
markjonesAnyone know if there's a special page on the Canonical store for LoCo Teams?02:52
markjonessecondly: is there a template of the CD sleeve for Ubuntu? I'd like to copy and modify it02:53
pleia2markjones: no special place on the store for loco teams, let me grab the link to the CD artwork03:36
markjonespleia2, thanks :D03:38
pleia2if you are an approved team (or once you become one!) there is a loco team gift of a banner and tablecloth03:38
pleia2you're welcome :)03:39
markjonesnow ali I need to find is someone who can do me those wallets :P i reckon Staples might03:42
dholbachGuten Morgen Berlin! :)07:01
locodir-userhello sirs how I can receive an original cd of Ubuntu OS? thanks my address P5;10.1western st.;tohid av,;tehranpars Tehran;Iran08:24
dholbachlocodir-user, salam - I would suggest you get in touch with somebody from the Iranian team08:40
czajkowskialoha 08:41
dholbachlocodir-user, http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-ir has links to the Ubuntu Iran IRC channel and the forum - you might want to try to talk to the people there - they might be able to help you get a CD08:41
dholbachlocodir-user, or go to the team meeting at http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-ir/1385/detail/ (Wed, 02 Nov. 2011 19:00 - 22:00 UTC  - Bam-e Tehran)08:42
ubot4lococouncil is The Loco Council is itnet7, czajkowski, paultag, huats, leogg, popey - they are there to help, just ask! :) You can send them an email at loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com11:57
cjohnstonping em all! ;p;12:00
czajkowskiI just love to ping myself  don't you know 12:01
* cjohnston really hopes all of our openid problems are gone12:02
czajkowskime too or I'll be in throttleing reach of you12:11
cjohnstongo on and throttle me then.. I don't have the connections to make the fixes12:15
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czajkowskipaultag: cjohnston you're both killing my inbox15:18
paultagczajkowski: I'm getting 6 months of paperwork done 15:18
paultagsorry :)15:18
czajkowskithanks darling! 15:19
* cjohnston points czajkowski to https://bugs.launchpad.net/loco-directory/+subscriptions15:21
czajkowskicjohnston: I jest15:21
czajkowskithis way I know whats going on 15:22
czajkowskionly both of ye at the same time have just filled mu inbox up with 22 mails 15:22
nigelbOnly 22?15:22
cjohnstonpaultag: I can prolly push another 25 emails.. can you do another 25, giver her a nice 77 emails?15:23
paultagcjohnston: yeah, I think I could15:23
cjohnstonsee czajkowski.. me and Paul working together! :-P15:23
czajkowskilet me file the date and time shall I :p15:24
cjohnstontaggy.. I have 4 40+ minutes of dive video15:25
paultagcjohnston: no way, when did you get a cam?15:25
paultagthat's killer!15:25
paultagcjohnston: where at? fl?15:25
cjohnstonI got a GoPro15:25
paultagcjohnston: how deep can you take it?15:26
paultagfeet or meters?15:26
cjohnstondoes it matter?15:26
paultagnope :)15:26
paultagcjohnston: yeah, that's farther then I'd go anyway15:27
cjohnstonif I'm at 200, we have another conversation to be having15:27
paultagI was just thinking15:27
paultagit'd be fun to send one down on a line15:27
paultagbut yeah, no, I'd not take it down physically15:27
paultagI'm skittish about getting past 60 feet15:28
cjohnstonI have a buddy who has been to the bottom of the blue hole15:28
cjohnstonI've done 115 a few times15:28
paultagah no way15:28
paultag(re: blue hole)15:28
paultagI'm not man enough15:30
paultagI've got some air-gaps in my fillings, so I need to be careful about that15:30
cjohnstonI am trying to join the foundation.. I don't want to      go to the bottom.. but I'll go sit at 100 feet as a support diver15:30
* cjohnston has never had a filling15:30
paultag100 feet is too rich for my blood15:31
paultag60 feet I could swim up if I needed to - I'd get bent and in rough shape, but I'd be able to get up15:31
cjohnstonyou should be able, from whatever depth, to make it up in one breath15:32
paultag100 feet? I'd be boned. I'd just hit the button and pass out15:32
paultagcjohnston: yeah, perhaps. I don't know. I've not tried. it seems like going up is easier then getting down because of expansion15:32
paultagbut I have a feeling I'd pass out15:32
cjohnstonwell.. you still go slower than your slowest bubble15:32
paultagyessir, 60ft/s max, 30ft/s recommended15:32
cjohnstonthere is a place an hour from my house where you can go 11515:32
paultagerm, /m15:33
paultagnot s15:33
cjohnstonwas gonna say15:33
cjohnstonthats a lil fast there15:33
paultagcjohnston: if I could swim 60ft/s I'd be filthy rich, brother15:33
cjohnstonyou could come close if you just inflated the bc15:33
paultagthat's 40 miles an hour15:34
paultagno way jose15:34
cjohnstoni bet itd be fast, whatever the spee15:34
paultagyessir, it would15:34
paultagfrack I need to get checked out15:35
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