
=== airtonix_ is now known as airtonix
head_victimikt: so what do we think is the "winner" of the poll?09:02
head_victimSaturday 830 seems in the middle of the most votes :/09:05
iktjust checking now09:07
iktohh man09:14
iktoh no :(09:14
iktHey slut, take your left wing socialist idealogy and go fuck off from ubuntu. <- It came from someone calling himself “Markus G”, with email address grandrhino at hotmail, and IP address — a static IP address with the ISP TPG, and a traceroute indicating that he’s probably in Brisbane, Australia.09:15
iktSo, here’s our situation. We have a man (presumably; at any rate he appears to want to be identified as such) in the Australian Linux community, who targets women by sending them private abusive emails from a throwaway address and with a name that can’t readily be connected to any publicly known member of the community.09:15
ikthead_victim: http://ikt.id.au/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/time.png09:40
iktsun 9pm has similar amount of votes09:42
head_victimikt: yeah thats what I was thinking 830 - to be between 8 and 9 :/09:42
head_victimIt's a bit painful when you have ties 09:43
head_victimSunday 9pm is what it's currently set to though isn't it?09:43
iktsat 7-10 = 24, sun 7-10 = 23 i believe09:43
head_victimSo really, there is no actual benefit in changing it09:43
iktsun has 1 more vote than sat09:44
head_victimWell I think as there is no huge case to change it, why not keep it how it is. Will reduce confusion.09:45
sagacii'd prefer to keep it the same unless there were clearly more votes for another time09:52
iktyeah exactly09:52
iktbtw sagaci did you see the quote from the ubuntu devs about dual monitor?09:56
ikti'll see if i can find it09:58
iktAlthough graphics isn’t your focus, do you have any idea whether 12.04 will attempt to fix some of the multiple monitor bugs that Oneiric introduced? 10:00
iktYes! It’s on everyone’s hit-list as something we (the entire distro) have to nail for 12.04.10:00
iktalso anyone going to stay up for UDS?10:00
iktI'll take that as a no :lol10:08
head_victimHah I've remote participated in a few UDS's for particular topics10:09
head_victimBut probably not this year.10:09
head_victimMainly due to now having a 9-510:09
sagacii doubt it mainly due to the time difference10:12
sagaciwhen it's in the EU, it's not too bad10:12
iktyeah I reckon10:12
ikt1am start is fine for me since I finish work at midnight10:12
iktbut I won't be going through the whole day10:12
head_victimYeah previously I've selected a few of the important bits to me to go into10:13
head_victimBut I'm still struggling with the change to a 9-5 and not settling in with the new sleeping pattern :/ Old habits die hard.10:13
iktindeed :(10:23
head_victimAh well, feel free to close the poll and post the result to the mailing list that way we can plan the next meeting10:25
iktalready closed it10:36
ikti'll post to mailing list in a sec10:36
sagaci# of strings < 60,00012:25
ikthead_victim: should we just formalise the vote result in the meeting?13:35
head_victimikt: I thought we'd need to formalise the vote so we knew when the meeting would be13:35
iktyeah but I don't want to say13:36
iktme and head decided to keep the meeting at the same time13:36
iktin the email13:36
iktalso unrelated, is http://www.ubuntu.org.au/ not loading for anyone else?13:37
head_victimI'm shooting an email to the list about u.org.au - they're actually working on the upgrade to drupal13:37
head_victimikt: just release the results, I can respond with a "there's nothing better than what we're currently doing"13:37
iktto early19:54
iktmust sleep19:54
iktstay awake19:54

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