[01:03] at least you can bring the munchkin to bsides and let her have fun at lockpick village :D [01:20] might just do that. I'll try to remember to bring a few of my more unique locks [02:02] she had a lot of fun here at bsides austin, and andrew is going to be there as well. [03:01] spridel: yes, I'm coming to be Andrew's crash test dummy again. Not sure if I can keep my daughter interested the whole day. [03:13] uh-oh, go go hack-kid-con [06:31] cool. [06:32] there's actually conversation in here. anybody awake in here? [15:54] lol texaswriter [15:54] how are you doing? [15:55] < guess everyone is still in bed [19:15] hello stlsaint long time no chat [19:15] how are you doing? [19:18] Linden940: sup man [19:19] relaxing...trying to get over a bad flu [19:19] oh me too...sinus infection for weeks now [19:19] yea [19:19] i got hit real bad monday...had to take monday off [19:20] worked all day tue and wed [19:20] it killed me..but got done what i needed done..now its just paper work and shit i can do at the computer [19:22] and you have had a sinus infection for weeks? damm...hope mine dont last that long lmao [19:23] yea sucks bad [19:23] im still over here in kuwait man [19:23] lol i bet [19:23] still? [19:24] yep ill be home for xmas though so thats good [19:24] that works [19:25] finally be able to get back to a solid connection and my servers, my connection here is top's 128KB [19:28] OUCH [19:28] That has to suck bad [19:28] but what I can tell you...back here in the states weather has been funky..or has been for Texas....we had 60+ some odd days of 100+ weather and no rain [19:29] we are starting to get some rain...but very little [19:31] well I will be in and out..so I will reply alittle slow but i am here [19:36] Linden940: ha, ive been dealing with MONTHS of 120+ heat here lol [19:49] could be worse, you could be on Bahrain. [19:49] 120+ AND 100% humidity without rain. [19:57] spridel: agreed [19:58] * spridel lived in bahrain for 2 years while growing up. [19:58] wow [20:04] father was a lifer, he got stationed there [20:40] well...damm [20:41] lol I love the heat but not when its like being in a oven cooking [20:41] yea [20:48] well I am heading off to the store [20:48] later [21:36] well...the mower wont start now