
rhin0xubuntu seems ok apart from the menu bar at the bottom of the screen00:18
rhin0how do you remove it00:18
rhin0is irritating00:18
rhin0can be minimized but i haven't managed to get rid of it00:20
tsaavikGood news is you can get rid of it, bad news is I forgot how i did it :D00:22
tsaavikmaybe run 'xwininfo' from a terminal window then click on it to get the name, then kill it or google it to findout how to make it go away. I'm out, see ya all tommorrow :D00:23
madnickjust right click to remove it :)00:23
madnickrightclick -> panel00:23
holsteinyeah, its a panel like the other one rhin000:28
holsteinwhich i appreciate since its integrated, and not an extra piece of software00:28
holsteinanyone using compiz ?00:30
w30holstein, I got compiz going pretty much the way I want it.00:40
holsteinw30: you mind talking about it a bit?00:41
holsteinim having a bit of a hassle00:41
w30holstein, except for window border selection00:41
holsteinunfrotunately, i only have a few minutes, and i dont have the mahcine in front of me now00:41
w30holstein, I can try00:41
holsteinw30: really, just hearing that you got it and its working is enough00:41
holsteinmakes me feel hopeful about it ;)00:41
holsteinw30: is this pretty much all you did?00:45
holsteincompiz --replace ccp &00:45
w30holstein, yes that should give basic compiz but you need to check some options like window decorations etc, in ccms (configure application)00:47
w30holstein, you really need ccms downloades to get windows to resize, maximumize etc.00:48
holsteinyeah, i got that, but for example... my virtual desktops go away, and i cant seem to make them come back under compiz00:49
holsteini might have borked something using CCSM00:49
w30holstein, you have to set them with ccms, general options desktop size mine is horizontal 4 vertical 1 Number of desktops 100:51
holsteinw30: OK00:51
holsteinthats helpful00:51
holsteini'll look again00:51
holsteini think im just getting used to what is what coming from gnome00:52
holsteinw30: thanks... BBL00:53
w30dcc chat holstein00:54
zacariashow do you force an application to quit (probably with CLI)?00:54
ballzacarias: "man kill"00:55
ball(there are different signals you can send a program to kill it)00:55
w30zacarias, use ps auxw to find the pid then kill -9 pid00:55
zacariasball: "man kill"? wouldn't it be necessary to specify the app?00:56
w30zacarias, sledgehammer way killall <application>00:56
ballw30: I'd probably try HUP first, it's more gentle.00:56
ballzacarias: "man" shows you the manual page00:57
w30ball, yeah you are right, I assume he has emergency and needs quick help00:57
ballw30: fair enough.00:58
w30ball, like his cat stood on his print screen key hehe01:01
zacariasw30: thanks. Yes, I needed quick help. ball: thanks too01:01
w30 I would like to edit my applications menu. How can I get to it?02:58
satellit_w30 sudo apt-get install alacarte03:17
Unit193w30: What version of Xubuntu?03:17
satellit_works on 11.0403:18
satellit_The newly released Xfce 4.8 is included. The menus in Xfce 4.8 are now editable with any menu editor that meets the freedesktop.org standards. The suggested editor is alacarte. "03:18
Unit193Won't help him if he's using 10.04 though03:18
Unit193Also, you bring it half of gnome if you don't use --no-install-recommends03:19
satellit_nice to know....03:21
satellit_Unit193 edited my page on wiki to reflect this...http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Community/Distributions/Ubuntu#Sugar_Desktop_0.94_on_xubuntu_11.0403:23
Unit193satellit_: That's great! First time hearing of the program though. Did you try it or are you trusting a random internet person? ;)  I am just trying to help, not beat you down :)03:25
satellit_Unit193: I test for sugarlabs. the Sweets_sugar install should work flawlessly on any Ubuntu variant 11.04...03:26
satellit_I have a 250 GB external USB install with it here. works geat03:26
well_laid_lawnthat's bad regex there...03:27
satellit_Also on trisquel 5 sugar http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Community/Distributions/Sweets_Distribution#Releases03:28
* w30 is on 11.1003:30
techvish81which window manager does xubuntu use?, can i use metacity so as to use themes for metacity?03:49
pleia2it uses xfwm, I don't know about replacing it with other wms though03:50
w30alacarte works fine on xubuntu 11.10   *big smile*03:54
Unit193Great we are glad it worked03:55
w30techvish81, i use gtk themes in my xubuntu but I think you can use what you like. Right now I am confused about xfvwm4 xfce4 gtk-window-decorator and how they make up a desktop04:08
w30techvish81, metacity is in synaptic04:12
techvish81i want to change my file manager to nautilus, without changing the desktop environment to gnome, is it possible?04:13
techvish81metacity is there but only installation will do or i will have to do something?04:14
techvish81i have got a high end system and i was trying all the distros there to get an alternative to ubuntu, i liked xubuntu and installed it, i'm quite satisfied by it , but still i'm missing somethings, eyecandy and filemanager functionality.04:18
techvish81compositing option is very good though.!04:19
w30techvish81, I hace installed stuff that pulls in some gnome libs as dependencies so I would suggest make a install click then chec what dependencies it wants to pull along with it04:20
w30techvish81, before you apply04:20
w30techvish81, if it wants gnome then back out04:21
w30techvish81, Heh, I'm in here because of gnome3 in fedora and unity in ubuntu.  KDE always was bloated in my mind so I never got to see KDE404:24
techvish81i installed nautilus, it pulled som gnome libs as dependencies, now i want to set it as default and use it without full gnome environment,04:24
w30techvish81, I am just like you except I have got fedora 15 Unity 11.04 and xubuntu 11.10 being triple booted04:25
techvish81kde is a real headache, i installed kubuntu but it kept crashing repeatedly,  and i was unable to connect to my dsl, so i installed gnome network manager applet, but it messed my system and the popup menus where flying high as if filled with helium or something04:27
techvish81they were free to appear anywhere in the desktop. i killed them all...... formatted my system hahahah04:29
techvish81how is fedora? i've not tried it yet.04:32
w30techvish81, try settings preferred applications the utilities in the application and check nautilus04:32
techvish81tried but it does nothing except showing nautilus there04:33
w30techvish81, its got the awful full screen window for applications; I mean to open an app you have to click on a button and a whole page of 1 inch icons open up and still you have to scroll.04:35
w30techvish81, it turns your computer into a 2 foot square smart phone04:37
w30techvish81, duh, I can't wait to get a tuch screen with peanut butter and jelly or Pork Rind grease all over it.04:38
techvish81u mean icecream sandwich?04:39
w30techvish81, I will for once agree with Steve Jobs on this call.04:39
w30techvish81, ha, good one *smile*04:42
techvish81jobs was a real businessmen rather than a technogeek, he decided to take on the upper and uppermiddle class for his products, and tried to make it a style/status symbol to create an extra urge in the hearts of customer04:42
techvish81i gonna go now ,04:45
ktwohi im getting disconnected from wifi very often i noticed  that a diffrent firmware is loaded rtlwifi/rtl8192cufw.bin than my adapter : Realtek RTL8188CUS   - can this be the reason?06:52
well_laid_lawnit should say something about it in dmesg06:53
ktwobefore the disconnect happens06:56
ktwoi get  [ 2327.376116] cfg80211: All devices are disconnected, going to restore regulatory settings06:56
ktwo 2329.379679] wlan0: authentication with 98:0c:82:3b:6f:6a timed out06:56
well_laid_lawndo you think there is a better driver it could be using?06:59
ktwoi dont know realtek has one07:02
ktwobut it isnt for 3.0 kernel07:02
well_laid_lawnI thought realtek had good support in the kernel - I don't use any realtek tho07:04
cheburequeHi there! could anybody tell how to change combination of keys for switching between desktops?07:26
ushillshi, can anyone tell me how to turn compositing on with 11.10, accidently turned it off on my account.08:06
well_laid_lawnit's in window manager tweaks08:07
ushillsWhere can i find that as it's not in settings.08:08
ushillsSorry, being dumb found it08:09
=== KM0201_ is now known as KM0201
olbiproblem with graphic cards was resolve :]10:53
olbilegacy drives was problem :P10:53
olbinow I have question, I have Blueman10:54
olbiand connect with my Phone but cant explore it, cause app say that in system isnt installed nautilus10:54
olbihow I can avoid it?10:54
kasztan85anybody knows how i can disable shorcut ALT + LMB in XFCE ?11:53
TheSheepkasztan85: you can bind it to a different key than alt11:54
TheSheepkasztan85: in the window manager tweaks11:54
TheSheepkasztan85: second tab, afair11:54
knometab "accessibility" (3rd tab)11:55
kasztan85TheSheep, thx :)12:16
=== ubuntu_ is now known as wehgwg
wehgwgWhy can I not get any vim colorschemes to work correctly in the terminal?13:31
wehgwgI can see that the colors have changed, but they don't look like the screenshots13:32
wehgwgThey look bad13:33
wehgwgAlso, my cursor seems to change size when I move away from some windows13:37
wehgwgIt becomes huge13:37
wehgwgI tried changing the cursor settings, but it only affects the cursor when it is over some windows13:37
wehgwglike Firefox or the terminal13:37
TheSheepwehgwg: the screenshots are probably made from gvim13:40
TheSheepwehgwg: which is a gui app, so has more colors available13:40
TheSheepwehgwg: normal vim is a terminal app and so only has 16 colors13:41
TheSheepit's possible to set up your terminal to support 256 colors13:45
TheSheepbut I never bothered13:46
wehgwgFound this13:46
wehgwgwill try the guicolorscheme plugin13:46
wehgwgAre plugins loaded automatically or do I need to do something in .vimrc?13:48
TheSheepI would ask at #vim13:50
TheSheepthey know much better13:50
wehgwgProper colors in terminal vim13:57
wehgwgI am so happy13:57
wehgwgALL HAIL VIM13:57
antnashHey guys. I'm running tightvnc server and it was working perfectly until I rebooted. Now I've got no desktop, just a black/yellow screen and a cross for a cursor. Anyone able to help?16:43
GridCubei do not know what a tightvnc is16:44
antnashvnc server16:45
antnashHow do I reconfigure xorg?16:45
GridCubeso you are trying to access to a xubuntu desktop, or from a xubuntu desktop16:45
GridCubeantnash: fastway: delete xorg.conf16:45
GridCubeits autoconfigurable, if it worked it will work again16:46
antnashto xubuntu, and I don't have xorg.conf16:46
antnashwhere would it be?16:46
Myrttithere isn't one16:47
antnashNo, I have no xorg.conf16:47
Myrttihow do you want to configure xorg?16:48
GridCubethats weird then16:48
Myrttino, it's not really16:48
Myrttixorg is autoconfigured by the system, if you don't have xorg.conf that's normal16:48
antnashMyrtti, my problem is that my vnc server has all of a sudden gone wrong. No desktop being displayed16:49
antnashJust a cross as a cursor16:49
Myrttiwell that sounds more like a problem of the desktop environment than x16:49
Myrttixorg is working fine, it's the desktop environment that's missing16:49
antnashI'm using startxfce4 to start it. Is there another way?16:50
antnashlike exec xfce-session?16:50
antnashSomething like that?16:50
Myrttiyou don't have a DM to manage logging in and selection of the environment?16:50
antnashThis is with vnc16:51
antnashhuh. Wierd, it's back16:51
antnashAnyway, is the way xubuntu starts   exec xfce4-session  ?16:52
antnashDoes anyone know the command that xubuntu uses to kick off an xfce session?17:00
TheSheepit's a whole bunch of commands, afaik17:01
w30when I switch to a virtual terminal with ctrl alt Fn and back the desktop won't redraw. If I select a rectangle with the mouse it redraws. Nvidia Driver problems?17:26
w30What driver should I use for GForce 7900 GT/GTO17:28
w30antnash, look at startx,it uses xinit and parses xclient xsession etc. last time I looked anyway17:36
antnashw30, that's not my only problem. I just tried to run 'sudo software-center' and it killed the vnc session17:37
antnashIf I try and run any graphical programs which require sudo then I get no permission17:38
GridCubebecause you should gksu?17:38
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)17:39
antnashGridCube, It's even when I run them from the app menu17:41
GridCubeas i said earlier, i know near nothing about vnc :(17:42
w30antnash, I ran vnc sometime ago and could only get startkde to work so I am awfully dumb on that.17:44
antnashWell I got xfce working, but not the full dekstop17:45
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
badapplesomebody knows how i make xubuntu to starts the numpad automaticlly ?17:45
moetunesI use numlockx added to autostarted apps17:47
w30antnash, the trouble with startx is that it's set to run on display:0 so you would have to redo startx somehow17:47
w30antnash, I nver made it any further *frown*17:47
badapplemoetunes, thanks =)17:48
badapplemoetunes, and do you know how to make the ntfs partitions to start with ubuntu ?17:49
moetunes!fstab | badapple17:49
ubottubadapple: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions17:49
antnashthere's no way to pass parameters to startxfce4 or xfce4-session then?17:49
badapplemoetunes, thanks but i dont know what to write in  /etc/fstab17:51
w30badapple, can you mount the drives from the gui after you start the desktop?18:02
w30if you can, make a mount point and modify the mtab entry and put it in fstab18:04
xubuntu323hi there, just installing xubuntu 11.10 on my flash usb: maybe in 12.04 I'll switch from Ubuntu to Xubuntu :)19:23
badappleguys how can i open a folder like root without installing nautilus ?19:36
xGrindsudo thunar19:38
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)19:38
Unit193badapple: You should be able to right click in the folder and "Open folder as root"19:39
badappleUnit193, yes , i did it =) i just added the option "gksudo thunar" =)19:40
badapplebut now comes and my new question :D .. how can i install emerald ?19:41
badappleit gives me an error ( E: Could not find the package emerald ) ..19:42
Unit193I can tell you how to install, but not set it up. Afaik, emerald was a little broken in Oneiric19:42
badappleUnit193, i know how to set it =) ..19:42
badappleUnit193, so can you tell me how to install it '19:43
well_laid_lawnemerald has been dropped afaik19:43
well_laid_lawn!info emerald19:43
ubottuPackage emerald does not exist in oneiric19:43
badappledamn =(19:43
badappleand how i change the compiz themes ? :S19:44
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz19:44
badapplewell_laid_lawn, the themes .. i already have it installed19:44
well_laid_lawndid you even read the bot reply?19:45
badapplei dont speak very well english sorry :D ..19:45
badapplei will look it19:45
badapplewell_laid_lawn, can you explain how can i chose themes i really dont understand nothing from the forum19:47
well_laid_lawnbadapple: I don't use compiz sorry - try in the compiz channel if no one else here knows19:48
badapplewell_laid_lawn, ok thanks =)19:51
badapplesomebody knows when ubuntu 12.04 is coming ?20:08
knomeapril 201220:08
knomeYear.Month ...20:08
badapplethanks =)20:08
badappledoes anybody know why  when i click the botton for muting audio and when i press it again the audio did not starts ? .. it sirve only for muting =(20:32
pimperleone of my two xubuntu installation shows the onscreen keyboard after i login. how can i permanently disable (not just hide) it?20:51
pimperlei couldn't find it in the session's autostart-tab20:51
pimperle/etc/xdg/autostart/onboard-autostart.desktop has OnlyShowIn=GNOME;Unity;20:51
beardygnomepimperle: you need to disable gnome services20:51
pimperleset, so it should not start20:51
pimperleah, i see20:51
pimperleso gnome-services means anything with GNOME in it in /etc/xdg/autostart/20:52
beardygnomesettings -> session and startup -> advanced20:52
pimperlewow, weechat has tab-completion support when chatting20:52
beardygnomeuntick "launch gnome services on startup"20:52
pimperlebut won't disabling gnome services also disable other parts?20:52
beardygnomeit's a known bug20:52
pimperlethe /etc/xdg/autostart/ file mentions a GSetting called screen-keyboard-enabled. maybe i could disable that setting somewhere20:54
beardygnomepimperle: i've had no problems since disabling the gnome services20:55
beardygnomei can't see what they were doing when they were enabled20:55
pimperlei once used the gnome keyring daemon to automatically add ssh keys upon login20:56
pimperlebut it broke 2 or three releases ago and i never tried it again20:56
pimperleok, i disabled it and will see if it comes back next time i log in20:57
pimperlewhat is the current state of the gnome keyring usage in xfce? do i have to prevent ssh-agent from starting in order to use the gnome daemon?20:59
pimperlenow i set a value in xfconf-query to disable the ssh agent, now i need to setup the session to eval the output of gnome-keyring-daemon21:35
pimperlewhere can i enable that?21:35
well_laid_lawnmaybe in autostarted apps21:41
pimperlewell, i enabled the gnome services again and the keyring daemon's variables are properly set21:41
pimperlenow i'm back at removing the automatic startup of the keyboard21:41
pimperlei thing, a short rm -f in /etc/xdg/autostart is in order21:41
boinkboinkWas wondering if the 11.10 installer has facilities to minimize wear and optimize performance when installing to SSD?23:43

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