
pleia2nigelb: made you admin of not-canonical too ;)03:42
pleia2popey: congrats!03:42
nigelbpleia2: heh, thanks03:42
nigelbpleia2: how was disney? :)03:42
pleia2nigelb: it's amazing :) did epcot last night and today, tomorrow is magic kingdom03:43
nigelbMy irssi is lit up like a chritmas tree today!03:46
* nigelb goes to catch up03:46
* pleia2 finishes catch up herself and seeks bed03:50
popeythanks pleia207:28
popeypleia2: will see you at UDS on Monday night07:28
nigelbMorning popey07:31
czajkowskipeeka booo08:52
cjohnstoneveryone else was at disney too, and noone told me11:39
Pendulumcjohnston: I wasn't at Disney :(12:04
Pendulumcjohnston: we're getting snow tonight :(12:05
* cjohnston is jealous12:05
Pendulumcjohnston: currently weather.com is telling me 10-15 inches. And I fly out tomorrow. Still jealous?12:05
cjohnstonAre you coming here?12:06
cjohnstono.. i didnt know that12:06
Pendulumurgh, storms where we're supposed to get 3x-5x as much snow as Boston at 2x as much as NYC do not make me happy12:08
Pendulumoh and high power outage potential12:08
AlanBellno flights today?12:09
PendulumAlanBell: got told to wait and see what happens rather than changing flights12:10
pleia2Pendulum: oh wow, I hope you're not delayed too much :(12:36
pleia2(also, really northeast? in october? sheesh!)12:36
Pendulumtbh, I'm 1/2 worried because they're saying we'll likely lose power and I'm the only one home12:36
pleia2ah, yeah :\12:37
Pendulumbeing in a big drafty old house with no power and no other people is not my idea of fun :-/12:37
* pleia2 nods12:38
pleia2not electric heat, i hope?12:38
Pendulumgas, but that means it won't work without electricity12:38
PendulumI'm trying to find out if I can drop my kitten off at the people sitting her today and stuff. The silly part is that it probably will clear up enough for my flight to leave. Just unsure about my ability to get out at that point12:40
* pleia2 nods12:40
duanedesignWe had a major ice storm here in Tulsa a couple years ago. Knocked out power for most the city. It took 6 days to get my power restored. Very cold and dark 6 days.12:52
Pendulumthe problem with this one is that's supposed to be big wet snow and there are still so many leaves on the trees12:52
duanedesignahh, yeah that is a good point. that makes a big difference on the weight put on the limbs12:53
* Pendulum is considering booking in tonight in the hotel that's actually in the airport13:08
Pendulumseems silly to get a hotel 10 minutes from home, but at least it would put me in the airport rather than worried about getting there13:08
duanedesignnigelb: o/13:17
PendulumI love Southwest13:52
Pendulummhall119: ping13:56
mhall119Pendulum: pong13:56
AlanBellhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-15502380 BBC wants Pendulum to get out of dodge14:33
nigelbIs Scott and Colin King flying on the same flight again? ;)14:34
* nigelb just trolled popey14:36
PendulumAlanBell: luckily for me, so does my airline :D15:01
* Pendulum closes up to pack laptop \o/16:43
nigelbWHAT THE...https://twitter.com/#!/JetBlue/status/8606896380878438418:19
JanCnigelb: not weirder than having to temporarily cancel race qualifications to remove dogs (or car parts) from a Formula One circuit, I guess  ;)20:40
* Pendulum waves22:25
AlanBellerk, Pendulum is stuck at the airport, didn't make it out in time :(22:58
Piciin PA?23:08
Picier, CT?23:08
AlanBellyeah, in CT. Hartford.23:11
AlanBellgot on the plane and it didn't go23:12

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