[00:11] How do I make launchpad build a version of my ppa package (oneiric) on lucid too? I can't copy the package inside the launchpad interface, even though that seemed like a fairly logical approach? :-) [00:12] I should say that the package is currently queued for building - could that be why copying doesn't work? [00:32] tmus: If the same binaries will work on Lucid, you can copy the source and binaries once they've finished building. [00:33] tmus: If the binaries need to be built separately for each series, you'll need to upload a separate Lucid version (probably with ~lucid1 or similar appended to the version string). [00:33] Note that building in Lucid and then copying to Oneiric is more likely to result in installable packages, but depending on the package Oneiric->Lucid could be fine too. [00:35] wgrant, yeah - if possible, i'd rather have the rebuilt just in case... would uploading for a different series simply be copying the *_source.changes file with a different nave and using that? [00:35] different name (it's getting kinda late here ;-)) [00:36] tmus: No, you need to add a new entry to debian/changelog. [00:36] aah, okay - are more series in the changelog supported? (i'm guessing no?) [00:37] No, only one at a time. [00:38] okay...thanks [00:49] Hello everyone. Is there an easy way to search for projects written in Python? [08:50] hi [08:51] i am a newbie here. I want to load project in my Projects folder using groundcontrol. [08:52] it connects but doesn't show any load project icon as suggested in https://live.gnome.org/gtg/easyguide [09:28] The article http://askubuntu.com/questions/19320/whats-the-recommend-way-to-enable-disable-services includes these remarks.: "answered Dec 29 '10 at 21:26; Luis Alvarado; 10k 3 14 52" What does mean the bold type "10k" here? [09:59] bullgard4: #launchpad is the wrong place to ask, but 10K is the reputation score, 3 gold badges, 14 silver badges, and 52 bronze badges [13:56] nigelb: You have answered my question. Thank you for that. -- But why is #launchpad the wrong place to ask? [13:57] bullgard4: Askubuntu is not per se connected to launchpad or Canonical. [13:57] Its a community resource. === bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98 [14:22] nigelb: Ah, I see. Thank you for explaining.