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bjsniderdoko_, ping01:18
TheMuso@pilot out01:59
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Precise open for uploads | Ubuntu 11.10 Released! | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: TheMus, barry
DarxusI have spamassassin building on launchpad automatically using the /debian/ info that I've included in upstream trunk.  But I can't get it to build from the command line.  "debuild -us -uc" is complaining about a lack of an .orig.tar.gz file.  I've seen some mention of generating that .orig.tar.gz file, but not how.  What am I missing?02:16
bjsniderDarxus, tar xcf spamassassin_version.orig.tar.gz path/to/directory/with/code02:26
DarxusI was just going to try that.  There's no.. flag to some build command to do it?02:26
bjsnideryou also want to --exclude=debian what any git/svn02:27
Darxusbjsnider: No I've actually synced the debian build directory with spamassassin's trunk.02:28
DarxusLooks like it's working though, thanks.02:28
bjsniderthe debian directory shouldn't be in the orig tarball02:28
DarxusIt is.02:31
bjsniderthat's what the debian.tar.gz, which gets created automatically, is for02:32
DarxusYeah I misunderstood what you were saying.02:32
Darxus#bzr mentioned instead of manually running tar you can use the -sa option to debuild.  Which isn't very documented.02:33
bjsniderthe whole point of the orig tarball is that it's the unmodified code, so if you put the packaging scripts in there, you can't call it orig anymore02:33
DarxusOh, no, I'm confused again.02:34
DarxusWell, the original unmodified code actually has a copy of the packaging scripts.  I synced it from the .deb package to upstream trunk.02:35
DarxusTo ease automated building on launchpad.02:36
LaibschSpamapS: I think you recently ran into problems with suspend, didn't you?02:38
bjsniderDarxus, are those the scripts you're actually using?02:39
Darxusbjsnider: Yes.02:41
StevenKDarxus: It is documented. debuild's manual page says it will also take the same options that dpkg-buildpackage does.02:43
jbichaDarxus: generally, it's better not to have the debian/ directory upstream; it gets complicated if Debian, Ubuntu, or another similar distro needs to adjust the packaging02:45
bjsniderDarxus, in the changelog, what is the date of the most recent entry before your changes?02:45
jbichaDarxus: see https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/SourceBuilds/Recipes to make building easy from two different bzr branches, one for upstream, one for debian/02:46
Darxusbjsnider: Not sure I understand what you're asking.  Currently in trunk it's Sat, 14 May 2011 12:06:12 -0700, while I'm waiting for a commit of the change from v 3.3.2-2.02:52
bjsniderso they haven't updated the build scripts in 5 months02:53
Darxusjbicha: I think part of the reason I did this is because when I set it up, that couldn't handle importing debian packages that had two original tarballs, as the spamassassin one does since the rules were split out to a separate tarball.02:53
Darxusbjsnider: Okay?  Still curious where you're going with that.02:54
bjsniderthere might be newer debian scripts in debian itself02:54
bjsniderwhat's the rules tarball called?02:55
Darxusbjsnider: There is.  I just filed a bug with a patch to apply the change.02:55
bjsniderand if the ubuntu version of spamassassin has an ubuntu tag in it, eg. 0ubuntu1, there are ubuntu-specific changes you need to look at02:56
DarxusIt doesn't.  It hasn't for a long time.02:57
ScottKspamassassin is slightly complicated as it has both the spamassassin tarball and their rules tarball packaged together.02:58
bjsnideri imagine the rules would be updated quite often02:59
ScottKOnce you've installed it, they update online.03:00
ScottKThe new tarball doesn't need to be updated more often than a new release.03:00
DarxusWhere is the.. source for the ubuntu package of spamassassin on launchpad?03:00
bjsniderapt-get source spamassassin will grab that03:00
ScottKIt's the same as Debian's anyway.03:01
DarxusYeah but I want to look at it on launchpad.  I recall there being errors on importing it or something, related to the multiple original tarballs.03:01
ScottKPerhaps the bzr branch for it, but that doesn't affect Ubuntu.03:01
DarxusScottK: Maybe?  Where is that?03:02
ScottKSource is at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/spamassassin03:03
ScottKbzr branch is at https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/precise/spamassassin/precise03:03
ScottKThe branch is way out of date.03:04
ScottKBut that's not relevant for the Ubuntu archive.03:04
DarxusYeah, I was wondering where the log is showing the import errors for lp:ubuntu/spamassassin.03:15
DarxusI did get the package building locally from spamassassin trunk, documented at the bottom of http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/SyncDebianPackaging03:17
twbIn a lucid upstart job, is the least-worst way to set euid to do "exec su nobody -c frobozzd" ?03:26
jbichacould we get ubuntu-dev-tools synced from sid as distro-info conflicts with the current precise version?03:54
doko_micahg, go ahead with the swig1.3 removal. looks I forgot to remove the source package06:30
micahgdoko_: yeah, I just realized, there's nothing to it (all build-deps except for 2 packages which I can fix/upload)06:31
dholbachgood morning07:04
tumbleweedjbicha: sorry about that (ubuntu-dev-tools uninstallability) just did a new upload to sid (0.134) that can be synced as soon as lp picks it up08:37
bdrungtumbleweed: can you SRU the sponsor-patch changes?11:07
Laneywill ubuntu-dev-tools ever stop being SRUed?11:17
SpamapSwhen the sun rises in the west11:18
bdrungLaney: when you write ten times more test cases that we currently have11:35
geserLaney: short before precise release you can stop SRUing ubuntu-dev-tools (for oneiric) :)11:36
\shdoko_, you have too many packages on MoM ;)11:55
tumbleweedbdrung: I'll prepare an upload if you can find someone who'll verify it :)12:55
tumbleweedLaney: it probably didn't help that we did a bunch of uploads during FF12:56
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bdrungLaney, tumbleweed: without the upload during FF, we wouldn't have the support for syncs in sponsor-patch at all13:55
tumbleweedalso true. We approved those for a reason...13:56
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micahgbarry: still piloting?16:59
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barry@pilot out17:13
=== udevbot_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Precise open for uploads | Ubuntu 11.10 Released! | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: TheMus
barrymicahg: oops17:13
micahgbarry: care to sponsor something anyways?17:13
barrymicahg: sure.  i'm just about to head to lunch though.  is it urgent?17:14
micahgbarry: after lunch would be fine :)17:14
barrycool :)17:14
=== infinity changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Precise open for uploads | Ubuntu 11.10 Released! | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: none
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micahgcyphermox: would you mind if I merged xapian-core?  there's depwait on it in precise17:32
micahgcjwatson: will you get mad at me if I create and leave NBS until after UDS (if I promise to fix for alpha1)?17:37
micahgcjwatson: ooh, nevermind, no NBS :)17:40
cjwatsonmicahg: no, but I may try to clean it up before you if you do ;-)17:43
cjwatsonspeaking of17:43
* cjwatson processes the big pile of NBS removals now that the installer has built everywhere17:43
micahgcjwatson: heh, I wouldn't mind help if I end up kicking off some transition :), but this case was a false alarm17:45
micahgbarry: when you get back, Bug #88311218:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 883112 in python-cups (Ubuntu Precise) "python-cups no longer depends on libcups2" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88311218:38
barrymicahg: thanks, i'm on it18:43
barrymicahg: fwiw, i actually can't reproduce the bug in an oneiric chroot, but i'm still okay with uploading the fix19:16
micahgbarry: you get a depends in an oneiric chroot?19:39
micahgit's not in the release version of python-cups19:40
micahgbarry: you probably can't reproduce since libcups2 is installed by default19:43
* micahg guesses severity should be medium then...19:43
barrymicahg: that could very well be!  the depends did show up, so the patch looked good and i uploaded it19:43
micahgbarry: thanks!19:43
micahggah, the ball was dropped on bug 881250...19:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 881250 in tzdata (Ubuntu Precise) "Clocks in Ukraine move back October 30, 2011" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88125019:47
micahgtremolux: ^^19:48
micahgslangasek: ^^19:58
slangasekmicahg: have there been uploads?20:02
slangasekI've never done a tzdata update personally, I'm not sure if there's a script to follow?20:02
micahgslangasek: I don't know if anyone's seen the bug besides pitti and myself (I guess that's bad)20:05
micahgslangasek: no uploads from what I can tell, I have no idea how it works either, it's usually tremolux sponsored by pitti, unfortunately, I'm trying to get an update out by eod, could you drive this?20:06
micahgslangasek: a different update :)20:07
slangasekmicahg: I'm not sure that I'm going to be able to get to it20:09
slangasekbarry: ^^ could you have a look at this bug?  tzdata apparently needs updates for all supported releases today, because another clueless national government has changed their mind about clocks on short notice20:09
infinityWhat a surprise.20:10
nigelbWhich government?20:10
nigelbAlso, UDS is amazingly timed.20:11
nigelbIts in that period where US is off DST and europe isn't.20:11
barryslangasek: i can look into it, but i also have no idea how it works ;).  i'm in the middle of a bunch of related patches right now, but i can look at this next20:11
barryer, not related to tzdata, related to each other :)20:12
infinityI can poke at it if tremolux doesn't pop his head up and claim it in the next ~hour.20:12
nigelbinfinity: Glad to see you're back from vacation/away time :)20:12
slangasekbarry, infinity: ok, thanks - I can process the SRUs once uploaded20:12
barryinfinity: okay cool.  just follow up here if you do get to it so we don't step on each others toes20:13
micahgpitti mentioned before they ussually migrate to -updates as soon as their verified (what that means idk)20:13
slangasekI would expect "verified" to be "builds, installs, tells you what time it is"20:14
infinityDoes it have to tell you accurately?20:15
barryaccurately for what frame of reference <wink>20:15
slangasekyes, hence "tell you what time it is", not "tell you a time that it isn't"20:15
infinityslangasek: Picky, picky.20:15
infinityI'll go grab a snack and see if tremolux (nick hilight ahoy: tremolux, tremolux, tremolux) comes back.  If not, I'll get packaging.20:16
infinitynigelb: A girl I met on said vacation gave me some sort of plague that I intend to bring to UDS.  I've since sworn off both vacations and women.20:17
nigelbinfinity: Oh no.20:18
sbeattieinfinity: we're grateful you haven't sworn off plagues.20:18
infinitysbeattie: That would be a much more reasonable thing to do, and I'm hardly known for that.20:18
* infinity -> late lunch.20:19
tremoluxinfinity, slangasek, micahg: hey all, here, I was traveling to a sprint and and now at a sprint and it's very consuming unfortunately, but I know we need these out..I can try to do these later tonight20:21
micahginfinity: your incantation worked!20:21
tremoluxwhat is the timeframe, I can prepare the updates but just need sponsoring, and I can test them soon as they hit -updates20:21
micahgtremolux: well the change takes effect in <24 hours20:22
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barryi can certainly sponsor if no one else can, and slangasek can approve -proposed20:23
tremoluxbarry: are you at home or in Orlando?20:25
tremoluxbarry: (and thanks btw) :)20:25
barrytremolux: still home.  i get there sunday night (after mark's talk).  you have the room to yourself for a few days :)20:25
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infinityI can push it through the queue if you can upload soonish.20:26
infinitytremolux: Is there any particular trick to updating the package, or is it just pulling the latest upstream tarball and merging?20:26
infinitytremolux: Cause if you can't get to it, I'm happy to.20:26
tremoluxinfinity: it's a straight merge for everything but hardy, that one is a repack20:27
tremoluxinfinity: you'd also want to make a test case and test  them all20:28
infinityThat second bit sounds like it's the real effort.20:29
tremoluxinfinity: it's just slightly tricky, and I'm used to it myself20:29
infinitytremolux: Why the repack?  Just because the hardy source format was a bit different, I guess?20:34
infinitytremolux: Anyhow.  I'm happy to take the load off you and do the updates, if you want to do the testing?20:35
tremoluxinfinity: yep20:35
tremoluxinfinity: thanks! seriously :)20:36
tremoluxinfinity: these might help: bug 876090 and bug 865750 (recent updates)20:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 876090 in tzdata (Ubuntu) "2011l available" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87609020:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 865750 in tzdata (Ubuntu) "2011k available" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86575020:39
tremoluxinfinity: I just make a test case based on what's changed in the new data, and then test in chroots for each distro version20:40
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infinityslangasek: You have queue love.21:16
slangasekwell, at least it's not a plague21:16
infinityI'll bring you that in two days.21:16
infinityFor now, you just get packages.21:16
slangasektremolux, infinity: btw, I heard something to the effect that Transnistria (Pridnestrovie) flip-flopped on the question of whether they were keeping DST this year; do we know whether 2011m reflects the latest status?21:20
infinityslangasek: It contains a change for them.  I'm not sure which direction the flipping of the flop has gone.21:20
infinity+# From Alexander Krivenyshev (2011-10-17):21:21
infinity+# Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR, also known as21:21
infinity+# "Pridnestrovie") has abolished seasonal clock change (no transition21:21
infinity+# to the Winter Time).21:21
infinity^-- That flip-flop, or a reversal again?21:21
slangasekI think it reversed again after that21:21
slangasek13:11 < aurel32> so Pridnestrovie just reversed the decision we pushed in 2011m to not to to DST (so they will go to DST)21:23
infinityI hate people so much.21:23
slangasek13:12 < aurel32> taking the decision one week ago, reverting it a few days after, not sure, we want to push a new version for that21:23
infinityDoes aurel have a reference for this?21:23
Laneywait and see what they do ;-)21:25
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slangasekinfinity: dunno about references; but it seems Debian may wait until Sunday to see what the outcome is in practice21:46
infinityslangasek: Well, we can't wait on the other change.  I suppose we could patch out the Pridnestrovie one, but we can just as easily push a reversal...21:48
infinityslangasek: And you only accepted hardy?  Was that before this whole thing came up? :)21:54
slangasekinfinity: still accepting21:54
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