Legojoey | Does anyone think they can help me out? A fresh install of Lubuntu on a computer and it's unable or won't connect to a wired network. | 00:55 |
KM0201 | won'tconnect to a wired network? | 01:01 |
KM0201 | i wouldn't really have any idea how to trouble shoot that, has it worked on other versions of linux? | 01:02 |
Legojoey | Yeah although last time I used the computer being talked about was a year ago. | 01:10 |
Legojoey | I've tried stopping /ect/init.d/networking and it said there was no service, may give a go at reinstall cause looking at stuff that should be there =/ | 01:10 |
cleaninstall | hi folks | 02:57 |
=== cleaninstall is now known as phiscribe | ||
* wxl yawns | 04:29 | |
wxl | so let's assume i have two distros installed on separate partitions of the same drive. can i copy the UUID for swap fom the other distro and use it in /etc/fstab and all is well? cuz it don't seem to be working. | 05:05 |
JohnDoe_71Rus | i think its already done | 05:06 |
JohnDoe_71Rus | even livecd find swap on hdd | 05:06 |
wxl | well i installed lubuntu then mint and when i did the latter i didn't reuse swap and happened to notice that there was no swap, so i set it up.. and now don't have any swap in lubuntu | 05:07 |
cleaninstall | i stepped in the middle, you have no swap partition? | 05:10 |
cleaninstall | or lub just doesnt see it | 05:11 |
JohnDoe_71Rus | wxl: check this /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume | 05:11 |
JohnDoe_71Rus | need uuid swap | 05:11 |
JohnDoe_71Rus | after sudo mkinitramfs -o /boot/initrd.img-$(uname -r) | 05:12 |
cleaninstall | did you use whole drive in install? (read a bug about whole drive and swap) | 05:12 |
wxl | JohnDoe_71Rus: run that by me a little slower this time so i know what i'm looking at :D | 05:24 |
JohnDoe_71Rus | swap record in .../resume need for sleep and hibernate | 05:27 |
Ascavasaion | Morning wxl ... do you never sleep? :) | 05:47 |
Ascavasaion | 07:48am here in South Africa. | 05:49 |
joep_ | I have a simple(?) question: How do I get my taskbar visible on all (4) desktops? | 08:10 |
brother- | joep_: you don't leave before we tell you how... | 08:17 |
brother- | bah | 08:17 |
JohnDoe_71Rus | i have ubuntu 10.04. install lxde lubuntu-desktop... setup gdm and login session lubuntu. i want change gdm to lxdm. but if i login in lxdm, get message "can't find lubuntu session" and login in default gnome session | 08:22 |
leszek | hi | 08:43 |
bioterror | hi | 08:43 |
l33_ | lubuntu shows wrong and outdated files on usb memory sticks in the filemanager - when using midnightcommander in a shell, the correct files arte | 09:26 |
l33_ | listed | 09:26 |
leszek | l33_: did you refresh the view in the filemanager ? | 09:37 |
l33_ | yes sure | 09:39 |
l33_ | also formatted ste stick | 09:39 |
l33_ | formatted even the mbr /guid | 09:39 |
l33_ | no chance - still the outdated files are listed | 09:40 |
l33_ | being thankfull i dont want to yearn about any little minor buggy bug - but this seems serious | 09:41 |
leszek | l33_: hmm.. are you sure you unmounted the filesystem ? | 09:47 |
leszek | l33_: make sure to unmount and mount it properly by hand. | 09:47 |
l33_ | yes | 09:47 |
l33_ | i do | 09:47 |
l33_ | otherwise i cant format the usb stick with the disc utility | 09:47 |
leszek | thats very strange | 09:47 |
leszek | is it a special usb stick(i.e. u3) or a normal one | 09:48 |
l33_ | yes | 09:54 |
l33_ | its a shitty sandisk i guess with u3 | 09:54 |
l33_ | with U3 | 09:54 |
leszek | l33_: then it might be the problem | 09:55 |
leszek | I really recommened you to try removing the u3 part and test this behavior again | 09:56 |
l33_ | yes, but how? | 09:56 |
leszek | l33_: with the u3-tool (download this package) | 09:56 |
l33_ | i do so | 09:57 |
l33_ | and if you like i will give you short info about the progress | 09:57 |
leszek | :) | 09:57 |
l33_ | i need a good corsair stick i know | 09:57 |
leszek | the command for removing the cd partition (u3 part) should be | 09:57 |
leszek | u3-tool -p 0 /dev/<yourstick> | 09:58 |
l33_ | aaa | 09:58 |
l33_ | k | 09:58 |
leszek | you need to execute this as root | 09:58 |
leszek | so with sudo | 09:58 |
l33_ | fist installing u3 tool | 09:58 |
leszek | make sure no partition is mounted | 09:58 |
l33_ | sure with sudo | 09:58 |
l33_ | sure - not mounted | 09:58 |
l33_ | thank you :) | 09:58 |
leszek | np :) | 09:59 |
Tabmow | How can I install lubuntu on my oneirc ubuntu installation? | 10:07 |
leszek | sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop | 10:08 |
Tabmow | Doesn't work for me... | 10:08 |
Tabmow | Says there is no package | 10:08 |
bioterror | sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop --no-install-recommends | 10:09 |
l33_ | or just install you wont install all the stuff you probably wont need | 10:12 |
bioterror | then he should install lubuntu-core | 10:12 |
bioterror | right? | 10:13 |
l33_ | i would then install just lxde | 10:14 |
l33_ | dont get me wrong - i am using lubuntu here and i like it | 10:21 |
l33_ | but on an installed ubuntu i would just install the lxde .... | 10:22 |
chrstphrhrt | hi there, I did the minimal install but grub failed to be installed. anyone run into this before? | 14:14 |
chrstphrhrt | wanting to get to just lubuntu-core | 14:14 |
stlsaint | chrstphrhrt: you can install grub from the live cd if need be | 14:18 |
chrstphrhrt | yeah i'll try that | 14:18 |
Osmodivs | Hello. I just installed Lubuntu on my Netbook, but there is no reboot option, What package do I need to install? | 16:05 |
l33_ | bye | 17:01 |
goliat | Hi. I'm having problems playing higher quality videos on the Internet, like youtube. Im getting lag on the videos. Can it be flashplayer acting up? | 17:20 |
wxl | goliat: tried html5? | 17:29 |
goliat | wxl:How can i try that? | 17:47 |
wxl | goliat: | 17:48 |
goliat | wxl: Doesn't seem to help. I have lag when i play 720p | 18:04 |
goliat | wxl: Im thinking it i'm getting lag because flashplayer is the 32-bit version. Could it help if i tried getting 64-bit flash player? | 18:12 |
wxl | goliat: not sure but i'd give it a try | 18:12 |
KM0201 | why are you using 32bit fash on a 64bit OS? | 18:18 |
goliat | KM0201: I think it gets installed by standard. Or is there any way i can check the version? | 18:40 |
KM0201 | um, i think you can open a browser and :about | 18:40 |
KM0201 | woops, i mean about: | 18:41 |
bioterror | gsus :D | 18:41 |
KM0201 | ? | 18:41 |
bioterror | apt-cache show flashplugin |more | 18:42 |
bioterror | for example | 18:42 |
wxl | jesus = gsus? | 18:42 |
KM0201 | yeah | 18:42 |
bioterror | should tell you are you using i686 or amd64 | 18:42 |
KM0201 | oh, i always forget about apt-cache | 18:42 |
wxl | apt-cache = my friend | 18:44 |
wxl | i have found the easiest way way to get version # is apt-cache policy package | 18:44 |
wxl | well, the way that returns the least amount of crap you on't need :D | 18:45 |
goliat | Ok i did "apt-cache policy flashplugin-installer" which gave me "Version table: | 18:48 |
goliat | *** 0 | 18:48 |
goliat | 500 oneiric/multiverse amd64 Packages" | 18:48 |
goliat | and im running core 2 duo btw | 18:48 |
wxl | why is that not i686? | 18:51 |
* wxl is not running 64 so is not of great help here, just using logic | 18:51 | |
goliat | wxl: should it be that? is i686 intels 64-bit architecture? | 18:53 |
wxl | yep | 18:53 |
wxl | amd is amd not intel | 18:53 |
bioterror | AMD got first into 64bit | 18:54 |
bioterror | i686 = i686 | 18:55 |
goliat | could the issue with my lagging youtube be that im running the amd64 packages? | 18:55 |
wxl | that's always a variable to remove in troubleshooting | 18:55 |
bioterror | goliat, no | 18:56 |
wxl | (or not) | 18:56 |
goliat | bioterror: Ive had this problem on fedora but the problem there was that the 32-bit flash was installed and fixed it by changing to the 64-bit. So now im just confused why i cant play youtube in 720 properly :P | 18:58 |
bioterror | goliat, can you play anything on vimeo? | 19:20 |
bioterror | as vimeo is more demanding | 19:20 |
goliat | bioterror: im trying it now | 19:24 |
goliat | bioterror: I just played a movie with HD on. no lag at all or I've picked a movie that isnt really HD :S | 19:28 |
goliat | It is HD and it runs smooth | 19:31 |
goliat | what is the quality on a HD video on vimeo bioterror? 720? | 19:32 |
bioterror | goliat, somethin like that, I assume | 20:00 |
bioterror | goliat, but the quality on vimeo is a lot better than on youtube | 20:00 |
goliat | bioterror: Ok. Strange thought that i can watch a vimeo hd video when it is more demanding than a youtube clip. And i cant play 720 on youtube. | 20:02 |
bioterror | sounds like youtube is lagging or something? | 20:03 |
goliat | Yeah. but it's flash player running the videos in youtube right? thats why ive been thinking it's flash acting up | 20:11 |
goliat | but flash player is running the videos on vimeo to so im confused. | 20:16 |
goliat | bioterror: Im not sure but could enabling direct rendering solve my issue perhaps? | 20:31 |
goliat | bioterror: nvm direct rendering on. | 20:40 |
bioterror | goliat, does it work then? | 20:43 |
goliat | bioterror: no, its been on since beginning so it doesnt matter it seems | 20:43 |
Osmodivs | Hello. I think I did something wrong here. When I right-click the desktop, there are no "desktop configuration" menu anymore, now I have an "OBconf, Restart, Terminal Emulator", and others, Is there another way to change the wallpaper? There is not even an option in >Preferences. | 20:57 |
wxl | Osmodivs: oh yeah you messed up the function of right click | 20:58 |
wxl | you're getting the open box menu | 20:58 |
wxl | hold | 20:58 |
goliat | bioterror: I found a addon for firefox called flash-aid. It installed and choose adobe flash player and do tweaks. I can atleast play 720 with expanded but not fullscreen | 20:59 |
Osmodivs | wxl: I think so... | 20:59 |
wxl | still looking.. | 21:04 |
Osmodivs | wxl: I thought you knew, there is nothing on the web already BING it and YAHOO it, even ASK it | 21:08 |
wxl | kinda stuck here | 21:08 |
wxl | i thought i went through this | 21:08 |
wxl | there's an option in the desktop configuration menu | 21:08 |
wxl | i was trying to figure out how to get to that | 21:08 |
wxl | try middle click | 21:08 |
wxl | or ctrl-right click or something | 21:08 |
wxl | or clicking both left and right at the same time | 21:09 |
Osmodivs | Nothing | 21:09 |
Osmodivs | there is a desktop menu with middle button though | 21:09 |
wxl | if you find "desktop preferences," click it and your problem will soon be solved | 21:10 |
Osmodivs | wxl: No kiddin' | 21:10 |
wxl | found it | 21:12 |
wxl | run pcmanfm --desktop-pref | 21:12 |
wxl | now be nice and say thank you :D | 21:12 |
Osmodivs | wxl: Well I'll be damn! | 21:13 |
wxl | you sure will! | 21:13 |
Osmodivs | wxl: THANK YOU VERY MUCH | 21:13 |
wxl | np :D | 21:13 |
Osmodivs | wxl: Now, if there where only a way to put that in the menu... | 21:13 |
wxl | there is a way | 21:13 |
Osmodivs | wxl: Get outta here! really? | 21:14 |
Osmodivs | wxl: Tell me how, if you please | 21:14 |
wxl | | 21:15 |
wxl | make sure the Exec line is: | 21:15 |
Osmodivs | Ok, I got it | 21:15 |
wxl | Exec=pcmanfm --desktop-pref | 21:15 |
Osmodivs | I have to uncheck the box from advance preferences | 21:15 |
wxl | yes | 21:15 |
Osmodivs | wel... that way too | 21:15 |
Osmodivs | For some reason I can't send RED messages, like: ME is doing this, and stuff | 21:17 |
Osmodivs | slash ME | 21:18 |
Osmodivs | is not working | 21:18 |
* wxl wonders if you mean like this? | 21:18 | |
Osmodivs | wxl: Yep | 21:18 |
Osmodivs | How did you...? | 21:18 |
wxl | well most likely a client issue | 21:18 |
wxl | i'm on irssi | 21:18 |
wxl | what are you using? | 21:19 |
Osmodivs | Xchat | 21:19 |
wxl | ew :D | 21:19 |
Osmodivs | :| | 21:19 |
Osmodivs | I should try that irssi | 21:19 |
wxl | well it's text not gui | 21:19 |
wxl | which a lot of people hate | 21:19 |
Osmodivs | wxl: Mine already looks like a console | 21:21 |
wxl | weird | 21:21 |
wxl | it doesn't come with a me command? | 21:21 |
wxl | ok, xchat is stupid | 21:21 |
wxl | | 21:21 |
* wxl wonders if it's because it's called action | 21:23 | |
wxl | it is | 21:23 |
wxl | dumb | 21:23 |
xsaidx | hello guys | 21:24 |
wxl | Osmodivs: what are those lovely icons you have in your panel? | 21:24 |
wxl | yo x | 21:24 |
Osmodivs | wxl: On the right there are basic sound, mail, and weather indicators | 21:25 |
wxl | there's a weather indicator? | 21:25 |
wxl | my sound icons are totally different | 21:25 |
wxl | as is my mail | 21:25 |
wxl | are you running lxde a la ubuntu or are you actually running lubuntu? | 21:25 |
Osmodivs | wxl: I deleted the ON/OFF/Reboot button, but, meh, I can do that in the logout menu | 21:25 |
Osmodivs | Lubuntu | 21:26 |
wxl | weird | 21:26 |
Osmodivs | I deleted Unity, GNOME and other Ubuntu stuff, though I still need Gnome libs for almost anything! | 21:26 |
Osmodivs | I had Ubuntu, and installed Lubuntu -desktop | 21:27 |
wxl | uhhhh | 21:27 |
wxl | ohhhhhhh | 21:27 |
wxl | ok that makes sense | 21:27 |
wxl | yep, you have something a wee different than lubuntu | 21:27 |
wxl | right click on your sound icon.. what's the top menu entry read (actly)? | 21:28 |
wxl | s/actly/exactly | 21:28 |
Osmodivs | wxl: Nothing, I can't even acces sound preferences | 21:29 |
wxl | hm odd | 21:30 |
Osmodivs | Login out | 21:30 |
osmodivs | Hello? | 21:32 |
xsaidx | wxl: i guess theres a sample panel file i j ust dont kno | 21:32 |
xsaidx | osmodivs: you fot ur panel back ? | 21:32 |
osmodivs | I cant read your name | 21:33 |
osmodivs | is in yellow | 21:33 |
osmodivs | But yes, I got my panel back, excepet for that ON/OFF button | 21:34 |
osmodivs | Hello? | 21:38 |
xsaidx | osmodivs: hello my name is written in blue | 21:38 |
xsaidx | osmodivs: so i assume your monitor has sumthin wrong ;] | 21:38 |
osmodivs | Well, I am using rssi | 21:39 |
xsaidx | osmodivs: ohh i dont kno why people love these kind of vey classic things at the 21 century : D | 21:40 |
xsaidx | xsaidx: im using pidgin ;] | 21:40 |
osmodivs_ | This is so weird, | 21:40 |
osmodivs_ | Is someone trying to ban me? | 21:41 |
osmodivs_ | Or is it another bug? | 21:41 |
xsaidx | osmodivs mybe | 21:42 |
osmodivs | I had to Terminals open | 21:42 |
osmodivs | Anywho... | 21:42 |
osmodivs | How do I custom PopUp a message in irssi? | 21:43 |
osmodivs | \osmodivs wonders how to | 21:44 |
osmodivs | nah, it doesen't work with eithr slash / \ | 21:45 |
KM0201 | isn't it "/me" | 21:45 |
* osmodivs slaps in the forhead | 21:45 | |
osmodivs | Well I'll be damn | 21:45 |
KM0201 | that's not client dependant | 21:46 |
osmodivs | That's what wxl Said | 21:46 |
osmodivs | "Xchat is dumb" | 21:46 |
osmodivs | So I had to download rssii | 21:46 |
osmodivs | just to do this. | 21:46 |
* osmodivs likes rssii | 21:46 | |
* osmodivs likes Lubuntu, but hates bugs and disapearing button | 21:47 | |
* osmodivs can't go back to Ubuntu anymore | 21:48 | |
* osmodivs has to go | 21:48 | |
* osmodivs waves and leaves room, then return to turn off PC | 21:49 | |
wxl | is there something like pastebinit for screenshots | 21:54 |
KM0201 | imagebin | 21:55 |
KM0201 | | 21:55 |
KM0201 | has anyone noticed that Gnomebaker is no longer in the ubuntu repos? kinda sad, it's a good cd/dvd burning app | 22:13 |
bodhi_zazen | KM0201: I hated gnomebaker, always made coasters for me | 22:42 |
bodhi_zazen | xfburn FTW !!! | 22:42 |
KM0201 | bodhi_zazen: just the opposite for me, i never ever had issues w/ gnomebaker, and really liked it | 22:43 |
KM0201 | i hate xfburn | 22:43 |
KM0201 | guess i'll try brasero | 22:43 |
bodhi_zazen | k3b ? | 22:45 |
KM0201 | i like k3b, but the thought of installing all thoe kde libs scares me | 22:46 |
bodhi_zazen | Why ? do you have a small hard drive ? | 22:46 |
KM0201 | no | 22:46 |
KM0201 | have plenty of hard drive space | 22:46 |
bodhi_zazen | so go for k3b then, it does not pull in all of kde | 22:47 |
KM0201 | i just checked, if i install k3b, i will have to install 217mb worth of dependencies | 22:47 |
KM0201 | no thanks | 22:47 |
bodhi_zazen | use cdrecord then | 22:48 |
KM0201 | i can tell you're not really getting the whole point of this conversation. | 22:49 |
bodhi_zazen | I do not understand why 217 mb of dependencies is a problem | 22:49 |
bodhi_zazen | bandwidth ? | 22:49 |
bodhi_zazen | hard drive space ? | 22:50 |
KM0201 | like i said, i don't really think you get it. | 22:53 |
bodhi_zazen | If you explain the problem, we might have a better solution | 22:57 |
bodhi_zazen | 217 mb of dependencies for a functional, full featured burner seems quite reasonable | 22:58 |
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