
knatis there a way to run a program from the start menu as root?00:04
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vehemothknat: you could add another entry for it. or in krunner kdesu then the application name. But that's as best as I can think of00:17
hexacodehey you guys i use ps -ax to get tasks then i use kill -s 15 pid00:32
hexacodebut they dont work00:32
hexacodeprocesses are still in ps -ax after i attempt to kill them00:32
hexacodewhats up with that?00:33
vehemothyou can you the process name with pkill00:33
hexacodeya but why wont they die my way00:33
vehemothThe  default signal for kill is TERM.00:34
vehemothwhich means it doesn't kill the program, it just tells it to terminate00:35
vehemothwhich the program can ignore00:35
hexacodevehemoth:  so how do i kill it then00:36
hexacodepkill didnt work either00:36
hexacodeive got these tail processes holding on to dying pipes00:36
hexacodeand they keep spawning them after i remove them00:36
vehemothman kill, has some information if you can read it. I'm just looking at it now00:37
vehemothkill -900:37
vehemothI think00:37
hexacodevehemoth:  thanks00:38
hexacodeit worked00:38
vehemothhexacode: you any good with dbus?00:39
hexacodenah why?00:39
vehemothhexacode: I'm having trouble with it, just wondering00:40
hexacodesorry . wish i could help00:40
vehemothhexacode: I wish I could find help for plasma-windowed. Anyway good luck with your apache?00:41
hexacodeya apache00:42
hexacodewhat are you working on/00:42
vehemothgetting plasmoids to play nicely outside of kde00:42
hexacodehmm :P im on gnome so im not even sure wat that is00:43
vehemothwould be much easier if I knew C and C++ or whatever it's written in00:43
hexacodehmm ive done a bit of c++ a while ago00:44
vehemothI'm suprised your not asking on #ubuntu than, anyway plasmoids are the widget things. like the clock, the menu, the notifications, folders on the desktop00:44
hexacodeand let me guess its using the dbus library?00:44
hexacodeare you developing for plasmoid or you just want it so badly to port over?00:44
vehemothwell tthere is plasma-windowed00:44
vehemothwhich allows you to run each of the plasmoids in it's own window00:45
vehemothI'm just trying to control them better because there's no point in having a menu in it's own window00:45
vehemothit's much better to have a button on your bar to open it00:46
vehemothsame with the calendar00:46
vehemothand the notifications go off the screen which I haven't found a fix for yet00:46
Daskreechvehemoth: You can probably use qdbus00:51
vehemothDaskreech: I guessed that, can you help with Could not convert '()' to type 'QVariantList'00:52
vehemothI can't find anything that it can convert00:53
DaskreechWensley: Not too bad. KDE 2.6 and 3.0 are the same thing00:53
Daskreechvehemoth: you are converting a null to a list?00:53
vehemothI don't want to send it anything as far as I can tell00:54
vehemothI can't get it to convert it even if I do send something00:54
vehemothDaskreech: http://pastebin.com/kC4Lvnwp this is what I'm trying to do00:55
DaskreechYou are raising a window?00:57
vehemothDaskreech: yes00:57
vehemothDaskreech: when trying qdbus org.kde.knotify /Notify event string:activate string:kwin "(" ")" string: "(" ")" "(" ")" int32:-1 int64:000:57
vehemothI get an output of 000:58
DaskreechHmm ok01:05
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Daskreechvehemoth: Sorry not paying attention here very much. Maybe #KDE are you trying to get Knotify to send you a message when a window is raised?01:11
vehemothDaskreech: but dbus-send tells me it's badly formed01:11
vehemothI have a dock, I clicked on the icon that raised firefox01:11
vehemothand that's what was in the pastebin01:12
Daskreechvehemoth: dbus-send and qdbus are different. (granted qdbus is a front end for dbus) but they take different arguments01:12
vehemothDaskreech: I know, I was formatting them differently01:13
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Daskreechvehemoth: Ah yep. Not paying attention :)01:15
vehemothDaskreech: I think it's just that KDE is too self enclosed XD, it's horrindously difficult to get it to work with other environments01:17
vehemothDaskreech: anyway thanks for trying01:17
vehemothI'll just go play xmoto as I have spent hours on this and got nowhere01:17
Daskreechvehemoth: ha ha I've generally found that to be false once you step out of core01:18
Daskreechvehemoth: what's the objective?01:18
phiscribewhat is a totem like video/streaming player for kde anybody?01:18
phiscribebesides dragon (no playlist no youtube search ect)01:19
Daskreechphiscribe: would kaffeine work?01:19
vehemothDaskreech: To get the kde menu working outside of kde01:19
Daskreechvehemoth: is it running in plasma?01:20
vehemothDaskreech: well not truelly outside of kde, I still use kwin and krunner01:20
phiscribeperhaps, might just pull in totem a all its gobble gook, what about getting multimeedia keys o keyboard and remote to work, is there some magic package01:20
Daskreechthe application menus are all plasma based01:20
vehemothDaskreech: plasma-windowed, it's fine except for what seems to be a badly rendered drop shadow01:20
Daskreechvehemoth: ah well that's different #plasma would be the place to ask about that.01:21
vehemothDaskreech: how many people do you know that use it, there's a bunch of bug reports that they don't seem to care about01:22
DaskreechI haven't looked but they have been doing a lot of rounds recently for Plasma Active so might be a while till they get back to Bug fixing01:23
DaskreechAbout 6 months ago plasma was killing bugs like crazy and currently they are the biggest accumulator of new bugs01:23
vehemothI'm more worried about the notifications plasmoid01:24
vehemoththat has usablity bugs but renders fine01:24
Daskreechvehemoth: if you have a bug in particular tell me and I'll follow up for you01:24
phiscribewhat can give the sytem (dolphin i guess mostly) thumbnail views of SVG and Video files?01:24
Daskreechvehemoth: did you file a usabilty bug? those are collected and addressed at sprints01:25
vehemothDaskreech: should I file a bug report and give you a link?01:25
Daskreechvehemoth: if one doesn't exist01:25
vehemothDaskreech: I'm going to see if I can solve the notifications one through dbus or something else first01:25
Daskreechphiscribe: I think that strigi does that unless it's too large a file01:25
Daskreechvehemoth: what are you trying to get done? Just give me the workflow. I'll try see if I can get an answer by tomorrow01:26
phiscribeah i fogot Daskreech, fresh install i bet its file size01:26
vehemothit's that you can't seem to set an area that they stay in, like in plasma-desktop you cna drag them around but the won't go over the bar or out of the screen01:26
Daskreechvehemoth: Ah and if that's not tehre then they have no constraints?01:27
Daskreechand dbus popups are a little problematic ?01:27
vehemothwell, the little windows are the right size. but there's a controller window that sets the top and left limit. nothing seems to set the bottom and right01:28
vehemoththey work fine on the left side on the screen01:28
vehemothbut not on the right or the bottom01:28
vehemothDaskreech: though there does seem to be a lot of bug reports for notifications01:33
vehemothI'll read through a few, some at a glance seem to cover it01:34
Daskreechvehemoth: ok if you can vote on them and jsut shoot me the bug numbers01:34
vehemothsweet as01:35
vehemothhow long ago was notifications update. a lot of these bug reports are very old01:40
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:43
vehemothDaskreech: I think notifications has been updated since the bugs that deal with my problem so the problem will be different. I'm going to open a new bug report01:59
Daskreechvehemoth: Fair enough01:59
vehemothDaskreech: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=28522502:17
ubottuKDE bug 285225 in notifications "Notifications don't stay within an area when using plasma-windowed (also usefull for plasma-desktop)" [Wishlist,Unconfirmed]02:17
vehemoththank you02:17
vehemothif the kde notifications didn't look so dammed nice I wouldn't be here :)02:17
phiscribeyeah hehe kde is good looking (high maintainece though)02:19
phiscribei want the flash on this system, i wanna look flashy for visitors hehe02:21
vehemothphiscribe: yeah, I originally installed it to show off how good linux could look and now I use it full time02:22
vehemothphiscribe: might have to go back to my tiling WM to be truelly productive again :)02:22
phiscribehey i was using chrome in 11.04 and it was screwy with sync and extensions, it would never update them or sense they were updated, do i need to go to another system and remove them ya think?  maybe chromium02:23
phiscribeunlike many i like google trackng my ever move02:25
vehemothnot a clue. I use firefox, you can always try it though02:26
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Daskreechvehemoth: kwin does tiling if that's what you want03:01
vehemothDaskreech: where did that come from03:02
Daskreech[22:22] <vehemoth> phiscribe: might have to go back to my tiling WM to be truelly productive again :)03:03
phiscribei remember productive03:05
vehemothoh, yeah I know. But unless it can do stumpwm quality... anyway I'm enjoying using my mouse for a while. It's just that kde I'm spending so much time customising :)03:05
Daskreechvehemoth: Lol I know I spent like 3 years customizing Linux when I first started. tweaked the bells and cron out of everything03:06
vehemothDaskreech: guess I've got a while to go than, though I've done some pretty awesome stuff like automatice theme switching that matched the automatic wallpaper switching so it all tied in nicely03:08
vehemothman there are getting to be some awesome linux games03:10
Daskreech happypenguin.org03:12
vehemothyou a gamer?03:12
vehemothup for a game of xonotic?03:13
phiscribegames? linux?  blblblawablblawa huh?03:20
SIR_Tacophiscribe: just read all that myself haha03:20
phiscribeguess we gotta name him to call him out, hey vehemoth, what cho talking about willus03:22
vehemothsome levels have vehicles03:24
SIR_Tacoah, not what I was expecting, but nice03:26
phiscribevehemoth: is it dependant on your mahcines speed, that is if your machine is average and his is super, are you gonna get fragged day and night03:33
phiscribedikikam looks like linux final got a full featured image manager03:37
vehemothphiscribe: I don't know where that came from but I'll probably get fragged anyway. I don't actually play games much03:41
phiscribevehemoth: some 1st pesons are very senstive to lag and processing power, if your system doesnt match your oppenent, the delay will be unequitable, but not all games just some, seems like more so in linux03:42
vehemothphiscribe: oh, I think it also depends on skill, but gear certainly gives an advantage03:43
phiscribegiven equivalent skills, but a good game design mitigates that03:44
vehemothphiscribe: okay, well I assume my machine isn't too good when I get 30fps sometimes dropping to as low as 7 on that game near max settings03:46
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vehemothseeing as the makers say it's roughly 2006 graphics or something03:46
phiscribei might try it another day, need to avoid games for a bit, (crap to do do do), plus i got startcraft lurking in the wings03:47
phiscribeman does digikam INSIST on all the images being in one folder??? i got folders over 3 local drives and 10 network ones i want to manager03:50
* phiscribe discovers #digikam03:51
Daskreechphiscribe: Does it?03:54
phiscribeDaskreech: it seems to :(04:29
Daskreechphiscribe: lol the frist tooltip I get on opening it tells me I can have remote images in the collection04:32
Daskreechphiscribe: And indeed they are right there. What version of Digikam?04:32
phiscribefrudge the manaul is a version behind04:33
phiscribe2.1.1 but the manual seems like from 1.204:34
DaskreechAh I'm on 2.204:34
phiscribei want 2.2, i want the facial reck04:35
DaskreechGrab it04:35
phiscribebut when i add a  ppa (last time i tried with 11.04) it fouled up my world04:35
phiscribeneed a better ppa it would seem04:39
phiscribeor compile, but i dont want to have to comile all the kipi stuff too04:39
phiscribeDaskreech: ok the changlog shows digikam (2:2.1.1-0ubuntu1) oneiric; but about shows Version 2.1.104:44
phiscribeso is that 2.2 or not04:44
DaskreechThat's 2.104:45
Daskreechignore the number before the :04:45
phiscribedid you compile your?04:45
DaskreechDon't know how I got it. I just opened it awhile ago but I'm normally pretty far ahead on the upgrade cycle04:55
DaskreechRound about now I'd normally be on KDE 4.804:55
phiscribeid love the cutting edge if it werent so bloody05:03
Daskreechphiscribe: Guess you love the dull edge then :)05:07
phiscribeDaskreech: depends on the enviroment, working hard, dull means solid, stationary, successfull, i dont want my os to be a moving target as dependable as spanish fly on a date, (not very),  if im nerding out i want it to puke technology from the cpu u thru the lan and back to the dev's brain while i laugh gleefuly05:10
DaskreechSounds a lot like having two (maybe three) computers then05:10
phiscribei got 5 atm05:10
phiscribewell 6 if you count the PII, but its out to pasture05:11
DaskreechSo it's on the snoring edge?05:16
phiscribegood for streaming audio, about all i do with it05:20
phiscribeim bummed out, my web cam go crushed ....eyeballing the super glue05:21
phiscribeim moving stuff arond, just built an office, a box got laid on it05:22
phiscribei get a cot tonight, the bed isnt even asemebled05:22
Wensleyphiscribe: sounds totally awesome05:30
Wensleyjust built my own office as well05:30
Wensley*high five*05:31
Wensleyjust today switched out the cardboard box desk for a random piece of furniture05:31
phiscribewell i got a 13 inch tv going! so i can listen to something as i lay in my cot05:32
phiscribei think im near my crash zone  *yawn*05:34
SiegeLordAnyone have trouble installing the Catalyst driver (11.9) in 11.10?06:12
SiegeLordAfter installing, if I run aticonfig it complains that it can't find libGL.so.106:13
WyCKyD Installed kubuntu 11.10 3 days ago and I have a wireless adapter (Linksys AE1000 USB) I had it installed on 11.04 but when I try to install it, I get a message saying that make is not installed. I can't get make because the wifi is my only internet connection and don't have internet until I compile the linksys driver07:17
WyCKyDDoesn't make get installed when you install kubuntu?07:19
vehemothno anymore I think07:19
WyCKyD@vehemoth any ideas on how to get it installed? Thx for responding and helping07:20
vehemothyou can download the .deb from the repository07:21
WyCKyDI can access my windows drive through kubuntu, if I can download the package on windows, I could install it through kubuntu07:21
vehemothyou can also use apt-get to download but not install07:21
WyCKyDI can't download in kubuntu, because no internet. I have to do it through winblows07:22
WyCKyDlet me check that...brb...thx again07:23
ubuntuhy i install upgrade to kubuntu 11.10 - and have crash, system run but without network (i have lan connection) and many errors, now im on live kubuntu on this computer can sombady help my fix it ?07:24
vehemothubuntu: I can't think of anything other than fressh install07:27
WyCKyDvehemoth: the dependencies are going to drive me crazy, but I will do it. Thanks very much for your help07:28
vehemothWyCKyD: yeah, I've tried it before07:29
ubuntuhm, i havce manyu settings i dont want lost it07:29
ubuntuis not possibloe to check packages from live ?07:29
frogonwheelsubuntu: a fresh install but copying your home dir  (esp .kde) works pretty well.  I did this from 32bit to 64bit linux with few issues.07:31
ubuntui know but i talk abouit php, apache2, dns, lan, 1 wire network settings this is not user this is system settings07:33
ubuntumayby is possbible chrot to this distro and fix it ?07:37
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ubuntui weant mount07:47
ubuntui teraz od razu apt-get update ?07:54
ubuntuno od razu bledyu07:54
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Sysicreative audigy2, on kubuntu 10.10 - 11.10 I only get grey noise from speakers, with and withput pulseaudio, on xubuntu working normally with and without pulseaudio09:20
Sysikubuntu 10.04 without pulseaudio worked normally09:20
SysiI tested 11.10 from liveusb, worked when playing html5 audio/video with rekonq but broke to only grey noise when entered sound preferences09:21
Sysiworks on fedora KDE, 14 or 15, same kde version than one of non-working kubuntus09:26
mirrakorHi there, is there a way to stop akonadi asking for the kwalletpassword on every sessionstartup?09:29
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alexdevillxinstalling ubuntu on my android....11:08
nicolas_Hi everyone11:21
mirrakorHi nicolas_11:21
mirrakorCan someone please test a mailto link in KDE(i.e. any KDE app should have some in the about dialog) and tell me if kmail opens a new mail with a recipient? (cause it only opens blank mails for me)11:22
nicolas_I have a problem with thunderbird and gmail. When I write an email, it seems like thunderbird automatically sends it every 5 minute or so, but it is not visible to me (the window doesn't close...).11:23
nicolas_This can be very embarassing, when the first draft is sent11:24
nicolas_It seems like the problem is only with my gmail account and not with my professional one. Is it related to IMAP?11:24
nicolas_If anyone have a clue it would be great11:25
mirrakornicolas_:  sorry, I didn't get it :D11:27
nicolas_mirrakor: I'm using Thunderbird, and I do have the email address in the email field (just tested) when I click on mailtos11:27
mirrakoryeah, that's how it should be *gg*11:27
mirrakorSo thunderbird sends your mail while you're writing it?11:27
nicolas_mirrakor: yes!11:28
nicolas_mirrakor: I guess you guess how embarassing this can be11:28
mirrakorare you sure? (like start composing a new mail, type in some "foobar" and leave it open for ten minutes)11:29
mirrakorCause I think he's checking for new mails every 5 minutes11:29
nicolas_of course there is the solution of writing the mail in kate and then copy paste... but i'd like it to work properly11:29
nicolas_well, I just wrote a mail and there are 5 versions in my sent box11:30
nicolas_maybee there's a shortcut that I hit not on purpose when I write, that sends the message11:32
mirrakorProbably Strg+S or Strg+Enter, but that should close the mail as well11:32
mirrakornicolas_: This is a very odd behavior - I presume your gmail account is connected via IMAP?! (Unfortunately I have to leave now, but will be back later, to open a new mail, write one of your email addresses in the TO field (Not your Gmail address!) and let it open for 15 minutes, to verify this issue :) )11:33
mirrakorCause maybe it is just some strange "draft" syncing thing11:33
nicolas_Ok, thank you11:34
nicolas_I'll try sending from my gmail to my professional address11:34
nicolas_as you said leaving it for 15 min11:34
mirrakornicolas_: yes, this is to verify it actually sends the mails and not just some syncing to your gmail account thing11:35
nicolas_mirrakor: ok ;-)11:35
mirrakoractually this interests me :D are you around again this evening?11:36
BluesKajHiyas all11:40
mirrakorhi and bye BluesKaj11:42
kerloiHi all. I just obtained a big printer from a friend, I'm trying to make it work on kubuntu but I have some real weird problems while printing (no color, character errors ...) and I can't make the scanner work either. I know very few things about how printer and scanner are managed under linux so I'm a bit lost ...12:17
lelamal_hi all, I have problems with audio levels. When I try to change volume levels with kmix, nothing changes. I can go all the way down and mute it, but as soon as I raise it a little bit it's as if it were already at maximum level. If I keep raising it, the volume remains the same. Volume from Amarok works flawessly, instead. Can anyone help me please?12:17
ubottuScanning software: simple-scan (GNOME), Gwenview (KDE), Xsane. For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR12:17
BluesKajlelamal_, open alsamixer in the terminal and make sure none of the ctrl boxes are muted with an "M" , use the "M" key to unmute and the arrow keys to navigate and increase or decrease the volume12:19
kerloiOk so I suppose that if the brand name doesn't appear on the list, I have no chance to make it work :(12:19
BluesKajkerloi, lexmark ?12:20
kerloiBluesKaj: konica12:20
lelamal_BluesKaj: thanks for that I'll try it now12:21
BluesKajkerloi, almost as rare as lexmark in terms of support12:24
kerloithe sane project says that the model 1690MF is supported and I have the 1680MF so maybe I can have a chance with that ?12:24
lelamal_BluesKaj: I've checked the levels and they look just fine. I get the same result when I control the volume level in alsa via master12:24
natmanhi, anyone having problems with muon update icons?12:26
lelamal_BluesKaj: but when I control it via PCM or Surround I get a smooth correct fade in/out12:27
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lelamal_is there a way I can control volume this correct way from kmix as well?12:28
BluesKajlelamal_, ok , I use the volume ctrl on my speaker system , and have all the software ctrls maxxed12:28
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BluesKajlelamal_, yeah the digital vol ctrl works well12:29
lelamal_BluesKaj: I see, I just hoped I could fix this kmix issue12:30
jogdishhi, anyone having problems with muon update icons?12:30
Sysilelamal_: can't you set "master channel" in kmix preferences?12:30
BluesKajkmix is just a gui for alsamixer , they're linked, lelamal_12:30
lelamal_BluesKaj: I see12:31
lelamal_Sysi: nope, I remember once there was a way to choose the master channel, but can't see it anymore12:31
BluesKajlelamal_, do you have pulseaudio installed . maybe pavucontrol will help if you do12:32
lelamal_BluesKaj: I guess I have it, it's a fresh installation of Oneiric12:33
BluesKajlel the kmix vol ctrl is the master channel12:33
kamilnadeemBlesKaj you there ?12:35
BluesKajyeah kamilnadeem ?12:36
kamilnadeemI have done a fresh install of kubuntu 11.10 but the automute on startup is still there12:36
kamilnadeemI have opened alsamixer and disabled automute12:36
kamilnadeembut what was teh command you said to run after that I don't remember?12:37
lelamal_BluesKaj: I only have this on kmix, which is the master channel, and even if I try to change it from the menu there are no other options: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/37/snapshot1mu.png/12:37
BluesKajkamilnadeem, sudo alsactl store12:39
kamilnadeemthanks blueskaj12:40
kamilnadeemalso what was the file to install to get preview of Video files in dolphin?12:40
BluesKajkamilnadeem, there's no guarantee that command will hold if you have pulseaudio12:41
kamilnadeemwell it worked previous lets see :)12:41
BluesKajlelamal , you can set the master in alsamixer using the arrow keys12:44
kamilnadeemremembered it , ffmpegthumbs it was :)12:47
kamilnadeemok will be taking your leave now12:48
lelamal_BluesKaj: please bear with me, I'm a noob. Let me see if I got this right. Do you mean I can change master channel in alsa? Meaning I can make PCM master channel? And if so, how do I use the arrow keys to make this change?12:54
BluesKajcrank up the pcm12:54
lelamal_it's all up12:55
BluesKajwith up/dowm arrow key, navigate alsamixer with the < > keys12:55
lelamal_so basically if I want to turn volume up/down, rather than using kmix I should use a konsole and call up alsa, is this what you're implying?12:56
lelamal_BluesKaj: ^12:57
BluesKajlelamal_, no if you turn the kmix down alsa master should also go down ...at least it used to work that way. I use the spdif digital out so I'm not entirely sure  anymore ...I don't have speaker connected12:58
BluesKajto my soundcard12:59
lelamal_yes, it goes down in fact. Well I see. Thanks for your help, BluesKaj12:59
BluesKajlelamal_, np , here's to musical enjoyment :)13:00
kamilnadeemhow to get preview of video files in dolphin/?13:13
Nova685how do you change the icon them in kubuntu 11.10 since its not under system/appearances?13:17
BluesKajkamilnadeem, open with then choose your player and make the file association by checking "remember application association of this type..."13:17
BluesKajNova685,system settings>application appearance>icons13:19
Nova685just said its not there13:19
Nova685it may be in 11.04 but not in 11.1013:19
BluesKajNova685, "get new themes"13:19
Nova685oh "application" ....13:20
kamilnadeemBluesKaj I have made it to run with smplayer , still no preview of video files?13:23
kamilnadeemlast time installing the ffmpegthumbs did it , i dont get why it is not working this time around?13:24
BluesKajkamilnadeem, is ffmpeg thmbnails installed ?13:25
kamilnadeemwell ffmpeg is not installed , is that the reason?13:26
kamilnadeemwell still not working after installing ffmpeg13:28
BluesKajkamilnadeem, did you install ffmpeg thumbnailer as well ?13:28
kamilnadeemno only ffmpegthumbs , so do I install thumbnailer?13:29
BluesKajffmpeg needs to be installed yes, best to just install kubuntu-restricted-extras and the medibuntu repos13:29
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org13:29
kamilnadeemthere ffmpegthumbnailer and kffmpegthumbnailer , which one to install?13:30
kamilnadeemalso I have installed kubunt restricted extras13:31
kamilnadeemso no need for the medibuntu?13:32
BluesKajread about medibuntu , then decide13:33
kamilnadeemok and whcih thumbnailer my friend?13:33
kamilnadeemok done13:34
BluesKajffmpeg is essentail13:35
BluesKajbbl...stuff to do13:35
kamilnadeemyeah had installled it previously13:35
kamilnadeemnope no preview13:35
kamilnadeemI will restart and see13:36
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alexandru1012can someone give me a .deb for installing kernel
kamilnadeemhow to get preview of video files in dolphin?13:58
kamilnadeemhave installed ffmpegthumbs and other stuff but still no luck ?13:58
mas_whats up everyone14:01
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kamilnadeemI am back14:16
kamilnadeemyeah so anyhelp on getting preview of video files in dolphin14:16
BluesKajkamilnadeem, open with gwenview?14:17
kamilnadeemopen .flv file with gwenview14:17
kamilnadeemyes opened it14:18
kamilnadeemBluesKaj still nothing14:19
lelamal_kamilnadeem: you can play the preview of a video/audio file from the information panel in Dolphin. If by preview you mean thumbnail, then I don't know.14:23
BluesKajkamilnadeem, right click on the file , "open with" , choose multimedia>dragonplyer or vlc whatever you have in the list , then check remember file association, cliclk ok.14:24
BluesKajseems obsessed with thumbnails for some reason14:25
oxymoronHow do I prevent laptop in Kubuntu from hybernate, blackout screen when watching movie in VLC for instance?14:26
BluesKajoxymoron, turn off the screensaver14:27
oxymoronBluesKaj: I want screensaver, just not when I am using programs like VLC14:28
Peace-oxymoron: you need to configure vlc i guess14:29
oxymoronPeace-: I do not find any setting to provent Kubuntu from blackout screen in VLC unfortuantly.14:30
oxymoronit is not really nice when looking on a movie and suddenly computer just goes black.14:30
Peace-oxymoron: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/10/29/plasma-desktopZm1348.jpg14:31
Peace-oxymoron: google vlc screensaver14:31
lelamal_oxymoron: as far as I can remember it's an old bug in VLC. It shouldn't happen with another player, say dragon player. Try it.14:32
oxymoronPeace-: I checked now and have that setting on, prevent supending on inactivity, does not help.14:33
oxymoronlelamal_: IMO Kubuntu itself could check if any video players are running or so, and prevent itself from going into screen svaer mode.14:34
kamilnadeemI am back14:34
kamilnadeemlelamal I mean the thumbnail14:35
lelamal_kamilnadeem: then I don't know, sorry14:35
kamilnadeemno prob14:35
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Peace-oxymoron: xdg-screensaver suspend $WINDOWID14:40
kamilnadeemHi Peace14:41
Peace-kamilnadeem: hi14:41
kamilnadeemyou have chosen such a beautiful nick :)14:41
Peace-kamilnadeem: that is my nick on irc on wordpress  i am nowardev14:42
kamilnadeemPeace have you enabled preview of video files dolphin ?14:43
Peace-of course14:44
kamilnadeemI am trying ffmpegthumbs but it is not working14:44
Peace-kamilnadeem: ok it's installed ?14:44
Peace- sudo apt-get install kffmpegthumbnailer14:45
kamilnadeemok installing14:45
Peace-kamilnadeem: then you have to go on dolphin settings ... and activate that14:45
Peace-it's made for old computer so ... to get a ligher file manager they did this stuff...14:46
Peace-see the screenshot14:46
kamilnadeemthanks brother , finally :)14:47
Peace-kamilnadeem: read my blog14:47
kamilnadeemok , going to check it14:48
Peace-kamilnadeem: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/usefull-link-for-kubuntu-and-multimedia-stuff/setkubuntuproperly/14:48
Peace-kamilnadeem: if you have a fast computer you don't need the first stuff...14:48
Peace-just check what you need to install and how to configure dolphin14:48
oxymoronHi, I get permission error 403 when trying to access my Dropbox folder, which has group www-data and owner is me. How to get apache to get permissions to read folder correctly?14:48
kamilnadeemexcellent blog title14:49
Peace-oxymoron: if you are owner ... you can access14:50
Peace-.. i can't undestand well the problem btw14:51
kamilnadeemPeace my desktop is fairly well put for linux(2.4gh core2duo,2gb ram, xfx9800gt card)14:51
Peace-if you have a dropbox folder ...  you have a folder in your computer ...14:51
Peace-that is syncronized with the server of dropbox14:52
Peace-so ...14:52
Peace-kamilnadeem: you don't need to speed it .. i guess it should be working well14:52
Peace-and fast14:52
oxymoronPeace-: The permission is myself as owner and www-data as group, to make both myself and apache able to read from it, but wont work. I exeperienced trouble with this earlier, but do not remember how to fix14:52
kamilnadeemPeace my previous installation was working fine until I installed ubuntu-one and it all  got messed up . that is why had to do a new installation14:53
Peace-kamilnadeem: ubuntu one?14:53
Peace-sorry i su dropbox14:54
Peace-well.. kfiledrop14:54
Peace-or something like that14:54
kamilnadeemyeah , but jupiter broadcasting guys took kubuntu and canonical to task for this reason14:55
oxymoronPeace-: Possible to make apache2 to use myself as user/group instead of www-data?14:55
Peace-oxymoron: sorry i dunno well apache2 but i guess it should be a file.conf for apache...14:56
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)14:56
kamilnadeemAlso you have mentioned recorditnow but it is not as good as recordmydesktop as I tried it in my previous install also there is no qt-recordmydesktop in the repos14:56
Peace-kamilnadeem: you don't need of that software btw...14:58
Peace-kamilnadeem: i guess is faster this ... from shell14:58
Peace-kamilnadeem: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2011/05/23/how-to-screencast/14:58
kamilnadeemPeace check this http://i.imgur.com/mGAl8.png15:00
kamilnadeemI have installed kfaenza but the chromium doesn't uses it for its folder15:00
Peace-kamilnadeem: i am sorry but for that kind of stuff i  will call me a complete noob15:01
Fallballafirefox doesn't use theme as well15:01
kamilnadeemit is not a biggie15:01
Peace-kamilnadeem: maybe you need to install the theme for gtk appliocation15:01
Peace-i mean faenza15:01
Peace-gnome-icon theme faenza somethign like that15:03
Peace-but i am not sure about that15:03
kamilnadeemPeace on my previous install I had added the kubuntu ppa to get 4.7.2 but this time I updated and I am on 4.7.2 , but rekonq is still not .815:04
kamilnadeemwhich version of reconkq do you have on your system15:04
Peace-kamilnadeem: i use a ppa for rekonq15:06
Peace-but for me rekonq sucks15:06
Peace-i use chromium \konqueror15:06
kamilnadeemI also have chromium and firefox15:06
Peace-and when i have to print selection ... firefox15:06
Peace-suck sad thing15:07
=== mas is now known as mas_
MesaphI just installed the new kubuntu on my netbook, but it already crashed 3 times. Where can i find the logs? (was something about "panic occured, switching back to text console")15:11
mas_sound like the video card or other hardware related issue15:12
Peace-Mesaph: /var/log15:12
Peace-Mesaph: for X15:13
Peace-Mesaph: /var/log/Xorg.0.log15:13
Peace-that should be the file15:13
Mesaphit happened 3 times on various activities on the laptop ... i hope i find something useful in the log file ...15:14
Peace-Mesaph: video card?15:14
kamilnadeemdid you guys checked this magazine http://fullcirclemagazine.org/issue-54/15:15
kamilnadeemI find them to be excellent15:15
MesaphPeace: Intel graphics media accelerator 95015:15
Peace-Mesaph: mm wtf it should work fine15:16
oxymoronPeace-: i still do ntot get it, I changed User and Group to Oxymoron in apache2 httpd.conf directives and all files changed to correct mode for user/group Oxymoron, STILL DO NOT work at all? I just get permission error in log. Just permission denied15:16
MesaphPeace: cant find anything in the Xorg.0.log15:16
Peace-oxymoron: sorry like i said before i don't know about apache15:17
Peace-Mesaph: ls /var/log/  | grep -i xorg15:17
oxymoronPeace-: Sorry nvm, I did a apache2 reload instead of restart after last change, now it works :D15:18
mas_oxy are you using the default location ?15:18
MesaphXorg.0.log Xorg.0.log.old15:18
MesaphPeace: searched both files for "panic occured", nothing found15:19
Mesaphmmh gotta go. But thanks for the help, will continue trying later.15:19
oxymoronmas_: yes15:21
kamilnadeemPeace can you direct to me to some kubunutu cutomisation sites other than kde-look so I get some beautification for my my desktop15:22
mas_Thanks kamilnadeem , i will check out full circle15:23
kamilnadeemokay mas_15:23
BluesKajfull circle is mostly "ubuntu" stuff , not much kde15:25
kamilnadeemYes and by the virtue of that kubuntu and every buntu comes under their stream , thet provide some really informative stuff15:26
oxymoronThis makes me nuts, next problem. How to install phpmyadmin? After I installed it, localhost/phpmyadmin does not work, it does not find the alias provided my phpmyadmin package, like apache do not know about it. How to configure apache2 for phpmyadmin?15:33
Peace-oxymoron: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/phpMyAdmin15:34
oxymoronPeace-: Thanks, finally worked :)15:35
kamilnadeemPeace which cloud service do you use on kubuntu in the wake of ubuntu-one not working ?15:36
darthanubiswhen is owncloud going to be updated in the repos though?15:37
oxymoronPeace-: Awesome, now rewrite module doesnt work :D Will never ever be able to start coding on my framework agani.15:37
Peace-kamilnadeem: i use dropbox that has an interface for kde is calle kfiledrop15:37
Peace-btw i use the broser to upload stuff :)15:38
kamilnadeemOk , did you check that minus cloud service ?15:39
Peace-kamilnadeem: minus?15:40
kamilnadeemyeah , https://minus.com15:40
Peace-i really don0t need so much space because i use yotube for my pubblic video...  for the other stuff music and so on i use my own 2Tera disk and for the other stuff i use dropbox15:42
Peace-i prefer keep my stuff on My computer hard disk15:43
jamil_1hi all, sound is coming from only one speaker on my dell laptop15:43
Peace-you know that if that server is on the usa they can controll datas without so much problem ?15:43
jamil_1suggestions ?15:43
Peace-jamil_1: before worked fine?15:43
Peace-upgraded\first time you installed linux ?\or \or \or?15:44
jamil_1Peace-: I am running the live cd15:44
Peace-alsamixer -V all15:44
jamil_1Peace-: I am planning to install kubuntu15:44
Peace-jamil_1: try this15:46
Peace-speaker-test -c2 -Ddefault -twav -l115:46
Peace-on a konsole15:46
kamilnadeemPeace: I also don't use cloud service heavily but it was good in ubuntu to ubuntu one as it synced my tomboy notes and some files15:46
Peace-kamilnadeem: well on amarok you can create your own database i guess15:46
Peace-or something like that15:47
Peace-but i don't really use that kind of stuff15:47
jamil_1Peace-: right, left comes out only from one speaker15:47
kamilnadeemPeace also your point is correct of our data is not ours when it is on the cloud , RMS has written well on it and even larrythefreesoftware guy has affirmed it15:47
Peace-jamil_1: on my computer that command speaks front left FORM THE left and front right on the right15:48
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jamil_1Peace-: but in my case, right, left comes only from left speaker15:48
Peace-kamilnadeem: the point is ... if you need your datas around the globe you can buy a hd with 60bucks and go with it around the world15:49
jogdishhi, does anyone know anything about muon and what time it looks for updates?15:49
Peace-jamil_1: well i will suggest to install kubuntu ... and then fix the problem with a live cd ... it's quite difficult try to fix it15:49
kamilnadeemjogdish on startup if I am not mistaken15:49
jamil_1Peace-: I dont want to get stuck later15:50
jogdishkamilnadeem: okay this is weird, i have done apt-get update and apt-get dist.... it tells me there is a tzdata update availible for me, but yet no icon in the taskbar from muon, pc has been on for 3hrs now15:51
kamilnadeemI also installed tzdata , and it worked fine for me15:51
jogdishdo you get update icons from muon?15:52
jogdishlike the little green gear cog from kpackage kit used to be my icon15:52
kamilnadeemyes on startup if there are any updates and Icon in system notification15:53
jogdishumm :( no icon for me15:53
kamilnadeemyeah the same thing only it leads muon package manager now15:53
Peace-jogdish: lspci | grep -i audio15:53
kamilnadeemand after that sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get autoclean15:53
kamilnadeemI do this regularly, keeps the system fresh15:54
jogdishwhat will that do Peace-?15:54
Peace-jogdish: kid i have not time to explain every command i suggest you15:55
kamilnadeemPeace: yeah , I purchased a transcend 640gb ext hd , also have an  1tb Internal hd on which Ubuntu 11.10 and a 160gn hd on which yours truly kubuntu 11.10 is installed :)15:55
Peace-jogdish: just trust me ....15:55
kamilnadeemHaha Peace15:55
kamilnadeemyeah jogdish trust him15:55
jamil_1Peace-: if command was for me: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio (rev 06)15:56
jogdishjamil_1:  yeah im guessing the command was not for, dont have any audio issues15:56
Peace-jamil_1: ok read this http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1483578.html the situation can be fixed15:58
jogdishso does anyone have any idea why muon is not alerting me that updates are availible?15:59
Peace-jogdish: have you disabled the daemon?16:01
Peace-jogdish: search on systemsettings service manager16:02
Peace-jogdish: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/10/29/plasma-desktopsC1348.jpg16:02
jogdishya muon is ticked for startup16:03
Peace-jogdish: try apper16:03
jogdishthe program works fine, just never alerts me for updates, i checked the settings in muon to alert me16:03
Peace-jogdish: i don't know  muon , and i don0t like it btw16:03
jogdishPeace-: apper?16:03
Peace-is the old kpackagekit16:04
jogdishanother package manager?16:04
Peace-i really use sudo apt-get upgrade16:04
Peace-sometime i like user apper16:04
jogdishPeace-:  thanks , but its weird given its a fresh install16:06
kamilnadeemPeace how is the font rendering on firefox on your side ?16:09
kamilnadeemwell It was some site problem16:10
Peace-kamilnadeem: i am not so delicate on the font side16:11
kamilnadeemit is good , on the previous install I had major issues with that on every browser16:12
kamilnadeemOkay will be taking your leave now , and thanks for all the help Peace16:12
kamilnadeemPeace Be With You All16:12
kamilnadeemPeace you there?16:19
kamilnadeemPeace- the desura client is not installing on Kubuntu strange as In the morning I had installed it on Ubuntu 11.10 and it worked well ?16:21
kamilnadeemoh k , this is stranger , on kubuntu it has redirected the desura installation folder to home16:22
kamilnadeembut Installation is happening , lets see16:22
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swapyhi guys16:41
swapyi need your help16:41
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kamilnadeemplease dont ask to ask , just ask16:42
kamilnadeemwell hello16:43
mas_hey swapy16:44
greywalkhello, is there a configuration file for the digital clock widget? (I would like to change the font size used to display the time)16:46
jcgsgreywalk: me too, it gets ridiculuously big when you change the size of the taskbar, doesn't it ;)16:47
greywalkjcgs: yes, i have the same problem16:48
greywalkbut i am really surprised a cannot find any info on the config file for the widget on google.16:49
greywalki cant believe there is no such file or smth16:49
James147^^ widget settings are stored in ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc16:52
James147though I am not sure you can change the size of them in the panel (since they auto size them selves)16:52
greywalkand i also cannot turn off displaying events in calendar. i dont want any event :-/16:52
adarshajoisaMy speaker volume keeps getting reduced to zero every now and then. Everytime I need to open alsamixer and set it back. Any idea why this is happening?16:54
jcgsJames147 greywalk there is an interesting line in mine that looks like this: plainClockFont=Ubuntu,37,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,016:56
jcgsHow could i found out what that means?16:56
krezkeyWhats up peeps,  can anyone tell me how to set desktop icons to a grid so they are aligned17:01
pvivek_in the kubuntu home page the download 11.10 is wubi version?17:01
pvivek_I downloaded Kubuntu 11.10 to get a bootable Live Cd Version , but when i burnt the iso to cd found out that it was Wubi version :( Which is the right Live CD Bootable version of 11.10 iso image ?17:02
pvivek_Does the regular Download Section in this url http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download indicate the proper LiveCd version of Kubuntu 11.10 ? Would be very glad if someone can confirm on that17:04
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jcgspivek_ I think they are the same image. If you boot from it, it should ask you if you want to install :)17:21
jcgspvivek: ^^17:21
jcgskrezkey: are you using desktop folder view, or do you have separate widgets for all your icons?17:22
jcgspvivek_: yes regular download is normally the livecd, i'm just downloading the 64bit one now to check if that's right....17:28
pvivek_jcgs : And the wubi and LiveCd version cannot be both working. In fact i tried it too. Wubi version isn't bootable17:29
jcgsorly? are you sure it's not just there was a burning error or sth? what happens when you try and boot?17:30
adarshajoisaMy speaker volume keeps getting reduced to zero every now and then. Everytime I need to open alsamixer and set it back. Any idea why this is happening? Sorry for posting again, but i'm in urgent need of a reply17:33
jcgspvivek_, what happens when you try and boot?17:35
pvivek_the cd doesn't boot at all17:36
pvivek_jcgs : its not bootable17:36
James147pvivek_: do a md5sum check on the iso see if thats matches17:38
pvivek_James147 : Are you saying the iso image of WUBI version itself will be bootable?17:39
James147pvivek_: wubi is a exe file that you can install inwindows17:40
pvivek_James147 : Exactly i know17:41
James147pvivek_: so how can it be bootable?17:41
pvivek_James147: I have downloaded an ISO of Wubi Kubuntu probably by mistake or something. So i have converted it into a cd that wouldn't be bootable right. Thats exactly what i am saying it cannot be17:41
pvivek_James147: Thats why i just asked the link for the right version of the download17:42
pvivek_James147: Now i am downloading from http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download#download-block (Regular Download Version - 32 bit) hopefully its the right version17:42
James147pvivek_: the download page you linked is for the livecd and alternitive installer17:43
* James147 notes that the livecd also contains the wubi exe as far as he knows17:43
pvivek_James147 : Really ? I didn't know that . Then i am redundantly downloading :( Oh no!!17:44
James147oo and there is a link for wubi on taht page :) but the "regualr down load" should be the livecd17:44
James147and the livecd should be bootable17:44
similarI just found the package sawfish, it puts windows on different workspaces when you start them. But its just for gnome. is there any way i can use anything similar on kde?17:44
James147pvivek_: not redundantly, wubi is just a small installer for windows (it either needs the iso, or needs to download it)17:46
myers_how do i downgrade to kde 3?18:42
myers_is there any distro that still uses it?18:43
myers_what distros of kubuntu used it?18:43
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pvivekhow do i upadate grub in kubuntu 11.1018:50
pvivekMy grub is all messed up18:50
pvivekWindows loader isn't working , normal kubuntu is coming in previous linux version18:50
pvivekHow to fix all the problems ? What is the command ?18:50
mirrakor_has someone followed nicolas_ problem?18:52
mirrakor_hey, what would you recommend for bogofilters Berkley DB or sqlite?19:03
myers_how do i downgrade to kde 3?19:11
myers_is there any distro that still uses it?19:11
myers_what distros of kubuntu used it?19:11
BluesKaj8.10 maybe , it's been a while19:12
Torch8.04 even, i think.19:15
Torchmyers_: effectively you can't really use kde 3 any longer.19:16
Torchmyers_: IMHO there's also no real reason to do so19:16
mirrakor_well technically he could install it from source, if it's worth the troubles19:18
vehemothmirrakor_: unless it's too deprecated19:19
Torchmirrakor_: there have been no security fixes for ages.19:20
BluesKajmyers_, may I ask why ?19:23
vehemothis this that dolphin issue again?19:24
BluesKajguess he's busy searching for a method19:26
myers_I like the look of it better, and my computer is old, used to run xp back in 0419:41
myers_and i have not found a way19:41
myers_is there anyway to get the look, and the sounds?19:42
vehemothmyers_:probably, have you looked on http://kde-look.org19:43
myers_yes, but i do not know how to install that kind of stuff19:43
vehemothlink, and I'll try to help you19:43
vehemothsome of them install differently19:43
myers_vehemoth: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Klassik?content=11767719:48
vehemothokay, unless there is install theme in the systemsettings theme option, extract it ~/.themes or /usr/share/themes and then select it in the systemsettings19:52
vehemothI'm gonna go have breakfast, I'll be back if you still need help19:52
BarkingFishbreakfast? You lucky guy! I only had my evening meal 20 minutes ago :P19:54
* BarkingFish could just go a couple of sausages, some hash browns, and a couple of pancakes with maple cured bacon on.19:54
myers_please quit talking bout food, its 3:00 here and i have not eaten yet19:57
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myers_how is cent os?19:59
myers_what is the best kde distro?20:00
vehemothmyers_: people say opensuse, the only I've liked a lot is arch20:01
* vehemoth slightly boring meal, cornflakes with canned mandarins20:01
myers_how do i install arch?20:02
vehemothwith a cd or usb or maybe even network20:02
well_laid_lawnand with the beginners guide open20:02
myers_ya, but it don't have a gui, i don't know how do all that termanal type stuff20:03
mirrakor_myers_: I'd vote for openSUSE too20:03
myers_ya, but it does not have a vary good software senter20:04
vehemothmyers_: http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=arch the beginners guide is easy enough to follow, but arch might not be for you20:04
mirrakor_btw. someone knows where I can upload a ubuntu related package? (actually it's just a 64bit build of a package that is not available from the repo/sf.net site)20:04
mirrakor_myers_: openSUSE?20:04
vehemothmyers_: arch doesn't have a software center as far as I know, you just use the command line tool pacman20:04
vehemothmirrakor_: ppa? or just a file drop thing?20:05
myers_is there any way to install a software center?20:05
vehemothmyers_: you can search the wiki for one, I think there's a couple unofficial ones20:05
mirrakor_vehemoth: not sure if it's worth creating a ppa, maybe it is20:05
vehemothmyers_: I don't see why that much, pacman is easy enough once you get used to it20:06
vehemothmyers_: if you don't like tinkering it might not be for you20:06
myers_ok, how is mandriva?20:07
vehemothmirrakor_: there's a bunch of free file sharing services if that's all you want, you can also stick it on ubuntuforums sometimes20:07
mirrakor_vehemoth: yeah, I think I'll look into the ppa thing, the standard file hosters all have a time limitation, which is not that useful20:08
lelamal_hi all, when I last used Quassel, I remember that when I hovered a link I got a preview of that website. Now I don't get it. How can I enable it?20:08
well_laid_lawntry github20:08
myers_ok, how is mandriva linux?20:08
vehemothmirrakor_: I think that's only true for ones you don't sign up to20:09
vehemothmyers_: do you have quite limited internet?20:10
myers_i don't think so20:11
vehemothwell than look on distro watch, download them, try them out and if you don't like it then try another one20:11
myers_did that, my computer is old, i need a linux, perfed KDE, that is fast and is good for an older computer20:12
vehemothmyers_: well then arch if your game20:12
GirlyGirlmyers_: Kubuntu 11.10 is fast , besides any distro won't make a difference20:13
well_laid_lawnGirlyGirl: that's a couple of times you've done that, what's up?20:13
GirlyGirlmyers_: Tweak the settings and install kubuntu-low-fat-settings20:13
GirlyGirlwell_laid_lawn: 2nd time only!20:13
myers_how do i do that?20:13
vehemothmyers_: or you can try to get a complete distro and try to rip things out to lighten it20:13
well_laid_lawnGirlyGirl: a couple = 220:14
GirlyGirlwell_laid_lawn: 1) Its funny 2) I have no idea what a well_laid_lawn is20:14
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots20:15
myers_should i get an outdated kde like kubuntu 8.10 or something? would that would better on an old computeer?20:16
vehemothit's out of support20:17
vehemothyou can't install software using software center20:17
myers_how is puppy?20:18
myers_can i install kde on that?20:18
BluesKajmyers_, what kind of specs on your pc ?20:24
myers_give me a minute20:24
myers_processor max speed 1808 storage size 149.1 gib to sticks of 512 ram, but it reads about 800 i believe20:26
myers_and graphics is like sis 660 or something20:27
vehemothmyers_: I run kde on arch on a netbook, 1gb ram, 250gb HDD 1.5ghz dual core atom20:27
BluesKajmyers_, you are on the edge but if you don't need faancy deskr top effects , a normal kubuntu install will  work just fine20:27
mirrakor_Can someone explain in a nutshell how to upload a package to ppa (I've a src dir, a build dir and also a finished .deb, but apparently ppa doesn't want it :D )20:28
vehemothI have compositing on on my netbook :)20:28
mirrakor_if it's not possible in a nutshell, I'm already reading the packaging guide20:29
myers_would puppy linux be faster for my computer then kubuntu?20:29
vehemothdarn it, I like phrik :)20:30
myers_has any one used puppy?20:31
BluesKajmyers_, havent run puppy since 2005 , but it ran fine on an old 233mhz, with 128 md ram :)20:31
vehemothmyers_: choose the one you like working with, than get kde to work nicely with it. There's no point using puppy if you don't like the software center20:31
vehemothif it has one that is20:31
vehemothmyers_: join #puppy20:32
myers_ join #puppy20:32
myers_how do i do that??20:32
vehemothhow did you get into #kubuntu ?20:32
well_laid_lawntry /j #puppy20:32
myers_ok thanks, bye20:33
BluesKajgoogle earth lies! , the 64 bit version relis on ia32=libs and multiarch support doesn't work21:20
vehemothgoogle picaso linux version comes with it's own wine to run21:21
BluesKajneither does ia3221:21
BluesKajI'll ask here too, does google-earth work on 11.10 yet for anyone ?21:25
vehemothI have no idea21:27
vehemothyou might be better asking on #ubuntu it seems more lively21:27
BluesKajI did already21:28
vehemothand no response21:28
BluesKajnot yet ...don't think I'll get one either , it's surprising how few actually use GE21:29
lnostdal_anyone else seeming some package breakage/conflicts today'ish? .. i'm following the kubuntu-ppa and kubuntu-ppa/backports ppas21:32
lnostdal_or perhaps this is caused by the libreoffice ppa here ..   never mind21:34
ultrixxis koffice stable enough for production use?21:36
BluesKajppas aren't the best source for stable packages21:36
BluesKaj!info office21:36
ubottuPackage office does not exist in oneiric21:36
ultrixx!info koffice21:37
ubottukoffice (source: koffice): KDE Office Suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.3.3-0ubuntu6 (oneiric), package size 7 kB, installed size 52 kB21:37
BluesKajgawd what's with the outdated factoids21:38
ubottuLibreOffice is a Free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install libreoffice". User help available in #libreoffice.21:39
BluesKajultrixx, libreoffice is the new version of open office21:40
ultrixxBluesKaj: i mean KOffice21:41
ultrixxKDE Office Suite21:41
BluesKajultrixx, ok well ,i seldom use any of them so I'm not to well informed about their differences21:42
ultrixxi was using koffice some 2 years ago and it was very unstable, almost unusable. i hope it is better now21:44
ultrixxbecause i like the way it is designed21:44
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Daskreechultrixx: I think it depends on which module you are using. Some have matured much faster than others22:33
ultrixxDaskreech: i used spreadsheet and "word"22:33
Daskreechultrixx: you might want to look at Calligra22:34
Daskreechultrixx: Those would be in the top three for gots the <3 listing22:34
ultrixxDaskreech: i can't find calligra in the packet manager. i have kubuntu 11.1022:36
ultrixxDaskreech: but i have koffice now22:37
Daskreechultrixx: ok. Hold on22:37
Daskreechultrixx: http://userbase.kde.org/Calligra/Download22:38
ultrixxthanks a lot22:38
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antonio_hi...i'm trying to use samba but, dispite I can connect via \\xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, the pc doesn't show up in the workgroup...what's wrong?23:44
hexacodehey you guys. does cron save entries through a reboot? or do u need to dump the entries somewhere like iptables?23:47
hexacodeand then reload them up23:48
Daskreechhexacode: they are saved23:49
hexacodeomg thank you23:49

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