings-client0, libxsettings-client0-dbg (and 5 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=xset&searchon=names&suite=oneiric&section=all12:17
wolfmitchellWhat are ubottu's commands?12:18
auronandace!factoids | wolfmitchell12:18
ubottuwolfmitchell: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots12:18
javier__hi, i have an hp pavillion dm1 and my touchpad doesn't work properly12:21
javier__i've tried synaptiks12:21
javier__but i can't configure right and left button as a mouse one12:22
javier__someone knows?12:23
jasefLOL Yay.12:24
jasefMy ubuntu 10.04.3 server somehow doesn't have core-utils12:24
javier__someone is reading my question, or i'm talking to walls12:25
ActionParsnipjavier__: if nobody knows, nobody will reply12:25
ActionParsnipjavier__: what is a 'mouse one'?12:25
javier__i mean the mouse buttons12:26
Newbeeansjavier__: I found : http://jimmyg.org/blog/2010/linux-on-hp-pavilion-dm1-1010.html12:26
jasefI'm gonna reinstall my server... dunno what else is wrong with it.12:26
ActionParsnipjavier__: yes, what about them?12:26
wolfmitchellUgh my ubuntu is taking up more ram than Winblows did...With only terminal open12:26
ActionParsnip!info core-utils lucid12:26
=== Guest3890 is now known as gord
|Slacker|jasef, can't you just apt-get core utils12:26
ubottuPackage core-utils does not exist in lucid12:26
|Slacker|that's the answer12:27
Picino dash in coreutils12:27
ActionParsnipwolfmitchell: could try a lighter destop like LXDE or XFCE12:27
javier__Newbeeans, i'll take a look, thanks, btw, where did you found it? i was searching the web for weeks12:27
wolfmitchellHow do I get rid of gnome and go to XFCE?12:27
iceroot!purexfce | wolfmitchell12:28
ubottuwolfmitchell: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »12:28
ActionParsnipwolfmitchell: install xfce4   then log off and log in to the xfce session12:28
NewbeeansI just typed your pc name with ubuntu12:28
javier__wolfmitchell, search synaptic12:28
NewbeeansI just started so it may not help you12:28
jasef|Slacker|, I can, but I don't know what else is wrong with it, it won't shut down or respond to acpi shutdown at all.12:28
user__Everything works fine on my HP Pavilion on Ubuntu Karmic, the only feature i can't get to work is resume from hibernate, but i guess it's common issue.12:28
ActionParsnipwolfmitchell: how much RAM does the system have?12:28
javier__there must be an essentials package right there12:28
icerootjavier__: xubuntu-desktop12:29
wolfmitchellIdk, but it has a 40 GB hard drive and froze on XP quite often12:29
javier__that's it12:29
javier__so, once you start with xfce12:29
Tech-1iceroot-  are you good w/grub ?12:30
javier__delete gnome desktop, i think it'll work12:30
iceroot!who | javier__12:30
ubottujavier__: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:30
ActionParsnipwolfmitchell: if you run: rtotalram="$($_CMD free -mto | grep Mem: | awk '{ print $2 " MB" }')"; echo $rtotalram     what is output?12:30
|Slacker|jasef, weird...and unfortunately I can't help...I'm just a user...never used ubuntu server in my life12:30
icerootjavier__: i already told him what to do12:30
gast__1I'm downnloading the Xubuntu iso at the moment on a Debian Laptop, is there something I need to do to burn the iso. Since I need it bootable. I have 2 tries here that don't boot. Thanks for your help.12:30
ActionParsnipgast__1: remember to MD5 test the ISO12:30
ActionParsnipgast__1: burm it slowly and do NOT extract the ISO12:30
jasef|Slacker|, thanks anyway :) but it's okay, I wasn't really asking for help, I was just commenting how weird it is that that happened, I only installed it earlier today12:30
gast__1how do i do this?12:30
ActionParsnip!md5 | gast__112:31
ubottugast__1: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows12:31
|Slacker|jasef, oh...ok12:31
gast__1ok thx12:31
wolfmitchellActionParsnip: 494 MB12:31
ActionParsnipwolfmitchell: so its a 512Mb system with onboard video as a guess...12:32
javier__494 MB? more than XFCE i recommend you LXDE12:32
ActionParsnipwolfmitchell: using a lighter desktop like XFCE or LXDE will free up more RAM for your apps12:32
wolfmitchellsudo apt-get install xfce ?12:33
ActionParsnipwolfmitchell: xfce412:33
ActionParsnipwolfmitchell: you can then select xfce as the session when you log in12:33
icerootwolfmitchell: think about lxde instead of xfce412:33
Superxglsorry, a side question , is there any channel for making friends?12:34
ActionParsnipSuperxgl: ##club-ubuntu :)12:35
icerootSuperxgl: #reallife12:35
NetRunnerBlackSuperxgl: #defocus12:35
=== SoulShadow is now known as Shadows`class
Superxgloh , great ,thank you so much for ur guys:)12:36
FloodBot1ucenik34: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:36
MyrttiSuperxgl: #ubuntu-offtopic is our social channel12:36
dddbmtHow do I configure gedit in a way that if it opens a file with "ctp" extension, it should use "PHP" as default highlight - Instead of "Plain text".12:37
stephniguys ave installed jdk and jre how do i install a java file in.exe which is in my home directory12:37
Tech-1anyone wanna help w/grub ?12:39
diverdudeHow can i install g++-4.0.2 from repo?12:39
iceroot!grub | Tech-112:39
ubottuTech-1: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)12:39
dr_willisa java file in an exe? that would be a windows installer...12:39
Tech-1I just need to know why my kernel wont upgrade12:39
texasi cant get my wireless to work with my broadcom card eversince the upgrade to 11.10 can anyone help12:39
iceroot!details > Tech-112:39
ubottuTech-1, please see my private message12:39
nelson777hello, how do I make terminator the default terminal for gnome in oneric ?12:40
Tech-1been there done that..nice try12:40
dr_willisTech-1:  sudo update-grub dosent show the new kernels?12:40
dr_willisTech-1:  more details would be handy. :)12:40
Tech-1I just need to know why my kernel wont upgrade12:40
icerootTech-1: then describe the problem with details instead of "not working, was in #grub, nice try"12:40
Tech-1it stays at
dr_willisnelson777:  i seem to recall trying that once.. and had issues.12:40
icerootTech-1: and what you expect?12:40
dr_willisnelson777:  you could use the 'alternatives' tools to  set it i recall.12:40
ubottuTo change the default applications system-wide, use 'sudo update-alternatives --all' in a terminal.12:40
Tech-1well, every kernel dl it wont upgrade to it12:41
texasi have checked the forums aswell nothing seems to help12:41
ubottuTo change the default applications system-wide, use 'sudo update-alternatives --all' in a terminal.12:41
icerootTech-1: again, please post usefull details. what have you done, what is not working, what have you expected. please dont let us guess12:41
Tech-1what grub file do you need to look at that i can pastebin12:41
huttanIs there anyway to sync with an exchange server in ubuntu 11.10?12:41
dr_willisTech-1:  so when you run sudo update-grub, does it find the other kernels?12:42
dr_willisdoes it print out any messages about them12:42
iceroothuttan: evolution, thunderbird (with addons), kontact12:42
nelson777dr_willies, ubottu thnx12:42
dr_willisthat sounds like its not able to write the grub.cfg file.12:42
Tech-1its not writting12:42
dr_willisTech-1:  check the existing /boot/grub/grub.cfg file. see if they are in fact listed. its Possible that grub is using some other file..12:42
dr_willisTech-1:  this is Just a ubuntu system? dualk boot? more then 1 disrto?12:43
* Tech-1 looks12:43
Tech-1ya, i have jubuntu and ubuntu12:43
huttaniceroot, I tried with  exchange/davmail, but it wouldn't work12:43
ActionParsniphuttan: possibly evolution can12:43
gast__1sry, can't find official md5 for my iso. I got 76ed80d875b2e961f5c3516258722a5d  xubuntu-10.04-desktop-powerpc.iso, is this correct?12:43
dr_willisTech-1:  sounds to me like grub is using the config for the other disrto most likely.12:43
iceroot!doesntwork | huttan12:43
ubottuhuttan: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.12:43
Tech-1can i change that ?12:43
iceroot!hash | gast__112:44
gentoofanI just did checkinstall to install python 2.7 on a system. Now I cannot apt-get install bison due to dependencies and it won't let me dpkg -r python due to dependencies. How can I remove the python 2.7 package?12:44
iceroot!hashes | gast__112:44
ubottugast__1: See http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs/11.10/MD5SUMS for the md5sums of the latest Ubuntu release12:44
dr_willisTech-1:  why have  both installed as differnt installs you can install kubuntu desktop over ubuntu, and select theone to use at the login screen12:44
ActionParsnipgast__1: looks good http://www.mirror1.ku.ac.th/ubuntu-lucid/MD5SUMS12:44
Tech-1i didn't know at the time i did that12:44
Tech-1so, is it 2 late ?12:44
dr_willisTech-1:  i would remove one of the disrtros if they are the same version. Not really gaining much by having it that way12:44
andhow does one pipe something from a shell directlt to the xorg copy/past buffer ?12:45
icerootTech-1: what is the output of "ls -l /boot/"12:45
gast__1ActionParsnip looks good is the two are identical?12:45
dr_willisTech-1:  what one are you in now? what version also,. what version is the other?12:45
ActionParsnipand: you can pipe it into xclip12:45
ActionParsnipgast__1: yes12:45
manwnnHello masters. Any ideas how to disable hwcursor without xorg.conf changes? (I cannot create xorg.conf because it will fu*k up my acer aspire one).12:45
huttanubottu, when i try to install davmail i miss dependencies: libswt-gtk-3.6-java|libswt-gtk-3.5-java|libswt-gtk-3.4-java12:45
ubottuhuttan: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:45
NewbeeansAny themes that are super nice?12:45
gast__1ok thanks12:45
icerootNewbeeans: the one you like most12:46
Tech-1same version, kubuntu is 2.6.38 and the one i'm on NOW is ubuntu 2.6.3512:46
ofog!find xset12:46
ActionParsnipand: e.g:  pastebinit /etc/rc.local | xclip    I believe will fly12:46
ubottuFound: libghc-happstack-ixset-dev, libghc-happstack-ixset-doc, libghc-happstack-ixset-prof, libghc6-happstack-ixset-dev, libghc6-happstack-ixset-doc, libghc6-happstack-ixset-prof, libxsettings-client-dev, libxsettings-client-doc, libxsettings-client0, libxsettings-client0-dbg (and 5 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=xset&searchon=names&suite=oneiric&section=all12:46
dr_willisTech-1:  both are 11.10 or 11.04 or what?12:46
icerootTech-1: you are not using the same ubuntu-version on both12:46
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icerootTech-1: 10.10 doesnt have 2.6.3812:46
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icerootTech-1: 11.04 has 2.6.3812:46
Tech-1i dl kernel from kernel.org for kubuntu12:47
Guest86376i want fuck12:47
dr_willisTech-1:  why did you bother with a custome kernel?12:47
nrdbI want to setup a ssh tunnel from my port x to another computers port x ... I tried "ssh -L 9090:host:9090" but it didn't work... why ?12:47
icerootTech-1: so as i said. post the output of "ls -l /boot/" and "cat /etc/issue"12:47
texasanyone around have any experiance getting a broacom wirelss card to work with 11.1012:47
Tech-1it made grphics faster12:47
iceroot!who | Tech-112:47
ubottuTech-1: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:47
Tech-1ya, pastebinning now brb12:47
ActionParsnip!rootirc | Guest8637612:48
ubottuGuest86376: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.12:48
dr_willispersonally, id backup imporntant stuff.. and move on to 11.10 and install kubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-desktop  if you want to play with both.12:48
ActionParsnip!broadcom | texas12:48
ubottutexas: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx12:48
altair123hi what mean the ## in channel list ?12:48
icerootaltair123: not official channel12:48
icerootaltair123: and # is an official channel12:48
Tech-1iceroot- http://pastebin.com/Nma8x6UH12:48
dr_willisaltair123:  #foo  the # is just a charcter that says 'this is a channel name'12:48
texasim pretty sure ive gone through that but ill try again12:49
icerootTech-1: you dont have 2.6.38 installed12:49
icerootTech-1: so of course grub is not using 2.6.3812:49
Tech-1iceroot-  on kubuntu yes12:49
icerootTech-1: on the system you are running, not12:49
Tech-1want update-grub output ?12:49
andActionParsnip: doesnt work12:49
wolfricis there a way to see details of an upgrade with command line?12:49
icerootwolfric: what details?12:49
dr_willisTech-1:  you are curently on Kubuntu? or Ubuntu install?12:49
wolfriclike when apt-get upgrade shows a list of packages, i want t osee what the changes are in those packages12:49
Tech-1iceroot-  ubuntu12:49
icerootTech-1: i dont want the output because there is no 2.6.3812:50
ActionParsnipand: ls -la | xclip12:50
icerootTech-1: the system you are running atm dont have 2.6.38 and so grub is of course not configuring that kernel12:50
ActionParsnipand: http://www.howtoforge.com/command-line-copy-and-paste-with-xclip-debian-ubuntu12:50
Tech-1iceroot-  when i dl it, and load it it goes to kubuntu not ubuntu12:50
wolfriciceroot: so changes...12:51
icerootwolfric: install "apt-listchanges"12:51
icerootTech-1: hm sorry, i dont get what you want12:51
ofogwhat do i need to install to get xset ?!?!12:51
Tech-1iceroot-  when i'm in ubuntu, and dl any kernel, it automatically goes to kubuntu..not ubuntu12:51
ofogI've tried libxsettings-dev and libxsettings-client012:51
icerootTech-1: sorry, i am out. dont know what you mean/doing12:52
Tech-1iceroot-  its like kubuntu overtakes ubuntu12:52
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dr_williswhen whatever disrto reruns update-grub, it takes over the bootloader..12:53
Tech-1iceroot-  and right now i update-grub.. kubuntu 2.6.38 didn't show12:53
nrdbI want to setup a ssh tunnel from my port x to another computers port x ... I tried "ssh -L 9090:host:9090" but it didn't work... why ?12:53
Tech-1thats my problem'12:53
dr_willisit May see all the kernels for the OTHER install.. but it may not..12:53
dr_willisPick one to handle grub and let it do it.. dont let the other update.12:54
dr_willispersonally id remove the other install...12:54
stephihow do i check if jdk is already installed12:54
Tech-1heh, i'm afraid it will break grub and ill end up with nothing12:54
dr_williswith a custome kernel. its very likely the other install is not seeing the kernel files its expecting12:54
Tech-1dr_willis-  i c now12:54
phper_stephi: Open a command prompt window and input java.exe or javaw.exe12:55
dr_willisboot to the install you want to keep rename the boot directory on the install you dont want to keep.  rerun update-grub12:55
Tech-1ok, thanks man12:55
andActionParsnip: thanks thats exactly what i am looking for but for some reason C-v still paste whatever i had eariler in the buffer and not what xlcip -o gives, might there have been some changes related to unity related to the cp buffer?12:55
phper_stephi: jdk? oh, ok, input javac.exe12:55
dr_willisturn the install to be removed into a dedicated /home/ :)12:55
Tech-1dr_willis-  that makes sense12:56
stephicommand not found12:56
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dr_willisGrub is worth learning. :) i still need to up my grub-fu skills some12:57
Tech-1thing is, i have a lappy, and it has no problems with what i described12:58
Tech-1something is broke here12:58
PehnepHey everyone, would you know how I can make my 64bit Narwhal recognise the full 8GB of RAM I have on my motherboard? It currently only sees 4gb.12:58
ofogdr_willis: any idea where i can find xset, I've looked everywhere12:58
dr_willis!find xset12:59
ubottuFound: libghc-happstack-ixset-dev, libghc-happstack-ixset-doc, libghc-happstack-ixset-prof, libghc6-happstack-ixset-dev, libghc6-happstack-ixset-doc, libghc6-happstack-ixset-prof, libxsettings-client-dev, libxsettings-client-doc, libxsettings-client0, libxsettings-client0-dbg (and 5 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=xset&searchon=names&suite=oneiric&section=all12:59
clipartcathow the heck I can turn syn flood protection off in my ubuntu box? sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies shows 0 and modified /etc/sysctl.d/10-network-security.conf12:59
clipartcatyet still getting [   30.131355] TCP: Possible SYN flooding on port 4567. Dropping request.12:59
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dr_willisx11-xserver-utils: /usr/bin/xset12:59
ActionParsnipPehnep: what is the output of: uname -m12:59
dr_willisapt-file is a handy tool.....13:00
ofogwonderful… its no in ARM13:00
dr_willisofog:   no idea on arm. sorry13:00
PehnepActionParsnip: x86_6413:00
dr_willisonly arm devices i have are my Phone, and NAS. :) wonder what my laser printer has in it..13:00
texasis there a way to do a fresh install of 11.10 with out making a cd or usb drive13:00
ActionParsnipPehnep: then it should see the full whack, you can got up to 4Eb with 64bit13:01
dr_willistexas:  you could set up grub2 to boot the iso file from a hard drive..13:01
dr_willistexas:  or a net-boot13:01
zul_anyone knows which is the rails channel?13:01
ofogdr_willis: how could i stop my display from sleeping if not in xset ?13:01
Tech-1is kernel.org safe now ?13:02
PehnepActionParsnip: Only 4gb with 64bit? I actually wanted to han 4gb to a virtual machine and keep the other 4gb for this system, is this not possible?13:02
texasbecasue i upgraded and everyhting is all screwy now i cant get my wireless to work for nothin13:02
dr_willisNice - new install of 11.10 - checked the box;s and it automatically installed the nvidia drivers and the sta drivers/firmware for my wireless. :)  BUt i notice theres a post-release driver for each wireless and video card. If my drivers seem to be working, should i try the post-release drivers?13:02
Pehnepto hand*13:02
dr_willisofog:   i cant recall the last time i used xset. so no idea13:02
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clipartcatnobody knows answer why ubuntu still blocks traffic as syn flood?13:03
ofogdr_willis: still trying to make GDM start automatically but it doesn't help that after 3 mins the display blanks!13:03
stephiplease guys i need to private message seems am geitting no help13:03
Guest10960just joined the conversation. Whats going on?13:04
dr_willisofog:  if 'sudo gdm' works. you could start gdm from /etc/rc.local as a dirty way :)13:04
jussiIs there a way to make thunderbird not notify about messages in certain folders ?13:04
dr_willisGuest10960:  i dident even see you ask a question..13:04
andActionParsnip: ok i found it, it does work with xclip - selection "clipboard"13:04
dr_willisoh wait that was for  stephi  :) let me check history13:04
dr_willisbuffer gone stephi  you may want to reask/rephrase your question.13:05
texasjesus i wish i wouldnt have upgraded13:05
h00kjussi: I was wondering that myself13:05
ofogdr_willis: don't think my x server is working13:06
texasi followed all the steps and my broadcom card is still nto working13:06
Guest10960dr_willis: Why do u thing that?13:06
chomanlivecd question:  in a mounted ISO from a chroot'd shell.  How does one modify unity?13:07
stephiyeppp finally am getting it13:07
stephiyes thanks guys13:07
dr_willisofog:  that would explain why gdm is not starting then.13:07
PiciGuest10960: This is a support channel, if you're just looking for random conversation, try #ubuntu-offtopic13:07
gentoofanI just did rm -rf /usr/bin/ on a system by mistake through a rather complicated command. Is there any way to fix this without a reinstall?13:07
PiciGuest10960: no13:08
PiciGuest10960: oops, mistab13:08
Picigentoofan: no13:08
stephihow can i check if jdk and jre is installed though i know it is just want to be sure13:08
ofogdr_willis: and the server error: Keyboard initialization failed. This could be a missing or incorrect setup of xkeyboard-config. Failed to activate core devices.13:08
dr_willisgentoofan:  eww.. you Could in theory  boot a live cd and perhaps reinstall the packages..  or copy the files from a differnt install.. neither is a great way to do it.13:08
dr_willisofog:  your xorg.conf or X server is not detecting a keyboard so its exiting.. is how i read that line13:09
ofogdr_willis: yeah, seems pretty silly13:09
gentoofandr_willis: is there a command I can do to reinstall all?13:09
dr_willisgentoofan:  not sure..  you would basically reinstall EVERYTHINg on the system i guess.. :()13:09
l403at my sda6 gets locked up somehow in between states and is not mounted and cannot be mounted because of busy. this does not happen on linux mint live cd. nothing in lsof. any ideas what might be causing this?13:10
dr_willisthat sounds like a reinstall may  be faster.13:10
gentoofanI messed up trying to upgrade python so I could install gentoo prefix and broke stuff so I was trying to remove files from the file system related to python 2.7 and accidentally specified -r to rm by mistake. -_-13:10
stephihow can i check if jre and jdk iare already installed13:10
gentoofandr_willis: Isn't there a simple command to apt that I can do? E.g. apt-get install everything or something like that.13:10
chomanlooking for "down in the weeds" livecd assistance.  can someone suggest a channel suited for that conversation13:10
l403at boot the sda6 gets locked up in busy state13:10
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate13:10
gentoofan*reinstall everything13:10
dr_willisgentoofan:  perhaps tha variant of that clone trick13:10
texasWhat is the esiest way to go from 11.10 to 10.0413:12
gentoofanIf only Ubuntu's package manager could do this for me. :/13:12
dr_willisgentoofan:  the above commands did do that  via the package maanger tool aptitude13:12
choman@texas, reinstall13:12
dr_willisif you have aptitude installed...13:12
clipartcatso nobody here can't know why I can't disable synflood protection in ubuntu and even ab -n 10 causes it to trigger on13:12
gentoofanI don't think that is installed. If it was, it might be nuked.13:12
dr_willisgentoofan:  yep. all of your apt* binaries/tools may be gond13:13
gentoofanI think I read about this in the UNIX haters handbook. I didn't think it would ever happen to me. :/13:13
texaswhere would i go when i went to the download section on the site it gave me the option of 10.04or 11.1013:13
choman@texas, which version you looking for13:14
texasi wish the ocelot would work for me its so good looking13:14
dr_willisgentoofan:  ive done worse in windows.. by accident.. :) accidently drag/dropped a special folder into some sub dir...13:14
texasnatty narwhal 11.0413:14
gentoofandr_willis: It shouldn't let you do that on Windows. It doesn't permit directories that are open to be moved/deleted.13:15
dr_willistexas:  what was the origianl support question anyway?13:15
dr_willisgentoofan:  its definatly happened to me in the past.13:15
choman@texas http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/13:15
dr_willisgentoofan:  its also stopped me from deleting single files that were NOT in use  :)13:15
dr_willisgentoofan:  but thats enough of windows ranting. heh.13:15
gentoofanIt also makes it necessary to reboot multiple times a day.13:15
texasi have a compac c500 with a brodcom card  i had to do my drivers manualy in 11.04 but no angle i come at it in 11.10 works13:16
texasso im on ethernet right now13:16
gentoofanI have been awake for 24 hours. I guess this sort of stuff is to be expected. I think I have an old backup that I can restore. :D13:16
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dr_williswhat broadcom card speciifcally texas ? looked on askubuntu.com yet to see if others have similer card?13:16
jussiAs a further thunderbird question, is it possible to get gmail style threading in thunderbird?13:17
phper_Hello. Are there any outstanding applications for Ubuntu 8.04 that have no equivalent in Windows?13:17
phper_especially for programmers13:17
MonkeyDustphper_: glade13:17
texasi checked the support list and it says it is13:17
choman@jussi  I heard of an addon for thundbird that does that13:17
phper_MonkeyDust: thanks, I will look at it.13:17
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choman@texas 11.04 => http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/13:18
MrMindis it possible to disable the dock autohide in unity 3d with dconf-editor?13:18
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gentoofanOkay, I have a 7 week old backup now up and running. :/13:18
daviddoriaI just tried to upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10. It said the upgrade could not be completed successfully and that I should restart. When I restarted, the Ubuntu progress bar goes across, but then I get a white screen. I tried "recovery mode" which I thought was like "safe mode" but I just get a root terminal prompt. Any suggestions?13:18
texas@choman is there a way to do it with out making a disk13:19
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dr_willistexas:  you could setup grub2 to boot an iso file from hd. or a netboot..13:20
dr_willishandy if you have a dedicated /boot/ partition :) put a ubuntu iso file on it. and let grub2 boot it as a rescue feature13:20
choman@texas outside of a USB startup disk or PXE boot.  I heard of a ISO boot, but never tried13:20
dr_willistexas:  if you dontknow what grub2 even is..  i suggest you make a usb installer then.,13:20
texaswhich one would you recomend dr_willis13:21
texasyeah im still wet behind the ears13:21
dr_willistexas:   I always make usb installers.. and keep them handy,13:21
kkehow to disable synflood protection? trying to run benchmarks for web service and it starts dropping packages after about five requests. ubuntu server 11.1013:21
dr_willisIts possible theres some simple fix for youre wireless issue. mentioned at askubuntu.com also texas .13:21
texasi went through the forums and nothing seem to work13:21
texasstep by step over and over13:22
dr_willistexas:  askubuntu.com is differnt then the forums...13:22
texaseveryone else saw results13:22
texasbeen there as well13:22
dr_willisits possible you mised a step also.13:22
texasi dont know how13:22
texasive been pulling my hair out over this13:22
dr_willisi got a broadcom b4312 here.13:22
texasrunning 11.10?13:23
dr_willisworked with no issues.  - clean install of 11.10 just now.13:23
dr_willisI checked the install updates, and 3rd party stuff at the start of the install.. it  did it all.13:23
dr_willisi was connected to the wired network when i installed.13:23
texasdo you have a switch that turns the reciever on and of?13:23
dr_willistexas:  yes theres a switch.13:23
dr_willistexas:  I have seen laptops that if you turn OFF the wilress with the switch. you had to boot to windows to turn them back on. :)13:24
texasim not putting that poison back on my machine lol13:24
texasit acted a similar way  when i upgraded to natty13:24
dr_willistexas: what similar way?13:25
texasswitch seemed dead then i removed the driver and installed it my self13:25
texasworked like a charm13:25
dr_willisI make it a point to never touch the switch. :)13:25
texasi knew it was going to happen13:25
dr_willisno idea if it even works on my new install or not.13:26
texasit should13:26
texasmine did13:26
dr_willisI did notice the addational driver tool had some 'post install' driver packages13:26
texascan i make a bootdisk on a drive that has other files on it13:27
dr_willisif you knew enough grub2. yes. depending on the FS of the otehr drive..13:28
texaslol none13:28
texasive got a 320g external i have all my movies and what not on13:29
dr_willisits most likely ntfs. and im not sure that grub2 can boot an iso file from ntfs.13:29
dr_willisi got a 3TB external with my movies. :P13:29
texasi converted to fat3213:29
texasfor my ps313:30
Syd23hey everybody :D13:30
dr_willisIt might work then..  but  i suggest you make backups...13:30
texask ima try and find a blank dvd or somethin13:30
dr_willistexas:  do you hae any live cds at all from other installs?13:30
texasi forgot i dont have a dvd burner13:31
lollo64ithow to force filesystem check on next reboot ?13:31
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot13:31
texasno ive just been upgrading and have long since lost my original cd13:31
dr_willisyou can burn an cd iso to a dvd.. but not sure how that would work if its not a dvd burner...13:31
lollo64itthk !13:31
dr_willistexas:  i rarely upgrade..  seems to just cause to many issues13:31
Syd23my cheese webcam software doesnt workk in ubuntu 11.10.opens up but no picture13:32
texasso just do it manulay?13:32
dr_willisSyd23:  run cheese from terminal, look for error messages in termianl output13:32
Syd23dr_willis how?13:32
dr_willisopen terminal... run cheese...13:32
dr_willisgnome-terminal, command is 'cheese'13:32
Syd23dr_willis i know..sorry13:33
dr_willisI did find it interesting how the installer fired up my webcam and wanted to take my picture...13:33
Syd23dr_willis a lot of errors :|13:33
Tech-1iceroot-  http://pastebin.com/WbhYjXSE   ok, now when i boot to 2.6.38.....it says (Apparmor 2.4 patch missing)  and stops at (init)13:34
dr_willistoo bad the piture was so dark it was unuseable.13:34
dr_willisTech-1:  seems your kernel is not configured to use apparmor13:34
texasso do you think giving a fresh install of 11.10 is a better option than downgrading13:34
Tech-1dr_willis-  ok, can you point me to where i can do that ?13:35
dr_willistexas:  i see no point in going to an older release. if you havent tried a clean install of 11.1013:35
clipartcatso what the fuck is the problem with ubuntu syncookie? after inspecting it more sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies=0 only disables that protection for connections from localhost13:35
dr_willisTech-1:  No idea. I dont do custome kernels.. one of the reasons i use ubuntu.13:35
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)13:35
texaswell crap heres another hour 45 min download13:35
luistwhat folder is the default wallpaper in?13:35
Tech-1dr_willis-  its from ubuntu_kernel13:35
dr_willistexas:  torrent cd download here = 5 min. :)13:35
Syd23dr_willis found a lot of errors ..what should i be doing?13:35
clipartcatis this #ubuntu-desktop or really nobody can't answer to that?13:35
dr_willisluist:  /usr/share/backgrounds/warty-final-ubuntu.png13:36
texaswhere did you get the torrent13:36
dr_willisSyd23:  making sence of the errors13:36
dr_willistexas:  the ubuntu homepage has links13:36
xangualuist: usr/share/backgrounds i believe13:36
dr_willistexas:  as does the TOPIC of the channel :)13:36
SlartibartHi. It seems I can't hibernate on my 11.10 4Gb laptop. free -m says 0/9857 swap has been used. UUID in fstab and /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume matches and my swap partition is listed when running swapon -s. I've run sudo update-initramfs -u. But it seems when I close the laptop lid it turns off as it should, but too quickly for having saved os state to disk. Anyone experienced this?13:36
xanguaclipartcat: this is #ubuntu13:36
Syd23dr_willis help me!13:36
luistxangua: thanks :)13:37
dr_willisSyd23:  you could start by pastebining the output of the errors..13:37
dr_willisSyd23:  has that webcam ever worked in any ubuntu?13:37
texasim looking for a torrent link not seeing one13:37
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic13:37
Syd23dr_willis nope13:37
dr_willis Please use the torrents! http://torrent.ubuntu.com/"13:38
Syd23dr_willis ** (cheese:3532): WARNING **: could not generate thumbnail for /home/aditya/Videos/Webcam/2011-10-18-233501.ogv (video/ogg)13:38
dr_willisSyd23:  its possible the webcam is not supported by linux then.13:38
luisthey guys… i want to replace unity with gnome. but when i install gnome it takes like 400-500MB and when i "completely unninstal" unity i free like 2MB…. how can i do it right? can i remove ALL the packages with unity in their names?13:38
dr_willisluist:  unity is a shell on top of gnome-313:38
Syd23dr_willis i have a laptop..hp dv613:38
dr_willisluist:  i suggest not trrying to remove it..13:39
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luistdr_willis: rly? unity sucks so bad13:39
dr_willisSyd23:  means very little to me.. You may want to check the forums and askubuntu.com for the exact make of laptop.13:39
Syd23dr_willis totem-video-thumbnailer couldn't open file 'file:///home/aditya/Videos/Webcam/2011-10-18-233501.ogv'13:39
Syd23Reason: Stream contains no data..13:39
luistdr_willis: why was gnome replaced?13:39
dr_willisluist:  use gnome-shell then13:39
Syd23ohk thanx13:39
dr_willisgnome was not replaced.. it became gnome-313:39
h00kluist: Gnome is not replaced. Unity uses Gnome 3.2.13:39
wehgwgAll vim colorschemes look weird in my terminal. They don't look like the screenshots. Running Xubuntu 11.10. :(13:39
luistdr_willis: do i have to install anything?13:40
dr_williswehgwg:  many terminal apps have a 'console' color scheme setting13:40
xangualuist: no13:40
dr_willisluist:  install gnome-shell ifyou want to use gnome-shell13:40
xanguagnome is already there13:40
luistdr_willis: thats 80MB :T13:40
dr_willisluist:  so?13:40
luistdr_willis: then how do i use it after installed13:41
dr_willisdo you want to use gnome-shell?13:41
wehgwgdr_willis, so if I just want to run plain vim with no GUI I'll have to live with horrible colorschemes?13:41
texasubuntu-11.10-dvd-i386.iso.torrentso i should choose13:41
dr_willistheres dozens of sites/guides on using gnome-shell in 11.10  it will have a gnome entry on the login screen after its installed.13:41
h00kluist: install gnome-shell, log out, change which session type you log into using the cog wheel on lightdm login screen13:41
dr_williswehgwg:  you mean the colors IN the console are messed up?13:41
luistdr_willis: i just dont want this terrible unity interface… its a cheap mac copy which doesnt work properly13:41
dr_willisluist:  leave the ranting behind..13:41
h00kluist: if it's not working properly, consider reporting bugs as well13:41
h00k!bug | luist13:42
dr_willisif you want to use gnome-shell then install it and try it out.13:42
ubottuluist: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.13:42
wehgwgdr_willis, Well, in vim. It looks weird.13:42
dr_williswehgwg:  vim in the console? or in X?13:42
jbarketQuestion. I'm looking for something like Microsoft SQL Management Studio. Trying to keep from having to dual boot away from delicious, delicious Unity. Is LibreOffice Base my best (free) option?13:42
wehgwgdr_willis, X terminal emulator13:42
dr_williswehgwg:  and many terminal emulators have their own color settings/schemes..13:42
dr_williswehgwg:   I belive i always tell terminator/gnome-terminal to use the console color scheme.13:43
escottluist, its probably best to leave the unity parts installed and just use gnome-shell, but you can see what unity packages are installed with dpkg -l "*unity*" if you remove them and break your system thats your business13:43
texasdr willis the iso is 1.5g so i would have to use a dvd huh?13:43
dr_willisluist:  if you dont even know about gnome-shell.. you may hate it more then unity. :)13:43
wehgwgdr_willis, found something about the subject. will read up on it http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Using_GUI_color_settings_in_a_terminal13:43
dr_willistexas:  what iso is that big?13:43
luistdr_willis: really?13:43
h00kluist: yes13:44
dr_willisluist:  you have no clue what gnome-shell is.. so  you dont know if yiu like it or not.. :)13:44
dr_willistexas:  why are you getting the dvd?13:44
texasi thought it would fit on a cd they all use to13:44
texascasue im dumb13:44
dr_willistexas:  a dvd is not a cd. :) the normal iso file is 700mb.13:44
wehgwgdr_willis, I've noticed you're in here a lot, helping people. That's really cool :)13:44
texasthats what i thought13:44
h00k!helpersnack | dr_willis13:45
ubottudr_willis: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!13:45
luistdr_willis: h00k: well considering im using a live USB and i cant log out and theres no login screen… how do i change to gnome-shell13:45
dr_willisluist:  you just installed gnome-shell on a live-cd boot?13:45
luistdr_willis: live USB, not cd13:45
texaswhch do i pick13:45
dr_willisluist:   No idea really. try logging out and seeing i guess..13:45
luistdr_willis: just said i cant log out :T13:46
dr_willistexas:  the normal desktop iso. 700mb, for the arch. you want..13:46
luistdr_willis: i can restart :)13:46
dr_willisluist:  sudo service lightdm restart    perhaps...13:46
texasit says amd 64 doesnt that mean 64bit13:46
dr_willisunless theres a pereistnat save file on your usb setup.13:46
dr_willistexas:  yes13:46
xangualuist: you can download a gnome-shell live cd from gnome3.org ;)13:46
texasimmm pretty sure my comp isnt 6413:47
luistxangua: its a USB!!!!!!13:47
xanguagnome3+gnome shell*13:47
dr_willistexas:  then go 32bit..13:47
ActionParsnipluist: you can run:  gnome-shell --replace    to switch shells13:47
dr_willisgnome-shell --replace might look a little weird...13:47
texasthat will be an option when i instal?13:47
xangualuist: it's the same, you can run it from a cd or usb, whatever you like13:47
dr_willistexas:  will what be an option?13:47
=== devel is now known as dvdevel
luistok.. gnome shell sucks13:48
jonwageAnyone ever ran in to an issue with ubuntu install hanging shorty after loading usb devices. I see the error "/sbin/modprobe -bv pci:v00000….' [176] terminated by signal 9 (Killed)"13:48
luisti want gnome back13:48
dr_willistexas:  you download the iso for the arch. of cpu you have. 32 or 64bit.13:48
jonwageand then it just hangs13:48
dr_willisluist:  if you mean 'gnome-2' then well.. use an older release.. or get over it.. gnome-2 is basically dead.13:48
ofogdr_willis: i still can't get GDM to start!13:48
texasim not seeing a 32 bit option13:48
jonwagejust saw this https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/boot-troubleshooting.html under "System Freeze while Loading USB Modules"13:48
xangualuist: you want back somethins is already there¿13:48
dr_willistexas:  the normal x86 is 32bit13:49
luistxangua: its not here… unless i spend 500MB13:49
BrixSathello can i change a name of a network interface? from eth1 to wlan0 for example (it is a wifi card that it is recognized as eth and not wlan)13:49
dr_willisif you want an old-skool type desktop.. theres xfce, or lubuntu these days13:49
xangualuist: it is, are you trolling¿ ubuntu 11.10 comes with gnome3.213:49
texasim sorry im so terrible13:49
luistxangua: oh god13:49
texaswill one of those files work for me or where would i find it13:50
h00kluist: Gnome is already installed with Oneiric.13:50
h00ktexas: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download13:50
luisth00k: i just want the old interface back.. whats so hard to understand13:50
dr_willistexas:  they are all listed at the torrents listing13:50
h00ktexas: use the torrent links there.13:50
d3vic3could not compile using gcc with error message "cc1: error: /usr/local/include/i386-linux-gnu: Permission denied" !!!13:50
h00kluist: Gnome 2 is dead, but you can use something like it13:51
xangua!nounity | luist you mean 2 panels¿ chekc fallback mode13:51
dr_willisluist:  if you mean 'gnome-2' then well.. use an older release.. or get over it.. gnome-2 is basically dead.13:51
ubottuluist you mean 2 panels¿ chekc fallback mode: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic13:51
qinluist: Propably sudo apt-get install gnome-panel will make you less unhappy13:51
dr_willisthe fallback and classic type interfaces 'look' similer.. but can often act very differntly13:51
luistnow i cant uninstall the 80MB of gnome-shell junk….13:51
texasso now that i have that going how is everyone13:52
luisthow do i remove all the deps that gnome-shell installed? i removed gnome-shell already13:53
dr_willisluist:  you are on a live-usb? does it have a persistant save file?13:53
mang0I'm looking to learn PHP, but need a linux guide. Any good ones that you guys can think of? For a complete beginner :P13:53
h00kmang0: consider asking ##php13:53
luistdr_willis: yes13:53
mang0h00k: *facepalm* k13:53
MonkeyDustmang0: no joke, i learned it with php for dummies13:53
dr_willisluist:  it has a persistant save file? if not.. well this is rather pointless :)  then again. ive found live-cd+persistant saves. often very flakey once you trying to do major changes to the system13:54
mang0MonkeyDust: That's just the sort of thing I'm looking for; "Php for dummies" or "Learn PHP the hard way" :P13:54
luistdr_willis: i already said yes… it doest have a persistant save file13:55
dr_willisluist:  so once you reboot.. all this stuff will be lost...13:55
qinmang0: Dont get me wrong, but php have best (of all known to me) documentation online.13:55
luistdr_willis: wtf… it will not be lost13:56
dr_willisluist:  so lets start from the beginning.. and ask what are you trying to acomplish exactly?13:56
dr_willisluist:  you did a LIVE install to a usb. with OUT a save file.. it will be lost..13:56
Slartibartmang0: It's not that hard, or different from windows :).. Config files are elsewhere, and you get a much cooler command line tool by default, but apart from that it's pretty much the same..13:56
dr_willisWITH a save file.. it will be saved..13:56
mang0Slartibart: Oh good :)!13:56
BrixSathello can i change a name of a network interface? from eth1 to wlan0 for example (it is a wifi card that it is recognized as eth and not wlan)13:56
luistdr_willis: now i just want to get rid of this gnome-shell entirely… since you guys made me install it like it was going to bring the old gnome panel back13:57
dr_willisBrixSat:  my wirless works and its eth2.. im not even sure what eth1 is.. my wired is eth0 :)13:57
luistdr_willis: dude… it has a save file… it keeps all the information. i said that 3 times already13:57
usr13BrixSat: Why do it?  Why not just leave it as it is.13:57
dr_willisluist:  gnome-shell has a classic/fallback mode thats similer to the old gnome-2 we said.13:57
MadTBoneanyone able to connect to a novell authenticated network share?13:57
luistdr_willis: it is NOT similiar… i installed and it looks even worse than unity13:58
BrixSatusr13:  i got a bunch of scripts that are looking for wlan0 and not eth113:58
dr_willisluist:  thers no gnome-2 for 11.10 to get back to the original gnome-2 setup. just similer look alikes.13:58
usr13BrixSat: Just change the scripts.13:58
luistdr_willis: i got it… i just want to remove this junk.13:58
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dr_willisluist:  so what are you going to use instead?13:58
BrixSatusr13:  not a god option, i cant touch them to complex for a imple change13:58
luistdr_willis: for now unity13:58
usr13BrixSat: Exactly what are you trying to accomplish?13:58
luistdr_willis: i want to remove the 80MB of deps that gnome-shell installed13:59
BrixSatusr13:  from eth1 to wlan0 (that is my wifi card recognized as eth1)13:59
usr13BrixSat: IS this a gateway?13:59
luistdr_willis: but "completely remove" in synaptic will just remove package gnome-shell itself13:59
BrixSatusr13:  no it is not a gateway13:59
usr13BrixSat: Try editing the /etc/iftab file14:02
athenaDoes anyone have a problem on hibernation?14:03
ActionParsnipathena: not here14:04
BrixSatusr13:  no such file14:05
ActionParsnipathena: dell latitude D420 works 100% out of the box :)14:05
usr13BrixSat: Sorry.14:05
usr13BrixSat: This file maintains persistent names for network interfaces:  /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules14:06
BrixSatok :) i will try it14:06
usr13BrixSat: sudo vim /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules14:06
usr13change eth1 to wlan014:06
usr13Good luck14:06
syntaxeis it so that ubuntu does not support gnome classic anymore? O.o14:07
edbiansyntaxe: Yep, it's gnome3 now.14:07
syntaxeunity and gnome 3 is two totally different things right?14:08
erchache2000what happs with freenx for oneiric version?14:08
usr13!gnome | syntaxe14:08
ubottusyntaxe: GNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10 To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.14:08
axisyshow do I install sun java ?14:08
MonkeyDustmang0: there's echoecho2~com, i used that, too14:08
erchache2000freenx is discontinued on ubuntu oneiric?14:08
usr13!gnome3 | syntaxe14:09
ubottusyntaxe: GNOME 3 is the desktop environment on which Unity is based.  To use GNOME Shell instead of Unity, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". GNOME 3 is not supported under Natty/11.04, and may break your system if installed from alternate sources.14:09
syntaxe!gnome2 | syntaxe14:09
ubottusyntaxe, please see my private message14:09
compdocerchache2000, freenx was never part of Ubuntu, that I know of14:09
syntaxegreat so I dont have to use unity, I can use gnome shell instead?14:10
jakesanyone see me.......?14:10
edbiansyntaxe: sure14:10
edbianjakes: yes14:10
syntaxejakes: hey14:10
Guest57967How difficult is it to add encryption to your home directory AFTER the install is completed?14:10
xanguaaxisys: you mean sun/oracle java, not openjdk¿ saw a post about it om webupd814:10
jakestell me how to install backtrack menu on ubuntu14:11
axisysxangua: yes sun/oracle java14:11
axisysxangua: thanks for the link14:11
xanguajakes: what do you mean by backtrack menu¿14:11
jakesbacktrack menu???????????????14:11
syntaxebut what about that streamlined menu system which was reffered to as "ubuntu classic" is it totally discontinued?14:11
mang0MonkeyDust: Oh cool14:11
ZacariasAre logitech webcams compatible with maverick?14:11
xangua!webcam | Zacarias14:12
ubottuZacarias: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras14:12
jakeshey plz help14:12
jakestell me how to install backtrack menu on ubuntu14:12
syntaxejakes: you cant14:12
syntaxejakes: backtrack is its own distrobution with its own tweeks and changes in the kernel. Your system will break.14:12
SunTsu!backtrack | jakes14:13
ubottujakes: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition14:13
athenahow openjdk-7 performs in everyone's computer?14:13
syntaxethis bot is really amazing14:13
xanguaathena: is this a poll¿14:13
anrahow about blackbuntu for backtrack?14:13
SunTsusyntaxe: agreed14:13
usr13syntaxe: It is in 10.04 LTS14:13
anis152003hello.. can some one help me to link library for my program14:13
syntaxeusr13: grr, really dont feel to downgrade stuff14:14
anrahelp me please14:14
usr13anis152003: WHat do you need?14:14
athenaxangua: what do you mean by poll14:14
bradfordwho are you talking to?14:14
syntaxeill see if I can get my new ubuntu installation working. See ya guys14:14
bradfordbye bye14:15
anis152003usr13 i need to link SDL SDL_net and pthread.. but i dont know hot14:15
anracome on14:15
anis152003usr13 i need to link SDL SDL_net and pthread.. but i dont know how14:15
bradfordim new to mIRC14:15
sipioranra: customary to simply ask your question.14:15
axisysso should I need oracle java or openjdk is sufficient?14:15
SunTsubradford: then you better use a different client14:16
SlartibartMy 11.10 laptop refuses to hibernate. I tried encrypting the swap partition first, but after that I read that it was difficult or worse to get it working, so then I removed the partition and recreated it without encryption. So that shouldn't be affecting things now anymore, right?14:16
axisysi am mostly interested in java plugins for browsers14:16
anrai confused14:16
SlartibartI found this line though in the dmesg output: "Valid eCryptfs headers not found in file header region or xattr region", but that shouldn't have anything with my previously encrypted swap partition to do, right?14:16
SunTsuSlartibart: I use a fully encrypted lvm and hibernation works for me14:16
sipioranra: if you have an ubuntu-related question, ask it now.14:16
anis152003im beginner here.. please help :)14:16
dr_willisbradford:  mIRC is one of many IRC clients. :)14:16
usr13anis152003: What do you have and what do you need.  (We need a bit more detail before we can give you specific advise.)14:17
SlartibartSunTsu: Do you have a text or so that describes how you did it?14:17
bradfordo really? there are more?!??!14:17
weiyangexcept the qemu, any virtual machine available?14:17
bradfordbut mIRC seems so popular!14:17
anraubuntu 10.1014:17
axisysweiyang: virtualbox is what I use14:17
Guest57967How difficult is it to add encryption to your home directory AFTER the install is completed?14:18
SunTsuSlartibart: installed stuff with alternative boot cd, worked out of the box14:18
anis152003i already have a program.. but i cannot compile14:18
edbianGuest57967: not hard.14:18
xangua!compile | anis15200314:18
ubottuanis152003: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall14:18
Guest57967edbian: what would one do to accomplish this in 11.10?14:18
usr13anis152003: What are you trying to install?14:18
weiyangaxisys, since my machine is old, it don't have vt14:19
edbianGuest57967: Google found this:14:19
weiyangaxisys, so the qemu is very slow14:19
usr13anis152003: See my PM14:19
VictorCLwhen I download something with chrome and I go and select "Show in folder".. then it opens the folder where the downloaded file is ,, then I get a message "Ubuntu One : Operations on this folder are disabled because there is no network connection",,,, yersterday the whole system froze because of this !!!!14:19
dr_willisbradford:  mIRC is not very popluar here. :) since its a windows app..14:19
weiyangaxisys, so virtual box will be faster?14:19
dr_willisbradford:  and to be honest..its not that great of a IRC client.14:19
axisysweiyang: you have to try it to find out14:19
edbianGuest57967: Google found this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=144916814:19
Guest57967edbian: found what?14:19
Guest57967thank you14:19
edbianGuest57967: :P14:19
bradforddr_willis: what other clients can i use then?14:20
SlartibartSunTsu: Humm =s.. Well, I guess I should learn how to make it work without encryption first. You don't have to enter any extra passwords or anything, right?14:20
Guest57967edbian: I saw some links like this but I was trying to find one specific for 11.10 in case 11.10's way of doing it was different. I suppose it's not?14:20
bradfordI'm learning data structures right now! extendible hasing!14:20
Jordan_Uweiyang: Without VT Virtualbox is *much* faster than qemu.14:20
edbianGuest57967: That's almost always not an issue (the exact version number).14:20
compdocweiyang, virtualbox is one of the fastest Ive seen for graphics. if you dont need graphics, like with a server, then kvm is fine14:20
SunTsuSlartibart: well, after waking up you need to unlock your encrypted stuff again14:20
edbianGuest57967: People are not going to release a million new how-to's every six month because of a version number change.14:21
dr_willisbradford:  you are using mIRC on linux?14:21
Jordan_Uweiyang: qemu needs to fall back to complete emulation of the CPU, Virtualbox doesn't.14:21
dr_willis!irc | bradford14:21
ubottubradford: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines14:21
Dmolehow can I get a list of supported FSs from the console (like shown in gparted)?14:21
bradforddr_willis: i'm using it on windows vista14:21
Guest57967edbian: I understand, but considering 11.10 seemed to have a lot of changes (deja dup integrated, gtk3, etc) I just wasnt sure how extensive the changes were. Not to mention BTRFS being an option, etc.14:21
Guest57967edbian: I just wanted to play it safe, that's all! :)14:21
dr_willisDmole:  there used to be a cat /proc/filesystems14:21
dr_willisDmole:  :)14:21
matt7879Hi, I have a question about upgrading Ubuntu. I'm running 10.04 LTS and my touchpad is working perfectly. Last time I upgraded, it messed up my touchpad settings. Is there any way to upgrade without affecting my touchpad settings at all? Thanks.14:21
_ramohow can i see, on which port my apache is running? i can't remember the netstat command14:21
edbianGuest57967: sure :)  If it was me I'd use the guide there14:21
dr_willisDmole:  that should show all fs's the kernel supports. I think14:22
Guest57967edbian: you the man. thanks for your time.14:22
Slartibart_ramo: port 80 is the default14:22
=== matt_ is now known as Guest6437
edbianGuest57967: sure14:22
_ramoSlartibart: i'm on a server, and i don't konw if the default one is configured14:22
weiyangcompdoc, Jordan_U , thanks for your suggestions14:22
arestod /msg NickServ identify qwerty14:22
Jordan_Uweiyang: You're welcome.14:22
Dmoledr_willis: thanks It's missing a few but it's close.14:22
Jordan_Uarestod: Change your password now.14:23
bradforddr_willis: you are very nice unlike Suntsu14:23
matt7879Hi, I have a question about upgrading Ubuntu. I'm running 10.04 LTS and my touchpad is working perfectly. Last time I upgraded, it messed up my touchpad settings. Is there any way to upgrade without affecting my touchpad settings at all? Thanks.14:23
arestodJordan_U, haha lol xD14:23
weiyangp   virtualbox-ose                             - x86 virtualization solution - base binaries14:23
weiyangp   virtualbox-ose-dbg                         - x86 virtualization solution - debugging symbols14:23
weiyangp   virtualbox-ose-guest-source                - x86 virtualization solution - guest addition module s14:23
weiyangp   virtualbox-ose-guest-utils                 - x86 virtualization solution - non-X11 guest utilities14:23
Dmoledr_willis: (exfat in particular)14:23
FloodBot1weiyang: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:23
weiyangp   virtualbox-ose-guest-x11                   - x86 virtualization solution - X11 guest utilities14:23
weiyangp   virtualbox-ose-qt                          - x86 virtualization solution - Qt based user interface14:23
axisysJordan_U: :-)14:23
Slartibart_ramo: Try to connect to it? Telnet, browser? Check apache config?14:23
sipiorJordan_U: if he picks "qwerty" as a password, changing it may not matter much :-)14:23
axisysweiyang: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads14:23
axisysweiyang: just click the right one and voila14:24
dr_willisDmole:  i seem to recall that one being special..its like a subset of vfat? I cant rember the details..14:24
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matt7879Hi, I have a question about upgrading Ubuntu. I'm running 10.04 LTS and my touchpad is working perfectly. Last time I upgraded, it messed up my touchpad settings. Is there any way to upgrade without affecting my touchpad settings at all? Thanks.14:24
arunkumar413hi, i've installed ubuntu 11.10. Want to switch to gnome. Plz help14:24
Dmoledr_willis: I'm thinking it's FUSE related14:24
dr_willismatt7879:  i doubt if theres a way to lock down the touchpad. :)14:25
axisysweiyang: when there is a update comes, it will tell you14:25
CarlFKmatt7879: please don't ask so often.  every hour or so is OK14:25
mothyis there a linux noob channel?14:25
=== athena is now known as athena_
Dmoledr_willis: ntfs is also missing14:25
dr_willisDmole:  theres dozens of fuse thigs :) its an amazing tool. but im not even sure what exfat is for.14:25
weiyangaxisys, you mean what update?14:25
arunkumar413mothy: lol14:25
jakestell me how to install backtrack menu on ubuntu14:25
axisysweiyang: virtualbox14:25
matt7879Alright, thanks.14:25
sagacimothy: what's your specific question14:25
dr_willisDmole:  its ntfs-3g i thought these days. Its possible ythat list is Not showing the modules for fs's you can load.14:25
norbert_hi folks, is it like a known issue that when upgrading to Ubuntu 11.10 that all kinds of icons in the Applications Menu disappear?14:25
SunTsujakes: you should ask - or demand in your case - that on the backtrack channel14:26
dr_willisjakes:  with the changes to 11.10 and gnome-3 it most likely is not possible.14:26
genupulasi did some mistake and i wanna set all my network  manager settings to is default  how can i14:26
mothysagaci: i'm trying to install LAMP in ubuntu. can't get php to start, my test.php in the /var/www folder comes up with a 404 not found when i try to browse to that file14:26
weiyangaxisys, i check your pointed page, well a bad news is i use ubuntu 9.1014:26
Dmoledr_willis: exfat is the replacement for FAT32 it's supported by win, mac, and linux14:26
weiyangaxisys, on the page no proper one14:26
dr_willisDmole:  i thought that was vfat.. or am i getting confused again. :)14:26
sagaciweiyang: that's an unsupported/end-of-life version14:27
The_Pugilistafter upgrading my ubuntu server from 11.04 to 11.10 it always starts with a gui... does anyone know how to get it to start without it?14:27
axisysweiyang: 9.10 is karmic ? i dont remember .. then use the section below14:28
dr_willisDmole:  i seem tobe accessing a HPFS/NTFS/exFAT filesystem just fine. (from what sudo fdisk -l) calls my windows partition. :)14:28
Dmoledr_willis: vfat is fat32 with long names still limited to 2 TB14:28
genupulasI wanna set my network connections to its default , i mean how they are going to be when i installed Ubuntu14:28
axisysweiyang: Debian-based Linux distributions14:28
mothyI'm going by the tutorial here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP and i'm getting stuck at the "Checking PHP 5 installation" part14:28
CarlFK jakes: again, please stop asking about backtrack here.14:28
dr_willisDmole:  but i bet its because of the way ntfs-3g works with fuse..14:28
mothyI don't know how to "grant the world" or at least ubuntu user "apache" permission to read the test.php file14:29
arunkumar413hello, how to switch to gnome in 11.1014:29
dr_willisarunkumar413:  you mean gnome-shell? or a gnome-2 look alike? since gnome-2 is dead....14:29
mothyisn't chmod 777 grant the world?14:29
arunkumar413dr_willis: i dont know the difference between gnome shell and gnome214:30
PastulioLiveGnome shell = gnome 314:31
Dmoledr_willis: seems searching $PATH for mk* is the best option so far~14:31
sagacimothy: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart14:31
axisysmothy: why 777 for read?14:31
arunkumar413dr_willis: what i want is the gnome interface14:31
Jordan_Uarunkumar413: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the Unity shell by default, so if you're using a default install of Ubuntu you're using GNOME. The question then is what do you not like about your current system?14:31
axisysmothy: 755 should be more than enough14:31
mothysegaci i've done that several times, still get a 40414:32
axisysmothy: go to #httpd channel14:32
axisysmothy: it is really an apache issue14:32
RhysMorganDoes anyone know of any open source tools that can handle pack management on windows/cross platform14:32
axisysmothy: prepare to provide them w/ your error log14:32
Jordan_URhysMorgan: bzr14:32
mothyaxisys: i cannot send to that channel14:33
arunkumar413Jordan_U: i didn't like this unity . may be i should switch to gnome shell14:33
axisysmothy: send what?14:33
Jordan_U!notunity | arunkumar41314:33
ubottuarunkumar413: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic14:33
axisysmothy: you want to join14:33
mothyaxisys: i thought i registered this name with nickserv14:33
mothyaxisys: i can't talk in that chan14:33
axisysmothy: :-) .. pick another nic may be?!14:34
Jordan_U!register | mothy14:34
ubottumothy: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode14:34
Jordan_Umothy: You need to identify as well.14:34
ronbasdoes anyone have a good suggestion for a budget video card with great ubuntu/linux support? i'm guessing nvidia > amd/ati?14:34
mothyarrgh i forgot my PW14:35
ActionParsnipronbas: I'd always say nvidia14:35
bitter chat.pathfinder.gr14:35
ronbasthanks ActionParsnip14:35
ActionParsnipmothy: the guys in #freenode can help with passwords14:35
RaTTuS|BIGronbas  - anythnig really - ati / nvidia are fine .... hd5670 / nvidia 5600 ...14:35
ronbasthanks RaTTuS|BIG14:35
ronbascan i expect audio to work over hdmi?14:36
RaTTuS|BIGnvidia 560*14:36
Dmoledr_willis: ls -1 $(echo $PATH|perl -p -e 's/:/ /g')|grep "^mk"|grep fs14:36
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pbtIm new to ubuntu. can i install dropbox?14:37
ronbasabsolutely pbt14:37
Reaperubuntu one does the same tho :)14:37
ActionParsnippbt: yes, grab the deb from the dropbox site :)14:37
pbtronbas ActionParsnip : gonna try. thnks :)14:38
SunTsuronbas: depends on whether your hardware supports it, including the hdmi calbke14:38
SunTsucable even14:38
anis152003so many people here.. OMG14:38
ronbasgotcha.. i'm currently doing it with onboard radeon 420014:39
ronbasbut want to move to a dedicated card i think14:39
arunkumar413unity is scary for first time linux users14:39
ActionParsniparunkumar413: depends on the individual14:39
ronbasam i the only one that actually likes unity? heh14:39
ActionParsnipronbas: I think it's fine. I don't use it though14:40
nik_I  like Unity14:41
dryicebombronbas: i like it too14:41
ronbasfair enough14:41
arunkumar413the dash color is dark14:42
arunkumar413is there a way to change the dash color14:43
AndurinoDoes anyone have any particular interest in decentralized clusters under Linux.?14:43
dAnjouAndurino: doesn't this already exist?14:44
escott_using gnome 3 im unable to modify keyboard shortcuts for gnome shell. has anyone successfully done this?14:45
volga629Hello, I tried enable sudo with ldap and ldap working but having trouble sudoers14:45
nimbioticshello evry1. Is there a wway to print or save to a text file the contents of the main menu? TIA!14:46
ActionParsniparunkumar413: it inherits the colour of the wallpaper14:47
SlartibartWhere to look if the computer refuses to hibernate? pm-suspend.log and pm-powersave.log in /var/log ?14:47
ActionParsnipnimbiotics: which main menu?14:47
bluenemoi've enabled all package resources in software-center, but cant find gnome-shell. how do i get gnome-shell into the repos?14:47
mplSlartibart: it's ubuntu. you just make your piece with it and don't hibernate anymore,.14:48
nimbioticsActionParsnip: The one on the the panel14:48
bluenemobtw i got 10.1014:48
sipiormpl: works either way14:48
ActionParsnipnimbiotics: in which desktop?14:48
nimbioticsActionParsnip: sry i dnt understand your question. im using v11.04, w/o unity14:49
Slartibartmpl: But I like hibernation.. Imagine not having to start all those program each time you start the laptop..14:49
SlartibartUnfortunately hibernation doesn't like me..14:49
arunkumar413ActionParsnip: i want to choose my own14:49
SlartibartI get "Valid eCryptfs headers not found in file header region or xattr region" from dmesg. My swap was encrypted before, but isn't anymore(none of the partitions are..), so that shouldn't stop me from hibernating.14:51
chomanlivecd help.  curious if there is a boot time parameter I can pass to the linux kernel to disable access to the internal HDD.14:51
ActionParsnipnimbiotics: so gnome desktop then?14:51
nimbioticsActionParsnip: yes14:51
mplSlartibart: oh I know, it's frustrating. But more seriously now, what you can try is to 'sudo s2ram -f [-a 1'. if that doesn't work, it probably means you have too much in ram compared to your swap size, so you just need to close your browser for example. if that works, it means the brilliant ubuntu scripts are failing for some other reason.14:51
meta-coderhttp://imgur.com/a/ABVDO <<--  *WHY SHOULD THIS EVER HAPPEN TO UBUNTU?*14:51
DmoleSlartibart: yah sleep and hibernate are super flaky with Ubuntu I even know a windows laptop whos screen won't come one from sleep sometimes14:51
mplSlartibart: sorry, I meant 'sudo s2disk'14:52
ActionParsnipnimbiotics: as far as I know, the menu is just made up of the files in /usr/share/applications but there may be little tweaks in $HOME somewhere. Try searching your $HOME for .desktop files14:52
volga629sudoers is not working with ldap14:52
ActionParsnipmeta-coder: bad ram is one way14:53
volga629ubuntu 10.0414:53
Slartibartmpl: I get command not found =[?14:53
nimbioticsActionParsnip: THX, will do. At least you gave me a starting point. Lemme xplain my situation. I want to install 11.10 (NOT upgrade) but I've got a ton load of s/ware that I want to reinstall w/o having to do all the search & research14:53
ActionParsnipmeta-coder: if you log in as a fresh user is it the same?14:53
ActionParsnip!clone | nimbiotics14:53
ubottunimbiotics: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate14:53
meta-coderActionParsnip, It was fine the second time I logged in. But why is this happening?14:54
SlartibartDmole: Afraid so =[. I found a good tutorial that worked for me before, but now it seems the crap is back with a vengeance..14:54
Asad2005How do i know which ubuntu variant a pc is running, hostname only show the PC name14:54
Slartibartmpl: sORRY, FOUND THE PACKAGE FOR IT NOW.14:55
Slartibartgah, sorry!14:55
Asad2005I want to use that info for conky14:55
mplSlartibart: good. I was about to http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ubuntu+s2disk+package otherwise.14:55
ro_70show do I get less to quit *after* dumping contents of a file when the file is less than 1 page? eg less -F on a one line file just quits, it doesnt display it first14:55
georgehow do I generate a new public rsa key from my private key?14:55
iplaythisgamemy autocomplete when using sudo isn't working correctly      it will complete the command but the path arguments coming after does'nt autocomplete right?     bash14:56
georgeI tried ssh-keygen -e, but the exported file is not recognized as a public key14:56
ActionParsnipmeta-coder: test ram would be my first call dude, then make a new user. If it is bad as the new user then its the apps. If it is ok then your user settings are causing the issue14:56
nimbioticsActionParsnip: now, will that exactly replicate what I have on my source computer? The reason i ask is cause I've messed up this puter so much I've got a bunch of annoying issues, suchs as some software not working and not even being able to reinstall, as well as other less important issues14:56
Bedardi-RajaAsad2005: lsb_release -sc shows ubuntu variant name14:57
Slartibartmpl: >;-j.. When I ran it with "sudo s2disk" it only said "command not found", but then I thought I'd run it alone as well..14:57
ActionParsnipnimbiotics: it will copy the installed packages14:57
Slartibartmpl: "s2disk: Could not stat configuration file" Should I google that?14:57
nimbioticsActionParsnip: but will the replicating machine download new packages?14:58
* jiltdil Happy Diwali to all14:58
ro_70sgeorge use -y14:58
ActionParsnipnimbiotics: yes from the web, the file is like a list of packages to install14:58
anis152003hello.. i need help to link library .. any one14:58
meta-coderActionParsnip, I think on startup GRUB2 had MemTest option selected by default..14:58
ActionParsnipmeta-coder: it is in the grub menu, yes14:58
ro_70show do I get less to quit *after* dumping contents of a file when the file is less than 1 page? eg less -F on a one line file just quits, it doesnt display it first14:59
chomanlivecd help.  curious if there is a boot time parameter I can pass to the linux kernel to disable access to the internal HDD.14:59
ActionParsnipmeta-coder: bad ram will cause desktop issues like that too14:59
georgero_70s, thank you14:59
mplSlartibart: that's odd. I don't recall having to configure anything.14:59
anis152003how to link pthread, SDL and SDL_net.. help14:59
mplSlartibart: not sitting in front of my ubuntu right now, sorry.14:59
nimbioticsActionParsnip: u r the man, thats exactly what I wanted ... I also recall reading last nite somewhere that it is possible to keep 2 machines' installed s/ware updated. is that so?15:00
mplSlartibart: it probably needs you to specify a swap partition15:00
anis152003UBUNTU get me BUNTU hehehehhee15:00
iplaythisgamemy autocomplete when using sudo isn't working correctly      it will complete the command but the path arguments coming after does'nt autocomplete right?     bash   it has issues with the mount command specifically and I'm trying to autocomplete the path of mounted drives15:00
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning15:00
ActionParsnipnimbiotics: how do you mean?15:00
Striker3070where have they hidden the screen saved in 11.1015:01
ActionParsnipStriker3070: its not hidden, let me get a link15:01
ActionParsnipStriker3070: http://www.noobslab.com/2011/10/important-tweaks-after-installation-of.html15:01
chomanunity question.  I added an icon to the unity bar, but when I click it another icon appears on the bar with the pointer.  How do I get this to act like the other unity icons15:01
Slartibartmpl: I'll google it then. Thanks for hinting about it :).15:02
ActionParsnipStriker3070: I'm guessing you mean Gnome too. My lxde install has a screensaver and is 11.1015:02
Asad2005Bedardi-Raja: How about version number like 11.1015:02
peter_hi made a fresh install of 11.10 but kept my old home directory. unity 3d is not working (i see the top panel and the desktop but no windows, sidebar etc) while its does for the guest account. 2d works for both without problems. i reset the compiz and unity settings (like described here: http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Unity/FAQ) which didnt help. any ideas?15:02
Striker3070ActionParsnip<> yes default install gnome15:02
nimbioticsActionParsnip: for example, if I install a package on 1 machine, is it possible that the other will install it w/o me intervening?15:02
anis152003who expert in programming,, i need ur help15:02
ActionParsnippeter_h: your old configs for gnome may be making issues is all I can suggest15:03
Bedardi-RajaAsad2005: lsb_release -r15:03
jribro_70s: it does do that :)  but you probably want -X as well as -F15:04
ActionParsnipnimbiotics: you could setup and rsync between to copy the files from one system to the other and have the 2nd system run updates regularly using a script. It's a bit messy but it's all I can suggest. If you have about 30Gb flapping around, you could setup one system as a repo and then point the second system to get its updates from that. You'll need 15Gb per architecture per release15:04
ro_70sjrib: that was awesome, thanks :) :)15:05
Shatterswhat's the command for killing a running application qt killtask something?15:05
ActionParsnipShatters: xkill   and click on the app if its graphical15:06
syntaxei love the old gnome-panel from gnome 2, much more then i love the gnome 3 "classic". Any chance that I can get it back on 11.10?15:06
jribsyntaxe: I'd suggest you give xfce a try15:06
saxinHi guys. I tried installing ICA-client for Ubuntu, but it did not work. After this I get the following message: http://paste.ubuntu.com/719736/   - how can I fix this? When I try apt-get -f install it will remove ubuntu-desktop. That can't be right? :)15:07
SlartibartDoesn't http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-744951.html ? Google says it might contain info about the s2disk error that I'm experiencing. Apart from that it seems only some czech guy has experienced it =[..15:07
Shattersthe problem is that I'm trying to run an app and ubuntu tells me the app is running, but it isn't anywhere to be found, so I wanted to kill it.15:07
syntaxejrib: xfce is a window manager like gnome isnt it?15:07
auronandacesyntaxe: both gnome and xfce are desktop environments15:08
ShattersI don't see the app running under 'processes' in system monitor either..15:08
saxinShatters: ps aux | grep nameofapp15:09
nimbioticsActionParsnip: that sounds too complicated for my soul. I just found a link to OneConf, looks like that is what I need, unless u can give me other options15:09
syntaxeauronandace: how does gnome/gtk applications work in xfce?15:09
avinashhmHi , is there any good jpg editor (image editor), which is free and usable in ubuntu .. any pointers will be helpful15:09
ActionParsnipnimbiotics: there are a few ways, oneconf sounds like a giggle15:09
auronandacesyntaxe: just like they are meant to, xfce is gtk based15:09
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jribavinashhm: gimp?15:09
Shatterslooks like it did something. I'll try running the app.15:10
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syntaxeauronandace: great, i'll check it out15:10
Shattersdang, same error15:10
syntaxeauronandace: thanks15:10
ShattersI'll try again in case it's case sensitive15:10
auronandacesyntaxe: no worries :)15:10
jrib!xfce | syntaxe15:10
ubottusyntaxe: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels15:10
Shattersproblem didn't fix.15:11
syntaxeah great15:11
galagalawhen i plug in a screen in to my laptop, it just says "No signal", any ideas?15:11
ShattersI'll let these updates install and then reboot.15:11
nimbioticsActionParsnip: im not english speaker, what do u mean by 'giggle'?15:11
ActionParsnipgalagala: do you have a shortcut combo to switch the output?15:11
ActionParsnipnimbiotics: fun, a laugh15:11
galagalaActionParsnip, nope? how do i do that?15:12
ActionParsnipgalagala: look at your keyboard or read you manual or look online to see what makes it happen15:13
galagalaActionParsnip, oh! i thought it had to do with ubuntu15:13
ActionParsnipgalagala: what make and model is the system?15:13
galagalaActionParsnip, an acer aspire15:13
ActionParsnipgalagala: what model aspire?15:14
ManDayHi. I'm on Gentoo, trying to make LightDM (which, so I understood, you guys use), and I can't make it. Starts with /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.5.3/../../../../x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld: cannot find -llightdm-gobject-115:14
nimbioticsActionParsnip: oic15:14
ActionParsnipManDay: gentoo isn't supported here15:14
jribManDay: ask #gentoo15:14
nimbioticsActionParsnip: I got luck, check this out: http://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/how-to-synchronize-applications-between-multiple-ubuntu-computers/15:14
ManDayActionParsnip: Try to read more than one sentence, then talk, eh15:14
galagalaActionParsnip, 5745dg15:15
ActionParsnipManDay: "I'm on Gentoo" is all I need15:15
auronandaceManDay: read the topic15:15
ManDayActionParsnip: THen imagine that I'm on ubuntu if it makes you feel better. Let's try this again...15:15
ryan_46Asad2005: lsb_release -a15:15
ActionParsnipManDay: try reading the topic, eh15:15
ManDayHi. I'm trying to make LightDM (which, so I understood, you guys use), and I can't make it. Starts with /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.5.3/../../../../x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld: cannot find -llightdm-gobject-115:15
Tech-1hh, found it15:15
jribManDay: why don't you just ask in the channel for your distro.  There you will have people that actually know about gentoo.  Since you have a gentoo problem, they're more likely to be able to help you.  Now please stop15:16
sipiorManDay: try "sudo apt-get install lightdm"15:16
auronandaceManDay: if you are on ubuntu it should be installed by default, why are you compiling it15:16
ManDaysipior: No, I want to make it by hand15:16
sipiorManDay: then do that.15:16
Tech-1dr_willis-  had to reload proprietary nvidia drivers, kernel didn't see them, worked like a charm now15:16
galagalaActionParsnip, 5745dg15:16
ManDaywhy are you trying to be brats, eh? If you dont know the answer that's allright, just stop that15:17
ManDayI can wait15:17
sipiorManDay: you're asking us to support a gentoo toolchain, which we have no control over.15:17
nimbioticsActionParsnip: THX again!15:17
ManDaysipior: That has aboslutly nothing to do with gentoo15:17
ActionParsnipManDay: this is Ubuntu support ONLY. It's really that simple15:17
sipiorManDay: yes, of course it does.15:17
VictorCLwhere does ubuntu logs php errors?15:17
ManDayActionParsnip: Well do you know where I can find support for LightDM??15:17
ActionParsnipVictorCL: /var/log may have it15:18
ActionParsnipManDay: in #gentoo as that is the channel for your distro15:18
sipiorManDay: do you use the same compiled gcc? the same linker? if you understood what you were doing, you would realise that it very much is a gentoo-specific issue.15:18
ActionParsnipManDay: or in #gnome perhaps15:18
VictorCLis not in apache2/error.log  and not on syslog15:18
dryicebombManDay: http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-891808-start-0.html15:18
ActionParsnipgalagala: try FN+F6 I believe, the F-keys images will show you good things15:19
ActionParsnipManDay: or #linux15:19
anis152003can any body teach me how to install pthread15:19
Anon42could someone tell me how to show the searchbar in the ubuntu software center? (ubuntu 11.10)15:20
ActionParsnipgalagala: or maybe F5. I'm going by an image search, if you look at the keyboard it will give clues15:20
galagalaActionParsnip, F6 makes the screen black, F5's icon looks like it should do it, but when I press it nothing happens :(15:21
georgehow to specify to SCP that sourcehost uses port 2222 and desthost uses port 2221?15:21
ActionParsnipgalagala: try press each one twice15:21
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ActionParsnipgeorge: seems there are a few configs you can apply http://ss64.com/bash/scp.html15:22
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ActionParsnip!rootirc | Guest3954115:22
ubottuGuest39541: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.15:22
ActionParsnipAnon42: is it not in the top right?15:23
ActionParsnipAnon42: is there a view menu in the global menu ?15:23
Anon42ActionParsnip:  it dissappeard after i upgraded to 11.1015:23
Anon42ActionParsnip: yea, there is a menubar15:24
ActionParsnipAnon42: is there a view option?15:24
gulzarHow much does Lubuntu mini.iso download from net?15:24
Anon42ActionParsnip:  yes15:24
ActionParsnipgulzar: the mini iso is the mini iso, not Lubuntu15:24
galagalaActionParsnip, they all seem to work, except F5, which seems to be the right one :/15:25
gulzarActionParsnip, Ok so then how much is downloaded before we began to install?15:25
ActionParsnipAnon42: is there a 'search box show' or similar option there (I don't use software centre btw, just guessing)15:25
arestodI am getting a warning when i try to run an update. It's complaining about spotify-client-qt not being trusted, can I force it to update anyway ?15:25
VictorCLwhich command should I use to view this file error.log.46.gz15:25
mattrpavRecommended vulnerability scanner?15:26
Anon42ActionParsnip:  i know what you up to, but the isn't a option like "show searchbar"15:26
auronandace!av | mattrpav15:26
lyn_My Network Manager has disappeared from my Notification Area.  I still connect to my previously chosen Wifi network, but I cannot control anything about it.  (Ubuntu 11.04 Gnome Desktop)15:26
ubottumattrpav: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus15:26
sipiorVictorCL: try "zless error.log.46.gz"15:26
lyn_I cannot even find a way to access my network through a program15:26
nemoauronandace: I have av on my machine at work because there is a policy to have av on all machines :)15:26
gulzarmattrpav: you can use clamav , rkhunter ,chkrootkit15:27
nemoauronandace: it is basically a waste of CPU whenever it runs a sweep, but, eh, whatever.15:27
bobweaverhey you bot what about passing virus with wine ?15:27
ActionParsnipgulzar: the kernel, boot loader and such are installed using the CD as well as setting up users and partitions, lubuntu desktop installs maybe 2Gb of data which will download about 800Mb to 1Gb15:27
mari00yo, i am having some confusion here.  i've added a user, using the nologin script, and did not specify a password, but when i try to run a script using this user and the su command, it asks for a password...15:27
mattrpavi'm not looking for a virus scanner15:27
auronandacenemo: eh, i hate red tape too15:27
mari00any ideaS?15:27
nemobobweaver: oh. that was a hilarious one.  I once did open a suspected evil file in wine. it did a very bad job of running :)15:27
anis152003did any one here familiar with SDL15:27
NewbeeansIs there a GUI for changing themes?15:27
darthwonkaHi folks.. Anyone know why I get bumped off of my Desktop Manager if something edits the /etc/passwd file?  is there a way for Ubuntu to not do that?15:27
mattrpavgulzar: looking for a vulnerability scanner.. something that scans your services and matches up against vulnerability database to confirm patches applied, and ideal configs are in place15:27
nemobobweaver: I rm -rf'd ~/.wine after15:27
gulzarActionParsnip: ummm no I mean how much it download at first setup before executing apt-get commands?15:28
SunTsumattrpav: Nessus/openvas/metasploit15:28
bobweavernemo:  I know I just like to talk back to the bots15:28
mattrpavSunTsu: thanks.  nessus went commercial, so i'm looking for a OSS one15:28
bobweavermattrpav:  OPEN Vas15:28
ActionParsnipgulzar: I'm not sure it does but if it does then not very much as there are few packages to update. The mini iso is tiny15:28
darthwonka<- Ubuntu 11.10, btw15:28
SunTsumattrpav: that's why I mentioned openvas, which is the open version of it15:28
gulzarmattrpav: see tripwire .... don't know what you exactly want.. but tripwire checks changes in your files15:28
mattrpavbobweaver/SunTus/gulzar: thanks15:29
gulzarActionParsnip: Ok15:29
gulzarmattrpav: :)15:29
SunTsugulzar: he's not looking for a host ids15:29
bobweavermattrpav: NeXpose is also good15:29
bobweavermattrpav:  most if not all of them tools are not passive15:29
anis152003who create UBUNTU15:30
auronandaceanis152003: canonical15:30
bobweavermattrpav:  you are better of doing a real pentest first15:30
anis152003hello hello.. i need some help here.. any one can help15:30
bobweaveranis152003: mark shuttleworth  google it15:31
auronandaceanis152003: not really, you haven't told us the problem15:31
arunkumar4131how to install themes in ubuntu 11.1015:31
bobweaveranis152003: but all criedit should go to Debian15:32
ActionParsniparunkumar4131: http://www.noobslab.com/2011/08/bisigi-15-great-themes-ubuntu-1104.html15:32
lyn_My Network Manager has disappeared from my Notification Area.  I still connect to my previously chosen Wifi network, but I cannot control anything about it.  (Ubuntu 11.04 Gnome Desktop)  How do I get it back up there?  Or maybe I can download a program that I can actually run that lets me change settings of my Internet connection?  Something, please.15:32
anis152003haha.. i need to link SDL , SDL_net and pthread for my program.. any one know about SDL programming15:32
mari00hi does anyone know why a user account that is set to use nologin script and no password wuld be askign for a password?15:32
mattrpavbobweaver: yes, looking for a tool to do pentest15:32
mari00i'm a bit confused here and could use some help15:32
SunTsulyn_: run nm-applet15:33
arunkumar4131ActionParsnip: does these work for gnome shell15:33
ActionParsniparunkumar4131: ah, those are gtk2 only :(15:33
bobweavermattrpav:  there are a ton of them passive or aggressive ???15:33
anis152003i need some help in SDL socket programming..15:33
auronandacemari00: you need a password to use sudo15:33
ActionParsniparunkumar4131: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/10/five-pretty-awesome-gnome-shell-themes/15:33
arunkumar4131ActionParsnip: i want them for gnome-shell15:33
sipioranis152003: this isn't a programming channel, i'm afraid.15:33
mattrpavbobweaver: both, i guess15:33
TomayI have a DNS issue on ubuntu 11.1015:34
sipioranis152003: google claims there is a #sdl here on freenode; might be worth a look there.15:34
SunTsumattrpav: for pen testing take a look at metasploit15:34
mari00auronandace: i'm trying to run tomcat under a user tomcat6 that is a nologin user...15:34
usalabsanyone know how I can get xorg to remember my screen resolution?, I set the res to 1024x768 using the nVidia X Server config prog, and save it to xorg.conf, but every time I turn the PC on, it reverts back to 800x60015:34
bobweavermattrpav:  this is getting a little off-topic lets talk about it over there .15:34
TomayI can't use xchat neither empathy15:34
mattrpavSunTsu: thanks15:34
auronandacemari00: ah, sorry, i've never done that15:34
SunTsumattrpav: but be sure to be allowed to do what you do15:34
anis152003help help.. or i need to find debian or canonical to fix this15:34
mattrpavoha.. lol.  yeah15:35
mattrpavthis is my server15:35
lyn_TY SunTzu!15:35
mattrpavjust want to make sure we've got the config locked down15:35
lyn_had to reinstall network-manager-gnome also15:35
mari00auronandace: hmmmmm.... the instructions i'm following told me to set up the account with the nologin script and no passwd and then to use this command: "su -p -s /bin/sh tomcat $CATALINA_HOME/bin/shutdown.sh"15:35
sipioranis152003: neither debian nor canonical will help you with sdl programming.15:35
mari00but it is always asking for a pasword.15:35
TomayNeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease15:35
anis152003sipior: why..15:35
anis152003so saddd15:36
sipioranis152003: life is hard.15:36
SunTsumattrpav: theny you're not pentesting but doing a security audit. metasploit is way more aggressive as it's goal is to have automated exploiting with reverse shell or stuff15:36
briceHow can I set DNS search space without DHCP overwriting it in resolv.conf?15:36
bobweavermattrpav:  I made blackbuntu KDE I think I k now what I am talkiiing about \15:36
auronandacemari00: sorry, i've never used tomcat, you may find others might know; also you could ask in #ubuntu-server too15:36
mattrpavbobweaver: sweet15:36
bobweaverdont just jump into metasploit that is real bad idea15:37
mattrpavSunTsu: makes senes.  i've  been out of the admin biz for a while, just looking for the most current tools15:37
usr13brice: Set to static IP15:37
mari00auronandace: ok thanks.15:37
briceusr13: Yeah, there has to be another solution. :)15:37
jasefupdate-apt-xapi is eating my CPU... any idea what it is?15:37
sipiorbrice: you can configure your dhcp client to ignore dns data.15:37
bobweavermattrpav:  DL a pentesting distro15:37
sipiorbrice: have a look in man dhclient, et alia15:37
auronandacejasef: hungry? :)15:37
usr13brice:  But you could also just change the router's configuration so that it gives out the proper nameserver IPs15:37
bricesipior: Thanks, I'll check that out15:37
jchello guys, how can i install a genius colorpage-vivid 4xe scaner15:38
briceusr13: I'm on a corporate network :)15:38
jaseflol auronandace thanks, but I was hoping to know if it's safe to kill15:38
jasefI need my cpu back15:38
darthwonkaUbuntu 11.10-  Anyone know why I get bumped off of my Desktop Manager if something edits the /etc/passwd file?15:38
ActionParsnipjc: how does it connect to the system?15:38
Tomayany staff issues solverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr hear !!!!!?????15:38
sipiorTomay: no.15:38
SunTsumattrpav: for a nice collection of tools look at backtrack which is a nice collection15:38
mattrpavbobweaver: cool, i'll look into it15:38
ActionParsnipjc: ok then run:    lsusb    use the 8 character hex ID to find guides15:38
usalabs anyone know how I can get xorg to remember my screen resolution?, I set the res to 1024x768 using the nVidia X Server config prog, and save it to xorg.conf, but every time I turn the PC on, it reverts back to 800x60015:38
SunTsuTomay: behaving this way only makes people ignore you15:38
mattrpavSunTsu: great, thanks.  i'll take these ideas and try them out.  Thanks everyone!15:38
anis152003sipior: ya.. life is hard.. need to meet debian or canonical to uninstall the UBUNTU to me.. haha... im so stress..15:39
usr13brice: Ok, well I'm pretty sure there are provisions in the network manager to ignore domian name server information from dhcp server.15:39
ActionParsnipanis152003: 'uninstall the ubuntu to me' isn't english15:39
qirkBluesKaj: around?15:39
auronandacejasef: sounds like something connected to apt (so package management), i wouldn't kill it15:39
jcID 0458:201a KYE Systems Corp. (Mouse Systems) ColorPage-Vivid4xe15:39
ircdeariaIs there an official page that lists all the developers and gives them credit for this project?  maybe something like http://www.libreoffice.org/about-us/credits/ ?15:39
ActionParsnipjc: cool, you now have some ammo15:39
sipioranis152003: good luck with that.15:40
ActionParsnipjc: does simple-scan not just pick it up?15:40
VictorCLI can't seem to make apache log php errors :/15:40
Tomaysipior: SunTsu : ok15:40
ActionParsnipVictorCL: try:  sudo updatedb; locate *.log15:40
anis152003ActionParsnip: im malaysian actually.. thats why my english is broken.. hope u dont mind15:40
jcnot it couldn't15:40
VictorCLdisplay_errors : E_ALL  and log_error = On  on php.ini15:40
rsh hi i am trying to download sources it say Could not open file /var/lib/apt/lists/in.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hardy_multiverse_source_Sources - open (2 No such file or directory)15:41
ActionParsnipanis152003: its cool, just remember the subject of the channel ;)15:41
volga629groups: cannot find name for group ID any ideas ?15:41
BluesKajqirk,  yup ...what's up ?15:41
VictorCLvar/log/apache2/error.log.1 <-- doestn have any php errors15:41
anis152003haha.. pretty cool15:41
ActionParsniprsh: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/fixpackage   try that lot15:42
usalabsVictorCL display_error = on15:42
jchey man, what should i do so?15:42
VictorCLI dont want to display errors ,just log them15:42
qirkBluesKaj: hi there,  we had a chat a few weeks back regarding the eee pc 1015pn and nvidia drivers etc, I was on arch back then and now on ubuntu. The problem remains with laggy 1080p mkv videos in vlc... Did your netbook have 2gb of ram?15:42
rshthanks ActionParsnip15:42
VictorCLdisplay_error = Off  and log_error = On15:42
ActionParsnipjc: put that into a search engine, see if it yields guides15:42
Travis-42until this morning, the unity bar would hide itself behind maximized windows. now it doesn't. any ideas? (11.04)15:43
jcand how?15:43
anis152003already midnight.. need to have some sleep.. tomorrow i got to attend lectures15:43
usalabsVictorCL have a look at /var/log/php5 the log files should be in there15:43
ActionParsnipjc: use the text you pasted here15:43
ActionParsnipjc: use that to find guides15:43
jcbut where exactly?15:44
anis152003n my problem not settle yet.. tomorrow have to come here again.. who can help15:44
_joeyIs there an option durin boot time to choose CD instead of HD?15:44
BluesKajqirk, no netbook here , but vlc has settings to correct lag if you go into to tools/prefernces/audio and video15:45
auronandaceanis152003: whoever is here when you ask next15:45
_joeyIs there an option durin boot time to choose to boot from CD instead of HD?15:45
anis152003auronandace:ya.. so clever..15:45
qirkBluesKaj: hum perhaps I remember the wrong guy then :) but yeah, I've tried gpu acceleration and filter settings and output adjustments etc.. no progress15:46
RaTTuS|BIG_joey - it will be in your BIOS15:46
TomayI have a DNS issue on ubuntu 11.1015:46
anis152003Stress Stress15:46
robert___Intalled 11.04, and was immediately invited to upgrade to 11.10, so I did. Took almost two hours for the upgrade, which means it would have been vastly better to torrent the iso and just do a fresh install...which I may do anyway15:46
_joeyRaTTuS|BIG: it's in vmware15:47
_joeyin which I chose to boot of the CD15:47
robert___Also, not to be a hater, but why-oh-why the switch to iOS style icons for evertying?15:47
qirkiceroo perhaps it was you that owned an eee pc 1015pn before?15:47
anis152003why i need to learn this.. aiyooooo15:47
_joeyhowever, ubuntu is getting loaded off HDD15:47
qirkiceroot: perhaps it was you that owned an eee pc 1015pn before?15:47
=== robert___ is now known as phaedral
phaedraljust noticed I forgot to set my nick15:48
anis152003UBuntu UBUNTU IBUNTU15:48
usr13brice:  If there is not a GUI config for it, you can more-than-likely just edit /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf and remove from the  subnet-mask, broadcast-address, time-offset, routers,15:48
namidarkI just switched to xubuntu and its awesome, except I can't get rid of this display mirroring -- it wont let me choose to have seperate displays -- where can I set this (everything I found on google was bugs from several years ago)15:48
avinashhmjrib, thanks very much .. gimp worked for my needs ..15:49
jribavinashhm: yes, gimp is great15:49
usr13brice:  If there is not a GUI config for it, you can more-than-likely just edit /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf and remove from the  request  section domain-name-servers and domain-search15:49
phaedralnamidark: does xbuntu avoid the iphonization in the gui?15:49
avinashhmjrib, yeah .. its quite intutive to use also ... cool tool :-)15:49
auronandacenamidark: are you using nvidia drivers?15:50
namidarkauronandace: I think, not sure -- how would I tell?15:50
usr13brice:  Ignore my first attempt... I accidentally pasted unwanted text.15:50
auronandacephaedral: xfce is great, give it a try15:50
namidarkits running a ton faster than gnome is thats why i really wanna keep it :(15:50
darthwonkaUbuntu 11.10-  Anyone know why I get bumped off of my Desktop Manager if something edits the /etc/passwd file? Is this a new feature of GDM?15:50
anis152003ok good night all15:50
anAngelHello. Any stable filesystem supporting deduplication on ubuntu 11.10?15:50
phaedralauronandace: that's the default w/ xbuntu, right?15:50
aaabefore upgrading from 11.04 to 11.10 i had 3 menus at the top (applications, places, system) and a task bar on the bottom. now i have a sidebar that auto hides. how do i get back to the way it was before upgrading?15:50
namidarkbut if I can't get dual displays its not worth it15:50
ActionParsnip!find fallback15:51
ubottuFound: gnome-session-fallback15:51
auronandacenamidark: pastebin the output of: lspci15:51
ActionParsnip!info gnome-session-fallback | aaa15:51
ubottuaaa: gnome-session-fallback (source: gnome-session): GNOME Session Manager - GNOME fallback session. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.1-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 4 kB, installed size 200 kB15:51
auronandacephaedral: yes, i'm using that now15:51
sipioranAngel: not to my knowledge. the zfs port does, and is pretty stable, but there's no formal release yet.15:51
phaedralI spend more time in crunchbang on my netbook these days and confess I've grown accustomed to the stark simplicity of #!. I don't much like shiny icons or launchers15:51
NewbeeansWhen I tried to apply the theme it said cannot find filename...i was picking it out of a list GUI15:51
phaedralauronandace: thx, might just reinstall xbuntu15:51
namidarkauronandace: hmm nevermind this seemed to do it : xrandr --output LVDS --auto --pos 0x0 --right-of VGA115:51
Bisu[Shield]where do you put the extensions (*.so) files on ubuntu? for cgi and cli ?15:52
ActionParsnipphaedral: many are15:52
sipioranAngel: that said, recent betas are promising. your call :-)15:52
auronandacenamidark: awesome, glad you didd it :)15:52
ActionParsnipphaedral: if you install xfce4 you can use a minimal xfce and use your gnome apps15:52
hagusI cannot see my DVD drive showing up, even though I have a DVD in it that worked a couple of days ago.15:52
namidarkauronadace: gah but now the bottom bar popup thing isnt working haha15:52
auronandacephaedral: you could just: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop15:53
hagusI may have unmounted my DVD drive in error.15:53
hagusHow would I mount my DVD drive please?15:53
phaedralauronandace: you've made my day; will try that15:53
aaa 15:53
usalabs anyone know how I can get xorg to remember my screen resolution?, I set the res to 1024x768 using the nVidia X Server config prog, and save it to xorg.conf, but every time I turn the PC on, it reverts back to 800x60015:53
ActionParsniphagus: is it a data dvd or a video dvd?15:53
ActionParsnipusalabs: run:  gksudo nvidia-settings15:54
auronandacephaedral: after you've installed it, log out and then pick a new session when you log back in15:54
bobweaverusalabs:  just plymouth oe the whole thing ?15:54
anAngelIs there any stable filesystem supporting deduplication for ubuntu 11.10?15:54
ActionParsniphagus: then it doesn't need mounting15:54
ActionParsniphagus: in VLC you can click file -> play disk15:54
hagusWhen I pop it in its drive, there is whirring and nothing happens15:54
sipioranAngel: still no.15:54
auronandacenamidark: are you using compiz too?15:54
aaabefore upgrading from 11.04 to 11.10 i had 3 menus at the top (applications, places, system) and a task bar on the bottom. now i have a sidebar that auto hides. how do i get back to the way it was before upgrading?15:54
dddbmtI've messed something up. "uio" becomes "456", "jkl"=>"123" etc.... unless I press "Fn" button down while typing. Think I've reversed the Fn button.15:54
ActionParsniphagus: you will have obviously needed to install the DVD decoder15:54
hagusah ok15:55
bobweaver!nounity | aaa15:55
hagusthanks  ActionParsnip.15:55
ubottuaaa: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic15:55
ActionParsnipaaa: install the package ubottu said.15:55
usalabsActionParsnip I tried that, still the same,15:55
namidarkauronandace: nope15:55
ActionParsnipusalabs: did you click to save to the x config file one you'd set it up?15:55
bobweaver!alacarte | aaa15:55
auronandacenamidark: hmm, check to see if it is set to autohide in the panel settings15:55
usalabsbobweaver, I'm not using desktop effects, it's the entire desktop res that reverts to 800x60015:55
bobweaverusalabs: what did ActionParsnip say ? try that 1st15:56
ActionParsnipusalabs: when you set it up you need to click the 'save to x config file' to write to xorg.conf15:56
hidHi, i've got some question concerning the installation of kubuntu 11.10. How many partition should I create and what size ? How to configure the bootloader? And is it possible to keep windows selection when I wanna "delete" linux ?15:56
usalabsActionParsnip yes,,,when I click save to xorg.conf it asks for adminitrator password, then it saves it,,,, and looking at the current xorg.conf it does show the right res, but it sems to be forgotten when the PC is rebooted, or shutdown and restarted later15:57
ActionParsnipusalabs: hmmm, weird15:57
aaa 15:57
namidarkauronandace: When I bring up the panel preferences it shows up but when I close it it hides again - even if i Mouse over where it should be 'show/hide'ing from15:57
BrixSathey im building a driver for my wify card, i need to know where do i select the name of the interface actualy is getting eth1 and i want to make it wlan015:57
bobweaverhid:  it is up to you to make partitions if you want to make one that is for home folder ecty15:57
dddbmtSolution: I had turned "num lock" on. I needed to press Fn+insert/num-lock, to turn it off.15:57
usalabsActionPArsnip it only started to happen after I removed the GFX card and cleaned it out15:57
tim167hi, i have a Logitech 'marble mouse', I want to use one of the buttons to activate scrolling, how can I do that?15:57
bobweaverhid:  most people just make too one for system one for swap15:58
usalabsActionParsnip (soory typo on the name lol) it only started to happen after I removed the GFX card and cleaned it out15:58
namidarkauronandace: nevermind :) Switched it to vertical and its working again... back to being productive again haha15:58
auronandacenamidark: this is the bottom panel? what screen setup do you have? side by side?15:58
bobweaverhid:  if you are just testing kubuntu I say to go with 20 gigs you can use tools to resize latter15:58
namidarkauronandace: thanks again for your help15:58
hidbobweaver: what do you think of: 10Gib for / , and 3 Gib swap (4Gib of ram)15:58
auronandacenamidark: oh, good stuff :)15:59
bobweaverhid:  that will also work15:59
ActionParsniphid: with 4Gb RAM you  want 4Gb swap15:59
ActionParsniphid: if you have no interest in hibernate etc then you can omit swap if you wish15:59
obert-hi,how to enter grub/recovery mode ina vmware ubuntu installation?15:59
hidbobweaver: I thought 10Gib wasn't enough. Ohh 4Gib of swap ok15:59
=== jacob_ is now known as Guest62199
jribtim167: if there's a keyboard shortcut for activating scrolling, you could just have the button play the keyboard shortcut using something like xbindkeys or imwheel16:00
obert-got 'your user  is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.'16:00
BrixSathey im building a driver for my wify card, i need to know where do i select the name of the interface actualy is getting eth1 and i want to make it wlan016:00
=== Guest62199 is now known as jacobfogg
bobweaverhid: ten will be I thinkthat kubuntu needs like 4 at bare min16:00
jribobert-: you are in trouble now!  Did you install this ubuntu?16:00
bobweaverhid: but 20 would be nice16:00
tim167jrib: thanks, looking at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Logitech_Marblemouse_USB now...16:00
bobweaverbut if all you have is ten then that is it16:00
obert-jrgp: yes i did. but perhaps yesterday i'd played badly with chown16:01
bobweaverhid:  if you have 4gigs of ram why not test in virtual box ?16:01
jribtim167: that documentation looks outdated16:01
hidActionParsnip: really, I though the swap was required on linux16:01
jacobfoggHas anyone got Compiz Fusion working for Ubuntu 11.10???16:01
tim167jrib: yes i know, but it might still work, i hope...?16:01
auronandacehid: i run fine without swap16:02
auronandacehid: but i never suspend or hibernate16:02
tim167jrib: although for starters, I already have no such file as "50-marblemouse.conf"16:03
sipiorhid: you'll generally want at least *some* swap. optimising cheap hard disk space for expensive ram is never clever. depends on what you can spare, of course.16:03
hidbobweaver: I tried once but I had pb with ethernet card and the os was very  slow.16:03
darthwonkaHi!  LightDM seems to prefer Unity over a user's choice.. any setting that would be preventing me from running Gnome-Shell?16:03
bobweaverhid:  did you play with the network settings ?16:03
tim167jrib: will probably have to edit xorg.conf, right?16:03
Newbeeans_How do I fix Package 'tango' has no installation candidate16:03
jribtim167: nope16:04
bobweaverNewbeeans_:  look for the CDE copy of it or jump into depedencey h^&*16:04
Newbeeans_bobweaver: i'm sorry but i dont know how to do that16:04
bobweaverthat ok16:04
jribtim167: i'm not sure what you want to do.  Does "activate scrolling" mean "middle click"?16:05
tim167jrib: I just looked inside xorg.conf, there's nothing there that looks like input device settings...things have changed lately it seems...16:05
bobweaverNewbeeans_: http://www.stanford.edu/~pgbovine/cde.html16:05
bobweaverNewbeeans_:  CDE ^^16:05
liamchat99hey guys16:05
hidSo I abondoned thinking my laptop was the cause. Though it was new.16:05
liamchat99anyone familiar with ubuntu lunix in here?16:05
obert-why do i get all these kind of issues?:(16:06
tim167jrib: well, when I click my 'button 2', now it is mapped to 'page back' (or something like that, backspace?...) but I want to use that button as middle click / activate scrolling...16:06
sipiorliamchat99: probably one or two, yes...16:06
auronandaceliamchat99: many are16:06
liamchat99hey anyone?16:06
sipiorliamchat99: something we can help you with?16:06
liamchat99do you know where I can find someone familiar with lunix?16:07
hidbobweaver: nope, nothing. I tried with the ethernet cable andthe wifi but still nothing.16:07
liamchat99oh, thank you16:07
bobweaverNewbeeans_:  have you also tried this http://sourceforge.net/projects/tango-cs/16:07
liamchat99i think this "irc" is so slow16:07
auronandaceliamchat99: are you deliberately spelling linux wrong?16:07
liamchat99at school a teacher asked us to get some infos on this ubuntu thing16:07
jribtim167: ah yes, then you can probably use that documentation but read only the section about xinput16:08
liamchat99auronandace: my teacher called it "lunix".16:08
auronandace!ubuntu | liamchat9916:08
ubottuliamchat99: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com16:08
bobweaverhid:  that is a bridged connections ?16:08
Neosanoliamchat99, google then :D16:08
hidbobweaver: It was the 10.04 version. Now when I try kubuntu 11.10 on a liveusb, it's very fast and beautyful.16:08
tim167jrib: ok thanks, i'll look again, also looking at imwheel that you suggested16:08
liamchat99and basically they asked us what is the latest version of it16:08
jribtim167: see also: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Input16:08
Neosanoliamchat99, or this thing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LUnix or he's a retard16:08
liamchat99so, what is the latest version of ubuntu?16:08
auronandace!11.10 | liamchat9916:08
ubottuliamchat99: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) is the current release of Ubuntu | Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/111016:08
liamchat99okay thanks auronandace.16:09
ac3xxhey guys16:09
ac3xxin your opinion what's the best version of this "linux" thing to run on an xbox?16:10
hidbobweaver: a bridged connexion? What do you mean ? My pc was linked on the internet box.16:10
Ryccardoac3xx: Does it even run on an Xbox?16:10
ac3xxwell someone said it did16:10
RyccardoI don't remember16:10
bobweaverhid:  under settings >>network  in virtual box16:10
ac3xx"sjobs" I think it was16:10
PolahRyccardo, I don't doubt that there is some way to get it to work.16:11
hidbobweaver: I don't think so. It was the 1st time I had a pb with virtualbox.16:11
Polahac3xx, not really an Ubuntu question unless you want to try to get Ubuntu on it. Quite an in depth subject though, probably better to search for a guide on how to do it or something.16:11
bobweaverI have puppy on old xbox not xbox 36016:11
zenloophi -  I have been looking at ubuntu's certified hardware page.  Any recommendations for a certified 1 or 2 server.  It doesn't have to be very powerful.  It will be used primarily for storage so raid is a must.16:11
bitchcheckermy 'puter fucked upside the head :(16:11
zenlooper 1 or 2u that is.16:11
ACyberVortex_does anyone here know how to add rights to a windows server folder so my ubuntu system can write a file to it with php?16:11
hidOr with my pc maybe16:11
bobweaverand yellow dog on my ps216:12
obert-none got hits for me?16:12
bitchcheckera rampaging penguin is eating my files D:16:12
ac3xxcan ubuntu run "hacked games" on an xbox? i rly wnna know16:12
bobweaver!conduct | bitchchecker16:12
ubottubitchchecker: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct16:12
anAngelHow stable do you think zfs-fuse is on ubuntu 11.10?16:12
liamchat99oh my god bitchchecker16:13
bitchcheckerfuck off am i listening to ur rules16:13
liamchat99r u the one who hacked16:13
bitchcheckerfuck the rules16:13
bitchcheckerfuck the man#16:13
FloodBot1liamchat99: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:13
bobweaverac3xx:  this is the main ubuntu page try off-topic16:13
bobweaverthanks TIM_T16:13
ac3xxbobweaver i'm talking about ubuntu…..?!11?1!16:13
Tm_Tbobweaver: who's tim? (:16:13
auronandaceanAngel: i doubt it is very stable16:14
bobweaverTm_T:  :>)16:14
tim167jrib: yey! xinput worked, thanks!16:14
ACyberVortex_does anyone here know how to add rights to a windows server folder so my ubuntu system can write a file to it with php?16:14
bobweaverTm_T:  no one like a potty  mouth so thanks again :>)16:14
peslwhere do sources of packages download?16:14
jribtim167: no problem16:14
liamchat99ac3xx: im pretty sure it can, I got told that ubuntu is an illegal operating system so it must run hacked games.16:15
jribliamchat99: this channel is for ubuntu support.  Please don't discuss other things.16:15
ac3xxoh okay liamchat99 thanks!16:15
ac3xxI was about to turn to windows3.1 for help...16:16
auronandaceliamchat99: there is nothing illegal about ubuntu16:16
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ac3xxliamchat99, I guess it's used a lot in hacking situtations like w/ sony and stuff16:16
ReaperThe change should be!16:16
diverdudeplease help me. I wanted to take a short brake from my work and went to ubuntu software center to install some stupid game which resulted in destroying my ubuntu machine. I think it has done something with the graphics, so now I have started ubuntu in failsafe graphic mode. When I try to run nvidia-xconfig i get a parse error saying missing EndSection keyword in /etc/X11/xorg.conf. How can i solve this disaster ? Please help. My xorg.conf looks16:16
diverdudelike this: http://pastebin.com/LDwZBVnY16:16
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liamchat99ac3xx: yeah so i hard16:16
liamchat99"Read error: Connection reset by peer"16:16
liamchat99illegal stuff16:17
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liamchat99arent peers illegal?16:17
jribliamchat99: Do you have an ubuntu support question?  Stop discussing offtopic things here16:17
brverghello can anybody help me configure the audio hardware. No audio16:17
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct16:17
auronandaceliamchat99: do you know what a peer is? also try and stay on-topic please16:17
penstersUbuntu 11.10 wont let me add a printer. GUI options are greyed out16:17
liamchat99isnt that file sharing auronandace16:17
bobweaverpensters:  what is printer and can you see it under media ?16:18
auronandaceliamchat99: yes, do you have a support question?16:18
brverg hello can anybody help me configure the audio hardware. No audio in my computer. The speakers are ok. Used to have audio.16:18
liamchat99nope i got what I was looking for, I was just chilling in here..16:18
penstersbobweaver: i have one printer installed and working. but want to add one more. no its not under media16:19
jrib!ot | liamchat9916:19
ubottuliamchat99: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:19
neglogichello everyone ,anyone know how to make proxy setting for using rubygems on ubuntu 10.10?16:19
diverdudeplease help me. I wanted to take a short brake from my work and went to ubuntu software center to install some stupid game which resulted in destroying my ubuntu machine. I think it has done something with the graphics, so now I have started ubuntu in failsafe graphic mode. When I try to run nvidia-xconfig i get a parse error saying missing EndSection keyword in /etc/X11/xorg.conf. How can i solve this disaster ? Please help. My xorg.conf looks16:19
diverdudelike this: http://pastebin.com/LDwZBVnY16:19
bobweaverbrverg:  lspci -nn | grep Audio  <- paste.ubuntu.com please16:20
peslbobweaver where do sources of packages download?16:20
bobweaverpesl:  sudo find / -name <name of package >16:21
sipiordiverdude: how about just adding an "EndSection" at the end of the file?16:21
bobweaverpesl: locate <name of file >16:21
diverdudesipior, there is one. sorry i didnt manage to put that in the pastebin16:21
pensterscould it be a user permission issue16:21
sipiordiverdude: how about pasting the actual file, instead of wasting our time?16:21
w30diverdude, edit xorg.config and put EndSection at the bottom16:22
w30diverdude, after EndSubSection but with no indenting16:23
diverdudehere it is http://pastebin.com/syQjeCLp16:23
liamchat99also sorry if this is offtopic but can someone explain me what is the game?16:23
Pici!ot | liamchat9916:23
ubottuliamchat99: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:23
diverdudew30, i have this: http://pastebin.com/syQjeCLp but it does not work16:23
airlynxHow do I change the default java application in 11.10 to OpenJDK 6 (which is already installed)?16:23
liamchat99how can I use #ubuntu-offtopic=16:23
liamchat99do I need to install ubuntu by any chance?16:23
auronandaceliamchat99: /join #ubuntu-offtoptic16:23
auronandaceliamchat99: /join #ubuntu-offtopic16:24
bobweaverliamchat99:  ./join #ubuntu-off5topic16:24
liamchat99/join #ubuntu-offtopic16:24
liamchat99did it work?16:24
diverdudew30, there was an EndSection already. When but i get that same error16:24
bobweaver!offtopic | liamchat9916:24
ubottuliamchat99: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:24
w30diverdude, did you try rebooting after that?16:24
sipiordiverdude: is it possible there are hidden characters in the file? what editor are you using?16:24
diverdudew30, it was always like that. i just pasted wrong16:24
diverdudesipior, i am using emacs16:25
bobweaverpensters:  printer is usb ?16:25
liamchat99also I'm pretty sure this question is on-topic. i got given a "private ssh key", how can I use it?16:25
penstersno. network16:26
sipiordiverdude: can you try "M-x whitespace-mode"?16:26
auronandace!ssh | liamchat9916:26
ubottuliamchat99: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)16:26
sipiori think that works...16:26
airlynxHow do I change the default java application in 11.10 to OpenJDK 6 (which is already installed)?16:26
brverg<bobweaver> http://paste.ubuntu.com/719802/16:26
diverdudesipior, yes i have that now16:26
liamchat99gotta go, bbl16:26
diverdudesipior, i dont see anything suspect16:27
bobweaverbrverg:  open terminal and type in lspci | grep Audio <what do you get ?16:27
bobweaverlspci -nn | grep Audio16:27
Reaper! notunity16:27
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic16:27
sipiordiverdude: hmm. easiest just to restore the file from backups, i guess.16:27
sipiordiverdude: or just move it out of the way, and let nvidia-xconfig do its thing.16:28
sipiordiverdude: in fact, have you tried starting x without the file in place?16:28
yggdrasilam i the only one that completely hates unity ?16:29
matt_keyscan't get iscsitarget to install correctly. i get to the m-a a-i part and the kernel module doesn't install.16:29
jpdsyggdrasil: Probably not.16:29
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sipioryggdrasil: flame elsewhere.16:29
jpdsyggdrasil: But there are those of us who love it.16:29
diverdudesipior, no i have not tried that16:29
diverdudesipior, how can i restart X?16:29
sipiordiverdude: X isn't started yet, right?16:30
pesllocate has output very long text including some other not required files, i just want to know to which directory did my *official source package* download. Where do they usually download?16:30
Ryccardoctrl+alt+backspace if it's enabled16:30
diverdudesipior, no16:30
yggdrasiljpds can you make some recomendations to help me love it.16:30
yggdrasili have a script that i make that launches rdp and i want to add that to the .. dock bar ?16:30
diverdudesipior, ihave just moved the xorg.conf file to a save location16:30
darthwonkaI could only get lightdm to let me use Gnome-shell by removing Unity.16:30
bobweaveryggdrasil:  look at alacarte16:30
brverg<bobweaver> http://paste.ubuntu.com/719806/16:30
sipiordiverdude: sudo service gdm restart16:30
ActionParsnipyggdrasil: make a .desktop for it in /usr/share/applications  it will then appear in dash and you can drag it to the unity bar16:31
Stealth_Creationpesl: maybe you should pipe that to grep and look for the source package16:31
auronandacesipior: does that work for 11.10, i thought gdm was replaced by lightdm16:32
bobweaverbrverg:  does this look like it is it ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=107870216:32
sipiorauronandace: ah, you could be right. i don't remember if he mentioned an ubuntu version.16:32
sipiorauronandace: no news is good news, i guess.16:33
bobweaveryggdrasil:  you could also make a .deslktop file under /usr/share/applications16:33
bobweaveryggdrasil:  what is command to launch script ?16:34
eierhello. I just tried to install ubuntu on a netbook without OS, but I cant seem to get it to load.16:34
auronandacesipior: indeed :)16:34
eierit does not have a dvd player16:34
bobweaveryggdrasil:  also kubuntu ubuntu ect ?16:34
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auronandace!usb | eier16:35
ubottueier: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:35
diverdudesipior, hello, i tried to do as you said and i came to a terminal only mode16:35
diverdudesipior, i didnt know what to do so i tried to write X16:36
sipiordiverdude: no errors?16:36
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diverdudesipior, screen went blank andi waited for a while16:36
sipiordiverdude: actually, i suggested a couple things; which did you try?16:36
bobweaversudo /ect/init.d/<name of desktop manager >  <options >16:36
brverg<bobweaver> i'm afraid it's not. I'm on 10.04. And i can't locate anything "alsa mixer"16:36
diverdudesipior, i cold booted and restarted ubuntu...it starts up normally now, only has bad graphics16:36
bobweaverbrverg:  ahh16:37
diverdudesipior, i try to go to terminal and do nvidia-xconfig, but it says it cannot find the config file...which makes sense since i moved it16:37
bobweaverbrverg:  type in alsamixer into terminal16:37
sipiordiverdude: does "sudo nvidia-xconfig" work?16:37
diverdudesipior, question is how i can get the normal graphics back again...also gnome is running instead of unity16:38
anAngelanyone know how stable is Lessfs (on ubuntu 11.10)?16:38
diverdudesipior, no that also does not work16:38
bobweaversudo /ect/init.d/<name of desktop manager > <options >16:38
diverdudesipior, it still just says it cannot find the file16:38
diverdudesipior, no actually it said new file written16:38
auronandaceanAngel: lessfs?16:38
diverdudesipior, sorry i was to fast there16:38
sipiordiverdude: well, that's very different.16:38
brverg<bobweaver> done. i see some equalizer graphics in terminal. what i do next?16:39
sipiordiverdude: does X work now?16:39
diverdudesipior, how can i check that?16:39
bobweaversudo find / -name  <name that you are trying to find >  or locate <what you are trying to locate >16:39
sipiordiverdude: try "startx"16:39
anAngelauronandace: yeap lessfs - could it be considered stable16:39
bobweaverbrverg: turn up volume16:39
diverdudesipior, i do sudo startx and it says Server is already active for display 016:40
jAguAr`my display isn't working right on my laptop w/ ubuntu 11.10... it doesn't display the date or the full words in the menus... how can i fix that?16:40
auronandaceanAngel: no idea, never heard of it until now16:40
sipiordiverdude: you running 11.10?16:40
diverdudesipior, no 11.0416:40
sipiordiverdude: try "sudo service gdm restart"16:40
diverdudesipior, and then what afterwards?16:40
sipiordiverdude: hopefully it will kick you into the graphical environment.16:41
bobweaverbrverg:  open alsamixer and other terminal or tab (ctrl+shift+t )   then type in 'import -window root ~/Desktop/`date +%Y%m%d%H%M`.png'   into other terminal then look under desktop for screen shot and upload so we can see :>)16:41
brverg<bobweaver>  Intel 82801DB-ICH4, Realtek ALC202 rev 0, Master [dB gain: 0.00, 0.00]   Is this how it should be?16:42
bobweaver!screenshot | brverg16:43
ubottubrverg: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.16:43
bluesdoci shouldn't have upgraded :(16:43
antnashHey guys. I'm running tightvnc server and it was working perfectly until I rebooted. Now I've got no desktop, just a black/yellow screen and a cross for a cursor. Anyone able to help?16:43
lonejackhi, I've a problem with printer epson SX210. I don't know how to set a low quality print. Does anyone know how?16:44
brverg<ubottu> sorry but what is [PrtScr] button?16:45
bobweaverbrverg: open alsamixer and other terminal or tab (ctrl+shift+t ) then type in 'import -window root ~/Desktop/`date +%Y%m%d%H%M`.png' into other terminal then look under desktop for screen shot and upload so we can see :>)16:45
diverdudesipior, same problem :(16:45
auronandacebrverg: printscreen16:45
diverdudesipior, still bad graphics16:45
cloudgeekneed help! in ubuntu 11.10 ,16:46
cloudgeek ""apt-get install qemu kvm qemu-kvm qemu-common libjpeg62 libvirt sheepdog corosync16:46
cloudgeekReading package lists... Done16:46
cloudgeekBuilding dependency tree16:46
cloudgeekReading state information... Done16:46
FloodBot1cloudgeek: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:46
volga629trying enable ldap auth on ubuntu 10.04, but get this error cannot find name for group ID ..16:46
cloudgeekE: Unable to locate package libvirt""16:46
Repyhello guys. i need some help. i have a webcam, and it's working, but sometimes, after acessing it using mplayer, it changes the device (eg. from video0 to video1 and so on). What could be the problem?16:46
volga629any help thank you16:46
diverdudesipior, what could have gone wrong? That ridicolous game has destroyed my system :(16:47
bobweaverbrverg: 'import -window root ~/Desktop/`date +%Y%m%d%H%M`.png'   <- prints screen and then saves to desktop  as Y=year m=month d=day H=hour M=minute  .png is type of file that it saves16:47
sipiordiverdude: hmm. unfortunately, i have to go. you said it didn't work when the xorg.conf was removed? can you restore from backups?16:47
diverdudesipior, and i have a deadline tomorrow...crap16:47
diverdudesipior, i dont think i have any graphics backups16:48
sipiordiverdude: well, best of luck. i imagine someone else around here can get you up and running.16:48
jAguAr`will someone please help me?16:48
diverdudeheh great16:48
diverdudewell thx16:48
bobweaverjAguAr`:  what is up I can try16:48
sipiordiverdude: (make backups next time)16:48
jAguAr`i'm having display issues on my laptop in ubuntu 11.1016:48
cloudgeekneed help ! http://paste.ubuntu.com/719819/16:48
jAguAr`some of the menus aren't displaying properly16:49
bobweaverjAguAr`:  what kinda issues ?16:49
qwebirc56424hey! anyone know what framerwork / theme the ubuntu site is set up on? i really like the look!16:49
diverdudesipior, i dont even know how to make backups. why should i care about making graphics backups? The system should do that automatically16:49
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning16:50
bobweaverjAguAr`:  lspci -nn | grep VGA << into terminal then paste.ubuntu.com please16:50
ActionParsnipdiverdude: even windows doesn't automaticaly make backups...16:50
auronandace!find libvirt | cloudgeek16:50
ubottucloudgeek: Found: libvirt-bin, libvirt-dev, libvirt-doc, libvirt0, libvirt0-dbg, libvirtodbc0, python-libvirt, libvirt-ocaml, libvirt-ocaml-dev, libvirt-ruby (and 3 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libvirt&searchon=names&suite=oneiric&section=all16:50
jAguAr`i can't... i'm not on my laptop here16:50
Carri0nI'm having a compilation error ..  fatal error: linux/videodev.h: No such file or directory16:50
Carri0n ... any ideas?16:50
jAguAr`i'm on my desktop16:50
diverdudeActionParsnip, backup of what? every configuration file in the system?16:50
=== SomeoneWeird is now known as SomeoneWeirdzzzz
ActionParsnipdiverdude: just /etc and $HOME are usually sufficient16:51
bobweaverjAguAr`: please in one long line tell us what is going on what you have tried and where you are trying to get thanks .16:51
ActionParsnip!away > SomeoneWeirdzzzz16:51
ubottuSomeoneWeirdzzzz, please see my private message16:51
brverg<bobweaver> please show me how to copy the screenshot from terminal to imagebin16:51
saymooqwebirc56424: site framework is drupal16:51
bobweaverbrverg: sure16:51
=== michael_mbp_ is now known as michael_mbp
saymootheme is ubuntu10 and ninesixty16:52
airlynxHow do I change the default java application in 11.10 to OpenJDK 6 (which is already installed)?16:52
ActionParsnipCarri0n: use packages.ubuntu.com   and you can find the containing package name (look at the bottom of the page)16:52
rsthi can some1 tell me is it possible to put google chrome on lubuntu?16:52
diverdudeActionParsnip, okay, good to know. But do you know how to fix a graphics problem?16:52
BarkingFishCarri0n, what program are you trying to compile please?16:52
auronandacerst: yes, but why not use chromium?16:52
ActionParsniprst: yes, its very possible. Chromium is the default browser in Lubuntu too :)16:52
diverdudeActionParsnip, i am pretty stuck...system is running in low graphics mode and when i try to access the nvidia panel i get Could not launch 'NVIDIA X Server Settings'16:52
diverdudeActionParsnip, Failed to execute child process "/usr/bin/nvidia-settings" (No such file or directory)16:52
jAguAr`that saya 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: ATI Technologies Inc M880G [Mobility Radeon HD 4200] [1002:9712]16:52
rsti am, whats the difference?16:52
ActionParsnipdiverdude: have you run:  sudo nvidia-xconfig16:52
diverdudeActionParsnip, yes i have16:53
Carri0nBarkingFish, a webcam driver for microdia cam the one in ubuntu isnt working properly the video feed is fubar16:53
antnashIs the way xubuntu starts   exec xfce4-session  , or   exec xfce-session  ?16:53
ActionParsniprst: one is open source, the other is a like snapshot with extra gubbins16:53
=== ibmx37 is now known as hexacode
diverdudeActionParsnip, then it says: Using X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf".16:53
cloudgeekubottu:not there sowhat to do16:53
ubottucloudgeek: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:53
diverdudeActionParsnip, Backed up file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' as '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'16:53
diverdudeActionParsnip, New X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'16:53
ActionParsnipdiverdude: cool, the reboot and see if it starts up16:53
auronandacerst: check the chromium wikipedia page (chrome is built from the open-source chromium)16:53
ActionParsniprst: there is a daily build chromium ppa with lots of tasty beta features16:54
ubidoobi2whats a quick way to find out if a hdd is pooched?16:54
ActionParsnipubidoobi2: ask smart16:54
bobweaverbrverg: http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/9249/201110261253.png16:54
ubidoobi2hey smart ... is my hdd pooched16:54
BarkingFishCarri0n, Can you go into the directory where you're compiling from, and look for a directory listed as linux, cd to it and see if the header is in there.16:54
bobweaverbrverg:  like that ?16:54
StavaLately, since upgrading ubuntu, my indicator panels (those icons in gnome-panel, or whatever its called now) for skype and xchat have disappeared16:55
airlynxI need to switch my command line so that when I type java -version it displays OpenJDK 6 instead of IcedTea616:55
StavaDo you have any idea of why that might be16:55
ActionParsnipubidoobi2: hehhehe16:55
BarkingFishi thought videodev.h was a standard header included in the kernel headers, it doesn't appear to be though.  I have kernel headers here, and no trace of that file16:55
ActionParsnipubidoobi2: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools16:55
tntcubidoobi2: I think he means use Disk Utility, etc, to take a look at the SMART data16:55
ubidoobi2i don't have any os installed on the drive right now16:56
tntcubidoobi2: you can run ubuntu off a liveCD/liveUSB. Disk Utility is installed.16:56
brverg<bobweaver> i can't access that website. Domain unregistered16:56
FlexGuyanybody running ubuntu server with KVM or virtual cloud and CFengine ?16:56
BarkingFishGuys, videodev.h was the headers for the original v4l1 wasn't it?16:56
jAguAr`bobweaver, that saya 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: ATI Technologies Inc M880G [Mobility Radeon HD 4200] [1002:9712]16:56
bobweaver!screenshot > bobweaver16:56
ubottubobweaver, please see my private message16:56
ActionParsnipBarkingFish: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3115676.016:56
=== root is now known as Guest69692
ubidoobi2as it won't take an os .. which leads me to believe it's pooched16:56
ubidoobi2i can't boot off of any cd/dvd into that drive16:57
ActionParsnip!rootirc | Guest6965316:57
ubottuGuest69653: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.16:57
antnashActionParsnip, where would I find my xinitrc file?16:57
tntcubidoobi2: if you're booting off a cd/dvd, you're not booting into that drive...16:57
BarkingFishCheers ActionParsnip16:57
antnashActionParsnip, or, do you know how xubuntu starts an xfce session? exec xfce-session ?16:57
ubidoobi2actually .. i should refrase that ..16:58
auronandace!rootirc | Guest6969216:58
ubottuGuest69692: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.16:58
bobweaverbrverg:  http://imagebin.org/18088516:58
bobweavertry that one16:58
ubidoobi2when i try and install an os ... it hangs after boot .. and says ... press any key to boot from cd dvd ... press the any key and nothing happens16:58
ActionParsnipantnash: I believe the login manager will kick that off, not sure tbh16:58
ubidoobi2plugged in another hdd ... and os seems to be loading16:58
BarkingFishCarri0n, it doesn't look like there's any support for videodev.h anymore, apparently, anything from the 2.6.38 kernel series upwards dropped support, so I'd assume it's up to the distro now.16:59
diverdudeActionParsnip, yes i restarted now with the same result as previous times. It only goes to the Ubuntu text with dots below and then it just stays there frozen16:59
antnashIt does, but I'm using vnc16:59
diverdudeActionParsnip, so i have to cold boot it on the power button and start in failsafe mode16:59
haylo-bot_i found some setting for x org i believe but i may have been hallucinating16:59
BarkingFishand since I'm not on Ubuntu, but close to it, I don't know how your side works :)16:59
=== jrobles is now known as joebuntu
diverdudeActionParsnip, how can that be solved?17:00
brverg<bobweaver> i'm lost... really. http://imagebin.org/180885 whats this?17:00
ActionParsnipdiverdude: check the /var/log/Xorg.0.log17:00
skrillexfan55hey guys17:00
skrillexfan55how can I install the .net framework on ubuntu?17:01
ActionParsnipantnash: you still get a logn screen though right?17:01
cipherI've installed the the libxen-dev which provides /usr/include/xenctrl.h but it includes a header xentoollog.h which I believe is part of libxl (xen log?). Where is this on ubuntu oneiric17:01
skrillexfan55i downloaded a file, it's called Funny_Pic_Of_You.jpg.exe17:01
auronandace!mono | skrillexfan5517:01
skrillexfan55but i cannot run it17:01
skrillexfan55it tells me to install17:02
skrillexfan55the .net framework 4.917:02
FloodBot1skrillexfan55: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:02
antnashActionParsnip: No, not with my vnc server. Just logs right in to my user with an xfce4 session. I wanted to get it loaded with the xubuntu defaults as it looks nicer.17:02
skrillexfan55FloodBot1, am I flooding O_o17:02
antnashAlso, I'm getting permission errors17:02
bobweavercipher:  ?????17:02
skrillexfan55hey can anyone help me17:03
ActionParsnipantnash: does it connect to the logged in session then?17:03
diverdudeActionParsnip, yes it says: Failed to load module "nvidia" (module-specific error, 0) (see here: http://pastebin.com/TvR0n4xW)17:03
bluesdocjesus christ17:03
skrillexfan55i just want to see this fun pic of me17:03
xibalbahey fellas, anyone here use scponlyc?17:03
auronandaceskrillexfan55: you are aware that it is likely malware17:03
brverg <bobweaver> i'm lost... really. http://imagebin.org/180885 whats this?17:03
xibalbai'm getting this error message here in auth.log when i try and login scponly[6239]: chroot dir writable by group:17:03
skrillexfan55i tried to search it with internet explorer17:03
skrillexfan55but my antivirus tool blocked it17:03
xibalbagoogle isn't turning up anything too helpful for me17:03
skrillexfan55auronandace, my bud sent it to me17:04
andyvyskrillexfan55: you're in a mac. stop wasting peoples time.17:04
skrillexfan55it cannot be malware17:04
BarkingFishskrillexfan55, you are flooding if you post more than 3 lines on the go or at the same time.  Try not using enter so much, it's not punctuation :)17:04
bobweaverbrverg:  that shows you have to take picture then you upload with17:04
cipherbobweaver: basically there is a #include "xenlogtool.h" in /usr/include/xenctrl.h for xen-4.1 installs of libxen-dev17:04
skrillexfan55andyvy yeah im on a friends mac17:04
cipherthere is no such xentoollog.h...17:04
diverdudeActionParsnip, do i have to install the nvidia drivers again somehow=?17:04
bobweaver!screenshot > brverg17:04
ubottubrverg, please see my private message17:04
RamtinAhello . i wanna tell you some buges of ubuntu 11.10 but cuz of my bad english i wanna tell it to you and you send it to lanchpad . who can help me?who have ubuntu 11.10?17:04
enigma456hi i'm new in ubuntu (linux)  how is the best way to learn this?17:04
antnashActionParsnip: Yeah, I've set it so that it logs in to a session as my user automatically. I'm getting what I believe to be gksudo permission issues though. Standard sudo is fine, but any graphical interface like update manager or software center won't actually install anything17:04
auronandaceskrillexfan55: do you have a ubuntu support question?17:04
UA1000Whether prompt there will be still numbers Voogue with a player?17:05
BarkingFishenigma456, ask lots of questions.  The best way to learn how to use it is from people who already use it :)17:05
xibalbadoes scponlyc not want hte root directory to be writeable by the user ?17:05
ac3xxFloodBot1, you wanna see a real flood?17:05
xibalbait looks to me like it's owned by root17:05
ActionParsnipantnash: not sure there dude. I don't use VNC. I think its vulgar17:05
diverdudeenigma456, whatever you do just never install the game called "Barrage" from the software center. It will completely destroy your computer17:06
diverdudeActionParsnip, ?17:06
xibalbaError skipping startup message. Your shell is probably incompatible with the application (BASH is recommended).17:06
xibalbathats what i get from my winscp end17:06
UA1000Whether prompt there will be still numbers Voogue or Playboy with a player?17:06
RamtinAenigma456: read wikies , go to ubuntu forums , http://askubuntu.com/ and ...17:06
xibalbathen this in my auth log  chroot dir writable by group: /usr/local/NetSapiens/SiPbx17:06
bobweaverthanks Pici17:06
antnashlol. Lots of people seem to. Just cos I've worked with a gui for my entire life, I like to have one.17:06
brverg<bobweaver> ok but sorry, how do i take picture? i know how to upload.17:06
diverdudeActionParsnip, do i have to install the nvidia drivers again somehow=?17:06
bobweaverbrverg:  go to menu and type in take screenshot17:07
eiriksvinhow do I find out what the conflict in my login keyring is so I don't have to keep entering my password after auto-login?17:07
TheEvilPhoenixemir:  hi.  do you have a support question?17:07
emiris there metacity developer??17:08
TheEvilPhoenixeiriksvin:  there is no conflict.17:08
xibalbaActionParsnip , can you check this out man? http://paste.ubuntu.com/719841/17:08
ActionParsnipdiverdude: could be worth a shot, if you delete the xorg.conf file and uninstall the driver you can reboot to the desktop17:08
emiri want compile metacity17:08
emirwith composite manager17:08
TheEvilPhoenixerikandre:  when you have autologin you dont provide your passcode, which is what usually unlocks stuff.17:08
joebuntuhi there17:08
xibalbaActionParsnip , i need to have my vinstaff users be able to write to /usr/local/NetSapiens/SiPbx/data17:08
xibalbaand only that directory17:08
emirbut i dont want window preview when ALT+TAB17:08
TheEvilPhoenixerikandre:  by using autologin you dont unlock the keyring because you didnt put in a passcode17:08
Frantichey guys, I'm setting up 12 machines with 11.10 to be used by some people new to ubuntu, I'm trying to write an easy document for installation that they can follow and I'm stuck at how to configure twinView. I've got a GT440 video card, installed the nvidia driver, but when I open the "Displays" app it only detects one of the displays17:08
ActionParsnipxibalba: means nothing to me dude, sorry17:08
eiriksvinso how do I get rid of that popping up?17:09
xibalbaActionParsnip , oh do you not use scponlyc?17:09
FranticIf I click "Detect displays" nothing happens, my displays are on DVI and HDMI (I'm sure they work, I checked)17:09
TheEvilPhoenixeiriksvin:  not use autologin.17:09
ActionParsnipxibalba: sorry, no17:09
TheEvilPhoenixeiriksvin:  disable autologin, and log in like a normal person17:09
qinxibalba: is vinstaff is group?17:09
ac3xxso I guess I just lost the game guys17:09
diverdudeActionParsnip, i tried going to administration->additional drivers and found the nvidia driver deactivated17:09
RamtinAany one haven't ubuntu 11.10?17:09
diverdudeActionParsnip, now im trying to activate it to see what it will do17:09
Franticmy question is, can I tell them to set up twinView in any other way than sudo nvidia-settings and generating a xorg.conf?17:10
brverg<bobweaver> menu? you mean in terminal?17:10
shpwhy my touchpad do not work sometimes for no reason? pls help me17:10
Frantic(which they may get stuck in)17:10
eiriksvin<TheEvilPhoenix> I want the auto-login on, without the key failure, just like I have had it since 10.0417:10
diverdudeActionParsnip, it says downloading and installing driver17:10
auronandace!anyone | RamtinA17:10
ubottuRamtinA: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.17:10
diverdudeActionParsnip, damn...how can a game like that go into the ubuntu software center. Its like a virus17:10
joebuntu·shp please specify brand model and ubuntu version used17:10
RamtinAubottu:i asked my question before but there isn't answer17:10
ubottuRamtinA: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:10
ac3xxubottu, but you spoke? :O17:11
ubottuac3xx: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:11
ac3xxubottu lies17:11
ubottuMostly just statistics and factoids, but also windicators!17:11
TheEvilPhoenix!offtopic > ac3xx17:11
ubottuac3xx, please see my private message17:11
TheEvilPhoenixac3xx:  notice17:11
joebuntu#shp please specify brand model and ubuntu version used17:11
bobweaverbrverg:  Ok type this into terminal  import -window root ~/Desktop/`date +%Y%m%d%H%M`.png then  this cd ~/Desktop  then ls -al    do you seee it >?17:11
ac3xxI DON'T CARE WHAT TheEvilPhoenix WANTS ME TO KNOW17:11
eiriksvindoes anyone know how to fix my keyring so I can auto-login and not have the keyring failure17:11
ac3xxstupid ass bots17:11
ZonTaXhi, is it possible to combine Gnome shell 3 with Compiz ?17:11
auronandaceRamtinA: ask it again now and then17:11
sskniranjanis there any way to retrieve old conversations done on irc17:12
PiciRamtinA: We can't and won't log bugs for you. What is your native language?17:12
jiltdil.msg nickserv identify don@00717:12
Picisskniranjan: On the Ubuntu channels? or other?17:12
RamtinAPici: Persian17:12
Picijiltdil: Please identify and change your password.17:12
shpjoebuntu, last ubuntu (11.10) and my laptop is a toshiba qosmio f50)17:12
qinsskniranjan: in this channel?17:12
emirPici: can you help me17:12
jiltdilPici: yes17:12
diverdudeActionParsnip, ahhh that was it17:12
auronandacejiltdil: you really should do that outside a channel (change your password too)17:12
diverdudeActionParsnip, phew17:12
sskniranjanon ubuntu channe. i have done private chat with ski_ i want to retrieve it17:13
PiciRamtinA: I don't know what to suggest other than just trying your best.  You seem to be doing just fine with your english here./17:13
diverdudeActionParsnip, i managed to dodge that linuxvirus17:13
Neosanois there any tool that makes a simple sound? Like "beep"  but it DOESN'T WORK!!! :<17:13
emirCAN ANYBODY HELP ME!!!!17:13
Picisskniranjan: private messages are not logged.17:13
Neosanoemir just say your problem17:13
sskniranjanthen whats the way to retrieve them17:13
joebuntu#shp so this laptop has touchpad, has any bios setup?17:13
Piciemir: Why do you think that recompiling metacity will help? That sounds like a compiz option to me.17:13
emiri want compile metacity17:13
_joeyi want to install ubuntu on a removable media: dvd, pendrive(usb3.0) or removable hdd connected via USB3.0 - which is a better option?17:13
w30ZonTaX, Fedora does it, so yes but this is ubuntu................so I dono17:14
bluenemoomfg why has gnome to freaking rape everything that has to do with a gui god damit!! i just installed gnome-shell, THERE IS NO BUTTON TO SHUT DOWN wtf??????17:14
emirNeosano: with composite manager17:14
joebuntu#shp I wonder energy saving or something like that17:14
emirNeosano: but i dont want window preview17:14
eiriksvin_joey google the Persistant USB17:14
emirNeosano: when ALT+TAB17:14
RamtinAPici:that's not a bug just for me that's for search and i try it in another computers ,just try it17:14
craigbass1976I recently discovered the "connect to a server" option in the places menu.  How long has that been there?  Is there a reason it doesn't work for localhost with the ssh protocol?17:14
_joeywhich is better option eiriksvin ?17:14
ZonTaXw30, so no trick/tip/hack...?17:14
Neosanoemir, oh :o dunno about this one17:14
_joeythere are 3 options17:14
siouX_how can i change of create date of directory?17:14
auronandacebluenemo: feel free to use a different desktop environment (my favourite is xfce)17:15
siouX_with command line17:15
Neosano_joey, hdd is better :17:15
bluesdocok, changes i make on compiz don't seem to work... 11.1017:15
bluesdocwhy is that?17:15
emirwhere can i get help?17:15
_joeyNeosano: would it be faster than pendrive usb3.0?17:15
w30bluenemo, try highling log out and hit err... alt  or super or ctrl?17:15
ivanoatsi seem to have a package conflict between ruby-json and libjson-ruby: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/17634217:15
bluenemoauronandace, i only want gnome to work for my customers. for work and private i myself use xmonad.. however its just MADNESS how fucked up gnome is by now.... its just not user frienldy anymore, its in one word crap17:15
Piciemir: I already answered your question, did you see my answer?17:16
Picibluenemo: Please mind your language here.17:16
NewbeeansI just found out my Nvidia problem is only slightly solved. I looked at some vids of 11.4 desktop..none look like mine. I have no places, system choices, and no Visual Effects choice in settings.17:16
Neosano_joey, dunno :O17:16
joebuntu#bluesdoc are you using the gnome or the ubiquity desktop?17:16
Neosano_joey, I think you should try both :)17:16
brverg<bobweaver> import: unable to open image `/home/brian/Desktop': Is a directory @ blob.c/OpenBlob/2480.17:16
bluesdocjoebuntu, i am using the ubuntu 2d17:16
bluesdocat login17:16
w30ZonTaX, if I could guess I would say install gnom3 and compiz17:16
shpwhy is there a red laser in my headphone output?17:16
auronandacebluenemo: you can direct your complaints to the gnome devs17:17
NewbeeansShould I try this: http://www.warp1337.com/content/ubuntu-1104-natty-segmentation-fault-nvidia-geforce-9-series-kernel-failure-solved17:17
joebuntu#bluesdoc, try using the default gnome desktop,17:17
eiriksvinbluesdoc I can't use compiz either17:17
bluesdocjoebuntu, i did17:17
bluesdocno change17:17
TomSlominskiHello. Is there an easy way to modify start-on-boot services in Ubuntu?17:17
ZonTaXw30, afraid of conflicts !17:17
diverdudeWARNING WARNING WARNING. Everybody considering to install the game "Barrage" from the Ubuntu software center, STOP! It will destroy your graphics setup completely. It will take time to restore it.!!!!17:17
joebuntu#bluesdoc seems other desktop config are not working propperly17:17
bobweaverbluenemo:  sed -i 's/pottytalk/nice talk/g' *all_the_time     :>)17:17
bluenemoauronandace, gnome is that crappy by now, i really dont think they are dumb enaugh not to notice themselfes. bobweaver :)17:17
eiriksvindoes anyone know how to fix my keyring so I can auto-login and not have the keyring failure17:17
TomSlominskion RedHat related systems like Fedora or CentOS there's a terminal command that shows a list of all services and you can tick and untick them, but I've never seen it on Debian based systems.17:18
bluesdocjoebuntu, i can shift between workspaces with the default keyboard shortcut but i can't change anything17:18
Picidiverdude: Please file a bug if you think its malicious.17:18
w30ZonTaX, time for a dual boot play partition17:18
SlartibartIs it possible to temporarily turn off full screen logo during startup, so that status messages show? It seems something crashes when I try to resume fom hibernation, the boot process just stops. Normal booting works fine.17:18
diverdudePici, i have no idea how to do that17:18
Pici!bug | diverdude17:18
TomSlominskiAnd that's a shame, cause it was super useful. And right now my 7 year old pc with XP is booting up faster than my 4 year old laptop with Ubuntu :/17:18
ubottudiverdude: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.17:18
auronandacebluenemo: please watch your language, also it doesn't mean you get to complain here, do you need support with anything ubuntu specific17:18
bluesdocjesus christ the new ubuntu is just so annoying... :P17:19
joebuntu#bluesdoc also depends on the brand of the video card you have17:19
diverdudebluesdoc, why?17:19
bluesdocit all worked before joebuntu17:19
shpthere is a red laser in my headphones output: when i mute the sound it disappears, help me!!!17:19
rachoSlartibart, at grub add splash=verbose17:19
bluesdoci upgraded17:19
eiriksvindoes anyone know how to fix my keyring so I can auto-login and not have the keyring failure17:19
joebuntu#bluesdoc to me is annoying too17:19
bluenemoah damit yes sorry auronandace.. just am quite angry about it and just wanted to flame a little (and see if anybody joins in) :) no i dont need support thanks for asking17:20
bluenemopsychological support maybe :)17:20
bluesdocit's like a tablet pc os17:20
Slartibartracho: Thanks :)17:20
bluesdocor iPhone Os17:20
bluesdocbut i want a desktop os17:20
NeosanoI need a command line command that will play a simple sound on most machines. "beep" package doesn't work, what to do?17:20
=== eiriksvin is now known as blueblue
joebuntu#bluesdoc I'm using 10.10 by far the best ubuntu release17:20
=== blueblue is now known as blueblueblue
* w30 uses Zanax for support17:20
bluenemoNeosano, aplay sth...17:20
bluesdoci am gonna change to fedora17:20
qinbluesdoc: You can do it, no worries, mate.17:21
auronandacebluenemo: i've never liked gnome (both 2 and 3) so maybe you should change what you recomend to your customers17:21
qinbluenemo: ^^17:21
bluenemowhats better in fedora qin?17:21
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:21
ZonTaXw30,  ok bro, thanks !17:21
bluenemohm but what is simple enaugh for daus? kde?17:21
PiciCan we please get back to *Ubuntu* support here folks?17:21
=== blueblueblue is now known as eiriksvin
bobweaverPici: +117:21
Neosanobluenemo, but it requires a file to be played :17:21
joebuntu#bluesdoc I tried debian but takes time to config everything17:22
eiriksvindoes anyone know how to fix my keyring so I can auto-login and not have the keyring failure17:22
qinbluenemo: I am Ubuntu/Arch/centOS, never used Fedora.17:22
Picijoebuntu, bluesdoc, qin: thats great if you want to just talk, but #ubuntu is very busy as it stands now, would you mind moving to #ubuntu-offtopic? :)17:22
bluesdocdoes the ubuntu unity plugin need to be enabled for compiz to work?17:22
bluenemoNeosano, find .wav's or sth via find17:23
bobweaversudo sed -i  's/trolls/kickban/g'  *my head17:23
bluenemothere sure are at least some for alsa testing around17:23
bluenemorofl :)17:23
qinNeosano: play is one of simplest17:23
bluesdoci just want to be able to switch between workspaces by clicking the scroll button on my mouse17:24
Neosanoqin, bluenemo I just need some kind of a command line tool where I can specify frequency of a sound I'd like to hear :\17:25
bluenemohm sry dont know any tool for that by name, but i used one once for that frequency stuff to test my sub woofer..17:25
bluenemoapt-cahce search sth or so :)17:25
qinNeosano: You mean to produce sound? Or equalizer?17:25
Neosanoqin, produce sound!17:25
brverg<bobweaver> no i don't see the image of the alsamixer in the desktop instead the image of the other terminal where i typed the command is in desktop17:26
NewbeeansI'm looking at the bug report for Nvidia video card..the status is fixed..i don't see a solution17:26
gentooxerHello, I'd like to log on to my Ubuntu 11.10 with gnome classic but I can't choose a session type17:26
qinNeosano: not sure.17:26
RepyHello guys. After acessing my webcam using mplayer several times, it randomly changes its device (e.g. to /dev/video2). Can you help me to figure out what's the problem please?17:26
infiniiI want to do an apt-get update but there is one package I don't want updated. how can I mark it to not update?17:26
bobweaverbrverg:  yes you have to have them all open so the screen shot can see it :>)17:27
Newbeeansgentooxer: neither can i17:27
shpmy applications are quite long to start, how can i be sure there is no problem? applications starts much quicker on wind**s 717:27
bluenemoshp, then something is wrong :)17:27
bobweavershp:  what applications ?17:27
metalf8801tomslominski there is a program you can installed called Boot-Up Manger that will let you pick which programs you want to start when you turn on your computer17:28
gentooxerNobody can tell me how to configure the logon manager?17:28
Newbeeanssame here apps take forever well clicking anything is a wait17:28
bobweavershp:  are you using the sleep or wait command :>)17:28
metalf8801 tomslominski what17:28
nelson8874can someone help me in lubuntu? trying to use banshee in lubuntu. But it doesn't play music....17:28
TomSlominskimetalf8801, cheers, I'll have a look17:28
roxdragonhi all17:29
ac3xxhey qwertyoruiop :317:29
roxdragonwhat's the name channel for ubuntu-dev?17:29
LinuxPROhey qwertyoruiop :D17:29
metalf8801tomslominski what command were you using on RedHat systems to do this?17:29
jribgentooxer: click on the gear17:29
brverg<bobweaver> ok. and do i type  import -window root ~/Desktop/`date +%Y%m%d%H%M`.png then  this cd ~/Desktop  then ls -al17:29
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, or rww!17:29
jribqwertyoruiop: why did you call the ops?17:30
FloodBot1qwertyoruiop: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:30
TomSlominskimetalf8801, I can't remember, I'd have to have a look if you really want to know17:30
bobweavershp:  you can see if there is ttrouble by running comand from terminal17:30
shpbobweaver, bluenemo : it takes 3 seconds to start each app instaed of 500ms on windows17:30
bobweaverbrverg:   import -window root ~/Desktop/`date +%Y%m%d%H%M`.png      make sure all windows are open17:30
gentooxerjrib: done17:30
jribgentooxer: that's how you can select the session17:30
bobweavershp:  name of application or is it all of them17:30
gentooxertheres no gear17:30
shpbobweaver, all17:31
bobweavershp:  wow17:31
GinoManspeaking of sessions, how do you add a session entry to the session menu in lightdm17:31
jribgentooxer: but then why did you say "done" D:17:31
gentooxerjrib: I missunderstood17:31
bluenemocan i still install gnome2 on 10.10?17:31
NickV136hey all17:31
usr13!gnome2 | bluenemo17:32
ubottubluenemo: The GNOME Foundation has ceased support for GNOME 2, and as such it is not in Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). See !notunity for an alternative desktop experience.17:32
jribgentooxer: next to your name there should be a gear icon17:32
shpbobweaver, when i start app from the terminal it takes no time to start so the problem comes from unity17:32
jrib!nounity | gentooxer17:32
ubottugentooxer: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic17:32
NickV136I'm having a problem with my software sources, is there anyway to restore the default ones so to speak17:32
nelson8874can someone help me in lubuntu? trying to use banshee in lubuntu. But it doesn't play music.... I'm still new in linux. The reason why banshee doesn't work may it be because it is a gnome program and i'm using a lxde enviroment?17:32
gentooxerjrib: how do I configure the logonmanager to get the "gear" ?17:32
usr13!gnome3 | bluenemo17:32
ubottubluenemo: GNOME 3 is the desktop environment on which Unity is based.  To use GNOME Shell instead of Unity, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". GNOME 3 is not supported under Natty/11.04, and may break your system if installed from alternate sources.17:32
himhello buddies17:32
himcan any one help17:32
gentooxerI even installed xfce but still I am not able to choose17:32
jare_Hi, anyone knows if there is any site or book where a system can be polished in linux, ubuntu etc ... I would like to make a career of this, since it took several years as an end user would be interesting to dig deeper.17:32
usr13nelson8874: What happens when you try to play music?17:33
bobweavershp:  open termianl and type in        gnome-terminal --working- directory  ~ -e bash -lc "nano & bash "          < how fast  ?17:33
himi have an external hdd which now-a-days becoming readonly for me how to solve it?17:33
gentooxerjrib: I check again ...17:33
usr13him: Only if you ask question(s)17:33
metalf8801TomSlominski: if it wouldn't take you to long I would really like to know or if you can give me some more info I might be able to find it myself17:33
brverg<bobweaver> ok. and then?17:33
shpbobweaver, => --working- ?17:33
bluenemousr13, that doesnt answer my question about gnome2...17:33
bobweavershp:  IDK I am konsole guy17:34
himusr13 : i have a external hdd which now-a-days being readonly for me i not know how pls help me...17:34
shpbobweaver, i don't understand, the command gives me an error because of --working-17:35
usr13him: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB#Device_become_suddenly_read_only17:35
metalf8801Is there an IRC client or a plug in for an IRC client that will wake a computer display/monitor/screen when it receives a new message?17:35
usr13bluenemo: Are you 11.1017:35
bobweavershp: open termianl and type in gnome-terminal --working-directory ~ -e bash -lc "nano & bash " < how fast ?17:35
bluenemousr13, yes17:36
=== qwerty|irssi is now known as qwertyoruiop
gentooxerjrib: Thanks, I am not used to this new design17:36
eguest309hello i want to   shutdown a remote pc  using  the securelib php library which allows ssh connection and execution of  commands via ssh in php.however i cant seem to shutdown  the pc .i can however execute normal commands ls ,etc... any ideas ???17:36
LinuxPROhai qwertyoruiop17:36
saddsdasdasdasdhey i need help17:36
qwertyoruiopi has a dozen of servers :317:36
shpbobweaver,   shp@ubuntu:~$ gnome-terminal --working-directory ~ -e bash -lc "nano & bash "17:37
shpFailed to parse arguments: Unknown option -lc17:37
Bisu[Shield]thanks guys17:37
jribgentooxer: no problem.  I also could not find it for a few minutes when I first encountered the new design17:37
bobweavershp: open termianl and type in gnome-terminal --working-directory ~ -e 'bash -lc "nano & bash "' < how fast ?17:37
bobweavershp:  copy and paste17:37
eguest309any help?17:37
shpthat's ok now ' missing17:38
bluesdocok, can anyone help me to get compiz working on ubuntu 11.10... i upgraded and it used to work just fine17:38
gentooxerjrib: but why would some hide it, is it like a easter egg?17:38
usr13bluenemo: http://ubuntuguide.net/ubuntu-11-10-oneiric-login-to-classic-gnome2-and-gnome3gnome-shell17:38
bobweavershp:  like I said I am konsole guy niot gnome terminal17:38
shpbobweaver, now ? what for?17:38
bobweavernano open ?17:38
bobweaverhow fast ?17:38
bluenemoah cool thx man17:38
bobweaverseems like things are ok17:39
eguest309 hello i want to   shutdown a remote pc  using  the securelib php library which allows ssh connection and execution of  commands via ssh in php.however i cant seem to shutdown  the pc .i can however execute normal commands ls ,etc... any ideas ???17:39
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shpbobweaver, => i think it's the graphic interface (unity + compiz) that are long to start app17:39
bobweaverlets try this17:39
bluenemousr13, yeah i already did this, gnome looks like cra* with that stuff... like a buggy beta version or so.. but thanks for trying to help17:40
bobweavershp: open termianl and type in gnome-terminal --working-directory ~ -e 'bash -lc "firefox  & bash "' < how fast ?17:40
sskniranjanhow to retrieve a private conversatioin previously done on #ubuntu17:40
shpbobweaver, 2/3 seconds17:40
usr13bluenemo: How about xfce4?17:41
bobweaverIs that better shp17:41
shpit takes 1 second the second time17:41
usr13!xfce4 | bluenemo17:41
nhihbnhnhi upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10 but had lot of mistakes17:41
nhihbnhnhcan you help me17:41
Picisskniranjan: Unless your client logged it, private conversations are not logged.17:41
daviddoriaI just tried to upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10. It said the upgrade could not be completed successfully and that I should restart. When I restarted, the Ubuntu progress bar goes across, but then I get a white screen. I tried "recovery mode" which I thought was like "safe mode" but I just get a root terminal prompt. Any suggestions?17:41
usr13!xfce | bluenemo17:41
ubottubluenemo: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels17:41
bobweavershp:  ls  /usr/share/applications     < pastebin please17:42
auronandacenhihbnhnh: they are no longer supported17:42
bobweaver!pastebin | shp17:42
ubottushp: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:42
nhihbnhnhwhat does that mean17:42
brverg<bobweaver> this is what i got   http://imagebin.org/18089717:42
auronandace!eol | nhihbnhnh17:42
nhihbnhnhcan i phone them for free17:42
ubottunhihbnhnh: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:42
Ryccardosskniranjan: no way, sorry17:42
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, or rww!17:42
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FloodBot1t_h_e_g_a_m_e: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:42
LinuxPROhai th17:42
brverg<bobweaver> this is not it right?17:42
LinuxPROhai t_h_e_g_a_m_e17:42
Ryccardoohai qwerty :17:42
nhihbnhnhokay but i dont need17:42
LinuxPROhai ryan-c17:42
LinuxPROhai Ryccardo17:42
nhihbnhnhupdatse i need a running system17:42
PiciLinuxPRO: Please stop17:43
LinuxPROit's not me17:43
shpbobweaver, http://paste.ubuntu.com/719876/17:43
* Ryccardo disables join/quit/mode notifications17:43
LinuxPROPici i'm just seeing17:43
PiciLinuxPRO: It looks like you're saying hi to everyone, thats not needed.17:43
rafaelhow can i set locale in ubuntu server ?17:43
LinuxPROPici :/ ok17:43
nhihbnhnhokay but i dont need updatse i need a running system17:43
shpbobweaver: pv17:43
bluenemousr13, i konw xfce :) i'm working as a linux admin since about 6 years now or so and heavily used xfce. but thank you very much :) i'll propably will switch to that. that or kde..17:44
bobweavershp:  cat banshee.desktop17:44
nhihbnhnhor do you mean upgrade i upgraded now17:44
bobweaverpastebin :>)17:44
RamtinAhow can i make my background with my pics that changes throughout the day?17:44
auronandacenhihbnhnh: we can't help you if you aren't running a version of ubuntu that is supported17:44
RamtinAhow can i make my background with my pics that changes throughout the day?in ubuntu 11.1017:44
usr13bluenemo: unity is not that bad.  Is it?17:44
nhihbnhnhauronandance: which version to use17:44
nhihbnhnhusr13: unity not good17:44
usr13My wife uses it on yer laptop and she seems to like it just fine.17:44
dr_willisunity is useable and imporveing.17:45
=== LinuxPRO is now known as dusk
nhihbnhnhauronandance: which version to use17:45
eguest309hi i want to shut down an ubuntu pc using php.are there any packages i can use to do this?17:45
auronandacenhihbnhnh: sounds like the lts would suit you17:45
kitchen_bl00d_o hai17:45
kitchen_bl00d_=> NOT qwertyoruio17:45
auronandace!lts | nhihbnhnh17:45
ubottunhihbnhnh: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)17:45
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, or rww!17:45
FloodBot1kitchen_bl00d_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:45
nhihbnhnharonance does lts contain unity ??17:45
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usr13I agree with dr_willis, unity is really pretty nice and getting better as we speak.17:45
auronandacenhihbnhnh: 10.04 doesn't17:45
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NewbeeansWhich one can I use Moomex ultimate? Unity or Gnome17:45
nhihbnhnhauronandance: very good17:45
nhihbnhnhauronandance: i hate it17:46
NewbeeansWell if I ever get Nvidia to work17:46
auronandacenhihbnhnh: not sure about 12.04 (the next lts)17:46
nhihbnhnhauronandance: is 11.04 lts ???17:46
dr_willisi think theyneed to include a classic menu applet with it however17:46
auronandacenhihbnhnh: no17:46
nhihbnhnhor 10.1017:46
RyccardoWhat is this new "Unity" thing?17:46
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity17:46
nhihbnhnhRyccardo: unity is a write program but i hatte it17:46
diverdudeRyccardo, a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad thing17:46
TomSlominskimetalf8801, chkconfig17:46
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic17:46
diverdudeRyccardo, it is evil17:46
rafaeli'm having problems with locales on server17:46
rafaelhow can i set it17:47
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". For 11.10, see !notunity17:47
metalf8801TomSlominski: thank you!17:47
badapplesomebody knows how i make the numpad starts automatically ?17:47
auronandacenhihbnhnh: i don't like unity or gnome (both 2 and 3) so i use xfce17:47
TomSlominskimetalf8801, i just found it in the repo17:47
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usr13dr_willis: I suppose that would help some.  There are those that just can't live without the look and feel of our old gnome.17:47
TomSlominskimetalf8801, i was sure someone told me its RPM/RedHat only!17:47
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic17:47
kitchen_bl00di'm rocking ubuntu17:47
kitchen_bl00don my servers17:47
FloodBot1kitchen_bl00d: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:47
nhihbnhnhi do not want to say something but unity is really sorry for my expression biggest biggest shit17:47
chiyami got 11.10 installed in my laptop. I need to change the default boot splashimage to a pic i use in my PC. i have the file but what and where to change, i am not able to figure out17:47
kitchen_bl00d[and debian on VPSs]17:47
chiyamplz help17:48
NewbeeansAnyone: Gnome3 install - Dependencies cannot be resolved. Any ideas? Please17:48
RyccardoSo it's the new "sideways taskbar" thing? I've tried it on a friend's laptop and I didn't like it too much (my 2nd computer has only enough RAM for xfce & textmode anyway)17:48
dr_willisRyccardo: try lubuntu17:48
RamtinAchiyam: image of where?17:48
ubottuchiyam: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)17:49
bluenemohas openoffice renamed to libreoffice in ubuntu?17:49
metalf8801TomSlominski: yeah me to17:49
chiyami have a splash image from PC in laptop now in home folder. I need to update grub.conf right?17:49
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TomSlominskimetalf8801, on RedHat it's different, it's a curses ui.17:49
metalf8801TomSlominski: maybe it doesn't work the same on Debian based systems17:49
Picibluenemo: yes17:49
h00kbluenemo: OpenOffice has been forked, yes, LibreOffice is a replacement for OpenOffice17:49
dr_willisbluenemo: its replaced it.. not just a rename17:49
chiyammy PC runs fedora 1217:49
chiyami use windows and f12 in PC17:49
rachochiyam, yes, search the grub2 documentation for how-to's17:49
usr13Newbeeans: sudo apt-get -f install17:49
bluenemoso its a totally new program? is it 100% compatible to openoffice? can i still install and use openoffice?17:50
nhihbnhnhi hope ubuntu 12.04 will get gnome 2 againnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn17:50
bluenemolol +117:50
kitchen_bl00dlol gnome17:50
bluenemo+x if you ask me :D17:50
Myrttinhihbnhnh: it won't, gnome 2 is unsupported by gnome itself17:50
dr_willisbluenemo:  should work the same17:50
h00kbluenemo: it will work the same.17:50
nhihbnhnhmyrtti: but mate17:50
auronandacenhihbnhnh: not likely, gnome2 is no longer being developed by the gnome devs17:50
kitchen_bl00dTHE GAME17:50
Myrttiplease take that discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic17:50
rachonhihbnhnh, gnome 2 is dead17:50
=== kitchen_bl00d is now known as _qwertyoruiop_
nhihbnhnhmyrtti: but mate17:50
nhihbnhnhmate fork of gnome 217:50
bluenemoah ok. is it a lot different in usability h00k? its for my gf.. she freaks if ANYTHING changes :D17:50
_qwertyoruiop_banevading with a /24 of IPs17:51
_qwertyoruiop_like a baws17:51
rachonhihbnhnh, there is a fork called MATE but it won't hit any mainstream distro soon17:51
dr_willisill be suprized if mate lasts 6mo17:51
chiyamapart from this i am not liking the ubuntu new interface.. it has insanely complicated stuff and removed all the hackable/configurable parts17:51
nhihbnhnhare there ubuntu fork with mate17:51
* bobweaver <3 ubuntu and says there are alot of desktops do the work 17:51
nhihbnhnhchiyam: +117:51
johntron_lunchif i add a bash script to /etc/cron.daily/ it will get run daily, correct?17:51
Myrttinhihbnhnh: it's not Ubuntu then. move the discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic17:51
johntron_lunchon 10.0417:52
Guest77355beakybal4 :)17:52
h00kbluenemo: no, it's very similar in appearance.17:52
=== Guest77355 is now known as zad0xsis
zad0xsisbeakybal4 it's zad0xsis xD17:52
beakybal4bluenemo: wasn't nemo orange? o.017:52
chiyami installed gnome-shell in recommendation of some guy and tried gnome classic.. the screen looks like shit with 11.10 now..17:52
bobweaverbeakybal4:  and a clown ?17:52
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:53
beakybal4bobweaver: lolwut?17:53
RamtinAchiyam: i don't know that!if you have question about fedora go to #fedora IRC.17:53
auronandace!language | chiyam17:53
ubottuchiyam: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:53
bluenemoh00k, ok thx i see it at the moment. i hope she'll like it :)17:53
bluenemobeakybal4, and no, i'm blue. dont know about other nemos :P17:53
chiyamsorry if i have offended anyone..17:53
beakybal4bluenemo: :O17:53
chiyami really like ubuntu17:53
badapplecan anybody help me with fstab ?17:54
perfluorocarbonI installed Cheese and I'm having greyscale images, is this a known issue? How to fix it?17:54
=== perfluorocarbon is now known as hrolf
metalf8801TomSlominski: So on RHEL or Fedora it works like Midnight Commander?17:54
binniperfluorocarbon: I'm expiriencing the same problem, haven't looked or found a solution yet though.17:54
xibalbahey folks, i'm looking for someone who has actually successfully used scponlyc in ubuntu17:54
xibalbai need some help17:55
RamtinAchiyam: that's ok ,there isn't problem:)17:55
hrolfbinni: Are you on Ubuntu 11.10?17:55
binnihrolf:  yes17:55
chiyamanyways thanks ill check grub2 docs and keep posted17:55
TomSlominskimetalf8801, yes, something like that.17:55
TomSlominskimetalf8801, its pretty cool17:55
xibalbacan you message me if you've used spconlyc17:55
=== aidenhong_ is now known as aidenhong
h00kxibalba: ask your actual question, maybe someone can help you in here.17:56
NewbeeansHow do I fix Driver Activated But Not In Use?17:56
sardiorcan anyone tell me how to get my 'administrative' menus back? I already chose 'classic' for my session and have the user menus. Ubuntu 11.1017:56
metalf8801TomSlominski: I'm going to look into get chkconfig to work the same on Ubuntu as it does on RHEL I'll tell you if I get anywhere17:56
nhihbnhnhwhy are you tell watchy your language if somebody say shit17:57
hrolfbinni: Likewise. Have you tried anything else beside Cheese?17:57
FloodBot1nhihbnhnh: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:57
TomSlominskimetalf8801, cool, cheers for that17:57
binnihrofl:I've tried Skype and I don't have the problem there, not sure what skype uses but maybe it uses something else then Cheese, which I think uses gstreamer.17:57
nhihbnhnhwhy are you tell watchy your language if somebody say shit17:58
FloodBot1nhihbnhnh: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:58
auronandacenhihbnhnh: you can't express you're frustrations without swearing? that is sad17:58
nhihbnhnhauronandace i can but others cant17:58
Myrttinhihbnhnh: because this is a family friendly channel aiming to be professional. Please stop swearing17:58
nhihbnhnhauronandace and i can understand it because unity is shit17:58
Myrttinhihbnhnh: final warning17:58
auronandacenhihbnhnh: stop swearing please17:58
Myrtti"too late"17:58
sodaoratI have a problem: The laptop is unable to boot, it says "error: hd0,1 out of disk" and after a while "mounting /dev on /root/dev failed: input/output error"17:58
nhihbnhnhok can i say:17:58
nhihbnhnhunity is not so good17:59
bdreweryyou just did17:59
bdreweryI like Unity17:59
NewbeeansHow do I fix Driver Activated But Not In Use? Nvidia 6150se17:59
nhihbnhnhi dont like17:59
sodaoratWhat can I do to check what's going on with my hard drive, and recover the data?17:59
Myrttinhihbnhnh: yeah, we got the idea you don't like unity. Would you please take that discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic, as it is not Ubuntu support issue17:59
mdsilvanhihbnhnh/ there are other wm's17:59
nelson8874Can someone help me in Lubuntu? I've instaled banshee through the sinaptic package manager but it doesn't work. (I'm still new to linux). May it be because it is a Gnome program and i'm using LXDE enviroment? But it has Gnome player by default?!?!18:00
rachounity is when a company thinks they could out-develop ppl making DE for decades withing 1-2 years, as such it's a crippled beast and any sane linux user should avoid using it (as most do that anyway)18:00
sardiorThanks anyway18:01
bdreweryracho: I think it's the opposite18:01
Myrttiracho: thank you for your opinion, you're welcome to continue the discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic18:01
bdrewerythe userbase needs to stop whining. If Ubuntu is going to compete with Windows and OSX, it needs a nicer interface like Unity18:01
auronandaceracho: do you have a support question?18:01
mdsilvaxfce is the perfect wm18:01
h00kPlease take the offtopic discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic18:01
hrolfCan someone recommend me an alternative to Cheese?18:02
GuiriI have a question regarding my softraid 0 setup.  I don't seem to have an existing stripe_cache_size in /sys/block/md0/md/.  Is this file moved somewhere else in 11.10?18:02
Newbeeansauronandace: I would like to know How do I fix Driver Activated But Not In Use?  :-) Sorry to repeat...and I have read many pages18:02
auronandacemdsilva: xfce is a desktop environment (xfwm is the window manager)18:02
fattireis there a good alarm clock for ubuntu/unity?18:02
rachoauronandace, no as i don't use ubuntu but as it is linux i try to help other ppl using it.. and sry for the long personal opinion on unity18:02
_Th3_G4m3_wonder whos back18:02
bmustiataI have a Ubuntu linux (just upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10) and again my wifi, graphics and sound are not working. I recompiled the wifi driver so it works, the graphics starts only if I manually login and (X && startkde) from a shell, and the sound only works if I'm root. Suggestions?18:02
auronandaceNewbeeans: should just be a case of restarting to get it in use18:02
metalf8801TomSlominski: rcconf is supposed to be Ubuntu equivalent to RHEL's chkconfig18:02
=== johntron_lunch is now known as johntron
Newbeeansauronandace: i'm thinking if I restart I'll be back to using the live cd to boot any UB :/18:03
TomSlominskimetalf8801, that's it! thanks!18:03
RamtinA fattire: in the ubuntu software center search "alarm"18:03
designbybeckin lil' West Texas we got Ubuntu mentioned in the paper! ;) http://www.gosanangelo.com/news/2011/oct/25/collaborate-innovate-create-new-computers-new/#comments18:04
auronandaceNewbeeans: then why were you messing with graphics drivers again (after all the problems you had last time)18:04
qwertyo hai18:04
qwertycan i stay plz?18:04
=== qwerty is now known as Guest41612
fattireRamtinA, I did-- there are plenty of old ghome ones18:04
=== Guest41612 is now known as _qwertyoruiop_
zad0xsis_qwertyoruiop_ ohai :)18:04
fattireI can't find one for unity18:04
_qwertyoruiop_zad0xsis: lmao hai18:04
zad0xsis:P _qwertyoruiop_18:04
nelson8874Can someone help me in Lubuntu? I've instaled banshee through the sinaptic package manager but it doesn't work. (I'm still new to linux). May it be because it is a Gnome program and i'm using LXDE enviroment? But it has Gnome player by default?!?!18:05
_qwertyoruiop_ac3xx: hai18:05
metalf8801TomSlominski: Yeah I just installed rcconf and it looks like a great tool for a server or another environment where you can use a GUI18:05
RamtinAfattire: right,wait i will search it18:05
ac3xxhey dawg18:05
_qwertyoruiop_ac3xx: so i herd u lick mudkipz18:05
ac3xxyh i do18:05
zad0xsisthe game18:05
fattireRamtinA, that would be great if you can find one18:05
bobweavernelson8874:  try sudo apt-get install banshee18:05
Newbeeansauronandace: I thought they were working because I can see a screen but after trying to install themes I see that the driver is not activated. I cannot use anything 3D and my menu is not displayed correctly.18:05
bobweaverthen try to launch18:06
auronandacenelson8874: banshee should work because lxde is gtk based, what happens when you run it from terminal?18:06
bobweaverapt sould be taking care of depens18:06
bmustiataI have a Ubuntu linux (just upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10) and again my wifi, graphics and sound are not working. I recompiled the wifi driver so it works, the graphics starts only if I manually login and (X && startkde) from a shell, and the sound only works if I'm root. Suggestions?18:06
auronandaceNewbeeans: what are you using? unity or gnome3?18:06
NewbeeansI don't have gnome 3 dependency error18:07
ReaperKeeping ya busy today eh Myrtti18:07
nelson8874auronandace: I don't know how to run from terminal.... As i said, i'm still new to linux. Being trying to work with it by some time, but still have a lot to learn :s18:07
RamtinAfattire:look at this :  "  http://pkgs.org/ubuntu-10.10/ubuntu-universe-amd64/alarm-clock-applet_0.3.1-1_amd64.deb.html  "18:07
auronandaceNewbeeans: both unity and gnome3 don't have many themes out there, i wouldn't mess with themes for them18:07
zaxonspoxhello, did any one useses GPT on his HDD?18:07
fattireRamtinA, looking18:08
auronandacenelson8874: open up a terminal and type: banshee18:08
nelson8874auronandace: Just that :) ok18:08
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Newbeeansauronandace: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-common/+bug/771788?comments=all but I don't see the solution18:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 771788 in nvidia-common (Ubuntu) "nVidia driver activated and apparently being used but reported as not being used by jockey-gtk" [Medium,Fix released]18:08
fattireRamtinA, I'm not sure this integrates w/unity18:08
NewbeeansMostly I want my places, system top bar right18:09
alexxio_can you please refresh my memory and tell me how to remove gnome and install a very light X client?18:09
metalf8801TomSlominski: Ubuntu also has  sysv-rc-conf but it is not supported by Canonical like rcconf is and I haven't tried sysv-rc-conf18:09
alexxio_(from console)18:09
auronandaceNewbeeans: you are on 11.04?18:09
RamtinAfattire: this will show in top panel18:09
RamtinAwait i wanna test it18:09
g0bl1nhow can I load an application (tilda) without restarting the computer ? Added it to the Startup Applications18:09
TomSlominskiRight, I'vegot another problem. Instead of connecting to my WiFi network as soon as I login, which is called "Unicorns, whee! <3" it decides to try and connect to some random network called SKYsomethingORother, asks for the password (which I dont have) and to connect to internet i have to cancel that, wait like a minute and NM then decides to connect to Unicorns, whee! <318:10
nelson8874auronandace:It opens the banshee. But when i try to play a song it doesn't play it. It skips for the next song and the next song and the next song......18:10
GuiriI have a question regarding my softraid 0 setup.  I don't seem to have an existing stripe_cache_size in /sys/block/md0/md/18:10
auronandaceNewbeeans: oh, that uses unity but based on gnome218:10
Chraz_Ritthi folks, i know this may be a silly question, but what is the max amount of ram that ubuntu supports? i can't find that info anywhere on the site.18:10
rachoTomSlominski, set your home network as default in network manager18:10
mdsilvaChraz_Ritt, 32 or 64?18:10
auronandacenelson8874: sounds like you don't have the codecs installed, are you trying to play mp3s?18:11
Chraz_Ritti'm going to run it on a 6418:11
praveen_hi folks can u help me in fixing the problem of video chat in pidgin IM as it is not opening18:11
TomSlominskiracho: it was, but so was SKYsomethingOrOther. i un-default-ed that now, i hope its honna be ok18:11
Chraz_Rittamd 64 to be clear18:11
fattireRamtinA, oh cool thx18:11
mdsilvashould be 16gb, unless the mainboard chipset limits it to less18:11
ghabitHello. Help me please. When I'm cicking on 'magnet' links (links like torrents or direct connect) chrome gives always the window with asking application start - http://imageshack.us/f/207/20111026094804.png/ . The question is: magnet links is for torrents (transmission) and direct connect (eiskaltdc), how to setup this window to ask with which app i want to open this link?18:12
nelson8874auronandace: But in the default music players of lubuntu it works weel (gnome mplayer or audacious...18:12
g0bl1nhow can I load an application (tilda) without restarting the computer ? Added it to the Startup Applications18:12
Chraz_Rittcool, my machine currently has 4gb18:12
TomSlominskiright, Q3: what happened to search by keyboard in nautilus 3?18:12
arunkumar413hi, i installed 11.10. and switched to gnome shell. I want to install new themes.please help18:12
auronandacenelson8874: different codecs i think, i think banshee uses gstreamer18:12
Ryccardog0bl1n: run it from the terminal adding (space &) at the end (run in background)18:13
mdsilvaChraz_Ritt, some older amd64s were limited to 4gb by their chipset18:13
g0bl1nRyccardo, nice ty18:13
auronandacenelson8874: you'll want to install gstreamer plugins bad18:13
Ryccardog0bl1n: also add "nohup " before the command to have it run even with the terminal closed18:14
onjoinwe got it.18:14
pangolinyacoov: please stop spamming18:14
=== michael_mbp_ is now known as michael_mbp
auronandacenelson8874: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad18:14
g0bl1nRyccardo, ah ok18:14
ActionParsnipg0bl1n: press ALT+F2 and run it from there18:14
chowderhey all. aptitude-gtk starts without needing my root password. I initially set it to "remember my password this session." I didn't realize that it would be permanent for my xfce session (my main session). Does anyone know how to reset this?18:14
NewbeeansAnyone: Should 3rd party sources be enabled?18:15
ActionParsnipNewbeeans: in software centre18:15
bobweaverchowder:  look at sudoers file18:15
bobweaver1st place to start18:15
ActionParsnipNewbeeans: if you require them, yes enable them18:15
trismarunkumar413: unpack the themes to ~/.themes and you can switch them with gnome-tweak-tool (you will need to install the user-themes extension if you want to switch shell themes too)18:15
RyccardoNewbeeans: depending on what you want to install. You'll certainly get a wider choice with them enabled18:15
chowderbobweaver: what does that have to do with sudoers? It has to do with the keyring manager18:15
LemonAidIf i kill X, that`s running on tty7, and start it again, tty7 hangs after the "battery check  [OK]".18:15
rachoarunkumar413, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/10/how-to-install-gnome-shell-themes-in-ubuntu-11-10/18:16
arunkumar413trism: can u explain clearly18:16
LemonAidEdit : Q, why, and how can i make it not hang.18:16
bobweaverchowder:  sounds like you know the anwser allready then?18:16
RamtinAfattire:that's work18:17
chowderbobweaver: no, I know the cause of the issue but I don't know how to configure the keyring manager18:17
trismarunkumar413: read the link racho provided18:17
nelson8874auronandace:ok how do i install it? Through the synaptic manager?18:17
auronandacenelson8874: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad18:17
Chraz_Rittmdsilva, my machine is a lappy, and the hardware can support 8gb, but i just don't have the ram upgrade purchased yet18:18
trijntjeHi all, where can I contact the "Ubuntu friendly" project?18:18
auronandacenelson8874: or you can use synaptic18:18
bobweaverchowder:  /etc/xdg/autostart/      ???18:18
g0bl1nRyccardo, ActionParsnip tilda is behaving weird when I close the terminal. Also using alt+f2. Runs the first time only. $ nohup tilda &18:18
mdsilvaChraz_Ritt / if the hw can support 8gb, so can the ubuntu6418:18
RamtinAfattire: i install that from software center18:19
x29ahi there, are there special "mechanisms" to prevent unauthorized priviliged commands in linux/ubuntu? im trying to do an "ifconfig wlan0 up" in a c program using ioctl. on the shell, i can use "sudo ifconfig w0 up" no problem but when running my program, i get an error (1) from ioctl and no effect. neither running it with sudo or +s helped, any hints?18:19
cloudgeekhelp need ! sudo fdisk /dev/sdb , fdisk: unable to open /dev/sdb: No such file or directory18:19
Ryccardog0bl1n: chances are it's already running18:19
Chraz_Rittmdsilva, with what i do have how big a swap partition would you suggest?18:19
RamtinAfattire:second search result that have 34 comments18:19
bobweavercloudgeek:  sudo fdisk -l    ????18:19
nelson8874auronandace:thank you18:19
chowderbobweaver: all that did was tell me that what apps are on startup. The one I'm looking for is the gnome-keyring-manager and it is indeed there18:19
arunkumar413trism: are gnome shell themes different from the gnome or gtk themes18:20
auronandacenelson8874: no worries :)18:20
luchoguaneHello readers18:20
RamtinAluchoguane: Hello18:20
bobweaverchowder:  sudo find / -name <what you are looking for >   or locate <what you are looking for >18:20
luchoguaneI hope everyone is ok18:20
cloudgeekbobweaver:thanx  :d18:20
fahad_I need a help..........18:21
luchoguaneI was wondering if any of you have worked with monodevelop and Csharp?18:21
mdsilvaChraz_Ritt / idk, if you intall now with 4gb ram, I can't forsee you realistically ever needing more than an 8gb swap partition18:21
RamtinAfahad_: ask your question dude18:21
ReaperI use sudo apt-cache search <name>18:21
chowderbobweaver: that doesn't help me. I know that the program is gnome's keyring manager. Why do I need to find it?18:21
fattireRamtinA, thanks18:21
trismarunkumar413: yes, the shell themes are for the top panel, the overview page, and other parts of gnome shell, you still need gtk and metacity themes for the programs you run and the window decorations18:21
Chraz_Rittmdsilva, thanks for your advice18:21
Reaperoh nm chowder I missed the convo18:21
bobweaverchowder:  might help lookiin g for config files ??18:22
pangolin!ask | fahad_18:22
RamtinAfattire:  your welcome i can show you a screenshot if you want too.18:22
ubottufahad_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:22
fattireRamtinA, I'm trying to find it in sofware center now... one sec18:22
Chraz_Rittfahad, you might want to just state your question, and see who answers18:22
fahad_In CLI i cant play Mp3 format....18:22
chowderbobweaver: will do, thanks18:22
luchoguaneIs there a book about monodevelop and gtk#?18:22
fattireRamtinA, ah found it..18:22
fahad_Ok guys....thanks.18:22
cloudgeekneed help !sudo tune2fs -l /dev/sdb1 |grep -i inode , tune2fs: No such file or directory while trying to open /dev/sdb1 , Couldn't find valid filesystem superblock.18:22
arunkumar413trism: i want good themes for gnome shell. Where r they available18:23
bobweavercloudgeek:  this is on othere partition ?18:23
bobweavercloudgeek:  or the one that you are on ?18:23
cloudgeekbobweaver: 218:23
fuhoHi, where do I have syntax error in this command? awk 'for(i=1;i<26;i++){ system("wget http://www.haarp.alaska.edu/data/scmag/images/2011/2011_10/gkn201110" i "_Bx.gif")}'18:24
bobweavercould we see a sudo fdisk -l18:24
cloudgeekbobwaever: different one is sda518:24
trismarunkumar413: you will need to look around for those, I am using basically the default theme (slightly edited)...the link racho gave you has a link at the top to 5 gnome-shell themes18:24
bobweaver!pastebin | cloudgeek18:24
ubottucloudgeek: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:24
SpaceWeedI have windows 7 computers on my network and would like to send a message to them using UBUNTU. I know net send has been replaced by msg.exe, so how could I do that?18:24
meta-coderFreenode uses ircd-seven-1.1.0. What package is this available as in Ubuntu Oneiric?18:24
NeosanoSpacewalker, at first you'll have to install ubuntu on all these computers18:25
Neosanosorry, couldn't resist it18:25
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SpaceWeedmeta-coder: did you install synpatic package manager and search for ircd-seven-1.1.0 ?18:25
arunkumar413trism: the link Racho gave contain only five themes18:25
SpaceWeedNeosano: that's not really a solution in an enterprise network18:25
SpacewalkerNeosano: Er, what?18:25
fahad__Can i know how to play mp3 in command line "play"18:25
fattireRamtinA, added! :)18:25
RamtinAfattire:  cool18:26
NeosanoSpacewalker, ah, wrong nickname :D18:26
Chraz_Ritti have 1 more question, i currently have my lappy connected to my 50" plasma as an extended desktop in windows, does ubuntu support that sort of setup?18:26
RamtinAnow just alarm on dash18:26
meta-coderSpaceWeed, didn't find it in the repositories.. perhaps it is as a different name?18:26
bobweavercloudgeek:  you are trying to pull off sda5 ?18:26
NeosanoChraz_Ritt, yes, kind of18:26
mdsilvafahad__ / try "man play"18:26
luchoguaneanyone has experience with developing in monodevelop with gtk#?18:26
Neosanofahad_, mpg12318:26
princ3\join #ZorinOS18:26
cloudgeekbobweaver:how i don't know i am new plz tell command line18:27
Chraz_RittNeosano, do you mean that i will have to do some sort of special settings to make it work?18:28
SpaceWeedmeta-coder: well what exactly do you need it for18:28
trismarunkumar413: a bit of searching for gnome-shell themes and you will find more (here is a link with a bunch http://gnome-shell.deviantart.com/gallery/ )18:28
SpaceWeedmeta-coder: if you're looking for the IRC daemon, try ircd-irc218:28
cloudgeekbobweaver : how to pull sda518:28
meta-coderSpaceWeed, is it different from ircd-seven-1.1.0 ?18:28
NeosanoChraz_Ritt, usually it's easy. but sometimes bad things happen18:29
SpaceWeedmeta-coder: I don't see that in the repos, you would probably have to get it from sourceforge18:29
fahad__md silva...it shows play FAIL formats: no handler for file extension `mp3'18:29
NeosanoChraz_Ritt, for example I had to workaround a lot because of my video drivers18:29
NeosanoChraz_Ritt, but maybe I'm just unlucky :)18:29
bobweaver!chroot | cloudgeek18:30
ubottucloudgeek: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot18:30
SpaceWeedmeta-coder: http://rpm.pbone.net/index.php3/stat/3/srodzaj/1/search/ircd18:30
Chraz_RittNeosano, i guess i will just have to try it and see what it takes18:30
cloudgeekBobwever:sda5 also allotted t18:30
Krusihi there, can some one look at past from my syslog and many help me indentify my problem i am having with my wifi. It is very unstable and i am loosing my connection freakquently18:30
meta-coderSpaceWeed, is this http://adipose.attenuate.org/~stephen/ircd-seven/  legit?18:30
NeosanoChraz_Ritt, yeah! You can even try it from live cd :) wouldn't take much effort just to try18:30
fahad__how to play mp3 fles in command line ?18:30
meta-coderSpaceWeed, How can I use the RPMs?18:30
Neosanofahad_, try mpg123 or play18:30
fahad__It shows play FAIL formats: no handler for file extension `mp3'18:30
berefeirafahad: mocp18:31
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SpaceWeedmeta-coder: RPM is red hat package manager, it should install with that18:31
newstandardsdoes anyone know how to authenticate Squid over tls?18:31
Neosanofahad_, 'mpg123 filename.mp3'18:31
fahad__berefeira...what is mocp?18:31
meta-coderSpaceWeed,  I need it on Ubuntu (Oneiric).18:31
Chraz_RittNeosano, thanks, and i'm out of here for now. :)18:31
berefeirafahad: console mp3 player18:31
NeosanoChraz_Ritt, have fun ;)18:31
kaparenHello, I got the Steam icon left in dash after trying it in wine. How do I remove it from dash?18:32
crimscxhow do you join a channel18:32
crimscxwithought looking at the channel list18:32
SpaceWeedmeta-coder: you could install smart package manager which will work with rpm's in ubuntu18:32
crimscxis it /join #"name"?18:32
TeckDepotslash joint #_______18:32
skritekaparen:  killlall Steam.exe18:32
badapplecan somebody help me with that ( E: No se ha podido localizar el paquete emerald )18:32
skritekaparen:  killall not killlall18:33
Myrttimeta-coder: please be aware that installing rpm's into Ubuntu is basically asking for trouble, and you may break your system.18:33
bobweaver!es | badapple18:33
ubottubadapple: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:33
meta-coderSpaceWeed, Got it. http://freenode.net/seven.shtml18:33
fahad__rpm can be installed............18:33
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Neosanocrimscx, /join #channelname18:33
alexGlasgowtrying to install jvm on ubuntu 10.1018:34
meta-coderSpaceWeed, https://dev.freenode.net/redmine/projects/ircd-seven18:34
alexGlasgowcan anybody help?18:34
badapplebobweaver, sorry it write E: Couldn't find the package emerald18:34
Myrttifahad__: sure. it just may break the system.18:34
kaparenskrite: I uninstalled Steam and Wine but the icon is still in the Dash menu.18:34
SpaceWeedmeta-coder: so you could download the tar or add the repo18:34
crimscx-NickServ- crimscx has now been verified.18:34
crimscx-NickServ- Thank you for verifying your e-mail address! You have taken steps in ensuring that your registrations are not exploited.18:34
crimscx-ChanServ- [#python] Welcome to #python, puny fleshlings. Please see our website, http://pound-python.org/ , for information about the channel and Python.18:34
crimscxyet im not registered now??18:34
newstandardsdoes anyone know how to encrypt Squids initial authentication with tls?18:35
acastanohi there18:35
meta-coderSpaceWeed, ./configure; make; make install. Right?18:35
SpaceWeedmeta-coder: yup18:35
SpaceWeedmeta-coder: if in doubt, check the install file or instructions in the tar18:35
three18tianyone been able to install kerrighed successfully?18:36
SpaceWeed!ask | three18ti18:36
ubottuthree18ti: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:36
TomayHow to make compiz working for 3D desktop !?18:36
bmustiataI have a Ubuntu linux (just upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10) and again my wifi, graphics and sound are not working. I recompiled the wifi driver so it works, the graphics starts only if I manually login and (X && startkde) from a shell, and the sound only works if I'm root. Suggestions?18:37
crimscxsorry but i registered for the #python channel and now it says im in unregistered again18:37
Myrtticrimscx: have you logged in yet? also, try asking in #freenode18:37
SpaceWeedbmustiata: suggestion, don't upgrade... it gets messy, clean installs are best, if you're looking for stability, only do clean installs on the LTS releases (most stable)18:37
three18tihello all.  Can someone please help me with compiling kerrighed?  It keeps failing on me with this error: http://pastebin.com/ay4hLkat.  I followed the instructions here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EasyUbuntuClustering/UbuntuKerrighedClusterGuide word for word, but mound there is no make kernel-install rule.  Both Kerrighed 2.4.1 and 3.0.0 fail with the same exact error.18:37
crimscxhow do i log in?18:38
crimscxi thought being on here was logging in18:38
bmustiataSpaceWeed: ty18:38
PM77Hi! I can not install Bibus from the repositories due to a Bug #849174 (ubuntu 11.10). I need it for writing scientific papers, which makes this critical.  Can anyone help me find a workaround?18:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 849174 in bibus (Ubuntu) "Bibus is not installable in Oneiric (depends on python<2.7)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84917418:38
Myrttino, you need to log in, ie. identify to the services with a password or other methods18:38
Myrtticrimscx: ^18:38
ghabitHello. Help me please. When I'm cicking on 'magnet' links (links like torrents or direct connect) chrome gives always the window with asking application start - http://imageshack.us/f/207/20111026094804.png/ . The question is: magnet links is for torrents (transmission) and direct connect (eiskaltdc), how to setup this window to ask with which app i want to open this link?18:39
crimscxk how do i log in?18:39
SlartibartWhen I restart afte hibenation now status messages appear saying Image is loading, etc, and then "resume: Image successfully loaded". But after that nothing more! No desktop or anything, activity (seems to) stop after successfully loading hibernation data/image. Anyone here who knows why?18:39
ArchdaveWhere might I find information about upcoming releases of NVidia drivers for an NVidia 8400 GS for Ubuntu 11.10, and in particular solving problems with multi-monitor setup, currently I am using the nouveau driver and experiencing some laggy desktop behavior18:40
=== Guest85993 is now known as corsairtux
andrejHello, can anyone help me with a small glitch? Numlock is on when I start my session, but the light at the keyboard is off. If I press Numlock the light goes on but the keys behave like arrow block.18:41
meta-coderSpaceWeed, Freenode is so much popular, shouldn't we have a ircd-seven package for Ubuntu? It is already GPLv2.18:41
crimscxhow do i msg nickserv18:42
Slartibartcrimscx: /msg nickserv perhaps?18:42
SpaceWeedmeta-coder: uh, idk, talk to developers? they must have not seen a reason to include it in repos18:42
crimscxUsage: MSG <nick> <message>, sends a private message18:43
crimscxwon let me18:43
Onkeltemcrimscx: /msg nickserv help18:43
Slartibartcrimscx: What does it say?18:43
PM77PM77 kl. 20.38 +020018:43
PM77Hi! I can not install Bibus from the repositories due to a Bug #849174 (ubuntu 11.10). I need it for writing scientific papers, which makes this critical.  Can anyone help me find a workaround? I know about the bug report...18:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 849174 in bibus (Ubuntu) "Bibus is not installable in Oneiric (depends on python<2.7)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84917418:43
chomanneed some unity help18:44
ViaNocturna85choman, whats your problem?18:44
Picicrimscx: Please ask in #freenode18:44
patoune_sis chintoc18:45
chomanI have an app on unity that spawns another icon.  So it's not acting like other unity apps.  any idea18:45
ViaNocturna85choman, what ya mean exactly? it uses a different icon?18:45
patoune_ya des bleu.18:46
chomanI think it might since it looks different than the current launcher icon18:46
Pici!fr| patoune_18:46
ubottupatoune_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:46
ViaNocturna85choman, what app is it?18:46
chomanOracle Virtual Desktop Client is the beast in question18:46
chomanIt's a java app spawned from a shell script18:47
Archdaveso this java app installs an icon to the desktop?18:48
shphow disable orthographic correction ?18:48
ViaNocturna85Archdave, beat me to it lol18:48
Archdavebut you want an icon on the launch bar?18:48
Archdaverunning the app should put an icon in the launch bar, right click and select "keep in launcher"18:48
Archdavethis is how you would normally get an icon to stick on the launcher bar18:49
chomannope, I added it there. referencing the "ovdc.desktop" file which is generated at install time18:50
shphow to disable ortographic correction on my programs?18:50
chomanso when I click on the newly added icon, another icon appears (i can only assume from the java app)18:50
ArchdaveI have no such file18:51
mdsilvachoman, that sounds like the scary stuff that caused me to leave windows18:51
Archdavechoman, appears where? on the desktop?18:51
chomanit is Halloween  this weekend18:52
Archdavemdsilva and choman, are you two trolling?18:52
chomanI originally launched the app from Dash18:52
mdsilvaI am not trolling, I was just commenting on how unwholesome it is to have desktop icons spawning other desktop icons18:53
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=== michael_mbp_ is now known as michael_mbp
urupicai created a bootable usb stick with ubuntu. afterwards i resized the partition and added a second partition (using gparted). but the stick wouldn't boot anymore.18:55
urupicaremoving the second partition and resizing the first to the original size doesn't help neither. any ideas? (i deleted the iso file)18:55
Archdavechoman, file a bug report with Oracle18:56
OerHeksurupica, download the iso again, and start over ?18:56
captainmustardI would reformat the drive with two partitions and then reinstall ubuntu onto one of them18:56
cloudgeek for For the physical partition: sudo mkfs.xfs -i size=1024 /dev/sdb1  then error comes http://pastebin.com/h8ZJcBtk18:56
ArchdaveI guess no one knows about NVidia info in here18:57
ArchdaveWhere might I find information about upcoming releases of NVidia drivers for an NVidia 8400 GS for Ubuntu 11.10, and in particular solving problems with multi-monitor setup, currently I am using the nouveau driver and experiencing some laggy desktop behavior18:57
urupicaOerHeks: slow internet connection, not an option really18:57
OerHeksurupica, then i would not know how to fix it.18:58
crimscxdo you guys think python will ever get as popular as java/c++18:58
ViaNocturna85Archdave, all I can tell you is that multi monitor is a real issue in Ubuntu right now, not just Nvidia18:58
Archdaveat least I have dual monitors working with Nouveau, that's something18:59
captainmustardI installed gnome shell in ubuntu 11.10, and I've installed some custom themes for it. The only problem I'm having is these "file edit view go bookmarks help" buttons showing up in the top right. I can't interact with them and they're covered up if I use a theme without any transparency.19:00
captainmustardhere's a screenshot http://i.imgur.com/6qvo1.png19:00
captainmustardhow the heck do i get rid of them19:00
pfnwhy am I missing icons for some of my apps?19:01
=== defeatedgypsy is now known as alienatu
pfn^^ see screenshot, terminal and trash can are missing their icons, why?19:01
Archdavecaptainmustard, uninstall the new themes?19:01
captainmustardI want the themes though :-/19:01
mdsilvacaptainmustard, maybe you could edit the themes and move the buttons?19:02
captainmustardand these buttons aren't in any screenshots of the themes on the internet19:02
trismcaptainmustard: they are part of nautilus, and I believe caused by the appmenu packages. I uninstall indicator-appmenu/appmenu-gtk/appmenu-qt and they are gone here (they aren't useful in gnome-shell anyway)19:02
captainmustardthanks a ton trism19:02
Archdavepfn, launch the wanted apps from a terminal, when their icon appears on the launch bar, right click and select "keep in launcher"19:02
qwebirc157572i have a problem with qmake19:02
qwebirc157572i am trying to compile arora19:03
qwebirc157572when i type qmake19:03
crimscxwhen you choose a server on xchat does that log you in? cause for some reason #python says im not logged in19:03
urupicaanyone an idea how to fix an ubuntu usb stick that wouldn't boot anymore after resizing the partition?19:03
Archdavecrimscx, press connect19:03
qwebirc157572it gives me this output: arora.pro:1: Unknown test function: lessThan19:03
crimscxi did obviously im on the ubuntu servers19:03
crimscxsoo why am i not logged in?19:04
qwebirc157572any hard developer here?19:04
Picicrimscx: you need to identify.19:04
nelson8874auronandace: are you stil there?19:04
glebihan!register > crimscx19:04
ubottucrimscx, please see my private message19:04
Myrtticrimscx: if you mean identify, no unless you use the nickserv password as password19:04
Archdave'   /j #whateverchannel19:04
pfnArchdave, huh?  that doesn't fix the trashcan or terminal, which already *are* kept in the launcher19:04
Tomay How to Enable 3D desktop !?19:04
pfnArchdave, notice the grey boxes?19:04
Picicrimscx: I've told you this a few times that you need to ask in #freenode if you have problems with IRC.19:04
pfnArchdave, they're not highlighted because they're not running, they're pinned already19:04
DmoleTomay: look into compiz19:04
=== angel is now known as Guest60087
auronandacenelson8874: yes19:05
Archdavepfn, oh, I thought you said missing not wrong iconc19:05
dagerivi am unable to bring back a minized gnome-terminal in unity.19:05
Picicrimscx: #ubuntu is for Ubuntu support only, #freenode can help you setup your client to identify, etc.19:05
nelson8874auronandace: it didn't worked :(19:05
pfnArchdave, yeah  :(  google is no help19:05
pfnArchdave, fixed my invalid utf-8 thing in the session switch by fixing login.defs19:05
nelson8874auronandace: it says that i already have the codec19:05
pfnbut no idea what's going on19:05
nelson8874auronandace: and the most recent version19:05
auronandacenelson8874: what is the output when you run banshee from the terminal?19:06
Archdavepfn, right click the wrong icons and unselect "keep in launcher" then do what I said before19:06
voozeWhat package should i install if i want to use unity/gnome3 insted of XFCE (running xubuntu right now)19:06
captainmustard_removed the appmenu-gtk appmenu-qt and indicator-appmenu packages, logged out and back in, and the buttons are still there19:06
auronandacevooze: ubuntu-desktop i think19:06
cloudgeekUbuntu 11.10 is able my 2tb external hardisk but my gparted geeting it ! help me plz !!!!!19:07
pfnArchdave, pinning and unpinning doesn't bring the icon back19:07
SlartibartWhich logs should I check if I get "Image successfully loaded" when resuming from hibernation, but the boot process still stops =/? No messages after that one, no errors, no blurred parts of the screen. It just stops after being successful =[.19:07
Archdavepfn, then you got me19:07
pfnArchdave, e.g. if I search in the unity menu for terminal, it's missing an icon19:08
glebihancaptainmustard_, do you have a gnome-panel process running ?19:08
nelson8874auronandace:first warning:  "WARNING **: Got less number of items in credentials hash table than expected!"19:08
Archdavepfn, you might have to contact a ubuntu dev for an answer to that one19:08
cloudgeekUbuntu 11.10 is able my 2tb external hardisk but my gparted geeting it ! help me plz !!!!!19:08
nelson8874auronandace: and then "WARNING **: Error rescanning Purchased Music: Ficheiro ou directoria inexistente"19:09
auronandacenelson8874: put the output in a pastebin (all the output plese)19:09
Archdavepfn, I went searching for similar problems before and could find no info on the files for the launcher19:09
auronandace!paste | nelson887419:09
ubottunelson8874: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:09
nelson8874aronandace: what is that?19:09
TomayDmole, I have Installed compiz & enabled 3d de19:10
Archdaveok, bye bye folks, it's been fun19:10
TomayDmole, I have enabled 3D cube, but nothing !19:10
DmoleTomay: do other 3d effects work?19:11
SlartibartAnyone who knows how to fix bug #870326, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ecryptfs/+bug/870326 ?19:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 870326 in eCryptfs "ecryptfs_writepage: Error" [Critical,In progress]19:11
nelson8874auronandace:and now... i send you the link of the page?19:12
TomayDmole, none19:12
auronandacenelson8874: yes please19:12
crimscxhow do i identify to log in?19:12
SlartibartAnyone who knows how to fix that annoying unity thing(?) that windows refuse to accept focus when changing workspace?19:12
TomayDmole, Ihave HP Pavilion dm3 entertainment notebook PC19:12
Pisecohello guys, how do i add more compiz effects like burn effect etc. am on ubuntu 10.10?????19:12
DmoleTomay: looking at the key bindings in compiz-configuration-manager are you using the right ones? + is the display settings set to advanced graphics?19:13
auronandaceTomay: are you using gnome3?19:13
nelson8874auronandace: http://paste.ubuntu.com/719959/19:13
Dmolelol that 219:13
Pisecohello guys, how do i add more compiz effects like burn effect etc. am on ubuntu 10.10?????19:13
glebihancrimscx, you've already been given instructions for that, and you've also been asked to go to #freenode for further support about that19:13
b0otCan I make a bootable version of centos with ubuntu?19:14
Tomayauronandace, I am using ubuntu 11.1019:14
auronandaceTomay: i don't think the cube works with gnome3 because of the way gnome3 handles virtualworkspaces19:15
nelson8874auronandace: and if i try to play a song a get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/719962/19:15
auronandacenelson8874: looks like it can't find the directory (says it doesn't exist i think)19:16
nelson8874auronandace: file or drectory does not exist19:16
moo-i use gnome-session-fallback (gnome-panel) and it loads Metacity instead of Compiz, why? :(19:17
Tomayauronandace, ah !19:17
=== cyberpunk is now known as Guest61018
=== Guest61018 is now known as becom33
nelson8874auronandace: yhea, but i click in the file and choose play with banshee. How can this be?!19:17
auronandacenelson8874: i tend to use audacious and vlc (never really liked those big music management programs)19:18
becom33Hi I just installed Ubuntu 11.10 and it didnt detect my Graphic Driver19:18
glebihanmoo-, precisely because it's the fallback session, so it doesn't use any effects or things like that19:18
becom33what can I do ?19:18
ActionParsnipMoo-: because its FALLBACK. compiz needs 3D accelleration wheras metacity does not and will run on anything19:18
evilbugubuntu 11.04 and epson stylus sx410. i can print but not scan, is there any way i can have ubuntu recognize the scanner?19:18
auronandacenelson8874: sorry i can't help more, maybe somebody else knows better about banshee19:19
ActionParsnipMoo-: think about it19:19
moo-glebihan, ActionParsnip: but gnome-shell sucks, i want to use gnome-panel as my primary non-fallback session19:19
nelson8874auronandace:But i really whant a music manager. I must now go to dinner.19:19
auronandacenelson8874: i did notice that it says banshee 2.2.0, is that from a ppa?19:19
glebihanmoo-, then go back to natty19:19
becom33can anyone help me out ?19:19
nelson8874auronandace:ok. Thank you aniway19:19
ghabitHello. Help me please. When I'm cicking on 'magnet' links (links like torrents or direct connect) chrome gives always the window with asking application start - http://imageshack.us/f/207/20111026094804.png/ . The question is: magnet links is for torrents (transmission) and direct connect (eiskaltdc), how to setup this window to ask with which app i want to open this link?19:19
nelson8874auronandace:what is a ppa?19:19
moo-glebihan, ActionParsnip : but i get 2 options when i login "GNOME Classic" and "GNOME Classic (No Effects)", the no effect should be unaccelerated with Metacity, but the one that doesnt say no effect should be accelerated with compiz19:19
auronandace!ppa | nelson887419:20
ubottunelson8874: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa19:20
ActionParsnipMoo-: you can, if you want compiz just add a startup item to run: compiz --replace    just disable the unity plugin..19:20
becom33come on . no one ?19:20
nelson8874auronandace:i installed it through the package manager19:20
auronandacenelson8874: ah, never mind, 2.2.0 is the version in the official repos19:21
roundnumbersnelson8874: have you tried rhythmbox?19:21
nelson8874auronandace:i must go. Wife is getting mad19:21
s1becom33: Active the card driver from Additional drivers.19:21
auronandacenelson8874: ok, bye19:21
ActionParsnipbecom33: which video chip are you using??19:21
skione_hi, for some reason when someone else installed php-pear it installed it into /root, I dont understand why but I can't get it installed into the normal place. How can I get it so I can start fresh19:21
becom33s1 how to do that ?19:21
jellowHow do I edit gdm to auto login to ratpoison and not xfce ?19:21
acastano59    /msg nickserv register Almeria950 acastanofernandez@gmail.com19:21
moo-ActionParsnip, sounds like a hack. so it first loads metacity, then replaces it with compiz. i want it to just directly load compiz first19:21
becom33I dont have much big idea about the harddrivers but Im using a asrock motherbord and the VGA is onbord19:22
ActionParsnipMoo-: that's all I can suggest19:22
pfnis there some command I can run to make the system go through and reverify all of my package installs?19:22
ActionParsnipbecom33: what is the output of: lspci | grep -i vga19:22
jellow!gdm | jellow19:23
becom33ActionParsnip: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82G33/G31 Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 10)19:23
ActionParsnipMoo-: why is it so bad if it works?19:23
moo-ActionParsnip, thanks for your suggestion19:23
moo-ActionParsnip, its "ok", but it still feels like a "hack" and not the proper way19:23
moo-ActionParsnip, if it loads metacity first, then maybe its slower and uses more cpu, memory, resources, takes more time to start19:24
auronandacejellow: need any help?19:24
TechnicusHello, I just upgraded to 11.10 . . . I am here because . . . the new version of Gnome is . . . pathetic!  Most of the new radical changes, I do not want!  I used to always log into a KDesktop but KDE 4 ruined it for me so I want to Gnome; but now Gnome is no longer my preference, and neither is KDE.  How can I go back to the old version of Gnome and stay with 11.10?19:24
ActionParsnipbecom33: ok then i suggest you read /var/log/Xorg.0.log   you may need a19:24
glebihanmoo-, keep in mind that it's a fallback session, not intended for daily usage. gnome2 is the past, if you don't ilke gnome3, you should probably look for another desktop environment19:24
becom33ActionParsnip:  is there any instuctions how to install my graphic driver in /var/log/Xorg.0.log19:25
jellowauronandace: I want to gdm to load my window manager ratpoison and not xfce19:25
auronandaceacastano59: you may want to change your password (also try to identify outside of channels to avoid this in future)19:25
ActionParsnipbecom33: need an xorg.conf file if udev isn't picking it up19:25
moo-glebihan, well fallback session is the only sane thing. unity sucks, gnome-panel sucks, and everything else sucks too19:25
auronandacejellow: what version of ubuntu are you using?19:25
jellowauronandace: 10.10 i think19:25
auronandacejellow: can you give me the output of: uname -a19:26
becom33ActionParsnip: how to get xorg.conf file ? I know IM been kinda n00b but new to Ubuntu and Im tired of Windows , please help me out19:26
pfnis there an equivalent of rpm -Va in ubuntu?19:26
ActionParsnipbecom33: it says what is happening when the x server loads. Your display may not be reporting edid correctly. Or maybe something else19:26
lolek1hello all i've got a question19:27
acastano59hi there19:27
pfnhmm, debsums19:27
glebihanmoo-, there are plenty of very good desktop environment, and they don't suck, you don't like them... But have you tried KDE, xfce, lmde, openbox... ?19:27
lolek1maybe someone know if there is some bluetooth 3.0 dongle that works with ubuntu ?19:27
becom33ActionParsnip:  so how can I get it installed ?19:27
=== acastano59 is now known as tototo
ActionParsnipTechnicus: tried lxde, xfce, fluxbox, openbox and any of the other replacments. There are more than 2 desktop choices...19:28
becom33would u be able to help me if I paste /var/log/Xorg.0.log ActionParsnip ?19:28
dergastwhen i switch form akku to akkuloader the pc gets into stand-by. where can i chance that?19:28
auronandacejellow: can you keep it in the channel please, that means you are running 11.1019:28
ActionParsnipbecom33: I'm on my phone so not presently. Is the system a laptop?19:28
becom33ActionParsnip:  no its a desktop19:29
auronandacejellow: gdm isn't on 11.10, you want to be editing lightdm instead19:29
ActionParsnipbecom33: does it have a make and model?19:29
crzyany rus speaking here?19:29
TechnicusActionParsnip: This is stupid . . . I don't want to learn something new AGAIN!  I need to be productive.19:30
jellowauronandace: I removed lightdm as i though gdm would be simpler:P19:30
ActionParsnipauronandace: it can be though ;-)19:30
auronandace!ru | crzy19:30
ubottucrzy: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.19:30
becom33no ActionParsnip  its a assebled computer .19:30
auronandacejellow: oh, so you installed gdm instead?19:30
jellowauronandace: yes19:30
becom33but I had ubuntu older version installed once without a problem19:30
ActionParsnipTechnicus: xfce and gnome fallback all look and feel like gnome219:30
auronandaceActionParsnip: sorry, i meant by default :)19:30
TechnicusActionParsnip: . . . but, I'll try those others, I am currently installing LXDE.19:31
ActionParsnipauronandace: just busting your chops ;-)19:31
jellowauronandace: I ran gdm configure gdm comes up with option but not ratposion only xfce though startx works19:31
auronandacejellow: ok, is there an option when you log in to choose your session?19:31
ActionParsnipTechnicus: lxde is my personal favourite :-)19:31
jellowauronandace: yes but ratpoison is not picked up19:32
TechnicusActionParsnip: I hope it works for me.  To hell with Gnome.19:32
auronandacejellow: it may need to be added manually then, i'm not sure how to do that myself19:32
=== michael_mbp__ is now known as michael_mbp
ActionParsnipTechnicus: i said that ages ago. Makes support harder for me though as loads use unity etc.19:33
auronandacejellow: there must be some config file you edit to add it to the sessions list, hopefully somebody here knows19:33
badapplecan somebody tell me how i open a folder like root without installing nautilus19:33
jellowauronandace: Do you think it's possible to just add startx to the bottom of .bashrc , so I login and it auto starts X ?19:33
trismjellow: ratpoison doesn't include an xsession file anymore, if you have gdm installed you can copy the xterm.desktop file in /usr/share/xsessions and replace the exec line with ratpoison19:34
ActionParsnipbadapple: what file manager do you use?19:34
TechnicusActionParsnip: Unity is so pathetic . . . the reason I operate Linux systems is because I don't want to be spoon fed like an infant any more.19:34
badappleActionParsnip, how can i check ?19:34
becom33ActionParsnip: If its possible try to go trought this http://pastebin.com/BTKwkswv19:34
badappleActionParsnip, i am neew in linux..19:34
auronandaceyay, trism to the rescue!19:34
b0otCan you use the ubuntu startup disk creator to make a live bootable version of centos 6?19:34
TechnicusActionParsnip: Unity is going to make people ignorant.19:35
ActionParsnipjellow: if you add startx as a user using su in /etc/rc.local it will be ok19:35
badappleActionParsnip, i am using xubuntu not ubuntu , but if you can help i ll be very greatfull =)19:35
auronandaceTechnicus: you don't have to use unity if you don't want to, i use xfce19:35
Technicusauronandace: Do Xfce and Compiz cooperate with eachother?19:36
auronandacebadapple: then thunar is your default file manager19:36
badappleauronandace, yes =)19:36
glebihanb0ot, I don't think so, but you should be able to do that with unetbootin19:36
badappleauronandace, so what is the command ? =)19:37
auronandaceTechnicus: it works, but rather buggy in my experience19:37
b0otglebihan, unetbootin doesn't have version 6 as an option19:37
glebihanb0ot, just download the iso and use it directly in unetbootin19:37
auronandacebadapple: command for what?19:37
jellowActionParsnip: Does that run before or after I login ?19:37
ActionParsnipbadapple: i believe its thunar so: gksudo thunar19:37
badappleActionParsnip, thanks =)19:37
auronandacebadapple: be careful though when using a file manager as root19:38
haylo-bot_unatbootin not making ubuntu flash drives in crunchbang?19:38
haylo-bot_ubuntu flash drives not working right19:38
auronandacehaylo-bot_: you need to ask crunchbang for support then19:39
marcin__nie wiedziałem, że jeszcze można kogoś tu spotkać19:39
haylo-bot_ok thanks19:39
marcin__jak się intaluje flasha do ubuntu19:39
=== camilleqco_ is now known as camilleqco
badappleauronandace, i know.. =) i reinstalled linux about 20 times :D ..19:39
auronandacebadapple: good stuff, enjoy :)19:40
Jillyok, so what's the diff between gnome and gnome classic?19:40
GTRsdkWhere is the Ubuntu Unity Dash icon found on the hard drive?19:40
auronandaceJilly: depends which version of ubuntu you are using19:42
auronandaceJilly: then classic is fallback mode that is meant to give you a more gnome2 feel (though many have expressed disappointment with it)19:42
* Jilly ah..okie...I'll just log into a gnome session then.19:43
s1becom33: for the intel onboard .. i think the vesa driver should be loadded and used out of the box , perhaps there is another driver conflicting the load .. you can cehck your Xorg.0.log ,also make sure you have the " xserver-xorg-video-intel "package installed .19:44
* jellow is thankfull for your help 19:44
* Ratanparai is going to sleep mode19:45
JillyOh . I see.19:45
TechnicusLXDE is sweet!19:46
JillyYeah, I tend to prefer the windows style menus for opening applications...but will give this a try.19:46
auronandaceJilly: i don't like gnome 2 or 3 so i use xfce (use whatever you feel comfortable with) :)19:47
Jillyauronandace, I guess I should try that too.19:47
ezrawI need to get trickle working to limit the bandwith available to a web browser19:47
ezrawor my entire computer19:48
auronandaceJilly: also as Technicus said, lxde is good too19:48
ezrawcan anyone help with that? running trickled -d10 -u10 doesn't limit it19:48
Jillyauronandace, is xfce really light weight though.  I have to admit, I really like the eye candy.19:48
TechnicusI have a problem with LXDE having Compiz enabled, the panels dissapear.19:49
TechnicusI am looking for a solution.19:49
=== Fuchs is now known as evilfuchs
* Jilly is looking for some screen shots. :) 19:49
auronandaceJilly: lxde is more lightweight than xfce, but i find xfce more pleasing to the eye than lxde (and both of them better than gnome (but that is a matter of taste))19:49
Jillyauro, I really liked the widgets you could add to the task bars.19:50
ezrawor maybe a better question is, anyone know how to do bandwidth shaping to a web browser?19:50
auronandaceJilly: there are plenty of plugins for xfce panel (try installing xfce-goodies)19:51
Jillyauronandace, cool..thanks for the tips.  I'll give it a try.19:52
haylo-bot_xfce has the an amesome right click feature that i use in crunchbang all the time19:52
haylo-bot_one right click brings up a beautiful display of every option available on the system19:53
haylo-bot_but in ubunut it does not seem that lightweight- i dont know why19:53
alexGlasgowcan anybody help me with installing Java Virtual Machine?19:54
alexGlasgowwhich command i need to pass19:54
Meliorhow do i find my disk size in bytes?19:54
dagerivcant get gnome terminal bell to play sound. pcspkr is loaded and not blacklisted. bell is enabled in gnome-terminal preferences.19:54
GinoManok.... does anyone know where lightdm looks to figure out what sessions should be available19:54
alexGlasgowsudo apt-get install sun-java6 fails!19:54
GinoManI swear I'm about to file a bug about it19:54
auronandace!partner | alexGlasgow19:55
ubottualexGlasgow: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »19:55
dagerivalexGlasgow: is is removed from repos do to no more license19:55
klyncGinoMan: should be /etc/lightdm/users.conf but i have a uid <1000 and editing that file doesn't make it show up, so i'm still missing something19:55
GinoMan/etc/lightdm/ has a bunch of stuff but none of it has anything to do with available sessions19:55
Tomay How to enable desktop effects on gnome 3 ?19:56
CompanionTomay, there is a PPA for that19:56
CompanionAny one seen this vid yet? http://vimeo.com/3109010319:56
CompanionFisiu, just ask your question19:57
FisiuHow much ram does ubuntu 32 bit support?19:57
TomayCompanion, What is PPA ?19:57
alexGlasgowubottu, ok, after this i just type: sudo apt-get install sun-java6  ?19:58
ubottualexGlasgow: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:58
* auronandace thinks that suggesting ppas should be banned or come with an explicit warning that they are not supported19:58
auronandace!ppa | Tomay19:58
ubottuTomay: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa19:58
h00kIt is :)19:58
alexGlasgowE: Unable to locate package sun-java619:59
alexGlasgow :\19:59
norbert_hey all, is there a way to get a more useful ffmpeg (that has libx264 support, for instance), without having to recompile that package?20:00
Tomayubottu, understand, thanks20:00
GinoManalexGlasgow: I have java 7 on my system20:00
GinoManI'm trying to find the instructions I used20:01
alexGlasgowGinoMan, ok, i just wanna run applets in my browser20:01
AdhamSabryhi, I'm upgrading my gnome to gnome 3 but it's asking me for my display manager, lightdm or gdm20:01
AdhamSabrywhich one should I choose?20:01
ViaNocturna85AdhamSabry, lightdm is the new login from Ubuntu 11.10, and gdm is the older one used before 11.1020:02
AdhamSabryand I want at my login, it asks me for gnome 3, or don't remember the second selection, or 2D20:02
Tomayubottu is a F***** bot20:02
ubottuTomay: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:02
kurisuhi guys, I have a problem in that ubuntu crashed running apt-get remove ubuntuone and now my system keeps hanging... tried clean autoremove and recovery check broken packages but I cannot seem to get rid of these broken packages, does anyone have any suggestions please?20:02
AdhamSabrySo I choose lightdm so I get to choose which one I want to login using, right? viaNocturna85?20:02
ViaNocturna85AdhamSabry, both will ask, with Lightdm click on the gear by your name to choose Ubuntu3D or 2D or gnome etc20:03
nelson777hello, is there anyway of installing an older firefox version (like 3.5) on oneric ?20:03
AdhamSabrythank you ViaNocturna8520:04
ViaNocturna85AdhamSabry, you're welcome20:04
AdhamSabryone last question, I used gnome3 and used it's login view, but I don't remember if I seen the choice to ever choose from between?20:04
AdhamSabrywell, can I change the display manager later?20:04
ViaNocturna85AdhamSabry, if later you want to change, you open a terminal and type in 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm' and it will ask that question again20:06
AdhamSabryTHANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU :-) :-)20:06
ViaNocturna85AdhamSabry, you're more than welcome20:06
crzyubuntu russian20:06
norbert_I don't know if there are any Ubuntu developers here, but why do we need a 190 page thread like this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78609520:06
norbert_why is there not a single button that says "give me a better ffmpeg" that the user can push20:07
norbert_all that compilation stuff is extremely user-unfriendly20:07
ViaNocturna85norbert_, the first page is the important one, the instructions, the other pages are from issues people are having doing that20:07
gr33n7007hhow can i update to the latest version of firefox in 10.10?20:08
norbert_ViaNocturna85: sure, but my point is that Windows or Apple users don't need to do all that20:08
NewbeeansI need a fix for CD downloads "No Such File or Directory"20:09
Jillywhats the xfce package name? there's a xfe...but I don't see a xfce.20:09
NewbeeansI KNOW the pc has a downloads folder20:09
norbert_Jilly: xfce420:09
Jillyso I want the Metapackage for the Xfce lightweight desktop environment?20:10
gr33n7007hNewbeeans, case sensitive20:10
Jillyhrm. :)20:10
gr33n7007htry Capital D20:10
badapplehow i run dvd disks on ubuntu ?20:10
ViaNocturna85badapple, does it not start by itself?20:11
Newbeeansgr33n7007h: good now it says permission denied20:11
badappleViaNocturna85: no =(20:11
s0neeim having a problem with my ethernet connection. i opened 'gnome-control-center network' and it keeps the cycle 'connected > connection failed > disconnected > cable unplugged > connecting > connected" ??20:11
gr33n7007hWhat directory are you in type pwd20:12
ViaNocturna85badapple, at install did you tick the box for MP3 support?20:12
NewbeeansNow in downloads20:12
gr33n7007hhow can i update to the latest version of firefox in 10.10?20:12
Unode|Workhi everyone20:13
badappleViaNocturna85: i dont use parole20:13
ViaNocturna85badapple, either way, go to the Software Center and install 'restricted-extras' and then try it out20:13
Unode|WorkIs there any tool out there to revert the action of fdupes and similar applications?20:13
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10 To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.20:13
kaluvaHi. I know this is stupid, but I just can't figure out how to turn on the visualisations in rhythmbox in ocelot. Help please?20:13
Unode|WorkI mean, given two hardlinks, turn them into independent copies20:13
kaluvaUnode|Work: cp20:13
Unode|Workkaluva, something a little bit more friendly20:14
Unode|Workkaluva, the files are scattered across multiple folders20:14
Unode|Work*the hardlinks I mean20:14
kaluvaUnode|Work: Oh, you need to find them first?20:14
GinoManalexGlasgow: I can't find it.... I'll keep an eye out for it and let you know if I find it20:14
NewbeeansOk if I am not root I can access download directory but get permission denied...seems like a catch 2220:15
tomasm-anyone know what happened to libgimp-perl in ubuntu? I cant seem to find it, it looks like the last one was in natty narwhal20:15
ktosiekHi! Does anybody know if I can run Ubuntu installer from installed system (for example, pendrive)?20:15
AdhamSabryhi, after installing gnome3, I have problems with my themes20:15
Unode|Workkaluva, well in practice what I want to do is the equivalent of "cp file1 file1.nothardlink ; rm file ; mv file1.nothardlink file1"20:15
AdhamSabryso I googled and got that page http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-common-gnome-3-issues-on-ubuntu-11-04-natty.html20:15
badappleViaNocturna85: i remember it was something like mplayer codecs but i am not sure20:15
cwheeleris there way to install gtk1 and glib1 on ubuntu 11.04?20:16
kaluvaUnode|Work: But there's lots of them, and you want to automate that, right?20:16
Unode|Workkaluva, exactly20:16
ViaNocturna85badapple, have you installed the ubuntu-restricted package?20:16
AdhamSabrybut the problem is, I'm afraid gksudo apt-get remove gnome-accessibility-themes make me lose the themes of ubuntu if I wanted to pick ubuntu3D from the login view20:16
alexGlasgowGinoMan, ok i will try to install sun-java6-jdk or openjdk-6-jdk20:16
Unode|Workkaluva, and there can be more than one hardlink to the same file20:16
badappleViaNocturna85: now i do it20:16
AdhamSabryand when I used it, the terminal paused after I typed "y" to remove, what's wrong?20:17
badappleViaNocturna85: it is big ^^20:17
AdhamSabryhi, after installing gnome3, I have problems with my themes, so I googled and got that page http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-common-gnome-3-issues-on-ubuntu-11-04-natty.html, but the problem is, I'm afraid gksudo apt-get remove gnome-accessibility-themes make me lose the themes of ubuntu if I wanted to pick ubuntu3D from the login view and when I used it, the terminal paused after I typed "y" to remove, what's wrong?20:17
seba_Hi, I have a problem with gnome-shell --replace, I get an error Clutter-CRITICAL **: Unable to initialize Clutter: The OpenGL version could not be determined20:18
AdhamSabryhi, after installing gnome3, I have problems with my themes, so I googled and got that page http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-common-gnome-3-issues-on-ubuntu-11-04-natty.html, but the problem is, I'm afraid gksudo apt-get remove gnome-accessibility-themes make me lose the themes of ubuntu if I wanted to pick ubuntu3D from the login view and when I used it, the terminal paused after I typed "y" to remove, what's wrong? vVianoctu20:18
AdhamSabryhi, after installing gnome3, I have problems with my themes, so I googled and got that page http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-common-gnome-3-issues-on-ubuntu-11-04-natty.html, but the problem is, I'm afraid gksudo apt-get remove gnome-accessibility-themes make me lose the themes of ubuntu if I wanted to pick ubuntu3D from the login view and when I used it, the terminal paused after I typed "y" to remove, what's wrong? Vianoctur20:18
Gskelligso my sound just stopped working out of nowhere20:18
shareIs 2.32.0 the latest GNOME2 version?20:18
homeyd5hello? apache newbie with an ssl cert question...20:19
tpyoi just tried to install ubuntu on a random laptop for the first time and the screen was completely blank... is that a messed up install or have i missed out something cruical like gfx drivers?20:19
PhoebusHi guys, I need help mounting and reading files from the C:\ubuntu\disk image with the winboot method... I tried explore2fs and it does nothing. Any ideas?20:19
zerwasIs there a way to get rid of the delay for showing the launcher in Ubuntu 11.10?20:19
tpyoim kinda crap at linux/ubuntu so........ sorry for being an idiot20:19
nocilishomeyd5 shoot20:19
ubottuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !KPackageKit, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 30000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!20:19
Unode|Workkaluva, any ideas?20:20
vishnu@phoebus - which version  you tried?20:20
AdhamSabryhi, after installing gnome3, I have problems with my themes, so I googled and got that page http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-common-gnome-3-issues-on-ubuntu-11-04-natty.html, but the problem is, I'm afraid gksudo apt-get remove gnome-accessibility-themes make me lose the themes of ubuntu if I wanted to pick ubuntu3D from the login view20:21
rbbi cant watch dvd in xbuntu10.4.2 with the movie player20:21
kaluvaUnode|Work: A little googling turned up dupmerge2, which supposedly does it both ways, merging and splitting. It looks dormant, but have a look yourself20:21
rbbany one can help20:21
AdhamSabryhi, after installing gnome3, I have problems with my themes, so I googled and got that page http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-common-gnome-3-issues-on-ubuntu-11-04-natty.html, but the problem is, I'm afraid gksudo apt-get remove gnome-accessibility-themes make me lose the themes of ubuntu if I wanted to pick ubuntu3D from the login view and when I used it, the terminal paused after I typed "y" to remove, what's wrong? ViaNoctur20:21
Unode|Workkaluva, thanks ,will do20:21
NewbeeansOhhhh!!!!! Every command shows a new problem...ask admin to enable sharing20:21
nocilisrbb does the drive show up in the file browser?20:21
Phoebusvishnu, 1.08beta, and I tried to open the file through all files, file root.disk am I doing this right? I'm short on time.20:22
homeyd5had a cert expire, bought a renewal....  spent hours getting it loaded.  It works now only if I hit the server directly via IP.  when I hit it thru the amazon loadbalancer, the old cert is still showing.20:22
AdhamSabryhi, after installing gnome3, I have problems with my themes, so I googled and got that page http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-common-gnome-3-issues-on-ubuntu-11-04-natty.html, but the problem is, I'm afraid gksudo apt-get remove gnome-accessibility-themes make me lose the themes of ubuntu if I wanted to pick ubuntu3D from the login view and when I used it, the terminal paused after I typed "y" to remove, what's wrong?20:22
vishnuthe problem is that the video device is not detected20:23
tpyois there a better channel for more nooby hands wavey questions or is this the best place?20:23
nocilishomeyd5 I'm not sure exactly but doesn't that stuff take hours to update?20:23
semitoneswhat is the real command for mk5sum?20:23
ViaNocturna85tpyo, this is the official help channel20:23
dagerivhomeyd5: i have no idea what amazon loadbalancer is. how about accessing it with a webbrowser?20:23
semitonesthat I'm not remembering20:23
tpyothanks ViaNocturna8520:24
ViaNocturna85tpyo, whats the problem exactly?20:24
vishnu@<rbb> isstall libdvdcss20:24
homeyd5yes, thru web browser of course.  the site is hosted by multiple servers in the Amazon AWS cloud.20:24
nocilistpyo there is also #ubuntu-beginners20:24
TheEvilPhoenixwhen's the EOL for maverick server?20:24
ViaNocturna85nocilis, is that for support though?20:25
nocilisViaNocturna85 not sure20:25
tpyowell oim trying to install ubuntu studio on some random laptop i have lying around but following the installation I get a bunch of disk churning and no visuals20:26
tpyomight it be that my laptop requires some sort of specific gfx drivers installed or is that normal?20:26
tpyoor the signs of a bad installation?20:26
semitonesis there a safety mode for dd?  I don't want to accidentally erase my computer20:26
nocilistpyo could be a bad install, you don't get anything onscreen at all?20:26
BGabrielHi guys! Newb here, just wanted to ask how to install applications downloaded in tar.gz format..20:27
semitonesi'm trying to do this: sudo dd if=/dev/sdb of=/home/me/sansa/file120:27
dagerivhomeyd5: i guess the cert must be installed at each server20:27
TheEvilPhoenixanyone had any success putting older versions of Firefox on oneiric?20:27
tpyowell today (after skipping specific package installation) I get the backlight still, previously when I was trying to add all my fancy packages i didn't even get that D:20:27
nocilisBGabriel depends on the application, what application are you trying to install?20:27
semitoneswill that command pose any danger?20:27
BGabrielsome old version of yahoo messenger..20:27
dagerivhomeyd5: webbrowser usually cash certificates to speed up things. clear cache or try with a different browser20:27
Gskelligsound mysteriously stopped working, any ideas?20:28
tpyoid expect at least some lovely text20:28
klyncsemitones: might not be as useful as you think; would be dangerous if /home/me is on sdb20:28
s0neeBGabriel, google "install program from source code linux"20:28
BGabrielor, for example kismet20:28
klyncsemitones: what are you *really* trying to do?20:28
ViaNocturna85BGabriel, is this the 'official' yahoo from years ago?20:28
semitonesklync: home/me/ is on sda520:28
hexacodehey you guys this command wont work for me because the right half where i write to file wants me to do it with sudo...how the hell do i do that?  sudo ls -laR / > /home/ibmx37/tester20:28
klyncsemitones: and you have enough space there?20:29
GskelligALL my sound is gone, even after a reboot20:29
semitonesklync: i'm working with #rockbox to unbrick my sansa, i'm just unfamiliar with dd20:29
semitonesklync: yes, sda5 has oodles of free space, sdb1 is 30 mb20:29
Unode|WorkGskellig, define misteriously20:29
ktosiekhexacode: | sudo tee some file20:29
GskelligUnode|Work, last night i had sound20:30
Gskelligbooted my PC this morning20:30
Gskellignow I don't20:30
Unode|WorkGskellig, any updates?20:30
Gskelligall the volume functions seem to be working right20:30
klyncsemitones: oic ... yeah, that's no problem; i'd also do bs=2048 fwiw20:30
GskelligI don't think so20:30
Unode|WorkGskellig, open a terminal and run alsamixer20:30
Gskellighow can I check that20:30
semitonesklync: what does specifying that do?20:30
klyncsemitones: best advice i can give is to triple check if= and of= before hitting enter!20:30
semitonesklync: did you get that last message? what does the block size command do?20:31
klyncsemitones: bs= "blocksize" ... i.e. how many bytes to read before writing ...20:31
Unode|WorkGskellig, on alsamixer check if the Master column has two OO or two MM20:31
homeyd5yep, tried both of those suggestions.  no joy.  it has something to do with the way the cert is bound to the ports.20:31
semitonesklync: and why is it good to specify?20:31
badappleViaNocturna85: do you know why when i click the botton for muting audio and when i press it again the audio did not starts ? .. it sirve only for muting =(20:31
Unode|WorkGskellig, do you see any MM on other bars?20:31
badapplesirves *20:31
Gskellignope, just OO or nothing20:31
klyncsemitones: variety of reasons; probably not necessary; might speed things up a bit20:31
Unode|WorkGskellig, how are the volume levels?20:31
pooltablehelp how do i fix this Failed to fetch http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/pool/main/g/google-chrome-stable/google-chrome-stable_15.0.874.102-r106587_i386.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80]20:32
Gskellig23 master, 98 headphone, 96 speaker20:32
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Gskellig98 PCM20:32
Gskellig0 mic boost20:32
kanylHi, when my laptop is booting it first shows some graphics, then goes back to console. It died during an update earlier today, i tried rebooting it and doing update, upgrade and dist-upgrade from the terminal. It works fine if i log in and type startx from the terminal. What do?20:32
ViaNocturna85badapple, if you put the slider up, does sound come on or not at all?20:32
Unode|WorkGskellig, do you have a mic?20:32
=== Doyle| is now known as Doyle
badapplewhere is the slider ?20:33
badappleViaNocturna85: where is the slider20:33
ViaNocturna85click the volume icon, then Sound Settings20:33
GskelligUnode|Work, laptop, it has a built in mic20:33
Unode|WorkGskellig, try increasing the mic volume and see if you can listen the mic sound20:33
Unode|WorkGskellig, also try to record some sound with the mic20:33
Phoebusvishnu, I installed explore2f, tried virtual disks... yada yada. the root.disk doesn't wanna open. Chances are it may be corrupt right?20:34
jcook_5xdatapooltable, http://www.google.com/chrome/index.html?&brand=CHMA&utm_campaign=en&utm_source=en-ha-na-us-bk&utm_medium=ha&installdataindex=homepagepromo20:34
Unode|WorkGskellig, if this doesn't work, the problem is likely to be on the drivers20:34
badappleViaNocturna85: yes the slider is up and when i press the mute botton it mutes and when i press it again does not starts =(20:34
GskelligMic boost is volume 020:34
Gskelliginternal mic boost is volume 10020:34
Unode|WorkGskellig, and the reboot could mean that you are now running a different kernel20:34
ViaNocturna85badapple, also make sure that under HArdware that the right Profile is selected20:34
xxiaoany one can recommend a fastest ubuntu i7 8-way build machine20:35
ViaNocturna85badapple, oh sorry i was confused20:35
jcook_5xdatapooltable, np20:35
Unode|WorkGskellig, also find some .wav file and try to reproduce it using aplay20:35
ViaNocturna85badapple, I'm not sure about that sorry20:35
badappleViaNocturna85: ok no problem =)20:36
Gskelligalright, I fixed it20:36
Unode|Workvolume issues?20:36
Gskelligsomehow the volume was set really low, and when i turned the volume up it was turning up the volume of my HDMI port20:36
GskelligI definitely never changed it though20:36
Gskelligthats dumb, I feel stupid now haha20:36
Unode|WorkGskellig, don't feel20:36
Gskelligmaster volume said 100 though... I don't get it20:37
dagerivhomeyd5: i cant see what you write because you dont highlight my nick20:37
Unode|WorkGskellig, I've had similar issues with how sound volume is handled20:37
Gskelligsomething wasn't pointed to the right spot. Now HDMI is showing up in alsamixer, it wasn't before20:37
Unode|WorkGskellig, sometimes a kernel change is enough to mess up the volume controls20:37
Gskelligthanks Unode|Work20:37
kaluvaGskellig: You might have used the wrong mixer, there may be more than one20:37
Unode|WorkGskellig, alsamixer is the best tool to test out these sort of volume issues20:37
neglogicanyone successfully used rubygems from behind proxy on ubuntu 10.10 ,I have done proxy settings on  /etc/bash.bashrc and aptitude is working fine can dowload packages20:38
semitonesklync: If I wanted to see if the two dd'd files were the same, would I take the md5sum?20:38
dfinnis there any problems with grub2 and ext4?  I just tried to install 11.10 on some pretty standard hardware.  the install went fine but when it tries to boot I'm stuck with a grub screen that says "error: no such disk." grub rescue>"20:38
semitonesmd5sum -b perhaps?20:38
kanylHi, when my laptop is booting it first shows some graphics, then goes back to console. It died during an update earlier today, i tried rebooting it and doing update, upgrade and dist-upgrade from the terminal. It works fine if i log in and type startx from the terminal. What do?20:38
Gskelligsound still isn't really performing right20:39
Gskellig50% volume sounds like 10%20:39
Gskelligand 100% volume sounds like 50%20:39
Unode|WorkGskellig, try lowering some of the other bars, some create noise if they are set too high20:39
GskelligI can probably figure it out though20:39
jcook_5xdatakanyl, did you get working20:39
kanyljcook_5xdata: Nope20:39
kanyljcook_5xdata: The login-manager does not launch when i boot20:40
kanyljcook_5xdata: And not if i type gdm either20:40
kanyli assume ubuntu uses gdm? It's my moms computer.. I'm not that good with ubuntu.20:40
jcook_5xdatakanyl, what version you running?20:40
kanylShould be the latest one, i just did all the updates.20:40
kanyljcook_5xdata: ^20:40
jcook_5xdatakanyl, then it lightdm20:41
semitonesklync: if I wanted to see if those two dd'd files were the same, would I take the md5sum -b of both?20:41
kanyljcook_5xdata: So.. Why does it not launch at boot?20:41
fooloveif I push a file scp to a server that has the same name will the old file just automatically be overwritting?????20:42
jcook_5xdatakanyl, try sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm restart20:42
jcook_5xdatakanyl, see if lightdm starts20:42
AdhamSabryhi, i have installed gnome3, but I'm now using ubuntu3D because gnome3 themes is totally corrupted, I did what the websites say but still the themes and specially the fonts are corrupted20:42
vishnufoolove:- no20:42
kanyljcook_5xdata: it does not20:43
tpyookay... i did an install of ubunto studio off usb and selected no additional packages.... now when i boot and select ubuntu from the menu I just get a blinking cursor... is that correct? or somehow wrong?20:43
icalfrom indo......20:43
jcook_5xdatakanyl, try sudo apt-get install lightdm --reinstall20:43
foolovevishnu so the old log would need to be removed first20:43
kanyljcook_5xdata: okay, thanks :)20:43
badappleViaNocturna85: i installed the restricted package and i still cant read dvd's .. =(20:43
domedagenSo after many years of Linux I fu20:43
domedagenI finally have a stable connection and everything running smooth in 11.0420:44
vishnufoolove:-  yes20:44
domedagenDo I dare upgrade to 11.11?20:44
bdrewerydomedagen: I had stability issues with ATI and compiz-settings-manager with 11.1020:44
robin0800badapple, not if the dvd is encrypted no20:45
=== anth0ny_ is now known as anth0ny
domedagenbdrewery: Why do you have AMD ATI?20:45
kanyljcook_5xdata: nope.. still the same, maybe some old config files are there ballsing it up?20:45
AdhamSabryanyone here can hepl me?20:45
domedagenAdhamSabry: What seem to be the problem20:45
AdhamSabryhi, i have installed gnome3, but I'm now using ubuntu3D because gnome3 themes is totally corrupted, I did what the websites say but still the themes and specially the fonts are corrupted20:45
vishnudomedagen : the latest version is always better20:45
zykotick9badapple, restricted-extras does NOT included what in necessary to play commercial DVDs - see "/msg ubottu dvd" for details20:46
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jcook_5xdatakanyl, I think it did not do a full upgrade try    sudo apt-get install -f20:46
auronandacekanyl: can you show us the output of: uname -a20:46
foolovewhat is the best place to check for failing cron jobs20:46
jcook_5xdatakanyl, it should fix any missing packages20:46
okelloshi, pls assist have this issue with synaptic not starting up after update, it throws a std:: out of range when i start it from terminal20:46
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:47
kanyljcook_5xdata: ok20:47
badapplezykotick9: thanks =)20:47
domedagenAdhamSabry: What's Ubuntu3D?20:48
RoastedI'm running a Broadcom 4318 on 11.10. In order to get Ubuntu to recognize the card, I need to run "sudo modprobe b43". How can I work around this?20:48
domedagenAdhamSabry: And what do you mean by corrupted20:48
AdhamSabrythey are not appearing correctly20:49
AdhamSabrylike the date, only the hours appears20:49
AdhamSabrysome tray icons are not visible unless I move my mouse pointer toward them20:49
auronandaceAdhamSabry: a picture speaks a thousand words...20:50
AdhamSabrylet me install teamviewer :-) and let anyone to control my pc and check it out20:50
badapplezykotick9: and do you know how can i change not to start with parole ?20:51
zykotick9badapple, parole?  i don't know what that is.20:51
domedagenAdhamSabry: What happen if you log in top Unity?20:51
vishnuadhamsabry : what is teamviewer20:51
jcook_5xdatakanyl, is it installing anything20:51
badapplezykotick9: well is like Caffeine..20:52
auronandacevishnu: remote desktop support20:52
AdhamSabryteamviewer is an application allows me to allow anyone I decide to remove control my computer20:52
Veuliahhello all20:52
pmitrosI'm trying to build a custom kernel. I'd like it to be identical to the oneiric kernel except for a 10 line patch. Are there good instructions to do this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile#AltBuildMethod appears out-of-date or broken.20:52
kanyljcook_5xdata: Nope :(20:52
panfisti'm trying to set up ssh server in ocelot. i can ssh to localhost. i can ssh from another host on my subnet to this one, but for some reason it says i time out when i try to use my public ip20:52
kanyljcook_5xdata: trying a reboot too20:52
panfistmy port is forwarded, though, i have tested that20:52
AdhamSabrydomedagen, wait, I will relog in from gnome320:52
bobweaverpmitros:  sed ?20:53
pmitrosSpecifically, when I apt-get source linux-image or similar, it doesn't grab kernel source.20:53
BarkingFishpanfist, are you using the correct public IP?20:53
domedagenAdhamSabry: Wow you really trust people on the internet. First this guide now this20:53
zykotick9badapple, if you use gnome, check "Startup Applications" (i'm not sure if that exists in Gnome3 and/or Unity)20:53
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kanyljcook_5xdata: still the same problem..20:53
panfistBarkingFish: i think so, i've copied and pasted directly from my gateway web interface20:53
AdhamSabrywait domedagen20:53
panfistalso tried a 3rd party service like canyouseeme.org20:53
vishnuadhamsabry : i cant find team viewer in synaptic20:54
RoastedI'm running a Broadcom 4318 on 11.10. In order to get Ubuntu to recognize the card, I need to run "sudo modprobe b43". How can I work around this?20:54
kanylAnyone else have an idea why lightdm might not start?20:54
pmitrosbob: sed? As in s/a/b/g? I'm not sure ohw that's related.20:54
aantnHow can I prevent alt from being swallowed by menubars? It interferes with emacs keybindings for gtk20:54
Flexyhey guys20:54
BarkingFishpanfist, i was going to suggest whatsmyip.com, but if you've used a 3rd party site, then you should be good to go20:54
auronandacevishnu: it isn't in the repos, you download it from their website20:54
bobweaveryou have to install teamviewer for webdite20:54
pmitroslinux-image is now some kind of linux-meta package with no source code apparent20:54
haigaizVideo streaming/rendering is slow in the browser, but all videos play just fine in standalone players. Anything I can do about this besides running Flash Video Replacer on Firefox? I'd prefer to use Chrome. Also, videos are fine (read: don't stutter) on the Empathy Browser.20:54
bobweaverdpkg -i Team*20:54
panfistif i try to ssh the wrong address it usually says "connection refused" right away, but in this case it just sits there and waits, then times out20:55
bobweaverpanfist:  host is live ? nmap ?20:55
jcook_5xdatakanyl, you did and upgrade right. do " sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm " and choose lightdm20:55
zyltoidmy wireless card is detected, and I get the option in nm, but there are no essid's listed. anyone know issue this might be?20:56
vishnuthanks bobweaver20:56
okelloshi pple, anyone knows how to fix a problem with synaptic not starting up, throws a std:out of range msg from terminal with a flash and then closes20:56
kanyljcook_5xdata: ok20:56
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bobweaverzyltoid:  is it bssid and essid hidden ?20:56
auronandace!fixapt | okellos20:57
ubottuokellos: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »20:57
Dmoleokellos: try apt instead20:57
haigaizVideo streaming/rendering is slow in the browser, but all videos play just fine in standalone players. Anything I can do about this besides running Flash Video Replacer on Firefox? I'd prefer to use Chrome. Also, videos are fine (read: don't stutter) on the Empathy Browser.20:57
SDrhi guys!20:57
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jcook_5xdatakanyl, sorry dude time to go home. I hope that fixes the problem20:57
Guest71884Hello there. I just switched to Linux and I encountered a very peculiar issue that has never happened onwindows20:57
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SDrhow can I request the DNS entry, specifically the registration status code, for a specific domain?20:58
Guest71884Does anyone think they can take a look at it? Description below:20:58
kanyljcook_5xdata: it didn't :/ thanks anyway20:58
Dmolehaigaiz: install the latest FF and use HTML5/webm video20:58
bobweaverzyltoid:  sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng then sudo su then sudo airmon-ng start(cardname) then airoduimp-ng mon0  < is it hidden ?20:58
kanylAnyone have an idea why lightdm and gdm just dies when i try to start them or when i boot, but startx works fine?20:58
haigaizDmole: do I *have* to use Firefox in order to use HTML5/webm video?20:58
Guest71884You know when you log in to a site and it remembers your username and autosuggests it?20:58
AdhamSabryare you here?20:58
RoastedAnybody know how to install GNome Shell themes? I found a guide but things aren't working the way I expected.20:58
Guest71884well when I go to websites it autosuggests hashes for some reason20:59
auronandacebobweaver: please don't suggest people to sudo su, it is wrong20:59
vishnuguys how can i ping a range of ip s to check live systems? for eg from to
okellosDmole: apt seems to work but any way i can get synaptic back20:59
bobweaversudo -s ?20:59
bobweaversudo -i ?20:59
zyltoidbobweaver: i'm not currently at the pc. i'll try it out when i get a chance. just trying to find a general area to look into as the root of the problem20:59
htmlinprogressGuest71884,  what do you need ?20:59
Guest71884Can anyone tell me why hashes might be appearing in autosuggest in form fields on websites?20:59
okellosubottu: tried running the cmd but still the flash and the its gone20:59
ubottuokellos: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:59
Guest71884For example I type "o" into a form field on a website21:00
auronandacebobweaver: yes, sudo -i is better, make sure they know what they are getting into21:00
Guest71884and it guessts "OWI0MzVmODYzYTY4YzVlYjA4"21:00
BluesKajpanfist,  the IPs should be listed in /etc/hosts.allow21:00
Guest71884as if i typed that in ther before21:00
Guest71884and it suggests*21:00
vishnuguys how can i ping a range of IPs to check live systems? for eg from to
Guest71884htmlinprogress, do you know my Ubuntu computer might be doing this?21:00
Dmolehaigaiz: webm should be supported by the big 3 FF GC IE likely all the others 221:00
aeon-ltdvishnu: not sure if it's supported but : usually denotes a range21:01
aeon-ltdvishnu: or /21:01
Dmoleokellos: you could remove purge it then reinstall it ~21:01
dfinnis there any problems with grub2 and ext4?  I just tried to install 11.10 on some pretty standard hardware.  the install went fine but when it tries to boot I'm stuck with a grub screen that says "error: no such disk." grub rescue>"21:01
htmlinprogressGuest71884,   can you change your name so i know out of 100 ppl who im talking to21:01
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okellosDmole: you mean purge out the whole synaptic21:02
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ThatGuy123okay htmlinprogress21:02
haigaizDmole: Tested webm on Chrome by playing a trailer using webm, but it still stutters when I set it to anything > 480p21:02
auronandaceThatGuy123: lol, nicely done21:02
htmlinprogressThatGuy123,  thanks   for that21:02
mdsilvasomething strange happened about 90 minutes ago. I had a huge spike of cpu usage, and then lost mouse and keyboard.21:03
Dmolehaigaiz: try playing them off your harddrive to make sure it's not a buffering problem21:03
ThatGuy123so htmlinprogress do you want me to repeat my issue ?21:03
julianPREGUNTA: uso X11 forw... putty + xming... para abrir firefox en estaciones windows... Es posible conectar una carpeta del cliente windows a linux. para que al descargar algun file se descargue no en el server linux, si no en el cliente windows? osea para poderlo guardar directamente en el cliente? ALGUNA web. para leer o con que terminologia buscar.. gracias..21:04
domedagenAdhamSabry: ?21:04
varkalaaeon-ltd : not working21:04
haigaizDmole: Buffering problem as in my internet might be too slow? That shouldn't be the case because 1) videos play fine on other machines and 2) even if I let it load the whole video (using YouTube), it still stutters. Thank you for your help thus far... do you have any other suggestions?21:04
MeQuerSatHello, is there a way to reset Ubuntu One?21:05
varkala guys how can i ping a range of IPs to check live systems? for eg from to
RoastedAnybody know how to install GNome Shell themes? I found a guide but things aren't working the way I expected.21:05
ph0x09ping -b
zykotick9MeQuerSat, you might want to ask in the #ubuntuone channel21:05
ThatGuy123okay I'll ask my question one more time21:06
ThatGuy123I just switched to Ubuntu and i noticed since switching that within my form fields there are hashes21:06
ThatGuy123So on a website where the formfield might remember the username I previously entered and suggest it to me21:06
htmlinprogressso in this format  tell me your problem , problem hardware  and software ,os being used     exsample   mine is ubuntu  32. bit amd 32bit dual core  2 gb drr2    and  "Problem "  and software used21:06
ThatGuy123It instead suggests a bunch of hashes in addition to my username21:06
Roastedam I stupid, or can I not report a bug on the launchpad site? It keeps saying I must do it through the OS... yet I don't have the laptop in front of me...21:07
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blsh0phey you guys i want to totally reset my ubuntu 11.10, but i want to keep important files and programs21:07
ThatGuy123so when I type in "o" in a form field it suggests a very long hash or what looks like  a hash21:07
ThatGuy123Does anyone have any idea whats going on?21:07
blsh0pcan i run a custom backup on a harddrive and then totally redeownload it?21:07
ThatGuy123I can post one of the strings that look like a hash21:07
mdsilvablsh0p, back up the files you want to keep21:07
blsh0phow do i back up programs and program files?21:07
ThatGuy123htmlinprogress, am I not making any sense?21:08
ViaNocturna85blsh0p, depends, do you mean programs downloaded through Software Center (apt-get)?21:08
mdsilvablsh0p, no you'd reinstall the programs21:08
zykotick9Roasted, it would probably be easier for everyone involved if you wait until you are at the computer then use ubuntu-bug to report it.21:08
blsh0pcan i keep the program settings and program files?21:08
ThatGuy123htmlinprogress, You know when you go to a website and when you type your username in the username form field it remembers what username you used last time and suggest it to you?21:08
Roastedzykotick9, if thats the case, if I'm trying to report a wireless bug, what would I use in the entry? I never understood that process. I always found it easier to just post, like a forum21:08
s0neeblsh0p, if you mean copy the whole disk, use dd21:09
zsellerblsh0p: yes you can backup your home directory21:09
varkalablsh0p : try computer janitor21:09
t4sHi. I tried to copy a folder containing a file with a |. There was an error, so I removed the | from the file name. However I still can't copy the file. When I search for the file it is still listed with the |. Do I need to update a index or something?21:09
ViaNocturna85blsh0p, not really but you can create a file with the programs installed listed in it, then back that up, and running a command with that will download and install the list again21:09
zykotick9Roasted, sorry I'm not sure - it's "ubuntu-bug PACKAGENAME" but I'm not sure where a wireless bug would go, sorry.21:09
s0neeblsh0p: man dd. it copies byte by byte21:09
Roastedzykotick9, is there even a way to just POST on launchpad? I find it a little odd that I have to fight to post a bug and help out...21:10
blsh0psonee what is dd?21:10
htmlinprogressThatGuy123,  yes  think its about auto complete , so what about it ?21:10
s0neeblsh0p: run "man dd". basically it copies every byte on the hark disk or partition21:10
varkala guys how can i ping a range of IPs to check live systems? for eg from to
zykotick9Roasted, i think it is possible, but bugs require a lot of info, that ubuntu-bug will automatically take care of.  Using the website will just require the maintainer to ask you to manually use ubuntu-bug after you finish reporting - to get the required information21:11
blsh0psonee where will it then be located?21:11
ThatGuy123yes htmlinprogress. So when the autocomplete suggests my username it also suggests a hash.21:11
s0neeblsh0p, what is located ?21:11
ThatGuy123So on my yahoo account my email has a n in it21:11
blsh0pwhere will it copy to?21:11
ThatGuy123The autocomplete suggests my name and then it suggets a couple of hashes like this:21:11
s0neeblsh0p: you can specify the file where it copies to21:11
ThatGuy123even though I never entered that21:11
ThatGuy123into the form field21:11
s0neeblsh0p: just like "save as"21:12
blsh0pcool thanks guys21:12
Roastedzykotick9, the "bug" I'm reporting I'm not even sure if it would qualify as a bug. Basically I had to run modprobe on startup to get my broadcom card to work. The fix? add "b43" to /etc/modules. I think it would be easier to report this so someone can add it to the actual distro so someone doesnt have to fight for 2 days over it like I did.21:12
ThatGuy123where  are these strings of numbers coming from in my autocomplete?21:12
MeQuerSatIs there a way to reset Ubuntu One?21:12
blsh0pthanks, a ton, im going to start it.21:12
blsh0psee ya guys21:12
ThatGuy123I delete my cookies and they come back after a while21:12
ThatGuy123If I type "m" into the username field the autocomplete suggests "MDkxNTBjYjA2MzYzMTkwMTh"21:13
ThatGuy123as if i typed that hash into the field before21:13
ThatGuy123I am not sure if it is a hash though, but it looks like one21:13
klyncThatGuy123: hey! that's my password!21:13
ZaelyxThatGuy123: What browser?21:13
htmlinprogressThatGuy123,  yeah21:13
ThatGuy123Zaelyx, Chrome21:13
Zaelyxhave you apt-get purged it? then reinstalled? I don't use Chrome, so sorry...21:14
domedagenohh f*** I think I lost one. The world just got a new MS-slave21:14
htmlinprogressohhh   ,,chrome is a "cloud "  base browser   so put it in once and it remembers it21:15
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htmlinprogressohhh   ,,chrome is a "cloud "  base browser   so put it in once and it remembers it  ThatGuy12321:15
auronandacehtmlinprogress: cloud based?21:15
ThatGuy123htmlinprogress, but how does that explain the strange hashes appearing in my autocomplete21:15
auronandacehtmlinprogress: cloud is a buzzword for internet based storage21:16
MeQuerSatUbuntu One keeps forcing me to add folders to a directory that cannot possibly exist21:17
intgrSo I upgraded my remote Ubuntu Server to Oneiric over SSH, but it failed to come up after reboot. Any tips, short of reinstalling?21:17
BluesKajvarkala, an example ,  nmap -sP or ping -b
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intgrI can still access a recovery console for the server and chroot into it21:17
ViaNocturna85BluesKaj, I don't think that user is here anymore21:17
htmlinprogressyeah its the bowser that i use for crossplatform  book marks and all kinds of goodies,   and its not just for cloud storage , google uses it for all kinds of things, thats why you got one acount for all their severices21:18
Star_Lighthello. Do you have some support room for octave programm on this server????21:18
Pici!alis | Star_Light21:19
ubottuStar_Light: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*21:19
mdhafenhello channel.  quick but tough question: is it possible to open Dash in the application lens with the Games category filter active?21:19
BluesKajViaNocturna85, i just tab completed his nick21:19
Star_Lightjoin #octave21:19
ViaNocturna85BluesKaj, how odd, I had an answer and tried tab complete but nothing...sorry, ignore my ramblings lol21:19
t4sHi. I can't copy a file that used to contain a |. When I search for the file it is still listed with the |. Do I need to update a index or something? Thanks21:19
rtyuiohow to get live TV URL from ubuntu ?21:19
rtyuioto able to play from vlc21:20
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mdsilvat4s, put quotes around it21:20
BluesKajViaNocturna85, care to share your answer, im curious21:20
htmlinprogressyeah its the bowser that i use for crossplatform  book marks and all kinds of goodies,   and its not just for cloud storage , google uses it for all kinds of things, thats why you got one acount for all their severices  auronandace,  ThatGuy123 ,21:20
okelloshi, anyone knows how to stream udp using vlc, plays from windows machine but l have trouble setting it up in linux21:20
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s0neet4s, what do you mean by "contain a |"21:21
ViaNocturna85BluesKaj, sure instead of ping use fping, then use the command 'fping -s -g <FIRST IP> <LAST IP> -r 1'21:21
rtyuiohow to get live TV URL from ubuntu ?21:21
rtyuioto able to play from vlc21:21
hexacode_hey you guys this command wont work for me because the right half where i write to file wants me to do it with sudo...how the hell do i do that?  sudo ls -laR / > /home/ibmx37/tester21:21
jchow to configure a skype? i cannot see the video for the other person21:21
t4smdsilve: I renamed the file, so it doesn't contain the | anymore, but when i run "locate -i ..." it still shows up with the |.21:21
ktosiekhexacode1: sudo ls -laR / | sudo tee /home/ibmx37/tester21:22
t4ss0nee: the filename included a the character.21:22
ktosiekhexacode_: sudo ls -laR / | sudo tee /home/ibmx37/tester21:22
hexacode_ktosiek:  thanks21:22
pnormanThe locatedb updates automatically  - not sure with what frequency, I think it's weekly21:23
foolovevishnu im pretty sure your wrong on the cron job thing i just test21:23
fooloveand it overwrites21:23
foolovethe old file21:23
s0neet4s, so you try to copy the file with a "|" in its name? try wrapping the name in ""21:23
robin0800t4s, perhaps you need to be root to rename so its not taking21:23
wolfmitchellJust got home from schoo, how do I switch to XFCE21:24
okelloshello, assist in setting up live network stream in vlc using udp21:24
rtyuiohow to get live TV URL from ubuntu ?21:24
htmlinprogressokellos,  rtyuio  if you find out then please make a video cause im been trying that for  a year with not getting to work21:24
t4ss0nee: But the filename no longer has the | in it. (to be presice it's a link I drag+drop'en from firefox)21:24
mdsilvat4s, try "periodic weekly", that might force it to recalculate it's database21:25
okellosrtyuio: which content did u want to stream21:25
ChosenOnehi I have some toubles from upgrading to oneiric :/ it refuses to finish installing rsyslog and consequently all depending pacakges, because ucfr(see man ucfr) complaisn about the taking-away of config files. any ideas?21:25
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rtyuioi don't want to stream21:25
s0neet4s, then what is the error you are getting? i don't really get it21:25
rtyuiosimply want to get the URL ?21:25
intgrSo I upgraded my remote Ubuntu Server to Oneiric over SSH, but it failed to come up after reboot. Any tips on figuring out what the problem is? I can still access a recovery console for the server and chroot into it.21:26
rtyuiocatch the correct URL .swf to able to play from VLC21:26
intgrI tried reinstalling grub, but that didn't help21:26
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BluesKajViaNocturna85, cool ,thanks :)21:26
ViaNocturna85BluesKaj, Your welcome, knowledge is power21:27
okellosrtyuio: got the correct one infact, created from a windows vlc machine that was able to stream dstv but when l tried it failed21:27
t4smdsilva: Is it a command? In that case, it's not installed... gperiodic is suggested?21:27
okellosrtyuio: so u searching for a url thats broadcasting tv stuff21:28
mdsilvat4s, periodic is a command. but gperiodic is something different, it calculates a periodic table of the elements21:29
spartan2276Need some serious help. I have an external backup drive which has all of my backups from a previous UBUNTU version but now it says its empty because 11.10 can't see it21:30
spartan2276Can anyone help me with this21:30
spartan2276all of my data was there21:30
t4ss0nee: I drag+drop'ed a link from firefox some time ago. Now I'm copying all files to an external drive before an upgrade. This specific file (link) couldn't be copied because it read the | as a pipe instead of a part of the file name. Then I updated the link (right click->open with gedit-> remove | ->save), but I stille get the error.21:30
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mdsilvaspartan2276, can any OS see the drive from that machine?21:30
spartan2276sbackup wont even see it21:30
spartan2276oh I can see the drive but I can't see what is in it21:31
mdsilvaspartan2276, what happens when you try to mount the drive?21:31
spartan2276I had the drive configured so that it mounted automatically in 10.0421:31
t4smdsilva: How do I install the command then?21:31
spartan2276it mounts just fine21:31
s0neet4s: wrapping the name in "" like cp "na|me" does not work ? are you copying using nautilus or the command line ?21:32
mdsilvaspartan2276, if it mounts just fine, then it should be see by ubuntu21:32
spartan2276And I know that I did not erase anything on there because I disconected and power off the drive before installing the new version21:32
King_JohnWhat video drivers does Ubuntu include? I have a cap. card that worked on ubuntu that doesn't on debian, and I need to install the correct drivers21:32
spartan2276oh no I lost everything, how could this happen21:33
t4ss0nee: I'm copying using nautilus. when I try with command line it says: cp: cannot create regular file `/media/5476-F1AA/Backup/Ubuntu/Friday Fun - Useful Linux Terminal Commands for New Users. | Ubuntu Linux Help.desktop': Invalid argument.21:34
mdsilvat4s, try to find a script somewhere on your system called "locate.updatedb" if it's there, run it21:34
spartan2276damn this sucks, how in the world could this happen21:35
s0neet4s, wrap "" like /media/54..../Ubuntu/"Friday ... .desktop"21:36
mdsilvaspartan2276, maybe 11.10 removed the files?21:36
bekorhi, i do not know if anyone has any ideas, i got a cheap mp3 player on ebay.works great can hold up to 16gb of space on a micro sd card ,but it has no shuffle option.anyone know of a good program that would shuffle songs without me having to rename songs?21:36
spartan2276mdsilva no because I disconnected the drive from the PC21:37
MenthaneWhere's the notification area in 11.10? When I close pidgin I can't see it's icon anywhere on the top bar?21:37
bobweaverhi there anyone having any trouble  with lubuntu and older dell's I installed lubuntu 10.10 and after install got busy box. I then tried to install lubuntu 11.10 and now the VGA is blown out (I think ) anyone seen or had any troubles like this ?21:37
s0neeMenthane: try the right bottom21:37
Menthanes0nee I'm using unity2d btw21:37
Menthanealso that didn't work21:37
s0neeMenthane, sorry i thought gnome shell. unity no clue ...21:38
ViaNocturna85Menthane, is it not under the little envelope?21:38
varkalaguys how can i ping a range of IPs to check live systems? for eg from to
bobweaverI tryed to install other vga that I have  laying around and still nothing no bios nothing21:38
mdhafenMenthane: you might be able to get to it under the envelope in the systray area.21:38
mdsilvaspartan2276, did you "umount" the external drive or shutdown the system before you powered it off and disconnected it?21:38
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ViaNocturna85varkala, first open a terminal and type 'sudo apt-get install fping'21:38
MenthaneOw yeah I see it now. Lol why does everything have to hide away in 11.10?21:38
mdhafenMenthane:  So it's 'cleaner'21:38
spartan2276the drive was setup on fstab so that it mounts on its own and unmounts when power off21:39
spartan2276because automatic backups where made on a daily basis21:39
ViaNocturna85varkala, then type 'fsping -s -g -r 1'21:39
bobweaverI have 7 more of these computers that i need to put os's on21:39
bobweavermd5sum is all good21:39
spartan2276but now none of those .targz files are not there21:39
mdsilvaspartan2276, if you powered it off, then ubuntu wouldn't be able to transfer the cached/buffered files in memory to the external drive. those files don't get saved unless you at least umount the drive before it loses power21:40
ViaNocturna85varkala, fping i mean, not fsping21:40
t4ss0nee: That did the trick... Thanks for your help21:40
s0neet4s, no problem. youre welcome21:41
t4smdsilva: Thanks for your help. I managed to copy the filed by wrapping it in "" (suggested by s0nee).21:41
mdsilvathe quotes were the first thing I suggested before s0nee even responded, and you said that wasn't it21:42
foolovecan someone validate that if you scp a tar.gz file to another server with the same name it should overwrite the old one correct???21:42
ViaNocturna85foolove, yes21:43
foolovei just tested this theory with a text file and it seems to be the file will overwrite21:43
foolovesomeone earlier had swayed me from my original thinking21:43
foolovelol wasted some time on it no biggie21:43
varkalahanks VianNocturna85 it works21:43
varkalathanks VianNocturna85 it works21:43
ViaNocturna85varkala, you're welcome21:43
douglas-web-devehello all21:44
ViaNocturna85douglas-web-deve, hello21:44
heloanyone know why "aptitude update" returns a non-successful status (255)?21:44
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douglas-web-devViaNocturna85, :)21:45
varkalaVianNocturna85 : u know how to scan for open ports in a range of IPs?21:45
soreauhelo: Does apt-get update work?21:45
heloi've been missing updates because my normal process is sudo bash -c "aptitude update && aptitude safe-upgrade -y"21:45
douglas-web-devConsidering usability and acessibility, what's the advantage of not having a standard taskbar on Ubuntu?21:45
ViaNocturna85varkala, im not entirely sure but I think nmap would be the best tool for that21:46
lapionMy xserver is freezing my screen quite often with : [mi] EQ overflowing. The server is probably stuck in an infinite loop.21:46
helosoreau: ahh, "E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead."21:46
helosoreau: so i guess the issue is that "aptitude update" isn't giving an error at all21:47
soreauhelo: Does the internet work on that box?21:47
lapionhow can I raise the verbosity of the xserver to get more useful information21:47
helosoreau: yes21:47
soreauhelo: Check your sources.list then21:48
helosoreau: i can see it update from a lot of IPs... looks like removing the deb-src entry for virtualbox's package server causes it to return 021:48
ViaNocturna85helo, do you have any PPA's that aren't working? thats usually what happens to me21:48
digitalfizso i messed up bad i did "rm -rf /var/log" is there a way to recover from this?21:48
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helowhen i added the virtualbox.org's entry, it automatically added a deb-src, which was failing silently in aptitude21:49
digitalfizi lost connection the the VM so i asked for a reboot, what are the chance it will reboot?21:49
heloaptitude needs to show an error message...21:49
mdhafensince I haven't seen any responses to my question I'll ask again with somemore detail.  I've setup a quicklist launcher for some games I like, and I was thinking it would be cool if left clicking on the launcher would open dash.  Is it possible?21:49
intgrAfter upgrading my server to oneiric, my network interfaces aren't starting up anymore. This is in /var/log/syslog:21:49
intgrOct 27 00:25:24 zed kernel: [   13.033305] init: network-interface (lo) pre-start process (546) terminated with status 121:49
ViaNocturna85digitalfiz, golden rule is to refrain from using rm -rf...thats removed ya logs i take it?21:49
intgrAny ideas?21:49
klyncdigitalfiz: probably not worth it ... just let the new logs start up21:49
helohah, after removing that apt-get update returns 0, but still says "E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.21:49
digitalfizklync, ViaNocturna85  i don't want to recover the logs just the install hehe21:50
intgrAlso the same line for eth021:50
mdhafenintgr: could it be related to dbus not starting properly?  I had something like that because /var/run didn't get moved to /run during the upgrade.21:50
helomy golden rule is to do ls -la {stuff} before doing rm -rf {stuff}21:50
ViaNocturna85digitalfiz, install of what?21:50
klyncdigitalfiz: is this your desktop computer?21:50
helobecause rm -rf is handy21:50
intgrmdhafen: Oh, does it have to be present in /etc/fstab?21:51
digitalfizklync no it was a development server on a esxi vm21:51
ViaNocturna85helo, yeah i use it all the time...in my home directory ;-)21:51
UnderDragonanyone has issues with the printscreen only showing the background ?21:51
intgrOct 27 00:42:19 zed kernel: [   13.628148] init: dbus main process (654) terminated with status 121:51
intgrmdhafen: Sounds like same here21:51
klyncdigitalfiz: oh - got a snapshot to revert to, then?21:51
mdhafenintgr: /run isn't in /etc/fstab, but there is supposed to be a sym-link to it at /var/run, which is where I ran into problems with dbus21:51
intgrmdhafen: Oh, /var/run is a directory. Should I rename it and symlink it to /run?21:52
intgrShould I move /var/run to /run?21:52
mdhafenintgr: yeah, something like that.  I'd recommend `mv -i /var/run/* /run/` first to make sure nothing gets lost.  and probably a reboot after makeing the sym-link.21:53
spartan2276mdsilva, can't be because those files where backup yesterday and then I did another one today so it should read it, I think what is happening is that since it was setup through fstab the drive is not being pickup as it should or at least is not showing the files21:53
intgrmdhafen: Ok, thanks21:53
mdhafenintgr: the -i option of mv is so you can not over-write anything that's already in /run, just in case :)21:54
digitalfizklync we do nightly backups was hoping to not have to do that21:54
varkalahow can i mount all my drives(partitions)  while booting/startup ?21:54
mshadle_can someone point me to the best place to create my own http:// based ubuntu network installation? i am behind a firewall, and XenServer requires it21:54
Carri0nVarazir, add to fstab21:55
jmarkquick question: what is the command for deleteing a directory in the terminal?21:55
Carri0nrm -rf21:55
icerootjmark: rm -r21:55
icerootjmark: without -f21:55
Carri0ndoesnt matter either way21:55
jmarkwill that delete all contained files also?21:55
icerootjmark: yes21:55
icerootCarri0n: no21:55
jmarkwait is it yes or no?21:56
varkalacarrion : add what?21:56
icerootCarri0n: -f is not needed and should not be used as default so dont suggest that here21:56
Carri0nrm -rf21:56
Carri0nworks just fine21:56
PolahCarri0n, apart from the fact that -rf will not prompt for anything and if it's prompting for whether or not you want to delete it then you should probably be rethinking whether to delete it or not21:56
digitalfizklync it booted back up but mysql didn't start so ill try and figure out wht21:56
lapionmdhafen / is not official location to have a running process info directory21:56
lapionmdhafen,  better to do ln -s /var/run /run21:56
klyncdigitalfiz: digitalfiz well, if you don't want to just let the log files regenerate themselves (or send email to root@localhost if the dir was missing), you could restore the backup to a temp location and copy /var/log from there. But getting your data back would require forensic-level work - i.e. finding the blocks on disk that were unlinked before they get overwritten. which is why i say prob not worth the effort21:56
theacolyteHi there, 11.10 support SSD TRIM?21:56
Polahjmark, just use rm -r, ignore Carri0n's suggestion.21:56
intgrmdhafen: Awesome! Thanks a lot, that fixed it21:56
klyncdigitalfiz: yeah, probably missing /var/log/mysql21:56
theacolyteSeem to find some conflicting info21:56
Carri0nrm -rf works fine.21:56
icerootCarri0n: i said stop it21:56
Carri0nrm -rf works fine.21:57
digitalfizklync thats what i thought but its there21:57
klyncdigitalfiz: a bit of a pain to manually recreate, but probably your best bet if you can't recover it from backup21:57
mdhafenlapion: my upgrade of 11.10 has it the other way around though.21:57
ViaNocturna85Carri0n, unless you actually know what the -f is for, don't suggest21:57
Carri0nrm -rf works fine.21:57
digitalfizklync oh wait its a pipe not a folder21:57
icerootCarri0n: enough21:57
Carri0nrm -rf works fine.21:57
W3ird_N3rdI just installed some extra memory and now I get "CPU frequency scaling unsupported" error when I boot up. Cool'n'quiet is still enabled in my BIOS.21:57
iceroot!ops | Carri0n21:57
ubottuCarri0n: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, or rww!21:57
klyncdigitalfiz: grep -i log /etc/mysql/my.cnf ?21:57
jmarkI know this room isn't specific to bash, but can anyone quickly point out why this doesn't work":  find -type d -a -name '*Temp' >> ~/tempfiles21:58
jmarkfor file in "cat ~/tempfiles"; do21:58
jmarkrm -rfv $file21:58
FloodBot1jmark: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:58
icerootjmark: quote it21:58
icerootjmark: always quote a var in bash like "$file"21:58
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icerootjmark: #bash21:59
jimmieIs there any way to restore Ubuntu to "factory" defaults without doing a fresh install?21:59
jmarkso make it say this:  for "$file" in21:59
Carri0njimmie, rm -rf /*21:59
iceroot!ops | Carri0n21:59
ViaNocturna85jimmie, do NOT follow that instruction!21:59
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!21:59
Carri0noh noes22:00
jimmieYes I got that.22:00
icerootCarri0n: stop it!!!22:00
Carri0nAwh :(22:00
icerootFlannel: thx22:00
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jimmieI take it thats a "no" to my question then22:01
mdhafenjimmie: I supposed dpkg-reconfigure could get you there, but that won't cover settings you've got in hidden folders in your home folder.22:01
mamece2hi, i am using natty 10.04 ihave installed kernel 3.6.38-12 and when i reboot its not in the grub option, whats happening?22:01
icerootmamece2: sudo update-grub22:02
varkalahow to find the UUID of a device22:02
three18timamece2, I think you mean kernel 2.6.3822:02
mdhafenvarkala: blkid22:02
CarlFKmamece2: how did you install the kernel ?22:02
three18timamece2, there is no 3.6 kernel.22:03
Polahvarkala, sudo blkid22:03
three18tihey, I'm getting this error when trying to build kerrighed, http://pastebin.com/ay4hLkat, anyone found a way to resolve this issue?22:04
varkalaplease tell me what is  <options>   <dump>  <pass>  in fstab22:07
mamece2iceroot: three18ti CarlFK i  mean 2.6.38-12 ive installed it throuhg update manager22:07
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three18tilike apt-get install kerrighed?22:08
mdhafenvarkala: options are used with mount, I don't remember what dump is for (maybe backup frequency), and pass is wether it should be fsck'ed22:08
three18tibelay my last...  got confused.22:08
steph7someone has blacklisted acer_wmi to solve rfkill softblock problems?22:09
steph7in acer laptops, obv22:09
CarlFKmamece2: then it should have taken care of updating grub. something is messed up.  you should figure that out before worrying about grub22:09
mamece2CarlFK: by grub i mean the first s creen when i get to choose the kernel to boot with22:10
CarlFKmamece2: me too22:11
varkalamdhafen : i want to mount a device with uuid F4822BF2822BB84E  (ntfs file system) on startup what sould i  add on fstab22:11
SilfenXis there a linux equivalent to winrar that can handle all rar archive types and is GUI based?22:12
mamece2i think sudo update-grub worked. THANKS!!22:12
varkalasilfenx : unrar22:12
ViaNocturna85SilfenX, if you install unrar then you get to use that in the Archive Manager22:12
mamece2how can i erase old kernels?22:12
SilfenXok, ty22:13
varkala i want to mount a device with uuid F4822BF2822BB84E  (ntfs file system) on startup what should i  add on fstab22:13
w30mamece2, I use synaptic to remove them, that wa grub automatically removes them also.22:13
mdhafenvarkala: It's been a while since I played with /etc/fstab, but something like this: UUID=F4822BF2822BB84E /media/mountpoint ntfs defaults 0 222:14
mamece2w30:  ty22:14
r4so when i use xcompmgr in conjunction with notify-osd, a black border surrounds the popup....any hints as to remove it?22:14
r4it wasnt there when i wasnt using true transparency22:14
ilyamhi ... if i want to effectively have "ulimit -l unlimited" for a user22:14
ilyamthis works right?22:14
ilyamecho "username   soft   memlock   unlimited" >> /etc/security/limits.conf22:15
ilyamecho "username  hard  memlock  unlimited" >> /etc/security/limits.conf22:15
vafiedhello, i am trying to use dhclient on ubuntu 11.10 as i used to do on my 11.04 but it keep telling me that i should run service service start22:15
osmosisSilfenX, probably just the normal file manage will do it. Right click, extract.  have the unrar package installed22:15
Reaper! usb22:15
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent22:15
pnormanI replaced a drive in my RAID array a couple of weeks back. My /boot is a RAID1 array where each volume is bootable. My understanding is I have to do something with grub to make it bootable, but I can't figure out what22:16
mdhafenpnorman: if the drive is hardware RAID1 i'd think installing grub on one drive would take care of it on the rest of the RAID1 set22:17
pnormanmdhafen: unless the drive that has grub on it dies and i need to boot off of another22:17
vafiedany change to dhclient on ubuntu 11.10 ?22:17
mamece2whats the difference , in synaptic, about removal and complete removal?22:18
mdhafenpnorman: yeah, I though hardware raid1 would just clone grub from the one drive to the other automatically.  Seems I'm wrong.22:18
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w30vafied, service --status-all will tell you what services service runs22:18
zykotick9mamece2, complete removal = purge, so it remove any config files (not the ones in home directory however)22:18
varkalamy friend is having a THOSHIBA laptop and he say that he cant run ubuntu on it due to some problem with acpi . does any one face similar problem?22:19
mamece2zykotick9: so i can complete remove an old kernel, right?22:19
vafiedw30: but dhclient is a script not a service as far as i know22:19
mdhafenvarkala: i've heard of that.  there should be a kernel boot option, like noacpi, to take care of that.22:19
zykotick9mamece2, sure, i don't think it'll make much difference for linux-image*, but maybe.22:19
wolfmitchellHow do I uninstall gnome?22:20
wolfmitchell(Not the packages it has with it22:20
pnormanmdhafen: google seems to indicate that grub-install /dev/sdX works - does that sound right?22:20
w30vafied, could be what does service --status-all tell you about dhclient?22:20
mdhafenpnorman: yeah, that's what I was expecting.  From there the hardware RAID1 mirrors the grub stuff to the other drive in the set.22:21
w30vafied, anything?22:21
aeon-ltdwolfmitchell: what specfically about gnome? cause you could just install another DE/WM and use that if hdd space is not a issue22:21
wolfmitchellAeon-I want to uninstall the enviroment itself22:21
vafiedw30: it is not listed22:21
mdhafenpnorman: also, if you are in recovery mode, that will reinstall grub on the drive for you.22:21
aeon-ltdwolfmitchell: so the UI?22:21
varkalamdhafen :' kernel boot option ' what u mean?22:22
aeon-ltdwolfmitchell: then you need to remove metacity that handles window management for gnome DE22:22
mdhafenvarkala: I'm not sure I can explain properly.  The kernel line in grub can have options for booting the kernel, like noacpi.22:22
aeon-ltdwolfmitchell: but i'd install another DE or WM first22:22
wolfmitchellAeon-I have XFCE already22:23
pnormanmdhafen: incidentially, /boot is a 4 volume RAID1 array22:23
aeon-ltdwolfmitchell: ok if you are in xfce right now you'll only need to remove metacity and gnome-panel they are what handles gnome's graphical interface (along with compiz if you used that)22:23
mdhafenpnorman:  wow, not that's serious fault tolerance.22:23
w30vafied, obviously you can't use service on it then22:24
mdhafenw30: doesn't ifupdown handle dhclient?22:24
pnormanmdhafen: it's a 4 disk RAID10 array for everything else, but for boot you need raid1 and it's a lot easier to have all the volumes the same22:24
vafiedw30: but i dont want to use a service on it, i want to use it as i used to do sudo dhclient and it cleans the routing table and grant a new ip from dhcp22:25
mdhafenpnorman: is this software raid?  I'm didn't think hardware raid could carve up drives into seperate partitions like that.22:26
pnormanI can't afford real hardware raid22:26
varkalawhich is having more memory consumption KDE or GNOME?22:26
fxhpWhere could I go for Quickly advice.22:26
mdhafenpnorman:  I should have figured it was software RAID.  Then yes, you will need to re-install grub on the replaced drive to get it to work.22:26
zykotick9varkala, kde (at least in Lucid days it was, now not so sure)22:26
pnormanYa, just did it22:27
pnormanI should test it at some point22:27
* Ober ponders how to get the grub menu to appear. jumps straight to first kernel and bombs "press any key to continue" through the endless same error22:27
mdhafenpnorman: yeah, testing is good ;)22:28
zykotick9Ober, hold shift after BIOS (if you use grub2)22:28
wolfmitchellYay. I am now, gnome-free22:28
Oberzykotick9: k22:28
pnormanmdhafen: any way to test if it's installed correctly short of rebooting, disabiling the other drives from the boot order in bios and seeing if it boots up?22:28
w30ls -la22:29
Oberporn/ wares/22:29
mdhafenpnorman:  all I can think of is either that or something like `dd if=/dev/sdX of=- count=1 | less`22:29
mdhafenpnorman: I think rebooting is really the only way to be certain22:30
pnormanmdhafen: what am I looking for in that command?22:31
janisozaurhow do I list files provided by a package in cli?22:31
zykotick9janisozaur, "dpkg -L foo"22:31
mdhafenpnorman: the dd command should drop the first block of the drive, which you might be able to look at and see if grub is there.  But it would take a lot of nerd-cred to be able to tell if grub is configured correctly from that.22:31
pnormanI guess i could compare with my other drives22:32
varkalaplease suggest me some good books or websites to start with shell scripting22:32
three18tianyone successfully running a SSI cluster?22:32
mdhafenpnorman: of course, that's brilliant22:32
ViaNocturna85varkala, http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/22:33
three18tiIf anyone is successfully running an ubuntu SSI cluster, what are you using to do so?22:33
pnormanthey differ.22:33
mdhafenpnorman: there might be some differences from the software raid setup.22:33
pnormanYes, but I'm not sure how to tell. I really need to use a hex editor to be able to even see the files22:34
mdhafenjanisozaur: dpkg -L package-name22:34
janisozaurzykotick9, awesome. I've been trying to get this answer for couple years now and it was right there, under my nose :P22:34
mdhafenpnorman: yeah, that's why I would recommend the reboot route, it doesn't involve a hex editor ;)22:35
varkalaVianNocturna85 : any way to download this as pdf22:35
aeon-ltdvarkala: there is a cli tool called htmltopdf22:36
pnormanand my geek cred is not high enough to tell if grub is installed, let alone configured, from the contents on the drive22:36
avpxHello, everyone. I'm having a problem on my Eee PC 1000HE running an almost-fresh install of Ubuntu 11.10 where I get kernel panics that are seemingly-random (they sometimes happen during boot, sometimes while I'm just editing a file). I'm wondering exactly what kind of information I need to collect to start debugging this.22:36
ViaNocturna85varkala, http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=beginners%20guide%20to%20bash%20pdf&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CB0QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Ftldp.org%2FLDP%2FBash-Beginners-Guide%2FBash-Beginners-Guide.pdf&ei=ZouoTvy_KoKb-gbtnom4Dw&usg=AFQjCNHpKXBHe_CK_QLtsRjldynr0cSYaw&sig2=Vnfo4oVPFEFDZQwg6T4T5w&cad=rja22:36
mdhafenpnorman: neither is mine :)22:36
ViaNocturna85varkala, ignore that22:36
ViaNocturna85varkala, tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/Bash-Beginners-Guide.pdf22:37
pnormanI also need to turn on AHCI in the bios - would that be likely to cause any problems with md?22:37
avpxBasically, I'll be using my netbook and it will just randomly crash or dump me to a kernel panic screen.22:37
mdhafenpnorman: as long as it doesn't change the bios order of the drives or somesuch I wouldn't think it would.22:38
pnormanmdhafen: they're done by guid, does the bios order matter?22:38
three18tivarkala, this is the best resource for shell scripting http://onyxneon.com/books/modern_perl/, much better than bash (since Perl is readable) not to mention Perl is more flexible and powerful than bash.22:38
aeon-ltdavpx: use the liveusb (or sd) for a while does the same happen? if so problem is software not hardware; theres a start22:38
three18tivarkala, the best part of the Modern Perl book is it is Free!22:39
mdhafenpnorman: not much, but it might if you want to test booting of a particular drive.22:39
pnormanwell, bios doesn't identify by guid, it identifies by drive name/sn22:39
aeon-ltdi'll be bach later.22:39
mdhafenpnorman:  yeah, UUID, didn't think of that.  It probably won't matter at all then.22:39
varkalathree18ti : that link is not right22:40
pnormanya, s/guid/uuid22:40
pnormanI figure I'll do it when I get ready to install new drives22:40
mdhafenpnorman: I'm pretty sure grub would still be able to find the drives, so it should be fine22:40
three18tivarkala, http://onyxneon.com/books/modern_perl/ ?  here is the direct link to the PDF http://onyxneon.com/books/modern_perl/modern_perl_letter.pdf22:41
pnormanThe server is in the storage room and it requires some contortions to get into22:41
three18tivarkala, also, perl has a rather large community (see perlmonks.org, reddit.com/r/perl, etc.)22:42
mdhafenpnorman: ah.  yeah, don't want to make mistakes in that case.  ;)22:42
varkalathree18ti : ok i will try it22:43
pnormanmdhafen: What makes my next upgrade more insane is that I plan on adding HD bays to the case - only have 622:45
nelson777hello, I'm trying to enable VT-x support on Vbox for hours22:46
nelson777my processor is a Quad Core 64 Bits, my BIOS has VT-x support, it's enabled in Bios, Trusted computing is enabled in Bios, my host is a 64 bit Ubuntu (11.10 Oneiric Ocelot), I checked that the processor has the vmx flag in proc/cpuinfo, I am using the latest Virtualbox version (4.1.4 r74291) the virtual machine was created as Ubuntu 64 bits22:46
pnormanAlthough I might go the easy route and buy a new case with 10+ bays22:46
nelson777and still it shows the message that it can't detect a 64bit cpu22:46
nelson777Is there anything else I can do about it ?22:46
mdhafenpnorman: I am a big fan of the easy route ;)22:46
pnormanKnow of a case that takes standard computer parts and has room for a truely excessive number of 3.5" drives?22:47
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soreaunelson777_: Maybe try #vbox22:47
mdhafenpnorman:  sorry, haven't looked at cases in a long time.  I'd usually just grab whatever looked good on tigerdirect22:47
buhmanhow can I tell dpkg to resume an interrupted aptitude upgrade?22:47
jaysonvdHi, I'm using HP Pavillion dm1, is there any advise on how to install the graphics driver in ubuntu?22:48
nelson777_soreau:  thnx already there22:50
TheEvilPhoenixjaysonvd:  is it an nvidia graphics card?22:52
TheEvilPhoenixor an ati one>22:52
TheEvilPhoenixjaysonvd:  if nvidia, is it an Optimus card? (i.e. utilizes Optimus)22:52
robin0800buhman, just run it again but run update first22:55
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sybaritenHello i have a vps with 256 mb of RAM22:56
sybaritenis there any chance, you think, to get a graphical environment of sorts running there? I'd like to run a browser22:56
qinsybariten: You can use socks proxy, or elinks22:57
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elvis2how can i connect to my other ubuntu machine over vpn? i have remote desktop turned on on both machines22:59
acuhow can I remove the gnome keyring - I am trying to remote connect and that always pops up22:59
sybaritengi3: elinks is  not a graphical browser, but what did you mean by socks proxy?23:00
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bioSharkdoes anybody know where does Klavaro store it23:02
bioSharkdoes anybody know where does Klavaro store it's progression statistics?23:02
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bioSharkported Klavaro from one Ubuntu to another and want to take my statistics with me as well23:03
jaysonvdTheEvilPhoenix: it's amd, I tried installing the ATI calyst drive from their site but it doesnt work23:05
SeperandMan and wife had to be seperated.23:05
MisterXhi there23:05
BoontooHi, I recently updated my linux kernel, I am running Ubuntu 10.10 and went from 2.6.35-28-generic-pae to 2.6.35-30-generic-pae23:06
MisterXi'm trying to save a flash-video streamed by youtube23:06
TheEvilPhoenixjaysonvd:  use the Hardware Drivers tool23:06
Boontoonow at boot, I get "No init found. Try passing init=bootarg.23:06
MisterXi followed instructions telling me to search /proc/PID/fd for deleted files (found some) and then copy them to any directory, thus saving them23:06
Boontoobasically, I can't load the new kernel or the old one in recovery mode or not23:06
jaysonvdTheEvilPhoenix: that's the first one i tried but it doesnt work23:07
MisterXbut the file cannot be opened for reading23:07
BoontooI already tried fsck from a live cd, but to no avail, same problem at boot. I will probably do a fresh install. But I would like to recover the data first if possible23:07
SomelauwHi, I want to change the file association of a C++ file. In a file called /local/share/applications I created an entry text/x-cpp=gedit.desktop but it still opens it in eclipse. Do I need to change this maybe somewhere else?23:07
jribMisterX: why not just use youtube-dl from the repositories?23:08
SomelauwWhat would be the mime type of C++? I think text/x-cpp23:09
zykotick9MisterX, BTW it's /proc/PID/fd/## for the specific file, that can be seen from "lsof | grep Flash"23:09
sigmab3taanyone know if grub2 in oneiric supports GRUB?23:09
sigmab3taerr supports GPT23:09
MisterXzykotick9: yes, file's not readable…23:10
zykotick9MisterX, then you're using the wrong ## i'd guess, or you've closed the browser?23:10
MisterXjrib: i already completely downloaded the file (90min vid) and am stuck with sloooooow dsl23:10
MisterXzykotick9: nope, browser's open…23:10
BoontooI have tried this fix, to no avail on either drive23:10
MisterXcan see and hear the guy speaking ;)23:11
steph7who knows acer_wmi module?23:11
zykotick9MisterX, verify the "lsof | grep Flash" info then23:11
MisterXzykotick9: no output.23:12
zykotick9MisterX, are you using adobe flash?  or something else?23:12
MisterXzykotick9: chromium, adobe plugin afaik23:15
SatanaaHey all after I updated ubuntu to 11.10 some time back ( some of you might remember me ) I had a few issues that i fixed, but one of them is persistent.. Every time my computer is idle and the screen powers off, i cant get it back on tried installing xscreensavers, but still got this issue.. doesanyone know how i can fix this?23:15
MisterXi HAD some info for the flash-thing but the process seems to be daed, now23:15
mappumwhy is my HDD mounted as /cdrom and why can't i format it?23:17
jribmappum: why do you believe your hdd is mounted as /cdrom?23:18
Hilikuswhat's the default mail/calendar client in 11.10?23:18
mappumthat's what disk utility says23:18
Satanaai know loads of people have this issue, so someone must have an answer.. i refuse to belive that everyone just moved away from ubuntu23:18
mappumnvm, it's /dev/sda123:18
jribmappum: pastebin the output of « mount » and « sudo fdisk -l »23:18
mdsilvamight be a stupid drive utility23:19
mappumhere's the problem, that is a different machine than this23:19
mappumand no network access23:19
jribSatanaa: my laptop has some weird issue where it dims the backlight but I can return it to normal by increasing brightness23:19
mappumbut if i try to format it it says "the daemon is being inhibited"23:20
Satanaajrib when i think about it, it is dim indeed23:20
Satanaabut i cant do that23:20
Satanaai have to reboot23:20
Boontoocan somebody help me out here? I have made little progress trying to boot in recovery mode with my old kernel, I am getting an error pointing to my video card but I cannot even get a shell otherwise I would save my files and reinstall23:20
mdsilvamappum, the hdd and cdrom might have gotten swapped in your udex presistant drives files23:20
jribSatanaa: is it a laptop?23:20
Satanaanetbook, so same thing23:20
jribSatanaa: do the brightness keys work?23:21
Satanaathe FN doesnt work when its dim23:21
Satanaayup first i did really23:21
jribSatanaa: do they work normally?23:21
mappummdsilva: i don't have a cd drive, and this is a brand new live USB23:21
Satanaajrgp yup23:21
BoontooUbuntu 10.10 crashed after what appears to be a kernel update and now I have what a appears to be a proprietary drm blob and no way to boot23:21
jribSatanaa: if you wait for it to dim and try to wake it up within a minute, do you still have the issue?23:21
ktosiekI get dpkg: ../../src/archives.c:978: tarobject: Assertion `r == stab.st_size' failed.23:22
ktosiekwhen trying to install oneiric with debootstrap23:22
Satanaajrib yup, only thing i can do is to reboot23:22
ktosiekto make it even more fun, I get it on a first package23:23
jribSatanaa: have you tried to replicate the issue by issuing somewhat-related commands?  I am thinking of just starting the screensaver, then playing with dpms using xset and trying to experiment23:23
mdsilvamappum, do you have any kind of optical drives at all?23:23
Satanaajrib we got to a point where i no longer understand you haha23:24
magn3tshow the heck do I get rhythmbox to STOP PLAYING when I close it.23:24
jribSatanaa: well I'm just suggesting you try to issue the command to start the screensaver, then see if the issue presents itself.  If not, try using xset to play with the different dpms settings23:25
magn3tsor alternatively, how do I get banshee to stop crashing every 4 minutes23:25
mappummdsilva: no other drives than the usb and hdd23:25
robin0800magn3ts, pause it first23:25
magn3tsrobin0800, lol thats not what I want23:25
jribSatanaa: also, if you close the lid and open it again, are you able to use the system?23:26
mdsilvamappum, does it call anything /dev/sda1 ?23:26
spartan2276Can anyone help me recover my files from an external drive?23:26
Satanaajrib yea i am sometimes :)23:26
Boontoospartan2276: maybe, what seems to be the problem23:26
MisterXso, anyone about the flash-video thing?23:27
jribspartan2276: plug in, go to drive in nautilus23:27
Satanaabut it has to power down23:27
jrib!helpme | MisterX23:27
ubottuMisterX: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude23:27
SwashBucklado you recommend a distupgrade, or fresh install?23:27
mappummdsilva: Disk Utility says the "device" is /dev/sda1 but it says it is mounted at /cdrom23:27
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. Please see !upgrade for the proper way to upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu.23:27
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade23:27
mdsilvaspartan2276, from what you said before those files are probably gone forever. you powered down the drive and expected an automatic umount to flush the buffers *after* the power was cut23:27
jribSwashBuckla: upgrade with backups just in case23:27
magn3tsThis is freaking absurd. Banshee won't play music without crashing, Rhythmbox can't be quit unless you use Unity. who is in charge of this ux nonse23:28
SwashBucklain the past I have experienced a lot of problems with distupgrading23:28
jribmagn3ts: upgrade to mpd :)23:28
BoontooSwashBuckla: yeah me too...can't even boot now23:28
magn3tseverytime I look, I can't find a good client for it jrib23:28
mdsilvamappum, you might try unmounting it from /cdrom23:29
SwashBucklarandom crashing, frankenstein monster style upgrading23:29
SwashBucklaBoontoo: :(23:29
MisterX(@jrib) Is anyone of the honorable guests here able to contribute to the channel's discussion on the topic of finding and saving a flash-video of youtube while not finding even a PID for libflashplayer.so ?23:29
Boontoomagn3ts: ever try amarok, or exaile with alsa?23:29
jribmagn3ts: I like ncmpcpp, it's a terminal app though.  I think a nice gtk one I tried once is sonata23:29
mappummdsilva: how would i go about doing that?23:29
spartan2276mdsilva, how is that even possible?23:29
Satanaajrib i take you have the same issue hehe23:29
Hilikuswhat's the default mail/calendar client in 11.10?23:29
mappummdsilva: it still says "the daemon is being inhibited"23:29
jribSatanaa: my suspend seems to work ok but takes an eternity to actually wake-up23:30
mdsilvamappum, the command would be "umount /cdrom"23:30
spartan2276mdsilva, what does me unplugin the drive has to do with the files being wiped out23:30
SwashBucklajrib: backup what?23:30
jribSwashBuckla: whatever you want?23:30
Satanaai think its really hard to get used to unity when the devs have messed the distro up at the same time :/23:30
SwashBucklajrib: I suppose that depends on what you want :) Yeah thought so23:30
SwashBucklajust /home reallyu23:30
SwashBucklaSatanaa: what is "messed up"?23:31
jribSwashBuckla: i've upgraded since warty and have only experienced 2 issues (which were documented in release notes anyway)23:31
urlin2uHilikus, I don't think there is a default mail/calender they are 2 different thing, if I'm incorrect you might elaborate more detail.23:31
SatanaaSwashBuckla jrib would be able to explain it way better than me :)23:31
stercorHow do I create a launcher in 11.10?23:31
Boontooso...there seems to be a pretty serious error in my sda1...which should not have a boot partition on it. I cannot load gparted from my ubunut install disc and fsck can't fix it23:31
Boontooboot should be on sdb1, however, I cannot load either of my kernels even in recovery mode23:32
wolfmitchellThe game23:32
Hilikusurlin2u: what's the default email client then?23:32
mfitchi got a new hard drive today and installed ubuntu.  now the disk utility says my partitions are misaligned!  is there a way of dealing with this without destroying my partitions?23:32
Boontoono init found. try passing init= bootarg.23:32
urlin2uHilikus, thunderbird I believe.23:32
SatanaaSwashBuckla but everytime my screen goes to idle mode, its dimmed all black, and stays that way23:32
urlin2uHilikus, http://news.softpedia.com/news/Ubuntu-11-10-Will-Use-Thunderbird-as-Default-Mail-Client-216288.shtml23:33
SwashBucklaSatanaa: you can not un-blank it?23:33
SwashBuckla(without a hard reset)23:33
mdsilvaspartan2276, files are kept in cache/buffer in the computer's main memory, and they are not for-sure written to the drive until a "umount" command takes place.If you unplug the drive before a umount, then there may easily be files in cache that didn't get written to disk. if as you were saying before you were depending on the drive automatically being umounted when you unplugged it, then as far as the drive's concerned it was never pr23:33
mdsilvaoperly umounted23:33
froqanyone have a recommended sql GUI program for ubuntu?23:33
SatanaaSwashBuckla i have to reboot or go to standby and then wake it up23:33
SwashBucklaI experience frequent application hangs23:34
rdbuchmannThe time/date no longer displays in the system tray in Ubuntu 11.10. How can I correct this?23:34
SwashBucklaas in once every 10 mins23:34
Satanaaim so close to format lol23:34
stercorfroq: depends on the db.23:34
mfitchanyone know if a way to nondestructively align partitions?23:34
stercorfroq: PostgreSQL: pgadmin3; mysql: I dunno.23:34
zykotick9froq, for admin stuff I like mysql-admin23:34
froqstercor, why? (newbie to sql)23:34
SeperandBuy a smaller ssd to install OS on23:35
froqzykotick9, I will be using it to assess medical information23:35
mfitcher, i suppose its the blocks that are misaligned23:35
froqstercor, mysql is a GUI in its self23:35
stercorfroq: Each SQL server has its own syntax for statements, and the server needs to communicate with the client with a specific protocol.23:35
stercorfroq: I've not done MySQL in years, preferring PostgreSQL.23:36
froqDoes that chosen sql server matter much outside of proper statements?23:36
Boontooanyone know a workaround for sudo fsck /dev/sda1, if you have an invalid sperblock i.e. (GUID partition)23:37
stercorfroq: Oh, there are dialects of SQL used by the various vendors: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, ...23:37
BoontooIs anyone seeing my posts? I am not on anonymous mode right?23:37
pnormanfroq: Unless you're running some large complex DB, I'd suggest going with whatever is suggested for your particular applications23:38
wolfmitchellIs it possible to install ubuntu to the same device it is installing from?23:38
diverdudeWhat is the difference between suspend and hibernate?23:38
stercorfroq: But the byte stream between the server and and client is different for each database.23:38
mdsilvaBoontoo, I see your posts, I just don't have an answer23:38
Boontoomdsilva: ah, okey dokey23:38
stercorpnorman: Good advice.23:38
froqstercor, o!  so some servers are better for transferring data over internet, etc.23:38
pnormanAny potential savings in speed or flexability will be outweighed by the bother of setting up something non-standard23:38
stercorfroq: Actually, it's the results of an SQL query that go out.23:39
RagnarockMyrtti its op ?23:39
MyrttiRagnarock: huh?23:40
stercorBut if you're talking about remote access, that's a whole subject in itself.23:40
urlin2uBoontoo, is the partition corrupted or do you just need to reload grub to the mbr, or purge and reload grub in the partition.  Have you run the bootscript to see?23:40
froqyou all are giving me info overload!!!  :)23:40
wolfmitchellmdsilva, what client are you using? Xchat?23:40
quentusrexcan someone help me verify a google talk ssl cert?23:41
BoontooI have been looking through dmesg for errors, but I am not entirely sure what is wrong with the partition. I get a warning for a GUID partition table and it is listed as GPT under sudo fdisk -l23:41
Hilikusis it possible to move the unity bar to the bottom of the screen?23:41
quentusrexpidgin has just prompted me to confirm the talk.google.com cert with a sha1 hash of 0c:99:2a:04:72:48:59:1a:3c:cf:ab:60:d0:2a:9e:73:73:42:f0:0823:41
RagnarockMyrtti ima brazilian my englysh its very very low23:41
wolfmitchellHow do I lock my xfce screen >.<23:41
urlin2uBoontoo, was it a gpt to begin with or is this a set up made dynamic by putting to many partition on the hd?23:42
stercorfroq: A nice little play toy to learn rudimentary SQL is SQLite.  But it's good enough that Mozilla uses it in Firefox.  It's in many applications, including phones.23:42
froqstercor, well then that is what I want to learn! :)  I just want to dabble in databases.23:42
pnormanquentusrex: I can't help, but I recall seeing something in another channel about changes to google talk certs23:43
Boontoourlin2u: this is the result of a kernel update I believe, I was working fine for months and some program was malfunctioning, I went to a restart menu and this happened as it reloaded23:43
froqI have had a recent idea for medicine, and the first step is to learn databases.23:43
urlin2uBoontoo, is it a gpt setup?23:43
robin0800Hilikus, the panel or the launcher not that it matters as the answer is no23:43
stercorfroq: SQLite is easy to set up, as opposed to other DBs.23:43
Boontoourlin2u: I believe it should have been ext2, but I set it up in gparted about 6 months ago I think23:43
stercorfroq: http://www.sqlite.org/23:44
mdsilvaI found mysql nearly impossible to setup23:44
escott!br | Ragnarock23:44
ubottuRagnarock: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.23:44
pnormanmdsilva: I found postgresql harder to setup, but that was because I was doing a much more complex setup23:44
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urlin2uBoontoo, I would run the bootscript and look at it yourself or post the results.text in a pastebin to get more info here. http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/23:45
stercormdsilva: Monty Widenius, after Oracle bought MySQL, has a new MariaDB that is a drop-in for MySQL.  And not related to Oracle.23:45
froqawesome, it has a direct c/c++ interface!!23:45
mdsilvastercor, yes I tried MariaDB also, I couldn't get it to make23:45
Ragnarockubottu leva a mau nao mas os brasileiros nao tao com nada em relação a ajuda em ubuntu23:46
ubottuRagnarock: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:46
urlin2uBoontoo, basically the info you give is to fragmented at least for me and not specific.23:46
stercorfroq: The only thing that SQLite doesn't do well is when there are multiple clients going after the data.23:46
froqhow difficult is it to transfer information from say sqlite to mysql at a latter date?23:46
Ragnarockubottu is a bot23:46
ubottuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots for all information.23:46
Boontoourlin2u: agreed, I am sifting through a lot of craziness right now, I will try the boot info script23:46
stercorfroq: Depends on how you export it.  You can export it as INSERT statements and it'll run on most databases.23:47
Ragnarockable portuguese ?23:47
jribRagnarock: n'este canal so falamos ingles. Para falar portugues tem que ir ao #ubuntu-br23:47
froqstercor, cool!!! I just don't want to get into one database and then realize I would be better off with another.23:47
escottRagnarock, no, only spanish and not well enough to converse about computers. sorry there isnt anyone in !br23:47
stercormdsilva: I've gotten PostgreSQL up... it's nice.  Faster than expected!23:47
Ragnarockok mans23:48
mdsilvastercor, me too, I thought pgsql was the best working db I could actually get running23:48
stercorfroq: That's the reason for exporting as INSERT statements.  You can go from one database to another easily.23:48
stercormdsilva: And it will (probably) never be taken over by commercial interests.23:49
escottfroq, the problem is the most time consuming part is getting the create table statements done correctly (especially if you use special data types or foreign keys)23:49
stercorescott: Ooo...I'd forgotten about that. :-(23:50
mdsilvastercor, the only problem with pgsql is trying to export back to mysql format :(23:50
stercormdsilva: INSERT doesn't do it?23:50
froqokay.  i see.23:50
johnjohn1011will there be any problems loading the 3.1 kernel on 11.10?23:50
mdsilvastercor, that didn't work when I tried it. but maybe I was trying wrong23:51
stercormdsilva: I'd bet you were doing it right...23:51
Ragnarockjrib, anyone know how to install nvidia drivers to run extension. and I can pass all the procedures here in the channel?23:51
stercorHow do I set up a launcher in 11.10?  I'd like to click on an icon and have an x3270 session come up.  Yeah, I'm an old mainframer...23:53
Boontoourlin2u: I am not sure how long it should take to make the results.txt file but I get this warning before it begins (and it is still running) http://pastebin.com/wcFZ8hBc23:53
escottstercor, use alacarte to create the launcher23:53
escott!info alacarte | stercor23:53
ubottustercor: alacarte (source: alacarte): easy GNOME menu editing tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.13.2-2ubuntu3 (oneiric), package size 52 kB, installed size 348 kB23:53
stercorescott: Thanks!23:54
douglas-web-devHello all23:54
stercorescott: I have to bring synaptic up via terminal.  Not a happy camper.23:54
ph4nt0m_hi could someone please help me with the shorewall setup23:55
jribph4nt0m_: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)23:55
jribRagnarock: I can send you instructions in english on how to install nvidia drivers if you want23:55
jrib!nvidia | Ragnarock23:55
ubottuRagnarock: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto23:55
ph4nt0m_sudo cp /usr/share/doc/shorewall-common/examples/one-interface/* /etc/shorewall/ this command isnt working23:55
jribph4nt0m_: what happens when you try?23:55
ph4nt0m_cp cannot stat23:56
ph4nt0m_and the command after it23:56
jribph4nt0m_: do you have shorewall-common installed?23:56
=== Guest93805 is now known as NaN
ph4nt0m_not sure ill check brb23:56
jribph4nt0m_: what version of ubuntu by the way?23:56
ph4nt0m_im using blackbuntu distro23:56
escottstercor, why not just apt-get install alacarte23:57
ph4nt0m_based on maverick23:57
stercorescott: good question...it's installed...23:57
escottph4nt0m_, cannot stat means the file/folder doesnt exist23:57
jribph4nt0m_: unofficial derivatives aren't supported here23:57
escottph4nt0m_, and we don't support blackbuntu here23:57
ph4nt0m_ok is there a channel which does?23:58
escott!alis | ph4nt0m_23:58
ubottuph4nt0m_: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*23:58
julius_any idea if files from launchpadlibrarian.net are safe?23:58
jribph4nt0m_: check the site for blackbuntu23:58
Chraz_Rittok, so now i have ubuntu running on my lappy from a fresh burned cd, but i do have a minor problem. i'm using my 50" plasma as an extended desktop, for the most part it is working fine, however i can't find a setting that is quite correct for it, it seems that the desktop image goes slightly beyond the edges of the screen, does anyone have experence with this?23:58
urlin2uBoontoo, the indicators in the terminal are correct in the pastrebin but it should finish in a bout 3 seconds.23:59
douglas-web-devI migrated from Debian tonight. Then I copied lots of folders from old /home/user. I only could do this as superuser. Now all my folders belong to root. How can I make all of them, including subfolders, belong to me, a normal user?23:59
escottChraz_Ritt, make sure the tv isn't set to zoom in some way23:59
douglas-web-devSomeone help me please?23:59
mdsilvaChraz_Ritt, that sounds like the plasma screen's settings23:59
synapse_Linux darkside 2.6.32-34-generic #77-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 13 19:39:17 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux23:59

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